Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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SerrlcM Will Be field ia PraUitant aid
Cttholio Alike.
Fnlscnpal 'Will Hold Service, Kncn
In Own Hntir-AII Eitf
rlui Will Be la
M Morning.
Thanksgiving services will be held Thurs
day morning by most of the churches of
lha city. The common hour la 10:10 for
the Protectant churches and S o'clock for
thai Catholic churches. In several Instances
a mimbtr of the churches of various de
nominations will meet for union services.
All the Catholic churches of ths city will
hold Thanksgiving services at the morning
mass, which In most cases will bs at I
o'clock. Ths Sacred Heart school children
wilt attend services in a body at the
.Church of the Racred Heart at .
The Eplsccaml congregations will hold
services each in Its own church at various
hours. At Trinity cathedral there will ba
services at 7 and a Thanksgiving sermon at
11 by Dean Deecher.
Union services of the downtown churches
.will be held at the First Christian church
at JO.) and Dr. Edwin Hart Jenks of the
First I'resbyteiian church will preach. Ths
f hurches participating will be the First
Congregational, the First Methodist, ths
Urst FresbyterUn. the First Christian and
the Kountae Memorial. t
Churches in ths northwest part of ths
city, (non-ding the Laws Avenue Presby
terian, CI I C ton Hill Presbyterian snd ths
Walnut Hill Methodist, will bold services
nt tha Clifton Hill church at 10:30. Rev.
K. E. Hostnan of the Walnut Hill Meth
udtst church will deliver the sermon.
Penr Other Divisions.
Union services will be held at the Second
1'resbyterUn church at 10:30 and Rev. E. R.
Curry' of the Calvary Baptist church will
preach. Participating will be the Second
Presbyterian, Calvary Baptist, Seward
Street Methodist, St. Mark's English Lu
theran, North Side Christian and ths First
United Evangelical.
. The southwest congregations will meet at
Westminster Presbyterian church at 10:30.
These Include the Westminster Presby
terian, the Hanscom Psrk Methodist, First
Raptist, 8t. Mary's Avenue Congregational
and Grace Lutheran. Rev. L O. Balrd of
St, Mary's Avenue Congregation churcb
will preach the sermon.
f Tha Castsllar Street Presbyterian, Grace
Baptist and South Tenth Street Methodist
churches will hold union services at, the
Castellar Street church at 19:30. Rev. D. W.
McGregor of the South Tenth Street church
will deliver the sermon.
Thanksgiving services will be held at the
Dundee Presbyterian church at 7:00
Wednesday evening. Several cltlsens of the
town are on the program for addresses.
Thanksgiving services will be held at 11
o'clock Thursday morning at the First
Church of Christ, Twenty-nfth and Farnam
Effort at Organisation Will Be Made
at Dinner on Nest Tuesday
1 Evealns.
On Tuesday evening, December 6. a din
ner will ba given at the rooms of the Com
mercial club, the object being to form a
"Bcllevue College league." Rev. James
Stuart Dickson. D. I)., of New York, sec
retary of the Prebyterlan College board,
will address the diners, and others will
apeak. Tha Invitations, which are just out,
are signed by fifteen of the best known of
Omaha Presbyterians.
t ar aad Wagon Collide.
P. L. Bunker of mt St. Mary's avenue,
a driver for the Only Way Transfer com
pany, sustained numerous superficial
bruises. Monday morning at Tenth and
Howard streets by colliding with a street
car. Bunker was rrosxinK the tracks when
eoutnnoiina csr No. if) struck the wagon
" Men was badly demolished. The vesti
gia Of the street car was damaaed. Tha
fuses ran a few blocks before being
stopped. iJunKer was tnrown to tne pave
w.3m zjrv
THESE coats are for
men who live out
They have he strength
and sturdiness to with
stand the fiercest blasts of
Too much cannot be
said in favor of raccoon
Raccoon is light in
weight, soft and pliable,
warm and durable; all
that a coat should be in
Gordon & Ferguson
make raccoon coats that
begin in price at $40, and
range up to $75.
