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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1905)
THE OMAHA "DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1005. 12 YALE REMAIN'S FAYORIIE Interest in Today'i Foot Fall Contest at Cambridge at Fsvei Heat. GREATEST CROWD OF YEAR EXPECTED Fatare of Game at Harvard Mar Depend I pan Character of the riar-Olm")! Rooltri Arf Hopeful. EOSTON, Nov. 24. Boston nnl Cam bridge tonight were toeing with Impa- nce on tho eve of the annual foot ball battle between Ilarvnrtl and Yale. It had been many years slnco Interest In a game between the two unl versities had reached the pitch manifested tonight, and those who have followed Harvard and Yale through thirty years of foot ball relations feel that conditions have seldom been bet ter for a grand game. Tlio agitation over foot ball as played at present, led by Presi dent Konevclt and President Eliot of Har vard, as well as the possibility that the fame may be prohibited at Harvard. Yale's unbroken record of victories 'this year, the forced withdrawal of Captain Hurley of !he Harvard team a few days before the rame and the determination of the team to ftgtit all the harder out of regard for ihelr leader contributed to produce a con lltlon not previously S"cn here. The sen Imont seemed to be general among follow ers of the sport tha much depended on :he character of tomorrow's play, and imong the student body at Harvard almost as much anxiety on this point was shown M on the final rcHult. ' Great On me lvpeee.l The night before the game found Ilar rard hopeful and Yale confident, while Tale tonight was a strong favorite armng '.he multitude which expects to witness to norrow's play. The match tomorrow af :ernoon will be played hi the stadium. By '.he construction of temporary stands, eating accommodations have been pro vided for 43,000 spectators, a crowd which ,t Is believed has never toen equaled at in athletic contest In this country. Both teams spent the night at some little llstsnce from the scene of buttle. The Harvard players remained at Marblehead n the north shore. The Yale players kept lear their quarters at the Woodland Park lolel at Auburndale. The probable lineup of the team Is as 'ollows: HARVARD. Ueary t T. R. T.. ?rtll U T. R T. lurr U G. R. G. mrr V. C ' (Whorl R. O. L. O. tqulraa R. T. U T. Cnowltoo (ict'i O R. E. L. B. TALfl. ....Shavlln, (C.) Wallow Trlvp Flamlari Erwtn Forbaa Cates LEATHER 'for trial purposes we liara for Ml four sites of chair aeata, which s you the amount of apholntery material you want, making the roat very small for mw wati for chalra you may have that need reupholirterlns. Wa will arnd. on receipt of srlca tml r.nme of your upholrtcrei. rhalr neat elia I'll' Inch. 26c: .'51.5 Inch, toe; jixii incn. ivc. inch, 11.00. You Can't Tell The Difference between Pant sole Leather and Real Leather pavtasoTE LEATHER can ba used tor every purpoea for which real l. other ..l.Dtfd. PANTASUTB .a, br.s"t. odorUaa. eaatky cleaned, i)u not cmk. In fireproof, waterproof, and wi-ara and look Ilka leather in every reaped la abaolutaly aaepltc. PANTASOTE Cost! One-Tblfd Much The (Teat den and for PANTA80TE. baa led to the aubatltutios of many in terior imitauona. Sea mat tne worn I'A.STASOI B ' la emnoaatd on aairasa a.l.a of piece (ooda. To protect you attalnat fraud, accepi no rurniiurw aa with PANIABOTE from your dealer nr upholeterer unleaa ll hear a our trademark label aa ahown below. Io not acetyl hla "Just aa soud tneory. Parrtaaot was swarded the Oraaa Friz ana twa dald ikaiials t t. Lotus t'pon application, will aand our cata logue showing material tn th dif ferent colon in which It la made, &x PANTAiOTE CO. Dept. IS, II Broadway, New Yerk je 'J arr Q B 0. J" U II H K. H. P Hnnme Warjfll R. H. M L. H. B "" Carr V. I..'. B u'" Matthew Meriting of Lehigh will act as rtre. Taul Pashltl of Annapolis as um pire and rr. A. K- Whiting of Cornell as head linesman. The game Will begin at 2 o'clock and the tlilrty-flve minute halves will be played. lUitaUiBAJKaBi DAKOTA HEADY FOR LAST GAME Fool Hall gqoad Has Doae Remark ably Well This easoa. VERMILION. 