Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Only 0o Error f One Hundr.4 Tolei in
Unofficial Statement.
Attorney General Brown Goes to
Omaha to Take Dome More Dep.
osltlona la the Railroad
Tarn Litigation.
Miraculous Cure of Pneumonia
Miss Susie John Cotton, of Jackson, Trnn., rcllrviHl from her Intense pain aftwr
he had taken the Tory nrt dose of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
Pretty Blouses for Holiday Parties
Designs by Mrs. Ralston; Drawings by Augusta Rcimcr
The Ladies' Home journal
for December is a REAL Christmas Number. 15 Cents a Copy of All Dealers
Vidshipraan Accustd of Vanilaaghter to
Take Stand in Own Bekalf.
Hituess Says Dead Mnn Asked
Him to Malta False He
port Against the
1 Defendant.
ANNOPOLIS. Nov. 27. No great progress
waa made today In the trial by court-martial
of Midshipman Meriwether on charges
that embrace one of manslaughter In con
nection with the death of Midshipman
James R. Branch, jr., after a flat fight be
tween him and Midshipman Meriwether.
Perhaps the most important developments
of the day were the declHlon of counsel to
lut Midshipman Meriwether on the stand
In his own defense, and the appearance of
Dr. L. W. Gluzebrook ot Washington, who
was present at the autopsy held on the
body ft Branch yesterday. In the role of
advisor to Meriwether's counsel. Most of
the testimony offered today was by mid
shipmen!, and related to details of t lie fight
and events that led thereto.
Counsel for the defense offered Midship
man W. Y. Bradley of the second class to
testify. Bradley said that he had been de
tailed for duty with Branch shortly before
the fight. Branch had told him that they
must try to get a report against "chat man
When on duty Branch had tried to In
duce the witness to make a report sgatnst
Meriwether, which he (Bradley) did not
think was justified and which he refused to
Midshipman Leigh Noyes, who was the
A Food
to Work On
Mrs. RrJston's Christmas
Inexpensive Christmas
Christmas Ideas for the
What to Give and What
to Make
New Christmas Music,
Plays and
Christmas Stories
Christmas Dinners
timekeeper In the fight, testified that
Branch and Meriwether had fallen together
in clinches three times. Branch had fallen
in three other Instances and two of the
falls had been hard. He had always risen
promptly and did not appear to be stunned.
MldHhlpman " A. W. Fitch, who refereed
the fight, was recalled and testified aa to
the falls during Its course. He said Branch
had not received much punishment up to
the seventeenth round, when Meriwether
offered to stop.
Meriwether Spralas Ankle.
During the afternoon session Midshipmen
A. W. Fitch and Leigh Noyes, respectively
referee and timekeeper of the tight, were
recalled and again went over their testi
mony as to certain Incidents In the fight.
They said that twice, it was thought,
Branch had hit his head against the floor.'
Lieutenant Commander Decker testified
that the floors In Bancroft hall, where the
light was neld, have a concrete base, then
a layer of rough boards, and then the
smooth surface boards.
Midshipman Ralp Yeager, who was Meri
wether's second, said the latter had slipped
in the fifteenth round, spraining his ankle,
and that he was almost disabled thereby,
but said he could continue the fight, though
he could do little to defend himself.
The defense will close tomorrow unless
the medical testimony relating to the au
topsy consumes more time than Is now ex
acted. The court will meet on Thursday
(Thanksgiving day) unless an unexpected
order to the contrary Is received from the
secretary of the navy, and the probability
Is that the court will finish rts work by
The court adjourned shortly before 3 p.
m. until tomorrow morning.
Kin I'.dward Offers Prise.
NKW YORK. Nov. K.-Klng Edward. It
whs announced today, has offered a cup
for a transatlantic yacht race to be sailed
in V.i". Th: race Is to b from Sandy Hook
lo The Needles. The race Is to be under
the management of the New York Yacht
club and open to yachts of the world. A
Work! Work! I Work!!!
Lots of energy is needed to keep np the pace. In
the struggle, the man with the strong body and clear
brain wins out every time.
The man of to-day needs something more than
mere food ; he needs a food that makes energya food
to tpork on.
Although some people may not realize it, yet it is
a fact, proved and established beyond doubt, that soda
crackers and this means Unoeda Discult are
richer in muscle and fat-making elements and have a
much higher per cent of tissue-building properties
than any other article of food made from flour.
