Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 14

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The Best
Business School
Is the one that teaches the prin
ciples and methods of business In
the most thorough and exhaustive
manner, thnt employs the best
tenchers and has the brut facili
ties for teaching, that give earh
pupil the largeat amount of In
dividual attention and that gives
thoughtful consideration to the
future, aa well at the present,
welfare of Ha pupil.
, COLLEGE has used this model
' for more than twenty years.
Its beautiful and ample quarters
tn Its own new building are open
to Inspection! Its teachers are the
bent It can employ. They teach
the most approved modern busi
ness Ideas.
With years of successful experi
ence It feels Justified In claiming
that It knows the best way to
make good business men and
women of Its pupils.
Young men and women who de
sire to prenare themselves to
earn money should rail at onee or
write for particulars. Do It now.
10th and Farnam, Omaha.
Traveling salesman, Implement experi
ence, acquainted la South Dakota terri
tory, $tVo.
Cashier, 1840, commercial house.
Salesman, clothing. $1,200.
Billing clerk, Smith-Premier typewriter.
Ledger clerk, $SO0.
Fixture salesman, first-class proposition.
Young man, general merchandise clerk,
Stenographer and bookkeeper, $900.
We lint only a few of the many vacancies
we have to fill, but will furnish a com
plete list upon request. If you arc look
ing for a better position, or If you are
looking for a position where you can
Invest money with your sorvlces, call on
or write us.
R10-841-842 N. Y. Life Bldg.
B 910 2
Experienced specialty salesman.
Salesman, real estate (salary and com-
m:"";oii. i
Male stenographer, one year's experience.
'I wo youna men bookkeepers.
Safe salesman.
Good office men of all aorfs, I can use
B 94 28
I WANT good men to work trade and can
vass houses; $30 week. Do you need tint
money; will you work? Call for Klnne,
13-2, 6-8 p. m., Drexel hotel, fl M149 kiix
SCHOOL LAD, morning and evenings, as
errand boy and office helper. At start
must be willing to work for the teaching
he will get. Answer by letter, your own
writing. Send references.
B-176 ' 2
MEN who need money can get It on any
kind of security of Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life.
WANTED Horse and driver for hearse.
W. J. Zitterell, general contractor. Fort
Omaha. B M191 2S
WANTED Gentleman stenographer. 2569
leaven worth St. ' B 131
20 WORKING blrls. Canadian office. 16th
and Dodge. C soft
WANTED Lady or gentleman to represent
us in every town in Nebraska, who can
1 devote all or part of their time In agree-
I able, healthful work and make from (3 to
to per uuy. auuiuvi uopi. r, quo v . u.
W. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. C 116
YOl'NO LADY, experienced in central tele
phone operating, wishes position aa op
erator of private switchboard. F 62, Bee.
C-888 26x
WANTED Girl for general housework, two
in family. Apply southeast corner 25th
und St. Mary'a Ave. C 125
WANTED Girl to act us cashier In grocery
more; references required. Address F 64.
C-887 28x
WANTED A good girl at The Crccho, 19th
and Harney. C i8 27x
LADIES having fancy work to sell, em
broideries, battenberg, drawn work; also
to do order work: stamped envelope. La
dles' Exchange, 34 Monroe, Chicago.
C-100 26x
LADIES To do piecework at home: we
furnish all materials and pay from $7 to
$12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe, Chicago.
C 104 26x
YOl'NG lady stenographer and stock book
keeper; must write a good hand und be
accurate. Address In handwriting, stat
ing experience, G 1, care Omaha Bee.
C 997 2fi
GIRL for general housework: good wages;
1961 Pacific. C 139 26
W NTED Girl for general housework.
Mr. J. Speedle, S15 Bryun St., Benson,
Neb. C 145 26x
New York Life, has u laige list of
strictly high-class places for good gins
at 14 to $S per week; also girl for out-of-Uwn
general housework, $35.
C 160 'JO
WANTED Chi for general housework.
1136 Georgia Ave. 'Phone Red in.
C 15S 28
WANTED Competent girl: three in fam
ily; best of wagia. Tel. F14a6.
, C-M204 ?
TRAINED NURSE Best city references:
desire cases at $15 per week, obstetrics ,
r.rfrnH Tot Auh tVil A Ul '; 1
WANTED Position by bright, industrious
young man of 19 in office; must be chance
for advancement. Address F 63, Bee.
A-W4 2tx
WANTED Position as housekeeper; refer
ences given. Apply to 1824 N. 17th St.
A-99 26x
WANTED After December I. pooition by
experienced woman stenographer with
knowledge of bookkeeping: 7 years' office
experience; last 4 in confidential position
of trust: references. Address P. O. Box
S&5, Omaha, Neb. A 917 26x
WANTED By a competent lady with one
child 6 years old, a position aa house
keeper. Apply Salvation Army, S Bee
JH II d g., Ctt A 131 28x
cop.vlr.j, books, bill registers and many
other s;ieclultles. Pershing Mfg. Co.,
South Ucnd, lu4. L
SIDE line traveling men can make $25 to
$o0 per week carrying side line of most
up-to-date advertising fans of our exclu
sive and special designs; season now
opening; apply at once. The Kemper
Thomas Co., Fun Dept., Station H. Cin
cinnati. O. L 963 26x
WANTED Salesmen for 1916 to sell our
$100, $200 and $300 assortments of Jewelry
to general trade; goods first-class; terms
liberal; special advertising features for
merchants, which make them easy sell
ers; liberal commissions. McAlllster-Co-maa
Co., 356 Dearborn St, Chicago.
Lr-960 36x
SALESMEN The latest toy. Whistling
Busser; 10c for sample, prepaid; S"u per
cent profit. Novelty Buxxer Co., 9"1 Me
d I uali Temple, Chicago. L 658 26x
TWO tirst-lasa men to travel on road;
must have good appearance and ability to
produce business; staple line; good sal
ary; expenses advanced. H. C. Morgan,
7iu Star Bldg.. Chicago. U-969 2nx
BOOK seller wanted for unrivaled holiday
books at unequaled commissions; our
offer la exceptionally profitable; we want
addresses of live canvassers. M. A. Dno
tiuo Co.. Chicago. lr-fc56 26x
SALESMEN WANTED To sell our fina
groceries direct to consumers: satisfac
tion guaranteed: prontable, steady, de
sirable; exclusive territory; no capital
necessary; headquarters for carload uien;
established l-Ti. Ioverln Browne Co.,
Wholesale Grocers, lioi Slate St.. Ch.
