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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1905)
V 10 TIFE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1903. r s ""av I 4? V Mr Decial Thankssrivin ales AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF LADIES' FINE FUR SCARFS AND COATS Htl ' V if Ladles' Electric Seal Jackets, worth $25 each, at. .' Ladles' Xeur Seal Jackets, very stylish and worth easily as high as $37.60, at, each Ladles' Hlch Guaranteed Astrakhan Jackets, positively worth as high as $4 0 each a special offer, 24 50 Ladles' Mexican Heaver Jackets Very fashionable, selected tare, worth regularly $59, at $39 $65 Jdtdles' Persian Lamb Jackets that would bring $100 anywhere in the country, at. each Ladies' Blended Squirrel Blouses, beautiful selected furs, very fashionable and stunning Jacket, worth j m 100, at 67.50 Cienuine Hudson Bay Otter Jackets, some of the choicest Rai ments in this magnificent stock, worth Gf0 1150. at $"0 Genuine Seal Skin Jackets, made in the latest fashion for this winter, elegant coats of the highest character, p fl p worth $200. at plj This is a fur bargain event of such an unusual and important nature that it surpasses all other sales of this kind in many years. All the samples nnd surplus stock of a big New York fur manufacturer were offered at a sen sational bargain. Brandeis secured every fur piece and every coat in the entire lot. It was a really wonderful purchase. WE BOUGHT at ABOUT 40c ON THE DOLLAR In securing this stock we were bound not to mention the name of the maker in any manner. The manufacturer was so hard pressed for cash that he sold at a big sacrifice, but for trade reasons he could not afford to have his name known. These Furs Represent the Best Varieties of the Season In this sale are all the known and popular varieties of this winter's ser viceable and fashionable furs in natural, black and blended. Since there are hundreds of samples of which there are but one of a kind, we can mention only some of the most attractive special bargains. 14.85 24.50 All the Fine Fur Scarfs Will Be Sold . at About One-Half Their Original Value Ladies Fur Scarfs in long and short effects, the kind that sell all Q over the country at $1.."0 Monday, at UC Ladies' Small Neck Pieces and Cluster Scarfs, in late shapes, a variety of the most popular furs, worth up to $2.50. Special Oft for Monday, at 0 C Cluster Scarfs and Zazas of Coney, Near Seal, Brook Mink, f CJ . Canadian Marten, etc., easily worth up to $5, at ! O Ladies' Fine Fur Scarfs, a great variety of imitation Ermine QO Canadian Marten, Brook Mink, etc., worth up to $6, at JJ Fine Fur Scarfs, in genuine Marten, Jap Minks, natural and blended Squirrel, etc. y AO Ladies' Selected Fur Scarfs in the Zaza, Victorine and Cluster shapes all the most popular and fashionable furs, worth as high as Z CIQ $10 each, at Your choice of the smartest, highest class fur scarfs in the entire stock, the most popular and exclusive furs,' all carefully selected and Q Oft worth up to $20 each, at ... J JO scarfs that are worth up to $12.50, at. Indies' Tailored Suits The very latent ideas the leading cloths and colors every correct style feature, extra special values, at Ladies' Dressy Tailored Sniia ;it $17.50 Long fitted coats and the short jaunty Etons and hussars, every one showing 24.50 at18!:1fe:a 17.50 The New and Stunning Black Broadcloth Coats This is easily the reign ing favorite of the East the height of f, CO UP O winter fashion, great variety, at ....T03 to the swell $19 Ladies' Long Coats, In novelty grey mix tures all new ideas, CI Q Q JJK at. Beautiful New Long Coats, in plaid back, mannish Scotch cloth, at, each A splendid assortment of the choicest Persian lamb, Mexican beaver, nat ural and blended squirrel scarfs, Zazas and Victorines, T PA worth, up to $15, at. . JU A Fine Assortment of Muffs in all the leading fashion able furs all sold at from 40c to (50c on the dollar t lie correct shapes about 35 are sample muffs and every price represents a most unusual value. All the Children's Fur Sets, including about 200 sam ple sots in the prettiest furs for the juveniles make charming holiday gifts all are offered at about one-half price. Handkerchief Special 10c Ladles' and Men's all linen Handkerchiefs, in sheer and medium weight all widths of hems also ladies' lace and embroidered handker chiefs, many worth as high as 26c each, special, Monday, at, each Ladies Kid Gloves Ladles' flno Kid Gloves on bargain square these are Bamplea from a great special purchase, black, white and colors, worth up to CQ. (It. $1.75 a pair, at JJC-JOC Ladles' Kid Gloves, Perrins, Reynelrs, Donts, Mon archs, etc., latest winter street 1 Pf Ca and dress ideas, at I. DV"A.dUy Ladies' Canh mere Wool and Scotch JC t Gloves all sizes, at DC'JJC WARM WINTER. UNDERWEAR. Ladles' wool and fleecy cotton Winter Underwpar, vests, pants and drawers, Ca at. garment J JC-4"C-6l7C Ladles' Union Suits, including the popular Munsing itr?"