Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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ProfiUbl Oima Worked by BepUr
Bureaus Wall Itrttt.
Kay Money Rolled In to th Inventor
of the Scheme More Adroit
Method Jow In
In the way of lighter fomnidit. referent
la made occaalonally to the "tipping b'J
reu" rf Wall alreet, mid It never fall to
bring In one or more let torn asking the
financial ivlitor kindly to recommend some
trustworthy purveyor of speculative ad
vice at so much per week. The lnat tima
It liajpnd. one letter came from a man
In a Hull village of the far northwest,
whoa manner of making the requeat be
i rayed total Ignorance of stock market
speculation. Other letter On the aame cv
land, however, have come from men evi
dently In touch. with the world and Ita nf
fairs physlclana, merchanta, lawyer. to.
It seem almoat Incredible that any Intel
ligent person should expect a tipping bu
iean for a fee of 110 or 818 a week to furn
ish la suhscrlbera with a dally budget of
tunney-maklng advice. hl that ia what the
tipping bureau undertake to do, and the
fact that a number of auch bureau con
llnue to d buelneaa year after year and
ndvertiae cxtenalvcly ia proof enough that
they find enough dupea to make the pre
tense profitable. If the alleged Informa
tion which a tipping bureau purvey at so
much pr wek trustworthy, it la cer
tainly too valuable to sell, and If It la un
trustworthy It la not only valucles. but a
source of loan to thoac who may act upon
It. and vet there are people who will aend
In ." or $! ) for the name of a stock
la going to advance 30 pc.lnt. without In-
I ill i i uar why the man who advertlaca auch
Information for dura not play it him
self instead of peddling it out to othcra.
The head of a tipping bureau will not
argue the roint If you corner him. lie
will only bluster and point to hia "record
in the marker," and hia record will ahow.
not that he liaa been right moat of the
time, but that he liaa been right all of the
time; that hia advice infallible. That la
the perfection of the aclence of tipping to
lie right all the time no matter what the
market may do. The market ia doing some
thing all the tim. and it go neither up
nor down without frequent reversal. A
bull market haa Ita aetbacka and a bear
market Ita recoveries, and the tlpater la
able to atiow you. by hia own prediction, j
that he foresaw every one of these upa and
downs. His prediction, of course, have
been artfully two-sided, but you were to
have attended only to the main prediction
if it happened to go right, and only to the
qualification with which it was hedged
about if It perchance went wrong.
Eaay Doatr for Xaaiber One.
The business Of purveying stock market
advice wn developed aa It exiata today
in the bull market of five years ago. The
public in 191) wa seized with one of Ha
periodical manias for speculation, and
would act hltadly upon the fllmeleat kind
of information. There had been tipping
Amateur Athletic Association Pe
rlare Him Profeaaloaal.
NEW YORK. Nov. 19. It waa announced
today that the Amateur Athletic union
record committee, at a s.clal meting
Ruturday, authorised Jame E Sullivan,
secretary of the union and publisher of
the record book, to eliminate every mark
of distinction and championship oorfoi m
anc with which Arthur K. Durfey has
been credited, these having been made up
on the assumption that he was an amateur,
aa evidenced by hia aignlng oi entry torma,
This determination by the committee dls
placea the following records;
Forty vards, :04H. made February 1.1.
March 4. TO, and February 1", lfl. in
1i ston.
Fifty vards. 005i, made February 21.
1904. In Waahingtnn, D. C.
Blxty yards, 0:H. made November 30,
and June 7, 9C In New York t'lty.
line hnno'red vards. 0:"". made May II,
lfoj, at Berkeley Oval. New York City.
While In every Instam-e above mentioned,
with the exception of the 100 yards. Duffey
held the re ord Jointly with othera. the
mark of 0:0 atood In a class by Itself. By
displacing this performance aa a best on
record, the 0;n) now stands as the top
most mark at lit) yard among amateurs,
being held Jointly by John Owen. Jr., W.
A. rVhlrk, H. J. tVefers and othera.
With Duffeya name taken from the liat
of winner of the Intercollegiate champion
shlpa, the new arrangement how aa In
i' t',.,leitmtr champions at 100 yarda,
throuah Duffey' displacement, the follow
ing mn: L. K Llghtner, Harvard. 11 rt i J.
S. Westney, University of Pennsylvania,
IK and F. R. Moulton. Yale, 10.
I. cilng Team Wa strong and Wllllni;,
bat Weak In Team Work.
The Fhamrocks received tlie greatest
(cure of the season Sunday, as the All
Bun proved to be the strongest offensive
team they have played with tills season.
Their hacks did fine work in plunging
through the I, no and salrtlng the ends,
but on account of lack of training were
noi able to keep up the good work. The
Shamrocks, on the other hand, played with
a badly crippled team, which proved to be
at ill w orse when Flnlger, the Star end.
was forced to leave the game on account
of a sprained ankle. The team aa a whole
played bril.i.itit ball and excelled notice
ably In line plunging and tackle plays.
The All rUars left side was weakest and
the Shamrock took advantage or this hv Mercer. Flttwold and Kerry
through for continuous gain. Long run
were few and far between, and when Vic
Stevenson went around the right end for
forty yards the crowd responded with loud
and vociferous cheera. In Krou and
Child. Coach Fttzwold claims to have a
pair of the strongest guards in this part
of the country, and, aided by McYuckln
(a .veteran), n).i,ke a trio that are hard to Shamlin and Daly never failed to
gain when called for and Willetta played
an excel. ent and offensive, game. In cap
tain Mccune the fchamrccka have one of
the headiest and sturdiest foot ball generals
that haa played at Vinton street park this
The Shamrocka are looking for a Thanks
giving game, and any team wishing a
game will write to J. Flbiger or the Cud
ahy Packing company.
Chadron net a Walloping.
CHADRON, Neb., Nov.. 18. (Special. )
After the Chadron academy team had
footed all expenses, the -Rapid City. S. D.,
School of Mines boy had the audacity to
beat ua by a score of 24 to 0. An immense
crowd gathered, a the Academy team had
never been beaten, thougti it had played
with all the surrounding country team.
One of the men from Rapid City waa hurt
ao severely the services of two surgeon
were necessary for hours befora he became
conscious. One of tha Chadron men ha a
bureaus, before, but the advertising feat- ( dlalocated thumb.
lire of the buslneas had been neglected.
It remained for a man who knew human
nature and nothing about the stock mar
ket to discover the possibilities of adver
tising. He borrowed 85 to pay for the In
sertion of" his first small advertisement.
It brought him jn something like 823, out
of which he paid back tha 35 he had bor
rowed and put the remaining t20 Into ad
vertising; space; that brought htm' . In
nearly 1140, of which ha put 880 Into adver
tising, and so ou as rapidly aa the returns
grew, until at tha end of a few months
he waa spending several thousand dollar
a week In advertising. All this tllm lie
was advising people to buy stocks. II
knew only that people wanted to buy, and
he supposed It was a bull market. It was
a bull market. Hi business continued to
grow until It became so large that lie ar
ranged a ooda with his subscribers. In
stead of sending them letters each day
they were to read his advertisement each
morning to know what thy should buy
that day. Certain words, meaningless
without tha subscriber's key, meant cer-
tain stock. In less than two year this
man cleared 50.000 and gave the business
to hi stenographer. But he had become
interested In speculation himself, and
finally went broke buying Chicago & North-
weatcra at the top of the bull market.
HI aensatlonal success ha never been
repeated. He celled the psychological mo
ment for preying upon the public's In
finite credulity lu a wholesale manner, and
waa In line with the blggeat bull market
there ha ever been.
Ht ranger than the simplicity of the out
id public that I only occasionally In the
market Is tha fact that many habitual fol
lomer of the stock market speculation
regularly subscribe to a tipping bureau and
ar influenced by It advice. In almoat
every bucket shop In the country tha dally
idvlsory service of some Wall street
bureau la obtained for the benefit of th
client and even small brokerage house In
Wall street take th letters of the better
known tlpatera and display then along
wlili other goialp. "Our people," the
brokers ay. "must have something lo
trade on. They like thla stuff and want it
and we ar only too glad to provide it. W
at not responsible for It further than to
buy It and put it In front of our client.
