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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1905)
v TUK OMAHA DAILY m-:K, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1903. Telephone 694. Sow lonafrd D the nm rr tall renter. Howard and fUxtetMh htrceta. of colcL leather materials and garments for Friday and Saturday selliup;. You will find these lines conveniently arranged so that shopping here is really a pleasure. Plenty of daylight, broad aisles and perfect A-ejitilation. Filtered air is distributed through the store in big pipes sup plied from a. large, machine. This may be of interest to you and we will be glad to show you the working of ; tfiis system. 3ood Value and Wearing Quali ties in Skinner's Black Taffeta, One of, the easmst and, surest ways to Indue of the real mertt'and Importance of Skinner' Ulack TaffcU l to come to our silk department and allow ua to show you these silks and tell you about the guaran tee. Skinner's 21-ln. Guaranteed Black Taf feta (It cost ho mors -than you pay else whora for Inferior qualities), tl .00 per yard: i7-ln.. J1.5&; 36-ttv. $2.nflf yard. Note Here la the kind of allk that ft staple and always In demand as long as silks are worn. Why not get the beat? . . - Knitted Goods. We, have warm garments to protect you from these cold wlndrf. Ladles'.. , cotton knitted short pettlcoata, ejetra value at. each 50c. A splendid frey . knitted wool pettlcoot with Juat a'Jilnt of cotton, at 11.00. All weol petticoats In all desirable colors, nt ll.3S.-r.B0, 11.75. J2.00, 12.25 each. For holiday girts we, are showing some liundome. French Flannel feather-stltohed nd embroidered skirts tj. 12.25 and IV 50 each. ; Children knitted skirts at Soc, fl.Jj. $1.50 and II. 7J each. ' ' Chlldreh'a- wool Tam O'Shanters at SOc each. " Extra fine quality at 11.00 And $1.25 each. .'".' Children wool toques at 60s each. Indies', fine all wool knitted sweaters at 1300, 00 and $7.80 each. Misses" Sweaters at $2.50 and $3.50 each. Children's Sweaters at $1.50 each. Flno twhlte wool shawls, fascinators, etc. Ladles' black wool legginga from fific to $1.28 per pair. ' Misses' leggings from ROe up. Chlldren'a Jersey, astrakhan and corduroy legginga in' popular shades. Silk shawls and scarfs for evening wear. Furs of Selected Quality. Our new fur department on the second floor will be found well stocked with- all the new and fashionable furs. A visit will pay ifoxi. ' -..' Misses' and Children's ' Coats. All the very latest novelties In little children's and misses' coats In new and fashionabla effects will . be. found In our ("loak Department. Choice exclusive styles at low, prices,. -. Ladies' Coats. In fur-lined, also In cloth with fur col lars, mixed cloth couts, black semi-evening - Howard neWs of V Bleat .procession i the temetery - show, honor to the njonwry .of several rBaainbrtsta who are burivvT more: r.!'4oiiAirtX!ji8i$aT."'": BERLIN, Nov. SO.-The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Vosslche Zeltung, who ta!ki'4 (or five hours with representative leaders of political and feoclallstic classes outside the court circles, cables by way of Stockholm, under yesteiduy s date, as fol lows: : " ' The' result of these Interviews in that ac tion of tne temstvo congress In recognizing the socialist organisation as the strongest has driven1 many wavering elements to join Ihu socialists, although these openly pro claim that the capitalists will be abolished ua soon as the government is displaced. A rich merchant' Informed me that he pays 5tt roubles weekly to the strike leaders who give him permanent guard of workmen. Confidence In Premier Wltte's cabinet Is disappearing In political and commercial circles, since t U growing daily more evi dent thst Wltte In without the necessary power from the emperor. Partisans of the reactionary Interior Minister Durnovo con llrmed. to, me th statement that Prince1 Tcherbatoff is organizing-- a. loyal militia., and added that Durnovo and Tcherbatoff ara trying te force matters to such an extreme that at a ivn moment they ran fall upon the liberals with this temporary militia. The-classes designate. Durnovo as Wltte's successor. In a very few daya a crisis .must deokie whether tho autocracy will be rasurrected. . The socialist, are. very optimistic. They hope soon' W spread u 'general strike all over Russia, except In Poland. They re gard all the technical troops us pledged to them. , Qf th other, (roups they do. not yet trust the division of guards. The socialists say that tho activity of the reactionists comes very opportunely for them, sinco It drives the liberals to the socialists, which facilitates their fight against the capitaJiala. .They assert that they have no dodbl that the proletariat will be supremo In Hi. Petersburg within a vi l y abort II. m. although only part of the lower officials of the post tuid telegraph departments have hitherto Joined the strike. The railway oieruitvca will also strike Huun bee-anae. Duihovu arrested their repre scrftatis'KM contrary to tho government's promise. ' In some quarters there Is a de mand that tl emperor come to St. Peters burg and Ihuc a manifesto to tho puce :iM element. It Seeius to nic that the moment for this has passed. The emperor's entrance into 4h