Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1905, Page 8, Image 27
if THE OMAHA ILLUSTRATED HEH T Mail Orders Filled on all Items txetpt hoar sales and whtre otherwise mentioned as lon as the goods last. Order at once. Thanksgiving Week Specials ySfcBff Don't miss Monday's Sales c 71c 6ic pm Hfi'S GREATEST LINEN DEPARTMENT The place for all kinds of purchases of Thanksgiving Linens is where the stock is. We carry the best products of Irish, Scotch and German manufac tures. We buy these by the carload and sell them accordingly low. in all sizes from 12x12 to 54x54, at, piece, $1.98 to. . . . Huck Towels, (18x36), regu lar 10c quality, at. Huck Towels, 20x45, regular 15c and 19c quality, to close, 1ft at lUC 81x90 Seamless Sheets, regular 65c quality only 6 to a ens- LQ tomer-at '. . rOC Atlantic Sheets, 81x90, regu- PO lar 69c quality, at 70C We will place on sale a well known brand of (free from starch), soft finish, full 15c 60 and 64 -inch Mercerized Table Linen, regular 69c and 75c quali ties, handsome patterns, CC at, yard DDC 68-inch Silver Bleached Imported Linen, regular 85c and $1.00 qual ity,(napkins to match), T7Q "at, yard i ZJC Imported Pattern Cloths, with nap kins to match, for round or square tables. Elegant designs and all lit A It sizes, at me lonowing prices per set: $18 down to $7, $6.50, $5.50 and Lunch Cloths, Squares and Center Pieces, in mercerized, round thread and damask, plain and hemstitched, 4.50 Muslin, U6 inches wide and a regular 9c minlltv nnlv 10 varria in n customer at, yard 8 45-inch Pillow Casing, bleached, regular 16c quality, at, yard 10c THE RELIABLE. OTORE. THE LEADING DRESS GOODS HOUSE OF THE WEST The Time is Here to close out all broken lines. Just now when you want them most. No need blowing about the immen sity of our stock. Our customers will tell you we have the goods and make the prices. 150 pieces of Priestley's blacks, Fred Arnold's German blacks, Sir Tltua Salts' English blacks, etc., worth from 11.00 to $3.50 yard, CO will close Monday only at a yard JC About 250 pieces of Colored Dress Goods, Kerseys, Prunellas, Plaids, In visible Checks and other goods that sold from $1.00 to CC $3.00 yard DZZ All evening shades, except Mohairs, Henriettas and Lensdowne, at HALF TRICE. All single fold fine Waistlngs, worth up to $1.00 yard, will go "Jm at a yard . 7C Closing out all Bearskins or Mohair Curls, Astrakhans, etc., at re duced prices, but no sum pies of these goods sent. ANOTHER GREAT EVENT Another big purchase of fine silks which wo will sell for less than cost of pro duction. Note carefully our prices. Never before in Omaha have values like these been offered. On our bargain counter, beautiful fancy Bilk for suits, plaids fur wnttn, moire silks, both colored and blark. T-lnch colored taf-ft-tns. 19-lnoh blark reau Ue solo, 27-inrh black taffctta and UMwh white taffetas. These are $1 .26 and $1.00 silks, at. CCr yard OOC Fancy chiffon taffetas, fancy mes salines, figured fou.ards, 1 1 iln taf fetas, blai k and white Jiip silk and 19-inch black taffeta. 111 FSB ARK ST AND S5c AOr SILKS, at, yard OVC New Kniilant silk, the height of fashion, Is the most vlegant material for beautiful owns, is nil silk. 24 Inches wide. MON DAY OUR SPECIAL. M n I'RICE, per yard Odt Thins, a new silk late this full, 1ms bren a frreiit success. Is nhso ll!t"ly guaranteed and Makes a beautiful dress. We offer for Monday's sale both F.VKXINO AND 8TREKT SHAPES Kr SFKCIAI.. at. yard "OV rerslnn silks, handsome novelties, rlettant line of plaids and beauti ful evening broendes and ft mi red silks ARB WORTH $1.36 OR. ANn ii ri t virii TrtJW 11. 36 silk crepe de chines, at, yard 8fc silk crepe de chines, at, yard 69c silk crepe de chines, at, yard , iSo. silk crepe de chines, at. yard EXTRA PPECTAt, VALUES BLACK SILKS. Double fHcod penu do Inches wide, worth $1.98, at, yard Slnsle faced peau dc inches wide, worth $1.50, at, yard 85c 69c 50c nsc IN soie, J7 . 