I THH OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1003. CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Dull, Dragging Trade and Wheat ii Much Lower. CONDITIONS FAVORABLE TO THE BEARS Argentina Wheat Approaching I1arv est sad Wnlhfr la Fine I. It. tie lntereet la Displayed In Corn Weakness la Oat. OMAHA. Nov. J). 1906. r.srge receipts and favorable weather for movement were the primary reasons for a lower wheat market. The bearish fueling wns helped out by reportii of ripening wnr-ai ana line weather In Argentina. Bell ing on mop loss orders demoralized tha market. December wheat was nearly 2c lower ami May nearly lc lower. Decem ber closed at MHc, May at Wi S0-c and i.niie interest was aispiayed In corn. i nn opening wan W0a lower, and prices " 1 " eiuuy muuna opening ngures all nay. December cloned at 4444444c, old December at 454c, May at 43&434c and Data opened lower and tha tendency wan weak. There waa a fair demand In May. considering tha general dullness. Decem ber closed at 294c, May at 823240 and July at 304.n. Rradstreet a total wheat Increase Is 3,874.. " uusneis. corn increase 1.379.000 bushels ana oats Increase 861.00O bushels. Liverpool closed 4afd lower on wheat nnn. lower on corn. Broomhall quoted a cable from Argentina saying: "Tinld of wheat In province of wanta.. Fe promises to be good. In the southern part of the province of Buenos Avres wneat has been damaged to the ex tent of about S per cent." Primary wheat reeclpts were. l.SSS.nno misnei and shipments 664,flfO bushels, against receipt! last year of 1.833.000 bush. eis ana shipments of 789.000 bushels, Corn receipts were 908.000 bushels and shipments MH.OHO bushels, against receipts last year of :i3.nno bushels and shipments of 258.0H) bushels. Clearances were 19,000 barrels of flour. 12,000 bushels of corn and 260 bushels rt oats. At the seaboard, export sales were made yesterday of 1:8,000 bushels of wheat. S0,0n0 bushels of corn and 1S0.000 bushels of oats. The continent was the best buyer of oats end bids for 2o0.0nt) bushels were turned down, although they showed a profit, ex port houses not hnvtng ocean freight room. Chicago sold 320,0(0 bushels of oats. 100,000 bushels of which were for direct export. From tha Inter Ocean: "Cash premiums on wheat In the northwest wera reduced to ?c over December for No. 1 northern against 3tfj34c a week ago. No. 2 northern sold tic under, against 4c over last week. No 1 brought 78'aT84c, and No. 4 723'78V I -oral and outside millers were said to be good buyers. The explanation of the loss In premiums was a letting up In tha active demand from the milling Interests, which usually slackens after a period of extreme activity, such as has been experienced In the last three months." Omaha. Cash Sales. WHKAT-Nn. 8 hard, 1 car at 754c. CORN No. 3 yellow, 1 car at 39o; No. 4. 1 car at 38c, 1 car at 374c; no grade, 1 car at 87c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. I hard, 77W78H"; No. S bard. 74i77c; No. 4 hard. 69S74e; No. 2 spring. 7t'Vi7Se; No. S spring, 74ft 764c COHN-No. 3. 39c; No. 4, 37W3c: no grade, aA'aSic; No. 8 yellow, 89c; No. I white, 3Uc. All quotations are on new corn. OATS No. 3 mixed, 27V4fc274c: No. 4 mixed, 26va2Mc; No. 3 white, 28W2Sc; No 4 white, 28i2$4o. II YE No. 2, 6tc; No. 3. Co. Carlot Herelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 144 3N7 Kansas City 184 2Gti Minneapolis 308 Omaha 39 24 Duluth 845 St. Louis W 83 9 'x 64 CHICAGO ;hais a.u PROVISIOXS I'rstorei of the Trading- and Closing; Trices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. a. Profit taking on a large suale caused a sharp decline In the price of wheat here today and although the market rallied somewhat the close was weak and near the lowest price or tna any with the May option oft u- CofU and oats were practically unchanged. Pro visions were 2Vu to 7 He lower. Weakness prevailed In the wheat pit throughout the day. The feature of trading was heavy liquidation In the December option. General profit taking In that de livery caused active selling in May, re sulting In sharp declines In the price of all options. There was little In the news of the day to encourage the bulls. The domestic situation continued favorable to the bears, receipts In the northwest being liberal and the weather all that could be desired for the movement of the crop. From Argentina came reports of excellont weather for tlu ripening of grain. A pri vate dispatch aald that harvesting In that country would probably commence before the end of the present week. These factors supplied the chief Incentives to selling. Toward the middle of the session an In crease of 3, SOo.ouO bu. In the world's visible supply for the week, as shown by Brad st i eel's, gave added Impetus to the de cline in prices. The market at no time showed a strong disposition to rally, sen timent being bearish until the end. The close was weak with prices near the lowest xlnt of the day. May opened Vc to ,c lower at 87c to 8714c, sold up to 747Hc and then broke to MCqttt4c. Final quota tions were at atiS'OVxc. December ranged between UHo and fcoc and closed at 83-Sc Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to t,5u0 bu. Primary receipts were 1,3S,000 hu., ugainst l,S32,tM bu. one year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 1,317 cars, against 1.687 cars last week and 1,21:7 cars a year ago. The corn market was weak early In the day because of continued selling of May by several heavy holders. Excellent weather for the movement of grain waa a strong In spiration to the selling movement. Weak ness of wheat was also a bearish Influence. Later In the day shorts covered freely, causing a complete recovery. The close was steady. May opened a shade to H&Sc lower at 43V to 43c, sold off to 434c and closed at 4Sti4Jc. Local receipts were 3X7 cars with nine cars of contract grade. Despite the break Ui wheat the oats mar ket was remarkably steady. There waa some selling by cash houses and local longs, but offerings were readily taken bv commission houses. May opened nnchang1 to a shade lower at I2nj32lc to 3i'ic, sold off to 31c and closed at S6X:vc. Local receipts were 2M cars. Provisions were tlrm at the outset, but weakened in sympathy with the decline In wheat. A feature of trading was buying of November lard by shorts. At the close May pork was en 5c at $12.77V; lard waa . down 2Vi6c at tsi 97S4j7.0U; ribs wers 5G7Vo , lower at 8H. "Oil 11.72V,. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 74 cars; corn, 210 cars; oats, 89 cars; hogs. 4O.OH0 head. ' The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. I High.) Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat I iee. May July Corn tlec. I I ec. Mav Julv Oats lec. Mav July Pork- j . ii. May Lard- Nov. 1 iee. Jan. May 8 Kibs Jan. May S.ttin. i ST1-S R6jK..'t N6S4 S7s :4 k-'HsnoJ I 454! 4541 4i4 4.(4 444'.? 4l 444 434 434'' 434141 4,l 434,4340 14 ! 454 44ii444 lSTi4 UMill'e I 4T.4 44', I 4;t',. 4J'I 2!"s f :v r?4' ?4' 81V 3l32ll Wa 3-4 31-lJ4 t-" 30SJ 804 oS 1: !- i.ri 13 8741 U 774. 12 74 13 70 12 7741 13 8:14 13 1 1 41 3 80 7 ft 8 ! 