8. P., Nov. ,M-?nl"-,-i Tlie Inlwrslty of South Dakota foot ball team will clone one of the most succ-ssf ill seasons on the gridiron at Sioux City on Thanksgiving day. when the el- vrn will line tip against tlie Motnlng'lde Method- 1st The record whicli the Coyotes have nimio (luring tne fall Is one to be proud of. and even should they lose the final game ! there will be no kick coming. Out of seven games plaved the wearers of the vermilion , have lost but one, and this tlpy had " hops of winning. Th' y were defeated at Lincoln bv the fnlverslty of Nebraska, 4J to They have won over Ytnkton, Mitchell, Brookings. Madison and Crelgh- ! ton. In each Instance the Coyotes were . outweighed, but their spc d, together with an excellent code of plays and signals, has won the games that they feared would go against them. Strange as It may seem, only one of last ear's regplars Is playing this year, and he will not finish the season with the team on account of parental objection. Hnce the t"am that will line up against Morn Ingslde on Thanksgiving day will be a 19o5 team throughout. In the face nf what the eleven has accomplished, no one be grudges Coach Whlttemore the great amount of praise that he is receiving on every hand. This Is his last year at the Institution In all probability, as the old Hrown college student has been In the harness here thre years and feels that that Is long enough at one place. Tho ma jority sre not In favor of his leaving, and may Insist that he be retained. One big feature In the winning of games this year has been the fine work of Case st quarter. Without any reflection on anv of the students who have servd In this capacity In times past. Case Is probably the best quarter ever seen In a university uniform. He has a good h4a;l and is quicker than lightning. Ho will be in the game next year. IOWA 'VARSITY WI.S FROM AMES Kent's Panting; the Greatest Factor In the Game. AMES. la., Nov. I4.-(Speclal Telegram.) The State University of Iowa defeated the Iowa Btate college here today for the " cnampionsnip oy a seore or 8 to 0. The game was the hardest fought ever witnessed on Ptate field. In the first half Ames outplayed Iowa and but tor a costlv fumble Iowa would not have scored a point, but on account of this a safety was made to their credit. Most of Ames' efforts were directed to Iowa's cente-r. Ames played a good offensive game, making good gains through the Iowa line. The tackling of Ames was of the very best, Iowa falling to run the Ames ends each time. Both teams were frequently penalized for offside play. The greater part of the game was plaved In Iowa territory. Kent played a great game for Iowa and It was due to his punt ing the victory was won. Llneun: AWES. IOWA. Henntnser, Barrer...L. B. R K Whlta ' Mill L. T. R. T... .Seidell, Waihburn Nelaon L. O. R o Narum Mahle C. C Moore Balthua R. G. L. O Rnckwood Prennan, Stewart.... R. T. L. T Bchwmn McK:henney R. r.. U K Btrctff Hubbard. Knox Q. Q Kent Janea. Care U H. R. H Allen, Tuppor Smith. Blller R. H. b. H . . . .Chalmeri, Murphy StourTer F. B. P. B MacGnwaa Touchdown. Schwlnn. Goals from touch down. Safety touchdown: Iowa. Umpire: Booth of Princeton. Keferee: Hoagland of Princeton. Head linesman: Flagler of Northwestern. Time of halve: 3i minutes. o 01 lip QDW Originators and Sole Makers of Half Sizes in Clothing During this sale we actually try and forget what the goods cost n n i COMMERCIALS GO AFTER DOANE Locals Will Try for State Champion ship Thanksgiving-. A good game of football Is In store for the people of Omaha on Thanksgiving day at Vinton street park. It will be piayed between the teams of the Omaha Commer cial college and that of Uoane college. I'tio spirit of rivalry betwetn these twi teams is intense on account of the stale championship. Doane college team now hoids the ctiampionahlp for the Intercol legiate league of the state. The commer cials expect to stand second to the Univer sity of Nebraska team, and will, if a vic tory over Doane Is won. Last Saturday tney played the soldiers from Fort Crook, and the score was b to 6 in