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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1905. BAXTER AFTER GRAIN TRUST District Attorney te Mak Presentation to Federal Grand Jury. FORMAL DISSOLUTION TO CUT NO FIGURE Ural ltoalrrs Walt oa Mr. Bauer and XatWr III in of Artloa Taken, bat lie Will Proceed Nevertheless. The fedrral grand Jury now In session in thta city wilt investigate the Grain trust methods, and particularly the part that the Ncbraeka Grain Dealors' association has had In them. United Btmes District At torney Baxter aaid Inte Saturday evening: "Notwithstanding- the dissolution of the Nebraska. Oraln Dealers' association I shall present the matter to the federal grand Jury for such action and consideration as It may deem proper. Let me say at the outset that I do not know Mr. Worrall, nor have I ever seen him to know him. However, some two weeks ago some one Interested with Mr. Worrall came to me and wanted me to permit the case to no to the trend jury, lie eald that they could produce wttnenset showing- a violation of the anti-trust laws.' I asked that he should produce witnesses and documents and go about the matter In good faith. The mat ter ran along until last Saturday, when some evidence was produced and more promised. More of this evidence was pro duced Tuesday with documentary evidence. I then stated that I would present the mat ter to the grand Jury. Grain Dealers "tee ftaxtrr. "In the meantime the grain dealers learned what was going on In some man ner, and two of them waited upon ine and stated that' the matter was now In this court and ought to be expedited. They Insisted that they had nothing to conceal. They asked me If they had violated the anti-trust laws and I said that I thought they had, and It was my duty, under the ad v I re of the attorney general, to pro ceed against them by filing a bill In equity against them for transacting an Interstate business In violation of the anti-trust act. "They then said that they would call the association together and dissolve It and asked me If that would settle the ques tion. I said If you do there will be no reed of an equity suit, but that parties bad come to me and Insisted thnt action should be taken. "Saturday morning I was Informed by the attorney of the Oraln Dealers' asso ciation that the association had held a meeting and formally dissolved the nssocla tlon for all time and in good faith. He left with mo a certificate signed by the officers of the association to that effect. However, there is no other recourse for me than to present the matter to the grand Jury for Its action and consideration." Big Soda Fountain. Does the soda water business pav? Well, the fact that the Beaton Drug com pany Is putting a 17.000 fountain In its store at Fifteenth and Farnam ought to answer me question to anybody a satisrac. mv, Thanksgiving Cutlery Jas. Morton & Son Co. 151 1 Dodga St. OMAHA, SEB. DOCTORS FOR EU3EW MEN Of all ages, no matter In what walk of life, whose weakened vitality, exhausted energies and shattered nerves tell a pi table, story, and who are tottering on the brink of an abyss tint means destruction of their physK-al health and future liuppiuess unless promptly rescued, caused by Ignorance, excesses or contusion. these are the very ones we want to talk to and help. Iun't suffer with some private disease or secret weukness when we can cure you. VfillUr IICU Youtn Prone to weukness. anl weakness allied with Ignor I U Li 11 U IiIlN "nre of the conseiuences which are sure to follow makes tn mfcn dmorotlons and folly Inevitable. If you have violated Nature's law, and are suffering the coiiKequrnces, remembei that debilitating drains will ruin oit. Don't wait until your vitality has been sapped and your whole sys tem Is polluted with disease. Secure proper treatment at once and be ouicWv. thoroughly and safely cured. We offer of restoration. I PCfl M,n whtM vitality is exhausted who are prematurely old "AULLI while still young In years broken down wrecks of what MEN park of sexual vitality seldom dies out. It Is often weakened. Impaired, tern- porarily absent or frequently disappointing, but seldom dies, and it can be re newed. The secretions can be awakened, vitality restored and the functions again made normal, just tha same as a wilting flower can be revived by sun shine and water. Our treatment will restor our phsical, menial and sexual puwrrs it MH-urea in ume. uvn i procrastinate. NERVOUS There ar thousands of men whose minds are weak and impaired, and who suffer from sever nervous disorders, resulting from overwork, overstudy, neglect of the human svstein, business and domestic cares, bereavements, dissipations, etc. These