TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1905. it SPECIAL NOTICES 4TrrflMBli far thut eolnmne will h lnk until IX m. for the !: dlloa and til fl . an. for th mernlnar and ftvndnr edition. Rate 1 l-2 a ward Iril Insert!, 1 a ward thereafter. XothlnaT taken for less than aOn for the Bret Inirr tlna. These adrertlaemrnta innet ha ' ra a cineeetlly. Advertisers, hy raqaratlna; a nnm hered rhork, run have aaawrra ad drraard ta a numbered Irttrr la rarr af Tha He. Anawrra aa addressed will b delivered aa presentation af check. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE DAT AN'D NIGHT SCHOOL. Bulne.ss, Shorthand, Typewriting, Teleg raphy, Normal and English. Student! i"lmlttd any day. Catalogue free. Ad clrss II. B. Boy lea. Prea., Boyl" Bldg., Omaha. Neb. H-M:tl GAS & ELECTRIC FlxfURES Wholesale and Retail. BURGESS - GRANDIN CO, Formerly P.. M. RU88E1.L FIXTURE CO. l:j South 15th St. Telepbona 68L R 4te Uttin PRINTING. DRAFTING AND ARCHITECTS' 8I.TPUE8. R. A. Btreeter, 430 Paxton Block. Tel. 1799. K-M562 D4 CTOVP Replated. Omaha Plating Co, O I W V CO iS Harney Bt. Tel. 2533. R 891 CITT SAVINGS BANK pay 4 par cent. R-393 TRY KELLT'S TOWEL BUPFLT. Tel. 8530. R-894 ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co.. 821 N. lh, TeL lm. R-896 LAUNDRY c"8Tmh8sTtBAM uau',L,u 1 Telephone IM. K M Omaha Safe and Iron Worka make a ape. laity of Are escapee, shutters, door and safe 3. Andreen, Prop., lot 8. 10th St. R-9S Established 18S7. Incorporated 1306. THE BEACON PRESS CINCORPO RATED) SPECIALISTS IN PRINTING Hand and Linotype composition for toe Ads typed and plates furnished (or adver tisers. iraae. 1210 HOWARD ST.. OMAHA, NEB. THIRD FLOOK. R-391 .WANTED-For U. B. ARMT. ABLE bodied, unmarried men, between agea of 21 and 8o. citizens of I'nlted States, 'if good character and temperate habits, wno can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to recruiting officer, 13th and Douglas fits., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City. la. R-M730 D21 BIGN PAINTING, B. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 900 SAD IRONS replated, 20c; three for 60c. Omaha Plating Co., 1508 Harney. Tel. 2531k - R-801 Ralf Hp; Rumbl & Son. DdltJ 1 lei mt N. i4to Ht.f omaha. R 2ttf Janl4 FURS Koyl. repaired and remodeled. rUIW Thnnurn 1117 frr,an R-617 Na Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co. COMPRESSED AIR A SUCTION biSi'EM. We clean and renovate carpets, rugs, up holstery, mattresses, etc. No Job too large or small. Prlcea right. 1919 Farnam. 'Phone B 3861. R M608 N23 OMAHA ENGINE CO., western agents for the "Fieid" gas and gasoline engines. A lew second hand engines cheap, llll Far nam. R Haiti N28 KOTERA & co., isa: RM6A3 N26 II. L. WINTER, Glaaler. 'Phone Douglas S1A R 657 D7 niMF Pntiorlum Pressing Co., 115 Bo. U II Id isth, upstairs. Tel. XHSi. Pants. 10c; sulU, Joe, Ceil and deliver. RM2U N30 GRADUATE OPTICIAN-WI11 save you money; glasses fitted properly. Tel. 6414. ' R6S1 DS HTEIN WAY piano, upright, big bargain. Fertleld PUno Co.. 1611 Farnam St. R-9 DE NIO AU kinds signs. 1624 Dodge. Tel. (630. K K3 Dec.li BTEINWAY planoa are sold exclusively by Schmoller & Mueller, 1407 Harney St. R-82K Decll GUTTERING, tlnwork. smoke slacks, etc. Theo. Slnhuld. 1611 Leavenworth. Tel. 1562. N R 113 Declu TAXIDERMIST and fur dresser. Est. IM2. J. E. Wallace. 606 S. 13th. R-M443 BIDS WANTED. Bids for construction for water supply tank for town of Klnguley, la. Write for particulars. J. M. WORM LEY, City Atty., Klngsley, la. R 467 21 It. G. SAVAGE, brick sidewalk contractor. 'Phone 1231 1124 N. 26th St. R 440 22 CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY. Don't buy a machine till you Investigate "The Excelnlor," adjustable any size or length. Makes blocks "facedown" and wa terproof. Complete outfit $lt0. freight paid. ' Write today. Excelsior Co., Lincoln, Neb. R 742 26x WMORV roR PHOTO POSTAL CARDS. CivlVJlM t for 25c. 2o6 N. ltith, upstairs. R 644 DesU ANY old body can earn a dollar, but every old body can't aave It. How's this for a money saver 7 Blurts, be: collars. 2c: cuffs. 4c. CAP. AVE. LAUNDRY. 114 Cap. Ave. I H-M4W D16 FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS ELEGANT Btanhope, with rubber tlrea. at half price: also extension top carriage I from tha Battley Mfg. Co.'s stock, at a Ml bargain. Jonnson at Danrorth, S. W, ' Cor. 10th and Jones Sts. F 26 (THREE open delivery wagons and one top wagon, gooa aa new; a Dig Dargain. ' Johnson de Danforih, S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Sts p .'6 CJOOD, large barn for rent at ?7th and Iavenwnrth Sts., 116. N. P. Dodge & 1 Co.. 134 Farnam St. P 107 Horses Wintered 2i g box stalls, no brb wtr fenctns. lc iwiw J wv. em. wuvuii ar-u Tel. L 1170 f-436 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1008 Fsr- nam; elevator. 