Ctigo, UL Lr-U54 2
WANTED Salesmen for I! to sell staple
Hne with special Inducements to general
trade In Nebraska; high commission and
permanent position. lepartment 610. 35
Dearborn St.. Chicago. L 957 26x
SALESMA.V-Advertlsing novelty for 19oS;
southern Iowa territory; commission con
tract:' calendar, bank supplies, leather
goods and advertising novelties; give full
particulars In llrst letter. Economy Ad
verting Co., Iowa City, la. L 906 M
FOR the best accident and health insur
ance In th world; stock company; cash
capital and Insurance deposit of $250m);
ll.ixo policy costs $2 a year; 1100 emer
gency benefit; accidents of any and all
kinds: handsome black seal grain pocket
case given free with each policy; good
salesmen are making $li) per week; If
you want to gt on. write today for ex
clusive renewal contract with liberal com
mission. German Registry Co., 211 N.
Seventh St., 8t. Ijouls. Mo. L 952 26x
SALESMEN WANTED By dress goods
factory; new spring line; mill prices;
Splendid side line for travelers visiting
general stores. Bryn Mawr Mills. Phila
delphia. L 957 26x
SALESMAN Experienced In any line, to
sell general stores In Nebraska; an un
excelled proposition; commission and $35
weekly fur expenses. The Continental
Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O. L 950 MX
TRAVELER for Nebraska ct once; line
staple for general trade; position pays
$1,S0 per annum with commissions. John
8. Allam, Detroit. Mich. L 949 26x
DRY OOODS salesmen wanted. We are
Increasing our selling force and want
experienced general dry goods salesmen
for several territories, also special men
for dress goods department, hosiery and
underwear department: also white goods
and linens. Write, stating age, present
employment, experience and references,
correspondence confidential. Ferguson
McKlnney Dry Goods Co., St. Louis, Mo.
L 948 2iix
BELLI NO TRIX cards, ten games with
each package. Send fiO cents for sample
and Instruction.
Bluomlnglon, 111.
L 94T Six
HIGH CLASS specialty salesman capable
of handling established line of patent
medicine and newspaper con
tracts; good t'oinietisHtlon to right man.
Box 5"j6, Chicago. L 956 2Mx
SALESMAN WANTED First-class all
round salesman to cover unoccupied ter
ritory; permanent position und good In
come to right man. Address Stiles Man
ager. Box 119 St. Louis, Mo. j 9i4 2tix
successful record In sol line; white lead
and paints, or drug or hurdwure special
ties. Manufacturer, Box 1221, St. Louis,
Mo. L 965 26x
ClOAR salesman wanted In your locality,
city and country trade; salary and ex
penses or commission : experience un
necessary: Inclose stamp for particulars.
National Cigar Co., Dept. 74, Toledo, O.
L 93 iWx
SALESMEN for Bavarian White Lead; the
kind that doubles dealers' and salesmen's
profits and saves money to consumers;
extensjve advertising and local help: ex
clusive territory when ability is demon
strated. D. T. Welr White Lead Co.. St.
Louis, Mo. L 961 2fiX
SALESMEN who can earn $100 to 1200 per
week commissions, selling most attractive
staple line on the market; exclusive ter
ritory to right men. B. E. LeVert. 605
Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. L 962 26x
SALESMEN To sell candies to dealers:
175 monthly and expense; exMrtencc un
necessary. Aldrich, 324 Dearborn St., Chi
cago, III. L 867 2Ux
SALESMAN To all specialty salesmen. If
you are not earning from jaoo to 1500 and I
expenses per month, investigate our new
and up-to-date plun. It will only cost
you a 2 cent stamp to find out. Whole
saler, Box, 1053, St. Louis. L lot) 26x
house for Nebraska, to sell stnplo well
advertised line to dealers. Year con
tract, liberal drawing account to right
man. State experience fully. Box 756,
Chicago. L 110 26x
EXPERIENCED salesman or women to
travel exclusively for greutest Hue
calendars, novelties, liberal commission.
Only successful salesmen need apply,
stating experience; references. Making
contracts for 19i5. Spotswood Specialty
Co., Lexington. Ky. L 113 26x
SALESMEN Tobacco; experience unneces
sary; excellent opportunity; good income;
steady employment. Address Belle Meade
Tobacco Works, Louisville, Ky
L 108 26x
, SPECIALTY salesmen wanted to sell
I lin i'H n-a vfl u nil uui.uru 1 ,nin trnrie' ViivK
commissions; large earnings. The Victor
Mfg. Co., Hiawatha, Kun, L 117 26
WANTED Three salesmen; educated, well
dressed men, capable of bundling $100
proposition. A good chance to douhle
your present Income. Expenses and lib
eral commission. Scientific American,
Compiling department, 1003 Mcdee street,
Kansas City, Mo. L 847 26
NEW sleeve protector for office and house
work; write today, get territory; other
new . good. Ladles' Supply Co., Forest
Ave, O. Chicago. J 269 Decllx
selling fall and holiday book on earth.
One agent average $20 day last week. We
pay 50 per cent commission. Write today
for free outfit. J. L. Nichols St Co.,
Napervlllc, 111. J 746 26x
LEARN to fit glasses by sending for Our
Free Book on the Eya. It will tell you all
about It. Get a profession that paa you
from $75 to $160 per month; the optical
profession will do it for you. No field so
pleasant, profitable or so little worked;
no longer necessary to work for someone
else at a meager salary. For a short time
only we are. sending our book free. It
will teach you to be an optician and coats
you nothing. A postal card will bring It
by return mall, all charges paid. Jack
sonlan Optical College, Dept. H SO, Jack
on, Mich. J
AGENTS WANTED One ngent cleared
-j..i last month, suitable for Christmas
presents. Write at once for terms. U. J.
Vlery. New York City. J
AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle sar-
sauriiia lor Sue; best seller; 350 per cent
profit; write today for terms and terri
tory. F. R, Greene, us Lake St., Chicago.
$25 WEEKLY earned by lady agents taking
oruers lor us; we siart you In business
and make you Independent; outfit prepaid;
write for circular and terms. Woman's
Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. J
WE PAY $36 A WEEK and expenses to
men with rigs to Introduce our poultry
compound. Year's contract. Imperial
Mfg. Co., Dept. 54. Parsons, Kan. J
BIO money in squabs; cheaply raised in
only 4 weeks: sell for fancy prices; won
derful market: write for free book and
learn this rich Industry. Plymouth
Rock Squab Co., 200 Howard St., Melrose,
Mass. J
WANTED Agents to sell our reservoir
dustlesa brushes tn residences, stores,
schools and public buildings. Reduces
dust 97 per cent actual scientillc test.
