Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha
PAGES 1 TO 10.
British leaden Discus Closer Belatiom
Between Colonies of the Crown.
In Reply Told that Yatter of Form it
No. Fixed.
, bannvltrh. The approach of winter.
Imperial Council Would Be but Permanent
Form of Conference.
'While Joseph Chamberlain Seems to
Lose Popularity la Birmingham
lis Still Uaa Strong Snp-
port In Klifdoai.
Rusalan Joarnallat Drawe Parallel
Between Him and Other
Agents ol the Csar.
PARIS. Nov. 2V (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) One of the most Interesting In
terviews upon the situation In Russia la
thnt obtained with M. Roubanovttch, the
manager of the Tribune Russe. He de
clared that the revolutionary movement
would be maintained. The present condi
tion of affairs was but a short stage in
the course of evnts. "No doubt the rall-
edared M. Rou-
approacn of winter, me
destitution and women's tears, as well as
the apparent concessions made to the pop
ular demands, will cause the workmen to
return to their dens. But this lull will
hardly last long, and the coming revival
will probably bo provoked by a peasant
movement. The socialist, revolutionary and
democratic parties feel no confidence.
Count Wltte's policy Is an artful one. He
would like to bring- about a split In the
opposition camp and to convince the mod
erates that the socialists, whom he treats
as anarchists, are their enemies. The In
testine struggle by which the liberal force
would thus be exhausted the moderates
against the democrats and revolutionists
would enable Count Wltte to restore order
and at least partially to destroy the rev
olutionary organisation while reducing the
pretensions of the radicals.
"Count Wltte Is one of that series of
' I i U at whn flr
ideas have been advanced as to the best n""'" pi ""J . " 7 .
method of bringing together the various
sections of the British empire. The lutest
suggestion Is the formation of a council of
the empire. A series of resolutions recom
JjONJDON, Nov. 28.-6peelal Cablegram
to The Bee.) Next to the subject matter
of the general elections, always interesting,
perhaps the most Important proposition
before the British public is the question of
the calling of a colonial conference. A
hundred, perhaps a thousand, different
unsutry is Not Pleased with Opera
tion of toe Land Act.
Possessors. Fail to r eceive Treatment They
Think Their Due.
called to power In Russia at critical mo
ments. When it becomes necessary to
grant liberties the czars from Nicholas I
downward have employed either men with
mending the establishment of such a body, m..-,, .
nnrt It. n-lth .nm.thtn lik .1 promises. DUI OO noi Keep ...col.
permanent secretariat wae adopted at a
meeting of the rouncll of the British Em
pire league held last July.
Among other colonial statesmen to whom
are as cunning as roxes. iikc ovbiufi.
Mirskl or energetic men ready to resort to
repression and terrible as wolves, like
Flehve or Ignatleff. Wltte combines these
the lame
dictatorship recalls the dictature de coeur
of Louis Mellkoff, who was summoned to
power In 1SS1 hy Alexander III after the
assassination of Emperor Alexander II.
Wltte Is more dangerous than Trepoff for
the Russian lllieral Ideas."
m .... , , ,.a,i1 ii I l.i ( ,-u n.mltl IWO nilKllllCR. J I 5 I I11ILII1' " '
.... v., tk v n.rHm.n n. n time the fox ano the wolf. His present
politician Ht the Cape. Mr. Merrltnan Is
hardly a professed Imperialist. He hus
been given the credit of aiming at the en
couragement of a Bouth African rather
than a British patriotism; ftt the Independ
ence of the subcontinent rather than Its lu
I'oriKiration In a unified empire. It was
not expected that he would take a very
keen Interest in the proposals of the British
Umpire lcugue. However, Mr. Merrlmnn
replied to the Instructions sent him in an
extremely Instructive letter, going Into a
great deal of critical detail. Mr. Freeman
Murray, the secretary of the league, says
that be does not consider Mr. Merrlmun's
objection Insuperable, but they serve a
useful purpose In submitting to discussion
certain misgivings which flout through
minds both colonial and domestic misgiv
ings which when analysed often appear to
lent on misunderstandings of facts. His
Hint comment la In relation to the use of
the word "empire." Mr. Merrlman thinks
that the word "empire," while appropriate
enough to the "somewhat undefined rela
tion that has hitherto so happily existed
between England and the self-governing
communities of English-shaking men."
cannot properly be applied to the self
governing communities themselves, and
Crone H. Sims Says Government Must
Not Try to Employ Idle
LONDON. Nov. .'5. (Siwclal ' 'ablt-gram
to The Bee.)-Mr. George II. Sims has
sounded a note of warning against the
latest measures taken for the relief for
the unemployed. Interviewed upon the
subject of state aid he said:
The demands of the unemployed may up
to a certain point be received wmi re-
Hvmuathv. Tie sum.-rings ami
Congested District's Board Will Not Reply
to Appeals.
To Add to Distress of 1 H
Prlcee of Cattle Arc lwr
Than They Were In
DUBLIN, Nov. 25. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) In one direction at least has the
land act moved swiftly and smootnly for
ward without a hitch and the government
has shown every dlsositlon to lubricate Its
progress. It bus been quite succVsstul In
securing extravagant prices, with the bonus
superadded, for the landlords of Ireland,
in this direction its efficiency has been
greater and its speed more rapid than the
most sanguine anticipations. The govern
ment cannot find money fast enough for
the numerous landlord hands held out to
grab it, but on the other hand in what
were regarded as Its main objects the rein
statement of the evicted tenants and the re
distribution of vacant grass lands the act
has miserably failed in the opinion of the
Irish people themselves.
