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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1905)
THE OMAI1A ILLUSTRATED BEE. New American Consul General to Calcutta Hails from Nebraska ?oTrabr 2, 1005. s ... J 0 GOtjONTTi TO B. MICHAELS, UNITED CUTTA. HAT effect would It hare had on w the future career of Colonel William H. Michael had he ac cepted the fepubllcaa nomination for secretary of state of Ne braska In 1876? . Now that Colonel Michael has ceased to ' be chief clerk nf thn rwnnrtmAnt of RtatA i after nearly nine years' service, to be L come consul general at Calcutta, the question becomes particularly Interesting. Colonel Michael very shortly after going to Nebraska In 1875 began to take an active interest In the politics of the state. He was elected a delegate from Lincoln county to the republican state convention of 1871 and was one of the seventeen dele aTates whose seats were contested. At that suite convention which nominated Frank Welsh for congress, the congressional con- TCIIUUU UlCm Wing UUKIIUWU Ul ilVUIttOAH, Michael placed In nomination Ouy C Bar ton, then a resident of North Platte. The main feature of the nominating speech was a dramatic recital of how Mr. Bar ton, now one of Nebraska's richest clti ens, defended the flag over the post- omce at fit. Joseph. Mr. Barton at that time was assistant postmaster of the Mis souri town, and the confederate sympathis ers were exceedingly active In denunciation of anything that had a federal leaning. Barton bauled the union flag to the peak of the flagstaff on the building, which was met with: jeers and threats on the part of the confederate sympathizers. President (Copyright, lSt, by Frank G. Carpenter.) envTii PAt. Canada. Nov. 23. (Spe- 1 fei Si 1 . . i rr-w i ciai correapoiiuttm-a ui uj " I it una in his office as oresldent mi of tho Canadian Pacific railroad that I met Sir Thomas Shaugh- nessy und talked with him about the New ConadA and tho United States, Sir Thomas Is as well fitted,' perhaps, as any man In the two countries to give a practical view f their future relations. He is an Ameri can by birth and training, and he has for years been a Canadian by naturalization and closely associated with every rhase of the national and business life of the Do minion. The child of Irish parents, he was born In Milwaukee about fifty years ago and educated there In a Jesuit school. At fifteen he went into the employ of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, and a tew years later had so proved his efficiency that hen Sir William Van Home, who was then plain Mr. Van Home, came here to undertake the building of the Canadian Pacific he persuaded Mr. Shaugh neitsy to'roine t, und take the position of purchasing agent. Halldlnar- llream. Thawas In the duys when the Canadian Pucifio was looked upon an a dream and Impossible of financial succexs. Van Home was sneered at by railroad nabobs of the United States as a visionary and Shaugh ncssy. In a similar way, I venture, was criticised for leaving such a sure thing as the Milwaukee road for the Incipient Can adian Pacific railroad. Today both men live to laugt) at their railroad critics of the past. They have seen their railroad grow Into what Is the largest sinale line of transportation In the world. The Canadian Pacific has 1I.0"0 miles of Iron truck. Its rails reach from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and it has also steamships crossing both oceans so that one can step on board one of the company's vessels ht Liverpool and travel across to North America. There he can take the railroad across the continent to Vancouver and . on another Canadian Pacific vessel go on to Tokohania and Hong kong without once steppvne; outside the company's property. The distance Is half wav around the world. Ttoth ten have seen the road proved a financial success. Its stock Is away above pur and Its revenue hua increased beyond their dreams. Both men hsve long since become Canadian ' citizens and both have done so much for their adopted oountrv that they have been knighted by the crown, and have sirs to their names. Sir William Van Home became president 4 of the road In 1--S8. but two or three years ago he re tired and Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, who had all the time been steadily climbing, was elected his successor. Sir William had said some years ago when Canadian Paclflo railroad stock was worth leaa than (0 cents on the dollar that he would re sign when It reached par and when the road had a mileage of 10,000, and he did air Tfcaasae Shaasraaeear. k I found Sir Thomas younger man than I expected. He Is about to. but be looks iS. His face la fair, rosy and free from wrinkles; his hair la light and It looks as though it mar have been red in bis boy hood. Be talk 'quickly and freely, ert- STATES CONSUL OENERAX AT CAL "Haul down the flag!" "nil It full of holes!" were exclamations heard on all sides. Cool and collected Mr. Barton heard these expressions and In a lull of the exclamations said: "I will shoot the first man who attempts to haul down the flag of our common