Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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a mow
itjg Made sufficiently thick to
a stand ordinary use requires
9 much told. This Is where
the expense comes In. It Is
also -where the deception
comes in, for thick crown
and thin one look exactly
alike on the out aide. You
cannot tell the difference for
a year or two, then, If not
enough cold was used, a
hole appears, and the tooth
underneath begins to decay.
I make erowns that last.
Send stamp for pamphlet.
A Reliable Dentist
t a Reasonable Few.
US Bee Bide.
"efnne to Order Mea Back to Warlc
oa Contract af B. O.
The members of Carpenters' union No.
247 met In their hall In the Labor Temple
isst night, where a referendum vote was
taken to decide whether the union would
support the action of Its executive com
mittee In their reply to the resolutions sub
mitted to the carpenters' organization by
the Contractors' Association of Douglas
county. The text of the contractors' reso
lution la aa follows:
Resolved. That unless the two union car
penters who were pulled off Mr. B. O.
Hamilton's work November 8 by the walk
ing" delegate of Carpenters' union No. 247,
because Mr. Hamilton refused to hire none
but union men, are ordered back to work
for Mr. Hamilton within Un days from the
late of this notice, the Contractore' anno
tation will cease to employ union men.
To. this the executive committee made the
'ollowlng- reply I ant Saturday afternoon:
After due consideration of the facta at
ur command aa to E. O. Hamilton's
rtetnods and treatment of some of our
nemhera, recently In his employ, our nr-,-anlratlon
has voluntarily agreed to dls
ontjnue working for said E. O. Hamilton
mtii such time as we are eatisned that he
vlll accord us Just treatment and not for
he reason stated In your resolution.
We do not assume the right to deprive
i.ny member of tils civil rights by com
piling blm to work for any employer
gainst his wishes. If your association
tea fit to uphold Hamilton In assuming
hat right, we stand prepared. If need be,
o submit our cause to public criticism.
The union was well represented by its
nrmbershlp and It was voted to support
he action of the executive committee in
he matter of the above reply. It Is,
herefore, fully determined that the two
uen will not be put back to work for E.
), Hamilton within the stipulated, ten days
nentioned in the contractors' resolution.
The statement of the prealdent was: "We
lave nothing more to say. Our organlza
lon has voted to support its committee."
Surprise far Hev. J. B. Prleat.
Rnv. J. B. Priest, pastor of the Howard
street Methodist Episcopal church, met
vlth a handsome surprise yesterday after
Kon. About fifty members of the congre
:ation dropped In during the afternoon,
rlnglng their baskets with them for a
tenulne old-fashioned good time. The oc--aslnu
waa the twenty-third anniversary
.f the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Priest,
t was also the lilrthdny of each. The conf
lany enjoyed themselves to the fullest de
tree for three hours or more. The pastor
leclared It waa one of the most pleasant
experiences of Ills life.
Illustrated by F. C. Yohn in colore.
This beautiful story belongs to the succession of Christ
mas stories headed by Dickens's "Christmas Carol."
1lliiarl k IT n Steele
' One of the author's best
reader' interest from start
Decorations by Leyendecker, printed in tint.
This fine poem will rank among; the author's most notable
Illustrated by Walter Appleton Clark.
A love story in allegorical form shewing; how courses and
hope may unseat ven the blackest care.
reveillon By VY. S MOODY
Illustrated by Alonso Kimball.
A Christmas story of Paris. The heroine is a loyal aad
delightfully unconventional American girl.
Illustrated by W. J. Aylward.
The story of an old sea
under the most trying circumstances.
Fully illustrated. An artist's apprsciatiea of one of the
- - a - -4. iL.l l : j i
Illustrated by George Wright.
The second instalment of this stirring serial.
A story with aa exceptional situation and a vivid charac
terization of a certain type of man of the world.
continual By NELSON LLOYD
One of the author's drollest and most ingsnions stories.
An essay pointing out the surprising frequency of certain
situations ia action and the drama.
A vivid impression of the great Sues Canal. Illustrated
by Jules Cseria,
Mr. Yohn's very notable drawings accompanying Mrs.
Burnett's story and Mr. McCartePs beautiful decora tie
drawings accompanlng Mr. Walsh's poem. "The Peni
tents," are printed In full color. Mr. Leyendecker's draw
Ings for henry van Dyke's poem and Mr. Wright's accom
panying The Tides of Barnegst " are printed In tint.
