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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1905)
Iff TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1P05. ChlJren's Slreoina in ii "i ii in 1 t( Hv I ILJJl Barmentjl j Ql Ii KID GLOVE SALE We bought a New York Importer's finest sam ples and odd lots of high grade kid gloves and place them on sale at unusual bargains Saturday TIipsa rrlnvpst atp in rpal kid. French lamb and WW . o-- suede, in 2 and 3 gloves, as high as 16 l.' of the long gloves xy I Ml 1 V- 1 i A V are the least bit mused or soiled on sale on big ( bargain square Saturday worth as high as $2.50 at Ladies' Neckwear Hundreds of the daintiest, newest effects ,in la dies' high class neckwear in fichus,-silks and laces the most charming ideas in blacks, whites, ecru and colors stocks and tabs- all new patterns, many beaded ef fects, easily w'th up to 50o, each. . Hosiery 10C-2SC Ladies' fine fast black lisle cotton and fleecy lined hosiery in all sizes medium, light and fl fQt heavy weight, on bargain tables. 2C" ItC4 JC Misses', Children's and Boys' Hosiery Fine and heavy ' ribbed school hose, including the famous f 1 ( Buster Brown school hose, at, pair Yim 1C Men's Hosiery Bargains Men's black, tan and fancy col ored hosiery in all sizes on bar- f Or gain square for Saturday, pair. . . IUC"lfa2CIC Winter Underwear Ladies fine Winter Vests, Pants part wool and fleecy cotton, medium and heavy at 25c Ladle' highest quality Union Suits plain and fleecy lined, medium and henvy Qft rn many well known brands, at.OC'OClDU Children's Winter Underwoar, Vesta, Pants and Draw ers, flno and heavy ribbed and f ff yr fCl fleecy lined, also wool, at IC-WC-KC IOOFLJ!? boy5' fl anJl heavy r,b- I RIBBON SALE 35,000 yards of fine pure silk ribbons, from 14 to 3 inches wide; printed wash ribbons, satm taffetas, fine wash taffetas, heavy all silk moires, heavy all 11 1 ' M A . . siiK satin gros grain tor lancy work, hair rib- CC jf bons, stock collars, etc. full line of colors, liR worth up to 19c yard; at, yard. W From the largest manufacturers of fine ribbons in Paterson, N. J., all his mill ends, remnants and sec onds of fine ribbons warp satin taffetas, mcssalines, fancies, etc. all colors, with plenty of creams, pinks and light blues, worth 39c to 75c; at, yard SHEET Hundreds of the relsnlng hits. Come and hear played. Any song you may have heard of, we have BOMS OF THE NEW SONGS Down Amid the Coral Cy, 1 Wish I Wai Back In My Uv ry Barn, A gold Ur'a Dream, Re inimtwr Dear, 8t. Louis T 1 o k 1 Bona, O Mrs. O - Harahan, Walt, Orvy, It Tou Don't Like Your Job. "Quit. LET ME tm m ... mm ."" Tha latest child's sons, being tunc CANDY SALE. (00 boaea of 1-lb. hlf-h trad Choco late and Bon Bona, regular price 6O3 a boa, at 36c Home Made Vanilla Chocolate Drops at ISo pound. Broken Mixture, aiaortcd flavors, at o pound, tuperfme Oum Dropa,'at To lb. Dellrlnu Home Made fudge, at to lb. Peanut Cluater, at lo lb. All kind! of Taffloa at USo lb. Aeaorted Cream Bun Bona at llo lb. Cream Pattlea, aaaorted, at 2So lb. A large aaaortment of ThankarWlng Turkeya and other fancy hosea at very low prtcea, will be found In the Candy department. WE ALWAYS HAYE ROCK 9 SPRINGS, PHONES 12211695 CENTRAL COAL AND COKL CO. IS&HAKNEY STSrf k. mr n k n an mam mm . mr it 3? "V!m Monarch Gloves 1 clasp may long evening to 'JO button gloves most are in small sizes and some Sole lots. 59c-c SaJe and Drawers, In form-fitting, all sizes. - 39c69c Chlldren'a Knit rndr- print, taffetas, 1 MUSIC them sung and and can All the iX NEW INSTRU MENTAL HITS