Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Ajiooiated Press Agant Inttrmwi Lob
byist for luuranoe Companies.
Sara Ha Eu kTada Ho Effort to Concaal
Bit Whembouts,
Hi is flow in Paris and Apparently in
Goad Health.
Make Brief Air to Uueatlons, bat
guys His Report Will Proba
bly Be Submitted to
1'AltlS. Nov. au.--The correspondent of
tho Associated Press today located An
drew Hamilton who was confidential legis
lative "representative at Albany and had
halt an hour's talk with him concerning
Ms plans and his answer to tlio requests
of the Armstrong insurance committee that
lie give orders to his agents In New York
fu surrender his papers to tho committee
and that he go to New Tork to testify.
Mr. Hamilton arrived here a few days
ago from Bad Nauhelm springs, where he
had been for some, time taking ths cure
under the care of doctors. He looks fairly
well. His face Is ruddy but he still com
plains of the effect of his ailment and re
mains under tho doctor's treatment pending
their determination as to whetner It will
be necessary for him to resume the cura
at the springs.
Whert seen by the correspondent Mr.
Hamilton was with one of his Intimate
frlenda who Is familiar with his affairs
and who explained some details which Mr.
Hamilton did not wish to publicly discuss
t this time.
Mr. Hamilton did not seek fo avoid the
meeting. On the contrary, he said that
lie hud not the slightest desire to conceal
his whereabouts, although owing to his
continued III health and the attention re
quired In making up hs answer to the
Armstrong committee he did not desire to
see visitors.
Makes Brief Answer.
Answering the correspondent's request
for a statement concerning his answer to
the committee's request, Mr. Hamilton
dictated the following textual reply:
"I ant preparing a reply to tho requests
of the committee which will be sent when
completed to President McC'all of the New
York Life Insurance company."
Mr. Hamilton said thla was the only
formal statement he would now make but.
continuing iis. Informal talk, he pointed
out that It would be manifestly Improper
Im rllunlnu a. Almi. tha naturp nt till!
reply before It had been submitted to the i
committee. Moreover, he was now engaged
In framing bis reply, so that his work was
ntt yet completed.
.'Vnj can say, however," Mr. Hamilton
added. ''Ti-i wi wl'l fj toi.iplrle.
Yotl can also say that President McCall
undoubtedly will submit my reply to the
Concerning the length of his reply Mr.
Hamilton said he could not say anything
concerning that point.
Hears of So Charges.
The correspondent suggested that Mr.
Hamilton without entering upon details of
Ms reply give his personal views upon the
charge put forward In New York. Mr.
Hamilton's friend thereupon replied: "Hut
there arc no charges. During the course of
the legislative Inquiry certain allegations
have been made relati'-!fo Judge Hamil
ton's relations with the subject, but no
charges have been formulated and he Is
now engaged to the best of his ability in
answering the statements made from time
to tUiie concerning him."
Wnen Mr. Hamilton was asked whether
ho would return to New York he said It
would depend entirely on the determination
of the doctors. The friend of Mr. Hamilton
added: "Judge Hamilton has been asked
to take a prolonged cure at the springs.
His Illness is now manifesting Itself In a.
cutaneous affliction of. the hips and shoul
der. Should the doctors decide that his re
turn to the springs Is Imperative. Judge
Hamilton .will probably have to comply! as
saving his health Is far more Important to
him than this Insurance controversy."
In conclusion Mr. Hamilton said he hoped
to be able to complete and forward his an
swer In the next few days.
rClfCDCi Tfl CTIinV PrtftWIMP
urnwbiw i j iiuui uuuniitu ;
Members of Commissary Depnrtment
' to Receive Practical Inatrne-
sa nt Fort Blley.
WASHINGTON. Nov. HO.-Under a new
policy decided hy the War department ofll-
r.e I h. jvimmluMA r V r. , r
. . . - . . . .
ne taugnt to oaae oread ana wui oe given
prartlcal Instructions In cooking. Officers
f the commissary department will accord-
ing.y b. sent to ,h. sc hool of application
Tor cavalry ana neia aruuery at fort
Hllev. Kan., for a course In the school for
i.. -,in i .
m . . .V "
and. as they complete the course, they
will ha sent out amnna the trnnna tn In.
struct the soldiers
struri me so aiers.
n is tne tieuet or army omcers tnat witn
the urnulrement of practical and technical
knowledge by officers In the baking of
bread and cooking of food a great lmnrove.
ment ran he brought about In the prepara
tion of food for the army. Primarily the
school for cooks and bakers was eslab
tinned at Fort Klley for the Instruction of
enlisted men, but subsequently It was de
cided to give Instructions there to officers
as well, for the reasons cited. The first
officers to be sent to the school for cooks
and bakers are Captain Francis J. Koes-t.-r
snd Captain H T. Ferguson of the
-omnilssary department.
Captain Alan P. Berry, Convicted by
Ceurt-Martlal, Commits Suicide
at Ynneonver.
VAKCOfVER- Vvh., Nov. X. Cuptulii
Alga P. Berry committed suicide here today
by shooting himself through the heart. He
was recently tried by a general court-martial
at Vancouver barracks and found guilty
ut conduct unbecoming an officer and a
gntlemaa. The ordtr or his dismissal ar
rived yesterday.
Bury was a graduate of West Point.
i'Iui of '!. and whs on duty as quarter
master of the transport Bufoid at the time
tbc charges were preferred against him. Ha
was u prominent member of the Masonic
order, being a thirty-second degree Mason
nod a Mrstlu Shrlner. He left a note be
aussUiIng his property tw his aits and
None of Them Willing to Begin Actaal
War. So Abdal llarald
Stands Pat.
