Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATt'liDAY, NOVEMBER 2o, 100." "i 1 4 N- Oct! Oct. Oct. REPUBLICAN CASH ACCOUNT Fnceipts and Disbcnemen'.i of State Com mittee for Last Campaign. N ' ME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTORS 'rrmnrrr leanings' Report Filed for Pnblle Rrrord Matter of Morr Than Pnsalns In terest Jaet How. Itnei agitation over the sources and position of campaign contributions makes :rie detailed financial statement. Just Bled 'y Treasurer Henntngs tor the republican mate commute, of more than usual Inter- t. The exhibit Is made In conformity with the requirements of the Nebraska cor rupt practices law and Is as follows: Donations. Amounts. ... 617 31 10 ) ' Jsov. 15 Balance Nov. W-J. H. Mickey, Lincoln.... .Nov. J. MeCano. Lincoln -Nov. Si K. H. I'nt'lps, Uncoln.... -Nov. V.ti:. ;. Hustod, Lincoln Ife. 1 harles Weston, LJncoln. Nov. 17 J. H. Mlfkov. Lincoln t 5 ) 75 W) 20 0U 25 00 10 HI 5 00 10 00 6 ("1 20 l) 6 00 J t I 00 1 no 10 o.) 5 00 25 OU ) 00 b 00 ti 75 10 on 2v) 00 It) f M 50 37 50 22 50 13 do 13 5') 25 00 25 W 60 00 5 00 260 00 25 00 25 00 50 00 20 00 20 00 5 CO IH'C. ii. H. Wilson. Lincoln (per a. M lit n-c. 10 TV. Nausler, Lincoln. Iter. 17-r. 1'. Oarrlrk, Cozad Hay 13 A. H. Copley, Ansley Mm v 1 M. I. Whaley. flarks Mny 1-J. L. Kennedv. OnmhA June 1 K. p. (ioulrt. Wnibach June 1 . W. Kniev, Ked Cloud.... June 1 John C. Hill, Imperial June 1 T. A. Whittltigton. Wash ington, I. : June 1 J. Kcrman. Washington.... June l-O. J. Jiinkln, Smlthlleld.... June V. K. Andrews June M. P. KlnKaid .funfllt-C II. Leiton, Fnlrhury June 1H Lr. Johnson, lleatnce June A. H. H-nnlngs, Omaha Aug. V. U: Kern, llastines Aug. 11 A. L). Beeiner, Lincoln Aug. Iir. A. Johnson, llentrlce.. Kept. It Dr. J. L. Ureen, Lincoln Asvlum - Sept. 14 A. l. tillmore, Lincoln Asy lum flept. 14 C. Morris. Lincoln Asvlum. Wept. 14 (1. Dlakely, Lincoln Asylum Sept. 11-lf. Lindsay ept 14 K. K. Utewact... J. . . I'cttljohn 4 A R Olsen. Wlsner. '. Lindsay, Lincoln K. Moore. Lincoln W. Wattles, Omaha 411. 4-R. 4-G. 4-H. E. 1'almer, Omaha 4 Frank II. ioung, Broken Bow J. L. Kennedy, Omaha 7 A. Wllsey, Mooreneld 7 C. B. I -fit on, Falrbury 7 H. O. Barnard. Tablo Rock 7 F. P. Voter. Laurel 7 H. C. Howe, Auburn 7 T. B. Calnon, Lyons 7 W. M. Kobertson, Norfolk 12 W. A. Redlck, Omaha 12 John R. Hays. Norfolk.... 12-D. 11. Cronln, O'Neill 12-C. W. Kaley, Red Cloud... 12 J B. Dlnsmore, Sutton 12 Norrls Brown, Lincoln 12 H. W. L. Jackson. Beatrice 12 F. f. Currie, Broken How 11- Q. O. Junkin, Smlthlleld.... 12 Oeorge A. Day, Omaha.... 12 S. C, Bnssett, Lincoln 12 H. Cornell, Valentine.... 1-K. J. Brown. York 12 J. T. Trencry and others. Pawnee 121). Clem Denver. O'Neill ... ( (a) 5 i0 2fi 00 25 00 50 O) 10 00 20 00 25 00 5 OH j if l mt 40 K) 10 10 10 (ill 10 00 10 on 10 00 10 ) 10 00 25 ."0 2fi 00 173 40 5 on so "0 40 00 20 no 30(10 5 00 SO 00 60 00 B 00 25 00 15 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 40 00 W 00 20 Oil 9 0i) 24 00 20 00 Sii 00 10 00 24 00 a oo 60 00 Oct. Oct. l.T Alex Peters, Norfolk Asylum Tct. 13-1. p. Clark. Papillion Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. ct. )ct. is A. P. Towle, Valentine 13 A. Galusha, Lincoln IS Adair 'alusha, Lincoln IS John O. Oannon, Pender... 1W. A. Luce, Republican City IS Miss Monica Mouser.Llncoln 14 i-orga H. Thummel 14-H. L. Wetherell, Republi can Cltv 1 1 J. l Boyd, Ncllgh 14 W. H. Powers, Norfolk 14 C. H. Dietrich, Hastings.... 14 J. P. A Black, Hastings... 14 W. H. Andrews, Lexington 14 H. M. Eaton, Btatehouse... 