Awarded gold medal at St. Louis World's
Fair. First-class seller, with opportunity
to build up permanent trade. Exclusive
territory, no competition. Milwaukee
Dustlesa Brush Co., Milwaukee. Wis.
J 924 26x
WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or
woman to woi'l, in Nebraska, representing
large manufacturing company. Salary
$40 to $90 per month, paid weekly; expenses
advanced. Address with sLainp. J. H.
Moore, Omaha, Neb. J 926 26x
A WELL-KNOWN manufacturer desires
resident representative in each locality.
Exclusive territory given and regular
branches opened whore not already estab
lished. The moet extensive line of staple
goods and specialties manufactured by
any house In the world. Lileral compen
sation and permanency to the right
people. Capital not required. Manufac
turer, P. O. Box 619. Chicago. J 923 26x
WE START you selling diamonds. Don't
fall getting our liberal offer. $5 dally sure.
Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse. N. Y.,
Mention paper. J 926 2tx
licitor tor Nebraska or Iowa: no books
or Insurance; sulci ly commercial; $lau to
$10 month: earnings paid daily; perma
nent. 730 Com Bldg., Chicago.
J -935 g
one agent: new. demand, quirk sales.
Economy Farm Record Co., Newton. Ia.
J-iO 2x
AGENTS HAVE FREE Curious perpetual
Weather Indicator, catalogue of funny
and useful loc articles for mall order and
house. leyden & Lange, X Washington
Ave., New York. J 971 2x
WANTED Bright agents, either sex. to
sell brand-new meritorious household
novelty. Everybody buys It. Big profits.
Particulars free. The Curdiola Co., Dept.
N., Rochester, N. Y. J 970 2t.x
ing, most profitable household necessity;
saves time, labor. backache; cleans floors,
walls, ceilings windows; sells Instantly.
Agents wanted. 1'nlon Oas Imp Co.
139 Michigan St., Chicago. J 9i9 x
per week POSITIVE. Representatives
wanted everywhere to operate sales par
lors for the BEST ladles' and gents' dress
shoe known; 10 original sight-selling
health and comfort features; factory to
consumer; previous experience unneces
sary; profit possibilities unlimited; NO
RISK; reply quick Kushluu Komfort
Shoe Co., Boston, Mass. J
FREE Your fortune told, remarkable,
true and surprising, something good, by
the eminent philosopher. St. John, 12
Sheldon St.. Chicago. Bend birth date
and three 2c stamps. J 981 2x
PORTRAIT MEN We have a picture
proposition, entirely new; successful
everywhere: no money required; live
agents answer; particulars for stamp.
Address Smallwood Company, Cincinnati.
J 982 2x
MANAGER wanted, every city and county,
handle best paying business known, leg
itimate, new, exclusive control, no Insur
ance or book canvassing. Address Chas.
Halstead. 34 West 26th St., New York.
j ;iu 2ix
AGENTS can easily make $10 per day. sell
ing our last selling holiday specialities to
merchants: enormous demand; write
quick. Sullivan Co., 405 W. Van Buren
St., Chicago. III. J-i4 2t!x
AGENTS Onlv legitimate substitute for
the slot machine; particulars. Glsha Co..
Anderson. Ind. J-103 20
AGENTS make $.1.00 per day selling metal
polish: we tell you how you can manu
facture It yourself, thereby making all
profits; particulars free. , Box 51. Con
gress Park. III. ' J-102 2tix
PORTRAIT AGENTS Send your orders to
artists; don't be misled unv longer. Write
Nelson Art Co., 134 Van Buren St.. Chi
cago. J 114 26x
AGENTS WANTED Remove gloss and
shine from clothes: outfits guaranteed:
Instructions free. Homerville. Slate and
Chicago Ave.. Chicago, J 930 2t'.x
INDEPENDENT Portrait Agents-Send
your work to the artist directly; get guar
anteed work at lowest prices: samples
free. The Siegfried Studio, New Era
Bldg., Chicago. J 9J9 26x
$50 a Day Growinp; Mushrooms
Mr. Plnet of St. Louis Is clearing the above
sum from this new Industry; you can do
the same; turn your cellar or waste space
into profitable mushroom beds; particu
lars free. Interstate Culture Co., DeTl.
M. 373 Broadway, New York. J 928 26x
ING SKIFO, with family rights for mak
ing, at 11. Brand new proposition; over
4) per cent prollt; nearly every woman'
buys on sight: clean, honorable, dignified;
no talking necessary; sample SKIFO with
full Instructions for home manufacture,
only 60c, charges prepeld; starts you In
paying business; worth II to you for per
sonal use. Century Manufacturing Co.,
Dept. 18. Chicago, III. J-927 26x
AGENTS You are losing money every day
you delay in writing for our proposition;
outfit anil territory free. A. Gross & Co.,
527 Third Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. J 898 26x
$3.00 A DAY and expenses easllv made: no
experience necessary; WE WILL TEACH
YOU FREE; the best mnnc. milker you
can find; write us today. K. Me.
Christie Co., Camden, Ohio. J I'! 'J6x
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago.
E 92
DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam.
, . K-930
ROOMS furnished on easy payments? larg
est stock In the city; 25 per cent cheaper
than at Installment houses.
Omaha Furniture & Carpet Co., 1209-1211-1213
Farnam St. E902 26
VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafa.
ROOMS and good board, $5 per week and
up. , Call 1517 Chicago St. E 932
Tel. 611
O. M. E. Haul 1 runks
E 983
TWO nicely furnished rooms, with hot and
cold water, gas, electric and telephone.
217 S. 25th St. E130
TWO large rooms: eastern frontage; ail
modern conveniences. Including use of
telephone. Inquire 116 N '25th. E M569
NICELY furnished room; good location;
reasonable. 415 N. 23d. E 873 26x
BOWEN'S money is easy to get. Get
what you need for vour rooms; it's easy
to pay. Bowen. "03 N. V. Life. E
NICELY furnished room, modem, private
family. 2635 Davenport St. 'Phone Maple
4194. E 163 26
TWO desirable front rooms, modern con
veniences, nicely furnished, use of 'phone,
references. 2215 Capitol Ave.
E 202 26
FURNISHED room for gentleman; private
family. ilU N. 18th. E M201 27x
LARGE front room suitable for two or
four; steam heat. Also board. 107 S. 17th
St. E 211 26X
NEWLY furnished front room In all mod
ern house: private family; walking dis
tance. Tel. 3927. E-210 27
Tel. 61L O. M.
