Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1905, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. For a Characteristically WesU em Newspaper Read The Bee. The Bee Is the Preferred Adn Using Medium in Its Territory -. ESTABLISH KI) JUNE 19, 1S71. OMAHA, TUESDAY MOIJXIXO, NOVEMBER 2S, 1905-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THHEE CENTS. r "a 1 V I BORROWS THE STOCK Koiuztbla Btovritiet Taken from law ' York Li.'s Vail-, at Asaeuaient Tim. PERKINS TELLS OF JUGGLING ACCOUNTS Korean's Far ner Girts History of 8me Syndicate Seals. KEEPS EXPENSE ITEMS OFF BOOK ' ansannBannnnn frofiti of Cartain Transactions Hater Go cn Record. M'CURDY'S. RESIGNATION IS DENIED ' lee President Gtllrtl Saya that Pres. tdeat'a gea-ln-Lew, Lonts Ttt. hand. Will Rftfrt Pint t Year. NEW TORK. Nov. 37. One of the rami Interesting features of the life In surance Investigation developed only a few minute before adjournment of lite Armstrong .committee today, when Thcodoro F. Bantu, cashier of the New Tork Life Insurance company, testified that about the beginning of 1901 Edmund D. Randolph, treasurer of the company, opened the vault! of the company, removed New Tork City Mock valued at 1700.009 and put a heck of the Central National bank for I7n,0fl0 In ita place. Mr. Banta aald he helped to open the vaults at the order of Mr. Randolph and that he supposed Mr. Randolph acted for the finance committee. The stock was kept out for a few days and was then returned and the check with drawn. The transaction waa not recorded on the books of the company so far as Mr. Banta knew. The effect of the operation would be that any one having: that stock would have ITOO.ouO worth of untaxable property at the end of the year. Mr. Banta did not know who received the stock. Mr. Randolph Is expected to be one of the wit nesses tomorrow. Perklaa Telia of JaKwllaa; Aceoaata. George W. Perkins, vice president of the New Tork Life Insurance company and member of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co.. bunkers, described to the committee the transaction which resulted In his receipt of I40.1SO from Kidder, Peabody &. Co. of Bos ton as half the profits of the sale of I-.00",-tiUO worth of bonds of the Mexlncn Central Railroad company. Milton W. Mauisoii, a bookkeeper of HA) New Tork Life com ixiny, had previously testified that JS30.00U of the life Insurance company's money waa used In that transaction apd that Mr. Per kins Hot the profit. Mr. Perkins said today that lie went Into the transaction for the Nylic fnnd. which Is owned by the agents of the New York Life company, and that lie Invested the profits. for that fund. The life Insurance company, he said, profited to the extent of 5 per ornt la the loun of $930. OftO. lie stated that the company had no tight to the 140,197 profits. Mr. Perkins said also that J. P. Morgan V Co. hud taken up notes of Andrew Hamilton ami E. E. McCall, formerly Jus tip of the New York state supreme court, amounting to t&O.MO. at the request ' of President John A. McCall of the New York Life company, and that the amount, with Interest, was paid to Andrew Hamilton by the New York Life company for the proV coeds of a syndicate In United 8tnte Steel corporation stock. . Keeps Kiseswi Off Books. President John A. McCall told the com mittee ' today that he had told the Central National banK and E. E. McCnll that Hamilton was good for KAOOO and that they had then taken Hamilton's notes. President MoCall said the New York Life Insurance company owed Hamilton the 6,310 and took the syndicate profits to pay him. The result was that the payment did not appear on the books of the company, Tho reason wna that he wanted to keep Hamilton's ex penses down. Mucb evidence was given both by Mr. Parkin and 'resident MoCall about the New York Security and Trust company's participation in the United States Steel cor poration syndicate to the extent of t3.L60.000, having tho deposits of, the New Tork Life Insurance company for about that amount. The New York Life company got 88 per cent of the profits and Mr. Perkins con tended that it was a cafe and profitable Ventura. President McCall said the life insurance . company should have partici pated directly Instead of Indirectly. Kara McCnrdy Has Not Resigned. ' lr. Walter Glllctt. vice president of the Mntunl ' Llfo Insurance company, today Irtiliil reports that Richard A. McCurdy has rr.-ilgnod the presidency of the Mutual Life ni.l that Rolwrt H. .McCurdy had re. llrt'd from the(gcncrl managership of the company. Iv. Glllctt said, however, that l.niiji A. Thebaud. son-in-law of President McCurdy, had relinquished the position of the compiny'a general agent for New York. There la. nld I)r. Glllctt. no truth in the report that tho Mutual Life presidency has Ikii offered to J. B. i'organ of Chicago. MARSHALL FIELD, JR., IS DEAD haa af Chicago Merchant Saceambs tu Wound Dae to Accidental CHICAGO. Nov. 37. Marshall . Field. Jr., died at 6 o'clock tonight at Mercy hoapltal. Mr. Field, who was the only son of Mar shall Fidel, the multi-niillionaire of this illy, was accidentally shot on the afternoon of Wednesday, November 33. He uoi ex amining a new revolver he had purchased when It waa discharged, the bullet striking him In the right side, perforatingkthe liver and spleen and injuring the spinal cord. He was hurried to Mercy hospital, whore an operation waa performed and the bullet removed. The physicians from (he first entertained but slight hopes of ultimate re covery, although the patient for two days Beamed to hold his own. ' At o'clock