14 frank Flttlo. Btatehouse... )et 14 Maggie Kroese. Btatehouse Oct. 14 Kthel Brown, Htatehouse. .. Oct. 14 jonn Lyon, Ktatehouse Oct. !4 P. A. Barrows, Btatehouse. Oct. 14 J. M. Shively, Slatehouse.. Oct. 14 V. A. Harrison, Btatehouse Oct. 14 W. O. Teniploton, Omaha... Oct. I1 George II. Ouffy. Elgin out. 1H Irving F. Baxter, Omaha... Oct. is w. H. Harrison, Grand Island 20 00 Oct. IS John Rush, Omaha 20 00 Oct. IS H. A. Hopkins, Btatehouse, Lincoln 30 Ort Oct. IK F. P. Ptevenson. Lincoln... 50 00 Oct. 1H F. W. Holllngsworth, Btate house 20 00 Oct. Is W. A. Rogers, Olbhon 20 00 Oct. 18-44. J. Johnson, Minden 20 () let. l-8. J. Weeks. O'Neill 40 On let. 1 Van Swansnn. Fremont 25 00 Oct. Is J. O. Moore. Omaha 3u 00 fct. IS U. W. fhowalter, Daven port. Neb.. 5 Ort Oct. 20 Oscar Bahcock, North Loup 1 00 Oct. 23 John Walla. Weston, Neb.. B ort Oct. 1' C. A. Bweet, frelghtnn 15 00 Oct. 2-W. H. Krlgrtr. Beatrice 25 0) Oct. 2fi . P. Cole. Wvniore 10 00 oet. M Noble Sanford. Axtell 6 00 Oct. 20-Thomas B. Walker, Atkin son M On Oct. ?H Ed A. Church, Lincoln 40 00 2 C. II. Grerg. Kearney 25 00 Oct. Oct. 20 Isaac Roush. Kimball 10 00 .ct. 20 It. M McFadden. Chndron. 10 ) fnt. t-W, T. Owens. Loup City... 10 00 8t. 2 W. E. Morgan, Greeley JO on Vt. mt. C. Miller. Grand Island. 62 00 )ct. 2i Pavld Mnnna, Wood Lake.. 10 00 Vt. 2H Maus Johnson. Valley 10 00 vt. 26 Mr. Watle Van Pattent, titration 10 oo ct. 2V-J. A. Bohleof, Overton 6 Oi) Vt. 20 W. A. Meserve, Crelghton.. 10 00 let. 25 Frank R. Stewart. Randolph 25 on )ct. 2ft J. O. Alden, Aurora 20 00 ct. 24 Pr. Kerna (for Hastings asylum) jno on Vt. M-Oeorae W. Kibler. Lelh.... 10 00 Oct. 27 Thomas A. Healev. MIlfoM. 10 0i ct. rr Claire Roberts, Rising City. 10 no let. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. let. Oct. 27 . F. Thomas, Harvard 18 00 27 W. T. Mowher, Bhelby lo 00 27 James Flynn, Jnckson S 00 27-N. 8. Biulres, Sliver Creek. H Oil 27 Henry ten, Humphrey... 10 00 27 C. H. Snvder. Tllden 10 00 27 John A. Zeman, Snyder S 00 izso,;;,;.,! Bakers Cocoa and Chocolate Resisterr.l V. 6.1'at. Offlca A perfect food, highly nourishing, easily digested, fitted to repair wasted strength, preserve health, prolong life. A naw and handsomely Illus trated Roclp Book sont free WALTER BAKER 6 CO. Ltd. ' DORCHESTER, MASS. . !eut Oct. ct. Oil. Ort. Oft. Oct. Oct. Oct. - Oct. f i let. . N Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. t45 Highest Awards In Europe and America in on ." 5 ( 5 pi m S ll 2fi on ! 18 ou 10 oo fO HO 11 On 10 7 jn 1i 15 1 .tt n 20 iO 24 Oil 15 '0 in on B fi r,H ini .10 tci p) 00 10 00 16 80 10 (O 5 no f,n in 10 00 "n 00 t 00 ;o on in no &o to on 10 00 1 00 in 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 13 00 jo no 1 80 10 00 In on 10 no BOO 20 no 2.". CO 4 00 2 00 2 on E OO on 15 no 13 00 32 00 pi rv 20 00 10 t 8 On 36 10 3d W 6 on 5 00 6 oo 25 00 40 00 60 00 3 00 12 00 2o OU 1 00 5 00 tUl 10 00 13 nO s 40 25 00 5 00 lo oo IS 00 10 00 10 00 6 00 14 40 4 20 4 20 t 13 & On b t) 25 On 25 00 5 00 24 95 32 OO 10 00 6 00 10 00 10 00 7 57 5 00 10 00 2 00 5 00 10 00 2 00 S 00 10 00 15 00 38 00 45 00 9 On 5 00 Oct. 3) Kate Dibble, Surprise lct. 3n Ulllium ErlcksiMi. Boclus.. lct. 30 M. K. Hopewell, TcKiimnh. Oct. 30 O. A. Klmir.el, Nebrpska Cltv Nov. 1 Theodore OJondyke, post- masier. Ashlon Nov. 1 I'lsuer. Hustings Nov. 1 Oscar Keyser. Bellevue Nov. 1. C. A. Warner, Geneva Nov. 1 Fannie G-lmre, bti'.te llousa Nov. 1 J. 8. Wearte, Asylum, Neb. Nov. 1 H. Schllley, Lcavllt Nov. 1 F. M. Cox. Waco Nov. 1 Lyda J. McMahon. Indian scliool, Geneva Nov. 1 Sunda Ward, Indian school, Geneva Nov, 1 Lena Ward, Indian school, Geneva Nov. 1 Miss Myers, Indian school. Geneva Nov. 1 James Cuzlck, Indiau school. Geneva Nov. 1 J. L. Guln, Indian school, Geneva Nov. 1 Mrs. Emma Beard, Indian school, Geneva Nor. 1 LlKte Uuin. Indian