That this is becoming known more and more every
day is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 pack
ages of UnOOda DisCUlt the finest soda cracker
ever baked. An energy-giving food of surpassing
value sold in a package which brings it to you with
all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly pre
served. Truly tht food to teork on.
Whoever you are whatever you are wherever
you wort Unoeda Discult
special meeting of the club will be held
tonight to accept the offer which was pre
sented by Prince Louis of Battengerg at
his recent reception at the club.
Girl Tells How Man Wooed and Won
Her, Then CoTCted Her
Brother's Coin.
Miss Rose A. Hoffman was a witness In
the district court Monday afternoon against
George Edwards, accused of forgery. Her
story was that the accused had made her
acquaintance nt the Victoria hotel last
summer, while she was taking a rest from
work. They had become pretty good
friends, "because he always followed me
when I went out walking." said Miss Hoff
man. Edwards told her he war.ted to gst to
Chicago, where he was supposed to have
money in bank. Miss Hoffman says he
tried to get money from her at that time,
but Bhe had none.
Through reading letters the girl received
from her brother Edwards learned that the
lutter had deposits in two banks In this city
and that Rose had the bank books. He
broached to her the plan of getting some of
the brother's money. She would not listen
to him at first.
"I said I had no right to get any of my
brother's money," said the witness. "But
he assured me positively I had, and when
he drew a check and signed my brother's
name after practicing on the signature I
went to the bank with him. I felt all the
time very queer, that there was something
wrong In whut I was doing, but I couldn't
figure out Just where the wrong was. When
we got to the bank steps 1 was awful ner
vous, but he pushed me Into the bank, al
most. If the man had asked me anything
about the check I would have told him the
whole thing, but he only took a little card
and compared the signatures. Then he
made me write my name on the check and
fave me the money."
When she got outside with the $50 she
9 I
had drawn, witness said. Edwards had
taken the money and they went back to the
hotel. He was to stay In Omaha a week, he
said, but did not show up that night. Then
to relieve her ffeellng of anxiety she spoke
to a friend about what she had done. He
told her that forgery had been committed
and she at once went to the police.
On the stand, under cross-examination.
Miss Hoffman admitted the action of Ed
wards in getting the money under promise
to return It and then going away had made
her very angry.
"He also got 115 from me," she said, "and
I had no reason to feel very good toward
In consequence she entered Into an agree
ment with the authorities to write love
letters to Edwards In Chicago to get him
to come back.
Attorney Cooper cross-questioned Miss
Hoffman about the love letters she had
written, and he caught a Tartar.
"Didn't you write him some very endear
ing letters?" asked the attorney.
"I suppose I did," was the reply, "but not
any more so than he wrote me trying to
get me to go to Chicago; but I had an ob
ject In view, to get him back, so he would
be punished for the wrong he had done my
Mr. Cooper took the witness all along the
line from childhood to the present. She Is
an orphan, reared In a public Institution
and In several families In New York. She
came to Omaba a year ago last June to
meet the brother, whom she had not seen
in thirteen years. Her story as brought
out had pathetic features, Indicating
cruelty, sickness and hard work, borne
with good spirit. Miss Hoffman apparently
did not attempt to conceal anything and
made a decidedly good witness for the
Amateur Minstrel Performance t'nder
Its Ansplees at Metropolitan
An amateur minstrel entertainment of
unusual merit was given last evening on
the stage at the Metropolitan club by the
Sisterhood of Temple Israel. A large gather
ing greeted the young singers and perform
ers. Ray Conn served as interlocutor In a
most pleasing manner and was ably sup
ported by all hands. The hall was specially
decorated for the occasion. Dancing and
refreshments followed the entertainment.
Those In the entertainment were: Inter
locutor, Ray Cohn: Dinah, Hattle Rehfeld;
Salagazam, Rose Splesberger: Jeremiah.
Blanche Rosewater: Augusta, Corlnne Tel
ler; Sukle, Viola Cahn; Topsy, Stella Bran-
dels; Ophelia. Jennie Klein: Zuble, Evelyn
Bergman; Sarsaparllla, Hazel Cahn:
Alaska. Blanche Grotte; Erasta, Zerllna
Drlefus: Delia, Sybal Hass; Leanna, Laura
Goetz; Savannah, Minnie Myers.
