Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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ir Omaha Daily Bee
tally Bee (without S,nnU i, one f'Hr. t( HO
lally Hec and Sundav. one yrai h "
Illustrated B;e. une year 1'A
eVinday pee, una year 2 iO
Saturday Hep. one year l.Ji
Ial1y Bee (without Sunday), per week. ..13a
Dally Ilea (Including Hundm), per week. 17c,
Evening Bo (without Sunday), per week 60
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per wk....lK:
Sunday Bee, per copy c
Addrexa complaints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department..
Omaha The Ilee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs lu Pearl Street.
. Chloago-lftln Unity Building. -
ew fork-l.VX) Home Life Ins Building.
vt asnington sl Fourteenth Struct.
otnmunleatlona relntlna to newa and ed-
lal matter should he ndrtressed: Omaha
, Editorial Dcpe.rtment.
Remit bv draft, rinrrim oe tinnta! order.
Payable to The Bee VnhliKhlritf f'nmnanv.
Only 2-cent stamps received as paynent ot
Inall .:counli, Personal checks, except im
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not ruoepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas cottnry. as:
C. V. Rosewater, aecretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being dulv sworn,
aavs that the actual number of 'full and
complete copies of The Dallv. Morning,
Evening and Sundav B- printed during
the month of October, 1906, wai .fol
low: 82.IOO 17 !W,MO
30.7oo it ao.ano it
81 ,820 JO ftO.tttO
81,330 n at.nio
81.B20 a S,BO
7 :i3.i a so.oto
ao.nso 24 so.two
ftl.OilA 81. lOO
l m.ino 2 ao.HNo
11 3I.UK J7... 80,910
It 80,710 28 81,80
H jo
IS 80.4BO II 80,900
Total MtS.H4n
Less unaola copies 10,0(11
Ket total aalea PO8.840
Iaily average SO.TIT
. Bnbacrlbed In my presence and aworn to
before ma this 31st day of October. IfloS.
8eal) M. B. HUNOATB,
' Notary Public.
Rmbserlbrrs IcevlnaT tb city tin
porarlly ahoolit have The Bee
. availed to thena. It ta better than
dally letter from home. Ad-
Jreaa will be rkaatei a often aa
: renovate.
Llqnor dealers and druggist who al
low themselves to be blackmailed by the
fuuiuua, r a aery are enuueu to 1)0 sym
I ' Russian strikers have cotifrratulattHl
Inutlneers; but congratulations wlU'only
A due after the sailors have escaped
Omaha business men can give Omaha
knottier cause of thanksgiving; by Insur
ing the success of the proposed new
lotel project.
What would Nebraska popoorats have
!r an Issue next year If Chancellor An-
rews should take the presidency of Chi
li go university.
"She flowers that bloom in the snrtnt-
ra-ra" are nothing compared to the
Wing candidates that are blossonilug
li the winter tra-la.
At last the expected has happened and
tie World-Herald rushes to the defense
Senator Burton of Kansas aftpr ho
lias been twice convicted by a Jury.
Railroad accldcuts may not be as fre
quent In the east as In the west, but
when they do occur they are accom
panied with Just as great loss of life.
If any one desires to secure the sup
port of President Eliot of Harvard to a
plan for the abolition of foot ball he
should organize a foot ball players'
Members of the county board act as
If they were afraid to tackle the county
Jail graft They will have to screw up
their courage soon and get down to
The boast of Cuba that It can main-
Itala order within Its own territory would
Indicate that the Cubans believe them
selves superior to the other people of
the tropica.
"When the Jewish people of Omaha
come to celebrate the 800th anniversary
or toe advent or the Jews to the United
Eta tea they sb-juld remember to hire a
bigger hall.
