Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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TERMS $10 Cash and
$5 Monthly.
Wv Iimvo on sale sever
al Upright pi.inos, select oil
from our Regular Stock,
perfect in every vrny, in
beautiful Natural Wood
cases polishoil like a Mir
ror Imported felts, tun
ing pins ami strings, to
gether ivith Good Solid
Hardwood ronstruetion
throughout. Ten Year
guarantee with privilege
of exchange if not satis
factory in every way.
Several makes to select
from. Come Early, hring
ten dollars-Take Your
Choice for $165.00.
Going to Move to New
Building Soon.
Temporary Location 1407
Harney St., Omaha.
' Y.
cW ;f, , ft
are worthy of name BEST.
There are no other shoes that you
could put ON a man that will give
the comfort, stylo and wrar. Look
nil ovnr tlio KAKTH and you will
find that the
Onimod Shoes
Quality and price always the same:
CO CA l"ur a, lxtU'i' shoo than
yMw nny plhor.
CO CA Kor the equal of what
4?ab others, sell for the best.
BPECIATc-We rarry a complete lino
of Dr. Heed's Cushion Sole $0 Hlioos.
SOS Sooth 15th street.
Uhe Best of
The Only Double
Track Railway
to Chicago
110V. 27th
Indiana, Michigan, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, New York,
Ontario, Kentucky
City Offices
1401-14Q3 FAR NAM ST.
TEL. 624Bet
Add rasa Oasaaa. ..
.:L. J
Magnatet Decide that Postponed Garnet
Huit Be Played on Nii Trip.
rropdiril Consolidation Scheme I hat
Will Leave Krrrral (lab
Ont la thr Cold Mar
tome t
CHir.VJO, Nov. 22. Thr American
Hnso MnP league met In annual session
here today and!e the avowed state
ment of Charles Comlskey. president of
tin- local club of the organisation, two
dins a (to, that the American league was
on the verge of disruption, today's session
was as hormonlmis as a family reunion.
Routine business occupied the time of the
m.tgnates at today's session and another
meeting will he held tomorrow. 'What
business Is to ronie up for consideration
tomorrow Is problematic. All the members
of the Icncuc tonight seemed averse to dis
cussing the affairs of the organisation.
There, was an apparent feeling of unrest
among the magnates, however, and the
general belief tonight Is tha the proposed
amalgamation of the American and Na
tional leagues will conie up- for consider
ation. Should this proposed scheme be
sprung upon the magnates, tomorrow's
session will be a warm one, as, according
to reports of the proposed plan, should
the deal go through It would leave several
of the t-lubs of which the American league
Is composed out In the cold.
Plan of Amalgamation.
The plan of amalgamation, It Is said by
those In a position to know. Is for a com
bination of the two present melor leagues
into a major and a minor league. In
Boston, Philadelphia and Pt. Louis the
teams of the American and National
leagues are to b consolidated, and In the
other cities where the two leagues re
main the National league ctubs are to be
taken Into the new National league, and
the American league cluba are to be
thrown back Into the minor league, whloh
Is to take the name of "American league,"
hut which Is to belong to class A of the
minor leagues. If this plan should be
carried out It would leave Comlskey of
the Chicago club and Farrell of the New
Tork American league out of the consoli
dation scheme. A knowledge of the pro
posed scheme came to Comlskey only a
few days ago, and this la said to have
caused his attack on President Johnson
Monday night. According to the proposed
amalgamation plan, the new National
league would be made up of eight of the
best cities In tho country, with President
Johnson of the American league aa the
president of the new organization.
One of the prlnclpnl arguments against
the proposed amalgamation Scheme la that
the American league last year enjoyed the
most prosperous season of Its existence.
Nearly all the members of the league
attended today's meeting. The board of
directors first held a meeting In President
Johnson's office and went through the
formality of awarding the pennant to
Playlaar ot Postponed Games.
It was nearly 1 o'clock when the mag
nates got together to take up the business
of the league. The flrat matter considered
was a change In the constitution. After
considerable discussion. It was agreed that
postponed games on the flrat trip must be
played on the aecond trip and that post
poned games on the aecond trip must be
played on the third trip.
Another matter that was definitely Bet
tied was that in the future the ' annual
meetings of the league will be held on
the first Wednesday after the aecond Tues
day In December each year.
T. W. Somers of Cleveland was elected
vice president of the league, and Chicago, I
Washington, New York and Cleveland were
chosen to represent the league op the ruie
committee, which will meet a similar com
mittee of the National league some time
before tho opening of the playing neason
next year and remedy any defects in the
present rules.
