HEME AMM 1MMOT KM lOMTil WOffl. MB AMDE I I HE Idea of love In a cottage Is becom- t I Ins most popular these days, so much I I so that It In not unusual fur nrn with A. I millions to fall In love with girl who 1 1 v- In humble surroundlnKs; It Is no more unusual for girls with fortunes to give preference to clever men who lave more prospects than anything else. Hut there are countries where romantic love Is taboosd and men must prove Ire ir worth before they ran marry. This Is true among the- Fuegians, who say that a man Is not fit to have a wife until he shows by hunting and fishing that ho ran sup port her. An Englishman tells a story of a young Fueglan who was desperately In love with a girl, but he pould not marry her. The native was a splendid huntsmanybut when It came to catching fish fortune went against him. He was In great despair and Anally told the Englishman " Me never catch fish for me girl you catch fish and me give you beads plenty heads, axes, knives, and fruit." The Englishman remembered the hard times he had enjoyed with his father-in-law, and cauxht a dozen or more fish for the native. When the de lighted old Fueglan saw that the young man was an angler he allowed him to have his daughter. Even Youthful Grooms. Even when men and women are betrothed as children this test la not forfeited. Among the In diana of Qulnta boys and girls usually are betrothed at an early age. but the boy brings bet father the game he shoots. When grown he la free' to select the wife he will. If he returns the gift and proves that he Is a man and can do a man's work. With out fll.tchlng he endures wounds to be made In ills flesh or he allows himself to be sewn In a hammock filled with fire ants. Sometimes the test Is limited to clearing a space In the forest to be planted with cassara and to bringing as much fish and game as he can. Many men feel It Is right for them to suffer these tests, as It Is wrong for them to marry wom en unless they can support them. This sentiment abounds among the California Indians. A Callfornlan begins by making a mat, repairing the cabin of his wife, or enn etr ctlng a new one. When he cannot do this work alone he aska his friends to help him. ( A man who spent much time among these natives tells how one morning he saw a great crowd of natives gathered about the cabin. He asked the cause of nil this excitement, when one man made -answer, " No me got no wife; me get married to pretty Indian girl. And me give her new mats, new cab'n, bows, and arrows, and new everything. Me can't do It alone; brothers help me." But the test of his worth did not stop here. During the first year of their marriage the product of the hunt be longed to her, and after that he had to share equally whether she remained In the village or accompanied hlin to the chase. J J Must Prove Ability to Work. In many countries the chief makes It a business to see that his subject can support wives. This Is true of t.ie cannibals of New Britain, for the families of warriors must be maintained properly. A short time ago a chief of New Britain sent for one of his best warriors and said: "You going to have new wife." " Me have new wife," answered the warrior, " me only I have three wlvea." j "Three wives nice for you," said the chief sharply. "No more wives for you; only chief like me have three and three and three wlvea." The Maldlvians hold different opinions regarding the mumber of women a man shall have. They say that four are none too many If a man Is equal to the task. The girl brings no dot. He must settle on her what her mother got when aha was married. This Is not always an easy task,' but if ha Is not equal to the occasion he must give her up. A Maldlvlan recently married a young girl and gave her everything except a new cabin and he promised it would be made within three months. The winter was earlier than usual, and he could hot build the house. So his mother-in-law aald: "You give my girl back to me; you be no marrying man." 1 i sT-fl "- ; 5 - . 1 a - aV'i m A mM. pirn Ira M fe"''J-, 'LJ'" . : i . .... .' - ' , . ,. . . , - I Hi i I 'lit i " ii i i i i Hi i I jfc.'..-......k. 1 . 