Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1905)
! THE 0MA1TA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER CP, 1003. T6 SOLVE POND CASE ji.em of Drainage Will Bs Extended to rortj-thiri and Iiard. COUNCL WILL PASS ON ORDINANCE Or. Mtrrrr Dfrlirrt Bodr t Water lak Fed ltr prlna; and Kept Fresh Year Ftaand. A a result of the sppHrnnre o( Dr. 8. D. Mfrcer and Attorney J. V. Ptout. represent ing the Mlnsourl raeirto Rnllroad company. brore the council committee Monday aft e.noon to prove the boly of wator at Forty third and lrard street Is not a nuisance, X . .. . ...a iii. n i . rnnni I nrniTpn in nnw m 11 ur- ""iance to create a sewer district In thit I ghborhood for the purpose of putting In Kr.n(-r to connect with the Saddle creek Aver along liard street. While a number of residents of the nelgh ' irhood were before the committee to tfs j fy that a eranpool wan drained Into the i Sr.d and that It van a receptacle for kit y,n and pupplcn ar.rt dead chickens, and film tlio smell from It reached. a block '40 J . , 11 . . 1 1 . - tlBn,' hAtalth commissioner, said the pond, from a sani tary tantlrolnt, wrs a nuisance, pr. Mercer .VHlntalncd that the water In the pond came from a amine which threw a stream a Inrr.e as it tnnn't tlilish; that It was well drained and therefore not a menace to the health of ths coinniurlly.. He admitted the cf-snool did empty Into the pond, but arreed to remove the connection and thus top that. He mnl'italned the pond was neated twelve years ago by the city- and that the city should dre.ln It. "Twelve years ujjo?" Interrupted Hoye. "Why, I, nkalH on that pind twenty years go. My father and f caupht minnows In JJ'liere so lour niro thai I lust can remember jjv l. It haH been twenty years since father iftll thiur!i the ice tliere." I I "Yon aro .':ilBt;iken," answered the doc '4nr,' "that ground was In corn less than twenty years tao." After a number of such statements nnu contradictions. Dr. Mercer added: "I aid willing to do thin. I will give the ity permission to drain the pond If the city will pay the co:." As the best way out of the difficulty, Dr. i Mercer suggested that a sewer district be i created, and this suggestion was acted upon by the council committee. ivir. DIMUl IISSUI t'U lliv solium IICB tllU.1 IIIU city had created the pond and should drain p tl at Its own expense, and his railroad would U be glad to have. It done. Protest on (in Tusk!. Councilman Evans" ordinance to repeal the nrHlnnnrA m'tilrh frniiri flip ffna rnm- Jpany, before erecting a gas tank, to secure l he unanimous consent of resident within 000 feet of the proposed Kite, brought out (jjibout twenty residents of the vicinity of lace the gas company proposes to erect wo more tanks. The prntestants claimed hat an explosion occurred In the gaa works very five minutes; that ou one occasion fccently tho officers In charge of the works sked all the neighbors to put out their res and lights to prevent a general ex plosion or conflagration; that the entire Hghborhood was In danger of being burned Hd that a gas tank was a menace to (he (ifety of the people, and conaequently It predated the value of their property, pie committee voted to Indefinitely post i ma the repealing ordinance and no one ok In Its favor. I , ina i jn iier iiotci. I'eter Her came before the committee and ked that some action be taken on the rdinanee to allow him to run water and fat from his main system to his hotel and her property, at the same time promising have. Ms new hotel In course of construe- An In 1(MK Tlia lt tr illnnan , osted to draw a new ordinance granting mi'. Her the privilege he asked. c'he ordinance repealing the ordinance cre- fclng the office of claim agent for the city recommended for passage. City At Buclrney Breen will prepare another ordl- - f'"c. creating the office of second assistant pilly attorney, who shall attend to the duties f the claim agent. The resolution will EIave to be advertised for three weeks be fore the ordinance passed. 