It Is -claimed that Mr. Wyndham's secret
instructions tied the hands of the Estates
commissioners, who were anxious to dis
charge the functions imposed upon them
by the legislature. It appears that there
Is yet anothur department of the lund act
in which the alleged paralyzing influence
of the castle Is felt. Among the most val
uable of the provisions of the land act
was the power to Include town holdings In
the estate and sell to the occupying ten
ants. A special case for the exercise of
these Kvrrs was to be found among the
occupying tenants of the town of Ballug
hudcrven in the county of Mayo. The us
tute hus been purchased by the Congested
Districts bourd, which occupies the position
of ground landlord to the town. The oc
cupying tenants are anxious to purchase
their holdings under the act. The delays
and evasions that have occurred In what
would seem a simple matter enough were
discussed at recent meetings of the Town
Tenants' association. The occupying ten-
nr t fill
n,.u.d r,t th.. lumeKt nckor are verv real.
and It will be an early day for the country unts who declared their willingness to buy
were put off from day to day by tho board
l n.-hn a nuriv. bv making political capital
out of Industrial distress, divides the
nan nmi t lie classes Into hostile armies.
But. while we ireely admit that there
are thousands of honest workers who can
find no work for their honest hands to do.
we must In ci-mmon fairness, if insist
that the state shall step lu and make the
should not be applied at all to a closer eon- ! work, insist aiso yiai - - yj
UCtur sutp M thHa.lvwr-:".''"krL; " J, j To T.C si: : frt iTifTT . It
a taak by I no state, why should the clerk
WUiMoaa,,'. s'.v
of Imperial unity appear to be atnlng at.
SaaTgaats New Xante.
Ills own suggestion 1 that tha term
"commonwealth" should be employed In
stead. To this the secretary of the British
Rmplre league replies that the name has
already been appropriated by federal Aus
tralia. On behalf of Mr. Merriman'a con
tention, however, it Is asserted rhat the
Australian commonwealth Is not likely to
Interpose any objection to the use of the
word In a larger sense. On the other hand,
tho charge is made that the word "empire"
has been used to denote in the past a large
variety of political combinations to which
the British empire hears no resemblance
whatever. The Idea is advanced that sim
ply because the word "empire" hs been
used in a despotic sense In the past uges,
and Is still vised in a despotic sense In
some sections of the world today, that does
not necessarily condemn its present demo
cratic use.
A more serious argument of Mr. Moni
man's is that directed against any policy
which would give control over the Colonies
or the power of advising them to an Im-)n-rlal
council sitting In London without
giving it a similar power of control ami,
ndvlco over the mother country. Those
Interested in the formation of a council of
the empire assert that nothing of the kind
is contemplated. It is claimed that the
colonies should he as fully and powerfully
represented as they are now In the period
ical colonial conferences, and that the
i ouncil would he, in fact, nothing but the
erection of those conferences into a per
manent system. Tho element of continuity
would be secured by a secretariat such as
is proposed in the resolutions of the British j
Umpire league. It is proposed to provide
Hie Imperial defense committee with a
permanent guarantee of expert advice, and j
with the collection of all the necessary
data on which to base its decisions. A .
secretariat to the Imperial council would
undoubtedly be ancillary In the same way
and. It Is claimed, there would not be the
... - - ..i,...m,.,fr c li.ft to starve?
The question' of thr "superior Income"
does not arise in t!ir. clerk s case. A tram
car washer Is pule) us much as muny clerks
and manv schoolmasters get. In some In
stances the Int incur washers are paid
more than educated workers get even
when emploved by the county councils ami
the borough councils, who iistst ' "
minimum rate of wage of 30 shillings a
week for road sweepers.
Let us go farther. If the unemployed
artisan and clerk me to be provided with
work by the state, why not me curat.
and the actor, and the Journalist, and the
musician and the artist? In all these , call,
iocs there are married men with families
who. owing to bHd times, are out of em
ployment. Why should not the state help
A clerk without food feels the same hun
ger pang hs a nrii-H.iu.vm. ,Z ' ' .
without a lob has the same difficulty In
making Isdh ends meet as a laborer with
out labor. A p'' actor out of employ
ment for six months feels the pinch of
poverty ss keenly as nn unemployed dock
hand Therein lies the great difficulty of
the state supplying work to the work
i " In common fairness, supolv
nn, ........ . i, ....... .Itullrt.'-
rt uii who are in n.-.-ii wni.w.v
Congo t.overnment Board Finds Hrh
to Commend Bad Little
to Criticise.
FRt.'PPEIt. Nov. S. iPpeclal Cahlegrsm
to The Bee.) Th commission charged by
the Congo government to inquire into the
atrocities which have taken place In the
Congo Free State has Just presented a
long-deferred report.