1 ' " 1 7TT" ' ( . I - I . . -r-r-r I If) LVrrr T TTTX TTTt 7TI 7TI TTlTQT n jr;r , 1 , A lUUCjl IUJYJ. SIYJJ T V - 4&s&? MS S.fc i':. . i-i-I m .4' , ; r V v V fiiffir this chastisement In silence. An amus-ng story Is told by an Arab who met soire friends and tiny n0 was so buoyant they asked: ' You'vo been to theater?" " No." he utisw t red. "You've been to d'ncc?" they then aki d. " No." he answered , "You've bi en drunk." they then said, c rtaln tl.cy were right. They plied hltn wltn questions until no wns forced to say: " 1 have not been to theater, to dance, and drunk, but I had lots of fun. My Mi ml g ive me n whipping, and It was such a good whipping it made nie :! i.l all over I'm to be married to a nice pjrl, so I like a good whipping." Borne days after his friends asked: " Ild you like th whipping?" " No," he exclaimed, emphatically. " It made ni smart all ovi r. I made believe I liked It because tne girl father was standing there." . Many Jacobs Serve Their Terms. It is a common custom among peoples for a young ni;ii to prove his worth by rendering service to a girl's fathci he goes and Works as a servant. Money cannot nlwajs save a young man from this kind of servitude, nnd be ofttn works a long time before he can marry the girl This practice is prevalent among such rude racca as the Fueglans and the Hushmen. With others a man Is despised If be falls In his duty as husband and father. In IjHiIo ttn bridegroom has to assure his fatlier-ln-law three limes that he will protect his wife, calling the people present to witness. And among the Inaregs a man who deserts his wife Is punished severely. American girls might be considered cruel If they ex pected a young man to prove his worth by suffering a whipping, to work for their fathers, or to go hunting. But it would certainly be advantageous to the American home If they made a man prove his worth In a substantial way. " Me be marrying man." said the Injured son-lrt-law. Too cold, me can't build house. When sun stands high In the heavens me build house." " When sun stands high In the heavens you can have wife again," declared the ( practical woman, "but you build house first." J J Hairs Must Be " Good Providers." The Nalrs consider It a man's duty to provide food, clothing, and ornaments for a wife. When they go a-court-Ing they always learn which man can give them most (lni ry and select accordingly. In selecting her lover a N.ilr girl thinks that It la far more Important for a man to support her than to love her, and never forgets to ques tion him carefully regarding his financial standing. Although In Burma the man doe the courting and their women make devoted wives, a Burmese girl can get a divorce for non-support, and this is one of their chief grounds. A pretty Burmese girl left her husband and when a friend asked the reason she said, " Me like my husband Logo, he was handsome, nice manners, and good. But he could buy me no prf tty clothes. My mamma buy me pretty clothes, me have ten suitors; me marry one and he buy me lots of pretty clothes." The tests put on some peoples often are more severe than buying of finery. Among the Dyaks of Borneo, the Nagas of upper Assam, the Aftlna of Ceram, no man can marry unless he has many heads In his possession. When ever a suitor expresses a wish to marry a girl he 19 called before the rajah and the young man Is bound to declare In the presence of his father-in-law how many heads he already has, which must be half the number In the pos session of the father-in-law. In default of this number he starts out with his companion on a head hunting expedi tion, and many month often pass before his efforts arc crowned with success, for women and children are not allowed aa trophies. The Hill Dyaka show their ability to support a wife by less cruel means. When a young man likea a girl he goea out of hla way to perform services for her. He often assists her when she la at work In the Meld, carries loads pf wood and, vegetables to the house, and Is anxloua to prove hi ability to support tier. H2lM73TDU1LJ) HER A CABIEL The test Is riot always to show how much cruelty a man ran Inflict; sometimes It Is What he tan endure. Among the Arabs of upper Egypt the man must suffer a whip ping by the relations of the girl to shnw his courage. If he wishes to be considered worth the having he must 4 rMMfWEAMlUfJNFdM UOTIISCHILD AS SURGEON HAKE 1R0P1IY. Mr hp M Ps CORRECT DRESS EOR MEN ON VARIOUS OCCASIONS.