city could only lead to a i'utastrophe which- may be postiHjped and perhups avoided by iiiij remaining at Tsar koe Belor ' According In my personal convictions the si( nation grows hourly worse. Kvents can not be stayed urnl pew bloodshed is un avoidable, since (lie reactionists and social ists alike wish it. The Imperial housu and tiic buuigvuislc will bo the losers. Aiubassader Meyer Interested. TARIS, Nov. SO. Oeoige von U Meyer, the American ambassador to Russia, who Is here on hi way to Bt. Petersburg, is giving tlnse attention Jo. the renvwud gravity of the Rusf iuii -situation. His meeting with Korclgn Secretary LannUywne will be fol lowed by coufereiu-ca today with the au thorities here. The ambassador leaves Paris tomorrow for Merlin, where he will probably have a further opportunity to con sider the situation. , Ambassador Meyer Intends to proceed to t. I'ttersburg by rail, If communication remains open, aa the wuter route dons not .-eeni (uasible. , Trlt-sraph Denrflovk In laterlur. WARSAW,- Nov 30.-The deudlotk In the potal and telegraph service between War saw and the- Interior of Russl i Is prae- , .... t v Alwya $tenlr lb Frill Nftt I rxzuvq jtrorao Qalaiaa CamCol4tnOtMpy. Cvta 3 Dy Special Store News coats. ' white evening coats, 'Alice blue evening coals, red keisey coats handsome garments every one made expressly for Thompson, Beklrn Co. On our second floor we sell the new Japanese llk klmonos-klmonos of outing flannel, bath robes, ladles' waists, separate skirts, ladies' suits, silk petticoats, the "McQee" adjustable yoke petticoats, mo .en petticoats, sateen petticoats and bril liant Inc. petticoats. Men's Underwear. A change of weather means a change of underwear. We are ready for the change whenever you ara with a complete line of the season's best values, all econom ically priced. BPECIAL SALE Mens fine blue ribbed wool underwear, shirts and drawers, Well finished regular price Is $1.50 reduced to $1.19 a garment. SPECIAL VALfE-Fine natural wool underwear, good winter weight, equal to a great many $1.28 garments, special value at $1.00 a garment. Belter grades at $1.78, S-'.OO. $2.5, $3.00, 'A 3 a garment. ' Men's underwear department located In renter aisle. Women's Outing Gowns. These warm sleeping garments are made of fancy materials, assorted stripes and dotted effects with fancy braid trimmings. We also carry a full Una of the popular plain colors. Pretty striped domet gowns made with military collars. Gowns at 50c, 75c, $1.00. $1.25, $1.50. $1.75. $2.00 and $2.25 each. ' Children's domet flanunl gowns in plain white, also striped effects, at Soe, too., MOc and $1.00 each. Prices -rise according to sire. These garments are sold on seebnd floor. . . . Hair Brushes. Howard's solid wood back hair brushes, made of good qualltyof bristles, at SOc, 75c, $1.00, $1.25. $1.60, $2.00. $2.60 and $3.00 each. The "Qodiva" hair brushes are made of the linest quality bristles excites vi tality and encourages a luxuriant growth. Price $1.50. $2.00 and $2.50. Fr. Scott's electric hair brushes. -The handle Is made of a new odorless combi nation, a combination of substances pro ducing a permanent electro-magnetic cur rent, vhlch acts Immediately upon the hair glands and follicles. Cloth brushes, good quality, nt 50c, 75c, 85c and $1.00 each. T lllLSIEInl C. w and Sixteenth tically. complete. -The latest , Information rniation I of the In nil from Moscow! Is that the soldiers 'ttftegi'HiJtl bnirttm tiifve refused to All tho place of the striking 'telegraph .oper ators. ...'' The greatest anxiety prevails here, where It la feared, that a general strlko Involving the whole of Russian, Poland may break out at any moment.. The arrests of num bers of prom'nent persons and their exile without trial continue. . . According to the few details which havo reached Warsav regarding the sea and land battle at Sebastopol, the rebel fleet, on the evening of November 28, opened an attack on three loyal warships, the battle- I ship Rostislav, the torpedo gunboat Cap tain Sacken and tho armored cruiser Pamyat Axova Tho latter replied briskly, damaging the rebel torpedo boat destroyer Bvlreay and sinking a torpedo boat. The coast batteries also Joined In and set fire to the cruiser Otchakoff. commanded by the rebel leader Lieutenant Schmidt. The . latter, with hla mutinous followers, tried to escape In boats,, but were captured by loyal torpedo boats. At the same time the Bieloetok regiment attacked the barracks occupied by tho mutineer. Fifteen hun-. dred of these, with ten Maxim guns, sur rendered during the night. The number of killed and wounded la not kjiown. Odessa Is Afraid. - I.ONDON. Nov. 80. Private advices re ceived In Ixndon' from Odessa tell of a most Interesting situation there. While there Is no disturbance at Odessa, the In habitants are in dread of the arrival of one or more of the mutinous .warships from Bebastopbl and are preparing to flee on sighting these vessels. As to the actual happenings at SelsiBtopol, the people of Odessa are Ignorant, but rumors of all kinds are afloat. CLOSE ON TO TWO THOUSAND Relief Fand far Raaslaa Jaws Past Kfvrntrrs Handred Hol lars Nark, The local fund being ruised for the un- ! fortunate Russian Jews Is neanng the $2,000 mark. The contributions contlnuo to come In to Treasurer Levy, who makes his latest 1 J port as follows: Previously reported $1,740 61 Mrs. Tuehnian 1 ii Frnnk Nesladek 1 IK Mendel Kutecup 1 00 M. Maroalts 10 i( 8 Hendler 1 00 Isaac Panks S 00 Oennie Kerber 6 rt A. Haum i 1W Told I $1,76.1 (il DEATH RECORD. I G. Beraaren. STROMBBrHO, Neb.. Nov. $0. tSpeclul.) The funeral of L. O. Berggren took place today from the Eden Baptist church. Rev. J. L. Hedbloom conducted the services, which were largely attended. Mr. Berg gren was 74 years old and had lived here thirty-one years. - lleury Ansoa. MARSHALLTOWN, la., Nov. $o.