These Coats are made
also in Calfskin, Bulgarian
Lamb and other Good
Ask your dealer for
aonmur, m sr mm mawM, it. Mut,
okei of Femininity Pound in Last of
John Walker's Ubbish.
i i v
Frits Bloomer, Friend of I.nte
Hermit, Finds These Shattered
Leaves of tha Faded
Frits Bloomer, the heavyweight janitor
of the county court house, was thrown
into a reminiscent and somewhat sad frame
of mind Monday morning by a task
assigned him in ths county court. This
was the removal to the basement store
rooms of an old trunk and a bundle
of rlpped-up clothing that once belonged to
John Walker. The latter was the South
Omaha recluse, who worked In the packing
housea and saved his money to the amount
of fs.000 or mora. He saved it) by stowing
it away in the legs of his old trousers,
sewing it on the Inside of his vests and
coats, In fact, anywhere it would stick, out
of sight, about his garments. The clothing
Iways was left in the trunk, and it was
not until Walker died that anyone knew for .
certain he had a srr.ul. fortune In his i
room. -
One day he was found dead, and Charles
Leslie, judge-elect of the county court, as
chief clerk for Judge Vlnsonhaler, gathered
up the money. In bills and gold, after cut
ting up all the clothing. This was some
three years ago, but It was only last spring
that two sisters of Walker,- living in
Massachusettes, were able to prove their
kinship and get the money. In the mean
time, alleged kinsmen from different points
sprung .up.
Una-festive Old Trinkets.
Bloomer had worked with Walker In the
packing house, and when he was shown
the old trunk and, bundle of clothing he
proceeded to see what was Inside. There
was a group picture, in which Walker was
the tallest and best looking figure. Bloomer
picked him out and began a soliloquy on
the days that are long past when he
worked alongside of the owner of the
Tee, that Is poor John." said Frits
sorrowfully, "he always wore high laced
shoes, probably to keep the gold from fall
ing out f his pants legs. Well, he Is gono
and now come I, his old friend, to take
away his trunk and belongings. Borne of
these things in this trunk have suggestions
of hopes that John may have cherished.
There Is a long feather for a woman's hat,
and a nice silk handkerchief, maybe In
tended for a present, and some other trink
ets which show the man had a soft side.
too. Well, such Is life in this country,
and so we will proceed to burn and other
wise dispose of the last relies of John
Walker, a good man in his way, but a
strange one."
Forest Usi Estenslnn Anoat Com-
nleted Trains Coming; from
the Cincinnati Factory.
Track laying on the Forest Lawn exten
sion of the street railway Is nearly com
plete, although regular service probably will
not be inaugurated until spring. Paving is
complete on West Leavenworth -and
service will be put on ea. soon as the new
cars arrive, so that the company will bavs
sufficient equipment to carry on the ser
vloe The paving is complete to Thirty
seventh street and open to travel.
The large roller was put on the Dodge
street work Sunday from Fortieth to Forty-
eighth streets, the track having been com
pleted for some time. The gang of men
have moved to tha work on Thirty-third
General Manager Smith has returned from
Cincinnati, where be saw to the loading
ot two of the new cars and saw that the
others will be sent as soon as possible.
Unforeseen delays have kept tha work on
these cars back, but the finish is in sight.
Cnnnty Banrd Dlsne4 te Dellhernt
n trteetloa af Sneeor
It Is expected the forma resignation of
County Superintendent of Schools Bodwell
will ba before ths Board of County Com
missioners when it meets 'Wednesday
morning to act on the nionthly pay rolls.
