Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Ee L. 0. Baits' Openi Paitor&ts wits
GtroBg Berinon ei DiTinitj.
Rrr. Dr. Murk Presents Some nher
fttartlfns; statistics on the FalllnK
Off of ( ontrlbattoaa to (
of Home Mlnloni,
Urv. J,. O. Pslrd proachd the first sr r
mrm of hi pastorate at Bt. Mary's Avenue
Coiis,regtionsl church Sunday nmrnltiK.
He took for hi suhject six words from
r.nii'i first pplntlft to Timothy, "The Church
nr the Living GoO."
vOnc I lm;tnrl Ood was dad," he
said, "and thT swmpd to take hold on
rti" a certain Indescribable feeling of un There was all about me that strange
furling which has corn to some of us when
n loved one was passing away Into the
xrmt unknown. It seemed that the news
tors on the street were calling out extras,
ml 'when I looked at the papers. I 4w
the big headlines, Ood Is Dead." Then
the men forgot their bargaining and every
thing they were doing and rushed away.
'If God Is dead,' they Bald, 'tho sun may
not ' rise on the morrow, and nothing Is
sure. Let ir.e go home to my family and
taks my little boy on my knee and press
a kiss on my wife's Hps while yet I may.'
"And through these Imaginings the hor
ror of a, dead God so took hold on me that
T said, 'God la alive. Men do believe In a
living God."
"He U alive for If He could die. He would
not Be all powerful. I'd rather have an
apparently contradictory philosophy which
cannot explain the place of evil In the
world than to have a limited God.
"In all my life I have failed to find any
considerable rtumbpr of people who do not
believe In Ood. Ton cannot get aldng with
out the fundamental fact that there Is a
great living God. I care not whether He
comes to you through the Intellect, through
rreat feeling flooding the soul, or through
the will. I care" not how the Impulse came
to you, but somehow, sometime, I believe
there has entered your soul the feeling
that - life would not be worth living were
it not for h God who lives.
"How Impossible It ta to establish In a
community, a church, built on anything
but the crops of Christ, that will tear away
the doubts and clouds and raise men up to
heaven. . you may establish a lecture course
In the pulpit, you may organize a fraternal
order or a social circle, but these do not
muke a church. A real church must have
the divine thrill, which comes from a
knowledge of the living God.
"How powerful is the thought of God.
When the. news came to New York that
Lincoln was dead, and men by thousands
surged through the streets bent on doing
damage to those who had spoken tO.glitinsly
of their loved leader, Garfield stepped out
on a balcony, and waiving the stars and
stripes, said to the mob, 'Fellow citizens,
God reigns and the government at Wash
ington still lives." The people were stopped
on the spot by his words. They thought
of judgment, of Justice, of God, and the
danger was averted."
Her, Dr. Clarke Insists More Generoaa
Response Most Ha Made.
In his sermon on "America for Christ,"
delivered at the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian
church Sunday morning, the Rev. A. S. C.
Clarke gave aome Interesting statistics
which showed that, while this western
country la getting more prosperous each
year, the contributions for home mission
ary work are decreasing.
"While the country is bo prosperous that
the people do not know what to do with
(heir money and western money la now
seeking eastern Investment,'' said Mr.
Clarke, "the percaplta contribution for
hum mission work has decreased In the
last ten years from 11.6 to M cents. Not a
penny of this money la cpeut outside of
the borders of Nebraska. It la true that
the money Is sent to the mission board In
New York, but every dollar that Is sent
there has been sent back to Nebraska, to
gether with 17.60. The entire state last
year contributed 12,93 for mission work.
v!ille it" drew from the mission board the
Hiii-i of 1:1,022. The Omaha synod con
tributed only $517. while It received In re
turn 11.47.. The Lowe avenue church con
tributed K9.SI, or the sum of 118 cents per
capita. Nebraska contributed W centa per
Mr. Clarke prefaced his statistics with
the statement that America Is truly a
Christian nation and that while It had
been discovered by Columbus as the repre
sentative of Ferdlnaad and Isabella, he
was also acting for the Catholic church
and his first act upon landing was to set
up a- cross nd give thanks to God.
