Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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iTiiR Omaha Daily Pee
Ially Bee (without Sunday), one y"r..4(rt
I'HHy lire and Bunday, one year sou
Illustrated Bee, on year
Sunday bra. una year 2.ii
baturday ona yoar :
Dally Bra (without Sunday), per
Dully Bee (Including- Sunday), per wiwk.Kc
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week -to
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per
Sunday Bee, per copy Sc
Address complaints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha Tha Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council BlulTa 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago 1640 Unity Building.
New York-lSOrt Horn Life Ins. Building.
Washington Ml Fourteenth Street.
Communlcatlona relating to news and ed
itorial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only i-cent stamps received as payment ot
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas county, as:
C. C. Rosewater. secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
saye that the actual number of full anil
complete copies of The Dallv, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Ber. printed during
the month of October. 1906, wa as fol
lows: l as.ioo
t 30.T00
81, 220
.. K1.820
17 WVWiO
18 so.eoo
19 BO.OBrt
n ai.nio
a imbo
7 2,4io a o.r7o
so.oan h
si.oao x st. 100
19 Sl.lOO 28 BO.N80
L. Sl.lOO 27 30,910
BO.T10 a si,so
J RO,2 a 80,700
m.aio to si.ooti
J 80,40 II 30,000
8O.70O ,
Total 903.K40
Less unsold coplaa 10.9D1
Net total sale 082.240
Dalty average 8O.7IT
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before, mo thta Slat dav of October, urns.
(Seal) M. B. HUNOATB,
Notary Publio.
Subscribers leaving; Hie city tent,
porarllr shouM save The Bee
mailed to them. It la better than
llr latter frosu borne. Ad
dreaa will be chaiftd aa often aa
Omaha Is forging ahead In spite of its
tnossbackn and pullbncks.
Andrew Hamilton has been discov
ered, but ho has had plenty of time to
llx up ft story and arrange for corrobo
rative evidence.
Now that Farley has been employed
to break tha teamsters' strike In
Gotham, New York police Burgeons may
prepare to work overtime
The real thanksgiving time did not
reach many homes In America until
after the roster of tho casualties In the
foot ball games bad been read.
The German ; government apparently
feels that it is equal to controlling the
Equitable Life without waiting for a
report from any legislative committee.
For a place where all wire connnunl
ration Is Interrupted Kt. Petersburg has
exhaustive reports from Sebastopol; but
perhaps wireless has progressed farther
In Russia than In America.
Officers of the commissary depart
ment detailed to study the art of army
cooking at Fort Itiley will probably be
gin their work by "roasting" the au
thorities respim 'l lor the order.
! '. .'.1 J
The fine which the Colorado supreme
court Imposed upon Editor-Senator Pat
terson may scare others from express
ing contempt, but It will hardly chnuge
any opinions iu the Centennial state.
The consul general to Mexico advisus
Americans not to Invest In companies
operating lu that country until after
close Investigation. The same advice
could be safely followed for companies
at borne.
The syuiMnluru on real estate value
la Omaha that is promised in a Horn, in
court next week by Omaha real estate
dealers will make interesting reading
and advertise Omaha as a growing and
pushing city.
Mr. McCurdy says he resigned office
because he found his physical condition
unfit to bear the work of the Mutual
Life dnrlng the present investigation.
In other words, his muscles proved too
prak for his nerve. -
The republican publisher of one
Omaha weekly poper succeeded In
touching the democratic state committee
for $10 during the last catupalgu. Dem
ocratic newspaper publishers should at
once apply for the formula.
Oue first oluxg hotel at one time Is all
that Omaha asks for. Whether It U
twelve stories or eight stories In height
Is lint material so long as we do not
Lave to wait fur It until the Omaha &
Lincoln suburban trolley line Is lu op
eration. " Let us stop building air cas
tles and build a hotel.
The proclamation Issued by the chair
man of the New York legislative insur
ance Investigating committee to allay
the fears of the jolicy holders threaten
ing to lapse' their contracts, translated
Into plain English, means that policy
holders In the big life companies should
be thankful the officers left something
for them.
IVtunty officials who come to Omaha
to assist the railroads in their tight
against the assessment returned by the
statu board of equalization can have uo
valid objection if their efforts are ap
preciated more by the railroad coin-
pan tea than by the people. The "square
daTl pot n ephemeral ti'tUiur lu Ne
fcrakVa Uil time.
That a popular upheaval analogous to
that which Is convulsing the Russian
empire Is likely 1o develop in other
European countries recent events make
evident. A Vienna dispatch of a few
days ago reported that from a window
of the royal palace Emperor Francis
Joseph watched 2IKIXH) of bis subjects
Waring red flags march by the parlia
ment building, in silent, ominous de
mand for full and equal suffrage for
all Austrlans. The demonstration was
under the auspices of the social demo
crats, who have become a very strong
organization in AnRtrla and are Increas
ing In nuralers. The demonstration at
Vienna showed how well organized are
the forces demanding universal suffrage
and Is probably but the leglunlng of a
movement that will force the govern
ment to make the concession called for.