If it appears It will be formally accepted,
but It is not regarded as likely the com
missioners will at once proceed to fill ths
vacancy. There seems to be a tacit under
standing among the commissioners that
the schools of the county will be able to
worry along until the close of the year
at least without an official bead other than
Mrs. Caldwell, secretary to Mr. Hod well,
who has all the details of the otOce at her
fingers' tods.
Talking Them Up.
Relief Fond for Russian Jews Con
tributed by 1'eonle is Still
The fund for the oppressed Russian Jews
is still growing, having passed the 1,600
innrk. It stands:
Previously reported $1,633.60
N'sthun chanon 1.00
Harry busaman l.u)
Jake lewis jj.UO
William Altxtadt l.ofl
Friend, rlty hall 5,(K)
Joseph KubenfUeln 5.00
J. V. Beckman 2.00
M. Burkenrod 10.110
Cash B 1.00
Omaha Tent and Awning compuny.. 10 00
Martin Meyer 6 00
Total .I1.67.60
The wonderful building boom which has
strlck Omulia In the lust year or so Is evi
dence or prosperity and growth not sur
passed by any other city In the west, and
with it, of course, the majority of our bus
iness men reap the benefit on account of
the Increase in the circulation of money
amongst the wuge earners. Foremost
among the younger business houses which
has shown its growth owing, we believe,
primarily to these causes, as well as to
its business methods, is the .Omaha Cloth
ing company, located at 1316 Farnam street
Starting a tew years ago In a small way!
this house has grown phenomenally. At the
time of opening their stock consisted only
ot men's clothing and furnishing goods
and a small stock of that, but today, ow
ing to strict attention to the wants of their
customers In every detail, they have built up
a business that has completely outgrown
anything of its kind In the city. The en
tire building is now devoted to the han
dling of a stock which is complete In every
way and consists of men's and women's
clothing, furnishing goods, furniture, car
pets and stoves. They were the pioneers
of selling clothing on small payments and
at the present time the wage earner, the
working tuuu, office clerk on whoever
wants credit can clothe iiirnself, his wife
and family and furnish his home com
plete on a plan which makes It within his
reach, because he Is allowed by the meth
ods obtained from them to pay for it all
ns he earns It. We are not familiar with
Tne cieiHiiH in every particular, but we do
know that the man working for wages In
the city of Omaha need i-ot worry about
being dressed well or being comfortable at
homo, because a small payment at time of
purchase will secure the comforts above
described. The four floors of this estab
lishment Is filled with a stork of the latest
and most up-to-date goods from the largest
manufacturers wnn anyining sola In the
city for cash.
The management assures us that 'no man
or woman worthy of credit Is ever re
fused and can mske terms of pavment to
salt themselves. The location of this down
to-date establishment Is l.TIH Farnam street
and is known as the Omaha Clothing Co.
B-K wedding rings. Klrnim. Jeweler.
v Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage . licenses have
been Issuert :
Name and Residence. Age.
Harden Webb. Mlsslsslnnl 24
I nnrs. HetlepherV. Omnha 21
Alfred Cole. Pouth Omaha 71
.ino PIto" Smith Omstia IS
Robert S. Walker. Fa trie Grove, la 40
VaT"-er. Otmllirorilc. la 3?
William W. Maltman, South Omaha 27
r--- Mltr. South finmhii l
Charles M. Annexstad. St. Peter, Minn..
isanene j. Keeiev, t'almer. ISet) 23
Knows enough to carry an timbrel's,
when It raius, but the wise one L- he
who. carries on wheu It Is only cloudr.
Any iium will
send for doctor
when ha gets
bod-fast, but the
wiser one Is he
who adopts
proper precau
tionary, preven
tive and curative
measures when
first appear th
Ills which. If un
checked and tin
cured, grow Into
serious Illness.
Impaired dlges
tlon and nutri
tion are generally
the forerunners
of a nervous or functional break-down.
