Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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But Content! for Eight ef Frocatdingi
for an Iijtmotion. '
Mean Composed Entirely of Corn
Prodneto Prepared for tho Ban
jaet ( Yoathfnl Nebraska.
(F"rom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 11 8peclal.) Attorney
General Brown and former Chief Justlc
Bulllvan. In their brief on the suit for an
Injunction against the Nebraska Grain
Dealer' association and the members and
officials thereof, which was filed In the su
preme court today, claim that the evolution
of society bas made It Imperative to ex
tend the operation of Injunctions for tha
prevention of Illegal combinations and
agreements for the control of prices as tha
only adequate remedy for the protection of
the Interests of the general public,' thus
answering the plea of the numerous coun
sel for the grain dealers that the equity
powers of the court cannot be Invoked.
While the gist of the first brief filed by
.'he attorneys for the grain dealers was tha
illeged unconstitutionality of severs stat
utes, the second brief prepared by a large
number of eminent lawyers devoted Itself
!o tho argument that tha state had no
lght to seek a restraining order against
:he defendants, but must resort to quo
warranto or criminal proceedings against
the Individual members.
Attorney General Brown contends that
the Injunction Is the only effective remedy
for the trust and combination evil. He
fays: .
These cases show that It Is conclusively
pstftbllnhed by the chnncery courts of Eng
land, by the courts of last resort of many
states of the union, and by the supreme
srourt of the United States, that the equity
power derived from the common law may
exercised to prevent monopolies from
'njurlng the public; that this power may
be exercised to prevent acts punishable as
'time, and that It may be Invoked by the
tate rexardless of pecuniary Injury thereto
or the existence of a nuisance. It is ulso
tRtabllshed beyond question by the cases
?ited Hint the anti-truest statutes denoun
cing; monopolies and combinations in re
itralnt of trade do not take from the courts
Jf equity their power under the common
iiiw to prevent such Injuries to the public.
He Insists that the courts have a power
'.ndependent of the statutes to curb trusts
ihroueh Aha Issuance of Injunctions, and
:hat tha validity of the statutes Is an Im
material factor, as long as the petition
lets out facts showing grave Injury to the
grain celling public.
It must not be forgotten that the de
fendants are here admitting by their sev
eral demurrers the facts charged in the
Information to be true. They confess to
In- conspirators, all of them, corporations
and individuals alike.
o Other Remedy Effective.
The learned and eminent counsel for
defendants are mistaken. It Is nut the
purpose of this action to punish the of
fenders and thereby vindicate the criminal
coae. The purpose Is to protect the pub
lic from a continuation of the injury. The
light of the publio to enjoy the benefits
of a free market In the necessaries of life
is one of the highest rights recognized by
the courts. There Is none higher, unless
II be life or liberty; and when It appears
that the law will not protect and cannot
protect that right, it fails to the province
of the court to exercise its equity powers.
No other remedy is even partially ade
quate The public in this case comes to
the court appealing to the conscience and
power of the chancellor. lender the ad
mitted facts In this case the court, how
ever, may well hold with the supreme
court of Wisconsin that the duty to grant
Injunction to protect public rights Is
mandatory, and not a matter of discre
tion. To deny the prerogative writ asked by
the state on the facts stated by sustaining
me several aemurrers would te to say
rither (hat the state Is powerless to sue
In equity; or, that the defendants being '
In purl Individuals and In part corpora
tions cannot be enjoined in a cause, even
though they be Joined In the conspiracy;
or. that being glulty of so many different
nnd separate offenses, they cannot be
Joined, though the offenses are committed
in concert and for a common purpose; or,
tuat neither the statute nor tha common
law are sensible to the wrongs committed
so far as equity is concerned. To say
any of these things Is to destroy the hope
of men that the courts have the power
nd may be trusted to exercise it In the
protection of the public against the men
ace of conspirators in commerce, who ap
pear to be growing more and more greedy
for the possessions of others, and more
and more reckless of the rights of others,
hs tliey become stronger and more opu
lent. The need of the occasion Is not more
legislation by lawmakers, but the applica
tion by the courts of remedies already
provided. Legislative enactments, present
or future, are powerless to cure the evil
that Is Imminent, or to right the wrong
I ready done, unless enforceable in a court
.if equity. In this cape, there Is Imperative
and Immediate need of a Judgment by the
highest court of our state a decree In
r-qulty which is easy and certain of en
forcement and execution and which
trikes at the very existence of the wrongs
alleged. There Is no power except that
rif equity adequate to protect the publio
tcalnst the Injury confessed by the de
murrers to exist The demurrers should
therefore be overruled.
