Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 12

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Tiie Omaha Sunday Bee
Illy Bee (without 8'indsyl. on ynr.-MOO
1 iniiy Hee and Sunday, una )rr w
Illustrated Bee. one year 2.50
Hundny Itee, one year H W
Haturday Her, one year 1W
Dslly Re (without Sunday), per week... 12c
I'nIW Bee (including t-unday). per week. 17c
Evening Ree (without Pumlay), per week. So
Evening Bee (wl'.h Bunday;. per week....lOu
Sunday Bw, per ropy bo
Address comphiints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The He Building.
Soulh Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluff 10 Pearl fltreet.
Chicago 1A4 t'nlty Building.
Nw York IMi Home IJfe Ins. Building.
Washington 6cl Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and ed
Itorlul matter should be addressed: Omaha
Use, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 8-rent stamps received as payment ot
mall nrcounlH, Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchsnirs, not accepted.
Slat of Nebraska, Douglas county, ss:
C. C. Rosewater. secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly cworn.
says that the actual number of full and
complete copies' of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Be printed during
the month of October, 1906, was as fol
lows: I aa.ioo
1 8O.0OO
4 81..120
I.. 81.220
1 :ta.4io
I ao.nsn
t 81.030
10 31. KM)
II .11.100
12 30,710
13 3O.H20
14 31.810
15 IM,4nO
16 30.T1M
17 llO.OnO
IS ao.ono
71 Sl.BIrt
r Xtt.DKO
21 80,070
24 3O.0OO
26 m.ioo
26 30.MM0
J7 ao.aio
28 81.H0O
2 8O.7O0
ii ao.eoo
Total B03.M40
Less unsold coplss.. 10.051
Net total sales i PB2.240
Dally average 80,717
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
!efore me this 81st day of October, JW.
(Seal) M. B. HUNOATE.
Notary Public.
ftabscrlbere lcavta the city tem
porarily should have The Bee
mulled to them. It is better than
dally letter from home. Ad
Ireas will he chanced as often as
TIjg Rile of Flues is doomed to cou.-
licue to pine.
I'renuuiably the milk in the cocoanut
will pans muster without sanitary in
ppt-i-tlou by chemical analysis.
The titJe to the Foraker railroad regu
lutlou hill 6hould be ."a bill for the gov
ernment of railroads by Injunction."
From thin distance it Is not easy to tell
whether Marquis Ito is kept busier in
Corea dodging atones or attending fetes.
The attorney general of Minnesota
lms begun proceedings against the
Minnesota Grain trust, and Tom Wor
rail oOO miles away.
Tho man who can Hvo In Nebraska
anl not find something to be thankful
for this year is fit only "for treason,
stratagems and spoils."
With the approach of Thanksgiving
day, Turkey Is becoming restless and
belligerent, notwithstanding the Moslem
belief In fore-ordlnutiou.
Were there anything In a name inhabi
tants of the Solomon Islands would have
leea wiser than to have attacked ship
wrecked American seamen.
With four theaters already papering
the town, what sort of a billboard laby
rinth may we expect to become if one
or two more show houses should take
The depth of depravity of the Turk is
shown by the fact that he bus Instructed
his chief admiral to meet the fleet of the
powers aud present the commauders
with cigarettes.
A plan is suggested for annexing part
of southern California to Arizona aud
making a new state. The influx of Arl
Boua men might make the work of the
' lone robber" extra hazardous.
The sultau will not feel the full weight
of the seizure of the custom bouses of
Mitylene if all these tales of peculation
by minor Turkish officials are true, but
some of his collectors may go hungry.
If Tom Lawsuit's claim to control of
two New York life Insurance compaules
proves well founded the Boston man will
be enabled to show that his powers do
not all lie in the direction of making a
"rough house."
The first tangible plan for the erection
of modern fireproof hotel in Omaha
In the Immediate future has been Im
provised. A long pull and a strong pull
and a pull altogether will make the en
terprise an accomplished fact.