favor of the Commercials. Tho soldiers outweighed the Commercials by at least fifteen pounds to the man, and had It not been tor the return of Captaia liuker, who played left end on that occasion, the score might have been the other Way. Mr. linker cnrtainlv played effectively all through the game, though his regular place is at quarterback. Since that game was played the team has been practicing, and much new material is Deing aeveiopeu wnicn will be utilized In the forthcoming game with Doane. Un less the Doane boys nut UD a better than they did before, it looks now as though in lAJimiicrciais wouia nave a perfect right to claim the championship of tho slate outside of the state university. 1 ne gunie win iaae place Thursday after noon at Vinton street park, and will be called at 3:15. The gates will be onen at O'clock. Suit and Overcoat Sale The object of this sale is to find new owners for about 500 suits and overcoats, "mostly broken sizes" that we wish to close out entirely before we inventory January 1st, and to do this we are offering you an opportunity in season, when you will be able to get a full season's wear. We are willing to accept a loss and a most severe one These are not a lot of "clothes" bought for sale purposes only, and that" are worth $10 and no more, but our own make of high grade garments, made and sold by Browning, King & Co, only. We have gone through our stock and selected all the broken lines that in the whole include sizes from 34 to 46 in Suits and 34 to 42 in Over coats, and placed on separate tables on first floor for quick choosing In this lot of superior clothing arc suits and overcoats that sold for $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25 and $28, while they last i f o ) LA vy a on ) Sale atwcl&y. If you have $10 that you want to invest when this notice catches your eye, examine other "big Bargains" that ccme here and see WHAT'S WHAT, they will go quickly. are being offered FIRST and then Come early if you come at all for liiiU'iy'.'A'.'.v 75 Youths' Suits 16 to 18 $18.00, an years, that sold from $12 50 to ; included in this great offer of the finest and' best clothing manufactured in the world. i . Yss-iJ 1 . If I -frt' lM. . 11 Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sreets, Omaha. R. S. WILCOX, Manager player la a "contract Jumper" pure and simple, and there should be no temporiz ing In cases of this kind, lie Is Ineligible to play with any National agreement club. sufficiently strong to afford a clue to their whereabouts. EVESTS 0 THE KISMXO TRACKS Tnla labal an genu In. Fanlaaou furniture. Aarept Bubaituts. la- slat a poa Pautaaota 6ft CHICMrSTf (HOLISM 'TS-'O'' ' """'a 1-aSlaa. a Jlratatal iAa4 53 nam matM tot rlllCM.KTaLH'B .N.L.l! Itial 1,1 wtta alaa nbfr Taaa - ataar. iuffca Saaaaraa BaMhiaMa aas imttm mmmm. Sar af 9r Druaai!. ar a4 4. la ataiaaa IM PartlfiUra, TaatlaMalmla aa4 'liar fbr lal,a lauar. J r. tmwm M all. 1 .( t Milafaaiaia. S4 ay SraaaUw. t'hla rCaiaaalra, TILL SHADY OVElt BAN'S WAY P BUI Lid Jnat Lifts th Little. W. A. Rourke. nwni nr t. w- base ball team and franchise has returned wiicre ue nas neen tiuying canning factory Mr. Kourks WITH TUB HOWLERS. r. , i 4tH ln,a thlm BAannn nvitrv wtn- F Or VIIC liini. v.iiio v... ... ning team for the week has taken three ' straight Karnes. Last night the Met Brothers won three from the unlmotla afUT being from sixty to eighty pins behind in each Kame. The shoe men would start out with a rush and pile up a big lead, then collapse like a punctured balloon. O. O. Francisco captured the high total with 5X7, and Brunke took the high single with S. METZ BROTHERS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total C. J. Francisco K8 14 1M Potter Nl 16S 144 Biunke lvi 1!9 Huntington Sri 170 IM Zurp 150 170 ToUls 94 ONIMOD8. 