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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: . SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 2G, 1903. B FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SOMETHING NICE iinlv -ip hn k fmm Rom Miller's new Im mleva r1 li une. we have a ikw flx-nrara lioti; i;'s a dandy. s It. $2,Wft. HEM IS, TAX TON BLOCK. RE lWt 26 H TWO FINE H INVESTMENTS 4 NEW BRICK APARTMENTS Earh renting for $.15 a month, or tl .t0 a year; finished in hard wood; everything ihp vpry finest; paved street, ppnnanenl walks; close In. .1 NKW 7-ROOM HOUSES, oak finish, strictly modern; paved street; renting for $1.21 a year. 510,500 HASTINGS & HEYDEN, l09'4j Fa rim in St. (Ground Floor.) RE R. C. PETERS & CO. 2731 North 2ftth St., Rood 9-room houfin, city waKT. fewer and toilet. If taken at once. $2,3"0. Orant St.. K-room house, city water, gas. cistern, fnilt, permanent walk, lot 5xlJ0. Thin property Ik in fine condition with the exception of the roof. This W a very homelike property and we can price it at H.7U0 with $-u0 cash and the balance monthly. . , , One 4-room houne, lot 3xl26, half block from 24th Btreet car line; gas. water, email cellar. If eold thin week. $S0U cash. $200 down, balance, $10 per month. Investment New double frame house, 8 rooms each, all modern, oak finish, hot water heat, I'holcely located In Park district. Rental, 175 per month. Price, $7,000. Well located property, stores below and flats above. Gross rental, I1.84S per an num. Price, $15,0"0, S8.0U0 cash, balance to suit. This Is a 12 per cent net Investment. Attention Physicians 14-room house, all modern, especially ar ranced for private hospital. Can price this right if taken within a short time. Vacant r,xnn one of the choicest corners on West Fsrnam street, $7,2. 60x121 A choicely located lot on 25th, near Dodge. One of the best flat prop ositions now In the market. Price, 3,fn). fCVixl'JO Choicely located, either for Mats or apartments, $11.4n, or we will divide, making prices according to location. 60x140 Fine lying lot on Park Ave., be tween Harney and Ju kson, $2,500. 57 foot frontage on Woolworth Ave., Just west of 33d. One of the choicest locations in the city. For quirk sale, $1.2!o. Five choice lots 4:1x125, near Vinton Street ear barns. These are choice and lie well. Price, $2.ino for the bunch. Two well lying lots, handy to car line. Prlc for quick sale, $750 for both. 25 x75 One of South Omaha's choicest business corners. If taken this week. $1,500. One more lot sold this week in Boulevard Terrace and we expect to close them all oiil between now and, spring. If you wish omethlng choice at an extremely reason Able price, take on of our Terrace lots. The best In the market for the money. Ground Floor. Bee Building. 100 LOTS lust west of the Country club, east of Hen son and south of Military Ave., we have ibnut luo lots which must be sold, so have let the prices to effect Immediate sales, aoii to $,V!0. Terms If necessary. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-196 2(5 B. R. BALL :2S N. Y. Life Rldp. 'Phone B1229. S2.400 2117 Grant St., 7-rooni modern house, newly painted and papered; in fine 'onditlon. On monthly payments. $2,500-2219 Locust St., 6-room modern house except furnace; new barn. $1,800-2619 N. 19th Ave.. 8-room modern ImiiHo except furnace. On monthly pay ments. $1,1100 2S15 Woolworth Ave., 5-room house, city water. This Is a bargain. 5 ACRES 8-room house,, email barn and plenty or rrult, and will take a residence in ex- change. RE Snap For Someone FOR SALB-Oottage, 6 rooms, fine base, nient Just repaired: good neighborhood; lull lot; barn. $1,500. Fitztferuld-Dermody Co. KM N. Y. Life Illdg., 'Phone 5b. RE-138 26 W. G. SHR1VER 1023 New York Life Bldg. Fit a few days only can sell 6-r. cottage, modern except furnace; largo barn, ce ment walks, nice lawn, 6o-foot lot; room lor another house; Decatur, near 27th t. -only $2,000. RE 128 26 SPLENDID Apartment House Site I THREE BLOCKS FROM CITY HALL This comprises a main frontage or lsT feet and two side street frontages of 110 feet ach. Nothing On murket so desirable li.r building with u large number of three to five-room apartments. Close to busi ness district and commanding highest rentals. Owner very anxious to sell. For full information Inquire of PAYNE, BOSTVV1CK & CO., SOLE AGENTS, ' Sixth Floor New York Life Building. KL-li.7 M WANTED TO Bl'Y A desirable lot in good residence neighborhood; upper Far i m m street d.strn t preferred- Give full delulls. Address F-22, Bee ortioe. KE 110 Harm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; iuw prices; un yours lime. L-aliJ Dcpf, U. P. H. H.. Omaha. Neb.. Dept. "A.'' RE 939 nnnroncnn1" Paxton. Best list money U'um.ailiUIImuKlm business chances. V S12j2 N3o OHA8. E. Williamson Co. u- KE 940 PANHANDLE LANDS. 