Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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K;K$ Apparcl
t for
I jo)o)flM orpin
calls for
Specially Pretty
and St) I
'retty )
ish V vf
Special Sale of Ladies' Cloaks, Waists and Suits
A. Handsome Tourist Coat with Belted Back at $4.98 This is
a genuine $7.50 quality tourist coat yoke lined,
made of novelty mixtures or heavy cheviots
a coat that is regularly worth $7.50 at
Ladies' Heavy Fur Collared Coat at
$7.50 A stunning 45-inoh heavy
cheviot coat, very heavily lined
collar of Belgian sahle fur colors
are brown, blue or black n w r
a genuine $12.50 coat; J 03
very special, at J -
Ladies' Fashionable Winter Coats
at $9.98 In this splendid assort-'
ment arc many long covert and
tourist coats; 50-inch novelty mix
tures, 48-inch kerseys in bin
pire shape and swell crave
nettes all in one r. fQ
great bargain lot J O
at, each '
Ladies' Fur Lined Coats
A complete assortment of
the handsome and ultra
fashionable coats of the
season lined with Siber
ian squirrel, German squir
rel, etc., with Mexican bea
ver and blended sable col
lars 48 and 50 in. lengths
Ladies' Dressy Tailored Suits at $12.50 Both the long and
short coat styles made in the most approved
fashion for fall and winter many high priced
suits in this lot specially priced at
Ladies' Handsome Tailored
Suits These suits are ex
tremely modish, correctly fash
ioned of highest grade materi
als, splendidly j r
tailored spe- MM Til
cially priced at m B mfJ
Ladies' Exclusive Tailored
Suits at $24.50 -A new
and extremely stunning lot of
tailored suits Just received from
New York most popula- "ol
ors and dressl- Pi
8,e877 Z' HJ
Large Black Clusters Scarfs,
with six tails a spe- r) f
clal bargain Sat- fC
urday at v
Extra Large Double Black
Coney Scarfs f PA
Extra Specials in the Basement
ChTdren'g Flannelette Dresses In Basement a good assort
ment or desirable 6tyl3 ana coiorB
at, each
Ladles' Flannelette Petticoats A big basement bargain for p
Suurdiy actually worth SOo each-
Your choice of a munher of
Brook Mink Zasas, Natural Squirrel
Zazas, Canadian Marten Clusters,
Mexican Beaver Clusters,
Australian Opossum
Double Beat fs at
at, each
4 M fl CrfA 1 A ft A Sklrta -Walklnj: Skirts -IQ I ChllJren'a C'oaks-Io reefer- O
1103 Olfll ! Worth as high es'Jrif and long coats, hruid trim-! f
Wt&.mmmmm IiYt $2.BO, at 'uw med, worth up to tZ each, nt' v w
m J warn m f
Fine Siberian Squirrel Zaza
Scarfs, with silk orna
ments, or large A g r
Raddle Squirrel L WK
Muffs at, each 9 J
New pleated and sored skirts In
walking and dress styles In
all colors all new and eVS
stylish will go
Many fine sample skirts here in new
circular shape side and cluster
pleat effects, also many g J8
handsome dress skirts,
Ladies' fine wool waists In veil
ings, flannels, wool albatross,
etc., tailor pleated and stitched,
worth up to $4,
Elegant Silk Waists in taffetas, laces,
nets, messalines, etc., many even
ing shades worth up to 98
six dollars, will go
Special Events in
New showing of pretty street and dress
hats, made after the latest fashionable de
signs and trimmed in pretty fashion, with
wings, breasts, feathers and ornaments
Fine Street Hats
at $1 The best
and most up-to-date
toques, sailors and
tarns that have
ever been shown
at such a modest
price all new and
Ladies' Trimmed Hats at $5 We have in
cluded in this assortment a great number
of the finest hats in our stock that were
selling at $10 and $12 all new C
values Saturday, at
" v a v
Art Needlework Section
On Third Floor.
We are showing the finest, newest lines of art
goods in Omaha shipments Just received for
Christmas. We are auents for the famous Brain
e.rd and Armstrong silks.
I'retty new 25c I ,inisnel tapestry Q0
centerpieces, at. IUC pillows, w'th 35c I.C
Pillow top and
back, worth 50c
Drawn work doy
lies, all new, at.
Exquisite Imported
Jewelry Novelties
The Entire Sample Line Beuhl from Leff
man, Spcer Hahn, Broadway, New York.
. -rr UJk.- ta This Is the tnost
C3 beautiful assort
ment of novelties
we have ever shown
the prettiest and
oddest little stick
pins, made In Austria.
