Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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J i met U Knapp Ebooti His Bon iud
Followi Op by Shoeing Wife.
llnaband mm tVlfe Had enarnted nnd
Knapp Wit Amrr Drctoif the
on Hided with Ilia
Armed with a double-barrelled shotgun
trid martin out with the avowed Intention
i'f killing every member of hla family,
Jame M. Knapp, a Red fisherman, lat
venlng Knot hla wife and son, John M.
Knapp, aged Z2 yearn. Both were shot In
the bark. The eon wag removed to the
General hospital, where It was eta ted his
hnnrra for recovery depended on whether
nny of the shot had penetrated the abdo
minal cavity, while tho woman, who was
not seriously Injured, was treated at her
Jiome on Avenue O. Kate, the 11-ycar-old
ilauehtrr of J. II. Sherlock, 210 Avenue
P, was struck In the back by some of tho
stlay shot when Knapp fired at Ills son,
but was not seriously hurt.
Knapp nnd his wife have been separated
for over three years nnd the shooting; last
evening was the culmination of several
years of domestic Infelicity. Knapp and his
wor have frequently quarreled because tho
UtlT ulwnys took the part of Ills mother.
and since she separated from the old man
i he son has made Ills home with her. Knapi
'.ihn made his escajie after the shooting,
is said to have been drinking heavily. He
win last seen making hla way towards the
motor tracks on Avenue A and Is believed
to have crossed tho river to Omaha, al
i hough It wax suggested that possibly he
might have thrown himself Into the river.
The shooting occurred shortly before C
o'clock. John M. Knapp, the son, was re
turning from work In Kast Omaha and
was about to call at the home of his sister,
Mrs. Louis Haight, 2824 Avenue L. when
he saw his father standing In the roadway
' near the house. The old mnn It is said,
ailed out to the son:
"I'm going to shoot you and kill the
Ahole d d family."
The son did not pay much attention to
lie threat, as his father had made simitar
mes on former occasions, and the son did
lot notice that his father was armed with
gun. and It Is supposed the old man hid
t behind him. The son went Into the
H.ilght house, but was no sooner In than
lis sister, Mrs. Haight, came running In
uylng his father was outside with a gun
i ml was going to shoot them all. The son,
'earing his father intended to kill bis
nother, dashed from the house with the
ntention of hastening to his mother's home
hree blocks south, to warn her. Just as
ie -turned the corner of the house the old
nan raised the run to his shoulder and
lied, the charge of shot striking the son
n the bark and a few of the stray shot
ilttlng li-yeai-old Kate Sherlock, who was
n the ard playing with the Ilalght child
en. Mrs. Haight ran out at the sound of
.he. shot, and falling on her knees before
I lie old man cried:
"For God's sake, spare my children."
In the meantime the son managed to re.
nter tho house.
"tarts for Home of Wife.
After shooting tho son tho old man
itarted towards the home of his wife, but
.tie daughter, Mrs. Haight, reached there
ahead ot him and called to her mother to
fly for her life. Mrs. Knapp started to run
across the street towards the home of
another daughter, Mrs. Malvern Henry,
when the old man fired both barrels at her,
'.he shot striking her tn the back and arms,
)ut owing to the. distance Inflicting nothing
tut flush wounds.
Neighbors, attracted by the shooting,
-unhed into the street and assisted Mrs.
napp to her home. After shooting his
vlfe Knapp orossed the street to the house
f his daughter, Mrs. Henry, with the sup
loned intention of shooting her, but notici
ng that a crowd waa beginning to gather
evidently chanrd his mind. a hen he
leached the front of the place he threw
the gun onto tho porch nnd stHrt'd on tiie
run toward the motor tracks.
The police were notified and the o?i whs
taken to the Genera! hospital, where an
examination showed th;it upwards of 100
shot had penetrated the buk, extending
from the right shoulder to the waist line.
Whether any of the shot had penetrated
the abdominal cavity could not be learned
last night. If they have not the mans
chances for recovery are said to be good.
The fact that Knapp was wearing a heavy
coat and heavy underwear alone saved his
life, as when his f.ither fired at him he I
was only about twenty feet distant.
Mrs. Knapp was attended at her homo
by Dr. Susan gnyder nnd her Injuries were
said not to be serious. .