.Vatul tun jrrmkUd remedies most
abundsutly for all such conditions In our
native medicinal plant. With the use
of chemically pure glycerine, of proper
strength and at a proper sustained temp
erature. Dr. Fierce extracts from Golden
Seal root. Queen's root, Stone root. Black
Cherry bark. Blood root aad Mandrake
root, medicinal principles which, when
combined in Just the right proportions,
constitute hl widely famed 'Onlden Mi
ical IKtcovery It restores the ton of
tha stomach, tha activity of the liver
aud the steadiness of ths nerves, pouring
vitality into the blood till the one skk
and debilitated one is so renewed In
health, strength Snd power that he can
resume his work, whatever it is, with
vigor and elasticity.
All medical authorities, ot whatever
school, agree that Hydrastis, or Oolden
heal one of the essential roots in the
make-up of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
uiscovery is or very great value as a
Mire ionic, ana as an alterative valuable
n chronic affections of the stomach, la
tes lines and bladder.
rate Not only the Ortrtnal but the
!i test UubUw AnsTsrstDut
Va up ever a year agn. by vV
r. B. V. Pierre, here been
ssnch tmttatad but never snualed, as thou-
vids sttett. They're purely vegetable
being made up of ciQeiitrstd and reanet'
medicinal priuiHplea, eitrecUMl frost ths
roots ol Anertran plains. Do not gripe,
fine or two (ur ttouieca cwsecilv. thins at
feus tuf eatasrtlc. -
Man Arretted and Fine fer Giving
Backeri to Bote.
Prisoner Is strnnaer In State and
Declares Ignorance of jn,
hat Is Assessed Fifty
The first conviction to be secured In the
Omaha police court under the provision of
ths anti-cigarette Inw pertaining to the
manufacture and giving away of cigarettes
was obtained Monday morning, when
Judge Berka Imposed a fine of S50 and
costs, the minimum under the law, on
James Coffey of Granger. Tex.
The evidence s gainst Coffey was given
by Patrolman Mike Crowe, the arresting
officer, who testified he saw Coffey roll
two cigarettes and give them to two smsll
boys at -Thirteenth and Douglas streets
Saturday afternoon. The policeman said !
Coffey claimed Ignorance of the Nebraska
law and said the boys asked him for the
cigarettes. Coffey offered no defense. At
the time of the srrest Coffey was charged
with drunkenness and disorderly conduct,
but the charge was changed when the
cigarette complaint was filed by the city
prosecutor Monday morning. According
to Pstrolman Crowe the disorderly part of
the man's conduct consisted of abuse to
ward the officer on the grounds that he
(Coffey) bad a right to make his own
McHnah Takes It 1'p.
Judge W. D. McHjigh, who Is at present
Interested In testing the new law in so far
as It relates to the manufacture of cigar
ettes, was -an Interested spectator In po
lice court. Inasmuch as the giving away
of cigarettes Is a clear violation of the
law, the judge did not take any action
In Coffey's case.
Judge McIIugh and a number of other
lawyers maintain the "manufacture of cigarettes-."
as stated in the law, will not
be held by the supreme court to mean the
rolling for personal use. Judge McHugh
Is going to push the Omaha test caso ex
peditiously. In preference to the Lincoln
case, referred to last week.
Speaking of the cigarette situation; Chief
of Police Donahue said:
','The cigarette law manifestly Is weak
in that the lawmakers Intended to do
something and did not finish the Job. To
strike at the root of the evil and I call
cigarette smoking an evil the law should
make cigarette smoking an offense - ai
well as placing the ban on the sale, manu
facture or giving away of the 'coffin nails.'
Personally, I do not think the law as 'it
now stands, can be construed to include
the person who rolls his or her cigaretteB
for personal use."
A Ortaln (nre for Croop I'sed for
Ten Yenra Without a Failure.
Mr. W. C. Bott, a Star City, Ind., hard
ware merchant, is enthusiastic In his praise
of Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy. His chil
dren have all been subject to croup and he
has used this remedy for the past ten
years, nnd though they much feared the
croup, his wife and he always felt safe
upon retiring when a bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy was in the house.