The colored cover Is from a drawing by Blendon Campbell.
23 osnt m numbf $3,00 a yor
, Charles Scrlbner's Sens, uier, New YorK
Union Pacific Will Bpsnd Three-Quarters ot
Million to ImproTs.
All Trarka WHkli (It, larladlas
Mala Mae, Will Be Rearranged
and Additional Rail
Will Be I.aH.
Attorney Charles Dundey of the lnlon
Pacific Railroad company was in the city
Tuesday looking over some of the im
provements now being made by the
Union Pacific. During a convers.-ftlon with
city officials and others, Mr. Dundey said
It was the Intention of the Union Pacific
to spend not less than $750,000 In snd about
South Omaha' within the next twelve
months. Among the Improvements In
eluded In this estimate are the passenger
station, now In course nf construction, the
building of a large freight depot on Rail
road avenue Just north of O street, and
the viaduct across the tracks at V street.
Surveyors still were engaged Tuesday in
making memoranda, setting stakes and in
planning the course of the new bridge.
The western terminus st Twenty-seventh
and T streets hss prsetleally been agreed
upon, while the east end of the bridge
will be at Twenty-fourth end U streets.
This structure will be something over 1,100
feet In length and Is to bebullt of steel,
resting on concrete piers. In addition to
this work all of the tracks Inside the
city limits, aside from thsSnnln line tracks,
will be rearranged end additional tracks
built. More trackage room Is absolutely
necessary. Then there Is the work to be
done In South Omaha on the viaduct to
be built across the east boulevard in con
nection with the cut-off to Elkhorn. The
building of this cut-off double track line
will bring a large number of workmen to
South Omaha and vicinity, as will also
the construction of the two viaducts men
tioned and the building of the two depots.
The money for these Improvements has
been appropriated, said Mr. Dundey, snd
the construction Is to be pushed as rapidly
as material can be secured and the weather
will permit.
Obligations Soon Dae.
There will be due at the state fiscal
agency December 1 Interest on bonds
amounting to $8,410. Among the interest
items due Is $1,125, semi-annual Interest on
$&0,000 Intersection paving bonds Issued lsst
year and drawing 4H per cent. Then there
Is the payment of $1,950 Interest on $78,000
viaduct bonds issued In 1896 and drawing
S per cent. Interest on $ft2,000 sewer bonds
Issued In 1899 amounts to $1,550. To pay
Interest on $117,000 funding bonds Issued
last year $3.32 must be provided. Sewer
district bonds makes up the total to be
forwarded to the fiscal agency. In order
to pay the interest due it will be necessary
to draw a warrant on the Interest fund
for I8.992. At the next meeting of the
council the city clerk will tie Instructed
to draw this interest warrant In order
that the money may be In New York City
not later than December 1.
That Transfer Orrtlnnnre.
Councilman John Klewlt has expressed a
desire a number of times to have tne city
attorney bring action sgainst he Omaha
& Council Bluffs Street Railway com
short stories,
to finish.
It holds the
captain's faithfulness to duty
pany to compel the giving of transfers to
all parts of the city. Some weeks ago sn
ordlnsnce waa passed providing that the
company must, upon request, give trans
fers all over the city. Monday tvenlng
Councilman Klewtt called up the matter
again and was Informed City Attorney
Lambert was too busy In court at present
to begin act kin to compel the enforcement
of the ordinance. Mr. Klewlt suggested
that additional assistance be provided for
the city attorney's office, but the other
members of the council did not see fit to go
to this expense snd so that matter will
most likely drag along until there Is a lull
In the business now before the courts,
flelnlna Oat Improvement Clan.
In compliance with a request from mem
bers of the Highland Park Improvement
club the city council has directed the
drafting of a number of ordinances pro
viding for the laying of cinder or brick
sidewalks on Twenty-seventh street from
A street as far north as J street. The
club members declare thst In msny places
there are no walks at sll and in others
the old wooden walks are being torn up
and carried away for kindling. There Is
considerable travel on this street to and
from the stock yards and packing houses
and residents In the northern portion of
the city are anxious to have walks laid
before winter weather prevents. Another
thing the club wants, especially In the
northern part of the city ia a uniform
width of permanent walks. As the ordi
nance now reads property oa-ners may put
down four, five or six-foot walks, ,'ust as
they please. It la for the purpose of Im
proving the sppesrsnce of the streets that
a uniform width of walk is desired.