It deals with Investigations lasting five
months, during which several hundred wit
nesses were examined. A glowing account
Is given of the results secured, by the ad
ministration. The commissioners state that
In territories which twenty-five years ago
were plunged into a state of barbarity,
decimated by raids of Arab traders, be
strewn with slave markets, security reigns
at the present time, the slave trade bis
disappeared, cannibalism Is concealed, hu
man sacrifices become rare, towns ars
founded, railways are constructed to the
very heart of the equatorial forest and
eighty steamers run up and down ths
Examining the question of forced labor,
the commissioners say that native labor Is
indispensable for the development of the
country, and that, moreover, the natives,
having few needs, have no inclination for
work. It is, therefore, only by making an
obligation of labor that It is possible to
bring the native to give regular labor,
and the state can only compel the popula
tion to work by making a tax on labor.
The obligation to work Is one of the most
effective agents for the transformation of
the native population, who otherwise
would continue to live In a primitive state.
It Is admitted that certain taxes are
onerous and reforms are suggested. While
the India rubber tax has not In Itself any
thing onerous. It is rendered heavy by the I
obligation on the picker to go to that part '
of the forest, which Is sometimes very far
distant, where the India rubber trees are
found. The commission suggests that tho
India rubber tax should be made collective
and that the times for the payment should
be at longer Intervals.
Blame Is attached to the detention of
women hostages, a practice forbidden a
long time by the state. The long period
of detention Is criticized.
Native foremen used by the trading com
panies have abused the authority which
has been conferred on them. Their assist
ants have provoked numerous sanguinary
conflicts with the natives and the com
mission demands thut the state, which has
already prohibited the placing in the vil
lages of soldiers belonging to the public
forces, should put an end to the system
of sentinels which It has found to exist,
replace them, as far as possible, by the
chief of the village himself, nnd withdraw
the permits for currying arms.
It is demunded that a law should desig
nate clearly what authorities can order
punitive operations and determine In what
conditions such measures shall be taken
and In what form It should take place. It
Sultan Etill Refutes to Yield to Demand
of Powers.
Ambassadors Conclude that Further Show
of Force is Necesjary.
Torpedo Boats Remain Behind to Keep
Communication Open.
German foreign Office Emphatically
Denies that Germany la la
Blame for the Attltnde
of the Saltan.
PARIS. Nov. 2a. The International fleet
assembled at Piraeus for the purpose of
making a naval demonstration against
Turkey In support of the demands of the
powers for the financial control of Mace
donia, sailed at noon today under sealed
orders. British and French torpedo boats
were left behind to keep up" communica
tion wiih the fleet.
It was learned at the Foreign office to
day that Austria and Russia, In behalf of
the powers, have addressed a strong note
to Bulgaria, Servta and Oreece warning
them that the powers In the naval dem
onstration against Turkey should not be
made a pretext for revolutionary move
ments on the part of these countries
against Turkey.
It Is now definitely determined that the
objective of the demonstration will be the
Island of Mltylene, where the customs
will be seized, but the International fleet
will not act within twenty-four hours and
probably .lot within forty-eight hours.
In tho meantime the porte and the am
bassadors Continue their discussions with
some prospect that Turkey will yield before
the fleet acts.
Tnrka I liable to Resist.
Information reaching official quarters
leads to confidence that the Turkish re-
! slstance to the powers will not go to the
extent of military or naval measures of
defense. An official who passed the
. Dardanelles during the last few days said j
today that Turkey's few available war- !
siilps at the Golden Horn were worthless
' hulks. Moreover, the official view Is that
tho sultun will not permit the firing of a
i shot which might precipitate war. Turk
! Ish land operations, said the official, are
equally unlikely.
! The island of Mytllene has a garrison of
1 1 V......1-A. , ...U hut tl.A Y.VAnili
' I ri a I uuiiui cu , . uv. , ..... . . .
M;WJ :CTIO Ten I'nacs.
t Plan for British Fmplre.
Ian: aids the Irish l andlords.
Demonstration Aaralnat Turkey.
Iidrrm I"T tin to hlcaao.
3 Rnsalan Troops and Sailors Mnllny
Burton t.ollty on All Counts.
Nfiri from All Paris of fhrk.
Rnrkrtt Pilots Pollni-d Aronnd.
4 Vnlc the Victor Over Hnrnrd.
Cornhnaker Defeat Doanc.
Academy Officers Wink n Vlahta.
ws from the Iowa Cnpltal.
H Past Week In Omaha Society.
T Council Bluffs and Iowa "Sews.
5 Affairs at South Omaha,
('.chocs of the Autr-lloom.
ctcs from the Army Posts.
Ilappenlnas In Omaha tfnhurba.
EDITOR t. I. SKCriOSElght Pastes.
1 Omaha Club Turns Down Bar.
Oraahn fester tor Missouri Pncllln.
a Editorial. N
3 Memorial Raised to McKlnlry.
Condition of Omaha's Trade.
4 Want Ada.
It Want Ada.
it Want Ada.
T Financial nnd Commercial.
8 t'ohn on America and Israelites.
1 Basic Cause of Thankfulness.
Why Omnhu ftivea Thanks.
Jewish Thnnksalvlnav Celebration.
2 Special Turkey for the President.
Pre ir rin a Thanksgiving- Dinner.
Thank-alvlnic Par In History.
5 Plajs nnd Players.
Music and Mnslcnl Notes.