1.49 sole. IT 1 1 Single faced peau de sole. 27 Inches wide, worth $1.00, f)f)r at. yard WW Single faced peau de sole, 8 Inches wide, worth $178, I at, yard l.sSO Single faced peau de soie. SS Inches wide, worth $1.15, fiQr at. jard ovk 19-Inch black taffeta. Wo nae err. A a nnl KfXJ 19-Inch black taffeta, 66o grade, at, yard 27-Inch black taffeta, 85c grade, at, yard ST-lnrh black taffeta, $1.00 7c grade, at, yard a C7W 36-inrh black taffeta, 11.3 QfXn grade, at, yard .CJW 36-Inch black taffeta, $1.75 1 Q grade, at, yard tz 49c 69c KJlylsLjKftffyrwrvmwti'i' " i iri r rnvyyrYVivvvvwtrsj Great Bargain Opportunities This Week In Our Busy Cloak Dept. The entire surplus stock of three New York manufacturers, secured by our buyer at a tremendous bargain will be placed on 6ale Monday. So great the variety, so beautiful the styles that you cannot help but find something just to 6uit. 185 Handsome Coats, in all the latest styles in great assortment of plain and fancy mixed fabrics, garments A worth up to $18.00, at, choice. $12.50 Coats, in handsome plain and fancy mixed fabrics and all newest styles, great bargains, 7 50 $22.50 Coats, in the nobbiest materials and most stylish designs, yj, surprising yalues, choice. . . I sU $18.00 Suits, in the popular Chesterfield style, an immense variety of colors in plain and fancy mixed 1 A materials, splendid bargains at sale price. . . . Handsome Eton Suits, in fine broadcloths, reds, greens, plum, navy blue, browns and blacks, manufac f FA tured to sell at $22.50. Sale price IDs JU Great Skirt Bargains i $5.00 Walking Skirts at .$2.98 $8.00 Walking Skirts at ' . $4.98 Handsome Circular Skirts, in great variety of colors and material, at $7.50, $10, $12.50 and $15 Special Fur Bargains Fane Neck Scarfs, in Sables, Russian, Coney, Brook $Iink and many other furs, worth up to $6.00. Sale QQ price aWgO Genuine Martin Scarfs, with six tails, regular $8.00 if AO values, at 3fO Handsome Squirrel Coats, in blouse or jacket C Q styles, at $0 Persian Lamb Coats, the best values in the city at.fl f ft $150, $85 and ; $ 0.? Swell Astrakhan Coats, at $30, $40 and $50 Near Seal Coats, at $25, $35 and $50 Cravenette Coats in all styles and colors, manu- Q CIA facturer's price $12.00. Sale price 0ZJJ $5.00 Silk Waists at $2.08 Pretty Waists in great variety of colors and materials, 91.50, $2.00 and $3.50 values, at , ..80c Deautlful line Children's Fur Sets at 08c, 91.60, S 1.08, t2.50 up to $10 THREE ROUSING HOUR SPECIALS From 8 till O a. n. Flannelette Dressing Sacques at 33c From 8:30 to 0:80 a, m. women s Coney Scarfs at 30c From O till 11 a, m. $5.00 811k Waists at $2.00 Furniture Departm't. The season of the year when comfort counts most, we would bo pleased to show you our line of Morris Chairs. Velour cushions range in price from $12.75 down 7 50 The Stiright Morris Chair, as shown here, in select quarter sawed oak frames, polish finish, upholstered in the best chasa leather, at $16.00; chairs In ve rona velour at $13.00 and $14.00; the most ' elaborate frames, fine carvings. In genuine leather, at $18.00, $28.60 and $27.00. . FURNITURE SPECIALS. Large full roll Rattan Mocker Full size Couch, bteel construction Oak Sideboard, French plate mirror Oak Cane Seat Chair, brace arm Large oak cobbler seat Arm Rocker Steel Folding Bed Steel Sanitary Couch . . . . , 2.95 9.75 9.85 95c 1.95 6.85 3.95 1.50 EMMERICH CELEBRATED FEATHER PILLOWS Feather Pillow bite :0i27 pair Feather Pillow size T HA 22x27 pair J.UU Feather Pillow slse 2 50 Feather Pillow siie if 20i27 pair Z.UU Down Pillow sise M p f 22H7 pair W.D) These are all Emmerich guar anteed Feather Pillows. PICTURES AND FRAMES. Fine Colored Pictures in gilt frames. Landscapes, Fruits and Gam subjects, at 75c each, size 11x26 H. Very neat