Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Pom Carpuun Oira TJltimatim U Union
fti BamoTiig Two Mta.
Werkn Art Wlthslrswa from E. O.
Hamilton, with Wkim lain
Sara t Haa Ha4 Mil-aadmtaadlac
fha Contractors" Association of Douglas
County haa served notice upon th Car-I't-ntera'
union that unless two union car
penters taken from E. O. Hamilton's work
hi . orders of the business scent of the
union are put back on the Job the associa
tion will atop enploylng union carpenters
A resolution to thin efTect was adopted
at a meeting of the association. The union
Is (Iven ten days In which to comply with
the demand. JRepresentatlVs of the em
ployers say the latter wish to bring im
pending trouble with the carpenters to a
focus If a struggle Is to be Inaugurated
sooner or later by the union.
Since the strike of J3 the carpenters
have had no agreement with the contrac
tors. The contractors have employed both
union and non-union men. Recently the
union's activity has been noted and the
two men were ordered oft the Hamilton
Job because the contractor refused to dis
charge the non-union men working there.
Test of the Resolntlon.
The resolution sent to the union reads:
Resolved, That unless the two union
cariienteis wno were pulled off Mr. E. O.
Hamilton s work November 8, by the walk
ing delegate of Carpenter's I'mon No. mi.
because Mr. Hamilton refused to hire nune
but union men, are ordered back to work
(or Mr. Hamilton witnin ten days from
date ot this notice, that the Contractor's
association will cease to employ union
liobert McKlnnon, business agent of the
I union, says:
i "The men were taken oft the Hamilton
t Job because of a personal grievance the
union has against Mr. Hamilton which
Justified the action, In general his treat
" uifcnt of union men Is responsible. It was
not directed against any other contractor
and there Is no right on to compel the
employment of union men only. Our ex
ecutive committee will meet this afternoon
to formulate a r ply to the letter from the
association. It is not likely the demand
will be complied with. Of course, if the
association stands by and supports Mr.
' Hamilton tha trouble may spread and
cause a general strike or lockout. Speak
ing for myself I think this outcome Is not
probable. It Is to be understood explicitly
that we have no controversy on with the
association or any contractor except Mr.
Carpenters Make Reply.
The following communication was sent
to Secretary Walter Peterson of the Con
tractors' assorlntlon, after a meeting Sat
urday afternoon, by W. O. Chadwell, sec
retary of the carpenters' organization:
Your communication of the 14th Inst.
duly received mid contents noted. In re-
tly will ray thut after due consideration
of the farts at our command as to E. O.
Hamilton's methods and treatment of some
tit our members recently In his employ
ment, our organisation has voluntarily
agreed to discontinue working for the said
K. O. Hamilton until such time as we
are satisfied that he will accord us Just
treatment, anil not for the reason stated?
In your resolution.
We do not assume the right to deprive
any member of his civil rights by com
pelling him to work for any employer
Hgalnst his wishes. If your association
sees tit to uphold Hamilton in assuming
that 'right we stand preiMired, If need be,
to submit our cause to public criticism.
Mrs. Stlaer went to I'lsl'.'.no.ith on Fri
day for a short visit.
C. F. Martin hss been on the siikllst dur
ing the last week, but is w'tr.
Mrs. Sebastian 8elel of Omaha spent last
Frl'iay with Mrs. C. A. Saxman.
William Witte returned M niay after a
Sunday visit at his home in I'.lkliorn.
Mr. Peters nf Oakdaie vittd his former
pastor. Rev. Mr. Lridy, a iew days.
Miss Ooodell of Frern nt Is the guest t.f
her sister. Mrs. Kd Velh. this week.
P. M. Haverly of Ormlia visited old
friends and comrades here oil Thursday.
O. Tt. Furbush returned Horn a tour
through North Dakota the fore part ot
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Klllot and baby of
Omaha were guests of Mrs. E'llot's parents
last. Sunday.
The new street signs '.vere put 'n plrcr
on all street corners lal 'e.'k. its w: I
as new sidewalks and er jusm lnld
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 'l nn are entertain
ing the former's sister. Miss Drgan, and a
friend. Miss Slattery. of Dubuque, la.
One of the Roumer children was operated
on for appendicitis on Tuesday at the
Swedish hospital In Omaha and Is doing
The new business house on Nor'b Mili
tary avenue to be ereci.'J by Joseph Mi-.
