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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1905. TRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET er Fmei En Througa Whole List of Ctrea's. WHEAT DAMAGE IN ARGENTINA DENIED Flae Wntktr and Xo Drmul Makes Corn F.asy Lighter Receipt of Oats Are Expected Phenora ! Floar DhIicm, northern, 79'ec: December, TTjc; arrive and on track, Jc. CHICAGO GIIA1. ANU PttOVUIOM No. May. 84c OATS To .. OMAHA, Nor. IS, 1H The market -n ratber heavy, an there we nothing In the newa hloh particu larly favored the buying aide. Argentina weather la favorable for nntmini the wheat crop and cables today Indicate there ?. been no appreciable damage to wheat. the movement the last week was 8.121.WO bushels, which Is 1.710,000 buehels more than I for the corresponding week last year. Liv erpool was steady, varying from "td lower to Wd higher. Influenced by tiie moderate clearances from this country. " Fine weather, an easier cash market and no demand gave a lower range of values to corn. Trade was light the bulk of the dsy and the tone waa heavy. Under exist ing conditions the trad does not see any thing but lower prices eventually. Liver pool was a shade lower at the close. Oats were off with wheat and corn. Lighter receipts are probable and the esti mate for local arrivals Monday Is 275 cars, which Is small, considering that there will be Sunday Inspection on four roads. De mand Is good. Teeember wheat closed at MViC, May at $aV,o and July at tvdt2Hc December corn closed st 43"i,e, old De cember at 4SVic, May at W843c and July at 42VtC. Oats closed with December at 2Bo, May at 3lHftH4o and Julv st 8nsT304c. Clearances were 237,000 bushels of corn, 162,000 bushels of oats, S3. 0(0 bushels of wheat and 17,000 barrels of flour. Prlmsry wheat, receipts were 1,467.000 bushels and shipments 852.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 1,078,000 bushels and shipments of 499,000 bushels. Corn receipts were f.99,00 bushels and shipments 4,ono bushels, sgnlnet receipts last year of f6,000 bushels and shipments of 400.00O bushels. Australian wheat shipments this week were 224,000 bushels, against 2O6.000 bushels last week and 352,000 bushels Isst year. Cash business Ir. Chicago yesterday wss aS.flOO bushels of wheat, 243.00 bushels of corn. Including 68.000 bushels for export by the southwest, end 25O.0OO bushels of OHts. Export sales of corn st Chicago were 64.000 bushels and of oats 175.000 bushels. A Toronto exporter wlrer: "We were quite astonished today In sentiment with reference to the grain markets. Quite early there was a change In our rubles which made us believe the bottom of the market had been readied. We received twelve cables todav, bids for Manitoba m-h-.! In nil . n -1 i r. r , u HMla V, I ,T . thn market, but If they should Improve to morrow we should be ."l.solutely convinced that the market Is on the bottom nnrt that something better Is going to be the out come In general." From the Inter Ocean: "Argentina news can be counted on for trie next thirty dus or more as an Individual fsctor In Hie wheat market. Like all crop scares, there will be t'lentv of reports of both kinds. "The flour business In the northwest and southwest has reached phenomenal pro portions the Inst ten days. Washburn Crosbv sold 118 noo barrels, almost a week's run. rillsburv made large sales. The es timates of the three -tutes were eoual to 700.000 barrels, or sbout 8,000,000 bushels of wheat, some of the flour being for export." Oman Cash Sales. WHEAT No. 8 hard, 1 car, 79c; No. 3 hard. 1 cor. 78c; No. 4 hard. 1 car, 7?e. COHN-No. 4. 2 cars. 87c. RYE No. 3. 1 car, 6tHc Ofnaba Cash Prices, WHEAT No. I hard. TiWqWc; No. 3 hard, 74'78c; No. 4 hard, 6Hi4c; No. 2 spring, 78c; N- 3 spring, 74ti77o. COKN No. j, 19c; No. 4, 36'V836c; no grade, 34f(,36c; No. 3 yellow, 39c; No. 3 white, 39c. OATS No. 3 mixed, 274e; No. 3 white, !8Hc: No. 4 white, 27WS8c. RYE No, 3. 61c; No. 2. 63c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat Corn. Oats. ....10J 247 14 91 114 6 Features it the Trading, aad (leslas Prleea na Board ol Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. 36. Increased receipts of wht-at In tne northwest caused sn easy undertone In the market here. At tne close wneut for May delivery was oft V" Corn Was down -uic. Oats showed a loss of Vac Provisions were a shade to TVkC higher. i ne, wheat market opened at a slight de cline, the May option being off 8 'C to o at 64 to 8io'C. Pit tradois and commission houses were moderate sellers, bearish sentiment was due chiefly to the liberal movement of new wheat in the northwest, supplemented by the clear weather In that section of the country. The large deliveries at Minneapolis and Duluth caused a considerable decline in tne price of wheat on the curb at Minneapolis, and' this decline In turn had a tnd ncy to dproes price here. News regarding the wheat crop of Argentina waa conflicting. Advices received early In the day were to the effect that estimates on the clop are being greatly reduced. The reports bi ought out a fair demand, resulting in n sligiit rally, sales of May behig made at 871c. Later a message from Uuenus Ayres re ceived by a Minneapolis trade journal stated that, the damage by frost was slight and that It would have no perceptible ef fect on the wheat crop. This view of the situation In the South American republic dispelled all bullish sentiment and caused a recurrence of the early weakness. Large firimary receipts were an additional bcar sli influence affecting the market late in the session. During the day the price of May declined to Mc. The close was easy with May at StKiSiS'jo. of wheat and flour weie equal to 159,00 bushels. Primary receipts were l,467,0t bushels against 1.078.0110 bushels a year ago. Minne apolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 1.046 cars against 949 cars last week and 740 csrs a year ago. The corn market was weak throughout the day and the volume of trading was NEW YORK STOCKS AND B0NDi Trading it CompirttiTtly Quiet md Price IfoTeintnt is filugjish. BANK STATEMENT CAUSES RECOVERY and the Rise Is Only Moderate l.ate Reaetloas Make (losing Ratber Irregular. NEW YORK. Nov. 23 Trading a as com paratively quiet and thu movement of prices siue,gisn pievluus to tne publication ol Uie ban, statement tooay. A general recovery followed, which was modci ate on tne av erage, and some lata reactions made the closing rather irregular. 