When the stnte co-operative elevator
association meets at Lincoln its first act
should be to formulate a definition of
1U objects which will prove that it Is
In no sense a "trust"
s That secret pact between Russia and
Germany, recently discovered by an
Argentina newspaper, must have expired
when the Iron chancellor turned the af
fair of the Germans over to the present
With an Increase of $30,000,000 Q
American trade with China in the last
ten months, compared with a similar
terrja a year ago, the Chinese boycott
iny have been but an advertising
. u
. Perry Belmout'a bureau for campaign
fund publicity may organise, but its pur
pose will ba-dly be accomplished until
a republican president of the United
States signs a bill enacted by a repirbll
can cocgiesa.
'Great Britain's action regarding, the
eicluslon of Asiatics from Australia
Would indicate that the right of deulza
Von must be coextensive with the
British domain and this In spite of au
eWrgetlc minority in Loudou.
The Nebiaska luUslonary worker ap
pear to be very much Interested In the
reclamation and civilization of the In
diana of Alaska, bnt they have shown
very little Interest far, iu -the
reclamation and civilization ef the In
Uana of Nebraska,
xt rr.vAM tal lkgisla tjox.
It seems to be practically settled thnt
uo comprehensive financial bill can be
put throiigh congress nt the coming fea
sion. It 1 to be expected thnt the advo
cates of a more elastic currency, of
whom Secretary Shaw Is one, will make
an effort to secure Home action lu sup
port of their idea, but while It uiny find
favor with n considerable number of
congressmen there Is very little proba
bility of anything being done. It Is
pointed out that the forces lu charxe of
legislation are the same which have al
ways opposed such measures aud there
Is bo ' reason why they should change
their att'tude. The fact Is that there
Is a very general feeling lu the business
world that the existing financial system,
while not perfect. Is working very well
and th,at there would be quite ns likely
to be harm as good from meddling with
It at present. So far as the question of a
more elastic currency Is concerned. It
has been verv fully discussed and hns
not made a very great Impression upon
the public. The banking Interest Is by
no means unanimous regarding It, In
view of the conditions which its advo
cates would Impose, and the general
business Interests appear to le to a large
extent lud.fferent since they experience
no difficulty In obtaining whatever ac
commodations they require.
It has been stated that the secretary
of the treasury will recommend an ex
tension of federal control and regulation
of the national bnhka. with a view espe
cially of preventing arbitrary Increases
In the rate of interest, as was done a
short time since in New York. What
specific suggestions Secretnry Shaw will
make are not now known, but It is safe
to say that what it is rciHirted he -will
recommend will not receive any very
serious attention from congress. It will
hardly be questioned that there Is some
danger In the unrestricted power of the
banks to raise the Interest rate, but
there Is reason to believe that congress
will not attempt to Interfere with It. It
Is suggested as not Improbable that a
bill for the Improvement of national
bunk examinations may be passed. The
support of such a measure by the comp
troller of tho currency is counted upon,
be having more than once urged that
Improvement can be made In the matter
of bank examinations. That these are
not always as careful and thorough as
they should be Is very generally ad
mitted and has been shown In numerous
cases of bank failures. Many bank ex
aminers have more work Imposed upon
them than they can perform efficiently.
The existing monetary system has
been found adequate under all condi
tions and exigencies thus far and there
Is reason to think will continue to be
for an Indefinite time in the future.
The advocates of so-called : reforms
urRe the possibility of difficulties at
some time In the years to come, but
their fear In this regard Is not very Im
pressive. At all events the country Is
very well satisfied with the monetary
system as It is and there Is no general
disposition to try expedients or experi
ments. .
Troubles grow from day to day for
the Russian government and when .
under what conditions the end will be
reached no man can foresee. The grav
est fact In the situation is the spread of
the revolutionary spirit in .the army and
navy, which threatens the utter demorali
zation of what has been the bulwark
and security of the government How
fur the mutinous spirit will go it Is Im
possible to say, but the Indications are
that it may not be checked before it has
infected most of the men who are serv
ing In the military establishment. The
soldiers and sailors who have revolted
have the sympathy of the people and
especially of the working classes and un
doubtedly the revolutionaries will to the
fullest extent use the opportunity to In
cite mutiny In the army and navy. They
understand fully that if they can accom
plish the demoralization of the govern
ment's military and naval power they
will have a pretty clear course toward
the attainment of what they desire.