7 074 6 o 8 874 7 00 ( U 8 76 7 00 i w 6 S5 7 00 60 ( 70 7 00 8 9U 6 Si 7 U) 7 06 fJ4 6 "4 7 0--'4 ( 6T4 ( 774 874 7 00 66 t 76 6J4 6 r.'4 No. t told INew. Cash ijuotKtions were as follows: FLOUR Easier and about 6u lower; winter patents, 13 &6g4 M; straights. 8:1 75' I 1". spring patents. 83 u4.1v, straights, $3 tmVflu K4; bakers, 82 26113. :. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 8jnj1rfc; No. 8. 80 jiSoc; No. 2 red. 834 iwc. CORN-No. 8, 4.c; No. 2 yellow, 60ffillc. OATS No. 2. 4c; No. 2 white, S3.fla34c; No 8 white. 2ei431c. BARLEV teuod feeding, J7tJ7c; fair to :holce malting. Co 4.0. SEEDS N". 1 flax, 4c: No. 1 northwest ern $1.00. Clover, contract grade, 818 iat J-MOVI6ION8 M.'fca polk, per bhl.. $13 (0 il3. Iard. per b) lts.. I7.tiinf7.a24. Short lilts sides iloosei. S7ii7.124; short cle.ir Mdes boxed. 8.87447.iai Following were the reieipts and ship mrnts of flour and gram: llcceip', Bliipmenti Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Coin, bu dais, bu Kys, bu parley, bu .ai.vm 12," . . . . '.'U.;o .... 411 Hii .... 3;-u i .... 42.it"! 2a.'tt-- 2o.4 " 1W2."1 2il" :t.' . . .l-aU' On tbs Prvdu txeharui Mstla I..C but tr msrke wa steady; creameries, 17-33; dairies, I'Jiy. V-gits, steady; at mark, esses Included, I8'l24c; prime firsts, 3c; txtrs. 3fic. Cheese, firm. 124''il34c. M.W 1 OR K UF.KRAI. M4.RKKT (laotatloaa of the Pay " Varlaas Commodities. NEW TORK, Nov. a.-FLOUR-Receipts. 44.77V bbls; exports. 1.4K6 bbls.; market dull and barely steady; Minnesota patents, $4t.iVn5nO; winter patents, $4 2ii4 55. winter straights, $.i.90ti4.1: winter extras, $2 83 1 63.it; winter, low grades, 3"fj4:'V Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $.1 i&4.1o; choice to fancv. $4.15714 . Huckwneat Oour, steady, 82 l.-2 2ft, spot and to arrive. HI LKWilEAT Dull; baac. qenverea new York. CORNMEAL Bsrely steady; fine, white and yellow, 11.26; coarse, ll lttfjl lh; kiln dried. 83 Wa3 IS. RT K Nominal; No. 3 western, iSc, c. 1. f. New York. RARLEY (Jutet; feeding, 404c, c. I. f. Buffalo; mailing, rV04)4il4c, c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 67. im) bu.; spot n.ar ket weak; No. 2 red, 894c elevator; No. 2 red, 914e f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 804c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, 9240 f. o. b. afloat. A renewal of heavy liquidation in wheat resulted In de clines, the market losing over a cent. It was Induced by continued heavy receipts, prospects for early harvesting In Argen tina, a light export inquiry and absence of bull support. The close showed Tc to 14c net decline. May. i'(91 1116c, closed Wc; December, 904'tf91 13-lSc, closed at 04c. CORN Receipts, 83.R.V) bu.; exports, BM bu.; spot market easy; No. 2, 674a elevator and &64: f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 56'4c; No. 2 white, 66c. In face of heaviness else where corn waa fairly steady, lea by De cember, which was wanted by shorts and closed 4c lower to 4o net higher. May, 494L49 9-16C. closed at 49 V: Jl"' closed at 494c; December closed at 544c. OATS Receipts, 94.100 bu.; exports, 25 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, 25 to 32 lbs., 3-V; natural white, 30 to 32 lbs., 364374c; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., a'i4c. HAY Steady; shipping, fioiooc; good to choice. 8o4i824c HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1Si5. 14i&22c; 19U4, 13t17ci olds, rvtfHc. Pa cific coast, 1906, Walx; 1904, 10&14c; olds, 111DKH rirm; uaiveston, m to s ins., oc; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 19i. LEATHER Firm: acid. 2CI&27C. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, 111 M I2.6i; mess, $9 Wrflo.&O; beef hams, 21.onif 2.'.oo; pacKet, JiO.t.'i'u n J"; city, extra inaia lues., 817 6i"u 18.50. Cut meats steady; pickled bellies, 8.76g 10.30; pickled shoulders, JH.ofKrT 7.(W pickled hams, 39.2icr9 75. Ird, barely sleady; western steamed, $7.40S7.60; refined. quiet; continent, ( su; Boutn America, i; compound, $fi.&Ofi6.75. Fork, steady; fam ily. llti.50: short clear. 114 5oiil.50: mess. I16.0rii 16.60. TALLOW Steady; city (82 per pkg ), 4"!icj country (pkgs. free), 4yic. RICE Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, 3', $6c; Japan, nominal. HU'lith- Steady ; street price, extra creamery, I45j24Vc. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra. Wu'lic; state dairy, common to extra, l23c; renovated, com mon to extra, 16020c; western factory, common to firsts, 15'17Hc; western Imita tion creamery, extra, 1864jl9c; western firsts 17HfclKc. CHEE8E Irregular; state, full creams, small and large, colored and white, Sep tember, fancy, lic; state, fair to good, 12c. EOQS Firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby selected, 3840c; state, choice, Slijf 37c; stata, mixed, extra, 3&c; western, finest, 32c; state, firsts, 8u(&31c; southerns, 2lift30c. POULTRY Live, dull; western chlckons and fowls, 12c; turkeys, 14c; dressed, firm; weatcrn chickens, Sty lie; turkeys, 1420c; fowls, 9t13c. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 21. WHEAT Tower; December, 76V:; May, 7RVc; July, 74c; cash. No. 2 hard, 79ii81c; No. 3, 773 79c; No. 2 red, 16 9c; No. 3. S.VnSSc. CORN Weak; December. S?c; May, S9V4c; cush. No. 1 mixed, 41fc4iv,c; No. 2 white. 41Hc; No. S. 41c. OATS Firm; No. 2 white, 31V4c; No. 2 mixed, 29Hc. EOGS Steady: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 44c; case count, 22Hc; cases returned. vc less. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 810.75 11.25; choice prairie, 89.0099.60. RYE Steady at 64c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 22c; dairy, 19c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu li.0oo 67,o0 Corn, bu um.wr a."w Oata. bu ,W0 11,000 The following range of prices at Kansas City was reported by F. To. Day & Co., 110 111 Board of Trade building: Artlcles. Close. 1 High. Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat Pec...! May... July... Corn I"ec... May... Oats Deo.... May... May... May... I 771 79 V 77S 76S1 78H T6T477HtJH 7XS79',iyH Wl 74' 89 88V 39'. 39 8H 8014(8 St-.WMlH 29H1 M'29 304'H 30'ilSH ZSSi'STil 29' 30 13 r,i 12 67 e 82 97 12 63 12 67 12 67 12 67 6 80 13 62 1J 67 82 97 6 82 97 8 8f) 6 92 929S St. Louis (ieneral Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. B.-WHEAT-Lower No. I red cash, elevator, 84Vue"V'; track, 9njOTc; December, 81Ttc; May, SiHi 8o,t: ; No. 8 nara, K-Vi'uBSac. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, nominal; track, 434 j 44c, new; 48c, old; December 41 Vac: Mav. 4J7c. tJATS Firm; No. 2 cash SOVic; track. SI'S ail.... 1 ..nn.V.. Qw. . ( .. .. iit. x. x a eiT. , I'rwiiiuTi, ww, nu. i white. 3"'c. FIA3VR Steady; red winter patents S4.3k&'4.50; extra fancy and straight, 83.900 4.2b- ciear. .'.o'oj.io. PEED Timothy, steady at 82.608,2.7i CORNMEAL Steady; 82.60. BRAN bteady ; sacked, east track, 724 TJc. HAT Steady ; timothy, S8.00r?14 00; prairie, IRON COTTON TIES $1.00. BAOOINO 87,c. HEMP TWINE Jo. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: Jobbing, 818.78. Lard, lower; prime steam, 86.K6. Iry salt meats, steady: boxed. extra shorts, 17 76; clear ribs. 88.00; short clears Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts. $S.5o: clear ribs, 88.76; short clears, $9.00. POULTRY Quiet: chickens. 