'Ine spectucuiar movement In some stocks whim nas a feature of eacn day this n k was mane by iennessee Coal today, nlui an upwaid rush of 8 points, followed by feverlsn fluctuations. National Lead added over 3 points to its recent upward mailt '1 tiers whs a sudden awaaening In tne Kansas City Southern stocks. Aside from tne movements of tills class the fluc tuations were ratner narrow. the RuCK Island stocks maue furtner sharp declines on sales of a comparatively small pumper of snares. The weakness of tneso SlocKs attracted mucti attention and the numerous rumors to explain varied all the way from a purpose of iiinuenuing speculative senti ment on the part of tnuse In control of the stuck to a supposition tnat dividends on the preferred were in danger owing to the recent poor showings of earnings by tne company. There was mucn discussion also of the extent to wiilch slocks nave been sold during the week by some of tne great speculative combinations which have led tne current movement. An Incident of the day was the sharp break In International Mercantile Mai ine In tne cui u marad small. Clear weather throughout the cen-I which win attributed to a report of the tral west caused selling by pit trud which resulted In a moderate decline. Ex- fiort demand win slack and there were ndlcatlons pointing to sn Increased move ment. May opened tc to "4ff,c lower at 4.ISTi43c to 4!c. sold oft to 4j-c and closed at 431'(i-l.'iV. Ixx-al receipts were 247 cars with 7 cars of contract srrde. The dullnrss In the wheat and corn pits was also In evidence In the oats market. The features of the trading was buying of May by commission houses and further liquidation In December. Cash and export demand was slow. The market was slow from start to finish. May opened a shade higher at 3rc, sold off to 31-Se and closed at aij'c'31c. Local receipts were 144 cars. Provisions were firm on fair d'mand from Investors and shorts. The steady tone of the hog market was a bullish In fluence. At the close Mev nork was on SflTV at $H0iK-(fl3O2i.i. Lard was up 2Vo hi $7,074. Ribs were a shade higher at $8 86. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 12 rats; corn, 519 cars; oats, 275 cars; hogs 47.000 head. The lending futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. Hlgh. low. Close.l Yes y. Wheat I Dec. 83Ht, May SG-ol July ti Corn Dec. 45H J Dec. 441J May 43Vu July 43S OHts Dec. 2'i Mnv HP July 3UH Pork Jan. 12 95 May 13 97H Ird Nov. 7 00 Dec. ( 95 Jan. 92'4 May 7 07H Ribs Jan. 6 fS May I 6 85 84 87H 82H 4.V,! 444j 4;- 43Va 31 V 834 83V4 fflffTfc duiivcr t a war of rales growing out of oioscnwlon amongst the uerman steamship lines. Tne pruu of bar eiiver rose aain to uo4c an ounce, a record not touched, for seven or eight years paat. The bana statement showed more than the exacted gain In cash and besides that a motiurate loan contraction. Tuts was taken to demonstrate tnat tne speculation of the week had been financed largely with foreian funds and It is known tnat large amounts have been lent botn fur Paris and Canadlun accout at the btock exchange during the wee. The subtreasury trans ferred to San Francisco another JI.ouo.wjO tor local account, bringing the total since Thursday to l,9o0,ix to that destination. The strength of foreign exchange today pointed to a cessation of the offerings of foreign funds hers. The value of Imports of dry goods and merchandise at the port of New York for this week rose to 81b,7t,795. compared with l3.462,k78 last week, which was said to make the record up to that dale. This heavy moement throws light upon the persistent demand for exchange. Total ssks of bonds, par vaiue, 81.558,000. Quotations on thw New York Stock ex chunge ranged, as follows: baies. M ig 11 . uiw .v lose. w 37, 0 IS,) 1W,4;.V0; increase, t4.8T9.3nO: reserve, I'jf. .vl..', increase, $i.:V'.l'i, reserve required, ..4M.794.4ix'; increase. l-'T.K., surplus' !.16", .w; inerasc. .Jil.n'if, ex-l.'mted States de posits, lU.A'N.KTS; Increase, 8ti,JU,8uO. Sevr York .lonrr Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 2V MONEY On call, nominal: no loans. Time lc:,ns, steady; SO days. 6 per cent; 8" 'lays. 84j per cent; 6 months, o&fv per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-64 per cent. STL Kl.IN'G EXCHANOE-Flrm. with e tual business 111 bunkers' bills at 14 Ui" 4.M.!o for demand and at 84 s-''!! 4 C.S for sit-day bills; ixisted rates, 4.Kj4j44 and 84.s7'tf4i'4i commercial hllis. $4.i.s u4 24. hll.VKK Har, x tc; auxicvn dollars, ouc. HON OS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular, Closing quotations on bonds were as follows: ...lMt Jtpio ta wrln ..I J Do 4S, ctfi .104 ao id tenrs .11 L. a N. unl. 4i. . . ..l'V-4 Manbaltia c. f U ..p.Sk M.i Ontral 4... ,.Ui in 1ft Inc .Mi Minn, a St. L. 4s. .. : Id., K. k. T. 4... ..113 do ..10.1 N. R. R. ot M. e. .. s N. Y. C. . '... ..10J N. J. c. it . .U'S' No. Piclso 4i .. 1V do is .. Mn N. A W. c 4a .... ..Ill O. 8. L. rfdf. 4 .. i Fun. coiit. 3S. . ., RMdtng ta. 4i... .. 77V, St. L. 1. M. c. , St. L. ft f . K. t St. L 8. W. c. 4 V. S rf. . do roupoo U A. !. rr do coupon 1. S. old 4s, r. do coupon T. 8. new 4p, nn do coupon Am. Tobacco 4... do Atrhisoa fn. 4s.. do adj. 4a Atlantlo C. L,. 4a. Hal. A Oblo 4a... do 4a Bra. K. T. c. 4a.. Central of Ga. a. do lat Inc do td Inc do 3d Ine Choa. Ohio 4va. ...!' In logo A. JV.... 'I C , H. Q. n. 4a....ldlH Seaboard A. L. 4a.. C, R. 1. A P. 4a.... 7:tt 80. I'aclflc 4s 09 col. aa fet do lat 4a ctfa CCC. 81. L. ( i..l"ik So. Railway a Colo. lud. (a. avr. A. 7i Texaa A P. la... .. do aerlra'U 11 T . St. L. A W. 4a. Coloraio Mid. 4a ij-sa t'nlon Taclflo 4a.... C010. a so. 4a. 1 do conv. 4a Cuba (a li V g Strol !d St... D. A R. O. 4a 111!9 Wabaah la HIMIIlara' c. ir &!, do d-b. B Kriv prior ilea 4B....10J WHtfrn Md. 4a do gun. 4 W. a L. E. 4a Hoknif Val. I , 110 Wla. Outial ta Japan 6 C'ffcred. we ...104 . .. ai ... 14 ... 4 ...lO-A ... f4 4a. a ... ' ...JOIW, ... 77 ...101 ... T ...luJSj ...l'. a .lit 4a. I4 ... IMS ... Ml ... t', ... 1 ...120 ...lli . t:v, .103Va .UiJ . K .U OMAHA LIVE STOCK MAR&L1 Htdtrats Ban f Ctttle for the Week and Market in Good Condition. HOG MARKET OPENS ACTIVE AND HIGHER Fair Rna of Sheep for tbe Week Fat Wethers, Kwrs and Yearlings Are Steady, with Fat Umbi rifteen te Twrntw.flve Oats Hlather. Recelnta were: Offl. ial Mondsy Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thuisdfiy... Official Friday Official Saturday .. SOUTH OMAHA. Nor. 14, 105. Cattle. ... o.k.14 ... J,W3 ... 5,Un$ ... 2.4:it ... 1.8M ... 1.'4 Hogs. Sheep. 17 83I:!CV,HI 45' 43"l 48',' 43'4j KWt 43Vi 4,14 2 23 44 44' 4.1-i 43 ' 3i'i!3i6i';i.'aii.ii '4 30 .TO-S-'a 3)H HI 304 12 7ttJ 12 P2V, 13 0-JUj 12 7H 7 02H K 7H 6 9B 6 9S 7 07 7 07H 6 66 8 65 I 87H! 8 86 12 97S! 12 90 13 024 1 12 95 7 00 7 05 8 95 fi 95 6 frjtj f 92t 7 074 7 05 6 PS 8 fS So 6 S6 Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis , Omaha Duluth fit. Louis .... ..703 .. 28 ..242 .. 89 17 ioi NEW YORK GKSER.4X MARKET Qaatatlons of the Day oa Various Comanodltlea. NKW YORK, Nov. 25. FLOUR-Recelpts, 31.207 bills.; exports. 12,887 bbla.; nales. s.hv ddis.; muraei, ami; winter patents, 1 .au'04 &o; winter straights, a.Sni4.1(; win ter extras. 8-.83ti3.26; Minnesota bakers, 83 6&g4.O0; winter low grades, 8-' 75'53.20. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $; choice to fancy. H.15?M.'I0. lluckwheat flour, $2.16 2.26, spot and to nrrive. BUCKWHEAT-Dull; tiiH'Se, delivered New York. CORNMEAL-Steady: fine, while and yellow, $1.25; coarse,'ul.lS; kiln dried, $3.1C(73.15. RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 76c, c. I. f. New York. BARLEY Easy ; feeding, 40o, c. I. f. Buffalo; malting, KVartlWc o. 1. f. Buffalo. CORN Receipts, 45,150 bu.; exports, 26,572 tiu.; sales, 10.000 bu. grot market, easy; No. 2, 66W0 elevator and 54Vjc f. o. b. afloat; No. i yellow, boVje; No. 2 white, 644c. The option market was quiet and weaker, re flecting larger receipts, easy cables and fine weather and closed Vuc lower; Jan uary closed 52c; May, 4lic, closed at No. 2. tOld. $New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady ; winter patents. $3.K5' 4 10; straights. $3.7Wi3 H5; spring patents, $3.76'S4.10; straights, $3.609 3 80; bakers', $2.80 J8 10. WHEAT No. t spring. 