thia morning a decided change for the worse took place and Mr. Field rapidly grew weaker until his death. CARNEGIE IS FINDING FAULT Writes Letter o ' gyraeaee Library Boord Criticising Action af On roaaailaaloa. SYRACUSE, N. Y. Nor. 37. In a letter lo the Syracuse library board congratu lating the city upon the completion of ita new (200,000 library building Andrew Car negie, the donor, takea occasion to criticise the commission that erected the building for the expenditure of tlS.ODO, or nearly 10 per cent of the roat of the building, for In tpocturs' feea, attorneys' fees and archl treta' fees. Mr. Carnegie saya ha never heard of such things and knowa nothing aa to attorneys in connection with the buildiog of his libraries and InUmalea Uicre baa baaa a waste of fund, AMERICAN IS ABUSED BY MOB Second Secretary of Legation at St. Petersburg la Beaten by Randies. ST. TETERSBI RO. Nov. 17.-5 p. m. Robf rt Woods Bliss, second secretary of the American embassy, who hns Just returned here after a three-months' vacation in Paris, was the victim of an outrage by rowdies In one of the most fashionable atreets of the capital last night, and only escaped being beaten to death through th timely arrival of the police. Charge D'AfTalres Eddy haa reported the affair to the authorities at Washington, but as the incident was a plain case of rowdyism he probably will not make offi cial representations at the Foreign office here until Instructed to do so. Mr. Bliss was returning to the embassy on foot from the Yacht club, where he had been dining. On the Horse Guard boulevard opposite the barracks of the Chevalier Guard the secretary was suddenly set upon by two men, who sprnng out of the darkness of the trees. Mr. Bliss knocked down one of his assailants, but was seized by sym pathizers of the rowdies, wlio had been attracted to the spot by the disturbance, and he was getting the worst of It when three policemen and a house porter came to Mr. Bliss" rescue and seized his assill anta. The rapidly gathering crowd, how ever, which promptly sided against the police, rushed at the officers und rescued the prisoners. The police managed to atand oft the crowd and cover the retreat of Mr. Bliss, who was badly cut about the face, but not seriously Injured. Today a police captain visited the em bassy and apologized for the attack on Secretary Bliss, but lie warned the mem bera of the embassy that the streets were very unsafe, especially the boulevard, which la the rendezvous of rowdies and soldiers and sailors In civilian clothes. The captain advised the members of the embassy to go armed In future and not to venture In th atreets at night except In carriages. Second Secretary Robert Woods Bliss of the American cmbussy at St. Petersburg comes from New York and was fm-merly American consul at Vienna. LIBERALS MAY GET TOGETHER Sir Edward Grey Trying: to Reconcile Differences Between itoaeuery and Camiiliell-Hnnueriiian. LONDON, Nov. 37. Lord Roseherys cm phatlo repudiation In his speech at Bodmin, Cornwall. November 35, of the home rule policy of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannernian, leader of the liberal party, as outlined by that statesman, who, speaking at Stirling, Scotland, November 33, which seems to have widened the breach In the patty at the moment when a dissolution of Parlia ment la threatened, owing to the split in the unionist party over the fiscal qucst'on, is tho latest sensutlon In the political circles of the United Kingdom. Sir Edward Grey, who was under secre tary for foreign affairs in the liberal ad ministration of 1892-95, speuking at New. castle-under-Lyme today, attempted tod a sipate the widespread impression that the positions taken by Lord Rosebery and Sir Henry Campbell-Bannermun are Irrecon cilable. He said he thought Lord Roscbery had put' a wrong construction ' on Sir Henry's speech at Stirling and that un doubtedly an explanation from tho latter would prove there had benn a misunder standing. 8lr Edward said the policy of the liberal government should be along tho lines followed by Premier Balfour, George Wyndham, former chief aecretary for Ire land, and Sir Anthony P. MacDonne'.l, under secretary to the lord lieutenant of Ireland, In giving Ireland the widest pos sible scope for the development of its local institutions. He declared, however, that he distinctly repudiated the Idea of home rule for Ireland as part of the liberal policy. 1 Austin Chamberlain, chancellor of the exchequer, speaking at Redditch tonight, said that the crisis in tho cabinet existed solely In the Imagination of the news papers. There was no such crisis, he de clared, and he added that he was unable to say when the general election would take place. KING HAAKON TAKES OATH Xew Holer of Korway Promises to ftovern According to tka CoastltotioB. CHR1STIANIA. Nov. 27.