Kohoa from Eypt. Arabian M I h 1 1 , Aunt Jane, Lucille Walts, Pioneer's March, Cavalier, Vunr OlrU I,ewls Exposition and other. Any of these new too selections at 25o each. Don't fall to ret them, aa this list con tain! nothing- but the beat. FLAY? mtm m at mf . - - a mm m m mJ and featured all ever the country. DRUG DEPT. ' A !fio cake of Harflnre Snap and a Mc bottle of Hay llalr Health for 45c. Calomel Tablets, all aliea, per dot., lo. Poinpound Cathartlo Pllle, per doi.,So. 8trychnlne Tableta. all alzes, per doxen, te. t-graln Quinine Capaulea, per dot., 7o l-graln Quinine Capaulea. per dm., inc. Antl-Conatlpatlon Tablets (Wyeth'i), per dozen, lo. Bodlum Phosphate, per pound. Sc. Ejaom Salta, per pound. 10c. Senna Leaves, per ounce, 6c. Tr. Iodine, per ounce, lo. Tr. Arnica, per ounce. Sc. Everything In drugs and medicines at reduced prices. patent mm Fine Candies Lownev's. Benedetto Voegele A Dlnnlng'a. Hlldreth's Vel- im, j c ana inc. Douglaa Molassea, Re. Douglna' Horebound, finest made, 5c Ko and 16c packages. Macklntoah'a Toffee. 10a Peter'a Milk Chocolate, After Din ner Mints. 10c and 2&c. Candy Bros.' Fruit Tablet. HOWfiLL DRUG CO., 1TH AND CAPITOL, AVE. 10c I g rrnrr h I TO LADIES I SATURDAY : M ! J In order to more widely (fL , introduce our pure high j grade ivines, andtodem- jf Ti omtrate their healthful m ity, we will give free to W every lady calling at our $ store on Saturday, a M small bottle of Fine M - . ... .... W f ionay nine. m 2?o purchase necessaru. fr We want you to call. S rr c W4 ifiis Wliie kj fruwithtxertj telephone tff M or mail order ten', on $ Saturday. t Prompt Deliveries. tff uiccii iidumy didiiius. 47 Uillor'oi:: I must I 13Q9 FARHAM ST. Wo Kick on Our Boys' and Girls9 Shoes Tou can't beat the Fry School Shoe for boys and girls, no matter where you go. They're made of the best leather, made over the best lists, and made In the best manner of any school shoe sold at the same price. Don't waste your shoe money, but come to the store where you are aure of getting full value, a good fit and the best shoe In town for the price. $1.50 and $2 FRY SHOE CO. Wk and Dsogaj Sts. WINTER SUITS and OVERCOATS at such a reduction from the regular price that you cannot afford to overlook the opportunity. We are celling our entire stock at a saving to you of from $5 to f 10 on each Buit and Over coat. These clothes not only fill every requirement, but In many Instances give more perfect satisfaction than can be obtained in tuade-to-order garments. $20 Suits ilS.OO. $25 Suits $16.50. $30 Suits $25.00. $23 Overcoats $10. RO. $25 Overcoats $17.50. $30 Overcoats 92O.0O. PEASE BROS.CO. 1417 Farnam St. BUM jpRESCRIPTIOIlS Called for filled accurately wnd delivered promptly. Telephone 32. H. S. KING fcKCMMr M t. I, arts. 24th and Farnam Sts. J i J OVERCOATS Also Cravenettes worth up 5rvi(0) tn $1 hnnaht frnm npr- 1 v tl to $15, bought from stocked manufacturers, at a great sacrifice Men's Suits, $ Worth up to $18.00, such fine makes as Benjamin, Kohn Bros. Schloss Bros., included, Pants worth up to Sale v price White Pique Vests G)Es Wnrth nn tn 7 ftO $3 Sweaters, 1.90 15c for Men's Hose, worth up Boys' to 35c. Corduroy Knee SIZES Sale Price, UARMEE mm 1519-1521 DOUGLAS STREET. mhmi Sensational Millinery Sale SATURDAY we sell absolutely Any E-3at;At Oos Dr'ss'hATS at $2.50, $5 mi $7.50 Investigate It Pays. 1508 DOUGLAS ST. ALWAYS THE BEST IS WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU BUY YOUR MEATS AT TIIE CENTRAL MARKETS No tough meats sold at these markets, and when it comes to price we have no competition., One trial will convince you. Pork Eoast, pound 7y2c Pork Chops, pound 8V2C Sirloin Steak, (native steers), pound UlM Prime Eib Eoast, pound 10c and 8c Pot Eoast, pound 7c and 6c Special Sale on Hams and Bacon. 