Those In charge of the event were: Mrs.
Carl Brandels, president; Mrs. M. Meyer,
vice president; Mrs. N. Splesberger, treas
urer; Mrs. D. Gross, recording secretary;
Mrs. Harry May. corresponding secretary;
Mrs. Sol Bergman. Miss Flora Beckman,
Mrs. Iee Rothschild, Mrs. L. M. Cohn,
Mrs. Fred Cohn and Mrs. E. Simon, board
of directors; Mrs. J. Klein, Mrs. Dave
Meyer, Mrs. Kahn, Mrs. Sol Prince. Mrs. H.
J. Abrahams and Mrs. Dave Sampson, en-
rtalnment committee: Mrs. Albert Cahn
Mrs. Ray Cohn and Mrs. Abe Mandelberg
stage directors.
Omaha Hotel Clerks Association
Beaents Its Members, Says
the Presldeat.
Th. annual meettnc nf tfm nm.h. TJ n . i
Clerks' association will be held Monday
evening, uecemoer t, at me urand hotel.
Council Bluffs. The election of officers
for the ensuing year will take place at
this meeting ana tne several officers will
submit their annual renorta. .hnal.. t,e
. ,
first year's work of the association. Presl-
oeni Anaerson is oooaea ror tne principal
address. He says: "It will be brief, but
full of meat for the boys to think about.
The association has proven a, big success,
far beyond our anticipations when ws or
ganised a year ago, and I expect to be
able to ahow the boys that we have had
a most profitable year." '
Lac Curtains.
16o each. Tue,Uy last day of sale
(From a Staff Correspondents
LINCOLN. Nov. !7. (Special.) Today the
State Board of Canvassers met In the office
of Secretary of State Galusha and can
vassed the vote for Judge of the supreme
court and regent of the University of Ne
braska. The original abstracts were opened
and the tabulation from the duplicates was
compared. The result Indicated tnat the
announcement heretofore made that Judgu
Letton has a plurality of 23.718 wa correct,
as wero the other totals, with the excep
tion of the total vote of D. C. Cole, a fusion
candidate for regent, whose vote In Greeley
county had been given at 6i3, Instead of
703, the corrct figure.
Aa shown by the tabulation of the unoffi
cial returns published heretofore. Judge
Letton's total vote is 96,187, while that of
Hastings is 72,949. giving the republican
candidate a plurality of 23.218. Parker Con
dlt, the socialist candidate, had 8.241 votes,
while the prohibitionist aspirant, Fred
Beall. is credited with 6.184.
The vote on regent Is as follows: Repub
lican, Frederick H. Abbott, 95.897; Victor
G. Lyford. 93.010; democratic and people's
Independent, D. C. Cole, 71.419; Louis,
Llghtner, 69.J77; socialist, Mary Pierce Roe,
3.713: Leonard DeVore. 3.4R1; prohibition,
Harry Wilson Trumbull, 6,277; Nathan Wil
son, 6,408.
Has Wildcat Carreney.
Bank Examiner Fred Whlttemore on one
of his recent trips to examine the Bank of
Florence found a sheet of unused bank
note currency, secured by a bank of the
same name which occupied the identical
building In 1856. The currency Is printed on
one side of a tough linen paper by the litho
graphing firm of Tappan, Carpenter & Co.,
Philadelphia and New Tork, There are
four notes of the denominations $1. $2, $3
and $6, which appear In medallions at either
end and all around the border, while, as
an additional bar against counterfeiting,
the amount Is printed in letters an inch
high across the face In Ink, which soaked
through the paper so as to prevent erasure.
On each there Is the significant legend,
"Stockholders personally liable."
Free Banqnet Tickets.
Deputy State Superntendent E. C. Bishop
announced today that the out-of-town con
testants In the corn growing convention
will be given free tickets to the corn
banquet which is to be held In this city
December 15.
Railway Tax Snlts Again.
Attprney General Brown will go to Omaha
Wednesday to attend the taking of deposi
tions In the Union Pacific tax case. He has
been notified that the attorneys for that
road will now introduce further evidence.