Ills oldest child was subject to severe
attacks of croup, but this remedy never
failed to effect a speedy cure. He has
recommended it to friends and neighbors
and all who have used It say that it is
unequaled for croup and whooping cough.
" Mlnre I"le 'lime."
In thousands of homes the annual
Thanksgiving feast is not considered com
plete without a NONE SUCH mince pie. A
modern kitchen convenience and n. whole
some pure food dainty, practical house
wives are not slow to recognise. The two
plo 10c packages of NONE SUCH Mince
Meat sold by all grocers save the house
wife the paring, coring, seeding, stewing
(both real and mental), which our grand
mothers could not avoid; and mince pies
made of NONE SUCH always are honored
by many requests for "Just one more
For the Battleship Kebrnska.
Notwithstanding the rain of yesterday.
hundreds of people were attracted to the
store of Fred Brodegaard & Co., 115 South
Sixteenth street, to see tne silver service
for the- battleship' Nebraska, which was
presented by the state and Is on exhibition
at their store for two days. The service
consists of twenty-two pieces and cost (3,009.
Mr. Brodegaard hus two special policemen
to guard the service, and today will have
a band stationed In front of the store play
ing upuunui airs.
Wabash Thanlcsgirtnar Rates.
Tickets sold November 29 and 30.
Good returning until December 4.
One and "one-third fare for round trip.
AH information cheerfully given by call
ing at Wabash city ticket office, ltwi Far
nam street, or address Harry E. Moo res.
Of. A. P. D., Wabash R. It., Omaha, Neb.
It Is Well Known
the cheapest place for good diamonds (own
Import), watches and Jewelry has always
been at A. B. Hubei mann's, 33 years at
corner 13th and Douglas.
A Nice Christmas Gift Till Dec. 1 we give
with each dos. of regular-priced photos,
from $4 up, 1 extra portrait in a beautiful
meszo portfolio. H. Heyn, photographer, 21i
to $32 8. 15th, west side of street, 2-story bldg.
.aee Curtains.
$3.K5 buys a Dentelle Arabian curtain
worth $8.50 Tuesday only.
Write Mawhlnney & Itytir, ror 1905 Christ,
mas jewelry catalogue. It'a free.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths .havs
been reported to the Board of Health dur
ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon
Births Fred C. Dahl, 16" Corby street,
boy; Oly Khood. 1925 South Thirteenth, girl;
Andrew Freiit rickson "'.'l Pacific, aii l: J.
J. Foster, 2517 Davenport, girl; P. J. John
son, ciarx, ooy: rrana Kyncl, 1151
South Hixteentli. girl; Fred Montniorencv.
SM Charles, boy; Will M. Mundoif. JH
8. ward, boy; Una A. Prl e, 6146 North
Twenty-fourth, girl; J. Rodman, 21294 Far
nam, boy; Marlmus Thompson, T, Ohio,
hoy; Edward M. Wellman, aiO South
Thirty-third, bov.
Deaths William Pugh, 28. county hnspl-
lai; i.nanes tlimi-nr mm. ea. jiun south
Tenth: Herman T. Martins, 22. 19 Castel
lar: Rosa Meyers, 4. lfus South Twelfth;
aaiciiot-i jveurns, i, wvfliin ana Hurt.
Railway hates nnd Personals.
A. Darlow. advertising agent Of the
Union Pacific, has. returned from Chicago.
L. M. W hitehead, traveling: nassenuer
agent for the burllngtun. has been ai-
Pointed cnief clerk In the passenger de
partment to succeed A. T. Lewis, resigned.
John Eyler, live stock agent of the Bur
lington, has returned from Denver, where
lie round tlul Buckingham and wife re
turning from their honeymoon on the Pa
riflo ct-ast. He brought them home with
him. Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham will re
side at the Dunsaiiey.