school, Geneva Nov. 1 Lucy K. Pntrldge, Kenesaw Nov. W. F. Bentlev, Grand Island Nov. 1 Hon. G. L. Rouse, Alda Nov. 1 G. E. Davey, Pluttsniouth.. Nov. 1 S. E. Ralston. Lebanon Nov. 1 M. P. Klnkaid. O'Neill Nov. 1 S. A. Btacey, Ord Nov. 1 J. H. Loman, Ponca Nov. 1 Thomas Bell, Hendley Nov. 1 Clias. S. West, Papillion.... Nov. 1 W. Ross Pevley, Uertrand.. Nov. 1 A. Holmes, Lushton Nov. 1 H. 8. Rising. Ainsworth.... Nov. 1-A. H. Thomas, Trenton Nov. 1 O. J. Plerpont, Mlnatare.... Nov. 1 Frank 8. Wells, Brunlng.. Nov. 1 J. B. Jeffries. PUger Nov. 1 W. E. Alexander. Orchard.. Nov. 1 C. F. Clowges, Bridgeport.. Nov. 1 E. B. Richardson, L'lysses.. Nov. 1 F. W. Wake, Geneva Nov. 1 L. H. Jewett, Broken Bow.. Nov. 1 J. T. Hay, Asylum. Neb.... Nov. 1 Frank S. Tracy, Wlnslde.. Nov. 1 T. C. Cronln, Spalding Nov. 2 Carl Kramer, Columbus. .. Nov. 2 W. F. Filley, Allen Nov. 2 John F. Bides, Dakota City Nov. 2 Etta M. Spencer, Dakota Cltv Nov. 2 Emma 8. Webster. Reynold! Nov. 2 Ida M. Grosshaus, Stock ham Nov. 3 Geo. A. Allen, Clay Center 16 00 6 01) 24 OU 10 00 10 00 5 00 50 00 24 00 6 00 140 00 10 00 10 00 io oo 6 00 10 00 10 00 , Nov. I H. J. Hull. Kearney I Nov. 2 C. A. McDougall, Friend.... :nov. i rv. ii. citewari, umana wa. and Dumb Inst.) Nov. 2 J. S. Francis, Merna Nov. 2 A. W. Lane, Lincoln Nov. 2 Cash D. Fuller. Wauneta.. Nov. 2 B. Cetterman, Petersburg.. Nov. 2-F. H. L. Willis, Battle Creek Nov. 2 Amanda Willis, Neligh Nov. 2 R E. Rouse, postmaster, Meadow Grove Nov. 2 O. II. Lake. Homer Nov. 2 A. H. Hawley. Gresham.... Nov. 2 Ida E. Murphy. Brady Nov. 2 J. H. Chanln. Decatur 6 OO 2 00 10 00 5 00 10 0U 10 00 2 00 400 10 00 22 00 i 00 10 00 10 00 18 (10 SO 00 36 00 20 00 18 00t 16 00 16 00 10 80 i 00 20 00 18 00 1 00 10 00 I 00 40 00 40 W 10 00 30 45 23 00 106 35 I 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 35 00 5 00 35 00 4n 00 7 00 10 00 20 no 10 oo 200 00 II 5-1 25 OO 5 00 10 00 50 0u 10 00 ' Nov. 2 C. A. Brkland. Sutherland ; Nov. 2 F. J Polok, Prague Nov. 2 J. N. Fuller, Gross Nov. 2 G. C. Humphrey, Grand Island Nov. 2 D. 8. Beynon, Burwell Nov. i C. F. Kuhns, Maxwell Nov. 2 A. D. McNeer. Blue 11111.... Nov. 2 Alice M. Houston, Slate llouse Vnv 9 W f Cftlninn Stnte House 1 Nov. 2 1. L. t'rclliii, Plalnview.... Nov. 2 I). D. Hayward. Kearney Industrial School Nov. 2 H. D. Scliaff, Kearney Industrial School Nov. 2 G. T. Day, Kearney Indus trial School Nov. 2 R. E. Dillon, Kearney In dustrial School Nov. I J. T. O. Stewart, Kearney Industrial School Nor. 2 J. P. Thomas. Keurney In dustrial school Nov. 2 Mary Greer, State House Nov. 2 Dennis 1 racy. Cedar Rapids Nov. S Hev. J. H. Presaon. Mllt'ord Nov. Anton Kodleck, postnuister, liay bprlnga Nov. I A. B. Wood. Gering Nov. William R. Hall, post master. Carlton Nov. C James Whitehead, Broken ),ow Nov. ft John Reese, Broken Bow.... Nov. 6 George W llson, Alexandria. Nov. 6 W . B. Rose. State House... Nov. ft E. M. Searle, State House.. Nov. 6 J. T. Morey, Blind Institute, Nebraska City Nov. -I. M. Rickle, Juniata Nov. fr-W. H. Hamilton, postmaster, Ok alalia Nov. ft Cora A. Garber, State House Nov. ft O. A. Butler. Newcastle Nov. ft Vic Seymour. State House Nov. Arthur C. Mayer, Grand island Nov. ft K O. Holmes and deputy, Kerney Nov. 6 E. D. Owen. North Platte.. Nov. ft C. Bradshaw, Farnam Nov. ft H. A. Dowd, Omaha Nov. 6 J. H. Tower, Sutton Nov. ft Nellie Strain. Chester Nov. ft-H. V. iJine Nov. ft Don C. Dtspaln, Sinte House ov. s itis k. falsi, state House Nov. ft R. R. Horth. Grand Island Nov. ft-H. T. Hnyt Springfield. .. . Nov. ft Hon. E. R. Duffle. Omaha.. Nov. t-John S. Ray, Ntponee Nov. ft H. P. Stoddard. 