114 First Nat 1 Bank Blag. 1 u WB have vacant a particularly desirable small office which rents for tio.uu per month. Price Includes beat, light, water and Jalntor servlcv. It is located on tha fourth floor of Thhe Bee building and la jUHt the thing for any one wanting a nice lit tie office in the beat office building in town. It. C. Peters ft Co., rental agents. ground floor Bee viag. i ru BRICK stable at W0 Harney St.. 32x100 feet. Will alter to auit tenant for other purposes. 8. ai. Curtis, 1 Harney 8L 1 M4X ' FOR RENT The entire third floor of one of the leading retail housea; center of retail district, good elevator aervlce. well lighted and ateam heat. Address E 44. Bee, office. I 10S WANTED A physician to share an office with aa old established dentist; good lo cation. Address F 42. Bee. 1-120 SALESMEN WANTED WANTED A first-class traveling sales man for-state of Nebraska to represent its permanently on mechanical rubber gno)a. rain coats, mackintoshes, drug 4 lata' sundries and leather belting. Ad dress Plaal Rubber Company, Minneapo WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM of tha Omaha Commercial College NOW OPEN. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Catalogue free to any ad'lrens. Address: ROHH BOUGH BROS., luth and Farnam Sts. U 1J WANTED OrgHtilHt and linrmonltrt; man; Catholic; munt bp exppripneed in Gregorian Chant and in training boy thoira; inclose copies, of testimonials and address F 40, tare Roe. B 782 ZlX A POSITION guaranteed oi no pay. If you are In need of a position, call and Mve a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART THE EXPERT, 401 N. T. Life. B 91S WANTED City salesmen at once. C. F. Aoama to., ibis Howard at. a i WANTED Gordon press feeders. A. I. """i, inc., ism tiowara bl a ro WANTED Teams to haul coal. Steady woik. bherldan Coal Yard, 6th and jack son. B 678 WANTED For U. S. ARMY, ABLE- bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, road and write English. For in formation apply to recruiting officer, 13th and Deuglas Sts., Omaha, Uncoln. Neb., or Sioux City. la. R-M72 D21 FIREMEN AND BRAK EM EN Wanted, young, sound men to prepare by man or at our school; experience unnecessary: high v.ages, promotion; positions secured when competent; firemen get 1100. become engineers; lirakemen get 175, become con ductors. Write for particulars or call and see tt. National Railway Training School, (Omaha branch), B.O Paxton Bldg. 3 M3W D4 DRI'O stores bought and sold. rug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 624 N. x. I B-IU MEN and boys wanted to learn plmblng trade; great demand for graduates, 4-a day; many complete course two months; graduates admitted to union and Master Plumbers' association. Coyni Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York, Cincinnati and St. Louis. (Day and night class.) For free catalogue address 23 10th Ave., New York. B-13 BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, 1606 Far nam; Dcst service; nine chairs; no long waiting; shaving. 10c; hair cutting. 26c. B mil DlOx WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We prepare you for positions 112 to 120 weekly. You can practically earn your tuition, tools and board before completing. Short time required. Positions or locations pro vided. Call or write, Moler Barber Col lege, 1116 Farnam St. B 643 23x WANTED Young men to earn from ISO to 1125 a month as firemen and brakemen in the railway service. Experience unneces sary; quick promotion; unequaled oppor tunity. Instructions can be aken by mall; positions secured as soon as com petent. Write or call for particulars. National Railway Training Association, 620 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. B-706 25x WANTED Traveler, by a leading Chicago jewelry firm, to call on retail Jewelers only; must be first-class, experienced man; will pay expenses and good salary to competent party who will work In the Interest of the firm. Address, In confi dence, stating age. experience, territory covered, salary and references, C 30, care Ld & Thomas. B 688 22x A VAN and storage company having a loan department want a tnorougniy honest woman to manage loans, also a young man to manage coal. One who has $1,000.00 or more, cash or capital. More Information. Peoples Loan and Trust Co., Lincoln, Neb. B 741 21 COMPOSITORS, non-union, 120 per week, . I , . . Tli. ....... . . f M Hours. K3?vvy f iminj J v. 61s North 2d St.. St. Louis, Mo. B 779 26x PERSONS everywhere to dlstrlbue sam ples; 120 weemy snn exBenses. aoarcm ' Manager," 4 Wells St., Chicago. 