A correspondent at the Austrian capital
says the signs ore abundant that unless
the government hastens to prepare a
large measure of suffrage reform, Vi
enna will soon be the scene of a serious
impular movement. Hungary is less ac
cessible to outside Influence, but there,
too, the significance of the popular de
maud for universal suffrage Is unmis
takable. The common people of Europe
are beginning to understand their power
and are preparing to exercise it.
The Paris correspondent of a London
paper states that the revolutionary
socialists all over the continent have
their eyes fixed on Itussla, where what
has already taken place has materially
raised theln hopes. Such a party exists
In France and Is particularly active just
now, In view of the general election.
Thus all the political forces In Europe
which are opposed to the existing order
of things are extraordinarily active and
It is Inevitable that some of the changes
they are working for will be effected.
Movements of this character are not
likely to go backward. They may halt
for a tjme, but they do not recede. The
seed they sow will often develop very
slowly, but they are never killed. Once
the spirit of freedom and equal rights
has taken firm hold upon a people it
may lie possible to give It a temporary
check, but Its growth cannot be wholly
The democratic tendency abroad is a
matter which, the American people can
regard with entire satisfaction, so long
as it does not manifest Itself In violent
outbreaks and disorderly demonstra
tions. All present conditions Indicate
grbat changes in European political af
fairs lu the not remote future and they
will be In the direction of more liberal
The next congress of American re
publics will meet in the capital of
Brazil and it Is announced that It will
be attended by Secretary Root. It Is
stated that the unprecedented step
which the secretary of state has de
termined on In leaving the United States
on a diplomatic erraud Is the first defi
nite marking of the Institution of a for
eign policy so far as the republics of
this hemisphere are coucerned. It is
understood that what Mr. Root will en
deavor to do lu connection with the con
gress of republics la to creute a better
conception of the Monroe doctrine and
a fuller recognition of the obligations
which the doctrine entails upon the
Latin-American republics, as well as
the protection which It gives them. It
Is said that the secretary of state has
formulated a definite, comprehensive
policy to work out which has the full
support of the president. Its central
idea is that the obligations are mutual
between the protecting nation and the
nations protected under the Monroe doc
trine. It is undoubtedly desirable that the
southern republics be given a better
understanding than they now seem gen
erally to have respecting the nature of
that doctrine, as now Interpreted. Ap
parently most of the republics take the
view that while they are assured of pro
tection against foreign aggression, there
is no obligation resting upon them to
' conduct themselves and to so regard
their duties towards foreign nations
as to avoid conflicts mat may
render necessary invoking the Monroe
doctrine. There have been numerous
Instances indicating this to be the view
of some of the southern republics. Pres
ident Roosevelt has on several occasions
pointed out that there are mutual obli
gations; that while the United States
assures protection to the sister republics
against any foreign aggression that
should threaten their territory or the
maintenance of their political Institu
tions, It at the same time expects them
to so act toward foreign nations as not
to provoke aggression.
It is manifestly of the greatest Im
portance that this should be clearly and
fully understood. It will be conducive
to better relations between the United
States and the other American republics
If the latter shall learn that the protec
tion accorded by the Monroe doctrine
does not give them license to disregard
all International obligations and conduct
themselves In a way to Incite hostility
on the part of foreign nations. They
should understand that they owe con
sideration to the protecting republic and
must not willfully aud wantonly involve
It In trouble with other countries. Our
government will steadfastly adhere to
the principle declared more than eighty
years ago and which Is practically recog
nized by all the nations. That is a fea
ture of the policy of the United States
which Is as firmly adhered to today as
at any time since President Monroe an
nounced It. Its Interpretation may have
undergone some change. Perhaps Its
scope has been somewhat widened. But
Its vital nature remains. While thus
adhering to the doctrine the United
States bat a right to expect that those
countries to which it applies will do
nothing to abuse the assurance of protec-
tion which the doctrine gives them.
Secretary Knot will do a great service
to all Uie American republics If he shall
le able to give them n lettcr and fuller
understanding of the Monroe doctrine
and their obligations In respect to It.
He will also do a great service to his
own country If he shall be able to re
move the suspicion and distrust that
is entertained toward our government
by nearly all of the Latin-Americans.
According to Washington dispatches,
Senator Millard has voluntarily pledged
himself to support a railroad rate bill
In keeping with the president's well
known views. In taking this position
Senator Millard will simply voice the
overwhelming sentlmeut of his con
stituentsthe people of Nebraska.
