THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1005., j , i I.HA1N AND PRODUCE MARKET Vvheat Closes Lower After Wide of Price. Etogs, DECEMBER LIQUIDATION CONTINUES 4 orn la Strati- aad 4at llevelop Met. Tendency Hrporti of lis iu aare ny I'rnM In Arirn tlna Foreign Markets. OMAHA. Nov. Liquidation continued today. The mar ket opened strong and Bold up 40. above yesterday. Then It weakened and selling un stop lows orders broke the market mor than 1 There whs a final rally of about sc. Iiecember closed at K'ifir, May t i-'4fi,c and July at 82Vm2'4c. Little i' of lmK)rt was received.' orn was steady. Iiecember closed neiow yesterday, and other month unrniiiKm. uwnnhcr closed at Kin uciomoor at 4o:-,e, May Juiv at 43rj.c. I he tenuencv In oats ai a little higher. December losed at fc'V. May at 32c and juiv at 30c. An Argentina cable today nays the crop rMlmatea there pre being cut dov,-r. on wheat, owing to damage by recent frost Liverpool closed N'oNd lower on wheal n nd unchanged on corn.. Advlcea were received at TJverpool of islns In Nw Booth Wales, but they are so late Jt la doubtful if they will bo or i.ny particular beneilt. A cable from Cnwn pore, India, s'ates ihit no rains hae fallen nnd prices have risen In seventeen dn u lets. He were 43'4'b:4to. 43,c and futures, efeadv: rerember, 6 ?H6d : March. 6 ll'd; May. 6 f'OUN Ppot, ouie, American mined. 6 Id: futures, steady; Januarv, 4s 4d; March, 4s Sd. OIICAUO (,HAI AMI FRnYIMOX". clearance were lort.nno bushels of corn, .1o4,mi bushela of oats, 267. COO bushel of wheat and 25,000 barrels of flour. Primary wncai receipt were 1.4M.0OO bushels and Kiiipineiits 6M.11OO bushels, against receipts iat year of 1.04k.nhrj bttshel and shipments of 4Hi,(ii busnela. Triniary corn receipt cie bushels and shipments 3S5.ooi) bushels, against receipts lajt year of M)4,0U0 m.Miieiw and shipments of 324.0UO bushels. Small receipt or wheat at Minneapolis .tuned bucr lo advance yesterday on No. 1 northern to 2Vio over, other grades still unchanged. Buyers are not very anxious for supplies. They nre looking for good i-celpts when Duluth rloses. A bul Ion corn says we Hie getting In a very small amount of contract corn, and If we. should have any bad weather there would be little or no contract corn during ine early part of December. From the Inter Ocean: "Liquidation has Iwen eo heavy In the past four days that the trade is beginning to think the end Is near, or It will le over In a day or two. Wheat has declined SVuTHc from the top. May corn Is off 4c and oats lc. Prloeg are getting down to where the recent bull movement started. Weak holders have been forced out. A great many of the longs have lost their profits by being too confident and letting the market slip away from them. Very few of the bear have made any money, being afraid the hulls would put up the price If they sold It on breaks." Omaha Cash Wales, WHEAT No. 8 spring. 1 car. 77c; No. 3 hard, 1 car, 2T.c; 2 cars, 76c; No. 4 hard L c!rs, 71c; 2 cars, 70c. It YE No. 2. 1 car. 65c; 1 car, 64Vi Omaha Cash 1'rloes. ' WHKAT No. 2 hard. 77ru78ifrc; No. 3 hard. 73in764ic; No. 4 hard, 67'u72c; No. 2 (print. 7ic; No. 3 spring, 74'Jj77c. CORN No. 3. 39c; No. 4. 3i'u38c; no Linile, 3f37c; No. 3 yellow, 3SK-; No. 3 white. 3!'c. All quotations are on new corn OATS No. 3 mixed, 27VM'27c; No. 4 mixed, :6'yi2KH4r; n0. 3 while, 28H't2Mc No. 4 while, ZiV'Sc Feat a re of the Trading aad Closing Prices oa Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Nov 2!. Extreme nervous ness, due to conflicting reports, character ised the wheat market todav, prices flue, tuatlng over a wide range. The market closed easy with the May option off Vo. lorn, oats and provisions were practically unchanged. The wheat market opened easier, with the May delivery a shade to 'fjV.e lower at 86,o to WHc. The Initial decline was due to further liquidation In Iiecember and to the selling of May bv commission nouses. Clear weather and a liberal movement In the northwest also encour aged the bears. Another weakening factor was a decline In the price of wheat at Liverpool, ttearlsh news from Argentina regarding the crop conditions there I said to have been the chief reason for the weakness of the English market. A pri vate cablegram stated that harvesting In the northern part of the South American republic had alreadv begun and that the prospects are for a heavy yield of wheat. Before the etid of the first half hour the market had become firmer and the price of the May option idvanced to ;V. Covering by shorts caused the upward movement. Report of drouth In India also assisted the rise. Another Influence for higher i-rlces was a revised estimate of the total wheat cn.p of Argentenla. Ac cording to the latest statistics, the yield has been greatlv reduced because of dam aging frost. The surplua for export, it Is claimed, is I12.onn.0un bushels, against 120.- Ont.imo bushels, tho previous estimate. To wards noon prices broke sharply as a re sult of selling. Induced by a 50 per pent gain In primary receints. There were also ndlcations of free selling bv a leading bull. In May the lowest point of the day was reached at 86H.C. Around the low point there was a good demand from commission nouses and short. In consequence pari of the decline was regained, but the mar ket closed easy with Mav at 86W'&S1o. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 379.600 bushels. Primary receipts were 1.4O9,00 bushels, against 1.O49.0U0 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chlcaco reported receipt of 1.058 cars, against ) cars last week and St'"9 cars a year ago. Early In the dav the corn market was steadv on good demand from conimlsalon houses. Report of light acceptances In the cnuntrv also aided In holding the mar ket firm. fter the break In wheat started active nelling and prices slumped con siderably. A prominent long was the principal seller. Subsequently practically the entire loss was regained on coverings by shorts. The market closed steady. My opened unchanged to So higher at 43, -H 437,o to 43Tfi44o, sold off to 43V Rnrt elosed at 43c. Local receipts were 274 cars with two car of contract grade. Oat were firm earlv, but eased off. In Sympathy with the decline In other grains. Liberal purchase of May by a leading trader were a feature of the market. A steady tone was created at the close by liberal buying to cover short accounts. May opened a shade lower to a shade higher at 32fi32-,o. sold between Sl'frc and 32',o, closing at 32c. Local receipts were 102 cars. Provision sold steady, notwithstanding the break in wheat. Higher prices for live hogs were largely responsible for the comparative firmness. Trading was chiefly in lard, short and commission house Ixdng purchaser. At the close May pork was unchanged at 12.77Vi; lard unchanged at JV7Vi'67.00; rib were up 2Hc. at $u..2Vi GO 76. Kstlmuted receipts ror tomorrow: nnmi. 63 cars; corn. 2?7 cars; oats, 166 cars; hiies, 32,000 head. The leading future ranged a follows: K YK No. 2. 