"All through the history of our country
It has been the missionary who has biased
the. way," said Mr. Clarke, "and It has
been commerce that followed and not the
reverse. But In these latter days people
have become so consumed with the Idea
of making money that they are forgetting
the work of Christ and It Is time a halt
Is called. Money Is a grand thing as a
meana to an end, but It la by no means
the end. Wa need the missionary as much
today as we ever did. Every year thou
sands of Immigrants with no religion are
landed on our shores and beoome residents
of our country. They must be taught re
ligion If the government Is to survive. It
can only be done by the borne missionary."
Mr. Clarke urged his hearers to stop
for a moment In the wild nish for weslth
and think of the spiritual side of life and
to capture America for Christ. That he
held was ona of the Injunctions of God.
Ho. Martin Laeramaa Pleads for
Mora Thoavht of Christ.
Father Martin Luersman preached at
Sd John's Collegiate church Sunday morn
ing en the Ingratitude and helnousnesa of
sin toward Ood. "When we commit sin,"
he said, we surrender the faculties of our
soul to Its Influence and submit the powers
of eur body to Its domination. By sinning
against Him we betray God as Judas be.
trayed Him. Ws deliberately offend the
kindest parent and the tenderest friend.
Not only do ws offend God and separate
ourselves from HI companionship, cease
to be 'Hit familiars, but w commit our
selves to perdition.
"Still, despite our sins, Ood Is ready to
forgive when the repentant spirit Is pres
ent. He Invites His children to make re
pentance for their sins, and has promised
that those who are heavily burdened may
CJupeoo Shrunk. Quarter Size.
OfcNTU Ha CM : mom a .
ana at a si as sv na -
" 11 -WSSSSB 1 S X
come tint Him and they will be relieved.
Let us pray, then, thst Christ will rreate
In us the power to resist sin, which tnkes
us out of His fntherly care, and give u
the giare to lrvi and serve Him always."
eerted In the Foreign Field.
R K. Colton. International secretary of
the Young Men's Christian association,
spoke st the Seward Ptreet Mi-thodlst Kpls
copal church Sunday morning upon the
work and Influence of the association In
the foreign mission field. He sold In part:
"It Is my purpose to speak of the non
Christian nations of the world and the ex
tent and Influence of the work of spread
ing the gospel of Jesus ChrlFt through
the agency of the student class and their
Importance In relstlon to foreign mission
work and the establishment of mission col
leges. The best missionary work Is that
accomplished by those who can sneak and
understand the language of the nations
among whom they work. To this end we
must educate the natives in order that
they may become missionaries, and we
must send out young men, well prepared
by education, to educate these future mis
sionaries. The cost of Christian service
In China Is about tW per year for the
Individual teacher. It Is a well known
fact that but few young men enter our
secular universities with a view to taking
a theological training. The Young Men's
Christian association seeks to cause young
men to take up a theological course in or
der that they may become missionaries, or
teachers In our mission colleges In China,
Egypt and elsewhere."
Relative to the time when the mission
churches of foreign lands should become
self-suportlng. he said:
"That can only come when there shall
be attached to those churches those who
can advance sufficient money for that pur
pose. The wealthy classes In the foreign
field have not yet been reached. We are
engaged in a mighty war and the Christian
forces of the world must array themselves
against the forces of sin."
An Interesting feature of the meeting
was a vocal solo, "Hosanna," by Mrs. J.
Frank Huntley.
Affair Will Take Placa at St. Matthias1
C'liarrh on Wednesday Evening:,
November 22.
A banquet will be tendered to the mem
bers of the Young Churchmen's club anJ
their guests in the parish rooms of St.
Matthias' church. Wednesday, November
22. at 6:30 p. in. Mr. Theo. L. Rlngwalt
will act as toastmastcr and toasts will
be responded to by Master Clement Chase,
Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Masttr Leo Martin.
Major Eugene O. Fechet, Glen Waller
stedt. Dr. George L. Miller, Perclval Mul
lis. Right Rev. A. L. Williams. Millard
liutts and J. K. llaum.