Fort Crook Meats.
As far as the Omaha Electric Light and
Power company Is concerned everything
Is ready to turn on the current for the
lighting of Fort Crook. The line to carry
the current Is completed snd extends from
the electric light company's terminal sta
tion at Twenty-third and M streets to the
fort. An eastern concern has the con
tract for wiring the fort buildings and
grounds and this work was to have been
completed by November 1, but the chances
are that It will be December 1, oefore the
lights can be turned on. Two heavy bare
copper wires carry the current from South
Omaha to the fort. This line Is well con
structed snd the poles have been placed
near enough together to prevent trouble
on the wires during stormy weather. The
garrison at Fort Crook Is snxlous for the
electric lights to be turned on as lamps
are now used all over the fort.
Maarle City Coasla.
City Attorney Lambert Insists that the
Thirtieth street paving bonds are legal.
For the first time In quite a while not a
single case was before the police judge yes
terday. There was a liberal run of sheep at the
stock yards yesterday, the receipts being
17. AO head.
The marriage of Wylle S. Heald and Miss
Josephine Ilalpln is snnounced for No
vember JO.
George Parks. Twenty-fifth and D streets.
Is again laid up with a severe attack of
A daughter has been born to Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. D. Randolph, 21 North Twenty
second street.
More men can find employment at fi per
day by applying to Contractor Parks on
the Twenty-fourth street paving.
H. L. Levy, son of Judge Levy, has re
signed his position at Armour's and will
engage In business at Nebraska City.
Floyd McKay, Twenty-third nnd M
atreets, has returned home after ependlng
about three months with relatives in Chi
cago. The tea given by the Toung Men's Chris
tian association auxiliary at the home ol
Colonel and Mrs. C. M. Hunt Tuesday
afternoon waa a very pieasani areair.
lleceptlon Given at Brnndels' Grentlj
Enjoyed by the Reception Com
mittee and Others.
The reception given the hoop skirt girls
from the "Johnny Comes Marching Home"
troupe at J. L. Brandels & Sons' store yes
terday drew an interested crowd which fol
lowed the young ladles through the store
and watched them closely as they tried to
combine shopping with hoop skirt manipu
lation. While the reception was designed prim
arily to Interest the women shoppers the
appearance of the Dixie girls of the 60' a
nearly stampeded the male employes at
Brandela. A committee of six young men
In the store had been appointed to re
ceive the ladies. When Miss Mills and Miss
Sibell appeared their picturesque costumes
only served to set off more strongly their
beauty of feature and for nearly a half
hour the attentions of the impressionable
committee were so marked that the regular
shoppers scarcely got within looking dis
tance. At the end of a half hour the pro
prietors of Brandels' store relieved the
male committee of their congenial duties
to allow the business of the store to pro
ceed more smoothly.
The crinoline girls remained for ever two
hours at Brandels. They took lunch in the
tea room and posed for several pictures.
The Uouda Pottery
displayed In Mawhlnney & Ryan's art
rooms has artistic charms that please all
who have an eye" for the beautiful. We are
also showing jasper and black' basaltes,
wedgwood, delft, rookwood. Van Brlggle and
other beautiful art goods, as well as a
large stock of brsss goods, sny of which
will make a beautiful Christmas gift.
Union Pacifio'i Route to Capital Shortened
bj Lsns Bo4.
When Thla Short Line la Completed
Marrlman People- Expert to
Compete with Their
Friend, Mill.
The cut off of the l.nion Pacific from
South Oman to Lane will shorten the main
line of the road ten miles as well as cut
off ten miles of the t'nlon pacific between
Omaha and Lincoln. It Is now planned to
put a motor car in service between Valley
and Lincoln and possibly Beatrice for the
preeent end when the cut on is complete
a motor csr service will be 'established
between Omaha and Lincoln.
The motor service on the Callaway branch
has been such sn Immense success that all
of the branch lines are clamoring for the
tervlce. Traveling men, who formerly
rode In the dusty cabooses on this branch
are now enabled to ride In as fine and
dustless a car as ever hit the rails. Motor
csr No. 4 will be out this week snd the
others will follow as fast as the machinery
can he Installed.