LONDON, Nov. 30. While In the official
circle In London It Is Intimated that the
powers do not expect the sultan to yield
ft the result of the occupation of Mytllene,
It Is stated today that other plana have
not been definitely arranged, other power,
awaiting the British proposal. The for
eign office Informed the Associated Press
th- Erltlsh government does nut know
tx '
.he amount of coercion th otlu-r i
ire willing to employ, but It is
none of the powera are willing
: to actual warfare to enforce the
for the financial control of Mace
Thla view of the situation makes
possible that demonstration by
on may proceed aomewhat In
y. The present situation In the
Kingdom naturally increases the
e In official circles here and. as
3rttaln in taking a lead, the move-
I of the demonstrating fleet may be
fr some time pending the decision
of the cabinet concerning Ha resignation
or the dissolution of Parliament. The
government has received Information from
Sofia through official sources that the
Macedonian committee has issued what Is
practically an ultlmuturu that unless the
demonstration of the powers 8hall be car
ried to a successful issue, the revolution
aries are prepared to announce that they
Intend to create a situation which will
be certain to result In a war between
Turkey and Bulgaria. .
It is well known that Bulgaria hus beeli
preparing for eventualities since 1887. An
I accord having been reached between Bul
garia and Roumanla concerning Macedonia,
these two governments are now prepared
to try conclusions with Turkey, should
the necessity for such action arise.
Flaal Steps In Matter of 4ttlttln
Office to Be Settled
LONDON, Nov. SO. Notwithstanding
the repeated assertions from the lib
eral side that Sir Henry Camp-bcll-Bannerman
would not take office at the
present Juncture, if Is now generally bo
lleed that the result of the cabinet coun
cil to be held today will be the heralding
of a liberal government, with Sir Henry as
premier. The official announcement of the
result of the council Is likely to be delayed
for a few days, but the Associated Press
understands that Mr. Balfour will intimate
to hift colleagues his desire to leave office
and will Invite their concurrence.
A few days will be required for the for
malities of laying the matter before King
Edward, who will arrive at Buckingham
palace next Monday to hold a privy coun
cil. Probably the resignation of the gov
ernment will be announced on Wednesday
and then King Edward will Invite Sir Henry
Campbell-Bnnnerman tu form a ministry.
Secretary of Hawaii Says Italians WIH
Be Imported by "agar
.Planters.' ....
HONOLULU, Nov. 30.-A. C. L. Atkin
son, secretary cf the territory of Hawaii,
now in Washington, says that under the
ruling made by President Roosevelt. Com
missioner General of Immigration Sargent
will allow the territory of Hawaii to Im
port assisted Immigrants except Chinese.
This ruling will result In the organization
of a territorial board of Immigration. The
sugar planters will pay the expenses of the
Importations of Immigrants.
It Is reported that Mr. Atkinson will re
sign as secretary of the territory and that
he will fce sent to Europe as agent of ths
new board of Immigration. Italians are
most discussed here as a desirable class of
Mate Association Will Appoint Com
mitters to Attend Meetings of
Mntnal Companies.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 30. The executive
committee of tho Ohio Life Policy Holders'
association today issued an open letter as
Hundreds of policy holders are Impor
tuning us daily, asking advice regarding
the giving of proxies to any persons to
vote their policies.
To them we say: To merely change the
personnel of the management of two or
three life Insurance companies without
making important amendments to the law
in every state, Including Chip, would be
' ' effect to throw away all of the good
ork now being done by Mr. Hughes and
the legislative Investigating committee In
New York. This we tan 111 afford to do.
In every county tn this state local asso
ciations of policy holders are being formed.
When this Is perfected a state convention
will be called to meet at Columbus. This
convention will elect permanent officers
and select committees to attend meetings
of mutual companies and cast the vote of
iollcy holders of Ohio for trustees and in
way tne mosi capaoin ana innueniiai
men tn the state will le sent to the snnual
;;;-Un(B who wM represent policy holders
jn deliberate and effective manner.
: The first election in the large companies
S?1 Z$MTl "S&iSS&iTo
...present us.
1 Our insurance policies represent our
uvlnii and the protection of our wives
and families, and every form of frenzied
nnance must be eliminated from these
..,anlo We fnllv indorse the state-
ment of the New York investigating com-
Hold on to your policies: we sre
in a better position now than for years,
i AUUiitwi
k.rrrlirr of ay to Be One of
Speakers at Meeting; of Civil
Servleo Rrfotn League.
NEW YORK. Nov. 30. Secretary of the
Navy Bonaparte will be one of the speak
ers at the annual meeting of the Civil
, j . ... . , . . 1 uuu vj v. . i ml . .ui. i. .... n i i'uii.1 y 111,11 in
Service Reform league, which nil. he held avvry national emergency that has since
at Milwaukee on December 14 and 15. In overtaken us. They gave convincing vl
additlon to Secretary Bonaparte there will I dence of their assimilation with the best
uuumuii c"' j .sentiment of American patriotism by heart-
be several other speakers well known for y y,tnlliK ia lh popular acclaim that met
their connection with civic reforms, among , the kelectiou of Washington as the first
tUem William B. Moulton, president of the : president of our new republic. In support
mem ( tns .ta'ement it certainly can nut be
Illinois civil service commission; A. O. ! ttm,B, , gUl)le ie foiiwing iasages from
Harrison, secretary of the Kansas City a letter addressed to General Washington
, n.4 ,i.muniiiiKi. nf ih. : after his election to the presidency, hv tn.
i .ivic irauc, --
! civil service commission of Denver, all of
whom wui apoas on uw icni uujri v.
civil service reform In the west. Alford
W. Cooley of the United Slates Civic com.
mission will also speak.
Superior, Wlseonsln, Greets Thanks,
ajvlag; with Temperature of
III to IH Below Zero.
coldest day of the year, street thermome-
ters registering from 12 to M below zero
WACO, Texas. Nov. So. Tho lltvt Kt 0
the season is in evidence this mvrning.