Those present at today's meeting were
President Ben Shlbe, Manager Mack, and
Secretary Hough of the Philadelphia club;
Frank Farrell of New York, F. J. Nevln
of Detroit. President J. F. Kilfoyle. Sec
retary W. Berhard. and Charles AV. Somers
of Cleveland; President R. L. Hedges and
John K. Bruce of St. Louis, Hugh Mc
Breen of Boston, Manager Jacob Stahl of
Washington, and Charles Comlskey ot Chl
Tom togan Wins Fourth Chevy Chase
steeple Hace at Bennlnus.
BENNINU, D. C, Nov. 22. The fourth
Chevy Chase open selling steeplechase with
gentlemen riders and the fourth Dixie were
run at Benning today, attracting the larg.
e.t atl.-udauce of the meeting. Tom Cogan
won the Hieeplcchase and Kiamshaw the
Dixie. There were only thiee starters.
Kluinsha and St. Catallna finished the
stretch together, the favorite noHlng out a
victory. I'eter Paul won the handicap.
First race, handicap, six furlongs: Pa
loia won, Mollie Dnnohue second, Debar
third. Time:
Second race, selling, seven furlongs, Co
lumbia course: St. Valentine won. Cul.
lector Jt'ssup second, Subtle third. Time:
Third race. Chevy Chase steeplechase,
ulvut two und one-half miles: Tom Cogau
won, Wool Gatherer second. Follow On
third. Time: 6:(.
Fourth race, the fourth Dixie, mile and
three-quarters, old course: Kiumsha won.
Kunta Catallna second. Dr. Swans third.
Time: J:ut.
Fifth race, maiden 3-year-ulds and up.
mile und seventy yards, old courwe: Navajo
won. Father D. secoud. Blzzy Uiy third.
Time: 1:4S.
Sixth race, mile and three-sixteenths, old '
course: Peter Paul won. Mutt Iks second,
llank.-r third. Time: 2:na.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. JS Results at
Oa kland :
First race, six and one-half furlongs:
Lustig won. Metlukaila second. Entra Nous
third. Tlrve: l:'-i.
Second race, six furlongs: Loyal Front
won. Confederate second. aWa LuA third.
Time: 1;1.
Third race, one tulle and three-sixteenths-Blissful
won, Royally second, Iras third.
Time: 2:0m:.
Fourth race, the F-ddle 36aes handicap,
mile and one-sixteenth: San Nicholas won,
I-idy Goodrich second, Lubln third. Time:
Fifth race, five furlongs: Tocolaw won.
Otto fsilfle second. Cloudlight third. Time:
Sixth race, one mile: Salable won. Corn
IlluMMom second. Terns Rod third. Time:
1 .41.
NASHVILt.K. Nov. 22. Results at Cum
bcilaud Park:
First race, live furlongs: Uabrielle won.
Ralshot second, Skeptiral third. Time:
1:01 V
Sevmid race, seven furlongs: Marco won,
I.vthelist second, Magistrate thlid. Time:
Third race, six furlongs, handicap: Chief
Haves won, I'eter Sterling aecond, Adesso
thiid. Time: 1:1:1V
Fourth race, mile and one-riglith : Rev
eille won. Juba aecond, Dr. Han third.
Ti-ne: I
Fifth race, one mile: Royal legend won.
Verandah second, Amberta thud. Time:
Sixth race, mile and one-eighth: Federal
w.iii. Paul second. Steel Trap third. Time;
1 :rv
Tallinn ( ir Hall league.
NORFOLK. Neb., Nov. 22 - (Special.
I'.ITcirts are being mail" to form a liase
ball league to Include eight of the smaller
Ones of the stale for next summer's piny.
The Initiative In the movement has been
lak"M by John Foley, secrotsry last unnii
i tlx- Omaha Rms Ball association. He
h.:s written ! W. W. Roller's of this . itv.
mii -nt h n.iM Ml ie fun Mini former leairiie
manager In Norfolk, presenting the propo- I
sitiou and asking what can I done by me
l.ii l iio-o of Norfolk toward lhat end.
The cities which are included In the plan
of Mr. Foley arc Norfolk, rremonu -lumbus.
tltstid Island. Kearney. Hastings
end Walioo. Mr. Il.lerts lias rcpll. d to
Mr Foley that c will take up the matter
with Norfolk ,nnr. men and learn what
can be done toward tl.e organiiation. It
has leen several veer siive league base
ball was y laved in Norfolk. Jo Wilktns.
with an Iowa team, line along duiltiK
Norfolk s Inst seaon. beat tlie locals and
were then purchased bodily by Norfolk.