-Klng Haakon, before the Norwegian Parliament at noon today, took the oath to support the con stitution. The king entered with the queen on his left a rut and surrounded by their suites, nnd bowing to President Berner, the king and queen ascended the tribune and the former seated himself on the throne, the queen Keating herself on a cliHir beside the king. President Berner. approaching the king. delivered a brief address. Then In a loud volco the king pronounced th prescribed oath. In a aui.sequent speech his majesty said hut motto was. "All for Norway." He hoped the whole nation would co operate in his efforts to benefit the coun try and said he would govern according to the constitution and the people's will aa represented by Parliament. Among the cougratulatory dispatches from the heads of other nations received by King Haakon was the following from King Oecar of Sweden: i In thanking your majesty for the tele gram announcing your accession to the throne of Norway, I beg that ynu M per suaded that every effort looking to good re lations tetween oir two countries will be , given a sympathetic reception on my part. ; GREAT DAMAGE IN BRITAIN Many Vessels Driven Aebere ky Hlgk Mind and Sailors Are Drowned. LONDON, Nov. . rX-r-Greet damage was done to coast towns of Great Britain .by last night's storm. Many vessels were driven ashore, but thus far only a few lives are reported to have been lost. During the night huge wavea swept the sea fronts of many favorite resorts. Sea walls and promenades were washed out and houses and hotels along the sea fronts were flooded, in some rases houses cnl- lapsed. The small coasting steamer Perl- dot of Glasgow, was totally wrecked on the Island of Magee. The crew was lost. Seven bodies have been washed ashore.. The telegraph wires are down and the tele phone line to Paris is Interrupted. The Red Star line steamer Kroonland and the Hamburg-American lina at.m. I Patricia, bound for New York, embarked i their passengers at Dove, mis morning, j after which they continued their voyage. Interrupted by the storm. CUXHAVEN. Germany. Nov. 37. A great storm, accompanied by lightning and hall, is raging In the North aea. The regular English service la overdue and shipping from thia port has been entlrajjr topped. Tbera bag beea great damage. ABDUL IIAMID BACKS DOWN Saltan Acctdeg to the Demmti of the Allied Powers, SPECULATION AS TO FLEET MOVEMENTS Program f ailed for Occupation of Island ky Allied Forcea at t O't'loek anday Afternoon Inlees Otkerwlae Ordered. BILtKTI. VIENNA. Nov. 27.-The Neue Frle Presse today published a dispatch from Constan tinople saying that the sultan, through Tcwfik Pasha, the foreign minister, has an nounced to Baron von Callce, tho ambassa dor of Austria-Hungary, that Turkey ac cedes to the demands of the powers regard ing the financial control of Macedonia. CONSTANTINOPLE, via Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov. 27. The Instructions to the com mander! of the International fleet were to land detachments and occupy Mltylene nt 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon unless con trary ,rd?rs reached them In the Interkn. Presumably, therefore, the capital of the island is now in the bands of the allied forces. , It was arranged In the Interview be tween Tewflk Pasha, the minister of for eign affalrr, and the British and Austiian ambassadors, on Saturday, thnt If by o'clock Saturday night the ambassadors re ceived a written notification from the for eign minister promising acceptance of the demands of the powers, the ambassadors would telegraph to the fleet at Mltylene to suspend further operations until Mon day. No communication, however, was re ceived, so It -vas suggested that Instruc tions staying the hand of the international fleH had not been dispatched. Fleet Seise Customs House. LONDON. Nov. 38. The Dnily Mail pub lishes the following dispatch from Mity- lene. dated November 37: "Eight warships j of the combined fleet arrived here at 8 o'clock thia morning. Admiral Rltter von Jcdina, accompanied by the Austrian con sul, proceeded to the government house ut 10:30 o'clock arid handed an ultimatum to the governor. At 1 o'clock tills afternoon aisj sailors landed und seized the customs and telegraph office. Everything is quiet." Interest lu Wasklngrton. WASHINGTON'. Nov. 37. The situation between Turkey and the European powers having become so serious during the last few days, great Interest is felt In military and naval circles In the question of Turkish defenses of the Dardanelles. Turkey has spent a good ileal of nionuy on the de fenses of this narrow straight and It is ex pected that it can put up a successful fight against u modern fleet. The principal fortiflcullons of the Dar danelles, which is a narrow strait of about three miles in length, are found on tlte end nearest to the sea of Marmora. At the entrance in the Aegean there are tvA rtA 1 castles, transformed Into new fortifications, armed with Krupp guns of 15, 34 and 38 centimeters. The atralta at that point are about three miles broad, then growing larger, and afterward grow again much smaller, and at that point the chief fortifi cations a-.-e built. The Dardanelles at that point is divided (me two straits by a small Island. - On the European side there are nine fortifications. The first one of these has twenty -one Krupp guns of 31 to 35 centimeters. On the Asiatic side there are three well armed,, fortifications. One of these has twelve Krupp guns pf 35 Centi meters each. These fortifications are manned by two regiments. Their position Is strong and, as they are situated on the high banks of the straits, they are able to hold up a much larger naval force with out great danger to themselves. The only way to make them harmless would be by attacking them from the hill high on the land side. To prevent this a continual line of fortifications has been built, closing the peninsula oft from the European side. These fortifications have all been built un der the supervision of European military authorities and are well armed with the newest guns. An attacking fleet will have the disadvantage of having to proceed one by one and, although it is very likely that the combined nations could take some of the Turkish Islands, the opinion of many naval officers here la that they will not be likely to try to tall up to Constantinople. NEW YORK TRUCK DRIVERS QUIT F.mployea af Team Owners' Aaaocla tlon fio Oat and Many Tkoaaaad Men Mar Ha Affected. NEW YORK. Nov. 27.