France, Italy ajtd other
countries where minature
latlonlly dona
brooches, ' hat
fobs, lace pins.
etc. etc.
aV work Is artls
if all kinds of
fK plna. watch f
Thousands of Shoppers nave Bern Attracted
by the Brilliant Window Display.
Boautifnl Little Stick Tins, actually cost from t2
to 19.(10 a doicn t wholesale; choice, each:
Hroich Plna l.(rttstvlM to srlcct from, lilalu aiut
niled and stjlls.i prndunt, worth up ta $1.00, at
Crystal Beads, aotually worth Mc and 75c;
at, strand
French Pearl Killed Heads, nil fI08. worth 50c to
11.00 a atrand, at
Imported Brooch Tlnn. the lateHt fad for holiday
trade, worth up to UM. at
Jlen'a Watch Koha, novel
rieHian at, each
Thousands of Iallrs- Hat Pins. In scoroa of charm
ing designs; at, each
Men's Cuff Buttons, in plain or fancy acts, dainty
novelties; at, pair
Ladled" Enameled Cuff Tina
Ladles' Ron Bon Boxes and Tuft Bxes, worth 5(H) f JE
each; at, each ,uv
Imported Leather Purses, Wrist Bags, Curd Cases,
Cigar Casos, Cigarette Cases made of n
finest imported leather, some biik nnea, I "in
,,n tn II ftV phnlce r
nut ui ''I v ' " i - "
15c and 39c
Ladies' Shoes of GuoLranteed Quality
In our enlarged and newly appointed shoe section on the main floor we are F.howlng specially for tomorrow a
new line of shoes which we bought at a great reduction nearly an sampim 1 ijr
and all of them examples of the best grades of ladles' shoes well worth J
x 3 a pair, at, pair i
Odds and ends from our regular $4 and $5 ladies, shoes, Saturday, at,
pair I
The famous Red Cross ehoej 'ZSQ I Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole
for ladies, at, pair Shoes for ladies, at, pair...
Ladies' Shoes in Basement
Ladies' .patent leather, vicl kid shoes, in button or lace, worth up to 2.60 pair, r (
at, pair !.
Misses' stylish. up-to-dat ahoes, for ORr I Ladles' Bed Room Slippers and house OSr
school or dress, at ! nd OC 8ippor8, worth up to L60. at .OC
t ornsy Lanibei: Keports on Sewer Con
tra, wi b Stock Yards.
I'roTtalona lnadpote to .eed of (Ity
Cvra If Enforced Two Men Hold
I p Saloon nnil Drn Store
In Few Minutea' Time.
Iti compliance with a reueat from the
nayor and council City Attorney Lambert
i is prepared an opinion regarding th
Hty'a rights, relations and remedies under
is contract with thu I'nlon Stock Yards
'ompany in connection with the Mud creek
H! wer.
After going into the matter In detail nl
reviewing the contract from t lie dale of
iignlng the same In 1138. the city attorney
30Dcludea aa follows:
Tha contract provide that the city will
reimburse the stock yards one-half of Its
tiutlay for construction, either by cash or
bonds, aa the purties may agree upon. anJ
shall repay the outlay when railed upon
by the stuck yards company. We are of
lh view that this contract Is of the kind
nd character which a court might require
to be specifically performed, or might com
iwl the performance of nv other acoro-
prlate proceedings. Of course, the court
might take the view (hat an adequate rem
edy existed at law. and that the city might
lie remitted to an action In damages for
It breach. Be that as It may, before thn
city could InslHt upon the stock yards com
pany performing its part It would have to
In a position to perform that part of
the contract binding upon It. That is to
nay. eithtir have the cash or be in a posi
tion to Issue the bonds to reimburse the
Htork yards one-half when the construe,
tloa s completed; and. of course, would
have to provide the rash or bonds to relm
bursa It for one-half the outlay, if any,
during the period of maintenance. We be
lieve these conditions necessary to maintain
in action to compel the performance of the
i-ontract. The moment the city puta itself
The Delicious Full
Flavor of Lowney'i dis
tinguishes it from all
other cocoas.
The satursl prtact ft the choicest
cecM b an, r irr from a, uul.
trtant J rhcwiral traalnwait."
rims miu aaywaare asy prtta.
J Mi inr use. M mm r,a.
tn wauu bl ixewm ( , mmtoi.
in a position to carry out Its part we will
both advise and Institute an action tn com
pel specific peifornmnce of tHo contract.