While Senator Millard's friendly rela
tions to the railroads are an open secret.
It is his paramount duty to represent
the people of this commonwealth, and
especially the rank and file of the re
publican party that has unequivocally
endorsed President Roosevelt's rate reg
ulation policy. To have antagonized the
president would not only have been a
fatal political blunder for Senator Mil
lard, but a betrayal of the trust reposed
In him by his constituents, and would, j
moreover, have placed the senator in an .
embarrassing position, in view of the I
fact that all the other memlers of the
Nebraska delegation in congress have
publicly declared themselves In favor of
President Roosevelt's policy.
Now that the senator has taken his
position side by side with his colleagues,
Nebraska can maintain cordial relations
with the administration at all points
and its congressional delegation should
be able to command favors that are ac
corded to the most friendly states rep
resented at the national capital.
I a- J
The supreme court of Colorado has
exercised the royal prerogative by im
posing a tine of $1,000 upon Senator
Patterson for constructive contempt,
committed by tho publication of car
toons construed by the court us libelous
reflections upon Its integrity aud dignity.
The exercise of the royal prerogative
that enables judges to accuse, try, con
demn aud punish real or imaginary re
flections upon their dignity or integrity
committed at long range and out of
their immediate presence is a relic of
medieval, mouarchical absolutism, fla
grantly at variance with the spirit of
our free institutions. In our day even
emperors and kings do not try and pun
ish men accused of lese majeste.
The fact that there are only twelve
such cases of record since the founda
tion of this government in all of the
supreme courts of the United States
affords striking proof that this mode of
upholding the honor of high courts
against assaults At the hands of pub
licists is repugnapt to the sense of jus
tice of tho greatbody of Jurists who
have presided orr the most exalted
tribunals In the land since the adoption
of the federal constitution.
The arbitrary exercise of the royal
prerogative was never contemplated by
the framer8 of the organic laws of the
stntes, which In every Instance include
a bill of rights that guarantees for every
man accused of crime the right to be
tried by a jury of his peers, even where
the crime Is the most heinous. Judges
are no more entitled to avenge their
own wrongs than the humblest citizen
lu the land. If they are libeled by auy
publisher, the courts are open to them
Just as they are to governors, to law
makers and even to the president.
The exhibit of campaign contributions
made by the democratic state commit
tee, as filed in the sworn statement of
the treasurer, is also interesting more
from the names that are omitted than
from those that are Included. Tho Hon.
William Jennings Bryan was not ouly
prevented by his trip around the world
from participating lu the campaign as
usual as rear platform orator, but he
forgot to leave behind him his custom
ary check to help satisfy the financial
demands upon the committee. The only
democratic congressman of the last Ne
braska delegation also neglected to re
spond, as did practically all the patriots,
with two or tbreo exceptions, who were
formerly connected with public salaries
by grace of the fusion movement.
Plainly republics are not the only ones
that are proverbially ungrateful.
Attention- is called to the table on
another page giving the list of county
officers chosen throughout Nebraska at
the last election for terms commencing
with 1900, with the names of the county
seats from which county government is
administered. This Information should
prove not only Interesting but highly
valuable to all classes of readers who
may have business to transact with
county officers in different parts of the
state; to owners of taxable property, to
real estate dealers, to lawyers, to Insur
ance men, to business men generally.
Those who are likely to have use for
such a table are advised to cut It out
and preserve It for couvenleut reference.
The municipal governments of Omaha
aud South Omaha are cramped and
crippled by overlaps because the rail
roads have refused to pay their taxes
for the last two years on assessments
that are ridiculously below the true
value of their properties. And yet these
corporations are constantly asking
Omaha and South Omaha for more do
nations of the public streets and high
ways. Will these corporation managers
ever kuow when they are well treated?
I I ! - .
The action of the Nebraska railroads
In enjoining the collection of their 1005
taxes la even lest excusable than their
Injunction to prevent the collection of
1114 taxes The only explanation is that
their tax bureaucrats believe that by
starving out the treasuries of the differ
ent counties they can harass them into
making some sort of a compromise.
The chances are, however, that they will
overshoot the nmrk and harass the
other taxpayers just enough to bring
down upon the railroads radical legisla
tion, not only iu tax matters, but also
iu other directions, In which there
would otherwise be a more lenient pub
lic sentiment.
No applicant for a liquor license who
has advertised his notices of application
In The Bee since the Slocumb law went
into effect nearly twenty-tire years ago
has ercr been refused a license because
of defective publication, and four-fifths
of the licenses granted have 1hh;u Issued
Upon publication in The Bee alone, the
applicants refusing to come down to the
demands of the holdup newspaper pub
lishers. Liquor dealers and druggists
who want to comply with the law should
be conversant with these facts and gov
ern themselves accordingly.'