country." And he evidently meant what he said. Colonel Michael's recital of this thrilling incident in Guy Barton's life brought the young politician prominently before the convention, and he was offered the nom ination of secretary of state, which lie declined on the ground that he had made all arrangements to go to California for his health. He Yi persuaded, however, to take the nomination as an alternate elector on the republican state ticket, and actively entered upon tho campaign for Rutherford B. Hayes, the republican presi dential nominee. During that campaign Colonel Michael visited every, section of Nebraska and was gratified to see his adopted state roll up a comfortable ma jority for the republican nominee. ,, Career One of Iaterest. Colonel Michael as he looks back over those strenuous days In the early politics of Nebraska asks himself many times the question what his future would have been had he known enough to have taken ad vantage of his chances which presented themselves in the memorable Hayes-Tilden campaign. William H- Michael, who goes to Calcutta of the Canadian Pacific on i era willzam dently having ne doubt as to what he wants to say and no backwardness In say ing It. When I asked as to whether Can ada wanted a reciprocity treaty with the United States, for Instance, he replied: "What Canada wants of your country is just what you have been giving us for the past twenty or thirty years. We want a tariff wall between the two nations so high that you cannot climb over It. We want to profit by the same policy which has so aided in building up the United States. We believe in protection and home industry, and we shall keep our tariff high enough to encourage It." "In that case, Sir Thomas, the American manufacturers will get the trade by com ing across the border and building branches here. Will they not?" "That la Just what they are doing now." was the reply. "Many millions of dollars of American capital have already gone into such branches. Nearly all of your chief Industrial Institutions . are establishing them. Take the American Locomotive works, for Instance. They are building a learn engintts for tills railroad. They put up a number for us last year, and we shall buy more in the months to come. We are glad to welcome such Institutions. We want their goods, but we want them made on Canadian soil and with Canadian Jabor." . "Yeu do not speak as though a union of the two countries was possible commercial, ly. Sir Thomas." said I. "How about a political union?" 'That is an even gretT Improbability than a commercial union," said the pi evi dent of the Canadian Pacific. "I do not know single Cenadiaj who advouatee the to represent our government la one of King Edward's possessions, hu bad a moHt varied career. The mmmr of 1861, before he was 1( years of age, he was teaching school In a Ion school house In Iowa county, losva. where his father was a prosperous merchant. He received the munificent salary of $H a month us high a salary as Wfcs p.ild in those days for a "summer teiu'her" In country schools. lie boarded with the school director and when settle ment time for board and lodging came around nt the close of the school the direc tor iind his good wife asked If "ten dollars for the four months was too much." It was tho purpose of the young teacher to u.-c the money earned in paying- his tuition and expenses In the University of Iowa, where lie had already arranged to mess In the "Rookery" with four other students at a cost of 80 cents per week rach. This plan was 'nipped In the bud by the beating of the drum that marshalled tho boys of the north to battle for the union. He gave up the opportunity for a university education for his country. He enlisted In the Eleventh Iowa Infantry and In Ootolier, ln, with his regiment, landed at St. Louis by boat. Through rain and mud the regiment plodded to Benton bar racks where It received Its effectual train ing for tho war. Iiirldeut of the War Ttiaes. The winter of VH and 1SG2 was spent In scouting la Monltau county, with head quarters at California, and some of Michael's most exciting experiences wjre had In this region. He believes he was present at the auction of the last runaway sluve In Missouri. The slave was a sturdy tKiy of IS. He had been captured and put In the county jail.whero ho was kept, pending an order of aalo by tho oourt. Probably fifty or more of the "Boys In 31ue" of the Eleventh Iowa were present at the sale. The colored boy was put upon a block and tho sheriff, after reading the order of the court authorizing the sale, proceeded to describe the good qualttles of the chattel and Anally knocked him down to the highest bidder for $17, which the sheriff remarked was "mighty low for a likely nigger boy." He " 'lowed It was the fust nlggeT ever sold In Mlssoury at that figrer." and he hoped the "tarnal" Mqct ln troubles would soon be over and that "buslneas might git better." The buyer of the boy took hold of the rope fastened to his purchase and started to lead him away. A shout went up from the boys of the Eleventh, "Rescue him boys," and the