4 Our District Court Bailiffs.
Feats of n Nebraska Strong Roy.
Nebraska School Man In Pnnnmn.
Curious Capers of Cupid.
In the Field of Electricity.
iunlnt Features of Life.
Gossip About Noted People.
I Nebraskan Consul General lo Cal
cutta. Canadian Pacific President Tnlka.
Eaerelae Cure for Insomnia.
I For nnd About Woman.
Rumor He Has Been Offered Presidency of
Chicago University.
Indioations Which Point "to Probability of
Story Being True.
One of Trustees of Oil Magnate's College
Aid Donations.
Circumstances All Tend' to fonTlnet
Inltrrally Clrclea the Chancellor
lias Some Proffer t'nder
7 Grist of Sporting; Gossip.
1 Buster Brown's Thanksgiving.
2 Where Brides Require Proof.
From Near and Far.
8 Mystery of the Feather.
How to Get a Small Waist.
The Coming of Frnnkel.
4 In Plays New and Old.
And I full to see how this
tion .of class.
can be done.
Telephone Company nepresentntlTC
Would Send Idle Women to the
northwestern Provinces.
PARIS. November 2o. fSpeeial Cable
gram to The Bec.)-Mr. N. D. Neill. the
president of the I.orimer Automatic Tele
phone company. Is prepared to make an
extraordinary offer to the French poBtofflce
In order to solve the difficulty of providing
occupation f"r telephone Kris should
the French government decide to transform
its telephone service and introduce auto
matic telephones Mr. iseiii, who is a
Canadian, is engaged In fitting up a model
automatic exchange In the Passage Vlvl
enne. "Sooner or later." said Mr. Neill. "the
automatic system will be adopted in all the
lightest opportunity of its usurping other : cm""- c.cp..H .r, is-
functions or doimr anvthina hot ml.. u. I sbollshed. To compensate these young
required ol " bv the council. The re
ciprocal conv txerted by Ureat Britain
a nd the colon". it is claimed, need not
of necessity offet ny insurmountable diffi
culties In practice.
Premiers May Be I nnrersaar).
line of Mr. Merriman'b chief sources of
anxiety is that the scheme of representing
l he colonies by their premiers dors not
woik witli perfect satlbfaction now audi..,,,. , , .i... Well, we are nrenared
that in nil probability it would be still less i , an ( the expenses of every young
Mi."i;)i u iiih consuiution or tile '
council should give inoic far-reaching liu
women for tne loss oi mnr occupation
have thought out a plan. Should the
French government decide to adopt the
system I will open an office In Paris and
equip and send out to Canada at least 2.0O)
young women who are now engaged In the
telephone service.
'There uie thousands of men In the
northwest who have put ny sufficient
and meanwhile the middlemen prepared to
evict the occupying tenants that they might
themselves secure the advantage of pur
chase. Then the Town Tenants' associa
tion took the matter up and set all of the
facts before the board, calling intention 1
'a -decision, '-off' udaw MVit-eiUi thai, the
land- Set contemplated' purchase by tha oc
cupying tenants, and not by the middlemen.
To this letter and other letters similar in
import so far no further reply has been
received than a bare acknowledgment of its
John Dillon Acta.
At the meeting of the Town Tenants'
association a very Important letter deal
ing with the entire subject with reference
to Ballaghadereen was read from Mr. John
Dillon. M. P. Mr. Dillon gave further
particulars of the efforts of the Ballagha
dereen tenants to secure Justice. He him
self, as a member for the division, headed
a deputation to the Congested Districts
board, but no definite action or unswer
has yet been secured. Mr. Dillon Is still
hopeful of a recognition by the Congested
Districts board of the unquestionable claim
of the occupying tenants, but he urges on
the Town Tenants' association the neces
sity of vigorous agitation In securing tho
town tenants' rights In the case of prop
erties yet to be sold when the estate In
cludes a village or small town.
It is not easy to exaggerate the impor
tance of the issue hero raised. ' Tho Issue,
it Is claimed, calls for an early and posi
tive decision which will leave the wax-
clear for the amendment of the act to give
effect to Its manifest Intention. It Is
claimed that the act Is clearly In favor of
the tenants.
Judge Meredith's decision of the tenants
on the Boyle estate governs the generul In
terpretation In favor of the occupying ten
ants. It is claimed that at least two of
the members of the Congested Districts
board enjoy the absolute confidence of the
people of Ireland On tho other hand, It
la asserted that the majority of the mem
bers of the lioard are under the direct In
fluence of the castle. Inasmuch as It Is
asserted that tho decay and depopulation
In Ireland lias fallen heavier on the small
towns than on the rural regions, remedies
are being sought In a directions, and It Is i
claimed that I ho remedy is to make the
occupying lensnt owner on reasonable
Cattle Prices Low.
One thing that has caused considerable
disappointment in Ireland this year is the
fact that the fairs have been exceedingly
bad for prices of cattle. For Instance, at
the fairs of Balinlough. Croghan and
Elphin. Just held, farmers could not get
what they paid in April and May for bul
locks and heifers and In consequence manv
Is pointed out that, notwithstanding formal" nlclals say these were wuuurann to a
prohibition on the part of the admlnlstra- remote part of the island when the Frenih
tion, commercial agents have sent military la"h8 occurred in 1901, owing to the
expeditions Into the villages. sultan's desire to avoid the possibility of
Several cusoa of mutilation have been ' an armed confllct' The PM selsure
Dolnted out bv, tt h. of the Mytllene customs is expected to
been found , that '( 'nutilatkm of dead
be executed with a similar absence of
Nebraska, t.'ti Doanc, 5.