6iate Houm Nov. ft Belle M. Howell, State House Nov. ft George L. Carter, 6tate House , Nov. ft W. J. O'Brien. Gretna Nov. ft General J. H. Culver. 8tato House Nov. ft W. H. Andrews. Islington Nov. ft-John F. NVshit, Tekamah.. Nov. ft F. W. Rarnhnrt, Hsrtlngton Nov. 11 H ilirrill. Lincoln Nov. 1111. W. McNeal. Wavne Nov. 11 W. G. Pears. Tekamah Nov. 11 J. A. Wood. Ewlng Nov. 111 J. Capps, Hastings Nov. 11 Crawford Kennedy, Lincoln Nov. 11 J. F. llalderman, Burchard Nov. 11 Chess CI, Inn. St. Paul Nov. 11 A. K Brand". Pierce Nov. 11 I'd Rove-. Htme Huse Not. 11 Frank McCartnev, Nebraska City Nov. 11 A. D. Beemer, warden peni tentiary 10 00 11 00 to 00 24 00 IS nt) lo 00 15 W 10 ft) 25 t'l 4 00 10 00 i 00 15 no 25 O0 25 00 25 Ort 15 no 25 00 10 00 10 M . Nov 11-Tt E. White, Merrlam . . 4 Nov U-Ilon. J. II. Micks,. St to I 00 Oct. rr-TT C. Miller. Ko1Srok Oct. 2T-Wi!1im Holm. Virginia. .. Oct. 17 T. C. Ixird. Lawrence let. 27 William t'smp. Western .... o-t. 27 o. A. Ashbrodk. Hebron.... Oct. 27 J. a i.tvenav. Ct resco Oct. 27 P. D Reed. FhHtnn Oct. 27 1 E. Smith. State House.. Oct. 27-W. J. frandall. Firth Oct. 27 V. D Jackson, Nellgh fct. 27 rora Marsh. Nellgh Oct. 27-H. M. ChiMs. York Oct. 27 L. Krvger. SioiIt Oct. 27 E. T. Roberts. Htte House. (Vt. 27 O. D. B"nnett. State House. Oct. 27 F. P Corrlck. Coaad Oct. 27 R. C. Perkins, St. Paul ... Oct. 27 V.. C. purtis. Scribner Oct. 27 Daisy Williams. Geneva Oct. 27 Maty Oreer. Sinte ll vjw.. Oct. 27 C. C. Hustead State House. Oct 27-Fred Miller, State House... Oct. 27 N. Fodrea. Pt:ite House Oct 27 J H. Secor, Madison Oct. 27 E. Hunger, Smte House Oct. 27 Mary FitigenUd. Lincoln.. Oct 27 J. A. Anderson. Wnhoo Oct 27 Harriet M. Fletcher, State House Oct. 77 T. L. Mithews. Omaha Oct. 27 James Baker. Carlo Oct. 27 Grir A. French, North Platte Oct 77 T.. A. Nay. Ixing Pine Oct 27 Conrad Huber, Blooming ton Oct. 27 Frank Israel, Renklenian... Oct. 27 V. G. Lvford. Falls City.... Oct. 27-W. II. McNenl. Wnyno ... Oct. 27 G. L. Day, Superior Oct. 27 A. C. McFarlaml, Lynch... Oct. 27 Dr. O. H. Brash. Beatrice. Oct 27 Dr. B. F. Bailev, Lincoln. Oct. 27 Dr E. J. C. Sward. Oak land Oct. 27 Dr W. T. Johnson, Pawnee City Oct 27 Dr. 8. K. Spauldmg. Omaha Oct 27 Henrv Seymour, State House Oct. 27 C K. Lawrence, Btate House Oct. 27 f. W. Iroy. Ptate House. Oct 27 Frank Currie, Crawford Oct. 27 Alice Houston. State House Oct. 27 E. L. Redfern. Stale House Oct. 27 H. E Longevnn, Curtis... Oct. 27 T. W". Cole. Nelson Oct. 27 J. W. Thomas. Omaha Oct. 27 P. II. Ballou. Ong Oct. 27 Hans N. McProng, Morse bluffs Oct. 30 Robert Harvey, State House Oct. 3" M Itllev. Dawson Oct. 3i George F. Scott. Taylor Oct Ro F. F. SchTnedcr. Enstis.... Oct 30 Henry C. Rosers. I'nland.. Oct' 30 TIIMe C. Buckley, Stroms burg Oct. 30 S, W Wilson. Wood River. Oct. 3o S. D. Davis, State House.. Oct. 30 A. T. Rowe, Oakdale Oct. 30 C. F. Htockwell, rns.-clt... Oct. 3n E. C. Babcock. State House Oct. Du H. C. Booke, Got iienburg. . . Oct. 3o Thomas Lahmers, Belvld"re Oct. 3o C. E. W. Smith, Baver Smith Oct. 80 A. l.a Rue, Eddyvllle. .. . ,. Oct. 3i-.'. F. Let'land, Lexington... Oct. 3u Adna Dobson, State llouse. Oct. SO Peter Mortensen HciM sn no Nov. U-B. W. McLucas. Fairhurr.. 20 ro Nov. ll- H. Beaumont, State House 25 00 N'cv. 11 E. E. Emnitt State House 2S io Nov. 11 John F Allen. State House R (O Nov. 11 M. R. porsinger. Mllford ... 12 no Nov. 17 Jennie B. Adams. State House ...i 50 00 Nov. It Myrtle M. Pettljohn, State House 10 ( Nov. 17 Tv,i W. Frsjiler, Fairmont.. 