M llklns and his team remained here fur
the summer and nil of the following winter.
Jack I'nvey of Ponca was perhaps the star
and easily the favorite on that team.
Ijisf night's match on the association
alleys was the most exciting and spec
tacular so far seen this season. The tlrt
game ended In a tie. It was up to Captain
Dinger Reed to make two strikes and be
"delivered the goods.'' Someone snid his
second strike was lucky, but the I linger
says he played II that way. The second
game was tiu I'udahys all the wav. The
third was another hair-raiser, with the
score practically a tie to the last frame.
Then the I'tnlahys poked their noses In
front and the Armours dropped into second
place In the leauue race. I'nnrad carries
off the high total with B13, and for the
best single game.
Conrad 17
Griffiths 14
Williams 1 T:
Cmliran ir."
Reed !):!
2 3 Totals.
"ifi fii:t
I'ifi 1l:i ;,X!
1 L' ."
I'.M I"' ."M
1 "i0 Z22 ,VB
9S6 : 2,7!M
2 3 Totals.
'HA ,7! !":'
17s r,.'
19 K.4 M3
So2 ! r,Rl
87 ?CS 2,613
Neale ...
Hartley ,
OJorde ..
Jones . . .
Olsea Defeats Ttaner.
A9HEVILLH. N. C. Nov. 22-Charles
Olsen of Iowa tonight defeated "Oscar
BHUer" for a purse of II, nw and the right
to meet Jimmy Parr, the English middle
weight champion, on Thanksgiving night
In this city. Olsen took two falls In twenty
seven and fourteen minutes minutes re
spective!) .
f'resrena la Sold.
NEW YORK. Nov. 22. t'resceus. the
world's champion trotting stallion, record
2:0J'. was sold at auction today for $JI,"t
to M. W. Pavage of Minneapolis.
porting; HreTttles.
Barnev Dreyfuss has announced he will
spend $'.Vi.(imi on the Pittsburg team next
spring to see if he cannot wrestle the
pennant from the (Slants.
Ned Hanlou says that while Seymour is
a great hitter ami a wonderful fielder, still
he Is a bad man for a team, as he must
play as he sees lit and will not conform to
team rules.
Willie Keeler Is reported to he the
wealthiest man on the Highlander team.
Ever since ho was a score board tender and
sold score cards he has been putting his
money in real estate.
Alle I-fttham Is to change from an um
pire to a manager next year. The comedian
will manage the Jacksonville. Fla., club.
The St. Txiuls club wants Kmmett Ileld
rlok back next year and a deal is also on
to get John Ganzell for first.
The new rule In basket ball make the man
shooting a hat.kot after a foul stand live
feet further back. This slight change has
worked wonders In the game, as it has
enlivened the play and made the game
much more spectacular. It was hard en
ough after years of practice to shoot the
ball into the little basket, but since the
player has been put rive feet to the rear
there are few goals made.
John 11. Dodge.
FREMONT, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.)
John D. Dodge, a resident of this county
since 1CB7, died at his home in this city last
evening after a long Illness at the age of
72 years. He was born In Westport, N. Y.,
being the oldest of a family of eight, six
sons and two daughters, all of whom ex
cept himself are now living and three of
them besides himself among the first set
tlers of this vicinity. April 1. l'ST, he lo
cated on the present site of Ames. Later
an attempt was made to establish a town
there by the name of Tlmberville, but it
did not succeed. In 1S84 he sold his farm
to the Standard Cattle company and moved
to Fremont, where he has since resided, but
has spent much of his time in Montana.
Politically he was a democrat and In the
early days about the only one of that party
in the vicinity. Ho leaves one son, W. O.
Dodge, of this city and a daughter, Mrs.
Clara Mulkey, wife of E. A. Mulkey, a
wealthy stockman of Ekalaka, Mont.
William Utile.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special
Telegram.) William Little, an old settler
of this county, died at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. C. 8. Campbell, in Tecumseh
this afternoon. He had been in falling
health for several months, but had been
able to get about up to this morning. Mrs.
Little died a year and a half ago. The
funeral arrangements have nut been made
as yet.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Safe
Medicine for Chlldreu.