If the members of the child labor con
ference can have their way one of the
traditions of American politics will be
shattered, for In another generation no
ambitious politician can tell of "working
his May" up as a child from poverty.
i-Vmitor iepew's "rautankerous
friend"' seems to have proved on the
witness stand to have been more dan
gerous with his bark than with his bite.
These insurance people must now be
ubuohed to think that they coughed up
so ensllv.
When the Hawaiian delegate reaches
the United States on his mission to se
cure the adoption of the Transvaal plan
of Importing Chinese to those Islands be
will probably learn something about the
meaning of the words "Involuntary serv
itude" in the federal constitution which
has no doubt followed the flag to the
former subjects of Queen Lll.
co.Ysrrrno.'v nevtsinx bt ltgisla-
Representative Windham, comment
ing upon the proposed special session of
t!ie legislature to convene for the ex
press purpose of submitting a series of
amendments to the state constitution,
expresses a preference for revision by a
constitutional convention rather than the
legislature. From the point of view of
the lawyer this Idea may Vie sound, but
from the viewpoint of the taxpayer and
citizen revision by n constitutional con
vention would not meet the emergency.
Revision by a constitutional conven
tion could not possibly be completely ef
fected before UXU), while revision by the
legislature would go Into effect immedi
ately after the legislative canvass the
first week In January, 1907. The most
expeditious way of securing constitu
tional revision by convention would be
to call an extra session of the legislature
this winter and have that body submit
to the electors of Nebraska a proposition
to call a constitutional convention .
This proposition would have to be sub
mitted at the general election in Novem
ber, litOO, and if the legislature that will
convene in January, WO", shall ascertain
by canvass that a majority of the people
have voted In favor of calling a conven
tion, that legislature would Ins required
to make provision for the election of a
convention to consist of 100 members,
which election could not be held much
sooner than April or May, WO", and the
constitutioual convention would not con
vene until three months thereafter, or in
July or August, 1007.
Inasmuch as the constitution requires
the publication of the proposed new con
stitution, or proposed amendments to the
old constitution, thirteen weeks prior to
tho general election, the adoption. of the
new constitution could not be voted on
at the November election in 1007. but its
submission would have to be deferred
until the general election of 1008 n pres
idential election yeor aud consequently
would not go itito effect until .Tununry,
On the other hand, the present legisla
ture, if convened In , extra session any
time this winter, can readily agree
within twenty days upon a set of amend
ments covering nil the main points that
experience has shown to. be defective,
and have these amendments submitted
for ratification at the election in No
veinler, lOOti.
Quite apart from the advantage of ex
pediting the adoption of the constitu
tional reforms that have become impera
tive, the proposed revision of the consti
tution by the legislature would effect a
great saving In expense and, moreover,
enable the state to elect additional
judges of the supreme court and such
state officers as are created by the
amendments at the general election next
year contingent upon the ratification of
the amendments by the people, whereas
the election of additional judges of the
supreme court and other state officers
could not otherwise be held before 1008.
The most conservative estimate of the
dlffereuco in the expense of holdiug a
constitutional convention and cost of a
special session of the legislature Is $50,
000, and this does not Include the differ
ence in the cost of publication of a new
constitution and amendments to the con
Not the least important question to
be determined in connection with the
railway regulation problem is whether
or not the private car line companies
are common carriers and subject to fed
erul control and regulation. The com
panies contend that they are not com
mon carriers and are therefore wholly
Independent of the Interstate Commerce
commission and outside the authority
vested in congress by the constitution
to regulate commerce among the states.
There can be no question as to the
nature of the business of the private car
Hues. It is that of transporting mer
chandise from one state to another and
is thus manifestly interstate traffic,
pure aud simple. It does not militate
against this that the cars of the private
companies are moved and handled by
the rallrouds. While the private car
line companies are not the original
grantees of the franchises which the
government has given the railroads, they
are enjoying many of the benefits re
sulting from such franchises. For this
reason they are amenable to the govern
ment for their acts and are In the full
est seuse of the term common carriers,
because they haul not ouly their own
goods, but those of every one in the
sections in which they operate. Thus
they become public carriers, which is
practically the same as common car
riers. The question of the regulation of the
private car Hue compaules will doubt
less be considered in the president's an
nual message aud should receive the
earnest attention of cougress. In Its
last rejtort the Interstate Commerce
commission submitted recommendations
In regard to the supervision and regula
tion of these lines and they received
very general approval. Those sugges
tions are as sound now as when made.