111. B 780 21x WANTED A first-class elevator man; must have good recommendations ana oe thoroughly experienced. Apply at once. J. L. Brandels & Sons. B 767 21 PRINTERS WANTED We have a few good positions lor gooa jod compositors at 118 to 120 per week, 9-hour day; Lino type operators 119.50 to $24 per week. Will give one, two or three-year contract and refund railroad fare after two weeks' service to competent men. If you wish to secure one of these good positions make application at once, naming your last em ployer and two references as to ability. St. Paul Typothatae, 109 Nat'l German Hank Bldg., 4th and Robert St., St. Paul, Minn. B-788 27 WANTED A practical hardware man. familiar with builders narnware, reaoing plans and figuring estimates! give age, experience and references. Address F 48, Bee. B-786 23x FIREMEN and brakemen on Nebraska and other railroads; experience unnecessary. Firemen $70. become engineers and earn $liio. Brakemen $H5, become conductors and earn $140. Name position preferred. State age. Unequaled opportunity for strong, ambitious young men. Address E 21, care Omaha Bee. B 796 12x BLACKSMITH: country shop; 170; steady place. Canadian urnce, luui ana uoage. B M S04 23 x ra! J--RMAN' to sell our "Kentucky Prlxe" whisky In barrels and bottles to the trade; good chance for live men. Licking V alley c:o.. cov lit gion1i i o WANTED FEMALE HELP 20 WORKING girls and Dodge. Canadian office, 15th C 8u6 WANTED Lady or gentleman to represent us In every town in Nebraska, who can devote all or part of their time In agree able healthful work and make from 13 to S per day. Address Dept. B, 606 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. C 116 WANTED Girl to do second work; only one that Is tnorougniy experienced need apply. Mia. A. D. Brandels. S. W. Cor. 8sth and Dewey. C 731 21 WANTEl Girl to do general housework for family of two; no washing; refer ences required. Apply 416 worm zutn at C 76K 22x GOOD girl for general housework; no children; good wages. 1818 Capitol Ave. C12J WANTED A girl as nurse for young .child; references required, inquire capt. Palmer, Fort Crook. 'Phone Red 6,'2, bout u umana line. cia WANTED Young lady to work In Jewelry store until Christmas. Address f . Kee. C Til 22 X AGENTS WANTED NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; write today, get territory; other new goods. Ladies' Supply Co., Forest Ave.. O. Cliiago. J 209 Dec 11 x THE BIBLE IN SYMBOLS, the fastest selllnc fall and holiday book on earth. One agent average l.n day last week. We pay 60 per cent commission. Write today lor Iiee ouint. J. 1 rtlcnois Co., japervuie. in. J .J six WANTED SITUATIONS I WOULD he glad to converse with the muuuKfr ui muiio targe urni rcsaraing an otnee position; am a young married man; experienced; good penman, etc. Address F 46. Bee. A 770-21 X SITUATION WANTED Aa traveling rep resentative; young man, hustler; three years' experience, to begin Jan. 1. Ad dress F 47. care Bee. A 7&3 I2x PLUMBING PLUMBING IThr.a7TBci"t Tel 1477. N22 I YMPH Repairing Immediately attended LI 1X111 Vo. ilg 8. litu. Tel. Su62. n: Chapman Mahan Repairs promptly done prices reasoitaois. xs. ittn. in. lied S64 U13 A. BAVARD, 4Ut N. U'.U. XeJ. 69- At the smallest cost and least annoyance comes through Bee Want Ads Dec Want Ads Briiiff Best Results a H FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago. E 929 DEWEY European hotel, 18th and Frnsm. VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. EQ31 ROOMS and good board, IS per week and up. Call 1617 Chicago St. E 931 ROOMS FTRN1SHED Lowest prices, on easy payments OMAHA FI'RNITVRE AND CARPET CO., 1209-1211-1213 Farnam St E 750 22 Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul 1 runks B 13 TWO large rooms; eastern frontage; all modern conveniences. Including use of telephone. Inquire 118 N 26th. E M559 FURNISHED room In a new modern house for one or two gentlemen, 2306 Douglas St. E 667 21 FURNISHED ROOMS with light house keeping privileges at Ki67 8. 2!Hh Ave. E MWM 24 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep lngv l2IjLeavenworth. K8923x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-636 ROOMS AND BOARD. NICELY furnished steam heated rooms, with or without board, alngle or en suite. Rates reasonable. Midland hotel, 16th and Chicago bis. F M120 N28 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, elegantly fur nished rooms, house modern; good board; also table board or meal tickets. 'Phone 2447. F 411 Dec lfix UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 1 ROOMS on ground floor, 1120 N. 17th St U iU FOR RENT 4 unfurnished rooms, modern. 2224 No. 19th. 7B4JS1 BUSINESS CHANCES TO BUY OR SELL any business and for best information ana quicas acuon, see MOATS, 80S Karbach block. Y 104 GOOD harness business In good South Da kota town for sale; stock 11.000; building $500; half cash, balance on time, with good security; good reason for selling. Ad dress F C care Bee. Y 316 26 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange a hotel or restaurant, see nwi at .o., ui N. Y. Life. Y B7 FOR SALE Dry goods and clothing atore in Alnswortn, nen., sioca in gooa snaps; cash, rest easy terms; owner wishes to retire. Address Purdy Real Estate Co., Box 142, Alnswortn. Neb.. Y M287 DUNCANSON money - making busi ness chances. Y-4l42 NJo WANTED At once Descriptions of prop erty and Dusiness you nave to sen in lowa and Nebraska. Our information bureau Is flooded with inquiries for homes, farms, business openings, etc Send yours ut once and sell out. DUNCANSON REAL ESTATE CO., Suite 432, Paxton Block. tf X M10J CIRCULARS, letters. Invitations, written directed; typewriter or lona-nana; gen eral stenographer. 