1st. McCague Ml Hughes 173 Encell Magill ......193 G. O. Francisco 3u0 Favorites Win All Races at Bennlns Except the lJat. BENN1NG, D. C Nov. 24. Public choices took all but one of me races at Bennlng today, the exception being in tho sixin race. In this both Locmnvur and Seoicn l'lume nnisned a nead in nont ol Piatoon tuo tavoiue. Miller made a good ride on PrUice KredericK in the lifth, overcoming a big gap and winning easily. The sum marks: tiiol race, heavyweight, seven furlongs: Marjoram won, Monterey second, Free booter tnlrd. Time: 1:1475- Second race, one mile: Florlal won, Old Guard second, Tribes Hill third. Time: 1:4M. Third race, six and one-half furlongs: Nutcracker won. Arietta second, Salt and Pepper third. Time: l:i2V. -TcjI Fourth race, mile and seventy yards: ela 1W6 M Zeala won. Tommy Waddcll second. D'Arkle third. Time: 1:4s. Fifth race, six lurlonxs: Prince Fred- K3 ' erlck won, Ricky second, Ben Hoddur third. oijttu race, selling, seven lunongs: Lochlnvar won, Scotcn Plums second, n.i- lo..n tnird. Time: i:2. . 4S6 514 51-3 high school championship of the tn&t re sulted: Ida Grove, 6; Des Moines West High school, 6. Cirlnnell Defeats Simpson. GRINNELL, la.. Nov. 24. The Grlnnell cillege foot ball team today defeated the blmpson college team 76 to 0. 2d. I.s3 134 lf.8 104 173 3d. Total 1M 14S 177 144 215 6rl ' 5(i3 687 , from Denver, feeder cattle for his located at Grand Island. Buld: VTJ1'u, ;othln" n the Western, although all ara watehlnir .u' developments in. the east. Until the meet. ing inursoay. It was beRlnninir tn ii, as If the dissolution or n.mhiui,.,. rather were about to take place, but Comlskey realised he was being left to hold the sack so he made the emotional statement In the meeting he had been misunderstood and there is nothing wrong between him and Ban Johnson. Of course to preserve harmony until everything is ready to be sprung, the clubs all voted a resolution of confluence In Ban Johnson but they hJve all been watching him with an eagle eye since he sat In the I x with John T. Brush that day In New Yo!", when the Nationals and Connie Mack's team were battling for the worlds champion ship. Home think the deal was cooked and dried at that time." Totals 833 810 8C6 2,569 The Hugo F. Btlza took two out of three from the Thurston Rifles on the Metro politan alleys. HUGO F. BILZ8. 3d. Total. ale of Osrii Set Aside. Cincinnati. Nov. 24-The sale of Player Thomas Owens by the Brooklyn National league club to tlie Rochester. N. Y club was set aide In a decision given out by the National base ball commission today. The communion decides that the STATE ED I CM. INSTITUTE. Th Man's Trw Specialists Doctors for Men GIBE The State Medical Institute Is established for the benefit of suf fering men, for the purpose of curing tne terrible diseases and weaknesses that destroy men's iienlul and physical powers, mak ing them unfit for work, business, study or marriage, depriving them Ulood I'olsoil of the social duties and pleasures ifiawnhilial " tits, as wen as niaritai nappi lBliiiiua;i nc. If vou a, lull to ba naved Mild restored to perfect health and strength, with mvntal and physi cal powers complete, come to the men s true spevtall&ts, and learn your true condition. CSULUTIOIIPREE??.cm.Horp: m. Sundays, 10 to I only. If you call, write for symptom Hydrocele, Varicocele, Stricture, Ktnisaloias, lm potency. Gouorrhoea, Rapture, Jterrous Debility. KIDNEY and t'RINAHY diseases nd all Diseases and Weaknesses of MEN due to evtl habits of youth. ktiua aiPHn or the result of neg- u td. unskilled or Improper trsst- cannot pi.n. if .iciiio or private diseases. blank. ISOe) Karaasa St., Betwcea 1311a aad 4h St., Osaaha, Kek. f 1st. 2d. Rice li lt4 1-utterson il 1 W. Nichols IH0 Hi7 R. Nichols 144 2 Pearse 148 1M TC;UlS 815 812 THURSTON RIFLES, 1st. 2d. Baehr 144 113 Tombrink 110 154 Solomon 1'J 170 Havens 100 111) Lit 2vl l!C! Totals 808 738 17 lti) 140 4.3 121 47 423 ?J0 2,377 M. ToUl. 153 154 170 1!5 169 410 418 633 414 562 24. Results at Nealon won, Mundo third. 781 2.327 Scent of Ulrd. KEARNEY. Neb., Nov. Z4.