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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1905)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BKE: SATURDAY, XOVEMBKK 25, 1905. .Verifiable Uairgaiin Peasft SaftyirdlayE y The Deparimeats have carefully prepared to satisfy the sensitive palale of the cus tomer's pocketbook. Read every item on the menu then com: prepared to feast. Great S3le of Men's and Boys' Shirts Saturday 100 Dozen High Grade Shirts All bright, clean stock, and in newest fall styles, in plain white or fancy colors, sizes 14 to 18, garments worth $1.00 the C LOK0 world over, choice Saturday Great Neckwear Special The surplus stock and sample lines of high grade men's neckwear from Isaac Coles & Co., New York. All the best styles and colors, made to sell at from 25c to .r0c your choice while they 11 last I-2C Men's and Boys' Sweaters In plain and fancy colors, heavy weight, worth up to $1.50 special Saturday, at, 50c and Men's Shirts and Drawers Fine woolen garments, in all 9izes, worth up to $2.00 per garment, in 3 lots PA Saturday, at $1.25, 98c and. . . UC Men's Shirts and Drawers Heavy fleece lined and worth double 'Z ? the price, at 45c and JO Men's Heavy Woolen Hose In greys, blacks and blues, regular 25c values, Saturday, at, pair....2C on j THE RELIABLE STORE. E I i HOSIERY SPECIALS Ladies Black Embroidered and Fancy Hose, regular 35c and 50c qualities, on sale Saturday at Misses' and Boys' Shaw-Knit Hose, regular 25c and 35c qualities, on sale Saturday at Ladies' and Children's Heavy Ribbed Hose, regular 15c qualities, at, pair 25c 19c 10c A UNIQUE CORSET DEMONSTRATION The display of Thomson "Glove-Fitting" Corsets in our Sixteenth street window is attracting crowds. Is it Woman or Wax? is the question asked by the assembled throngs on the ap pearance of the mysterious bust every afternoon from 2 till 5. See it Saturday and judge for yourself. We carry a full line of Thomson "Glove Fitting" Corsets in all models In prices ranging up from vjjl 11.00 Globe Corset and True Fit Corsets and Girdles, In long or 4.Q short hip models. Special Saturday, at rtlfC Fancy Ruffled Shirt Waist Blouses made of Swiss. A very neat IP and stylish garment. Special Saturday DC The Dowager and Nemo Corseta made specially for stout figures are car ried In all the newest model. Ask to flee them. Have your Corset fitted by our Expert Corsetler. 25c and 30c Net and Chiffon Veilings, special Saturday, at, yd. 10c Plain and Fancy Ribbons, worth up to 35c per yd., on sale Saturday, at, yard 10c Plain Taffeta Ribbons, regular 15c and 20c qual ity. Special Sat urday, at, yd 5c Big Shoe Sale Saturday Saturday we put on sale about 1,500 pairs of men's sample "Crown Shoes, in patent coit, veiour cair, dox can ana vici Kia, all uoodyear welts and made to retail at $3.00 and $3.60 choice of this en tire lot at 1.96 Youths' and Little Gent' $1.50 Satin Calf Lace OHc Women's,-Misses' and Child's $1.50 Vlcl Kid Lace Shoes the kind that wear well 08c Women's All Felt and Leather Sole Slippers, nice and warm. . . .48c and 30c Children's $1.00 and 76c Sample Shoes, red, tan or black, with or without heels 60c and 48c Women's fine Felt Fur Trimmed Slippers, in red, blue or black 08c women's $3.60 patent colt chrome tanned, mat top, Cuban heel Lace Shoes $2.48 'Women's Demo calf button, flatiron last a very smart street shoe. . . .83.50 All of our best makes of shoes are carried in the best shoe stores in America and each and every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction. We are proud of our Boys' Shoe Department. All dealers know that the average boy can go through more shoes and do It quicker than anyone else. Saturday we put on sale 500 pairs Burley & Stevens' best quality boys' and youths' $2.00 shoes, all sizes 1.50 Grover Soft Shoe for Tender Feet are the easiest shoes ever put on a woman's foot. Are they? Ask the woman! . Omaha agents for Stetson and Crossett Shoes for men $3.00. $3.50 and $2.50. The host shoes for the price that money can buy. THE BIG MEAT SECTION Where You Save Money. Fancy Spring Chickens, fresh dressed, pound . . Chuck Steak, pound Chuck Boast, pound. Boiling Beef, pound. 