colored boy was released and the rope transferred from him to tho sheriff and the purchaser, who were tied together and marched up to the camp where they were both sold at auction, the "nigger boy" playing the role of auctioneer. In those days women wore very large hoopsklrts. On a scout the "yanks" ran Specific for Insomnia Found in Exercise NSOMNIA, like Indigestion, Is a thing which in many cases stub bornly resists all treatments, but Q&Pl many other cases of It are due. ' It appears, to the lack of healthy fatigue. It seems, too, that where Insomnia and indigestion are both present the cure of one means an escape from both of the devastating horrors. "I went to my family doctor last spring," says a West Philadelphia man, "and told blm that while he had always been able to cure me of an earache or to knock out a cold by the simple writing of a prescrip tion he had made no Impression on my recalcitrant digestive organs, nor rid me of the demon which kept me tossing about at night until the bedclothes were tied In a hard knot. I put it to him pretty straight and Intimated that if he could do no better van horno. annexation of Canada with the United States, nor of one who wants a political union of any kind. We believe we are better off by ourselves. We don't see that we would gain anything by uniting with you, and we believe It Is better for the United States and for us to have competi tion." "Then Canada would rather remain a part of the British empire. It has now five or six million people and la only the tall of the Imperial dog. When Canada baa to.000,000 wlU it not break off or will the Canadian tall be then strong enough to wag the dog?" "At present our relations with the Brit ish empire are all we could wish, and we expect them to continue so," replied Mr. 8haughnessy. "We feel that we can work together and benefit each other. There Is no sentiment here in favor of breaking away from Great Britain." Aaaerleaas aa Caaadlaaa. "How about our people when they settle In Canada. Sir Thomas. Do they become Canadians or do they still bold their al legiance to the United States?" "Most of them become Canadians, and en thusiastic ones," was the reply. "I took out my naturalization papers within a year after I came to Canada, but I am. you know, of Irish descent, and the change was nly going back to the mother country. It is not difficult for an American, to be come a Canadian. He finds the laws and customs much the same as at home. He is fully as free - at home, and he has an equally large pail In the government. He finds here good schools, and, In fact all that he consider aeslrable at heme; aoe m J f (, . ;..., f',- . . . i. f-V- M . ; ' '. i . . :: v ' ' - ''. i. - v. :-:i-4r. ur T-ii- " Hi ... . " . ..j '.;". MRS. W. II. MICHAELS. to cover three "rebs" who were home from Prlco's army visiting and recruiting. The "rebs" entered a farm house which the "yanks" surrounded. Two of the "John nies" bolted and were captured, but tho third man could not be found tn the house. The woman of the house sat near a biasing fire knitting. When asked where the man was she calmly answered that she "reck oned the "yanks' got him when he ran out." A few days after the Incident the woman was In Qoodlove's store In California shop- pn, and am0ng other articles looked at hoopsklrts. Bho observed that "hoopsklrts wag mlBhty handy things In war times," and tnPn to)(1 now ner husband was saved from capture by taking refuge under her hoopekirta, and she laughed heartily over bow she had fooled the "yanks. '1 Wounded at Stailoh. Spring came and then the battle of Shlloh where Michael was first under Are in bat tle. He was hurt In the fight, and again Injured Immediately after the battle which Injury landed him In tho hospital, where after three years' knowledge of my con stitution and temperament he was not fit to be In the profession. "He began to denounce trolley cars and other modern devices until I thought he was trying to change the subject, but tho end of his tirade was a statement that he couldn't cure me because I wouldn't take the only prescription that would do me any good. I'll frankly confess that I did balk a little when he explained, for his scheme was nothing more nor less than that I should walk to and from my business every day until summer. When I hummed and hawed and suggested patent exercises, ma chines and other things, he turned the tables on me In the 'roasting process and said unless I'd accept his program he'd wash his hands of the Job, whereas If a faithful following of it did not effect a cure when in addition he perceives that he can make money faster and thrive better he easily becomes a patriot to the land of his adoption. Thousands of American farmers are now settling In our new wheat lands nf the west. So far they are almost all taking out naturalization papers." The Sew Canada. "You have just returned from the west." said I. "Does Uie Immigration there con tinue?" "Yes." replied Sir Thomas. "It Is only at Its beginning. We are having out there what has been going on In tho United States since your organization as