Chicago Is clamoring for an under
ground trolley iu the downtown dis
trict, which is now being served half
and half one-half overhead trolley and
the other half overground horse power.
Chicago has tho most abominable street
railway systenl In all America.
There Is something sardonic in the
fact that certain of the "graft" pay
ments of New York life Insurance com
panies were charged to the "water" ac
count; and Oniuha, looking at its do
nothing water board, can appreciate the
From Frying- Pnn to Fire.
ChiraKO Tribune,
lyftwson declares that he has secured con
trol of most of the big life Insurance com
panies, but the policy holders do not seem
to be particularly elated.
Punishment Flta the Crime.
Philadelphia Record.
A. Dogberry in Nebraska has fined a
lad $50 for rolling up a cigarette on the
street. The evidence of wicked design
on the part of the youth was unmistakable.
Lay of the Saae of Tama.
Chicago News.
Secretary Wilson seizes upon this time
when the fickle public Is lauding the
turkey to direct attention to the fact that
the American hen is the real bulwark of
our Institutions.
Snuffed Out.
Springfield Republican.
The president lias caused it to be known
that all attempts to compromise the rail
road rate Ibsub through bills which provide
for government control only in appearance
will not have his approval. This settles
the fate ot the Koruker bill, and indeed
Is aimed particularly at this measure. The
result is to throw the ranks of the rail
road senators into some confusion.
Farmers Onto Their Job.
Portland Oregonlan.
Farmers know their own business when
it conies to working hours. They know that
no farm can be made to pay its taxes and
make its owner a living on the elght-hour-a-day
schedule. Hence the resolution
passed unanimously by tha National Orange
Patrons of Husbandry, declaring it la
"every- man'i'-lrps- r aa many
hours aa ho will! for pay; that energy,
trlft and activity f re entitled to encourage
ment, and should command rightful corn
compensation for services rendered."
Drawing the Long Bow.
Chicago Chronicle.
Concluding his annual report, the secre
tary of agriculture remarks that "we are
still at the threshold of agricultural de
velopment and the educational work
which has led to such grand results has
only been extended as yet to a portion of
our agricultural population." It is natural
for one to magnify his office, and Secre
tarv Wilson may justly be proud of his
official record. Put after all we may aa
well recognize the strong probability that
only a small part of our wonderful agri
cultural development Is duo to the efforts
of tho agricultural department In V asli
Federnl Supreme" toort I-y
Hole for Taxlnsr Authorities.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Borne months ago we directed attention
to two decisions of the federal supreme
court holding, tn effect, that states may
tax corporate property within their Juris
diction ven If the owners are domiciled
elsewhere and conduct their business under
a charter conferred by another soy-
Last week the fame tribunal decided, in
a Kentucky case, that states cannot tax
corporate property where it Is not situated
or used, though the owners be subject to
their several Jurisdictions. Obviously this
conclusion la tha converse of the former
hut in view of the earnestness with
which the Kentucky supreme court had
contended for the proposition mai "
.1,11. nf nerinnal nrnnertV is the domicile
of the owner," a proposition It alleged to
be firmly established tn law, the federal
court considered the issue with equal ear
nestness. The question presented, in a few words,
was this: Is a corporation organised under
tha laws of a state subject to trillion
therein upon that part of Us tangible
property which is permanently located In
other atatea and used there in the prose
cution of Its business?
Expressly distinguishing between tangtb'e
and intangible personalty, the fuderal su
preme court answer the question In the
negative. It holds that the domicile of the
owner is not always and necessarily tho
situs of his or its personal property. The
adoption of the sweeping principle upheld
by the Kentmky Judiciary, It says, "would
Involve possibilities of an extremely se
rious character." It continues, by way of
"Not only would It author! the taxation
of furniture and other property kept at
country houses in other states, or even In
foreign countries, of stocks of goods and
merchandise kept at branch establishmente
when already taxed at the state of their
situs, but of that enormous mass of per
sonal property belonging to railways and
other corporations which might be taxed in
tha state where they ara Incorporated,
though their charter contemplated the con
atructton and operation of roada wholly
outside the state, and sometimes across the
continent, and when in no other particular
they are aubject to Its laws and entitled to
Its protection."
Perhaps the Kentucky lda was to dis
courage the practice of incorporating com
panies In one state for the purpose of
doing business elsewhere, but the supreme
court, while admitting that this practice
Is of very doubtful propriety, points out
that ita lagallty has long been recognized
and that legislation alone can furnish
remedies for the evils growing out of it
The decision la extremely important
theoretically as -.ell as practically. It will
prevent double uxatlyn iu many cases.