No prediction as to what may yet take
place before peace and order are re
established In Russia is of any value, so
confused and troubled are all the condi
tions. While a portion of the people are
showing a conservative disposition,
among a much larger element there Is a
tendency to turbulence. There Is an In
flammable mass that may at any time
burst forth and renew the work of
slaughter and destruction. Meanwhile
It Is not apparent that Count WItte and
his ministers are making much substan
tial progress In securing popular confi
The people of Porto Rico want home
rule aud will memorialize congress to
grant them this. There Is great popular
dissatisfaction with the existing political
conditions, as was shown by the declara
tions and action of the convention of
municipalities held a few mouths ago,
at which the memorial to be presented
to congress was unanimously adopted.
The mayor of San Juan doubtless repre
sent the general sentiment among the
people of the Island lu aaylng that If
they are not entitled to what they ask
for In the memorial It would have been
better for rbem that the change of flag
had uot taken place. He points out that
when the United State took possession of
Porto Rico the people of the Island bad
control of the administration of affairs
and In every important position of trust
there was a Porto RIcau. Now, after
seven years of American control, "a
Porto It lean is a nobody In hi own
country and If he dare to criticise those
acts which be considers to be against the
welfare of his country, he 1 branded a
au anti-American agitator."
This Is au unpleasant charge and if
true Justlfle tut feeling of dissatisfac
tion which 1 reported to exist. Our
government should treat the people of
Porto Itlco nt least as well as the Span
ish government did, and It appears evi
dent that thus far It has not done so1.
The change of flags was most cordially
welcomed by tho Porto Kicans. who re
garded It as giving assurance of a larger
measure of freedom and self-government.
Their preseut attitude nttests
that they have been disappointed and
that unless something Is done to Improve
political conditions lu the direction they
desire our government Is likely to have
no little trrtuble In dealing with them.
It Is not to be doubted that the appeal of
the Porto Rlcans for self-government
will have the sympathy of a very lnrge
portion of the American people.
The uppeal of Rev. E. A. Fogelstrom,
rector of the Immanuel Deaconess Insti
tute and manager of the Iinmnnuel hos
pital, for substantial aid to meet the
growing and Imperative needs of these
benevolent establishments merits gener
ous response nt the hands of Omaha
Although this community has within
the past year contributed most liberally
to the establishment and upbuilding of
various educational, benevolent and i
charitable institutions, none are more
deserving and more entitled to consid
eration than the hospitals that are open
at all times of the year and ot all times
of the day to invalids and persons dis
abled by accident or chronic diseases.
The leueflcont work, which within the
past few years has leen carried on by
an organization of Swedish-American
women who have devoted their lives to
the nursing of patients under the core
of the Immanuel hospital, uierits en
couragement and recognition at tho
hands of nil who are In position to ren
der monetary assistance by subscription
and donation, and this is the season of
the year when such assistance will be
most commendable and most highly ap
Twelve months ago an earnest appeal
was mnde to the Board of Fire and Po
lice Commissioners to refuse to relicense
all saloons located within the proscribed
district. It Is a matter of notoriety that
these licensed dram shops derive their
patronage chiefly from the lawless and
vicious, and are moreover resorts for
dangerous criminals who Infest the city
from time to time. For reasons not ex
plained the board turned a deaf ear to
the appeal last year and granted licenses
to these outlaw saloons, the only color
of Justification being that the protests
formally filed against them by Elmer E.
Thomas had been withdrawn In con
formity with a compact alleged to have
been made between the Civic Federation
and the legal representatives of disor
derly resorts, that they would henceforth
and forever live up to the law aud keep
orderly places.