a gov ernment. The farmers of the Atlantic, when the lands became valuable, moved over the mountains to Ohio, and took up homesteads there. As that country was settled snd prices rose, the farmer with two or three sons sold out and moved on to Illinois, buying a block of cheap land. When Illinois grew the march was on west to Wisconsin and Iowa. Your western farmers are selling out their high priced lands and crossing the lirder to the rich wheat belt of Canada. They tan get farms there for themselves ami their children, and they see that the same rise in values is bound to take place, as has occurred in the United States." "But have not real estate values al ready gone out of sight in that country?" I asked. "Not In respect to farming lands. There are many millions of acres yet to be set tled, and good lands are cheap. 'In some of the towns prices seem to me extrava gant. In Winnipeg, for Instance, real estate Is higher than luNMontreaL" Caaadlaa Parifle land dale. "I see it said. Sir Thomas, that an American syndicate has offered to buy all of tbe lands granted to your railroad com pany for $70,000,000?" "We have had an offer for our lands, but we have refused it- I will not say what it was, but it was not seventy mil lions. It is agamst the policy of the rail road to sell Its lands that way. We don't want them to go out of our hands In great blocks. What we want is settlers, for the truffle of the railroad will come from the development of the country, and that Is worth far more to us than our lands." ' "But your traffic must be increasing enormously through these new develop ments?" ' "It is, and we are rebuilding our road as fast aa possible to lake care of it. We are reducing our gradients, building branch lines, laying heavy rails everywhere and improving our loepmotives and rolling stock. Take tho road which goes from Winnipeg to Port Arthur. Our traffic over It this year Is double what It was seven years ago. That has been made possible by a better roadbed and rolling stock." "What do you think, Sir Thomas, of the idea that electricity will some day be the motive power of our great railroads?" "It k a possibility. Indeed. I may say it is a probability. We are already adopting electricity for some of our shorter branch lines, and the day may com when that power will send our engines from coast to coast. The Canadian Pacific, has extraor dinary advantages In ita water pewer fur be remained till October, ISC.' when he discharged. When he recovered sufficiently to be steady on his pins he took an ex amination and was given a commission In the ravy for duty in the Mississippi squad ron, in which arm of the service he was on du'y at the front for three years. Most of hts service was on the T Icr. and ha participated In many fights on the Missis sippi nnd its tributaries between 'Kl and ' the close of hostilities. He regrets that he wns not in the fight which occurred In June, lfl, before Memphis wlilih resulted In the complete destruction of the rebel defense fleet under Montgomery. This naval battle, he thinks, rai'ks In importance with the naval fight In Manila bay and the buttle off Santiago. Had the rebel fleet defeated the federal flotilla It would have opened the river above to confederate depredations as far up as St. Louis, Louisville nnd Cincin nati. On all these cities tribute would have been laid, or destruction vlsltedi and the war would have, been prolonged several years. Put the yanVe gnnhoats won nnd the cities were saved. In 1Si?-C Michael wns on the g.mlioat Kate, and fpnt a year settling up matters left unsettled by the Mississippi -uaxlron when the war cloeed. A rart of his work was stowing old cannon, machinery, etc., .taken from wrecked gunboats, at the naval reserve located near Curondelet. lie re signed In June. lclt!. and returned to school ' at the University of Iowa. Hauiouu'd from the Rrlit-ls. Michael was probably the only Vnion sol dier or sailor ruosomed during tho War of the Rebellion. He was captured In April, JS5, a. few days after tho surrender of Lve, while- on shore at Oreen's landina. on the lingale, thirty miles buck of Helena. Ark., by sumo of "Dobbin's layouts" who swooped down on him from their camp In the hills of SU Francis. He was on navul tneral court-martial duty on the flagship of the division to which his vessel, the Ty ler, belonged. The flagship Groesbeck, with the court on board, was visiting tho vessels of the division on which cases were to be tried. One vessel was up the St. Francis guarding a trading post which was operat ing under a "permit to buy cotton" from President Lincoln. The Groesbeck relieved the gunboat while tho latter went to the mouth of the White river to coal. While on this duty the trading boat went up the Langale to Oreen's landing, where some cotton was to bo had. While lying here against the landing, guarding tho trad ing boat, Michael went ashore early In tho morning, being unable to sleep on account of a painful bolt. While walking In the cool shade two mounted "layouts" from Dobbin's camp picked him up and held him until dusk, when he was