C. F. Impey, fur three years In the office
of the land commissioner of the Union Pa
cific, has been appointed sales clerk, vice
A. C. Reed, resigned to become a member
of the new Heed Bros.' abstract firm which
was recently Incorporated and which nlll
havs offices on the ground floor of the
Be building.
Railroads to tha east had a large num
ber of passengers Monday taking advan
tage of the cheap rat .-a for home visitors.
Heretofore at luaat three dates have been
announced for this business, but this year
the railroads deemed it advisable to put
the rate ot one fare and a third In for
but one day, and consequently an enormous
crond took advantage of the opportunity
t visit the old boiue.
Two of the best Suit and Overcoat values of the entire season were those offered hero
Saturday. ,
Notwithstanding the selling Saturday has broken all records, the selection is now as
good as ever thanks to the great number of Suits and Overcoats in these four big pur
chases. Every Suit and Overcoat offered at these two prices is fashionably correct and
1 the variety of selection is most satisfying.
For Men's Suits and Over
coats, Worth up to $16
Farnam St
mm i.,.w .
Htrriman Road Will Ignore Boycott of
Butler County Over Taxes.
Hefnsea to Pay Anionnt of Tnses
Claimed by People of thnt
County ns Due from
The action of the farmers of Butler
county la declaring a boycott on the Union
Tactile and Burlington railroads because
the roads have refused for the last two
years to pay their taxes will not forco a
settlement by the, Union I'acltlc, at least
that Is what ofllclals of the company say.
The tax commissioner of the Burlington
was out of his office and no stalemcnt of
that road s intention was obtained.
A. W. Scribner, tax commissioner ot the
Union Pacific, said:
"I understand? the farmers of Butler
county intended to holu some kind of a
meeting, and If they have decided to boy
cott this road I guess It Is a matter for the
freight department and not the tax com
missioner to deul with. We will not change
our policy, however, because of tho action
of Butler county. Our taxes tn!s year
nmniMil tt t'Nkl (Vlft tt u-hfr-h nul-r Anlv t.hmit
7,uii0 is to be paid into Butter county. As It!
Is such a small matter we could hardly bs
expected to change our entire policy, espe
cially while we have a suit pending in the
federal court, to accommodate Butler
county. It will make nd difference at ull to
this department. We shall go ahead and do
as we have been doing."
Multcton? rr-hlet
often done by Indigestion Is prevented snd
cured by Electric Bitters. 60 cents; guai
anteed. For sale by Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co.
Tin Chicago Great Western Railway
One fare for the round trip- via Chicago
Great Western Railway to points within
150 miles. Tickets on sale every Saturday
and Sunduy up to December 17. Good re
turning the following Monday. Low rates
to other points on sale every Friday. For
full Information apply to S. D. Parkhurst,
G. A., 1512 Farnam street.
I.ace Cnrtalns.
tl.,16 per na'r buys a cuble nit curtain,
costing $2.50 to make Tuesday last day.
Chairman Warner of the republican state
committee was in Omaha for a short time
erday, returning to Uucoln In the even
The Casa of Mlaa Iron Crosby I Ontt
of Thousands of Cures Mad by Lydl
JL Pink ham's Vegstabla Compound.
Bow many women realize that men
ttruation is the balance wheel of t
woman's life, and while no womnn la
entirely free from periodical suffering'
It is not the plan of nature that women
thould suffer so severely.
Thousands of American women, how
er, have found relief from all monthly
suffering' by taking' Lyrlia E. Pinkham '
Vegetable Compound, as It Is the mofct
thorough female regulator known to
medical science. It cures the condition
which causes so much discomfort and
robs menstruation of its terrors.
Miss Irene Crosby, of 813 Charlton
Street East Savannah, Oa , writes:
" Lvdia E. Plnkhain's Vegetable Compound
It a true friend to woman. It bas been of
great benefit to rns, curing me of irregular
and painful menstruation when everything
alss bad failed, and I gladly recommend It to
other sufferiug woman."