The Young Churchmen's club is com
posed of members of the various Episco
pal churches of the city and has been
organized for the past two years, being
especially interested In promoting a
healthy interest in athletics among the
younger boys.
Noonday Prayer Meeting; to Be Held
All Week at Y. M. C. A. by
the Evangelists.
The noonday prayer meeting this week
at the Young Men's Christian association,
will be in charge of Dr. E. E. Chlvers and
Dr. Cornelius Wolf kin of New York. These
gentlemen are in the city conducting
evangelical meetings at the First and the
Calvary Baptist churches, and they will
each day at 12:15 conduct the services at
the Young Men's . Christian association.
Tbsy will give Bible readings designed es
pecially for business men and will hold the
services In the time allotted to the noon
day meetings.
Via Chicago Great Western Railway
Fare and one-third for the round trip to
points within 200 miles. Tickets on sale
November 29 and SO. Final return limit
December 4. For further Information ap
ply to 8. D. Parkhurst, general agent, 151J
Farnam street, Omaha, Neb.
Water Rates.
The Omaha Water company, regarding
the advertisement of water rates by the
Water Board of the city of Omaha as
calculated to mislead citizens and water
consumers with respect to the facts of
the situation, desires to say that the re
duced rates attempted to bo fixed for
Omaha consumers by the Water Board
have not become finally established, but
are still the subject of controversy In the
courts, the water company contending that
the Water Board had no power to reduce
the rates because of the city's original
contract with the company fixing the limit
of the company's charges, which the com
pany has never exceeded, and contending
also that the reduced rates are unreason
able. Should these contentions be sustained
as the result of the company's pending
suit, all consumers who shall have mean
time paid only the reduced rates will be
subject to legal proceedings for the re
covery of the difference. Should the re
duced rates be ultimately established the
company will, of course, refund to each
consumer who shall meantime have paid
the full rate- the difference between that
rat and the rate as reduced.
By E. M. FAIRFIELD, General Manager.
Omaha, November 18, 1906.
Wabash Railroad.
The following changes made In passen
ger train service effective November l,
No. 14, SL Louis Express, dally.... :30pm
No. 1, St. I.ouis Express, daily 1:40 am
No. 4, Sianbcrry Local, dally ex
cept Sunday 6:00 pm
No. 6, St. Louis Local, daily 9:15 am
No. S, Western Express, daily 10:30 pm
No. 6, Sianbcrry Local, dally ex
cept Sunday ll:am
For all Information call at Wabash City
Office, 1601 Farnam street, or address
Harry E. Moores, O. A. P. D., Omuha
Write Mawhlnney & Ryan ror 1906 Christ
inas jewelry catalogue. It's free.
Civil Service ttsaialuatloaa.
The United States Civil Service commis
sion announces the. following examination
for eligihles to fill existing vacancies:
Iecember 6 For the portion of trans
ferer, at $2,100 per annum, in the bureau
of engraving and printing at Washington;
age limit, 20 years nr over.
December 6 For tho position of station
ary engineer, oualltted plumber and
Kteamniter. at per annum, in quarter
masters department at large; age limit,
20 years or over.
Itorember ft For the position of tele
phone, lineman In the life saving service
for duty on the Atlantic roan, at W per
month and actual traveling expends while
on duty; age limit. ?5 to yvara.
December 6 For the position itvko vacan
cies) of nautical expert at Sl.uw per annum.
Hi' limit. a yeara or over.
December .13 For the position of stenog
rapher and typewriter on the Isthmus of
Panama at salaries if to ll.txi per
annum; men only will Ik- sdmtllt-d to this
lamination; age limit, is to years.
The only western ijile at which this
examination will tie Ii.-ld are: Chicago,
Denver. St. Louis, St. I-aul and San Francisco.
Gsnenl Oriit of Information Concerning
ti Mirrj Whin Can.
Wonderful I ar reuse la apeed. the
Motor la Commerre, Antl-Freeslaa;
Mixtures, Side Poors and
nine Notes.