Tho little Sherlock girl, who received
about fifteen of the stray shot, is not se
riously hurt.
Knapp, who is about 60 years of age. has
been living In a tent near the Illinois
Central bridge and has been earning a
precarious living by fishing. For several
months there has been bad blood between
the father and son owing to the latter
tuklng the part of the mother, who refused
to return to her husband. The family for
merly lived at Cut-Oft, on the other side
of the river, and are said to be. well known
to the Omaha pnllee.
Legislative Committee Surprised at
Condition at Fort Madlion.
That Iowa Is not up to date In Its penal
institutions and that steps should be taken
to bring them up to the most advanced
standards will be a feature of the report
of the legislative committee of which Sen
ator C. G. Saunders of this city Is a mem
ber. Mr. Saunders, who returned yesterday
from visiting with the other members of
the committee the Boys' Industrial school
at Eldora. made this statement, which re
fers particularly to the penitentiary at Fort
Mndlson. The committee, which was ap
pointed to report on the advisability of an
Indeterminate sentence law, has visited all
the penal Institutions of this state and a
number in other states.
Regarding the Fort Madison penitentiary
Mr. Snund -rs said the committee was sur
prised to find the cell house as It Is. "It
Is a disgrace to the state," said Mr. Saun
ders, "and the committee will make some
very strong recommendations concerning
this institution." Mr. Saunders, however,
stated that the management was In no way
to blame for the conditions existing at
Fort Madison, as the warden and his sub
ordinates were doing the best they could
under tne circumstances. For the peniten
tiary at Anamosa the committee, Mr. Saun
derB said, had nothing but words of praise.
The Industrial school at Eldora, Mr.
Saunders said, proved an agreeable sur
prise to him and the other members of the
committee. The boys are not treated as
prisoners, there are no bars and as few
restrictions as possible. In fact, the in
mates are treated as much like pupils at
a school as possible. They have a band.
foot ball and base ball teams, a gymnasium
and an excellent library. Half the day Is
spent In work around the Institution and
the other half in school. The committee,
however, Mr. Saunders states, was sur
prised to find almost an entire absence of
any manual training and the committee
will make a strong recommendation in its
report that this be established without de
lay and will recommend that an adequate
appropriation be made for It. -
"The Institution at Eldora is as good a
place as a boy whose environments at
home are not as they should be.
could be sent to," is the opinion expressed
by Senator Saunders. The course of study
here, he said, ranges up to the high school
course in this city. At present there are
4M boys in the institution and during the
last year there has not been a single death
among them.
Bctnd l)th Reported from Glenwood
Asylum for th Feeble-Mindri. '
tale Dairy Commission lnvesllaatlnaj
Food Supply Found on the
Market nnd Make Start.
Una Discoveries.
i From a Staff Correspondent.)
LKS MOINES. Nov. ;i. I Special.) Re
ports received today by the Plate- Board of
Control from the School for Feeble Mtndi d
at Glinwood are that one of the nurses
has died of typhoid fever, though there are
still no new cases since November 1-'.
There have now been two deaths, one
nurse and one inmate of the school.
sirords to 'Worth Dakota.
It is learned that Attorney George V
Swords of Iowa City, who for some mouths
has ben in charge of the affairs of the
defunct National bank at Grinnell, has
about completed hla work there and has
beta notified to go to Minot, N. D., to take
charge of a national bank.
Governor to Address Harvard.
Governor Cummins has been Invited by
the Iowa society of Harvard university
to deliver an address and attend the din
ner of the society given In Ills honor on
the occasion of his visit east next month.
The society numbers about seventy, all of
whom are students from this state attend
ing the university, and tlie Invitation
states that all the students be rig of the
same mind politically as the governor they
desire a talk on public Questions.
Investigates Food "apply.
At the request of State Dairy Commis
sioner H. R. Wright the state chemist has
analyzed quantities of hamburger steak,
oysters and mince meat purchased In the
markets of this city. The analysis was
made for use before the legislative com
mittee this winter in the effort to get a
as to which Justice should hear the srgu-
Dry Dork Dewey tioea to Manila Har
bor, Towed by Three
WASHINGTON. Nov. I'-l.J. l. Wood, a
tug master of Norfolk, has Just signed ft
contract with the Navy department to go
out to Manila, on the "l. V. Puwcy" on one
of the most remarkable cruises o(, modern
times. The ' D. V. P" tv" means a big
steel flouting dry dock, now at Solomon s
island In Chesapeake bay, which Is des
tined to dock the largest ships in the
American naval force In the far east If this
great structure can ever be successfully pi
loted through four sens, the 14,(Q miles ly
ing between Chesapeake and Manila bays.