Mahler Ooes to Const.
Oenersl Manager Mohler of the Union
Pacific, accompanied by his secretary, B.
R. Toucey, left Tuesday for Portland in
connection with some private businesa
affairs. Mr. Mohler said:
"My visit to Portland has no significance
from a railroad standpoint. I am simply
going to straighten out some private mat
ters. "Incidentally, I would say the Union Pa
cific Is building the line from North Platte
to Northport as fast as the contractors
can get the men and teams to do the
work. Some steel already haa been laid
and the work will be pushed as rapidly as
possible. Other Improvements under way
by the Union Pacific will be hurried along
and Omaha will be called upon to furnish
a great many men to do the work planned
by ua .
"No successor to Mr. Huntley has been
appointed and no one has been considered
up to date, as we have had our hands too
full since my return from New York even
to think about It."
Biggest Shops in Country.
The new shops as planned by the fflclaN
of the mad will give the Union Paclflc the
most complete and extensive shops of any
In the country. The Santa Ke shops mey
look larger to a casual observer, but that
Is because the buildings are larger and the
roofs more expansive. The local shops will
have aeveral Important features which the
Tcpeka shops do not possess. Several of
the different shops contemplated will sur
pass anything In the country. Superintend
ent McKeen is enthusiastic over the pros
pects nf the new shops and Is anxiously
awaiting the completion of the new loco
motive plant as well ss the car shops.
All sorts of cars also will be built at h-
now plant and the motor cars will not he
overlooked In the new shops.
Bolldlns; Stirs tp Business.
Railroad gangs at work on the Union
Pacific snd Burlington extensions In Ne
braska along the North Platte are calling
for a largo number of laborers In that sc-
Jon and are also greatly raising: the price
f farm lands in that vicinity.
Many men and teams sre now employed
icar Sutherland on the construction of the
north river extensions of both the Bur-
Ington and Union Paqiflc. Several hun-
lred yards of steel have been laid out of
O'Falloris by the Union ' Paclflc, which Is
ilso to put In new rails in place of tho
old along the main line In that vicinity.
The old steel will be used on part of tho
new line.
The headquarters of W. C. Bradbury,
who has the contract for building the
Union Pacific gTade on the Hershey-North-port
extension, are located in Sutherland,
and the shipments of laborers and grading
outfits are In many Instances sent there
and later distributed over the proposed
route. v
Willow River Railway.
A meeting was held In Magnolia last
week to consider the advisability of raising
115,000 and granting the right-of-way to the
Willow River railway, which it is esti
mated could be built for 110,000 a mile,
standard guage. Farmers have expressed
a willingness to take from $500 to (2,000
in stock. After a few hours' deliberation
A. Edgecomb, J. S. Dewell and J. B. Lyon
of Missouri Valley, J. D. Stuart. Frank
Hill and W. W. Latta of Magnolia, H. B.
Kllng, L. W.' White and George Klbler of
Woodbine were made a promoting com
mittee to canvass the matter and, If
thought best, to make or have made a pre
liminary survey, then call another meet
ing. Cedar Rapids has a line of thirty miles
In operation, which Is soon to be extended
to touch Muscatine and other river towns.
The cars sre regular sixty-foot cars with
baggage compartment. They carry fifty
people, ten tons of baggage, mall and ex
press snd run from twenty to fifty miles
per hour, stopping at way atatlons for
farmers' produce, freight and passengera
- Makbg Shaving
I in
1 i M I hi
Here's a list of men's furnishings
specially priced for today
Htyliah Neckwear 2.V Men's Xrrkwosr Special lot
of men's teck shape and four-ln-hsnds, made of new
fall silks, In medium and dark colors, every "C
pattern made to sell at 60c choice for JC
Stylish Shirts 1 Men's Kancy Shirt New Knll and
Winter Kblrts. with separate or attached cufTs, soft
or stiff bosom. In neat stripes, figures and spots,
medium and dark colors most perfect f ((
shape and fitting shirt sold 1UU
Fall l"nlerwear 7.V -Men's Fall Vnclcrwear Men's
medium weight natural gray Merino Underwear, K
wool, fine and sofl, strictly nonshrlnkable an ex
cellent weight for early fall wear f P
garment. ., DC
j rTst SWkiaI
Fifteenth liTTr,;. V''F" 111 f00
It is designed to make these lines feeders
to the big trunk lines.