If tiey will trade on It w make cnmmts
Art la tilYlng Advice.
Tha tipping bureau that last through all
kinds of markets are those that have per
fected tha art of giving people the kind of
advlo they want and of o balancing their
opinion that they are always right. A a
rule, people want bullish advice and henc
th established tipping bureaus have al
ways a strong leaning toward the bull side
of the market. Not long ago a new star
appealed In the tipping firmament. He
wa a tremendous bull and had a rllny
liar, subscribers flocking to hia call. Then
h turned suddenly to the bear side of th
market and because his predictions were
not forthwith fulfilled his following de
serted him abruptly. People will wait (or
bullish predictions to com true, but with
Varsity Defeats High School.
LARAMIE. Wyo., Nov. 19. (Special.!
The foot ball game on the university cam
pus yesterday, between the Cheyenne High
school team ana in university eleven re
sulted In a victory for the latter by a
core of 10 to 0. Two of the varsltv's
old men were out of the game, which weak
ened the team somewhat. The game waa
exciting from start to finish, although it
was evident mat the visitors were not
equal to the. university team. ,
W'laner Glrla Victorious.
WISNKR. Neb.. Nov. V. (Special.! Tha
Wlsner High school girls' basket hall team
defeated the West Point High feinol glrla
at thla place yesterday in a sharply con
tested game by a score of 1, to 14. Thla
la considered a great ' victory for the home
team, which has been organised but a
few weeks and was their second game,
whereas the West Point team has had two
years' training.
superiors, lOt rolamlilas, O.
The Superiors defeated the heavy Colum
bia team of South Omaha by a acorn
of ln to 0. The feature of the game waa
the heavy line smashing or th Suoeriora
and the trick playa of the Columbian The
Columbia could not atop the heavy lin
plunging of the Superiors, coached by Jo
LiUl Ntwi Comci Which Waald Ka
ourst Optrttioi.
Althoagh Halt. Market Are Steady
Weather Perfect for Corn Mint
meat and HaaklagOnt Main
tain Old Price Level.
OMAHA. Nov. 1. iHUf,.
The spi-culRllve trade In all grains waa at
a standstill today. Tnere was little In tre
news to encourag-" operation?. Althmign
dull, the markets were q'lite steady Whet
cables did not reflect fully the American
advance of yesterday, A correction was
tnnde In Argentina' shipments of EOO.'aV
bushels, making the total for the week
1.3; buahels Instead of gsn.dntl bushels.
Weather conditions In Argentina continue
favorable. Ieemler closed at H.vvmvv
Moy at (.7ViV and .Tulv at M"c.
The Liverpool corn market Was depreased
by short selling. The weather Is perfect
for movement and for husking, and larger
receipts are epe trd. pecembcr closed at
rVti'V', oil iieoemijer ai wgc. may " 1
MVo 447c and July at 4
Oata showed a good tone, maintaining the
price level despite the dull trade. The large
cash business worked jesterday at Chi
cago, amounting to fully l.ifl.o;t buahela.
had a bullish effect on the sentiment. De
cember closed at JWUiHv, May t JZV
Slic and July at )1V
learanca were 241,onu bushela of corn, bushela if oais. i;0. bushela of
wheat and 4l.nHo barrels of flour. Prtmarv
wheat recelpta were l,119.0no buahels and
shipments 4SJ.00U bushels, against receipts
last vear of l.KJ.uoO mlshels and shipments
of hnshela. Pilmarv corn receipts
were 72,00o bushela and ahlpmep 426.t"W
busheH, agnlnst receipts 1nt year of 717.OO0
bushels and shipments or ihs.uwi nusnei.
Liverpool closed Vn4d lower on wheat
and "Sid lower on corn.
Kansas City elevators loaded out 3oO cars
of wheat Thursday, most of It for Texas,
Missouri and Kansas mills, where good
ml. ling wheat is scarce. It Is estimated by
Kansaa Citv traders that 35 per cent of the
crop is yet in the hands of the farmers.
Australian shipments for the week were
anSK bushela, against 32.000 buahela last
week and !M.i0n buahela last year.
The world'a wheat ahlpments for th
week are estimated at 12.0On.000 bushela. of
which Europe will take about I0,4"0.000
bushels. Actual shipments last week were
12.S62.OK bushela and those of a year ago
n.Sos.OOfl bushels.
A Duluth miller says ho had a larger ex
port trade Friday than any day since h ha
been In the business.
Corn along the Burlington and the Iowa
Central In Illinois is husking SI) to 36 bush
el to the cre. Early estimates were from
10 bushela more than net return.
Chicago tradera who are long on oat Bay
they look for receipt to be between MO
and 12& car a day for some time, an amount
about equal to the dally consumption They
expect to see a spread of only 9c between
oat and corn in May. It 1 now lVc. while
last vear at one tlm It wa 2x;.
"Big operator in corn are betting their
money on both jldes," ay the Inter
Ocean. I'The bear ia betting on the big
crop figures shown by the government re
nort heinar annroxlmatelv correct. The bull
I putting tip hia money on the theory that
the vlcld haa been estimated 200,000,000 to
4u0.00b.000 bushela too high."
Omiba Cash Sales.
WHEAT No. 3 hard, 1 car at 7Sc. 1 car
at 77c, 1 rar at 76"c and 1 car at 76c.
CORN No grade, 3 cars at 3Sc. 1 car at
37c, 2 cars, 3Wc.
OATS No. 3 white, 3 cars at 2Se, 1 car
at V-
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. t hard, 781c; No. 3 hard,
7&g'784c; No. 4 hard, 71Vq,4c; No. I spring,
78'j7Bc; No. 3 spring. 7W;i774c.
CORN No. 3 new. St"vtj4uc; No. 4 new,
3Sc; no grade, IMSSc; No. 3 new yellow,
3SWW0C: No. 3 new white. 3'ij40c.
OATS No. 2 mixed, 27H9-1C; No. 3 mixed,
27"c: No. 3 white, 2V4r2sc; No. 4 white,
27Vri2So. .
RYE No. 2, Cc; No. 3, 84c.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 133
Minneapolis , 422
Kanaaa City . lul
Omaha 20
Duluth 394
St. Louis iki
On track: No. 1 northern. tiv,c; No. J
northern. 314o; December, fuse; May. a,"iVe.
Receipt were:
. , . Argentina ()(,, .Mutiny
vorable to the development oi orviai Tuesday
. In this country absence of ( Official Wednesday'
Official Friday
OfTVlal Saturday..
reatare af the Trading aad llaalaa
Price on Board nt Trade.
CHICAGO. Nov. is Trading In the grain
pit today wa sxceedlngiy uull :nd prices
lluttualed within a nariuw range. At tne
close the price of wheat, vorn and oata
snowed practltaliv little change from the
final ouoiatlona of yesterday. Provisions
were 2Wc to 12'ic lower.
The wneat tnarkol opened a trifle easier
with the Mrv option a shade lower to a
shade higher at to Kite, pit traders
and commission houses had moderate offer
ings, but buyers were hard to find, the
evere d-cllne of yesterday having appar
ently discouraged a number of prospective
purchaser. News of the day was some
what bearish. Weather in Argentina wa
aald to be fav
me nw vi.'ip. in .......... ... umciai Wednesday
rain In the northwest was considered UReiy . omdal Thursday.".
lo accelerate tne nm. 'uieni ui unnu w
market. Another factor tending 'o depress
values was a atatemrnt niMde by rn Kng
lish statistician. In which It waa claimed
the world'a ahlpmenta for the week would
show an Increase and that exporta from
Russia would be more liberal than gener
ally anticipated. Before the end of th first
hour the p!-W of the May delivery had
eased off to 7Nic. Trading was llstl. as un
til shortly before the close. On reports
from New Tork of fHlr demand from ex
porter ahorta covered quite freely. Aa a
result the market rea-alned practically all
of the earlv loss. The May option ad
vanced to Kstie. The market rlo"d steady
with May at 877c. a ahnde lower than the
closing price of yesterday. Clearances of
wheat and flour were count to C'S2.0i) bu.