109 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone 6&S. Y 425 21x FOR SALE One of the best paying Jewelry in one of the best towns In Ne braska. For particulars write the Shook M'fg. Co., 406 So. 16th St.. Omaha. Y607 26 CORPORATION controlling business, estab lished JnbO aesire woitu. ui vuei Birim business man to manage branch office. Investment, 11,000 upwards. References regarding ability and integrity required. Salary 12.500 annually and commissions. Address Box 636, Madison, Wis. Y 610 12x $5,000 CASH and any part of 116.000 choice (Jmana properly, ior a iiiib seneim merchandise business within 160 miles of Omaha; give sales, expenses, profits and all necessary Information first letter. Ad dress F 35. Bee. Y-537 21x FOR SALE At Landers, Wyo., only photograph gallery in town or i.ouu ana rapldlv Increasing; $360 takes outfit. Rent, 110. Address Photographer, Lander. Wyo. Y M781 24x FOR SALE CHEAP Country newspaper; outfit; good building; time given right party. Address F 60, Omaha Bee. v Y-M806 26x PARTY with $360 to $400 to Invest, bona fide proposition. Address r , eee. Y 763 21 X DOCTOR with small etock of drugs de sires an immediate location. Address F 61. Omaha Bee. Y-808 24 X HUSTLING partner with $109 to Invest to manage office; clears $7 dally; have an other offer, main business for partner with $500. Call 209 8. 12th St. Y 772-21 FOR SALE FARMS EASTERN NEBRASKA FARMS For sale. Improved. Three miles from railroad and court house. Address Box 1126, Omaha. Nab. M72S 1,690-ACRE RANCH FOR $6,000. Largest list of farms for sale. EKSTROM & CO.. 641 Paxton Rlk. H-MS02 22x THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goea to 60,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will And a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word In small type or $2.80 per Inch If set In large type. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Fariuun Smith & Co.. 1X10 Farnam Bt. W-9U MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-i GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W 911 BUILDING loans on residence property; ( per cant. W. B. Melkle. Ramge Blk. wsi LOWEST RATES Bern Is, Paxton Blk. W-Sll PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas W-JO $1,000,000 TO LOAN on bualneaa and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rales; no delay. Thomas Brcnnan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-q WANTED City loans. R- C. Paters at Co. W-023 FARM and city loans; loweat ratea. W. H. Thomas. 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W-KJ LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with: ran pay it back in monthly payments. Hastings A Heyden. Farnam St. W J4 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Inatltute, 411 N. Y. L. Tel. 14 Dim MRS. JOHN R. MUS1CK. Oaleopathy Fhy. slolao. Office, NavUle Blk. TeL 2ti The Best Help FOR SALE REAL ESTATE APARTMENT HOUSE SITE 24TH and HARNEY 1 have just purchased and will of fer for a few days this corner, con ceded to be the most desirable site in Omaha for an apartment house, 125x141, facing 24th St, Harney St. and 24th Ave. A grand piece of property and cheap at the price asked, 515,000. See this and sea us at once if interested. ERNEST7" SWEET, Tel 1472. 613 N. Y. L RE M 803 22 A. P. TUKEY & SON FOUR HOMES CHEAP At the southeast corner of 18th and Hick ory we give you choice of four five-room houses at $876; $175 cash and balance monthly. Will put city water In each house. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phones: Office, 2181; Residence, 6163. RE 7S6 22 All One Price, $12)0 1516 Ohio St., 6 rooms; 716 N. 28th Ave., 7 rooms; 3.M6 Parker St.. 1809 Corby St., rooms; 2214 N. 27th Ave.. 7 rooms; 2816 Miami St., 6 rooms; 3202 Seward St., cor ner lot; 3624 Dodge St., 6 rooms, bath and closet, corner; iao3 Charles St. Take your choice. W. T. GRAHAM. Bee Bldg. RE 766 23 ALL KINDS of Florence lots for sale. Expert advice on scavenger tax sale. Dexter L. Thomas, 412 Bee Bldg. RE aao D12 WHO WANTS THEM 7 Lots 13 and 14, block It, Sliinn's add.. $M0. Lots 6 and 6, block 6, Thornbeig Place. Make offer. J. 1L PARROTTE. PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone lasO. RE-727 25 WRITE for Illustrated pamphlet describ ing two ranches in the corn and alfalfa belt. Willi Cad well. Broken Bow, Neb. RE 941 We Can Sell Your Farm Home, business or properly of any kind, no matter where located. Send description, state price and learu how we do it. H. A. Ritchie, Sioux City, la. RE M633 22 ' Ml 1 FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on 'North 18th St., only 11,600. This Is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. RE 941 WANTED TO BUY A desirable lot In a good residence neighborhood; upper Far nam street district preferred. Give full details. Address F-22, Bee office. RE UO Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R., Omaha. Neb., Dept. "A." RE 83 nnnrincnnii2Paxtc"'' Bc8t "st mnpy U til lLal loUl linaklng business chances. Y M262 N30 CH8- Williamson Co.u- f" RE 840 PANHANDLE LANDS. 