E. Haul 1 runks
NICELY furnished steam heated rooms,
with or without board, single or en suit.
Rates reasonable. Midliuid hotel. 16tb
and Chicago 8 Is. F M120 N28
THE ROSE, 3020 Harney, elegantly fur
nished rooms, house modern; good board;
also table board or mtal tickets. 'Phone
$447. F 411 Deo. lix
LARGE sunny front room. Modern, best
references. Breakfast, if desired. 514
N. 23d. 'Phone Red 48.4. F-142 27
DOUBLE room, south front, suitable for
four gentlemen; strictly modern. 2UJ0
Harney St. K 901 27x
BETTER treatment when you pay board
In advance. 1 will advance you tne
money. Bowen. 703 N. i. Life.
627 PARK AVE. 4'ominodious, south room,
... ........Ia wluhlnu .III..! Kl'ltfulu till,,...
with the best of board. ' F M213 28 '
WANTED To room and board, two young
.In . . . . t huv. t . . listen h r. ii L f i . I
i 1 1 , I i n nu ...j . w v . . - . ... .
earlier that 7 a. m.; price, $16 per month;
liest locatlou and references; house en
tirely modern. Address U 6, Bee.
F 170 28x
SMALL family, with well appointed home,
will rent double room to retlned gentle
man and wife, or two gentlemen; every
modern convenience; references ex
changed. Addrss F 1, Bee. F 208 26
NICE ROOM Thoroughly modern, good lo
cation; reasonable. 315 So. 2tith.
G 889 26
TWO large south and east unfurnished
rooms for rent. 1034 S. 2M U St. Call Hun-o-i
U 096 26
MONEY is needed to furnish the rooms
Gel it from Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life. U
WANTED Board and ! rooms In strictly
private family, tor family of three. Ad
dress F. 59 Bee. K o 3bx
WANTED Two unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Address F 66. Bee.
K-4te 27s
OFFICE8 WANTED Suite, or twip or more
single and connected rooms, preferably
In business district; eteam boat and jani
tor service required, bend full prtioul
kn to V 7. Ixtt, -Jit
OTHERS. . .,
One of the cleanest and best old line lire
insurance cnmaules in the west, which hs
been estsbllsned nearly twenty years and
has never written any of the catch-penny
contracts, board plsns, etc., which was
started as an old line company and there
fore has no old assessment business to
weigh It down, expects to start several new
agencies In the west between now and the
hist of the year. . .
It piesents to the public a statement that
Is not duplicated by any life Insurance com
pany In the United Suites, having nothing
In Its list of assets but money and loans,
the latter being first mortgages on western
farms. It has a luw death tate. a very low
expense rate and a high dividend paying
power. If vou are a life agent and are
contemplating making a change of com
panies or are in any other occupation ana
wish to take up life Insurance work, this
Is your opportunity. Write F 08. care Bee.
TO BUY OR SELL any business and for
best Information and quick action, see
MOATS, $0$ Karbach block. w
GOOD harnese business in good South Da
kota town for sale; stock $1,000: building
$M0; half cash, balance on tlmt, with good
security; good reason for selling. Ad
dress F C. care Bee. x 31 26
WHEN vou want to buy, sell or exchange
a hotel' or restaurant, see Hart Sc. Co. ,401
N. Y. Life. Y-907
FOR SALE Dry goods and clothing store
In Ainsworth, Neb., stock In good shape;
4 cash, rest easy terms; owner wishes to
retire. Address Purdy Real Estate Co.,
Box 142. Ainsworth. Neb., Y M27
i-M im- A MCriWIS Paton. Best list
ULmV-AMOvyn money -making buai
nese chances.
WANTED At once Descriptions of prrp
erty and business you have to sell In Iowa
and Nebraska. Our Information bureau Is
flooded with inquiries for homes, farina,
business openings, etc. Send youre ut
once and sell out. .
Suite 432, Poxton Block.
tt Y M101
PARTY wanted to take half Interest In
opening one of my patent automatic
shooting galleries; have shipment In city
on the way west; will le a big money
maker. Call at Merchants hotel, room
7i) between 1 and 2 or 5 and 6' o'clock
today. George Tyrell. Y-M891 25x
FOR SALE One of the beRt paying Jew-lry
atores In one of the best towns in Ne
braska. For particulars write the Shook
Mfg. Co., 405 So. 15th St., Omaha.
FOR SALE CHEAP- Country newsp-iper;
circulation V0: complete news and Job
outfit ; god building; time given right
party. Address F So. Oniahu Bee.
' Y MS05 26X
HOTEL all furnished, ror rent or sale;
good trade. Address P. O. box 1S7. Boone
la Y-M9 29x
FOR SALE Ice business In thriving town
of 80 to l.OvO inhabitants; all tools for
cutting nnd packing, including Ice houses
and sawdust. B. Mar.alleld, L. box 14.
Arlington. Neb. Y 876 26x
FOR SALE A good blacksmith and wagon
shop: only one In town; a good paying
business. Bloodgood. Bennington.
Y 8c7 2t)X
corporation manufacturing a household
necessity making some important
changes and has some state manager
ships open for hustlers: salary $1.W) per
annum: commission und otnee expenses.
Address 133 Manager. Ontario Bldg., Tol
edo, O. Y
YOU can never profit by business chances
unless you have some money; small sav
ings are the foundation of largo fortunes;
start a savings account with J. L.
Brandels & Sons. Backers, lfith and
Douglas Sts. Assets over $400,000.00.
CASH for your real estate or badness, no
matter where lot at d. If you desire u
quick sale send us description ana price.
Northwestern Business Agency. D. 312,
Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis,
Minn. Y
OR FEE RETURNED. Illustrated Guide
Book and Ust of Inventions wanted, free
to any address. Patents secured by us
advertised fiee In World s Prog. ess. Sam
ple copy free.
NOW is the time to get Interested In
grain speculation; send for booklet. "How
to Trade Successfully," and market letter
"free." J. K. Comstock & Co., Com
merce Bldg., Chicago. Y 934 26x
WANTED Energetic, hlgu grade, experi
enced man of executive ability as Btate
manager, by successful corporation, es
tablished 22 years; present business In
Btate to be Increased; salary $200 monthly,
allowance for expenses und commission:
competent party ought to make position
net $3,500 to $5,C0u; minimum investment
$1,500 In stock of company and excep
tional references required; only lona fide,
well qualified applicants desired for In
vestigation. Supt. Agencies, Box 487,
Milwaukee, Wis. V 933 26x
FOR SALE Jewelry store. Invoice $1,000,
stock and fixtures, no safe: northeast
Nebraska; good town of 600: leaving
stale. G. W. Ooldsberry, Craig. Neb.