men do not live and enjoy life they simply exist, and peace, comfort and llui.Dlneus are IniDosxitila. Thev invariui,ii antral. from headaches, loss of memory, mental depression, strange sensations, dlzsl nsss, dullness, restlessues. weakness, trembling, palpitation of the heart, cold limbs, utter fatigue and exhaustion. It is no wonder that many of these men become discouraged and give up In despair. Why silently surfer on when we ;n help you to break the shackles that are holding you captive and deplet ing your manhood? Life Is beautiful wheu you enjoy perfect health. We have gladdened tha hearts of thousands of young, middle-aged and nervous men who were plunging to the doom of their uuuihood. Cousuit will) us at once bafore It Is too late. DiflKD M KM, BTHICTl'RED MKN, POISONED MEN, MEN WITH VARICOCELE. OR MEN WHO BlrKKR FROM RECTAL, AND KIDNEY" DISEASES should call and consult with us without delay. No matter what the disease or Weakness may be, whether contracted or Inherited, we have mad a lifelong study of the diseases and Weaknesses so prevalent among men and art eminently qualified to advise, direct and treat such vases. We point with pride to the endless number of cures wa have effected. We can doubtless v cure you If you consult us In time, before It is too late. CONSULTATION FREE Jf yo c,n.ot 'or symptom blank. bUiWUki niiuii nk. office Hours a. m. to ( p. m. .Sundays. 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Batwaan 13th and 14th 8trata, Omaha, Nab. tlon. The nrm bus serurea p.....--. the hrler shop Immediately adjoining Its quarters and hss torn out the partition, t-he new fountain Is to he placi d :long the Fifteenth street wall. It is tweniy-threa feet In length. i M I I BANQUET TO TREASURER FINK rarty nt tier man-American Frlenda ' of the Topnlnr fonnty Official t'ongrntnlntc Htm. r ' County Treasurer Fink was the some what aurnrlsed guest of honor Saturday evening at. a supper party given by friends of the German-American Republican club. The affair was held In one of the private dining rooms of the Schllts hotel, where supper was served to about a score of con genial spirits. While the gathering was entirely congratulatory and Informal, so far as speechmaklng went, yet tnere ran through all the talks the thought that there should be in Nebraska a chain of German-American clubs that would al ways stand for what Is best in public ad ministration and policy. City Treasurer Hennlngs and Mr. Fink made talks full of patriotic entlment and sound advice along the line of urging con tinuous study of public questions. The days were recalled when German-American republicans were very few In the west, and stress was laid on the steady development of their influence on public affairs through good citiienshlp and a careful regard for the rights of all men. It was pointed out that in this way alone could that Influence be upheld and broad ened. Mr. Firman, secretary of the club, also talked along this line very earnestly. Judge Altstadt made the real speech of the evening. He reviewed the days of famous memory, a score and a half years ngo, when The Bee killed The Flea, and told how he had secured the first sub scriber for The Bee at the state capltol. He also told of the scarcity of ready money among newspaper men in those days, and said when Mr. Rosewater sent him $5 In response to a telegram that he wanted to come home, the remittance found him stuck In the mud between a broken down bridge and nowhere. "It was well The Flea Bled," said the Judge, "because as a result today we have a great republican newspaper In Nebraska, as well as a Judge sitting in a high court." The club is to be kept going and a strong effort made to greaUy enlarge its member ship. Chamberlain's Coord. Remedy a Safe Medicine for Children. In buying a cough medicine for children, never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from It, and relief la always sure to follow. It Is In tended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and Is the best medi cine In the world for these dleseases. It Is not only a certain euro for croup, but, when given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. Whoop ing cough is not dangerous when this rem edy is given as directed. It contains no opium or other harmful drugs, and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. A Swell Dresser. It Is a fact that Omaha men are good dressers and arc up to date on fashions, but there Is no question about the leader among Omahans in regard to their style of dress. He is Mr. A. H. Proud, the de signer for Dresher, The Tailor. Mr. Proud Is now wearing a French paddock, which Is the only one of Its kind in this city. It was