NovpmtKr iiu, isto. For and About Women Folks THE OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEE. Work AM Woman' Ilr-Matr kLLi th lotions of the beauty doc tor cannot accomplish a fraction of the good which work doe In promoting health and beaut y." Thl I the conclusion of Delia. . short Jacket would then?" she asked. Austrian, who proclaims her discovery In the Chicago Tribune In these words: A visit to the factories In the United Slates and abroad, and a careful study of the girl found there, reveal th fact that although many of these lack In bloom and car enjoyed by girls of leisure, thl ab sence Is compensated by strength of char acter and an Intelligence of purpose. I never bad any Idea how many pretty girls are working In factories until I visited several New England cotton mills and shoe factories. In Italy, whenever I was In search of a beautiful girl, I made a visit . to th silk factories. Girls who go Into domestio service and , pas their time dusting, wanning and making beds are even compiler. Many of our best looking girls are found among the parlor maids. A physician told a patient who asked him how she could retain her youth and beauty, "Dust and make every bed In the house." They all believe that houMwork offers the best kind of physical culture. Th country lassie always Is portrayed as being fair, but usually they hav not the good looks belonging to the girl of the factors-. This cannot be the result of hard work, because the factory girl has longer hours and Is more closely confined. It must be because there Is a lack of purpose and monotony In the life of the country girl that makes her grow old before her time. If Intelligence and deflnltenets of purpose help to make women more attractive, then beauty ought not to be rare among those busied with affairs. In vlsltlng business office I often have bwn attracted by the good looking girls employed as secretaries. Did I not know that these positions entnll responsibilities I should be led to believe that these women were hired for their beauty more than for their Intelligence. Borne months ago I was at a summer resort, where a crowd of women were living and they held responsible positions that took them to town every day. One morning a well known man of affairs grew Interested In them and said to his friend: "There's nn attractlvo lot of girls. They don't look as If they mndo this trip every day and worked all sum mer. They certainly are better looking than most of the girls you see on the beach and around the tennis courts. How do you account for It?" "It's pretty hard to explain," said the other man. "That's what I asked my sec retary, a splendid looking girl, last week. She said that she did not know, unless It was that she enjoyed her work and did not find time to make mountains out of mole hills. Her eyes really sparkle and her smile well, It's better than a tonic." We all know that many of the beautiful and attractive girls In the great cities are seen In the shops. They make an effort to appear well, Btudy how to wear their clothes and handling their goods helps to Improve their figure. They wear the most becoming smiles on their faces and If they have any cares they guard them well. A beautiful shop girl, speaking of her occu pation, says: "Yes, I love my work; those beautiful textures and wonderful shades of color make me so happy. I never see a handsome piece of goods but I fancy I wore a gown made of the material. I get the same pleasure from colors that a musician gets from sound." Many people In Europe, and In England more especially, are engaged In floriculture; they raise flowers and fruits; and It Is hard to say whether they or the flowers have the prettier coloring. One day I noticed a girl carrying a heavy load of apples across an orchard, and when I Bsked her If they were not too heavy, she said: "No, I love to carry heavy loads of fruit; It makes m strong." Even hard study, which until a few years ago was supposed to be Injurious to women, does not rob them of their beauty. Outdoor sport and good times are splen did countcractants for higher education. Tralnlaa- School for Haabaats. Recently in New York City a big double brftwnstone house on one of the upper streets has been resounding with cheerful, manly voices. Passersby have been uncertain as to the use of the build ing. The establishment is an Innovation. It was opened by one of the mothers' clubs of the city and is a landmark In the progress of the twentieth