Oul're for rental purp was h.'S-'H. last
Wednesday and Is rapiJly progressing.
On account of Mrs. C. A. Pearson's ab
sence In halls Citv there was no meeting
of the ladies' gymn.ul'i'in Cl.i-s l ist well.
It Is expected to met .lunnz tills week,
Miss Mnrgaret Wede r-tirned to Chi
cago to her work In tier nro.ner s twuu
in that city. She has spent the Inst two
months vlnltlng her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Wedge.
Mrs. P. A. Snxman of this place enter-
t.wwi (i.o fniiowimr Indies of Omaha at
.dinner on Thursday: Mrs. John Smith of
vvuatiinirion Hill. Mrs. Charles Harning
Mrs. Kmorv French and Miss Marie
Mr unit Mrs. William Johnson retuvn.'d
on Wednesday from Grand Island, where
thev went to arrange f ir the Intermrri 01
Mrs Johnson's father ut Forest lawn in
Omaha in preference to Iho urana isia'-c
The Kenson Hanaerch ir i'.w'i"t'l in the
dedication of the national Swiss (lag cxer
rts. and the celebration of -.lie on
the Ornth. Saturday eve:i.i. at Washing
ton hall. Many others from here were In
Twelve cases of diphtheria have been
reported in Henson. None, however, show
malignant forms and all are Improving
f The schools have been closed
for the coming week to prevent further
spread of the malady.
Mr. Herman Weber, who died on Octo
ber 11, was buried at Mount Hope ceme-
terv last Mondav. He died from a cancer,
which had trouble him for years. He was
60 vears of age and leaves one brother,
living in this place, to mourn his loss.
The F.h ales aerie 122 Is preparing an In
itlatnrv urogram to be given soon for
the henetit of the women. At a special
innetinir last Tuesdav evening the uniforms
for the teum were selected and ordered
twelve for the teams, not including that
worn bv the captain of the team.
Miss Ella Peterson entertained about
eighteen young people of Kenson and
Omaha at her home west of here last
week. Games and music furnished a pleaH
ant afternoon. Piano solos by Ira Moran
and Misses Stella Williams. KUa CJravert
and Ella Peterson were well rendered.
Refreshments were served.
A reception in celebration of the suc
cessful results of the fair given for the
benefit of the St. James orphanage of
this place last Sunday was well uttended.
After a program by the children of the
institution, a luncheon was served In the
dining room, which was prettily decorated
with red and blue bunting and a profusion
of floral decorations. The program was
composed of these numbers: Man'h by
seventy-five children; dialogue by two
girls; song and dance by twelve girls; rec
itation, one of the boys; cantata, twenty
four little grls and dolls; recitation, three
little girls; tambourine drill, twenty-four
hoys; recitation, one of the boys; vestal
hymn,, eight girls; address. Father ilc-Namara.
been stricken with typhoid fever, reports
that the three rtectrt ones are now on
the road to recovery.
The first nuarterlv conference of the
vear was held at Southwest church on
Tuesday evening by Presiding Elder Rev.
William Oorst. Oood reports were brought
In by different officials.
Mrs. John Fritehle died suddenly at thr
firm home near Henderson, la., hist week
of pneumonlsi, leaving a htishnnd and four
hlldren under 15 Mr and Mrs. r reeman.
formerlv of West Ambler, have gone to
keep house this winter for their bereaved
uncle and family.
A temperance entertainment was given
nt Southwest church on Sunday last under
the leadership of Sunday School Superin
tendent Mrs. John Hlake, and the school.
Rev. R. M. Henderson led In prayer. Miss
Ada (Jants was organist. After the open
ing exercises Mrs. Blake turned the meet
ing over to Mrs. FhlnrocK, who gave a tln
address. Little Miss Ethel Otfford recltd
The Blue Ribbon. " Miss Flower of Lin
coln gave an Interesting talk of her mis
sion work at the penitentiary. Mr. Revler
of North Omaha sang "Mother s Prayer.'"
Miss Mngee of the City Mission in the
Third ward told of her little tots there
who are so badlv Influenced by the evil
habit of Intemperance. The closing ad
dress, on "Men Wanted " was given by a
young bov of Omaha, and the congregation
sang "When the Roll Is Called."
ment arrived. The da:nsge was sllsht
end there was no hindrance to the work
In the press rooms.