Mr. Wood Is to live aboard the dock during
tho voyage. He anticipates one of the most
pleasant experiences of his life. He will
receive ' compensation per month, his
vessel will be so stable in the heaviest
w-eather it might le possible to play bill
iards aboard, according to some officers,
and he will have plenty of good company
and solid comfort. There is a permanent
crew of eight; machinists engineers, sail
ors and electricians and firemen, and these
people are to remain attached to the dock
at Manila. On the voyage they will be rein
forced By twenty-two sailors, who will be
discharged when they reach Manila. -
This comparatively large crew Is needed
for the purpose of handling the towing
lines and operating the pumps and electri
cal contrivances that keep the dook dry.
They cannot steer the great hulk, for no
constructor has been able to devise u rudder
big enough to shape a course for the dock
which could be safely attached and oper
ated. So the dock is to be held on its course
solely by the towing power of the threo
great colliers. Glacier, Ceasar and Brutus,
the whole under the direction of Captain
Fullam, I'nitcd States navy. Each Of the
colliers will have Its own wireless olant
so that they may freely communicate with
the dock and with each other. The towing
line will be 14 miles long, a length regarded
pure food law. It was discovered that the i a8 necessary to guard against sharp strains
hamburger steak contained crackers or
bread crumbs and horse meat. The minco
meat contained poisonous preservatives
and coloring matter and the oysters con
tained formaldehyde.
Home for Ministers.
The Methodist church has made a propo
sition to the estate of the late Major Hoyt
Sherman to purchase the fine home at Fif
teenth and Woodland for a home for su
perannuated ministers. Charles M. Sher
man of Boston, a son, and F. W. Wyborg
of Cincinnati, a Bon-tn-luw, are here to
consider the proposition.
Two Hundred nt Dinner.
Hon. Lafe Young, editor of the Daily
Capital, was the guest of the Grant club
this evening at the regular monthly meet
ing of the club. There were about 2fK)
present and Mr. Young addressed the club
on his trip about the world and to the
I nlon Paeiae.
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a:Jain a 8:18 pin
California fc-xpress a 4:10 pm t t:Hm
California Ik Oregon Ex. a 4:10 pin a 6:10 pm
North Platte Local a 7:60 am a :m pro
Fast Mail a:biam a t.M urn
Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:44 am
Beatrice Local bS lipm bliMpta
Iklut. Rock lalnad Jt pnelBe.
Chicago Limited a:am a 7:10am
Chicago Express a7:3oara at;66pm
Chicago Express, Local. ,bll.40 am pin
Ues Moines Express a4.3upm bll:60am
Chicago Fast Express.. ..a 6:40 pot a 1:16 pin
Rocky Mountain Ltd a 7:20 am a 1:30 am
Colorado Express a 1:90 pm a 4:66 pm
Oklahoma a Tim Ex.. a 4 to pm aU:0am
MUkonrl Paciae.
St. Louis Express a 1:00 am a ( JO am
K. C, 8L L. tx all:lapu a6:Wpu)
luloo Jt !ortn western.
tiU Paul IMyiigat a 7:60 are 10:00 pro,
v. uicaao Ljuul a s uv am lLbupiu
Chicago Eimiiou a :ij pm V :1a am
Carroll Local a . piu :au am
St. Paul Fast Mall a tv Js put 7:u6am
bloux C. & St. P. Local., b i.tu pm '. am
Fast Mall !.u pm
Chicago Express a f :&t pm a 7:30 am
Norfolk. A lioniMleel....a J.40 am 10:26 am
Lincoln & Long Pine. ..a 7:o um lu:4a piu
I asper at Wyoming e t o) pin e &:la pm
Deauwoud & Lincoln. ..a 2.60 pm 6.16 pm
Hastings at Albion b 2 So pm 6:1s pm
Chicago Uucal aUUtoam 1:46 pm
lunula Central.