century. It Is known as "The Husband' Preparatory Housekeeping Institution," where men study scientifically cooking, darning, baby tending, etc. It is the outcome of the recent remarks of N. W. Ferris, late dem ocratic governor of the state of Michi gan, In the course of which he told a gath ering of teachers that no woman should consent to marry unless she was able, In case of necessity, to look after the finan cial welfare of the family. "Do not marry," said Mr. Ferris, "unless you are able to construction of the great steel highways. support your husband." She is in a class of one. i She has made railroads, blasted rocks, ' Fetlte southern Beaaty. dug up primeval forests, cut through the ' When President Roosevelt was In At- foothills, filled in the valleys and reared lanta on his recent southern tour, says bridge in something like half a score of : th New York World, he shattered the states. She has directed men and mules traditional standard upon which the most and steam and dynamite have been forced beautiful women of the south have been to seve fier ends. She has figured on con- ' gauged. The tall, slender, vivacious, pink tract whose prices ran into the hundreds rose girl with big hasel eyes and an abund- of thousands of dollars. Her intellect and financial ability have been matched against her shoulder. "80 you don't think be becoming to me "Or a medium one?" "I haven't given the subject much thought," said he, speaking truthfully. As she went on and on she looked fur tively at the hats with their voluminous and beautiful veils, at the rich, warm gloves, at the shoes, but what good were hat and gloves and shoes with old, old gowns? By and by In their peregrinations they passed a shop also filled with wax figure with bright, glassy eyes, but thes were differently dressed. "You may have one of those if you like," aid he generously then, with ah answering smile. The wide, glassy eyes of the wax girl stared at her and the eyes of the crowd looked, too; but she put up her hands to conceal her tears, for it was a pattern shop before which they stood and the gowns were made of pa per I A Builder of Railroad. Mrs. Thedosia Bcacham, tho builder of railroads, Alls a unique place In the field of woman's endeavor. She Is tho only 1 woman In America, perhaps In the world. 1 who ha engaged to a large extent in the ance of soft brown hair, who was undis puted queen, has been dethroned. The petite blonds of the llly-of-the-vallty type with eyes of finest blue and a crown of buff gold hair has taken her place. At the reception given to Mr. .Roosevelt in Atlanta, Miss Selma Adelaide Allen was some of the country's greatest railroad : magnates and she has not suffered by such encounters. She is a person of pluck and energy, of finance and diplomacy. I But Mrs. Beacham's life, strenuous though ! the latter half of It has been, has proved one of the hundreds of lady guests who in to her liking and she has achieved some line awaited their opportunity to be pre- fame as well as fortune. She is probably seniea 10 me president. Aiier nnninn the wealthiest woman in her native state nanas wun a large numoer ne was inter- of Michigan. rupted by Secretary I.oeb, who told him he was exceeding his time limit. Mrs. Beacham's present contract In Vir ginia is the building of five miles of road, S PoSefls To Be ' Considered When You Buy a Face Cream. 1 That there is a Cream that is purer than any other' cream. 2 That there is a Cream that is cheaper than any other GOOD cream. 3 That there is a Cream that is BOTH purer ana cheaper than the cream you prohahly now have on your toilet table, moreover it is delightfully refreshing. Isn't that the Cream you want 7 Then the next time you buy, in sist upon Cream Charlotte Ik PURE We are sending a large free sam ple jar to those who request it. Also an interesting little booklet Her Highness The LadyFair AVrite for them now. De Jean Perfumery Co., Republic Buildlcg, Chicago. "Oh, very well," said the president, "but from Kllby station westward. As lnren I cau't go until I have been presented to this undertaking might seem to an average that young lady over there," pointing to man, not to mention a woman's viewpoint the graceful, shrinking figure of Miss Allen. jt is a relatively small Job to Mrs. She was told of the president wish and Beacham. Tho road on which Mrs was led blushing and smiling to where he Beacham Is working Is the Tidewater! stood and was presented to him. which will connect the