-A general strike of truck drivers was begun in New York Cl'y today, 330 union teamsters quitting work be. fore noon. The strike is against the Team Owners' association, which employs several thousand drivers and does most . of ho heavy trucking in wholesale districts an! about the steamship piers. It resulted from a resolution last night of the Teamsters' union calling a general strike unless the owners Immediately forced their nonunion employes to Join the union. Policemen were placed on many wagons with nonuion driv ers today. Police Commissioner McAdoo said toisy he feared 11 Ooo drivers would go out on strike. In anticipation of this he had or dered all police reserves In Manhattan In their station houses tonight. , There was no disorder during the day. Val Hoffman, president of the Teamsters' union, said tonight that the men had been locked out and that the action of the em ployers had come as a complete surprise. He denied that the lockout wss preclpN tated by a resolution of the union calling for a strike unless the shops were union ised. After a meeting of the Employers' asso ciation tonight It was aald that arrange menta had been made for a conference with the workmen's delegation that a settle ment waa probable. SUITS AGAINST EOWARD ADAMS Government Takes steps to Recover bold Dnat Stolen ky Seattle Mint Employe. SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. r.-Unlted States Attorney Frye today served papers7 on George Edward Adams In a civil suit tnr I the recovery of SSO.OOo. a portion of the alleged to have been embes.led assav office h. th. f,m u. j The amount of the suit la baaed on the properly ana caan Aasms IS Known to possess. ii .was era led today that th i defalcations will foot tip to $1J 000 This sam was arrived at through th. examina" tlon of the bank records by Superintendent Leacb of the Baa Francisco mint and j Secret Service Operative C'onnell. Adams today is denying that he made two full confessions. He la trying to secure counsel to defead him. Mrs. Adams haa retained counsel to protect her property la th govarnaient prvoeedua - BURTON WANTS NEW TRIAL At fteqaest nf Defense Jariae w ill Sot Impose reaalty Intll Wednesday. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 27. On motion by coun sel for the defense, Judge Vandevanter In the United States circuit court this morn ing postponed the pnslng of sentence upon United States Senator J. R. Burton of Kansas, convicted of having acted aa a paid attorney of the Rlalto Grain and Securities company before the PostofTice department, until 10 o'clock tiext Wednes- . day morning, when the defense will present Its reasons for asking a new trial. In presenting his motion for a new trial Attorney Lehmann asked that the court would not give the matter Immediate con sideration. He said that the purely me chanical labor of preparing the record of the trial, an absolute essential to the preparation of a bill of error, would not be completed for a day or ao, and asked that the defense be given a week to present Its reasons for a rehearing of the case. Judge Vandevanter replied that it would be Impossible for him to remain In' St. I-ouls later than Wednesday night, but that If counsel thought the trnnscript and bill of exceptions could be completed within that time he would postpone the passing of sentence. The court then suggested to Attorney Lehmann that the record of the case, wheh will be tiled In the appellate court In the event a new trial is denied, be as . brief as possible, eliminating all reasons given by him in overruling motions by the j defense and all argument by counsel for , bolii sides, confining It strictly to the facts that an objection had been made, that it had been overruled and that an exception had been allowed. Judge Vandevanter then said that It might be of some assistance to the defense t to know that in passing sentence he would , Impose a penalty upon one of the counts, I charging Burton with agreeing to receive compensation and upon one of the counts charging that Burton received compensa The court said that the terms of j imprisonment would be concurrent, begin- , nlng and ending at the same time. Judge . Vandevanter said that whether or not he would Impose a fine was a matter that he I would give further consideration. Attorney i Lehmann gave notice thut he would file a motion In urrost of Judgment. In tho event that sentence is passed the attorneys for the derense will then file a motion asking a stay of execution, pending the decision j by the court of uppcals. i Senntor Burton seemed In exceptionally good spirits. There was color In his cheeks, and for the first time slneq the trial began last Monday, he voluntarily talked with the newspuper men reporting the proceedings. Before court opened he walked up to the table where they were sitting and exhanged , several remarks upon general topics. i MRS. ROGERS MUST HANG I Supreme 'Court of lulled Mates Re- J Interfere In Case of I Vermont Murderess. 