-(Spla! Telegram.) Henry Anson, aged 8U years, founder of this city and one of the earliest settlers of central Iowa, and father of Adrian C. Anson of Chicago, ' died this afternoon at 5 o'clock, after a week's Ill ness, of pneumonia, Injared r rail fraat tar. Mrs. John G McNraL t&24 Pierce slreol. met with a painful accident at the north end of the 8itnth street viaduct while alighting from the Ames avenue car last nixht at JA. The car did not atop as i n woman gui up at once, snt tooa the , Hanscom park car and got off at Taenty fourth and Leavenworth, but was unable to go any farther. She was taken into a drug store there aud her Injuries wers attended by Dr. R. C. Moore. II was found that her Injuries consisted of a severe wrenching of the left leg and bruises. She was taken to her home by the patrol wagon. Bed, November 30, 1905. Knitted Underwear for Women. Ladies' heavy fleeced cotton vests and pants, cream color, good quality, at 25c a garment. . Ladles' fine ribbed fleeced cotton vests, pants and tights, all hand-finished, colors cream or white, winter weights. 6c each. Ladles' fine ribbed fleeced cotton union suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, open to waist line or down the front, all siren, $1.00 each. Boys' heavy flat fleeced cotton shirts and drawers, color gray, all sires, 25c each. Children's One ribbed fleeced cotton union suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, made with drop seat, all sixes. 6oc each. Boys' heavy cotton union suits, made of flne Egyptian cotton, all tailor made, an extra good garment, all sisea, $l.t). Bed Blankets. On our third floor In the bright daylight we are showing the finest line of blankets that was ever seen In this city. These blankets were contracted for at tho mills before the sharp advances In manufac turers' prices. Therefore wc are able to offer them to you at decidedly less than today's prevailing prices. Fleeced cotton blankets In gray, tan or white, at 60c, 06c, 75c. $1.W). $1.26, $1-50. $1-73. $2.m a pair. Wool and cotton mixed blankets In gray or white at $2.75, $3.. $3.50. $4.00. All wool blankets in white, gray or tan at $4.26. $4.50, $5.00, $5.50. $6 50 and up to $18.00 a aalr. Plaid blankets In a beautiful assortment of colorings at $4.50. $5.00, $5.50, $.75, IS.Ou a pair. Scarlet nil wool blankets at $5.00 a pair. Bed Comforters. There Is no denying the facts that, after seeing our line of comforters you'll not try making them yourself nor go any where else td- buy them. You are taken with the quality, taken with the beautiful coverings and gladly , pity the low prices for such nice goods. Sllkollne covered comforters at $1.00, $1.25. $1.50, $1.75 $2.00 each. Cambric covered at $1.50. $1.76, $2.00 each. Bateci covered at $2.25. $2.50, $2.75. $3.00 each. Wool bats, siie 72x84, covered with cheesecloth, light and warm. S pounds for $3.00, 4 pounds for $4.00. We have a few of Merrltt's health com forts left, prices $3.25. $4.25, $5.00, $.00. Wool comforts with silk border, beautiful beyond description, at $5.00. each. Streets Si NEBRASKANS ESERT HOTELS All Aniftli'a Only Two llostelrles an Thanks. alTlnw Day. Thanksgiving dinner at home was suffi ciently attractive to take from Omaha's largest hotels all of their state guests with tho exception of two, B. R. Ashley of Hyannls and Ed McGurley of Ogalalla, who are registered at the Merchants. At the other four big hotels not a single Ne braska!) registered up to noon. "We can never keep a Nehraskan at a hotol on Thanksgiving," said one hotel clerk. "They break their necAs to get home on that day, even If they have to travel across the state to do It. and then come back on Friday. More than a dozen Ne braskaus registered here for dinner Wednesday, but every one of them pulled out during the night. All of them will be back here by Saturduy morning. No mat ter how much business they have to attend to here, they will do nothing on Thanks giving, but prefer the railroad ride to sit ting around away from their families on a holiday, I have worked In hotels in sev eral states and I never saw the practice of going home on Thanksgiving so pronounced as It Is here. No attraction will keep them here, for we have tried It." HYMENEAL. Bnek-lloerger. BUTTON, Neb., Nov. S0.-(8pecial.)-Miss Mabel Louise, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Hoerger, was married at tho family home in Sutton lost evening to Prof. Ralph Buck of Red Oak, la., Ly Rev. Dungan of the Congregational church. Only a few Intimate friends were present. Diion-Kaaun. MISaOCRI VALLEY. Ia., Nov. .