16TH AND HARNEY STREETS, 16TH AND CAPITOL AVENUE, TELEPHONE 28S9. TELEPHONE 1796. A Judge of Good Eating Who knows the difference between superior and Inferior meats never fails to dilate upon trie merits or our i prime, lender and Juicy roams of bef. You can procure the choicest cum at all limes. FOR 8ATVRDAY we will have the very choicest of BEEP, VKAI-. PORK. LAMB, MITTO. FISH. rHlCKE9. DICKS, A D TIHKEYI. Morrell's Hams mmd Baron. Nn matter what kind of meat you , want, only the very choicest will be found at JOS. BATH'S New Meat Market I Tel. 69M. 193 FARNAM 8T. H. L RAMACCI0TTI, D. V. S- CITY VKTERHARIA. Office and Infirmary, 2&th and Mason 8ts., OMAHA, NEB. Telephone Us. over $ho- "tl afW Suspenders, worth up to 35c. Pants 4-12 . . . rvn ni SATURDAY MEAT SPECIALS Morrell's Iowa Prido Hams SHc I'holre Rib Roasts So Choice Porterhouse Steak. . .12VjO Choice Roiling Reef 3V4c OXE WEEK'S UHEttX STAMP HI'ECIAM Of Stamps (IU) with 1 lb. best Gun. 'powder or E. Breakfast Tea. .65c 10Q Stamps i10i with one gallon pura ,ww Maple Syrup ji.33 0( Stamps $8i with I lbs. bst Oil Mocha and Java Toffee 1100 nn Stamps ($8 with 1 lb. best Japan OU or B. F. Japan Tea c rn Stamps (to) with each 00-lb. sack 3U hlue Uell Flour 1145 en (Kj with 2-lb. can M. and M J. f'offee. ?0c. or 1 lb. Boston Raking Powder 0 CO Stamps .foi with S sal. pure U Maple Syrup rc Kfj Stamps (6) with 1 lb. Gunpowder uu Tea ioc ONE DOLLAR Green Trading btamps with each of the following articles: 1 6-pound sack Salt I0o 7 Bars C. ho:ip 25c 3 packages Matches l.Sc i cans Forest City Com ... 2Jc 1 package Pepper 10c 1-1 h. can Huniford s Baking Powder 2Sr. 1 pkg. Corn Starch pie 1 box Waller Baker's Co coa 26c THIS UMSTU M K A T AMD ti H O C E R X CO.. 113 orb street. Opposite New Postufflce. 'Phone I08S. 90 15c for X 25c Don't Miss Sat'day's Sales THK RbXIABLE HTOKK. Stupendous Clothing Copyright 1905! by Hart Schaffner 6r Marx LADIES' GLOVES High grade Md and nil the new O n . I .. f'lffi V3t : 35 1 i.v.rt--dsi GOLF GLOVKS In ell the new shades, regular Mo values, special, Saturday, at LIU Christmas Oifts The exceptional not the ordinary. The exclusive, not the com monplace. Gifts that will n"t be duplicated. Gentlemen and Ladles' Card Cases, Jewel Cases, Cigar Cases, Pocket Photograph Holders, an elegant line In everything that be longs In a Jewlery store. -mmtjFjrmSjanxxsrXomtt i Brown & Bo rsheim JEWELERS 1222 South Ifl'J.SfPf OmAtvi S a 3nd for 1BOO talaliijfna t Frwe J TELEPHONE 431. 1414 FARNAM ST. QUALITY IN COAL That Is what you want and what We have. Right now we have a plentiful supply of high grades In stock and more arriving every day. W have "SCRANTON" HARD COAL, "SPADIA" AN THRACITE, " CANON CITY" COAL and a host of cheaper grades. Place your orders now before steady cold weather seta In. TELEPHONE 431. 1414 FARNAM ST. ANY MAN awav from home and friends is llkelv to find himself with out nioncv. A diamond will al-, wavs supply that need without any trouble or publicity. Our diamonds and prices are right. v will huv buck any diamond we sell for nine-tenths of Its cost within one year. THE INMANUEL HOSPITAL which for 15 year hna been called The Swedish HoBpltHl" fiffera now through Its well kuowu efilclPtit Btuff of Surgeons aud rhyBiluua, Its rjuiel and healthy Icx.