1 WASHINGTON. Nov. 37. The aupteme 1 court of the L'niied States today affirmed tho decision of the United States district . court of Vermont in Umj cae of Mrs. Mary . Mabel Rogers, who is under; sentence of j death in Vermont for the murder of her husband. The effect of the decision will 1 be to again place the responsibility of ' dealing witli the case in the hands of the state authorities, and If In the meantime neither the governor nor the state courts take action In Mrs. Roger's behalf, her execution must occur on the day set, which I Is December S. . j The court held, in effect, that it was without Jurisdiction in all the points raised, j In his opinion Justice Day laid no stress : upon the sex of Mrs. Rogers, but with ! the case upon purely legal grounds. Re garding the case he took up the various contentions made In the woman's behalf, ; holding each In turn to be ineffective. '. On the point that Mrs. Rogers' has been held In solitary confinement for more than three months he said the record does not show that she is so held, though admittedly held in close couflnen.ent. This course was, he said, within the rights of the mate and could not be used us ground for Interfer ence by the federal court. He also said that the state supreme court could not be required to fix a time for execution; that j whether the state supreme court should sit In Hennlngton county Is a matter of state' practice only and also that there is no i merit in the contention that fixing a date J for execution when granting a reprieve Is j a violation of the federal statutes. j The opinion concluded with an order that ; the mandate issue at once. This will ob viate the raising of the question of possible j postponement oi ine aay oi execution. WALDEN. Vt.. Nov. 37. Governor Charles J. Rell. when Informed today of the decision of the supreme court of the United States in the esse of. Mrs. Marv ! Rogers, stated that h" stood on the same ground that he has maintained heretofore In this esse. "I shall not Interfere In any way," he ssld, "with the regular arrangements for the execution of Mrs. Rogers on the date set, December S. TO BETTER RJBLIC SERVICE Civic Federation Committee Will Fx. amine Manlelpal and Private Plants at Home and Abrond. NKW YORK, Nov. 37.The committee of twenty-one. formed by the National Civle federation, to investigate the comparative! resulta of private and municipal ownerahip and operation -of gas, elef-trlc light and water plants, and street railways, met here today. Among those present were August Belmont, president of the National Civic federation; M. E Ingalla. Cincinnati, chair man of the committee; W. M. Moffatt, In dianapolis: Talrott Williams. Philadelphia: W. D. Mahon, Detroit; Walton Clark, Phila delphia; Rdward W. Bemls. Cleveland; John H. Gray, Evanston, III.; Walter I Fischer, Chicago; Frank Parsons, Boston; John R. Commons, Madison, Wis.; F. J. McNuIty, Washington. D. C ; Albert E. Winchester. South Norwalk, Conn.; Chnrles L. Edgar,' Boston. It was resolved by the committee to visit ! In a body surh of the municipal planta in this country aa may he selected aa fairly representing the measure of financial and operative success or failure attained by I munMPllr own'(1 n" Prated planta In! America, also to visit such privately owned " -rle. "''t railway and water sup- ply plants aa may be open to Ita Inspection and later to visit Europe In a body and "mlne 'nto the "P""1"" of the i lT. frm" mana'm'nt utilities i It Is the intention of the committee to be gin, probably In the early part of January, the examination nf conditions In this coun try and to meet In London on the first day of June next. It being their Intention In the meantime to seud a subcommittee to Eng land and to the opntinent to prepaxa (fee work la advanoa, " ------ ANTI-COMPACT LAW VALID Judge VcFherson Ii Reverse! in Iowa Insurance Case. CONGRESSMAN POLLARD IS DISAPPOINTED Member from tke First Discovers tkat Road to bood Committee Places Is a Hard One to Travel. (From a Buff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.-(Speclal Tele gram.) A decision of far-reaching Im portance was handed down today by the supreme court affirming the constitution ality of an Iowa state law, passed In 1X06, prohibiting Insurance companies from en tering Into an agreement to fix rates of Insurance or amount of commissions to be paid to agents. The case came up from the circuit court for the southern district of Iowa, presided over by Judge McPherson, which is reversed. The case decided today is thst of Beryl F. Carroll, auditor of state of Iowa, against the Greenwich Insurance company of New York and others. In the suit. Instituted by the Insurance company, it waa asked that the auditor of state of Iowa be perpetually enjoined from co'mmenclng proceedings agutnst the fire Insurance companies under the terms of the law. Under the general law the auditor Is empowered to proceed against companies violating the express provisions of the set and should the com panies refuse to comply with the request of the auditor as to alleged violations of the statute then he is empowered to re voke the authority of the companies to do business within the state of Iowa. The Greenwich company and five others, all foreign companies, sought to have sections 1754. 1750, 1756 and 1757 of the Iowa code declared invalid on the ground that they Infringe and violate certain provlslona of the constitution of Iowa and also section 10. article 1 of the constitution of the United States, as well aa article xlv of the amendments to the constitution. In an opinion by Justice Holmes today the su preme court reversed the court below and sustained the constitutionality of the Iowa law., . Pollard Kails to Land. Congissman Pollard is rapidly learning the ways of members of the lower house. Today he had his first seance with Mr. Cannon, who will be the next speuker of the house, largely to talk over the subject of committee aBslg young, active and any good things to be braska district and the state he wants to get his share. The talk with Speuker Can non, however, was not productive of that peace of mind Mr. Pollard had anticipated. In fact che speaker told Mr. Pollard thut he had better amend his wishes as to com- mittee assignments and bring them within , the possibilities. Mr. Pollard modestly asked for a place on the committee on I 1 4 tU. . . T. nl A T . .A ' ntlAtVAll Y 1 m agncunure. oui . ..