It Is for such service as this that Mr.
McKeen Is building his new mbtor cars.
Northwestern Oat of l.lnroln.
A special committee has been appointed
by the Commercial club of Lincoln to ar
range a meeting with the officers of the
Northwestern road to urge the Northwest
ern to extend Its line from Lincoln to
Beaver Crossing, or some point In tTiat
vicinity on the line to Superior. The North
western has owned a right-of-way out of
Lincoln for some time. It Is understood
this road was contemplated some time ago.
hut a territorial agreement with the Bur
lington stopped operations. Since the In
vasion of Northwestern territory by the
Burlington and another proposed invasion
It Is thought the Northwestern will con
sider the agreement at an end and may be
Induced to build the line, which would tap
a rich country and be a good feeder to Lin
coln. Traction Contract Agreed On.
It Is understood the Lincoln Traction
company and the Lincoln representatives
of the Interurban have at last come to an
understanding and agreed upon a contract,
which will be sent to Cleveland for tho
signatures of the head officials of the In
terurban. Neither party has given out In
formation relating to the terms of the deal,
but it is understood that all suits now
pending will be held In abeyance until It Is
known whether Cleveland officers of the
Interurban will sign.
Appraisers appointed by the court to
name damages oiVurrlng to the Lincoln
Traction company by reason of the Interur
ban crossing the line of the former at R
atreet met yesterday and decided to report
to the court that damages should be fixed
at $30. "
Kntertnlnlns; aa Hnrmr,
Don't entertain a chronic, running sore
or wound. Cure it with Bucklen's Arnica
Balve. 25c; guaranteed. For sale by Sher
man & McConnell Drug Co.
Via ChlcasTA CSrent Western Railway.
Fare and one-third for the round trip to
points within 300 miles. Tickets on sale
November 29 and 30. Final return limit
December 4. For further information ap
ply to 8. D. Parkhurst, general agent, 1012
Farnam atreet, Omaha, Neb.
Wabash Rntlroad.
The following changes made In passen
ger train service effective November li,
No. 14, St. Louis Express, daily.... 6:30 pin
No. 1, St. Louis Express, dally 1:40 am
No. 4, Stanberry Local, daily ex
cept Sunday 0:00 pin
No. 6, St. Louis Local, daily 9:13 am
No. 3, Western Express, dally 10:30 pm
No. 6, Stanberry Local, dally ex
cept Sundoy 11:30 am
For all Information call at Wabash City
Office. 16U1 Farnam street, or sddress
Harry E. Moores, Q. A. P. D., Omaha,
Sir Knights, Attention
Th Order of the Temple will be conferred
Wednesday, November 22, IPS; Friday, No
vember 24, 1905, at 7:30 p. in.
A Nice Christmas Gift Till December 1
we give with each dozen of regular priced
photos, from $4 up, bne extra portrait in
a beautiful mexso portfolio. II. Heyn,
photographer 318 to . 322 South ISth St.,
west side of street, two-story building.
Write Mawhlnney ft Kvan lor 1905 Christ
mas Jewelry catalogue. It's trea.
Third week of Samuel Burns' reduction
flaap to Be Ilnrird In North.
The body of Michael Clapp. who died
Monday at the Wise Memorial hospital,
has been taken to the man's family at
Minneapolis for burial. Mr. Clapp was
superintendent of construction work at the
new Crowell elevator, Thirteenth and Ohio
streets. A week ago he fell and sustained
a fractured skull. A brother from Okla
homa accompanied the body to Minne
apolis. Fonnrt t nronarlons b Tracks.
Orvllle W. Clark, living at Twentieth and
Dorcas Ftreets. was found lying beside the
Union Pacific tracks at Fifteenth and Marcy
stn-ets last night at 6:30 o clock. It is
thought he whs walking on the lower tracks
when the Illinois Central train backed
Cery shoe fault
isn't or the out
side. Shoes, like
men. must be
used to b e appre
ciated. Crossett shoes
are what you see them
flawless. Leautlful
and comfort itself.