7Vkc: snrinas. Millc; turkeys, 12Vgc; ducks, loc; geese. 8fc9c BCTTFR-Steady; creamerv. 202Sc: dairy, lMlj'.'lc. 1.' . . ' U I ' 1 . '11.. . Receipts. Shinments. Flour, bbls , 12.t lS.ooo Wheat, bu M,uoo Jil.OoO Corn, bu 83.no T.ui Oats, bu 64,000 84.0UO ' Minneapolis (iraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 21.-FLOCR-First patents. $4 iisjil.so; second atents, $4.on 4o; first clears, 83.66'u3.76; second clears. t2 45fi2 55. BRAN In bulk. $11.60. (SuDerlor auotations for Mlnneano'la H. livel y I Tlie range of uric. a. as rrnoria.1 by F. D. Day 4k Co., llo-lll Board ot Trade building, was: Articles.! Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close ! Yes . Wheat-I lit) Dec...a,4i81) 81 I 7 I 71 81 May...ix5iiaw; 86W li3Trs4 ail.1 imz f'lax- I I.I I I.ec... 974 I 7,4 wy---l 1 1 1 1 1024 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, 82c; No. 1 northern. 81Vko: to arrive 814c; No. 2 northern. 79c; to arrive, 7c; No. 3 northern. ,ta..'vc; No. 1 durum, 7;c; No. 2 durum. 71c. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 4Kc; No. 3, 47c; No. 4. !stf4oc. Oats: No. 3 white, I4c; No. 3. J64ii2ti4c. Barley. S5 4j48c. Rye, 6v4ni6.'4c. Flax, 74c. Visible npsly ef Grain. NEW YORK. Nov. 21. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradslreet's shows the following changes In available supplies as compared with last account : Wheat Celled States and Canada, east of Rockiea,, increased 3.274. m bu.; afloat for and in Europe. Increased 10O.OOO bu. ; total supply IncreMScd 3.374. tw bu. Corn United Slates and Canada, east of Rockiea, increased 1.379.00O bu. Oats Flitted States and Canada, east of Ruckle. Increased 461.OU0 bu. The leading Increases reported this week are l.462.ouO bu. in Manitoba, 2HS,tic bu. at the Chicago private elevators and 61VO10 bu. In elevators In the vicinity of Lincoln. Neb. The leading decreases are 2ou.i' bu. at Port Huron and !u.c-j bu. at Omaha. lalata 4.rala Market. DULUTH. Nov. Il.-WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1 northern. 81c: No. I northern. 7c: on track. No. 1 northern. 81o; No. 2 north ern. 784c; December. 7V4c; May. 834c. OATS To arrive ami on truck. 2c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III. Nov. 21 CORN-I.o si No. I yellow. 434c: No. 3. 42V ; No- 4. 41c; no grade c OATS SteKdv No 3 while. 3t.43.'4.-; No, WUle, f4t,'.w NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS liatket it Again Active and Giret Evidence of Strong Absorptive Power. METALS GROUP DISPLAYS STRENGTH Late In the Dar Sales for Taking rroat Causes llamp mmd Close Is Irregalar and Loner. NEW YORK. Nov. 21. This was another day ot veiy broad and acuva speculation in the sio mame i. plenty oi evidence ot tne strona aosorptive power of tne uiai- kii whh imivn ami tne re were feigns as well as tne extension ot lnieiest in out Siue quarters attracted by the rapid rise in nrhri ,l the last lew uays. Bui It was oOMous aiso tnai a liberal uisti mution ot hoiouigs was going on lu taae aovantagtt of me growin of interest, 'i ne violent su- vancea in prices wmcn nave occurred oiler sucn liauusome proms In many cases tnat tne inuueement to realise on holdings is strona-. I he market snow ed tne t'.iecis of tins movement as the dsy progressed and became Irregular and at limes acllonary. Some slocks were aflected by profit taking upon tne announcement of aood news, while In a few cases the char acter of tne pressure upon stocas div me imoresslon of some positive factor of VMltlvRI. Vesteiaay's increase 1n the dividend by the l-uluioet Heclft COIIUHinV WHS a COI1 tinoed influence in the group today. The upward tiignt of prices In the metais whicn make up the proauci oi tnese companies esiH'clahv Confer. Lead and Silver, was iiaiuriinv a strengthening Influence. Besides tnui mere were constant rumors afloat of projects working out for further cumblna tlon and consolidation of the companies and Interests in the trade. Another feature of the day was the sharp advances in me referred stocks of some or tne companies which the common stocks nave aireany enjoyed wide gains. Smelting preferred. Locomotive nreterred and St. Paul pre f ei red were the striking examples. St. Paul was affected to some extent by the belief that subscription privileges for the 82&,0uO,0OU of treasury stock which has been authorized for a long lime would be forth coming before long. There was another stago in the speculative advance in Read ing and Baltimore Ohio was benefited by It. The money mantel maae luruier prog ress toward relaxation, but it is ieu uwi this progress has about reached Its limit under the conditions existing. tne suu- scrlptlons to the Japanese loan, It is be lieved, will not ue payaoie. until soma mnu next year except for small preliminary In stalments. Sterling exchange declined in this market, but New ork exchange at Chicago also dropped back to 25 cents pre mium compared with 40 cents premium yesterday, and views of the return now of currency to New York were modllled accordingly. The pressure upon tne south ern railway stocks was aggravated late In the day by the heavy falling off In the ginning of cotton. Indicated by the census bureau s report, whlcli precipitated a panic amongst the bears on the cotton exchange. The irregular tone of the later market was not altered by the violent bidding up of Brooklyn Transit and National Lead and last prices were In many cases below those of last night. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value, I3.32o.uo0. 1'nlted States new 4S de clined vi per cent on call. Following were the sales ana range ui prices on the Stock exchange today: Dales. iiign.i-tow.-v iiwo, Adums Ex Drees 240 Amalgamated Copper 97.700 864 Amur. Car & Found. 3,400 4u-Xa 8."4 4.14 iwr-, 314 864 44 114)4 32 934 do pfd . loi Ainer. Cotton, Oil.... 6oO 3i4 do pfd American Exnroes Am. 11. & L. pfd 2.100 American Ice sues.. 80O 334 184a 41 71 32 28 1"4 44 44 33 284 18 1 694 lli4 166 1364 141 1"64 143 ft.4 lu3 1634 Hi 964 87 li34 228 53 n 334 1 5 21 2184 lift- 17 40 97 44 W4 63 43 Vi 179 144 63 4W 35 88 464 4S4 814 Amer. Linseed Oil... l.oo do pfd 600 Amer. Locomotive... 84r" do pfd t.nJ 1204. 114VS 164 1614a Amer. 8. A It.. ....... 8u,0i do Dfd 41.6(10 136 141 141 106 140 85 ltl b.3 1124 V7 844 17&-, 2274 64 Amer. Sugar Ref.... I,6o0 1414 Am. Tob., pfd. cortlf. 4,400 10u4 Anaconda Mining Co. 32,700 148 Atchison 10,J 864 do pfd aw lUo- Atlantic Coast Line. 5,400 167 Baltimore & Ohio.... W.imO 1134 do pfd.... a 814 Brook, Rap. Transit. 106, ;oo tw'4 Canadian Pacllic ... 2.3O0 1744 Central of N J taaj 2284 Chesapeake et Ohio.. 2,700' 64-, Chicago & Alton do pfd Chi. Great Western 1,700 214 Chicago 6t North ' l.iViO 2194 Chi., Mil. & St. P.. 30,600 liU 214 21 4 178. Chi. Tt'i'. oi Trans do ptd 2,3u0 414 89 C. C. C. & St. L. . Colo, uel & iron.... J 46 '4 to Colo. & Southern.... loo 27 27 do 1st pfd too 634 624 do 2d pfd 700 484 3 Consolidated Oas .... 3AI Ii9 1'.9 Corn Products 8oo 144 144 do pfd Delaware at liudaun. 