1 The ordinance creating an alley between "B'arnam and Pouglas streets and Twen Artieth anJ Twenty-fourth was reported for Indefinite postponement because the city nhas not the money to pay the appraised In (value of the land to be condemned. 1 stafORMER 0MAHAN ACCUSED ion " 1 . t ni Charaed with Counterfeit Inar at Dea Haines. CHtalM Tnhn Whh r rti Q , , j .nf.VA.U ."" . . y u j t. l.u V 111IDI1 Ullll'l thfsecret service, has returned from Des ; Moines, where he was called a week ago to f.look Into a counterfeiting case devoloping l there. The accused was Ambrose H. Hunt, 'formerly employed by the Armour Pack ing company In South Omaha. Hunt was charged with havlnff in his possession and ' pfifng a number of bogus silver coins of V thn K-cenc danomlnation. Ha wu arrafH asweek asT Sunday, Indicted by the federal f, jui j v " '""ii" . , , i u i , 1 1 iru oav- Tiraay. ronvicien stinoay oy a special ses sion of the court, and' will be sentenced Tuesday, Sale I in . t. i ail iii ii mrim nii aiv Saturday UIJm v--UU.U diss Note These Unheard of Bargains o LX I CsJMsMBB In this pale are all the finest samples and surplus stock from a well known New York manufacturer of fine pieces. "We bought at less than 50c on the dollar. Every fur on Tuesday, is offered at less money than has been quoted yet this season 411 the Finest Fur Scarfs in this stock Will be sold at half their original value. Those fur piccrs are in the moat popular and handsome furs of the season new est shapes all perfect and fashionable furs. Ladieu' excellent grade of Imitation ermine. Canadian marten, brook mink Bcarfs. etc., worth up to six dollars, at Ladies' selected fur scarfs, zaza, Victoria cluster shapes worth as high as flO, at Genuine marten, Jap mink, natural blended squirrel, etc., scarfs that are worth up to $12.50, at 2L8 and 49i Htiinninu Fur Scarfs of choicest Persian Mexican beaver, natural and blended squirrel scarfs, zazas and Vic torias, worth up to $15, at Smartest, Highest Class Fur Scarfs in the en tire stock, the most popular and exclusive furs all carefully selected and worth up to twenty dollars each, at Ladies' Near Seal Jackets Very styl ish and worth easily as high as $37.50, at, each Ladles' Kich Guaranteed Astrakhan Positively worth as hlh its forty dollars each- a special offer, at ! Ludles' Ulentled Squirrel lUouses Beautiful se lected furs, very fashionable ana stunning Jacket worth $100, ut lamb. yso 91 245-0 Jackets 24? tutlful se- 67i Today Ai Extra Special Sale Extraordinary Bargains for One Day Only Your Choice of n f lhe Following Articles fof 5 .pairs Stockinrt Dress Shields. 1 card Kptiuine L)e ixing Hump Hook ami Eye. 6 rolls white Stay Binding. 2 papers Pins, containing 8U0 pins. 1 Kic Seal or Walrus Purse. 3 spools J. O. King Machine Thread. 3 spools 60 yd black Silk Thread. i yds. rca-ular 16c Garter Elastic. 16 pkgs. Wire Hair Pins. . 6 papers gold eyed Needles. 1 dozen Captsheaf Safety Pins, all sizes. 1 dozen bone or celluloid Collar But tons. 6 Japanese Ironing Wax. 5 60-lnch Tape Measures. 1 dozen Shoe Laces. 1 dozen Corset Laces. 3 spools Darning Cotton. 1 10c Hairpin Cabinet. 6 spools Basting Thread. 1 Wire Coat Spring. 1 French Plate Mirror. 3 spools luster Crochet Cotton, all colors. 