Y M9S7 DecJ
START a mall order business; we furnish
everything necessary, oniy a iew ooinn
required; new plan, success certain; costs
nothing to Investigate. Mllburn-Hlcka,
358 Dearborn St.. Chicago. Y 972 26
DOUBLE YOUR MONEY in six months.
State amount. Address. R, G.. Box 196,
Station M. 8., New York. Y 975 26x
ALL INSIDE information and valuable
details of profitable business, small capi
tal, nan or woman, cltv or town, sent
for 5oc. Business, Box 2613, Boston. Mass.
x Y-973 26x
MAKES leaky roofs watertight, costs less
than tin or prepared rootling, and lasts
longer; no plumbing needed: apply It
vourself easily; complete directions with
formula for $1. Chemist, P. O.. Box 1315.
Patetson, N. J. Y 974 20x
organized and -financed. Capital furnished
for meritorious propositions. Stocks and
bonds marketed on commission basis.
Business parttters secured. Money loaned.
Mortgages bought. Particular attention
to new enterprises. Correspondents all
large cities. Refo-ences: Banks, Trust
companies and individuals.
Y-999 26x
CORPORATION controlling business es
tablished 1'65 desires services of enercretlc
business man to manaire brnch office;
investment $1,000 upwards: references re
garding ability and integrity required
salary $2.5iO annually and commissions.
Address Box 536, Madison, Wis.
Y-1000 26x
HVE you H? 5 brings $10. $100 brines
$:0, $1,010 brings I'.Ono. let me double
your money In six rcontlis. I have
dn. I make money for you. Not bv
gamountr. taxing, netting or intreria or
UtU LinH Ktl. Vw. t . . . . I K , Knulna...
method. If Interested enclose stamp for
, a , e.u m i m. ui:imia rriBiin'nn i
P. O., Mich. Y-107 25x
WE WILL purchase entire issues of rail
road and industrial bonds, loans on large
properties negotiated. H. 8. McFall Si
CO.. Garden City Bldg., Clucaa-o.
Y 932 26X
A Good Opportunity
for a safe investment; small outlay. The
owners of one of the best restaurants In
St. Louis have been awarded a large gov
ernment contract and wishes to dispose
ot tneir nusiness there. For terms apply
to r. u. nog obi, bi. ixiuia, mo.
Y-931 2Cx
FOR SALE Only variety stock in county
seat in BOUtheMstei n Kansas. Good rea
sons for selling. Might consider part
trade. Address F 60, care Bee.
Y-892 26x
REAL ESTATE men and real estate own
ers: Take notice. I have some very good
drug stores all over the U. S. to trade tor
land, real estate, etc. This notice mill
appear only nnoe, so cut this notice out
and pasta It up in your office. F. V.
Kniesl. R. P.. "The Drug Store Man." 24
N. Y. Life. Omaha, Neb. Y-150 27
BOW EM'S money helps In business mat
ters. It can be had on demand and
there Is no publicity Attached to It. 703
N T. Ufa. -T
FOR BALE Furniture til Royal botel. ltb
and Cblcgo. T-U
Splendid stock of exclusive hardware In
1 procperoiis Nebraska town; sell at In
! voice. Address C A. Ncufeld. Henderson,
I Neb.
Fine country meat msrket and slaughter
house, horses, etc.; $40 If sold soon. Ad
dress W. H. 8esta. Ashton. Neb.
Good, rlean, new. irp-to-riate general mer
chandise. In gooil location: sell at In
voice; $.''. Address t-"paiks Ai Folkcrs,
Dllkr, Neb. Y-171 26
IF YOU can secure building suitable for
toller skating do so quick. It's the game
thnt gets the monry. Writ" for cata
logue. Tells how to open and oierate
roller rink. Richardson Ball Hearing
Skate Co., 51 Wells fit., Chicago. 111.
Y J e ;nx
The Chambers School of Stage Arts often
exceptional opportunities to students wish
ing a thorough course of Instruction in ail
that pertains to the essentials i.f stage
craft and oratory. Correcting deficiencies
ef the speaking voice a specialty. The only
school having its own theater. TUB LYRlo.
Now permanently located In lee Omaha
Commercial College building, come' 19th
and Farnum streets. Send for prospectus.
Management of Wlllard E. Chambers, lei.
F-1S71. Director ot School. John hdgar
Owens. Tel. 12S. U-4
MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocvilne
Habit; myself cured: will inform you of
harmless, permanent home cure. Mary
Baldwin, Box Chicago. U
BROS. TEL. 1936.
OMAI1A Steam Paste Co. manufactures
pure flour paste 'io Cuming. Tel. 4521.
DR. A. SHIPMAN, Bee Bldg. Tel. Dgls 69S4
CiM Dec La
BRING your sweetheart atid let us figure
with you on furnishing your home. We
sell cm payments; luteal styles, lowest
Oniaiui Furniture & Carpet Co.. 12"9-1lll-1213
Farnun St. U M 2b
MME. PARES of N. Facia!
Massage, Manicuring. 209 Douglas B lk.
U 630 D16
WE snake a specialty of renting high-grade
pianos and offer a great variety, $3 and
up. Tel. 1623. ' Schmoller & Mueller. Wl
Harney. C 117
room 218, Bee Bldg. Tel. 6. Omaha. Neb.;
27 years' experience. Doctors' orders so
licited and work guaranteed satisfactory.
U-MJ2 2a
fianri f i-i r s-k-w. t i jt utifl rrtnli
u )
SURVEYING, Lewis Bllckensdeifer, 312
Bee Bldg. U ilu9l Disx
OMAHA Stammerer institute. Ranige Blk.
i U 960
DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. & $, 1506 Farnam.
DR. JACKSON, Room 4. Frenxer Block.
Chronic diseases a specially. Consulta
tion free. U 'j
U a
'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune
your piano, $2. Perlleld Piano Co., 16U
Farnam. U $54
My latest me. ileal publication for young,
middle-aged ar.d old men sent free to ail
applicants. Dr. Geo. B. Wood. 205 Wright
bid, Sioux City, la. V MojB Jan x
ANY FOOR GIRL In need of a friend call
or write to the matron of the Salvation
Army home tor women at 3a24 N. 24th
St., Omaha, Neb. L' Mil
PIANO TUNING Tel. 5604. W. R. Dalbey.