Chicago Express a 8:00 am a 3:56 pm
iiiico iJiniieU ati:uopiii a:4oam
Minn. & ti. Paul Ex. ,.b :w n b s:oa put
Mlun. 4k bt. Paul Etd. ,a S.Aj pm a 7:30 am
lliu'-Ku, tuiniiskr . si. faai.
Chicago & Colo. Spec l.a 1 .6 am a 7.36 am
l auiviin at ore. a.x..n it. a j, a :io pm
Ovsriand LiinueU a :-o pin a H.m am
Marion n.Cuar u Luc.b am bil:w pm
St. Louis Express a 6.30 pm al:4Cui
bl. Louis Local (from
Council biuilst a 1:16 am alO.ajpm
fetain-oiy l.oc! !troiu
Council mulls) b 6:00 pm blLSOam
i ku'ksli Great Vteaiera.
' St. Paul at Minn a pm a 7:16 am
ol. Paul miuo a i -U am a 7:ie pm
CillC40 LllllUKU U S.UU 4.v wii
v-nic-.j .pi a fc: am a J:o pm
MUeoarl Poclne.
Nebraska Local, via lv.. Arrive.
Waepiug water b pm bUi:o pm
l Uliu.u, l. 1 sul, Jtttuueayolla m
,'iwla City Passenger.. .b (:0am b t:10 pm
WU City "ciiii'...a i.uu pm atl.Jw am
utanu Lucl b a w pm b :io am
biiitmuD Local , c .fc am ti .uw p:n
bl H14NGTO.N i A I IU-10TH MAkU.1
Hlatorlo Vessel Will rasa front
First to Second Line of
WASHINGTON. Nov. 24,-As soon as the
historic battleship Oregon, now under or
ders to return home from the Asiatic sta
tion, reaches American waters It will be
sent to a government navy yard and placed
nut of commission for a thorough over
hauling. Having served In the first line, it lng ln British territory adjacent thereto.
wui. wnen recommissionea. oe.piacea m The merchandise shloDed from Alaska to
Bnreau of Statistics Isaoea State
ment Regarding; Beeent Ship
ments of Merchandise.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-The commerce
of the United States, with its noncontig
uous territory In 1005, seems likely to exceed
by many million dollars that of an pro
ceeding year, according to a statement
Issued by tho Department of Commerce and
Labor, through its bureau of statistics.
The bureau's nine, months' statement, end
ing with September, shows that the ship
ments from the United States to Its non
contiguous territory amounted to $36,652,174
against $29,929,079 In the corresponding
months of the proceeding year and that the
shipments of merchandise to the United
States from Its noncontiguous territory
in the same period amounted to 366.550,150
against $47,141, K38 in the corresponding
months of the preceedlng year.
The figures given relate to merchandise
only and do not include the gold and silver
of which the shipments from Alaska to the
United States were only $7,000,000 of gold
produced in that territory and $5,500,000 of
foreign gold shipped from Alaska, original-
In a heavy sea, and even with this, great
towing bits with pneumatic cushions have
been placed on the colliers to reduce the
chance of breaking the cables, the largest
steel ropes in the world, outside of some
of the great suspension brldRes.
Estimates vary as to the length of time
that will be cor.samed In the voyage, but
some of the most competent naval officers
believe that the "Dewey" can be towed at
the rate of about 1X miles a day, and allow
about three of. four months, for the trio,
via the Sues caral.
the second line of defense, use being found
for it In home waters. The out-of-date
battleship Massachusetts, now at the New
Tork navy yard, will be put out of com
mission. Its place will be taken by the
Indiana, which Is now undergoing extensive
What ship shall take the place of the
Oregon on the Asiatic station has not yet
been decided, but it has long been the
Intention to send out to the far east next
spring two protected cruisers of the Gal
veston type.
Mrs. Goodlet of .nshvllle Tells Mid
shipman He Did Hlaht
to Fight.
NASHVILLE. Term., Nov. I4.-The
venerable Mrs. G. M. Goodlet of this city,
honorary president and founder of the
United Daughters' of the Confederacy, has
sent the following letters to her young
kinsman, Minor Meriwether, the midship
man, who Is now undergoing a court
martial In collection with lila encounter
with Urareh:
To Midshipman Meriwether. Annapolis,
Md.: "The blood of your revolutionary
ancestors would have risen up against
you had you done otherwise than accept
the ehullenge of Midshipman Branch.