Farmers gland and Deliver.
In the section of the brief prepared by
Judge Sullivan, he describes tha grain
dealers' combination as follows:
The Information shows that defendants
formed a combination or conspiracy to con
trol for their own prcflt the price of grain
produced in this slat". They created a
monopoly of the buslnens of buying and
selling grain. They tlxed for themselves
without reference to the laws of trade
and commerce the profit they should re
ceive out of each bimhel of grain pro
duced in Nebraxka. They ruined Inde
pendent dealers and drove them out of
business. 1 heir profit was measured by
their own rapacity and craft and divided
among themselves. The producers of grain
were nut consulted. Their Dart was to
viand and deliver. The farmers planted and.
la Korea in tne wind ana sun tor tneir har
vest and took their chances with drouth
and storm. Defendants took no chances.
. Nell her did they toll. They met at nlaht.
In secret, and in advance fixed prices and
The Doctor
"Are your bowels regular?" He
knows that daily action of the bowels
is absolutely essential to health. Then
keep your liver active and your bowels
regular by taking small laxative doses
of Ayer's Pills. Just one pill at bed
time is enough, just one.
We hate no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
SUa ky fa t. O. Aye 0s.. Lowell. Has.
Aiae MaauBMtttrar ef
A TIB'S gala TIQOa-Vsr th half. ATia'iCUWTT WCTOsULFoteoar.
ATKii'3 HkSAFAklLLA-fof tx slooa. AXUt'A0UICC&sV-retBMlanas4a(B.
their own profit. Their harvest waa defi
nite and certain, and was limited only by
the number of bushels of grain produced
in the state and delivered at their ele
vators. Thev monopolised the products of
the chief Industry of the stale, and their
operations affected directly or indirectly
every home.
Hints Proseeatloas. y '.
The attorney general s brief In the por
Hon written by Judge Bulllvah dealing
with statutory construction hints at the
possible need of Instituting criminal prose
cutions to supplement the Injunction suit.
He says:
The state's contention Is that the act
of 1N57, the act of 1S9J, tha Junktn act and
part of the Oondrlng act (1897) are now In
force, and that the misconduct charged
against defendants was and is within the
reach and grasp of the two general
statutes, though criminal prosecutions and
actions for damages for any of the special
wrongs covered by the special acts may
be, and perhaps must be, brought under
those acts. It Is intimated by some of the
defendants, and directly asserted by others,
that the loo mis act Is Invalid. That, too,
so far as this case Is concerned, may be
conceded to be plaintiff's position, grounded,
however, upon reasons other than those
mentioned In the brief of Conrtrlght &
flldner. This statute, dealing with a
special phase of the trust evil and making
those within Its reach eligible to the pub
lic service at the penitentiary, being ad
mittedly unconstitutional, will be further
noticed only tor tne purpose 01 mi
light upon the Intention of the legislature
In the enactment of other laws.
It Is the business of the courts, ha ay.
to determine the legislative will, alnce
there ' are no serious objections to the
procedure which resulted In the adoption
of the act of 1K87, the act of 1883, that of
1897, or the Junkln act.
The rase Is nendlng on a demurrer, which
Is set for argument at tha sitting of tha
court November fl.
All-Cora Men.
Deputy State Superintendent E. C. Blahop
has prepared the following menu for the
corn banquet, which ia to be held at tha
time of the boys' corn growing contest,
December IS and It:
Corn Soup, Pop Corn Float
rvrn Tamalies. Corn Relish.
Hulled Corn with State Farm Cream.
State Farm Corn Fed Beef a la Challenger.
Nebraska White Prise Hot Corn Bread
with State Farm Student Butter.
Aunt Chloe's Corn Pone.
Granulated Hominy Grits Croquettes en
Rled's Tellow D&Dt Johnny Cake with Milk.
Baked Indian Corn Pudding,
("ream of Corn Sauce.
Moulded Corn Ice Cream.
Corn Meal Wafers. Golden Corn Caka.
Corn Coffee.
Tabulates Election Flgnres.
Deputy Secretary of State Fred Miller has
tabulated the returns for the recent elec
tion, exclusive of Boone county, whose
abstract has not been received. The ngures
for the eighty-nine counties follow:
Candidate. T't'l. MaJ.
iiSon a. n-22,864
Condit 3.21J
Beall 4'9!'8
Abbott M.612-24,11
Cole 70.493
IJghtner J'51?