83T7c; No. 3 spring. 8(Xff!c: No. 2 red, 83tr85o. CORN No. , 454c; No. 2 yellow, 50c. OATS No. 2. 2Sc; No. 2 white, 82Sj334c; No. 8 white, 28;582c. RYE No. 2, 87c. BARLEY Good feeding, 864V37c; fair to choice malting, 424349c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 8Sc; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.00. Timothy, prime. 8:1.30. Clover J contract grade, $18.00fflS. 5. rKUVlSiUNS Mess pork, per bbl., $13 48 (B13.50. Lard, per 100 lbs., $6 874417.00. Short rihs sides llooseV $7.eA?, 7.124 ; short clear sides (boxed), 8s.874V7.0fl. Followlne were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments Adams Express.. Aniul. Copper Anier. Car & F.. do pfd 3'K Amer. Cotton Oil.... 6u0 do pfd Amer. Express luu Amer. Hiue oi U pfd 500 Amer. Ice Securities. loo Amer. Linseed Oil.... 100 do pfd Amer. Locomotive... 6,60 do pfd 2nd Amer. rlmelting & R. 21. "w lbs , lbs.. shipping, 60ii55c; good .HEAT Receipts, 128.500 bu.i exports. 2,608 bu.; sales, 1,900,000 bu. Spot market, steady; No. $ red, itlHo elevator and 8US0 i. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 8! So f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, fcSc f. o, b. afloat. Options opened easy on the big northwest receipts and prospects for heavy world a snipments on -Monnay. Wheel recovered and wss firm most of the morning Influenced by bullish Argentina crr.p news and covering. It finally eased off slightly under realising and closed pailly higher; May. !Hyil H-IHp, closed 5l4c; December, tntdtKlSc. closed 914c. OATS Receipts, 91,800 bu.; exports. 11.606 bu. Suot market, steady; mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs., 3tic; natural white. 30 to 82 ?ii4,;(74c; clipped wliite. 30 to 40 5741I40C. KEKO-Stendy; choice. tliift4c. , , Hul'8 Fttiir. state, common to choice, lW-5. 14ti22c; 1W4, 13n17c; olds, 5i8c; Pa cific coast, 19U5. 10a 15c; 1904, HX&Hc; olds, '"lUPES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 25 lhs., 20c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas dry. 24 to SO lbs., 19t. LEATHER-Firm: acid KWlT,v,c. PKOVlSIuNS Beef, quiet; family. $11.50 il2 50; mess, $9 5nl 10.50: beef hams. $21 iKXii 2250; recket. $10.6otili.S0: city, extra India mess l7 fnifl8 00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies $8 76110 50; pickled shoulders. $6 5ui 7 00; pickled bams. 89.2MW 75. Lard, stesdy; western steamed, $7.404i7.55; refined, steady; continent, $7 ST.; South America, 88.30; compound, $5.75. Pork, quiet; family, fit. 50; short clear. $13.5Mi 16.50; mess. $16. V tlo.50 RICE Steady: domestic, fair to extra, 34 6c: Japsn. nominal TALLOW-8teady; city (2 per pkg , 4Sr: country 'pkits. free), 4W-o. Bl'TTER Easyi street price, extra. creamery. 24c; omciui prices uiuniinnru. CHEESE Irresular: . full creams, small and large, colored and white. Sep tember, fancy. 13c; state, fair to good. 12c EGOS Firm : state, i'enrsylvanla and nearby selected, Sutoc, atit choice, J6 37c; state, mixed, extra. 35c; western, finest, J'c- stt firms. Siu31c: southerns. fl'u30c. POT'LTRY-Allve. weiU; western chick ens, 12c; fowls, 12c; turkeys. 140. Pressed, steady: western chickens. 9$134c; turkeys, . HjjJjc; fowls. t&13c Mlaaeapolts Grata Market. MrVNFAPOLlS. Nov. 25-FIOVR-Flrst patents. $4 70I4.0; seconn paienia, 4 HO: ttrst clears. $3 05U3.75; second i 4uf'f 56. It RAN In bulk. 811.50, (Superior quotations for Minneapolis ae llverv). The rsnite cf prices, as reported y F P. Pay at Co., 110-U1 Board of Trade 'iililltiit. was: flour, btils 26.7'iO 2fl.0iK) Wheat, bu 148.0OO 119. 6i) corn, nu 357.0 1 33 200 Oats, bu 206 3(10 324 O00 Re. bu loom 6) Hariey, tu 158.600 76 300 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 17(Jf23c; dairies, 17?20c. Errs, steady; at mark, cases Included, 24c; firsts, 24c; prime firsts, 2e; extras, SOc. Chsese, steady, 12413c. St. I.oals General Market. ST. LOt'IS. Nov. 25-WHEAT-Futures, lower; No. I red. cash, elevator. 85iS9c; track. 90J'i914c: Pecember, 81ft8.'c; May. 85ftr,c; No. 2 hard, 83-BS6c. ' CORN Lower: No. 2 cash, nominal; track, 42VB421c; Pecember, 41,o; May, OATS Weaker; No. 2 cash, 304c; track, Sic; No. 3 white, 32c; Pecember. 304c; May, 814c.., FLOL'R Steady; red winter patents, $4.304. 80; extra fancy and straight, $3.9i,'a 4.25; clear, $2.90fo3.10. Sr. ED Timothy, steadv at S2.KOi2.8i). do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref Amer. 'fob. pfd. cert. Anacon.ia Mining Co. Atlantic. Coast xylite. B. & O do pfd Brooklyn R. T Can. Pacltlc Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. Western C. & N. W C. M. & St. P Chicago T. & T do pfd C, C, C. & St. L Colo. Fuel I Colo. & Southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Con. Gas Corn Products do pfd Pel. & Hudson Pel., L. & W D. & R. G do pfd .-.... Distillers' Securities. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley 111. Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump ao pia Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd U & N Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn. & St. L M.. Bi. P. & 8 4.8"0 3,200 7i) 6,.k) 300 6,800 2oio6 8,4"0 87H kiHa I004 34 23ii 35V 2S 18 6d 117 lf.24 132 1424 1064 149 16i 113T 1724 e8'4 89 1001.4 3i4 230 35 2H 13 bS 117 15" 131 1414 1"64 145' 1614 113U 874 22,500 644 63Ti 700 20 20 CORNMEAISteady; $2.60 IN-Steady; sacked, e east track, 7&31 timothy, $8.00tS13.50; prairie. BRAN 74c. HAY Steady $7.50119.00'. IRON COTTON TIES-tl.Ol. BAGGING 84 c. HEMP TWINE 7t4o, I'ROVISIONS-Potk. steady; Jobbing, $13.75. Lard, lower; prime steam, $ti.;-o. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed. extra shorts, $7.76; clear ribs, $8.00; short clears, $n 25. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra snorts, $8 50: clear ribs. $8.75; short cleur, $si.oi. POl'LTRY Chickens, 74c; springs, 94f 11c; turkeys, 12c; ducks. 4c; geese. 7Uc,ic HOTTER - Steady; creamery, 2r"U:5c; dairy: lfl 21o. EGGS Steady. 24c. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 11.000 2t0 Wheat, bu 89, 45,o Corn, bu 10-1 xn 6?.0"o Oats, bU 61,000 64,0 Kaasae City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 25. WH EA T Steady; pecember. TTc; Miy, 7t'H,c; cash. No. 2 hard. sWiiWc: No. S. 77S5c; No. i red, o8tb9uc; No. 3, Mis4c. CORN Steady ; December, Aic; May, 3:1c; cash. No. i mixed, 40l4c; No. 2 white, 40'ac; No. 3. 40c. OATS-btcady; No. 2 white, Slfj32c; No. 2 mled Cue. HAY Steady ; choice timothy, $11.0011.25; choice prairie, $9'u9.80. UVE-Steady. 64c. L j .ii otcauy; creamery, 2Ie; dairy, 19c EGOS Steady: Missouri und Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 244c; case count, 2;Wc; cases returned. 