Oelebration of 250th Annirersary of Set
tlement in Amerioa Observed.
Meeting; Held at Curueatle laatltate,
Presided Over by Jaeou Srhlff,
Heara Addreaaea by Promi
nent People.
NEW YORK. Nov. 3ti.-Iti celebrullun of
tho SSOth anniversary of the landing of
the Jews In America a meeting was held
In Carnegie hall today nt which addresses
were delivered by ex-President CJrover
Cleveland. Governor Frank W. Hlgglns of
New York. Mayor George B. McClcllan of
New York City. Bishop Coadjutor Diivid
Greer of the New York diocese of the
Protestant Episcopal church, Mayor Suls
berger and Rev. Dr. H. Perelra Mendcs.
President Roosevelt, who Was unable to
attend, sent a significant letter, which was '
read to the great audience. Vice President
Fairbanks telegraphed his regrets and at
appreciation of the Jewish character.
Jacob H. Schlff. chairman of the execu
tive committee, which arranged the cele
bration, presided, and Dr. Frank Datnrosch
had charge of the musical program.
All of the addresses were In congratula
tory vein and references were made to the
recent atrocities in Russia only us one
of tho trials which have beset the Jewish
people, but which have not daunted their
spirit nor stopped their march to Success
where political conditions have permitted.
Mr. Schiff prefaced his presentation of
the, speakers of the day with a Bhort ad
dress, in which he said:
When, some months Rgo. It was de
cided to celebrate the settlement of Jews
In the United States and In this very
city, the people of the. Jewlnh faitn
throughout the land felt glad and proud
because this beloved country of their
adoption had become tho great exponent
of human liberties and of freedom of
conscience, furnishing an example to the
world how great and powerful a people
can become who give equal opportunity
to all. no matter what their origin or
their profession of faith may be. But our
gladness lias received a shock, our hopes
and expectations have for the time being
become dispelled. The brotherhood of man
our prophets hav taught us to look for
ward to, still remains a dream, the real
isation of which tho events of this very
month have one more removed into the
distant future. Racial prejudice and
hatred are still rampant, the Jew still re
mains tho martyr whose life must be
sacrificed, so that freedom and enlighten
ment for which lie has ever battled shall
triumph, even in darkest Russia.
But. though we sorrow, we feel that we
should rejoice and celebrate, because
America did liecome in centuries gone by
the home of people of our race and faith,
and is now our home and the home of
our children. . .
We who" are Americans pledge ourselves
anew upon tins momentous occasion, to
our fellow citizens, from whatever race
thev mnv have sprung or whatever faith
thev mu'v profess, that we stand ever
ready to' be one with them In every en
deavor to further argument the greatness
of this, our beloved common country and
the respect in wUK'h It Is held throughout
the world.
Mr. Schlff presented ' Mr. Cleveland as
the first speaker. The former president
was greeted with enthusiastic applause.
He said: - ' r
Urover ClevelJ ud'a Speech.
Amou- tue lui.e nP.tjV- nq .uno"-
tainn auu'ii ne buvVuuc: i.uiiumi w me
peoine oi me l. mivu omw urau in. "
mentioned tne cxna vuni ceivurnlion, es
pecially in luese lauei aays, ui mi ui
ut anmveutsj-ii s ana events. Many l inese
uuuouoieuiy tcim to mo imiirovfuu'iii aim
siiiuuiauon i . patriotic sviilununt. tsui
mere is oou rcumm to neneve mac oiue.s
nave no wtier jiisuncation man me inoul-
gence of local punt; r tne turinerancc ot
iwiruw ann seiusn imwresin.
We join today tn "me ceiemaunn oi me
two hundred and fittieth anniversary ot
tne settlement oi tne Jews in me i nuou
mutes" inn event -created sucn au nn-
pcirtunt epofii in our country a development.
ana its reiauonsinp to oui naumi .
i. n la so cieunv seen in the limit of pres
ent conditions, tnat every tnoUrfiitiul Amer
ican citizen must recognize tne niness wm
uxeltnness of us commemoration, io tnose
of tne Jewish faltli it recalls a foolnoid
gained tnat meant lor tnem a nome anu
neacetul security, after centuries of noun-
lesnness and rumless prosecution, lo those
of us proiesslng a Uliteient religious lauu
It hriiiK to mind tlie landing upon our
soil of nn element of population whose
wonderful Increase and marked traits of
character have added a powerful tacior U
our national progress and achievement.
All nationalities have contributed to the
composite population of the United States,
many of them In greater numbers than the
Jews. And yet I believe that It can be
... toivr Hntmeri that few. If any. of those
ContrioUtlng naiionainien, imvr mrrvuy aiw
indirectTy "'pern more inhuential hi . giving
shape and direction to the Americanism ot
shape and dl
Jews as Cltlsena.
What nur Jewish fellow-cltlzens hsve
done to Increase the material advancement
of the United States Is apparent on every
hand and must stand conressea. tiui ine
i hi.ha.i a m.rlr-fi nlm iu snmethinir
more than materialistic. Its spirit, wnlcn
should make it Imperishable and immortal,
exiMs in its patriotic aspirations snd ex- j
sited trudltlons. un tnis nigner piane or
our nationality and in the atmosphere of
ennobling sentiment we also feel tne touch
of Jewish relationship. If the discovery of
America prophesied the coming of our na
tion and fixed the place of its birth, let us
not forget that Columbus, on his voyage In
search of a new world, was aided In A most
Important way by Jewish support and com
radeship. It the people of the United States glory
In their free Institutions as tho crown of
man's aspiration for self-government, let
them not be unmindful of the fact that the
Jews among us have In their care and keep
ing the hihtory and traditions of an an
cient Jewish commonwealth astonishingly
like our own republic tn its democracy and
underlying Intentions. This ancient com
monwealth was ordained of God for the
government of His chosen people, and we
should not close our minds to a concep
tion of the coincidence In divine purpose,
discoverable in the bestowal of a similar
plan of rule, after thousands of years, upon
the people or tne i niieo males, who ais.