Framed Stretch Your Legs and be comfortable. Streit patent foot rest is a part of the chair ; forms tufted front when cot in use. Morris Chairs wear well each one giiaran :ced your security of satisfac tion. We can show yon some beautiful Streit Chairs, richly carved, leather or velours. Call and see them. Picture, else 12x15, gilt frame, fancy corners, wide margin, at 60c. Large variety of studies in beads, black frames, size. 11x13, price 60c. "The Young Mothers," colored, gilt frame, for 23c. "Alone," colored, gilt . frame, size 12x19. price 40c. Frames made to order, and we would suggest you get your frames in early. Popular Priced Wool Dress Goods We are now closing out this depart ment. Here are the prices that will do it All our 69c and 75c 54-lnch Wool Dress Goods will -go 39c All onr 49c Wool Dress Goods and Mohair Dress goods will go "JCI In this sale at a yard t Jt All our 39c. Plaids, Wool Dress Goods and Mohair Dress nr Goods wil go at AC All our 25o Dress Goods will P go at yard . . .- IOC All our 19c Dress Goods will f go at a yard 1UC Remember that this ad, as all our Dress Goods ads, are exactly as rep resented. No samples sent out of these goods. On sale for one day. In Omaha's leading Wash Goods and Wh'fe Goods Dept. for Holiday Trade Beautiful White Mercerized Waistlngs, from Tootle Broadhurst & Lee, Man chester, Eng., at 75c, 59c, fl 49c, 39C, 25c and .IJC India Linens, the best brands made, 60c, 39c, 25c, 19c, 15c, 12V4c, 10c and Beautiful all silk filled WaisUngs, the 59c and 75c grades, Silk Organdies, Silk Mulls, Chiffons, Dress Linens, Art Linens, Embroid ered Linens and Batistes, and the latest designs for holiday trade, at all prices from $2 to 60,000 Yards of all kinds of popular Wash Goods prints, ginghams, raadrasses, sateens, etc., at 25c, 15c, I 12c, lQc. 7c, 5c and Some of these goods worth up to 49c yd. 10c .3!c LINING DEPARTMENT The Host Cempefe lning Depf. Is fhe West. Skinner s Satin f CA vard k,Jf Ouera Satin 30.-In. wide, guuranteed to l.UU wear for two whole seasons Sampson's All Silk Lining Taffeta, guaranteed lor two wuui the best in America ior iuo money Gloria Cloth, no other lining made "Just as good," only. Lu st ral every bod y knows yard 5 0 other different brands well to the trade at 12V4c to TAILORS' TRIMMINGS DEPT. Italian Serges, Mohairs, Rubber Tis sue, Canvas, etc., at all ropular prices. Tailors' All Silk Lining 1 FA Serges. 6 Inches wide K.JVJ Tailors' fine All Silk Serges, extra weight Best Tailor Serges made 58c 35c 35c known 25c 1.98 2.50 CARPET AND DRAPERY BARGAINS Every day from now till Thanksgiving will see sweeping reductions made on various lines of goods in this department. You should profit by these sales. Half Wool Ingrain Carpets Extra heavj-, a regu lar 45c quality, at, yard Curtain Swisses 40 inches wide, in pretty up-to-date patterns, 10c quality, at, C yard '. Tapestry Brussels Carpets, with or without border,76c quality, at yard fv mvwhmmwmwwv ixruTjtnxrrnrij'irnoi'ni Two-Ply Ingrain Carpets Extra heavy, all-wool 75c grade Monday, at, All yard.... ..Tsl2C Ruffled Swiss Curtains One great lot worth up to $4.00 Monday, at, IO 62!c pair. Velvet Brussels Carpet, In pretty patterns, worth $1.10, Monday, at yard 29c Great Safe of Ladies9 Gloves Monday begins the greatest sale of Ladies' Gloves ever held in Omaha. Several sample lines of high grade kid gloves comprising all the latest 6tyles and colors, in one, two and three-clasp, and 12, 16 and 18-button styles, have Paris point and all the latest stitching, and are worth up to $3, divided into 3 lots for this sale, at pair, 39c, 98c and $1.50 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LADIES' UNDERWEAR Ladles' fleece lined ribbed Vests and Pants, white and cream, In all sizes, worth SOc, snap at Ladles' Vests and Pants, flat or ribbed, fleeced ex tra heavy and worth 