4c lean. 6,7 100 1,400 20 200 2' 2iH) 100 loO b')0 10,000 700 1,200 6,000 4,100 4.800 9,000 4,900 T.700 7,S"0 4t 178 174 46i 2 634 434 774 174 26V 63 4 43', S74 l'io4 32 90 2j74 :!54 2S V 394 69 116 l..l 131 1424 1"6 1484 161 4 113-S 97 88 1T2H 224 644 31 76H 204 tl4 1774 884 94 45' Hoalon stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Nov. 26.-Call loans, K7 per ceoi, nine ioaua. 6'u 1 per cent. OrTlrtul quo tations on stocks and bonds were as follows: W Wafting, commi Advanturt Allouaa Amalgamated ., It"l4 Amaru-au also . Atlantlo .17 Blnatiam ...-i ('al. A Haols. . . ..1434i Crntannlal ..... . ... 13W Coppfr Kanga ., H..M.S, paly Waat ....l"0 Franklin li.i.'a Orajibj Atchlaos ad. 4a.. do 4s M. Cantral 4a... Atchlann do pld Hoalon A Albany, ftnnnn A Matna... Boatnn Elaratad Fituhburg pfd .... Maxicas Cantral .. N. Y., N. H. A Pera Marquatla 1 nloa facinc "Amtr, Arga. (hem.. J4'- uia Koyala do pld Aniar. Pneu. Tuba.. Amer. Kugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. WooleD ... do pfd Dominion I. ak 8... EJlron Klac. 1 1 1 u . . Oiieral Klectrlc ... Maaa Kia.'trlc .... do p:d Maaa. Oaa Cnltad Fruit tnltad Hhoe Marb... do pfd Norlh Butts li Msaa. Milling ka Mirhiaaa .141 Mohawk .U Mont. C. A C. .IStW Old Domlnloa .. . ' Oereols Parrot . Qulncy .2(6 Shannon .Ib7 Tauiarark . 1-4 Trinity . hi I'nlU'd Copper . . 44 V. a Mining... .!(' U. 8. Oil . it. t'lah . IV Vlrlori . 7j .Wiuona 8. Steal ;:i Wolvtrlna do pfd 1044 Bid. "Asked. .. f . '4 .. 41 .. .. I .. .J .. !44 ..inn .. rm .. 744 .. .. i .. S .. Ilti .. .. la .. I .. I! .. k'4 ..lot .. II ..lot 514 ..1S .. It" .. Jo .. H .. Itt .. KVa .. 114 w ..1174 17.1S3 1.787 ('.': C78 2,000 42.418 4i.li4 89.576 64.770 82.0S9, DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last year: 1906. 1904. Inc. Cattle !M6,M 860,764) 74,737 Hogs 2,,2J 1.042.564 12.7l3 Sheep 1.878.!8i 1,646.14 226,7S The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Total this week 1.903 Same last week 21827 Fame week befote 16 741 Same three weeks ago.. 87. 248 Same four weeks ago....34.K:v Same week last year.... 24.618 RECEIPT8 FOR THE YEAR 7.044 7,19 7.V9 ' 2.255 8,300 84 840 81.790 .831 80,9.'S 4.4"2 49 IKS TO ,.$1.307J60 .. 1.76'S5.00 Hogs. 4.65'ii'4.77H 4 lOtf-4.85 4.5M24.824 4.50 a 4.85 4.6f'24.i0 Sew York Minlutt Rtnrks. NEW YORK, Nov. 25.-CloBlng quotaUons en iniiiiiia slocks were as follows: Adama Con Alice ftreeeo llrunewlrk Cod .. 1 Couialo'k Tunnel (oa. t'al A Vs.. Horn Silver Iron Sliver Leadvuia Cod.... So it .. 411 .. It .. a . .146 ..1.0 ..350 .. ' Little Chief I Ontario 133 Ophlr 660 I'll... olx 1 Pot oil t Bavaga 41 Sleua Nevada 4 -Mil... I hopea SO Ititandard Foreign Financial. LONDON, Nov. 25. Money was fairly plentiful In the market today and rates were tolerably easy. Piscounts weakened on the prospect of a substantial addition to the Bank of England's gold reserve, but were not appreciably affected by the an nouncement of the Issue of $l0.ot.o.(JC0 In new treaaury diii.i December 1, the amount being much below expectations. Tradiirg I on the Stock exchange was quiet and the 1 market had a better tone, owing to the Im pression that the government will not re sign Immediately. The dealing mostly led 264 1 llu to operations before the settlement ge " 1 Consols were stesdy. Home rails were ir- I regular. Americans opened dull, firmed to 179V 1791 17i I Parity level on New York support, became 5 15 j4VJ Inactive, reacted to below parity and closed 64 46 4Ts 74 188H 564 294 594 151V 73 124 234 64 46 484 734 174 23 854 28 67 1504 724 1194 234 53 easy. r-.u33iH.ns were lower. Japanese were 2iiu 1 supporiea. copper snares were maintained: a7o on the advance In trie price of the metals ' I Vaffl.. ... t 1 . . 1 . . An.i.ia u..,(..v-u. utipniicw iinpeiiai os 01 wore quoted st lirjv,. PARIS. Nov. 25. Prices on the bourse today were steady and business was dull KUHsian imperial 4s were minted at 89 00 ana ttussiun bonds of l'.fcH at 603. BERLIN, Nov. 26. Prices on the bourse today were irregular and lower In most de purtments. M. $4.50'i' clears. articles ! Open. I High.l Low. Close I Yes . t eat' III reo....74t0 "T 79' 80S May...MtH 80 I 844 444 $44 rs ' "4 May... I I 024! J02V I 1024 PallaelelpBta Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 25 B1TTTFR Waak; extra western creamery, 24c; extra nearby prints, 2tic. EO13 Firm; nearby fresh, loss off. 2c: nearby fresh and western fresh, 31c at mark. . CI1EE8G Unchanged; New York full cream, fancy, H,ffi14c: New York full enatm. choice. 18W; New York full cream, fair ta good. 12'u 134c. Dnlala Grala Market. DTXfTH. Minn., Nov. 55. WHKAT-To arrive No, 1 northern. Cc; No. 3 north-m- TlVi; oa track. No. 1 northern, 8IS0; The receipts and were: Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels Oats, bushels shipments of grain Receipts. Slllpmei.ts. ... 42.0O0 ...lW.uoO 101, ..11 ... 12,ut 17,04) The following ranpr of prices at Kansas City was reported by F. D. Day A Co., 110 111 Board ol Trade building: Ste do pfd Mo. Pacific 6.00O M.. K. A T 6,400 do pfd ty-0 Nafl lad 41,000 Nat 1 R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central 900 N. Y., Ont. & W 4O0 Norfolk A W 1.4ou do pfd No. American 1,000 Pacific Mail l,9i0 Pennsylvania 10,2" O People's Gas 1,000 P., C, C. At St. L Pressed Steel Car.... 1,000 do pfd loo Pullman Palace Car. 2o0 Reading 29.700 do lsi pfd 200 do 2d pfd Republic Steel 6.214) do pfd l.ooO Rock island Co 33.S.K) do pfd 6,7oO Rubber Goods 3u0 do pfd St. L. & 8. F. St. U S. W.. do pfd So. Pacific do pfd 80. Railway do pfd Tenn. Coal & I Texas & Pacllic Tol., St. L. dc V do pfd Union Pacific do pfd f. S. Express V. S. Realty, asked.. I'. S. Rubber do pfd V. fl. Steel do pfd Va. Caro. Chemical.. do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo Ex Electric... Western I'ni n W. at I.ake Erie Wis. Central do pfd No. Pacifio Central Leather do pfd Bioss siieffl. :a 101 rs 64 66V IR04 53 864 loiv 494 14oV 101 ot'iH 94 202 137 93 2T4 loO 264 67V 3&4 99V 37 150 624 864 1OT4 49 140 1014 4i'4 984 251 i:r.'4 92 27 99 25V 664 84 2d pfd 0 5SV 674 100 67 67 2.90O 694 684 'i',jo 354 85 l'lO 994 9t4 91.9.-0 1134 1004 10O 334 834 2l 37V 374 47 200 136V 1S5H 1,4 54 1S.8'0 17,700 2"0 200 2 40 100 Articles. I Close. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat I ) i i i Dec... 77H 774' -4 V May... 794i V79i d 4 7:'4! 7!'1 794 July... 7441 T44I T44' 744 "44 Com I Dec. .. :j9S 4'?94T?4 S94 3, 894 May.. .,3944 39404 89 39 394 Oats I I IHH-....I 2S 9S 294 194 294,.3t34 30 30 JO S04 rork- Jan.... 1! 86-r IS 87 12 U 11 85 12 88 May... 12 87 13 92 UK.' 12 9o 12 62 iJird- Jn.... 87 8 87 $ 85 Miy.. .17 WifK T 02 7 00 7 02 7 OOuOJ 70Q 200 2-)0 10 10) 384 106 M. 1104 214 4 2t0 4M4 1M4 t.74 634 374 1044 364 110 21 41 Sr.'i 200 454 ft 84 874 464 4i4 81 74 1S4 107 176 234 864 23 81 264 664 2i4 69 1514 103 724 1194 234 80 138 1644 100 V 374 674 5;4 874 150 53 t-i'-H 92 I11I4 494 1404 1014 80 604 984 250 137 91H " 26 4 07 374 104 t4 224 674 6ft 1194 35 9VV 1124 S3 374 66 13 97H 115 88 64 II04 374 1044 3C4 110 21 4074 227 174 94 17 JSV 064 199 4fiti 1044 B'4 RANGE OF PRICES. (1Mb Omaha Chicago Kansas Cltv St. Louis 2.0iy?8.90 Sioux City 2.00116.60 Iixllcates Sunday. Indicates holiday The fnllowlna- table shows tbe Dricea paid at the river markets for cattle: Oood to choice corn-fed steers $5.2SfrS 80 Fair to good corn-fed steers 6.0"f'i5.25 Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.005.00 Good to choice range beef steers.. 