Ripples on the Current nf Life In the
Because a man bears an Irish name It
does not follow that he Is a son or grand
son of the "ould sod." Although the leal
article has enough troubles of his own, he
is credited with many troubles provoked or
perpetrated by persons sailing under false
names. Take, for instance, tho recent
crimes committed at the meeting of tho
Paul Kelly association In New York. The
name Kelly smnrks of the turf, yet the
bearer of It In this Instance is an Italian
born. And nearly all the men concerned
in that shooting are Italians, but all give
Irish names. "One would think," says
the correspondent of the Flttsburg Dis
patch, referring to the case, "that all tho
thugs of New York were Irishmen, to read
the names of defendants. This Is a race
libel familiar enough to the knowing ones,
but the general public may not know about
tt. It Is the same with prlxe fighters.
Not half the scrappers who assume Irish
names are really the goods. Even the
Jews adopt tho 'O's' and the 'Macs' to
give terror to their pretentions. A good
Irishman Is always a terror in a fight, but
he does not, aa a rule, fight for money.
There Is a compliment Implied In the gen
eral use of Irish names for fighting pur
poses, but honest Irishmen do not approve
of the practice."
At the Manhatten end of Brooklyn bridge
there Is a saloon which averages a sale
of ninety barrels of beer a day. It is
probably the greatest suds parlor In the
world. The yearly profits are $75,000. These
facts are stated preliminary to the more
Important one that the saloon is soon to
vanish. The city needs the room for an
extension to the terminal facilities. Prob
ably no other saloon In Now York does so
big a business as Andy Horn's. It la
really a hotel, but not one customer In a
thousand guesses that. In hot, dry
weather It Is no uncommon thing for 3.000
thirsty souls to cross its threshold during
the day parched and anxious going In,
moist and joyous going out. On a mild,
sunshiny, mellow day, with Just a hint of
autumn coolness In the air, not more than
seventy-flvo barrels of beer are sold, but
on a scorching day In August more than
100 barrels float across the bar in schoon
ers, sohoppens, selclels, steins, shells, stan
gels and promlnentes. Laslilns of whisky,
too, are consumed on the premises every
day. And at least four cases of champagne
are sold every twenty-four hours. The
total draught of moist joy sold at Andy
Horn's every day is enough to float a
steam yacht of six tons' displacement.
A visitor from a small town in Michigan
paid a visit to the New York city hall.
"Where's the elevator?" he asked of an
attendant in the main corridor.
"Haven't any."
"What! No elevator tn the New York
city hall?"
"No, sir "
"Well, you fellows belter take In your
horns. We have two of them In our city
hall, and it ain't half as big as this one.
Why don't you get a move on? Talk to
me about New York!"
In its treatment of Mrs. Molly Combes
the Long Island railroad has disproved
the old saying that "corporations have
no souls." Early tn the summer Mrs.
Combes' husbana was killed while em
ployed as a brakeman. Doubting her
ability to care for herself, Mrs. Corpbes
made application to the railroad com
pany for employment. Bhe Informed the
officers ot the company that It was not
her Intention to bring suit against them
for damages, but sheimerely asked for em
ployment, j
Though she had tyid no experience, she
was given some clerical work, but owing
to her recent shock, coupled with her in
experience, she soon began to show tho
strain upon her nerves, and it was at once
decided that she was endeavoring to do
too much. The railroad officials decided
to send a typewriter to her home, and,
with the aid of an instruction book and
an occasional visit from one of the office
typewriters, she soon learned to operate
the machine. Now she is employed In tho
long Island City office, copying the many
deeds for real estato growing out of the
company's purchases in Queens borough
and Brooklyn. It Is proposed after the
first of the year to give ber a course In
stenography. If the proper progress Is
made, she will be made a member ot the
office staff.
Ever since she started to work the com
pany has paid her W a month, and she
has nothing but praise for the company.
Two elderly country women were sight
seeing In New York and found themselves
on Fifth avenue. The old ladles had heard
of the public automobiles that take visit
ors on sight-seeing trips through tho park,
so they accosted a young man in an auto
mobile coat about to climb into a large
motor car standing at the entrnnce. They
expressed their desire to make the trip
through the park and proceeded to climb
Into the machine. The young man looked
somewhat surprised, but politely helped his
passengers Into the car, got tn himself and
took them for a spin. When they asked
what was tho fare, he replied gravely:
"Ten cents each," which they paid. Just
then an acquaintance of theirs came up
and was Informed as to their auto ride.
"And do you know who the young man
was?" asked he. The old ladies did not
know. "Well. It was young Mr. Vander-
bllt." he said, with a chuckle. "Is that
so? Well, he Is a very nice young man,"
said ona of the stranters.
Publicity aa a Promoter of Hualneva
Proves Ita Worth.
New York Times.