"iivi tLsatcn, i j o r' i
Jews or America perrormea tnelr iwrt in
usefully and patriotically supported the in
. 1 1 as up wujr lliot
terests ot tneir newiy tound home.
Patriotism Alwnys Apparent.
Nor can w overlook, if we are decently
Just, the valuable aid cheerfully contiib-
.... A V. .. ...... I....-4..1. fnu.n,,n... ...
..,....i.. i -v
".ived "ii'lT hUhmo hve' been "of
. in ni-iieiiiuio rtgnia or iree cituena, we
now, with a deep sense or gratitude to the
Almighty Disposer of All Events hhnlrl
u government erected by the majesty of
the people, a government which to bigotry
gives no sanction, lo persecution no assist
ance, but generously affording to all liberty
of conscience and immunities of citizen
ship, deeming everyone of whatever nation,
tongue and language equal parts of the
great goveramenl machine.
"This so ample and extensive federal
union, whose base is philanthropy, mutual
confidence and public virtue, we cannot but
IucKnowieuice io oe ine worn of the great
Gud who rules in the armies of the heavens
and among the Inhabitants of "ho earth
j doing whatever eeeineth to Him good." '
. 1 expressions, ue.iaes Bearing on the
j hearty pat llciiwtlon of our Jewish fellov
i iCuiiUnuvd on Second Pagv-
had their beginning in willing submission to "ver sna tne comoination car was on d brlKht.fttced maidens waiting on the smelter was also damaged. Several rall
nH Pa Dec 1 A WJ heavily ludon tables. Th. .nv.tations were road bridges were washed out near C.lf-
lean enthusiasm and pride we recall the , ' uec- A wide In tliclr bidding to the plenteous board ton. The flood also damaged Morcncl.
story of the war for our independence and , Phne message from Mauch Chunk says ftnd the BPrvce. that followed were ablaze !
rejoice in the indomitable courage and Engineer Newman and Fireman LIhbert ' , i . . , . uisnni sun oimi r 1 1 1 r-r,
fortitude of our revolutionary heroes, we ' , Mauch chunk were kllleT ?h ! 'Wh Plrttual c.omfrt and WOMAN AND CHILD KILLED
should not fall to remember how well the ' ,T , ,ZJ, 1 tne wr-k Policemen, and Jailers, too. vied with the
Head of Insofar Bnrean Recommends
Free Trade with I nited
WASHINGTON, Nov. Hi-.-Colonel Clar
ence R. Edwards, chief of the Bureau of
Insular Affairs, in his unuual report to
the secretary of war. stnies that the three
most Important needs of Un; Philippine
Islands today are a murk, t, the oppor
tunity for farmers to borrow money at
reasonable rates of Interest and adequate
transportation facilities ltuvlslon for tho
latter has been made by ctiKi-ess. He says
the first of these needs, o far as It may
provide for by the re.luetlon of the i
Dlngley tariff on Philippine products. !
gained the consideration f the congress
In Its last days, aud a nine to nine verdict .
In favor of the proposition was given,
but too lute to be,ally acted upon by j
either the house orMl'seiiate. The report
recites that It Is Understood that there is ;
still considerable, apprehension that this '
will Interfere with the imgiir and tobacco j
Industries In this couu'ry. i'H tne oeiier is ,
expressed that, with possibly one or two
exceptions, those congrsaieh who had the j
opportunity to inspect that nubject at first j
hands this summer. srK convinced that
there is needless appre.kunslon that any
damage will obtain. i
Colonel Edwards says the recominenda-
tion upon which the Curtis bill will be
passed will be presented to the com!
ng :
congress with the following additional
That after the expiration of the ten
years' period from the date of the ratifica
tion of the treaty of Purls.' which ad
mitted Snanlsh shins mil merchandise to
the ports of the Phllipi.itie Islands under
the same conditions as tfirm and mer-
rlionillse or tne inueu i-inu'n. 1111- vr.
free trade both wqvs between the United
States and the Philippine Islands of nil
articles the grnwtn ann prouuci ui vnm-i
of these countries,
That the minllcatlim of the coastwise
lnws of the United States to the carrylns;
trn(1, between the United Stntes and the
Phlllnnlne Islands be postponed until
April 11 l from' which date tMs trade
shnil be' carried In American or Philippine
Attention Is called to the consideration
which has been given hy the Philippine
commission to an agricultural bank scheme.
It being stated that at present the farmer
and landowner find It next to Impossible to
borrow money upon their lauds at a reason
able rate, the prevailing rntes being from
2 to 10 per cent a month. The report says
that the Philippine commission will prob
ably aek that It be permitted to grant con
cessions and guarantees for a private bank,
the Philippine government guaranteeing a
dividend of t per cent for a certain period
and the commission regulating loans and
limiting rates of Interest. ...