cut and designed by Mr. Proud and is a "dream," to use a slung expression, there being none like it In this part of the country. This French man Is also very partial to vests, having the most complete variety of anyone In Omaha. All of them are of . his own original design. Pay for Illegal Liquor Selling. Henry Stewart of Boyd county, Nebraska, pleaded guilty before judge Munger Satur day to selling liquor without first paying the government tax and was sentenced to thirty days' Imprisonment In the Douglas county Jail and to pay a line of 1100. Stew, art was nrrest on September 3rt. taken be fore the I'nited States commission at Spen cer and bound over to the federal grand Jury. An Indictment was found against htm early this week. Students and Faculty. ' A pleasant social gathering was enjoyed by the students and faculty of the Crelgh ton University College of Pharmacy at tha Edward t'reighton Institute Friday even ing. Father Dowling and Father O'Connor, president and vice president of the univer sity, were present and each gave an inter esting and helpful addrews. Father Copus also was present and made a few remarks In his usual happy manner. The remainder of the evening was spent In dancing. 'you this aid, this help, this certainty ...7 wu. v kiiu tviiu imtt: waiiiuuiy: wasiru ineir strength through excesses, abuses, etc., of all kinds. Such men need skilled medical attention. Do you want to be strong to Win back tlis vim. visor and vitality lost? Tha MOIILER OUTLINES BIG PLAN Qeieral lfaiager of Union Picifit Telli f Immense ImproTamanti Coming. NEW SHOrS, HEADQUARTERS AND ROADS Millions to Be Kpead ny Com pany In Nest Year that Will Promnf Omaha's Interests. "During the next year the I'nlon Pacific will build In Omaha and Douglas county a new headquarters building, will complete the new locomotive shops, will prepare plan for Immense car shops which will be built In the early part of 1908. will build a double track road from South Omaha to Lane and double-track the present road from Lane to Valley; and In a few day will let the contract for double-tracking three long stretches of the present road in Wyoming." This Is a condensed statement of the facts given out by Vice President and General Manager Mohler of the Union Pa cific on his return from New York Satur day morning. "The eastern terminus of the Vnlon Pa cific railroad Is Omaha, and Omaha la the city which the Union Pacific railroad Is most vitally Interested In buldlng trp of any city In the United States, and to that end the Union Pacific will spend an Im mense amount of money during the next year to assist In the building up of this city. The Union Pacific runs through an Immense territory that is naturally tribu tary to Omaha and this is the eastorn terminus of that road, so that anything that the Union Pacific can do to help In the upbuilding of Omaha will be done. Not Land Grabbera. "We are not asking for a few streets of this city to be land grabbers. We are building these tracks at a great expense to help the Jobbers of the town. This city is now in a position to give the Jobbers concessions which are enjoyed by Jobbers In a very few cities of the United States and this concession will. In many Instances, represent Just enough saving In the cost of goods to the Jobbers to Rive them a good selling edge on any other competitors In other cities. The privilege of having a track at their door Is not enjoyed by Job bers In very many cities and the saving of drayage amounts to great sums in the course of a yearr "These streets for which the Union Pa cific Is asking the city are In a section of the city which might much better be riven up to Jobbing houses than for the use to which It is now prostituted. ' Some of that property has been nonrevenue-produc- Ing for years and If tracks are laid it im mediately will have a much greater value, There Is a piece of property on Ninth street which was offered for sale a few months ago for 150,000, and since the Union Pacific tracks have been run up Ninth street the owners of this property have re fused 190,000 for the same site. The rail road did not damage this property much, did it?" (This is the old cathedral.) Great Jobbing Center. "Omaha is destined to be a great Jobbing center and the Union Pacific, probably more than any other roafl, la interested In help ing make It such because of the Immense territory which the Union Pacific covered to the west of Omaha. The Union Pacifio is essentially an Omaha road and the up building of Omaha will benefit the Union Pacific. "We already are spending about ttoO.000 In the work now under way at the shops, but we will build new car shops in the spring that will be the equal of