Sutton 5'1
Body of Toons; Man Fonnd Dead nnd
Mangled on Shaft.
BEAVER CITY, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special
Telegram.) The dead and mangled body
of Earl Stearns, an employ of the Beaver
City mills, was found last evening wound
around a shaft of the mill which Is situ
ated a mile west of town. It Is believed
he had been dead for fifteen minutes when
his lifeless body waa discovered by tha
proprietor of tha mill. The scene of the
accident was In the basement where tha
Una shaft Is connected with the water
power and where the various belts and
pulley direct the power to the different
department of the mill. The unfortunate
man had gone to this place to put In
operation an auxiliary part of the ma
chinery. In some way he was entangled
in the moving machinery and met an
awful death whirling around the rapidly
revolving shaft. The lifeless body wa
found dangling from the shaft, the broken
neck and many bruise Indicating that the
body had been subject to ntuch violence.
probably after life was extinct. It la be
lieved the belt which encircled the dead
man' neck had choked out life before
a cry 'of alarm could be given. The con
nection of belts, pulley and shafting In
that part of tha mill I not considered at
all dangerous. Just what accident befell
the young man Is a mystery.
Mr. Steam had been employed at the
mill about a year. He wa 19 year of
age, a member of one of the oldest families
of the county and highly respected.
Location Aareat In Employ of Cattle
men Makes fitimei Pit Cm.
FREMONT. Neb.. Nor. 18.-(8peclal.)
Among the old soldier declaratory state
ment canceled by the United State land
office at Grand Island were about eighteen
or twenty made by residents of this city.
They were procured "by a smooth "locating
agent," himself an old soldier, who repre
sented to them that actual removal to the
land waa not necessary, that they could
dispose of their relinquishments, have
credit for their length of service and when
they proved up sell out at a good price.
They made their filing In good fa'th and
In ignorance of the rule of the depart
ment. Most of them paid the agent from
110 to 115 "locating fe," which he claimed
wa much less than he usually charged.
They are mostly men of advanced year. In
poor health and of limited means, and not
one made any attempt to complete his filing
or make Improvement. They have now
learned to their satisfaction that the agent
was In the employ of a cattle company,
his work being to secure soldiers' declara.
tory statement, and that they paid for
th privilege of being used a eatspaw
for the stockmen end fared Worse than th
oldlers' widow who received py for mak
ing the filing. Naturally they decline to
talk of their being so successfully duped,
but are watching Intently the' prooeeding
of the federal grand Jury.
Old Resident of Lone Pino Is Believed
to Have Taken HI Life.
LONG PINE. Neb., Nov. l.-f8pecial
Telegram.) Utterly disheartened over a lit
tle domestic quarrel John Kurt, night fore
man at the Northwestern shop and an old
resident of this place, last night disap
peared from home and had In hi possession
twenty grains of strychnine capsule pur
chased previous to his disappearance. With
these. It I thought, ha ha era this ended
hi life.
Yesterday afternoon Kurt returned home
completely exhausted from overwork and
the loss of two nights' sleep. Finding that
one of his son had failed during hi at
scence from home to carry out some In
struction with reference to some chore
about the house, Kurt undertook to punish
th boy and met with resistance. Selling a
stick from a nearby woodpile. Kurt was on
the verge of striking when the mother In
tervened. Kurt then turned upon hi wife
nd might have dealt summarily with her
only for the arrival and Intervention of
some neighbors. Kurt then went up town,
purchased the strychnine and no clew to hi
whereabouts has since been learned. Busi
ness men and many others today left town
to Join the search parties and the town ha
been almost devoid of male Inhabitants. A
large party will be formed tomorrow and,
with the assistance of bloodhound which
will arrive tonight, the entire county will
be searched. It Is thought the missing man
has hidden himself In some remote place
prior to ending hi career. Other believe
he ha lost his mind and I aimlessly wan
dering about the country. He Is 47 year
old, sober and Industrious and the father
of five children. The Kurt family 1 pros
trated with grief.
Fragments of Stick Taken from Brain
nnd Ho May Recover.
FREMONT. Neb.. Nov. 18.-(Speclal.