10c .51c 51c 2c 2!c 7k OVER ONE HUNDRED MEDALS tfebratktni Scoop in kauy Prists at the Portland Exposition. SIXTY-SIX GOLD MEDALS IN THE LIST tTahlblta (rum the Antelope Slate Uk gpleadld Record When the JnilKea eiaish nrlth tho Award. A corrected 11.-1 of award of the win ning Nebraska exhibits at Portland has been compiled by a. C. Shedd. executive officer of the commission, and the ex hibitors will be notified at once of tiie medals awarded them by the superior Jury of the Lewis and Clark exposition. The Nebraska state commission has nothing whatever to do with the delivery of di. plomaa or medals, the exposition officials themselves dealing directly with' the ex hibitors. . la the list as compiled It Is seen thut ths stato has shown a very high quality of exhibits, and while it 1 not yet known what awards other stutes have received, the commission, from what Information it possesses, does not believe this standard to to excelled by any other state, and equaled toy but very few. Ths following are the complete awards: Gold medal M Silver medal ,s Hror.xa medal 1$ Honorable mention g Total LU One hundred and twenty-five entries were made by ths state, all scoring but four. Over half won gold medals, the highest ward given to aay exhibitor Seven en tries were made la the nam of th state of. Nebraska and each received a cold medal. In tb various exhibits of corn (he state was without a rival. Gold Medals. f ;lc of Nebraska Collective exhibit of coi. ?- ; 'iK i-Kxhibit of sheaf and Mute . . l.a--Collective exhibit of seeds State of Nebraska Collective exhibit of wild and tame grasses, forage. Btata of Nebraska Collective exhibit af tventyaix products) of cor a. Corn Beef, pound Round Roast, pound Round Steak, pound . Sausage, all kinds, 4 pounds for. State of Nebraska Moving picture ex- hllMUUIl. of Nebraska Puvllion and head quar ters. statu of Nebraska General agricultural installation. Uoukius county Collective exhibit of seeds and thresued grain. J. A. liallaru Hed me wheat. U. at. Muipny iexas red oats. G. Af. Aiuipny Red clover, timothy, al falfa. K. D. Morisy Corn. A. Martin Macaroni wheat, sheaf. A. Martin Buckwneat. J. M, Maner iteeu s yellow detit, legal tender coin. L. W. Howard Giant Siberian winter rye. R. Cnurcn uiue stem wheat, sheaf. H. Church Blue stem chait. il. F. Aiumnat Timothy. il. 1". jumuiiia Aiiaila seed, blue hulless barley, Uerman millet seed, while Russian oats. cnurles Grau Silver mine dent, calico dent, golden row and Grau s White Fnue kOlU. diaries Grau Castor oil beans. Joan 11. Miller Exhibit of com. J. U. liasiK txhlbit of corn. Charles ui naiiiie Exhibit ot oorii. C. A. 1'arker Euny white cap, ucnt, cal ico dent corn. Western Seed Co. Kxhibit of corn. J. A. Grau & Son hlte dent uoru. F. EchienKauip Exhibit of corn. Koy heed UoiUen beauty corn. J. Kinney Heeu s yellow dent corn. W. J. Bryan Sneaf of rye. liariy bens Karly Pride of ths North, Mammoth yellow corn. C. A. Whitlord Lxhlhlt of corn. Joseph Hall Hogue's yellow dent corn. 1-ee bmiwi St Son Exhibit of corn. C. F. Chase Reed s eliow dent. Chase's white dent corn. R. M. Walcoii Early Pride of the North, White flint. Jobe Scott Exhibit of corn. Ueorre Mobery Exhibit of corn. Fran Rentier Big Four oats. A. F.. Richards Jerusalem corn. George Hoes Silver Hull buckwheat. O. Fellman Calico dent coin. B. M. Syford Silver Mine dent. J. Cady Castor oil beans. Nels haulson Thite dent corn. L. A. Bowden Legal Tender corn. John C. Nelson Inter rye. V. Mank While winter roBe coin. J. V. Olson Reed's yellow dent corn. G. W. t'ennerslon Reed s yellow dent com. Ham Pavls Japanese buckwheat. K. A. Imail Yellow dent corn. Jacob Omerson Blaa-k Irish oats. H. Tech mler Macaroni wheat, sheaf. J. M. Tltterlngton Yellow dent