1 10-Inch Hair Rat. Your Choice for Five Cents See Our J J&p Corner 100 Calling Cards at 39c WOMAN IN CLUB AND CHARITY c y LirfeSize$L25v J 3 r i hi ( LLP S ; I iMm V TW v Dos t i Ci Light t v(Tf',7 7 J WeUbacK. i Sslhat WW doyoull 1 J 3 the Shield AA pay biRjer C of Quality gjrg gat U1U. J i isoatha YZZiC S ' V label C3 itwuftKieat 3 ?- J uarnt light and be for- C ef tha bast aivd ttt paying J chsapeit (or new I f Ugltt U Um siantlc and ' J Vorld. repaii. K Imitatioas ar WorthUwi J aad Cxtravagant C y For v y Sale by teylr'il s J Dealers f FREE Ajfc m Wln Icr . U-U.cii C 3 TTnder the auBplces of the Omaha, Worn an's club Jer9me K. Jerome and Charles j F. Looinis will appear at tno r irsi conarc gatlonal church Tuesday evening, Decem ber 26. The proposition of these speakers was accepted, at 'Monday afternoon's meet-( lng of the club and further announcement of their subjects will be made later. The club Indorsed the petition of the lo cal school teachers to the board of educa tion for an Increase lu salary. As the next open day program of the club will be presented by the household economics department and reports of the recent milk Investigation will be a part of the program, the club voted to Issue 100 complimentary tickets to the department, to be distributed among people outside the club who would like to attend. The following program was furnished by the musical department: Concerto (CI minor) Mendelssohn Andante. Premo. Mrs. W. P. Olds, Mrs. C. 8. Rlchardsdn. is) "The Vainka s hung" vWlilshaw ,h When li v Is lions" Hawley (c "For you and Me'1... Royal Stone Smith lUm. 13. 4. oclllirii. fa) "Masurka Viennos" Orunfeld lb) "Dance t?reole" Chamlnade Mr. Van Vechten. As such a woman ahe will be deeply mourned, not only in Cedar riapius, uui Dy ine wnole state of Iowa, The meeting of the household economics department of the Woman's club will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morntng of mis week, instead of Kriday, as previously announced. Owing to Thanksgiving coming on the regular day the change was necs sary. The P. E. O. sisterhood realized about $100 from their presentation of "The Burg' lar and the Blizzard" Saturday evening the proceeds to go to furnishing a room in the new Methodist hospital. Miss Laura Gregg is not to be returned to the suffrage work In Nebraska this fall as had been hoped by many. Instead sin has been placed In charge of tha head. quarters In Oregon to ce-operate with Miss Oatl Laughlin, Miss Anna Shaw and rthr national workers who will conduct the field work In the campaign for woman suf frage In Oregon this winter. Cycle, "Gypsy Song" lop. S.i) Dvorak (1) "I Chant My Lay." (2) "Heart How Mv Triangle' (3 "Silent and Ixne. ' ti "knnira Mv Mother TauKht Me." (o) Tune Thy Strings O Gypsy. ( "In his Wld and Ample Airy IJnen Vesture." (7) "Freedom." Mr. Ira B. Pennlman; Mrs. Pennlman, accompanist. The following tribute is paid to Mrs. Krnma Van Vechten, late treasurer of the General Federation. of Women's Clubs, by the official organ of the Iowa Federation, in which she ever had an active part: Iowa clubdom has anstalm-d a serious loss In the death of Mrs. C. D. Van Vechten of f'edar Hapliis. one "f the most helpf .il and beloved women In the federation. It may be said of her that she typlfled the ld":U club woman. Home and fsmlly were, ever her first consideration, struggling always to demonstrate that the best work in the clubs might be done without sacrificing the home. In her own quiet, pnti"nl. per sistent wav she sought to make club work truly helpful to those who engaged In It, selling every opportunity to lift It to higher levels. Her liberality of opinion made all club monien her friends. Mrs. Van Vech ten wss one of