James Mllllken of this city was seriously
Injured yesterday by being struck on the
head by a piece of board while looking
after the moving of a house from North
Bend to his farm In Union township. A
brace which helped hold the building on
the truck frame snapped and a piece of It
truck him In the head, fracturing hi
skull. He waa taken to North Bend by
D. V. Stephen, who happened to be pass
ing In an automobile, and brought to Fre
mont on a local train. Fragments of the
stick and pieces of bone were removed
from the brain, and unless some complica
tion seta In he will recover. Last evening
It waa thought hi Injuries were fatal and
his son, Harvey Mllllken of Omaha, waa
sent for. For the last ten year he has
been extensively engaged In the stock busi
ness In Sheridan county, but has lived In
Woodmen District Convention.
BLAIR, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special.,)' Dele
gates from the Woodmen of the World
camps of thl district met In Woodmen
hall yesterday for their first annual con
vention. State Manager Edward Walsh
presided. The following were elected dele
gates to the state convention which meet
In January: Sovereigns Jackson, Le
Crone, Moyer, Mlchelson, Moyer, Murdock,
Blodgett, Chiistensen, Morley and Iverson.
Paper were read by William Bonlne of
Blair, John Le Crone of Kennard and Dr.
Murdock of Blair. It wa unanimously re
solved to continue the convention work
and to graduate Into a district association.
At the afternoon session papers were
read by Mr. Jack of Tekamah, Frank Bige
low. State Organiser Walsn and others.
It wa unanimously resolved to celebrate
the natal day of Hon. J. C. Root, which
occur December 3, on ome evening be
tween December 4 and 18. It was resolved
to send five delegate from each camp to
the designated district camp to meet In
Blair on th first Friday In March. By
request. Dr. Murdock read a pertinent
paper on "Essential Feature of Fraternal
Insurance." Woodmen New wa endorsed
and made the official paper of this dis
trict. Blair was chosen to entertain the
next district convention on the second Fri
day In March. Officer of the district con
vention elected are: John Le Crone, presi
dent; N. Iverson, vice president; H. C.
Jack, secretary; E. L. Anderson, treasurer.
Fnneral of Mis Durrle.
LYONS. Neb., Nov. 18. (Special. )-One
of the most Impressive funerals ever held
here was held yesterday In the Presby
terian church over the body of Miss Ger
trude Durrle. Miss Durrle had been teach
ing In Humphrey, Neb., and died there
Wednesday night after an operation. She
was operated on for appendicitis last sum
mer in Des Moines and the operation wa
not entirely successful mi,. n....i-.-
home ha been In Lyon until a few week
ago wnen her family moved to Des Moines.
mere wa universal sorrow thrm,.i,n.
the community over her death. Mlsa Dur-
ne waa a, year of age. She was a grad
uate of Bellevue collem mn i
attended Highland Park college.
Killed by n Switch Eaglae.
BLAIR, Neb.. Nov. IX inii n-,-
gram.) Gotlleb Bockerman, aged 72 years.
w maianuy glued by a switch engine In
the yards of the North western r,. A ti-
morning. Mr. Bockerman. who
r . mini aiong the track toward
his home and was struck on the rr.r.h a
by the tender of the engine. He has no
immediate family living here. Coroner
x-ierce aeciaea not to hold an Inquest.
Nowa of .k...i..
f !hT.fc7? . !?t demand
--.- . uii county at pres
l.rtAI-? DJ f!" "ne weather of the
: :uuniy iarmera have
been busy as bees housing a large pe?
cent of the corn croo.
SXT. o.d
; . iea nay. nrok
the bone in hla right am. Mr. Edward
... m WIVM Pnlon. He Is
BEATRICE Word waa received here
veaterrlav tmm Vl... '"."vrq nere
In Beatrice. w" welt
PAPILLION The county commissioners
rounding them up with the large road
fhF:dr., hor'e " required ,or?S2
PI.TTU01'TU 1 .J..
- . . '-""'I'-iwin nouse, i
perlntendent of the Cass county farm a
Mrs. Ann Mir.A, i . "
Mra. Anna Miner of Plattn,m,.h
.K'i-tt."...!?!. A' 1fouy. PMtof
oATICTh "'"'volent Protective
Order of fc.lks ave a smoker at Elk
headquartera last night. There was a larae
attendance, and an enjoyable evening was
spent by those present.
TECrMSEH-Wllllam J. Devenney has
S?? I 'L0"' ,hlB cUy' u-ceed
Mr- E. H Bush, resigned. Mr. Devenney
made his first trip today.