Primary receipts were 1.1 13.000 bu., com
pared with 1.17S.0O0 bu. one year ago. Min
neapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported re
celpta of srs cara. against 1.0S5 cars last
week and 949 cars one year ago.
Sentiment In the corn pit waa exceed
ingly bearish, but active support from a
leading bull prevented any material de
cline In price. A aharn break at Liverpool
rrount aoout some auing ny commission
houses and pit traders, refitting In slight
losses earlv In the day. During the re
mainder of the session prices fluctuated
very Bllahtly. The market closed
May opened a shsd" to U'SV-c lower "t ttr
to 4474e, sold between 44Sc and 447'TV and
closed with a net loss of ic at l4r44Tc.
iocal recelpta were 315 cara with five of
contract rrade.
Th volume of trading In oat was very
small. Influenced by an excellent d'maid
from exporters the market held t"dv.
Mav opened unchanged to Kc lower nl 32c
to S3.c to TU.r. sold off to 32'iM2ti: and
closed at S2S'532Hc. Local receipt were
lfil cara.
Provision had a strong iin'Wton. but
trading waa almost lifeless. Thre wa a
fair Investment demand for the Jnnusry
nrodurfs and anne buving of nork by a
local packer. Th strong market for live
hoga was a bullish factor. At lh close
Mav pork ws up KVfflJic at 112 4t4tTt2 f
Ird and ribs wee eeh up I4e at I7.02H
ard M 7714 reapectlvely.
Rstlmated recelnta for Monday: Wheat.
1 csr: corn, 817 cara; oafs. 538 cara; hog.
42.KI head.
The leading future ranged a follows:
lesfgum and Cow E;dj fat th Walk
Fe9dr Hifher.
Moderate Receipts of sheep. Market
Dull and I arhanaed Itan for
the Week Fair aad Price
Lower All Aroand.
HOI TH O .MA II A. Nov. I. l!v.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... ,.! S.itiS K7t
... 6.:7 T.7O0
... ,4 7 2
.... 2. SITU 4.i
... 1.7W) 4.71
74 4.1
Total thla week 24.S2ft 32. r 4s.24i
Totals Inst week at.74l 2l.,U M.S"t
Ha me week before 37.24a i.;3 4.77'i
Bam three week ago..34.W9 U. 4i KM
Sar-e four weeks ago...Sl Wf" "S.i05
Same week last year. . . .:A.74 27.43T .VS.71n
The following table show the receipts
or cattle, hogs and sheep at Houth Othaha
ror the year to date, comparing with last
... 10$. 1904. Inc.
'attle 1S4o2 K.1.746 84.
''1B"S 0..Sr7 I.W5.570 30.517
8,,,P 1.828.BMI l.4.2-. 2..722
The following table shows the average
price of hog t Bouth Omaha for th last
oay. with comparisons:
Nov. 1 I a aji a ui , - , m m a nl
."NOV. 10
Nov. 11..
rsov. 12
IVOT. 1.1
Not. 14..
:4U i i a m a ani 4 04
...) 4 HWI 4 M! 4 87 til 4 M 4 A
vSV' J"-! 4 ?Hi 4 f' 4 7' 4! 8 82 4
v.y.' $ ') I 4 73 8 83 8 711 4 841 4 CI
Nov. 7... 4 83V 4 80 4 7S 8 80 8 W 4 87 4 02
Nov. S...I 4 SI 4 86. 8 44 8 87 4 71 4 03
4 79 I 4 87 4 0l 8 74l 4 681 4 03
4 70Hi 4 9TI 4 7I 3SI 14 W 4 4X1
81 l 4 Rl 4 621 6 26 ; 8 721 I 4 02
I 4 801 4 63 6 10! 5 (ii! 4 '
7RT, 4 54' 6 21 1 t 8fi 4 H t 4
4 n a aol a K7 ,t 911 k a a?' 01
Nov. u. i 4 7,m t(al . , Mj 6 67; 4 g2 t 90
". n.. f HS a K7I 4 B.I lb 63 4 Jl M
Nov. 17.. I 4 711 4 461 41 4 82. 3 s7
Nov. lg.. a ; la Ml sn t 2 I 3
Article. Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y.
Wheat I
8 Rib
83'gm 8a1;
4SV 4fi
44Ti45 44','(4S!
44tt" 44T'(48
12 65
12 75 i
854 85Sf Kqh
87V87VfM 87T'S8
27! 83Sl M'A
V 4H 4H
44S'44Sfil 4S
44S 44'fiS 44T40 46
44',,44V'8', 44
324 32i'i.,'32Hm
12 72-4
12 85
12 5
II 7o
12 72H
12 85
T OA I 7 00 7 00 1 7 no
S 8741 6 HO 7t4 6 W
6 87H 6 874! 8 S7'-i 87H
I 02V,j i UZ, 7 0i',! J U2V4l
E7V4i STti OSS I 67Si
IS 1 6 80 75 77H
82 i
12 82
12 76
6 87 ',4
6 ts.
7 00
on Varlon
ot the Day
NEW YORK, Nov. 18 FLOUR-Recelpts,
31,710 bbls. ; exports. 20,307 blua. ; maraei
dull, but ateady; winter patents, 4.2ofei4.oo;
No. t tOld. INew.
Cash auotatlona were a follow
FLOUR Steady; winter patents. 83iCa
4.20; straights, 83. 751 4.10: spring patents.
83.8oa4.10; Btrnlghts. 33.6003 8."): baker'. 32.2S
161 I 3-20.
I WHEAT No. 2 spring. S68c; No. 3. 80
(387e: No. 3 red, 8H'i57c.
corn No. 2, 49Hr05oc;. No. 2 yellow, 5;
OATS No. 2. 30i4c; No 2 white. 33c; No,
wnue. iWOiKeviC. ;
RTE No. 2. c: 1
BARLEY Oood feeding, S7V,'&3ic; fair to
cnoice mailing, a.'mc.
SEEDS No. 1 flax. 84c: No. 1 northwest
ern, 81.00. Timothy, prime, $3.30. Clover
contract grade, 313.0O4i 13.23.
PROVISIONS-Mes pork, per bbl.. tl-1.80
wis.tct. Lara, rr iiio ins., sfj.soia H71.
Short rib aide I loose). 87 Yal : short
winter straignts, W o'a4.iO; winter extras, cpnr ,,,rg (boxed). K87V57.0O.
t2.u4j3.26; winter low grades, 83.8orcf4.2t. ; Following were the receipts and ship
Kye flour, firm; faU 'V .H'M? l0.: i ment of flour and grain: P P
Ur. F.mtl Preetorlu.
8T. LOCIB. Mo., Nov. 19-After suffer
Ing for one week from blood poisoning in
sulting from a slight scratch on the leg,
Dr. Emll Preetorlus, aged 78 years, editor-in-chief
of th Westlicha Post, and nestor
of tha German press In the west, died
today at his borne. He had been pro.
licully unconscious for two day. The
members of hi family and Immediate rela
tive were at his bedside when h died.
Interment will b made Tuesday.
Rev. J. G. Reaaei.
J. Q. Reaaer, D. D., professor of the Bible
at Wilson college, died from paralysis to
day, aged 8") year. Dr. Reaser waa prom
inent ln the civil war period in th Presby
terian church in Kansu. He was for
twenty years pastor at Leavenworth and
twenty year at St. Louis; was many time
a commissioner to the Presbyterian assem
bly and was a member of the first commu
te on revision. The remain will be taken
to St. Charles. Mo., for Interment.
choice to lancv. 84.lati4.bO. Burkwncat
1 Hour, steady, 2 1jW2.26. siait and to arrive.
buckwheat uieaay, ts)i,c, aenvcrea
New York.
CORNiUiCAL Steady; line, white and
yellow. 11.26; coarse. i. 1 V.j 1.18. klln-drlcd,
Kit-Nominal; No. 2 western, 76c, c. L
f. New York.
BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 41c. c. I. f.
Buffalo; malting, wwjttlV.'. c. 1. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Recelpta, lto.iov bu.; exports,
47,ali ou.; bikei. 2,2oo.tu bbls. futures.
Boot market steady; No. 2 red. 90:c ele-
I vator and 93VliC f. o. b., afloat; No. 1
northern Duluth, MSc f. o. b., afloat; No.
1 northern Manitoba. !4,c. The opening
was steady; wheat eased off under poor
cables, liberal receipts and poor prospects
for Russian shipments. It rallied in the
last hour on bull support; May, 92 1-I6.y
J 3-16c. closed at H2V; Decemoer, 92'4i
9tc. closed at 92t4c.
CORN Receipts. 74,115 bu.; exports, 78.
474 bu. Spot market steady; No. 2. &Vic
elevator anu w I. o. o., anoai, rto,
rteceipta. tshipiuents
I'luur. bbls 17,8"0 3i.3"0
Wheat, bo. ir,20 18.7nO
Corn, bu . STO.oH) ta.Boo
Oats, bu 2a1.7i 4tl.4"0
Rye, . bu 9 20u 50
Barley, bu.. .., 122.70O .31.200
On the Produce exchange toduv the but
ter market was Arm: creameries. lTt44l23c
dairies, 17H20c. Eggs, firm; at mark, caocs
Included, 1824c: firsts, 24c; prime firsts, 28c
extras, hoc. cneese, steady. i2H913"e
yellow. uSc. Option maikei was without ! Sc; No. 2 mixed, ;o
i ., .i .... i .. t u a v firaiia.- o,..i.
Kansas t'lty tiraln aad Provlaloni
cetpta, 18.000 bu.; market unchanif-d; De
cetnber, ilsc; May, H",c; July, 7fitc. Cash
.No. z iisr.i. wi'rjwc; o. 8, id'iislc; No.
red. 9ti'JuVc; NO. 3. 86&Kic.
CORN Receipts. VW.ono bu. ; market
steaay; uecemoer, 4"itc; May, 40"4c. Caxh
Na 2 mixed, 424Vc; ?o. 2 hlte, 43c
No. 3. 42c.
OATS Receipts, I.LW0; No. t white, 304
transactions, closing partly Uo. lower;
Jrfouiiy closed at tjc: May closed at joc;
Decemier closed at Mc.
OATS Receipts, 3,6M bu.; export. 33.
4H7 bu. Hpot market steady; mixed. 26 to
32 lbs., 33c; natural white, 30 to 32 lbs., 36
&37Sc; clipped white, 34 to 4 lbs., 3U4oc.
HAY Steady; sOlppliig, 5oi)&5c; good to
choice, a!i2Sc
HAY Steady : choice timothy. 810.7otrll.23
choice prairie,
RYE-Bteady; 6Hc.
EGGS Steady ; Missouri and Kansaa, new
.No. z wnitewood case included. 24c; case
count, XzHc; case returned H less.
BL'TTEK Steady; creamery, 2lc; dairy
Receipts. Shipment.
HOPS Firm; lat. commou to choice. Wheat, bu
Chanaberlala'a Coach Heiuedy a gate
Mrdlrlne for I hlldren.
In buying a cough medicine for children,
never be afraid o buy Chamberlain Cotig.i
Remedy. Tliere ia no danger from It. and
relief is always sure to follow. It I In
tended especially for coughs, colds, croup
and whooping rough, and Is the best medi
cine in the world fur these diseases. It
la not orly a certain cur for croup, but,
when given as soon aa the croupy cough
appears, will prevent the attack. Whoop
ing cough is not dangerous when thla rem
edy is given as directed. It contains no
opium or other harmful drugs, and may b
given as confidently to a baby u to an
If luu har anything to trad advertlae
It In the Fop ETihxni,i e,,l,,n.n . .ni.- r...
herlsh prediction, which are unpopular w4I1i Aj ww,
to begin with, they hav very little pa- '
tleni-e. When on who Bella apeculativ ad- DTDCriMAI DIDirBinue
vlca take a position from which h can- I rtHoUnlAL rAnAQRAPHS.
not retreat h riska hi reputation and
1H05. 14'u22c: 1904. 13il7c: old. buSc. Pa
cltlc coast, lliyfi. loloc; 19i4, ldji4c; olds,
HIDES Firm; Galveston. 20 to 25 lb.,
2oc; California, 21 to 'lb lbs., 21c; Texas dry,
24 to : lb., lm..
LEATHER Firm : acid. 264j'27e.
PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, til. 50 meks. 19 5310.&0; beef hams, t21.
22.50; packet. HO.&.-'ft 11.50; city, extra India
mess, tn S" 18.50. Cut meats, quiet; pickled
bellies, 8S.7511 10 60; pickled shoulders, 6.m61
7.00; pickled hams, 89 259 75. Lard, steady;
western stean.ed. I7.2i7 4'i; refined, quiet;
continent, 89.70; Spuih America. 88 ; com
pound, 83. 5oi 5 76. Pork, quiet; family. 316 50;
short clear, 3145ol6.oO; mess, tl5.2arl5.3
TALIX)W Steady; city S2 per pkg,
4Hc: country (pkgs. free). 4ff6c.
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra. 3'
C$6c; Japan, nominal
roll. I KY Alive, steady; chickens, HVto;
fowls. UV. ; turkeys. 14c. Dreaaed, uie: ;
western chickens. tNjH&c; turkeys, 14'g2U-;
fowls. 9il2c.
Bl'TTER Steady: state dairy, common I
to extra. lt'ir-'3c: western Imitation cream
ery, firsts, 17"eja l'c.
ClfEESE Market easy; state full cream,
small, colored and wlilte, September, fnncv,
'1341-; tate, late mad", choice. 12'i12c;
state, fair to good. 12',.'.
rXKiSl'nc hanged.
Corn. bu...
Oats. Uu..
... 99.0U0
Data. l06. U904. lfm3.:i.!1901.'19OO.H8!!.
. , i . .
For the Information of parlle who may are pleased to call demonstration.' er
v. .,.., .......i.i,, . , d. ' l p into nn oixniiel revoliltlna
be Interested In apeculottNe sevuillle Hlu,uJ the l-inch capital violently reflect
nre made arrangements with Mr r. conditions in Rus.. and a panic result.
Druldlng of Chicago, an expert writer on it is v.-rv easily nndcistivid how English,
financial topic and delineator Of stock ex- German and American '''"
. . , , . de ug the market, and a general panic
change probabilities, to furnish a weekly ,.,,,1.
review of the salient feature of current ) the fHl.e of suuli delicate Bltuathns.
financial topics gleaned from tl various la rather remarkauie. when elf-inteist
i . . 'a net considered, that the broker should
exennnge. conilnue to ahcul higher price are to
We desire, however, tin the part of The prevail, and tuat general holding of In-
Ree to disclaim all responsibility for hi ac- veaiora ahould N- Increaaed. The puhllo
-.,,.. , .... ,. ., f.- Iinil.lin inunnilv Icana to iwsalmlstic "Vlea-S, tor tti
Miratenesa of any forecast Mi. Druldlng rpn ,- u',, hl)Mtr llt ni,.rnaHMMl
may make concerning future prospects or .og mes, snd would therefore be th lcer
any Investment or enterprise. should events occur In th market which
A., special Inquiries about the present or would uhU pessimism.
i"""!"-'' viue oi ' W hen Ho. ks have had a decline, arter a
curity should be addressed direct to Mr. F. period of abnormally high money, tt h
G. Druldlng, No. 5:1 First Ntlonl bank Uen lmcst universally tru that they have
v.. .11,.,. rn..., in been a purchase. We feel very confident
building. Chicago, III. ,hH, ., n,lt thtr,y to flfty daya
CHICAGO. Nov. is -(Special. -Mney ,h, Ptanrilirrt stocK will be aellWig t loo.
atlll continue to be the dominating factor wn,i nenerallv higher than thev in) no-.