MH&hpman Meriwether Is a i:ear relative
of Mrs. Goodlet.
Prof. Loeb Revises' Oplnlou of F.ffect
of Sea Water on
BERKELEY, Cal., Nov. 24. Bit by bit
Prof. Jacques Loeb, the scientist, is com
pleting the set of experiments Into the
origin of life that it Is hoped vill eventually
mak clear the life problem. Today he added
another to Ills many Bteps ulreudy taken in
this direction, when he issued nn anounce
ment regarding chemical methods he has
employed in maturing eggs of a mollusk,
the Lottla Glgantea.
The result of Prof. Loeb's experiments
with these eggs of the mollusk have caused
him to revise theories previously held. The
experiments Include the testing of the
effects of hypertonic sea water upon mol
lusk eges, with a view to determining
how fertilization might be accomplished
and also to determine whether the action
of the sea water and Its effect upon the
eggs are of a physical or -chemical nature.
Prof. Loeb fermcrly believed the action
waa of a physical character, but now re
vises this opinion. ,
the United States, there is a falling off of
a little less than $2,000,000 compared with
the previous year. In shipments from the
United States there was an Increase of
nearly $2,000,000 to Alaska; of over $3,000,000
to Torto Itlco, about $1,000,000 to the Philip
pines and nearly $1,000,000 to the Hawaiian
Large Increase Shown In Xniuber
from Sehoola Who Seek
The principal business before the Library
Board last night was the approval of the
librarian's report. Among the noticeable
points of this report was the Increase of
the number of books used by the pupils
of the public schools. The total number
In the monthly report was 2.K98. which Is
an increase of 1,211. It was also stated
that the periodical list was placed with
F. H. Walker of this city. He will have
the contract for furnishing all the period!
Its shipments from the noncon- cals to be used In the library during the
tlguous territories to the United States coming year. Bids were received and his
there was an Increase of $3,000,000 from i was shown to be the lowest.
Porto Rico, of over $1,000,0.10 from the i ruib to the amount of $2,4I7.F3 for sala-
British Ministers Eaid to Ete Decided on
a Political Program,
liberals Object to Taking Helna of
t.overnment tntll After (Gen
eral Klertlon filves Them
Workln Majorlt).
LONDON. Nov. Today's cabinet!
council which, although not originally
tummoticd 'or that purpose, had to decide
the question of the resignation or tnp
orsry prolongation of the retention of of
fices by the Balfour ministry, was at
tended by nil the members with the ex
ception of marquis of Salisbury, president'
of the Hoard of Trade. Only a few score
of the public gathered in the vlnlclty of
Rowing street to witness the assembling
of the ministers and Here was no dem
onstration. It was regarded as a foregone
conclusion that the cabinet was going out
and the only public Interest was ln the
marner of Its going, whether tho premier
and his colleagues would take precipitate
action or decide to remain In office for a
little while longer to wind up the business
actually In hand. Mr. Balfour's hand. It
is understood was somewhat forced by the
resignation of the marquis of London
derry, the president of the council and
president of the Board Of Education which
wss tendered a few days ago. The ques
tion Immediately arose whether the
collective resignation of the ministry
would not be preferable to Its gradual
Tho session of the cabinet broke up
soon after 2 o'clock in the arternoon after
a couple of hours deliberation.
It la understood that the proposal for
the collective resignation of the cabinet
was rejected and that the ministers ar
rived at the decision that it would be
better to dissolve Parliament themselves
and appeal to the electorates. Should
this course be followed It would be due
largely to the well grounded belief that
tho liberals would decline to form a
cabinet befjre a general election places
them ln possession of an adequate parlia
mentary majority to carry out the liberal
As the marquis of Londonderry was
present at the cabinet council It is evident
that Mr. Balfour did not accept his
tendered resignation and the lord presi
dent of the council probably withdrew
when Informed that the cabinet would not
again meet Parliament with the Idea of
the transacting further business. The
ministers have not yet given an Intimation
of the actual date of the dissolution and
appeal to the constituencies
Federation of labor Derides that
Their Trade la Too Closely Identi
fied with Clear Making:.