22U7 Mason. U 345 Decl2
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies boarded and adopted. Mr. Uardell.
2216 Charles. Tel. 5311. U-95S
PRIVATE home during confinement; babies
adopted. The Good Samaritan sanitarium,
726 First Ave. Council Bluffs. Ia. Tel. 774.
U 322
FACTORY tunere and action regulators at
lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. ItCi
Schmoller at Mueller, piano makers.
U sol
TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th.
U W2
M AfIN CTIftreatment & Baths. Mme,
Smith. 118 N. 15. 2d fl., r. 2.
THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth
ing; in fact, anything you do not need;
we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th
St., for cost of collecting to the worthy
poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will calL
HEFLIN Gun and locksmith repairing 217
So. 14th St. Tel. 2974. U 777 Dec20
Pianos delivered at once. l.uO weekly. All
music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Pcrneld
Piano Co., 16U Farnam St. U 56
MAbijUE costumes. Lieben. Tel, 4115.
U-M 403 I 4
O k A H A Rargaln House saves vou 28
J nrim per c.nt )n clothing. Open
evenings. 410 N. 16th SL V M593 LXi
PRIVATE confinement home; babies
adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 606 N. 16th St.
Tel. 3559. U-MD92 D6
HEFLIN Gun and locksmith, 217 So. 11th
SU Tel. 2974. U 777 Dec 20
WE RENT sewing machines. 76c week. We
repair all makes of machines; second
hand machines, $5 to $lu. Neb. Cycle Co.
Tel. 1663. Cor. 15th and Harnev. L M54i
$10.00 REWARD, for the address or wherea-
bouts of Henry Lohse, used to be at
Bancroft and Pender, Neb. J. H. Lohse,
Fort Laramie, Wyo. U M8 D24x
WANTED To adopt a boy from 2 to 3
years old; must be a good bright looking
boy; can furnish good home and refer
ences. Address J. Roberts, VVIsner, Neb.
U-Mt90 27
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Creighton Medical college. 14th and Dav
enport streets; special attention paid to
confinement cases; all treatment super
vised by college professors. 'Phone 1167.
Calls answered day or night. U 129
WEALTHY ladles and gentlemen of refine
ment, anxious to marry; photographs and
descriptions free. O. B-, Box 64. Cauou
City Colo. U 922 26x
country sent free to you. Beautiful sam
ples and plan, 10 cents. International
Souvenir Postal club. Dept. M . Homer,
N. Y. U 976 36x
MIDDLE-AGED widow, very weulthy, af
fectionate and liberal, wishes a good,
compunianahlc husband. Address Box
H'7, Ouk Park, III. U 9W 26x
PILES CURE!) quickly, permanently;
scientific home remedy; no pain or in
convenience; operation not necessary;
supply sent free. The Curecto Co., 12
Dutch St., New York. U 978 2Hx
MARRY Wealth and bauty: marrlag di
rectory free: pay when married: entirely
new plan: send no money. Address II. A.
Horton, Dept. 297. Tekonsha, Mich.
U-4 Vx
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles
permanently removed bv el.-trirltv; con
sultation free and confidential: all work
guarantee. Mrs. AiU-ndcr, 12 N. Y. Life.
WE teach students how to heal the sick
by our new system of human electro
pathy; nil dlseasns treated and rured
without drugs; a new profession; easy to
learn; we can cure you; we can lesch you;
will you write to us for our booklet, freer
Write today and remember that me prove
the truth of our assertion. Address
Electmpathic School c.f lleal'ng, 221 St.
Mary's St.. San Antonio, Tv U- 113 rx
W A NTED Partner as local malinger with
t.i Invest In established hnslr.ess; will
guarantee H pi r cent a month on your
Investment nnd salary of $o0 a month,
with tine prospects ot an advance; Inves
tigate this. Addrers G 2. Bee.
U 116 26x
LIVE qUAIIj-Plnost In the world; 1 am
prepared to fill orders promptly. For
quotation .iUdres C. A. Farrow'. D"de
villc, Ala. i: 977 2fix
DRI G store, stock and fixtures; now doing
good business; splendid chance for physi
lUn; good locution: on Omaha car line;
will trade for Nebraska land.
321-322 Neville Block.
Y 916 26
MISS RAAPKE announces her annual dis
play of artistic h:ind-nalnted novelties
sultnhle for Christmas presents, from No.
vcniber 27 to 'December 6. at 2415 Jones 8U
U l'-T- 2ilx
FINE old whiskies for Tharksglvlng: s!x
and r-lght-jrnr-oM whisky. $..f.o, $.! ::.,ai I
per gallon, cnckley Bros., biih and t ap
Itol Ave. U Hi; 29
PIANOS FOR RENT W make n ap cialty
of renting high-grade pianos; offer to mu
sic students end others uprights in greut
variety at $3 50 monthly: one year's rent
applied In case of purehuse.
1611 Farnam St.
. U-166 26
i ROOMS, reception hall, parlor, dining
room, kitchen downstairs, 2 bed rooms
upstairs; reception hall, parlor and dining
room finished in oak. all modern, excel
lent furnace, good burn. $2o a montji to
right parly; house has $ rooms, 2 ate re
served by the owner.
912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314.
PIANO moving; lowest rates for reliable
service. Tel. Il2i. Schmoller & Mueller.
HOIIF's'n a11 Par" of the clly. R.
I'd,.,,, it Co.. Bee Bldg.
THE Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack,
move and stnie H. 11. goods. Storehouse.
1120-24 N. 19tb. Office, lillVs Fat nam.
Tel. 1559. D S4C
WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van it bior
ugc Co. Tel. 146. OfUce, 1713 Webster HL
Hfll KF1; I" all parts of the city. The
FOR RENT Eleven-room modem house,
newly papered and in good repair; will bo
vacant Oct. 20; rent, $35 and water. In.
yuire 112 gouth 2ith St. IS. 'iascliuek.
NORTHWEST corner Burl and 3Hd, Decem
ber L S rooms and batli, hot water heat,
Meet range; owner pays water rent, $30.
Apply In rear at co:tage. 1 tt0 ;ix
T. SCHWARTZ moving van. 1510 Webster.
Tel. 2046. D 447 D14
FOR RENT Two l-ruum houses; all mod
ern, except furnace, $20. Four nice rooms;
newly papered; 1523 N. ltstll St. $12.
C. M. Buchmaun, 436 I'axtou Blk.
D 109
NEW FLATS 707 Georgia Ave., nil mod
ern. Inquire 413 S. 15th St.; $3r.0u per
month; rent free if taken until 1st of
month. D 682 26 x
HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwult, Barker Blk.