This compact was no sooner made
than It was broken. It Is a matter of
notoriety that saloons located In the pro
scribed district bad little business in the
daytime and the most of their business
was after midnight. In the nature of
things it Is out of the question for them
to observe the law strictly or to main
tain order when their patronage conies
from a class of men and women steeped
In vice and crime and requiring constant
police surveillance.
The time has now come for rational
license reform. The line should be
drawn between decent and orderly
places and resorts that are designed al
most exclusively for the entertalnmeut
of the most degraded and lawless class
of the community. It should not require
individual protest to banish the saloons
from the proscribed district. The police
board has ample power to reject appli
cations for license for saloons located
within the district,' and this, power It
should exercise fearlessly lu the Inter
est of good government.
The demand for Itemized statements
of campaign expenses ha been fully
met by the republican state committee
iu Nebraska, the treasurer' exhibit re
cently published showing not only where
every cent came from, but also where
every cent went to. The significant fea
ture of this exhibit, however, Is more In
what it doe not show than In what It
does show. Of the whole Nebraska dele
gation In congress, every one of whom
holds his place as a republican, only two
congressmen came to the front with con
tributions to help maintain the party or
ganization. There are a lot of others,
too, who owe everything to the party,
but who return nothing to It. On the
other band, the little office holders who
get a meager salary are proportionately
the most loyal party subjects and the
most liberal contributors to the party.
The question naturally presents Itself
how people who neither have nor look
for political favors can be expected to
put up to keep the party machinery run
ning when those most signally honored
turn a deaf ear to all solicitations.
According to the World-Herald, "the
proxtitlon to reconvene the legislature
Is merely a proposition to give certain
eminent republicans who aspire to a
United States senatorshlp an opportu
nity to manufacture political thunder
for themselves at the expense of the
taxpayers and to enable the discredited
legislature to retrieve itself by pre
tended response to public sentiment."
If this were literally true it would still
justify Governor Mickey In reconvening
the legislature for the express purpose
of submitting amendment to the consti
tution, which everybody concede needs
radical revision in some of its most vital
parts. It is manifestly the fear that the
legislature will retrieve Itself from the
odium that rests upon It by reason of
Its failure to carry out reforms de
manded by the people that actuate the
opposition of the democratic organ to
the special session. Next to calamity
and hard times the bloivder and short
comings of republicans' are the banking
capital of democracy and the discred
ited legislature Is expected to furnish a
great deal of ammunition for next year's
campaign. But the people of Nebraska
want relief, no matter where It comes
from, and If the discredited legislature
retrieves Itself by giving the people what
they want the special session will prove
a good thing.
The merchants of St. Louis are con
ducting a vigorous campaign for an
early morning fast mail service from
St. Louis to the cities and town In
Oklahoma on the 'Frisco Hue. Why
cannot Omaha merchants do likewise
with regard to an early morning fast
mall service over the Union Pacific aud
Burlington lines, or at least one of the
two overland lines? Nearly every other
city In the country has for years en
Joyed fast mail service way beyond Its
trade territory, but westward bound
malls In Omaha are held until 7 or H
o'clock In the morning and do not reach
most of the Nebraska towns In-fore noon
or late In the afternoon. This affects
not merely the merchants, bnt the news
papers. It goes without saying that the
newspapers exert a powerful Influence
In stimulating trade, and the paper that
gets there first circulates the most and
the country merchants naturally give
their patronage to the cities whose
papers they are accustomed to rend, un
less some other city enjoys special ad
vantage In transsudation rates.
City Attorney Breen Is sure the crea
tion of nn $ 1.8(H) n year second assistant
to him will le a saving to the taxpayers
because It will lie Joined to the abolition
of the position of city claim agent. It
would be If the claim ngent's Job were
not sure to be revived at the first turu
of the box. The employment of an
agent to Investigate claims for damages
trumped up against the city is ns neces
sary as the employment of a lawyer to
defend the suits when brought. The de
tailing of a hlgh-sahirled lawyer to do
work a lower-salaried claim agent could
do would be uo appreciable economy.