There Is every Indication that the amend
ment voted on at the last election In New
York state, which provides for a bond
Issue of .Vt,ono,X for highway Improve
ment, has passed, although an official count
has yet to be made.
The amendment for which sutomobilists
have worked very hard, will no doubt be
considered a precedent for similar Issues
In other states, and its adoption promises
a great deal for road Improvement In the
future. Under the new amendment New
York state will Issue $5,000,000 worth of
bonds each year for five years, which will
be used for building highways In the state.
The state will bear 60 per cent of the In
terest on these bonds, the county 85 per
cent and the town 15 per cent. Five per
cent Interest on S.0O9 a rulle will mean
$100 a year Interest to be apportioned.
Condition of the Bonds.
The Supervisors' Good Roads convention
at Albany planned the $50,000,000 bond issue
In order to enable the most remote parts
of the state with low assessed valuation
to obtain, if they desire, expensive roads
Immediately and without a burdensome
state, county or town tax. Under the bond
Issue any community can have the main
highway Improved at any cost that local
conditions require, and are not compelled
to have an expensive road built. If they
should want an expensive road costing
W.000 a mile. It would be paid for under
the bond Issue In the following way: Fifty
per- cent by the state, 35 per ceut by the
county and 15 per cent by the town, and
the state would Issue bonds for $8,000.
There would be no town bonds and no
county bonds. The state would pay from
Its annual revenues C per cent on $4,000,
which is one-half of the cost of the road,
or $200 for the first yenr. The county would
pay 6 per cent on $2,800, 25 pur cent of the
cost, which would call for an increase
lu the county tax of $140 for each mile of
highway that the county approved of. The
town would pay 6 per cent on $1,200, 15
per cent of the cost, or would Increase its
tax $00 for each mile of highway Im
proved. There Is no. town hi 'the state
but what can have one mil of road Im
proved at $G0 increase in taxes, and many
of them will want .their five or ten miles
or main highway Improved under the bond
Issue, because they will get the roads Im
mediately, and for five miles will only in
crease their town tax $200, and for ten
miles Increase the town tax $&X, while If
the roads can be built In that community
for $4,0o0 a mile, the town will get twenty
nines or jughway for the $ri00 increase In
tax. Under the bond issue the countv
and towns can choose what amount of
money they want to spend for each mil
of highway according to what the local
conditions will permit.
Increase tn Speed.
When it Is considered that the first au
tomobile race held ten years ago In Franco
resulted In the winning car averaging fif
teen miles an hour, while In the last Van
derbllt race the winner traveled at an
average speed for the entire 288 miles at
the rate of sixty-two miles an hour, the
tremendous advance made In motor car
construction In a comparatively short time
can be understood. In -o other manu
facturing business has anything been
brought to a point of perfection In such
a brief space of time as it has taken to
briny tht automobile to its present state.
Motor tn Commerce.
There Is no getting around the fact that
tht commerolal motor vehicle has come to
stay. Not only for use In delivery service,
but also n the handling of passenger
trafflo has this type of car shown itself
to be far superior to the horse . drawn
conveyance. Especially is this true in tho
case of vehicles which are used the year
around. The problem of heating and light
ing may be very easily solved when a
gasoline motor is used for propelling
power. The heat from the exhaust gases
or the cooling water may be utilized by
making use of radiators which are placed
along the floor of the car. This nest
would naturally go to waste, and therefore
this very desirable advantage may be ob
tained at practically no cost at all. The
lighting problem Is almost as easily solved.
A small dynamo, driven direct from the
engine, together with a storag battery,
furnishes an electric power plant which
may be depended upon at all times., Many
of the up-to-date stage lines in the west
have contracted for such wagonettes, and
those who have been using them pronounce
the proposition a great success. The same
principles may be applied to delivery
wagons, so that ere long the delivery man
can make his long winter trips In compar
ative comfort, keeping himself In better
health, and In many ways give his house
more effective service.
Antl-Freesln Mlxtare.