Vnlc, U Harvard, O.
Mlchlgnn, 73 Oherlln. O.
Pennsylvania, 2:ti Columbia,
Swarthninre. filM Wcslcyan, 6.
Dartmouth, 24 x Brow n, O.
Lafayette, fi.1t Lehigh, O.
Washington I nlveralty, ii.'tt
school of Mlnea, ft,
Minnesota. 72t North western, ft.
Wcat Point, 17 Syracuse, O.
Haskell Indians, l Kansas City
Athletes. O.
Belolt, 4 a Knox. 5.
Naval Cadets, lift Virginia Poly
technic, ft.
Carlisle, ll Washington and Jeffer
son, O.
Mornlngslde, Ol Iowa Normal, O.
Wlaner II. S3., tttf Wayne II. S., .
(From a PtafT Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. ::..( Siiecl.-U Telegram.)
Today a report gained currency that K.
Benjamin Andrews, chancellor of the Uni
versity of Nebraska, had been asked to
take the presidency of the Chicago uni
versity, to succeed Dr. Harper, who Is now
on his death bed. Chancellor Andrews,
when seen this evening, absolutely refused
to discuss the matter In any form whatever.
Those who lend credence to the rumor
say that the chancellor has demonstrated
In his recent speeches on the subject of
large fortunes that his views are not Inimi
cal lo those of the founder of tho institu
tion. It Is also pointed out that ha has
been made one of the members of tin
board which has direction of the large
Kockefcller funds for the assistance of
educational institutions, and has the friend
ship of the younger Rockefeller, who will
within a few years have the direction of
the Immense, fortune of the founder of tha
Chancellor Andrews Is a Baptist. He
has Su International reputation as an edu-
catof and has demonstrated a high order of
! ability as a college executive. The friends
j of the university fear that the chancellor's
refusal to discuss the matter or to deny
i the story that he has been called Indicate
' thut he has the matter under consideration,
j The recent attacks on him In the fusion
I press might play a part In his decision.
men prominent in university circles say.
He refused to say whether he has re
ceived any kind of a proposition or other
wise. At one time he refused an offer of a
larger salary to go to Wisconsin,
Fifteen Persona Injured la Head-on
Collision Between Passenger
and Switching- Trains.
bodilt lat';rO
AKutfe ctstomr-Tbu . .
claim is made that1 ths mutilation, such as 1 The TpnlPs thlB " tcrnoon Prfnted a ai'
Is alleged to exist, was not performed by . Ptcl' from Constantinople saying that the
the whiter and was not nerformed at the ' Place Q, eP' Bltated b' th firmness
instigation of the whites. The stories
of the powers, leading to Indications that
alleged to have had their origin In lncl- ,ne negative response oi inr pon nuum
dents connected with the native customs j 1,0 reconsidered
of mutilating dead bodies and practicing Ambassadors Call for Fleet.
mutilation as a punishment, all of the
offenses, however, being laid to the blacks
by tho report.
British Manufacturers Alarmed at Re
port of a Representative'
Who Visits America.
CONSTANTINOPLE, via Sofia, Bulgaria,
Nov. a. The ambassadors of the powers
at a conference. Just held, decided ;to pro
ceed with the naval demonstration as the
best reply to the porte's note.
There Is absolutely no sign among the
Mussulmans of Constantinople that they
are in the least way disturbed concerning
the question of the financial condition of
Macedonia. The vast majority are not
aware that such a question exists. The
KANSAS CITT. Mo., Nov. 25-Fifteen
persons were Injured and many others
shaken up in a wreck tonight caused by a
collision, head-on, between Missouri Pa
cl.lo passenger train No. 8. which left Pu
eblo, Colo., at 7 o'clock la;it night, due here
at 6:30 p. m., and a switching train on a
curve near Leeds, Mo., a station live miles
east of this city.
Tha injured:
Baggageman H. Wilson, St. Louis; slight.
Engineer ltlciiiml Dunn, Kansas City:
airman V , N. v., Nov. Zj. A message re-j f. IS. Devendorf, Watertown. N. T.; lip
Celved hv the Alttni.v rllr.a t..r.c.l.( : cut.
- - .-.. uvt .unit,... icni.n ,
1..K- i ii
Job ii Hammond, Wanted In
York, Believed to Be on
Pacific Const.
tneni to believe thut John Hammond, tho
alleged murderer of his wife, whose body t
was found In a trunk In their rooms Thurs-
day evening, is now on the Pacific coast.
At first the search for Hammond was '
being vigorously pushed In Montreal aim
the vicinity. This morning It became
known that In company with Arthur i
the word is
but not yet
vizer. Ferld
and replaced
LONDON. Nov. (Special Cablegram
to Tho Bee.) The statement made bv , , . .