coal fields with the "I am honored," said Mr. Roosevelt, 8ea, and the general contractors for the while holding her hand, as is his custom nrgt 100 miles of which were Sands & with those who particularly attract him. Oliver of Roanoke, Va. Because of other "to meet the most beautiful woman I contracts which prevented their comple- have seen In the south." tion of the roadbed on time the Rounoke It was a moment of supreme happiness, nrm nas been reiloved of thn as well as embarrassment, to the young mte8 between the sea and Kllby, where lady, who managed to say, quite modestly: Mrs Beacham's section begins. "Oh, I thank you, Mr. President; but I'm Though Mrs. Beacham declined to tell afraid our southern hospitality has blinded exactly what her yearly earnings are, It you somewhat to our defects." Then the was learned from other railroad source band struck up, "The Prettiest Girl In that she makes WO.000 and upwards an- Oeorgla." Men and women gathered con- nuany. LaHt year she cleared about $.,0 000 gratulatlng tho recipient of the president's and ths year may do beUer Mr, Beacham favor, and quicker than It can be told a 8ayg her blgKest contract was wIth the new standard had been set for th moBt Tennessee Central railroad in 1900. She beautiful southern woman. made about STB.OOO or JSO.000 on that, and Miss Allen is a remarkably lovely young ,t t(K)k nearly a year t0 ,j0 ,t woman, one of tho fairest flowers In At- Mr8, Beacham expects to soon finish lanta's rosebud garden of girls. Her blue hcf preacnt contracL Then she will eyes, under dark lashes, complexion of g0 to Tcnne81)ee and uk(J t ,n blended rose .and gardenia, well poised , work recen0y contractcd. by w. head, crowned In vivid gold present what am j OHver wUn tne g,,,,,,,. raUway Do Vela would term "a glorious color The prJce of OUver., mogt recent eontrac scheme." wittt the Southern Is Jl.000,000. but he ha Herotofacrlflce "n httnd other unfinished Job with the A slight shower was falling! relates the me "J:"Un j1"? U been al: Chlcago Tribune, and Mr. Ferguson dls- "h "ds & Oliver for years and covered, when on the point of starting one of their most capable and dependa- for church, that there wasn't an umbrella subcontractors. She is held In the in the house fit for use. "Villi? k!T " "ciaU "d ,S Cairo rrlarl rtw rifts a wa nlAi Aaa 1 a a "You can borrow one from the Thomp- - ' " ue sons, next door," suggested Mrs. Ferguson. of reBtct whlch "nt approaches rev- ...... . . ,, erence. "They never go to church. . . , "No. Laura," he answered, with Iron ae ' railroad work was congenial, firmness. "It Is wrong to borrow urn- " Beacham said she did not so particu- brellas on Sunday. I should have bought dmlre calling, but that the one yesterday. I shall punish myself for """0'a,.renM?ra"on as gao4 ftnd 8h my carelessness by not going to church f ntn"PC' t0r b" a "tractor always, this morning" expects to retire next summer to a Thereupon he proceeded to punish him- S"? and abandon the self still further by reclining In an easy ' . r V,"18'.,, " 8ys Kala" chair and reading the morning papers. f V A ' v J f ' - q She Is truly a remarkable woman. Some The Bride and the Brnte. of ner mot prominent personal charac She was a bride of two years' tanding, terUtlcs are her energy, vivacity, deep and he was hcr husband. mental penetration, and her Judgment of Her clothes were beginning to b dl- human nature. There I brightness and graceful, but ' no money appeared to be rar Intelligence In her eye and a notice forthcoming for their renewal. She had bl determination about her mouth, turned and twisted her gowns, making Sh 18 versatile woman. After hearing over the skirt and putting the leeve In her counsel a workman or reprimand a upside down, right side up, and every "creant with searching eye and a voice other way. but Inside out. until the only tnat compels obedience and silence one thing to do seemed to b to buy some new fou,a nara,J' believe that she can change I. n ov.