0O 2334 232 Del., Lack. & West. r3 470 Den. A Rio Orande.. loo 3a4 34 do pfd loo 874 Distillers' Securities. S,8o0 474 Erie 3' ao 44 44 do 1st pfd 9oo 81-t 814 do 2d pfd 2.VO0 74 4 7.1 General Electric .... 1,400 Ii4 1864 Hocking Vailey l,2uo 115 114 Illinois Central 2, To) 1,84 18 International Paper. 6oo '21 214 73Sa 18i'4 lib 177 214 80 28 83 27 67 274 664 161 163 V04 115 244 80 134 1644 lm4 3 70 64 364 I604 63- 864 91 100 18 l-K'4 1014 do pfd 200 804 804 International Pump do pfd Iowa Central 200 274 274 do pfd 2) 67 66 4 K. C. Southern 700 284 284 do pfd 6K 574 57 Louis. & Nash 15A) lo3', !2-'4 Manhattan L 300 1634 163 Met. Securities 18.9n0 i.4 bB Met. St. Hy 37.600 1174 1144 Mexican Central .... 4.w) 244 24 Minn. & St. L 200 80 804 M St. P. st S. 8. M. 3o0 139 B li do pfd 1,100 16b 1644 Missouri Paclfte .... ,nO I014 lorn. Mo., Kan. & Tex.... S2,4oO 804 384 do pfd 200 - 714 71 National Lead 21,90 t4 614 Nat. R. R. of Mex... 4i0 364 3ri New York Central... 6.7'io 1514 laoS N. Y.. Ont. o West. i,o M , 534 Norfolk dc Western.. 7J 87 86 do pfd l'O 924 924 North American .... H.luO I1114 loie Pacltlo Mall Im 4&4 4-, Pennsylvania 25,100 1414 1uv, Peoplo s Uaa 300 102 loi P., C, C. & St. L Pleased Steel Car 2.5'HI 624 51 4 do pfd 3uu 94 99 Pullman Palace Car Rending 121,3i" 14(4 1414 do 1st pfd 1,600 9J 92 do 2d pfd Republic Steel 10,&") 27 W4 do pfd 5,01V 4 9i4 Rock laland Co 6,3uo 3u4 in do pfd SU0 734 7.4 Rubber Goods do pfd 80 514, 99 245 1414 924 984 26-v 99 294 7-4 37 104 634 2-4 67 694 1194 3.4 9 1044 34 374 67 134 9:14 115 85 514 109 3;4 I1C4 864 I"d4 21 iS" ICS 924 17 294 301 10BV, St. U a 8. K. 2d pfd 6U0 St. K Southw cslirn h") 644 23 6M 74 3h' Sf4 lie 4 344 37- 514 1314 4 8iV 624 1084 :4 1034 374 634 23 67 694 3:4 99 10.14 344 87 674 IS34 964 8b" ' 514 1"3 374 1034 364 214 414 do pfd ) Southern Pacific 17,loo do pfd Southern Railway .. 18 3i) do pfd ;) Twin. Coal A Iron... SoSnl Texas A Pacific 1.3m T.. St. . L. A W . do pfd 2i Union Pacific 122.3 do pfd 200 U. 8. Express U. 8. Realty in,) U. 8. Rubber i do pfd 4c0 U. 8. Steel 78. 600 do pfd 24, Vlr.-Car. Chem 1.3u0 do pfd Wabash 214 42 do pfd 4,,j Wells Fargo Express West. Electric Western Union 40) Wheel. A Lake Erie Jiu Wis. Central 3o0 do pfd Northern Pacific 1 8t Central Leather 3 ho do pfd 1 in 3 18 29 a"rj" 4&4 104 924 174 294 2014 103 Bloss-ShefTleld 16.700 St.!., 874 Total sales for the dsy. 1.346,800 shares New York Mlalagr storks. NEW YORK, Nov. 21. Closing quotations on mining stocas were as follows: Altnw taa a iUiii Cbiaf .... .. I .110 . I .. I .. I .. 41 Alloa Hraee giunawtck Cos .. Coftiatwcs. Tunnal Con. Cat. ft Vs.. Hara Silver lies Silaw ladiaia dm..,. .. Gaurle M lOpkir ..4 1 Ph.snl, . I Pooal ..It .Saaga 1 Slarra Notts . . .li nia:i Hups, ,. .. 4 ISLaudard Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Nov 21 Bank clearings for to day were $1.4tf.uU.i and for the corre Min4ing OMte last year $1,423,894 31. Traatari felnleaaeal. . . WASHINGTON. Nov. 21. Todav'a mi.i.. I uieiit of tlis licaaury uaUnots Ut th (u- eral fund, exclusive of the $14ooo0.fi0 gold reserve shows: Available cash balance, $1.13,474,612; gold coin and bullion, 8vt,7l,- 1'; gold certificates, 841,77n.K. ew York Money alarkrt. NEW YORK. Nov. 21.-MONET-On call, steady at S4 per cent; closing bid. 6V, per cent: ofTeted at 8 per cent; time money, steady: sixty and ninety days, 8 per cent; six months. 51 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PATER-6S94 per cent. S Tr.RLlNO EXCHANGE Easy, with actual business In rankers bills at 84 sKfrii I !l;m for demsnd snd at $4 8.&oitf4.fr:; for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4MVff4.M and $4. 87 ft 4.874: commercial bills, 34.82V SILVER Bar, th'tc, Mexican dollars. 49c. BONDS Government, wean; railroad, Steadv. Closing quotations on bonds were as fob lows: V 8. rf. Ja, re do coupon f 8. a. rg do coupon t'. 8. old 4a. rag.. do coupon ...... I. S. nav 4a. rf du coupon Am. Tobacco 4a do 6a Al'hlron gn. 4a... do adj. ta Atlantic C U 4a Hal. Ohio 4a .... do )'a Brk. K. T. c. 4a . Central of fit. (a. . lo lat fnc do 24 tno do Id Inc ( baa. at Ohio 4,a ( hi, no a A. ('., B. A I), n. 4a C. k. 1. A P. 4a do col. oa .l4 japan ( 14 stls.. 4 H i 4V, ctfi J .i4 dn 2d terlei 13 1"4 L A N. nnl 4 10oH .l'Mti Manhattan r a 4a. ...104 .1W Mei onirtl It l IU dn ut lor Jo . Minn s St L 4a . . . 7 M . K T. 4a 1:4 liS do ta N. K. K. of M c. 4a. M V. N Y. I'. . )S .IW N J. P. t s 133 1 No. Pa. lflc 4s 1S4S . il" Ja . X. W. r 4a lO'.t, lUVi n. s l.. rfflg a S . H Penn coiit. t4a 0J . II Ha.1ln, (an. 4a 1J . IV St. 1.. 1. M e it lit .10714 St. 1. S F. If H i It St. L ft. W. I'll 'a Seaboard A. L 4a.. wi So Pacific 4a 3 , do lat 4a rtfa . . Kl, . 17 .1I . kH .101 .1J4 . !-7 .Hi 77't ,. 117 . i . crc. St. u 4a H"4 So Hallway aa Colo. lnd. f. aer. A. 74 Taia P la ... ts4 T . St. u W 4a ...75 I'nton Pacific 4a..., ... 4' do con. 4a ...loli f. K. Steel 2J 6a .. .. lnlH W'abaah la ... 1 do dab. n ...Iu2 Waatarn Hi. 4a . .. J W A L K 4a ...110 ,Wla. Central 4a ... v do seriaa h.. ... Colo. Midland a Colo. t So. 4a. .. t ula 6a I). 4k K. O 4a... lJlatlllara' Scr. la Krlc prior ban 4a. do gan. 4a Hocking Val. 4ta Japan 4a Offered. Boston Storks nnd Bonds. BOSTON, Nov. 21. "all loans. 67 7 per cent; time loans, 517 per cent. Official quo tations on stocks and bonds were as fob lows: Atchlaon adl. 4a. 3 Advantura '2'H Allones "' Amalgamated. ... a4H Amancan Zinc ...101 A1,ntl0 Hmgham ...171 .,-, 4 llaila . ..13 jr.niannlal ...14J t'oppor Ranga i4Vj puij weat H MI Frarklln 101 OratiDr 14 1,1. Kovala .. 7H .. 4!' .. 7 .. .. tl .. Il l .. l .. n .. 14 .. is .. 1 .. 7.3 .. 10 .. 14-4 .. MS .. 11 4 . . mis . .1084 do 4a Mai Central 4a . Ali'hlnin do pM Roaton aV Albany Prtaton aV Matna.. Boaton F.lavaltd Fltrbburg pfd ... Mexican t antral . S. T.. N. H. Para Marquetta .. I'nlon Pai'lflu Amar. Arge. Chain. do pfd Amar. Pnau. Tuba.. Amar. Sugar do pfd Amar. T. A T Amar. Woolan do pfd Pomlnloa 1. AS... Kdlaon Elee. 1 1 lu Maaa Mining W Mlihlgan ' Mohawk 141"4 MoT), c. O Old Dominion Oaceola 4 Parrot 104 Qnliicjr JW Shannon .IV . 74 1 Tamarack .12 Grnaral fclectrlc Maaa. K In trie . do pfd Maaa. Oaa 1M Tnnltr . 10T, . 83 . 38 t'nltad Coppsr It'. 8. Mining.. V. 8. Oil Iltah Vlrturls ...41 ...lu ... 7t t'nltrd Fruit I'nlled Shot Ma. h.. do pfd U. 8. otaal do pfd Wanting, common . . 4'J .Ho '4 814 Winona , 87 VWolnerlna ..... l8i,'Nirtk Bulla ... I 'Bid. "Asked. London Closing Stocks. LONDON, Nov. 21. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were as follows: Conaoll, monay " N Y. Central.. ' 8-1 Norfolk aV W.. ' iS do pfd " (inurlo W .. .l&n . '4 . 4 . .1 . 7144 . . 1 . 4 . oil'-, . 164. .1(1 . 714 li . . 34 .164 . Jl . 41 . IS do account . . Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd lisi,prnnarlvanls Raltlmnra Ohio Ui Canadian Pacllic ....111 Chat. A Ohio tW Chicago Ot. W r u a st p ifta Hand Mlnaa Heading do 1 at pfd do id pfd futhem Rallwav PcBcers do pfd luthern Pactflc . nlon Pacific do pfd 8. iHeol Jo pfd ibaah lo pfd 4iilhh 4a IKnvar A n. O Ms do pfd c Erla Ur do lat pfd l do td pfd it Illinois Can I ral 18. Ixiulavllla A Naah li. M., K. A T A ' SILVER Bar, ste.. , 29 16-16d per ounce. 