Women who are troubled with pain
ful or irregular menstruation, back
ache, bloating' lor flatulence;, leuoor
rhoea. falling', inflammation or ulcera
tion of the uterus, ovarian troubles,
that " bearing-down" feeling, dizzi
ness, faintnesa, indigestion, nervous
prostration or the blues, should take
immediate action to ward oft tha aeri
oua consequences, and bs restored to
perfect health and strength by taking
Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Com-
round, and then write to Mrs. Fink
am, Lynn, Musk., lor further free ad
vice. Thousand hava been ur4 aj
M doing.
Mm Irene Crosby J
For Men's Suits and Over
coats, Worth up to $24
MOBILE, ALA., and return .$22.70
MONTGOMERY, ALA., and return 22.70
JACKSON, MISS., and return 19.90
PENSACOLA, FLA., and return 22.70
LAKE CHARLES, LA., and return. 21.20
NEW ORLEANS, LA., and return 22.15
BEAUMONT, TEX., and return 20.00
GALVESTON, TEX., and return 21.10
DALLAS, TEX., and return 14.40
EL PASO, TEX., and return 25.85
MEXICO CITY, MEX., and return 46.45
GUADALAJARA. MEX., and return 46.45-
CARLSBAD, N. M., and return 22.40
ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., and return 24.10
OKLAHOMA CITY, O. T., and return 10.70
SOUTH M'ALESTER, I. T., and return 10.70.
PINE BLUFF, ARK., and return 15.30
JOPLIN, MO., and return 10.00
SPRINGFIELD, MO., and return 10.00
WICHITA, KAN., and return 10.00
Stopovers allowed at many points in both directions.
Final return limit, 'Jl days.
J. B.
City Passenger
Commercial Hub Ksecntlve Commit
tee' Takes In the Work of
Orgnnlslna; In Earnest.
During the last three years much talk,
more or less tentative, has been heard of a
fat stock show for Omaha, along the lines
of similar shows In Chicago and Kansas
City. Tho executive committee of the Com
mercial club has now taken up the work In
earnest, and at the meeting of its execu
tive committee today will debate the mat
ter. Invitations have been sent to a num
ber of cltlsens who are not members of the
committee, asking tbem to be present. It
Is expected to enlist the support of the
South Omaha people and the Knights of
Ak-Bar-Ben in the plan.
For Thanksgiving Day.
The Missouri Pacific will sell round trip
tickets at very low rates November 2Jlh
and SOth, limit December 4th. Full informa
tion at city ticket office, southeast corner
15th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Harry B. Davis, undertaker TsL 1Z31
The Alamo club will give a dance Thanks
giving niKht at ths Metropolitan.
At the Millard: C. Kennedy. Lincoln; C.
C. MrNlsh, Fremont, and H. McHenry. Bt.
K. Biltnell. superintendent of the Bur
lington railroad at Lincoln, la registered at
the Paxton. -
Alex. T. Butter and John Coushlan, big
shippers of stock st Casper. Wyo., are
guest s at the Arcade.
E. B. StephensQn, f. A. Oregg, O. V. P.
Stout. Lincoln; II. McAnulty, Red Cloud;
V. W. Blnderup, Grand Island, are at the
The men's dearee team of ths Royal
Arhales will rive a dance at Nineteenth
und Farnam November 28 in Rohrbougli
society hall.
w. P. Mohr of Spencer, manager of the
Nebraska and Pouth Dakota Realty com
puny. Is In the city. lie may bo found at
the Murray.
At Hie Her Cruiul: C. E. V ealeott und
wife. Pluttsmouth; William Burke, l-'rlend;
F. M. Penny. Wind River; w. J. wmsion
snd wife. Bushvilln.