The railroad tax Issue will not down.
If the railroads persist In refusing to
pay their taxes in the face of the enor
mous traffic they nre now enjoying they
will force a rate conflict with the people
of Nebraska that will prove more dis
astrous to their Interests than the pay
ment of taxes based on assessments that
are notoriously atill at least 20 per cent
below the true value of their properties.
According to the St. Louis Globe
Democrat, "Emancipation from all spe
cial railway charges with equal railway
treatment generally Is what St. Louis
demands and it will never submit to
anything else." St. Ixmls Is not the only
city In the country that has become con
verted to the doctrine of the "squure
deal." There are others.
Andrew Carnegie has registered a
complaint because 10 per cent of the
cost of a Carnegie library In New York
was expended In fees for attorneys,
superintendents and architects. What
would happen If Mr. Carnegie Investi
gated conditions In the office of the
supervising architect at Washington?
If that English device for extracting
10 per cent more flour from wheat than
under present milling conditions Is a
success It will nevertheless l several
years before the saving affects either
the price of wheat or flour.
Oliatartea to Hcvolntlon.
Chicago Newa.
One difficulty in the way of the new Isle
of Pinea government la the lack of enough
inhabitants to fill all the necessary offices.
' ProBta of the Uame.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Tal-' ahnre of the receipts of the foot
ball gamea with Princeton and Harvard
will rhla year amount to ftt.OOO. la it mill
difficult to guens why some people are op
posed to the abolition of the game?
Flrat In All Tblnaa.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The United States has contributed more
to the relief of tho Buffering Jews of Rus
la than haa been subscribed by the rest
of the world combined. Facta and flgurea
confirm the claim that this la the first of
Ft tenia Tltlee for Topical loaf,
Chicago Inter Ocean.
The Insurance investigation in New York
should auggeat a new line of tltlea to our
popular aong wrltera. There would not be
much the matter with "The Man Up the
River," "The Little Yearly Roll," or "The
Cantankeroua Friend."
A Dreary Prospect for Spoils.
St. Ixmls Republic.
If Postmaster General Cortelyou enforce
the merit rule for appointment of all presi
dential postmasters, what are senators and
representatlvte who depend upon the ma
chine to keep themselves In office going to
do for a political living?
True to Hla Una Interests.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Nelson W. Aldrlch ot Rhode Island Is
credited with a disinclination to advocate
anything In the nature of drastlo legisla
tion on the railroad rate question. It Isn't
likely that Mr. Aldrlch will take the trou
ble to set up the claim that the reporter
either misunderstood 'Or willfully misrepre
sented him.
Making; m Good Start.
Lexington Clipper Citlsen.
A man about 40 years of age, living seven
teen miles from Lexington, bought at the
Homer Holmes news stand on Monday a
copy of The Omaha Bee for the aak of the
market report. He aaid that he had never
In his life subscribed for a paper and that
that was the first copy ot a paper that he
had ever bought.
He Cava Afford to Loagh.
Chicago Chronicle.
Abdul Hamld la like the country preacher
who took a contract to produce rain by
prayer whenever his congregation wished
It. His people, being farmers with different
needs so far as rain waa concerned, could
never agree on a time for the rain to fall,
and so the preacher never had to test the
power of his prayers. Abdul Hamld knows
that the powers can never agree as to the
disposition of his European possessions and
therefore he Is not afraid that they will
dispossess him. He can afford to laugh at
Ibelr demonstration.
Carreat Kventa Cleaned from the
Army Mod Vr llealnter.
The srniy quartermasters who have
charge of construction at garrisons con
tinue to be heard to the effect that It la
difficult to obtain bids at what are re
garded aa reasonable prices for carrying
out the various project. This situation Is
due to the Increase In the cost of material
and wages of labor. It liaa a direct effect,
of course, upon tho allotments of public
work at army posts and Is bound to render
necessary an Increase In the estimate for
barracks and quarters. It is quite evident
that at the present rate charged by the
material men and exacted by labor there
will be necessary an increase In the an
nual appropriation for this purpose.