810N e 34 pel cent. The rate or discount in the open mark. it for short bills is 4e,4 per cent; for throe months' bills, 4 per cent. Foreign Financial. LONDON. Nov. 21 The demand for money increased In the market today; the supplies were limited despite the fact that considerable sums were obtained from the Bank of England yesterday by discounting short bills. Prices on the Stock exchange were firm and trading was moderately ac tive. Most of the movements were up ward, the market being stimulated by lna cheerfulness of continental bourses on the resumption of work In Russia. The whole list was more buoyant than for some time past, dealers anticipating the long delayed revival of public business. Consols were In good request. Home rails were quietly firm. Americans opened steady and Im proved in many cases to above parity on New York support. Local operators were cautious though bullishly Inclined. Later anticipations of short coveting In New Tork hardened prices further and they closed firm at below the best points of the day. Foreigners generally were tlrm, especially Russians, though they closed easier. Japanese were Irregular. Kaffirs Improved on bear covering and Purls sup port. Japanese Imperial As of 1904 Were quoted at 1024. BERLIN, Nov. 21. Prices on the Bourse today were strong, upon yesterday's New York advances and better news from Rus sia. Wool Market. BOSTON. Nov. 21 WOOL Trade has been irregular in the wool market. There continues to be a good demand for me dium territory wools, Montana and Wyo ming being especially active; prices are steady. A great deal of Interest exists as to foreign markets because of the possible Influence of serious changes there on local prices. Territories are active; pulled wools are quiet; foreign grades are firm. leading quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania, X. 31ft36c; No. 2, 40h41c; fine unwashed, 28 4f2c; quarter blood, unwashed, 34'3'35c; three-eighths blood. 34Q3nc; half blood, 84 n 3cc; unwashed, MaSlc; Michigan fine, un washed, 27tf'28c; quarter blood, unwashed, 33i84c; three-eighths blood, 33,J4c; half blood, 33ij34c; unwashed, 2sc; Kentucky. Indiana, etc., three-eighths and quarter blood, 34ft 35c. Territory: Idaho fine, 22 23c; heavy tine. l!U20c; flue medium. 22.i 23c; medium. 27iu2"'; low medium, 27'y28c; Wyoming fine. 2k'i23c: heavy fine. 192oe; fine medium, 23424c; medium. 27a-V; low medium, l'TSi2Sc; Utah and Nevada hne, 23 i'24c; heavy ttie. lit(3iic; fine medium. 2.V0. 24c; medium, 27c; low medium, gfrg-Jtc; lhaknta fine, 2Vt(23o; fine medium. 22''(TJ3c; medium, 271Tc; low medium, 27ji8c; Mon tana tine, choice. 2rVji27c; fine average. 244 26c; fine medium, choice. 26'D-"ic; averts-;, 24iu-J6c; staple, 2711 290 ; met':lim choice, 23Sf( ST. LOUIS. Nov. 21 WOOL Steady: medium grades, tombing and clothing, 26'a Soc; light fine. 21 i 36c; heavy fine, Hry'-'lc; tub-washed, 33i414c Metttl Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 21 METALS The London tin market added Is 6d to 6s to Us recent gains, closing at 163 2s 6d for spot and 153 6s for futures. The local market iu nciet hut holders were firm In their views and spot was quoted at 33 J?4ti43.bti. Copper also Was higher in London, wiii I spot quoted at 76 and futures at 74 5s. I Ixically the market Is reported firm. Lake la quoted St $16. bjli 26; ele'troiyiic at $14.624'017.. and casting at $16 .i74'o 16. 16. l ead was unchanged at 16 10s in Iondon. Tlie local spot market is firm with avail able supplies very light and prices prat tically nominal for Immediate delivery. Quotations range from $6.26 to $6.70. Spel ter was unchanged at $6 l(xq4.20 In the local market, but was higher at 28 fs in Lon don. Iron was unchanged In the English market with standard foundry quoted at S.'s and Cleveland warrants at 63s. The local market was reported firm and un changed. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at I )8.7&fjl9.36; No. $ foundry northern, $18!5I18 66; No. 1 foundry southern, $18 6ot? 18 75; No. 2 foundry southern. $186Val8 2. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 21. MET A 1 .8 Lead, firm at $6 40 bid; spelter, dull at $6,874. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 21.-COTTON-8pot closed quiet; middling uplands, 11.15c; mid dling gulf, ll.loc; sales, none. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 21. COTTON Spot quiet; nine points higher; American mid dling fair, 6 26d; good middling. Y94d; mid dling, 6 78.1 ; low middling. 6.&4d; good ordi nary, t-64d: ordinary, 6.2sd. The sales of the day were 8,uu0 bales, of which 6011 were for speculation and export and included T.SOO American. Receipts, 9.WU) belne. In cluding 2"' American. ST. LOUIS, Mo Nor. tl. COTTON Flrtn: middling, 114; sales, none; receipts, 32 bales; shipments, 273 bales; stock, 18.446 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Nor. H. OOTTO N Firm, sales, 3.4u0 bales; ordinary. 13-16e; good ordinary. Ue; law middling. Iu4c; middling, 1040; good middling, 11 e; mid snug lair.' 13 (-lc; receipts, 3B.S81 taUes; Sloes, tMjtH UifSa OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Bud of Cattle nod Bigher Maifcet. Actir and HOG MARKET ACTIVE TO A SHADE LOWER Fair Rest t( sheee Fat l.asssa Steaay lo Ptrong Other Mat'tnn tirades Steady-Feeders la Light De sna ad at Steadier Prices. SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 21, 1906. Receipts wers: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. iniuiai noniuv A.M4 Official Tuesday J.i-i Two days this week... 9.334 Two days last week IH.1Z0 Same week before II vs hame three weeks ago..U,ii bame four weeks ago 17.M8 Hsme days last year V.Wt RECEIPTS EOR THE YEAR The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hugs and sheen at South Omaha I for the year to date, comparing with last I year; year: 1946. 1904. Inc. HW.37 S4.ol7 7.2 2.tUl,k82 2.0"7.!S)1 U,9s ... 1.81.G3 1.6.'9,740 2M.8n followlna table shows the average Cattle Hogs Sheep The price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1806. 11904. 11908. !19na.',lWl.!l"t.ll899. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nor. Nor. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Mcv. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4 84V 4 841 66 i 73i 4 61 4 01 4 XHU. 1 kV 4 Ml I 8 72 14 60! 4 01 3... 4 r 4 (s 4 871 6 III ' 4 o, 4 J... I 4 874i 4 801 4 6-..I i 4 881 4 9 491 6 8 4 02 !4 8 61 6 711 4 tJB -;il i 63 6 711 4 4I 4 01 ...! 4 874 I 4 l.. 4 834 4 4 781 6 6i 6 68 1 4 671 4 01 4 81 4 8 8 44, 6 6.1 4 7l 4 03 4 ; I 4 , 4 80 6 741 4 61 1 4 M 4 Tl'H! 4 971 4 671 6 36 4 74) 4 03 4 8141 4 89 1 4 6SI 6 26 1 6 72 I 4 02 I 4 801 4 IJ 101 6 (VII 4 841 9 10.. 11.. 12 13. 14 I 4 7941 4 64 6 21 6 68 4 741 I 4 4 73 , 4 j 4 bii 6 : 6 4 . 3 i 18.. I 4 7141 i 1 82! 6 671 4 W $ W IU. 17. 18. 4 so 4 67 4 55 I i 63 4 90 , 8 ' 4 4 4ol 6 41 ' ! 4 82, 3 7 4 3i 6 31, 5 2j I H'i 4 46' 6 29 i 6 63! 4 71 4 461 6 28; 6 78 4 751 3 88 4 44 6 241 i SI I 4 781 3 89 4 B7', 19.. I 20.. I 4 68 21.. Indicates Sunday. The following table shows the prices paid at the river murkets for cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers $..25tTfi.50 Fair to good corn-fed steers 6. 