released. Before he was p.llowed to go, however, the "lav outs" had demanded a quantity of goods he'd ask no pay. "Well, he's got his pay all right. I had to readjust my business to take that walk, but I did It, never missing it rain or shine, through three months and a half. Long before that my indigestion disappeared and I slept like a, top. I gained eight pounds In weight at the end of two months. But It was a four months' agreement, and Just to be square with the doctor, I hung to it. Now I feel like a colt, but that doctor wants me to keep up the walking through the fall and coming, winter. I' don't know If I can stand the strain or not. I have to get up an hour earlier than of old and my wife has complained ever since I started that the table .. expenses have been con stantly Increasing. At first the carfare I saved made up the difference, but now It doesn't." Philadelphia Record. Canada and American Trade 5TR TTTOMAS the development of electricity. Here in the cast, in Ontario, we have Niagara. Farther west we have great falls all along the line to too prairies. We have falls in the moun tains, and altogether a great part of our power could be so generated." Railroading- a Desirable Profrssloa. ."How do you like working upon such subjects, Sir Thomas?" said 1. "Railroad ing must lie an interesting profession." "It Is one of the niott engrossing, most interesting and most important of the age," was the reply. "It absorbs one and de mands the best that is in him. It Is a profession in which one does things and creates things. The Canadian Pacific has done more than any other one thing for the development of Canada. It has made this western settlement possible by bring ing in settlers and by showing the world what is there- The railroad la a great mis sionary and a great clvilixer. It Is the ad vance guard in the march of modern progress." "Did you appreciate tiiat when you first began your work in a railroad office?" "No. I was only 15 years of age when I left school and entered the purchasing de partment of the Chi' go, Milwaukee tc Bt. Paul railroad as a clerk. I then hoped to become a lawyer. For three or four years I read law at night and 1 was fit for ad mission to the bar before 1 got through. In the meantime I was rising In the rail road office. My salary kept Increasing, and my responsibility as well. I saw that there was plenty to da and much to gain In sticking where I was, and the result was I became a railroad man." "What e-ia the chances today for young -mm 1 ..e ... . , - WIT-MAR, DAUfJHTTJR Or from the trading boat, which, upon Michael's written request, was sent out to them. They threatened to kill Michael If their demand was not complied with. Lieu tenant Commander John G. Mitchell, presi dent of the court-mnrtial and commandant of the division, arrested a number of citizens, Including Mrs. Green, and sent word to the "layouts" that unless Michael ws returned In safety he would hang the citizens held as hostages. This came near closing the Incident for Michael. The "lay outs" Bwore that they would kill him as well as the "Yankee admiral," as they called the naval officer In command. Michael, fortunately, kept cool and "ar ranged his own release by writing a note to his commander to send out the goods demanded. The owner of the trading boat had been a major In Hood's army and had acted as the medium of communication be tween the "lnyouts" and the gunboat, and largely to his good offices the success of the negotiations was due. The stroll on shore cost the young officer the suit of clothes he wore, some 37 he had on his person and about S400 In mefchandUe. After tbe War. .Michael made a good record. Among the evidences of this fact he had a commission signed by Gideon Wells, secretary of the navy, promoting him "upon the recom mendation of Acting Rear Admiral Porter" for "gallant conduct in action." The peo ple of Iowa recognized the meritorious and brilliant record of Michael by selecting him for a place on the Soldiers' and Bail ors' monument, which was erected by the STtATjaTSftSSSfx. men In railroading, Kr ThtmaWr I Mked. "They are better than even Tbe rail roads are growing and the demand for good brains waa never so great aa new. The trouble Is te get good men to &n the places. We are always on the lookout for bright, industrious and able employes. Such men are sure of advancement." "You speak of railroading aa a profes sion. Is that a proper classification of the business?" "Yes; it has become as much a profession aa the law, medicine or the pulpit. It re quires educatlort and training, and the man who succeeds at It Is he who goes In at the start of life and grows up to bis possibil ities. I consider It One of the greatest of professions." Oar Trade With the Orlrat. The conversation here turned again to railroad traffic, and I asked Sir Thomas as to the prospects of an Increased trade with Japan and China, now that the war is closed. "We have fast boats running to China and Japan," he replied, "but we do not try to do a heavy freight business, like the lines which go from your Pacffio ports. We have the