The announcement of the Intention of
the New York Central railroad manaac
ment to appoint George E. Daniels
general advertlblng manager of the New
York Central lines, a newly created
position, draws attention to tho extensive
use of advertising by the railroads as a
means of Increasing their business. The
New York Central has for a long time used
various forms of advertising, and has spent
a considerable sum annually In the publi
cation of railroad literature intended to
increase the number of railroad patrons.
Recently the Southern Pacific made a spe
cial appropriation of tMO.COO for the pur
pose of drawing the public's' attention to
the advantages and attractions of the Pa
cific coast. Very few of ,the railroads report
separately t'lelr expenses for advertising,
though the large sums reported by many
of the systems as unclassified Items under
general expenses doubtlessly represent
largely tha cost of securing the attention
of the public through advertising. The
Atchison. Topeka ft Santa Fe, among
Its general expenses, includes an Item
headed advertising, etc. Last year the
expenditures under this Item amounted to
riM.821, compared with 1S.5.'J the previous
In addition to the advertising done in
tha public prints many of the railroads
throughout the country Issue pamphlets
and magazines intended aa advertising mat
ter. Railroad time tables are alto made
the medium of advertising the special
advantages claimed by each system. At
tention baa frequently been called to the
different polity in thla respect adopted by
railroads In Europe, which charge tor much
of the printed Information which. In this
country, is distributed free, and in a form
that attract the attention of tiavelvis.
By J. M. Mason.
No. It.
A handful of Iron ore when converted
Into a watcli spring represents 1 per cent
of material and 99 per cent of labor. The
price of a box of wild strawberries repre
sents 99 per cent of material and 1 per cent
of labor. A railroad charge, like the price
of a watch spring, represents 99 per cent
of industry nnd I per cent of capital.
An economist may figure out the per
centage of railroad revenue which should
go to labor and tho percentage which should
go to the capital which was furnished. But
the trouble Is that money, collected to pay
labor, Is misappropriated and used to pay
interest on capital which was not furnished.
The Era Magailne for August pointed out
that railroad revenue is at present appor
tioned approximately as follows: Twenty
seven per cent of it goes to pay 11 per cent
Interest on capital actually furnished, 43
per cent to l.ROO.OOO employes, 28 per cent
to supplies, material and Improvements,
and 3 per cent to taxes.
The public Is very willing to Increase
railroad revenue provided the increase goes
to labor, supplies. Improvements and taxes,
but the publio Is not willing to Increase
revenue If the Increase is to go to Increasing
Interest on fictitious capitalisation.
My communication printed yesterday re
ferred to the president's reply to a com
mittee professing to represent railroad em
ployes. The president took occasion to
make It known that he was not as yet In
timidated by railroad effort to manufacture
a spurious and counterfeit publio opinion.
The truth Is that the public men, now pos
ing as oracles and opposing railroad regu
lation, are not only thoroughly mistrusted
by the rank and file, but are universally
laughed at. .
The president's popularity Is increasing in
freometrlral progression as he demands a
square deal and exhibits courage to force
an Issue with those demanding a crooked
deal. It Is the duty of every citizen suffi
ciently intelligent to appreciate the value of
honeBt government to do all he can to edu
cate the masses to comprehend that all
trouble grows out of the effort, by tha
henchmen of eastern water holders, to in
crease dividends on railroad water.
Tho west will presently wake up to the
fact that it is being milked to pay IHoaal
Interest on eastern held railroad water.
The western rank and file will presently
wako up to tho fact that many Influential
newspapers suppress such Information as
would educate the people on this subject,
and that railroad Influence Induces em
ployes to oppose legislation which would be
most beneficial to them. In this connection
It should be carerully remembered that
many millions of railroad revenue Is ex
pended to hire men of extraordinary legal
talent, who are crafty and resourceful be
yond description, to give undivided time to
misleading voters' Into electing politicians
who betray them.
If the west wakes, the lid will be taken
off of railroad politics as it has been taken
off of life insurance management.
Nebraska. Law a Specimen of Illoalral
New York Times.
One Patrick Raymond was recently ar
rested in Lincoln, Neb., while lighting a
cigarette which he had Just rolled for his
own solaccment. The cigarette was rolled
and lighted In the presence of a detective,
and Patrick was at once haled to a con
venient court. There he was fined 50 and
costs, the lightest penalty prescribed by
Nebraska law for "manufacturing ciga
rettes" In the state. We cannot even pro
tend that we actually believe this story,
but It Is a 'pleasant one to toy with, and,
by doing so long enough, in exactly the
right spirit, one can pump up a very agree
able feeling of Indignation over the present
possibilities in the way of Interference with
the natural rights of free-born American
citizens. There Is, we suppose, a consid
erable basis of fact for tha widely held
theory that the excessive use of cigarettes
is harmful to adults, and any use at all of
them is seriously injurious to boys. That
this Is a justification, or even an excuse,
for the passage of antl-clgarctte laws of a
very rigorous nature Is a conclusion of the
most Illogical sort, but it Is a conclusion of
the sort highly popular with a large frac
tion of our population, and of a fraction,
too, that Is characterized by the best of
Intentions, though quite destitute of the
ability to see that compulsion Is the poorest
of arguments, or that reaction is always
equal to action, in morals as In mechanics.