corn. Frank A. Gustafson Hogue s yellow deuL American Sugar Beet Co. Sugar beet Seed. John Zonecheck Red winter wheat. Coy & Son Crimson clover. J Kline While rye. K. A. Calkins Broom corn seed. 1-evl Wheeler Red winter wheat. tal Floral Co. Englian rye grass, red alovor, rod aaffir corn. Saturday in Our Cloak Dept. Xftil be a day lone? rfmembrrrd for its bareain erratnesft. Some- B thing good for everybody Saturday. You can't help but find Just what jrou want at a bargain. ' H1UII CLASS TAILOR SI ITS AT HALF. 50 fine Broadcloth Tailor Suits, In the most handsome new designs and all the most popular shades 75.00 Suit for ..IM7.50 365.00 Suits for W2.50 $50.00 Suits for $25.00 40 of our best $25 Suits will be JJ Qfl sold Saturday at, choice Ii'U TB Cheviot and Broadcloth Suits, in the newest designs and colors, made to se'll at $15.00 and $18.00, If) (( will go at lU.UU STYLISH COATS AT A BARGAIN. Lot 1 Ladies' 48-lnch Coats, in plain ker KPys and nobby fancy mixed fabrics made to sell at $16.00 ft ft A choice OtJXf Lot a The newest arrivals the most beautiful coats we have ever shown at tbe price come In fine kerseys and fancy mixed fabrics beautifully trim med worth up to $20.00 1 4 CIA Saturday tf.ZV Irft 3 Consists of 40 sample garments, artistic creations, made to IP A" sell at $35.00 choice swJUU Children's Coats -175 Bearskin and Uroadcloth Coats, in ages from 2 to 10 veurs garments worth regu- A CQ I larly up to $10.00 choice Hf.UO 3 Children's Conts Of finest quality of kersey and fancy mixed fabrics come in ages from 4 to 14 years $12.50 values at FURS. FURS. FCRS. The most complete line of Ouaranteo Furs shown in Omaha. See them. Beaver Coats In all sizes," from OA A A 30 to 36, good value at OU.UU Handsome Krtmmer Coat of the very best quality $60.00 values every- Tft fi A where special JJiUU Fine Near Seal Coats the best r f A values ever Bhown at tj.33 MANl'FACTVRER'8 STOCK OF SKIRTS. 3,600 Skirts secured at a great bargain, di vided for Saturday' selling into three great lots at half their real value Panamas, Cheviots, Broadcloths and many other fab rics and including extra sized AO garments, at $0.08, $4.98 and. ... sis. JO MAX ROTH WAISTS. Another immense line of samples $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 values 89c $5.09 and $6.00 Sample Waists, in silks, peau de sole, nuns' veiling and C( other fine materials, on sale at. . . J FIATJ GREAT HOUR SPECIALS 7.50 Special Bargains in Our Ladies' Underwear Department sufficient to convince yon of tlieir great A glance at tbese offerings will be bargain worth. Ladies' Vests and Pants Heavy fleeced, come in all sizes ami worth regularly 50c. special "IP Saturday --JC Ladies' Ribbed Vests and Pants Fleece lined, good values at Toe Saturday, at Ladies' Flat Fleeced or Ribbed Vests and Pants In all sizes.worth up to $1.00 Saturday, at... Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns Extra heavy qualities, prettily trimmed and worth up to $2.00, divided into 3 lots- Saturday, at, 98c, G(Jc 49c Children's Heavy Flat 'Fleece Underwear, in all sizes, at. . . 39c d Vests 50c 25c Ladies' Swiss Ribbed and Flat Wool Vests and Pants Regular $1 values while they last 1 C Saturday m JC Ladies' Flat Wool Underwear The celebrated Root's Tivoli brand, worth up to $2.00. at $1.50 Ladies' "Wool Union Suits In all sizes, regular $1.50 values, 75c Children's Stocking Caps In all and colors, worth up to $1.00, at Children's Wool Underwear All sizes, special, at sizes 25c 39c 25c and 60o Wash Stocks and Turnover Collars, slightly soiled, great bargain, Saturday at 12k Ladies' Initial and Plain Hand kerchiefs, -worth up to 10c. Spe cial at From 8 Till 10 A. M Women's Moire Underskirts, regular $1.50 qualities, at 79c From 9 Till 11 A. M. Women's Flannelette Wrappers, $1.50 . values, special 70c From 8:30 Till 9:80 A. M. Women's Coney Scarfs, regular $1.60 values, at soc From 9:30 T1U 10:80 A. M. Eiderdown Dressing Sacques with applique