18. HX) acres very prouuctive land Joining Oklahoma, well fcnc.d and watered. Price, $5.u0 pvr acre; ht caan. balance on or befoie 15 years at 6 per cent, or will divide to suit purchaser, a great chance lor agents. Culley. Bradley At Matnicsen. W'olbach, Neb. KE 7l8 29 FOR SALE Elegant 6-room house, modern except furnace, nearly in. li. So. j;tti. Terma to suit. Kcuiny Heal K.ilaie and lnvetament Co. RE M!C7 Ja OUT THE? GO TO NORTH DAKOTA. The most prosperous ktate in the whole country. The best watered grain and stock lands are near Mandan, Richardson and Molt. Strong aoii, free coal, splendid grasses. Wo own luv,(Xo acres to select (rem; average price, $12.50 an acre. Ask for proofs and Brown's funmr. Win. li. Brown Co., 131 La Sallu St., Chicago, 111., . or Mandan.- North Dakota. KOH SALE Improved farms, eastern Ne braska, three miles truin court house. Ow tier, box ll-S. Omaha, Ni b. KE ALL KINDS of Florence lots for sale Expert advice en scavenger tax saie. Dexter L. Tlioinas. 413 Boe Bldg. Kk.-) Dll WHO WANTS THEM? Lots 13 and li. lilutk K, Siunii s add., $00. Lots t and a, block 6, 'i'Uornbeig Place. Make oner. J. IL PAKROTTE. PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Lou. RE-727 AUCTIONEERS WE FURNISH experienced auctioneers on short notice to Kli real estate, nierchan dlsa, live slock, etc. Omaha, Real Estate Auction Co., Ui Neville blk. Tel fc.'s. FOR SALE FARMS Frontier County Lands Offer the beat Investment In the state today. liecause they are all hard poll; Just as good and lower priced than Daw son county on the north or Red Wil low on the south. It will pay you to iook at those lands. Here are a few samples. All have rich dark loam soil: 160 acres 3 4 miles from R. R. town, 130 acres in corn, wheat and rye, story and a half house of five rooms, 80 acres fenced, fine well, windmill and 260-bbi. reservoir. Trice, $2,600. 1 CO acres 12 miles from two R. R. towns, 120 acres In corn and wheat, balance fine pasture, no other Im provements. Price, $1,600. 160 acres S miles from R. R. town, 80 acres cultivated, no other improve ments. Price, $1,400. 480 acres 4 miles from county seat, 300 acres cultivated, two sots of im provements. One of the best places In the county. $7,200. 760 acres 5 4 miles from R. R. town, 120 acres tillable, small Im provements. Price, $5,250. It takes only two days to see these and get back. Party leaves here next Tuesday at 4 o'clock; cheap rates. Make this your Thanksgiving outing, or you can get back Thursday morn ing if you want to. Call on us for more information. . D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. RE H 360 ACRES H IN CUSTER COUNTY 10 miles west of Ansley, gently rolling, rich farm land, black loam, no sand. 260 acres can be cultivated, balance excellent grass land, about 60 acres cultivated. Price $1S an acre. 6to acres north of Gothenburg, about 600 acres rich farm land, balance rough pas ture land, has blue stem and buffalo grass, good settlement. Price, if sold soon, $12.50 an acre. 16 acres 10 miles west of Anslev, 115 acres In cultivation, balance rough pasture, fine soil, has good 4-room house, barn, granary, good tubular well, pump and windmill, $h.50 an acre. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1G0SV4 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. H- 138 Acres 6 miles N. W. Omaha Postofflce. $100 Per Acre. Improvements consist of good 7-room house, with furnace heat; 19o-bbl. cistern; water In house; bath, etc.; large barn, 40 x 40 ft.; hog house, ice house and other outbuild ings; several acres of timber, mostly black walnut; good pasture, plenty of fruit; about 60 acres under cultivation. tor further information call on or write to GEORGE & CO. 1001 Farnam St., Omaha. H H.fiiN) takes the biggest snap near Atkin son, Holt county., a 'i-section level farm land with timber. E. Hansell, 3414 Dow ney Ave, Los Angeles, Cal. H-921 26 LAND BARGAINS You'll have to hurry to get In on some of our greatest bargains. They are being sold, and the buyers are pleased with their investment. 4 80 acres highly improved stock and grain farm, one mile from two towns, all good clay land, 180 acres cultivated, all fenced, plenty of trees. A decided bargain at $25 per acre, with only four or five thousand down. 320-acre well improved farm land, 2 4 miles county seat, town of 4,000, In S. W. Nebraska; 240 acres fine level farm land in cultivation; balance pasture. Price, $8,000, on terms. A beautiful section of unimproved land near good town, first-class soil, only $7 per acre. Twenty sections of unimproved land in S. W. Nebraska offered before Jan uary 1st at bargain prices. Will advance at that time from $1 to $2.50 per acre. R. Beeeher Howell & Co., Karbacn Block. RE feTOCK, ranch and grain farm of 1,120 acres, Deuel county, Nebraska, well im proved, fenced level land, good soil; price $ per acre; a snap. Wm. Madgett, Hast ings, Neb. jj 2S0 acres improved land In Knox county; small house, loo acres under cultivation, liW acres all fenced for pasture, well; will trade for Omaha property. Price, $37 M per acre. Fitzgerald-Dennody Co., 36 N. Y. Life Bid. rnone Dims. H-K8 26 1,690 Acre ranch for $6,000. Largest list of farms for sale. ECKSTKOM & CO., 641 PAXTON BLOCK. H-70 25 EASTERN NEBRASKA FARMS For sale. Improved. Three miles from railroad and court house. Address Box 112o. Omaha. Neb. M723 HONEY loaned on any kind of farm ma chinery. Quick and quiet. Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life. H THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weeklv goes to 80.000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good piece of Und to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is smull 2 cents per word in small type or 12 m) per inch If set In Urge type MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE PLENTY OF MONEY At 5 and 6 per cent on improved real estate, in amounts $500 and up ward. Money furnished without de lay. GARVIN BROS. 1604 Farnam St. W WANTED City loans and warrants. W Barnaul Smith c Co., 13.0 Farnam BL W ill MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Ca W-slt GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest tales. Do delay; get our terms. W-4U7 BUILDING, loans on residence property: I per cent W. B. Melkle. Kauige Blk. W-flt LOWEST RATES Bentls, Paxton Blk. w-si$ PRIVATE money. Y. D. Wead. 1U0 Douglas W-JU (l.tfJOOuO TO LOAN on .business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas brennan, R. L N. Y. Life. W-sl FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. U. Thomas, 1st Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Tel. 148 W-il LOANS on Omaha Improved property or to build with; can pay It back in monthly payments. Hastings Heyden, lwu Farnam St. W J4 WE HAVE LOTS OF MONEY to loan on city property; lowest rates. PAYNE. HOST WICK CO.. 8tth Floor N. Y Ufe Bldg. W -66 SO Low Hates. Prlvste Money, tbO and L'd CH Ad. E. WILLIAMSON CO. W $1.. $l.tf0 and $1,600. To loan three o hve years, at 6 p r cent Interest. Hastings & Heyden. looM, Farnam 8c MONEY TO LOAN REAL FSTATE Money to Loan on Real Estate Payne Investment Company First Floor N. Y. Life Building. Telephone 1781. w WANTED Cltjr loans. R, C. Peters ft Co, W-S22 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS DUFF GREEN CO., FURNITURE. PIANO, LOANS LIVE STOCK SALARY. We are a home and old-established con cern, and your aeallngs with us will be absolutely private. You can borrow from $10 upward at the lowest rates. AH loan are made on our SPECIAL -REBATiMl EASY MONTH1LY OR WEEKLY PAY M EXT PLAN. Each payment lessens the cost of loan, making it possible for everyone who Is short of money to borrow wnat they need quickly and cheaply, without obligating themselves to their friends or neighbors; honorable, fair and Just treatment; pri vate interviewing rooms Established 1&9. Rooms 8 and Banter Elk. Tel. 4031 Duff Green. Jule Althaus. x-au QUICK MONEY Is often an absolute necessity, and you will rind our facilities the very best for quick and quiet service. We make advancements on furniture, pianos, live stock r.nd other chattels, and to salaried people upon their own agree, ment to nay. We arrange the contract tn 1. 2, 3, 4, 6, (, or even more monthly payments, telling you in advance what it will cost ynu, and then give you the option of faster, which will make the cost less. Our rates are much less than many will ask you and no more thai, you will pay wherever you go, and you will find us consistent in all nur dealings. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 295. (Established Si S. 16ih St. X-230 LOANS punD'ambnds, LOANS etc. Lowest rates. the WESTERN LOAN CO., SiG KA11N, Mgr. 331 Neville, 3d floor. 16th et Harney. Tel. bolt. X-818 DR PRIBBENOW'S, PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, planoB, salary, hoises, etc. In any amount at less than half the rates, no red tape; perlect privacy) immediate attention; on any terms wanted, payments suspended in case of sicki.ess or out of employment. Room at Karbacn Blk., 209 S. 16th Bt. X .lb-C WHEN YOU WANT A LOAN " ON FURNITURE OR SALARY without removal or delay, payable to suit your convenience, pnone nil or write or call on AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 307 paxton Blk., N. E. cor. ltith and Farnam Bis. X-iM MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others wiUiout security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol luau, room U4 New York Life Bldg. BOWEN'8 MONEY Easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horsos, cows. Plain note If steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X--977 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 11 X-th CHATTEL AND SALARY LOANS. PUOENiX CREDIT CO., Tel. 746. 