anything In the country. These are not to be a little two by four affair, but will be Im mense. I cannot say, at this time, what they will cost, but they will be on a par with the big locomotive works which are now building. The new plant will be ex tensive and thoroughly modern and will result In the employment or many more men than are at present employed at the shops, and you know that Is quite heavy now. Our present pay roll In Omaha Is about .2.600,000. ve nave tuny decided to build a new general office building and It won't be leng before we are In a home of our own which will be a credit to Omaha. The plans are being prepared for the purpose and the heads of the departments have been asked to send an estimate of the amount of space they will require. We have not de cided upon the site. This will depend largely upon the amount of space required We may need 200 feet square and maybe we can build a smaller building' high enough In the air to give us room. At any rate this road will have a home that will be large enough to handle Its busi ness and be a fitting monument to mark Its eastern terminus. Contract Let In Few Days. ' "The contract will be let In a few days for the heavy double track cut-off between Bouth Omaha and Lane. This will be an expensive piece of work, as there are many heavy grades. The contract Is al ready let for the double track between Lane and Valley and wa will Install many miles of double tracking In Wyoming. We announced sometime ago the Union Pacific would double track as fast as possible, and the next year will see many miles of this work accomplished. The work be tween Topeka and Kansas City is pro gressing nicely, although It is quite a task to keep the line open, with all of the Union Pacific and Rock Island trains using the track when it Is being raised as rnuch as nine feet in some spots and double tracked all the way. "The Union Pacific Is not going to stop in Its upward march at the Improvements which I have mentioned, but there are several other extensive projects which the company has In mind that have not as yet sufficiently materialized to give to the public, but these will be announced at the proper time." While Mr. Mohler did not give out any 'figures. It Is thought the new car shops will cost In the neighborhood of S5u0,o00 and will give employment to about 300 ad ditional men. These will nearly all be skilled laborers. FIRE RECORD. Doaea Horses Bin In Barn. EDGAR. Neb., Nov. 18.-(Spectal.)-A large barn belonging to W. H. Kinnison, six miles southeast of Edgar, was dis covered to be on fire early yesterday morning. The barn contained fifteen head of horses, 100 tons of hay, 800 bushels of oats, about fifty bushels of corn, twelv sets of double harness, three sets of sin gle harness and in the barn and adjoining sheds were stored all the farm machinery. The barn and sheds with their entire con tents were destroyed. Nothing could be saved, as the windmill tower was on fire and the well could not be used. The loss It Is claimed, will exceed t&.OOO, which was covered by only 13,000 Insurance. As the carcasses of three or four hnra. not be found after the fire, it is believed the horses were stolen and that tha thieves tired the barn to prevent the theft being discovered. Mr. Kinnison has .sent for bloodhounds and will try to discover tha criminals. Woodbara Abont Wiped Oat. OSCEOLA. la.. Nov. U -tSoecial -A flr. supposed to have been of Incendiary origin I most conipkul destroyed lij town of Woodburn, ten miles from Osceola, last night. The loss Is said to be in the neigh borhood of ttt.OCO. Buildings now only a heap of ashes are the Curtis general store, Hardin drug store, Crowley restaurant. postoffice, Swisher restaurant. Odd Fellows hall. Htirlbut grain elevator and City bar ber shop. The fire started In some un known manner In the rear of the Curtis department store. CHANGE IN HINESE BOARD Wa Tina Fan Gives Place to Tone Shao Yl on Ferelan Board. PEKING, Nov. 18 Afternoon Tong Shao Tl has been appointed vice president of the Board of Foreign Affairs, replacing Wu Ting Fang, who has been appointed vice president of the Board of Punishments. The appointment of Tong SV.sil Yt Is re garded as one of the highest Importance, his being one of the strongest personalities on the board, and besides he has had con siderable experience In foreign affairs. The chief Importance of the appointment, how ever, lies In the fact that It will greatly strengthen the hands of Yuan Shi Kal, recretary of state, through having a par tisan of Ms own In a position of authority on the Board of Foreign Affairs.