The larger part of the material accumu-
j lated by the counsel for the Harriman line
i dealt with the alleged public clamor, shown
j by the dally papers of the state. Brown
; says he has assurance that the road will
proceed to introduce the testimony. If
possible, without unnecessary delays.
Woman Released.
Marcus M. Balrd of Sturgts, 8. D., ar
rived In Lincoln this morning, accompanied
by Sheriff Gibbon, to reclaim his fugitive
wife, who was arrested Saturday afternoon
on a Burlington train while traveling with
Jnmes L. Wilson, her former soldier hus
band. All day the parties have been in vigorous
conference, in which they were aided by
City Attorney Strode and the local police.
The woman gave It out flat-footed to the
officers that sho did not want to go home
with her husband, of whom she gave a
deeldeily bad report to the city attorney.
For some reason the police would not per
mit reporters to get near her, and it was
stated that she did not want to talk to
them, although she unburdened her mind
pretty freely to everyone else with whom
she came in contact.
During the afternoon an agreement wss
reached with the husband, who had been
placed in the cell with her for a conference,
whereby her alleged former husband, Wil
son, was released to go on to Pittsburg,
while she, it Is understood, will go to Mis
souri to visit with relatives.
Interorban Work Stopped.
Today the - district court granted tem
porary Injunctions to several of the prop
erty owners on North Fourteenth street
who have demanded that the construction
of the Omaha, Lincoln & Beatrice road
along that thoroughfare be stopped. Re
straining orders had been in force for
some time. Counsel for the company claim
that the action of the court will make It
Impossible to proceed with the work. Sev
eral sections of the street have already
been Ironed, leaving those portions in front
of the enjoining property owners un
touched. Franchise Tax.
The taxpayers are now enjoying the
realization that there Is such a thing as a
franchise tax, for today the Lincoln Light,
Heat and Power company sent Its check to
the city treasurer for $165, which Is 1 per
cent of its gross earnings for the fiscal
year ending In April, 1904.
Tells Where Money Is Kept.
Today City Treasurer Beman C. Fot
gave to the public his first statement as to
the location of the city funds. Agitation
has been carried on to compel him to do so
for some time. His report shows that out
of a total of $71,853 the First National bank
has $50,992.
Simultaneously County Treasurer Knight
established a new precedent for his office
by exhibiting a statement of the balances
In the various depositories.
Railroad Builder Killed.
HASTINGS. Neb., Nov. 27.-8peelal Tele.
gram.)-A. R. Layson of Concordia, Kan., a
member of the Missouri Pacific construc
tion corps, was accidentally killed at Pros
ser today. He was caught between a post
In the roundhouse and a moving empty coal
car and crushed to death.
Business rheasie at Beatrice,
BEATRIC E. Neb., Nov. f7.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Today ex-Senator Graham pur
chased the dry goods and grocery depart
ment of Cook & Scott's store. Cook A
Scott will retain their Interest in the fur
niture and undertaking department.
Railroad Ruthin Work.
DAKOTA CITY, Neb., Nov. 7.-8peelal.)
The Great Northern railway yards on the
' Tooth Powder
rour twice-ev-day friend; it wil1
nake you many admiring friends
bos who have keen eyes fo
jright, white teeth and pure breath
Vour sweetheart knows why.
' la bandy mala! ana or bottle, Bt
i' Grafts' Tcoth PowdsrCt.
I V ''xY'f I
To thoroughly appreciate the extraordinary healing powers of Duffy's Fura Malt
Whiskey, read what Miss Cotton says In her letter:
"Very recently 1 was taken 111 on a train with what proved to be pneumonia:
so seriously 111 as to attract the attention
was tne Kev. A. IS. Stephens, D. 1)., ot Oakland. Trnn.
"At the next station he procured for me a bottle of Duffy's Mnlt Whiskey, and
I am glad to say that the very first dose brought comfort and alleviation from my
Intense iln. I continued to take the medicine and rnnldlv recovered my former
good health. I think the cure in my case
TON, Jackson, Tenn., July 14. 19(15.
Duffy's Pure
For more than flftv years Duffv's Pure
doctors and used In over two thousand leading hospitals as the greatest tonic-stlm-
uim ana netuin-nuuaer Known to meaieai science. uurty s fure msii wnissey
cures coughs, colds, consumption, grip, bronchitis and pneumonia. It stimulates and
enriches the blood, aids digestion, builds up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart
and fortifies the system against disease germs. It prolongs life, keeps the old young
and the young strong. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey contains no fusel oil and Is the
only whiskey recognized by the Government as a medicine. This Is a guarantee.