In the stock market. Conservative bankers i ht, lKh ratea of monev. instead of keep
dread the possibility of high price, when ng people from buving good stocka, ougU
credit la so strained and money so tight. to induce them to make purchase, for th
With the bank reserve so abnormally low reason that storks should certainly ad
and the price of stocks excessively high. xance s money rate get lower. Whtt
I can see no reason why my former utter- rmmet- mat kef enndltlona have readjusted
ances on the stock market should at thla themselves, we believe price will be con
ttm be changed. So far aa I can f. slderably higher. Even If on were forced
conditions have not yet arisen which could to pav 1" per cent for money, 100 ahare of
be conducive to easier money. The tie- Southern Pacific bought at 170 a ahr
mendou upheaval In Russia Is another oiild cost at the end of the month only
factor which must net be overlooked. The 7,ino. Including the earning chargea.'wlth
feverish state of the St. Petersburg bourse every probability that the purchaser will
reflerta the Internal Russian situation very he Vle to aell at a great deal higher price,
mildly. Missouri. Kansas A Texas, bought at 38.
For many year past French resources would cost only S8H If carried a month on
have been th-? backbone of all financial 16 per cent money, whereas till stock wfll
movement In Russia. Conservative .ro- prob,iblv sell up at least 6 point before
moter are of the opinion that t-l.ono.too of thlrtv tiaya ar pat: but money I not 18
French money is invested In Rusln e- per cent, and is rapidly declining- tn a 8
curitles. Tiic French nation having gone Hnd 7 per rent basis, where It la likely to
through the throe of a revolution, can stay for aoine tlm." -
thoroughly appreciate ita dlatrease. and Th argument lust made I good, wot only
re therefore very sensitive to the Russian with reference to Southern Pacific and Mia-
tituatlon. An upheaval of the Russian gov sour I. Kansaa aV Texas, but It I also true
ernment would react upon France with th of Pennsylvania, Atchison, Union Paclfle
rapidity of lightning and Jt requires no and Steel stocka, and all the -standard e-
exerclae of th imagination to predict curitles; In fact, there la every reason f
panic In the French capital should the expect that the Steel preferred wilt eH for
disturbance, which the Russian authorities 110 per share within sixty daya. .
'Indicates Sunday.
The followina table show th nil. es raald
at the river market for cattle:
Good to choice corn-fed steer 36. 95 -36 50
Fair to good corn-fed steer 5 OtVgS.iR
Common to fair corn-fed teer.... 4.00f5.00
Good to choice range beef steers.. 4.25-34.50
41 ltd ... 4 47V4 :31 HI llt
41 II 40 4 4; 11 120 4 70
I nt 40 4 474, 71 538 1J0 4 In
4 ?1W ... 4 17s 4 U 4(l 4 TV
(5 rt SO 4 47i 44 :ni ... 4 10
1 T34 ... TS t:4 1140 4 70
it :t 40 4 m in
su 0 4 Itv, U I4 40 4 74
7I........:3 110 4 47k, 41 S.MI -10 4 7l)
41. ?1 4 4 474 74 40 10 4 70 '
61 :H 190 4 US 71 .......J.U 40 4 70
I Itt 140 4 67, It 3"J 40 4 7it
74. JT 40 4 47', TTT In 4 7!'
70 in So 4 (It, 7f I7f 40 4 US,
SHEEP-There were no sheep received
thia morning and all the siock tuat lias
been carried over irom day to dav was
cleaned ud with the small run of Vf.Htt.nluv
Good to cZU ef. .-"kT;:- J S that w absolutely nothing
Fal Vc .Bori Vn5nhh,!rr MwSMn on th """P niarket thla morning. The re-
rann?a and To..r. C 8 'Si Only moderately large, 4M54 head being re
Good ta ? choice ilL Vri' ffl lo i celved- Tbl th "malieal run lnc? the
Fa?r to iood 5eiw.eH fAl i r.' j'tu werh ln September, but at that It la
fair to od atocker and feeders. 3.0030 ,hlin tne for tn k
Omaha 84 2fV34!72t4
Chicago tl. 2507.80 4.266.00
Kansa City 1 75fi60 .4o4j4.8&
St. Loul 2.(XVS5.80 4.WXa4.S
Bloux City 1.006S.60 4.56fi4.70
The followinc Hat shows the nmnhtr vi
cars of feeder shipped to the country yes-
anu mcir points oi aeatination:
S. Madoal, Elliott, la. Q 4
Q. E. Anderson, McPherson, Ia. a! 2
Henry Pleper, Minden. la.-R. 1 2
". ai'.iu ,-nempnia tl. & M
v-. Anorewa. snea B. t M
Branch. Ohalen n a u
KllliatricK Hl lia . Una mlt d "M
L. E. Lewis. Gretna B. M
Aug Menn, Dodge F. E
E. T. Qrahnm, Creston F. E. '"""
J. H. White, Oelrlcha, S. D.-F. E ,
r arris & McBeth, Osiwola V. P
John S. Shoeman, Vaukee. Ia. Mil....,
r. v.opeiana. vvaiiKee, la. Mil ,
A. B. Newport. Yale. I Mil
tSllliam Dalley, Auburn-Mo. P ,
E. H. Norrla, Nehawka-Mo. p
F. P. Hose. Nehuwks n n
Chris Ross, Nchawka-Mo. p'!.'.'!."!!!!!
1. r. rvyan. verclon Mo. r
Charles Erne. Ells, Ia. I. C
A. Miller. Clarence, ia. N. w
-. w. mil, Martlngton-M. & O
Martin C. Peters, BloomfleTd M. A O..
r . , SHEEP.
I. J. Rowland. Coleman, Mich. R. I....'... 2
The official number of car stock brought
in today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Uri.
C, M. A St. P. Ry...
Missouri Pacific
I'. P. System
C. A N. W. east
C. & N. V., weal
C. St. P.. M. c O
C. B. at Q., east
C, B. & O., west
V.. R. 1. & P., east ...
C, R. I. & P., weal...
Total receipts
ThA .llx....,, 1.,.. .... .
.... ,.,,,, uay a recelpta waa
aa roiiowa. each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated:
year ago bv about 4.S00 head. It la nrob
abl the receipt from thla time on will
not be a large aa for th last two months,
as the feeder season Is rapidly drawing to
a close and there is not much more stock
of that kind expected In. but receipts will
most likely pick up again about the holi
days, when the season for fat sheep opens.
The run of sheep during the week has not
been very good and, generally speaking,
the greater portion of the stock received
has been on the Inferior order of stuff.
The wgrmed-up and ehort-fed stuff ia be
ginning to com ln and there 1 Drctlcallv
no market for that kind of slotr it is not
good enough to be desirable for killing
purposes, with the result that it has had
to go as feeder stuff and even then some
of it had to be shipped to Chicago, where
me same conaiuon 01 anairs were touna
with the result that It was sold at con
siderable loss.
Th trade ou fiat stock this week has
not been very good and there ha been a
decrease of about 26c for the week on this
LlnH exf Mti.SP 'Tl, I .. . t 1 1 . . 1
i desirable killing sheep in this week, the
larger portion of the offerings consisting of
I warmed-up stuff; hence the decline.
' I Feeders have been in about the same
! shape ss the fat stuff, the most of the re
J ceipta being, warm d-up stuff, and when it
I arrived it was generally In pretty poor
condition and did not excite much com
' ! petition. As the result of this condition -of
affairs feeders at the clone of the week
, show a decline of about 2oc.
1 I Cl : nt A f I. m a rn fat aheatn urA I tt. V. VtaiA
to choice fed lambs, 6.75&7.26; good tc
choice range lambs, 86.;Vo7 0; ood to
choice yearling wethers. 8i.2Sy6.6R-. tfood to
choice old wethers. 60. 0,16. 60; good to choice
old ewes. H.5Oif.0W. .-) '
Quotations on feeder' sheen and lambs:
Good f.-eding, 85.25ti6.45; good feeding year
lings. 84.754t5 26; good feed'tig wethers, 4 "5
US. 00: Knod feedit: ewea. !: . tOfrft! . 75 : breed-
'4 j ing ewes, I4.2il4.s0.