With the coming of cold weather a
formula for a good anti-freezing solution
to be used In motor vehicle radiators may
not come amiss. One of the best solutions
which has been used for this purpose is
as follows: Glycerine, 49 per cent; sodium
carbonate, I per cent; water, 49 per cent.
One filling of the water system will last
indefinitely, as neither the water or gaso
line will evaporate to any great extent.
The mixture Is comparatively cheap and
thorough testing has proven that It has
no effect on galvanized Iron or rubber hose
and very little action on copper. A mix
ture of equal portions of glycerine and
water shows up very well, but Is not quite
as good as the formula above. A solution
of calcium chloride and water having a
density of about 2 per cent baume Is
sometlmea used, but the one objection to
It Is that It attacks galvanized Iron and
must be carefully kept st nearly the same
density all tho time to give It good anti
freezing qualities. Another mixture some
times used and one which has practically
no .action on any of the metal is given:
Alcohol, 25 per cent; water, 75 per cent;
or, alcohol, 35 per cent; water, tt per cent.
When either of these solution is used
the water system must be kept enclosed
and perfectly tight in order to keep the
solution at the proper strength.
Side Door en Front Seat.
For the coming winter side door on
the from seats will be the proper thing
in motor car equipment. They have been
quite popular in Europe, and this year
one of the prominent American cars baa
a design of body which Includes this fea
ture. The doors are hinged at the front
and fastened with a cab door lock at the
rear. Built rather low and provided with
a molding along th top, they give the
car a decided rakish appearance. Aside
from their artistic use. they are very valu
able In keeping out the cold, mud and
water which oftentimes makes automobtllng
in winter a rather doubtful sport.
Aatomoblle tuark.
An Incident full of suggestion occurred in
on uptown New York throughfare the other
day. One of a team of horses hitched to th
delivery wagon of a big department store
slipped on the aephalt. fell, broke his leg
and had to be allot on the spot. A few
minute after. In response to a telephone
message, an Oldsmobile delivery wagon of
ixteen-horee-power. that la part of the big
sior s rulliroj stock, appeared. First, Ui
load that the team had been drawing was
transferred and piled on too of what wns
already in the motor vehicle. Then the
wagon thst was deatgned to be horseless
took In tow the one that had been bereft,
and later hsuling it to the stable, scooted
away and did the work of both and fin
ished ahead of the time schedule for th
horse team vehicle. '
A ten-mile Corinthian race, for amateurs
only, and a five-mile rnce for stripped tour
ing cars, have been added to the program
for the tournament on the Ormond-Dnv-tona
beach In January. The tides have
been doped out accuratelv this year and
the natives promise that there will be no
frost of any sort.
A prnnihltlon aralnst the regular us of
automobiles and motor cycles for rural
free delivery has been Issued bv the United
States postal authorities. 8ome sage old
philosepher advised salnst being either
the first or the last to sdopt a new Idea,
but the postmaster general seems willing
to take a chance.
Many spark plugs are seated in the cyl
inder in surh a ws v thst In removing them
there Is danger of cracking the porcelain,
unless care Is taken to set the wrench so
that It does not clasp the metal tip on
the end of the porcelain.
With the chairman of Its racing board
being banqueted as a leader among ntito
moblllsts and a man capable of dealing
with any crisis, while Its ranks are swell
ing rapidly from an influx of individual
memberships, the American Automobile
association Is a very different organization
irom wnat it was a year ago. Chairman
Morrell of the mi-Inn hoard has Inst h,n
further honored by being oppolnted by Gov
ernor Hlgglns of New York a state com
missioner to the Jamestown exposition.
Eddie Bald was guilty of an atrocious
pun on his own name recently. While It Is
a fad with most drivers to ride bareheaded
Eddi persists in wearing a cap. He was
testing -a new Columbia chassis on the
roads outside of Hartford the other day
when he was held up by some aqualntances
and In the course of the talk that ensued
Eddie was asked why he always wore a
cap. After carefully making ready to
throw in his clutch for a quick getaway,
Eddie tossed back the response: "Oh, be
cause I'm Bald."