4 254.50 Fair to good ranee Deer steers S. 6014. 25 u"no 10 cnoice cows ana netrers... j.jnut. Pair to good cows and helfera i.6Og3.80 Fair to good western cows l.tttI.TS fanners and cutters l.Tn'ffS 50 Cood to choice stookers A feeders. 8 i63 4 10 Fair to gru.rt stocVe--s and feeders. I.OO&J.bO FRIDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shltmcd to the countrv Friday and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cars. William Carst, Oakland. la.t-R. 1 1 A. L. Jarmon, Meadow Grove, Neb. R. I. 1 a. j. layior, Anna, ia. Ji. 1 Huey & Jensen, Dysart. Ia. R. I..., Huey A Jensen, Dakota City, la. N T. E. Alderson. Creston F. E Arthur Palmeter, Creston F. E A. E. Timbers. Hooper F, E Patterson A F., Stnrkham F. E W. G. Oretrorv. Tabor, la O D. N. V. Herrlck. Newport, la. Q. John Eland. Medlapolls, la Q Wstklns A Feaglns, Hyannls B. A Ed Burke. Genoa U. P Joseph Franks. Shelton U. P Kent A (lenna IV P C. E. Kern, North Bend U. P joe uarnng, Malvern, la. Wit 1 W. H. Con r don, Blunt. 8. D. M. A O...'. 1 Hans Paulsen. Pendsr M. aV n 1 W. S. Smith. Craig M. A 0 1 H. C. Oxley- Marlon. Ia. Mil 1 SHEEP. D.D. Johnson A O.. Ames V. P 1 C. A. Miles, Geneva B. A M I James Hogan A 8., Clinton, Mich. N. W. 1 A. L. Putman. Carson, Ia. R. I t The official number of ears nt lock oruugm in loaay oy eacn road was: Dank Clearings. OMAHA. Nov. 25 Bank clearings for to day were $1,361,8-41.87, and for tne corre spondlng date last year, $1,357,390.01. 19ii6. 1904. $1,831,016.90 $1,6.'8.523.6 l,4w,.t.M3 -0 1.379.416.05 1.394.506.43 1.482,490.27 1,361,341.87 Monday .... Tuesday .., Wednesday Thursday Friday ..... Saturday ., 1.4:3.994.81 1,189,679.71 1.738.396.23 1,867,;0.01 Totals .. Incrouse ... Thursday day. last $8,904,784.73 $7,348,883.92 Sl,b.u,9O0.8O year was Thanksgiving Dank of Germany Statement. BERLIN, Nov. 25. The weekly state ment of the Imperial Rank of Germany shows the following chanties: Cash In hand, Increased 37,8oo,00om: . easury notes, increased l.ino.oiiom ; other securities, de creased 43.6'.nin; notes in circulation de creased 44,460,0uom. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. Today'e state ment or tne treasury Daiunces in tne gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, snows: Avaimoie casn Daiance, $135,556,470; gold coin and bullion, $,351; guiu ceruncaies, ei4,i4.,4u. llveraeel Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. No. 26-WHEAT-Spot, firm; No I red western winter. 6a 74d. Fu tures, steady: Lecember, tsb'Vd; March, lis lid: May, 6s 4d. CORN Spot, Quiet: American mixed. 6. Futures, quiet; January, 4a 4d; March, 4s id. Toledo leea Market. TOLEDO. Nov. 28. SEEDS Clover, cash, $8124; December, U. January. $8,224; February $8 274; March. 8s 3J4 Prime al stke, td 3ft. Prime timothy, $l.a74 Total sales for the dsy, 658,600 shares. London Closing stocks. LONDON. Nov. 25 Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were as follows: "J., N T Central... Norfolk A W do pfd ' Ontario A W 1H Penaarivania .... '4 Rand Mines , 174 Heading ""4 do lat pfd llk do Id pld .IflV southern Railway " do pfd . In, Southern Pariso e 's talun Pacific 44 do pfd f'4 V. . Steal "i do pfd .Hit Wabaah .! do pfd Cpamak 4 firm. Vi1 it nep r,nn.. per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 8 15-1 per rent; for three months' bills. 3V(Tti 16-18 per cent. New York Bank klatesueat. NEW YORK. Nov. 25 The weekly bnk statement rf clearing house banks Issued todsv follows: 1-oans. 81 "12 8110; decrease. $4 795 Son drposiU, J94. 177. Increase, $108 "o; cii cuUtl.'ii, MacisAi; decrease, $s7 3on; leral tender, $74,44.SW0; Increase, $l,4'.uw, speciu. Conaola, money ... do a.-eouM Anaronda Atfhleon do pfd Bal. A Ohio Canadian Pacific .. ( Iiea. A Ohio (hireso (Jt. W.... r . M. A St. P.... I'eBuers twnver A R. O. ... do pfd Ine do lat pfd do Id pfd Illlnoia Central ... Loulavllle a Nat.ll M . K. a T 61LVER-Car. .1584 ". .. H .. Wi :: .. 70 .. 44 .. 6"- .. 3K 4, ..1014 .. 7..V . .lSi, .. IH.4 .. it .. Jt .. 4 S .. Oils and Kosln. NEW Y'ORK. Nov. 26 OILS Cottonseed firm; prime crude, nominal; prime yullow 29-294c. Petroleum, steady; refined, New lorn. 87.60; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.55; same In bulk, $4.66. Turpentine, dull( oo-untK-, asaea. m'HiN bteady; strained, common to gOOd, J.!J. OIL CITY, Nov. 25. OILS Credit bal- ances, (l.ui. Shipments, 65.492 bbls., average 84.338 bbls.; runs, 82.190 bhls., average 64.680 unis. enipmenis, liina, i:',759 bbls., aver age otj.i.a dois.; runs, Lima, 64.350 bbls., ar erase 44.111 LOIS. SAVANNAH. Nov. 26. OILr-Turpentlne, lirm. ROSIN Nothing doing; A, P., C, D, $4 SO 1-;, 14d; k 84.60; o. 4 7u; U $4.88; K, $5.00; w. u., o.fw; w. W., $5.65. Sugar aud Molasses. . NEW Y'ORK, Nov. 25 -SUOAR-Raw firm; fair refining, t b-Wit 3c; centrifugal, 9( icai, o -iuc; niuiatacs sukar, 2 n-l'tjJ4.c retined, steady; No. 6, 4.10; No. 7, 4 oSc No. 8, 4.wc; No. 9, 3.95c; No. 10. 8.9fe No. II, 8.95c; No. 12. 3it.'c; No. 13. 8 56c No. 14, 8.10c; confectioners' A, 4.56o; mold A, 5.00c; cut loaf, 5.4ce; crushed. 8.40c powdered, 4 10c; trrantiUted, 4. Toe; cubes .c. .n( 1LASSF8 Firm: N w Orleans kettle, good to choice, 'i3Sc. NI3V4 ORLEANS. Nov. 2.V-SUOAR Msr ket, steady; open kettle, 8 3-!.e; open kettle centrifugal, 3 '23 7-it.c: centrifugal wnites 3Si-f4iC; yellows, 34d34c; seconds, a34c, MOl.Ats.H open kettle, 3oa324e; cen trlfugal, 16 u :6c. open I J 661 I TJt 4 Ml 4 01 4 te n 4 881 4 8-4 4 874 834 4 s; 4 7 4 794 4 8141 4 tm V 4 80 794 4 71 I 4 SO 4 7141 l s w 4 Ni t 8 73 4 87 6 511 4 87 4 97; 71 491 4 741 51 4 731 ( 63 4 80 4 87 4 ! 4 83 4 54 4 67 5 82 1 r. 6 71 6 38 t 871 s 74 85 2i i 101 8 611 211 168 6 28! 6 ! I 881 6 67 S tH 4 (.'I 4 04 4 W "4 4 01 4 86 4 h4 4 67 4 71 4 4 01 4 M 4 0$ 4 03 Date. I 1906 . 11804. 1903.!l902.l0l. 11900. 11898. Nov. 1...I 4 84V' 4 841 C,v- "4' 4 83 V".UT' 14 87414 lUV. 1,.. Nov. $.., Nov. t.. Nov. 7... 4 83V, 4 to 4 781 I 63 Nov. I... 4 81 4 861 I 4 44 nuv, Nov. 10. . Nor. 11.. Nov. 11. . Nov. 18.. Nov. 14.. Nov. 16. . I Nov. 18.. 4 68 Id ft'l d Ml Nov. 17.. 4 87 4 71I4 46 8 41 4 82 Nov. 18, . 4 874 4 86 4 14 81 Nov. 19.. I 4 83 4 45 i 29 Nov. 20.. I 4 88 f I 4 461 281 Nov. 21.. I 4 Vl 1 87 4 44 f 241 Nov. 22..) 4 6441 4 611 8 281 Nov. 23.. 1 4 f.r. 4 491 4 31 Nov. 24.. 4 69 I 4 20! 8 ml Nov. 25.. 4 47 4 ial oil I 63l I 73 6 81 4 78 4 76 4 78 5 751 4 76 5 661 4 78 I 6 861 6 781 I 4 74 4 03 4 02 4 4l 4 741 $ 4 4 AT J 4 81) 1 0 t 9.11 8 "4 3 T 2 R8 e 1 88 t 89 $ 8 8 85 3 8) 8 77 a-eek about 14c higher than at the eloee of last week. Repreeentatlv sales fa tf... 7J.. St.. 71.. 41... I . . 44... 13 .. 7t.. ... tt . . 7.. tr.. j . 72.. 0 . at, . as. . 71. . (... 1.. 4a.. 43.. M . 7.. 41... at... f.. 44. . .. A. , I7 ,.24 ..4 . . . in . m . :u ..4 . lat ..III . Hi . WT .11 ..lS ..144 .10 ..m .11s . IM . IM ..! . . I4 ..IM ..JU ..SSI ..I4IS . is) 8k 130 1! m 41 44 it ltd 1 to an 0 an 4S 140 i 4 as it 4 TI4 4 Tl 4 4 73 -, 4 7JS I 31-4 4 71', 4 71 4 TIU 4 Hi 4 714 4 7f4j 4 1! 