It is needless to say that the private
car line companies will strain every
nerve to defeut any proposed measure
for their regulation and their power and
Influence must not be underestimated. It
Is said that they are trying to detract
attention from their monopoly by Induc
ing the public to believe that the rail
roads require an overhauling instead of
themselves. At all events they are de
termined to make the strongest fight
possible to maintain their monopoly free
from governmental regulation, aud the
assurance of this should stimulate the
efforts of those who faror such regula
tion The agitation for this bus already
bad a good effect aud there must be no
abatement of It. Those interests which
for years have been subjected to the
rapacity and oppression of the private
car line companies should marshall their
forces and make their appeal for relief
so earnestly and zealously that congress
will be roniHlled to give heed to It. A
private cur line monopoly must not be
Commenting upon the folly of policy
holders who have allowed their life in
surance policies to lapse for fear of Im
pending Insolvency aud the Insane folly
of policy holders who are sending their
proxies to Tom Lawson with a view to
securing restitution of absorbed divi
dends, Harper's Weekly declares that "if
it be possibly true that insurance offi
cials have become so discredited as to be
impotent in withstanding this force of
the wave of insanity, it Is high time for
the formation of a national vigilance
committee in the Interest of the whole
The suggestion of a national vigilance
committee is, If anything, more Insane
than Tom Lawson's lifeboat relief ex
pedition for Insane policy holders that
are jumping overboard. A much more
rational remedy offers Itself In enforced
publicity and rigid supervision. The
scandalous nepotism, reckless extrava
gance, speculation In securities and di
version of trust funds Into corrupt chan
nels could readily have been averted by
publicity and strict supervision. A na
tional vigilance committer could have
Inflicted summary punishment iqwn in
surance embezzlers aud speculators in
Insurance company funds, but vigilance
committees could not prevent n recur
rence of the abuses of the system.
There is no question and there can be
no question of the solvency of the stan
dard life iusurance companies. Nobody
who has given the subject serious
thought doubts the ability of each of
these companies to meet every obliga
tion, in other words, to pay every dol
lar of insurance outstanding, even
though not another new policy shall ever
be written. There is, however, serious
doubt whether popular confidence In life
Insurance will cr be restored until a
complete revolution in the methods of
life insurance management shall be ef
fected. Under the old system, heads of insur
ance companies and other executive offi
cers have made purchases and sale of
millions of securities at their own op
tion. Trust funds in the bonds of in
surance companies thus become a source
for syndicate speculation and downright
stock gambling. What' the patrons of In
surance companies have a right to de
mand and expect is that all financlul
transactions of life insurance companies
be carried on in broad daylight and in
the public view.
Whenever an Insurance company has
any considerable amount of money to
invest proposals should be Invited for
the class of securities the company
deems most sound and safe, and after
tho proposals have been opened In the
presence of the board of directors and
representatives of the bidders, . the
awards should be made to the best bid,
the same as is done by the secretary
of the treasury in the sale or redemp
tlon of United States bonds, and by
treasurers of the various states In the
Investment of permanent school funds
Tbo same process should be pursued in
the sale of securities which Insurance
companies are compelled to dispose of
In order to meet demands for the pay
ment of policies, or for the liquidation
of any other obligation.
UndT the present system, darkness
prevails In many of the inner recesses
of Insurance companies that should be
kept constantly illuminated by the llnie
Hpht of publicity, so that every policy
holder may at all times feel that the af
fairs of the company are managed effi
ciently and honestly and that his Invest
ment Is properly safeguarded.
favor REciPHOciTr.
The Canadian tariff commission a few
days ago guve hearings to the farmers
of Ontario. ' Although for some time
past there has been little talk of reci
procity In' the Dominion, the commission
found among the farmers of Ontario a
very general sentiment In favor of a
reciprocity agreement with the United
States, though not believing that one
irtulil Via erTpctpri All tliA fnrmpr Ha le
gations insisted that all protection was
detrimental to the farmers and urged
that It was Impossible to frame a tariff
which would protect Canadian farmers.