-unu 10 a person so mild-mannered DINING ROOM FURNITURE You have only throe iiiorv days in which to secure these rare values in CHINA CAUINETS, HLFFKTS, SIDKIUAKIS, 1)1X1 NO TAHLKS ami rtlAins. At no time will your MOXKY come nearer doing double tervh-e. This AUTISTIC FI'IINITI KK purchased SPECIALLY fr this OCCASIOX and the quantity we purchased procured for us SPECIAL ADVANTAGE in price, which enables us to glvo values to suit the most careful buyers. We quote prices of a few only. Extension Tables 5.00 les, six 10.75 Solid oak six-foot extension table with fluted legs, for Highly polished oak dining tables, foot extension with five turned legs, for Solid oak extension table with 49-Inch square top, & $20.00 design table, for Pedestal center table, 6 ft. exten sion, highly polished oak, for liMp Ipti China Cabinets 1250 Quarter sawed oak china cab lnets, square design Bent glass front china cabinet, ror top, quarter sawed oak, highly polished, for mir- 15! Very highly polished quarter sawed oak china cabinet, best glass ends French legs, beautiful de sign, for $18 Quarter sawed golden oak china cab inet, bent glass door, bent glass ends, one mirror above top shelf in back for cut glass, quarter sawed pilaster front, hand rubbed and polished, "A snap", for $22 12.00 12.75 Buffets Dining Chairs Cane seat, brace urm, embossed f f back dining chair Cane seat, brace arm, banister back, quar ter sawed oak finish dining C A chair, at 1 JU Quarter sawed golden oak dining chair, all all framed together with French 'y ff legs and genuine leather Beat. . ,OU Box seat weathered oak dining chair, made of select oak, banister back, 1 fill genuine leather seat, for ff Finely polished quarter sawed, golden oak buffet, fancy plate mirror back, one drawer lined, French 01 7c legs, for CLIO Quarter sawed golden oak buffet, very highly polished mirror back, small shelf at top, silver drawer lined, large lined drawer and two QQfX cupboard doors, for VO Weathered oak buffet, octagon shape front, mirror top, small shelf each side, silver drawer lined, large linen drawer, oxidyzed copper COR trimmings, for VO Weathered oak buffet, very handsome In design with large shaped plate mirror, two small drawers, linen drawer, two cupboard doors, sil ver drawer lined, old brass trimmings, for 82G Pro-Inventory Rug Sale We take inventory of our Carpet and Rug Department December 1st. Only three more days before so doing, all discontinued patterns in Room SUe Rugs must be closed. There is no deviation. This Store has a fixed pol icy that must be lived up to and all Dropped Pattern of this season must be sold with its closo. Prices have had their final reduction. Don't wait thinking you are going to pot some thing for less money, you will bo dis appointed If you do, add besides where the prices are at present you cannot afford -to wait for the line will not hold out any lngth of time. Better HURRY down TOMORROW. $25.00 Wilton Vel- ClOtCfl vtRug, ! 9x12 wlO.JU $25.00 Ax'mlntr Rug, alio 9x12... $18.59 $45.00 Wilton Rug, CQC flfl Izo 9x12 SOJ.UU $30.00 Aimlntttr Rug, slzo 9x12 . .. S22.50 ( OTHER SIZES SAME PROPOSITION. $18.00 Brussels Rug, Size 9x12, 513.75 l?u3ilIeE Stewart & Beaton 1315-17-19 Farnam Street. $40 Wilton Rug, Size 9x12, $27.00 ones. Her shoes matched her gown and so did her hats. This Is a thing- which frequently hap pens to brides of two years' standing-. It was about o'clock In the morning. He had finished reading- his paper, and was about to start down town. "May I go with you," she asked timidly, and of ' such convincing gentility. She find time to read a great deal and keeps up In a surprising degree with literary doing a well a current event. New Thin Im Jewelry. Exquisite bracelet are shown in open figures, as squares, diamonds or ovals. "and look at the hat and thing In th forming a band and having a round pearl window?" In the center of each figure, which is "You may," granted he. "There' no manipulated In diamonds. Some fine gold harm looking at them," he added car- flexible bracelet are et with diamond lessly, as he lighted his cigar. Proll and sapphire and diamond clusters. They went out together. Together they Watch bracelets hav a tiny watch set on walked along the street of the beautiful fancy gold links. plate glass window and the smiling wax Extra thin watches. In the latest models figures, looking, sine there wa no harm bout as large a an ordinary watch and in that. thin a the proverbial wafer are in per- All at once she stopped transfixed at fctly plain finish of brlsrht or dull srold. 