it Is stated that the limitations as to the
size of the homestead imposed by existing
law has acted as a bar to. the development
of land for agricultural purposes, and the
belief is expressed that the limitation
should be Increased to at least 1f acres for
n single homestead entry yid materially In
creased .for coiporationr a tne let.s popu
lated Islands, "csperiall.- n the Islands of
Mlndora. Palawan . and" Mindanao, where
only great Inducements wj'-apltal will ever
reclaim valuable lands ft1'! the Jungle and
It Is recommended ii. i
il. 1 trd to
h. rned by
,o J the pt
trd to the num-
ber of filing claims to
nt he rflmni'Mt Colli
one per-
practlca in
I.. i . i . . . . . m
Regarding the eti
oi lliti Islan
Colonel Edward savs: 'I
The rise In the price ofl sliver whlch-has
occurred within tne lasil
three years has
culminated recently In u! t
the bullion value in th
10 their legal purity I
caused fears that the
nently go above such pSi
he danger that this wr
exportation of the coinS
as to leave the islands f
supply of currency. Wl
reasons for thinking th;4i
there are Mima
he present price
of silver may not be pei
pianent, tt Seems
desirable that congress should take mean-
tires to provide for tho contingency of a
further rise which would embarrass the
monetary circulation of the Islands. It
may. however, under the conditions which
have now arisen lie found .wise to meet
the rise In the. price of silver by aulhorlz-
Ing s return to a coin containing less pure
silver than that now In use. This result
could be attained by the reduction of the
weight or fineness, or bmh. of the coins
to be hereafter Issued for the . Philippine
islands, with authority to recoln. In the
. . .. w. . . -... .11. V-AinilllK
He adds:
For the present, pending further develop -
ments in regard to the course of silver.
it is thought that the following steps
may oe pruuenriy laacn: coinage or gold
, P" denomhiation of 5 pesos and up-I
. J1ii0r.e.t,'o"J.of K"vernmnt
of the Philippine Islands.
ment of deposits of gold coin' or hi and
the Issue therefor of enlrt e.rtin- i
The acceptance by the Philippine govern-
convenient denominations in Philippine cur- the noblest and the best of womankind, the : order' Patrons of the Academy of Music, tenant h.mW '"""cd the assembled offl
Tr' , . ...h.. . M . . ' -l"rt "rchln. with the strident voice, were on th norlh slde of Fourteenth street, were t1?&n'1 them " the troo',s
. ... . ; ; , "
; Philippine government. It is suggested, to
legislate for naturalization as to citizen
ship in the Islands. The aggregate of rev
enues from the date of American occupa-
tion to January 30 last was $82,733,108 and
the expenditures for that period were $77,-
Flyer Derailed Xear Maueh Chunk
and Severnl Persons Killed
or Injured.
o..- iriepnoue
message from Mauch Chunk says that the
el--;, .rinmi i'j" - men ieii mis city
at 6:30 p. m. was wrecked about three miles
above Penn Haven Junction, sixty-five
miles south of here. The engine and tinea
cars went down a steep embankment Into
- . . ......
" -i money tree..
k m f"""1 " " '1JUI Pll M IQ 11 H
feared several of then, fatally.
The train wrecked is the New York flyer.
leaving this city at 6 K. The train consist.
of three day coaches and IMHman. At
money trrrii, vnit-c il.lle. DelOW Penn
Haven, the train left the r...i. .
gine and three day coach- 7' T Z n
- - r..Bu
tha Lehiah river. All the w.,- ...
and telegraph are down betl. "'7""""
Penn Haven ara
out particular..
... i . vtiuf
Union PaetBe Railroad Alleges that
Statnte Creeling Commission -Is
TOPEKA. Kan.. Nov i...Th constitu
tionality of the Kansas Board of Railway
Commissioners, Its JudUial. legislative and
executive powers, has been attacked by
the Union Pacific railroad In a bill of pro
cedure Bled in the United States circuit
court lu this city.
Primarily the action ss jujgft Poii,
to set aside ths order of the board made
on October 31 fixing rate, on carload ship
ments of hardware from Atchison to Wich
ita. Hutchinson and Kil!i,a. yi,.
lfvndauts are a-tiitd 1 the 1411,
ThankigiTlsjr in Omaba it One of Comfort
to Rich and Poor.
People (ili Thanks In Deiout Wor
ship nnd Celebrate Uladnesa
at Places of Amusement.
Had l.ll Hie world wuked tin Tlnn ail:n in
such substantial Indications of cause for
thankfulness to Providence for Its bounties
as the citizens of Omaha and Nebrasku.
this would Indeed be a glorious world for
Even the submerged tenth found sonic
beams ot sunshine percolating through tho
routine and depressing clouds of gloom,
With a natural heritage as cultivated and
prosperous 'as tho blessed west affords,
with a city elcg.tnt to the eye and filled ;
with heppy homes sheltering an optimistic.
God - fearing and hard working people. Ne-j
braska s metrjpolis entered with willing
and reverent spirit Into the celebration
of this undent, but now peculiarly Amert-
can festival.
A frost-purified atmosphere, sweetened
ind lightened by the. bursting rays of the
unconquerable sun, quick ned even the
lively life of a bustling people. In homes,
no less than In churches, the fust-springing
fount of perrenlul hopes and thankfulness
was open to the full.
Rich Remember Poor.
The prosperous had not forgotten the
unfortunate; Fortune's own favorites hud
paused to give comfort to those who hud
been lost lo her smiles for weary days and
mouths. Even the ones ordinarily most
forgotten were remembered In some shape.
The hand of plenty was willingly
open to help even the careless, and per
haps In some case the undeserving. Thote
who have fallen and care not to make ths
effort to rise, were reminded, If their eyea i
and hearts were open, that "The world is
not so bad a, place as the growling cynic
paints it."
Out of thankful 'hearts and In obedience
to the Master's behest, feasting for the
multitude was planned with as much care
and as generously as feasting for the few.
Prison bars were forgotten for the time
by the rebellious or drooping souls to
make new aspirations out of the unwonted
satisfaction of the present needs. Through
gloomy corridors drifted the nroma of
fragrant viands; anticipation gave sweet
If temporary surcease from gnawing re
gret. Hope took root again In many a
heart where long It had lain dormant if
not dead. Such hearts sang Involuntary
pneans to the sanctified thought that In
spired Thanksgiving day.
Hovels May Become Palaces.
Hovels CBn become palaces where plenty
begets good feeling and good fellowship;
and even the hovels In the by-paths were
not forgotten In Omaha on this day of
reverential praise. Hustling newsboy and
shiftless adult were allko cared for out of
a plenteous store. Club room and church
were alike the scenes erf practical demon
stration of that fello feeling that at
times- makes selfish hihianlty wondrous
kind. 'Patient, tired" ifonien and , fretful,
c f; ' ! M i whw . -tea.-ro-t-r!.'v. to
partake ot, the BoWfiV.f God's gifts.