Lieutenant General A. R. Chaffee, chief
of staff of the army, left Washington on
Thursday for California, accompanied by
Mrs. Chaffee. They gu to look at some
property offered for sale and hope to select
a permanent home In anticipation of Gen
eral Chaffee's retirement from active ser
vice early In the coming year. It Is Gen
eral Chaffee's intention to return to the city
about December 20 and to resume his duties
In the War department. His present plan
is to ask for transfer to the retired list on
February 1. He will Vie succeeded as chief
of staff and as lieutenant general. by Gen
eral J. C. Bates, who during General
Chaffee's absence Is acting chief of staff.
General Bates will probably serve In that
capacity until about June I, according to
the existing plan. By that time General
MacArthur, who Is now In India and mak
ing his way slowly back to the United
8tates after a tour of duty in Manchuria,
will have reached Ban Francisco. He will
at once proceed to Washington and upon
the retirement of General Bates will as
sume the duties of chief of staff, still hold
ing the rank of major general. At that
time also General Corbin, now on sick lca-vo
In Australia, will be aprdnted a lieutenant
general. He may remain abroad until his
retirement and possibly for a long time
afterward, since, according to the reports
of the surgeons he Is lar from well and
does not to again take up the cares and
responsibilities of military authority. Ho
will not become chief of staff and upon his
retirement In September, General MacAr
thur will be appointed lieutenant general.
The latter Is authorized to ntake nn ex
tended Asiatic and European trip. Inspect
ing foreign military systems and It was at
one time thought he would return to this
country by way of London, but In view of
his detail as chief of Maff and later ap
pointment as lieutenant general he may
come back earlier than he originally
planned and reach Washington by way of
San Francisco, Instead of New York. There
may be other appointments depending upon
the. change In tho grado of lieutennnt gen
eral, . especially as a number of brigadier
generals and major generals both general
officers and officers of the staff corps have
signified their desire to be considered In
connection with advancement and retire
ment. The financial difficulties of " i army offi
cer stationed at a western post are the oc
casion of an appeal made to the War de
partment by the service associates of the
unfortunate officer. The latter Is described
as being in debt to a considerable extent
and to have Involved himself by the obliga
tion of paying 30 and more per cent for
money which he borrowed. It is said the
officer regards himself as hopelessly In debt
and the Inquiry addressed to the depart
ment Is for the object of ascertaining
whether or not there was some means of
relief for the officer In question. The War
department authorities have Informed the
Inquirers that there was nothing to be done
at this end of the line, that the officer
would be expected to fulfill any obligations
he had freely assumed and that the aurest
remedy would be action by himself or his
friends In discharging the debt and arrang
ing a new loan somewhere on less high
rates of Interest.
There, Is a growing Interest In the fate of
the young men, candidates from tho army,
for the position of second lieutenant and
holders of certain certificates of eligibility
Issued to them as a result of two examina
tions liold this year. The best obtainable
legal advice In regard to existing law Is
not In agreement as to the value and effect
of these certificates. The situation stands
largely at present against the appointment
of the army candldatea and the situation
Is the more unpromising for them in view
of the fact that there still remain "addi
tional" second lieutenants, the graduates
of the military academy In the class of
last June. There will be another large
class from West Point In 1906. so that under
ordinary conditions there will be no places
left for candidates from the army. At the
same time. It must be admitted that these
army candidates have a fighting chance
and possibly If the question were put be
fore the president In a way which does not
permit of an argument, these possessors of
the certificates of eligibility will realize
their fondest hopes.
The general Btaff of the army will shortly
take up the question of providing a means
of augmenting the militia force of the
country. The plan which Is generally fa
vored Is one similar to that which has been
approved by the chief of staff and which
proposes a system of Increasing the regu
lar military force of the country to the
maximum strength allowed by law, the ob
ject being to have a total strength of 100.000
men ln,the regular army In time of war.