18,000 acres very productive land Joining Oklahoma, well fenced and watered. Price, 15.60 per acre; V cash, balance on or before 15 years at 6 per cent, or will divide to suit purchaser. A great chance for agents. Culley, Bradley & Mathlesen. Wolbach, Neb. RE-7US 29 FOR RENT HOUSES PIANO moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626, Schmoller & Mueller. D-943 HDlISF'n Prts of the city. R. - - - c. i t' Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. THE Omaha Van St Storage Co., pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. 1659. D-446 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 14vd. Office, 1711 Webster St, D 947 Uni in all parts of the city. Tha . . w w w u 0, L,vlS Co., iui Bee Bldg. u IH4 FOR RENT Eleven-room modern house, newly papered and 111 good repair; will be vacant Oct. 20; rent, $J6 and water. In quire 119 South 26th SU B. Tzschuck. D 181 COMPLETE modern 6-r. cottage. H. A. Slurges. 617 N. Y. Life. D 4b6 22 X WH OFFER a beautiful Golden Oak or Mahogany Parlor Table FREE this week with every purcnaso of Ten Dollars or over. We sell on easy payments. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 1209-1211-1213 Farnam Si. D-793 21 NORTHWEST corner Burl and 33d, Decem ber 1, 8 rooms and bath, hot water heat, steel range; owner pays water rent, IM. Apply In rear at cottage. D 46i 23x T. SCHWARTZ moving van. 1610 Webster. TeL 204. D 447 D14 FOR RENT November 16, nice modern 6 room cottage, Bristol St., nearly new and thoroughly modern, nice location. Inquire of E. E. Huntley, iJt Board of Trade. D-M526 FOR RENT Two 8-room houses; all mod ern, except furnace, $.U Four nice rooms; newly papered; 16J3 N. isth St. $12. C. M. Bachmann, 4 Paxton Blk. D 109 FOR RENT. 9-room modern house, 4J3 No. 3th St.. $30 00 8-room modern house, 1144 So. 32d St.... to.00 8-room modern brick house, 3uoo Wool- worth Ave 10.00 T-room modern house. 2b20 Mauderson St 22.60 THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bldg. D-60S 23 NEW FLATS 707 Georgia Ave., all mod ern. Inquire 413 b. luth St.; $35.00 per month; rent free if taken until 1st of month. D 6fc2 26xt HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 49 T-ROOM house. 1$) California St., $18. 'Walter Breen, 416 Karbach block. D-118 1915 ELM street; new plaster, paint and paper; $13. 'Phone 673). I 763-2JX HANSCOM PARK RESIDENCE. nine rooms, modern, porccliin bath, double floors, ample porches, $40, "pli"ne 6. 3ut faX Pot letoa Ave, l-MMl i I I MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS DUFF GREEN CO.. FURNITURE.) LIVE STOCK LOANS SALARY. ) We are a home and old-established con cern, and your dealings with us wl'l be absolutely private. You can borrow Trom $10 upward at the lowest rates. All loans ate made on our SPECIAL REBATING EASY MONTHILY OR WEEKLY PAY MENT PLAN. Each payment lessens the cost of loan, making it pcsslbtt for everyone who Is short of money to borrow wnat they need quickly and cheaply, without obligating themselves to their friends or neighbors; honorable, fair and Just treatment; pri vate Interviewing rooms. Established 1819. Rooms 8 and 9 Barker Blk. Tel. 4034. Duff Green. Jule Althaus. X-3U QUICK MONEY Is often an absolute necessity, and you will tlnd our facilities the very best for quick and quiet service. We make advancements on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels, and to salaried people upon their own agree ment to nay. We arrange the contract In L 2, i, 4, 6, A, or even more monthly payments, telling you in advance what It will cost you, and then give you the option of paying faster, which will make the cost less. Our rates are much less than many will ask you and no mure than you will pay wherever you go, and you will find us consistent in all our dealings. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established 1812). 806 S. 16th St. X-Z30 LOANS Pianos, Diamonds, LOANS eto. Lowest rates. the WESTERN LOAN CO., S1G KAHN. Mgr. 331 Neville, 3d floor, 16th & Harney. Tel. 6619. X-319 DR. PRIBBENOWS. PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., In any amount at less than half the rates; no red tae; perfect privacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended in case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214 Karbach Blk., 209 S. 16th St. X M54J WHEN YOU WANT A LOAN ON FURNITURE OR SALARY without removal or delay, payable to suit your convenience, 'puone 1411 or write or call on AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 3o7 Paxton Blk., N. E. cor. 16th and Farnam Sis. X-9&4 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities, 'i'ol uian, room 714 New York Life Bldg. Jk 744 BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows. Plain note If steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X-977 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, eto. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 11 X-978 CHATTEL AND SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., TeL 746. Paxton Blk. X-,J FRIEDMAN. Loan a on all articles. Clothing bought and sold. 211 S. 12 th Tel. 4940. X-714 D9 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all buslneas confidential. 1301 Douglas. X-9S1 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Folev JiUn ir.U IT a m n ... O. . . . - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman & McConSelJ 1 Drug "co Omaha. Q 966 MILCH COWS on easy terms. Center. 43d and Q-63J BECOND-HAND STEAM Fll TINGS FOR SALE "yiUiWa.nt to'1? ,n "earn fittings call and look over tna following supplies-1.8-inch Austin horizontal separator 1.8-lnch Austin's horizontal separator 1.4-inch Austin s vertical separator These have been taken out on account of changes in our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Buildlni ?y-0rneehW H- r'. enginfer. Be. Bldg., Omaha. olfiaa FOR SALE-Two life scholarships on Omaha buuiness college. iddr... Dw.ght Williams. Omaha" Bee. Omaha! t,et- Q 828 FOR SALE-About fifty feet ornamental galvanized iron cornice and ornamental iron posts, suitable for show window aSI ply superintendent Bee Bldg. Q-Ui FOR SALE New and second-hand bllliar and pool tables, bar fixtures of Si kinds easy payments. Send for cataioaua Brunswlck-Balke-CoUender, 407 a 10th Kt Omaha. W-968 HAVE YOU GOT $5? We will deliver 160 wjrth of furniture and carpets to vroi tcday, balance on easy payments. Lariie.t stock in Omaha, i'arlor table free OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET Cn 1209-1211-1213 Farnam St? ' Q-791 21 SD-HAND safe cheap. Deright, U19 Far. 600 STOVES to select from at low prices! ihvub" ....... Auv-itxz Dodge street. Q 9;o ONCB tried ALWAYS patronized GaT. City Fur. Co., 615 N. 16th. Tel. 37S6. J-697 N2S FOR SALE-Two 60-lnch by 16-feet boilers. good for 80 pounds pressure; two 76-horie. power marine boilers, new; one 36-horC power. White & Middleton gasoline in. glue at the Omaha Boiler Works. M-201 N2 CRIBBING; fir timbers, 80 feet aud under seasoned hardwood lumber. 901 Dougias! ( Q mi PIANO Square, $10; 60 cents weekly Per. field Piano Co.. 1011 Farnam St. Q-440 FOR BALE One Mimeograph. In good or der. Inquire at Business office, Omaha Bee. Q ui NEW furniture, 6-room flat, for sale chean. 2411H S. 13th st 2-M483 22 LARGE furnace at a bargain. 1503 Capitol Ave. Q-662 27 FOR SALE Bed lounge, cheap. 416 Kar bach block. Q 6Sg 21x MUSIC AND LANGUAGES t HATELAIN SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES FRF IMP U German, Spanish, Fencing. T IM-llVIliJavldge Bldg.. 18ih & Farnaiu. C. PETERSON, European education; voice, Italian method, piano. 518 W. O. W. Bid. -772 N27 MRS. ST. RAYNER of Boston has opened a studio for voice culture, 1917 Webster. M- 4570 D 8 ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, in French. Kpanixh or German; learn to speak in 26 lessons, business correspond ence 60, to real literatuio oi GUARAN TIED. F. I'tltlxr. 115 S. 20th. 134 D14 AUCTIONEERS WE FURNISH experienced auctioneers on short notice to sell real estate, merchan dlae. live stock, etc. Omaha Real Estate Auction Co., Ui Neville Ilk. Tel n7. UNDERTAKERS Brslley Dorranca, 20th and Cum. T. 621 e-oS0 HARRY B. DAVIS. 411 8. 15th. Tel. 122- 6M DODDER. E. L., $224 Cuming. Tel. T7 TAGGART. 23d and Cuming. Tel. 714 PRINTING PRINTING LYNGSTAD MEMORIAL CARDS; ar tistic designs, S. E. Cor. 16th St. and Capitol Ave. -S7 THE JENNINGS PTG. CO. for printing. 113 So. 14th St. 'Phone 53.S0. 775 Pec 20 PERSONAL DRAMATIC ART AS ATORY. The Chambeis School of Stage Arts offers exceptional opportunities to students wish ing a thorough course of Instruction in all that pertains to the essentials of stage craft and oratory. Correcting deficiencies of the SDeaklnir voice a snecl<v. Tee only school havlna its own theater. TUB LYHUJ. Now permanently located in tee Omaha commercial College building, come' win and Farnurn streets. Send for prospectus. Management of Wlllard E. Chambers. Tel. F-1S71. Director of School, John Edgar lWCUB. iei. uss. u OM DR. A. SHIPMAN, Bee Bldg. Tel. Pgls5HH Li ooS l-cc ii MME. PA REE of N. Y.-Shavlng. Facial Massage, Manicuring. 209 Douglas Blk. U-630 D16 E make a specialty of renting high-grade pianos and offer a great variety, $3 and up. Tel. 1626. Schmoller & Mueller. 1407 Harney. U 117 MASSAGE SPECIALIST Joseph Ruben, room 218, Bee Bldg. Tel. 6608, Omaha, Neb.; 27 years' experience. Doctors' orders so. llclted and work guaranteed satisfactory. U M592 25 ACCORDION n1 SUNBURST PLhATING. RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN fLtAlllSGCO 100 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1036, U-o7 SURVEYING, Lewis BUckensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. U-M591 DIKx FOR SALE-Furnlture of Royal hotel, ltith and Chicago. Y 119 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U 960 DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. 