PITTSBURG, Nov. 24. The most lm
portant decision reached today by the
American Federation of Labor was the
refusal to grant a, charter to the National
Stogie -Makers' league because the trade
Is so closely Identified to cigar making.
The socialist delegates re-Introduced two
resolutions on public ownership which the
committee on resolutions had nonconcurred
In and the discussion which followed was
spirited, but while It was at its height
was cut short by Delegate Mahon, who ,
aroso to a point of order and cited the
constitution to the effect that political
discussions shall not be permitted in the
President Gompors promptly decided the
point well taken and declared both resolu
tions out of order and further discussion
was stopped.
A special order was made for 10 o'clock
tomorrow for the election of officers u-nd
the selection of a city for holding the next
The report of the committee on education
was the first business taken up today and
the following resolutions, recommended by
the committee, were adopted: Condemning
convict labor when ln competition with free
labor; endorsing the eight-hour workday;
recommending the abolition of child labor;
providing for the organization of a woman's
union label league and welcoming wid from
the Presbyterian church in the establish
ment of a department of church and labor.
The committee on education also endorsed
he position assumed by the executive
council regarding the right of women to
vote. The report of the committee pro- I
vided that an active pare be taken by the j
American Federation of Ibor,ln co-operating
lth the Woman's Final Rihts a- ,
soclntlon and tendered them every as!i:-
a nee in acquiring voting rights. The com-
mlttee's report wes unanimously adopted. ;
A resolution authorising President tiomp- j
is to appoint commissions of three dele- ,
gates each to Inquire Int economic and
labor conditions of variooa cities of the
I'nited Slates was adopted. I
tion of I-owry. a spinll town in
county, nnd t'ie merchant of the town,
who hud given the i oivern snppoit.
Attorney tieneral of Minnesota to
Proceed Aanlnst Elevator Com
panies of State.
ST. PAUL, Nov. :4. Attorney Uelieril
Young of Minnesota today hnd papers
served on the Atlantic Elevator company
of Minneapolis and the Osborn McMillan
Elevator company of Wisconsin, showing
lhat a suit hail been begun against tl:ose
companies ln Ixiwry. Minn.
The suit Is the first under the anti-trust
act of 1S9P. The companies are charged
with exercising unlawful restraint of trade
In that they resorted to coercive methods
to destroy the Farmers' Elevator assoela-
Jnrora He Ha I rnmninl) In
rinded In llrrlalun Aanlnat
Hoitriley nnd Jadson.
NKW YORK. Nov. 14 The statement
that Joseph Letter of 0T.ic.iKO was by mis
take Included in the I'VoOO verdict recently
rendered HKHlnst him, Joseph li. Hoadley
and Cyrus Judson wns made today by Mr.
I.eltrr s lawyers This verdict wss In lte
suit of William it. Franklin and George- I.
Scott to recover losses in Hie International
Power company's stock and Included the
Interest of $5.!V.
Mr. Ilter's attorney announced that be
had in his possession the affidavits of five
members of the Jury which rendered the
verdict that they had not Intended to give
a verdict against Mr. l.citer and that the
verdict was Intended to apoly as against
Hondley and Judson. Mr. Beard said tlvit
he would apply to have the verdict against
Mr Letter set aside. '
The confidence of the public is
the final proof of merit
Has stood the test
It is old and pure
Philippines and of about $12,0OU,00O from the
Hawaiian Islands.
Leave. Arrlva.
a 41vi pm a t.M pm
San Francisco Doesn't Know Who
Really Own Ita Rapid
Transit Lines.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. :4.-The United
Railroads of San Francisco hove changed
hands. The New York banking house of
Brown Brothers & Co., which has con
trolled the local street railways since the
consolidation nearly four years ago, no
longer has any interest In the properties.
Control of the San Francisco lines has
passed Into the hands of other Interests
and Brown Bros & Co., together with
Arthur Holland, who during the past
four years has filled the position of presi
dent of the United Railroads, will retire
from the management of the properties at
me enu 01 itecember. This announce
ment was made by President Holland at
a meeting of the directors of the United
Railroads yesterday.