( attle Steady Hoar Steady to Stroma
Mheep and l.aiuh glow.
I CHICAGO, Nov. Id CATTLE Receipts.
1500 head; market Bteadv; beeves, 83.1'J'4';
cows, 1.26,i4.4; heifer, 32.26it)4.1; calves,
! t5.0O7.50; good to prime steers, 8.).3iVa6..5;
1 poor to medium, 83.15475.20; atockera and
HOGS Receipts, 13.000 head: estimated
recelpta Monday, 40,000 head; market steady
I,2 I
to strong; mixed and butchers. t4.5Dff6.oo:
Omaha Packing Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing C..o.... ,-,,7 good heavy. 34.vi5.00; rough heavy, 4.4'(
Armour c Co , ,1 4.56; light, S4.4n4i i.!; pigs. 84.2i'i4.!5; bulk
I of sales. 84.7u4f4.30.
Total aov.l SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.4a
CAT I LE The tun ut ratti- 11,1. ... .. i head; market slow; sheep. 3.4'"na.wi; year-
was of no consequence whatever Ah .V." " ""4". 85.25ijj6.00; lamb, 85..O7.40.
waa practically no ou.ilul.l. .Sr,u... i ,u ' :
prlcea today from thoe of yesterday T Kana City M.e Stock Market.
L 1 1, L ' l"e weex were 23,652 i rv.-.oio 1 . . i-c ie-
ceipis. 1,1"- nra.1, iiiv. itiui 11 tfm, u iiirriie ,
market ateady. Choice export and dressed
beet, steers, J..; tair to good. !...(
..inn in lMe Hiiianesi run for anv
week since the flret welt ln September, and
hSeV.0,!' the eek '? al!W mailer than
that for the aame week one vear ago br
about 6.500 head. The Kenri ".
ina onering tins week has not been very
f ; r ?,pai 01 tne turT being on
the Inferior order of stock. The lec'iDts
haye he.n small this wtek and It is prih.
abl thai now that th rang season lu
practically over ther will not be very
much change from this wek In the !
of the run for some time, probably not
until about the holiday, when th fat
twiuuic.uT mining in,
valued at tl3. 452,25. Total Import of p-
cle at the port of New York for th wrek
cmnng tooay were siiii.zii silver and tt,61
gold. Total exports of speet from th port
of New York for the week ending today
were ii?,ib silver ana i.on goia.
t'oadltloa af Trad aad 44aotatloa oa
Staple aad Faaey Frodaee.
EGGS Fresh ren-ipta. candled atock. 23c.
LIVE POCLl RY Hens. fcWc; rooster.
6c; turaeys. .. ; di.cks, S'gSVc; spring alilck-
rnn, ; Keeee. rf ml,
Bl'TTF.R 1'acklng stock. 15He; choice to
fancy dairy, U$lc; creamery- llftlHc;
prints. 214c. , .
SrOAR Standard granulated. In bbls.,
to.01 per cwt. ; cube, 85-88 per ewt-j cut
loaf, 86.30 per cwt.; No. 6 extra C, bag
or bbls.. t4.N per cwt.; No. 10 extra C.
baga only, 84 70 per cwt. : No, 16 yellow,
bag only. 14.65 per cwt.; XXXX powdered,
tc .75 rer cwt.
FRESH FISH-Trout. loflllc; halibut, 18c:
buffalo, dressed. 9c; pickerel, dreamed. 6Ve;
white bass, dressed. 12c; aunfish, 6c; perch. '
Mealed and dresced, 8c; pike, 10c: catfish,
13c; red snapper, 10c; salmon. l(a; crap
ples, 12c: eels. ISc: bullheads, lie; black
bass, 25c: whltetlsh, I2c; frog legs, per
dox., 36c; lobsters, green, C7c; boiled
lobster,, JOc; shai roe, 4oc, tnurflsh, 15c;
herring, 4c.
HAY Price, quoted bv Omaha. Feed
company: No. 1 upland. 37; medium. 84 60;
coarse. $8. .
BRAN Per ton. 814.50.
ORANGES California Navels, all aiie.
t354i3.75: Florida, all alse. 83.0903.2.
LEMONS LemoiUera, extra fancy. . 249
Biz-, n.; 3C0 and 360 si res. 86.50. T
DATES Per box of 30 1-lb ckra.. ti:
Hallow en. in 70-lb. be.xea. -per - lb., 6tJc;
walnut, stuffed. 1-lb. pkgs., 82 per dox.
FIGS California, per 10-10. carton, 75-7f
85c, lmiorted Smyrna, 4-crown, 12c; 6
crown. 14c. -
BANANAS Prf mediutn-eiaed bunch,
tl 762.25; Jumbo. 82.50YS.OO. '
PEARS Lawfenoe and Mount' Vernon,
32.50: De Ango, 82-75.
APPLES ben Udvie and ' Wtnp, lu
tbu. bbia., 84.U0; in buahal. bakta, 81.35;
California Bellflowera, Colorado Jona
than and Grimes' Golden, 83 26; New Tork
apples. 64.50 per bbl. .t ,-
GRAPES Tokay, per 4-haaket oral. t2;
imported Malagas, 86.6OQ4.00.
CRANPKKKlKH dvrae-,. ttt0 per bW.;
Bell and Bugle. 812 al
POTATO ES-New.' Ber bu. -40 1 .;
ONION'S -i.'ine-iirown yellow, red alld
white, per bu., WY; Spanish, per Crate, I1..&.
WAX B1'NS t-er bu tiftsket, ;,8.80;
gtring beans, per, StifJSc,
Bf. AN 8 Navy, vr tU., tl.8oT ' "
Cl'CUMRERH Per bu , tl.60ffl.7S.
CABBAGE Home-grown ami Wisconsin,
In nates, per lb., l4c.
I'EETrt New. pei bu.. 70c.
cl'il.KRY-Kalamasoo. per dot., 26c.
oWEET POTATOES-Vlrglala. . par . 3
l.u hbl . t2 50. , .
CAI'LIFI.OWKR-Per crate, 13.
TOMATOES California, per . crat of 30
lb., t260. , .
Wholesale price tor beef cut: Ribs No
1, lfc; No. 2, 8vc; No. J, Round
No. I, 7o; No. 2. 6'c; No. J,-54tc. Loins
No. 1, iric; No. 2, 10c; No. t, 7c. Plate
No. 1, 3Ac; No. 2, 3c; No. 3. 2Uq. Chucks
No. 1, 4Vtc; No. 2. Zc: No. t. tc. '
Per kog, t-1.76; per bbl..
HONis,Y New, per 34 lb., K.0.
CHEESE Bwlsa, new, 15c; . Wlauonain
brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmberger, Uc;. twins,
young Americas, 14o.
NUTS-V alnuts. No. 1 soft ahclla. new
crop, per lb., 15rc;hard ahell. par. (hw, USe
peer, steers, su.uixiro.i; lair to goon. J.-vnt- n "i1. vi ir,niu nncn, p-. iac
4.80; weatern steers, 82.65414.50; atocker and Pecans, huge, per lb., 14c; small, per lb.,
reeHera t2 406i4l5: s.iuihern steers 13 tim , 12c. Peanuts, per 11).. 7c; rnaated. Der lit .
4 00; outhern cow, tl.7.V93.0ii: native cows. c. Chill walnuts, per lb.. Uii1c. Almond.
81.76tr3 ; native heifers. t2.5o44.;; bulls, 1 soft sheila, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per
t2 0"o3.25- calve. 82.2ulj6.oo. Receipts for " Bliellbark hickory nuta, -pr hu..
the week. 7.00 hfad. 182.86; Urge hickory nuta. per b-j ti.SO.