-(Special.) The marriage of Thomas Dixon and Winnie Fagan, daughter of William Fcgan, who lives near this place, occurred yester day morning at 8 o'clock at 8t. Patrick's Cuthollc ehurch, with Rev. Father Mullen oniclatiug. Th- young couple will reside in Neolii. Concession for Mmnauler. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3o.-The case of W. W. Harts of the Fnlted States Engineer corps, arising from his failure to declare dutiable goods which he brought from the Orlfnt on a transport, has been settled At the time Harts' goods were confiscated and he was fined three times their value or nearly $2,onn. This was done bv the order of the circuit court. The case was appealed to the I'nited Slates supreme court, which upheld the decision. Col lector of Customs Stratton has now re ceived an order from the Treasury de partment to return to Harts $l,a;n of his fine and ti e goods. Their value. $-o7. is to be retained. A BISIXESS FUIKNU , To Be loBBlcd Ua I ader All Circa ui. stances. One of the bi ight business women of New York City, who found that coffee was wrecking her nervous system, bringing on severa neuralgic attacks and making her "extremely Irritable," writes that she has found a staunch friend In Postum Food Coffxe: "I left off the old kind of coffee com pletely and entirely. This, I found, was . easy to do. since Postum waa pleasing to ! my palate from the beginning. Indeed, all my family ara wish me in thinking it delicious when It Is properly prepared and by that 1 mean boiled long enough. -"I have not had one single attack of neuralgia since I began to drink Postum some months sgo, my nerves have become steady and the old annoying Irritability has, thank Postum, passed away. I can not withhold this acknowledgement, which la made In all sincere gratitude." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book, j "The Ruad to Wellvlllc," In pkgs. OBSERVANCE OF THE DA. President fipendi Day Quietlj On HU Wi t'i Virgin-'. Farm. AMERICANS BANQUtfT AT LONDON Addresses Are Made by Ambassador Held and Raadnlphe l.emlrns, olleltnr (Jeneral af Canada. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.-The president and Mrs. Roosevelt, accompanied by two of their children. Archie and Kthel. left Wash ington this morning for their country place In Virginia. When they will spend Thanks giving o.uetly. They will return to Wash ington tomorrow iilght.' The plnce Is near the town of ttapldan, which Is about, twelve miles from Wash ington, near Red Hill. Two cooks from the Wlflte house accompanied the party to prepare the Thanksgiving dinner. RED HILL, ya., Nov. $0. President Roosevelt, Mrs. Roosevelt and several of their children spent Thanksgiving today at Mrs. Roosevelt's new country home, 'Plain Dealing," In the soHern part of Alber marle county. Tht'party arrived on a train over the Southern railway this after noon. Their coming wae; entirely unex pected and their plans for a holiday outing had been carefully guarded. The party will remain at "Plain Dealing" until tomorrow afternoon, returning then to Washington. Saturday the president will go to Princeton to witness the army and navy foot ball game. AMKHICA IMXqiKT IS l,0I0 Addresses Made by Ambassador Held and Solicitor (general Lrmlrat. LONDON, - Nov. 30. Thanksgiving day was celebrated in London in the time-honored minner by a reunion of leading Amer icans In the grand banquet hall of the Hotel Cecil. Among those present were Ambassador Rrid. Captuln C. H. Stockton, tmval attache of the American embassy, and Mrs. Stockton; Major John H. Beacom, the military attache; Delancey Jay. private secreturv to Ambassador Reld, and Richard Westcott, deputy American consul general j at London, who represented tho consulate, j Other Americans present Included John I L. Griffiths, consul at Liverpool; Lord Fair- I fax, Willlum I. Buchanan, Douglas Slay- ! den. Colonel Millard Hunsleker and Mrs. Hunslcker and J. O. Richards. In all over 4f0 Americans were n attendance. The guests of honor Included Walter Vaugban Morgan, lord mayor of London, and Mrs. Hornby Steer, the lady mayoress; Randolph Lemleux. solicitor general for Canada; Sir Joseph Cockfield Dlmsdale and Lady Dlms dalc, Hon. Alban Oibbs and Sir Henry TCd tnund Kn'.ght.t F. C. Vunduzer. chairman of the Amer ican Society In England, presided. The great hall was unadorned except for au American earj, backed up by monster American and British flags above the seat of the chairman. The scene was particu larly brilliant because of the presence of so many women. The band played American airs and concluded its program with "God Save the King" and "The Star Spangled Banner." Mr. Vanduzer proposed a toast to King Edward. Mr lemleux. In an Eloquent speech, proposed "The President of tho i United States.". j Ho sold: Every true Anericun must feel It an! honor to be goverr.ed by a man whose name and fame, not only iwlong to his own coun- . try, but to humarlty itself and to whom the peace of Purlmouth Is a monument I which oomlng gjaA""ions will resneet and rvi tur JtiMumph of an ! I crowned slnfe Tr IfTerful republic, who mis earned me ilwnt to the title or otrio- . mat uniong kings and king among dlplb- i i,i a f a I Lord Dlmsdale proposed a toast to the idor. Mr. Reld, In re- - American amba sponding, first J.tcefully welcomed the English guests, complete ' the f. chanced to