lhe founders in UTS of the ladies' Literary dub of C'elHr Rapid and was its first president. She alno assisted in organizing lhe Woman's club and was Its treasurer at the lime of her di-iith. She h.d a wide eequalntsnce among club wnme-i of Iowa and last Friday wss to have ad dressed the Woman's club of Vin'on on the subject of "Oriental Mugs." The library movement In Cedar Rapids was started by Mrs. Van Vechten and other rlub women whom she enlisted in In the undertaking. From a small library of 1 irnO volumes she has watched and aided the growth of the library to Its present home and magnitude of 12. Ann volumes. The Carnegie free public library must remain a monument to her patience and devotion to the cause. She was president of the Library board. Funeral services for Mrs. Van Vechten were held last Tuesday in Cedar Rapids and the following day her body was taken In a private car to Davenport for crema tion. The myriad of rosea violets, car na tions and chrysanthemums sent by friends and organisations were distributed among the hospital, the Home for Aged Women, Carnegie library. Sunshine miction and per sons all over the city known to be 111. The set pieces were lakrn to Oak ' Hill and placed on the graves of dear friends. This be'jutlful disposition of the Bowers, the Simula I'nlvrritailMt services are slamflcanf tit liie uaaelfcL kindly, thoughtful UXe ef Earlier Heparin re of R)r4lna;osi Trains I: fieri ire December 3. Pleaae take notice that train No. i for Lincoln and the went will leave Omaha at 8:15 a. m.. Instead of 8:50 a. m. No. I, for Iowa, Illinois and Chicago, will leave Omaha at 3:20 p. in.. Instead of 4 p. m. J. B. Reynolds. City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam street. Aaavoaaements of the Theaters. "The School Girl." which Is being en thusiastically prnlsed by all who have at tended the Boyd theater this Week, will he presented at a special matinee this after noon and will close Its engagement this evening. On Wednesday afternoon and evening "Florodora," the one musical piece that never gets old. will be offered. On Thursday Mr. Iouls James, one of Amer ica's famous actors, will be seen In two of hts best plays. At the matinee he will present "Ingnmar. the Barbarian." and In the evening the Sheridan Knowles tragedy of "Vlrginlus." Mr. James Is supported by A carefully selected company. His engage ment Is for tho two performances only. The professional matinee at the Burwood this afternoon will be of unusual Interest, owing to the large number of stage people who are in the city. The Woodward stock company Is doing the best work It has yet achieved In "The Banker's Daughter." Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Poudor Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purine the breath. Used by people of refinement for orer a quarter of a century. Convenient for to arista. PftEPAREO SV OMll WKTIIFB KORK.C"T TsMdsr Fair. B5I3Gs7 lrx T7TVT7TTi UJ L MM L Green Trading Stamp Booth, Main Floor I 1 w Two TrcmnrloiislT Important' Facta for Our Customer and the rnbllc: 1. WKDXESOAY IS KED LET TEH HAY. Bring your books and Rot ten green trading stamps to each book presented. No Red Letter Day stamps will be given unless to books produced. Open Wednesday Even ing 'till 0:00 o'clock. 