76c, Monday at Ladies' fleece lined Vests or Pants, very heavy, in black or white, come in all sizes special at. . . . Ladies' Wool Union Suits, in natural gray, all sizes and worth $1.60 special at Ladies' Fleece Lined Union Salts, In white only, fine ribbed, tailor cut and well made special bargain while they last at 25c 39c 39c 75c ribbed, 75c Eight Special Bargains in Our China Dept. Eggshell Decorated Jap Tea Cups and Saucers 60c values Serol-Granlte Handled Cups and Saucers each Wine Glasses each Ice Cream and Jelly Saucers 3!c ..2c Water Tumblers each Imported Bohemian Cruets, decorated, 60c value Beer Stelna, Imported, metal covered, up from Sanitary Toothslck Holders lie nicely 10c 15c 10c Drug Specials 49c 15c 59c Rubber' Gloves, at. Rubber Complexion Brushes, at. .... . Water Bottles, at G9c and Pianos! Pianos! Pianos! HHHMMMM1HHaMHMMaHBBMBHHBMMHl MMMMMBHBBBMMnMMBmHMMBBMM MMHHMMHnMMMMMHaHMBHHBMnMMBM if there is one thing that we pride ourselves on more than another it !s our showing of beautiful Pianos. Our stock is the most complete of all In this city. No matter what your selection may be, you will have it, with full assur ance of quality. Look over the following bargains and see if there Is anything that will interest you: 1 One Upright Decker, walnut case $ 93.00 One Upright Kimball, mahogany case $113.00 One new Upright Schmoller & Mueller, oak case. . .9138.00 One Upright Behr Bros., mahogany case 9147.00 One Upright Wegman (used 1 years), mahogany case 9152.00 One Upright Emerson, mahogany case 9105.00 One Upright Wegman (used 1 year), walnut case. .$175.00 One Upright Estey (used 2 years), butternut case. .$190.00 One Upright Fischer (used 3 years), walnut case .. $200.00 One new Upright Sample Piano, New York make, walnut case 9210.00 One Upright Sample Piano, Chicago make, oak case. 9-08.00 In addition to the above you will have a complete assortment of new Chirkerlng Bros., Fischer, l.xUy, Wegman, Price & Teeple, Schaeffer, Stoddard, Franklin, Melville Clark. Write for catalogues and prices. Give us your Tuning Orders. Telphoue 6:14. New Pianos For Rent. ' OMAHA'S RELIABLE PIANO HOUSE )aIMMsiMMM Buy Your Groceries at Hayden's, the Home of Pure Food Products. Leaders Always, in Price and Quality 48-lb. sack Fancy High Patent Minne sota Flour, nothing finer for family use, per sack 91.25 7 lbs. best Rolled Oatmeal 25c C lbs. best Pearl Sago, Barley or Fa rina 25c 6 lbs. choice Japan Rice 25c 6 lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans. 2.3c 10 bars best Laundry Soap 25c 4 lbs. best Soda or Oyster Crackers. 25o 3 pkgs. best Macaroni 25c Sweet Sugar Corn, 2-lb. can 5e Fancy Wax or String Beans, 2 lb. can Quart can Golden Table Syrup. 8 l-8c 011 Sardines, per can 2Jc Xcfclo Breakfast Food, per pkg..7Hc Fruen's Wheat Wafers, per pkg.l2Hc 10 lbs. best Granulated Cornmeal.l5c lC-oi. can Condensed Cream.... 7 He See Our Full Line of Fancy New Cali fornia Dried Fruits. OMAHA'H GREATEST BUTTER AND CHEESE DE1T. PRICES. Fancy Dairy Table Butter, per lb. .18c Choice Creamery Butter, per lb.. 21c Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per lb 23c Fancy Brick Chetse, lb 15c Fancy Llinberger Cheese, lb. . . . .15c Fancy New York White Cheese, lb. 15c Fancy Wlfconsln Cream Cheene, lb. 15c Fancy Wisconsin Swiss Cheese, . lb. .., 17e Neufchatel Cheese, each 3c Appctlt ost Cheese, each 3c Hand Cheese, 2 for 5c READ THESE FRUIT DEPARTMENT PH1CE. Fancy Wlnesap Apples, doz 10c Fancy Large, Juicy Oranges, doz.. 15c Fancy Large, Juicy Lemons, doz.. 15c Fancy Mixed Nuts, lb 12 He Fancy New Honey, rack 12c Fancy new. Hallowe'en Dates, lb.7c CANDY SPECIAL FOR MONDAY. Morse's Chocolate Coated Honey Dew this is retailed regular everywhere for 40c this sale, lb 25c A Your J IF fTK I fa kMJ ill " Chilling Money Is something you should un deniably look out for. Best results from the expendi