64c larlot Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha luluth .St. lxiuls No. 3. 62c. Herclpt. Wheat. 74 95 617 , 33 367 , 67 Corn. Oats. 274 127 40 lo2 10 40 KW 1 ORK GUMERAI. MARKET Unotatloaa Varlons of the Day on Com modKle. NEW YORK. Nov. 22. FLOUR-Receipt. S.,iHi) bbU.s exports, 21.743 bu. ; market barely stftady and quiet; Minnesota patent V4.6Mi5.00; winter patent. 4.204j4.66; winter straights, S3.ii6t-4.10; winter extra, 12. 86 ii3.26; winter, low grade, $38044.2fi. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, choice to fancy, S4.lflflj4.60. Buckwheat and 'to arrive. 63Vfcc, delivered New Article. I Open. High.) Low. CIom.I Te'y. flour, steadv. ilJVrti.i, spot rt 1 th tsrfnsA i n a 1 1 ; York. CORNMKAL Steady: fine, white and yellow, coarse. Jl.ltt'd 1.18; kiln-dried J3.H--(i3.15. RYE Nominal: No. t western. 76c, c L f. New York. RAKLEY Dull; feeding, V. . 1. f. Buffalo; malting, ftiVftftlUc, c. i. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. K2oO bu. ; export 9S.k73 bu. Hpot steady; No. t red, Wc elevator;. No. 2 red. 91NC f. o. b. afloat No. 1 northern Duluth, fmSc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. PlSu f. o. b. afloat. After an easy opening, due to big north west receiDl. wheat turned strong on ad verse India and Australia crop news and covering, but resumed it decline at mid day. Through the afternoon weakness pre vailed, owing to big primary receipt and liquidation, but price rallied on covering at the close and were finally Mc higher to 'jc lower. May, Dovgwe, clo"d at aoc December. SOiiSl I-I60. closed at 90c. CORN Receipts, 66.670 bu.; exports, 80.246 bu. 8mit market steadv: No. 2. 6740 cle vator and 5t4c. f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow WV: No. 2 while, 66c. Option market wa talrly active with a steady opening followed by heaviness under extensive western li quidation and large receipt and a late rally with wheat, closing lc lower to c higher. January cloned at 624c; May, 4V4i closed at 4Sec; December, b4(f 64V. closed at 64c. OATS Receipt. 139.700 bu. : export. 760 bu. Spot market steady; mixed oats. 26 to 32 lbs.. S5c; natural white, 30 to 32 lb., 3'Vj371c, clipped white, 36 to 40 lb., 3MT4oe. HAY Steady ; shipping, 60i2a6c; good to choice. W",iK2o HOPS Steadv; tate, common to choice, l!". 144j?2c; 1904, 134l'17c; olds. FiSc Pa cific coast, 1906, low lie; 1904, la Uc; olds, &ilsc. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 26 lb., 20c; California, 21 to 2& lb., 21c; Texas dry, 24 to 80 lbs., 19c. LEATHER-EIrm: acid. 227c. PROVISIONS Reef steady; family, S1160 4J12.50; mess. Si) 6tKft 10.50; beef hams, S21.0n 22.60; packet. SIO.'O U W; city, extra India ioes., -dT.6otil8.50. Cut meats steady; pickled bellies, 38.0 10 60; pickled shoulders, S6.50 7.00; pickled hams. J9 "Za'i 75. Ird, steady; western steamed. J7.3o'a7.oO; reflned. quiet; continent. 87 80; South America, S8 30; compound, S6.Fvi6.?5. Pork, steady; fam ily. Sis .60; short clear, $H 50'-16.60; mess, i'.a ftval5 50 TALLOW Steady; lty (S3 per pkg). 4c; country (pkgs. freel. 4(iec. RICE Juiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3V, flic; Japan, nominal Ht'TI ER-Steady ; street price, extra neamery. I4d24So. Ofnclal prices: Cream cry, common to extra, 16u24c; state dairy, common to extra. Irti23c; renovated, com mon to extra. 15'u'.iic: western factory, common to firsts. l.VylTHe; western imita tion creamery, extra, lSVtfl9--; western firsts lValdc. CHEESE Irregular:' state, full creams, small and large colored and white. Sep tember, fancy. 13c; state, fair to good, L'c. EiMS Finn; state, Pennsylvania and nearby selected, 340c; lUU, choice, 37c; state, mixed, extra, S5c; western, finest, ',:: eiate. firsts. SO'; southurns, JlfaSOc. POULTRY Dremd. steady to firm; western chickens. HilSc; turkeys. UiAtc; fowls, olSc. St. Loal Ueaeral Market. ST. LOriS. Nov. 22 WHEAT Steady; No 2 red. caah elevator. MVaSi7c; track. KSVjf-SoHo; DecemlHT, 17; May. USS'fJa&V; No. 2 hard, s;.iin.c CORN Futures firm; can lower: No. t cash, nominal; track. 4:t,c; new. 4s,c; old Deeenilier. 41Si41Se; May. 417e. OAT8-8tedv: No. 2 caah. 'V; track. JlSc: Deiemler, SOc; May, SlSc; No. 2 white. 3-'c. FI11'R Steady; red winter patents, S4 3"r04 5o: extra fancy and straight, U-it 4.26; clear, S2 9tV.i3.lo. SFFD Timoiliv. steadv at 2.Wfl2. CORNMEAL Steady; 82 0. BRAN Firm: sacked east track. 73i"'4o HAY' Timothy lower, prairie steady. Tl'vothy. (W;13.5i: prairie. S-5od9 00. IRON COT'lXN TIES 81-00. HEMP TWINE 9c. BA(JJINQ-Tc. PROVISIONS Pork. steady; Jobbing. 11175. Lard, linn: prime steam, 3 6. Dry aalt meat, steady; boxed, extra short. 37.75; clear ribs. i.00; abort clear, to 26 Bacon, steadv; boxed, extra short, 88 f- clear ribs, 8 75; short clears. S9. POI'LTRY Quiet; chickens. 7Wc: spring, ioLuc; turkeys. 12V; duck. 10c; geeae, Bl'TTER-Steady ; creamery, 3uJ2Bc; dairy. Idti-'lc. EJ1S Steady, 24c case count nncifiB. Dlllt'llirillB Wheat rec. May July Corn tDec. JDee. May July Oats Dec. May July Pork Jan. May Lard No v. Dec. Jan. May S. Rib I Jan. I Mdy 1 I If 3 83 44HI 82 S!P,m! S31. M,Mi,iifti,l SfiS'tf 82 82VM'Ui 2- 44'4! .4BH1 45', 44U 43-441 44 44V,tI 43S; 43,43VqT 44 V,,!', I43-T41I 44 4S"''rf'44 I I'iV I i'ti. .1 .D1 '.Wfl i.W-Jl'(I "at 43,i 43S! 43. 'il 32(r82li' S2' 30al30'if'4 3V SOS 12 72H tC T2Vfc 12 67Hi 12 82ii i 82 7 02H 6 90 I 6 87V. 7 00 6 524I C 76 I 7 02V. 8 90 6 87V,! 