New wrinkles In clutches and some inter.
eating Improvements in carburettors and
Hearings are among the features llkelv to
be found on many cars at the shows next
A new Idea for the problem of bringing
the buyers and Boilers of second-hand cars
together has been worked out bv a New
York concern styled the Interstate Auto
mobile Clearing company. It has the com
mendation of being composed of the lead
ing men of several prominent manufactur
ing concerns. By extensive advertising It
Is proposed to find just the car for the
buyer and Just the desired customer for
the Seller. Those Imviiiir fmntirl.h.n .
and thnu .kl ,h.. in "C.--.T -
small fee for registration.
A French maker offers a guarantee of I
two-mlle-a-mlnute speed for his cars. Will !
me uujer nave to anve in the test?
Congressman Kennedy and Helund
Carlson Deliver Dedicatory A.l-
dreaae to a Larae Throng.
Under most favorable auspices the new
home of the Swudleh Hospital association
was -dedicated Sunday afternoon, Hon. J.
L. Kennedy delivering the dedicatory ad
dress. The address of welcome to the
vast crowd which had turned out was u-
llvored in Swedish, by O. B. Johnson, fol
lowed by an address by Helund Curlson.
After the full Swedish choir of the Swedish
Mission church had sung Rev. Mr. Gus
tafson delivered the dedicatory address in
After the male quartet had been heard
Superintendent A. E. Hedlund gave i brlof
history of the Institution, followed by a
solo, "Oh, Ixird, Be Merciful," by Prof
Congressman Kennedy spoke verv forci
bly of the good work that had been ac
complished and could be accomplished by
Institutions of that kind. Dudley Duck s
"Crossing the Bar" was sung by .Miss Clara
Martin in the finest manner, which has
won her a place in the front rank of Omaha
The exercises ended with a brief historv
of the Institution in Swedish by Rev. Dehl
Jlm. The new site is the old McCreary house
Just north of Judge Redick's at 3706 North
Twenty-fourth street, and is well equipped
for a hospital, having been all remodeled
during the past six weeks. The first floor
contains a commodious reception hall, back
of which !s the hospital office, and on the
same floor la a' large private ward which
contains four beds, with another ward
which might be fitted up with eight beds.
The basement contains a hot water plant,
the kitchen and a well equipped laundry.
The operating- room Is on the second
floor and is equipped with all the latest
Instruments . and care known to modern
science. Here are also five private rooms
with a capacity of seven beds, drug room
and bath room. When business demands
another story will be added to the building,
which Is so constructed that It may be
done. Twenty-eight patients can now be
The hospital staff consists of A. C. 8tokes,
surgeon; R. A. Dodge, assistant; C. C. Al
lison, consulting surgeon: W. R. Hobbs,
Rudolph Rlx, C, L. F. Swanson and Paul
H. Ellis, visiting physicians; S. K. Spaniel
ing, mental and nervous diseases; H. L.
Akin, diseases of the stomach: H. M. Me
Clannahan. diseases of children: D.' C.
Bryant, diseases of the eye and ear; G. H.
Blcknell, diseases of the nose and throat,
and J. S. Foote. pathologist.
The Institution has been self-sustaining
for the two years and a half which it was
housed In the large dwelling at 5R North
Twenty-seventh avenue, and under the Im
proved circumstances Is looked to do even
better. It Is operated under the manage
ment of 'the Swedish Hospital association
of the Swedish MiFsion church.
Terrlfle Fatr.
It's a terrific fate to suffer from serious
bowel trouble. Ward It off with Dr. King's
New Life Pills. 2Sc. For sale by Fherman
& MeConneH Drug Co.
Collision Fatal to One.
DFJTROIT. Mich.. Nov. 19. -One man was
killed and one woman passenger prohahly
fatally Injured here today when a south
bound passenger train on the Sno mad
crashed Into a freight train which was
standing on the main track taking coal.
Conductor Smiley of the freight was
crushed to death between the engine and
I 1 With its lovely Seaside Resorts, quaint old I I
I i Missions and O'ang-a Grove, la 1 I
best reached via the
II ' A picturesque journey combined with
Speei, Safety and Comfort
f Electric Lighted Trains Daily j 1
I 1 Two meals quicker to San Francisco J
than via any other line.