shortest rout and aa a whole the fast est boats, and we do a large part of the passenger business between North America and Asia. I expect this traffic to Inrreasu largely. The worll has become interested in the Japanese, and It wants to visit them. The tour surpasses ail others in Interest and pleasure and'-more and more are tak ing It every year. "The Canadian Pacific steamers alfco carry such goods aa demand fast and safe trans portation, I refer te tea, silks and things COLONEL AND MRU, MICHAELS. legislature on Capitol Mil, Des Moines, m splendid tribute to the "sailor boy" from Iowa. After three years at the University Michael entered journalism, his first work being that of cltv editor of the Sioux City (Iowa) Journal. He removed to Nebraska, In 1875, where he owned at different time and edited ' several successful newspapers. In 1880 he was admitted to the bar and practiced successfully until his health, failed htm. In 1887 he succeeded Ben Perley Poore as editor of the Congres sional Directory, United States senate, and served In this capacity for ten years, when he became chief clerk of the Department of State. While residing In Washington, he has been a newspaper correspondent, a contributor to magazines, a writer of many books, his last ono being 'The Story of the Declaratlen of Independence," Illus trated. Colonel Michael was married In 1871 to Miss Emma J. Qulnn. who was a school teacher In Cherokee county, Iowa, her father being one of the most successful farmers In that county. Later Mrs. Mi chael's father sold his property in Iowa and located in Sioux Falls, where his widow Is now living. The Qulnns moved from Vermont to Illinois and later to Iowa, where they went In 1870. Three children have been born to Colonel and "Mrs. Michael, all daughters, two of them being married ' and now residing In this city. The youngest Ib a child of 10 and will ac company her father and mother to theif post In India shortly after the new year. E. C. 8- of that class. We also take cotton cloths across to Asia, and as ballast sometimes raw cotton, flour and other heavy goods. The trans-racific trade is growing wonder fully, and now that the war has finished there will bo great oienlngs for Canadian .nd American goods In Manchuria,'1- ' Mr William Van Horn. I began this letter by writing of Kir Thomas Shaughnessy with a reference to Blr William Van Home. The two names go together, and the latter will bo men tioned wherever tho subject is the Ca nadian Pncilli: railway. It wan Sir William who was practically the founder of the load. Tho Canadian government had mnrte three attempts to build a line from the Atlantic to the Pacific and had failed. The work was then put into the lir.nds of a privute conipaay and Sir William Van Home became Its manager. Twenty-tivo hundred and fifty miles were to bo built, snd only a Utile over Bt were under con struction. The government gave the com pany large subsidies ani some millions of acres of lunils. Tho contract was that the road win to be completed within ten years. Mr. Van Home imnh"l the work and finished In four. The road 1ms already dis posed of about one-half of Us hi mis. Some of them went lis low us tl.u" ail iii re. The same lands am worth i- an acre and up ward today. The remaining lands am sell ing for good prices, and Mr. McXieol. the vice president, believes th:it when half of what la still left is B"M the remaining 7,000.000 odd acres will be worth more than all received from the s.iie preceding. In the meantime the road has grown te the dimensions I lav described. .It Is a close corporation, managing every thing with Its own men. baring Its own Sleeping car system, its own cxpies coin psny and a number of large hotels. It has Its own coal mines, and it Is Irrigating vast trncta of its semi-arid lsmls and opening them to settlers. In all this Sir William Van Home is still an Interested party, although not active In the direct management. He is president of the Board of Directors, and as such Is content to let the younger men do the work while he plays with his slock farm here In New Brunswick, directs the management of another he has in Mani toba and devotes a part of the rest of his leisure to opening up the wilderness of eastern Cuba I s-iy a iirt of h's leisure for he Is connected with a dozen other big enterprises hern and elsewhere Ha Is the president of one of the biggest pulp and paper mills of the world, has large interests in Iron and coal mines and Is also laying out one of the, blpgest sugar plantations in Cuba. I say a part of his leisure, for be Is In his but is still one of the active, moving, creative spirits of the age. He now calls himself a Cana dian, but he was born an American and rose to manhood as such. In the old Spanish elty of Camaguey, In the heart of Cuba, where the Cutmn railroad has its chief offices, the Cubans look upon him as one of the patron jjms of their Island, and hsve, I believe, named a square after him or put up seme kind of a monu ment in bis honor. Indeed, he is more than any other man I know a citizen of the world. VKANK O. CAJtPXNTKJs,