032-8 Paxton Blk. X-, FRIEDMAN. Loans on all articles. Clothing bought and sold. 211 S. LUi. Tel. 4W0. X -714 D EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X-wii CHATTEL, salaiy and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., loot Farnam St. X S&O CHATTLE AND COLLATERAL LOANS at one-half usual rates; strictly private. Vnion Loan and Investment Co., 112 Hee Bldg. Tel. aim. x K2 DJa FARMS FOR RENT 1S6-ACRE Iowa farm; good buildings and good land. llivacre eastern Nebraska farm; Improve ments good and nice land. Want tenants who Uo thorough work. L. L. E. Stewart U. S. National Bank Bldg., Omaha. H93 Xx TWO small track hind, with good houses and barns, one neur Krug park, one Har ney and 41th. F. D. Wead. 16H4 Douglas. -1j3 26 FOR EXCHANGE PIANO for driving or draft horse. Differ ential chain block for sale. 318 McCague. Z Muai us IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad. in and you will soon get It. Z 983 IF YOU want to buy or exchange for land send 10c for Farm Buyers' Guide, which contains descriptions of 2X0 farms for sale or exchange, with owner's address; want farms to sell. Horace Grant, Kansas City, Mo. z STOCK of groceries, boots and shoes; In voice $4.t to $5.Oil0; will exchange tor cheap western land; stock running and in good condition at present time Address G 4, Bee. 25 1H9 2ti 640 ACRES of nice land at $10 per acre. Want general mdse. Address C. Stock, Kearney. Neb. , Z-994 26x TO EXCHANGE OR SELL A line stock farm near Omaha, 200 neres. 12u acres Polk county, Minntiiota. 2"0 acres Fayette county, Texas. 750 acres fine timber, good corn and cotton land, Montgomery county, Georgia. S20 acres Wichita. Kan. 2 houses Cedar Falls, la. Business house, Steerett, Ind. Ter. 2 lots Indianapolis. 2 lots Indiana Harbor, Ind. Geo. P. A. Welseiiborn Co., Owners, Omaha, Neb. Z-913 26x FOR BALE Miscellaneous One desk prac tically new, $15, til N. Y. Life Bid. Q-&07 28 BOW EN'S money for chattel or salary se curltles. 703 N. Y. Life. Z FOR SALEHORSES, WAGONS ELEGANT Stanhope, with rubber tires, at half price: also extension top carriage from the Sattley Mfg. Co.'s stock, at a big bargain. Johnson ti Danforth, 8 W Cor. 10th and Jones Sts. P 925 ' THREE open delivery wagons and one tip wagon, good as new; a big bargain Johnson & Danforth, 8. W. Cor. loth and Jones Sts Jg j GOOD, large barn for rent at 27th and Iavenworth Sis.. $15. N. P. Dodge & Co.. 1614 Farnam St. P 107 Horses Wintered Large box stalls, no barbed-wire fencing Keystone Slock Farm. Benson, Neb Tel L-1170. P-837 29 " 1 SURREY. 1 top buggy, 1 road wagon, new, at cost; cash or lime. 4 N. isth lt P SS5 D8 FOR SALE HORSE GOOD family driving horse, city broke, weighs l.iGo pounds. Call at 211 S ;t,th St., or 'phone 3'U. P 14u ,x SORKEI. gelding, sound, good roadster. harness, tine runabout, rubber tires; J I. in ' cash takes the outnl complete. Address G S. Bee. P M 3j FOR SALE High acting trotter, t years ol4, black gelding: Bound, gentle and good spirit: will make a fast horse If trained; will sell cheap. Dr. E. F. Btewart. North Bend. Neb. P-MJ&7 ft FOB. SALE MISCELLANEOUS Great Removal Sale ol High Grade Pianos We are forced to vacate our present quarters by January 1st and must sell regardless of cost about 364 Pianos, Organs, Music Boxes suitable for Christmas presents and Self-Players. This is absolutely the greatest piano sale ever held In the city. Call and investigate or write for particulars re garding this great money-saving sale. One $500 Square Piano, good for beginners 20 One $500 Square Piano, fairly good condition 30 One $500 Vose Sons Square, superior tone, only ,, 45 Five new Upright. Pianos, positively warranted.... 125 Six new Upright Pianos, good tonal qualities 148 , Eight standard makes, but discontinued styles 165 Seven high grade Pianos, artists' favorites, only 192 Nine high grade Uprights, regularly sold at $426, only 238 $600 Kranlch & Bach Baby Grand, only 290 One Emerson Parlor Grand, almost new, St. Domingo mahog any case, big bargain. The above Instruments are fully guaranteed and will be sold on terms of TEN DOLLARS CASH and FIVE DOLLARS MONTHLY. A small pay ment down will secure your piano for Christmas delivery. New pianos for rent, $3, $4 and $5 monthly. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1407 Harney Street. SPECIAL SALE ON MACHINES These machines have all been thoroughly overhauled and are the latest thing that the different manufsctories produce. They are complete with attachments and are guaran teed to be In first-class condition. The following is a list of machines we have on hand: Plnger, 6-drawer, drop head $3). 00 Singer, 7-drawer, drop head 22.00 Davis, 6-drawer, drop head..'. 17.00 R'andard Automatic Grand 25.00 White, 6-drnwer, drop head 15 00 Domestic. 6-drawer, drop head 20.00 Second-hand machines, box ton, of e v make, from $5.00 to $10 00. These are com plete with attachments and will give yuii good service. We rent machines 76c per week. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 'Phone 1663 Corner 15th and Harney. Kb North 21th St., South O laha. mi tsroaaway, council Bluffs. LARGE furnace at a bargain. 