1 sight of a magnificent rob that wept ' A unique carfpln 1 a bird's head formed the ground all round and left some silk or a haroque pearl, with the beak of gold besiiles for the waist and the sleeve of na ruby ve Attractive pins show sap-- It. A gorgeous thing It was, variegated. Pbires or opals with plain or fancy border "I don't need such vnwna now." ilrhH f diamonds. - Msukkt m yl ovr tkos three points upe cially tb. first on. Suppose you cut out tk picture of th jar and put it in your purse. That will help you to remember to go in and aA. about it when you are down town, far aaJa la Oat ana by Baataa Store, 88 aeats th Jar. she, "slnco they've quit inviting me to parties." "I should think not," frowned her hus band. "But aren't they lovely!" she sighed again. "Come along," frowned her husband. Again she stopped, this time before a window filled with suit of brown, of A striking bar pin is in the shape of a pretty diamond key. Of very yellow gold are some slender chains for ladles' watches, composed of long and short links in odd styles. A cabochon emerald surrounded by flla monds ornaments the center of a tiny plain gold watch with diamond chatelaine pin. In diamonds hatpins pave balls and cubes silver over the covers of dark blue, green or red leather. Some new silver toilet sets are of per fectly plain, bright finish; others have a beaded edge, while others have plain cen ters with elaborate borders beautifully en graved. Large porcelain vases, with beautiful floral decorations, are ornamented with silver, deposited in such a manner as to frame the groups of painted flower In the most effective way. An odd desk set Is a naif circie of fancy wood, with curved railing of silver, holding a calendar at the back, together with pen rack inkstand and cup with pen brush conveniently located. Handsomely engraved glass dishes show the tiger lily and the clover blossom and leaf in enlarged form. A silver pen rack formed of the figures 1006 Is now shown. Jewelers' Weekly. Frills of Fashloa. Elbow glove are important feature of this winter wardrobe. lilue seems to have clung to favor In spite of the demand for purples and green. Some of the new evening poplins resem ble velvet, although much softer than even chiffon velvet. Smoked gray Is the epec-ial delight of the auburn-haired girl. Kven she with the fiery locks looks very well In this fashion able color. Authorities differ about the size of sleeves. People are not very enthusiastic about big, full sleeves. And they certainly are anything but pretty. The silver lace used on the season's frocks must not be too new looking. It must resemble antique silver, even to be a little discolored to be exactly right. Lace curtains are claiming attention now. People are just beginning to put tnem up, and a visit to the shops often results after a glance at last year's stock in hand. 'ur trimmings are admirable for street dresses and evening cloaks. They will bo seen on many of tho handsomest garments jL me winter, but it is exceedingly bad form to weur fur on an indoor dress. Short skirts for evening wear are still popular among very young women. For dancing there is no question about their being practical and decidedly comfortable. But a woman over 25 should not tnlnk of it. A large assortment of belt buckles meets tho season s demand for Jewelry in all it manifestations. Especially popular is tho new pin back buckle a belt fastener on buckle line that pins on the bell like a bnjouh. There are many styles and fads and no tions about combs and pins for the hair; but nothing will ever supersede for one Instant the exquisite richness an propri ety of real tortoise shell, carved or adorned with gold. The demand for things gilt has resulted in the return of the gilt wall papers which peopie were so glad to discard some years ago. A dull gold ground, with a conven tional design over it. is. however, very effective in a den or library. The extremely long veils for automobile use are in white and pale -blue. Shorter ones, to be worn on the street, are white, pink and blue dotted with black, tan with brown, navy blue with nuvy blue, and brown with brown. The noted new color is "mouse gray" "a tint that looks like a trail of smoke in the air." Some of the newest buckles of all are of mother of pearl. Besides the iridescent Ptany coloring, they are also found in one tone shades in pink, purple, grav, green and blue, i'ne one toned pearl buckles are much sought after In this day of one color tone costumes. Mother of pearl with traced d'Blgn in gilt is also well Ukd and goes prettily with the modish gilt there Is no other occupation where a woman can make so much money. She pays her girls $18 and $19 a week, and their tips bring their wages to $5, but they work hard from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. and half a day Sunday. George Horton, American consul at Athens, has sent