-atlou arid careful nur ainjr tne lest place for the alclc and suffering- Those who want to go to Uili Institution must take cure that they uru not misled to aoiue otlier pluce. Tele phone No. Sherinau Ave car. 3tlth and Ames, tukea you atraifht to lmuianuel Ilospllal, Oujaha. Nt TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER 4diltMi Uniiki, .Neb. rr f-rtrir- t -n'j-fcTiiiig Don't Miss SaV day's Sales. Bargains Saturday Th surplus stocks of three srreat man 11 fii' turers have been securetl bv our buyer and will bt placed on sale Satiinluy at triers which tuean a great saving of t'othes money to you. The Hue coin prlxes everything that Is new end nobhv nnd the variety of style ati.t fabric la the greatest ever shown In Omaha at the price. $8 to $10 Men's Suits $5 & $7.50 Single or double brensted styles. In all wool cheviots, oasslmeres, worsteds and tweeds, up-to-date In style and perfoct In fit, uneiitialed values. C t( at I7.W nnd J.UU $12.00 to $16.50 Men's Suits $12.50 and $10.00. Splendid hand tailored anils. In auc7 worsteds, cheviots and uauaytmcres or plain, unfinished worsteds, an Immense variety of patterns to select from, not suit worth less than l.'.M and tip to S1G.6Q, come In tiomil single or doubt breasted stvles, great bar- Ifl flfl gains nt IliW and IU.UU $12.50 to $15.00 Men's Over coats $10.00. llnndsome Overcoats, 52 Inches long, with belted DHek, splendidly lined and trimmed, come In medium and d;rk fancy fabrics, with padded shoulders snd self-retaining fronts, unequaled bargains In Saturday's sale Q QQ Youths' and Children's OVERCOATS A great line of surprising bargains, com prising all the latest styles and most popular fabrics. YOl'TH'B OVERCOATS In long or medium lengths, with or without belt, worth tip to iio. In three lots X ?C Saturday at I7.W, $5 and CHlLtiRKN'S OVKItrOAT-ln all slses and the nobbiest new styles garment worth up to ti In three lots I QC at $3.6o, iz.oO and -,J gloves, In blacks, whiles CO slmdrs. worth double the ?JC I 1 ... tl IJ tl mrA 25c $1.50 Boys' Shoes We have established a reputation on our Boys' tl.BO shoes. The best of sole leather Is used In the soles the uppers are of selected stock, and the workmanship la all that skilled labor can make It. Saturday Is always boys' day at our store, and If you have never tried a pair of these shots bring the boy In and let ua fit him. DrexelShoe Co. 1419 Farnam Si. BEND FOR CATALOGUE!. Johnson & Goodlett Go. 20TH AND LAKE TOU CAN AFFORD THESB BAR GAINS. TOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS THEM. FLOUR Meadow Gold, per ffl 4S-1D. aack av BEANS Best Hand Picked 25r Navy, T lbs. for WASHING SODA-6 fic lba. for ww LIMA BEANS New. 2Sc t lba. for "-M- RICE Whole, clean, 25c 7 lbs. for m,xj0 RIB RO AST-Beat steer, t(r per lb POT ROAST Lean and fc tender, per lb..- CAKES-J-layer white, nut, c range, caramel, chocolate or cocoanut, bet value In the city, flllc each OUw IlltKAP-Our own home made, OC pure milk, t loaves for ww SO TPS Chicken, tomato and 2Sc edi table, 4 Iik- cans for POPCOHN-Shelled. S lbs. IOC CALL US EARLT THREE PHONES 1678. Johnson & Goodlett Go. Groceries. Meats and Bakery. fB""' PARKER'S Hair Sl Balaam i'couioit the growth of the hair and flies It the lustre and trtlilneja of yonta. Wbeo the balr la ,rray or faded U RINOS SACK THI YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prerenta Dejidrutf and Lair falling and keep the scalp clean and healthy. MEN AND WOMEN. Um ht lor aatrml IrritAtioB r itrtiftikoii vt mneefia ottiaWrftaM. laiiilaMai a u4 au4 avaLiA. 14 b iMmtow mm. jrisWiinHBTiiB lrwni'n"! r'mi um l win up j ) Sj ms;. I A . , M diiiwu4 U asnsMTi.1 fj V -a.. 2 f