HOGS Recelpta, 8.000 head; market 2VWc I Cheatnuta. 15c pr lb. CoooanuU. ti0 per
higher Ton. li ft.- hoik of sules. 14 7i4i4fc.l: I Sack of 100.
heavy, 84.7i.4j4 85; packers, 84. 76184. V.'Vs; pigs I HIDES-No. 1 green, c; No, 1 green. Ic
and lights, M40j4.77V. Receipts (ur the
week. 51.800 head.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, none:
market nominally ateady. Native lambs.
Th following range of prices at Kansas
City was reported by F. D. Day & Co., 110
111 Board or Trade building:
Articles. Open. ! High.! Low. Close. I Yes'y
V i-e.,t ! . I i
rec....;7SHfiiHl 764 78 iHJ 7S'i
May... so',! so, no toVai wh
f : I I I
Dec. ... I 4n ! '.' C-,l 40 4"'i
May.... 4"'i 4"i 4i"t 4"'4! 40-S
(i - - I I
Dec i 2S' ?" '-"i . '"l ""i
May... 30Si 3,L' l"1 30! 31
12 8 J 12 62 12 55
12 65 ! 12 72 ! 12 Hi
12 62
12 72
12 52
12 62
May...; 15X7 6 87 IX 6 7 6
stand to lone hi following If h I wrong.
It do not hlp him any that b ha given
hi houest opinion. Th tipster who would
last through th up and down of the
gam must be a "trimmer."
One when Sugar waa the most active
apeeulallve feature of th market a crowd
uf swindler sent out 100. (HO letter pre
dicting a twenty-point movement. In 60,
una of th Utter It was predicted that the
movement would be a twenty-point rise
and in tha other SO.OOO a twenty-point da
cUn ws predicted Th stock was sui
to mora twenty point on way or the
other. After th stock had advanced
twenty points th 60.000 bull letters wer
followed up for business. New York
X Hsvwatd stayed over Sunday at
the Arcade.
Max (""ohn of Nebraska City la gUet
at the Millard.
M. E. Adam of Springfield registered
yesterday at the Arcade.
Among Sunday arrivals at the Arcade
wa seen E. O. Garrett of Fremont.
Ray Clute. a brother of Mr. J A. Hope
proprietor of the Arcade hotel, passed
, v. c. j . in 1 1 ii, nci.
VI. Loal Geaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 18-WHEAT-Lower;
No. t red. cash, elevator. 87 V"''"-' .; track.
olNc; December. KtfjiviV; May. av
No. 3 hard, MflMiW
I CORN Steady: No. 2 cash, nominal;
(track 44't for new. 4c for old; December,
i 42-ic: May. 43c.
OA i a rirm, ru. - can. iracK,
Sic: December, JOc; My. 31c; No. 2 white,
324 32 V.C.
FLOl'R Steady; red winter patent. 84.30
4 SO; extra fancy and struight. t3.Mil.2&
, ler. t2"fi3 1.
i SEED Timothy. tesdy: t2.5"fty2.Si'.
CORN MEAL Steady; 82.80.
FRAN Firm: sacked, east track. 727173c
HAY Steady; timothy, 3S.Oi.l4.": prairie.
t7 V fi 4 Ul.
PROVISIONS Pork, l.-sd : jobbing.
Mlaarapolla Urala Market.
First patent. 84.Xit 4.8"; second patents,
84 .6o74.7ii; first clears. 1.1 6o'i J.75: second
clear. t2. 472.55.
BRAN-ln hulk tU 6
(Superior quotations for Minneapolis de
livery). The range of prices, hu reported
by F. D. Day ek Co., Uu-lU Board of Tiad
building, waa:
Articlca.l Open I High.! Ijuw. Close.i Yea y
Wheat-. I
Dec lffi!
ll- I
May... 103
'6 i
1 03 ,
1 V.i
Tliere liaa not been hok-Ii rh.,i..,
tock in thl week, the moat of the aturf 1 86.25i7.20: weatern lamba. to.2547.00; ewes
being on the warmed up and short fed and yearlings. 84 ti-5.60: western clipped
R. J. Kline trick 8 T) k'lin.iri. b .....i
wife. Beatrice, and W. H. Kilpatrl.-k and i tH ?5- Lard, ate.dy; prime ateaiu. t6.sS.
4raa aad .ayar Trial tel.
SAVANNAH. Ga . Nov. 1 -The trial of
Caotam Benjamin D. Green and Colonel
John K. Gaynol. char.-d with defrauding
In govrrnmrnt In connection with natlKn-
aire oi i-enver are registered at the
At th Murray: A. Ibnen. Lincoln: J. W.
Machamer. Central City; N. O. Smith
W. J. Fleuimtng. Lexington; A. N. Grimes!
H. C. Hansen. Hastings: C. L. Tate,
Plattsmout.i: A. D. bear. Grand Island,
sr among the Sunday arrival at the
At th Her Grand: Mr. Mary La. kv,
Islington: E. C. Karri. Chadron: Ira
Wolf. Elgin; E. A. Hall, Peterabuig; W.
C. Cook, Lincoln.
R. A. Tawney. Pierce: Lerov Hall.
Crawford: Arthur S. Iori-lin, Fremont; L.
Improvement contract, will t called for l Hick. John Soppiger. Seward. C E. Covle
tiwi in ta I mu-a aiaiea couil on I ues- Grand lli:d. I. i. Henry. Ktarney, re
day, January 8. I gueet at the Merrhant.
Drv alt meat, stead ; boxed extra shorts,
88 78: clear ribs, 88 00; short clear. M 25.
Baron, cteady; boxed extra short. 880;
clear ribs. i75: short clear. 88 00.
POULTRY Turkey. lower: -hirken,
7ic stjrings. dllc; turkey, 12V?: duck,
loc: reene. gfl k-.
W UTTER Finn ;creamery, J0-g25c; dairy,
EGGS Steady at 24c, caae count.
Recetnt. bhipment
Pour, bhl
Wheat, bu
Corn, bo
Oat, bu
.... M.nirt
.... 77 on"
.... 74.000
Dalatk Grata Market.
DULUTH. Nov 18,-WHEAT-To arriv:
No 1 northern, SS'ic; No. 2 northern, 81 Sc
order, and the fore part of the week '.here
i ooi iiiul-ii s"oi bvuii on tne marks'
with th" result that there waa a aiuini'i
Monday and Tuesday, but later the suiull
luu, coupled Willi the improvement In
quality, cauted the market to firm up so
that the week closed with beef ter
practically steady with last week prices.
Cow and heifer also experienced quite
a slump on Monday and Tuesday, owing
to the overaiipplv and Inferior quality ol
the atuff received, but there wa a alight
improvement noticeable on Wednesday, th
quality of the stork arriving wa of a bet
ter order nd thei wa an increased de
mand from both packer and outaide buy
er, so that th week on cow and helfe'i
closed steady with last week.
The trade on feeders and Blockers oien..l
with a slow market and lower prices, but
the quality improved and the demand he
cam aood for iight. handy feeder, with
the result that the week trade on feeder
closed with an ad vane of Hiujlir nn good
choice muff.
HOGS The receipt of hog thia morn
ing were moderately large and all tlia
train were in in good season, so that
th msrkel was in shape to begin work
at a reasonably early hour. The trading
opened very active and it waa really th
feature of the day trading, a the moat
of the stock wsa cleaned up and diapoaed
of within a few minutea of the time the
market opened for trading. While th
trad waa active, the market wa 'ateady
to strong in ton la most case. A
compared with yeaterday ther wa qo ma
terial change in the price nd the trade
generally average, up pretty well alth the
previous day. The top of the market
todav was 14 72Vi. which is 7c low-,- than
those of yesterday, but the average tufT
went at prlrea that were ateady with ye.
Minneapolis C.h Close Wheat: No. 1 lerday sales. The bulk of the sale
today mere at wsi wnicn is just
about the name as lor yesterday.
There wa a moderate run of hog dur
ing the week and It was llglitly heavier
than that of laal meek, but i a little
mailer than the run for the ain week
on vear go. The trend of price ha
been lomer from day to day ana th mar
ket at th other principal market point
has been more or less uneven and unsat
isfactory The decline for th week Is
from 10il5c.