Snylo tmffv. 1013 CaDitoi avenue, wss ar
reted for larceny from the person, alleged
to have been committed several weeks ago.
The amount "lie Is said to have taken
was 13.
John Molt. Siencer; John rriede, Nor
folk; H. J. Bandv. Gretna: Thomas Dona
hue, Fremont: 8. J. Mason. Lincoln; M. K.
Pollufk, Norfolk; Charles Schmradbury,
Norfolk, are at the Murr.
Cenrir 14 I'oripleton avenue, was
detected In the act of making away with
a pair of pants belonging to the lierg
r-wan-ion company yeaivraay. ne i
rested snd charred with petit larceny. The
value of the pants wss about $-).
W. P. Allen, Valparaiso; W. Uriigman.'
Chadron; V. J. Iehr, Mead; J. W. Tipton,
Bimcrofl; Joe Witty. Plane Center: J. W.
Dobblnx. Beatrice; G. C. Moore. Lincoln;
If A. Hendiick. Lelrh, and M. II. Nulsle,
Tarkio, Mo., are guests at the Arcade.
Mrs. W. II. Turanles of Minneapolis,
Minn., reports the loss of a brooch from her
apart menls at the Millard hotel. The
l-rooch was a ruby set with pearls. She Is
positive that the brooch was tnk.-n from
among her effects during the evening.
Thomas O Shea. Madison; Dr. J. W. Earl
and wife, Wood River; K. C. C'snek, Allen;
H. W. Innlng.' Lincoln; R. Y. Appleby,
rltanton; M. M. Sullivan. O'Neill: I. G. Von
B-ggner. C. Lorensen, Winner; G. E. King,
Fremont; M. A. phelps. Wahoo; J. G. Jes
sup, Clay Center, ar Nebraska people st
the Merchants.
R. M. I Yon well of Douglas. Wyo., lost
I JO from his pockets at VK Capitol avenue
last night. The loss was the result of the
nimble rlngeis of some of the colored In
mates of the place. It was two hoirs after
the robbery before. Cronnell dlscow red his
loss. Heveral of the women Were arrested,
but bs was unable to identify any ol Ihsiu
as the party who look nta noner.
Farnam St.
Agent, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha
3 as
FOR 30 YEAR bp
has mads a Bf'K.
CIALTY of all forms
of dlaeases and dis
orders of
Ills facilities for
treating this class cf
diseases are unlim
ited. His remark
able cures have sel
dom been equaled.
Ovtr 30,000 Casas Cured .
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His Horn Treatment
has permanently cured thousands of oases
of chronic Nervous, Rectal. Kidney and
Bladder and Skin diseases at small cost.
Have time and money- by describing your
case and write for FREE BOOK and terms
of treatment. Medicine aent In plain
package. . 1
Charges Low. Consultation free.
Office Hours 8 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. Bun
ds ys, 8 a. m. to 5 p. in.
Call or write. Box 7S6. Office 215 South
14th street, Omaha Neb.
T5 F.ER k n crTervetcent pro
duct, mott uKcptiblc to
taint, therefore, to retain hs
lite snd purity it mint bs kept
sir proof. STOR7, BEtK
b igcJ In hermetically laled
van, then drawn vis our new
mi lihi (the only ont in ths
west) direct o th automatic
bottling machine. No air
touches k. It's vim snd pur
ity n wholly retained. fie
sure you order STORZ. A
Cn Big fr unittirkl
irrltallB f Ut(laVlLM
rfclOlMe), ftata ftl ftsUril
atol4 by lrUU, 1
r awut IB piavi wntppr, .
fcf spr. prpi4, for
U N, r ft avottlg T.
CUeultvr - tum4
Big" Yell-0 Automatic
Wagons Jy .Screena
S 1 nee
i" jftoX a aatVjl
K J BiifMi 4 la
ga-g im t wftwi.
VIKEll(CftMieil Ct.
i 'rio