If yauf atealor sloaa not ka.a them, we will son any evle aa
ocolptof prloewtth li: asaitlsnel to y fnrwaidlng ehargoa
some, striking
Imported linen
'plain colored
sizes 4 to 10
down on him. He was taken to the police
station, stil! unconscious, where lie was ex
amined. There was only one contusion on
the body, which was over the temple. This
did not appear to he severe, still the man
was unconscious and remained so sfter he
was tHken to his home. Dr. A. B. Muck
attended him there and was of the opinion
that thre was a concussion of the brain.
It has not developed how severe this will
prove to be.
Dangerous Coughs, Colas, Bore Throats
are quickly cured by Dr. King's New Dis
covery. 5cc and $1.00; guaranteed. For sale
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Announcements of the Theaters.
"The Grafter" In the person of "Hap"
tt'a.J lit.. t 1 -. . , . -.. 1 ... Ml L.
I.. ." , ' r, ...
ine attraction at tne Krug tneater ror two
nights and one matinee, starting with a
matinee today. This Is the Hrst starring
tour of Mr. Ward and one may rest as
sured that nothing has been left undone to
make good. The new vehicle la promised
to have a well-defined story filled with
farcical complications, good musical num
bers and well-staged chorus evolutions.
The company Is one of fifty people and In
cludes such well known people as Lucy
Daly, William Friend. William Maxwell.
Donald Harold. Charles Bates, Tony Will
iams, Richard Barry, May Thompson and
a chorus of forty.
The Spook Minstrels at the Orpheum Is
not only making the "hit" of the week,
but. judging from the applsuse and com
ment. Is Just about oa pleasing as anything
that has been seen at the popular vaude
ville theater. It la a novelty In the way of
a motion picture given more than ever the
semblance to real life by the addition of
the human voice and other effects. At the
finish of the picture the quintet come be
fore the screen and so well do the audi
ences like their vocal numbers that It
requires the rendition of a In If dosen
songs to quiet the demonstration.
"When Johnny Comes Marching Home"
will conclude Its engagement at the Boyd
with two performances today, a matinee
and evening. The next attraction will be
"The School Girl," which opens on Sunday
night. This Is another of the successes
of last season In New York and the season
before In London. Its music la by Leslie
Stuart, who wrote the muslo for "Floro
dora," and the book la by Henry Hamilton
snd Taul M. Potter. The production Is ths
original and the company Is strong.
"Shenandoah" Is scoring a great success
at the Burwood this week, the production
under the direction of Mr. Long being a
most appropriate and capable representa
tion of the fine play. The next matinee
will be for the benefit of women who shop
on Thursday. This has proven a most
acceptable Institution, not only among the
Omaha women, but for those who come In
from out of town.
S-K wedding rings. Eflnoim. Jeweler.
en the lino of the Chicago Great Western
railway li Iowa, Missouri, Illinois and
Minnesota for business men, professional
men and manufacturers. Openings for
nearly all lines In live towns on a pro
gressive railway, affording a "square deal"
for all. Maps, Maple Leaflets, Town Talk
and full information given on request to
Industrial Department, C. O. W. Railway,
St. Paul, Minn., or E. B. Maglll, manager
Townstte Department, Omaha. Neb.
Third week Sam'l Burns' reduction sale.
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. TsL 1221
Msrrlase Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have
Name and Residence.
Harry Rodman. New York City
... V
... Zi
... a
... 21
... 25
... 20
... 2
... 24
... 14
... 19
... jr.
... 19
... 21
... 16
i Edna Cans, Baltimore, Md
Jesse P. Benjamin, Dunlap, Ia
Elsie J. Cook, Crawford county, Neb.
Charles A. Flood, South Omaha
Temple Walding, Omaha
Albert Welninger, Omaha
Delia K. Osborne. Omaha
William H. Cornell. Omaha
Anna K. Harach, Ottumwa, Ia
Harry L. Rothe, Omaha
Clella M. Reeser, Omaha
Fred Kaiser. South Omaha
Marie Kudoiui. South Omaha
Robert E. Rnsellua, Brook field. Mo
Florence J. Siemm, Omaha
William F. Malta. Omaha
Mary A. Pelican. Omaha
Michael P. Frennan. 8outh Omaha
Grace A. O'Loughlln. South Omaha...