The question In Its relation to the militia
Is by no means as simple a problem as
that Involved In the formation of a reserve
force upon which the regular army may
depend for additional troops, although the
latter project may be by no means dis
patched off-hand. In the provision of a re
serve militia force there will be encoun
tered, of course, all sorts of obstacles on
the part of the atate authorities and It Is
realized that objections from that quarter
must be met with tact. As a contribution
to the determination of this Important
question, letters have been sent to the gov
ernors of the states Inviting suggestions
from the militia authorities, and It Is hoped
that the replies, some of which have al
ready been received at the War department,
will aid In the general staff conclusions,
which will be In the form of the draft of a
bill carrying out the approved scheme.
leailor l-onar of Kansas.
Topeka Capital.
Senator Long's refusal to tell where he
stands upon the question of railway rate
regulation has unloosed much criticism of
the Junior senator. Bent Murdock ptys the
following compliment in a recent Issue of
the Eldorado Republican:
"C. Isaac Ing started in twelve or fif
teen years ago to follow politics as a busi
ness, a trade, a profession. He has been
In congress off and on for ten years. Can
any man In the state point to a thing that
Senator G, Isaac I-ong has done for Kansas
or for anybody in it In all these years?
Long la for Long and for nobody else; and
his entire career In Washington haa been
for Long. And now when hi Is confronted
with a measure that Is of national Impor
tance and Is requested by the state to take
sides, he hems and hawa and quibbles and
dodgea. He Is a selfish politician, and carea
for nothing, for anybody except Long. He
will be a senator for one term."
Peculiarities of tho Ciaaue.
Cleveland Leader.
Chancellor E. Benjamin Andrews says
foot ball breeds mildness and restraint.
Many of the players. Indeed, are rendered
quite harmless befor tbe gain Is half
Do Please
Your Hair
Don't have a falling out with your
hair. It might leave you! Then what?
Better please it by giving it a good
hair-food -Ayers Hair Vigor. The
hair stops coming out, becomes soft
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color of youth comes back to gray hair.
The best kind of a testimonial
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Also ataaulurtorsr of
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AYBB'S CHERRY PBCTORAL-For toughs. ATKK'S AQUB CORK For malaria and tin.
PF.nsolI, OTE.
Jim Corbett. the ex-pugillst. has blos
somed forth as a bank director.
leantlme Mr. Balfour goes merrily round
the links an object lesson to some of his
fellow-countrymen not to take life too seri
ously. It Is stated that Winston Churchill Is to
receive IW.OnO down and royalties for tho
biography of his father, the lato Lord Ran
dolph Churchill.
President Roosevelt In the near future
may publish for private circulation a book
of old Irish poems which ho translated
from tho Gaelic. The president was taught
Gaelic by James Jeffrey Roche.
Most of tho big artists and actors hold
heavy accident Insurance policies. Kubellk
Is accident Insured for $160,000; Paderewskl
holds a policy for JW.OOi); Lillian Nordlca
has the same amount and Anna Held holds
$100,000 worth.
General Trcpoff Is a man of most aristo
cratic appearance tall, dark and hand
some, not unlike the late Prince Alexander
of Bulgaria while his manners are highly
polished. The character of the man Is re
vealed In his measured metallic voice.
John D. Rockefeller has taken to civil
engineering aa a recreation for hla old age.
With only an assistant to carry the transit
and hold the rod, he has been tramping
over his vast estate on the Pocantlco hills,
and lias made his own survey for the great
park he is laying out there.
Alexander Campbell, who has just died
at La, Salle, 111., was at one time Abraham
Lincoln's closest friend. It was Bald of him
in 18'iO that he furnished Lincoln more
financial aid In his race for the presidency
than any other one man. Campbell was
one of the ilrsr to suggest that treasury
notes be Issued by the government.