collar. $1.50 values. .ROo l-Tom 1U '1111 11 A. M. Women's Flannelette Dressing Sacques n.n Misses' Walking Skirts, $4.00 values 81 bo H n 2c Ladies' Plain Linen Handker chiefs,, worth up to 15c, at 5c SPECIAL MILLINERY ATTRACTIONS SATURDAY n y u tit $5 Saturday we will commence our great clearance sale of Millinery every hat In the house will be offered at half price and less be sure and attend this sale and partake of the feast of bargains we offer All of our fto Trimmed Hats go at All of our $7.50 Trimmed Hats go at $S.7.T All of our $5.00 and $6.00 Trimmed Hats go at 52.nO Ono big lot Trimmed Hats that sold up to $3.60 go at f 1.00 Bargains in Children's Millinery Children's Bonnets, in velvet, bearskin, angora and silks, trimmed with satin ribbons, many with ullk linings on sale Saturday at J.c, 5()c, Wc, 75o, 81.00 Camel's Hair Tarns, extra heavy nap, regular $1.00 kind . . . .75c Children's Stocking Caps, extra heavy 25c, 8l)c, BOo 39c Jockey Caps, all colors IWo CHINA BARGAIN EXTRAORDINARY Genuine Venice Hand Border Decorated China Ctips, saucers and plates any article worth 75c on sale Saturday in sots of three, cup, saucer and plate, at, per ' set.. JC The greatest china snap of the season. Quantity is limited, 60 come early. fl iVeiv Trunk or Suit Case Is what you need for your home trip Thanksgiving. Don't think of buying till " - , . i r Mi 1 v011 have seen our complete line, as speciaas tor oaiuraay; Genuine Cow Hide Suit Cases Mado on strong steel frame with polished brass lock and side bolts, has Holland linen lining ana smn iuiu. good value at $7.60. special Cg Fine Leather Suit Case With polished brass lock and side bolts, Is leather lined and has heavy leather corners. Is made on good steel frame and worth $4.50 special "Z J P Saturday, at !., J Enameled Cloth Suit Case Made on strong steel frame with brass spring lock and side bolts has heavy stitched leather handles and corners and is cloth lined, good value QQ at $2.00 snap Saturday, at JOC $9.30 Duck Covered Trunk Flat top with extra wide Iron binding and center band, heavy hinges and steel valance clamps, corners and bumpers, two cowhide straps over lid special bargain Saturday.. ) Canvas Iron Covered Flat Top Trunks A very strong and serviceable article, has spring hasp, lock and heavy valance clamps and corner bumpers, large set-up tray with cov ered hat box. 28-inch, $i.2B; 30-lnch, 83.BO; 82-lnch, $8.78; 84-inch, $4.00; 36-lnch, $4.25. Buy Your Groceries at Hayden's, the Home of Pure Food Products. Leaders Always, in Price Quality 48-lb. sack Fancy High Patent Minne sota Flour, nothing finer for family use, per sack $1.25 7 lbs. best Rolled Oatmeal 25c 6 lbs. best Pearl Sago, Barley or Fa rina 25c 6 lbs. choice Japan Rice... 25c 6 lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans. 25c 10 bars best Laundry Soap 25c 4 lbs. best Soda or Oyster Crackers.25c 3 pkgs. best Macaroni 25c Sweet Sugar Corn, 2-lb. can 5c Fancy Wax or String Beans, 2 lb. can 6c Quart can Golden Table Syrup. 8 l-3c OH Sardines, per can 2Hc Xcelo Breakfast Food, per pkg..7Hc Fruen's Wheat Wafers, per pkg.l2ic 10 lbs. best Granulated Cornmeal.ISc 16-oz. can Condensed Cream.... 7Hc See Our Full Line of Fancy New Cali fornia Dried Fruits. OMAHA'S tJKKATEST Rl'TTEH AXD CHEESE DEPT. PRICES. Fancy Dairy Table Butter, per lb.-. 18c Choice Creamery Butter, per lb.. 21c Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per lb 23c Fancy Brick Cheese, lb 15c Fancy Llmberger Cheese, lb 15c Fancy New York White Cheese, lb.ISc Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb.ISc Fancy Wisconsin Swiss Cheese, lb 17fic Neufchatel Cheese, each 8c Appetotish Cheese, each 8c Hand Cheese, 2 for 5c READ THESE FRUIT DEPARTMENT PRICES. Fancy Wlnesap Apples, doz 10c Fancy Large, Juicy Oranges, doz.. 15c Fancy Large, JAiicy Lemons, doz.. 15c Fancy Mixed Nuts, lb 12 J, c Fancy New Honey, rack 12 He Fancy new Hallowe'en Dates, lb.7ic CAXDY SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. Morse's