D m
2011 Sherman Ave., modern, 9 r barn $36.
19 N. 41st Ave., 10 r., modem, barn $30.
5o3 S. 24th Ave., 6 r., water, closet $20.
430 S. 24th 6t., 4 r.. city water $17.50.
1102 N. 16th St. (ftat)-$20.
1916 N. 24th 8t. (store) $16.
D 124
WE HAVE a large list of desirable houses
at winter prices. F, t- Weud, 1524 Doug
las St. D-S38 25
SEVEN-ROOM cottnge; porcelain bath,
gas, furnace, laundry; 527 8 . 25th ave.
L. D. Spalding, Omaha Safe Deposit
Vaults. Tel. 230. D-S19 19
FOR RENT fi-room house, modern, except
furnace: inircelain bath; nickel plated
fixtures; shades. 1516 Ho. I7th. Ktnney
Real Estate and Investment Co.
D-M1CS 23
FOR RENT Six-room modern house with
barn, near 25th and Sherman; $20. The
O. F. Davis Co.. 508 Bee Bldg. D 822 27
ONE new S-room flat, 221S Burt, close to
Creighton college and school. Inquire
H. J. Byrnes, 724 No. 22d. D MM -Jl
$35.00 STRICTLY modern eight-room brick
houe. 1301 South 2S!h St., will be vacant
December 1.
$m.0O Cottage, R4S South 2Sth St., vacant
December 1. .J. M. McGowan.
D 867 2x
1412 N. 26th. Five large rooms, newly
papered, extra large kitchen; gas In every
room, floor registers, $16. D 136 2x
FOR RENT Six-room all modern house.
4522 N 2th St.. $:57.50.
Ei"ht rooms, all modern, good barn. 2517
N. ISth St.. $25.
Five-room cottnge, city water, bath, sewer,
mm Ames Ave.. $16.
Five-room new cottage, city water, bath,
cewer. ;t)in ni., neiii uinney ni., w.
Six rooms, all modern, one story, 3&25 N.
18th. $22.50.
'Phone 3;7. 1009 Farnam St.
I N. HAMMOND, Rental Dept
D M127 28
WANTED High-clnsa specialty salesmen
to earn $5,ow net next year; only a few
positions to fill. The Barton-Parker Mfg.
Co.. Cedar Rapids, Ia. D 101 26x
30 4101 farnam St., 7 rooms, all
modern, nice lawn, barn.
35 707 South 29th St., new mod
ern brick of C rooms.
$20 2573 Dodge, 9 rooms., mod
ern. f 30 2563 St. Mary's Ave., 9 rooms,
modern. .
120 1907 South 28th, 7TOoms,
$20 1204 N. 26th, 66 rooms, bath.
$30 2615 N. 20th, 8 rooms, bath.
$80 1745 S. 20th, 8 rooms, bath.
$9 3014 Ames Ave., 6-room flat.
$22.50 1401 N. 23d, 6 rooms,
HO 359 S. 28th, 5-room cottage.
$8 2214 D'St., 4 rooms.
D-126 2
3519 Hawthorne Ave., 8 rooms, hot water
heat, $35.
2toi Dewey Ave.. S rooms, first-class condi
tion, modern. $25.
I 973 N. 27th Ave.. 8 rooms, first-class condi
. tion, modern, $25.
I 3:J4 poppleton Ave., 8 rooms, modern. $33.
21o2 Maple DU, s rooms, newiy puiniru out
side, every room Inside Junt painted and
papered, bath, etc., $-1 5u.
8w07 N- 24th St., 8 rooms, modern except
furnace, fine repair. $20.
2) S. 2"th. 8 rooms, bam. $30.
23'J2 8. 29th St., 4 rooms, newly papured. $9.
124 N. 24th St., tine big store room, with
city water, $15.
2815 Dewev Ave.. 7-room brick flt. $l'2.5o.
First Floor N. Y. U Bldg. Tel lTfl.
D-911 a.
$100o S416 PRATT, two-story brick, city
$13.00 f7 Jackson St., 6 rooms, modern ex
cept furnace.
$15.00 8334 Spalding St., 9 rooms, modern
except furnace.
$20.00 3618 Mason St.. 1 rooms, modern.
newly repalr-d.
I:1.nn 2218 N. latli Bt.. I rooms, modern.
U2.50 JojO Manderson. modern, 7 rooms.
Ground Floor Bee atuildjn.
FOR RENT -room bouse, with gas nnd
i aler. Apply Grant ft. Df W
I t'K Grace Pt . 6-rotnn, in clem. $20.
i 2ei N. 22d St., 7-nom. modern. $V
'22 N 2-d St., 7-room, modern, $20.
, 2W-4 Blondo, 7-room, modern except fur
I nnee. Me
513 S. Ave.
;-room. hot water heat. '
new vriMini. strictly mod-
-in n ami i ouge
W. G
lo.'3 N.
Y. Lift Bldg.
D-9tU LS
141it N. 26th Just finished In latest style.
7-room strict 1- mortem extort
furnace, stationery o:ler for range ami
floor rrtlstcrs. Gas and electrlcty In
every room: permanent walks, hne neigh
borhood, tSi.
D 135 26x
JHA-KOOM brhk. modern. 1619 M:ipl St.
D Kf.0 Dlx
EIGHTY acres 1 mile north of lionson, nil
Orplmnage road. Suitable for dairy put
IMises. Occupied by Rasmus Nelson,
rent ul 4fio per year.
GEORGE iff COMPANY, 1601 Farnam.
I 132 St
SEVEN-ROOM cottnee; porcelain bath,
gas, furnace, laundrv; 527 S. 25th Ave
1. D. S'liMlng, Omaha Safe Iepost
Vaults. Tel. 230. D S19 J6
250S St. Mary's Ave.. X rooms, all modern,
new plumbing, everything new; tine cor
ner lot. Price, $(i
'Phone 2:7. 212 8. 14th St.
r 918 2t
1916 ELM ST.. C large rooms. In nice condi
tion, 'phone 57:lS. D 152 27x
FOR RENT New 8-room. strictly modern
house. West Farnam St. district; rents
$10 month and water. The Byron Reed
Co.. 212 8 14th St. D-121 2
f718 8. 1STH, 5-ROOM brick. $1.
155.! N. l!th, 6 rooms. Tt
D 124 2
FOR RENT One of those fine NEW all
modern houses on Fowler Ave.. ea.t of
24th St: six rooms, reception hall and
bath; cemented cellar, furnace, fhas. W.