Report Worrsll and Uwirrn Want
lirsail Jnry to
met on
The Dundee Woman's club
Wednesday with Miss Bartlett.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Haughey of 4S23 Cap
itol avenue are rejoicing In the birth of a
Mrs. Jackson of Camden, N. J., was the
guest one day last week of Mrs. P. J.
Mrs. Fuller and small daughter of Fuller-
ton, Neb., are the guests of Mrs. W. 8.
The Indies' Aid society of the Dundee
Presbyterian church met on Friday with
Mrs. D. L. Johnson.
The Rotind Doien club will meet on
Wednesday with Mrs. W. L. 8elby and her
mother, Mrs. Colfax.
Mrs. J. Kaufman of Adair, la., was the
guest last week of her daughters, Mrs.
Beebe and Mrs. Deene.
A missionary meeting of the Dundee
Presbyterian church will be held Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. I..
Just what effect the dissolution of the
Nebraska drain association will have on
pending litigation In the federal courts of
this district Is difficult to d' W rmlne at this
i time. Judge Baxter and Attorney Howell
! of Jefferls Howell, were again In confer
ence Saturday morning over the situation,
i but both were reticent as to expressing any
j opinions for publication. Judge Baxter
I was asked If the dissolution of the associa
tion would change the status of affairs?
He replied:
"I cannot say, but likely It will. How
ever, 1 am not prepared to make any state
ment for publication for the present."
It has leaked out. however, that Thomas
Worrall, through his attorneys, Jrfterls &
Howell, is leaving no efforts undone to
bring the matter before the. federal grand
Jury and It Is probable In that event that
witnesses may be summoned from Kansas,
Nebraska nnd other adjacent states to
testify as to the grain trust methods. The
grand jury will not meet again until Mon
day and In any event nothing will be done
before that body reassembles.
Thinks Theoloatlral Coarse at Cretan.
ton Would f;lve It and Omaha
Great Freatlae.
"Crelghton university would draw stu-
! dents from all over the T.'nited States and
would come to have an International repu-
tation If a strong faculty of theology and
: philosophy were established," said Bishop
Don! come off NJ Ss, 'V' -":''
untiiu J if ' j
take them off H ,U J
if you
want an eye glass that is all
you think it should be let us
show you the
On to Stay On.
Headquarters for th Shur-On.
218 South Sixteenth Street.
Next door to the People's Store.
fH 1 1 .. T". . I 1. . T. 1 . n.,
rick, have returned from a visit to the ' 8cannell, referring to his speech V ednes-
ranch of Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick
Wyoming, and are at the Winona.
Propoie Poshlna- Their Demand for
Higher Salaries from Eco
nomical Standpoint.
Omaha teachers have started a systematic
campaign to secure the Increase in pay
which they recently asked for. They have
applied to City Tax Commissioner Fleming
for a statement of the amount of taxes the
large property owners pay and for a state
ment of the amount of fees paid by the
saloons which goes Into the school fund.
It Is presumed that when In possession of
these statistics the teachers will call upon
tha large property owners and show them
what amount their taxes will be Increased
and aeoure their support In the movement.
Why Suffer When By Merely Sending
Name and Address You Can Have
a Free Trial Package- of a Rem
rdy That Will Cure You.
We receive hundreds of letters like the
following: "I have been feeling so good I
could hardly believe tt, after suffering with
piles for a year, to find that I am once
mora feeling llk myself. I wish you
could have seen me before I started using
Pyramid Pile Cure and look at me now,
and you would say I am not the same
man. I have gained 20 pounds, and all on
account of Pyramid Pile Cure." Walter
JBharkley, M Park street, Springfield, Mass.
"I bought a fifty-Cent box of Pyramid
rile Cure and used aa directed, with tha
most unexpected results, a complete cure.
I hava been troubled with piles fop thirty
years and was In much distress and passed
much blood, hut at present am fro from
any kind of piles." F. McKay. Weavervtlle,
"Pyramid Pile Cure haa been worth thou
sands of dollars to me; It cured me after
using numbers ot other remedies and taking
medicines from doctors. It also cured my
son, although ha could hardly walk, eat
or sleep; ha Is now all right." B. String"
fellow. Postmaster, Elko, S. D.