Such are the dear ladies who frightened
congress Into abolishing the "canteen" at
army posts, and thereby filled with delight
the hearts and with wealth the pockets of
several hundred keepers of dive groggerles.
Aa for cigarettes, they are so often a
symptom rather than a cause, when to su
perficial observers they seem to be doing
deadly harm, that one is tempted almost
to say that they do no harm at all. To re
gret that any attempts are made to restrict
their consumption by law Is probably the
part of enlightened virtue.
There will be a notable gathering of au
thors at the dinner to be given by George
Harvey to celebrate the seventieth birthday
of Mark Twain at Dehnonico'a on Decem
ber 5.
The cabmen at the railway stations In
Chicago may go o far as to offer travelers
their cards hereafter, but they must not
address strangers any more unless properly
Democratic Oovernor-clect Pattlson of
Ohio and his wife are strict Methodists and
will permit no dancing at tho Inaugural
reception In Columbus. Nothing of an al
coholic nature will be furnished for the
guests to drink.
A letter from Edward VII, then the
merry prince of Wales, to Mrs. Ingtry
sold recently at a New Yerk auction for
$25. Tha modest price Is perhaps accounted
for by the fact that it wasn't the kind of a
letter that the king would have anxiously
taken the trouble to bid in for himself.
John O. Clark, cashkeeper of the Bank of
California, San Francisco, will retire from
office on the first of next month, after ex
actly fifty years of honorable service with
the institution named. The bank was or
ganized December I, ISM, but was not
known by its present name until the sum
mer of 1861. Mr. Clark was born in Delhi,
N. Y., tn 1S33, and want with his parente to
California eighteen years later.
Mr. Seddon, the premier of New Zealand,
announced In a speech recently that Japa
nese would not be allowed to come ts New
Zealand and that the colony would refuse
to be dlctattd to In the matter. Thla Is In
reference to a circular from the British
colonial office addressed to tha colonies and
demanding the repeal of laws that ara re.
pugnant to the feelings of nations wfth
which Great Britain is at peace.
Mayor Franklin P. Btoy, who baa juat
been re-elected unanimously to serve his
fifth term aa chief executive of Atlantic
City, N. J., holds the world's record, so
far as known, for attending tha greatest
number ot banquets and making the great
est number of publio addresses In the
course of a year. During the last t reive
months be has been either presiding officer
or chief guest at mora than 700 banquets,
making speeches at all of them. I.- the
yiar to coma Mayor Btoy expacu to bt
tne reioio.
Misapprehension of the President
Policy Fostered by Corporation.
New York Tribune.
The fears of rate legislation which
been fostered among the railway empl ..
who presented their protest to the pn.,.
dent seem to have been founded on n 1
utter misapprehension of what Is picpns.-.i
It Is a misapprehension which some of
the railroad managers and their 'pp
agents are doing their best to create. hi: 1
It Is not surprising that the workmen should
have fallen Into tt. The objection c,..,
jured up against moderate rale leglsis'Mn
ara largely panicky and based on an it
SKgernted notion of the esoteric wls.l
of railroad freight agents. Nobody wai t
to upset the railroad business or hurt !').
railroads, and nobody proposes any tne 1 nut-.,
remotely threatening such a result, rim
evils for which a remedy Is sought m.
not high rates, but unequal rates, ti i
argument that any government regulation
must tend toward a lower level of rntr
la a pure assumption. It may be as rlani.
bly argued that by cutting off discrimina
tions concerning which the railroads them
selves profess to be helpless la the hands
of rapacious shippers the average level of
rates, earning power and wage fuml nf
railroads would be raised.
Tha president's views of rate tiiaklna.
as recently outlined by 8enator Knox in
a speech at Pittsburg, contemplate nothing
remotely threatening these Imaginary dan
gers. We may pass over possible legisla
tion against private car abuses and srerrt
rebates, which would merely strengthen
the machinery for securing equality noir
required by law. The president, according
to Mr. Knox, believes that the Interstate
Commerce commission should have powt
after hearing on a complaint, to fix a
reasonable rate and enforce tt unless or
until reversed by the courts. The rillrnnds
would make their rates as they do now
The commission would have no Initiative
It would not act on Its own knowledge,
but Judiciously, after hearing what tho com
plainants and the railroad had to s.