We are u!o of the opinion that the. dt.v
cannot proceed to make such Improvements
knd charge back to or against the stock
yards company one-half the construction
thereof under the contract, for the reason
that the stock yards company shall have
the supervision of the present tunnel. pip
lines and sewera an the same now exist, or
as the same may hereafter be Improved,
in other words. It would seem that under
the contract the only rlghta the city has
is the mere iwe of the sewer as It now Is
or may hereafter be constructed within thy
period of ninety-nine years.
Anv rights under the contract and any
remeVll-s iu relation thereto are necessarily.
bv the terms ut the contract, nmniiyu -tirelv
to the sewer course and tunnel as It
now'exists. That Is to say. there exlwts no
rlghta under the contract to compel the.
slock yards company. In any event, to con
struct a sewer at any other place, or to
aid In the construction of a sewer at any
other pluce. Moreover, there exists no
rights under the contract allowing the
city to crry off its storm water l"'ough
any sewer to i constructed under the
contract. That Is to say. the contract pro
vides -and the Bald system of pwiW
shall be upon a plan which shall clide
all storm water from entering the line of
pipes of the fit st party." .
The general sewer system plans prepared
bv Engineer Hosewater and. adopted h
your body some time recently, carries the
tunnel through the same b lis several Mocks
to the south of the tunnel In h'.cnA
u.i t. neon a Man to carry off all sewaj,i .
"m whether thh
h nln : should be changed or not
s a
operations on Twentv-fonrtK
in the saloon took a hasty were resumed yesterday I p to last
....... , ...v .... .... - II 11 Ml 1 I fill J lO C
the Ice
matter entirely resting with your body and
concerning which I venture no wm"'
Pair of Holdup Jobs.
A pair of robbera turned two trlcka last
evening within a few minutes' time. They
tlrst entered the suloon of Adam Buck,
Tlilrty-ftrst and Q streets Immediately
on entering they tired their revolvers and
th customers
i, tit Huck and his bartender. Mike War-
nick, were then forced to enter
ont vrpra locked In and the
look Ivo from the till.
They ran west to the drug store of F. 4
Orau, Thirty-sixth and CJ. where they
found the propsletor s 12-year-old on in
! charge while hia father waa at auppor.
i Seven dolluta waa taken from the till and
the robbers departed. The ponce nave
been unabl to locate the men.
Y. M. C. A. Soliciting; Knd.
An effort is being made oy ma memuvia
of the local Young Men s I'linsuan asso
ciation to raise by subscription U.Dut)
within seven days. This money is to be
used to fit up new and more commodious
quarters for the association at 413 North
Twenty-fourth stteet and to construct a
gymnasium. About sixty members of the
association and busines men have pledged
themselves to push the proposition. In this
work the association will have the hearty
support of State Secretary J. P. Bailey.
In connection with the plan of raising
funds a mass meeting of men and women
Is to be held at the First Methodist Epis
copal church on Sunday at 3 30 p. m. Sec
retary Bailey and others will speak. No
subscriptions wi:i be taken at this Sunday
afternoon meeting. The result of the can
vass will be made known on Thanksgiving
For a long time Local Secretary Marsh
baa been calling the attention of 6outh
Omaha people to the necessity for secur
ing more room. The membership la grow
ing rapidly and the gymnasium classes are
full. With a portion of the money to be
raised a building pix".u feet Is to be erected
In the rear of 413 North Twenty-fourth
Street for gymnasium purposes. When
more commodious cuarters are secured It
Is thought there will be no difficulty in
securing a large increaac in the member
ship. Pestaenea Placing tables.
General Manager Vance I.ane of the
Nebraska Telephone company suid Friday
that no effort would be made by the com
pany to place cables In the conduits this
year. "We have only recently completed,
our conduit system In South Omalii." said
Mr. Lane, "and as the season i so late
now we do not deem It advisable to start
pulling the cables through the conduits.
There has been some delay In getting the
cables needed and the officers of the coin-J
pany have decided that by spring all of
the material needed will be on hand and
that we can then proceed with the con
struction of our building at Twenty-fourth
and K streets and at the same time run
the cables Into tho new building."
This means that the telephone poles
elong Twenty-fourth street and on other
streets where conduits have been laid will
stand until next spring.
Mrs. Harris Hants on.
Mrs. Hurrin of Wymore Is in South
Omaha hunting her son John. She arrived
Thursday and expected her son would
meet her at the depot. As Hhe la not sure
whether her son Is In Omuha or South
Omaha she applied to the police depart
ment to assist In locating the young man.
As the son ha not been found Mrs. Hnrrla
has taken rooms at the Dragoon house,
Twenty-seventh and L streets.
MbkI City fiuaalii.