Teter Bogacs, Omaha
Catherine Derek. Omaha
Robert B. Hall. Onaga. Kan
Margaret C. Murray, South Omaha...
... 2S
... 3
... It
... II
... $7
... 24
... 24
... 27
" Every'one's faults are not
written on his forehead."
00 H
Fam jr Handkerchiefs a for 1!.V .Men's Fancy Printed
Handkerchiefs Special line of fancy printed linen
finished hemstitched Handkerchiefs, very Hand
patterns, copied from 50c
patterns, 2 for 2."So each.
Kid Gloves $1 Men's Ircs!.cd tiloves "Adler's" fine
French Kid Gloves, in regular and cadet cut, per
fect fitting styles In the newest shades of tans,
offered fi(
or browns best glove values ever 1UU
Hoys' Sweaters 25c Boys' Fancy Wool Sweaters
Special lot of boys' and children's fancy striped and
Duster Brown Sweaters
Farnim St.
Three, rtnntired people Tarn Oat to
Greet Rev. I. actus (X
Bnlrd. . .
A reception was tendered last evening to
Rev. Lucius O. Balrd and wife. Mr. Balrd
la the new pastor of St. Mary's Avenua
Cnngrt gatinnal church. There were fully
3O0 people In attendance, among whom were
a number of pastors of other city churches.
In the receiving line were Mrs. Noah
Berry. Prof. A. II. Waterhouse, Rev.
Daniel E. Jenkins of Omaha and Dr. F. 8.
Bteln of Lincoln.
The occasion waa a most pleasant one
and both pastor and parishioners availed
themselves of the opportunity to become
International Live Stork Ktposltlon.
CHICAGO, DFJC. 1S-23, 1906.
, For the above occasion the Chicago
Great Western Railway will sell tickets
to Chicago at only one fare, plus 12, for
the round trip. Tickets on sale December
II to 19, Inclusive. Ilnal return limit De
cember 24. For full Information opply to
S. D. Parkhurst, general agent, lull Far
nam street, Omaha, Neb.
Army Wants Taxes Remitted.
Representatives of ths Salvation Armv
sill go before the city council tonight
with a communication to have rescinded
taxes for 19(4 which hxve been assessed
against the property which they occupy
at Seventeenth and Davenport streets.
I'nder the law no property occupied by n
religious body or for religious purposes
Is taxable, and It is claimed taxes have
bean paid on this property for a number
of years during the time It was used bv
the Salvation Army. It seems the leaders
nf the army have Just waked up to the law
In the case.
Cream Charlotte
The Pure
For the sVia there is no preparation
o eiisetiv and yet so Jtlicste in its
It brings ths bloom snj rosy radiant
ckarm of a perfect complexion.
D Jesn Perfumery Co.
Rewuhlie BldV Criica1
lor sale In Omaha by Boston Store,
so perna ino jir,
Try the Wast U
Columns of Tbs Sasv
Have your plumbing and heating jone by
competent men. We cheerfully give esti
mates and guarantee our work to give en
tire satisfaction. 'Phones No. 1, 4'"
and Red-T7S.
li to.,
J910 Farnam Street. OMAHA.
geaa Cmichotm km&usm
SSM I r li ii .n sr aa n sr. ..avr s-SJ
ia kr t4 4 lei mim Wm smii
! t-. nsMas 1 Katsr. r-fStas)
Hat sVssWkil siliuss m4 lswltgv
Itsssi ft l 'HI- S4 4.
-- r Fr-a-Mist-, Tsnftl sssaiLn
as M ! - ltsjsH'ks is., rs
tmr tUaai 1 .! fMHSSK aVs4 SS
sa ( blrksssVsr e am ssjgai 4
rjfjErery SeaUd Psclagskl
if Lownoy'a
J Chocolate Donbona I
V I ha s repuUhoa behind k and kB
f 1 warranted to best prune soaiiihos W I 1
I 1 money refunded. A guarantee slip ts 1 I
I each package ol hatf-pouad or saosa. 1 I
I f J1k purity el malarial, aelenasell
l xctne4 and terupulowt oars in presaf If
W ing maks this guarantee passible. U
Jjk ft fsa-sty Pmckae sr full WttgH, i
M k Th Walter . Lwa7 Ca 0 B
B Bastes, . & B