1502 Canitol Ave. Q-6627 GOOD, clean wheat for chickens, $1 40 per hundred; 3 cars good rve straw. Fred Peterson, feed store, 1815-17 Leavenworth St. Q-894 D8x FOR SALE New Art Garland heater lisOfi Farnam St. Q S50 26x Perfield Piano Company 1611 Farnam St. OUR PIANO CLUB. The only way to secure a FINE. HIGH ORADE PIANO at a low price. TERMS $1.00 WEEKLY. We will deliver the piano with a handsome stool and scarf IMMEDIATELY. 500 PIANOS. T.-UVe c'"ltraLled witl1 'he manufacturers for FIVE HUNDRED HIGH GRADE PRICES l P'aCCd 1U terrlt0ry on the Club System, AT WHOLESALE r,, .thlS pIan we can aave you nc Hundred Dollars and you can pay for tha PIANO on the easiest possible terms. PLAY WHILE YOU PAY ai)OeiTNOWtlle adVlin,aKC8 and f'ea8ure that music in jour home will give you. BY JOINING OUR PIANO CLUB you participate in several advantages. In the first place, you secure a hrst-class high grade PIANO, not a box of wi.iacies that the market Is Hooded with just now A MUSICAL EDUCATION. Heretofore, the great drawback to securing a piano haa been the expense of the music lessons, which often makes It Impossible for the head of the family to do that family Justice or keep up with the requirements of this Twentieth Century By joining our Piano Club you ccure a complete high class musical education for any member of your family. You secure a music lesson FREE for every dollar you expend for your piano. ' OUR TEACHERS. Our teachers are the best that money can secure, and our lessons are as com plete as given In the great conservatories In the large musical centers at home or mu8lca,1 education is FREE to any -member of your family and will save you tT 1 Tvl"rTCle, y"r tam"y' KCeP th y0U"K peol,le at "'"e confute to jour everlasting pleasure. We represent eleven high class piano manufacturers, and each Instrument wa sell is a legitimate, high grade Piano Fully Guaranteed. We invite your in "estlgl! tlon. Call and select your Piano. PAY AT YOUR LEISURE. '"esuga Respectfully yours, PERFIELD PIANO CO. Omaha. . 1611 Farnam Street. 6HER WIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman ec McConuell Drug Co Omaha, QDtM MILCH COWS on easy terms. 43d and Center. y e(3 SECOND-HAND STEAM hi 11 UN Ob t-OKSALE 11 you waul a bargain ;n steam iltutige cau and look over '.uo toiiowlng supplies: l.b-incu AUfclin hoiizoiuu.1 separator. l.fc-incn Ausuu s Hoi liontai separator. 14-1 nc h Austin s vertical separator. Thute have been takcu ouuuu account of cnanges in our sieani piaat and are in good condition. Audrevs Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, ce Bldg., Omaha, g &U Plii.NO bquare, $10; 60 cents weekly. Per litiu I'luno Co., loll arnam dt. U-640 FOR SALE One Mimeograph, In good or der, inquire at Business oihce, uiuaua Hee. y tu VVALI I'AK 15 fpet lt,n: cheap. WALL, A3C 3uK North loth St. Q lJ Hex CH1BBINU; Hr timbers, 80 feet and under: seasoned hardwood lumber. Snjl Douglas. W eui LOST AND FOUND LOST Mortgage and several notes puj-aLle to my order; reward for return. J. II. Dumont, 3it2 Lafayette Ave. 'phone "eil O 121 LOST Chinchilla fur boa, Wednesday aft ernoon, on Furnain car or near corner 3!'th and Fainam. Return to No. 1 New York Life Bldg. and receive reward. O-kftl 26 LOST Pointer dog; return or notify; re ward. H. J. Root, 1U21 8. 3uth Ave. O 27x LOST In Omaha, or on car between Omaha and Council Bluffs, $3o. If the tinder will report to Dr. Todd, 504 Kar baili Blk., offlee; residence, 2Mh and Dewey Ave., tiiey will be rewarded. O S19 26 LOST Ladies' gold watch Elgin i, on Jack son, between loth and 11th Sts. Return to Bee and get reward. O 129 27x MANY opportunities are lost for tne lack of money. Bowen's monev is easy to get and easy to pay. 7"3 N. Y. Life. O LOST On lth St., In front of cliy hall, four volumes of short stories. "Classics,'' volumes 1, 2'. 4 and 5. Reward. Return to Board f Health, city hall. U-139 24 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Tel. 1625. Q CORN COBS at Westlawn Mills, 5"c a load. 69th and Center. Q 845 30 STOVES For sale at a bargain, six good "Round Oak" heaters. 2ul8 Davenport St. Q S71 2Hx OVERCOATS 130 new and second-hand overcoats, CHEAP. 20S N. ltith. Q-S74 Dl CALENDAR PADS Ilurkley Printing Co., Omaha. Q Su2 D23 FOR SALE A Wilton carpet, 12x15, In first-class condition. Call basement door, 814 8. 27th St: Q ?98 2S FOR SALE Brnnd new No. 4 Densmoro typewriter, delivered for $rt0. Address 1025 Burlington Ave., York, Neb. Q 115 26x STANDARD Dictionary, 2 volumes; NEW; H Russia, $12.75. Address A. C. Baker, 1029 22d, Des Moines, la. Q JW0 26 FREE! FREE!! FREE !! Beautiful par lor rocker with every purchase of $10 or over at our store this week. We sell on easy payments. OniRha Furniture & Carpet Co., l"0!-17ll-1213 Farnam St. Q39 26 HOUSEHOLD goods, a few left flt 902 North lfith St.; must be sold Immediately, regardless of value. Q 130 2ix I DON'T sell money, but my money Is easy to get If you want It. Bowen, 7u3 N. T. Life. Q STELLA AND REOINA music-boxes, suit able for Christmas presents, to rinse out at once regardless of cost; $15, $18. $24 and up. These boxes are sold regularly for $30. $0, $75 and up. Time payments ac cepted. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO., 1407 Harney St. Tel. Iii23. Q 173 2S FOR SALE Rooming and boarding bouse, near postofflce. Address O 6, Bee. Q-212 26x WK'PF, SQUARE. Cash or credit on stoves ONCE tried ALWAYS patronized. Gate City Fur. Co., 615 N. 16th. TM. 8785. y-697 N25 FOR SALE Two life sOiolarships on Omaha bujinesa college. Address Dwigiit Williams, Onmbit Bee, Omaha, Keo- Q-29 FOR SALE About fifty feet ornamental galvaniied Iron cornice and ornamental Iron posts, suitable for snow window Ad ply superlnteuueiit Bee Bldg. Q Msio FOR SALE New and second-hand biliiaid and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds' easy payments. Send lor calai'.aue' Brunswick-Balae-Coiiender, 407 ti. luth tit.' Oinana, W 4M ' 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, U19 Far nam. Q M9 600 8 TOVEB to select from at low prloei cago Furniture Co., 1410-14111 Dod Chicago odae Btreet. Q-io FOR BALE Two 60-Inch by 16-feet boiler a good for to pounds pressure, two 76-norse-power maimo oolieis, new; one to-horse-power. White A Middielon sasoaue en gine at the Omaha Boiler Works. i-.'OJ N2 COFFEE MILL Large size, cheap N. Klti. Q-O.J 2hx PATENTS H A. ST URGE 8, registered attorney; pat tents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee uii. less successful. 617 N. Y. LUe, Omaha. F. J LARSEN & CO. patent lawyers. ADVICE FREE. 6u3 Bee Bldg., lei. All 32. PATENTS secured or money refunded, tees reduced to $10. Address Sues A Co. Washington. D. C. Advice free. -Um N2x PATr..',T8 procured, bought snd sold. Na tlonal Investment Co., ti Douglas but U-AW D GET out your patent. I will furnish the money. Bowen, 7o3 N. Y. Life. PLUMBING LYNCH BROS. JX'. JfE V ,??,: Tel. 1477. R M26 D2J Chapman & Mahan Repairs promptly done Prices reasonable. 612 N. 16th. Tel. Red 564 A. 8AVARD, 4314 N. 34th. Tel. 6M2. 53 D23 DEATH NOTICES III t.DE BRAND Charles, ng-d . yenrs. at his residence, 19Xs South Tenth, Novem ber 24. Funeral Piindiv, November IR, from res idence at 1:3'X Interment Laurel Hill cem eter UNDERTAKERS Bralley ft Dorrance, 20ih and Cum. T. 6-1 6S0 HARRY B. DAVIS, 411 8. 13th. Tel. 12?T DODDER. E. U, 2224 Cuming. Tel. 77. 6X5 TAGGART. 23d and Cuming. Tel. 714 PRINTING PRINTING MEMORIAL CARDS; ar- I Vm"C-t i r-v tlstic designs. S. E. Cor. LTINLiblAL) ltith St, and Capitol Ave. . -S7 THE JENNINGS PTG. CO. for printing. -1 1 U?PlJ 4 thS t; ;Fh on e 53)-". 773 Dec 20 SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES- OMAHA Seymour Camp No. 16 will meet at Myrtle hall, commencing Wednesday evening. Oc toiii.r 4th 1 U. If. M. II. REDFIELl), Cons il Commander. J NO. N. CRAWFORD. Clerk. WANTED TO BUY ANTIQUARIAN Book Store. 1220 Farnam; highest price paid for 2d-hand boons. Tel. F 2U5. N 1J7 WANTED TO BUY A desirable lot In a good residence neighborhood; upper Far nam street district preferred Ulve full details. Address F-22. Bee otllce. N 111 MERCHANTS If you want to sell vour stock at reduced price to close out, write to F. O. Kucera, Tobias, Neb.. comnir clal auctioneer. N Mf93 27 WE HAVE CUSTOMER for large piece of trackage. Address F. D. Wead. 1321 Douglas St. N fU9 20 I HAVE A BUYER for a small sheep ranch in eastern Colorado. What have you? Write F. O. Kucera, Tobias. Neb. N-.MMK 27 HIGHEST PRICE paid for second-hand furniture, etc. 'Phone 1039. N WANTED To buv small steam boiler. G. F. Llllle, Tekamah. Neb. N-st' 2x We want to buy from the owners for cash five more 5, 6 and 7-room cottage homes. Must not be too far from car line. Cottages must bo in good repair and not too old. If you have anything to sell or trade come in and see us. J. A. DAVIS & SON, 411 Bee Bldg. N-9S8 26 WANTED-We wish to buv a standing office desk, to 8 feet. Call, write or 'phone Mr. Evans. Piano Department THE BENNETT COMPANY. N 141 2il TEN or more lots together, or from three to ten acres suitable to divide Into a subdivision, within four blocks of street car. Hastings & Heyden, 1W94 Farnam St. N 918 26 WANTED TO BUY-Vacant lot between Farnam and Leavenworth and east of 2Uh St. Submit oilers to Webster & Miller, 615 S. Kith St. N 134 26 IF YOU haven't the money, get it of Bowen, 7i3 N. Y. Life. N MEDICAL FOR women only. ' Dr. Raymond's Pills, womon's monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of . anxious women; no pain, no danger, no interfer ence with work; relief in i to 6 days. We have never known of a single failure. Price. $2 by mail. Raymond s Monthly Regulator in liquid. $3. Dr. R. O. Ray. mond Remedy Co., Room 85, 84 Adams St., Chicago, 111. 4kj LADIES. $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never - Failing ERGO KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods in 3 to 5 days without harm, pain or interference with work. Mail $1 50 Double strength $2.00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. H. SOL'THINGTON CO., KANSAS CITY. MO. M 236 BEST nerve bracer-for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills' $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. -Hi OPIUM and whisky habits cured at home without pain; book of particulars sent free. B. M. Wooley, M. 1)., Atlanta, (li., 102 N. Pryor St. t LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women und children. Office 22u5 Cuming. 