Chocolate Coated Honey Dew this is retailed regular everywhere for 40c this sale, lb 25c HARDWARE, STOVZS and HOUSE FURNISHINGS Savory Roasters at Throe-piece Carving Sets, stag handles Llsk Enameled three-piece Roaster GlosBle Food Chopper Two-piece Carving Sets Two-piece Carving Sets, wood handles Stag Handled Bird Covers Raisin Seeders at Large line of Sternan's Chafing DiNhes and linkers at cut prices. Odd and end lot of Heating Stoves, biuall Iiaxc Burners, small Oaks and some large ones. We will make a price that will sell them. Must be sold this season. 83c 1.95 1.85 69c 69c 29c 95c 49c Frank Brown Red kafflr corn. Silver Medals. State Farm Yellow Ghurnorka. Nance Co. White detil. yellow dent corn. llletf & Hon Red winter wheat. H. Ballard Black oats, whitevclover. K. D. Morisy Krd winter wheat. K. I. Morisy Ked top seed, red clover. A. Martin .Macaroni wheat, Italian spelt. S. B. Stewart Stewart Kentucky blue crass seed. J. R. Miller Red clover. Eddyville Land Co Collection natlvs and tame g-rasses. Kddyvllle Land Co. Red winter wheat. Frank Uobel Soft wheat, sheaf. Jenkins & Hopkins Fife wheat. J. W. Insrals Hroom grass. (i. C Noble Silver Mine dent corn. R. HogTie Hoguo's yellow dent corn. Jacob Wild SDeltz. Joe Nusolo Milo maize. William James Sh.-af flax. A. Snuilt Ellueerass seed. X. H. Skinner Hel winter whest. Frank Panuerhill White dent corn. C. Urush Red clover. R. V. Fairchlld Cane seed. '. Vlstrat White hullens barley. B. A. Ccilllns Broom corn seed. H. Off Hed clover. D. Mclx'an Red ttfo wheat. John Povllsli Spelii. field liens. Drosic Medals. I. Wheeler Red winter wheat. C. Coy Red citron seed. Hubbard Sguash, early garden peas. Jersey Belle muskmelon. I. . W. Hewitt OUnt Siberian rye. J. II. Malier Mediterranean whuat. ' J. Dlerks Black Russian sunflower seed, i'. H. Srnale Bluegrasa seed. O. Fink Club wheat. O. Fink Club wheat, sheaf. James Quinn Red winter wheat J. F, MoCardel Kentucky bluegrass, macaroni wheat. C. B. Camp Chinese popeorn. C. Fetle Yellow dent corn. C. Busrh Red clover. J. K. Haines Siieltx. C. Pratt Black hulless barley. A. B. Gregory Sorghum seed. H. Mono) penny Bucket gourd seed. Joe Kublchek Siberian millet. Honorable Mention. S. B. Stewart Ornamental pomegranate seed. J D. Hasik Macaroni wheat. O. lMerks- K-d spring wheat. Theodore Williams Kvolutlon corn. S A. Combs Samples of wheat from Is?; to 1S9I. John Martin Silver Mine oats. D. Link Oerman millet. John Loulk German millet. 8. C. Robinson Dixey and mountain sweet watermelon, white pine cucumber. learfol Caruaae occur every day from cuts, injuries, etc. ttiip bleeding ami h'al the wounds with Uui klen's Arnica Salve. 2&c. For sale by Sherman tk McConnell plug Co. OUR LETTER BOX. Be Want Ada bring r suits. As to Law Department Exlrttsgsncc. OMAHA. Nov. O.-To the Editor of Tbe Bee: In Wednesday evening's Beo there appeared an edltortal under the cap tion, "Law Department Extravagance." While I quite agree with some of the com ment of tills editorial, other features of It are so misleading and utterly unfounded so far as it relates to this department and to the recent action of the city council re specting Its action looking to the creation of the office of second assistant city attor ney, that I deem it my duy to advise you of the errors In order that yourself and the general public, always entitled to know, may understand the matter fully. In the first place the resolution adopted by the council does not crcut the office of second assistant city attorney, but d xs, In accordance with section Ki of the new city charter, declare the necessity for such ail office, and provides. n accordance with said section, that the resolution shall be published each week for three weeks in the Official paper of the city your paper where It will have the greatest possible circulation among the taxpayers of the city. After the lapse of these three weeks the council may or may not create this