24 00 Nov. 17 Fred Whlttemore, State House 28 00 Total. ...U.140 6S Dl'bartrmeaU. Amounts. B Smith, labor at head 1904 Nov. 10-1 quarters t 1 V) Nov Nov it hransiin Free Fress, extra copies ( 2a 10 The Sidney Republican, ex tra copies S On 1ft Imperial Journal. extra Nov. copies 5 ,io Nov. 10 W. R. McLaughlin, travel ing expenses 13 On Nov. 15 Rev. J. H Piesson. ex penses as speaker ( on Nov. 1ft J. A. Williams, expenses as speaker 42 3ft Nov. IO F. E. Beeman, expenses as speaker UK Nov. 10 W. A. Prince, expenses as speaker lo 0") Nov. lfi Ceortre Beardsely, expenses as speaker g oo Nov. 16 J. A. Parks Co., campaign music ; oo Nov. 16 T. F. A. Williams, expenses as speaker J 22 Nov. 16 Padllek. expenses as speaker 87 no Nov. 1 Dewey & Stone, chair rent. 2 50 Nov. 17 Nat Brown, hotel bill 337 45 Nov. 17 Fnkmk Publishing Co., .bill October 2fi 26 00 Nov. 17 P. A. Carlson, expenses of meeting 1, 00 Nov. 16 The Breese, extra copies.... 600 Nov. 27 L I n c o 1 n Transfer Co., freight headquarters Jl It 4 Nov. 11 A. B. Meshler salary 15 00 Dee. A. B. Mesliler, salary 15 00 Dec. 17 H. E. Palmer, postage due 4 56 De-. 17 A. Meshier, salary 30 OO I 1905. , 1 Jan. ft George w. Benlel 4 90 I Jan. 7 Smith iTemler Typewriter co. S 30 10 00 so 00 30 01 15 00 Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 7-A. Meshier, salary, salary, salary, salary. 1-A. 13-A. 25 A. Meshier, Meshier, Meshier, Meshier. 4 A. salary. 15 00 I 2 25 I 30 W ! 22 50 , 37 50 ! 22 50 1 4 Hnrry Porter, salary lft A. Mcsnter, salary Mar. SO A. Meshier, Meshier, Meshier, Meshier. Meshier, Meshier, Meshier, MusMor salary salary salary salary salary salary salary May 20 A. June 3 A. Juno 10 A. June 10 A. June 24 A. July 13-A. 3 00 37 50 fin 00 3) 00 6 00 Aug. :'H A. salary Sot.t Q Waiturn I'nlon TnltffrAnli 1 Co., Oct. to Nov., 19t4 Sept. 9 Matthews, Omaha, station ery, etc., in 1904 Sept. 9 W. V. Hoagland, money adv. committee, 1904 Sept. 9 McCoy & Co., goods fur nished 19o4. hill May 25.... Bept. 13 Western Newspaper Union, plates, etc., 1004 Sept 13 Hammond Printing Co., letter heads, etc., 1.104 Sept. 14 D. W. Evans, work at Audi 95 40 33 50 95 00 10 00 105 00 50 00 2 00 S 26 i 00 1 00 15 00 107 00 25 00 5 00 15 00 21 On 12 50 23 00 5 00 5 "0 15 00 13 75 15 00 12 no 15 00 torium convention 14 W. W. Walling, work and supplies, convention 1 A. Meshier. salary 1 Fred Swehart, work at Auditorium 1 Mrs. A. Meshier, salary 1 Benton Bros., stumped en velopes 1 Crawford Kennedy, postage 1 A. Meshier sslarv Sept Oct. Oct Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Sept. 30 Mrs. A. Meshier, salary tH-pi. jo crawroro: Kennedy, salary.. Sept. 3n Bessie Marks, salary Sept. 3D Crawford Kennedy, travel ing expenses 3 Mrs. A. Meshier, expenses. -Mrs. A. Mesher, expenses. 7 Mrs. A. Meshier. salary 7 Bessie Marks, salary, less one-halt day 7 Crawford Kennedy, salary.. 7 Grace Ballard, salary 7 Mrs. A. Meshier, expenses. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct JO ijenton Bros., stamped en velopes i' w Oct. 12 Mrs. A. Meshier, expenses. 10 00 Oct 12 L. R. Jones, postage stamps 10 00 5 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 12 00 8 30 . 10 OO 16 OO 10 00 10 00 161 95 85 00 39 00 17 to 102 W 70 00 2 50 250 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 6 67 10 (10 5 00 R 00 42 40 5 00 26 50 63 60 15 00 15 00 15 00 3 33 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 42 40 15 00 60 00 5 00 10 no s OO 6 67 10 00 15 00 1 67 12 &0 Oct Oct Oct Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. 1-A. E. Ward, railroad fare, Hartingtun II C. Kennedv, salary 14 Mrs. A. B. Meshier, salary.. 14 Bessie Marks, salary 14. L. R. Jones, salary 14 Verna Leonard, salary 14 L. R. Jones, postage for pictures, etc 14 Grace Holhine. salary Oct Oct 19 L. R. Jones, supplies Oct. lit L. R. Jones, supplies Oct. 19 Benton Bros., supplies Oct. 19-D. W. Reld and Reese Ptar. Co.. cuts, etc Oct. 19 George & Bros., printing... Co""""" ., lnd. sec- Oft 19 Harry Portn ... Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 19 Hammond Ptg. 19 Omaha Ptg. Co tlons. etc 19 T. J. Thorpe & Co 19 William P. Warner, chnlr- man, salary, Ave weeks... 21 Crawford Kennedv. salary. 21 Mrs. A. B. Meshier. salary. 21 Bessie Marks, salary 21 Grace Bollard, salary Oct. 21 L. R. Jones, salary Oct 21 Verna Leonard, salary Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. 21 Bertha Brewster, salary.... 21 Anna Hartwell, salary 21 Gertrude Ager, salary 21 Hattie Groff, salary 21 Jesslo Davidson, salary Oct. Oct. 21 L. R. Jones, 2.(00 envelopes Oct 21 L. K. Jones, stamps, etc... Oct 26 Hammond Ptg. Co., cuts, etc Oct 27 Benton Bros., stamped en velopes Oct. 2S Crawford Kennedy, salary. oct. L. ft. Jones, salary Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 28 Bessie Marks, salary is Bell Ager. salary 28 Verna Leonard, salary 2f Bertha Brewster, salary.... 2) Gertrude Ager, salary 28 Anna Hartwell. salary Oct Oct 28 Hattie Groff, salary Nov. s L. It. Jones, 2-cent stampea envelopes 18 Mrs. A. Meshier, salary.... 28 William P. Warner, salary. 2s Jessie Dew. 3 days' salary Ik Jessie Davidson, salary Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct 2V-Lillian Peters; salary, 3 day! Oct. 2S Kathryn Houston, salary. 4 days 7 Laura Hatel Woods, salary a Grace Bollard, salary 28 Letlia' Watson, salary, 1 day 80 Elsie Goldner. salary Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct 31 Mrs. A. H. Meshier, cash drawer "00 Nov. Nov. Nov. 2 H. J. Ellis, expenses 4 50 4 Crawford Kennedy, 6.OU0 en velops, stamped 106 00 4 Lincoln Sign works, bill No vember 1, 1905 7 90 4 Mrs. A. B. Meshier, extra, work 18 60 4 Bessie Marks, salary extra work 1 00 4 Crawford Kennedy, salary.. 15 00 4 Letha Watson, salary, extra work 10 33 4 William P. Warner, salary. 60 00 4 Bell Ager, salary, evtra work 11 S3 4 Verna Leonard, salary, ex tra work II 33 4 Bertha Brewster, salary ex tra work 11 83 4 Jessie Dow. salary, extra Nov. Nov. Nov. ov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov, A DIFFERENCE IN LUNGS. In the Edinburgh Uni versity three human lungs lie side by side. One is ot an Eskimo and is snow white. In life, this vould be ruddy with rich blood. Another is that of a coal-miner and is black. The other is of a town dweller and is a dirty slate gray, as are the lungs of most city residents. That's why consumption thrives in cities. One reason why Scott's Emulsion does so much to keep down consumption is because it helps to keep the lungs clean and supplies them with rich, red blooa. It makes the lungs germ-resisting. If the body is run down and health is at a low ebb Scott's Emulsion will build it up quickly and per manently. K0H I jWM rsj Pot l &hM NivVers. All goods marked in plain figures at low est prices. Use our private tele phone exchange. Call 727 and ask for the department wanted. I ..... MEN'S FALL SUITS-In fancy Scotch Tlaids and many new mixtures All garments guaranteed throughout Here ready to try on at $18.00, $15.00, $12.50 and A Turkey goes with each sale of $10.00 or over. MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS 52 inches long with or without belt in a large variety of new patterns, including black. Large roomy ones here ready to try ou at $20.00, $18.00, $15.00, $12.50 and And a Turkey goes with each sale of $10 or over. Mm Q 11 33 12 33 12 33 12 S3 11 83 11 33 6 00 13 33 1 67 11 S3 10 S5 IS 00 4 45 10 50 5 00 78 $0 IS 50 t 00 ' 41 20 750 22 25 13 60 76 06 10 01 fit! 66 71 35 .via ....... . ... ............. Nov. 4 Anna Hartwell, salury, ex tra work Nov. 4 Kathryn Houston, salary. extra work Nov. 4 Gertrude Ager, salary, ex tra work