'Phone 3667. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, marvelous, mag netic heuler; all kinds of weakness and diseases treated; cure guaranteed. 807 N. 18th. Tel. Red 5736. T-191 lx CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 Soutn ICth St., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely "ivea 8-D47 MADAME BROWN Clairvoyant, tells life long Becrets, locates lost articles, reads the future and past. 1607 Howard HI. 8 1M 27x MRS. CARRIB SMITH, sovereign ludy queen of clairvoyants, trance medium and palmist. 8i7 N. 18th. 'Phone Bed r.73'1. S 1?'-' 'V.x LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS tverywtiere. The New Snow Church Co. main floor, N. Y. L. Tel. 131 . 71 J. M. Micfarland. 3"9 N. Y. I- Bldg. Tel. 6S6&. 71 WILLIAM WAPFICH-Succcssful lawyer In prosecution and defense of civil and criminal suits in all courts; legal docu ments carefully prepared; notary public. PI t reignton niocK. DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 300 Douglas Blk. -m DRES8MAKINO In families or- at hone. Miss Sturdy, !M Davenport Tel. Harney luOi -6 GET the money for your drei-s from Bowen. Pay when convenient. 7u3 N. Y. Life. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 418 N. Y. L. Tel. 1664, IMt MRS. JOHN R. MUHICK. Osteopathy Phy. slcian. Office. Neville Blk. Tel. -910 TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tlckels eveiywhere. P. II. Phllbin. liuo Farnam. 'Phono 7S4 .7 LARSON & JOHNSON. 1406 Farnam. Tel. 1.Vi 965 FLORISTS HE83 & 8WOBODA. 1115 Farnam. 927 L. HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. Tel. 125S. CITY OKF1CI41. OTICF.. NOTICE. Sealed proposals are incited und will be received by the i lly Clerk, room )''.. City Hall, Omaha, Nebraska. or the purchase of the sixteen-foot lrip of land adj'ilniiis the west side of lot 4 block 31. city. All proposals must tie sealed, marked "Pio posals tor the Purchase of R.-tl Estate," and mutt be on hie In the City Clerk's office on or IWoie Tuesd iv, November 2s. 16, st 6 o'clock p. in. '1 lie city reserves th right to reject any or all bids. Omaha, Nebraska, November IXv W. H. tl.BOl'RM, N22-d7t City Clerk. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR STREET IMPROVE- MENT. J Sealed proposals are Invited and will ,wf4 received by the City Clerk of tle City ofT1 Omaha on Tuesday. December n, 19o., at o'clock p. m , In the Council Chamber In the City Hall for the Improvement of 3&tll avenue from Howard etreet to Jackson street. In Street Improvement District Jso. s;4. by ruiblng and paving. In accordance llh Ordinance No. ti44 Bids for such Iniprox einent inns' be upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vitrided bi Ick block, artificial stone or macadam and all bidders are required to designate the local ity, quarry, kiln or factory from which will he furnished the specific material to b used by them, with Its commercial designa tion. Proposals must be submitted upon blanks HjjH. to or iiirnisMcti iy rne i ny t-.p.Kineer. wnn will nlo furnish Instructions t,t bidders, together with specifications and forms of contract and bond, upon application at his office, snd as evidence of good faith and guarantee that contract will be entered Into and good snd sufficient bond furnished, should award be made thereon, each pro posal must be accompanied bv a certified check, payable to the City ot Omaha, 111 an amount not less than lo per cent of the total of each bid, but In no case less than $100,110. Proposals must be addressed to W. H. Flbourn. City C.erk, Council Chamber, City Hall, and marked "Proposal for 8treet Improvement District No. S34. The City Council of the City of Omaha reserves the right to refect any or nil bids. Omaha, Nebraska, November 22. 1113 W. II. ELHOURN. D6. City Clerk. NOTICE. Sealed proposals are Invited and will be propos bv the received by the City Clerk of the City of Omaha for the purchase of the vacated strip of ground I" feet wide adjoining 17tii street on tne west, netween Harney street and St. Mary's aenue and lying between lots 1 and 2. In block 115. Original Cit-, and lot 1. block 1. E. Kountse Reserve proposals must be In writing, sealed and marked "Proposal for Purchase of ReaJ EMHte." and must be addressed to W. H. Elbourn. City Clerk, and filed in his offlct on or befoie Tuesday, Novemncr 2S, 1903, at 5 o'clock p. m. Omaha, Nebraska, November 22, IW. W. H. ELBOURN. N2-d7t City Clerk. LEGAL NOTICES RECEIVERS SALE. Pursuant to order of court, entered No vember 16, lift 5, 1 give notice that 1 will, on Monday, November 27, 1W6. at 10 o'clock A. M , at Mt North 17th street, Omaha, Nebraska, sell the assets of tho Western Anchor Fence company, including