01X116.26 Common to fair corn-ftd steers 4 (KXOV5 0O Good to choice range beef steers.. 4.25H4.50 rair to good range beef steers Good to choice cows and heifers.., Fair to good cows and hslfcrs Fair to good western cows Canners and cutters Good to choice stnrlcers A fseders 3.6CU4 2T 3 36fl4 50 $.60j8 3) 1.60y2.75 1.763 60 . iwi IV Fair to good stockers and feeders. 3.00J3 .60 RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha $1.6000 Chicago 1.1634.60 Hogs. $4. 604. 76 4 1MJ4 95 nansas iny 1.76416 85 St. Louis 2.noio.86 Sioux City 2.fcxu6 60 4.b0ra.R5 4 40W-4.90 4.8U(U4.75 MONDAY'S BHIPMENTS, The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their points of destination- Cattle Cars. 1 2 3 Z. H. Clark, Hooper F. E Hauhensak A O., Fremont V. K Henry Slemera, Wiener y. K W. Gregory, Tsbor, la. Q J. M. Strahn. Malvern, la. Q ... H. T. Wood, Olenwood. la. O.. . W. I. Hell. Tabor, lu. j W. A. Spann, liussey, la Q ' C. T. Robinson, Opal. Wyo. U. P Edward Perry, Wayne M. A o J. O. Benton, Centralis, Kan. Mo. P... Frank Whltehouse, Ingersoll, la. Mil. Fred V. 8tone, Ingersoll, la. Mil W. F. Preston, Punlap. la. I. C F. B. Watke, Bell wood-B. & M i 2 3 2 3 SHEEP, P. Jensen, Jensen. Net. R. 1 12 Alex McQueen, Silver Creek If. P . , , H. M. Bishop. Grand Island U. P 2 William A. Beebc, Tipton, Mloh. Q 1 Clarence Nern, Clarkson F. E 2 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Bheep.H'r's. C, M. ft St. P 2 3 .. Wsbash 1 Missouri Pacific ..... 8 Union Pacific system. 39 1 16 22 20 S 5 18 3 4 44 20 C. C. C N. V east 3 fe N. W., west... 17 St. P., M. ft O... 3 H. A Q., east 4 B. ft Q , west.... 69 R. I. ft P., east.. .. R. I. ft P.. west.. 2 C. C, C, C Illinois central Cripples and driven In .. Total receipts 1 108 06 The deposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the numoer 01 nead Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha Packing G. H. Hammond Cudahy Packing CO 128 1.161 344 128 1.161 920 852 907 1.145 2.162 2.345 410 890 1.0I2 1.674 Co.... Armour & co Cudahy P. Co.. 8. City. Vansant A. Co 150 Carey ft Benton 12 Ixibman ft Co m McCreary 1 W. I. Stephen 279 Hill ft Son 75 Hamilton ft Rothschild 2 L. F. Hum 49 Wolf ft Murnan .17 Mike Haggerty 47 J. B. Root ft Co 210 C H. Clark 33 Other buyers 242 Total 4.O66 8.00$ 7.223 12.823 CATTLE There was a mnderste run of cattle this morning, but It was smaller than the run for the same day last week and was also smaller than the run for the same day one year ago. There were a couple of hunches of good corn-fed steers on the market, hut the bad effect of the trade last week on warmed-up and short-fed cattle has sort of slowed up the run on that kind of stuff, so that this morning there were only a couple of loads In sight. There waa a fairly good demand for beef steers on the part of the packers, with the result that there was fairly act.ve trade with the market steady' to strong. There was a reasonable run of cows and heifers 011 the market today and the de mand for good siuft was active. Packers were looking for good stock suitable for their purposes and local buyers were out with quite a string of outside orders, with the result that the trade was active and 5'OliV bigher on the good choice kind of slock, while the common and poorer kinds went ut prices that were steady to 5c higher. There was only a fair run of stockers and feeders this morning and yard traders were out In the yard at an early hour after the cattle, and at- a result the more desirable kind of stock found a readv sale at prices that were steady to 5c higher than vesterday. while the common to medium grades sold generally at prices that were steady to a little stronger than yesterday. BEEF STEERS. .o 14.. 4. to. A .1511 t 80 COW 8 11,101 7, 17,000 10.9&S 81.1.S 10.4:1 2S. 8. taJ 4.9o3 .li.MJ 11 fwo 4.1, i9 17,660 26.2m TO DATE. . 70 1 ht 1 to 2 , .. lal IK 4 12'2 I so ..1114 I 40 1 ll'M I 00 . aiu I lo I lit! I On .1U0 i ao HEIFERS. ..120 I 00 11 14a 2 JS BULIA ..::. to 1 To io .ltao t 76 1 1670 I 00 CALVES. .. IM 1 2H 8 71 i 71 A NO F5KDFRJI 114 I M -I 161 I Tl WESTERNS. COLORADO. 7 calves... 15S 6 i) 6 cows 894 2 36 1 bull 910 2 3 1 cow 910 I 35 7 heifers .- 612 $ 30 2 cows 1020 2 30 NEBRASKA. 11 cows 762 1 86 7 calves. .. 330 3 26 Ccows 891 2 40 8 calves... 810 2 75 2 cows 810 2c! 1 teeder... 9-'0 2 7 3 oval 75o I Oo 1 feeder... 850 2 75 1 cow 770 2 00 6 feeders.. 463 3 20 4 cows 787 2 00 4 feeders.. 576 3 a) $ cows 1006 3 26 1 feed.-r... 6) 3 20 4 cows 1026 2 00 3 calves... 3'v 3 26 4 cows 11 3 36 19 sieers,...10!8 4X6 5 cows 937 1 90 4 bulls 1245 2 10 2. feeders.. KaA 3 ' 19 cows lu.4 2 Mi 86 steers.. . 1113 3 60 80 feeders.. 10u8 3 60 1 bull 127U 2 00 4 feeders.. li0 2 75 8 cows 790 1 85 7 cows 811 I MONTANA. 11 Cows 283 4 26 30 feeders.. 1062 3 00 4 feelers.. 64 3 to 16 feeders. . 18 2 So WYOMING. 145 cows.. . 1014 $ 75 37 cos 8 122 J 71 15 cows 86 I 75 J. W Kellog-Colo. 14 feeders.. C 8 36 8 cows 7 2 20 4 f cedars. .8' 3 24 w; F. Coaly Wy 1 13 feeders.. T14 3 K 2 feed is.. 714 3 25 I feeders.. 1046 3 70 Coffee ft F I- eb. $7 stsers ...117. $ 88 1" f- -in a 1172 3 86 W. R IJve Si... k . '.. , I feeder.. Iv4$ I -4 J s'.-.-ei. ...L8 3 to .1110 15 E. Voss A Son Neh 10 feeders.. I7 8 15 27 feeders T. K. Propst Colo. 28 cows !2 2 46 Scows.... 21 cows..... S6 2 li 2 cows.... 840 3o 1 806 2 00 2 18 HOOt There mi a mnderste "in of hogs on the market today, about 111 en's being received. Of this number nine car were consigned direct to the packer". Whtn the trade opened this morning buy ers showed that they were out with 'lie Intention of buying the stock a nickel lower bv bidding $4 824 on the stuff In sight. Sellers were unwilling to take this price, and a little later prices Jumped C4 higher and the trade became quite s. tlve at $4 66. The market today was rather ftgnlnst the sellers, as there were weak reports from the most of ths other prin cipal market points. However, the supply at this point was not up to expectations, and then, too, there was a good demnnd for the stock that came in, witn tne result that the market waa active and a shade lower. There was not much attention paid to quality, and there was a great deal of hunching of sales. The bulk of the sales todav was at $4.04f4.K74. while a load of choice stock sold st $4.7i, day. Representative sales: the top for the No Ut... 71... It . SI.. M.. 45 . 4 ... tl . l. HO 17 feeders.. lono 8 To !s steers . rt. No r 4 0 1 tM MS 4 4 tc !! 14 ... 4 a 4 40 7! tM !A 4 6 4 62 44 34 IS 4 : o ?7 40 4 t 4 S 7 !S 870 4 44 4 S it 179 0 4 H 4 to 7 IU 440 4 45 4 (8 t Ml II 4 44 4 W 71 Is 4 : 4 4 l ST Ut !) IB III II IS SB IK 4 M W Kl 10 4 W 4 ti HO 4 4 4 IB Ml 1W ... 4 44 4 4H 47 74 140 4 U 4 44 II 4 4 I li IT 17 120 4 7 4 ( " H l.l 4 47 4 iS II 170 40 4 47 4 5 If'S S40 4 7 4 n li l' 80 4 7 4 a 16 ! ... 4 47 4 IS AO 1?7 40 4 17 4 M 7a !4t 4S 4 47 4 f. 64 I K 4 7 4 M n 4 17 4 S 17 10 0 4 7 4 l 17 14 Ot 4 7 4 45 64 746 40 4 7 4 45 40 kilt 4111 4 7 4 l& ill ... 4 S7V, 4 i 17 74 40 4 17 4 67 27 120 4 :., 4 M S 244 0 4 47 4 IS II 2K1 110 4 17 4 m a 2: to 4 ' 4 If. 74 2M 0 4 17 4 IS 7t 124 l 4 17 III 67 2112 ... 