It is not at all surprising to learn (hat
the agricultural producers of the Domin
ion would welcome a reciprocity agree
ment with the United States which
would open the American market to
their products. They are familiar with
the benefits that the farmers of Canada
enjoyed under the treaty of 18M and
they reasonably think that there would
be much greater beiiefits under a new
arrangement of similar character. Dur
ing the period of twelve years in which
the old treaty was in operation and gave
free access to our markets of most of
the natural products of the Dominion,
the agricultural producers of that coun
try enjoyed a greater measure of pros
perity than they have since had. With
unrestricted access to the American
market agricultural development made
rapid strides aud the Canadian farmers
prospered apace. But the effect upon
our own farmers on the border was
quite different. They did not prosper,
their lands decreased in value and when
the treaty was terminated they were
generally a good deal worse off than
when it went Into effect.
The Canadian farmers are quite right
In thinking that no such arrangement as
that can be renewed. The present policy
of this country is to protect the farmer
as well as the manufacturer agulnst
damaging foreign competition and It Is
safe to say that this policy will be ad
hered to. The agricultural producers
generally iloug our northern border are
prosperous and nothing will be done, at
least by the party now In power, to in
terfere with that prosperity. Reciprocity
in natural products would bo of no ad
vantage whatever to this country and no
proposition looking to It Is ever likely to
be seriously considered by our govern
ment, whatever political party may be
in power.
cuLLvsni: divorces.
Current discussions of the growing
divorce evil and the suggestion of reme
dies to mitigate it almost invariably
deal with the shortcomings of existing
divorce laws and propose national regu
lation of divorce, or more strict and uni
form enactments by the state legisla
tures. Irrespective of the merit of these
suggestions, the advocates of divorce re
form could accomplish substantial re
sults quicker If they would turn theii
attention somewhat to tho better en
forcement of existing laws governing
the granting of divorces.
This applies particularly to Nebraska.
While our divorce law Is decidedly loose,
stricter enforcement and the exercise of
reasonable discretion on the part of the
judges who have the matter in hand,
could easily prevent some of the most
flagrant abuses. Collusive divorces are
notoriously Inexcusable, but, although the
Nebraska statute plainly prohibits them
by declaring that "No divorce shall be
decreed in auy case when It shall appear
that the petition or bill therefor was
found in or exhibited by collusion be
tween tho parties," they are common
every day occurrences, and this feature
of our divorce law is systematically
It Is plain as day, for example, that
no petition can be filed a few minutes
before the closing of the district court
clerk's office, to be whisked before a
Judge, with appearance by default and
a decree entered, within fifteen minutes,
subject to a stipulation for the division
of property aud tho payment of alimony
without collusion between the parties.
A little inquiry would make It plain In
many cases in which service Is hud, but
no defense is put up, that the proceed
ings are had by agreement between the
parties, which is nothing less than col
lusion. It may not be desirable to compel
man aud wife who agree to disagree, to
continue to live together, but the best
they would be entitled to Is a legal sepa
rationnot an absolute divorce. The
startling increase of collusive divorces
In Nebraska and more particularly here
In Omaha certainly calls for the applica
tion of a brake on the too rapidly re
volving wheels of our judicial divorce
The powers appear to be firmly deter
mined to compel Turkey to accede to the
demand for the international control of
the finances of Macedonia. The unquali
fied rejection of this demand by the
Porte has been promptly followed by a
decision to moke a naval demonstration
against Turkey, for which purpose the
warships of the powers are already as
sembled. The Macedonian question bus
long been a troublesome one aud the
proposal to place the finances of the
country under international control
seemed the most practicable and effect
ive way of solving It, for as long as Tur
key remains in control of the revenues
of Macedonia there will be trouble,
They naturally object to contributing to
the support of a government which op
presses them.