material machinery, tools, fixtures, ottice furniture, patent rights and every other species o( property owned or enjoyed by tho Western Anchor Fence companj'. Said sale will be for cash and bids unac companied by cash will not be considered. , THOMAS H. McCAGUE. Receiver western Alienor Fence company. Ni: d'"t RAILWAY TIME CARD L.MO. STATION TK.STH A.VD HAIICY Inlon Pacific Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a :18 pin California Express ......a 4:10 pm a 9:30 air. California & Oregon Ex. a 4:20 piu a 6:10 pin North Platte Local a 7:50 am a 6:20 pro fast Mail a 8:5i am a 8:20 pin Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44am Beatrice Local b 3:15 pm b 1:30 pm Chicago, Itock Ialaud & racloc. EAST. Chicago Limited a 8:36am a 7:10am Chicago Express a 7:35 am a (:66 pm Chicago Express. Local.. bll.lo am a 4:30 pm Des Moines Express a 4 Su pm bll:50am Chicago Fast Express.. ..a 5:10 pm a 1:15 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd a 7:20 am a 8:80 am Colorado Express a 1:30 pm a 4:56 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex. .a 4:35 pm all; 40 am Missouri PuclUo. St. Louis Express K. C. & St. L. Ex.. .a 9:00 am a (:30 am .all: 15 pin u 6.00 pm Chicago & !SortiiMetern. tit. Paul Daylight a 7:50 am 10:00 pm Chicago Dajngut a .wain 11 5u pm Chicago Limited a 3d pin 9:16 am Carroll Local a 4.31pm 9:60 am 6t. Paul Fast Mail a 8:38 pm 7.0 am Sioux C. He St. P. Looal..b pm 9.86 am Fast Mail 2:au pm Chicago Express a i:61i pm a 7:30 am Norfolk & Bonesteel....a 7:40 am 10,35 am Lincoln eV Long Pine. ..a 7:40 am pm Casper it Wyoming e 2:bo pm e 6:16 pm Deadwood & Lincoln. ..a 2:60 pm 6:15 pm Hastings & Albion b 2:6u pm 8:16 pm Chicago Local all:3o am 1:46 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 8:00 am a 3:55 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:30 am Minn. & St. Paul Ex...b :w am b d uo pin Minn. At SU Paul Ltd. .a 8:30 pin a7;3oum Chicago, Milwaukee dc St. 1'aai. Chicago & Colo. Spec 1. a 7:6a am a 7:35 an California & Ore. lx..a 6;4f a J. 10 pin Overland Limited a :. pin a U.a) am Marion tfcCedur li. Loc.b 6:46 ain bU.uo pm Waoash. St. Louis Express a 6:30 pm a 8:40 Am bl. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs; a 9:15 am al0:30 pm Staiioenj Local (lrom Council Blurts; b 0:00 pm bll:30am Chicago Great Western. St. Paul & Minn a 8:30 pin a 7:16 am bt. Paul At Aiiun a J.4u am a 7: jo pm Chicago Limtieu a b:Ai pia al.ov m CiiiLago Expieos u 6.UD am a UM piu W EBSTER DEPOT 15 TH & WKBHTKH ' Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Local, via Leave. Arrive. W eeping Water b i.M pm bl2.3U pm Chicago, t. Paul, Minneapolis umulia. Twin City Passenger.. . b 6:3u am b 9:lu pm bioux City Passenger.. .a i;vu piu ull.lM am UuKianu Lucul b pm b 9.1V am Uneisoii Local b e:lo am c 6. 00 put UIHLI.VUTOM STA' 10T11 A MASON Burlington. Leave. ...a 4.1u put ...all:lu pin ...a s;ju am Arrive, a 4:20 pm a 6:us pm a 7:40 pm al2:uo png ulvjii am b b.H ana a 7.10 an Denver ic California. Northwest Express . Nebraska points .... IJncoln Fast Mail.. .b 3:uU pin Ft. Crook & Platism n.u 2:aU pm Bellevue & Plattsm'h..a 7:u pm Denver Limited Bellevue & Pjc. Junc..al2:16 pm Bellevue & Pac. June. .a s:jo am Chicago Special a 7:26 am Chicago Express it 4:ai pm a 3:55 pm Chicago Flyer a fc:"u pm a 7:25 pir Iowa Local a :I5 am ali:5il pu: Ft. Louis Express a 1:45 pm all:30am Kansas City A bl. Joe.al0:45 pm a 6:46 air Kansas City & St. Joe. a 9:15 am a 6.06 pm Konsas City & St. Joe. a 4:45 pm a daily, b dally except Sunday, d dally except Saturday. c Sunday only, e dally except Monday. History of the ! Boiled Dona. It started In 1623. A good harvest suggested It. Governor Bradford planned it. lie sent out men to hunt game. The settlers gathered at this great feast. "They thanked God with all their hearts" on that day. At that momentous meeting was set s precedent. Fur long years this festival was pecullai to New England. Jite years It has been adopted by th entire country. Jt was President Lincoln who first pro claimed the national Thanksgiving. One pictures the scant fare of tho Pil grims, who had been here three years be fore their crops Justified a celebration. Their first winter was not such as war ranted a celebration, as the wives of Brsd ford and Win slow and the bride of Htu.ii -dinh were among the many who perished. The beautiful springtime saw them get their real start. Among other buildings they erected a church, which was a fort ress us will, lour cannon being mounted ui on It Indeed, thete were long seasons of hard work, often upon h ss than half rations, before each man siarie I in for himself, befoie the strucgllng colonics enjoyed this historic celebration. fter Small taxpayers. County Treasuier Kink nipnrl-, ihsi the tux collections in hi n!t! e tm Novcm lr 1. up to l'iida veiling, amount to $116. 2M. During the coming week th pay. incuts are expected to be heavy snd to go far toward cleaning up the taxa Mill due. At f ' VJ