James A. Hull has gone to Albllene. Kan.,
to look alter some business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Fisher have gone
to Chicago to vlHlt friends for a few days.
Joe Mallander has announced a big turkey
shoot at Sarpy Mills on Thanksgiving day.
A rummage, sale is being held today by
the Ladles' Aid society of the First Presby
terian church.
C. H. Luts has been called to Aberdeen.
S. r.. on account of the serious illness
of his daughter. '
Frank Plvonka, Twenty-sixth and N
streets. Is confined to his home with a
severe stt ick of grip.
Mrs. M. B. Allan and daughter of Hern
don, la., are the ant'sts nt Mr ami Mwm
C. F. Wright, Twenty-eighth and D streets!
National bank, left yest. rdiiv for
inve.ontsr'1- " to
-rSli, V iV' vi'"ll"'" "f Minneapolis will
rfEt. at,tne rst K"Plt church on Sun-
Important HevUlons Made In Tfine
Tafcle for Trains West of
Mlssoarl River.
F. Coad, president of the Packers
A Practical Doctrine.
"My home was broken up some time
ago." writes a venerable lady from Ohio,
"and I spend my life going about, visit
ing my children.
"But wherever I go I take my Postum
pot and a supply of the food coffee along
with me. I cannot take the risk of being
without it, for 1 firmly believe that were
It not for Postum Food Coffee I would
not be living today.
"I began to use It 4 years ago. For
several years prior to that time I was a
great sufferer from stomach and heart
trouble and headache. I consulted the best
medical talent, but medicine did me no
good, and my condition seemed to grow
' worse Instead of improving, till I was
! practically given over as a confirmed
I Invalid.
I "Finally a doctor suggested that I stop
'coffee drinking, and although I was loth
I to do so, I complied. I was visiting my
J son-in-law In Ottawa, at the time. He
'. was a Postum drinker, and at his urgent
recommendation i began Its use. It did
not appeal to me at first, but I found that
this was because It was not boiled long
enough. When it was made right I rel
ished it.
"In due time, after the coffee effects
had passed out of my system so that
Postum could do its work. I began to get
better in e.very symptom. My stomach
ceased to trouhle me, and digestion be
came normal. My heart action was re.
stored to a healthy status, tha headaches
and nervousness became less frequent and
severe, and at last ceased altogether, and
now I am well and strong, aa few persons
are at iny advanced age.
"Be sure that ' I preach the Gospel of
Postum everywhere to those I meet. I
have converted many, especially my own
children and grandchildren, who have all
been made healthier, livelier and heart
ier by the ue of IVistum." Name given
bv Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich.
There's a reason.
Read the little book, "The Road to Well
vllle," In pkga.
The Burlington has announced several
Important changes In the time card for
the running of trains west of the river.
The most important one, affecting the peo
ple of Omaha, Is that of No. 6, which
formerly left Omaha at 8:60 each morning
for Lincoln. This train will leave Omaha
at 8:15. thus giving traveling men a better
start on their day s work and also will
permit lawyers from Omaha to reach Lin
coln In better time to appear before the
supreme court. These changes are all to
be effective on and after December 3.
Passengers from the Black Hills and In
termediate points will reach Omaha at t
o'clock in the afternoon instead of 6
o'clock, as formerly. This will give pas
sengers going on east five hours In Omaha
and passengers who wish to return the
same day will have eight hours In Omaha.
The other changes affect lines all over
the state and are here given:
No. 12 will leave McCook earlier. No
ciiitiiga FHi or iincoin.
No. 42 will be relieved of the Black Hills
Omaha equipment.
No. 44 will leave Deadwood at 1 15 p m
take supper at Edgemont. leave Edgnmont
6:35 p. m., arrive Ravenna 8:30 a. m. for
breakfast, leave Ravenna k:5ti a. m.. arrive
Lincoln 1:10 p. m. for dinner, connect with
No. 2 leaving Lincoln at 1:80 p. tn., arri'o
Omaha t p. m.
Local trains from north of Aurora will be
scheduled earlier into Aurora, there con
necting with 44.
No. 43 will leave Lincoln at 6:10 p. m.
No. 7 will leave Omaha as now and nr
r've Lincoln slightly later.
No. 3 arrive Omahu 3 p. m. and leave
Omaha at 3:30 p m.
No. IS will leave Oxford earlier.
No. 36 will leave Keirney alwut an hour
Concordia branch trains 17 and 18 will be
extended between Wymore and St. Joseph,
daily except Sunday. No. 17 will leave St.