The court performs a similar functlnn
now. It may declare a specific rate un
reasonable, and by a long process of exflu
sion of one unreasonable rate after an
other force a reasonable rate, but it enn
not affirmatively fix and enforce a reason
able rate and so make its authority im
mediately effective. The plea that the
railroads should be subject to no review
In this matter la met by the fact that they
are now subject to the courts, only the
operation of litigation Is so slow as to
amount to a denial of justice to shippers.
Prompt relief Is needed from a competent
body. It Is said that the commission can
not be trusted with such a power. But
even railroad managers must see that that
plea Is rather ridiculous. It would tax
credulity to declare that these commis
sioners of long experience and of und's
puted Impartiality were less competent to
fix a fair rate, even In the first Instance,
than some youth recently out of college
who may be pitchforked Into the Job of
rata making by a father or an uncle In
control of a road. When It Is remembered
that the commission would only review a
controverted rate and. with all the facts
marshalled by both sides before it, say
whether it was Just or not, subject to ulti
mate correction by the supreme court, the
plea becomes absurd. As well say that men
of similar capacity on the bench are in
competent to determine tho merits of an
Involved and technical account, 1 or try a
ease turning on scientific matters trans
cending their original knowledge. Such a
power as Is proposed would merely furnish
a means to secure promptly decisions which
can be obtained now, but only after delays
which are oppressive.
"A thirst for liquor," said the , mgralisu
"has made many a man poor." H
"Well" replied Jigley, "turn about, you
itnow. Poverty gives many a man a thirst
for liquor. "-Philadelphia JAecord.
V,m!le ,ph!ld everything she fancied
until she took sick of acute indigestion and
"What comfort." exclaimed tha bereaved
parents, "now that she Is gons. to recall
that we never denied her anythlng."
Brooklyn Life.
"Joslah." asked Mrs. Chugwater. "how
do they work these voting machines?"
They use one of the cranks that are al
waya hanplng around the polling place."
explained Mr. Chugwater with some lrr ta
tion. Chicago Tribune.
-IJ'W,ha,i Ju ,marry niy daughter?" thun
dered old Roxley. "You? a mere clerk-"
rieil0,Kfr, ruP1'cd 'ou,,a Hunter, "not a
. .rk:but a Kcntlcman now. I resigned mv
-thSl,.Tm,''nt. our daughter accepted
me." Philadelphia Press.
"Why are people so eager for fame?"
Because answered Senator tJorghum.
In the majority of Instancea fame Is one
?f t.tiemot, Profitable forms of advertis
ing. Washington Star, v
JCT.iat nlsht school)-What do we
know of the so-called canals on Mars?
r.n8KyHalrt?, PuP'l-Theyre military
canals. Everything on Mars Is run by the
war department. Chicago Tribune.
"Why," nsktd the senior partner. "hse
you marked this mahogany table down?"
, iLca,u"e' ..A- P'111" the Junior member
Dispatch scratched up. "-Columbus
nHa 0U hal enou?h to ast?" said tl.e
,w m,an' who htt4 invited the tramp
Into the dining room.
add that this is the first tlnra In mv life
ihM,.i i? 'bare meai at a round
table! Detroit Free press.
Houston Post.
I've never been quite too busy
To go for a romp with you
Through the forest of Transformation;
In the Island of Hullabaloo;
Once there I'm a horse to ride on,
,.Im a booger-bear to affright,
I m the whole menagerie, all In one,
Contrived for a buliy'a delight.
I'm an "ellunt" and a "hlppossum,"
And a camel and a zebra, too:
I'm n " ' u L ik,. , . . , 1 1 . .
- ... ,,,ab (WISH MIKJ WriKK"
' A lid Vltru-I. An. I 1.11 . . T 1 1..
r . . ' 'm uuiivii uuu;
1 m a horae and my loose susnendera
Are lines you can drive me by;
I m a tossing ship on the ocean,
Where the waves lash mountain high.
I'm a ship on the tossing ocean,
And you are my captain bold;
And I toss and roll beneath you.
But my ears they are strong to hold-,
And you laugh as the breakers grumbla.
And you fear no dire mishap
Aa your laugh drowns out the tempest.
And your glad voice calls "Dlddap."
I'm glad I'm not too busy
At any old time of day
To get on the floor and tumble,
And grumble and srowl and play;
To Just put aside my paper
And romp when you want me to.
Through tha forest of Transformation
To the Island of Hullabaloo.
I'm glad I'm not too busy.
Nor tired, nor glum, you wis.
To stop when you steal beside nie
With your lips held up to kiss;
I am glad I am not too tusy
To romp till your heart Is glad;
I am glad that the Lord plckad me out.
Dear baby, to be your dad.
lo rf act In quality.
Mo4rt In prie.