The disinclination of the Turkish gov
ernment to give up a valuable source of
revenue, which It could exact to any
amount the people were. able to pay, is
not surprising, but that It should go to
the extent of provoking hostile action on
the part of the powers is somewhat as
tonishing. Whether or not this attitude
will be maintained, when Turkey fully
realizes that the powers seriously Intend
to enforce the demand, remains to be
seen. She Is certainly in no condition to
offer much resistance to the powerful
combination, which could overwhelm her
almost at a stroke. Her action naturally
suggested that It wos Inspired by fJer
inany, but this suspicion Is set at rest by
a statement of the German Foreign
office. The situation is Interesting, be
cause of the possibility of grave compli
cations growing out of It, but the de
J cldei stand taken by the powers may
bring the Porte
to terms without re-
course to force.
Colorado sugar beet growers are form
ing an alliance for the purpose of main
taining the price of sugar beets at $5 a
ton, and a general strike in all parts of
the state Is to be called, so that not a
single sugar beet plant could be operated
unless beet raisers get a fair price for
their beets. This would be a very bard
blow at the Beet Sugar trust. It would
be very much like pouring porls green
on the potato vines In order to kill off
the bugs and at the same time kill the
potatoes. Closing the beet sugar facto
ries would be hard on the trust, but put
ting the beets in cold storage would be
a rather expensive luxury for the beet
The local popocratic organ is trying
to make a martyr out of a member of
the faculty of the University of Ne
brasku, who was dismissed some years
ago for insubordination, but now mel
lowed by the hard experience, Is to be
recalled to bis old position. The only
way, however, for him to bold the favor
of his newspaper champion is to signal
ize bis advent by a fiery denunciation of
the Rockefeller douation.
The Foraker compromise railroad reg
ulation bl! U like the play of "Ham
let." wlih Hamlet loft out. The crucial
Io!ut of President Koosevelt's regula
tion pljj is to confer upon the Int-er-strte
f otnnerce commission the power
to declare a rate unreasonable, If after
a full hearing It la fouud to be excessive
and to substitute for the higher rate a
lower rate, to go Into effect within
thirty days. The Foraker bill simply
semis the complainant into court and
leaves him there to the tender mercies
of Judicial graduate from the railroad
law depart ments.
Applionts for license to sell liquor in
Omaha may continue to make annual do
nations to the World-Herald rather than
lacur its enmity, but The Evening Bee
I now. i' It has been ever since tiie
high license law was enacted, the news
paper of largest circulation In Douglas
county and notices published In Tho
Bee wl'l scure a license for the ap
plicant unless he is protested for some
othtr reason
Omaha has been doing itself proud in
the entertainment of various annual
covention. of state organizations, but
it Is equipped to take care of much
larger gatherings. Omaha ought to be
the meeting place of a dozen great na
tlonrl associations every year, and it
would be If our commercial bodies
would exert themselves systematically
to this end.
The railroads ore anxious to com
promiseproviding their freedom to
exact what rates they please ou trnffic
and favor whom they please is dis
tinctly safeguarded In other words,
provided they are permitted to keep on
Jvist as they have been without further
The United States assoyer who se
cured -W.OuO probably counted a little
too strongly upon that confidence which
heads of departments place in the reports
of subordinates. Some day. too, depart
mental heads may test men before
trusting them.
If Governor Folk wanted to learn the
facts regarding that mutiny In the peni
tentiary, be should have offered Immun
ity to some participant not mortally
wounded. The man who is sure to lle
in a few hours con laugh at irou bars.
Strarrs on the Cnrrent.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The Nebraska Central college has abol
ished foot ball and Colgate university lias
done away with tho cane rush. Docs this
foreshadow the drawing of an auueuc
millennium? .
Pointing; In the Wrong Direction.
St. Louis Globe Democrat.
The postal deficit has passed $14,000,000 a
year. If certain out aDuses were vui
there would be no further reason to blame.
the shortage, on the growth of rural tree
Humping. Alonn nt the Old Unit.
Baltimore American.
A force has been discovered whose power
Is six times that of steam. An1 ln
spite of modern speed and power mania,
the earth cannot be Induced to turn any
quicker, on its axis than only once in
twenty-four hours.
lhanKlnK His Views.