4 17 4 U !t II ... 4 IT 4 44 41 241 ad 4 47 4 M It 248 110 4 (7 4 I 70 117 10 I 47 4 it'. M t3 Id) 4 70 4 II 71 tl 40 4 70 4 4.1 71 Ill ... 70 4 U IJ ! . . 4 70 4 M 64 291 40 4 70 4 6 II 143 ... 4 70 4 (A II Ml ... 4 72 4 (6 74 213 ... 4 78 b run of sheep today whs large, being considerably . .t.m ..m ...tt . . . ""0 . sn ..ju ...Jf. ...Ml . . 1-1 ...R . .IM ...II . . . J.-.7 ...144 ...m ...in ...t71 ..KM .. .S M . . . ! ...Ml ...S .. ?l . .171 ...171 ...S4 .. J'H) ...!77 ...21 ...J0 ...140 ...J17 . . . t.'t ...: ...:j7 . . . SOT ...m ...'.;, ...Kit .. n. ...lit ...?7I ...m ...in . . .143 ...2R1 ...117 ...249 ...J7U ...K 110 130 so., so . M.. .. ; . 4 . 4. . 71.. 41 . 7.. 01.. .. U.. 47.. 4 . 44.. 4.. 1).. Ut.. 7.. 64.. 42.. 0 . 15.. 1.. 73. . 4 . (8.. 41 . Cs . 111.. M.. 4a.. kC. . e.. 7.. K4. , 67.. tf . 4A.. 4. . moderately larger than the run for the same day lust week and about twice as large as the re ceipts for the same day one year ago. Trains were In In good season this morn ing and the most of the stuff was In shape to be shown at an early hour. From this it might be expected that the trade on sheep was active, but on the contrary it was Inclined to he a little slow and dull. As waa the case yesterday there was a rather small run of fat sheep, the must of the stock consisting of feeders of only fair quality. As has been stated the receipts of fat stock were small and the packers were evidently wanting a little good stuff suit able for killing purposes. Buyers were out at the barns at an early hour and were buying good deBlrable killers at prices that were generally steady with yesterday's. There were a few loads or lambs on the market and they found ready sale at prices that were steady to strong. There was a good supply of feeders oil the market thin morning, imt the demand for the kind of stufT In sight was rather alow and dull. There were quite a lot of old feeder wethers on the market today and these did not find a very receptive market. There were a few country buy ers In, but they appeared to be looking for the better class of stuff, but In spite of the poor demand prices on feeders closed the day Just about steady with yesterday. Quotations on fat sheep and lambs: Good to choice fed lambs, 86.767.26; good tc choice range limns, t; . ;fr 7 1 s ; good to choice yearling wethers, 85.25&6.6'. good to Choice old wethers, $5.oui6.50; good to choice old ewes, $4.6oi&.00. Quotations on feeder sheep snd lambs: Good feeding, $5.26'ue.7t; good feeding year lings, 34.75fr5.26; good feeding wethers. 84 75 &6-00; good feeding ewes, $3.40&13.76; breed ing ewes. $4.267J4.S0. Representative sales: No. 208 Idaho ewes, feeders 631 Idaho ewes, feeders lo.i9 Idaho ewes, feeders 476 Wjoiulng ewes, feeders... 344 Idaho lambs 344 Idaho ewes 233 native Mexican wethers.. $40 Idaho lambs, feeders 614 Wyoming lambs, feeders. 516 Wyoming lambs 35 Wyoming ewe culls 650 Wyoming ewe feeders.... Aver. Price. M 2 50 95 3 50 liH 4 00 87 4 00 60 4 6) 106 4 60 100 6 36 64 5 2o 1:4 V 00 68 6 00 77 3 00 87 4 00 100 4 60 100 5 iU M 4.HK.ET 1 106 Wyoming ewes 449 native wethers CHICAGO LIVE 8 KICK Cattle Steady to Strong lings Lower Mieep Steady. CHICAGO. Nov. 21 C ATT LE Receipts, 6,000 head. Market steady to strong; com mon to prime steers, $2.9UTJ41.60; cows, $2.80 (14.26; heifers, $2,v6 lt; bulls, J2mtfM.ni; stockers and feeders, I2.liy4.16; calves, 12.00 Srv.oo. HOG8-Recelpts, 32.000 head. Market lower; choice to prime heavy, $481j4.95; medium to good heavy, $4.76)i4.8o; strong weight butchers. $4.85fi4.96; good to choice heavy mixed, $4 7'?i4 80; packing, $l.4fyj4.60. SHEEP AND LAM Bt4 Receipts. I8.O0O head. Market steady; lambs, higher; sheep, J3 .liiiobo: yearlings. io.oikov'O; spring tamos, 86.bor(j j.bO. Kansas City Live Ntoc-k Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 21 CATTLE Re celpts. 17.500 head. including 700 head southerns; market steaoy to 10c higher choice export and dresaed beef steers. $5.00 4i6.90; fan- to good. $3.504j 4.90; western steers, $2.7VJi4.60; stockers and feeders, $2.40 44.25; southern steers, $2.4ur4.00; southern cows, $1.7Ci4i3.oO; native cows, t l.TTi't 3. h: native belters. $25oj;4.85; bulls. $2.00y3. 50; calves. $2.ni 446.00. HOGS Receipts. 16.000 head; market steady to 5c lower; top, $1 24; bulk of sales, $l.70y4o; heavy. $1. 75j4. 824; pack ers, $4.75i9 4824; pigs and lights, U.Mtf 4.77U SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts. 3.500 head; market steady and active; unlive lambs. $5.25ii7.l6; western lambs, $5.2.'Wf 7.15; ewes and yearlings, $4.25'ti6.6o; western fed yearlings, $.V3546.60; wesiern fed sheep, $4 2fiio.6o; stockers and feeders, $3.5ool.5(i. HI. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. I.OUIS. Mo., Nov. 21. CATTLE Re ceipts. 4 600 head. Including 1 ,fcsj Teiiiiris; market sfuug; native shipping and x- fiurt steers. $4.Miif.5; dressed beef and nitcher steers. $3 7ofi6 .2fi; steers under I.") pounds. $3.7i4.7Ti; Blockers und feed ers, $2.1o4j3.&fi; cow s and heifers, $2 OKji 4 40; canners. $1,7542.00; bulls. $2.0iVu3 10; calves, $2fVxfi6.5i; Texus 11 lid Indian steers, $2 :i3 75; cow s and heifers, $2 ui:i 15. HOGS Ri-colpih. ll.ia") head: iiisik-t steady: pigs and lights, $4 4""U4 Ho; pack ers. $4.50'g4.sTi; butchers snd lest heavy, $4.7(iiiz4.90. S:EF;P AND LAMBS Receipts, I.nirt head: market weak; native muttons. $4.6"u5.40; lainhs. tb ilii' 35; ciiIIn und bucks, I2.7.VH4 78; stackers, $3.251j4.25; Trxans. $3. Viat.lS. SI. Joseph Live Mork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 21 CATTLE Receipts, 3.2.t hc.td; market steady to loc hlgher; natives, $3.tk'.i6 CO; cows and heifers. ft.a4ri4.iiti; Blockers and feeders. $2.75tl3.T5. IICXJS Receipts. 111.11 neau: inarnei weak to 6c lower; light. $4.6.714.75: medium and heavy, $4 7oi4.8"; bulk, $4 ?i7j4 774- SHEEP AND L AMI'S Receipts, s.iks head; market steadv: natlvs lambs. $7 i5; wethers, $5.25. ft loos City Llie Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Nov. 21 (Special Tele, gram ) CATTLE Receipts. 700 head; mar ket steady; tweves. $4 i 611; cows, bulls snd mixed, f2.0fii3.4i; stockers and feeder. 82 7663 7o; calves snd yearlings. $2 Vir3.40. HOGS' Receipts. 6.60O head; market steady, selling at $4 6 "ft 4. 76; hulk ef sales, $4 44 lock la Might. Receipts of live stock st the six prim ljml western markets yesterday: CBttle. Hots. Sheep. South Omaha Sioux City Kansas City . Si. Joseph St Uux 1 'bunco 'lotsls 6.634 7'w 17.6HO 3IJ1 4.5M 3a3 14.188 i'8 3.l.l 2.IWI 18.1K") I 5.K) I6.O1O l'l.Tl 11 iro K.Cio .37.754 17.419 10.727 tills anal Roalu. NEW YORK. Nov. 21.-OH.S-ill. fit 111: prime yellow. 28(2'.'.' t'o'.tonseen Turpeuliu? aea' . o4 :44 en. riTY. Pa. Nov 21 -01 1, -Credit sin nitnls, $7,924 this.; Li.ii..Lcs, $1 U, average. Mil bbls : runs, 17.4v nbls : m ersge, f.ii: bbls ; shipments. Lima, 84.6 ! bbls ; average. 6..t"iS bbls ; runs. I .Una, 1K.42 bbls : average. 40.SH.1 bb:. OMtllt WHtll.tSUE M4HKKT. toatlitlon of Trsda a a -J (Isolations nn Maple and Knuvy rrndare. EGGS Fresh receipts, csndled stock. 