- DEATH RECORD . George W. Roberts, Sr. George W. Roberts, sr.. an old resident of this city, dropped dead at his home, 291S Lake street at J15 p. m. yesterday. He was formerly employed, on the different Omaha newspapers. He was the father of George W. Roberts, Jr., formerly 'as sistant In the office of the city engineer, and at present assistant engineer in South Omaha. The funeral arrangements will be made later. His death was due to ap poplexy. Mrs, Martha V. Cochran, DUNLAP, la., Nov. 18. (Special Tele- gram.)-Mrs. Martha Vorheea Cochran, aged 79 years, died here this week at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. B. F. Story. The funeral occurred from, the Methodist Episcopal church and Rev. A. A. Thompson preached the funeral ad dress. The deceased was born In Kentucky In 1826, was married In 1848 and has lived In Dunlap since 1890. William L. Barr. William L. Barr of 2120 North Thirtieth street died at his home at 10 o'clock Satur day morning after a lingering Illness since June. He was a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and leaves a wife and five children. Mrs. Frank Rus sell, Miss Belva Barr and Logan, Lam bert and Florence; Barr. The arrange ments for the funeral are not complete. Samuel F. Thompson; DUNLAP. la.. Nov. 18. fSnedal Tl.. gram.) The funeral of Samuel F. Thomp son, wno died here Friday, aged 83 veara. occurred at 10 o'clock this rooming. Rev. R. u. uougias preached the funeral address. The deceased was born In New York on February 22, 1822, and had been a Dunlap resident for twenty years. HYMENEAL. Kehraskaa Weds In Montana. FORSYTH. Mont.. Nov. l.-(Speclal Tele gram.) One of the prettleet weddings of the season took place at the home of County Commissioner and Mrs. Thomas Alexander In this city when their only daughter, Mae Beatrice, was married to Frank Hollenback of Fremont, Neb. The bride wore a handsome gown of brocade satin. The bride has lived In Forsyth since childhood and has recently been employed as cashier of the Merchants bank. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hollenback and Is an attorney by profession. At present he Is city treasurer. The bride and groom departed for St. Paul and Chicago, where they will visit for a short time before going to Fremont. Many beautiful presents were received. Klckels-Wolf. William Nickels and Elizabeth Wolf were married last night at the home of the brides parents, 1618 South Seventeenth street. The wedding was a quiet one, only the relatives iof the bride being present at the ceremony. William Nickels is a son of H. J. Nickels of the Alfred Bloom com pany, 1602 California street. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. H. A. Bower, a stock dealer of Ogden. I tah. Is registered at the Arcade. 8. J. Faschlng, Burlington; A. F. Burke, Lincoln: i. M. Dixon and wife. Fremont, are at the Paxton. At the Her Grand: N. W. Williams and wife, Lincoln: Mrs. H. I-oder, Norfolk; .1. S. McCarty, Auburn. J. Dugan and wife. Pa pillion: B. E. Fields, C. W. Cosad, Fremont, are among the guests at the Murray. R. L. Roblson, vice president of the Bankers Reserve Ufa company, returned yestrrday from an extended trip to the Pacific coast. ' Mrs. C. E. 8mlth of Colorado Springs Is at the Mlllririi. She is here to look after her sister, Mrs. Mallor. who Is at present a patient at the St. Joseph's hospital. O. W. Lewis and wife of Paplllion, Mrs. G Coffee, Lincoln; W. 8. Rubel, Fort Crook; J. B. Corby. Auburn; Mrs. H. A. Norton, Fremont, are guests at the Mil lard. P. K. Hoof man. Grayson: Miss Viola Dillon, Bellevue; Mla Cartwrlght, Fort Crook; C. C. Denny, Lincoln; A. Cornell, Lincoln, and Louis Nettling, Hooper, are at the Merchants. R. C. Wagner, secretary of the Bankers Reserve Life company, Is in Minneapolis, Minn., where he went to attend the Nebraska-Minnesota foot ball game. Mrs. Wagner accompanied him. George Shollenberger and Rufus Harvey, chief clerk and superintendent of claim de partment, respectively, of the Iowa Slate Traveling Men's association of Des Moines, la., are visitors at the headquarters of the Western Travelers association In this city. While in town they will be the guests of Secretary Arthur L. Sheets at his home. 4tH2 Seward street. Fred Hork and Harrv De Mawby of New York, who will be remembered by horse show patrons as the men who handled the string of horses owned by W. A. Rule of Kanxaa City at the show, are In Omaha, stopping at the Her Grand. Thoy have perfected plans to establish a class In riding and driving In Omaha. MAIP RYE A Three -Time Winner Perfection of age, absolute parity, oasarpasaed flavor, are tne Qualities upon which It waa awardsd tbree Gold Medals. INTERNATIONAL PURE TOOD EXHIBITION. PARIS, FRANCE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR ' LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION, PORTLAND. OREGON Those who appreciate a whlsksy that Is always uniform la quality and quality tk hlahest ask for Quaker Maid Rye "THE WHISKEY WITH A REPUTATION" I For sale at leading S. HIRSCH 8l CO. NEBRASKA NATIONAL GUARD Beptrt of Mir Ceoil on Conditions t Camp Anui Cobb. MUCH TO COMMEND IN ORGANIZATION Army Officer Criticises la Friendly Spirit and Points (rat Reasons for the Shortcomings He Ob served Daring Week." The adjutant general of Nebraska has been furnished with a copy of the report of Major George R. Cecil. Thirtieth In fantry, U. S. A., made to the general staff of the army on the conditions that pre vailed at Camp Amasa Cobb during Aug ust. Major Cecil was the officer detailed to represent the general staff at the encamp ment, and to assist in the Instruction of the officers and men in their respective duties. His report goes into detail on U matters, and Is In the main highly com plimentary to the Nebraska National Guard. Major Cecil found much deficiency In the matter of tactics, particularly guard duty. This he ascribes to the fact that the offi cers had not been properly Instructed, and that many of the men were In camp for the first time. On this point he says: In the drills and ceremonies there was al ways apparent a lack of previous training, the school of the soldier had been neg lected and generally the officers did not appear to be sufficiently familiar with the drill regulations to make the most of the time allowed them in the Instruction of the men. At the beginning 1 whs discour aged, .and upon my recommendation. Lieu tenant W. N. Henaley. Thirteenth cavalry, a graduate of the class of 19o$. who had volunteered his services, was assigned to give Instructions In the guard mounting and guard duty. During the last four days of the encampment he supervised the guard mounting and spent a very large part of his time Instructing the officers of the guard In their duties. Before the end of the encampment this Influence was clearly perceptible not only in the ceremonial part, but In the way the sentinels did their duty. There was a corresponding improvement In the parade, and tha review for the gov ernor on Monday afternoon, the 14th, was very good. The marching was good and no serious errors were made by the command ing officers. Distances were not well ob served, the saluting poor and a few were not In their proper places. The maneuvers on Saturday aroused the enthusiasm of the men. and they worked hard, but the patrol work was poor and the attack formations were weak and un supported, but I think all men were able to learn some Important lessons In war fare from the events of that day. There was not, to my knowledge, any instructions given or practice had In the duties of ad vance or rear guards. Personnel of the Guard. The commissioned personnel gave me the impression of an earnest desire to learn what they could of their duties, and that they were In the service from patriotic motives, but, as many of them said to me. they were busy men at home and had not the time to familiarize themselves with all the duties of their grade, and these en campments are so short they have not time to learn them all In camp. It is admitted that the great problem for the national guard Is to provide competent officers who not only possess the requisite knowledge to properly Instruct and care for their men, but have the necessary aptitude to Instruct and command. Of those I met at the en campment there were undoubtedly many who would make good field soldiers under proper guidance, but they must first have time for training, and the experience, to fully appreciate the work required. In the short time I was with them, among so many. I feel that I can not In Justice to myself, nor to them, single out Individuals for special commendation or depreciation. To condemn upon such short acquaintance would not be fair to them, and to com mend under such circumstances would be but little more than flattery. The best officer with a company of recruits would appear to poor advantage, and none of these organisations were much more than recruits. Tha enlisted men were generally quite youthful, many In ramp for the first time, with very little previous training, but they seemed of good quality, capable of re ceiving Instruction and of rendering good service If called upon to take the field. Hospital Service Excellent. There Is one special feature of the en campment to which I desire to Invite spe cial attention, and that is the field hospital. I made a careful Inspection of It on Sun day, the 13th, and though I only found a few men, about half a dosen sick in the hospital, I found