to the state department a warning to American women against marrying Greeks without a surety that the ceremony is performed by a reputable Greek priest, as the desertion of American wives and families by Greek husbands who return to Greece and remarry without a divorce, which Is permissible in Greece, unless a priest In good standing officiated at the first marriage Is a matter of com mon occurrence. Miss Olive Jones has established in the heart of New York's swarming east side a school for backward children,. The chil dren In each class will be of practically the same age and will have equal oppor tunities to learn. Miss Jones hopes that one of the great causes of truancy will be remedied in her school; children who have for any reason got behind their mates and have to Join classes with the little fellows are made fun of, and to avoid this ridicule these backward big ones play truant. With all the books that have been writ ten and will be written In which Admiral Togo Is the central and heroic figure little Is ever Introduced concerning Mrs. Togo. According to one account received from abroad she is a gentle, homely little lady, who doe her own housework and employs but one servant. The family keeps no llnriklHha, but after the war began Mrs. Togo bought a bicycle and gave it to ber son. so that he might ride down to Yoko hama to get her the latest news, since no correspondence whatever passed between herself and the admiral. Religious Notes Rev. Dr. Arthur S.'lJoyd of New York, who has Just been elected bishop-coadjutor for the diocese of southern Virginia, 1 44 years old. He was born In Virginia. The pope Is a good economist. He ha reduced the expenses of the Vatican sev eral million francs a year, and has so much the more to use In his charitable enter prises. The Rev. W. C. 8wearer, who is on his first furlough after seven years of service In Corea, report a most remarkable move ment toward Christianity among th Corean people. Dr. Cyrus Adler has resigned the presi dency of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, for the reason that his duties in connection with the Smithsonian insti tution will take up all his time hereafter. The pope' Swiss guard will celebrate the fourth centenary of their Institute In January next. Their history, which is interesting, is to be told in a special vol ume about to be published by Prof. Durrer. The Presbyterians of Kansas have en dowed a chair at the State university and elected Dr. Francis Wllber to the posi tion. His duties will be to give Instruc tion In the Bible and related subjects and to look after the spiritual welfare of the 260 Presbyterian student attending the university. Chat About Womeu. blue, of gray. The waxy girl who wore ,r "n- al Pa', balls, with ornamental them smiled self -sufficiently, looking down dlamo"l work at 'the base, and various upon her out of eves that wer hlua onrt ncy designs. glassy. Upon their head were hat to match. On their hands were glove of shades corresponding. "These new suits with the long coats," smiled she, deprecatively, "aren't thev Extremely odd are the effects shown In opal matrix pendants or brooches set In Irregular borders composed of diamonds and round pearls. Among dainty receptacles for Jewelry Is a beautlful-but don't you think they would &'rao''ru' "ttle basket shape, with double be becoming to me? Don't you thing they are more becoming to tall women?" He took a birdseye view of the abbre viated height of her. "I should say so," said he. Nearby was another window. Her Eton jackets prevailed, and shorter wraps alto gether. "You can never tell what the styles are going to be." remarked she, lightly. "Some shops show long coals, some short, some medium. I believe each shop has a style of its own purposely, so it can advertise Itself, so they can tell you to buy your things there." "80 who can tell?" he demanded to know. They," answered she timidly. "I never could understand," declared he with some ferocity, "who that 'they means." at the same time hurrying her by the shop whose windows were filled with suits with Eton Jackete better adapted to her styl of figure. tihe looked longingly bauk at th.ra over lids, made of finely chased silver open work. New designs In bridge boxes show ela borate conventional patterns in pierced A Skin of Ceauty i a Joy Forevor. DR. T. Flix Oourtud't Oriental Crm or Megloal Boauttflor. Bmbotm Til Pirn!, rc-CeUM, U Ah F.tcht. tvea every l.euun oi butT, nd U t detUioa, It h