T, ., ,, . . V ' UJ christian movement unless
Thomas Gal anher. the head of tl. u.-lCoi . . .
tobacco firm wlio has Just returned from
a visit to the American tobacco belt, that
the crop is short of the average indicates
a crisis which threatens the existence of
many of the Independent manufacturers of
this country.
"The puullc will scarcely credit the extent
to which the trust has now monopolized
the tobacco trnde of this country," said
the principal of one of the largest Independ
ent firms in London In an interview this
week. "It is a fact, however, that about
"0 per cent of the trade is already in their
lands. On top of the competition now
comes tho news of the shortage In the
American crop, which will raise tho price
of raw material Very considerably. The
trusts, with their large capital, are able to
Keep st ck sumcieni lor several years, and j (jipH nn(j cigarettes.
consequently a rise In price one year does BERL1 N. Nov. S. The Foreign office
not affect them greatly, but for the smaller j emphatically denies that Turkey s attitude
manufacturer, who is compelled to buy ! is to (ierman influences. So far from
from year to year, the Increase Is a very
serious matter."
V.. 8. Wheaton
HtrOllK. IMS VOIiniF Cn.(l. whn 1r.l,..iH l.l.n
aspect of the city is perfectly normal and , , ,..,, Ponti he ,,,, . .
. 1 . .- n n-.-.Anra I ho ,1 . . Vl .1 1' O . 1 f nil AI.M- 1 ' '
i.i.ic nl. .... - , ,ne Canadian raciflc and south t.) Tucson. !
Ariz. This evening Chief of Police Hvatt
given from high quarters
It Is persistently reported,
confirmed, that the grand
Pasha, has 'beea dismissed
by Abldin Pasha, governor general of tho
archipelago. As the acceptance of the de
mands of the powers requires scapegoats
there Is a disposition In some quarters to
credit the report as being the percusor of
the abandonment by the porte of Its
present attitude.
Following the precedent which he set
when the Russian fleet made a demonstra
tion off the coast of Inlada in 1A03. the
sultan has charged Vice Admiral Husnl
Pasha, who left Constantinople November
23 on a special steamer for the Dardanelles. I
among other duties, to welcome the Inter
national fleet with presents of fruit, can-
J. S
telegram from City Marshal
Hallowsy. Ossa watomle. Kan
knee Injured.
Mrs. John Llndberg, Durango. Colo.,
bound for Sweden; cut In Up.
Miss Kiln Sharp, liolden, Mc; slight.
Miss Elizabeth Coke. Elm Ira. N. Y.; Up
cut, several teeth knocked out.
D. II. Scott. Carroll, la.; back sprained.
J. W. Lyons, Carroll, la.; right leg and
hand bruised, nose cut.
Thomas l-tvln. Denver; lip severely cut.
Samuel Hallis, Denver; neck strnlned.
(ieoigo Potts, Denver; mouth and Up cut.
Mrs. Lottie Jenkins, Holden, Mo.; left
Klcie nnd left shoulder bruised.
-Miss Sacllcj B. Martin. Kansas City, Kan..
niKii sciiooi leacuer; siignt.
Hopleyof Tucson informing him that , ,"a,,"n 'eH ' v-a,uwr"' "n': Knoc
Hammond and Strong had taken South- Knglm. nr,n of the penger train saw
of the JStl They had tickets for Portland. 1 carB , me to ,n 8
exchangeable at Sail I ,,,, , , ,. ,,,, .v, .u. .. .
. ...... ..... ..... E ,,,,,,, . i ' . 1 1 Kir. mi.
engines met. Both engines were wrecked
Descriptions of Hammond have been sent
to all the lilies on the Pacific coast.
Grades Will Re Reduced
and Heavier Tracks
and a hnlf dozen freight cars wore derailed,
but nono of the passenger coaches left the
trark. A relief train left this city for the
scene of the wreck at : o'clock, but It
will not return until tomorrow moraine.
to Minimum i wnP tn njllrpd wi. bn brought here. The
truck Is Uttered with the wreckage snd all
Missouri pacific trains are being detoured
over the tracks of other roads.
editor of "Tobacco."
the principal organ of the trade, says he
I does not think an ordinary American short
age will affect the retail price of tobacco
to the consumer.
"It takes a considerable rise In th
of raw material." he said, "before the con
CHICAGO. Nov. r..-Th management of
the Hock Island railroad has decided fi
; practically rebuild the entire system with
a view to securing minimum grades on
every division. John It. Kerry, chief engl-
I l.eer Of Ihf! road 1im Imh nntriia...
this being true It Is said that the sultan ,h( work HM(1 hp soon tllrnih a
Is actually angry at Germany because the to p,,,,,,, Wlnchr showing In detail the
Foreign office has repeatedly advised hl.n work ,K.0ary lo bo aonP
to accept the powers' demands. w,i(,n JJr nnd Mf
Austria Watches Others. , structed the t'nion Pacific the work re-
VIENNA. Nov. 25. Austria will continue I suited in doubling the tralnlouds that are 1
I . n ra In th. In t ,rn n t ion u I pllnn I .,..., I. ...... , . . . , I
rricei . , JrVpv . lon. th- ,, Br, hw, ,h. ,,,' 1; . , ('!'" prominent financiers to the country
; Proposition for Forming Holdtnar
Company for Forty Railroad t
NEW YORK. Nov. :.V The World to-'
morrow will say: Wall street heard yester
day from a source It believes to be re
liable that while the visit of J. P. Morgan.