Martin. 4S02 North 24lh St. Tel Red -kt41.
D 120 26x
HOUSES FURNISHED on ca.-y payments;
the l,M slock in Omaha. We don't
charge Installment store pricey.
Omaha Furniture Sz Carpet Co.. iy9-121l-1213
Farnam St. D 9"io 2S
fcio Ijj-room, all modern house. J',21 Harney
tfloS-rooni, all nicilern house, S12 N S?d Pt.
$25 6-rooni. all modern hnu.e, 7(6 N 23d St.
$20 9-room. nil modern house except fur
nace. 4014 Nicholas.
$20 s-rooni. all modern house except fur
nace, ir.if, North 17th St.
12 6-room cottnge. 322 North 35th Pt.
fin 2-room cottnge. ";n9 North 15th St.
$1(1 7-room house. 3S.17 Decatur. A bargain
'4 ? Mats. 2704 Cuming Pt.
$30 1 w r floor of elegant house In good
location, four rooms: will furnish heti'
We have rooms at 7' South 16th and 27l!t
and St. Marv's Ave.
N. p. dodge co..
1614 Furnam St. 'phone 829.
D-920 26
Modern brick house. 1144 R. 3:M Pt $30
Eight-room house, ;vt Mandeeson Pt 1"
Nine-room modern 1ioue. 4:'2 N. 39th St.. 'M
Room 1 New York Life Building.
D 144 D2
PAY your rent In advnnce. It costs Jupf
a trifle to get it of me. Bowen. 703 N Y.
Life. d
i-ronm modern cottage. SoO'.' Mason Pt. .$37.50
K-room modern cottage. 2144 Davenport. 2.Y(i
-room modern bouse, 4624 Canltol Ave. IROil
D 164 26
F. D. WE AD, ir-4 DOUGLAS.
4 rooms, new cottage. ir7 N. 21st $1"W
5 rooms, eily water, 4102 N. 24th .' i;i',M
6 rooms, city water and gas. 1715 Web-
. "ler 2100
5 rooms, city water, 2513 Bristol 14.0f
6 rooms, modern, with furnace, 2J8 S.
36th Ave is
7 rooms, partlv modern f474 Harney.... rs.on
6 rooms, eltv water. 311R Ames ve 18 so
t rooms, city water, JcOS 8. 2()th Ave 12.60
8 rooms, modern, good furnace, 1313 B.
. 32d 27.JO
$ rooms, city water. 1706 8 17th , . 12.60
i rooms, modern except furnace, 1314 S.
. "1st "5.(10
8 rooms, modern and barn, good fur
nace, 44S Parnam 22.M
8 rooms, modern and barn. 3Sfi0 Seward. 20 n
8 rooms, modern. 62l 8 th Ave 32 50
12 rooms, modern 201S N. Mst.
D 158 2
SIX-ROOM cottage, newly painted, with
stiblc; m j.r ninnth. Gannett, 51!
Brown Blk. D b,n D2
NEW 7-room house, strictly modern. Sn'.'S
M.ircy St.. $!5.
9-room house, strictly modern, 51115 Chloag)
St.. 35.
Thos. H. Fell & Co.. First Nat. ar.v Bldg.
D 165 Six
to gi't the following list of houses rente.l
before Dee. 1 and will make special In
ducements en any of them.
'"2 f. 17th. 3-r., city water. '0.
4- Pierce. 4-r.. good well and bnrn. $n.
15') Cnr-icn. choice 4-r. cottage, newlv
papered, $S.
' N j-fh. 4-r., good well. $R.
M42 Davenport. B-r.. clly water, clone In.
12 50.
W Lincoln Blvd.. fi-r.. strictly modern. $?.".
KII Blnney, -r.. modern t acre of ground,
n lilea! place for chickens, etc.. $"8.
Corbv, S-r., city water, only $12.50
32?1 Ponr'e'on Ave., 6-r., all modern, paved
street. $27.50.
23 Ohio splendid" 6-r. modern cottage.
o"lv I'l'&ti.
ft. J!t). 7-r., strictly modern, onlv $2".
6"3 Park Ave.. 7-r.. strictly modern $32.50.
13 N. 41st. 7-r.. partly modern. $1.
42"" Farnam. 7-r., all modern, good barn.
gft'O Seward -r., strictly modern except
furnace, $22.50.
wej Cass, -r.. nil modern. $Tfi.
We have others. See our list before you
D01-S N. Y. Life,
D 1C M
Ft"R BENT 6-room onMagc; Just over
hHiileil: In fine condlt'on; laige barn;
full lot; shade trees, $15 per month.
Fit zperald-Dermody Co.
m N. Y. Life Bldg., 'Phono 510(1
D 137 V.
1102 8. 32d, t rooms, modern, barn. $40.'M).
31i 9 Pacific, 8 rooms, modern, $35.A
1537 Park Ave.. 9 rooms, modern, $35.0U,
2"14 Pratt. 6-room cottage. $12.00.
I!d4 N. 27th, 8 rooms, $1600.
2615 Dodge, 6 rooms. $13.00.
rtl N. 24th. 4-roem flat. $10.ijO.
0M B. 22d St., 3 rooms. $10.00.
1035 S. 22d, 3 rooms, $12 00.
1320 Farnam St.
D 912 2S
3'fl Marry St.. 7 rooms, $J2.50.
5i6 So. 2th St., I rooms, IJL
12i4 No. ith St.. 7 rooms, $'JO.
, D-200 28
THREE-STORY and basement. 103 Far
nam; elevator. $14 Fust Nat 1 Bank Bldg.
WK have vacant a particularly desirable
small office which rents for per
month. Price includes heat, light, water
nnd lain tor service. It Is loctitud on the
fourth floor of Tlihe Bee building and im
ust the thing for any one wanting a nice
Ittle office in the best office building la
town. H. C. Peters & Co.. rental agents,
ground floor Bee Bldg. 1-771
BRICK stable at 1810 Harney St.. 32x10$
feel. Will alter to suit tenant for other
uurposes. a 8. Curtis, lout Uarney 8u
I'vK RENT The entire third floor of one
of the leading irlall houses; center of
retail dlstrl' l. good elevator service, well
lighted sod steam heat. Address E 4,
iwm uffli. 1 Its)
We have the finest offices In town and
at the lowest rales. Cue large one. Ul
square feet floor space; flue for sample
room or very large office.
In large mndern office; fine windows for
display. Call iu and see us.
wts at