2. THl ItSDAY I1EIXG THANKS GIVING WE CLOSE ALL DAY. Order Early. Order Early. Turkeys FYcsh Dressed Extra Fancy Stock. Fancy Dreaaed Geese, Ducks niul Chickens. Fresh Oysters direct from Haiti more standard and select. Choice Celery Everything (or Your Thanksgiving Dinner. Prices Guarantod the Ijowcst . Quality the Host. GIVE I S YOUR ORDER NOW. WL CLOSE AT NOON THANKSGIVING. The Mystery of the Bust Will Be Re vealed Wednes' Afternoon v AM WOT THE R I. LIABLE 8TOKK. See the Mys terious Bust In our 16th Street Window 2 to 5 P. M. Bargain Day in Our Cloak Department Handsome Coats, with snscger or Kmplre i hacks. In fine fancv mixed fsbrlcs bisnn fscturer s price Bn renin U fin Day price u.VU Splendid Fur Bargains t?2 5 Covert and Kersey Costs. In all new est styles ISO garments to select from rest snaps at ltnrRntn Dsy C)Q From Our Greif Utnultcturtr's Stock Purchase LADTFS' SCARFS AND TtOAS Fifty dif ferent styles to select from great as sort nient of furs 17.11 values UH Nobhy Coney Scarfs Tuesday at 50c Mnv other speclsl rinraiilns Tuesday. ELKC1ANT SAMTI.E FCR8-A masnlfleent l'ne fniin the lest msnufnctirers great larnln at $.", 17 5i, Ui, $12.50, 15, tlt.U up to iiO. Thanksgiving China for Everyone LOOK IT OVER AND NOTE PRICES. TnE FINEST ENGLISH CHINA. PRICES RIGHT. TUESDAY Seven,-plece Cranberry or Berry Sets, large bowl, and six saucers fine China 1.00 value, a set M t for r"c One set to a customer and no delivery on' this item. SPECIAL PRICES ON SOME DINNER SETS TO CLOSE OUT. ONLY ONE 8ET OF A KIND Note Prices. Charles Field Haviland Set, J29.60 value for $19 0 Theo. Haviland Set. some pieces short, a $27.60 value for '. .'LVOO White and gold Percelatn Set, one cup short, $10 set for 7 oo Hia? Vb PePPer,SI;aker8- usual 600 lalr. Tuesday, a pair 33c . .i mm ume aecoration, Dest or China, gold traced, $1.2o value for 6o Bennett's Big Grocery IN(JR?Cl1VIJiQ OOODS-BE9TON THE MARKET AT MONEY, 8AV- A CAN' TETLEY'S INDIA AlKYIXNrEA WITH EVERY POL-XD PACKAGE BENNETT'S CAPITOL, COrFEE. ,28c Thint rZV ?SadJP' tt.anip" w'th. -. can Bennett's Breakfast Coffee 4So Thirty Green Trading Stamps with pound Tea-all kinds gso --": . auiii oiouii.a wiin can uiamona m. Kruits 6Sc JSC rc Ten t.reen trading- stamps wltn pint bottle Diamond S. Chill Sauce a len reen TradlnK Stamps with pint bottle Diamond s. Salad Dresslnn . 2 Ten Orecn trading- Stumps with 1-lb. can Diamond S Kancv R.i sui,.,n ten ureen trading; Stamps with two cans Buratara Shrimps. ... , BUTTER SECTION. Bennett s Capitol Creamery the best produced, lb. brick (full weight) 26c Granulated Sugar twenty-one pound .. , $100 Ten Ureen Trading- Stamps with 3 pounds Burnham s Clam' Chowder..'.!... ' 20c DOCBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON THIS LIST. Bulk Mince Meat, lb lik. Corn, two-pound can 5c Horsurudish, bottle StiltiK Beans, two-pound can Sc J? 'Yr ,M,ulR 1,11 oaucr, uuilie.... iix Beans, two-pound can he Peas, ' two-pound can 7c Baked Beans, one-pound can 4c Catsup, bottle 8c Pepper Sauce, bottle 7c Picklea, assorted, bottle 9j ...8c .10c rrencn or Herman Mustard, Jar... We New California Raisins, lb 10c New Cleaned Currants, lb I0c New Seed-d Raisins, pkg. ..10c New California Prunes, lb ,4c Ten Green Trading Stamps with 8-lh. can Webster's Apple Suuce ioc BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION Thanksgiving Novelties from 5c Iirge Turkeys with feathers, each r.c Roast JTurkeys, each. . . ............. 6c01aB8Lantert.S Killed with Candy "'lite Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pound box delicious Cream" Bon'flons decorated with fruits and nuts ' Five Green Trading Stamps with packaae Butterscotch several nunarea pounds old-fashion Mixed Candy, pound FROM 3:30 TO k:30 P. M. We will sell fine white Mercerlted Walstlngs, winter weight, regular 26c, ,19c and 4!c goods, at, a yard We will also sell 600 ladles' embroidered Skirt Patterns, regular 49c goods-, ' made of best outinas, at. each v v. SEVERAL OTHER SALES 1)1" RING THE DAY. I0c 15c Speca Notion Sate Tuesday