St. Ixmls Republic.
According to Prof. K. Benjamin Andrews
'foot ball breeds not callousness but re
straint." If the professor had oeen
thumped and bumped in the sumo tenner
i..r.n times or more he might
change Ills views about the absence of cal
lous places.
It Is To I.aoKh.
San Francisco Chronicle.
t i. .Minainar to read the accounts ot
.. i (h faet that
investigations which ui .
our railroad magnates make a regular
k, ,.!.,, nf interfer ng In legislation, aim
at the same time listen to the warning
i irA oiminst the danger of allow- !
lng transportation matters to become mixed
up with politics.
Ministerial Attack, on Cardinal ew
man'a Famona Hymn.
Kansas City Journal.
t ... w.k a minister of Princeton, Ind..
found occasion to assail Cardinal New- .
man's famous hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light." I
In an addreas upon '-'The rsauns
Evangelical Work." The chief objection
to this beautiful song was stated thus:
"It may mean anything that any .man
chooses to make it mean, be he Christian,
Pantheist or Buddhist. There should be
a view of God In His character as re
vealed,, to us-ln His holiness, justice, good
ness and truth.
Since the childhood of the human race
v.- , inn nf the existence of an om
nipotent deity has been as firmly fixed in
the hearts of most men aa
itself Millions and mlllioijs of the earth's
inhabitants have bowed down and wor
shiped with many forms and ceremonies
the deities of hundreds of religions under
as many names. The yearning soul of man
has ever clung with a fanatical tenacity to
v.- njUm..,il theory of a beneficent
Savior who will pilot the faithful over the
dark river to the mystery of the future.
How many millions of weary pilgrims near
the end of the journey of life have
stretched forth their hands In mute en
treaty with the spirit of this appeal on
their lips:
Lead, Kindly Light, smld the encircling
Lead Thou me on. .
The night Is dark and I am far from home,
Iad Thou me on. ...
Keep Thou my feet-1 do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.
Yes, the Princeton minister la right-thls
Is the universal hymn. It bears the senti
ment of all-embracing love and trust, end
whether It comes from the agonized heart
of the lonely Mohammedan kneeling on his
prayer rug In the desert with his face to
ward Mecca, or whether a dark-skinned
devotee supplicates the Image of Buddha,
or a Christian turns his dimming yes to
his crucifix, the hearts of all send forth the
cry, "Lead. Kindly Light."
When the glories of the world begin to
fade, doubts encompass and fears assail
the human soul, creeds and formulas, doc
trines and dogmas sublimate Into one In
vocation for the hand of a divinity to lead
us through the encircling gloom" from
which our hearts shrink and tremble. It Is
then that the mighty of the earth are lev
eled to the most humble and In the democ
racy of death the prayer Is for light.
I was not ever thus, nor piayed that Thou
Bhouldst lead me on:
I loved to chooe and see my path, but now
Lead Thou mm on.
r loved the garish day, and, spite of fears.
Pride ruled my will; remember not past
Truly this sublime hymn may mean any
thing to the Christian, Pantheist or Bud
dhist. It breathes the prayer for dlviim
guidance and typifies the childlike depend
ence of the human race .upon a higher
pewer that can lead us to the light through
the Infinite mystery that Invests death.
The hymn is inspiring and uplifting. It has
comforted the pillows of thousands of
death-beds and has kUuilcd the Mame of
hoi ln thousands of discouraged souls.
"I .tad. Kindly Light, o'er inoor and fen.
o'er crag and torrent, till the ntght Is
gone." .
Entos noiLF.n now;.
A silent alnt Is an eloquent sermon.
Paralysis snd piety art not the same.
He who serves self Is raid by Satan.
Helping men is the best way of honoring
Laxlness Is ths costliest thing in the
No man's religion ever got worn out by
working It.
It Is better to smile with a man than to
Blah for him.
This rough world makes shott work of
all veneer virtues.
Folks who are too anxious to save their
bacon lose tliclr beef.
An ounce of the oil of good humor may
save many a ton of pull.
There Is always a blessing to b found
In tho other man's burden.