7 00 t K2Va 76 I 7 00 6 87V4 6 86 6 97Vi fid j 6 72V4 S2i4;S2iS32'ji 304J 12 70 ' 12 77V4 7 00 6 90 6 85 7 00 I 52V, 6 6 3(X 12 67V, 12 77',, 7 00 6 W) 6 85 7 00 62V1 6 72V, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS f Market it Trregnltr, bat ActiTt tt EtTtrtl New Points. PROFIT TAKING PROCESS CONTINUES Conditions Suggest a Shifting; of Speculative Venture a Prodigious Scale to Other vcarltle. NEW YORK. Nov. 22 There Was even more irregularity In the market today tnan yesieruay wnen the reallting of speculative profits nrst Ik nan 10 snow a pronounced itiect. inis piocess of profit taking was continued on an cjiormoux scale tooay. The speculation, however, wa very animated ana embraced a largo number ot differ ent Issue, 'i he volume of dealings rose to tue largest aggregate of any day on the movement. The action of th market suggested a shitting 01 aneculative ventures on a tro- digious scale troin on set of securities to another. Selling out at some points wa accompanied by wnolesale buying at others. Whether th two operation came lrom the same sources, or source acting In concert, however, was not clear. There were some indications to suggest that one powerful speculative party wa selling out while anotuer was making fresh commit ment in the market. Tne profit taking wa conspicuous In some 01 the stocks which haa been the most efiectlve leaders for some time past and whose movements were ot proportionate Influence on specula tive sentiment. Reading and American Smelting ware the notable example In this class. The demonstration of tue fact mat there was a limit to the possible ex tent ot th rise In these stocks seemed to cause a candidly expressed surprise amongst a certain portion of the specula tive element and to dash the speculative spirit accordingly. In the latter part of tne day the Inhuence of the realizing in these stock rather dominated the market. There was a notably frank dlxoositiun In the usual utterances supposed to represent the speculative views ot Influential leaders that a snarp reaction In the market was to be looked for, after the violent ad vance, but that it was believed tiiat this consummation would be deferred for some lime. This was accepted in some quar ters as an indication that very considerable leallxatlon of speculation accounts have been already achieved and that a back turn In the price movement would not be regarded with apprehension in uch quar ters. Hut the furious trading at new points In the list revived the spirit of speculation In other quarters. Brooklyn Transit wus the center of internal and the market melhtnis emploed in the day's operation In that stock auggesied the resumption of a veteran speculative leadership. The heaviest buying In that and In other stock which moved upward most rapidly was at tributed largely to houses having im portant Philadelphia connections, while it was tne common supposition tnai targe realizing sales were made for account of various Western centers. There was little actual news to account for the various movement In the market and the current discussion had more to do with the ru mored formation of new pools and com binations to operate certain stocks. Mis souri Pacific waa notably affected by such rumors. Amalgamated Copper became very active with the announcement of an advance In the price of crude copper. On the other hand, copper In London wa re actionary, as also was silver, and this seemed to have larger influence on me movement In Smelting, it was not until late In the day that a movement in trie. Atchison and Cnlon Pacific suggested any general attention lo the railroad list. The money market continuea iranqun and reflected no preparations for tomor row's offering of 312.5nO.OuO of rsew vora city bonds nor any effect from the firmer tone or loreign exenange. me rire 111 un ton was assigned as the cause for firmer exchange rates. The market made ome recovery from the active selling movement of tho last hour, but the closing waa Ir regular. Bonds were steady. Totul sales, par value, 85,330, OOO. CnMed State bunds were all unchanged on call. ' Quotations on the New York Stock ex change ranged as follows: Sales. High. Low. Close. todav were $l.!n4!0S and for the spondlng date last year tl.lS9.t7t 71. lew Tark Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 22. MON E Y On call, steady at 4ij per cent; closing bid. 4 per cent; offered t t per cent. Time money steady; sixty days, 6 per cer.l; ninety days, 6mi1 per cent; fit months, 6l1j6' per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-6y5 per cent. STERLING EXCH ANUE Firm, closed essler, with actual business In bankers' bills at 84 afcM 4. 30 for demand and St 84 S'JVlVp ri for sixty-day bills; posted rates, S4 83H'i4 84 and 34 8794.R7H; commer cial bills. 84.824. SILVER Par. H4Se; Mexican dollar. 49Hc BONDS Government And railroad teady. Closing quotation on bonds wer as low: io-4, jPn 1 Mrtn ..lfj ao 4S. rtf ..I' 1 r. !d M-rln . 1"4 b N tint. 4 . 1 t V4 Wanhlttin c 4a ... .. wt -Titrl 4a ..!- 1st Inr . U.'V M'nn at L 4,.... . . 7" M K T 4 ..lim do II ... ..i;s S. H. n. of X t. 4k. .. (W N. T r. ISi N. J. V. I im . .1(2H No. P. fl- 4l .. Jo la . .li X. W. c 4, ..Ill O S U rfdl 4l .. M Tnn ronv. 2H . . ; Reading gan. 4a .. Ti'i it. L. I. M. r la . . .I07 St. t. . r f. 4a. r. aw 4a. ra. V. 8. raf la. do roupon 1- 8. r do coupon . f g. aid 4s. dn eoapon V. 8 do eoupon Am Tobacco 4a. . . . do la Atrhlion n. 4a.. do adj 4a Atlantic r. L 4a.. Dal. Ohio 4a ... do 3S1 Brk ft. T. r. 4 ., rrntral of Oa. la. do 1st Inc do td Inc do Id Inr fhaa. a Ohio 4Ha rhlrao a A. 14a r., B. a Q. n. 4a C , R. I. P. 4a do col. la Cash ouotatlons were as follows: FLOUR Easier and about 6c lower; winter patents. S3 .664-4.20; straights. 3.75 4.10; spring patents, S3.8rva4.10; straights, 1.1 axfjfl.85: bakers. SJ.2ou3.20. WHEAT No. 3 spring, 86c; No. 3, 80fi85c; No. 2 red, t3H4i84c. CORN-No. 2, 4-; No. 2 yellow. 60c. OATS No. t. 2S4-: No. 2 white, 32V32Vic No. 8 white, 2h4i31Vc- RYE No. 2. 66e. BARLEY IiikhI feeding. 87c; fair to choice malting. 4648c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 93c; No. 1 northwest ern. :c. Clover, contract grade. tl3.nti4i13.3S. PROVISIONS Mesa ptfK. per bbl., 813.46 4513.60. Iird. ier ion lbs.. 37.fOW7.021,. Short rli.s aides tloose). S7.0O'a7.12V,; short clea Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour ana grain: Receipts. Flour, bbls 44.400 Wheat, bu 262,000 Corn, bu 376, 8"0 Oats, bu 002,300 Rye. bu 2.w Barley, bu 237,300 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, li(Q,23c; dairies. 174kOc. Eggs, firm; at mark case included, iwqm; nrats, 2c; prime firsts, 28c; extra, 3oc. Cheese, firm; 12V4i 13C. Minneapolis Grain Market, iStmerlor quotations for Minneapolis de ll vervl. The range of prices, as reported by V. D. Day 4 Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Shipments. 33,000 Hi i. 500 148.700 696.3t i0 3,700 33,800 Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ys ) Wheat Dec.... May... May... 79,flHl 1 02,l 80V, 84S 97H 1 02',,', 79'al 79H1 79V 84i 97i 1 024 85H 40 101 31V, 93V, Flour, bbl. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu ifcit. bu 7 ' 67.( 41 .( 40 lilt Mverp-atol Orala Market. I.IVFRtOU N'v I. WHEAT llrm; Nv. 3 red rn winter. o 12 ( 3H.OIO 510 M ) -eJtwd. Sd; Minneapolis Cash -Prices Wheat: No. hard, M',c; No. 1 northern. 81,c; to ar rive. 81,c; No. 2 northern. 7874c; to arrive, 78Tc; No. 3 northern. 76'a77c; No. 1 durum 72c; No. 2 durum, 70c. Corn: No. 3 yel low, 4oc; No. 3. 44c; No. 4. 3Mj3Hi,e Oats: iso. a wnne. J',c; iso. 8, i&vy.Tc. Barley, 3U4i47c. Rye, 60it'ililc. Flax. 97c. Kansas t Ity Orala aad Provision. KAN8A8 CITY, Nov. 22. WHEAT Dull; December, 767c; May. - 7h,c; July, 747,c: caah, No. 2 bard. 79oic; No. 3, 76Vty 79c; No. 3 red. X84j90c; No. 3. 