In buying a cough medicine for children,
never be afraid 'o buy Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. There is no danger from it, and
relief is always sure to follow. It Is in
tended especially for coughs, colds, croup
and whooping cough, and Is the best medi
cine In the world for these dleseases. It
Is not only a certain cure for croup, but.
when given as soon as the croupy cough
appears, will prevent the attack. Whoop
ing cough is not dangerous when this rem
edy is given aa directed. It contains no
opium or other harmful drugs, and may be
given as confidently to a baby as to an
Bank Robbers Foiled.
8IOCX FALLS. 8. D.. Nov. 22. (Special.)
-Shortly after 3 o'clock In the morning
the residents of Tea ei awakened by an
explosion, followed In a few minutes by a
second explosion. A number of citizens
were soon on hand to make an Investiga
tion. The building occupied by the Farm
ers 8a vi nits bank was found to have a door
open und the interior of the banking room
In great disorder. Two unsuccessful at
tempts hud been made to blow the safe.
The handle had been broken off and some
sort of explosive inserted, but notwith
standing that two attempts were made and
the hinges were broken the doors jammed
so they did not fall out and the robbers
were frightened away before they could
gain an entrance to the safe. A team of
horses belonging to lCdwurd Rent, the vil
lage blacksmith, and a top bucgy belong
ing to Mr. Hruhn, who couductg an ele
vator at Tea, are missing.
The Safe and
. 1412 Doutf ai
Hi Ajwas
Former Equitable Official Telia How Ha
Would Amend Insurance Laws.
Won Id Prohibit oftirers frosa Holdlnis
Directorships In Any Bank.
Trust C ompany or Other
NEW TOR K. Nov. 22 After being on
the witness stand before the Armstrong
legislative committee on insurance In
vestigation for the greater part of three
days. Gag" F. TarUell. second vice presi
dent of the F.qultnhle Life Assurance so
ciety, finished his testimony today and
Just before adjournment submitted a list
of suggestions for the remedy of existing
abuses in the management of Insurance
companies, and for legislation designed
to give the state proper control over the
companies and to Insure the confidence
nf the policy holders. Prominent among
these suggestions was sbsoluts publicity.
While admitting that wrong had been dona
by life Insurance officials. Mr. Tarbell said
he had no apologies to make for any of
them and thst he hoped they would be
Tarbell Takes Rahatea.
Mr. Tsrbeli was on the atand the entire
day and was questioned as to the system
of agencies and the commissions and other
compensations allowed them for getting
business. Just before the recess the fact
was brought out thst Mr. Tarbell had
taken nut Insuranea on his life and on
members of his family and had received
the agents' commission on the premiums
as well as renewal commissions. He said
that since he became an offlrer he had
taken out fcjln.ftnn on his own life In the
IVlultehle, Resides his policies In tha Equi
table he had taken Insurance In the New
York Life, the arrangement being made
with George W, Perkins, and on this, too,
he received the commission on the premi
ums. He had also a policy in the Aetna
and In the Travelers, on which he col
lected the commissions. He said he carried
Uoo.noo on his own life and W,nOO on mem
bers of his family.
Mr. Tarbell was emphatic In denouncing
the system of rebating by ngents and stated
that any agent of the Kqultable who gave
rebates to get business waa dismissed.
When he told of getting the commissions
Assemblyman Cox asked If that was not
rebating, and Mr. Tarbell said It was not,
that he thought he was entitled to It.
Attempts to Justify Conduct.
Later, when Mr. Hughes took up this
same subject, the witness Justified the
taking of commissions as being similar to
a merchant who purchased goods of a
fellow merchant In the same line, perhaps
to fill an order, snd got those goods at
cost, or of a professional man treating
another and charging less than the regular
fees. Mr. Tarbell further said If he had
done wrong he was sorry, but that he had
acted in good faith.
Mr. Tarbell bore out in a measure the
statement of James H. Hyde when on the
stand relative to the fairness of the Frick
report. The aubject of advances to agents
was under investigation and Mr. Hughes
read some of the figures of the amount
of advances to one agent In this city. Mr.
Hughes asked where the Frlck committee
got the figures, and Mr. Tarbell replied
with marked asperity that he did not know.
"They did not get them from my depart
ment or the auditor's; they made their re
port without ever making an Investigation
of the department" he said.
When Mr. TarbeH was excused he was
followed by Gerald Hrown. who is at the.
head of the bond and mortgage department
of the liqultable. He was examined about
the real estate of the society and was on
the stand when the committee adjourned.
Mr. Tarbell'a Suggestions.
Mr. Tarbell submitted, after reading, a
list of suggestions, among which were:
Complete publicity.
The nun ics of all principal executive of
ficers, with their salaries or other compen
sation, If any.
All accounts to be properly kept and
spread upon the records of the company.
All expenditures charRed to appropriate
account, with full information, including
imioen 01 an iwriies receiving payments.
Profit and foes account to contain de
tailed information as to all profits and
Complete transcripts of the advertising
account, legal expenses account and profit
and loss account, to be a part of the re
port to me superintendent of Insurance
Violation of any of the foregoing to be a
Any fictitious sales or loans to be a mis
demeanor. No officer of a life insurance company to
accept an office in any other corporation
carrying wun n any compensation.
No lite insurance company permitted to
own u. controlling interest in any bank
trust company or any o her corDorutlon
and holdings in any such bank trust com-
fany or any other corporation to be
Imlted to not exceeding 20 per cent of the
caniiui STOCK.
No life insurance company should be rer
milted to pay a commission out of first
year's premium for securing the business
exceeding 60 per cent thereof and the giving
or laKiiiK oi any reoaie uirecity or In
directly by the agent or the assured to be a
A law making It the duty of the super!
tendent of Insurance thoroughly to audit the
books of all li:'e insurance companies lit this
stuie at leasi once a year.
A law making It a misdemeanor for any
officer of Hie Insurance companies to give
from the funds of the company any sum
for political purposes or for any person or
persons to receive directly or Indirectly any
lli'li sum.
ALBANY, N. Y., Nov. 21 William 8.
Manning of Albany, referred to at yester
day's session of the insurance Investiga
tion as "Mr. Depew's rambunctious friend
has been subpoenaed to appear before the
Insurance committee In New York tomor
Testimony Shows All Inlon Compa
nies Charge same Hate.
PIKRR1C, 8. D.. Nov. 22. tSpeclal Tele
gram.) The Investigation before Insurance
Commissioner Terklns today on the charge
of vlolutlon of the anti-ronipaet Insurance
law of the state was principally confined
to local agents. Their testimony was as to
Helpful Beverage
GOOD beer helps the stomach to perform Its
oftices. It ait's the digestion. The percentage of
alcohol in good beer is very small. GOOD beer
WictitT quenches the thirst and refreshes instant
ly and naturally. Athletes drink Wiener beer when
in training. They know that it is good for them.
The absolute wholesome! ess of Blatx Beers is pre
determined by the Blatz Method, months before it
comes to you. Pure, sparkling wattr hops
barley malt- brewed and matured in the good
Blatz way. The ideal home beverage.
Omaha branch
Street Tel. 1081
th curia Good 01 J. "Dlatii
the use of a common rate lionk for w'lit
are known as union companies, the book
being furnished to them by a Minneapolis
publishing house, that their commissions
were less from the union companies when
they handled "mixed" ngney than when
they devoted themselves to union com
panies alone.
The principal witness for the companies
waa 4T. C. Ingram of Chicago, assistant
w stern manager for the German Ameri
can company of New York, who ndmltti-d
that his company was one known as
union snd that rates of such companies
were sllke In different sections, but he
rould not remember whether there had
been any agreement as to rat In South
Dakota since the antl-cntnpaet law went
into effect or whether there had been any
fixing of rates within the past five years.
In ease It Is proven that the anti-compact
law has been violated the law shuts
the offending company out of the state
for a period of one year. The Investigation
of the pt. Paul Fire and Marine will not
be held until the 11th of next month.
Fnnd for Oppressed People In Rnaala
arretted by Popular Sub
scription. Treasurer Morris Ievy of the relief fund
for the oppressed Russian Jetrta reports
tho funds are atlll growing. Nearly $1,300
had been subscribed by noon Wednesday
and still tha good work goes on. The
treasurer's address Is Fifteenth and Fr-
nam streets and subscriptions may be sent
by mall.
Previously reported ILI44 Tfi
M. Marknwlti
J. Alplrn ....
M. Sachs
Carl Relter
Joe Yousen
2 60
2 00
1. HI
2 K
2. On
..1. iiiononiL
II. J. Abraham .
J. schlank
Sam Adler
M. Wright
M. Kroloff
U B. Vert ...
D. Diatnant ....
H. Mittelman ..
Mr. Phillips ....
Big. Kahn
Phil Aarons.