By the use of Pyramid Pile Cure you
will avoid an unnecessary, trying and ex
pensive examination by a physician and
will rid yourself of your trouble in the
privacy of your own horns at trifling ex
pense After using the free trial package which
we gladly mail you. In a perfectly plain
wrapper, you can secure regular full-stsed
packages from druggists at W cents each.
r we will mall direct In plain package
. upon receipt of pries. Pyramid Prug Co.,
, Fyramld Bundles, Marshall, Mich.
Bishop Williams of Omaha conducted the
Services In St. Mark's church last Sunday.
Miss Clara Pliant, assistant postmaster,
has chnrge of the office during the absence
or Miss Tracy.
Plant & Kelrle have about finished their
contract grading the river road. It is a de
cided improvement.
The Nebraska Telephone company ex
pects to have the new exchange in Flor
ence by January 1.
Dr. Mullen of Springfield, 111., was the
guest of the family of Mrs. Johanna
Franklin Wednesday night.
Miss Prudence Tracy has been spending
the past week with relatives at Freeport,
111. She returned to her home Suturday.
Roy Wilson went to Newcastle, Neb.,
Tuesday morning, where he will be em
ployed with a bridge gang during the
William and Antone Pulte returned Mon
day night from Detroit, Mich., where they
were called last week on account of the
death of a brother.
The Carnation club will give a social
party and H dance Thursdav evening, No
vember a!, at Wall s hall, Florence. Invi
tations have been sent out.
H. M. Crume left Thursday for New
castle, Neb., where his son has a contract
foti putting In several bridges. Mr. Crume
took his team and drove through.
Mrs. Foley of the Court of Honor lodge
haa been in town during the week placing
some deputies and looking after the Inter
ests of the local court recently organised
The Odd Fellows entertainment for the
henetit of St. James' Orphanage was given
last night. It being postponed from a week
ago on account of rain. There was a good
attendance and good patronage.
Mary Barrett has old six lots In the
block In which her residence is to William
P. Thomas of Peoria. III. Mr. Thomas In
tends to build a home on part of the lots
and, erect cottages on the remainder lor
rental purpoaes.
Dr. W. O. Akers of Talmage, Neb., has
moved his family to Florence, and will
oen an office and practice his profession.
Tie was at Florence several years ago fur
a short time, temporarily, but will now lo
cate permanently here.
The Omaha Water company has a force
of men nl work across the river putting In
riprap and making some repairs on the
ripiap put In last spring and winter. The
work done last year has held a little bet
ter than expected.
The Kelrle Ice company has obtained a
three years lease on the reservoirs of the
Omaha Water company at Florence and
Omaha and will cut Ice from them instead
of the river ua heretofore. The Talbot Ice
company has been cutting ice irom me
reservoirs for several years past.
Writ Ambler.
Mrs. Thed Smith was the guest of her
friend. Mrs. Kd Walsh, on me wesi Bias
n..v and Mrs. R. M. Henderson were
guests of North Omaha friends the first of
the week.
J. K. Aughe and wife entertained their
sister. Mrs. M. J. Whltelock of AshUnd, on
Suturday and Sunday.
Mr. O'Connor Is having a new well put
down at hi a home on West Center street
and the cellar cemented.
Mr. Moran and family have moved Into
the new home recently built by John Fead
and will occupy It thlx winter.
John Faverty. who la with the Telephone
company at Millard, has been circulating
among his many friends here this week.
Mrs. John Gants and daughter, Miss Ada,
were the guests of their nun and brother,
O. Hants of Monmouth Park, .Tuesday.
Mrs. HU-kmaji and Mrs. N. Carburg came
out to the old home on ednesd ty and
were guests of Orandma Hickmin, their
Mrs. Daniel Shandy attended a -?hurch
meeting In the bluffs on Tuesday and the
funeral of a friend on South Tenth street
Mrs. Aughe. accompanied by Mrs. Charles
Florkee of Hanscom Park, were jcueats at
dinner with Mrs. i). Letts of North Twenty
third street. Thursday.
Tha Ladies' Aid society will meet at the
home of Mrs. Daniel Shandy on Wednes
day for all day. There are four comforts
to be tied. Dinner at noon.
Mrs. Darling and daughters entertained
their aunt, Mrs. Allen of Fifty-first and
Poppleton. and niece, Mrs. Mary Olesen of
Benson, the hint of the week.