Joseph at 10:1S a. m. No. 18 will arrive St.
josepn t:i p. m. ro. in win leave Con
cordia M:45 a. m. No. 17 will arrive Con
cordia 7:4o p. m.
No. 14 will leave Denver at 1:15 p. m.
No. 13 w"l arrive Denver at 5:15 p. m.
No. A wnl leave Omaha at 8:15 a. m. In
stead of 8:50 u. m. It will arrive Lincoln
about half an hour earlier than now.
A new local train will hive Ashland
about 8 p. m. for Platisinouth : returning
will leave Plattamouih the next morning,
after arrival of No. 19. connecting at Ash
land with No. 6 for Lincoln and west.
No. fi will leave Wymore 2 p. m.
No. 110 will leave Lincoln at 5 p. m. in
stead of p. tn.
No. ?2 from Lincoln will connect with 18
and 15 nt Table Rock.
No. ID will reach Table Rock and Wy
more arller.
take for the board to make its report Mr.
Rosewater would not say, but all possible
haste will be made compatible with a
thorough Inspection.
Messrs. Hayden urged this investigation
be made.
Child Wbo Was Lost Benches Home
Throagb .Agency of Asso
ciated Charities.
Mary Bell, age 12 years, a few days ag3
roaming the streets of Omaha without a
home and without a friend. Is now with
her mother In Boise, Idaho, the two having
been brought together by the Associated
(---.itlfs and the young daughter of Frank
Clark, a Lake street traveling man. The
little Clark girl met the Bell girl at
school after the latter had been sent out
of the home of a distant relative to make
her own way In the world. Tho two were
friends at the first meeting and the home
less one was invited home by little Miss
Clark. She was warmly welcomed by
Mrs. Clark and over three weeks made
her home there, when her condition was
reported to the Associated Charities and
the Juvenile court probation officers. An
Investigation was started and the girl's
mother was located at Boise. On trans
portation secured by the officials the
girl was rent there Thursday.
Omaha, Crockery (ompany.
The Omaha Crockery company will mov-j
January 1, from Its present quarters at
1418-10-12 Harney street to the building
now occupied by tho F. P. Kirdend-ill
company, at Eleventh and Harney. The
new quarters will afford double the floor
space of the old and will Increase facilities
for handling and shipping. Tho firm hits
for some tlmo felt the t.eed of more room,
Wabash Thankaiti vinn Hates.
Tickets sold November 29 and 80.
Good returning until December 4.
One and one-third fare for round trip.
All information cheerfully given by call
ing at Wabash city ticket ofllee. ltjol Far
nam street, or address Harry K. Moores,
O. A. P. D.. Wabash R. Ji., Omaha, Neb.
Bee Want
Ads Aro The Best business
Fish for Charity.
By the vigorous enforcement of the game
laws by Warden Carter a number of the
si it'i wards on S indav will dlneon IIhIi.
Friday he distributed a bale of fish to each
of the following: Deaf and Dumb Insti
tute, , Solvation army and St. Jumes' or
pxnitte. fmHa: Soldiers' homo at flrand
Island, and Tabltha home, Lincoln.
O. V. P. Stoat of Lincoln and
Condron of Chicago Arc
T. L.
City Engineer Rosewater bus selected as
his assistants In the work of Investigating
Hayden Bros', new building, now in course
of construction, as to Its safety, O. V. P.
Stout, professor of civil engineering in the
University of Nebraska, and Theodore L,
Condron, member of the State Association
of Civil Engineering, of Chicago.
Mr. Stout and Mr. Condron arrived in
Omaha Friday morning and at once held a
consultation with City Engineer Rosewater
and discussed the plans of the investiga
tion. It Is the intention of the committee
to go into every detail of the construction
of the building and to see whether the
plana of construction are feasible and
whether ths building is being put together
according to tha plana and specifications;
to Investigate also the material being put
into the building Just how long It will
0i SIB
a 4 .. V . . . i. . . . .
" '' ffa SfaA I I ir . , .... -J- . .. . .f-i,-.. .,
. :w f. -,s. V i
We have grouped all our ladies
Short Coats in one lot for quick sale
Saturday. They are $10, $12 and $18
values and you can have your un
restricted choice Saturday on easy
payments at
Credit generally costs something,
but Rldgley doesn't even ask security
you Just look honest and get all the
credit you want.
Ladles' Suits, Furs, Millinery, Coat.,
Skirls, bhoes. Etc.
Men's Kuit. Overcoats, Odd Trou
sers, Shoes, Hats, I Lain Coats, etc.
Pay as you get paid.
Terms to Suit Yourself
;i- r - .' '!,
1417 Douglas Street,
Elmer Beddeo, Manager.