CAl'TIOX Be careful to vet the Kenulne when yon nsk for Duffy's Pare
Malt Whiskey. Sold la sealed bottles
trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the
bottle la unbroken. All reliable druggists nnd grrocers, or direct, fl.OO al
bottle. Advice and medical booklet free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Roches
ter, X. Y.
Ashland-Sioux City connection of the B. A
M. railway, at this place, Is the scene of
considerable activity at present, workmen
not even stopping to observe Sunday. The
depot and other buildings are now In course
of construction. This will be the first
depot to be erected along the new route.
The fencing gang, which for two weeks
past bad been located here, has removed to
Homer. The switch tower, which Is to be
used at the crossing of the Omaha railway
and the Great Northern Is In course of con
struction. The surfacing gang Is still at
work In this locality, drawing sand from a
point about three miles south of this place.
The Blenklron company Is erecting Its ele
vator and cribs.
Safe at Chapman Wrecked and Money
Taken from Vault.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Nov. 27.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.) The state bank of Chap
man was entered at 2:30 this morning, the
safe forced by dynamite and between $1,200
and $1,500 was taken.
The burglars apparently secured entrance
through the front door by use of skeleton
keys. The safe was badly wrecked and
all the cash was taken, but papers were
not disturbed. The report of the explosion
aroused citizens, and within twenty
minutes a score of men were on the scene
of burglary. A woman of the village saw
two strangers hurrying away In the dark
ness, but could give no description of
them and It Is not known thlch direction
the men took.
The bank Is fully protected by burglar
Insurance and will have a new safe In the
morning. It is doing business as usual
Sews of Nebraska.
BEATRICE A heavy rain has been fall
ing here most of the dny. It Is growing
colder tonight and clear.
MADISON The council Is seriously con
sidering submitting at the spring elections
the Issuing of $10.u00 bonds, the proceeds to
be used In the erection of a city hall.
NOFFOLK-D. C. O'Connor left Norfolk
at noon today for Panama to assume the
duties as superintendent of education, lie
will return probably July 1 for a visit.
WEST POINT-Frank Ouenther of Mon
terey township has sold his farm to John
Krtikenieler for $V) per acre. This sale In
dicates that the price of Cuming county
farm land Is still within the limit.
MADISON Diphtheria, which broke out
In the George KreltniHii family on a farm
south of town, resulted lutully to the
youngest girl. Soven other children who
were down with the disease are recovering.
WEST POINT-Prof. Rudolph Peters has
accepted the position tendered him as a
teacher In the German Lutheran parochial
schools of Cleveland. O.. and lib resinned
his position here and moved away with
his family.
LEIGH Rain hpgan falling here this
mornlnz. It Is growing colder and Is very
disagreeable. The sudden change Iihs put
a stop to corn pUKing, wnu-n was in run
blast, and If the favorable weather had
continued many would have finished by
LEIGH Frank Knapn. sr.. an aged Bo
hemian farmer who lives ten miles south
east of town, died at the home of his son-in-law
late Saturday night. His death wan
caused by Injuries received ten days ago
In falling from a wagon.
WEST POINT The tine weatner or tne
la few weeks was broken this morning
by a sudden change in the temperature,
the thermometer dropping M degrees In a
short time, with slight snow flurries and u
raw east wind, with every Indication of the
commencement of winter.
WEST POINT Hon. Henry Houck. dep
uty state superintendent of public Instruc
tion in Pennsylvania, viwited friends In
West Point during the latter part c f last
week and was the guest of Colonel J. C.
Elliott, editor of the Republican, an old
time friend, during his stay here.
Fl'LLERTON Rev. Ralph H. Houseman,
pastor of the First Presbyterian chun h of
this place, announced at the dose of his
Sunday morning sermon that he had re
ceived a call from the Westminster Presby
tertan church at Lincoln and asked th-il
hi. rhnrrh accent his resignation to takt
effect January 1, as he d Hired to accept the
OAKLAND Franklin Pierce Jolly dllv
ered his lecture, "The Jolly Side of Life,"
to a large audience at the opera house here
Saturday. His humor and pathos won the
undivided attention of his hearers. This is
the third number of the Commercial club
lecture course given here. The laat num
ber will be a lecture by Fred Emerson
M COOK The marriage of Miss Ethel,
only daughter of Albert Burnett, president
of the Barnett Lumber company, ami J.