ture is what you are looking for and we know you'll find them here. A fortunate purchase of the surplus stocks of three great eastern manufactur ers enables us to offer you values we are certain can not be duplicated in the city. However, we want you to judge. See the goods be fore you buy and we are confident of the results. $8.00 to SI0.09 Men's Suits $5.00 and $7.50 Single or double-breasted styles, in all wool cheviots, cas 6imeres, worsteds and tweeds, up-to-date in style and perfect in fit, unequalled values, at $7.50 5 00 $12.00 to $16.50 Men's Suits $12.50 and $10.00 Splendid hand-tailored suits, in fancy worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres or plain, unfinished worsteds. An im mense variety of patterns to select from. Not a suit worth less than $12.50 and up to $16.50. Come in usual single or double-breasted styles great bar- If) A A gains at $12.50 and lUslfll 112.50 to $15.00 Mea's Overcoats $10.00 Handsome Overcoats, 52 inches long, with belted back, splendidly lined and trimmed, come in medium and dark fancy fabrics, with padded shoulders and self -retaining fronts, unequaled bargains in Monday's tfl flfl sale at IU.UU A great line"bf surprising bargains, comprising all the latest styles and most popular fabrics. Youths' and Chlldrea's Overcoats Youth's Overcoats In long or medium lengths, with or without belt, worth up to $10.00 in three lots Z f C -Monday at $7.50, $5.00 and J CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS-In all sizes and the nobbiest new styles garments worth up to $5.00 in QC three lots-at $3.50, $2.50 and v. ! The Best Equipped Flannel and Blanket Department in the City Bought direct from the manufacturers at lowest cash prices 15o Fancy Floed Back flannelette, has a gooA fln twill aad comas Tlrj tn a big variety of flsurcs. 30 Inohen Jvlde, at yard " Uo $6-lnch wide Fancy OuUnt FUnnel at Q3 yard 0c Dodge Davis' White Wool Flannel at 30C yard 17Vic 86-Inch wide Comforter Bateen at yard ten yards to a 1(JC customer 12V4c Flannelette one of tbe aeaeon'a popular materials for house wrap- c peri drene. tea gowns or nalata. at yard , I4.M buy our K'M full alse 11-4 White Wool Bed Blanket, made ef Cali fornia lambs' wool. (2 98 buys our regular S3.M All Wool Bed Blanket-com In scarlets, fancy plaids, whito and sray. alae 80xSu. fl.VS buys our regular $2.88 U-i Whits Wool Filled Bed Blanket-snly two pairs to a customer. 69c buys our regular 98c 11-4 Cotton Bed Blankets, tan and sray. $1 90 urm our regular I? 9 Home-Mail- Bed Comforter, made of best sateen and tilled with pure white cotton, extra large, only two to a customer. JTLrLTULri.riril.-,--- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- i mm. m. Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings Special cut In small Oak Stoves and odd and end lieatera. 1U0 No. 11 air tight oak beaters. (4.4 M No. IS air tight oak heaters.. 4t to No. 16 blr tight oak heaters. $7.49 Small odd and end Base Uurners, worth twleo the amount, up from I10.SS A stylos Ulube Kanges, tbo finest on eurth, every one warranted, up from I23.0S 'llits L n i vernal line of double hoot ing imiw tourneis beats 'em all i i.i y are 'wy attend of any olner make In U-auty and durability, in wui kpi-insiup. in heating capacity, in economy, up from iA. T11KHK PllJCKB WHAT BE DU HUCA'i t.J IN UMA11A. Buvory HoaHttr e 83. s plice Blag Carvers ttto tilnssle Food Chopper b. Kllclien Meat Baw 970 Wattle Iron 69o 2-hole I-aundry 8love S2.tti Htt Pott a Jruns 7ic All Enameled Koaeters II si Fine -ple Htag Carvers tl M (Crown Kutsin Header S'Ju Kamlly Cleavers 2fto Hteam Cookwrs H i 21-itioh Wood Btove 1 94 Net Metal Knives and Forks 8So Bee how much you can nave by comparing prices wild others take a little time add these up caa save you from 16 to 26 per coat. f : if , fit FOR SILK LOVERS MONDAY i K I ' i. if 1 T