8.VaS8c. CORN Ixiwer; December, 3,c; May, 39c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 4oac; No. 2 while. 41fi41V; No. S 44K041C. OATS Firm; No. 2 white, 314j31V4c; No. I mixed, 3V,c. HAY Steady: choice timothy, Sliai'S 11. 6u: choice prairie, RYE Steady; 6-iti6t',c. EO'lS Steady; Mixsourl and Kansas new No. 2, white wood cases Included. 24V,c; case count, 22V'; cases returned, Vc less. Bl'TTER Steady ; creamery, 22c; pack ing, 19c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 6 0"O lao.OO Corn, bu 12,l0 Tn.mO Oat, bu 9,0il 12,wi0 The following range of price at Kansas Citv was reported by F. D. Day ft Co., U0 111 Board of Trade building'. Artlcles.l Close. High.! Iow. CIom. Yes y. 76S' 78, 741, Wheat I I Dec...l7o,fi! T7r, Mav...i.i8VdV 79 1 July...! 741-! 7414; Corn I I IVc.l 39V S' 3 May... 391,tn 39,yv 3Su -,, Oata I 1 I Dec . . . ,j V l -f May-.-.Miu1, S0HB'; 30 7! 78", 74',l Pork- Jan.. May.. May.. 12 62 12 70 82 t to I 12 2 1! 70 6 8:ViS6l 6 9.'ko7! 13 55 12 60 80 t to 76"i 7H-S 74V, 39 I 89', 3S 39V, V V, I 2JV4 29S:;'i 3ov a;. 12 67 12 65 6 M0 96 13 T 12 67 I 95 CetTee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 22 COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at un changed prices to a decline of t points In sympathy with disappointing French cables I The market ruled around the Initial level j until near th close, when a little demand from trad Interest caused a slight im provement. The close was steady net un- 1 . t . .. a hl.h., -r . . -1 1 I can,cu v v 1 - -r 1 . - 1 u 1 1 .m. , -m were reported of 3I1.2&U hags, of which atmut 2nl.) lags mere switches. Transao tiona Included December at 6 4"tj6 4-V; January. h : Man h. .rt soc: May. 7c; September. 7 J-ti7.J6-. Oeiob- r. T 4c. Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, March, t-16c. Adams ExnreKS. Amal. Copper 181,000 -, Amer. Car &. F 4,000 407, do pfd 1,200 101 Amer. Cotton Oil 600 32V, do pfd 100 93Va Amer. Express .. Amer. Hide A L. pfd 8,500 36-, 32 Amer. Ice Securitle Amer. Uneed OH.... 1,4"0 1!'4 -18 do pfd 100 - 43 43 Amer. Ixicomot I ve. .. 62,400 71V, 69 do pfd 400 118 117 Amer. Smelting & R. 49.MiO 157V4 164' do pfd 24, 1.I6 132V Amer. Sugar Ref 2s)M) 144H 141s Amer. Tob. pfd cert. 1.600 106', loV Anaconda Mining Co. 39,100 155 143 Atchison 13.200 K6A4 (mV, do pfd 3"0 1034 103', Atlantic Coast Line.. 3,3u0 164V, 1627 B. & 0 7,900 113 112V do pfd Brooklyn R. T 23o.3'io 914 87 Can. Pacific 7,6oO 174V, 172H Central of N. J lm 22o 228 Ches. & Ohio I".- HH 63 Chicago & Alton loO 324 324 do pfd 81IO 76' 4 76V4 Chicago Gt. Western 7,l" 214 21 C. & N. W 600 219 218 C, M. & St. P 13.'0 179 1784 Chicago T. & T 1,8110 19 18 do pfd 4.2i 4U4 40 C. C, C. & St. L.... 4i0 98a 9S Colo. Fuel & 1 2,90 4f 45 Colo. & Southern WW 27i 26, do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 6l 43 434 Con. Gas 6"0 180 179 Corn Products 1,700 14 13 do pfd 300 534 53 Del. & Hudson 1,100 231 230 Del., L. & W D. & R. 0 400 35, 35 do pfd 200 88, 88 Distiller' Securitle. 2.100 47 46 Eri 72.10 60 484 do 1st pfd 8.400 81 814 do 2d pfd 8.3i0 744 731.4 General Electric 3.5a 1897, 1MV, Hocking Valley 100 115 115 III. Central KO 178', 17i,4 Inter. Paper 1.9m) 214 21 do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd U & N Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn. & St. L M., St. P. & S. Ste. M. do pfd Mo. Pacific M . K. & T do pfd Nat l lad Nai l R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y.. Ont. & W Norfolk a W do pfd No. American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's a is P.. C C. & St. L pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman P. C Reading 13.4ti0 do 1st pfd 3"0 do 2d pfd 1.3i0 Republic Steel 35,'i) do pfd 23.4O0 Rock Island Co 19.1m do pfd l.lm Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd 2.9m St. L. 8. W 2m do pfd 30O 80. Pacific 14.li0 do pfd (a) So. Railway 8.vJ do pfd loo Tenn. Coal A 1 13.2m Texas & Pacific 1.2 . Tol.. St. L. A W 3m do pfd 7m I'rlnn Pacific 122.8 0 do pfd I'. 8. Express V. 8 Realty lm U. S Rubber...' 2.6 u do pfd hit) V. S. Steel do pfd 16. im Va. Caro. Chemical.. 3 fiO do pfd 1.7m Wabash 5.2m do pfd 4,1m Wells-Fargo Express Westlngh. Electric... 2m Western I'nlon sm W. & l.ake Erie lm Wis. Central m do pfd im No. Pacitie f.f.a) Central I -eat her 2.3m do pfd 1 V Sloes Sheffield IS. Too it . 1.. w .Id', Seaboard A. U .10 Po. P. lc 4a .. tt ' do In 4a rtfa fol- '4 . w, . t' 1H. .14 . HI K 'i . t7 105U, . , H . M ,IM4 .1(44 . 7J .101 . M4 .101 lotH in ta C, C. C. ast.l, f 4a. 10.1V 80 Ballwar la. Colo. Ind. la. aer. A. 14 ,Taiaa P la ... 7VT . St. b. A W. do aariea B Colorado Mid. 4a. Colo A So. 4a... Cuba Is r. A R. O. 4a... Distillers' Sec. la. lirla prior Man 4s. do can. 4a Hnrklnc Val. 4U,a Japan la offered. ... TSiCnlon Parlflo .. . t4"4l do rohr. 4a. ... . . JCMH V. 8. Steel Id la ...101H W'abaah la . .. do deb. n ...Ill') Waatarn Md. 4,.. . .. 1 W. A 1.. R. 4a.. ...Iio , Wis. Cantrtl 4a.. ... H 4a.... o M4 17 ItO W 4,... 14 1 lu 14 ... MS ...ill ... 7i ... 17 , ... Uj ... 6V4 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steen and Best Cows 6 teady Oibtn Weat MARKET CPENS STEADY, CLOSES LOWER laeladlng Holdover Fair Kanaber of Bheep oa Sale Fat laima strong. Other r.rade Mesay Feeder 94eaaly. SOt'TH OMAHA, Nor. 23. 19o. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Omclal Mondav 8.M4 8.V8 14,)3S Official Tuesday 3.86.1 7.044 17,1S3 Official Wednesday 4.808 1.9m 11,744 Three days thi week. .14 305 17.297 44.W6 Three day last week.. . .19.804 18.169 4.i4 Same week he tor 18.177 18.167 6.iS9 Same three weeks ago..26.86S 16,527 44.783 Same four weeks ago...23 17.V8 63.944 Same day last year 30.960 30.230 29.763 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO PATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last year: 1905. 1904. Inc. rattla 930,708 863.69S 77.110 r I.088.28 S.019.M1 18.695 Sheep 1,83.6S 1.637.857 226.673 The following table shows th average prlc of hogs at South Omaha for lb laat several days, w Ith comparisons: Date. I 1906. 11904. 11II0S. I190-J.U901. 11900. 11899. Ilostoa Stock anil Hond. BOSTON. Nov. 22. Call loans. 6fr7 per cent; time loans, Sfa"7 per cent. Official quo tation on stock and bond were as follows: Adventure .... Allocs . .. la Amalftamatad ... Amrrhan Ztnr ...10, Atlantl, ...n7 Blntham .- I"1 il'al. A Ha. la ...IM fantannlal ... ...141 Topper Rang ... Ilv Waat ... i" franklin 101 orannr lala Hovala .. . 24 Maaa Mining . M Michigan . 