The greatest cut price notion sale the city, staple notions will go at one 5c best quality Gold Eys Needles per package 100 yards Spool Cotton at per spool , Good quality Pearl Buttons per doien Sllko Crochet Thread odds and ends at Embroidery Silk all colors at per skein Lare spools Basting Cotton at per spool Shoe Strings at pair Hump Hooks and Eyes Cotton Tape all slies at of the season greatest bargains to he found In -half to one-fifth regular prices. MANY OTHER FIVE-CENT ARTICLES AT ONE CENT. 1c 1c lc 1c lc lc lc lc lc lr.c Metal Back Combs 2Tic Needle Books each ; 15c Corset Steels at inn Envelopes at 10c Featherstitch Braid at 44c 41c 4Jc 41c 4ic lOcHairpin Cabinets 4JC Hundreds of other 10c to 25c articles In this great sale at, choice, 44c. ... Good Things to Eat for Thanksgiving Hayden's, the Home of Pure Food Products l-lb. pkg. Condensed Mince Meat.Ti.c Jellycon, Jell-o or Advo Jell, pkg. 7 He 1- lb. Jar Pure Fruit Preserves. . .7Hc New Muscatel Raisins, lb 9c New Cleaned Currants, lb.. .9c Seeded Raisins, pkg 9c Seedless Raisins, lb 9c New California Peaches, lb 12ic New California Apricots, lb.... 12 He New California Prunes ftc Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel, per lb 25c Large bottles Fancy Assorted Pickles 8 1-Sc Fancy Queen Olives, per quart... 33c 4 8-lb. sacks Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour 91. 2-5 The best Soda or Oyster Crack ers, lb fic 2- lb. can Sugar Corn, extra fancy. .5c 2-lb. can Wax or String Beans. . . .5c Fruits and Nuts for ThanksirivinK. Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, lb 7 He A GOLD VEST CHAIN On 14k. good style link, would make a handsome Christ mas Rift for a gentleman, or perhaps he would prefer a gold fob. We are showing these goods In new designs and up-to-date styles. Look them over before purchasing vour vnriini dhu a t-w minutes in our store Look tor the name. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER, 1516 Douglas St. SIS TELEPHONE 431. 1414 FARNAM ST. Quality in Coal... That is what you want and what we have. Right now we have a plentiful supply' of high grades in stock and more arriving every day. We have "SCRANTON" HARD COAL , "SPADIA" AN THRACITE. "CANON CITY" COAL and a host of cheaper grades. Place your orders now before steady rold weather sets in. TELEPHONE 431. - luli.TTe -1 aimriin n i i,wm 11, I 1414 PAR NAM ST. THANKSGIVING DAY RATES To accommodate holiday travelers a rate of one fare and one-third for the round , trip to points In Nebraska and Kansas within 200 miles of Omaha, has been placed in effect by the Union ' Pacific Dates of Sale, Nov. 29th and 30th, with final return limit Dec. 4th. INQUIRE AT City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. 'Phone 834. Gun Metal Calf The popular leathers for women's shoes calfskin with a dull finish is called gun metal calf. The popular fall shoe. Button or Bluchers new drop toe full extension soles extreme or me dium military heels. PRICE $3.50. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Si. Bushel boxes of Fancy Wlnesap or California Bellfiower Apples, .f 1.7.1 Fancy Large Navel Oranges, doz..S.1c Fancy Large, Juicy Lemons, doz..l.V, Now Honey, per rack 1 fic Cape Cod Cranberriesquart. . . .12 He Fancy Malaga Grapes, lb lftc Large Klpe Bananas, doz 1:2 He Fancy New Figs, lb IBe Butter and Cheese for Thanksgiving. Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb. . . . IKc Choice Creamery Butter, lb..... ,21c Fancy Separator Creamery But ter, lb 2So Fancy Brick CheeHe. lb '. ...ISc Fancy Llmberger Cheese, lb Ltoi Fancy N. Y. White Cheese, lb 15o ' Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb.lfta Fancy Wisconsin Swiss Cheese, pound 17J Neufchatel Cheese, each.. Appetitost Cheese, each tic Hand Cheese, two for 5 WATCH THE BIO MEAT SECTION for your Thanksgiving Dinner. Oysters from Balti more. Thousands of pounds of Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks and Geese. HAYDEW BROS. Corner Room With a. Vault There is just one large room in The Bee Building, which is vacant at the present time. This happens to be a particularly choice one, the corner room on the second floor of . The Bee Building. This has a beautiful hard wood floor and is finished throughout in oak, electric light, heat; water and janitor service are included in the rental price of the room, which is $40 per month. R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents, Ground Floor Bee Building. New fall and winter catalogue now ready. I Ell 1UV B HI n jlrss G. A. L1NDQUEST CO. MERCHANT TAILORS. MAKE BEST CLOTHES. FALL SELECTIONS NOW IN. - Pasta Block. 'Pksss 1881. lxucats and fira&iB 6U. Good Land Cheap! For Homeseekers and Investors In the Great SOUTHWEST W own, control n! offer for sale in large and small tractn 187,Ki scrps of Hie I Iwm farming, fruit, mineral, timber and I crraslng land in Missouri. Arkansas f jkla I boma. Indian Territory and Texas, on and I adjacent to the Krlwo railroad Prices range f rom fc! .fin to $jo no per acre ... ..'....,,,, .niiM,e irurn rail rond, improvements, etc. If you are linking for a home or an in vestment that will net you 10 per cent and over, write us for prices, descriptions and printed matter, furnixhed free of charge If you want to buy a farm on easy terms! crop or cash payments, write uh before bnyln. We m'lll save you monev. Titles gusranteed. bet met 'furnished free of charge. Money loaned at low ratea and long time. Books, maps and other descriptive litera ture mailed on request. Write us for full Information regarding FREE RAILROAD TICKETS furnished Deoember 6th and th. CUNNINGHAM & CUNNINGHAM LAND AND IMMIGRATION AGENTS. Dept. It. t. I-la A lea Fraaelsco Railroad. Booms SB-! New York l.lfe building, OMAHA. KEU. Trunks, Traveling Bags and Suit Cases We have Just received a large shipment for the holi day trade which we are gelling at way-down prices; also ' a lot of robes, horse blankets-and all winter goods. Harness, Saddles and Fancy Horse Goods. Alfred Cornish & Co. Phone S314 1210 Farnam 8trt Ws manufacture our own trunk, traveling bags and sull ws. We make them of the beet material. Our workman ship is unexcelled. Ws sell thsm for less than Inferior gradt; would cost you elsewhere. If you buy of us you will get the best you will save tnoney you will be better satlafled. Leather Bound Matting Suit Cases, H.M, tin and J U0. We do repairing. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY. 1220 Farnam MtfU r1 WHEN IN NEED of a Sewihg Machine of any kind, or when your old one needs repairs or attach ments, please bear in mind that we always have a full and complete line of these goods and will treat you right. This wf-ek we will offer several shop worn machines at about half the regular price. Old machines at your own fures P. E. FLODMAN & CO. Telephone 1574. 1614 Capitol Avenue. No Headache, Nervousness or Insomnia WrlBN YOU MOKC Meiroar-iciiOe Qgairs r. r. Because You Are Smoking A Fine Selected Havana Tobaeee and Which Has Been Carefuliy and Properly Treated. RICE MERCANTILE CIGArt CO. UT. LOUIS Dw.B.Tsassiw w wUI.UtKLAiiUc n Coal - Man u a HERE SINCE 1883 1608 3 aHarne5t Yel-0 Waone Phoaa Z52 I I PRESCRIPTIONS Called for filled accurately nma delivered promptly. Telephone 32. H. S. KING Saccntar ts I. B. Crskaai, j 24th and Farnam St a. i 1 4 .s JET