"Man's Inhumanity to man" was not the
motto In sight. "God' Is good." the
lee which brings j simple, dignified expression of the over
Philippines up ! burdened when the load presses a trifle
is8 ndghT'perm" ,PB" n'avny' wa" tha '"'P'"" naxlni.
y. There would It WB" throughout the city, on the hill
d result In the and In the hollow, sunshine dissipating
n such amounts im
h -r, glOOm.
! Couriers or the aalvation Army ran vis-
Ited mnny a home with shoes and stockings
-J m olnthlnir a rhunn rrnni tl.n
, . ....
P,an of ,n''r y1""- Their brothers anl
sisters cf the Volunteers of America dls-
trlliuted with Joyful haste several hundreds
flf haKv-ts filled with the annroved ma
r ,,aKKM" nuen wltn ,nn PPvea ma-
terlals for the. Thanksgiving table. They
sought those even who cared not to makn
ther want. known, and by a divinely in-
, . , , , ,
"VeA diplomacy got the recipients to sc-
cept In. the spirit In which the offering
was made. It is hard for the proud poor
J men on, U . I
i ti, umiftn hit. iiiii anu ,nn nuumn tn im,fO
two organization when they are on pleas
ure bent; and to please others well Is
iiirti naimnfti it "ii - , " nun iut-y. iui-
low into the neglected byways.
i - .
J Philanthropic women and willing male
-l A. U.A h. ,, I
11 irinio na,i ii i iir- wti eciiers ;
of ,he ",r"et8 a ,,r',",nK fast at the
Wiulmvi' home. Walled nn hv
for once estopped from noisiness for
while, at least. Faces Known and eye. '
sparkled in a way to light up beyond thV
power or amnciai Drignmess me naaement
room at present serving for the Newsboys'
home. Hope sprung high In all hearts
that next Thanksgiving day will see din
ner served In a better place.
At ths rooms of the Young Men's Chris
tian association the late hours of the
afternoon were ' given over to welcoming
and dining the young men who are away
from home. Amid surroundings congenial
and mixing with spirits akin to their own,
the strangers within the gates of Omaha
fon nil memories Of home and home A -m
I . . .. -
. reviv-a, not only in tne spread of good
I things, but In the pervading spirit of true
i Christianity tnat graced and made
nade glad
the whole affair.
Church Dinner for Poor.
Out at the People s church a similar
.. . ...AneA sw-i K HAnik.-i..
HrHiir? m saa r lavtt-u, n mi iiiu iiirri v nvfimsn
, -.ureiy religious vim In making their
wo 1 Ia k,. .1.1-. . . ...
, untQ 0 that ,t wa, ,urcharge1 wlth
1 thankfu,ess to Him who made the few
loavc. and the 8C4ln,y ampIe for a
, No man. woman or child wo. friendless
" . .. .
bjr w""ng. with un-
grudging nana. iuv urniocracy ol the
'-"-- "." . T' v
Christ was aoroaa .n a way to gladden the
f . wavi iiinv iui wuw aniiiunK even tn
J White and negro, foreigner and native,
were an unite 1110 naiui ui inose who
have it in their hearts to make Thanks-
giving day something real and full of
meaning to all.
Calvary Baptist Pastor Preaches at
Second Presbyterian.
Members of the Calvary Baptist. Seward
n . 1I..I l...,ll.l PnlUlMTIAl TT.Iln I.-
geliV.1. Northside'chrlTtian. St. ilaVk.
Lutheran and fe.ond Presbyterian chu. che.
gathered Thanksgiving morning in the last
mentioned sanctuary and offered thanks for
tha blessings of the last year. Rev. E. R.
Curry, pastor of Calvary church, occupied
. , 7. j .-,,.hi h. , ,
th pulpit and pleached ths sermon. II.
4C'0UtipUl 9" vviith, l'natX
Snow Frldny, with Itlslns: Temper
ature. Saturday Fair, with Colder
In West and Snow tn F.ast Portion.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday!
Hour. Den. Hour. Hear.
n. ii 1 p. in
a. m 4 it p. ni 1"
7 a. m 4 H p. in
n. m 4 4 p. in XI
! a. ii it K p. n H
" a. ni ti i p. m V
It a. m ii r p. m -
IS m 14 M p. nt t
1 p. m H
ebraska, "2tt Illinois, l.
Commercials. n t ltonne, O.
f'hlenao, 2t Mlchlaan, O.
Carlisle, 72i (ieoraetnwn, O.
Kansas. 24 Missouri. O.
I.owa, ait St. Louis Inlverslty. O.
Indiana. Hi Ohio State Inlverslty, O.
Pennsylvania til Cornell, ft.
Washington. 17 Knox, tl.
tolorado, Ultt Haskell. 0.
Oklahoma Inlverslty, Bethany
( olleRr. o.
Webster City H. S., 12i Ames II. S., O.
fJ"anl Island II. s Ui Hastings II.
hi J""t I. M. C. A St South Omshs
nei'levue. lit Hnstlnaa .
Lyons H.' s.. 3J render. O.
Charles City College. 24M State
Normal, .
Ames Fi
reshmen, ITi lown Fresh
men, o.
Penn Collrae. 21) Dei Molues Col
lege, O.
Yanderbllt, ) Sewinrr, 4.
Lafayette, 4T Bneknell. O.
Cheyenne II. S., i orh Platte II.
S., .
Ames. ITi Drake, lit.
Omaha Starllahts. Oi Lou-au, O.
West Ues Moines II. 8., Council
Bluffs II. .
Tecniiisrb, lit Pern ornial. fl.