-To the Ed itor of The Bee: Does a bird dog, in scenting gume birds get the odor from the bird s body or Its Dreatn .' Answer The scent tho dog follows is left by the foot of the bird In passing. It Is very delicate and Is hardly perceptible on dry ground. On ground tlutt Is slightly dump it holds for quite a time and the dog with a good nose will pick it up orten when the birds are half a mile or more away. The bird's body exhales an odor alo. but It Ih Carried broadcast by the wind and would ho of little service to a dog in trailing his quarry. As few birds either smoke or drink and still fewer suf fer from indigestion or decayed teeth. It Is not at all probable that their breath Is s.6;.ML. It diliirfitSa the tiste an aiiords exquisite pleasure. It costs but half tne price of foreign Champagnes, as there is no duty or ship freight to pay on Cook's Imperial Extra Dry. ( ouaD rails, sr. tout woatLtrs rais SI. BY ED ETEBTnUEBI saatsicaa wihc CO., ST. touis SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. uaKiana: rust race, six furlongs : Bucceed second, Rey Del Time: 1:15V- Second race, five and one-half furlongs: Avonnlis won, Tom McGrath second, Charlatan third. Time: 1:0bV Third race, mile and sixteenth: Glen Rice won, Dixello second. Ban Primo third. Time: 1:H4. Fourth race, Hanover handicap, seven furlongs'. Albert Fir (95, Radke, 10 to 1) won. Judge (101. Loague, 12 to 1) second, Nlgretta (102. Knapp, 11 to 2) third. Time: 1:27. Filth race, six furlongs: Royal Rogue won. Northwest second. Sad Sam third. Time: 1:144. Sixth race, mile and fifty yards: Deutschland won. Reservation second, Gorgalette third. Time: 1:4I. NASHVILLE. Tenn., Nov. 2t-Cumber-land park results: First race, live and one-half furlnnics: Spendthrift Helen won, Koseboro second, L. W. Flynn third. Time: 1:03. Becontl race, seven furloncs: Georae Perry won. Bishop Weed second, Magnolia third. Time: 1:29. Third race, six and one-half furlongs: Chief Hayes won. Hush second, Kercher val third. Time: l:2oa. Fourth race, seven furlongs: Verandah won, Labor second. Little Boy third. Time: 1:29H- Filth race, six furlongs: Beacon Light won, InspiTtur Uirl second. Adesso third. Time: l:l&ri. Sixth race, one and one-eighth mile: Sanction won. Reveille second, Dr. Hart third. Time: 1:67. HI JiTEKS BOLD I. THE NORTH Chase Deer with Honda and Shoot at Amateurs. Game wardens and hunters alike are having their troubles lu the northern hauiiu of the big game. L'p near tho Jumping off placo in noithern Wisconsin, hounds have been used to hunt deer, strictly against the provisions of the Uw. The men using them have sept far en ough away from civilization that they have so far escaped arren. It has now conie to that pass, say tlie game wardens of Wisconsin, where tlie professional hunters are selling carcasses to the amateurs for as low as 13 ca h. Bp.- ial cars have tar. rled enthusiastic hunters from Ohio. Indiana and other slates to the head of the likes, and have tl.en been switched onto the spur tracks leading through the woods and the milling regions, so t lid hunters could live In them. Notwith standing this, up-to-date only sixty l'gt deer have been brought to Ashland. Wis. "Mild weather and no enow" is given as the reason, but the illegal deer go out In other directions. Accidents have been numerous enough, but hardly as frequent as in other eais. Sime men have re ported they were shot at delitxi ately, while resting In the woods They' giva circumstantial accounts of the shooting and acHcrt that tne professional burners, who are cruck shots, have taken this method In some sections to preserve their monopoly of the game reserves. Sportlngr Brevities. Even Chicago backed down and voted a testimonial of confidence In Ban John son. Comisky and Ban Johnson have kissed and made up and this imikes it appear the disruption of the ranks Is delayed for another year. Comlsky says he van mlsu ; :rrstnnd, while talking of the amalgamation of the two leagues and that he never Intended to say any such things as he was Quoted j as saying. The foot ball game scheduled for Bat- 1 urday between the Omaha Commercial college team and the second team from the ' university has been called off, Booth need ing his second team men against Doane because of his large' hosoltal list. I Roller skating will be resumed at the 1 rlnk after a summers rest, November 30. The new maple floor will then be In place and Omaha