- there were no vacancies on the republican , siue or uie winuuivrn. liiuv vufivui ..... i ranted the re-appointment of those on the committee unless they personally desired other assignments Mr. Pollard will begin a systematic study of committee places now that he has had d heart-to-heart talk with the speaker with a view of getting the best committee position polole. The congress man from the Fir st district Is frank enough to aay that he never reasoned what a scramble It Is to get good committee places on the part of new men. He has courage, however, and nothing daunted will see "Uncle Joe" In a few duya with soijie new thoughts. Xo Increase In Deposits The First National bank of Beatrice wanted to Increase Its government deposits from 125.000 to 150,000 and asked Senator Millard to look after the matter. The senator saw Secretary Shaw and was told that It could not be done. No reason wus assigned except that quite 300 National banks had asked for the same Inorease nntl i all had been refused. It Is understood that the secretary believes the treasury should . go slow In permitting National banks to j Increase their government deposits on the . theory that If the government -should need ', the money for any emergency it should be Immediately available. Place for Jadae Van Orsdcl. Senator Warren of Wyoming, who ar rived here last evening, was at th De partment of Justice In behalf of Judge J. A. Van Orsdel of the Wyoming supreme bench, who haa been an 'applicant for a federal poiln ,n that department. As a result Senator Warren sent a' message to Van Orsdel this evening notifying him that It had been decided to appoint htm United States attorney for the court of claims to succeed l.ouis jv. o. ,............ I has tendered his reslgnstion to engage In , private practice. Mr. Crartt s resignation I will go Into effect February 1. The position Is worth 5,000 a year. Postal Matters. Rural carrlera appointed: Nebraska, Clatonla, route No. 1. Arthur C. Kloep per. carrier; Iewls Kloepper. substi tute. Iowa. Amans, route No. 1, Henry Emanuel, carrier; Lewis Emanuel, substl ..... fmm-forriavllle. route No. 2. Samuel C Fletcher, carrier; Clark Fletcher. !ub- st'ltute. Elliott, route No. 2, George M. Klrby. carrier; Orlart R. Kirby, substitute. Paymaster Ordered to Omaha. Captaln Abraham P. Bufflngton, First In fantry, has been detailed for aervice In the pay department and will proceed at the proper time to Omaha for temporary duty In the department of the Missouri, to take effect December 17. Decision on Land Patents. Justice McKenna today handed down the opinion of the aupreme court of the United States In the case of I jerry McCune against N. Fred Essig and wife, a claim for an undivided half Interest In a quarter sec tion of land In IJncoln county, Washington, taken up In IMS by the father of Mary McCune. He died before the land was patented and the patent wsa Issued to his widow. She afterwards sold it to the Essigs. and suit was brought on the ground that the daughter was entitled to a half Interest, the land being "community prop erty." The court of appeals decided against her, holding that the widow had all the tights In the property that her husband hsd had. and the aupreme court affirmed the verdict. Justice McKenna said that the rase Is one In which national law must control, regardless of state statutes. Japanese Resident at Seoul. TOKIO. Nov. 27.-4 p. m -Several names are mentioned for the resident generalship at Seoul, but nothing will be known re garding the appointment until the return of Marquis Ito. It would not be a surprise should M. Katsura. the present premier of Japan, be appointed to the position. The premiership would then go either to Mar quis Ito, now prealdent of the privy coun cil, or to Marquis SulonJL, the prealdent of FORECAST FOR NEBRASKA nnvr nnd Mnrk Colder Tuesdnyl Tenipcratnre nt Omaha Yesterdnyi Hour. Hear. . . . 4 . . . HI ,. . . . an , . . ST . . H , . . ;tn . . 40 Hour. 1 p. t Dear. . n . !t . 40 It n. fl a. 7 n. a. a. to a. II n. l'J m n. t l. 41 4 At 4S BO aa FIRST BLIZZARD OF SEASON High Winds and Heavy fnom Inter fere With Traffic In Minnesota and tke Dakolaa. ST. PAUL. Minn.. Nov. 37 -The first blizzard of the season struck St. Paul late this afternoon and tonight Is raging with unabated fury. High northwest winds sent the snow In such terrific gusts that pedes triana were all but blinded and traveling; really Impeded. From all parts of Minne sota. North and South Dakota, came re ports of heavy snow and wind, with con sequent partial ( demoralising of railway traffic. GRAND FORKS, N. D., Nov. 37-Snow has fallen all day In the northern half of the state. Tonight a strong wind Is drift ing the snow badly nnd railroad traffic Is greatly delayed. Tuesday's Great Northern train from the coast haa been abandoned. All trains reaching here tonight are from one to five hours late. Dl'LUTH, Minn.. Nov. i7 A severe storm prevails here tonight. A fifty miles an hour gale Is blowing from the northeast Ond snow Is falling rapidly. The vessel offieluls were warned during the day not to allow the vessels to clear. There