PAPILLION-Th cement block factory
hft5 r,d UP, manufacturing cement brick
and tiling, having secured a leaae of ground
from the I nlon Pacific. The plant will bm
working full capacity next week.
BROKEN BOW-Wlth over twenty di
vorce cases on the docket this term Broken
Bow should be sble In a ahort time to coni
pte with other western citlea that aro
making a specialty In that line.
BEATRICE In returning from school
yesterday Ruth, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Rodgers. was severely In
jured by being struik In the forehead by
a stone thrown by a neighbor boy.
WEST POINT The West Point Repub
lican celebrated Its thirty-fifth year with
the Issue of yesterday. The paiier ws
founded oa November IS. 1870. by Jgar U
Sweet editor and proprietor and N. 8.
Bartlett as publisher.
STELLA The Woodmen of the World
had open house to their friends In the opera
house with a program of music and elocu
tion. Addresses were given by State Man
ager Edward Walsh, Sovereign Clerk J. T.
Tates and National Lecturer Iter. Dr. O. H.
WE8T POINT The local officials of the
bureau of vital statistics sre now thor
oughly organised. The number of births
In Cuming county for the past thirty dnva
ha been twelve, eight male anil foiir
females. The number of deaths registered
during the same time Is two.
AINSWORTH Mrs. William Miller,
about twelve mile south of here, died
yesterday morning. She leaves a husband
and two small children. The body wa
taken charge of by the Odd Fellow lodge
here and Interred In the Alnaworth cem
etery at 1 o'cock thl afternoon.
TECUMSEH-The local lodge Knight
of the Maccabees have presented the city
library with 100 volumes of standard works
In fiction, history and poetry. The library
board and the patrons of the reading
.Fiu in j aiaieiui ior tne same.
WEST POI NT The jury commission sp
linted under th new Jury law have se-
vuieu o umiene ui Luminr cotintv rmm
which list the jurors for the terms of
court for next year will be drawn. Twenty
ix name have been selected from each
voting precinct In the county.
tkc UMaEH County Clerk-elect W. C.
Redrleld announces that hla Hnutr - in k.
Leslie Spence, son of ex-Comml
Alexander Spnc of Went
John Ward, the newly elected county treas-
uier nai secured ine services of Earl
Hardin of Tecumseh as his deputy.
WEST POINT-Albert Romberg, an old
settler of the Elkhorn valley, died at his
residence south of West Point, aged 76.
Death was due to a rheumatic affection.
He la survived by three children and by
two brothers. Arnold of Scrlbner and Fred
of West Point. The deceased was a native
of Germany.
BEATRICE Goodrich xi
18, Independent Order Odd Fellows, met
last night and elected these officers: A.
P. Kelley, chief patriarch; D. C. Rambo,
senior warden; John W. Hermon, high
priest; Thomas Llddicott, scribe; Leo
Munster, treasurer; H. C. Stoll, Junior
warden: H. J. Chase. W. J. Pi. j j
Johnson, trustees.
OAKLAND Frank R. Rnherann teliv.
ered his Illustrated lecture, "The Land of
the Midnight Sun," to a full house at the
Oakland opera house Friday evening, and
It waa pronounced by all as the best en
tertainment of Its kind ever given here.
The Oakland orchestra rendered several
beautiful piece before tho lecture which
were greatly enjoyed.
BEATRICE Two runaways occurred on
Court street yesterday at the same time,
and 4io less than half a dozen vehicle
were badly smashed. A Utile irtrl who waa
sitting in a buggy as the teams came
dashing up the street was rescued Just
In time to save her life. The runaway
team belonged to Edward Bartlett and
Henry Harvey, two farmer living west of
tne city.
FREMONT Joseph 8treeter nleaded
guilty to breaking into a freight car on the
Northwestern in July last and stealing
some shoes and clothing, and was sentenced
to one year In the penitentiary. Christian
Kuehl recovered a judgment for 1140
against his son-in-law, Frank Knierlm.
The case grew out of family troubles and
waa tried last terms, the Jury disagreeing.
The verdict la a compromise and either
party may appeal.
WEST POINT The reeular sesRlon nf the
Woman' club of West Point was held at
the home of Mrs. W. A. Black. Answers
to roll, call were the names of college
presidents. The subject of the first paper
was "Universities, by Mrs. H. L Keefe,
A Princeton Hasina" waa the title nf a
college story read by Mrs. H. L. Wells.