Frank Aughe. wife and cousin, Miss
Pearl Danlxl of Allen, Neb., were the
guests of the former's father and family
on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
Miss Ada Gants received early Christ
mas presents on Monday In tha shape of a
flit gold piece and a ttne gold watch and
chain, from home folks, which she values
Mrs. R. Getty, who Is at Ixup City tak
Imt tr of hvt broihev's faiuUr, wnu hats
Varied Collection of Statues to Adorn
Chapel In Eplaropal
Care has been taken by the authorities
of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine
that a second controversy concerning the
sex qt the angels shall not arise over
statues to be placed In the chapel next to
be built. The angels are not yet made for
the Belmont chapel, now nearly done. The
committee on fabric. In charge of the Bel
mont chapel decorations and other de
tails, did not consider the sex of the
angels that were to adorn It.
The new chapel Is to stand Immediately
north of the Belmont, and Is to be called
St. Colombo. It Is the chapel of the Brit
ish rite, and the committee, partly to leave
no doubt about the decorations, and to
prevent a second controversy, has selected
men only as subjects for the statues.
These men, twenty-five in number, are
chosen as representatives of the successive
stages ot the history of Christianity In
Great Britain.
On the exterior of the chapel of St.
Colombo are to be five figures, St. Co
lomba, for whom the chapel In r.amed,
and St. George, St. Andrew', St. Patrick
and St. David, the respective national
saints of England, Scotland, Ireland and
On pillars of the entrance to the chapel
are twenty figures, all men, and among
those selected by the American committee
to stand for the development of Anglican
Christianity are St. Augustine, leader of
the Italian mission to the English In
Kent; the venerable Bode, an example of
'monastic piety; King Alfred, Christian
law giver; Archbishop Langton of Magna
Charta fame; John Wyckllffe, the morning
star of the Reformation; Hooker, father of
modern Anglican theology; eloquent
Jeremy Taylor; John Wesley, leader of
the evangelical movement; John Kehle of
the Oxford movement; Bishop Berkeley,
friend of America; Bishop Heber, repre
senting modern missions, and Frederick
Denison Maurice, philosopher and prophet.
representing the broader theology ot the
Knglish church.
The chapel of the British rite, St. Co
lombo, Is to cost $100,000 and was the gift
of Mis. Edward King. New York Herald.
day night at the Crelghton University
Alumni association banquet advocating
such a faculty for Crelghton. "My re
marks were not with the Idea that any
thing of the nature would come to pass
Immediately, but I say It would be a very
good thing for the university and for
Omaha. The teaching of theology and
philosophy is the secret of the success of
many of the great universities. It Is to
this that the fame of Salamanca, which
draws its students from all the world, Is
Found at Pawnshop, Where It Was
Probably Pawned by Man
Who Stole Grip.
Detectives Heltfeld and Donohoe ar
rested P. H. Mcpherson of Buffalo, N. Y..
Saturday afternoon on the charge of steal
ing a grip and overcoat from the Webster
ttreet station baggage room Thursday
evening. The grip nnd contents were val
ued at $150 by Mrs. John Strauss of Emer
son when the woman reported the loss to
the police. A diamond ring said to have
been In the grip was recovered at a pawn
shop and Is reported to have been disposed
of by McPherson. The overcoat belongs to
Patrick Klnculd. McPherson denies any
knowledge of the theft.
"Sleepy" Leon Hewitt, well known to the
local police, has been arrested as a bus.
plclous character. Hewitt has been seen
recently with McPherson and the police
believe the men have been Jointly Impli
cated in thefts.
Kntertalnlno; an Enemy.
Don't entertain a chronic, running sore
or wound. Cure It with Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. 25o; guaranteed. For sale by Sher
man & McConnell Drug Co.
Small Fire at World-Herald.
A small fire broke out In the partitions
of the World-Herald building last night
at 12:16 at a point where they Join the
first floor. Some old papers had been
tucked away there and these took fire. It
is thought, by the sparking of the motor,
or from the electric wiring. An alarm
was turned In but the location of the burn
ing rubbish was discovered, and the fire
put out with a bucket before the depart-
I.lentenant Fortesque Resigns.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. Acting Sccre
tary Oliver today accepted the resignation
of Lieutenant Granville R. Fortesque,
Eighteenth cavalry. Lieutenant Fortesque
was one of the officers mentioned In the
Taggart divorce case at Wooster, O. No
reason Is given for the resignation.