It has fallen Jto tho lot of very few Illus
trated publications to survive the vicissi
tudes of half a century. Leslie's Weekly
Is one of the few. On December 14, the
Weekly will Issue a special number com
memorative of Its golden anniversary.
Among the notAblo features of the num
ber will be an exact copy of the first issue
and a series of cuts illustrating the prog
ress In pictorial art in fifty years.
Governor Pcnnypaeker of Pennsylvania
Is being showered with letters and petitions
from all over the state urging him to aban
don his project for the erection-of a statue
of the late Senator M. S. Quay in Harris
burg. Some writers go so far as to threaten
that If the statue project Is carried out the
unveiling ceremonies will be attended by
incidents very humiliating to the family
and friends of the dead senator.
She Do you believe men are as brave
now as they used to be?
He Sure! Just see the poetry some men
write now. Yonkers Statesman.
"It takes a long time for a man to attain
official distinction In this country," said
the foreigner.
"Yes," answered Senator 8orghum. "even
when the returns declare you elected you're
liable to have to wait a few months to see
where you stand." Washington Star.
"Why is It," aald the young man with
long hair, "that the average woman would
rather marry money than brains?"
"She takes less chance," answered Miss
The public is hereby notified that the
Lindsay Light Company has brought suit in
the United States Circuit Court in New York
against Block Light Company, for infringe
ment of letters patent No. 728296, granted to
Charles R. Lindsay, Jr., May 19, 1903, and
now owned by Lindsay Light Company.
Imitations always
and successful sale of
fits the public in general.
In the case of the
Lindsay Light there has
been no exception to this
rule. Your protection is in
the name
Look for it when you purchase
on Mantle, Burner and Globe.
Price. S1.00 Complete.
All Dealers.
Lindsay Lldht Company
(An inteteiting Booklet on Economical
Illumination free on request.)
Cayenne. "The average woman is a better
Judge of money than she Is of brains."
Washington Star.
Mrs. Wrltunl How Is your brother, t lie
young minister, getting on?
Mrs. Chamell Oh, splendidly! We do feel
so elated why, he Is getting nearly as
much salary now as the soprano Puck.
Mamma Why don't you marry Tom.'
Ile a such a good boy, lias no bad habits,
and hns never had anything to do with
other women, ile would be true to you,
I'm sure.
Daughter No. I'm afraid lie's too gooj
to be true. Cleveland Ieader. '
"Say," complained the man, "nearly ail
the buttons Hre on this shirt of mine."
"Yes?" replied hla Indolent wife, with a
yawn. "It's supposed to be a negligee
shirt, Isn't It?"
"Well, If all the buttons were on, you
see. It wouldn't be nearly bo negligee"
Philadelphia Catholic Standard.
"Won't you have to go to work pretty
soon writing speeches to deliver in con
gress?" t
"No," answered the representative from
Watertank. "In the early flush of my
ambition as a statesman I dashed oft more
speeches than I will ever get a chance to
deliver In the next ten years." Chicago
New York Sun.
Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note.
As Murph to his grave ground was hur
ried; For the grafters who couldn't control the
From the sickening scene had scurried.
They buried him gladly at dead of night.
aiio hiub wiin mvir auiuiwneeis turning,
By the struggling moonbeam's misty light ,
And the gas lamps dimly burning. ' 1
Short and strong were the things that were
About Chawles In his hour of Borrow,
As they silently gazed on the conical head
And thought of the "roasts" on the mor
row. Loudly they'll talk of the "leader" that's
gone, -
And for his bad record upbraid him;
But little he'll reck. If they let him aleep on
In the grave where-the people had later
Love of Life
7 When Jack London
writes he writes wall
This story in Deoember
McClure'a is one of the
strangest as well as one of
the most powerful that ever
appeared in a magazine. The
pictures in color, by Blu
menschein, are wonderfully
well done.
Ten cent. $1.00 a year ,
All news stands.
44-60 East 23d Street
follow the introduction
any product that bene-
Pattnttd May 19, 1903