Nov. 4 Laura Hazel Woods, salary. extra work Nov. 4 Jessie Davidson, salary, ex tra work Nov. 4 Mrs. A. B. Meshlor, cash drawer Nov. 4 Hattie Groff, salary, extra wort Oct. 28 Gertrude Peters, salary one day Nov. 4 Lillian Peters, salary and i niKhts' work Nov. 4 Gertrude Peters, salary and i niKhts work Nov. 4 L. R. Jones, salary due ex tra work Nov. iC. E. Pierce, transportation and work Nov. 10 Baker Bros, engraving two halltone cuts (Uurkett and Fairbanks, campaign IStrfi. No 10 Lincoln Telephone Co., rent als .Oct., rxuv.. Lxtns Nov. 11 Wm. P. Warner, expenses to date Nov. 4 Graoe Ballard, salary, 7 uights extra work Nov. S A. B. Meshier, cost for cash drawer Nov. 10 Neb. Telephone Co., rents. tolls, exts. mts Nov. 10 Harry Porter, supplies No vember. 1906. bill Nov. 10 Hammond Pig. Co., W.CiuO folders. Oct. 51 Nov. 10 George Bros., printing bills Oct.. Nov., I9f6 Nov. 10 Benton Bros., printing $30.75 11 2.00 '.' envs Nov. 10 Western Union Tel. Co., Oct. to Nov. Nov. 10 Wm. P. Warner, salary Nov. 10 Crawford Kennedy. ex- Denses Nov. 10 Llndell hotel bill. Nov. S, Utf. In full to date 24 65 640 315 1 270 351 10 57 15 15 15 15 5 Nov. 10 C. Brown, claim Murray ho- tl to date Nov. lft Stir Pub. Co., In full to date (old claim) Nov. 10 H. C. M. Burgesa. In full sc. counts to date all Nov. 10Am. riistiict Telegraph Co., messengers 11W4 Nov. 10 A. B. Meshier. salary in full May 13 to BPritember Nov. 10 Slate Journal, 50.MO revenue pamphlets and express (campntgn 11M, In full Nov. 10 Hnrry Porter, supplies of fice, old committer Nov. 10 Neb. Te'enh"e Co., rents old committee. Juno. Julv, Aug., 1!M, Tmx., 1S04, to Au.. 1"4 Nov. 11 A. B. Meshier. salary to Nov. 11 Nov. U Bemis Marks, salary to Nov. 11 Nov. 11 Oroe Ballard, salary to Nov. U Nov. 11 Crawford Kennedy, sal..ry to Nv. 11 Nov. 11 Llndell ho'el. Pierce, elec tion tabulation Total. .$:,. wo FIVE THOUSAND GIFTS FIRST hfiral ot These Donations Sought Bcforo Canvass of gmaller Aasonnts for Anditorlnas. The committee which has tor its object ths raising of $50,004 to finish the Audito rium has not yet begun Its active cam paign. It Is thought best to secure ssveral $o.000 subscriptions before the canvass foi the smaller ones Is begun, and at ireseul 161iS ft FAQNAM STREETS. OMAHA. THE rtOri,E'8 FI'HMTl'RK AX CAKPET CO. Tyirtieys Sally irdaiy With each and every CASH OR CREDIT sale of ten dollars ($10) or over in our Men's Clothing Department Only. You may take them along home with you. Our values arc equal to any offered in the ritv. The turkey is a clear gain to you over and above the values we offer for Satur day's sellinp. Here is an opportunity to get a turkey for your Thanksgiving dinner without one penny's cost to you. "We will have ample quantity on hand. BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS -Made with that particular dash and cut that all boys like, at $6.50, $5.00, $3.25 and THANKSGIVING REDUCTION SALE WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR HATS-Your unrestricted choice of any $5.00 Woman's Hat in our Millinery Section at Hats are trimmed with wings, plumes and foliage come in black and colors. WOMEN'S "W00LTEX" collar, yoke and sleeves piped with velvet Saturday we will sell 25 of these coats at the special price of . . ; The fame of the "Wooltex" garments is national. CHILDREN'S LONG WINTER CLOAKS Made of popular materials in empire, "Buster Brown" and Box Coat styles all colors all sizes Regular $7.50 values on sale Saturday at LADIES WALKING SKIRTS-A beautiful line of Tweed arrived made in the $7.50 values on sale Saturday at the men expected to make the first and largest subscriptions are out of the city. When they return the committee will make an effort to get their subscriptions, and If successful, will thou actively rrosecute the campaign for the remainder of the $50,000. The $6,000 subscription made by Guy C. Barton is conditional on raising the entire amount within thirty days after the cam paign begins. FATHER SHOWS UP ANGRY Threatens Halt Against Man Who Marries Ills Fifteen-Year. Old Daughter. Late Thursday afternoon Edward L. Dalton applied at the oilice of tl.o marriage Ucensu clerk for a permit to wed Sadie V. Puicell. 