Is a ter mendous sea running on the western por tion of Luke Superior. MlSSOUIA. Mont.. Nov. 37. A severe blizzard, accompanied by strong winds and n decided fall In tennerature, has been raging In western Montana since curly Sunday morning. BROAD HINT TO 0LC0TT Piatt's Candidate for er Tork Chairmanship Visits Waaklngton and Rets Hunch to Drop Out, WASHINGTON, Nov. 37. The question of the choice of it chalrmun of the New York county Republican committee occupied much of the time today of President Ronse- ,,,, yell, who was twice visited by Represcntn "T',l , I, n 1 live J. Van Vetchen Olcott of New York. lion Ol ine umi lllltl w , n 111. II HLVlllirU j In the morning, Secretary Root was pres- j ' ent. Mr. Olcott's second interview with the I ' president occurred at 6 o'clock In the even- j ' lug. Mr. Olcott also had two Interviews , ; with Senator Piatt, who Is backing him for ; I il . I . . r. 0 alia I cm i ti nf thn rt 1 1 ntv i-tm '. nrieiai. t these ' mittee. I conferences would discuss what conclu- sions, If any, were reached regarding tho aue,tion. There Is a general Impression, owevM. tnat ,t has bvfn ,lltlmal5d t0 Mr. Olcott that for the sake of harmony und for other reasons It would be well for him to withdraw from the race. Mr. Oleott left for New York tonight. CHANGES ON . WABASH ROAD l J. Tower. Freight Agent at Dei Moines, la Made Contracting Agent at Kansas City. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 37. The following changes are announced- In circular! Issued today by General Traffic Manager Ives of the Wabush railroad: R. W. Owens, contracting agent at Kan sas City, has been appointed commercial agent at Salt Lake City, in charge of the Utah and Idaho territory; I J. Tower of Dee Moines will succeed Mr. Owons at Kansas City. R. L. Porter, who resigned from the enter the go to the sen-lee of the Burlington to service, of the Wabash, will Wabash-Pittsburg terminal and the Wheel- i ng A Lake Krle, In charge of the auditing j department. j Robert N. Collyear. division freight agent i at Detroit, goes to Buffalo as general agent, . and J. J. Mossmnu, division freight agent at nunaio, is to ue transferred to Detroit. I COTTON MARKET IS BOOMING! Kew High Records Are Made at Nenan tlonal Opening In ew York. NKW YORK, Nov. 37. New high records for the season were made at the opening j oi in' eiuiwii mniRi iin iruootg Mnamtlonnlly active and excited. Tho m(,vcnK.nt wa. ,.. by a (.hri(,r ,,. by the former bear leader on Saturday to the effecj. that he had covered his short contracts, and also by the big advances in Liverpool, where a small failure was an nounced. The first prices here were 2 to 35 points higher, with March selling st 11. M cents, or 11 points above the previous rec ords. Resliring wsi exceedingly heavy at the early advance and during the middle ses- ' pion pn.-e. r..e t.ii .ooui ,e or 1.1 poinis tTom ,n beal- wl,h Mar(h ""mn ,l n "6 cents. . Sentiment remained of a bullish average and the leading bulls bought lib erally. The market firmed up In the after noon, with March selling at 11 97 cents. GREAT FLOOD IN ARIZONA Tmentr-fnar Honr Haln Raises All Streams la Vicinity of Pboeala PHOENIX. Atlx.. Nov. 27.-RAlns of the paat, culminating In a twenty-four hours' atorm, have raised all streams to torrential proportions. The Phoenix A Eastern rail road bridge across Rait river at Tempe has gone out. It was a temporary struc ture serving In place of the steel span that dropped Into the river last spring. The new steel bridge on the Marlrona Phoenix I railroad, half a mile below. Is Intact, but ' Just above It la the old bridge recently abandoned, a portion of which Is washed away. There la dsnger that more of It may go. Injuring or destroying the new structure. The Arixona canal diversion dam, badly Injured last summer. Is sup posed to be all right, and the water gauge la eight feet over the dam, with the river still rising. ' Movements of Oceaa Veaaele ov, 8T. At New York Arrived: Amerlka, frotn Hamburg; Columbia, from Glasgow. At Glasgow Arrived: Caledonia, New York via Movllle. At Liverpool Arrived: Tunisian, from from from N w Montreal via Movllle At London Arrived: New York. At Naples Arrived: York. At leghorn Arrived York. Mlnnetonka. Algeria, from Algeria, front New At Cherbourg Arrived: Kron Prina Wll -JbeUn. (rota, New Yoc- H LIB WALKS PLANK ! V President Removei Assistant Treasurer of United States from Office. CHARGE VIOLATION OF CIVIL SERVICE LAW t Official Evades P revisions of the Aot and ' Hampers Its Execution. ILLEGAL APPOINTMENTS 'ARE MA i . Relatives aid Friends Plscet on Patrol, in Irregular Manner. PRESIDENT WRITES A FORCIBLE LETTER thief Kaecatlve Tells Mr. Mek tkat lie Mast Vacate Office B cause of Persistent Wrongdoing, WASHINGTON. Nov. 27. rrealdent Roosevelt today removed from office Wil liam 8. Lleb. usslstant United States ! treasurer at Philadelphia, for "conatant and rersistent violation of the civil service luw while In office." In a formal statement Issued at the White House today by President Itoosevclt . Mr. Lieb's removal Is announced. The presl-j dent gave Mr. Lleb a hearing last Frlda;,! at the reipiest of Senators Penrose ano Knox of Pennsylvania. Mr. Llob submitted a long statement In answer to the charges made against him and was supported In his defense by Represents tlve Patterson of , Pennsylvania. . , Tho statement says: Statement from White Moose.' i After cureful consideration of all the . facts developed by the Inquiry, the presl- y dent decided to remove Mr. Lleb from office. It being shown, according to