2-'e LIVE POULTRY Hens. S40: roosters, ic. turaey. l.-c, d icks. tHiK'vo; spring chick ens. H- ; aeee, Mi9". BUTTER racking slock. 15,c; choice tc fancy oalty, 184 19c; creamery, 21fj214c prints, 2lc SUGAR Htnndard gianulaled. In bbls., $6.01 per cw t. ; cubes, $8 1 per cwt.; cut loaf, $6.30 pe' twt. ; No. 6 extra C, b.ig or bbls.. 4 per cw t : .-o. 10 extra c. bags onlv, $4 70 per cwt.; No. 15 yellow, baps only. $4.68 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, $i per cwt. FRESH FISH-Trout. lnfllc; halibut, 13c buffalo, dressed. 9c; pickerel, dressed, 4o white boss, dressed. 12c; sunftsh. 6c; perch scaled and dressed, 8c; pike, 10c; cattish 1.1c; red snapper, lco: salmon 11c; crap pies. 12c: eels, lie bullheads, lie; blsck bass, fc.c: "!".. ile; frog legs pet os.. 36c; lobsters, green, i!7c: boiled lobster, i,V-; shsd roe. 4o titueflsh. 15c; herring. 4c. HAY Prices quoted by Omsha Feec company: No. 1 upland, $7; medium, $.jS. coarse. 16. RRAN Per ton. $14 50. TROPICAL FRUIT. OR ANGES California Navels, all slits $3 6n3 76: Florida, nil sixes. $.I.OOti3.36. LEMONS Lemonlcra. extrit tancy, 141 sixe. 46. .""0 and 360 sixes, $6.60. DATES Ir box of So l-lb pkgs., $?; Hallow en. in 7t)-lb boxes, oer lb.. 54c; walnuts, stuffed, l-lb. pggs , ." per dns. FIGS California, per 10-iB. c."-ton. 73tl 8.V, Imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 12o; 6 crown, 14c R ANANAS Per nicdluni-slgrd bunch, $1.76dj2.25; Jumbos. 12 h 3.00. FRUITS. PEARS Lawrence and Mount Vernon, $2 60; Ie Ango. $2 76. APPLES Hen Davis and Winesaps, In Shu. bbls., $4t: In bushel baskets, $1.26; California Betlflowers, 81 ; Colon.do Jona than and Grimes' Golden, $C.2b; New Yoik apples. 34 50 per bbl. OR A PES Tokays, per 4-husket crste, $2; Imported Maliigns. $S.5(n!6.00. CRANBERRIES Jersejs, $1100 per bbl; Bell and Bugle. $12 00 VEGETABLES. POTATOEP-.New. per bu.. 6oflr7nc. ONIONS lio. lie-grown yllw, red and whilu, per bu., 80c; Spanish, per crnte, $1 ;.V WAX DEANS Per bu basket, $3.60, string beans, per 4-bu. box. 2.'(S.ic. BEANS Navy, per bu., 31 l. CUCUMUEKS-Per bu.. $1 6fil 76 CABBAGE Home-grown and Wisconsin. In elates, per lb., 14c, i.'r KTS N'-w, per bu., 70c. c. t.LI-'.R Y Kalainsfcoo, per do,., 2.V. oWEET POTATOES-Vlrginla, per $ bu. bbl . $2 60. CAULIFI.OWER-Per crate, $3. TOMATOES-Callfornla. per crats of 20 lbs. $2.60. BEEF CUTS. Wholesale prices for beef cuts: Ribs No 1, 184c: No. 2. 84c; No. i, Round No. 1, 7c; No. I, 4o; No. 2. 64c. Ixins -No. 1, 164jc; No. 2, loc; No 3, 74c. Plates No. 1. 34c; No. 2, Si-; No. 8, 24c Chucks No. 1. 44c; No. 2. 84c; No. 3. 3c. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. $3.76; ir bbl., $6.76. HON EY New, per 24 lbs., $3.50. CHEESE Swiss, new, 15c; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmbergcr, 12c; twins. 144c; young Americas, 144c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 154c; hard shells, per lb., 134c Pecans, lingo, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb.. Sc. Chill walnuts, per lb., 124? 134c Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c: hard shells, per lb., 16c. Shellbark hickory nuts, per bu.. $2.26: luge hickory nuts, per bu , $1.60. Chestnuts, 15c per lb. Cocoanuts, $4.60 per sack of 100. HIDES No 1 green, 9c; No. 2 green. 8c; No. 1 salted. 104c; No. 2 salted. 94c; No. I veal calf, 11c; No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted, 7il4c; sheep pelts, 25cd$1.00; horse hides, $1.6tK(3.00. Coatee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 21. COFFEE Tho market for coffee futures opened steady at an advance of 6 points In sympathy with higher European cables and smaller Crnnary receipts. There was little fresh uylng, however, and a renewal of liquida tion soon eased the market ofT to a partial decline of five points, following which It ruled generally steady arid closed steady net unchanged to 6 points higher. Most of the business consisted of exchanges from near to lute positions and 118,000 hags of the business reported' represented switching. The total sales were 144.600 bags, Including December. 6 45c; Januar, 6.oc; March, e.oo-ic 85c; May, 7.00c; July, 16c; September, 7.4"li7.66c, and October, 7.4oi7 46c. 8pot Rio, quiet; No. 7 involve. 8 6 16c. Sugar anil Molnaaee. NEW YORK. Nov. 21. BUG A R Raw, firm; fair refining. 2 15-16c; centrifugal, -j; test. 34c; molasses sugar, 2 ll-lsc. Refined, steadv; No. 6, l.loc; No. 7, 4 07c; No. 8. 4.00c; No. 9, 8.95c. No. 10. 3.iic; No. 11. 3.85c; No. 12. 3.800; No. 13, 3.75c; No. 14. 3.75c; con fectioner's A, 4 5fc; mould A, 5.05c; cut loaf, 5.40c; crushed. 6.4oc; powdered, 48IK-; granu lated. 4.70c: cubes. 4.96c. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 21.-SUGAR-Qulrt: open kettle centrifugal, i 1-16.'; centrifugal whites, 34'rtJ4f-; seconds, 2t S 1-Hc. MoLARHKS Open kettle, 26':3e; centri fugal, 1(K(i27c. 8YRUP-24&28C. Philadelphia Prod ore Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 21.-BUTTER-Steady; extra western creamery, 24c; nearby prints, 26c. r.GGS Firm; nearby, fresh, loss off, 3I-. nearby fresh and western fresh, :10c at mark. CHEESE Firm but quiet; New York full cream, 12i(14c. RK 41, K STATE TR ANSFERS. The following real estate transfers were recorded on November 21: WARRANTY DEEDS. J. O. Megeath to E. E. Howell, s4 lot 34. Windsor Place $ too Elmer Cochran snd wife to same, 60x140 feet in sw sw 21-15-13 Sol) E. C. Jones und wife to Frances Franxel, lot II. block 4, Boggs ft Ha Second Ad 1.150 A. T. Potler and wife lo Fannie D. flhugart, lot a. block 117, Dundee Place 525 Elizabeth C. Gruham and liusbund to Wolf Bros. A Co., north 34 feet of south 122 6 f.-et of west 165 feet, lot 'm. 8. E. Rogers' Okahotna S,&i0 O. F. I 'avis Co. to dura M' Cardle, west 33 feet lot 8, block 3, Saunders ft lis Ad 10 James Richardson. Jr., und wife to W. E. Marl in. lot 21. block H. S. E. Rogers' All S Albert Joniischell to Amelia Murphy, lot 16, block 2, First Ad. to Missouri Avenue Park 1 Anna Hkanla to F. W. Fogg, lot 2, block SI. South Omaha 8.'i QUIT CLAIM HEEL'S. Ellrulieth ('. Graham and liiifclmnd (o Wolf Bros, ft Co., east 14 feet of In. I 111 33 feet of south 1224 feet of west 17SI fed. lot 26, 8. K. Rogers' Okahoiua 1 DEEDS. W. K. Potter (reel to F. J. Burkley. lots 3 and 4. him k VM. Omaha 9.7..0 Total amount of transfers $.15,679 PRIVATE WIrVs) Von Dorn Grain Co. Mesnbsr Chicago Board of Trade Omaha Grain Exchangs. Grain and Provisions bought and sold for cash or future deliver Receivers und Shippers. 21$ and 220 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. Tel. lout OMAHA. F. D. Day & Co. Mealere la Stocks. Grain. I'rovisloni kbln Veer Gratia lo la raarli ur.ee. IIU-HI 8aar4 of Trails Hid., flanaga. X -e. releolirwse SB 1 4. 217-214 Kxchsng S-dg.. South Omahs Sell 'Phone 21a "'Aeoetidenl 'Pnune 1 TAN HIDES -F-nl ua roiir ll'Hia an4 a will las tkaiu For Kobe 6V4.A4) Tna lor oat $4.t" Lined Robe f 3 IUI Make Coat 8.04 Wa laa Ua HI4 fur Har saas aa4 Lara Laatnrr Wa guaraotaa baat wark la tlia aata. SaaS far fri-i l.m a an SnKi.ii. Tara. a sal for Hiea aa 9-wrn. ralar aaa I rrm eamssl aesk. - Otfliki Robe it Tiooiaf C., Hickory aud Zu4 Mis. Ouisha, Neb.