John D. Rockefeller. II. If. HoJIster and
sumer Is affected. When the chancellor of ' ''' ' Zl. ' m ,,lrw A..r V ., . T ' Thursday night
i withdraw and does withdraw Austria will to raise the averaci. tm n oaH to iry. .,. .
the exerhequer has proposed to add 2 pence , ..hrtraw ' if thi i. ,!,. i. .u, ....,. . .... 1 "rla' efalr,
a pound to the duty, It has always been, .,,., u nn, ,... troon. ,ward ,, ., ,ii,,. ,., .,.. , ,. discussed Infor
strenuously opposed on the ground that It ....... ,., i, H.,nii rennrt. to th L..-.i - ' ' I sonti as llnan
money to put up a house and who are anx- i of farmers fear that they will not be
j the world to
poriance t. the question. On behalf of the
pi'ojiM t it N meed tint this ia a mere
matter of detail. If tho presence of a
colonial premier at a conference or council
Is found lo prejudice the domestic course
f Niillcs in Ids colony, or to weaken his (
own position through absence, II might lie
quite practicable to substitute another
spokesman who would be equally repre
sentative, but less indispensable at home.
For insUnce, there does not appear to be
any reason why each colony or group of
colonies represented t.houl.1 not have a nun
ller especially charged with the consid
eration of Imperial affairs. The repre
sentation of ludU Is, as the British Empire
league pointed out, absolutely necessary, If i limited, of Burlington,
either tho defense or the commercial n-la. .est locomotive ever built in
u oman no wouici use 10 in oui uii - - ." nw
Canada We will Hgree to pay her board of ,Uss many U'1 t In sad plight,
and lodging and supply her with pocket Th, chairman of fbe Irish party opened
for six months and do everything In I "alar ,n H, ol Bl- "tick s schools In
find for her a suitable hus- company wi.u u msn.ip oi iiexnan and
Newcastle at Sunderland recentlv and In-
ould not Justify an incerase In the price
to the consumer, and consequently the
burden would fal lentiniy upon the importer."
ble to meet their Davmenta of r.n i.. I
fact, were it not for the little assistance I ENGLISH BISHOf IN CRUSADE states warning them not to Interpret the I nft I Ifi U C DTY IQ CTII I IM Mil
o ,t -....... i uviuuiiuoc v w in niu
operating expen:
contrary. The statement, mat u contem- : The average traluload at present on the
plaes a movement on Balonlea Is rale- Rock Island is 218 tons. It Is expected the
gorlcally denied. i work of rebuilding the system will occupy
There is practically no doubt that the several years.
note of Russia and Austria to the Balkan
Immense F.nglne Ballt for I ae
Argentina Tnxrs Cauaelt
of Railroad.
Strongly Opposes Decay of Nation
Shown In Decreasing
v Birth Rate.
lAiXDON, Nov. 2S. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) There ' lias Just been com
pleted by Messrs. Robert Stephenson ft
the larg-
cldentally opened the Irish campaign in
Ireland. Before opening the bazar Mr
Red mond was presented with an address
representative of the opinions of forty
branches of the I'nlted Irish league in the
I north of England. The work done by these
, branches ia measured by a statement of j
' Mr. Owen Klernan that the northern I
! Vil-li -lihaS ft til nrarflrtiVntin k. . . a a. i i
1 " .aa.a rY trl.h n . " ! Mldda and declares
"' - ....... . . v. i u o ormsn 1 l . t.
England. It
tlons of the empire are to bo adequately j I'Sd lo be tuken to pieces preparatory to
discussed, yet It does not sppeur likely leaving i'hi uiigion ior Liverpool, w nere It
that the ticeroy of India would be able to
ever attend a aesaiop. of the Imperial
It does not follow t: .it the self-governing
will be at
for use on
Several of the part
colonies will Incur any loss of political ' were of such a size that, though they wers
status from the Joint representation pro- ' loaded on specially constructed railway
posed. No sort of Interference with the
domestic affairs of the various members
of Ibe empire would be attempted by tbo
council. Colonies with tha moat various
gradea of franchise and autonomy might
(Contluucd va TLlrd Pago
xehtcles, the adjoining line was fouled. The
locomotive had therefore to lie conveyed
by special train and it ws ncctasary for
both sets of rails from Darlington to IJv
erpool to be reserved for the train which
bad to travel at a speed of lens than twenty
milss per hour.
electoral roll. Mr. Redmond in his address
made emphatic the point that If this force
acts as one man at the word of command
no political party csn afford to ignore It;
It. on the other hand. It is divided It ceases
to b of value
The schools of St. Patrick. Sunderland,
belong to one of ths oldest of the Irish
parishes of England They were founded
notably the tender ' "nd maintained by the poorest of the ex-
ties. Mr. rteomona in nis address in reply
insisted that tha Catholic school question
tu EngUnd is closely linked with the whole
Irish question.