"I And Cicreti to good that I would not be
without them. I w troubled s great detl with
torpid liver and headache. Now einre takinff
CaacareuC'aniir Cathartic I feel very ranch better
1 shall certain)? recommend them to my friends
M the belt meilleine 1 hare ever seen."
Anns Basinet, Osbora Mill No. I, Fall Rlrer, Uasi.
Pletunt, Palatable, Potent. Tuts Ormd. Do Oood,
Kever bicknn, Weaken or Gripe. Hk Sic, 4c. Never
old ia bnlk. The gentilne tablet tamped CCC.
Guaranteed to cure or your niouey back.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 601
There are countless old. middleaged and
young men whose lives have been blighted, fond
est hopes shattered by the results of their wrong-
doings, over-indulgences or youthful errors. If you
are an unfortunate one we pity you. You perhaps
are not all to blame; you should have been
warned of your follies, or, if you were unheed
ing, you went on with the recklessness of Youth,
little thinking of the miseries that you would soon
have to reap, until suddenly you were startled
by the terrible realiiation of what you had
brought on yourself. Those persistent vital losses
and day drains slowly, but surely sapping the life
vigor from you; your manhood is fast ebbing
sway; you no longer have that stirring, throb
bing, manly vigor of perfect manhood; you are
listless, despondent, weakened In mind and mem
ory; you find things slip away from you; you
are never certain. It Is a terrible condition to be
in. Y'ou know now that you must get something
to check It. something to heln vou. or be a nerv-
t J. rill' .,WiH-" '14 WHn'V tM ous wreck whom your friends will speak of In
I i:isxi3i r fc.Ui1'! ' " hn.hari tones. You want liln Von know vol! need
It. Tou are timid. You hesitate. You wait. You will do it tomororw. Do It now.
Do It today, for delay Is dangerous. Consult us. We have made a life study of
the diseases of men; It is our special chosen profession. We devote our entire
time to tha study and pracflce of these diseases. We keep In touch with each and
every new medical treatment. We know while similar cases will answer to like
treatment, each case has Its peculiarities, and there lies hack of all a direct cause
for all the trouble. The first interview enables us to rind out what the first, real
cause was. When this Is once known It becomes easy for us to apply the proper
treatment. You can talk to us In perfect confidence and privacy. We hold sacred
all private confidences and appreciate perfect frankness by giving professional ad
vice and brotherly counsel.
TION OF THE BLADDER AND PROSTATIC and all associate diseases and weak
nesses of men.
can't call personally, write. Home treatment quite as successful as office. Medi
cine and mall sent In plain wrappers. Charges reasonable.
110 South Fourteenth, Corner Fourteenth anil Pouglus Streets Omaha, Neb.
ALL 252.
We have our own private 'phone exchange and
give prompt attention to wire orders.
ALL KINDS COAL. -The kind you rant.
1608 Harney St.
i vaw
Whenever any matter of public importance has arisen.
The Omaha Daily News
Has always secured an expression of opinion from the
very best authority or expert available. Some of the
best known contributors during the past six months
who have written exclusively lor "The News," are:
Jas. R. Garfield
U. S. Commissioner of Corporations.
Jos. W. Folk
Governor of Missouri.
Geo. Dewey
Admiral U. S. Navy.
Jas. Wilson
Secretary of Agriculture.
Henry George, Jr.
Well Known Public Economist
Gen. Nelson A. Ailes
lte Chief U. S. Army.
W. T. Stead
English Economist and Editor.
Dr. Washington Gladden
Moderator Congregational Church.
Jacob Riis
Friend of Roosevelt and Social Econo
mist. Arthur Pue Gorman
Senator from Maryland.
Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell, Eugene V. Debs
The well-known labor leaders, and a hundred other well
known and prominent writers
If You Do Not Read "The Daily News," Have It Delivered to
Your Home at Once
By Carrier in Omaha, South Omaha, and Council Bluffs,
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pensacola, florida, and return,
-pueblo, colo., and return,
san antonia, texas, and return,
santa rosa, n. m., and return,
-wichita, kas., and return,
waco, texas, and return.
D. P. A.,
i a rmCHKMl fcrv . NO Lis a
la Mrs a4 awtaUM kua. Ma
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M.M PartUaUra, TaadaMaUls
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Vm Bf CI foru(orl
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O flics sud Infirmary, 2Mh nd Ms son Sts
CM AH A, fiULU. leibOM (Mk