an establishment In every way creditable. It was neat, orderly and complete for Its purpose. Two hospital tents were used for the sick, and It was at no time crowded. Besides this Inspec tion, I casually observed Its workings every day. Major Blrkner, who was In. charge of It, has seen service In Germany, I believe, and the German system was apparent in his dally work. In closing this report I want to say that I tried to carry out In every detail of the Instructions sent me for my guidance In the spirit of the law that authorized my de tail. I am In hearty accord with the Idea of helping In every way we ran tha patri otic citizens of the country who give what time tney can spare rrom tneir civil avo cations to preoaring themselves to best serve the public when the time of trial comes, and I hope and believe my efforts were received In the same spirit. They are civilians, not soldiers, but they have shown a willingness to do their duty, and all that they learned advances them Just so far be yond the man who does nothing till the ex citement of war comes, when It is often too late. ( Camp Well Policed. In one part of his report Major Cecil pays particular attention to the policing of the camp, and says it was very good. He also recommends that at least one well set up battalion of regular Infantry, be brigaded with the guards at future en campments, and that additional officers be detailed to assist In the Instruction, at least one to each regiment, with one to have general direction of the work. i BODWELL AND HIS NEW JOB Prefers Active Field of Education So as to Advance la His Profession. Speaking of his appointment as superin tendent of the Norfolk publla schools, B. J. Bod well said: "It Is not with any pleasure that I aever my relations with the many friends I have In Douglas county, but with me it is a question of advancement In my profession. After mature reflection on the matter I have decided I would prefer to be In the active field of education, concerned with the development of tfle graded schools. bars, and drac stores Kansas City, Mo. M resignation of the county superintend- ency here will be presented as soon as I am officially notified of the appointment to the Norfolk portion, as I understand It, the sppolntment Is to take effect at once." Besides Principal Speedle of the Benson schools. Principal Charles B. Shnrpe of Elkhorn has filed an application for Mr. Bodwell's place. ARMOtRS HAI OF OMAHA I.KAtil E Standing of Teams and Individuals In Omaha Bowling Leacie. Standing of teams In Omaha Bowling league at the end of the ninth week: Won. Lost. Prt. Ttl. Tins. Armous IS 8 .4 M.TXJ Cudahys 18 S .t7 M.M4 Mets Bros 1 11 .f!W Btors Blues IS 12 .SMS 24 441 Onlmods 14 IS .h9 M.87 Krug Parks II 1 .4"7 24.707 Renos 8 19 -W 23. 0' 2 Black Kats 7 20 2 23.O80 DETAILED WOR OF TEAMS. Pet. Stks. Pprs. Spts. K. Krug Parks 918 4X7 Bit 148 104 Mets Bros So 41) W7 11 112 Btors Blues 9n5 475 K 17 112 Cudahys 4i2 687 180 ln Armours 8?0 603 J78 13ti 138 Onlmods 83 476 8:7 lhS 139 Benos M 404 'l 12 1W Black Kats 836 430 674 160 rtt For weekly cash prizes on the association alleys L. M. GJerde won at ten pins with 2M, Nelson at seven-op with W, Dr. Bur rell at "S-ll-33" with 1!4. Huntington Is still high for tha lesgue monthly prize donated by the Storg Brew ing company. Played. Ave. flprague 24 I'M Banks 3 1 C. J. Francisco 24 m McCagua 21 l!'l Frltcher 27 1W GJerde '.27 10 Conrad 24 " Potter 27 S Tonneman 's? Cochran 27 ' G. O. Francisco 1H French , 27 Hengelo H W. G. Johnson J....1R 15 Innai IS lW 7lmniorninn 24 1S2 rl. 24 12 NoaV:..:.: . n m Hhutrinn II Forscutt 27 M Huntington Hull I Ener-ll J7 Williams H Ji Zarp ' M 3 Griffiths S. ;i2 Frush J. :$ Heed Anderson J" Maglll 'l Brunke J7 Hartley 27 ,6 Marble " Pickering 'i Hodges ? , 'l Hunter ' ' Denman i Tracy 27 1.2 Molyneaux ? 'ir K!ir.nll . 21 1.1 Schneider J JIJ u. ! 13 1.0 Welly '5 ,li9 Rempke- M 1 Chatelaine J J" fi C Inhnann . 4 lw rlsr'mn 12 lt8 Davis J f. Chandler " V J. C. Read I lh5 Cn..r IS ltO nr ,im 15 lf8 Waber jj Lowry 3 ' m LIFE MALTS LEAD COMMERCIALS Kelson and Berger Tied for Highest Individual flay. Names. Games. Won.Lost. Pins. Pet. .H44 .722 .6&u .655 .333 .333 .:U3 Life Malts 18 17 1 15.649 Falstafts 18 13 6 14.825 Stephens at Smith. 18 10 8 14.6W Gold Tops IS 10 8 14.oii5 Kamos 18 6 12 14.841 Armours No. 2 18 6 12 14,04b lJ,,r. V Rill IK H l'i 13.XM Thurston Rifles ..18 4 14 13,D1 ,2J2 ftohdule for next week: Armours against Kamos, November 20; Gold Tops against Stephens Smith. November 21; Thurston Rifles against Hugo F. Bilz. November 22; Life Malts against Fatstaffs, November 23. For the monthly prises, N. Nelson is high for the case of beer donated by Krug Brewing company, given for high three games In one night. His score Is t0t). Lee L'tt has the option on the Hawes hat, do nated by Stephens A Smith, for the high single game this month, with 233. inaiviauui Bianuinq Names. Gamea. Pins. 2.733 2.731 8.222 2.HT8 2. 