1 Mohaek .1 Mont. C A C. 19 Old Dominion .1M4 Osraola . Parrot .10.1 lUnlni' Atihlaon adj. 4 do 4a Max. Central 4a... Atchison do pfd Boston A Albany Poatnn A Mains Roatnn Klatad Fltihburg pfd Mfiuan Central ... N Y . N. H. A H. Para Mantuatta . t'nlnn Pacific Amar. Arga. Cham. do pfd Amar. Pnau. Tuba.. Amar. Sugar do pfd Amar. T. A T Amar. Woolan do pfd Dominion 1. A S... Kdiaon Klac. Ilia. OeDerml Elactrlc ... Maaa. Electric do pfd Mass. (!aa t'nltad fruit United Shot Main.. do pfd I'. 8. Btsal do pfd Waatlng. common . Bid. Asked. Shannon 144 Tajnarack 117 Trlnllr 11 Vnltsd Copper l 't'. 8. Mining.. 4t V. 8. Oil 106 ll tah J"j Vlrtorta II Winona 37WolTarlna 101S North Butt, ... 14 I . 7H . 43W . Ii' . I . H . H 474 . 2'i . 74 . tl . 174, H 31 . 10 . leu, . ss4 . as . , .107H . IXt, .104 . 7 m .lllVi . WW US . 1 . 4I4j . 4', - V .Kl . 71 NOV. Nor. Nor. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 10.. 11.. 12. IS.. 14.. 16.. I 16.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 30.. 21.. 22.. I i 84V' i 841 I I 661 I 731 4 611 4 01 I, 8l 4 83 4 99J I I 72i 4 60 4 H f ti 4 (hi) 4 87 f Sll. 4 61 4 W f 4 7H 4 901 4 79 I 491 I 8lf I 4 03 i. . 1, tml 4 74 61 7l 4 86 I I 4 73 6 63 6 711 4 4 14 01 4 79T, 4 73 4 71HI 4 so 4 67 678 4 01 4 01 4 03 4 69 4 03 4 74i 4 03 4 02 4 84! 4 fW 4 S0 4 781 561 6 681 4 67 4 81 , 4 861 1 f 44 t 67 4 71 4 79 I 4 971 4 80 It 74 1 4 79HI 4 7I 4 7 35 4 SI', 4 89 4 62 8 26! 72 I 4 80 4 K. H lOi 8 KX 4 64 I 1 6 61 4 74j 3 4 4 69 4 671 6 IS I 6 68; 4 67, 3 2 4 49 I I 3ii 6 7i 4 82i 3 90 4 621 4 66; 6 63 4 71! 4 461 411 4 66 4 39 31 6 621 4 63, 4 46 i 6 29i 6 63 I 4 46' 8 28, 6 7J, 4 67 4 44! 24 6 81! 4 68 4 86 4 90, 4 82 8 "4 8 7 2 86 4 791 4 76! 3 88 4 78' 3 89 4 6l I 26 5 76; 4 76. 3 86 Indicates Sunday. RANGE OF 700 8i l.l"l 7,7i I'M 13.1O0 I0.61 J 2, 2X 'Jul 1, "l 17.1'rt 26 81 ) I.2'0 61,4iiO 8) 6.W 2. . 1.7u0 '. 'eisoo . io . 31.10) . 1,1 0 3iO . 2.3"0 9ll 678, 4 67 1S3I, 164 71 116, 24', l:t9', 165 1 1"2, 3 7'iv, K. 37 1 15, 64', 86'a 101 491, H ' 1"2 w4 61', 94 142 V, 93 99 29 1"1 V s 73, 23 68 7, 12 35 T.-S l'M 3' 38 H47, 67 28 V, 66 V 152 164 70V 1144, 23S NJ, 139 16414 lol a, 37H 7o 637, 36 U'.i 63 U 86 V, 1110 4X 87V4 4iH loov. 31V, 12 225 35H 28 V, 1VV 40 V4 707 117 165 133 V, H.IH 106V, 152 Vi 103 V 162 112T 97 90 173'i 2264 63H 32V 75 21V, 218 178 lsv, 40 98 4 447, 24 624 V 179 14 63 229 4 X 84 88 46 4!IH 81 74' 18K, 112 177 io 28 81 4 27 67 27i 56, 152 166 714 1154 234 mi 13x4 16l Ml 4 SS'a 6H 51-Vi s: v 63S 864 92 K10V4 4t London Closing Mocks. IiON'DON, Nov. 22. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were as follows: II I 14 ic. y Central '' Norfolk A W 'l do pfd "''Ontario A W .104 HnnarlT,nlt '" iRand Mlnaa . .177-4 Raadlng .. 4! dn 1st pfd . " V do 2d pfd ..14 Ruuiharn Railway I do pfd .. 34 j8outharn Pacific . .. fw fnlon Pacific .... .. M do pfd .. mlf. 8. Steal . . 75SI do pfd .12 , Wbh ..M do pfd . . ISpanlsh 4s SILVER Tlar. steady. 29 ll-16d per ounce. MONEY 3ya3 per cent. The rate or discount In the open market for short bills is 4(&44 per cent; for throe months bills, 4 per cent. Conaola. monay .. do account , Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Pacific . Chaa. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W... ('.. M A St. P . Panears Danrar A R. p... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central .. Louisville A Nash M . K. A T .isr, . MS . 5 . K. . il . I . 72 . 41 . . H it .101 714 .13S4 . . 3 .10 .. 214 . 4a . n New York Mini nig Stocks, NEW YORK, Nov. 12 Gloalng quotations mining siocks were aai follows: on Adams Con A ll.-a Braaue Hrunsvlt k Con .. Comstock Tunnel Con. Cat. A V,.. Horn Sllrar Iron Bllvar Laadrllla Con.... 30 , 71 10 47 IMttla Chief Ontario Ophir ... I'hoanu H Pnto.l .141 .170 .140 Savaga 8lerra Narada Small Hopea . Standard . a .Ira .84174 . 1 . 1 . 44 . 4 .. 10 .110 Omaha Chicago K annus, citv St. Uouls ... Sioux City .. PRICES. Cattle. Sl.754,6.75 ,. 1. 111,6.50 ,. 1.76ii.00 2.00(96.85 2.00,6.66 Hogs. 4.8!(3'f 70 4.10H4.97V4 4.60-U4.86 4.6"u'4.i" 4.664.70 The following table shows the Drlces paid At the river markets for cattle: Oood to choice corn-fed steers 36.266 60 6.0U4.6.26 4.0$io.0n 4 21,4.60 8 .90.-U4 2f) 3.36'i4.60 .. 1.B0-U2 15 .. 1.76113.60 feeders. 1 UMAIIA WHOI.EAI.IC MARKET. 86 52', plHV, 38', hS 37 110 224 H 175 91 18 'W 694 454 1044 ST. 13!-, llo 11114 804 & 9 243 140 92 i"-4 2 1"04 2 72 374 14 61 4 224 67 6H 120 354 99 HC1H 33), 374 67'., P44 96'j 116 86 524 ll9 37T, 1"1H 37 1094 ?.4 227 17:i 9V 1 Hi) 61 tt 1398, 93 9 99 2H "4 22, 57 64 120 94 1034 33, 133', M 514 1"9 377, I'd', 36V, 10 214 v 175 K 18 29', 5:. yi 444 1084 Condition of Trade and (luolatlon on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGOS Fresh receipts, candled stock. 22c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 8'fcc; roosters, 6c; turkevs, 15c; ducks, 9'fl94c; spring chickens, 9c; geese, fic. Bl'TTER Packing stock, 1R4c; choice to fancy dairy, lWilw; creamery, 21'uJ14c; print, 214c Sl.'OAR Standard granulated, in bbls., 86.01 per cwt.; cubes, 85 86 per cwt.; cut loaf, S6.30 per cwt.; No. 6 extra C. bugs or bbls., S4.85 per cwt.; No. 10 extra C, bag only, S4.T0 per cwt.; No. 15 yellow, bag only. 84.65 per cwt.; XXXX powdered. So. 75 per cwt. FRESH FISH Trout, lodjllr; halibut. 13c; buffalo, dressed, 9c; pickerel, dressed, tc; white bass, dressed, 12c; sunflsh, 6c; perch, scaled and dresaed 8c; pike, 10c: catfish, 13c; red snapper, loc; salmon, lie; crop pies, 12c; eels. 18c; bullheads, 11c; black bass, 2Sc: whlteflsh, 12c; frog legs, per dog., 3fic; lobsters, green, 27c; boiled lobsters. 80c; shad roe, 45c; bluefish, 15c; herring, 4c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Feed company: No. 1 upland, 37; medium, S6.50; coarse, 36. BRAN Per ton. 814.60. TROPICAL FRI'IT. ORANGES California Navels, all sixes, 33.503.75: Florida, all sixes. S3.ooi"u3.;S. LEMONS Lemoniera, extra fancy, 240 slxe, SS; 300 and 360 sixes, 85.60. DATES Per box of 30 1-lb. pkgs., S?I Hallowell, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 54c; walnuts, stuffed, 1-lb. pkgs., 12 per dox. FIOS California, per 10-lb. carton. 75 85c; imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 12c; 6 crown, 14c. PANANA8 Per medium - sired bunch. Si. 762.26; Jumbos. 3-5of 3.uu. FRl'ITS. PEARS Lawrence and Mount Vernon, S2.60: 1'e Ango, S2.76. APPLES Hen Pavls and Wlnesaps. In S-bu. bids., S40; in bushel baskets. SI 26; California Hellflowers, SI. 50; Colorado Jona than and Grimes' Golden. 82.26; New York apples, 34 60 per bbl. (SHAPES Tokava. per 4-basket crate, S2; lini.orted Malaaas. S5.5oftn.iW. CKANHEHH1ES Jerseys, $11.(8) per Hell and Bugle, $12.00. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New, per bu.. R04i5ic. ONIONS Home-grown yellow, red white, per bu., 80c; Spanish, per crate WAX BEANS Per bu.. basket. string beans, per 4-1'd. box. WJic. BEANS Navy, per bu., $1.9(1. (TCCMHEHS-Per bu., $1.501 76. CABBAGE Home grown and Wisconsin, In crates, per lb.. MEETS New, rer bu., 70c. CELERY Kalamaxoo, per dog., 25c. SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per 3 bu. bbl.. $2 50. CAI'LIFIXJWER Per crate, $3. TOMATOES California, per crate of 20 lbs.. $2.60. BEEF CI TS. Wholesale prices for beef cuts: Ribs No. 1. 124c: No 2, 84c; No. 3. 5c. Round No. 1. 7c; No. 2. 6'.c; No. 3. 64c 1 ir4c; is o. un-; o. 3, 74 1. 3c; No. 2. Sc; No. 3. 24 1, 441-; .no. 2. c.o. 3. 3c. MISCELLANEOCS. CIDER Per keg, $3 75; per bbl, $6 75. HONEY New. per 24 lbs.. $3.50. CHEESE Swiss. new. 6c; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llniberger. 13c; twins, 14V ; young Americas, 144c. Nl'TS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 154c; hard shells, per lb., 134c Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12o Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12H34o. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lh., 15c. Shellliark hickory nuts, per bu., $2.26; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. Chestnuts. 15c per lb. Cocoanuts, $1 60 per sack of 1"0. HIDES No. 1 green. 9c: No. 2 gr'-en. 8c; No. 1 salted. 104c; No. t salted. 94c: No 1 veal calf. 11c; No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted. 7j14c: sheep pelts, $fm$1.00; horse hides. $1 6ufq3.00. Fair to good corn-fad steer Common to fair corn-fed steers... Good to choice rang beef steer. Fair to good range beer steer.... Good to cholc cows and heifers.. Fslr to good cows and heifers Fair to sood western cows tanners and cutters Good to choice slncliars A rair to good stockers and feeders. B.oonjd.Mi TUESDAY'S SHIPMENTS The following list show lh number of cars of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their points of destination: CATTLE. -! August Luther, Hooper F. E A. P. Johnson. Newman Grove F. E.. Fred Burenhelde, Howell P. E Martin Luther, Hooper F. E 8. W. Ewlng, Fairfax, S. D. F. E F. B. Richmond. Earlham, la. H. I.... John Tiiiim, Council Bluffs, la. H. I... W. S. Davis, Atlantic, la. R. I B. C. Charlton, Hanlon V. P A. N. Thompson. Mead U. P Thomas Gaughen, North Bend I'. P.... Luke Gaughen, North Bend U. P Joseph Frank, Shelton U. P Harris A Son, Julesburg, Colo I. P John D. Suhr, Oiikland-M. & O Percy Clark, Bouton. la Mil Fred J. Saunders, Manilla, la, Mil A. 8. Barr. Manilla, la.-MU H. A. Prlndle. Memphis B. Y M George P. Klein, Koseiana B. & M John M. Laughliti, Ong-B. & M Frank Woudhead, Ong B. & M George A. Lave. Weatburg, Mo. Q S. L. Kellogg, Perclval, la. g W. K. Van Wagnor, Ida Grove, N. W George Robinson, Vail, la. N. W. C. M. McKlnney, Logan, la. I. C... William Canty, Logan, la. 1. C Thomas Hutchinson, Delolt, la. 1. C. A. Mile. Geneva B. & M Miller Bros., Table Rock B. at M Payne & S., Luton, la. Mil D. T. Mathews, Tekamah M. at O C. I). Houston & Co., Tekamah M. & O. S. E. McCurdy, Tekamah M. & O Alex McQueen. Silver Creek U. P Nels Johnson. Valley II. P Edgar Shoebothan, Falrbury R. I The official number of cars of brought In today by each road was: Cattle Mugs. Sheep H r s. The United States National Bank of Omaha r credits at par checks and drafts drawn on out-of-town banks, charging the depositors only the actual cost of collection; allows interest upon Certificates of De posit; issues Foreign Exchange and Letters of Credit and invites accounts of bankers and individ uals, firms and corporations. 27 cows... 26 steers. 948 3 80 3 66 3 36 4 00 la. C... H. W. Jones-S D. ..Ml 8 3 10 12 feeders ..1152 8 46 Holt Bros Wyo. 20 feeders.. 780 3 75 Peter Watt Wvo. 1$ feeders . 1236 S 65 4 feeders. .1212 J. A. Miller. So. Dakota. 24 feeders.. 12o0 3 ( feeders.. 1043 8 feeders.. 1181 2 90 Kingsbury. Todd A- Co. Wyo. 66 feeders.. 908 3 86 46 feeders.. 720 HOGS There was a fairly liberal run of hogs today, about 4,900 head being received, as against 12.188) for the same day last year. Th receipts for the first three days of the week foot up 17.297 head, which Is smaller than that for the corresponding days last week, when 18.16H head were re ceived. The run for the first three days of this week Is considerably smaller than the one for the same three days of the corresponding week last year, there being a difference of 12.923 head In favor of hist year. The market this morning opened active and steady and possibly a little stronger In some quarters. It Is iosslble that about a third of the receipts sold with the market in this condition, when suddenly the whole thing collapsed, and the market closed the day weak and lower. The market for the day will average a little lower than that of yesterday. During the earlv part of the forenoon the bulk o', the sales were at $4.654.674. but after the sudden slump the bulk of the miles took place at $4.62iiN 66. The top of the market today was $4.0. Generally speaking, the trade today was active, with prices steady to a little easier. Representative sales: ket steady; beeves. $O0fj5.R5; cows, bulls and mixed, $2,110(93.40; stockers and feeders, $2.75(1 8 T; calves and yearlings, $2 60413.25. HOGS-Recelpts, 7.6') head; market 24e. lower, selling at $1 56CI4.70; bulk of sales, $4 $2 -4.65. 2 2 2 6 1 stock C. M. & St. P Ry. Wabash Missouri Pacific 4 l P. System 22 C. & N. W.. eaat 2 C. & N. W.. west 67 C. St. P.. M. A O.... 3 C, B. A Q., eaat 6 C B. & Q.. west 82 C, R. I. & P.. east C. R. I. & P.. west.. .. Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western. 1 17 9 25 4 3 2 2 113 1 No. At. Sh. Pr n At. Sb. rt. 14 75 1JU 4 HO 4a 14 10 4 IS 41 M H) 4 K lit Mo 4 W 70 1X1 10 4 40 43 J.4 1MI 4 5 141 IM 110 4 4 II 4I l 4 41 41 W4 40 4 4:t M m 111) 4 5 It 10 4 4?', II 2,0 40 4 45 44 !M 140 4 41 4 41.. 244 40 4 II 70 li Ml 4 42 H 71 J' an 4 41 47 TI ... 4 124 41 Ill 10 4 si 81 Ill 40 4 124 II 14 12 4 46 11 213 80 4 124 41 I 120 4 41 7 142 ... 4 124 so ftl 14(1 4 46 74 214 ... 4 l?4 "1 16 10 4 48 U 12 to 4 124 tC 211 120 4 1.1 7 104 IVt 4 12 V, II !1 120 4 41 II 3 IM 4 124 40 Ml 840 4 4 18 214 40 4 lit 40 2U 10 4 W II I 110 4 42 " 10 4 U 41 214 ... 4 46 II 278 40 4 I74 41 2ft0 110 4 II 16 104 10 4 174 44 :' 110 4 M II 214 10 4 17V, 46 Ill M 4 4 II 271 ... 4 174 41 887 10 4 II It Ill 44 4 174 44 Ill 40 4 IB 41 302 40 4 174 4 Is ... 4 11 II tK ton 4 174 II ,, M0 ... 4 46 U 2.".9 240 4 174 46 ...854 40 4 46 . " 265 ... 4 74 41 ..141 40 4 46 62.. 160 ... 4 174 14 117 840 4 tt 214 10 4 174 II 841 ... 4 46 l !7 110 4 474 47 211 10 4 47 164 10 4 174 74 Ill 10 4 M II ill 120 4 174 47 247 80 4 16 71 148 40 4 17V, II 271 120 4 16 41 214 ... 4 174 6 2(3 111 4 W 7 211 80 4 471, 41 J4 40 4 W 74 ton ... 