- From The Haberdasher. FORMAL EVENING DRESS INFORMAL EVENING DRESS DAY DRESS MORNING li BUSINESS DRESS OUTING DRESS HERRERO. BAB IN BASKET. r a mm 6 Withp. S 1 m 1 1 1 1 FotmI Pimm. MJ Daam. Cbk. m -i Ha FiJd Baron Henry de Rothschild has a hos pital of hla own in Paris. This picture v shows the bart.ri, w ho Is a skilled surgeon, Bkln of a white tiger. Only two have examining a child In his hospital. ever been shot. 7iV THE SULTAN'S HAREM. OVERCOAT- ImrsM. Chakr Md or hmoK of black 01 Oiioi d doth. COAT-SwtllowtJ. bUct cloia he Iht ao formal occukmu, dark Ol lord clod, prawiUe lot datWafct. WAISTCOAT-WkM 0. liaoa, aagl or double wiosij, look tin.DreaaocL TROUSERS Matckint lk.coU.lWt ax -mm tnad wita irU krud. SHIRTS AND CUFFS - Wkj ii boat plata In dun wib at laohad aaaM caraand lias cult. COLLAR-Pokt ar rai Up Ins - f 1 - '-'!' ar - j" 1 0' s. Vi . '-w - e v - ... - ,1 t CRAVAT Broad oad.ka.ba. CLOVES-UTul. ar paarl ray aW JEWELRY Poarlas ar avrU m paarl tturh aad bait, HAT-Sdk. ar Opora lor tVafca tad BOOTS-V-l-d calfaV. ar pat- OVERCOAT-OVrtofeld of tUk or dark gray, or Covert lop coat. COAT-vaaM Jackal of black or dark Oxford dork. WAISTCOAT - S-(k . breartrd black r fray, aaklunrj jackal, ar rim akilc ar doubkt brrasad. TROUSERS SaaM aukrial a. SHIRTS AND CUFFS -Wbsa. plaia, pay m pbalrd arrrk aSacbod cadla, loldad back craf priwiliil lt. COLLAR- Via, at dovbtt lold. CRAVAT Broad mi black or. CLOVES Gray amii ar tas. JEWELRY Plais (jab) ar paarl rawlr adtjoUrilkiobaadtaal. HAT-Oper, Tuudo at DeAjr. BO0TS-Varaukl calfrU or pal. aa) laalbol arrUi kid rofia. NOVEL HEADGEAR OVERCOAT Surtom, aafla at double brrailrd, or Cbraerfirld ol black or Olford raalnial. COAT-DoabU brrarud back, black or dartr Olford. WAISTCOAT Double at meW br ratted tame aulehal aa coal, at while duck or Itnea. TROUSERS Farter wanted at eaaamere, dark gray or kght tbipe eat partem. SHIRT AND CUFFS-Wk plais barn, astrbid caalr. COLLAR Poke, Up boat ar wag. CRAVAT Atcot ar oac-arar. what or pearl GLOVES-Cray tuade. JEWrXRY-Liakt aad audi aad icerfpre, wakb fuard e oA fob aad wrJ. HAT Sik. BOOTS-Varattbad ealfikis at pat aut UalKca, kid bunco lope. FIS'UNG BOATS OVERCOAT-Cbeaerield at duned avercoal. COAT Monuraj or cutaway ol black ar dark any clc4ti, braid beuad lot forawl wear, plaia for iftfceaul ac r Minor Sack tui far Sncdy bua Bjeta wear aad Vaveluuj. WAISTCOAT-Saraa atalenal aa coat, trnaU-brearled, ar (aacy aaa lerial, acal p. I Nrn, fat drcet wear. TROUSERS - Matchiat coat, or pay aaal paHerned worried or ouairaare trouMT) fat wear with nanriaf coal. SHIRT AND CUFFS-PUia wkaa at pique with ataraiaf coat, faacy lot bueiaaM dreak Aaacbad at drtackedcuft. COLLAR Wiraj wsh aiorauuj coal, daubb foM collar wnh rack. CRAVAT- Ajcof, aace-avet wak iirara coal, loutHB-baad at 1Mb tack. GLOVES Grey at Ma. JEWELRY Scarfpia. liukt aad truck, wnh watch fuard ar lab. HAT-SJk bat wb tKfmae. coat, thl at loh bat wh tack. BOOTS-CaHrU ar patea! leaiben 'with cutaway, calfikia proper wab aick. bieh cuL WVulee, Cat aadOraaa COAT-NarfoK ar drnilik-bteaaled tack ol nned, luaal ar heanajjui. WAISTCOAT-Matehiaa laantL faacy kaa at twaatet. TROUSERS Katckm ar rrauar af StW- Fltaarl. cheviot at audrae, COLLAR Fold collar aad aa. NECKWEAR - 7cUUI lock. GLOVES -Tie or HAT Sob kk ar cap. BOOTS-Calat JEWELRY Linkt, rcartp. watch fuard. PICTURE IN SAND. Cf' J f 1 . (. t -.ft. MM- iVI,V:; it - 1 is n 'V'Yl - ' V . i ft - V --evV ' -u , i 01 v?aV I ' mm In the mountains of northern India bud are carried In bunkets hung on Htr; which pass over the mother's head. SAAM HA Y. Awfully r-iniplc. HQ tj.iii iy irw ful. X 1 Type of the savage warriors of South west Africa, who have been resisting the Hdvance of German soldiers. PHOTO BY SULTAN If you belli ve that the eame hat tul every woman, look at thte sktichi s. JAMAICA MILKMAN Two of the women In harem of Abdul-fl Alia, aultan of Morocco. Canadian farmer has rigged up a novel device to keep his cows out of the corn. A frsmewoik of light pok-s Is strapped ovtr the cow's nos. tnuilie fashion, and studdd with large nails. When the cow tries to get through the tenets th nails catch against the barbs and effectually keep b r out of the grain The d vice Im hten widely copied by the farm rs in tl.at t-ectl.n uf Canada w here the f nc ore at tt but poor, and trsvelers can see scores of cattle carrying these novel head .gears, of tan wriib birds roosting on tbm. The boats used by the fishermen of Peru are bundles of reeds tied roughly togeth ir. Th fisherman alta astride the broad 1 ml ard una a puddle A olu ul head of Queen Alt land 1 a was 1 u I pi u red on the seashore, A photi graph ki taken of It and sent to the queen, w ho v r"uch pleaeed with It. Bnd sculptuie It d.llicult, ar It has to be done to iiii ki . fi RAIN OF A DOG. '14' VI . i .' - f 9 n VP f eJphera of aiKbt rphrr of hearing The oifaclury aphere benaary tooiwr auhura. Tl.ls photograph of on of hlsodnlLequea was taken by the lulun of Morocco. Makra his rounda on the back of bla donkey with milk cans In panniers. V I X