Miss Emma Miller read a paper on "Co
education." "The Boys" was recited by
Mrs. J. C. Elliott.
BEATRICE There Is tlll much talk
concerning the proposed Missouri Pacific
extension from Virginia to this point, and
It Is the Intention of the Beatrice Commer
cial club to soon take the matter up with
the otnciaia of tne roan with a view to
having the line built. It is reported here
that the officials are In favor of building
the extension if Beatrice business men
will show a disposition to give the road
the proper support from a bus s stand
BEATRICE The Crabtree Forensic club
held Its regular meeting last evening.
After parliamentary drill a debate was
held, the subject discussed being "Re
solved, That Immigration to th United
States should be restricted." The affirma
tive waa upheld by Richard Ahlqulst and
Herman Wlebe, and the negative by Clif
ford Butler and William Atwater. Im
promptu addresses were delivered by Ben
jamin Paine, Walter Vaaey, Donald Fol-
som, Harold enaxo.
WEST POINT At the last meeting of the
West Point School Board arrangements
were made for the systematic teaching and
study of music. Miss Arline Lanouette,
an accompllsed vocalist, now in charge of
the music In thd public schools of Hop
per and Scrlbner, has been engaged for
that purpose. She will be here each week
sufficient time to Impart Instruction In all
the grades and to tne pupils oi tne niKii
school. A class for the teachers will also
be organized. The salary paid will be
per month.
TECUMSEH An Independent telepnono
company, known as tne jonnson louniy
Telephone company, nas Deen organized at
Smartvlllc, a small town north of here.
The object Is to supply the village and
surrounding country with telephone ser
vice. The new company Is officered as
follows: President, Rev. Charles Cwlk
llnskt; vice president, David Bowen; sec
retary. Homer Moore; treasurer, Henry
Hint. As soon as the lines can be put
up a central office will be established nt
Hints' store and Miss Maggie Hints will
be the operator.
waykK Wavne lodge. No. 103. Ancient
Order of United Workmen, initiated a class
of fifteen new members last night at the
lodge room, wnicn provea a oeciumir
Interesting event. Grand Recorder Hllas
R. Barton of Grand Island and Deputy
Grand Master Workman A. B. Dillon of
Oakdale were In attendance and aided In
making the occaaion a aeriuru "u.
a. .neinimi of the work Mr. Barton
addressed the members and his remarks
were llBtenea to wun nuuaeu "-".iu.i
throughout. The future of the Wayne
lodge is exceedingly bright.
BEATRICE Beatrice lodge No. 30.
Knights of Pythias, held Its regular an
nual election of officers last night, which
resulted as follows: Samuel Eccles, chan
cellor commander; C. M. Miller, vice chan
cellor; F. T. McMahan. prelate; T. H.
Burke, master of exchequer; Thomas Lld
dicott, master of finance; J. H. Inman,
keeper of records and seal; K. C. Koons,
master of amis; John Terhune. master of
the work; J. P. Wttzkl. inside guard;
Louis Moschel. outside guard; M. 8. Wat
kins K. C. Koons, H. D. Walden. trustees.
O P Marvin was elected grand repre
sentative, and Millard Watklns, alternate.
Like Wild Animals
that tear and rend you are the pain of
Biliousness, Kidney Trouble. Cure guar
anteed by Electric Bitters; too. For sal
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Milwaukee Alderman Convicted.
MILWAUKEE, Nov. 13. Former Alder
man Robert L. Rudolph was today found
guilty by a Jury of soliciting a bribe while
a member of the common council In 18u0.
Sentence waa deferred pending argument
for a new trial.
Fair Today and Tomorrow In Ne
braska, Iowa, Sooth Dakota,
Wyoming; and Knnsn.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. Forecast of the
weather for Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraska. South Dakota, Kansas.
Colorado, Wyoming Fair Sunday and Mon
day. '
For Iowa Fair Sunday and Monday;
warmer Monday.
For Missouri Fair Sunday, except rain
and colder in south portion; Monday fair
srt warmer.
For Montana Fair In east; rain In west
portion; Sunday and Monday fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA. Nov. 18. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
yre: 1905. 194. 1&03. laoi
Maximum temperature... j ;o !J
Minimum temperature.... M 3 10 34
Mean temperature 44 64 13 41
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 T
Temperature and precipitation departure
from the normal at Omaha since Mariai I.
and comparison with the past two years:
Normal temperature jj
Excess for the day " 13
Total excess since March L lu6.... 481
Normal precipitation rg Inch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 W IS Inches
Ieficiency since March 1. 1906.. 3 1 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 19u6.... 3 i Inch
.,or. cor- Perl. 1 3 11lnche
" Indicates (rare of precipitation.