The preacher who works for hire Is sel
dom Invited to come up higher.
Richest harvests come from the seeds
that lay undr the snows of sorrow.
When tho roots of riches strikes Into the
heart they kill the flowers of charity.
You do not take the sin out of your
hatred of a man by calling him honey.
Some people think that a weakness for
rest gives them a rlpht to wear wings.
They who are effervescent In meeting
usually have nothing left In their bottles
when they get to the thirsty world.-Chl-cago
Brooklyn Eagle: Our good brethren of the
church are abusing the Sunday paper again.
Ah. brothers, you can't niako tho congrega
tion leave a bright paper for a dull
Chicago Record-Herald: Rector Fllllng
ham says Mshop Putter "Is the tin god of
America." Tin. lmlecd This is slanderous
and scandalous. There's nothing tinny
about the bishop. Ills wire had I40.000.0n0
when he married her a year or so ago. The
bishop Is solid gold.
New Tork Post: That Catholic priest In
Rochester who had the baptismal font
draped In mourning as a protest against
race suicide ln his parish, could find better
use for his crepe If ho applied it to the
thousands of deserted wives in Chicago,
each with six to ten children.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Dr. Gladdcn's
theory Is a sound one, but it Isn't easy to
prove it. Ho says that If every church
member will contribute good money the
churches will have no use for tainted
money. Rut does the good doctor believe
that nil church members are free from
financlul taint?
Chicago Chronicle: Bishop Bamuel Fel
lows sees no reason why reading the Sun
day newspapers should keep people from
church. Ho Is careful to explain that he
does not mean reading them through. But
he thinks people who have no time during
the week for that purpose are Justified ln
scanning the Sunday papers on Sunday.
That Is sensible, but not unusually sensible
for Bishop Fellows.
Buffalo Express: A New Tork undertaker
tells a reporter: "We generally give a dis
count of about 10 per cent on funerals
which are recommended to us by clergymen
as deserving. The discount goes Into the
clergyman's pocket or to the credit of the
family on the bill, just as the clergyman
pleases. You'd be surprised to know how
many grafterB thero are among the clergy-"
To the credit of one New York clergyman
be it. added that he exposed this system
from his pulpit recently.
Mrs. Hetty Green Is TO years of age and
holds down the Ud of her cash box with
the energy born of long experience.
Tom Lawson answered to the charge of
libel. Bure. When Tommy fails to answer
there will be coppers on his eyelids. ,
Viewed from the castellated towers' of
Skibo castle, Andrew Carnegie regards
poverty as a blessing for the other fellow.
For a man who admits having lost $12.
OuO.dOO in the Amalgamated game It Is
amazing that Mr. I-uwson can restrain
himself to one howl a month.
It is fairly well settled that Kansas City
will celebrate the completion of a com
modious union depot about the time the
Panama canal Is ready for business.
Philadelphia Elks are laying up a stock
of horns preparatory to entertaining all
the herds ln the nation in 1807. As an en
tertainer the Quaker city Is a beaut.
In Justice to Indiana it should be stated
that the veteran of the civil war who de
clined a back pension of $1,600 is not a
native of that state. Ho hails from Vir
ginia. Hoosiers are not built that way.
The Jolly old humorist Johnny Rockefel
ler will rake ln J8,0K,000 from the Decem
ber dividend of Standard Oil. By way of
Increasing his gaiety Mr. Carnegie should
send a marked copy of his eulogy on pov
erty to Pantico Hills.
You can't keep the chivalrous man down.
He is always on the spot with the goods.
While two Cleveland bucks were lighting
to determine which should dance with a
young woman the chivalrous man appeared
and danced with her until the last note of
the fid. He vanished ln the lobby. Wasn't
he a dear?
These are distressing days for blooming
poets. One of the tribe sprung two be
witching stanzas on a judge and got thirty
days. A bunch of hungry mice, attracted
by the mute warbllngs of poesy nestling in
the desk of Chicago's police chief, greedily
devoured the confection and scampered to
their holes.
"Your husband 8ems to have a very af
fectionate disposition."