Rainond Mct'arl, took place this evening
at 6 So ciclork in the presence of a com
pany of relatives and friends. The groom
fs private secretary to Congressman Norm
of the Fifth Nebraska district. The happy
couple departed on the night train for
Washington, D. C, where they will spend
the winter at the national capital.
FREMONT The Great Northern roal
has deckled lo raise its grade about thre
of my fellow passengers, among whom
is well nigh a miracle." MISS 8. J.-COT
Malt Whiskey
Malt Whlskev hss been nrescrlhed by
only) never In bulk. Look for the
label, and be sure the eenl on thai
feet higher at the north end of the Plat
river biidue on account of the water. Thl
grade across the Island, which Is abnin
twenty feet high. Is completed and tlJ J
bridge across the south channel Is read!
for the rails. The work of driving tl
piling across the broad north channel ,
progressing slowly. Since It has con
menced the current has shifted cunslde
ably. . I
The Strangest fblnsr )
that could happen would be a case ot co
stlpatlon that Dr. King's New Life PT
wouldn't cure. Guaranteed. "2Ec. For sa'
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Snow nnd Much Colder Today In fit
braska and Sonth Dakota Fair
and Warmer Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27,-Forecast hf
the weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Snow
and much colder Tuesday; Wednesday, fair
and warmer.
For Iowa Rnln, turning to snow, and
colder Tuesday; Wednesday, fair.
For Kansas Rain, turning to snow, and
much colder Tuesday afternoon or night;
Wednesday, fair.
For Missouri Rain Tuesday, colder In
west portion; Wednesday, clearing and
much colder.
For Colorado Snow or rain and colder
Tuesday; fair Wednesday, except snow
In east portion.
For Wyoming Snow and much colder
Tuesday; Wednesday, fair.
For Montana Snow Tuesday; Wednes
day, fair and warmer.
Local Record,
OMAHA. Nov. 27. Official record of tern
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three .
years: 1905. 1904. 1W3. W.' )
Maximum temperature... 48 40 45 ;
Minimum temperature.... 33 31 26 1'.
Mean temperature 40 3D 3n ?A i
lirlnltullnn 'Mi ,lA frt fM i
. v , .a, .,,, . ....... . f .uvr . .n, .w ,
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since Marnh i
1 and comparison with the last two years:
iNormai temperature jo
Excess for the day 10
Normal nrecinltatlon .03 Inch,
Excess for the day ' .33 Inch
Precipitation since March 1 27.26 Inches '
Defioiency since March 1 i. (W Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1904.. 4. f2 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 1903 2.96 Inches
Reports from Stations at T.P. M. 1
Station and State Tern. Max. Bain
of Weather. 7 p. m. Tern. -fall.
illsmarck, snowing 12 1 .80
Cheyenne, clear 36 42 .10
Chicago, cloudy 42 42 .00
Davenport, raining M 40 .60
Denver, clear 40 44 .02
Havre, snowing 6 .10
Helena, snowing 4 4 .04
Huron, snowing 32 34 .41
Kansas City, cloudy 62 M .04
North Platte, cloudy 24 3ft ,0ft
Omaha, cloudy 4ft 4ft .34
Rapid City, snowing 22 30 ,2ft
HI. Louis, raining 64 M .04
St. Paul, snowing 32 U .04
Salt Ijtke City, cloudy 42 4 .
Valentine, cloudy 32 22
Wllllston. snowln.g 2 It .0$
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
Indicates below zero.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
There's a big differenca
between what a baby wants i
and what he needs. Deny
him the one, give him tho
other. Most babies need
Scott's Emulsion it's tho
right thing for a baby. It
contains a lot of strength
building qualities that their
food may not contain. After
a while they get to want it
Why? Because it makel
them comfortable. Those
dimples and round cheeks
mean health and ease. Scott's
Emulsion makes children
easy; keeps them so, too.
COTT SOWN, 4of rearl.t,rw VMk. ,