office by appropriate ordinance. You will thus see that the council Is proceeding with due publicity and In strict accordance with the law to create this office. It Is true I advise the creation of this office and I will explain why, although 1 think that ought to have been apparent to you from a reading of the report of the council pro ceedings In the same Issue of the paper In which your editorial appeared. There Is now no such office aj second assistant city attorney In this department. There is. however, connected with this de partment, the office of city claim agent, now filled by Judge George C. Cockrell at a salary of ll.'joo per year, and In this de partment there Is also a special attorney. Mr. A. G. Elllrk, employed by my pre decessor. Mr. C. c. Wright, under the au thority of a resolution parsed by the cliy council May -.'4, , hi a salary of $15 tr month, the duration of the time of employ ment being Indefinite. Therefore, f.Ttio has been and Is being paid to these two officers. Mr. Blllck has resigned bis position, to take effect December 1, and accompanying the resolution declaring; the necessity of the offico of second assistant city attorney, I caused to be introduced an ordinance abol ishing the office of city claim agent by repealing the ordinance creating that of fice, the Intention being to combine the duties heretofore performed by Messrs. El lick and Cockrell In the office of second assistant city attorney, at a salary of J1.S0O per year, .and thus save this department and the taxpayers 1900 per year. From the general tone of your editorial I am sure, now that the matter has been fully explained and a saving made apparent, that the move will meet your hearty ap proval and you will hasten to exonerate this department and the city council from the Implied charge of attempted extrava gance. If. however, you are of the notion that I ought to get along with but one assistant. I bet leave to so far Intrude on your valuable space as to give some figures which will Interest the general public and yourself as to the cost of maintaining legal departments in several cities around us: DENVER. I City attorney 1 First assistant ! Second assistant I Third assistant i Spei ial officer UtemmrapherH Tola i , j Tlty Mj'leltor I Fust assistant Second assistant ; fcpeci:il officer I stenographer j Total ST. i'AL'L. I Corporation council First assistant Second assistant Third assistant Clerk and stenographer Total M1NNKAFOL1S. Clu attorney First assistant Second assistant Third assistant Special ollicer Stenographer Total KANSAS Ull. The legal department of Kansas city, M'., Is divided inlo two divisions. The cltv counsellor have charge oi all mat- i lers In the cin ull courts and ad wees 10 ' Hie maor, .Ud.-rnien anil d..p irtci-rit (til-; :,un"! u fci i: t'.i.inn nij.L c.i City counsellor I ' Hist l assistants, caeh $S I S',11 three assistant 4, mi ll $!. I.4tw j Three special crticers or claim agents. each ll.J0 Two stsuograpBtr Lisa) .14 i ... -,T'H ... IA'1 ... i.r ... l.J'O ... 1.2'U ...w.m.n ...I 3.'D ... 1.k ... l.fc"! !!'' . .. 2..-.-0 ... l.-M" ! ... ... l.fv'l ...ill.T'JU 1 ... 4.SnO i ... '.'.""I I ... l.Ti'i 1 . .. l.J"i I ...L!.7'J Total 18.X In the other departments, the city prose cutor, called the city attorney, receives a salary of 11. per year, and one assistant receives I'JUO per year, so that the total expenditures for the legal department of the city is 120,720. OMAHA. City attorney I S.a"" First assistant Second assistant (proposed) l.fW Stenographer I0 Total Except Kansas City, I am not advised as to whether or not the city attorney's offices In the cities named have anything to do with police court prosecutions, but I think that they do not; but Include tbe city prosecutor In the amount for Omaha and you have $1,200 more, or 19,400. Our city abstracter is not a part of the legal department and In the cities above named such work Is paid for outside of the amounts above given for these