4 7v, 4 73 4 7! 4 714 4 714 4 T!4 4 7:4 4 714 4 714 4 7S 4 74 4 T 4 7t 4 71 4 74 71 4 71 w. M. . .11 a 4 474 ..141 4 4 7o .171 40 4 7 41) 4 7 ..ll ... 4 71 .1.1 4 4 7t .. t ... 4 7 ..r.T ... 4 7 ..IN n 4 T ...; no 4 70 ..4 0 4 71) . .314 K I II . .ioe tie 4 7 . Ill 10 4 7 ..!! itt 4 T . .ri lv 4 74 .11 n 4 70 . I J 40 4 79 . tut 4 74 .1:1 ... e re) . .IM 10 4 7t ..ia ... 4 to .11 ltn 7 . lis IM 4 74 . JM 40 4 714 ..170 ... 4 7t ..lv4 14 474 ..IOI 4(1 4 714 ..117 IN 4 73 4 .. ... 4 14 ..3-4 130 4 71 4 SHEEP-There was only a small run of sheep this morning six cars, or about 2,000 head hut there was no quotable change In todav's trade from that ot yesterday. There hns been a moderate run of sheep this week, tbe total receipts for the week footing up about 42.0X head, which Is about 6.0(iO hesa smller then the run for the previous week, and Is also the smallest run since the last week In August. The re ceipts for the corresponding week last year were 85.027 bead, which Is about T.OOO head less than the run for this week. The run of ehrep during the week has not. generally speaking, been of the beat Quality. ThA reeelt.ia nf fst sheen all during tne week have been rsther light, while there has been a fair demand for the more de sirable killing stuff. There has been o small supply of fnt lambs on the market from day to dsy, while the packers have lieen wanting a small quantity of this ne e.,u Blinnir ev-erv rilv with WhlCtl to their local trade. As a result nrlcea on fat lambs have advanced a m.,iH ,v f.nlll nt the clOBS Of the tradins- cood fat lambs are 15ft 26c higher than st the close of last week's business, while the market on fat sheep closes the B...I, tA!i,lv lo The larpcr portion of the sheep receipts for this week cons'sled of the feeding kind. hot taken aa a whole the Quality Of the sheep has been rather on the Inferior or der. The demand for feeder sheep during the week has not ben much end the trsfle ... .1.. n.L. u aa the weather was Ideal for cornhusklng and so country buy ers were rather scarce. The market on good choice feeding sheep closes practically steadv with last week, while the market on feeding lambs closed 10tgl5c higher for the Quotations on fat sheep and lambs: Oood to cholo fed lambs, 16.75ft M5; good to rl'olra rnn-re lambs, 16 .W "n: good to choice yearling wethers. $5.25fi6.6V. pood to choice old met hers, 85 00435.60: good to choice Old ewes. 4.5VJ6.0(.. , ... Quotations on feeder sheep and lambs. Oood feeding. 85.2f. U6.75: good feeding year; lines. 14 7775 26: irr.od feeding wethers. K5.O0: good feeliin ewes, $3.40J3.75 Inc ewes, $4.26'94.80. Representative saies: No. 60 Nebraska ewe feedevs... 1,696 Montana feeder lambs. little week's V, Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. t'nlon Stock Yards, 101. Subject to sale. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 Stocks ntid Bonds Sold We procure capital for Industrial enter prises, manufacturing establishments, min ing business and other legitimate purposes Ptock companies Incoi-pornted and loans negotiated. Our long experience and con nection with capital guarantee quick and efficient service. W. H. TODD CO., Ill Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. DIVIDEND ritOFlTa, lteeed ssS Ajvf.'rr'co.. lers. , MewTark MtTIltO MtS7744. 4IU TIJIMIa, IIIITTI1. aVf l'PrTpiAl. irTeHt.. nTVi... r.TbiJ tniured, aur etrUity. seohieta giving rail lav loraiaiiea anaTiaa ree HankersA Brok F. D. Day & Co. Dealers la Stocks, Grain, Provision hip Voar Grala ta I s. Vraaek lCee. Ilo-ail Beard of Trade Bids, Oaaaha, Him. Teleoaokae IIB14V. n:-l!14 Esehang 9ilg.. Mouth Omaha. Hell 'Fhone Ilk Ir-eeDendent 'Fnone k. RK4L ESTATM TIlAXSKEnS. 14.78 breed. Av. . 89 . 50 Pr. 4 70 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. MAKKET Cattle and Hobs eteady Sheep and Lambs StronsT. CHICAOO, Nov. 25. CATTUK Receipts, 400 head; market steady; beeves, $3.2iJr6.60; cows, $1.3C4j4.50; heifers. $2.2.4j4.9o; calves, $5.0(7.00; good to prime steis, $a.36 J6.50; poor to medium, $3,2646.25; Blockers and feeders, $2.20Hr4-2O. IIOUS Receipts, 18,000 head; estimated Monday, 4,0n0 head; market steady; pig. $4.1l"i4.76; bulk of sales. 14. 70 4.85. SllliEP AND UMB8- Receipts, 2.000 head; market strong; sheep, 13.4Kfj6.66; yearlings, ,$5.2506.00; lambs, $5.i5(37.60. The following deeds were filed for record November 25: WARRANTY DF.EDS. Ann4 K4ner and husband to 8. O. Dovell et al., east 40 feet lot 8. block 9, Parker's ad $ 2.504 Notional Rank of Commerce to Karl Warstat, lot 6, block 2, Credit Kon cler ad 700 Blanche B. lleller and husband to K. H. Duffle, lot 7. block 9, West End ad. frcflle) 2,(100 Patrick Kelly to Catherine Kelly, lot 4 end lot 6, block 2, lloi bach's 2d ad , 1 W. D. Stevenson and wife to A. H. Comstock, lots 21 and 22, block S, Orchard Hill ud 600 F. W. McOlnnis and wife to F. II. Sawyer, lot 4, Elizabeth Place S,500 F. H. Sawyer to Louisa M. McGlnnls, same t E. A. Shaw and wife to Ivah Aldrlch, lots , 10 and 11, block 2, ilcCor tnlck's 2d ad loo Mary Barrett et al to W. P. Thomas, lots 1 to 4. 6 and 7. block 89, Florence Total amount of transfers 1.3-5 $10,628 steady; lske and electrolytic, $17.0tvg 17.80; casting, $16.7wS17.25. l,ead Is firm, with quotations ranging from $."..25 to $5.75, and spelter at $6.1oi6.a). Iron remains in firm demand at unchanged prices. ST. LeOUlS. Nov. 26. M ETA LS Ijcad, firm. $5.60. Spelter, higher, $6.06. OMAHA. WHOLESALE MARKET. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 26. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,100 head, Including 400 southerns; tonrlcet stead v: choice export and dressed . I haef ateara livdfKM 00: fair tO good. $3.tVd 6.00; western fed steers, $2. 75734. 50; stockers and feeders. $2.40t$4.25; southern steers. 2 I $2.40g'4.0O; southern cows, $l.i5gs3.00; native 1 ! cows, $1.75fc3 86; native helferB. $2.50(ao.00; 1 I bulls. $2.0041)3.50; calves. $2.26Q.26. Receipts 1 1 for the week, 61, 000 head. t, HOGS Receipts. $,500 head; market Statrong to 6c higher; top, $4.86; bulk of 2 sales. $4.754.824; heavy. U.TMp 86; pa-ckers, $4.75f04.82v4; pig ana lignts, .ooi8a.. v celpts for the week, 68,700. SHEEP AND LAMBS Reeelpte none; market nominally steady; native lambs. $5 25a710; western lambs, $5.25ia7.(; ewes and yearlings. $4 60; western cl pped sheen. $4.26S6.50; western clipped yr""R". $5.00tg6.0; stockers and feeders, $3.2a14.60. Sew York Lire Stoek Market. VKW YORK. Nov. 25 BBEV.-i' celnts. 