Inaulre at f J
,S 'Phone 316. f
caboose. Miss Mabel ml!ey bsd her limbs
crushed in the wreckage of a passenger
Member f Flrt 4NsrreaatlaaJ
Chnreh Have Prepared Rich Fra.
rum for Wtater.
The "People's Institute." organised by
members of the First Congregational
church, but which Is entirely segregated
from the regular church work and re
sponsibilities, promises to be a notable
factor In the self-Improvement of those
who make up the membership of the In
stitute for the season of 1906-ft.
In a circular Just Issued It Is announced
that the People's institute was organised
"To furnish wholesome recreation and In
struction and opportunities for acquaint
ance to its members at the lowest possible
cost." No thought of profit enters Into
the management of the Institute.
Already an entertainment course, choral
society and camera club have been or
ganized. The following concerts, lectures
and readings have been arranged for:
Thursday, January 11 taonora Jackson
Concert company.
Monday, February 12 Miss Mary Mc
Dowell of Chicago will lecture on "A Hu
man View of the Lsbor Struggle."
Friday, March J Roney't Boys' Concert
Friday, March $3 rrof. Edward A.
8teiner, Ph. D.. of Iowa college will speak
on "The Message of Tolstoi."
Friday, April 20 Qoodwal Dlckerman will
give "The Tompkins Family."
Tuesday, May 1 Rev. Washington Glad
den, D. D.
Friday, May 11-R. J. Bennett, D.,
of Chicago will lecture on "The Land of the
The choral society will meet weekly
after January t for the study of "The
Messiah." under the direction of Ira B.
Pennlman. Those desiring membership In
this department may apply to , Will W.
McBrlde, chairman of choral committee,
1316 Dodge street, or to the institute. In I
the First Congregational church, any
A ednesday evening, from 7 to 8 o'clock,
before December 20. Those desiring to Join
the camera club will apply to F. O.
Clements, chairman of the camera club
committee. 2912 Mason street. This de
partment is designed for Instruction of
amateur photographers. Other departments
will be started as soon as conditions war
rant. The single membership tickets are $1,
with a rate of $1.50 for husband, wife and
children under 18. Tlcketi admit to all
lectures, entertainments and departments
of the Institute, except that members of
the choral society will pay a fee of $1.
The officers of the -Institute are: Presi
dent, E. A. Totter; vice president, C. G.
McDonald; secretary, Gorton Roth; treas
urer, I. A. Benedict. Board of directors:
Ernest Adums, Miss Mary L. Alter, How
ard Baker, Miss Libble Boswoith, Miss
Kate Brown, Mrs. E. F. Byers. W. A.
Case, F. H. Chlckerlng, F. O. Clements,
U. ft. Coleman. Miss Mattle Craig. Frank
Crawford, Thomas N. Crosby, Miss Ellen
Davis, William Fleming, Arthur Oalluway,
Miss France Gilbert, Warren Hillls. Mrs.
C. M. Hobart. R. B. Jervls. F. H. Mapes,
Will W. McBrlde. Mrs. F. W. Miller, Miss
Katherine Moorhead, Ira B. Pennlman, T.
L. Potter, Miss Ivy Reed, Mrs. R. W.
Scott, W. L. Shearer, Miss Mary Slmonds,
Dwight Willlums.
"Queen Elisabeth," Translated front
English, the' Subject of a Cred
itable Presentation.
, Bohemian Turner hall was filled Sunday
night with a large gathering of enthusi
astic Bohemians, who had turned out to
witness the first production on a Bohemian
stage of the five-act drama, "Queen Eliza
beth," translated from the English by Mr.
and Mrs. Bartos.
This production was the second of a
series being given by the Woman's auxil
iary of the Bohemian Turners and nil nr
the parts, both male and female, were
taken by the women of the organization.