notlc ping Its wngs d they would thii ho, he said, "helped to I illy reunion." If they ! the American engle flap- ' Ing the evening he hoped , better of the bird on I at the same time under- that account am stand that the Americans present were fully awn re that the British Hon was carrying on business at tho same old stand." After defending the use of the term "America," as applied to the Cnitcd States, quoting from Pitt, Fox, Burke and Daniel Webster, who so ued It, thus absolving the present generation from the charge of undue assumption, Mr. Reld said that the thought uppermost In the minds of Amerl- j cans, who everywhere were celebrating the festival, was pride In America, pride in Its prosperity at home and In Its renown abroad, profound gratitude for the blessings of peace, gratitude that It bad pleased Providence that America should be helpful In bringing peace to others, and above all gratitude that there was now no cloud at the horlxon and that America had not an enemy In the world Mr. Reld paid a tribute to President Roosevelt. He said that the pride of Amer icana In the president waa not the prldo of party, but cf the patriotism In all parties, because the mutations of policies had brought to the front and kept In the '. front such a type of American as was now known to tho world as "Theodore Roose velt." Concluding with a fine peroration, tho am bassador said: It is a goodly land that the Lord, our Ood. has given us. Thus far have we come with the hand of our God upon us. Such were tho pious phrases which on these occasions our fathers were wont to use. I close with one in a similar vein from an Knelisli pen: "lord God of hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget lest r forgot." ThanksKl vlnsT la Home. ROME, Nov. 3i.-Thanksgivlng day was celebrated by a service at the American church, conducted by the rectotDr. Nevln. Miss Muriel White, daughter of the American ambassador, took up a collection for the victims of the earthquake In Calab ria, which resulted In $245 being added to the fund. The American college gave a Thanksgiv ing luncheon. The guests Included Ambas sador White and Bishop Rltcher of Grand Rapids. TEXT OF ASIATIC TREATY Agreement by Which Corea Sinks Its International Rxlsteaca Is Made Pabllc. WASHINGTON'. Nov. So The text of the treaty between Ja-pan and Corea, which was signed on the nth Inst., Is as follows: The governments of Japan and Corea, de siring to strengthen the principle of solidar ity which unites the two empires, have with that object In view agreed upon and concluded the following stipulations to serve until the moment arrives when It Is recognised that Corea has attained national strength. Article 1. The governnieut of Japan through the Department of Foreign Affairs in Toklo will hereafter have control and direction of the external relations and af fairs of Corea and the diplomatic and con sular representatives of Japan will have chaiga of the subjects and Interests of Corea In foreign countries. Article 3. Tim government of Japan tin dertakea to see to the execution of the treaties actually existing between Corea I and other powers, and the government of Corea engages not to conclude hereafter any act or engagement Having au UiUr- national character except through the medium of the government of Jnn. Article 3. The government of Japan shall be represented at the court of his majesty, tho emperor of Corea, by a resi dent general who shall reside nt Seoul primarily foi the purpose of taking charge of and directing matters primarily re lating to diplomatic affairs. He shall havo the right of private and personal audience of his majesty, the emperor of Corea. The Japanese government shall also have the right to station residents at the several open ports find such other places In Corea as they may deem necessary. Such resi dents shall, under the direction of the resi dent general, exercise the powers and functions hitherto appertaining to Japa nese consuls In Corea. and shall perform j such duties is are necessary In- order to tarry Into full effect the provisions of this agreement. Article A. The stipulations of all treaties and agreements existing between Japan and Corea not Inconsistent with the pro visions of this agreement shall continue In force. Article 5. That Japan tindertakes to maintain tho welfare and dignity of the Imperial house of Corea. In faith whereof the undersigned, duly authorised by . their governments, have signed this agreement and affixed, their seals, November 17. - OONSUKK HAYA8HI. E. E. and M. P. PAK-CHE-SOON. 1 Minister of Foreign Affairs. J JN HONOR ; U Ilk JEWS (Continued from First Page.) j citizens In the patriotic sentiments of the time, Illustrate how thoroughly they ap preciate the new opportunities and the new security offered to them by a free, Just und popular government. Kiysnnliin I nilrr Freedom. And thus It happened that the Jewish Immigrants who eie driven to our colo nies by reiUtous persecution, and their de scendants, iiave, unucr the kindly influence of toleration and eiiuully, co-operated in nation builulng with tnose of dliferent re ligious fnitns. whose ancestors or they themselves had also Sought amid hard and Inhospitable surroundings freedom to wor snip Uod. Jewisn patriotism, wnlcn had been for centuries submerged and amoUi ered In homeless wanderings and nation less existence. In the more cheerful light and warmth of a safe ab:?!n: place, spiung up and flourished.