1I gave her age as 18, and said that after marrluge they were going to re side at 1513 Leavenworth street. Friday morning a man named Reynolds called at the county judge's rooms and Inquired about the license. When he found out it hud been Issued he became angry. He asserted the girl, who is his step-daugter, was only 15 years old in October. He had found the pair In a rooming house and did not at first believe Dalton's story of the license, and the marriage. Ha said he would at once enter complaint against Dalton with the county attorney, but up to noon he had not done so. The girl did not apiear with Dalton when he got ths li cense, but he made oath to her age. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health for the twenty-four hours ending at noon l'rlda y : 20 OO ! 86 00 05 00 00 S3 00 60 50 50 00 25 Blill.s Bteve Hchlcker. 1010 Martha, Rudolph Rlx. 26 H t umlng, girl; Jacob ! .Nelson, lob, south rwenty-serond, boy; Frank KK 137$ William, hov; Fred Goerns. 4138 Burdeite, girl; William Coleman. 117 South Tenth, boy. Deaths Balvatore Moncura, 2J12 Sew ard. 27. SALT RHEUM OH HINDS Suffered Agony ind Had to Weir Bandagei All th Tim. ANOTHER CURE BY CUTICURA 1$ Another cure by Cuticnra is told of by Mrs Caroline Cable, of Waupoca, Wis., in the following grateful let ter: " Mjf husband uftcre4 agony with salt rheum on hit hands, and I had to keep them bandaged all the time. We tried everything we could get, but nothing helped him ntil he used Cat irnra. One art of Cuticnra Soap, Ointment, and Pills "cured him entirely, and hi hands have been at smooth as possible ever since. I do hope this letter will be the meant oi helping tome other tuKcrcr." THEEUi 00 00 Tl FALL COATS-Made in the latest empire style latest approved style. We guarantee the fit or no sale, i Pip OX NOVEMBER 27, the Burlington will make Home Visitors' Excursion rates from Omaha and Nebraska ter ritory to many points in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Ontario, AVestern New York, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and West Virginia. This is the only such excursion of the Autumn. Beturn limit, 21 days. These Annual Home ing very popular. The ways, Chicago, Peoria and eastern destinations. For rates, information, berths and all details, address J. B. Reynolds, City Pass. Agt., 1502 Farnam St., Omaha. boy; t n 1I noil --'i Z If Jill l h u ' r T7 IIU, mm a A' T III I I mi TL I 1 1 I L' 114 1 XV wwi ji hisi:. -cvcvvj- www, HOME VISITORS' EXCURSIONS rROM ALL points ON MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY GREATLY REDUCED RATES EAST Indiana, Ohio mni certain point In Illinois, Kontuoky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Now York, Michigan and Ontario, Novombor 27th. 190S. tt Return limit. 21 days. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCC To visit tho old boaM and sea ions frlaads el wiber dara. 1. C TOtmila. teawal iO We willingly and cheerfully offer you the use of our credit system. We solicit CHARGE ACCOUNTS era j Walking Skirts just , J.U. Home Visitors' Excursion East Visitors' Excursions are prov Burlington, with its three gate St. Louis, can best reach the Tu - tft sal Tkset tlwl. lu Uaia. Me.