4 70 21 JtS 120 4 16 71 126 IM 4 70 II 281 120 4 18 14 : 20 4 70 71 lit 80 4 43 70 iaO ... 4 70 10 tJ ... 4 U 43 274 40 4 7n 61 .HI 80 4 0 12 40 4 70 7 211 10 4 18 61 270 l 4 74 60 271 120 4 88 77 24(1 S40 4 70 41 2l ... 4 It 649 1,143 642 1,002 406 87 2 2.217 266 786 2,155 37 126 281 8; 80 67 266 131 3M 93 2 62 139 399 50 3&6 2,992 bbl. and $1.75. $3.50; No. No. No. l.olni Plates Chucks- Total receipts 190 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing th number ot head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. fat King io... Swift and Company... Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour aV Co Armour, Kansas City. Carey Iobnian & Co McCreary W. 1. Stephen Hill ft Son Hamilton L. F. Huss Wolf Mike Haggerty Sol Degan J. B. Root ft Co Bullan Klngan Cudahy. Slou City... Other buyers Total 4.940 6.916 8.653 CATTLE There was a moaerate run of cattle this morning and the stock was in in good seaxon. The receipts for the first three days tills week, total, was 13.997 head, while (he run for the first three days last week was larger than this week bv about 4.180 head. The receipts of the first three days of the same week one year ago were considerable larger. 3o 9C9 head of stock be ing received during that time. There was only a small number of corn fed steers on the market today, but there was an excellent demand tor good kind of stuff. Packers were out early looking for good beeves and as a result there was an active trade and a market that was steady to strong on th better kind of stuff. Favorable reports from the other principal markets along the river helped things along some and the market closed about I he same as at the opening, with the market active and strong. Good stuff found reudy sale and a clearance was ef fected at a reasonably early hour. There was a moderate tun of row and heifers this morning, with a good demand from all classes of buyers, and the trade was active, with the murket generally steady with yesterday's advance. The good, cholc stuff found ready sale at prices that were mostly steady with yes terday's prices, while the common "and medium grade of stuff was Inclined to bell a trine easier in spots, uenerally speak ing, the market on cows and heifers was active and steady on good stuff to a little easier on the common. Business in stockers and feeders was brisk and active today as fsr as It went and prices were mostly a little stronger than those of yesterday. The Inquiry was principally for light and mcliain-weUlit stuff, but generally the trade on feeders waa active and steady to strong. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. St. 1,0a Is 1,1, e Hack Market. ST. IOUIS. Nov. 22 CATTUE Receipts. 2.5ofl head natives: market strong. Native shipping end export steers, $4rVu58-i; dressed beef and butcher steers. $2.705.40; steers under l.'xm Ihs., $270114 86; storker nd feeders. $2.uo3 69; cows and heifers: $2.00i4.4fl: tanners. $1.7302.00: bulls, $2.254r 3.40; calves. 3 OOtiT.OO; Tcxss and Indian steers. $2.oy8.75; cows and heifers. fLOOu $.16. HOGS Receipts. 10.000 bead: market steadv. Pigs and lights, $4.Sn4f 4.W: packers. S34.fiu8-i4.sri; butcher and liest heavy, $4.70'. 4.80. BHEKP AMI 1.AMBH Receipts. I.O00 head; market steadv. Native muttons, $4.00 j5.40: lambs. $6.604i7.35; culls and bucks. Sa.OouG.OO; stockers. $3.50(1,3.90; Texans, $3.26fr4.10. t. Joseph live Htark Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 22.-CATTIE-Re-celpts, 2.127 head; market steady to loc higher. Native, SSiwliCOO; cows and hell ers, $1.5tyy-4.65; stockers and feeders, $i.75i 3.75. HOGS Receipts, 8.047 bend; market steady. Light, $4.654i4.76: medium and heavy. $4.7tvu4 80. SHEEP AND l.AMBH Receipts 624 bead; market steady. Native lambs. $7.26. Stock In sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 4. 8-3 6.9 11.741 Sioux City 700 7.600 Kansas City Il.oo 14.000 2.5ii St. Ixniis 2.MSI 10.000 l.iaat St. Joseph 2,127 8,647 82 1 Chicago 22.0HO 33,000 22.00.1 Total 43,230 80,047 37,968 'l lOftvi a Total sales for th dv. l.S.'B.u,) shares. OMAHA. Baak Clearing.. Nov. 22. Bank clearings for Philadelphia Pradaca Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. t-BT'TTER Steady; extra western creamery, $4c; extra nearby print. 2bc FXKJS Firm, lo higher; nearby fresh laid. S2c: nearby fresh, bo at mark, west am fresh, 31c at mark. CHEDSB Uachanged: New York full cream, fancy, 13So-14c: New Tork full rrstm, cholc, 134c; New Tork full cream, fair to guvd. UVaiKWc SHEEP There was a very small run of sheep today, only six cars being reported In. This Is the smallest run for a Wednes day since the second week in August, on which day there was but one car in. As compared with the receipts for the Mine day one year ago the run today Is only half as large. The total for the first three days of the week is 33,021 hend and Is larger than the run for the llrst three days of the same week one year ago by about 3,200 head. And the receipts this week are smaller than those for the first three days of last week bv about $.0(0 head. The most of the run this morning con sisted of feeders, and there was hardly enough fat sheep on the market to make a test of the trade. Packers were out In the barns early looking for desirable stuff, nut there was practically nothing suitable for their purposes. However, the market on what slock did sell as fat sheep Indicated that had there been a supply of fat sheep It would probably have sold at prices that were generally steady with those of yes terday. All that ha been said concerning fat heep applies to fat lambs as well, ex cept that the packers were a little more anxious to get this kind of stuff. They were apparently wanting some good lambs for their local trade, and In order to se cure them had to compete with feeder buy ers for the more choice end medium kinds of stock. Prices on fst lamb were steady to strung. There were sbout 26 cars of feeders on the market this morning, as there were about 20 cars held over from yrsteriley. There was oulte a sprinkling of country buyers In todav. so that fact, coupled with the small run. raused a fairly steady mar ket. Trade was only moderately active, but most of the stuff sold at prices that were generally steady. . Quotations on Tat sheep and Ismbs: Cfciod. to choice fed lambs, $6 75-3 7 25; good to choice range lambs, $ii.?6-W7 no: good Jo cholc yearling wethers, $5.264.46 ' ijood to cholc old wethers, $5.0oiJi6-6o; good to cholc old ewes. $1 6ot)d (10. , . Quotation on feeder hep snd lambs: Good feeding. $&.26fi6.76; good feeding 'r llngs. $4.75fi 26; good feeding wethers. 84 75 6.00: good feeding ewes. $3 . 40fj! . 