will enjoy the reputation of having one of the best roller skating rink , in the country. More attention will be i paid to miitclics and to polo this winter and Manager cellent sport. Glllan promises some ex- Belmont Succeeds I'eahody. FRENCH LICK. Ind., Nov. 24,-Thomas Taggart, chairman of the democratic na tional committee, today appointed August Belmont of New York as treasurer of the committee to succeed George Foster Pea- body, who resigned, It is stated, on account of sickness. DEATH RECORD. Rev. Gavin H. Wright. FA1RVIEW, Neb., Nov. 24. Speclnl Tel egram.) Rev. Gavin H. Wright, pastor of the Congregational church, dropped dead without warning at his home today as the result of heart failure. Mr. Wright came here from Massachusetts about three years ago and went back there for a bride about a year ago. He was unusually popular with the whole community, and though a man of frail physique he was apparently in tho best of health until the moment' of his death. Frances E. Mann. Frances E. Munn died last evening at his home, 2212 North Nineteenth street, from consumption. Mr. Munn was about 45 years of age and leaves a widow and three children. He came to Omaha seven teen years ago and soon acquired a lucra tive law practice, also being prominent In politics. Before coming to Omaha he practiced law In Wisconsin and Illinois. Henry L. C'rOwell. WOODBJNE, la., Nov. 24-(Speclal.) The funeral of Henry L. Crowell, who died here at the age of 75 years, occurred yes terday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Baptist church. Rev. J. E. Wllklns deliv ered the funeral address. The deceased was a victim of puralyels. He had been a long time resident of Woodbine and leaves a widow and eight children. HYMENEAL. t oonts-Ilou stead. WOODBINE, la.. Nov. 24. (SiiectaU The marriage of Henry Coonti and Ethel Bowstcud occurred here yesterday at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage, with Rev. Wlmberly officiating. The young couplo are both of Woodbine unit will reside here. Christum Holiday Hicuraluu Hate Via the Nickel Tlate road between Chicago and Buffalo. Dates of sale December Ul, 24, 25. 30 and 21, l:mu. and January 1. 19iV.. at a fare and a third for the round trip, with return llm't of January S, 19C;. Through train s 'i vlce to New York City, Boston and other eastern points. No ex cess fare. Individual club meals served In Nickel Plate dining cars. Three through trains daily from La Hnlle and Van Buren Street station, the only depot In Chicago on the Elevated Loop. One and One.Thlrtl I 'are To all points on Rock Island Railway with. In 200 miles of Omaha for Thanksgiving. Tickets on sale November 29-30; good re turning until December 4. Information at City Ticket Office, im Farnam Street. F. P, RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. Green Trading Stamps Whether You Buy For Cash or Credit ne Dollar a Week Mill Dress You Well YOU CAN CLOTHE YOURSELF FROM II E A D T 0 F 0 O T OX J DT irllah to Flay Sorfolk. NORFOLK. Neb., Nov. 24. (Special -Arrangements were completed today whereby th Nellgh und Norfolk foot bull teams will tlay here Tliunksgivlng diy for the chmiplonship of mirthern Nebraska. Nellgh has beaten everybody winning from Pierce 49 to o. Norfolk is In good trim. Another good game will be that of Winner and Lincoln second high school team at Wlsner. Ida Grove Champion. DES MOINES. Nov. 24. (Special Tele. gram.l-Today'a lout bull (or the At the Lowest Possible Cash Price. Our credit plan is the easiest and you can make pay ments to suit yourself. In our enormous clothing section you can find most any style or pattern you can desire for. STROUSE & BROS. HIGH ART CLOTHING "Equal to Custom Made." "The clothing that looks good when you buy it, and stays right after you wear it." $15.00 to 025.00 SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS AND OVERCOATS, IN THE NEWEST STYLES, FABRICS AND PATTERNS-SUITS WORTH $12.50 and $15.00; ON SALE AT S I B p MAY WE OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT WITH YOU? YOU CAN ARRANGE PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOURSELF J