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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1905)
The Omaha Daily Bee. THE PAPER READ AT HOME MAKES BUYERS FOR GOODS MERCHANTS WHO USE THE BEE TALK INTO THE HOMES ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORX1XO, NOVEMBER '23, Wo-TEX PAGES. S1XC.LE I'OPV THREE CKXTK. WILL STAND BY WITTE ZemstTo Congre. P'totically Agrees to Support the Ooternment. RESOLUTION IS RECEIVED WITH APPlA'dSE After Lon Dobate it it Referred Back for Slight Modification!. I VOTE WILL BE TAKEN THIS MORNING ! One Element Contends that Russia is Not Read- for vons'.itn'.ional Assembly. FULL TEXT OF THE RESOLUTION U Demand that First Roama r.lerted on Basis of Direct and Inlieraal nf Irtic. M'iFCUW, Nov. 22.-A resolution outlin ing ih- proposed program of the zematvo Ists favoring the support of the government In Its efforts to cstahllsn the lllicrtles promised by the imperial manifesto of October .10, but asking for the transforma tion of the first dounm Into a constituent assembly, to be dieted ,011 the basis of direct and universal suffrage, which was Introduced by the executive committee in the zemstvo congress today, vai the sub ject of a prolonged debate In which nearly forty speakers participated, and at the end of a long evening session the resolution was referred back to the committee for the Incorporation of any modifications '"'" net esiiry ny me rpuorai ui ii auu It will be voted on tomorrow. The lenders of the "Octoberlsts. ns the party aking , a stand on the. manifesto 1. called, and j other moderates concentrated their .utaok I on vn- section 01 inr noiuuuii ennui, tot a constitutional assembly for which M. Guchkoff, Count Hayden. Prince Kugene Troubetskoy, Prof. Kovalevsky and others declared that Russia was not ready.; but it Is believed that any modification. If made, will be by the direction of the strengthen ing of the conditions which have been laid down for governmental acceptance. me section caning tor a triorou" ana , ,hnt we ,lia, ablp t0 ,eave to the severe. Investigation of. and the placing of j collim( BgoH un example of the real father responsibility for the recent disorders, met nl)od ()f God and (n tlue ,,rotleI.,lood f with general approval, though M. nnehkoff man7" demanded an Investigation not only of the police, but also of the "red,." TQ Rn TQ TEXAS The resolutions u : t'onslderlng- that the Imperial manifesto Kutlslles all of the demumla voiced slnco the wmstvo congress 01' a year ago ami that the liberties accorded by the nuuil i'cslo are IndispeiiHublc to the Irunqullizu llon of the country, the congresH declares I l 1 ... u-l.l, Ihl. amutloiml tho realization of the program rests upon the cabinet. The congress Is convinced that the cabinet can count 011 the support ; of the majorit of the Zenmtvos and 1 municipalities so long as it follows the palh for the accomplishment of the liber- ne. m.uniseil bv the manifesto, but every deviation will encounter decisive opposi tion. The congress believes that the sole means .f suniantee.'ng the authority or tne go e,,i menu the Wclflcatlon of the country I w,.i.i j . iv. are the Ininiiilla te oromulKatlnti of nnlversul suffrage in eloctlons to .the Douma, the transformation of the llrst houmu into a constituent assembly for thu eluixirute reign or a constitution for the Russian empire and the organlxation of it-rrtinrtul reform. Measures for tho realisation of the lib erty grnnted by the manifesto are re- , utirded ai immediately Imperative. it must moreover devolve on the doutiia to establish a fundumental basis for land 1 reform und to dmide any momentous ques- I tlon In the domain of labor legislation. The resolution concludes by enumerating various measures which It says must be carried out befpre the douma meets. Thesa include Investigations Into the. re- cent occurrences In various parts of the country, the trial of local officials and j tlon against Turkey arrived ut Piraeus to pollre who became culpably Involved i j day and ext hanged salutes und official 1 ho disorders, the maintenance of public security, the proclamation of full amnesty for political and religious offenses up to the date of the Imperial manifesto und the abolition of capital punishment. M. Guchkoff and Count Hayden opposed not only the demand for a constituent as sembly, but also that for direct elections, for which they said Russia was pot suf ficiently developed. M. GuchkofT. who Is regarded as Count Wltte's spokesman, defended martial law, vaylnar that xtraordlnary measures were i!eec-ry in extreme cases. He was con tinually Interrupted by cries of "Enough" f.ont the socialists In the audience and the extremist deleg-ates. Prince Truuls tskoy rebuked llm dis turbers. Me said he was opposed to mar tial Inw. and especially In Poland, but the i kill .- ought lo give a respectful hear ten to nil opinion!. chih'.'ImII.v If they were p. pu t ii.e fi'iislon of itie congress ..tactically 1 co-operate Willi li.e uiivi'i mucin vi uu.i. U'ntc Is extremely distasteful to the social I n.iuiats, the party organization of which sent a letter to the congress saying the delegates had sold themselves to the gov . riiinent. but that tho socialists would i-hott them up to the people as traitors and would continue to proeecutc the campaign t,u a democratic republic. The socialists also created a scene In the 1 . . ..... .., ... congress of peasants which opened here j iilsy. mid li which they demanded ad- j nilitanee with the right to vote. The eon- 1 urea refused to grunt the right to vote. whereupon the socialists left 4n a huff after j declaring that the peasants did iml know I who were their lest friends. I The central commute nf the social demo- untie party has called a convention to Wid In Ft Petersburg December SI. l-c : I . Id In Ft Petersburg l)ereniiei ..i. 111 the zemstvo congress the legal mittee ininrau'iii i Inc of tne niwusui ) is,i nunfc. 1. 1 Ims about the light to habeas coi pus. All on Moscow. SI". rFTKRSBlRG. Nov. 22. -All eves continue to lie riveted on Moscow, where the HtruRfle In the zemstvo congress 011 tin nue-tlon of supporting Premier Wine Is continuing. Home of the most powerful men In the congress are urging the neces sity for rallying the puMierate sent lm lit of support of the government, but thu irrecon cilable radical element appears to make a rlit Inevitable. Should a resolution to support Ihe premier I carried It seenis Imost certain that It will be conplecJ with j conditions. The Idea ct a constituent o- I pen-bly aeems to have been abandoned, but not the demand for universal suffrage, tn which the premier is likely to yield. The only direct proposition thus fa, be fore the congreea l Trlnce Dolgoroukoffs plea for support of the government so long as it follows the principles of a constitu tional regime, but Ihe action under the leadership of M Robert! Insists that port fo.ios be given to men known 10 b in sym pathy with the cause of freedom, untvers-il suffrage and the Immediate trial and pun ishment of all oBlclals guilty nf connection with ths recent massacres. Prince Kugene Troubetskor'e followers will be content wiUk aa advisory oouucil for te waiilneU TRIP THROUGH LABRADOR Plllon Wallace ncreafullr froaaea the Barren Land Wlllifrtlt OaMra or taalatante. T. JOHNS. V V.. Nov. 22 Ictters to iler from Plllon Wallar. tlio I,abrador ex plorer and New Yntk Inwvfv. contained the news that ho had snccc ssf ully crossed I,thrador. Mr. Wallace Is the first white, man who has ever crossed Labrador with out cither guides or Indian assistant. With Mr. Wallace was one companion named Raston. letters said that both w weii n-i had plenty nf provisions hfn they reached the province of Ungava on October IS. In 19n. Mr. Wallace wont with Leonids Hubbard's III fstei expedition. Mr. Hub bard whose pi wan to cross I,abrador Inst his life f i nrratlon end Mr. Wal lace was fonn L he rescuing party after he had fallen J jsted In the snow. Although tl it perilous part, of Mr. Wallace's til S completed, he still ha before him I . rr nf travel by snow shoes before -nrhes civilization. He and Mr. Ka. t the time when the letter were ( wre planning to utart wstward t Ungava for Georges River Toat a ce to reach Fort Chlinn, which la on e moat northerly points on the main f North America. Here the. two will wait until the coast water ways arc froxen over. Then they Intend to atart southward toward Quebec on the froien rivers, traveling with dog sleds and now shoes. Mr. Wallace aald he expected to reach Quebec In April. GENERAL BOOTH IN BERLIN Head of tho Sulfation Arm-- Advo rates an International Pence lnmr. Rp-RT.IV V,- .n..,. 1 rj..h ( th. g.llvat()n army, who travel)tl(f throU(fn German a1(,r..,p(1 two bIg. K,ltlierlnga . toduy , tn(, rrcu. maJu cM mentlon of the rrIatlon. between ;rJp(, r,r,tl nA r:D,n, ,. a-., ..M that the most Influential men of Great Britain were of the opinion that the relatione hould alwaye be as peaceful as they were at present. "Can we not." said General Booth, "have a peace league with the heads of mon archies, presidents of republics, tho I chinches and the press to advocate it, so Immigration Agent of Italy Ween Possibilities for Ills Conn. trmen In Noutlirreat. RQMK. Nov. 2:. Inspector Adulfo Rosso, wpeciul representative of the Italian government for lmtiilgratkiii, now in the ,-llUed statcSi has sent the government , , . ,,, ini-rvip.- which a" Hnportuiil report or an intei ler. wmcn he had with President Roosevelt Novem- ber 9. The Inspector says the president promised to do everything possible to prevent the congestion of Italians emi grants In tile large towns and to causa J". "1J'" l them. Instead, tu be spread throughout , liest serve thenise.ves and the 1 ntteu States. PORTE REJECTS PROPOSALS Saltan's Cabinet Hefuaea to Allorr International Coutrol of Maer. doala Finances. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 22. The porte has rejected the proposals of Hie powers for the International control of the ilnances of Macedonia. ATHENS, Nov. 22. The warships of the '. powers that propose to make a dftnonstra- visits. The commanders of the vessels are awaiting Instructions. IMPORTANT WITNESS FOUND AVoiuan Who onrd Susanna Geary la Discovered by Police of Boston. BOSTON. Nov. 22. A new and important witness, who will appear against tho three men under Indictment In connection with the death of Susanna Geary, the suit case victim, has been found, the police say. In Miss Sarah Ellaabeth Grim I lis. a nurse, who. It Is alleged, attended the Geary girl while the latter was dying. This nurse has made statements to the police which, the authorities claim, will be of material assistance to the prosecution in tile trial of the cases against Dr. Percy D. Mcleod. William Hunt and Iwis Crawford, the ( a,.eus.d men. The polh-e say that Miss Griffiths lu" satisfied them that she Is no way criminally liable in the case, having been called In as a nurse after a second operation, intended to save the Geary woman's life, had been performed. RUSSIANS' GOOD SHOWING Tno Soldiers Die na Hesnlt of Bat tle to One From Disease. WASHINGTON. Nov. E.-Culonrl John Van It. Huff, meilical department, U. S. A., who has recently returned from the Rus sian army in Manchuria, with, which he went through part of the campaign of ! the war apainst Japan, has been author- ,,v ,,,,, ,.l(),f f .,.(fr . i ,,swr,i, nf his ollieial report. Accudimj to Colonel Huff, the numlier of killed and dead of wounds was 37.612 men and the numlier of dead from disease KMn. These statistics are exclusive of casual - ties at Pott Arthur and show almost ex- sctly twA men dead from results of battle Ut one man dead from sickness. This record is. according to statistics, the Is-st made in any war up to the present time. ' NEW JOB FOR PROF. MITCHELL Man Reposed for Heresy Appointed to Another I hair la Boston lnlirralt. reuuest on March 3s, 1W13. BOSTON. Msss., Nov. 22.-The trustees I ,n reply to a question by District At of Boston university tonight announced ' torney Dyer, Mahaney said that to his the apiKilntment of Prof. Hinckley G. i knowledge the Blajto company had no Mitchell as instructor of Semitic languages ' other business In Washington than that and literature hi the graduate school of ! pending In the Postofflce department, the university. Dr. Mitchell's appointment ' . will extend until June t. l' Re-ently Dr. Mitchell was removed from his chair in the theological school of the university by the board of bishops of tbe Mi thodlet Kpiscopal church for alleged heretical Interpretation nf the scriptures Resolutions were pake, d by tha tru.teis today couimendlng Dr. Mitchell for his twenty-two yeara of faithful service to the univai-slu:. BURTON'S CASE IS RUSHED Rapid Progress Being Made in Trial of Kansas Senator. JUDGE VANDEVANTER PUSHES THE WORK Government Takes Short Cats In Pre. srntntlon of Testimony and Case Mar Go to Jnrr This Week. ST. I.OT'18. Nov. 22. Rapid progress hss been made in the trial of Vntted States Senator Burton of Kansas, charged with rendering services as an attorney before the Postoffice department at Washington In violation of the federal statutes, and It now appenrs probable the case will go to the Jury not later than Saturday. The government has taken several short cuta In Its presentation of testimony and Judge Vandeventer has saved time by his sharp, decisive rulings and his admonitions to counael to confine themselves strictly to the matters at Issue. When court opened today Judge Vande venter announced that he overruled the ob jection made by the government late yes terday to certain questions asked by coun sel for the defense In the cross-examination of Witness Thomas B. Harlan, former attorney for the Rialto Orain and Securi ties company, who was placed on the stand by the prosecution. At Senator Burton's former trial Harlan was a witness for the defense and the ob ject of Attorney I.ehmann's cross-examination was to bring out the testimony elicited from Mr. Harlan at the former trial, when a witness for the defense. Attorney Leh mann took up the letter written by Harlan to Senator Burton accepting the latter's proposition to act as attorney for the Rialto company for a salary of 5i0 a month, which was Introduced yesterday and ques tioned the witness regarding the events leading up to the writing of the letter. This was the point on which the govern ment based Its objections. Talk with Barton. Afr Uarliin A imtr luaH hist fl r Sit m et ar with' Senator Burton on November 17. 1902. 1 He .aid Senator Morton had little time at hls disposal and that he proposed to ac- company the senator to Chicago and talk over matters on the train, which proposi tion was accepted. Witness said he described to Senator Bur ton the difficulties In which the Rialto company was Involved through the ani mosity . of a former business partner of Major Dennis, president of the Rialto com- puny, who the witness declared, had caused j dared, had caused ; civil suits, twenty I thn institution of fifteen libel suits and the probability of about 200 other cuses, and that It was probable that indictments might be returned by the fed eral grand jury against Major Dennis. According to the witness the con versation then branched oft on to ruilroads and iie explained the Rialto company pro jected a "new sureties department" and suggested that Burton could act us the head of this, being In a position, as the director in a railroad board and having other financial interests, to investigate thoroughly and keep In touch with the securities In which it was proposed to deal. In retailing his conversation with Senator Bmttou. Mr. JMiWu .af: Mo said tmraning Senator Burton) 'now you must remember 1 am a I'nlted States senator. 1 am not going to do anything Inconsistent with my duty as a I'nlted States senator.' duration of Compensation. ' was Improper, and ordered the railroads "I assured Senator Burton that I did to desist on that point. The railroads re not want him under any circumstances tu fused. do anything inconsistent with his position , Suit was brought by District Attorney as United States senator and I waa Just : McPherson and as a result the Interstate as positive in my eiaiemeni as ne was in his declaration, as far as that matter was concerned. j "Up to this time nothing had been said 1 about compensation He had not even ,n- j dlcated, to the best of iny recollection,) whether ne wouiu or wouia not cecome counsel. "I brought up the question of compusa- 1 tion. I explained to Senator Burton that I did not feel that I had any authority to close any contract, but I would take the whole thing into consideration and report It back to the company when I returned to St. Ixmis. Senator Burton said he would serve as counsel for S0 a month. That struck me as being reasonable, so much mn that I did not dissent to It ill thin.. so that 1 Old not aissent to it, all things considered. And ho said: "Of course, I don't want to get fut off at the end of one month. I don't want to go down there to St. Louis end try. or help you In the trlal of that case, should there he an ln- aicimsni, ana im my salary cut ort at the end of the first month. 00 one or uie oi ner 01 us, 1 uon t re member which one of us, suggested five ! Illl.lli Hi. J fin.v Bir, v. .' it SUKKesietl , ' 1. 1 na 1 w nri't'iiinuii. ' After Mr. Harlan had been cross ex amined and then taken by the district at torney for a re-direct examination, the gov- eminent placed Joseph P. Carr. formerly a clerk employed by the Rialto company, and William D. Mahoney, formerly vice president of the same company, upon tho stand. Cash Paid to Burton. Mr. Mahaney was placed on the stand and testified that on March 2ti, 190.1. he had paid Senator Burton W) in currency. Wit ness also testiflrd tha he told Senator Burton that as there were no further mat ters pending before the Postofflce depart ment at Washington and that as congress had adjourned, and for the additional rea son that it was necessary for the company to reduce expenses, that he (Mahaney) saw no reason for the continuance of em ployment of Burton. Mahaney further siaien mat u.u me Buggesunn or Burton 1 he destroyed two letters that Burton had : written, Burton having said to him that : nouiu any 01 ms leners rati into un friendly lianas i.unon s motives mlcht be misunderstood. ! Mr mancy menunea a tch grain from 1 Senator Burton, which was read to the ' jurv r,ply '" 8 dispatch from Mahaney ' IH"! Burton that it had been learned i ,lmt i "fecial Inspectors had been ap- 1 I Pointed by the 1 ostotnee department to I investigate the Rialto company. Burton's ! rTl? "L, .he i OU " 1 Pr"culars by to- I mgni n man. ! Witness said that the letter referred to j was one of those destrojed at Burton's Fairbanks' New Hobs. WASHINGTON. Nov. 22. Vice President Fairbanks Is to occupy during tha present season the residence of Representative i Morrell of Philadelphia, on the northwest corner of Seventeenth and K streets, oppn slte Farragut square The house is one of the largest private residences In this city and waa formerly tha home of LUe late Senator BUtniurtl oX Oaiifuraia. ' ANOTHER CARRIER FCR LINCOLN" Rendera PnsalMe fire rellerlea Pally In the Bnalneaa Portion of the tity. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. K.-fSperlnl Tele gram. 1- Senator Burkett has secured an ad ditional rarrler and an additional mall de livery for Lincoln. Neb. Two years ago while a member of the lower house Senator Burkett had the Postofflce department order five deliveries in the business district of Lincoln and business men looked upon Congressman Burkett as capable of ac complishing most anything that would give the Nebraska capital Increased service. I . I Late In November ner in- rnnranir n-pri- 1 ment in going over the list of cities having nve tree oe.tvenes struca .,ncoin imm .ne c,.p)Knttm roPB of Law buidI1t. list, believing Its slxe end Its business In- J Itton. former president, was to perform terests did not warrant more than four de- thi, duty am, n,ro(luce hl. Burcr01 liveries. Business men began to protest In Rai,,,, w. Breckenrldge, but wae detained view of their Inability to hire boxes in the at home. postofflce on account of Inadequate facilities When President Breckenrldge rose to ad and urgent requests were sent to Wash- dress the gathering the room was well Ington to have od conditions restored. flud wlth n,pn,bers of the local and state It took Senator Burkett some time today bar. and there were also present a score to convince Assistant Postmaster General or more of interested women, mostly wives DeGraw that he had made a mistake In of members of the local association, discontinuing the fifth delivery In the busl- President Breckenrldge s address held ness district of IJnroln. When DeOraw ' the closest attention of the audience saw the situation, however, he at once or- throughout Its delivery, while several dered restoration of the old schedule. ' points were heartily applauded, especially Congressman Hlnshaw has nominated for ' a forcible and caustic criticism of the re postmaster at Osceola. Neb.. Samuel G. cently published volume containing the Pheaaant, vice H. H. Campbell, resigned laws passed by the last legislature, to take tho position of county judge, to; Prof. George Elliott Howard of the state which he was elected In November. university facully, who followed Mr. The application of R. A. Harvey, W. B. Breckenrldge with the only stated paper Llerlck. S. H. Abbott. Mrs. W. B. Limerick, of the day, elan had deeply Interested R. L. Clemens and I- J. Dunn to organize listeners and won several rounds of ap the First National bank of Ohtowa, Neb., . plause. with I2S,0o0 capital, has been approved by the comptroller of the currency. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Liberty, route 2, Bert C. Benson carrier. James M. Cunningham substitute. Iowa Grlnnell, route 3, Fred Nutting carrier, Will Nutting substltuto. Towa rural routes ordered established February 2: Exlra, Audubon county, route . 4. population 40. houses m. Pomeroy. Cal- ; houn county, route 2. population 4V), houses , 102. I Bl9 w'r W ,odB' for th "l"im h,atln P,ant for thp t-vanston (Wyo.) pub- wa the lowest bidder at $4,899. DECIDES SOAP RATE CASE Federal Court at Cincinnati Roles Avalnat Railroads In Case Involv ing Freliiht Claaalflcatloa. CINCINNATI Nov " -The mit'iorltv of I ,,, ' ,,S1.,: , 'W..". '" ""'''""O of ! .... .ri r- v Ulll II I IONIUM WUU upheld in a decision filed today by United after forty years of legislative and judl States Judge Thompson In a ease brought I oI"' tinkering; for it was then coherent by Proctor & Gamble against Cincinnati. Bt"' """teiit with Itself. Hamilton & Dayton, Pennsylvania, Big ! Kxamples of Uw Making;. Four und Baltimore & Southwestern rail- 1 The Intellectual development of our pen. roudg I P'e has kept puce with our material ad- ! vancement, but we have not, us a state. Prior to the protest against freight rates jn either our law or Its administration, tiled by Proctor & Gamble with the Inter- kept abreast of our own people in their atatc Commerce commission, the railroads irlJtuJX listed carloads of soap for the purpose of under a great burden of statute law which classification in the sixth class and lots , our Judges arc sworn to administer, that less than carload in the fourth. Next I hu x)evn thrown together without regard ,, . , to coherency or consistency. It is a mat- the railroads reduced the 4:rloud lots to , ter of common Knowledge that the time the fifth class und Jesser x'te 2l) per of " the members of every legislature is cent less than third. il 1. f.f ti less thuu thlrii , r f tedutalon, ...viee-rf 5" Mfe VAvt-TU it J oifc JJCuTloll Wouj '.,1: nr)U- U clai tipon which the matter went to the Inter- state Comn.oice commission. The commls- -lou held that the reduction in elassllicu- tion of carload lots was proper, but that the reductions of fractions of carloads commerce commission is sustained una an injunction issues against the rates on frac- tional lots. SUBCOMMITTEE IS AT WORK It onsnltin Enalneers Drsslu Houah 1 Plan of Report to Snbniit to President. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. The subcutn I 1 mittee of three members, with General Davis as chairman, which was appointed : from among the members of the Board of ! 1 Comuiting Kngineers of the Isthmian I I to draw un a rough plan for the report . rougn pian ior tne r.poit. I to President Roosevelt, will hold a session! , tdav. Tomorrow the full board will meet I and 'consider some minor questions which! have come up since it first reached its 1 ; flnal conclusion last Saturday. The last meeting of the biard will take place rrlday H 11 1. ---t.H tlit thut tnett., . 1 1 1 i . . f,, ,.. n,, ,., thinking the members for their efforts . , ,,. . . . , 1 . . ,, and bidding the foreign delegates farewell j Although the board has differed in Its j opinions, it can Is- slated that at all the J meetings the utmost good fellowship pre- vawj ' No certain choice has ypt been made of the member who will go to Kurope in January to meet the Kuropean delegates for a final arrangement of the report, hut it is very likely General Davis will ha selected. SCALPERS MAYJE ARRESTED ftpernlntora Dealing; In Font Ball Tickets Are t ansina Trouble at Chicago. CHIC AGO, Nov. 22.-Because of the numerous complaints received by the city authorities regarding tne aie or spurious tickets, and the excessive prices ilem inded by speculators for straight tickets f..n, 1 ... 1 1 at,.,,. t.. I.r nhiva.l s... 1 . to the! ... , Thanks- ! ('hliMieo. ' " e- ..mine - clvmg day Isiween and Chicago. Mavor Dunne todav directed that ihe noil. -e ; investigate the matter Ti ,. ,. lliere is nn or - I dlnance prohibiting siieculatlon In tickets of admission to any place of amu-eMient and Chief of Police Collins a. on-e issue,, orders that any person found speculating in foot ball tickets should he arros-ed. One of the investigators of the , Itv department visited the Palmer house where he asked H. N. Waterfall, who hld some tl-k-t. to -ill bin. keverul VJ...lll " " asked ts, $x and $10 for ll .Vi. 3 and $."1 tit k: ets, respectively. This fact was r Mirled to Mayor Dunne who at on.-e ord'r.i that a warrant be Issued for the arrest of Waterfall and he was taken Into custody. Other arrests will be made as laphlly as the police can locate the fpeculatorj. MARSHALL FIELD, JR., DYING Bon of Chicago Dry floods Merchant Accidentally "boola Himself While C leaalna a (.an. CHICAGO. Nov. 22. -While cleaning a gun today preparatory to goit g on a minting expedition. Marshall Field, Jr.. son of Uar.h.ll V,. . .11 W ....... , f .1,1. " himself. Ha was taken to a hospital and I vUl probably bvvre rauruiug, . 1 BRECtiENRlDGE HITS HARD President of State Ear Association Strikes at Existing Abuses. PLfIN LANGUAGE IS UNSPARINGLY USED Prof, f.eorae Klllot Homard Heads Paper on Abnaea of lliorre Im and Oatllnea Pna. Ible Remedy Judge E. Wakeley railed the annual ..i ... n,eeMri o' the Nebraska Bar ass.x-lation . rH - , ..... ... . the Knghta of Columbus lodge room In the ... u. . nl. f. .-iiii.-euit ) BlU'llll'H III President Breekenrldge's tddreaa. The annual address of the president is here given In full: Thirty years ago our present constitu tion was adopted: a constitution that did well enough for the eight-year-old Infant commonwealth whose people, then few In number, were struggling against poverty and famine. But that constitution Is as ln" adapted to the needs of a large and -Teas? in so far as It prescribes unal.eT: able regulations with respect to the ad- ministration of law. as are swaddling clothes to a full-grown man. The early settlers in Nebraska were, for the most part, young, vigorous, sturdy pioneers, who were more Intent on de veloping the material resources of the land than in building up a system of . law. But the foundations of law were never laid In any community by men of greater strength and capacity than Andrew J. Poppleton, J. SterJIng Morton. Dr. George L. Miller, James M. Wool worth, Kleazer Wnkelev and Experience Kftabrook. The civil codes of neighboring states were drawn upon: our criminal code was obtained from the state of Iowa: and the I 'Revised "Statutes of Nebraska. Including ,ir "0,1, ' Civil Procedure, revised by Experience Estabrook in ISM. was a much lieltnr eiule limn II linn since become ''gvly devoted to wecuring the passage of H JMemrtraV.' lfftta-aevmjji. kU) "mMic - nteasurc obi.oMiuw tu .ftartl,i..r ,ln. terests. An lllusfatlon of thfi is (he last ' inf rnal Insurance bill Introduced into tho i lllfiUt.allcfl 'congress which might be more appi npiiately characterized an the fraternal insuiulice trust, a combination of fraternal insurance companies of the country, sough l to procure the passage of a certain hill which was the subject of bitter und ulti mately successful attack by interested parties. Any Individual who has found some pro vision ot Uie revenue law, 01 tne chapter 1 on corporations, m uuu cimpi.-i which j R?r hf ,iTe ubjec't'deal wUh In j nlneiy-tlve chapters of our compiled j statutes, to work to his personal disad- ?J of llie ttJDK'pS i f huvlng that particular thing fixed so J that uie law win not require mm .10 uo ' .i-i.ut li,. diM'H nu want to oil. and will coin- pel his adversary to do what lie wants lum to do. He may not be satisfied that he can get as faithful service from Ills neigh bor as he could himself render to himself. Jn such ease, ho procures his own nomina tion and election to the legislature, and takes his seat with a purpose hostile to those sentiments which ought to inspire Vor Instance, our chapter on corporations has been amended forty-one times. The 'cvenue law In force prior to the present changed, modified and construed ))V twenty-live vears of legislation and decisions of the supreme court, Freaks of the Late Lenl.l.tnre. It is understood that the laws of this ' ar Published by contract The offi- cial volume of the laws for 1IK6 begins , ..t), .,. c,nted c-rtihealo by the cro- : ..Jr. .i,t that he has earefullv exam ' Ined it. The book is printed on paper not ; good enough for wrapping paper; It is acts are without meaning because of typo graphical errors. 1111s volume is an ot- ,. , ,ro, 1. n,a.. b ')i,,i,in,,d lense to tin' eye uuu a uifKiac 10 me illustrations of the legislative tinkering j ; done by the lust legislature. It was deemed necessary to pass an act limiting the practice of law to duly ad mitted members of the bar. It is said that this surprising enactment was cssen- 1 tl.Vl to keep ccrlain county judges who ! are not lawyers from practicing in their . own courts; and I submit for your action I thereon certain resolutions of the bar of I Sarpy county requesting the county jiulKe I nf that county to enforce this statute. ! It is ill order to sunnest I hat country mer chants, tinsmltns ana tanners, who might make excellent jurors are not suitable per sons to hold so responsible an officn aa thut of county Judge, who is frequently called upon to exercise a sound legal dis cretion, and among whose duties is ihe administration of the estates of deceased r ir'Ti-ns. The self-constituted guardians nf the dtv of Omaha met prior to the convening of the legislature, each with an axe to grind. , .. f metropolitan cities, and aa the re ult of those deliberations, wise and un w'1"-- Hi" Omaha chin ter ,ad Its regular appeirance in ihe legislature, and the 1K)W,.r, conferred upon nieirnpolitan cities mid ihe iluties of the officers of such citi... . ,K.W ' and Ihe of the ofllcers of such ciiiea : are unx"d and shulficd into i:m printed in" .'..inn... .11.11 1 iiicmi hi a cnar- , ... flir ,1.. ,.i,v ilmHha rreuie. n liglitful state of cot. fusion and serves nn . Incompetent city council as an excuse for . '.Tr. asurers sr.- now permitted ,0 'Hiibsltute surely companies for Individual .t-ureties on their official bonds, and Ihe 1 counties will pay the premiums on the boi;ds. Peculiarity ttf Phraseology. A 1 J. B- " ""ft IS now auihnrizeil to do certain things while ting:" among these is ihe exercise of "fui h set oilier powers as may tie conierre.i upon a hidtfe in contradistinction iu a court." The legislature opined that an emergency of some sort exlsied and the act. establish- ing this remarkable increase in the powers f district Juag-s, was passed with an emergency clause, so mat since .March M, p6. our district Judges have been "set ting." and have lieen exercising such isiwers as may be conferred upon them in contradisliiictlon to a court." This act will probably need construction. It will b interesting to learn what our district Judges have been "setting" on, what they have, hatched, and what powers they p,. sess while "settirg" in chambers 'in con tradistinction to a court " which all tin.f.nstitutional measures ought ..I,, evervbodv excer.i Hie ..t fl rrn w lolse tern." would bat e' Vi-n "i' lenili d thereby, is glad that we haxe J supreme court which promptly and unan- ' ne nieiiiiial elections mil met fne f.i 111)1"' Mtnously resented this palpable Invasion ... .,.,.i iti.llon To the liomins. I i.,n "" " .CooUauetl oa Second, Page.) NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Rain Thnrariar and In K.aat Tnrtlnn Friday. Teraneratnre at Omaha esterdn-i Itonr. lira. . . an . . . . aft . to . . ft . it . . ft.t , . Ml Hoar. I . m . it n. m . .1 p. m . 4 p. m . It p. m . H p. n . T p. m . H p. tn . ft p. tn . Oe. . . US . . . . t . . Hl . . .IT . . n . . rt.i . . IM H n. H a. T a. H a. ft a. l a. 11 a. 12 m. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE FUNDS Superintendent Raker Rrporta :VW, 479 Received and F.xpended Ilnrlna tear. INII AN APOL1S. Ind . Nov. CJ.-At to jlay's session of the Anti-Saloon league. Superintendent Baker presented his annual report. It showed that during tlie past year the league has received and expended In Its work t.T.4TS. nn Increase of Ti.m over the preceding year. Dr. Baker, In an address, declared that the credit for the result of the flection In Ohio should be given to the American Anti-Saloon league. He said the Ohio con test was the most far renehlng tn points f Influence and results of any yet under taken hv the ieUr. i.m,i, if nut i only demonstrated the relative strength of the church and the saloon, but more than I this, it forever disproved the theory often advanced that the church under t strain ' " " r.iiii,i.i.'l,. ivniHUIIUIin. "Given a leadersltip.' clear moral Issue und tr Baker deducted. wise "the .......... .... Minn wuee. S,...,.H ,.,-- ihn.ti .III ....... I t. -1. . . a n i. 11 m mat can be marshalled this side of the gates ajar.' CIVIL SERVICE RULES AMENDED Prealdent Makes fhanares In Sections Relative to Dismissal of Kmployea. V. A3HINGTON Nov. 22 -Tha i resMent has issued an executive order amending ; "lon in t," pB"y tlmt wo,k nlaster the civil service rules In substance to con- 1 ,n th future- The republicans who favor form to his recent order relative to tho ra,e "lak,n' l"g:llatlon assert that the way dismissal of employes In the classified ser- ' to avo,d a '"PO""1 " support a con vice without hearing bv direction of the ; 8el vatlv ""-asure In line with the recom president or head of an executive depart-! ""f"ln l" ' the president. Some of the ment. As laid down in the rule whieh I opponents of a bill giving the commission Is un amendment to civil service rule XII, this principle Is prefaced by the following statement: "t. No person shall be removed from a competitive position except ior sudi cause ns will promote the efficiency of 'he ser vice." Another difference from the order of October 17 is the substitution for the phrase "such removal will be made with' out hearing." of the words "such removal ln regular order. Liuring tne discussion, may be made without notice to such officer toJay Senator Foraker expressed the opln or employe." I loM tllut " wuld be sufficient to meet tho j present situation If the Interstate Com- CICRPC CirUT IM CAI OHM mrI'ce commission should be authorised to riCnlt- Mum IIM OALUUIM j take cognizance of complaints, bring suits - . T - ... . to enforce the laws in the United States uno niutQ ana several mjorea In Rattle In ew York Pahlle Honse. 'NEW YORK,. Nov, 22.-Injt flgbt In' tl'i. J tV?lt?. :tlw "VT thf L? of U V-KNy -Matron; r4 eWt "r lr?n1, Great Jonel sttoet. tonight one man was i fnment such power. wottjd Mt ho aaUsCao killed and several others are thought to ! tory' Oilier ...umbers of the committee ex- have been wounded Sere, of .hot. Pressed opinions upon various phases of th- fired; but. as far as is knowno the police, j only one man was killed. He Is John j Harrington, 23 years of use. whose lifeless hudy was found in Kelly's saloon on the floor below half an hour ufter the smoke of the battle had cleared away. The discovery of the body was made by u policeman, who, becoming suspicious on finding that the placo was closed earlier than usual, entered it. In the rooms of the Paul Kelly association on the floor above were found evidences of a desperate right, Including three emptv revolvers 1. i.. .. ,i. ,.,. ' 1)1118 011 tne nol,r- - - MORTON TO COME TO NEBRASKA . l.aat Trip o Pleasant He Will Make It His Home In the Future. I run-iir v. fflr,..ii .i,.,.... . .'t-.. .i.e.. Mark Morton, treasurer of the Inter national Salt company, has Just re luiuri. iie... an -,u,..g. .,, ,,,. anna, aim llm I I.-...,. un I .. v-.v,.i.., 1 . 1 . experience has made him dissatisfied with Chicago and even his own resident subuib, ) lMke Kore.t. Gn his return today he was flunk in saying this as well as In beeom- 1 t)onal government It la Illogical that fortv Ing enthusiastic over Nebraska. Chicago ! five lesser sovereignties should crest tha and Iike Forest It seems are to lose Mr. Morton. "Most delightful state." he said. "I'm j going to move out there, you may be sure I of that." "Not rlpht away?" "Well, within two or three ears. Lake , Forest Is going to lose me." j LAFOLLETTE HASJEM GUESSING Wisconsin Politicians Do ..t Ki)n What He Means r Calling; Legislature. 1 w 111 combat labor unions In an effort to. MADISON. Wis . Nov. -Pohti.ians'gen-1 P1" "n ''id to the sympathetic strike, erally agree that Geovernor Lafnllrttft'a j w- Perry of Kansas was chosen temp iiliiiuafe purpose relative to the United orary chairman and C. L. Si roggs of States senatorslilp is not Clarified by his call i Springfield. 111., was made secretary, for a special session of the legislature I There were eighty-two delegates In Ihe I iMceniber 4. 1 They hold that the main purpose of the ; rill (s , remedy a law relative to rebuild- lug the capltol. This work would be at a standstill if the law is not iierfected. The BVernor will fit les , , I for ' he opeiilng of I ast not go to the senate FCUR STREET CAR ACCIDENTS Tnenty.ftne Persons InJnred b ( ol llalftna on ht. I.onla Traction I.lncs. I ST. LOUIS. Mo., Nov. 22 -Twenty-one j persons were more or less dangerously n I Jured today In four street car accidents. ' Many of the Injuries received are serious ! "nd several of such a clmrarter that they niav prove fatal. Thomas Learv. Jerome ' r i t t t . , i fioW,"a" "n'1 J K Keelan received severe , , Internal injuries and are not expected to, ' recover. I Movements of llrra teasels ov. it. At New York Sailed: Majestic for Uverpool: Potsdam, for Rot lei dam. Ar- rived: Prinz Oskar. from Genoa; Finland. from Antwerp, Oceanic, from Liverpool; Asioria. from Glasgow. At Antwerp Arrived; Kroonland. from New Vor'-. ... . ,, . At Iindon Arrived: Anglian, from Hunton At I.iverp.s.1 Arrived: anadian. from Montreal. Bo-tonlar. from Boston: Fries, land, irmii Philadelphia, hailed: t.'iilr '"' N" Y"rk- Hnverflrd. for Philadelphia : Pmi, f..r Boston Pies-H uei. . tsnrn Aioeriss. tor New York l W'eensuiwn Rilled: Sa xonla. I Boston iiio'.'lon;'"0 -,Vrrivli B'bert'O- SENATE TALKS RATES Committee on Interstate Commerce Holds Another Consnltation. SHARP DIVISION OVER EXTENT OF BILL Foraker Froposes that Distriot Attorneys Prosecu's Suits Brought by Commission. DOLLIVER SAYS THIS IS INSUFFICIENT Iowa Man Adrocates Law that Will Girt Some Tribunal Real Power. SITUATION ALARMS THE REPUBLICANS Anxiety that Majority Mem here of Committee ;et Toaether and Re. port Rill Wlthoat Aid of lemoerata. WASHINGTON. Nov. 22.-Rllway rate maJtlng was again considered by the senate committee on Interstate commerce today, hilt In I , . " "" way. as no measure " f" 1" """"'' "P " C"""- uT'l ZTtn the . . J' committee will favor a measure giving the Interstate Commerce commission more power, which means In some form control ov,. ra,. jt S()ell( t(l , derstood that three republicans and enough . democrats favor such legislation to Insure a rate-making bill being reported. Anxlona to Avoid Rupture. Informal discussions among republican members of the committee show that ap prehension Is felt that if a bill should bo reported by republicans and democrats against the wish of a majority of the re- PUMIcan members It would create a dlvl- power over rates expressed the hope, after the adjournment of the meeting today, that when the views of the president have been set forth an agreement can lie reached by the republicans on a bill which can bo reported and passed without much friction. Views of Foraker and Dolllver. At future meetings, beginning tomorrow, each member of the committee will be given an opportunity to state hia views . , .. ....,,., .,. empowered to prosecute such oases. Sen ator Dolllver aald that he believed that 1 tl.. ni, tnr emlfrnt nf r.te. bnit proposed legislation but definite dcclara- I tions were generally withheld. I ., . ... H .... - j Senator Newlande, after the committee adjourned today, said: I luive no doubt that a meaaure for rail road legislation, providing for the prompt determination of rates where disputes arise, between shippers and communities on otm hand and the cu liters on the other, will be passed the coming session. But I look j nTtmcm prohubly grow Impatient over the delay, Individually, 1 believe in comprehensive action on the whole question of transports- j tion by means of a national Incorporation 1 act. covering the Incorporation of new com- Au- ! twin, mefeiences. rebates and discrimina te. i.u hmH nomnellttic an automatic but gradual reduction In rates, as the total business of the country Increases by a limitation of dividends. Such legislation would put tho railroads out of nolltlcs. state and nutlonal, would protect the Interests of Investor and shlp- 1 .ut,. ,1 1.1 r.t Int.,--. ,tli tl,. initiative' and enterprise which have gives) us the best railroad system In the world. We should do away with the absurdity 1.I .... tat., t , .'hatl.t natrl... ; fr interstate commerce. Thret-fourths or 1 the transportation of the country is Inter- nd s Interstate cjunmerce Is clearly -v 1 t.A Kar niir --! at f It 1 1 1 l.te-l t f t tl Un . n... ..l-tinn. tlmt .1 ra 10 nn ttin liiinmeM. rot the greater sovereignty. OPPOSE SYMPATHETIC STRIKE 1 i Bituminous Coal Operators Will Taka Derided Stand Throoah Their f it Organisation. CHICAGO. Nov. 32. Bituminous cost operators from Illinois. Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri. Arkansas, Kansas. Michi gan and Indian Territory met here and organised a national organization which, meeting, representing the riouth western i Interstate Coal Operators' association, tha Illinois Coal Operators' association. low ; f'0"' Operators' association. Indiana Block Coal association. Indiana Bituminous ( oal j Mine operators association. Pennsylvania, West lrglnia sun iveniucay wrre not rep. resented by delegates, but It was declared that the eastern combination nf bituminous coal operators which controls about .VI per cent of the output of the bituminous (coal In the country will cn-nperate with ! the new national organization. The latter i part of the day's meeting was taken up by reports from various state organlzal lone. IMPORTANT CASE SUBMITTED Mult Involving; night of Prthlana Write Inauraace Araued In Missouri. I JEFFERSON CITY. .Mo., Nov. 22. -In the j supreme court en banc tody the case of ' Miry I. Westermsn and others against the supreme lodge of the Knights of , Pythias was argued and submitted. Thla , . , ... . .., , , .u. I ease involves the application of the ptin- I ciple of "extended Insurance to the benefit I certificates of fraternal orders'" and prac- I , ,, , , ... . .... I tlcal y Involves ln Its determination tha life of Insurance in fraternsl organizations. i Th, ron,,non of the coun.el for the I , . .. . .. , , ! .il orders Is thst the application of , extend-d Insuraare principle to the l.usl, , , ,)ie ,,ranxtioris they represent fra- f the uslnesa ey represent will for j spell ruin to them. It will probably I s some weeks before a dacialou atili Uuiiwl -OWA.