- It has been said: "If you persecute you mirke slaves; only by dictating equal tUhts for all will you make good cltixeus." The rule that equality In rlgnt is essentia to good citizenship has never been better supported than by the result of according euual rights to the Jews who found a home on the soli of the I nited States. I do not overlook the fact that the full enjoyment by the Jews of .ellglous and Industrial freedom was no! without re straint or limitation at the time of their first arrival. Nor am 1 In the least Inclined to claim that Jewish characteristics or the Jewish religion ure. or ver huve been, absolutely preventive of bad men and bad citizens. It cannot be denied, how ever, that with even the 'limited equality of rights at first accorded to the Jews by the American colonists their loyalty and effective patriotism when needed were not wanting. Impress on America. , We have today only to look about us to discover that In every phase of present American enterurise and effort, the Jews of the United States, with unrestricted tol eration and equality, ate making their im press more and more deep and permanent upon our citizenship. They accumulate wealth without exhibiting or encouraging harmful extravagance and business reck lessness. They esecially care for their poor, but they do It sensibly and In a way that avoids pauper-making. Cm every side are seen monuments of their- charitable work and evidences of their determination to furnish their children and youth equip ment for usefulness and self-support. It is not among them that dangerous discon tent and violent demonstrations against peaco and order are hatched and fostered. There may be something of separateness in their social life among us; but this should be naturally expected among those who are not altogether flee from the disposition born of persecution li nd the loss of nation ality, to seek In a vninon devotion o their peculiar religious creed the strongest bond of their social fellowships. And yet. with It all, they are by no means laggard In the civic duty and the work In behalf of tho general welfare of the state which are the badges of good citizenship. It Is time for the unreserved acknowl edgement that the toleration and equal op portunity accorded to the Jews of the I'nitrd States have been abundantly repaid to us. And In making up the accounts, let us not omit to put to their credit the occa sion presented to us through our concession to them of toleration and equality of strengthening by wholesome exercise the spirit of broad-minded Justice and consid eration, which, as long as we are true to ourselves, we must Inflexibly pronounce as the distinguishing and saving trait of our nationality. No Place for Prejudice. I know that human prejudice especially that growing out of race or re.igion is cruelly inveterate arid lasting. But wher ever in the world prejudice against the Jews still exists, there can be no place for It among the people of the I'nited States, unless they are heedless of good faith, rec reant to the underlying principles of their free government and insensible to every pledge Involved In our boasted equality or citizenship. Roger Williams, the pioneer of religious liberty In America expressed the fear, long before the I'nile $tates became a nation, that England ant the other nations had a score to pay to the Jews, and he added these words: "1 desire not the liberty to myself which I would not freely and Im partially weigh out to all the consciences of the world beside." Our nation will have no score to pay to the Jews. As a people we shall never suffer the humiliation of appealing to them for favors with the shamefaced ness of intolerance unforgotten and unfurgiven. The Jews of the' United States have become our fellow-c'Msens and. like us, have at heart c-ie ptsperity and safety of our common country, forasmuch as we have desired not that llbery to our selves which we would not freely and Im partially weigh out to all the consciences of the world lieslde. After all. it comes to this. We celebrate an event in the history of our country fraught with important results deeplv con cerning us all as citizens of the t'nited States. In the spirit of true Americanism let us all rejoice in the good which the set tlement we commemorate has brought to tho nation in which we all find safely and protection: and, uninterrupted by differ ences In religious talth, let is. under the guidance of the Genius of Toleration and Equality, here consecrate ourselves more fully than ever to united and devoted lubor In the field of our common ration's ad vancement and exaltation. The letters from President Roosevelt and Vice President Fairbanks were next read. President Roosevelt's letter was as fol lows: THE WHITE HOCBK. WASHINGTON, Nov. 16, 19u5 My Dear Sir: I am forced to make a rule not to write letters on the oc casion of any celebration, no matter how "YOU CANNOT BEAT THE RIGHT" From Saturday Evening Poat, July 12, l'A'o: "You cannot beat the tight. It is good enough. When you know In your own heart that you ara hon