LONDON. Nov. 2S. (Special Cablegram
to Tho Bee.)-Thr bishop of Salisbury has
commenced a crusade against divorce and
the falling birth rate. He claims that
the number of marri iges. while increasing,
show that the number of children born In
wedlock Is decreasing. He quotes Presi
dent Roosevelt in his attacks upon race
that there s a real
of desire to carry out that sacred
once shipped to Argentina
the Oreat Western railway
hoala Reaches New Vork.
NEW YORK. Nov. .John Alexander
Duwie. leader of the Zionists, and party.
no nave ueen in anexico inspecting th
iotTrringa Tor a proposed Zlon colony, aj
rived hers today on ths steamer buua.
trust in. human life which God has com
mitted lo partpts as their chief power for
good. He deprecates the idea of treating
marriage as a failure and tho marriage
state generally as being a disappointment,
and says that be regrets the influence of
Improper novels snd stage plays.
The bishop said that he really did not
kn?w but that the English novels were
worse than the French. He added that the
disregard of the marriage tie was a cer
tain smptom of decay ia a nation. Hs
thought that If tha newspapers would only
make on agreement to keep out report a of
suicides and cases of misconduct for s
year they would do a great deal of good, as
one-half the mischief In the world was
I caused by weak-minded ptosis desiring U
" Lniiuts tlbis
naval demonstration, as a good opportunity
to harrass Turkey will have the desired t reora
Russia inliiated this action with i
. e..i...i - ih. w i.i... Begin
will not be sent to Palonlca.
Banker-Educator Will Not
Indeterminate Sentence
Int II Nest Week.
Movemeuta of Ocean Vcaacls Nov. 21.
At New York Arrived: New York, from
Southampton; ValUnlzt, from- Hamburg.
Sailed: M.sabn. for lonrton; St. Paul, for
Plymouth; Finland, for Antwerp; Caronla,
for Liverpool; Italia, for Naples; Perugia,
for Naples: Batavia, for Hamburg; Cum
brian, for Llveipnol.
At Queenstoan Balled: Cymric, for Bos-
' At Liverpool Arrived: Campania, from
New Vork. Sailed: l'mbria, for New York.
At Cherbourg Arrived: Moltke, from
New York- i
At Manila Tremont, from Tacoina. 1
At 1ndon Arrived: Menominee, from
Philadelphia; Pomeranian, iroin Montreal
At tienoa Arriveq : ii'inui Allien, irom
New York.
At Bremen Sniled: Chemnitz, for New
jl Southampton Sailed: St. Louis, for
New York. Arrived: Philadelphia, from
New York.
At Marseilles Arrived: Neuatria, from
New York.
At foghorn Sailed: Citta dl Messina, for
NtfW York.
At A nterp Sailed: Kroonland, for New
At Halifax Arrived: Sicilian, from Liver
pool At Plymouth Arrived: Philadelphia, from
New York.
At Havre Balled: LaGas.ogne, for New
At Glasgow Sailed; Mongolian, for Boston,
PEORIA. III., Nov. 3. Newton C. Dough
erty. the ex-banker, who was given an In
determinate sentence from one to fourteen
years In Jollet here yesterday, will not be j
taken away until the latter part of next I
week. The first day In the penitentiary
must be spent in solitary confinement.
William K. Vanderbtlt last
was Intended to be purely
the assembled financiers
mally as to the formation
clul conditions warrant of
n holding onq.any to tske over all tli
so-called Vanderbtlt properties including
New York Central. I-ake Shore, Michigan
Central, Chicago A North western,
- Albany. 'Big Four and all the subsidiary
lines, to the number of about forty.
The purpose Is to render the properties
more compac t and cohesive and to remove
all possibility of unfriendly Interests buy
ing large holdings III the stock market
and threatening the Vanderbllt control.
The details of the holding company havs
not been finished, hut at the conference. It
Is said. II wis agreed that the e.-.rly spring
will be a favorable time for enumerating
Dougherty arose fresh and cheerful this i Jall.l 8a, a He Will ot
morning. His apatite Is better than It
has been. He seems to be anxious to leave
for Jollet.
Preabyterlaa Mlaalon Board Will Not
Ask Damages for Killing; of
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2-V-The Presby.
terian Board of Missions has decided to re
frain from lodging any claim against the
Chinese oernment for indemnity on ac
count of the killing of the Ave missionaries
at Llcnchow about a month ago and has o
Informed Sir Cbenlung Liang Cheng, the
Chinese minister here. The decision Is said
to be rather exceptional lu tha history of
sutb casus.
Accept Nomination for Governor
ship or Any Other Office.
LOI ISVILLE. Nov. 25 -The Courier
Journal will publish the following state
ment Sunday morning from the pen of
Mr. Henry Watterson:
The Courier-Journal wishes to slate bv
authority and absolutely and for all time
that Ib-nty Watterson would not accept a
Humiliation for governor of Kentucky or
any other office, even in the event that It
were unanimously tendered him and was
equivalent lo an elertmn. If be had aver
desired ifti.c he would have sought It
thirty years ugo. when an official career
possessed son" meaning and objective
point snd was open to him. As a mattr
of fi.ct, office ami officialism, in all Ihcii
forms have always he-en odious to him
lie hopes shi expects to die. ns be liis
lived, a Jouinallst. ;lnl nothing but a Jour
nalist, wi'li whatever tout of honor
ul. 1. 1 asi.ii atiou, and barsvnai Slid lutvlinar