L. A. WELell, Local Forecaster.
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet 2o.
Ju fv days remain in tohih to secure tht neoesiart furnishings for the Thanlsaiv'
ing Day. Now is the proper timi to choose that pieo of furniture or suite. We
are showing an almost endless assortment o f suites matched up complete and odd pieces
for tJie dining room, in all finishes .
A Terr large stock to
choose from. We offer
a special full circle
front China Closet, in
the quarter sawed sol
den oak, finely pol
ished, 918.50.
Other patterns at
considerably under the
market price, at $20,
921, 922, $24, f28,
932 and up.
Dining v
In all kinds and all'
finishes. We start them
at 70c, and can fur
nish you a dining chair
that we are sure will
please you at any price
you may wish to pay.
Dining Tables Over 90 pattern" to choose from, ranging from $4.75 up. A very
special priced Dinine Table Is one in select quarter sawed oak, pedestal base, neatly ornamented with
carving, entire table handsomely polished very special at 918.50. Other Pedestal Tables, 913.50, 915 up.
$12,000 worth of high class Arabian, Cluny and two-tone double stitch Duchess lace
Curtains will be placed on sale Monday morning at greatly reduced prices. They have been sorted Into
three, lots, and we feel confident that you will agree with us that this Is the best lot and cheapest curtains
we have ever placed on sale.
IiOT 1 $20 Cluny, all made by hand on the very highest class of net; $21.50 Arabian, all hand
made. You cannot afford to miss this lot for dining rooms, special, per pair, 912.50.
LOT 2 All $25 Two-Tone Duchess Lace, $27.50 LOT 3 Pillow Lace Arabian, the highest class of
Cluny, $24.60 to $28.75 Arabian Curtains, 50 lace put in curtains, not one pair is worth less than
styles and over $5,000 worth the largest line of $32.50, and up to $40; Overshot Cluny Curtains
exclusive designs ever shown In the west at, spe- this lace is almost twice as costly as ordinary
cial, per pair, 915. cluny 20 styles to select from at, per pair, 910.50.
60c Window Shades, good roller, regular size, special, 25c. 25c Extension
(Continued from First Pare.)
remarkable. Here is the Morning Post's
estimate of Mr. Arnold Forster. the famous
army reformer: "When Mr. Arnold For
ster beg-in to give attention to the volun
teer force It Is high time for the people
of this country to give their attention to
Arnold Forster, whose destructive ener
gies, If unrestrained, may lead to results
which would startle the nation."
The retirement of Mr. Leslie Wanklyn
from Parliament will leave a gap which Is
unlikely to be filled. He has stated that
he ha .taxed hi health by the long and
late hour, which proved more than It
could bear, and he therefore decided not
again to contest Central Bradford. The
split In the unionist party must hav cut
so loyal a party man a Mr. Wanklyn to
the heart. At the last election he it wa
who "crystallised" Mr. Chamberlain fa
mous battle cry. "A vote for the liberal Is
a vot for the Boer," while till more re
cently he came before the publio as the
champion of the unionist party against Mr.
Winston Churchill; bun his greatest
achievement In politics was h"s single
handed salvation of Lord Hugh Cecil from
falling Into the toils of the radicals.
Though Lord Hugh still insists that this
was a hallucination on the part of Mr.
Wanklyn, still one can easily understand
bow a masterful, sagacious, experienced
politician like the member from Central
Bradford might have Influenced an Impul
sive. Impressionable, susceptible young
Ruler of Germaay Likes Election of
Charles of Denmark
as Kin.
BERLIN, Nov. 1?. The election of Prince
Charles of Denmark to be king of Norway
will receive the cordial support of Ger
many. It Is already arranged Xhat Prince
Henry of Prussia, upon the emperor's or
ders, will proceed with the flagship Preua
sen to greet the "king-elect November 25
upon lils voyage to Norway.
The controversy as to who proposed th
candidacy of Prince Charles Is attracting
some attention In the German press,
where It Is asserted that it was due to
Emperor William's Initiative. It Is offi
cially asserted that while the emperor
did not propose Prince Charles' candidacy
he expressed to the king of Denmark dur
ing his recent visit to Copenhagen his full
acquiescence In the prince's candidacy,
which meanwhile had been under discussion.