75 : breed ing ewes, $4.26-34.80. Representative sales: No. 19 Idaho feeder ewes Ill Idaho ewes 130 Idaho lambs 68 Nebraska ewe feeders.. 107 Nebraska ewes 31 Idaho lamb feeders .... 670 Idaho lamb feeders .... 46 Nebraska lambs CHICAGO 1.1 VK TOK 4 4.HKKT Cattle Strong to Steady Hogs 8trosii ibeep aad jsmla Firmer. CHICAGO. Nov. 22. CATTLE-Receipts. 22.UOO hesd; market on heat, strong, other steady; common to prime ste-rs. $.' ti6.."0; cows. $2&4 25; heifer. $2; bulls. $2 0H4J-4 OO: Blockers and feeders. 82 IM4 15; calve,. VlMiMi. HOGS Receipts, 83.000 head; market strong; good to prime heavy, $4.s.vii4.96; medium to good heavy, $4.754. 3; strong weight butchers, $4H64j4; giiod to i hob e heavy mixed. t4.7vfil.S0; packing. tl.3i,4.8o. SHEEP AND LAMB.- Rec Ints. 2.iu bead; market firmer to 10c higher; S3.7f4i5.60: yearlings, $5,502,6 ,u; lambs, $4.774j.7.6o. Wool Market. BOSTON. Nov. 22. WOOL-Trade has been Irregular In the wool market. There continues to be a good demand for me dium territory wools, Montana and Wyo ming being especially actlva; price am steady. A great deal of Interest exists as to foreign markets because of the possible Influence of serious change there on loctil prices. Territories arc active; pulled wools are quiet; foreign grades sre firm, leading ouotatlons follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania. X, 31&36c; No. 2, 4084le; fine unwashed. i8 i929c; quarter blood, unwashed. 34'gao: three-eighths blood. 34Q3oc; half blood. 34W 36c: unwashed, aotffllc; Michigan fine. Un washed. 27&-28c; quarter blood, unwashed, 33U34o; three-eighths blood, 3334o; half blood. SJ4W4c; unwashed, 28c; Kentucky. Indiana, etc., three-eighth and quarter blood. 344r36c. Territory: Idaho fine. 22M 23c; heavy fine. lirtoc; fine medium. 2l'i 23c; medium, 27&28e; low medium, 2728c; Wyoming fine. 2-lr23c; heavy fin. 19tr2oc; fine medium. 23ic24c; medium. 2729c; low medium, 274i'28c; 1'tah and Nevada fine. 23 4i'24c; heavy fine, 19ti2oc; flue medium, K!ff 24c: medium, 27fi"I8c; low medium, "if&TSo; Dakota fine, 22"j23c; fine medium, 22a-3c; medium. 27&28c; low medium, 278':'8c; Mon tana fine, choice, 26'p27c; fine average. 24-ii 25c; flne medium, choice. 2tf27c: average, 244136c; staple, 27f29c; medium choice, 28 29c. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 22 WOOI-Stedy: me dium grades, combing and clothing, 2fyfi V-; light fine. 21'&26c; heavy flne, 19(g21c: tub washed, 33&414C Metal Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 22 MET A I 8 TI.e London tin market was again higher with spot closing st 163 7s 6d and futures at 1Z152 7s 6d. The local market ruled steady with spot quoted at $33.424'0753.60. Copper was lower In Ixindon, closing at 76 12 8d for spot and 73 12 6d for futures, or decline of sbout 7s 6d to 12s 6d. Locally, however, the market continues firm and producers are said to be sold well apead. making supplies available for Immediate delivery very scarce. Iake Is quoted at H6.87V17.25; electrolytic at $16.7517.00 an.l casting at $18.6016.874. lad was lower at 16 9s 9d In 1ondon. but continued Arm in the local market. The largest producers are still quoting $6.25 for shipment In thirty days, but spot quotations range as high sh $6.70, the figure being practically nominal In the absence of important business. Spelter advanced 6a to 28 10 In London. The local market was quiet and unchanged at $6.1ntj6.20. Iron was unchsnged in the English market, closing at 62 for standard foundry and at 63s 3d for Cleveland war rants. The local market was firm. No. I foundry' northern 1 quoted at $18.75919.35; No. 2 foundry northern at $18.25418 85; No. 1 foundry outhem. $18 6io18.75: No. 2 foun- 1 dry southern at $18 0418 26. ST. I)l'IS. Nov. 22 METALB Lad firm, $5.40. Spelter quiet, $8.00. Aver. Price. ..99 4 16 ..100 4 50 . . 59 6 to .99 3 00 . I'M 4 25 .56 4 75 . 59 6 60 .66 6 75 Cotton Market NEW YORK. Nov. 23 COTTON-Spot closed steady 60 points higher; middling middling gulf, 11.91k-; sale. Nov. a.-COTTON-Bteady; sales, 228 bales; receipts. 44 . II - rr. . at fr 4 00 88 12 4 l 4 28 20 111! 110 COWS. 3 10 HEIFERS. 4 uO BCLLS. HSfl t 00 S'lOLnFlW AND FEEDERS 1044 I M 44 IM 7 NEBRASKA. .1173 .1208 .. Ill 10 cow 95 15 feeder.. 7: 15 feeder.. 11"2 18 (teer. ...1161 37 feeder.. 1131 27 teer. 24 feeder. U ters... 3 25 31 cow, 992 2 55 25 feeders.. 11-aj 3 25 35 cows 1073 3 26 66 feeders. .li41 3 119 feeder. 743 WESTERNS Jardsou Bros. S. It. .1217 3 65 31 cows prj) A'fl 3 25 10 steers ...11 36 F. Hol.omb-B. D. 1259 3 6o M. P.d.i-v D. D feeders.. 1017 I ia 3 75 3 56 3 to 3 4 2 5o 2 85 t 55 uplands. 11.66c; 647 bales. ST. iris. middling. 114- 1.410 bal.-s, Nhlpments. 184 bales; stock, 19.661 bales NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 22. COTTON Firm; sales. 4.650 bales; ordinary. 8 13-16c; good ordlnury, loc; low middling. 1074c; mid dling. 114c: good middling. ll'c; middling fair, 12 3-16I-; receipt. 8.J33 bales; stock, 309.113 bales. sheep, sprliia, Kaasa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITV, Mo.. Nov. 22 CATTLE Receipt. 11. ono head. Including 6to south erns; market steadv to strong; fed steers strong lo 10c higher. Choice export and dressed beef steers, $5 (I05j6 00: fair lo good. I $1.506.00; western steers. $2 80fc4 50; stock- ' ers and feeders. $2.4) "if 4 26; southern steers. I t2. fa 4.00; southern cows. $1753.00: native I cows. $1.7E-fJ3SO; native heifers. $2.5"-t 4.85; bulls. $2.oofi350: calves. $.sr'un.0u. 1KMJH Receipts. 14.000 head: market! weak to 5c lower; ton, It 80; bulk of sale. I $1 664.8o: heavy. 14 T.Vu-t 8o; ir kers, $4 70! ''MS", pig and light. Hu4 75. SHEEP AND LAMB8 Receii.l. :5to head; market strong; native lainbo. $."i.l'5 , If 7 15 ; western lambs. $5 3'u7 'TO: ewes and yearl.ngs. $4 25j6 60, western fed yearlings. $5.iNirV60; western fed a' fcep, $4.i-o5.jO, stockers and feeders. $l5f?I50. loas lllr Lire Stork Market. SIOVX CITT. Nov 22-8pelal Tele gram CATTLE Receipts. 7U) bead; war. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Nov. 22.- CORN-8tedy; No. yellow, 42' fro: No. 3. 4.'4c; No. 4. 410. OATS Steady; No. 3. 30',H3o4c; No. I while, 29'fre Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Nov. 22 -SEEDS Clover, csrh. $nu5; December. $8,074: Jr.nuary. $8 16 bid; February. $S.2ii bid. Prune alslke, $8. Prima timothy. $1.55. PRIVATE WIRES Von Dorn Grain Co. Member Chlcaco Board of Trad ' Omaha Grain Eioriang. Grain and Provisions Bought and sold for cash or future delivery Receiver and Shipper. 16 and 220 HOARD OK TRADE MJXJ. Tel. 100 OMAHA. Cl Co. Oealera ta stock.. Oram. Provision aklf Year Grala ta l a Braaaea 11(1(1, tllVltl Baard al Treal UldaT-t Oaaalta. lis. Tlaa SSI 8. 312-214 K, chang ld . tiouth Oman 811 'Pboo 3 la lada pendant 'faisa l