682 head. No trading St. P. C, M. abash Missouri Pacific Union Pacific system.... C. & N. W. (east) C. N. W. (west) C St. P., M. & O C. B. A Q. (east) C, B. & Q. (west) C. R. I. A P. (east) C, R. I. & P. (west) .... Illinois Central Chi. Gt. Western Totals but market Cattle Hogs.Sh'p.H'ses. feeling steady; dressed beef steaoy a i oj ports today 744 beeves and 8,027 quarters of 10 4 2 8 21 2 2 8 7 ( 1 2 3 97 The disposition of the dav'a recalnta waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- uer oi naa inuicaiea: Buyers. Cattle. I fairs Rhean Omsha Packing Co nag Hwlrt and Company 15 l K& Cudahy Packing Co 1.691 Armour & Co 1,698 Cudahy Pack. Co.. K. C... 38 Klngan ti Co 271 Other buyers 17 2,238 i CALVES-Recelpts, 862 head. No aaletj and market feeling nominally steady ; city dressed veals In moderate demand at 13c per lb.; country dressed, steady at 7W 1 IOCS Receipts, 4.00S head. None on sale but market feeling nominally steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 887 head. Sheep slow, rrlme handy weight lambs full steadv. heavy lambs not wanted. Sheep sold at $3.7516.00 per 100. lambs at $7.257 .70; dressed muttons steady at 7tjo per lb.; dressed Iambi at 10312c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 26 COFFEE The market for coffee futures opened sieady at an advance of 6 points in rteponso to high rrciuh cables and ai'iull Hraglit&ti receipts. It was the flrat notice d.iy for Deceit ine r contracts and It was eatln atcd that notices representing JeO.fOO tana were In circula tion. This led to some further switching, about half the business being exchanges, but the market ruled g.'ii.iHlly firm and closed firm at a net advance of 5ft16 points. Biles were reported of lol.&n) bags Includ ing IVcember at 6.6 '.i6.7oc; January. 6 S'i': March. 7.c'i'7 c; May. 7.16-1 7.25c; July. 7 2g7 4c; hepteinber, 5.55c. Spot, Steady; No. 7 Hlo, 8 7-16c. Ing day. Evaporated Apples anil Dried Frails. NEW YORK, Nov 2 EVAPORATED APPLES Market la on.! but steady. Com mon to good are quoted al 7c. nearly prime at 8e, prime at 'cj9'o. i! ..ire at 10c and farcv at lie. CALIFORNIA DRIED Fit CITS Prunes are unchanged with quotations rauiglng paid irom f'ac 10 ec, aci-urning to iciaae. Api i ci t ate unchans'd: clioice are quoted at s.jHc. extra choice at IW'ilOc and fancy at l' 12c. Peaches are In fight supply. Ex tra choice are quoted at lc. fancy at b'-i If. lie and extra fancy at 134) 13c. Raisins are uncnangeii: seeded raisins, Bivc; Lunaon Totals (4 6.221 ca l iLhr-Tnere were no cattle of any consequence on the market today and there were no quotable ciiunges in prices from those of yesterday. The receipts of cattle for the wek were liMU head, which Is the smallest run for any week since the last week of August, And the run fur the week Is also smaller than that for tbe same week one year ago by sbjut 6,000 head. The general run of the oflerlng this week have not been of a very good quulity, a great deal of the stock being of the Inferior order. The run of cauls this week has been rather small, as the season for range stock Is just about over and there la not much fat stuff suit able fur the purposos of the packers yet, And It is most probable that there will not be much Increase In tiie sice of the receipts until the season for fat cattle opens, which will be about the holidays. There has not been much cornfed stock on the market this week, and what was In was not generally of a very choice grade, the most of the cornfed stuff being on the short fed and warmed up order. How ever, the receipts all during the week have been only moderate In Use, while there has been an active demand on the part of the packers for anything suitable for their purposes, with the result that each day has seen a market steady to a little stronger than the previous day s mar ket. Hence at the close of the week's trade the market on good choice cornfeds Is generally Wy Jtc higher than at the close pf last week s trace, while the wsrmed up cattle closed sieady to a little stronger. The market on cows and heifers has been running along about the same lines as the beef hieers. There have been light runs with a rather inferior grsdu of stock. 1 l.ere has been a good demand for choice stuff, with the result that the market on food choice cows closed the week lu'iiOo ilgher, will) common stuff steady to 6c liluhcr. . , . The trade on stockers and fenders all during the week has been reasonably active. There has been a good demand for this kind of cattle, with good choice light weight cattle given the preference. Oood light weight stockers and feed-re closed the week 15250 higher, mostly, While common and heavy weights did not fare quite so well, that kind of stuck cloning the week about 1015o higher. HOOS There was a moderate run of hogs this morning and most of the stuff was In in rainy I'wo iim. oujm out early and were evidently wanting hogs I suitable for their purposes. The trading opened fairly brisk and aotlve and re-r,.,r,-A an all dunnr the trading hours. Tne market was favorable to the sellers all during the day. The market opened steady to 2So higher than yesterday's opening and considerable business trading was dona while the markok was In that condition But luter on the market firmed up still more and closed the day with the average In the nelifhborhood of 2'.ic higher than the averaae of yeaterday's maikot- Tops of today were In the same notches as yes terday, the toppy loads sailing at 14 i7S. The bulk of the sales tody were around St. Leals Live Stoek Market. ST. IUIS. Nov. 25. CATTLE Receipts, too head. Including 100 head Texans: mar ket for natives steady, for Texans strong: native shipping and export steers. HJMJ 6 9- dressed beef and butcher steers, 22.60. 4.85; steers under l.ooO lbs.. $2.6051)4.00: Block ers and feeders. $2.15fi3.6o; cows and heifers, $O0fji4.40; canners. 11.751.00; bulls, $2.1t.fa e.r,. r.i.u i?HVn7!S: Texas and Indian 2,248 I s'teprs, $2.0ofi3.76; cows and heifers, $2.00411 8 00 HOGS Receipts. 2.000 head; market 6o lower: pigs and lights. $4.6u4.70; packers, $4 RCdtM.70; butchers and best heavy, t.Wsi 4.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS None on sale. St. Joseph Live Slock Market. ST JOSEPH, Nov. 25 CATTLE 'Re ceipts, 244 head; market steady; natives. $3.66416.10; cows and heifers, Il.60ttfi.u0; 1 stockers and feeders, 12. itiQi-W. 1 HOGS-Receipts, 7 537 head: market steady to strong; light, $4.G5'-4.N: medium and heavy, $4,701(4.85: bulk. $4.72Htl 4 H. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 18 head; market steady. Sloes City Live. Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Nov. 28. (Special Tele, gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1O0 head; mar ket steady; beeves. $4.00&5.8O; cows, bulls ' and mixed, $2.0053.26; stockers and feeders, I' $2 VJv'i 60; calves and yearlings, HSOfi. HOGS Receipts, 4,oo0 head; market steady, selling at $4.6C7J4.70; bulk of sales. $465. Stoek la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal i western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 124 6.30 3.000 Sioux Cltv l' 4.0.O Kansas City 1.1'n) 3,60 Pt. Ixnils 800 2.(rJ St. Joseph , 244 7.537. 18 Ciiliaso 400 18.000 2.0O0 Condition of Trade and ttnotatlons oa Staple and Fancy Prod nee. EGOS Fresh receipts, candled stock, 23c. 1.1' K POl I TRY - Hens, SWc; roosters, $c; turkeys, 13fffl4c; ducks, 9c; spring chick ens, HHc; sreese, 8'b?c DRESSED POULTRY Turkevs, 17'tflSc; old toms, 14tf?15c; chickens, 9fil0c; old roos ters. 7c; ducks, ll(B12c; geese, loi'llc. BUTTER Packing stock. 15c; choice to fancy dairy, lNf8l9e; creamery, 21t72U4e; prints. 