The first production was "Cinderella."
which met with such pronounced success
that It will be repeated at the same place
December 17. The proceeds from the per
formance last night go to the Turner La
dles' auxiliary, and the proceeds from the
next performance of "Cinderella" will go
to the Bohemian school.
Fiblnger's orchestra played a splendid
program and also accompanied the singers,
several numbers baiug rendered during
the progress of the drama. A chorus of
sixteen young women In costume assisted
the several soloists In a very pleasing man
ner. Mrs.. Bartos, as queen, carried off the
honors of the evening, and Miss Hichal. as
right bower to the queen, wss very satis
factory in her part. Miss Anne Hofman
showed real talent In the part of the male
villain and the contest for the crown be
tween Miss Chval and Mrs. Bartos gave
these women several chances to show their
International Lira Slops: Exposition.
CHICAGO. DEC. 16-23. 1906.
For the shove occasion the Chicago
Great Western Railway will sell tickets
to Chicago at only one fare, plus $2, for
the round trip. Tickets on sale December
16 to 19. inclusive. Final return limit De
cember 24. For full Information apply to
S. D. Parkhurst, general agent. 1512 Far
nam street, Omaha, Neb.
S2-K wedding rings. Ednoim. jeweler.
See our great holiday orTer. given this
month only, to si old the usual holiday
rush. H. Heyn, photographer, west side of
South Fifteenth street Two story building.
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1221
Dress Goods
Sale on
M : rrTX ... .. LI jSTjSi I 'AWi
Copyright 1905 ly
Hart Schift'ner o- Marx
Great China
Decorated French, Austrian, Bavarian and Imperial
ChinaCups and saucers, plates, vases, bowls, jellies, salads,
fruits, oatmeals, spoon trays, cake plates, ash aud olive trays,
tea bowls, etc. Articles in this lot worth regularly up to $1.25
all go in two great lots Monday-choice
Every Saturday and Sunday
Up to December 17th. 1905
Fort Dodge
- 1.60
- 2.80
Good returning following Mondsy.
For full Information apply to
5. Z. farkhunt, Gtntral Agtnt, 15 ii Farnam Strttt.
Will make life worth living
at your house. He will look
after the ; furnace,
carry out the ashes,
shovel the walks," do
all the things you
dislike doing . yourself.
"Oh. If I only could find a
young man llk that," you
say. NothlnK easier. Put
a want ad In the Bee for
one. There are lots of
young fellowi looking for a
ehanre to work for a little
extra out of hours, at for
Telephone 238
$0,000 Real Circulation.
-i Ot-D rrrr?r, old timm." J
Indiana, Ohio and certain points In Illinois, Kentucky, West
Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan and Ontario,
November 27th, 1905. A Return limit, 21 day
' To visit tha old boa sad seo ;uar friends of other dajr.
torn MSTicuiar.a. incusi
C. T0WNSEN0, Otaual (
Bargains In
aad Rags
To Always Be
Well Dressed
Does not require the outlay of a great
amount of rash Only a small outlay is
required If you buy
Hart, Schaftner 0 Marx
Hand-Tailored Clothing. There Is a rertoln
distinctiveness in deslun and pattern a
made-to-order appearance that will please
the most fastidious dressers, and th
quality of materials sni workmanship In
sures unbounded satisfaction and splendid
It us show you the greatest line of
hnnd-tallored clothing ever shown in the
west. Trices:
$12.50, $15.00, sn.oo,
$20.00, $22.50, $25.00
Special Sale of Mens Suits
An Immense line of fine suits In s'nule or
double-breasted style, perfect In fit, splendid
In fabric, well tailored, unmatehable bar
gains, at
57.50 and $0.00
Special Sale of Youths' and Boys'
YOCNO MEN'S SUITS In ages from 1
to 2i) years, single -or dnulile-breusted
styles. Special bargnins Monday at
$5.00, $6.50 and $7.50
Norfolk and doubli-bn-nsted styles, all
fabrics and colors, special at
$1.50, $t.65 and $1.95
Sale Monday
f f L t
10c and 25c
Eagle Grove
Mason City
- 5.10
or company's asint, oa
a TULK Si. LU. Ha.