A. Flate
Jacob Richards
I.ouls Cornbleth
Jay Kats
S. Greenberg & Welnsteln
Kendls Bros
8. Devlne
J. Siosberg
Walter Molse
A. Rubenstoln 2.00
Ed. Merrltt l.oo
Mrs. Weinburg 6. 00
Mrs. Tuchnian ; l.oo
A. Palmeter bo
J. Moses 3.00
A. J. Blotcky 8.00
A. Welnsteln 3.00
A. Rosenthal 6.00
M. Kttlinger 2. on
M. Rabowtts & Son 5.00
A. Goodson 2.t
John M. McMahon , 10.n0
Dr. Millard I.angfeld 5.00
Mrs. H. Relchenberg 10.00
Mrs. Blanche Sickle Smith, Fremont,
Neb 5.00
Total $1,295.25
Harry B. Davis, undertaker Tel. 1224
The Erie Railroad,
The Picturesque Trunk Line of America,
announces Its through train service from
Chicago to New Tork and Boston, Mass.,
also Its Columbus (O.) short line. For
through tickets and rates of fare, etc..
apply to your local ticket agent, or to J. A.
Dolan, T. P. A., Railway Exchange, Chl-
The P. E. O. sisterhood will give, at
Crelghton university auditorium, Saturdav
night, November 25, "The Burglar and the
BJiziard." for the benefit of a room In the
new Methodist hospital. Tickets on sale at
Myers-Dillon Drug company and Beaton
Drug company.
has an earned reputation for
superior quality
Blood l'oion
KIDNEY and t'RINART Jisasj
snV all Diseases and Weaknesses .
MEN due to evil nanus '
abuses ureases or the result of neg
lected. ' unskilled or Improper treat
... ,t nrlvaia diHeases.
1IVM. Far m
Midshipman Who Engaged in Tatal Fist
Tight Before Court-Martial
Inaalrr Develops fact that tadels
In Common Have m Coda of Their
Ovtn and that Planting
la Prrinrsl.
ANNAPOLIS. Md. Nov. 22 Midshipman
Minor Meriwether, Jr., of Dafajette, Da.,
a member of the third class of tho naval
academy, was put on trial here today be
fore a naval court martial on charges that
Include that of tna nslnughter in having
caused the death of Midshipman James R.
Branch, Jr. of New York, a member of
the class alove him, as a result of a pre
arranged fist flght which took place on the
evening of Sunday, November 6 last.
The sad accident of the death of young
Rrnnrh tinder such circumstances has been
widely noticed, and baa called attention to
tha existence at the naval academy of an
unwritten code governing the student body,
but quite outsldo the authoritative regula
tions, and generally in violation of them.
Under tha "code" every detail of these
fights is fixed, the midshipmen on duty ab
staining from reporting them and excusing
from formation those connected with them.
These facts were very clearly brought out
both by the Judge advocate and In tha
cross-examination by TJeutenatit Com
mander Rnhlson tor the defenaa.
The witnesses today Included Branch's
room-mate, the referee an ft timekeeper of
the conteat and all the four geeonda were
examined In a greater or less degree about
all the circumstances of the fight, the con
nection of the code" and their Ideaa of
their duty under the regulations.
Midshipman A. W. Firth, who refereed
the fight which was followed by Branch's
death, stated that he bad officiated in
nineteen such contests, and Midshipman
McKlttrick testified that he bad taken part
In nine. Detailed accounts were given of
the arrangements by which midshipmen on
duty acquiesced In absences without leave
and other derelictions In order that the
fights might go on, and the testimony also
showed that although frequently severe in
juries resulted from these fights and the
recipients often had to be taken to the
hospital, nothing further was ever heard
of them. This the defense brought out on
cross examination. It being evidently In
tended to show that the authorities also
winked at the code and the prearrange
nient of the fights under It
Hasina; Still In Voarno.
Interesting sidelight to hazing or "run
ning," as It Is called at the academy, de
veloped from the testimony of the midship
men, Meriwether had been generally disliked,
he said, because he was too "ratty." That
is, It whs explained, that he did not abide
by tho rules laid down for tha government
of the lower classmen. Some of these
were that he should never enter "lover's
lane," an academy walk, that he should
turn all corners at right angles, should
not look at an upper classman, and should
answer most respectfully when addressed
by one of them, that he must never touch
the table nor ask for anything during a
meal, and under no circumstances "fuss,
mat is, to be In the society of young
women. These rules and many others are
contained In that part of the "eode" relat
lng to the government of underclassmen
Branch had been one of the midshipmen
who, according to the testimony, deter
mined to make life "not worth living" for
Meriwether because he wouldn't abide by
these rules, and from that the enmity
The accused Is defended bjr Lieutenant
Commander James K. Roblson. U. 8.
and James M. Monroe of the Annapolis
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