21'-4c. SUGAR Standard granulated. In bbls., $6.11 per cwt ; cubes, $5.95 per cwt.; cut loaf, $6.40 per cwt.; No. 6 extra- C, boKS or bbls., $4.95 per cwt.; No. 10 extra C, bags only, $4.80 per cwt.; No. 15 yellow, bags only, 14 76 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, x&.tto per cwt. FRESH FISH Trout. lOfillc: halibut, 13c; buffalo, dressed, 9c: pickerel, d reused. 64.0; white bass, dressed, 12c; sunflsh, Sc; perch, scaled and dressed 8c; pike, 10c; catfish, 13c; red snapper, 10c: salmon, 11c; crop pies, 12c; eels, 18c; bullheads, 11c; blnrk bass, 25c: whlteflsh, 12c; frog legs, per dos., 85c; lobsters, green, 27c; boiled lobsters, 80c; shad roe, 45c; blueflsh, 15c; herring, 4c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Feed company: No. 1 upland, $7; medium, $6.50; coarse, $6. BRAN Per ton. $14.60. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGE California Naveli, all slies, $326; Florida, all slses. $3.00. LEMONS Lemonlera, extra fancy, 240 lie. $4 25; 80ft and 360 sizes, $5.50. liATES Per box of 30 1-lb. pkgs., $?; Hallowell, In 70-1 b. boxes, per lb.. 6Vc; walnuts, stuffed, 1-lb. pkgs., $2 per dot. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 76'$ 85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 12c; 6 crown, 14c. BANANAS Per medium - Blied bunch, $1.76fjl2.26; Jumbos. 125of,3.00. FRUITS. PEARS Lawrence and Mount Vernon, $2.60. APPLES Ben Davis and Wlnesaps, In S-bu. bbls., $4.00; California Bellflowers. $1.60; Colorado Jonathan and Grimes' Golden. $2.26; New York apples, $4.50 per bbl. ORAPFR-Imported Malagas, $r,.5(W.(lO CRANBERRIES Jerseys. $12 00 per bbl.; Bell and Bugle, $l2.oi 13.00. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home-grown, per bu., 60 (060c; South Dakota, per bu., .5c. on ION8 Home-grown ellow, red and white, per bu., 85c; Spanish, per crate, $1.75. WAX BEANS Per hamper. $3.50. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2 00. CUCUMBER8-Per dos, $1.26'd1.50. CABBAGE Home grown and Wisconsin, In crates, per lb., CARROTS. PARSNIPS AND TURNIPS Per bu., 65t(75c. rpr v-rY Kalamnroo, per dox., 25c. SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per 3-bu. bbl., $1.76fTI.OO. CU 1.1 KI.OWER Per crate, W. TOMATOES California, per crate of 20 lbs., $2.50. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 rib. KWc; No. 2 rib. 8V4c: No. (tc: No. 1 loin. 16c: No. 2 loin. lOUc: loi" 7Uc: No. 1 chucks, 6c; No. 2 chucks, 4c;. No. 3 chucks, 3c; No. 1 round, 7c; No. 2 round, 6Hc; No. i round. 6Hc; No. 1 plate. 4c; No. 3 plate, 3c; No. 8 plate. 2V4C. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. $3.75; per bbl . $4.73. HONEY New, per 2 lbs.. $3.60. CHEESE-Swiss, new. 6c; Wisconsin brick. 14c; Wisconsin llmberger, 13c; twins, 14V-: young Americas, 14Hc NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 16Hc; hard shells, per lb., 13HC. Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small, per lb, 12o. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb. 8c Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12M134c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lh., 15c. Shellbark hickory nuts, pr bu.. $2.26: large hickory nuts, per bu., $150. Chestnuts. 15c per lb. Cocoanuts, $4.60 per sack of 100. HIDES No. 1 green, 9c: No. 2 green. So; No. 1 salted. lOc; No. 2 salted. 9Vic; No. 1 veal calf, 11c; No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted. 7fl14c; sheep pelts, 25if$1.00; horse hides, $1.6. "a 3 00. 8 rib. No. S Totals .2.268 41.337 4.018 U704I4.72H. while the bulk of the stock yes terday was sold right around $4 .0, show ing an advance of about 2o over yester- Tnere was not very n.ucn aueimon o quality or welgnts anu mere ie ket layers. $1 60. considerable bunching of sales. t. ,. k..n a rood, strong ma '.re this week. The flist rour days of the week saw a small decline in the prices on hogs from those at the does of last wees. But the market firmed up Friday M ct..-rf-u t.,H retained all that had been l otlou Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 3.-COTTON Spot dull, middling uplands, U.7c; mid dling gulf. 12.('0c; no sales. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 26. COTTON Spot, Arm; prices 6 points lower; American mid dling fair. 6 64d; good middling. 8 22d: middling. 606d; low middling, 69"d; good ordinary, 6.72d: ordinary 6S6d. The sales of the day were 8 000 bales, of which 300 were for speculation and export and In cluded 4.60i American. Receipts, 18.0C0 bales. Including 14.200 American. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 25 OCTl'TON-Steadv; middling, llc: salts, none: receipts. 815 bales; shipments, 330 baits; slock, 22,313 baNP;W" ORLEANS. Nov. 26 .-COTTON Steady; sales, 1.4i bales; ordinary. 8'ic; good ordinary, K'fllO l-16c; low middling 10 15-I6c: middling, 11 -16c; good middling, 11 16-16c; middling fair. 12' ic; receipts. U.773 bales; stock, 312.946 bales. Wool Market. LONDON. Nov. 25 WOOL Trading In wool was steadv. pending opening of the sixth series of auction sales on Novemlier fS The hnuorts of this week were: N'-w South Wales, 16.249 hales: Queensland l:. 2-.2: Vlitorla. 8 512; South Auatralia. 5.017; New Zealand. 861: Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 1 495; Singapore. 1.725: Buenos Ayrea, 1.5.J0; various places, 852 The arrivals for the first series of the 17 sales amount to 16.S98 bulea. Including l.soO forwarded direct to spinners HT. Lol lS. Nov. 25. WOO 1 Steadv : me dium grades, combing and Stfc).V; light tine, ;l'26c; heavy fine, UVgTlc; tub W'ishid, 3-ii 41 'ic. Merchandise NEW YORK. Nov. merchandise and dry New York for the and Mfiecle. 25. Total Imports of (roods at the port of k ending todav were U,.;t the first of the week and closed the valued at 115 79't 797. Total ln:r.orts of si.e. l" at the !ort of New York for the week end ing tnduv were $16,112 silver and t12,216 gold. Total exports of specie from the port of New York for the week tiding today were $S37,703 silver and $2.5of gold. Peoria Market. PKORIA, Nov. a-CORN-Easy; No. S yellow. 4?ic; No. 3. 42' ,; No. 4, 41c; no grade, 3SVc. OATS Steady; No. 8 white, Sc: No. 4 white. WiilS1.!-. WHISKY On the basis of $1 30 for fin ished goods. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 25 W 1 1 EAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern. 8.'.,'.jhic; No. 2 northern. 62lVa4,4jc; Mnv. r,Vli5';V: bid. RYI1 Steadv; No. 1. 6S,.iSc. BARt.K.V-Steady; No. 2, 6IVrj53c; sam ple. 87'i64c. CORN Dull; May. 43Sc bid Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 25.-M BTAL8 While business was quiet, as usual fer Saturday, all metals were firmly held. Copper wae Captain Brown lleller. PITTSBURG. Nov. 25. It was stated todi.y tnat the condition nf Captain Samuel S. Brown. I he well known coal operator and horseman, was somewhat Improved He rrsted easier during the night and a slight ( lianse for the better k noticeable today. His condition, however, Is still considered dangerous. Alabama llaak Falls. WASHINGTON. Nov. 26 -The comp troller of the currency was advlsrd today that the First National bank of Llnevllle. Alt., htd been closed by order of the board of directors. National Bank Ex aminer B. H U Cooper has been appoint! receiver.