"Good gracious! have you found It out,
too?" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"Well. Maggie, you have now been mar
ried a year. How do you like your hus
band?" "Sober, mum." Houston Post.
"Ah! dearest, he slk'hed. "would these
were the knightly days that I mlKht don
mine armor and go forth to battle for
tikldoo! George," Interrupted the fair
The Song of 'the Kimba.ll
is heard throughout the land. The Kimball tone la easily recognized.
Ita charming melody lingers long in the memory, like the sweet voice
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handsome casings of the Kimball Piano are fitting aettinga for the
wealth of melody within. Nothing can compare with the magnificent
Kimball at anything like the same price. Ita would-be competitors
have long aluce been distanced and the Kimball now stand in a clans
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We Sell a New Kimball for $355
$25 sends one home, $10 a month pays for It. .
We sell the New Cramer Pianos, Htyla A. D., $190. Terms, f.
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A. H0SPE CO., 151315 Douglas St.
A Good Place to Buy a Piano and the Angelas Piano Player.
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Mere Size Seldom
The great deeds of the world
have generally been wrought
by men of comparatively
small 6tature. Against Alex
ander, Cuear, Napoleon, and
Grant, Washington Is the ex
ception, proving the rule. In
literature, art, science, com
merce and industry the same
rule among men obtains. A
lump of coal is not worth aa
much as a diamond, although
the composition is the same
in both. Mere size seldom
counts. The indefinable some
thing called character is what
is worth while in the world.
There are life insurance com
panies' larger and older than
the Bankers Reserve Life
Company of Omaha, but
none better In character. In
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its securities are not sur
passed, its policies are not
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vantages of governmental in
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advantages. The man who
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policy has the satisfaction of
knowing that he has the best
insurance on earth. Write
for information to Bascom H.
Robison, President, Home
Office, Omaha.
girl, ' you can best those old knights forty
blocks If you'll don a well-padded football
ault and go and wrestle with pa." Phila
delphia Press.
Nell Miss Be h alp tells mo she is going to
learn to play the narp.
Bell What nonsense! Sho hasn't any
talent for music.
Nell Oh, she knows- that; but she has
lovely arms. Philadelphia Leader.
"Did you ever see such long gloves an
that woman is wearing? Why, she buttons
them from her wriBt U her elbow."
"Ho, that's not much. Why, my wife
buttons her gloves from the front door to
the theater." Cleveland Leader.
Mrs. Crlmsonbeak I declare! There's
more hard luck! Nothing has gone right
with me this year!
Mr. Crlmsonbeak Well, wife, you know
everybody is saying it's a bad year for
boshes. Judge.
Patience You're quite lame today.
Patrice Yes. Will stood on my foot for
ten minutes last night.
"And you allowed It?"
"I didn't know it."
"Didn't know he was standing on jour
"No. I didn't. He waa proposing at the
time." Yonkers Statesman.
(Memorial ode written on the sixtieth
marriage anniversary of Rev. C. H. Savldge
and wife, November 20, 1!K)6, by their
grandson, Henry Guy Goodsell of Chicago:)
Come, sit here with me for awhile
Away from noise ami hustling life:
Give me again that sweet, sweet smiley
It's eixty years you've been my wife.
For sixty years I've called you wife.
For mxt busy, fleeting years,
And it has been a Joyous life,
Though with tho Joy there have com
And memories come thickly flying
When e'er I ponder o'er the past;
Guv and somber, laughing slurhlng.
They come trooping first and last.
Children's laughter, children's noise.
Romping with a right good will:
No longer are they girls and boys,
But they are our babies still.
And then there come the days of battle.
The daring march of Sherman's ninu;
Still I can hear the volley rattle.
The soldier's shouts I hear again.
And then again I see the place
Where loved ones have been laid to rest?
The Father In His love and grace
Knows what for each of us Is best.
There have been clouds, there has been
rain; ,
There have bean sighs and hopes and
But spite of trouble and of pain
They have been goodly, Godly years.
We've had our Joys and sorrows. Mother,
And God has given us much of life.
But what I prize eUive all other
Is Just yourself, mv dearest wife.
Henry Guy Goodsell.