Bpreentaliv saie
No. 1 salted, loc; No. 2 salted, e: No. 1
veal calf. 11c; No. 8 veal calf. 3c; dry
suited, 7ul4c; sheep pelt. 26c4itl.0V;. horse
hides, tl.6O4j3.0O. .
Liverpool Grata Market,
yearlings, 8V00j .60; etern clipped sheep, I LIVERPOOL. Nov. 18 WHEAT Snot.
t4."i4j6 6l. t firm; No. 2 red, western winter, 6s 7'ad,
futures steudy; December, 7s tyd: March,
I. I.onla Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 18 CATTLE Receipt,
2oi head; no Texan: market strong. Na
tive shipping and exports steers, 24.755 60;
dressed beef and butcher ateers, 62 6.Vg6.0n;
steers under l.flnrt los., 82 6Vf3 60; stockers
and feeners. xz.pi'ns.tti: cows and neirers
V..1: May. Ks llad.
COIIN-Spot, eady; American mliad.' 6
l'i-.l, futures quiet; January, .4 6d,
March, 4s 4'.d. ' -
Milwaukee Grata Market.-
MII.WAI'KKK Kov 18 WHma'rtrvi.ll.
33 'Xvf4-46; eanners.; - bull. 82.06 '. j nort hern, 87fttWc; No. 2 northern, 84"
2.30; calves, 82?5Wt-5t:. Texas ind Indian xoc: May. 87''0,We jked.
RYE-Doll; No. 1, 70VJ71e. '
BARLEY Steady; No, 2.; 65c; sampl. if
("'ORN-Steady; May, 4,c bid. ' '' '
steers, 2.:iod375; corns and halfers.
82 n"3 '.
HOGS Receipts. 2.500 head: market
steady. Pig and light. 84 ui-4 85; packers,
84 .M4r4 80; butcher and heat heavy,
84.7514 85.
HHKKP A.1J L,Anvri iteceipis, ja neaa ;
TreaMy gtataraaoat. - - -
msrlret atea'rtv. Native mutton. 84 5o4ffi 4-: ! WASHINGTON. Nor. 18. Today' tt
lamb. 85 2Vi7 45: culls and bucks. : nnM.OO: ment of th treasury balanc In th venral
lockers, 8.1.oun.50: Tegana. 32.75tr4.Tfi.
1 Vl
hard. 84'c: No. 1 northern. S4'c; No. J
northern. WsHlTtc: No. 3. 79V'i3ic; No. 1
Durum, 74c; to arrive, 72c. Corn: No. 3
yellow, 4c; No. 3. 4c Oata: No. 3 whit.
2fc.. Barley: 35i4Sc. Rye: C34Q4Vic.
IHax: On track, 'J7Vc; to arrive. 67V-'-
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Nov. 18 -CORN-Bteady; No. 3
yellow, 43Sc; No. 3. 43.,c; No. 4. 42c; no
grade, toe.
OATS Firm: No. 3 white. V; No. 4
whit. 2SV$'C.
WHISKY On th bsi of 81 30 for iin
lshed good.
t osTea Market.
coftee market future opened steady at un- I
changed price at an advance of i points !
In response to steady European cable.
But report of rain in Brazil checked th '
demand and the market eased off (llghtlv 1
toward th close with final price tedy, I
net unchanged a compared with yester
day. Sale wer reported of 27.000 bags.
Including November t 5nc: Decemtier.
85te; March. .6'ic; Mav. T.loaT.ite; I
Julv, T.aic: September. 7 V-'u7.40r aiid 4V-
t.,tr at 7 47.4c fpol Rio. quiet: No. 7
Invoice. 8 6-16c.
Vo A k. ft K rr
t II ... 4 t t?l M 4 T
11 ...... l!l ... 4 H t 1 4CIV,
... !l ... 4 10 at i o llii,
rr '..m ... 4 i i fx 4 4:4
44 111 80 4 U Tl so 4 474
4A no ... 4 44 41 17 40 4 II V,
M . . !"0 . .. 4 IS 0 4 47',
If. la l 4 J 76 J40 4 41V4.
; 3 IN 4 1 J" 1 4 IT'i
4r n ... 4 a us 10 4 rr'i
II tit 11 4 4 62 ...8l IfS
44 14; 11 iu M its lao 4 nv
IT tut ton 4 a Mi im 4 atv,
44 I . SO 4 ' 16 ill 4 1
7 IM 2W 4 i 7 J 4 70
il 1.1 H l 11 141 4 4 1
4 I'- 140 4 I.'. 10 11 4 7
17 W 4 17 II 271 fi 4 1
47 4 ire 4 a:, '7 !a: r- 4 1"
; 4" 4 47 , 14-J 4 74
Jew York l ive ".tork Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 18 - BKKVKS4 Ha
clpts. it'"' head; no trading; drexsed beef
piarket dull at HSi(jc per ra.und for nativ
side; export today, iSO riead beeves and
6.8V, qtiartera of beef.
CALVES Receipts. ,0 neaa: no ueniitna
and no trading for the meek. Country
dreased at WlV'ic: dressed grassers and
fed calves at 4'"W.
SHEEP AND t.A.MM Iteeeipts. 1 Yttt
heid: niarket steady; sheep sold at 84 -iU
8 55. lamr.a at X7 ti. I)reseo muttons steady
at 37 .laaiiiooo
fund exclusive of the gold r-
crve shorn: Available cash balan-ea, 81 -3 -
Kc.iaxa: go'd' coin and bullion, fS.644.ia;
gold certificates, 846.1K3.6fl0.
Philadelphia Pradavea Market. '
extra western crtnery. 24tr.
Eti'.S-Firm; weatern fresh, 10c.
CHEESE Mrm; New York full cream
ery, la'V14e.
Toledo fared Market. - ,
TOLEDO, O.. Nov. 18 SEED Clover.
dressed lamba, moderat at I cash. 87V4; December, 88.00; January,
6S (; February. K I; March, 6 !. Prim
ulaike. la.on. Prime timothy, tl 66
Sloas City l ive stork Market.
morx CITY. Ia.. Nov. 18.-(8peca1 Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. Sou head; mar
ket steady, beeves. 84 ."p5 (lu; com, hull
and mixed, fc!. 00412 35: atocker and feeder.
t2 7Lti3 65: calr and yearling. t2 5u03 25.
H ids-Kectlpt. .aH head; market 2'-t,iI s
lower, selling at t4.5M4.7u; bulk of sales,
84 6-4 65-
St. Joseph Lit Stock Market.
Receipt. 84 head; market teadv. Na
tive. 33 Sitio.W; cows and heifers, II j
4.60: torker and f-eder. tI75'a3 75.
HOGS Receipt. 1.713 head: market t-trongJ
to 15c higher. Light. 14 6T'v-4 v; ine.ilum and
heavy. 84 7(14 83; hulk of sales. 84 7iu4 to.
SHEEP AND UA MBS Receipt, none.
Stack la Might.
Reeeipta of live atock at th six principal
western markets yesterday:
cattle, nog oneen.
South Omaha..., 74 4 J 83
Ploux City 8on s
Kansaa City jum 3 oo
St. Joeei.h t 8 713 . .
St. Iioul 1 2i 8"S
Chicago 500 1S,Hi0 S.0.S1
Total S.8V 34.613 2,39
MevrhaadUa aad Ks-eele.
XrW YORK. Nov 18. Total Imports of
.. -H-, ndle and dry goods s4 I iie port of
New York for the mack ending today mere
Von Dorn Grain Co
Chicago Board of Trad
Omaha Grain Exohanf a.
Grain and Provisions
Bought and sold for cash or futur delivery
Receiver and Shippers.
218 and 220 BOARD OF TRADE BL1XJ.
Tel. 10D8 OMAHA.
F. Da Day Cl Co.
riealer la
Stocks, drain. Provision
ahlgt Yoor Grata t I'a
Brach IIU-U1 Baard al Tiala
Bldg., Oaiaha. Tslhs a 14V.
XJ2-214 Exchang J.dg , South Oenaaa
Sell Phon 2la tadndal 'Pawn h