tu4 lit ttot t 6? vewav tttd U to bavrancM v t:e U totxtti.tU I properly mutl Acetyl ttooounirr fell f ua.iiju iiumt. IV. L- A. fe f ft4v.4 to ft law!? f u hkut- At you Udl will um Una 1 .........i GaT.r:VB Cfmmt m tha 1ut harmful of a'.l lb muo trpvrfiioaa " r r aaia by all arik.u and FaacT Otx4a P4uar m Ua Uai4 Ha, Ci.vda a4 Kutuf HfilT.HOPLIS.Pm, 17 6fNt itm Strxt. Ira Ttt ,Mf"- .Jny Beckwlth Gray, who won distinction as a writer of verse, died In Oswego, N Y., recently at the age of lea. Much of her published work was accom plished after she had reached the century mark. ' TiiMr'; Mae O. H. Russell of Bloomlngton, III., Is the only woman oil operator in Kentucky, and perhaps in the United Mules. Bince the discovery of oil there have been but one or two women who ventured Into the business on a large scale, and so far as is known, this young woman of some L'8 years old Is today rated as among the largest operators in the coun try. Hlgnora Cousino of South Africa la now said to be the richest woman in the world. Iler silver and copper mines are now yield ing 1.W0 a month: her coat mines yield V.ou) a month. Her stock farms of thoroughbred horses and cattle at present bring in an Income which exceeds that of all the mines put together. In addition she has large landed interests and a Heel of steamships. Cornelia, countess of Craven, formerly Miss Bradley Martin of New York, whose marriage at the age of 1 was a sensation some years ago, is regarded as one of the best dressed women in E'igland. She cares Utile for society, being fund of home life and of her garden, and is an expert in fancy poultry. It is said that her hair was "put up' young lady fashion for the first time on the day of ber wedding. Mrs. Alxora Mullen of Chicago is one of baa a don n women who have barber shops. Mrs. Mullen studied tialrdressing and manicuring, but advised there was more money in bartering-, took that in also and now outs hair and shaves men, whom reports say she does not encourage to talk, iiibeilng she txm.-iiders a purely business operation, and she neither talks herself nor allow her girls to enter Into conversa tion. It is the opinion of Mis. Mullen that Superfluous Hair Removed by tb Mew Principle .OjaSlliracfe s nmitlon to modern sHene. It Is the enlr etenti&c ud practical war to daatroy hair Iion't waata lima aiprimaniiBK with alactr!.!! X ray and riapnalnnea. Tliea ara orlrrad to. OU I ha BARK UIIKII nfll.. . Uurri Da Mirarta i( nol. It li tha ouly nialhod which lalndoiwd ly .hyiclana. ureaona. oarmamli.guta niMlcal loumala and proimnant luag4iac. Rnaklat fraa. m plain aaalati an lopa. lx Miracia mailail, aeal.J la plug wrir.. Per, lor I.O 0 P Miracia i iianiical Co., Mi ark Atb. . Kaw Tork Your money back without auanlinn no rod tai.) ll n 10 do all that la cJiltnxl fur It. Fur aala by ail Crat-claaa drss giaU, daparuusat iwraa and Boston Store. LI J (MHeawaaawl aawaVMawawf' aww fc m. .aa J aaW-jja3W C ED. PINAUD'S EAU DE QUININE HAIR TONIC "Can cheerfully recommend to any one who desires a hair tonic possessing positive vir tues." Anna Held. "Cheerfu'ly recommend" MPo tive virtues." Of course peopls feel grateful (or a scalp free from dandruff (or hair with life and strength. So will you Get the tonic you need which hat "positive virtues." ED. PINAUD'S EAU DE QUININE HAIR TONIC rn r p Ei Pinaud'a Eas de Quinine Hir Tonic for ihre appli cation i enough eiquitite perfume for fc limes, and famous ELIXIR DEN TIFRICE for five timet. Send 10c to pay pottage sod packing. WRITE TO DAY Ed.Pinaud'sAmericanOfficea Ed. Pinaud Buildinf NEW YORK CITY The "Kantstoop" Shoulder Drace and Suspender so Produce that military effect much desired. Women', nisea'$l,00 and Boys', ell UesT,'0C Men'a. all 'z a ... Cpl..O FOR 8A.I.E BY MYKRI-rHIXUV UHIG CO.. Omaha, rk. BOSTON TOKK IIHIII lKIT.. THE K A. VI STOOP BRACK CO., 1'atentee end Manufacturers. Uaklaat, al. Irl Embossed Commercial Stationery Utttrhcads. Envelopes, Business Cards, An nouncements, etc. Write tor estimates. A. I. ROOT, "CORPORATED 1212 Ho war J St., Omaha. We nmnultcmit our own trunk, traveling baga and aiul cts. W uiako them of th best material. Our workman anli; 1 uurxcelltrd W sell th.m for Ira than Interior giadi. ould cuat you aleewhsie. If you buy of us .u will get the beat vou will save ,non-y ou will be better satisfied. I-eathe.- Bound Matting Suit Cases. W 60. .7l and 4 uu. VV do repairing- OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1220 Farnam Street