2 & 1, 1506 Farnam. U-Wl DR. JACKSON, Room 4. Frenger Block. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consulta tion free. u '!S6 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3530. U 863 PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perlield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U 954 KEY TO HAPPINESS FOR MEN. My latest medical publication for young, middle-aged and old men sent free to all applicants. Dr. Geo. B. Wood, 206 Wright bid, Sioux City. la. U M658 Jan 8x ANY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. U MloO IF YOU FIGURE with Installment houses, bring your list to us. We will knock oft 25 per cent and give you better goods besides. We sell on payments. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 1209-1211-U13 Farnam St. U-792 21 PIANO TUNING TeL 5604. W. R. Dalbey. 2207 Mason. U 345 Decll Accordion AND Sunburst PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A SPECIALTY. TAILOR MADE BUTTONS. RUCHING GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLK., OPPOSITE HAYDEN BR08. TEL. 1936. U- PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mr. Garden, 2216 Charles. Tel. 63U. U 958 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-322 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626. Schmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U-051 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths, 720 8. 13th. U V.2 M AflN FTIfeatment Baths. Mme. '-Smith, 118 N. 16, 2d fl., r. 2. U 360 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call.N HEFLIN Gun and locksmith repairing 217 So. 14th St. Tel. 2974. U 777 Dec20 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once. sl.uO weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfield Piano Co.. 1611 Farnam St. U-9u6 MASQUE costumes. Lie ben. Tel, 4116. U M 403 D4 OMAHA Bargain House saves you 26 wmniirv per cent on clothing. Open evenings. 410 N. 16th St. U Alo33 U6 PRIVATE confinement home: babies edopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 6u6 N. 16th St. Tel. 3569. U-M592 D6 HEFLIN Gun and locksmith, 217 So. 14th St. Tel. 2974. U-777 Dec 20 WE RENT sewing machines. 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines. 15 to 110. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. 16th and Harnev. U 61646 MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's PI1U, women's monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no interfer ence with work; relief In S to 6 days. We have never known of a alngle failure. Price, 12 by mall. Raymond s Monthly Regulator In liquid. $3. Dr. R. G. Ray mond Remedy Co., Room 86, 84 Adama St., Chicago, ill. 963 LADIES, $1,000 REWARD' I positively guarantee n.y Never - Falling ERGO KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods In 1 to 6 days without harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall $1.60. Double strength $2 00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE DR B. H. BOL'THINQTON CO.. KANSAS CITY. MO. M-i36 BEST nerve bracer-for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. DANCING ACADEMY NEW clasaea formed for adult beginners at Morand's. 15ih and Harney. Tuesday and Friday this week, 8 p. m. Individual and thorough instiuctlon our forte; pupui eiijoy every minute of their lessons. JENSEN DREYER'S Dancing Academy; learn to dance in twelve lessons. TeL Rcd458. M- 7W. Di , LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co , main floor. N. Y. L. Tel. 133. (71 J. M. Mscfarland, So N. Y. L. Bldg. Tfcl4. LOST AND FOUND LOST Between 2:M and tl and 24th and H, South Omaha, gold-rlinnied nose glasses, with chain and hairpin. Finder plou, return to 1016 N. 2.'d 8t . South Omi.'m. Reward. O 6".l .'lx l'HT Mortgage and several notes pnvnl.' to tnv order' reward fr return J. II. inmiont. A.42 Lafayette Ave. 'Phone :'ll. O 121 LOST English bulking; one btlndle eve. Return to 17. J. Monaghan. 643 8. '.'th Ave Itrw ird. 0-7iU Llx I.OST Indies' gold watch, monogram A. T. O. one slile; fleur-de-lis designs, set with diamond other. Return 1 .107-11 Jones St. Reward. O 775 2'.'x 1lST-At or near Ft. John's church. 2t'i and Franklin, string gold bends. Return to Ida J'lxley, K'im) No. 27th St. Reward. O 771 -2 lx LOST Scotch collie dog. yellow and wlilto. four white feet, faint white ring around neck. Notify II. L. Underwood. 112 l.oth rop. Reward. O 7 21x IjOST Gold shirt whilst pin, with small enameled pansy and two pearls. Please return to Bee office and reccle reward. Lost-7M 21 LOST Gentleman's gold watch and foh. on Harney St.. between 30th and 33d. Return to 64S S. 2th Ave. Reward. Tel. 2w7 O 7"3 21 X ToPTTtPtween 16th and Dodge Sis. and 1.1th and fm-nam. $50 check, signed A. 1. Tuckev Son. and cash $-5. Return to NutlonHl Investment Co., Douglas block, ltith and Dodge. Sts. and receive reward. O-U't FOR EXCHANGE PIANO for driving or draft horse. Differ ential chain block for sale. 318 McC.