?.,r::.u., 49c69c-98c Thanksgiving Dress Goods Sale umuimng Fine Winter Dress Goods 69c Yard A big bargain square containing i.uuu yams mngnsn ciotn, coatings. Tailor Suitings, new French and German Dress Goods, selling every where in the East from $1.25 to $2.00 yard, at, vard. . . Fine all wool nlain and novelty dress goods, black and all colors All new and fresh direct from one of the best New York jobbers, at one-third regular price, yard. 49c Waistings, Albatross and Evening Dress Goods regular 50c and 60c cream aud all light even ing shades, at, 39c 60c Black and All Wool Batiste, yard 3S to 4 2 Inches wide, Scotch Flannel yard Waistings, $1.00 and $1.25 50-inch Sicilian, black, navy blue, brown, gray, also fine black silk lustre, man ufacturer's end3 of about 8 to 12 yards each, at in. yard 4lJC $1.00 grade Panama check, small plaids and fine mannish f effects, yard DJC 29c 25c Silk and wool plaids, splendid for waistings and children's dresses the fine imported grade, sell ing everywhere at $1, 7 C at yard t DC Heal Scotch Tartans. $1.50 grades, imported from Great Britain, 48 Inches wide, yard Splendid Winter Dress Goods at 29c Yard 4 2-inch silk and wool fancy dress worsteds and pretty styles for children's dresses Bargain Square in Annex, at yard $1 wool 29c r A Sale of Fall and Winter Silks $1.00 and $1.25 Silks Monday 69c Yard Elegant white silks for waists, finest guaranteed black silk in Taffeta, Peau de Soie and Messalines, all colors in latest weaves, in plain silks, neat fancy silks, etc., worth $1.00 to $1.25, only 69c $1.50 BLACK SILKS MONDAY AT 98c Most remarkable bargains in fine black Silk, both Chiffon and rustling Tnffptns Penn rie Cvencs nnd Peau de Soies. Chiffon Poplin, black figured silks, in neat designs for waist and entire costumes, also great lot pure silk novelty Moire, worth up to $1.50, on sale at fopun, uiacK 98c 75c SILKS AT 49c YAR.D MONDAY Changeable Louisene, plain and changeable Taffeta Boucle Taffetas, neat checks and hair stripes. Dress Silks, Light Silks for waists, etc. Many worth up to 75c, only Broche Satin, 49c Chiffon Vel Duvet the New Costume Velvet Its extra- Fine Imported Dress Velvet in the leading street shades ordinary width and most beautiful finish has marked Chiffon Vel Duvet as the leader of all costume velvets, 24 inches wide, price Charming Millinery For Thanksgiving Day and Winter Wear To mak our Millinery Department even more popular than ever for the great millinery trade before Thanksgiving, we make this special offer. 24 0 of our Bwolleat hats, every one new and made from the very newest street and dress models handsomer trimmed they should readily bring $6, $S and $10 shown for (he first time Monday as long us they last we offer the choice at Dress and Fur Hats A charming assortment elegant Fur Hats, Os- trlch Feather Hats, Stunning Dress and Evening Sale e i I mm 2 Hats copied from ex- lsite models and worth high as fifteen dol- rs each your choice Monday at only 7 Bralnerd & Armstrong's Embroidery Twist lc Always Sells at 5c, Skein Skein A fipcclal offer for Monday. We bought at a reduction a fine line of Bralnerd & Armstong's fine Kmbroidery Twist some of it the least bit damagod almost all perfect a good selection of colors always sells at 5c skein as long as it lasts Monday at skein lc Triumphal Clothin Brandeis Supremacy as Men s and Boys Out fitters Proven Beyond the Shadow of a. Doubt Saturday was plainly a Brandeis clothing day in Omaha. The hundreds of complete fied men who responded to take advantage of our genuine bargains was ample proof buyers of good clothing in Omaha have confidence m the merit of every garment that goes out of Brandeis' store. The sale meant success for us and satisfaction for every buyer. Just as good bargains are here Monday. :: :: ENTIRE SURPLUS STOCK OF MEN'S OVERCOATS AND SUITS From S. H. Marks & Co., 14 Waverly Place, New York. All the S. II. M. & Co. Men's $12 Overcoats and.. 90 Suits, at 0 All the S. II. M. & Co. Men's $15 and $18 Overcoats Q9J) and Suits, at... p. All the S. II. M. & Co. Men's $20 and $22 Overcoats 50 and Suits, at ALL THE SURPLUS STOCK OK Boys' Clothing, from Sivin Bros., N. Y. Boys' $2.50 and $3.50 Knee Pants Suits at $1.50. The finest and nioit oomplrt line of hlch rlts Art NV.rtl. nork Goods In Omahn. l'rlce lowor than rlsvwherr Kvt rvihln you mo !