- 410 - 418 South 10th Street.
mm 'wki OAs.
i J ;bgggm J I 1.1 11 mm.
Suite Like Illustration, containing buffet,
china cabinet, both fitted with the art leaded
glass, 54 inch round top dining table, serving ta
ble, six leather seated side chairs and one leather
arm chair, in weathered oak, finely constructed,
$161.00. This is one of the most popular suites
we have ever shown. "We match up other suites
complete for $89 and up.
'Phon 2314
Business, and Wants It Now. "Here since
1883." Big Yell-o Wagons. Correct weight.
V '
1608 Harney St.
(Continued from First Page.)
and the same machines are sold at from
$100 to S12S In the states, so that It has got
something to work on. The binder trade
la only part of It business, for It manul
factures a general line of farm implements
and machinery, and is 'now making Im
plements for export from the best colonial
patterns. Some of the local firm here
seem to think they will weather the storm,
but those who know the workings of the
enormous combination of capital, and
who are aware of the facilities for cheap
production possessed by the 'trust," know
that nothing can- withstand Its onslaught
In countries like Australia and New Zea
land, where the local manufacturers have
not the same facilities. The International
people will be able to maintain very high
prices for their goods ana yet be able to
undersell local firms. The .farmers of
Australia and New Zealand at present pay
higher prices for their Implement and
machinery than do the farmer In any
other country.
Charge Aa-alaat Midshipman.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. Secretary
Bonaparte today mad publio the charges
and specification under the charge
Life Insurance
One of tbe cleanest and best old line life Insurance companies In the
west, which bas been established nearly twenty years and baa never written
any of the catcb-penny contracts, board plans, etc., which was started as an
old line company and therefore has no old assessment business to weigh it
down, expects to gtart several new agencies In the west between now and the
first of the year.
Jt presents to the public a statement that Is not duplicated by any life
li surance company In the United States, having nothing in Us list of assets
but money and loans, the latter being first mortgages on western farms; it
bas a low death rate, a very low expense rate and a high dividend paying
power. If you are a life agent and are contemplating making a change or
companies, or are In any other occupation and wish to take up life insurance
work, this la your opportunity.
Write "INSURANCE," care of this paper.
A special Sideboard
at a special price Is one
of our new patterns In
quarter sawed golden
oak, handsomely pol
ished, one drawer
lined for silver; a
large, roomy, commo
dious Sideboard; regu
lar selling price should
be considerably more
than we ask, only 922.
We have a very large
itock of these pretty
lining room pieces and
can only describe some
of our more special
priced ones. Buffet .of
quarter sawed white
oak, hand polished, fit
ted with art leaded
glass, large mirror In
top, one drawer lined
and divided for silver;
special at 922.
Other good values at
91B and up.
Hod, highly polished, special, 12c.
Trunks, Traveling Bags and Suit Gases
We have Just received a large shipment for the holi
day trade which we are selling at way-down prices; also
a lot of robes, horse blankets and all winter goods.
Harness, Saddles and Fancy Horse Goods.
Alfred Cornish & Co.
1210 Farnam 8tr,
your UU4L
'Phone 252
against Minor Meriwether, jr., the mid
shipman who engaged in the fatal prize
fight with Midshipman Branch. As Indi
cated In Annapolis dispatches, there were
three charges, namely, manslaughter, vio
lation of the third clause of article vlll.,
naval regulations, and conduct to the preju-.
dice of order and discipline.
Sorireclia Parliament t'nanlmonsly
Choose Danish Prince ' a
Kin of tho Nation.
CHRISTIANIA, Norway, Nov. 18.- p.
m. The Norwegian Parliament today
unanimously elected Prince Charles of Den
mark to be king of Norway. There were
1H members present. The result was de
clared at 6:55 p. m. As thl dispatch is
filed the fortress I firing a royal salute of
forty-two gun in honor of the nw king.
Harding May Be Promoted.
XONDON, Nov. 18.-Sir Charlea Hardlnge.
the British ambassador to Russia, will
return to Bt. Petersburg at the expiration
of hi leave in January, but the Impression
prevails that his tenure of the pot will
not be long and that the reports of hi
ultimate transfer to a foreign office a
permanent under secretary In succession to
Sir Thomas Sanderson may posslbLy tu'"
out to b correct.