Just who will succeed ln the control
of the United Railroads is not officially
announced, but it Is known that the
ries and Incidentals were allowed. It de
veloDS that there Is about $7W left to run
the library for the balance of the year.
This will be Increased by the rerelpts over
the counter, which will be quite an Item.
The funds are thought to be sufficient to
run the department without cramping un
til the end of the year.
Illinois Central R.R.
The Date, November 27th
A chance to visit your old home. "Why not spend
Thanksgiving with old friends once more? The Illinois
Central makes this rossible'by offering exceptionally low
rates for the round trip, as shown below, with 21 day limit.
Toronto, Ont 93ft.55
Indianapolis, Ind
Louisville, Ky $'Jfl.0
Detroit, Mich 925.a.l
Buffalo. N. Y g W.OO
Salamanca, N. Y $33.70
Cleveland, O. . , V28.B3
Columbus, O $28.15
Cincinnati, 0 927.S5
Toledo, O 25.70
Pittsburg, Pa $11.00
Wheeling;. W. Va $31.70
Springfield, 111 $17.45
Kankakee, 111 $18.00
Bloomington, 111 $16.63
Decatur. Ill $17.00
Correspondingly low rates to nearly all points in the
above states.
For full particulars call nt 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha,
or writ
Who Stabs Marshal Objects to
ew Quarters.
NORFOLK. N-b., Nov. 24. (8pclal.-
Great ditQculty was experienced by bheriff owners are the banking house of Laden
Jones of Pierce county, and his deputy, In ! berg. Thalinan & Co.. of New York, and
landing Carl Llemier. the old Oeiman far- i Its associates and clients. Patrick Calhoun,
mer who so dangerously sjahbed Marshal who is now in the city, continues to be
trippen ai riainview, in me stale insane , tne largest Individual stockholder in the
Denvr A California.
.northwest bxpreaa ,...all:lj 1,111
Nebraska points a 60 ain
Lincoln Jr'l Mall Xi H.w pm
r 1. Ooolt Plaitsm lt.bJ.6upm
t'tllevue & Plattsm U..a 't.w pin
lnvr Limited
Lieuevue t Pac. Junc.alJ.15 pm
Uellevus P:c. June. a S ou aiu
t tiicago a i.-'i am
t tnct0 t pr,w a ' pm
C hicago Flier a s 5 pm
Iowa Local a ft. IS am
t-U Louis Express a o pm
Nan t'lty til. .toe 10 to pm
Iviiimi City tt. Jo.a i li am
Konras C'll St. Joe a i t p u
dully, b daily uvl eui.djy.
r.,eii Saiuid.iy. t iinjjy uii!) .
av pt niwnduy.
hospital here. The sheriff drove down
with his man before noon. Llesncr con
sented to start on the drive because he
believed he was being taken to court for
a trial. When the Insane asylum door
loomed before him .he a'ked if It .as the
sugar factory. An Instant later he realised
whrra he wus and began to tight. Sev
eral attendants had to come to the rescue
tnd carry htm bodily into the Institu
tion. Now that IJesner is landed behind the
walls of the asylum he is behaving uuletly.
In talking of the stabbing, he Insists that
he did right; that It was his duty. It Is
thought he will never be released and his
malady over religion Is considered incurable.
controlling company. It Is said Mr. Cal
houn will have the naming of the new
president of the company.
a i.uA t,n'
a I;u pm
nU.uw pm
alu.Jo am
b h.ii am
a Mo am
1 pin
a 1:24 pm
hI.'.Uj ;u
all J m
a ( 4S am
a I 05 10
e a.ii,y
Cemetery Fenee Stolen.
HI MBOLPT. Neb., Ncv. '. -(Special.)
Considerable rompUlnt is being heard here
of sneak thieves, who s. em to be getting
iw their work a great deal of late. Cltiiens
complain of the less of harness, grain and
fuel, but the crowning feat came this week
when some one halted their wagon at the
cemetery west of the city and loaded In
several lengths of iron fence which had
lwn provided fur the fencing of that tract.
Iron posts and with which to set
ihein were also taken and up to this time
no tiace hits beu diseuvertd of the thief.
Appellate Division of Snprente Court
Will Have to Settle Xew
York Maddle.
NEW YOKK. Nov. 21 -'Personally, the
success of Mr. Heurst will bo distasteful
to me. as It will be to most of his counsel."
said Austen G. Vox, counsel for W. R.
Hearst, In au ariynent before Justice
Amend In the supreme court today on Mr.
Hearst's effort to open the ballot boxes
of the recent city election for a recount
"I supposed this action was In the Interest
of the city for honejst election," continued
Mr. Fox, "and If you can hear the motion but would get the unanimous vote of
by all means hear it now." 1 Japan and Russia."
The tlrst real test of the question
whether the ballots khall actually be re
counted came today. When the case waa
Oeoree A. Brooks of Battle Mills Is at
tho Millard.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John M. Daugherty arc ln
New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hopkins of Hastings
were In Omaha Friday. f
J. 8. Cutter of Lincoln and C. A. Johnson
of Norfolk are at the Her Grand.
At the Arcade: C. O. Reed, Ixiup City;
Mrs. E. Miller, Lincoln; J. M. Uarto.
H. Hord and wife of Central City and
J. Reimers of Grand island are guests at
the Paxlon.
J. A. Henry of Fremont, 8. A. Caldwell
of DeWItt and A. H. Hardy of Lincoln
are guests at the nensnaw.
Manager Carl Relter of the Orpheum re
turned lust night from Excelsior Springs,
lio., whuro he spent thu lust ten days.
George R. Peck, prerident of the National
Bar association, dined Friday with his old
friend, Colonel B. 8. Curtis, and family.
312S Chicago street.
At the Murray; A. E. I-ingdon. Papillion;
O. J. Gibboney and wife. Lincoln; J. R.
Ijiwrence, Alliance; W. E. Arnold, York;
B. O. Shoemaker, Garland.
O. E. Engler of PUInview. J. B. Flti-
ferald of Wlsner, Miss liella Vance of
UCook. Mrs. V. A. Wells und daughter
of David City are al the Millard.
Nebraska people at the Merchants: L. G.
Hunt. Harvard; W. E. Weekly, Valley;
W. M. Erwin, Alma; J. P. Ilarocn. Geneva;
C. P. Ross, North Platte; G. W. Paine,
Central City; E. J. Brown, Grand Island;
O. C. Wcsaner, IJncoln; E. Ward, Harting
ton. W. C Erndbiiry of Denver, one of the
largest L'uion Pacific contractors, is ln the
city. It Is stated that be has bought grad
ing Implements and machinery to tne
amount of t.'",iiO from (inmhi dealers. He
has a conttact on the new extension from
North Platte.
W. M Erwtn of Alma, better known as
"Mfit" Erwin. one of the r-publiean wheel
hoitea of the Republican valley, was Id the
city Friday en route to Illinois on a visit.
Ha was going over a little political his
tory with a number of friends at the federal
bunding and fir. illy broke loose with this
observation: "Theodore Roosevelt is the
most popular man of the century. Why,
If he were to run for preaideia today he
woum noi oniy carrv every southern state,
Cincinnati, $27.35
Pittsburg, $31.00
Detroit, $25.35
Toronto. $33.55
Buffalo, $33.00
Cleveland, $28.3?
Indianapolis, $23.20
Wheeling, $31.70
cpenea before Justice Amend, Alton B.
Parker, former democratic candidate for
the presidency, and counsel for Mayor
George B. MiClellan, opened by taking the
case beiore Justice Geigerleh. Eventually
the lawyers were sent to the appellate dl
vlslou at the supreme court fur a decision
Becretary K. C. Wade ..f r ,. vn.
Man's Christian association has returned
from I-alias. Tex., where he spent ten
days inaugurating a building fund cam
paign. The campaign was begun for lluu -t.i.
but prospects are so bright It Is prob
able that an effort will m made to raise
16u.C. Mr. Wade left after the Brat day
of actual campaign, and $20,0iO had beetf
suhacrllied at that time. The exact dav for
the return of bids on the Omaha building
has not been ft. but it will be aU.ut ih"
last of next week or the hi si oX the tvil
lowwg week.
And Hundreds of Other Points.
A. G. F. & P. A.
G. & ll.-W. Ry. Offices,
Gen'l Arjt
IT jrTTJB'ill
r rainnTMiirs m ifcMia'iTi . itraBrrrmtMZ