thoN statement, that there was "constant and ' consistent effort on your (Mr. Lleb s) part.' to evade the provlslona of the civil service i law, to hamper Its workings as far aa pos-L slble and to obstruct in every way the action- of the commission." The president declared that the evidence showed fraud In the civil service examlna- J Hons, the fraiflrt In ono instance implicating ' Mr. Lieb's sister. After reviewing the Case f tho president concludes: j Under these clreumstunces of persistence , in wrongdoing on your part,, it seems to '; nie that there Is no alternative but to re- f move you from office. You are accordlnglv hereby removed from the position of assist- ' ant treasurer of the United States. President Roosevelt's statement, which Is in the form of a letter to Mr. Lleb, is u ' follows: ' WHITE HOUSE. Washington. Nov. :J f 1!6. Sir: 1 have carefully considered til f papers in your case and the statement! ! made by you In your own behalf, and iJ Mr. Cooley on behuir of the Civil ServlJ ' commission. It appears to me very cleiT thut tlfere has been a constant and coi sistent effort on your part to evade th provisions of the civil service law, to han per Its workings as far as possible and t obstruct In every way the aot Ion of II commission. I expect on the one hand thi! the commission shall endeavor not to har' per. but to aid, the other public eervan of the government In doing tlielr work an'-' essfully, and on tho other hand I expe'i In return tlmt the other public servan , shall co-operate with Iho commission nis nid them In their effort to carry out 4bei- civil service law. In your case It seems ti rue clearly established that vou hav. sought continually to take advantage every kind of technicality In order to avol ; miijiiiK ""i me -law in good faith. T '"" ho vantage, oi these technlcallti I ou imve aepi upon tne roll in almost crj minims positions certain of your own rl lives and at 'hast one person wlion ,1 polntnient was evidently pressed merely il Iiolltleul reasons. Instead of tnnkltiir rl proper effort to carry out tho law as It ai plies to iippolntments within the eln.i,i service. It clearly annears that In on Hinlnatlon held upon information furnish' 1 by your office there was such clear ev -dence of fraud that It had to bo cancellei I'he evidence as to the fraudulent chara -ter of the examination Implicated your si -ter. two pei sons from your own town an I one person who was at that time servin r in your office under temporary appointment ana who wus suliserjiiently dismissed froin tile service tor swearing falsely. Continued Objectionable Matkoda. The president here quotes a letter sent by Secretary Shaw to Mr. Lleb, calling at tention to irregularities, and. then concludes his own letter us follows: it me ease nau at that time (when Shaw a letter was sent) been culled to my attention my belief is that I would then request your resignation. Most certainly after receiving sueli a letter, to which vou failed in any way to muke any answer clearing yourself or traversing the facts' alleged by the secretary. It was your duty kii to conduct your otllre thai no possible c-rilli'isjn could come upon you. Instead oi " so conducting It you hnvo continued ex- 1 actly tho methods that previously ob- tallied; your sister, for Instance, having been again temporarily appoinied last Au- , gust as money counter, and. notwithstand ing the fact I list this is a permanent posl- '. Hon and that (here were two eliglhles on the register when you were notified that '; the apoliitment must he made from these ellgibles, you In sonic manner secured their declinations nod thereupon, on September 37, uk." I il temporarily appointed your sister, and she Is In otllce at this lime so far as the j records of the Civil Service commis sion show. ' v ! Under tliece eii cumstances of persist j ence in wrong-doing on your part It seems, i to me that there Is no alternative but to remove vou from office. You are accord lnglv hereby removed from the position of assistant treasurer of the United fstalee, Verv truly yours. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. ' Hon. Wllllsm S. Lleb, Subtrcaaury, Phila delphia. Pa. FATAL FIRE IN ILLNOfS One Person Bnrned to Deatk and Sis lajared In Eaat St. Iioals. i " ; EAST ST. LOUIS. III., Nov. 37. -One man . was burned to death and six persons were Injured In a Are that destroyed the In terior of the South End hotel early today. The shell of the building was left stand ing, with little outward evidence of the conflagration within. The charred body of P.itrick Mesner. aged 80, a steel mill puddler. wts found In the ruins'. Howard Rheimfrank. aged 1, son of the owner of the hotel was hsdly burned. Hla mother also suffered severe burns and bruises. Four others received slight Injuries jo jumping from windows. The cause of tha fire has not been determined. The prop erty loss was only V)00. BANK MERGER IN ST. JOSEPH National Is Absorbed ky First na tional of Horkeaaa Connty as Hesnlt of Litigation. ST.' JOSEPH. Mo . Nov. S7 The Natlona Bank of St. Joseph was absorbed tonlgbi by the First National Hank of Buchana County. The aale came as a surprise ai ll the result of sensational litigation amof heirs of the Burnes estate, valued at IP UOO.ono. W. P. Fulkersnn of St. Josr cashier of the First National, quietly I cured th - stock of Mrs. C, O. Humes S daughter, M.irjorle, of t'litcngn. Brd I- nth Burnes of St. Louis, vhlrli gave contiol of I'll- N itlonal Hunk e St. seph. The absorption thereafter was den. Five hundred dollars 'a sLa 4 paid Xur L.0W l at0 J