orable m your dealings with your friends, you ran nalk right square up to them and look them straight In the eye and make them feel that you are treating them right. They will then give you tlu-lr confidence, and confidence begets business." the best pianoa, carries the largeat stock and makes piano buying easy IN IT NOT RIGHT to encourage them IN BIGHT DOING? YOU DON'T NEED ANYONE TO HELP YOU gK LECT A PIANO AT THE HOSPE BOKE. The HIGHT PIANO, the RIGHT PRICE and the RIGHT PRINCIPLES governing every deal makes it DOCPI.Y RIGHT for you to trade at the HOSPE STORE. We sell CARLE, NEI.KON. BISH A- LA N B KREI. LE. M A Tit I 811 EK, WE3EK BROS., WHITNEY, H1NZE. CRAMER AND OTHERS. ' A. IKIOSPE O 1513-1513 DOUGLAS ST. BEST PLACE TO BUY A PIANO. WESTERN SELLERS OF THE WONDERFUL ANOELUS AMU H "THE QUtEN Bottled only at the Neuenahr, and Only with its Important, simply because t cannot write one without either committing in self to write hundreds of others or else runnlnit the risk of giving offense to worthy per sons. I make an exception In this case be cause the lamentable and terrible sufferings to which so many of the Jewish people In other lands have been subjected makes me feel It my duty as the head of the Amer ican people not only to express my deep sympathy for them, as I now do. but "it the same time to point out what flne quali ties of citizenship have been displayed bv the men of Jewish faith and race, who. having come to this country, enjoy th" lieneflts of free institutions and equal treatment before the law. I feel very strongly that If any people are oppressed anywhere the wrong Inevitably reacts In tho end on those who oppress them: for It Is. an Immutable law In the spiritual world that no one can wrong others and yet In t lie end himself escape unhurt. The reparation of the L'.Vith anniversary of the settlement of the Jews In the 1'ntted States properly emphasizes a series of his- i tnrical facts of more than merely national slirnlncanre. Even In our colonial period the Jews participated In the unbuilding of this countrv, acquired Citizenship and took an active nart In the development of for eign and domestic commerce. During the ! revolutionary period they aided the cause of liberty by serving In 'he continental army and bv substantial contributions to the empty treasury of the republic. During the civil war thousands served In the srmles and mingled their blood with the soil for which they, foueht. I am glad to he able to any, In addressing you on this occasion, that while the Jews of the l'nlt"d States who number more than l.ano.oio, have remained loyal to their faith and their race traditions: they have become lndis snlubly incorporated In the great army of American citizenship, prepared to make all sacrifice for the country, either In war or peace, and striving for the perpetuation of good government and for the maintenance or the principles embodied in our constitu tion. Thev are hnnnrablv dlstlneulshed bv their Industry, their obdlence to law and their devotion to the national welfare. They are engaged In generous rivalry with their fellow citizens of other denominations In advancing the Interests of our common countrv. This Is true not only of the de scendants of tho early settlers and those of American birth, but of a great and con stantly. Increasing proportion of those who have come to our shores within the last twentvMive veara as refugees reduced to , tha .Ureal a'tralts nf rvennrv and misery. ' All, Americans may well lie proud of the extraordinary Illustration of the wisdom and streneth of our governmental system thus afforded. In a few years, men and women, hitherto utterlv unaccustomed to anv of the privileges of citizenship, have moved mightllv unward toward the stand ard of loyal self-respecting American citi zenship: of that clt'renslilp -vhlch rtot nierelv Insists upon Its rights, but also eaeriv recognizes Its duty to do Its full share in the mnteiial. social and moral ad vancement of the nation. With all good wishes, believe me, sin cerely yours. TJIEOnoR,. Hon,PvF.,.T. Jacob H. Pehlff. Eq.. Chairman Commit tee on the Celebration of the 2Ti0th Anni versary of the Settlement of the Jew", In the I'nited States, 52 William Street. New York. Mr. Fairbanks' Telegram. Vice President Falrbunks, In bis telegram, said: I srentlv rearet mv Inability to partici pate with you today in celebrating the ' JUnh anniversary of the Jews In America. The event Is orie which we may all take pleasure In observing with appropriate cer-einoni-s, for the Jewish people have con- Minuted -and are contributing mur iuii measure to our national growth and strength. They are enamored of our In stitutions and are a part of that . loyal. Intelligent, conservative citizenship which constitutes tho Htay .and support of the great republic. " Our hearts are filled-with gratitude In, thla- hour -of national thanks giving that Jew and Gentile enjoy abso. lute political equality and dwell together In aniltv and good fellowship throughout the limits of tho United States. Here thev entertain for each othr a hiffh deirree of respect nnd good will and rejoice in J their common national Intelligence. Tliey are alike touched by tho atrocities In flicted uisin the Jew in Russia, l'hy are moved by a