675 2,til3 8.0ti2 2,l"3il 3,042 2.614 1.6m 2.&08 2,6ol 1.49 2.M 2.97t 2.H73 2.971 2.S70 2.478 2.048 2.83J 2.443 2.429 2.24 2. 4 6 1,621 Ave. .162 .182 .179 .179 . .178 .174 .172 .170 .169 .168 .168 N. Nelson 16 Berger 16 Walenc : 18 Furay 16 Crooks IB Beselln 16 Stapenhorst 18 Moyna 12 Utt 18 Caughlan 15 McKelvey Johnson 16 H. Prlmeau 15 Drinkwater 9 Carman 18 Hamblet 18 Rice 18 White 18 Mahonev 18 .167 ,ih; .166 .165 .165 .Pi5 .165 .164 .163 .163 .162 .162 .160 .160 Button 15 O'Connor Collins .... Hlnrichs .. Foley R. Nichols Hartman .. Lef holtz .. 77" Dr. Humphreys' Screnty Sercn breaks up Grip and A Cold i caused by the circu lation of the blood being cheoked from exposure or otherwise hence the sneeze, the shiver, the chill or creepy feeling. The prompt use of "77 " restores the circulation, starts the blood coursing through the veins and breaks up the Cold. HTA book on Dr. Humphreys System of Cure mailed free. Humphrsr Homes. Mdletn Cs., Cor. WIHUm ana John Btreli, rw York. thai COLDS i I,..!.- . Mi.- i"e- i ii..i..i.jay Secrets of Clothes Making If your food Is adulterated, .yew have a right to know it. If the Clothes you buy are not hon tstly made, then It U also your privilege to know it; so that you can hereafter avoid the Spurious, in favor of Clothes Sincerely made. In this age of Investigation and seeking after truth, we feel that It is necessary to tell the Public the secrets of Clothes-making. Is It enough to tell you that the Styles are absolutely correct? You ar able to determine that for yourself. Is it enough to tell you that if you buy a certain make of Clothes that you will look just as "swell" as the men in the pictures f We think not. There's a great deal of hocus-pocus about such statements. We believe that the Intelligent, Think ing men of today want to know mors about the ll'A Y Clothes are made. It is fairly astounding to realize that P0 per cent, of All Clothes receive final Shaping with the aid of the Hot Flat iron. In other words, the errors that nat urally occur in the making of Clothes nre corrected by Flat-iron Shrinking or Stretching. This process, so widely emploved, answers the purpose TEMPORARILY till the goods are sold. But you know the results of this kind of tailoring when vou wear a Flat-iron-shaped Coat on a Damp day. The moisture uncovers the DEFECTS, of course. What more can you expect f It is the Cure-all method of the Cloth ing business. It saves money for the maker. . But it is a Fraud, nevertheless Accepted by 80 per cent, of the Clothes buying public. Faults creep into the making ol "SIN CERITY CLOTHES too; but Listen! we correct the errors by Needle-Revision, by good, honest hand-stitching. Therein lies the great Difference. That Is the reason why "SINCERITY CLOTHES" retain their shape until worn threadbare, and why dampness does not cause the lapel to bulge away from the vest, or the back to wrinklr, or look humpy over your shoulder-blades, or the arm -holes to bind. There is not a Seam that escapes the searching Inspection of "Sincerity" Ex aminers after the Clothes leave the Tailor's hands. If a flaw is found, and there are some even in "SINCERITY CLOTHES" at this stae the gar ment goes to the REVISION ROOM, and there is corrected by careful Hand-Needle-Work. It costs more to do it this way, but it produces "SINCERITY CLOTHES," in all that the name implies. If you want SINCERE tailoring if it's worth anything to you to get it, then go to a "SINCERITY" DEALER. If you have any trouble in getting what ' you want, we will furnish you the name of a "SINCERITY" Dealer. The LABEL in "SINCERITY" CLOTHES" reads as follows: KUH, KATHAH & FISCHER CO. CHICAGO r I? very drop of water utrd in brewing STORZ BEER is drawn from our Artei'un Well (1,400 feet deep). The use of Mich pure, iparkling water it one eaential fcaturt In tdding to STORZ BEER s superior quality and drliciou flavor that u lacking in all otherbrewt. AHi for STORZ BEER down town. Keep a cate in your home. A 1 one iest ol Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago IIQV. 27th VERY LOW FARES TO POINT IN Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York. Ontario, Kentucky ...FOR... "Homevisitors" LIMIT S WIIKS rCity Offlcea s - - a 14011403 FARNAM OMAHA TEL. 624-601 PKr-CTY til A t K VaVrXKIXAlttAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S CITY VEIKRItARlAV Office and Infirmary, &r.d Mason ta.( OMAHA, fst-li. Telethons LA V