Xnraher of Vessels Are Still Mission
and Several Reported Lost
Benched Port Durlutr Dny.
DULUTH. Now 30. Three men lost their
lives on the scow George Herbert, which
in usnorc hi iwo isianus, aiiout seventy j
miles from Two Harbors. The news of the !
accident was brought he ro tonight by tho j
crew of the wrecked steumer George Spen
cer. Two members of the crew of .the
Herbert Buectcded In saving themselves.
The barge Mudeira, which has been miss
ing on Lake Superior since it broke away
from the steamer Edcnborn, Is u.ihpre at
Split Rock, on tlo north shore, three miles
from the wreck of the Edcnborn. All tho
members of the crew except Mate James
Marrow, who lost his life, arrived hero
j today. Captain J. M. liaotte nad both
feet trozen. Marrow was drowned while
trying to reach the shore by Jumping on
a cliff which overhung the water.
Dashed on the rocks near Thomasvillc,
forty miles north of Two Harbors, the
steel steamer Georgo Spender and its con
sort, tho A in boy of the Tonawanda Steel
line, are wrecks. The crews were saved
by fishermen.
The steamer Corsica, for which grave ln am,ra" announce, mat u nas re
fears hsd been entert.,i,,e.i , i. i. vJ 'rom Oonoral Kaulbars, governor-
been heard fro m. In ,ver-l .1v. n,,i.,n.i
In Ashland toniirht hv4n ,,,n.,i
storm wiiiiUiit sei-t.Vos m.lUf jVTTtfe" '
Corev. the big ore carrier, is islim
is jsiir, i
, ' ,
., . . ..... . , . . .'
in" i vim 05 nuciiiKHn isiunu aim is ap-
parenlly little damaged. Other boats over-
due are the Ama Stone of the Providence
B,,,,M ,. iri. a i ii.,
Steamship company. The Admiral, h. long -
Ing to M. B. McMillan of Detroit; the Holmes
of the Hawgood line; the K. Pc-avcy of
th. u-niHn ii. ,i, o , .
thc WolMn line, the Superior of the W est-
ern Transit line; the W. D. Rees, helong -
Ing to J. E. Upson of Cleveland, and the
Fleetwood hclon-T .o the T.....l.,
Iron and Steel company.
Kew York Manners Succeed In DIs
missing Large Audiences With
out n Panic.
NVW vmrw v.. wi ti, i ,i . . .
Rt" ORK, Nov. 30. The delicate task
ot dismissing three large holiday manure
auaiences to avoid a fire panic was acenni-
nii.h. i.i,... ..j.... ...
pllshed without accident today when a fire
. fartorv mt "-"-"u
1 - - un itiiun
street threatened to spread to tho heart of
the East Sldo amusement district in Four-
teenth street, between Third and Fourth
I avenues. The audiences at the Dewey
I . . .
I Musical hall left those houses In perfect
.i y . . . ... .
not apprised of the Are. and aside from a
ur created by the clanging bells
""ssing apparatus,
' uloll""y i "itii (iijviiiii-hi ui i
the performance.
Water Washes Away Part of the Ball,
road nnd n Number of
EL PASO, Tex.. Nov. 30-Cllfton, Ariz.,
reports a severe flood. The waters swept
. ilnv. -.h. ,.hin. nut ih. rv.i
I " - "'v
i rado railroad between there and Metcalf
! and washing away a number of houses In
Clifton. The station yards of the New
Mexico & Arizona railroad are under water.
Many houses close to the station are re
ported washed away In the rush of waters
i nf1 fho ato r-rcr-r Intt-s fhfi tOfln r i v TVi
v . . v' '
Carriage Polls Over Flagpole and
Crushes Heads of Two of
Its Occupants.
DETROIT, Nov. 30. A Free Press special
' . ' ;7
uaraner ana ner o-year-o.a son were kiuoc
I" ... ' " II "" " "
un anoiner woman ano me ,al er . enno.
they were driving when a wheel of the P
uarnuKtf utriiiHe iiiniiitiw in a who m- i
could be stopped the pole was pulled over,
striKing Airs, uurouer sou ner enno as it
fell on the carriage and crushing the heads
of both mother and child. The other two
occupants of the carriage escaped injury
Movements of Ocean easels o. !W.
At New York Arrived: Sicilian, from
Genoa; Slavonla, from Palermo.
At Venice Arrived: Frledeiiek der Grouse,
from Biemen; Glullu. from New York.
At Hamburg Arnvea: ftionne, from New
! Palarm-Arrlved: Algeria, from New
' At Naples Arrived: Canoplc, from Bos-
, ton.
' Kl VnrV
La Touralne, from
At Chrlstlanla Sailed: Helllf Olav, for
w York. .....
1 Liverpool Arrived 1 Ivemla, from
l(.n nailed: Tunlsi--. for Halifax,
1 .t OueellHloWll Sal' 'taltlc. for tw
I VorW: NooidlaUn. Ivf Stsll'lit.
Troops Protecting Impsnal Family Art
Affected by PreTailinjr Discontent
Yea Charred with Presenting Series e
Peiitiona to the Emperor.
' T5 . n' l1 lir . l,..nV.2 .-J -
ttepori mat a tcuoias " as aitauaou nuu a
Grand Cake Wounded.
Uovrrument by a Huae ttnereeds In
Heopenlna- Cable Three Hours '
Later Moscow Mutineers
Snrrender. .
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 90-TUe most
alarming indication of the spread ot the
disaffection In the army, extending even
to regiments near the rson of the em-IH-ror,
was given In the arrest at Tsarskoe
Sclo today ot a number of soldiers belong
ing to the Yellow Cuirassiers of tho Guard,
the Hussars ot the Guard aud the Life
Guard Rillcmen for presenting a series of
petitions. Including one against' the use ot
troops for police purposes.