common fraternal Impulse to make their protest against this monster crime of modern times and send their aid and sympathy to those In sore dis tress. I entertain the confident hope that the Jews in America may continue to enjoy the fullest possible measure of prosperity and happiness and that free dom In our common country mav forever contlne to bless Imth Jew and Oentlle. Mayor Modellan'a Address. Mayor McClellan. Governor Hlgglns, Mr. Sulzberger and Dr. Mcndes each spoke words of congratulation and told of various phases of the Jews' progress In America. Mayor -McClellan said In the course of his nddress thnt he did not Bharo the fear of those who foe that If the enormous Immi gration of non-Englli-h speaking peoples Is continued It will menace the Institutions of this country. The United Btates, he declared, needs a vastly greater population and can easily support half a billion people properly dis tributed. . . "There" are' two duties," the mayor said, "which we owe the incoming Immigrants. One is a' duty which cannot be performed by a government without socialism, and that has no place In American Institutions. It is the duty of trying to prevent conges tion in the Juhnr market or trying to dis tribute the Incoming immlgrints where they are needed, and not permitting them to remain where the labor market N glutted. This Is a duty which should be undertaken by every citizen of tills country, for It ap peals to every one of us. "The other duty is one which the govern ment mu( undertake, it is the duty of education. Something can be done with the older Immigrants by education; every thing can be done with the young genera tion, with the children." ! Keller Ksad Growlua. Thanksgiving contributions of $27,252 were made to the Russian relief fund which Is being collected by the national relief com mittee. The total Is now $270,320. Among the Thanksgiving contributors were the fol lowing cities In all parts of the I'nited States: 81. Louis, $7,000; Des Moines, $2u0; Boise, Idaho, Kl.i. If your money is as good as the other fellow's, THAT'S KIQHT. Is It not? if we refuse to raise our price In order to pay your friend or ac quaintance a commission on the Rlano you buy. IS THAT NOT KJHT? Knowing that there is at least one piano house In the west where your nmney Is sufe and well Invested when you buy a house that sells nuns OF TABLE WATERS. Apollinaris Spring, Germany, Own Natural Gas. I.OF. BILLIARD !' BW IIRK Gardner Wins Koorth Match of Series by Fire Points. ( NEW YORK. Nov. SO.-In the closest and most protracted game of the Eagle prize series of amateur billiard games at the Llederkrana club this week. Charles F. Conklln of the Chicago Athletic assocla-. tlon. holder of the national amateur Chani- fionshlp title, defeated Edward Gardner of 'asnie. N. J., by a scor of SOU to The standing of the players to date is as follows: I'oggenburg won two. lost none; Conklln won one. loBt two; Gardner won one, lost two. The scores? Conklln. Jcti; high runs, 6$ anil 32; average, $ -34. Gardner. 2S5; high runs, bo and 41 ; average, 8 01-,33. KEBRa.K.. MM FIMMIK !ECO0 I.Uhtbodr of Chlcaco Wins Cross country Ran of Flva Miles. CHICAOO, Nov. 9o-The croes-countrv run for the Intercollegiate championship. In which teams representing the Universi ties of Chicago, Illinois, Wiscnnsn and Ne braska participated here fodav. was won by James Llghthody of Chicago. Light body's closest competitor was ilauser of Nebraska. The distance of the race was five miles. Knnsan named to Death. SCRANTON. Kans., Nov. ao.-Alex Con nor, aged 80 years, the first mayor of Scranton. wns burned to death In tho de struction here early today of hla home, which he occupied alone. MONEY AT 4 PER CENT i per cent and absolute safety is better than a larger rate with some risk. This Bank was established in 1884 and has withstood -all financial strains without difficulty.' . . Oldest and Strongest Sav ings Bank in Nebraska. (Write fur Circular "D") City Savings Bank 1 6th and Douglas Sts. FOR THE COHfORTABLE LOW of fine books in a choice library select the Ideal pattern of Globe Wernicke "Elastic" Bookcase. Furnished with bevel French plate or leaded glass doors. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. 4 ODD ODD D OS. Bare u a poj Sinca " -1w SELLS a 0 3 E3 1608 nHarner 5t. Phone?52a n u u G3 a nv tMUKMLvrS. g tM!Mi!W IBI II I J BOY D S Woodwnr(i BuTe'a TOSIKHT AMI NATtHDAV Saturday Matinee FLORENCE ROBERTS In the Title Hole of ANN LA MONT, oy t-aui Armstrong, Author of 'The Heir to the Iloorah." r'our NIMs Commencing Runday mitunee eniieeoi y '" TUK KTKIIVtl, CITY. uwuiiuuu rues..Thurs..Hat.Mau.l-Jts TIIK MflOIIWtHII M'lU K 0 ELEVENTH MIO WEEK Tonight & All Week- TKE BANKER'S DAUGHTER Next Week UNDER thk mi-'ri ROUE. Tksss afM. Tonight and Saturday Matinee and Night MODERN VAUDEVILLE ' . r.Kr,M F Co ' 'nsoii A Merton. t i.e..rnon c,t- r- Nelson Down-,. !. urbes, Werdun & OUddlah, atki the Kinodrome. . Prices 10c. o, 8Pe. KRUG Prices 15c. 2ic. too, 76c. Mats. Anv Beat, tie TONIGHT AT S:15. TOM NOR ill In tb Huge Operatic Comedy . - THF GIRL FROM KAYS GO In Cast and Chorus. ;5 Hong Jilts New and Elslxirate Production Hunday A VI EK MIDN1QHT. B I 1 ia.i- 4k - -----jTl ' BOOK l! N"VA WiW tavtsaj lull Mill I jjj V KM .nl ATlP COIL