-.hliin for just be fore CTirlHtmaa. Linens for Thanksgiving i it ly satis that the i I v. 4 1 II ilemiitltched Pattern Table cloth, worth tip in .080-1.25-1.50 Uii all linen l'at- no tern Tableolothe a.... U all linen Tat- O C l.rn T.hlrrlLlhB OU Vry line all linen full t Table lamak the 1 . at yard H :. and 1 all linen rie.i. .1, BUached Satin Iaiuak ul yard Bleaohrd and Hilver Bleached uk-wonb Iic a.t yard all linen Pattern Tail--ilotha at Owl each ii all linen Pat tern Tablecloths. "c Tray Clyotha i aeii .3.08 ..25c lot ha $1 26 launch. Cl'.iha aieach t: launch Clotha at each 40c 60c OSc i -h.'.l Fatin 05c .ni Silver 75c Table bum- 40c Etra apechil lot tine Pinner Napkin. :!,,,.4r JM.254.V8-2.W 15o and 2To M-allop-d buttonhole atitched ItaiiUes ipuwork tenter 10cOC Filnned I.lnen Napkin worth c lor eacn lC 98c It Drapery Departmertt. Special Bargains Fiue couch covers, new pat terns, friueed all around; at, each, 60-inoh lace curtains usu ally sell at $2.00 a AO air; at, pair Curtain Swiss fine import ed curtain Swiss. 40 in. f wide, uaually eell at I t'5c yard; at, yard cb:3 Just a Word About CHRISTMAS 4W m m Just 4 Wepki Mora to Do All Vour Chriotnia Duying. Brandeis' atora 1 the Chrlstmaa buying renter aicaln this year with b. tttr equipment, a 1 irger and more complete titock and better value than ever before ottered by any wealern atore. Maka your ae. lectiona early. In the Basement As a special bargain we will sell tomorrow our best loc quality SILKOLINE in comforter and drapery ptyle yard wide full pieces, at, per yard 6c Our lines of cotton batting rang ing price from 6c to 25c a roll are the bent value in OmHtiH. J Lh3 PflM.DE j Wf,l-- COM3 1.25 Where Juveniles are Rightly Fitted. Boys' and Girls' Shoes Shoes for school Shoes for Dress We give special care to the proper fitting of boys' and girls' shoes. Our complete lines are very carefully selected for their sterling merit. Brandeis' shoes for children are shoes of comfort, style and economy, made by the best shoemakers in the land excellent service in every pair at pair, $1.25 $1.75 $1.98 $2.50 Japanese Goods, Hundreds of the finest novelties for the tea table, for mantel or piano, for Christmas gifts. Prices lower than ever quoted on such dainty ware. 5 SPECIAL BLANKET SALE Peter Graff Plaid Pennsylvania Dutch Blanket-This is the best known plaid blanket in the market, comes in all colors of plaid. I nrougn a tortuuate circumstance we secured 2o pair only of these at a price which enables us to sell 4) them at, per pair This blanket usually sells at $8..'0'per pair. "We also place on sale tomorrow the Drummers' sample line of Fine White Wool Blankets. Some of them are very slightly soiled. Ihey are in 12-4 size, which is the largest blanket made. J hey sell m the regular way up to $10.00 per pair; we have divided them into two lots, at, per pair We also place on sale tomorrow some special values in White and Colored Cotton Blankets, ranging in Q 1 price from, per pair C UP 10 1 0 J Our line of Comforters this season is unsurpassed by any line in the United States. We had them made specially for us and they are longer and wider than any other comforter made I C 398.498 at the same price. They range in price up from. Jewelry Novelties The approach of the holiday season finds Brandeis new jewelry section in the new annex splendidly equipped. Every hate and attractive novelty is here and priced lower than you can find it in any jewelry store in this territory. Our lines are enormous. A hundred pretty Christmas sugges tions greet you as you step in the department. CARPET SALE "Ve announce a sale of good, serviceable Ingrain Carpet in all new and desirable patterns new Fall patterns, absolutely perfect. A genuine 85c quality all wool Strictly all wool Ingrain Carpet, inTain luidci. - every roll per fect, at, a yard. than 75c a yd.- in one big lot jj !Sj Monday, at yd. ,Jr r