-igue. Z-.M6t7 D9 IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad. In and you will soon get it. Z'm TO EXCHANGE Illinois fnrm for Ne braska land. Address Ole Olson. Frank fort Ind. Z 787 2Cx When You Write to Advertisers remember It only taxes an extra stroke of two of the tn to mention the tact that yog saw the ad. In Tha bea PATENTS H A. ST URGES, registered attorney; paf. tents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Lite, Omaha 906 F. J. LAR8EN & CO.. patent lawyers. ADVICE FREE. 603 Bef Bldg., Tel. A1132. -B07 PATENTS secured or money refunded. Fees reduced to $10. Address Sues Ss Co., Washington, D. C. Advice free. -M793 N2Sx PATKNTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 6i Douglas blk. M 663 D 8 WANTED TO. BUY ANTIQUARIAN Book Store, 1230 Farnam; highest prlco paid for 2d-hand books. Tel. F 245. N 437 WANTED TO HI" Y A desirable lot In a good residence neighborhood: upper Kar ris ni street district preferred Give full details. Address F-22. Bee office. N-lll TWO diamonds, about 2k, at bargain. Ad dress F 30. care Bee. N 492 25 TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. II. Phllbln, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 784. -897 LARSON & JOHNSON, 1406 Farnam. Tel. 1335. 955 DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. 90 DRESSMAKING In families or at hotn Miss Sturdy, 2006 Davenport. Tel. Harney 1001 -6S0 CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 Soutn 16th St., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely qivon. S 947 FLORISTS HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 927 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 125s. 9 RAILWAY TIME CARD I'M OX STATION TENTH AND MARC Y Union Pacific. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am 8:18 pm California Express a 4:10 pm a 8:30 am California & Oregon Ex. a 4:20 pn a 6:10 pm North flatte Local a i:tt am a e:aj pm Fast Mail a 8:55 am a 8:20 pm Colorado Special ...a 7:46am a7:44um Beatrice Local b 3:15 pm b 1:30 pm Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific EAST. Chicago Limited a 3 :36 am a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 7:35 am a 9:66 pi n Chicago Express, Local.. bll:40 am a4:3upm Des Moines Express a 4.30 pm bll:f0ain Chicago Fast Express.. ..a 6:40pm a 1:16 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd a 7:20 am a 1:30 am Colorado Express a 1:30 pm a 4:66 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex.. a 4:36pm all :40am Missouri PaciUo. St. Louis Express a 9:00 am a 6:30 am K. C. & St. L. Ex all :15 pill a 6xX pm Chicago A ftortumeatern. St. Paul Daylight a 7:60am 10:00 pm Chicago Daylight an. wain. 11.6" pm Chicago Limited a:38pm 9:16 am Carroll Local a4.3tpia 9:60 am St. Paul fast Man a a:a pin :usatn Kinux c. & St. P. Local. ,b 3.60 pm e 9.86 am Fast Mall iM pm Chicago Express a 6:50 pin a 7:30 am Norfolk &. Bonesteel....a 7:40 am 10:36 am Lincoln & Long Pine. ..a 7:40 am 10:36 pin Casper at Wyoming e 8:60 pm e 6:16 pm Deadwood & Lincoln. ..a 2:60 pm 6:16 pin Hastings & Albion... '..b 2:60 pm 6:16 pm Chicago Local all:30 am 1:46 pro Illinois teutral. Chicago Express a8:00ani a 3:56 pm Chlcugo Limited a6:00pm a7:3oam Minn. & Si. I'aul Ex . ..b 8:uo am b 8:66 pm Minn. & St. I'aul Lid..a6:3opm a7:30ani Chicago, Milwaukee A Bt. Paul. Chicago & Colo. Spec'l.a 7:65 am a 7:36 am California it Ore. Ex..a 6: 14 p; a 1:10 pm Overland Limited a fcUi pm a 9: am Mariuu &Cedar K. Loc.b 6:44 ain bll:u0 pm W abash. St. Louis Express ..a 6:30 pm . 8:40 am i i ii is local tirom Council Bluffs) a 9:15 am al0:30 pin bll:3o am Miunlienv lxicul (from Council Bluffs b 6:00 pin t bicMo Great Western. ki I'aul at Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:16 am bt. I'aul at Minu a 7:45 am a 7.56 pm Chicago iuiniied a 6.uu pin alO:o am Chicago Express a 6.u am a .0 pm WEBSTER DEPOT ISTH A WEBSTKH Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Local, via Leave. Arrive, .b 3:60 pin bl2.30 pm Weeping waier lllil'ltUl st. Paul, Minneapolis Oiuatia. Twin City Passenger.. .b 6:30 am b 10 pm bloux City Paeuger...a 2;iw piu all A) am . uLiuiiil Ljjcal b a:4a um b S:lo m. in Enieisou Local u .4i am c 6:uo put BIRLIGTO.M TA I IO.M-10TII MASO.S Burlington. Leave. ..a 4:10 pm ..all .10 pui ..a 6:60 am Arrive. a 3.20 pm a 6:08 pm a 7:40 pm al2.uA pm alo:25 am b 8.2 am a 7.lo am Denver A California Nortnwesl Express Nebraska pointa ... I .n..n I'lt.l K1..U .b 3:uo pm Ft. Crook 4t Platisin'h.b 2. jo pm , . ii .. n n. ... iwiitvuc at cjuiuiii u.. i .sj pin Denver Limited Bellevue at i'ac. June. .212:16 pin Beilevue st 1'dC. June. .a 3.i am l lu.-uo 3eci.U a 7:26 am Chicago Express a l.'J pm Chuago Flyer a 8:06 pui luwa Local a 9:15 am bt. I-"uls Express a I:i5 pm Kansas City ht. Joe.alO 45 pm Kan nan lily At Ht. Joe.j 9:15 uni Kunsas Clt V & bt. Joe. I, 4:45 nm a 2:56 p'n a "i . Ja pm al l 5.1 pm nil.M am it 6 46 am a 6 .06 pm a dally. b dully txitit Sunday, except Saturday. c Sunday only, except Mouday, d dally daUl 1 J- I