The regiments In question are those which
have been specially selected. by General
Trepoft to guard the emperor and his fam
ily. They huve been counted upon as be
ing loyal to tho last, ready even to bo torn
to pieces In defence of his majesty, like the
Swiss guurda of Louis XVI. Their arrest,
however, although not for open sedition,
sTiows how the leaven of discontent Is work
ing even within the precincts ot the lm--perlal
park at Tsarskoe Selo.
The Incident gave rise to most alarming
rumors In St. Petersburg Including ono to
the effect that the emperor actually had
been attacked and that a grand duke had
been wounded while de fending him; but the
Associated Tress is assured by a member
of the Imperial entourage at Tsarskoe Selo
that this Is absolutely untrue.
Communication with the outside world
ceased at 3 o'clock this afternoon, when a
strike was called In tho general telegraph
office. By a ruse, however, the manage
ment succeeded In reopening tho cable
shortly after G o'clock.
At 3 o'clock, when the strike went Into
operation, many of the Russian operators
Were reluctant to leave, hut a walaieg dele
gate promptly smashed a bottle of hydro
chloric acid on tho floor nnd the flumes
soon drove the men from tlieir kevs.
Tho government still manngen with the
aid of the administrative officers a,ong the
line to keep communication ojen with 8e
bastopol. The manager -A Moscow
office Is himself working a key there.
General Kaulhara Describes Fight.
Keneral of Odeasa, the following tlograni
addressed to him by Vice Admiral Chouk-
' T. e wished to ' terminate the- Sfnlr on
; Novemlier- is by surrounding the ihuti!:o-.i
' Novemlier-4H by siirruuncting the ihutih'
I division with troops and issulna an iilrl-
j matum for unconditional surrender. The
mutineers, however, commenced lo nttack
'on the niKht of November 27, seizing the
i torp. do boat Mvlrepol and three olhein
. which had drawn neur thu cruiser
p,.r,,.mk"fr- , . , . .
All these vessels hoisted red flags, aftw
wnlcll the otchukoff fl.-w the signal that
J J.leutenant Schmidt was In command ot
the fleet. Then the lieutenant, who was
on l'?,;'r1 .the Svlrcpol. sailed along tho
: squadron, his crews cheering, but the other
I Vessels did not respond to these cherts. .
Lieutenant Schmidt afterward pro, ceded
to the tiort and released thoso who had
been arrested under his orders.
Armed detachments of mutineers con
tinued to seize the small craft in tho har
bor which were not guarded by troops.
Armed parties In sloops from the Otcha
koff went to the Pantelelmon, on whioh
there were no arms, captured the officers
and took them on hoard the Otchakoff. -
"e were compelled io tolerate such do.
1 iB. inaKmiicli the n,.. h. 2.1
.armed In view of tho dangerous attitude
oi ine sauors.
1 One after an
neither the craft nn the,
f"'5. .Vi"? -B"inLr? v w"". "" P
nn- iii(ii--i:i. nuu r-i iinnn noisrea. 1
' 1 '" Pan wnicn was first proposed wan
;b"nr!".?.rLn.'?..lA !!Ln" ","ivr1 to. B1oPt
.n, mi'U I rn, , -. r. ...... I . . .
from becoming worse. "imaucii
The officers epturod hy the mutineers
were wKPn on .iiiHrn ine i iphnbnir in is-.
1i,,'f ,hut """" Presence on that ves.i
would prevent fire being opened on It. T.lnn.
At S:3D on the afternoon of November IS
nre, s open Ily ,lcm artillery on the
eted and Lieutenant Schmidt signalled:
I nave captured omcers.
The Otchakoff then opened fire, to which
Ihe north shoro battery and the loyal ships,
whose breech blocks had been restored, re
plied. The Svirepol advanced to the attack,
but was met with a strong fire from two
cruisers, the Captain Sacken and the Prim
yat Merkurlya, and from the battleship
The Svriepol was Immediately put out of
sction, as were also two other torpedo
boats, one of which sank.
The Otchakoff had fired barely six shofs
when It hoisted the white flag and the
squadron ceased to fire.
A conflagration broke out on the Otchs
koff and boats were sent to rescue the sur
vivors and lo transfer thoso who had been
Lieutenant Rchmldt, who was dressed a
a common sailor, escaped, but was arrested
When the firing began a mining vessel,
which had on hoard 3'J0 mines, fearing an
explosion, was sunk by the commander.
Mutineers Surrender.
General Kaulbars telegraphed later that
he had Just received a eablegrani from Cap
tain Bergel, thief ot Admiral Chouknin's
staff, saying that during the night about
1,600 mutineers had surrendered with leu
quick-firing guns to- 'he Brest regiment,
snd that the barracks wire occupied by
General Kaulbars also forwarder1 an ad
ditional dispatch from. AcVmral Chouknln
saying that the barracks In which thi
mutineers had defended tnemseives nad
. b hy thtt ,l t,op.
I General Kaulbars" aispat.-n says that tha
, munM.r, who surrendered, together with
thuiH c.plllred the Otchakoff. number
2o9, the majority of them being reservists
I sent to the barracks at the time of thu
A torpedo bout which wat aioposed to
have been sunk wus fo 1 1 1 tjd.vv on the
shore. It wus on fire. The Otchakoff Is
afloat, but it is gutted. The town Is quiet.
Panic Prevails In Moseow.
Adviees by telephone from Moscow de
clare that that city Is In a state of panic
and 'hat the better classes are hurrying
abroad. From loo to 200 foreign passports
are being Issued at Moscow daily.
Mull udvlcrs from Warsaw say that the
number of arrests of political oftendera Is
un the Increase and that the searching of
premises by the polfbo is continuous. The
political prisoners are inarched through the
streets, guarded by dragoon, with drawn
JTivui Tobolsk, lu western oibarla, itoiues