cities. So you will see that the cost of the c'ty legal department of even Ues .Moines, ia.. im less than une-half of our population. Is nearly as great as ours and In all the other cities named far greater than ours. I do not wish to extend this letter Into a lecture on our municipal expenses and af fairs generally, but the example I have given of the comparative cost of our legal department might be extended to the rela tive cost of other deportments of our city with like department In other cities of nearly equal population with a like result. Tie- fact Is that there Is not a city of" population In the I.'nlted States whicli Is inaklns any considerable growth and public improvement which Is run on an annual department fund as small as our oivn-T.,w. I Twenty-seven of een liie leading cities of Iowa, with a comparatively slow growth and still slower public Improvement niov iiunt. have a higher UX levy than our city has even eti the same busls of prop erty valuation. (if course p iblii: comment and Investiga tion into the city's expense and affairs are alwajs proper and no honest public offi cial will deny the linht of taxpayers, whose money is being expended, to know where und how it is spent; but It Is so eay to Inilulxe in Keneial and indiscriminate criti cism. i"i where oii will and vou will tind the piesent i uy cout.cil or tbe present eii:1 ai:n:nii : aTi' ,1 .it. II. e very worst and they remain the werst until the next ate el'iteii, then they become worst. Our city Is today nearer a cash basis for Its current expenses than It bas been for years and Is running within the limit of a reasonable annunl expenditure, our fine growth and requisite public improvement considered I have worked hard, very bard, and so have my faithful assistants, to keep pace with the great amount of work coming to this department from ths large amount of paving and other public Improvements this summer. In addition to the enormous work In the scavenger tax litigation and the dally grind of general lawsuits, and with what success we, of course, must allow sn Interested and Inquiring publlo to Judge and appreciate, but I submit that when a great public Journal enters upon the realm of a public criticism of public offices or officers It should be careful to state the facts. The school district, as you know. Is a separate corporation, l.avlug power under Its organic act to employ Its own attorney, and so Is It with the Water board, so far as power to employ Its own attorney Is concerned, and If fault Is to be found It lies In the law rather than In any ex travagance In my own department. It may not be utniss, however, to asy that with respect to employment of counsel by the Water board that In the struggle for the acquirement of the water works In other cities, especially In Kansas City, thousands upon thousands of dollars were paid special counsel In ensuing litigation. In your editorial you speax of the pro priety of leaving to the city legal depart ment the necessary questions that might arise after the water works had been secured to the city, and I. think myself that" is quite possible and entirely prudent. I agree with you. In the main as to the desirability of a closer combination of city and county affairs and a consequent cur tailment of expenses. Some progress has been made In that direction by the con solidation of the tax commissioner's ofllce and the city treasurer's sffice with the county assessor's and the county tress urr's office, but complete unification can never be secured, as In Denver, until we have secured the annexation of South Omaha and adjacent villages, and then by appropriate legislation or constitutional amendment. If that lie required, proceed to establish combined rlty and county guern rnijit. But even limn' the pr. secutinn of criminals under the state law would de mand a mi para t a leyal deptrtment. as it does elsewhere where too combination las been effe tud. JOHN I'. BREBN. Clt Attoraajvi