THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1903. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET f ul Nwi ComM WLiob Wuld onrt Operatioa, In- SPECULATIVE TRADE IS VERY LIGHT tlthonah Hull, Markets Are Steady W'mhtr Perfect for Corn Move, meat and Ha.klnaT Oati Mala- tala Old Price Level. On track: No. 1 northern. K'df; No. t northern, llc; Iecember. 81Vc; May, 864c, OMAHA. Nov. JS, 19-. The speculative trade In all grains wan at n standstill today. There n lit tin In the news to encourag operations. Allhnugii dull, the markets were quite steady. Wheat fables did not reflect fully the American advance of yesterday. A correction was made In Argentina shipments of tVm.KiO bushels, making the total for the wek l.&o.unn bushel Instead of KVi.oio bushels. Weather condition In Argentina continue favorable. December closed at 85S xHoc, May at 87?t,'uK.Sc and July at S3-iC. The Liverpool corn market was depressed by short selling. The weather In perfect for movement and for husking, and larger receipts are expected. Decemler closed at 44S1i444e. old December at 46V4.C. May at 44Vu4!i,c and July at 4 ... Oats showed a aood tone, maintaining; the price level despite the dull trade. The large cash business worked yesterday at Chi cago, amounting to fully l.nwi.wo bushels, had a hnlllah afreet nn the sentiment. De- cember closed at 3iii3ic, May at J2Vtf 32Hc and July at 81V, Clearances mere 24i nun bushel of coin 2W.0M) bushels -)f oats. 17.0n0 bushels of wliMt Afi mil hnt-rala nt flolir. PrtniarV wheat receipts were l.lW.oU) bushels and shipments 463.ono bushels, against receipts last vear of Dushels and shipment of 626.000 bushels. Pilmary corn receipts were 672,000 bushels and shipments 425,uoii bushels, against receipts last year of 717.000 bushels and shipments of 155.000 bushels. Liverpool closed Vaa'l lower on wheat and Sd lower on corn. Kansas City elevators loaded out 350 cars of wheat Thursday, most of If for Texas, Missouri and Kansss mills, where good milling wheat Is scarce. It Is estimated by Kunsas City traders that 35 per cent of the crop Is vet In tha hands of the farmers. Australian shipments for the week were M.OOO bushels, aaalnst 82,000 bushels last week and SO4.000 bushels last year. The world's wheat shipments for the week are estimated at 12.0"0.000 bushels, of which Europe will take about 10.4W.000 bushels. Actual shipments last week were 12,nKM0 bushels and thoso of a year ago 11. 5o8. W bushels. A Duluth miller says 1m had a larger ex port trade Friday than any day since he has been In the business. Corn along the Kurlington and the Iowa Central In Illinois Is husking 30 to 35 bush els to tho acre. Early estimates were from 10 bushels more than net returns. Chicsgo traders who are long tin oats say tliey look for receipts to be between l'O and 126 can a day for some tlnye, an amount .ibout equal to the dally consumption They expect to see a spread of only 9o between oats and corn In May. It is now 12c. while last vear at one time It was 2Sc. "Big operators In corn are betting their money on both ldes," says tho Inter Ocean. "The bear Is betting on the big rrop figures shown by the government re port being approximately correct. The hull is putting tip his money on the theory that the vleld has been estimated 200,000,000 to toO,(f.oJO bushels too high." Omiha Cash Sales. WHEAT No. 3 hard, 1 car at 78c, 1 car it 77c. 1 car at 7H"c and 1 car at 76c. CORN No grade, 3 cars at 38c, 1 car at J7c, 2 cars, 36c. OATS No. 3 white, 3 cars at 2SV. 1 car at aVic. - Omaha (ash Trices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 793Slc; No. 3 hard, 7V&7h4c; No. 4 hard, 71V'!'4c; No. 2 spring, 78i(i7Hc; No. t spring. 7ft'o774jC. CORN No. 3 new. 39i40c; No. 4 new. Jc; no grade. 344i3Sc; No. S new yellow, 3S'c40c: No. 3 new white, 8t'U40o. OATS No. 2 mixed, 27V02ac; No. 3 mixed, f7Hc: No. 3 white, 28Vifc2btc; No. 4 white, 27 V" 2. RYE No. 2, 66c; N01 8, 64c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat Corn. Oats. CHICAGO GRAM AS D I'ROVlSIOSS Featares of the Trading and Clo.las; 1'rlcea on Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Nov. 18. Trading In the grain pits today was exceedingly dull .'Hid prices fluctuated within a nurruw range. At the close the price of wheat, corn and oats showed practically little change, from the Until quotations of yesterday. Provisions were 2'c to 12',4jc lower. The wheat market opened a trifle easier with tho May option a shada lower to a shade higher at 871c to Nw. I'll trad-rs and commission houses had moderate offer ings, hut buyers were hard to tlnd. tha severe decline of yesterday having appar ently discouraged a number of prospective purchasers. News of the day win some what bearish. Weather In Argentina was said to be favorable to the development of the new crop. In this country absence of tain In the northwest was considered likely to accelerate the movement of wheat to market. Another factor tending '0 depress values was a statement made by an Eng lish statistician, In which It was claimed the world's shipments for the week would show an Increase and that exports from Russia would be more liberal than gener ally anticipated. Refore the end of the first hour the price of the May delivery had eased off to 87S". Trading was listless un til shortly before the close. On reports j J porters shorts covered quite freely. As a result the market retrained practically all of the enrlv loss. The May option ad vanced to c. The market closed steady with May at STc, a shade lower than the NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS PiicM Piiihad Up AgfTMiiBiJ n Show ing Made by Feik Statement SURPLUS CASH RESERVE THREE MILLIONS Reenlt Accomplished by HI Increase la I.oaa Item letter Market Is Irregnlar and Hesitative. NEW YORK, Nov. lR.-Prlces were pushed up aggressively on the stock mar ket today In toe confluent anticipation tnat the bank statement would disclose the making up 01 toe deficit of last week in the legal reserve. The publication of the tatement showed a surplus established of -' above the 26 per cent legal re quirement, but the movement of atocas developed soma hesitation, and the closing tone was decidedly Irregular, with niany prominent a too a showing small net losses from last night, while the conspicuous specialties held some very striking gains. lille the bank statement showed the res- 1 toratlon of a surplus, tha manner In' which was accomplished, as Indicated by the changes In the various Items, aroused some 1 questioning over the outlook. The cash Item showed a decline of nearly I2.0tv.ou0, which Is accounted for approximately by the known movements of money, but show practically no benefit from the supposed decrease, tn.yH.VC. Peposlts, $(nrr,; decrease, f 24.y. Circulation, $t4 . ,; Increase. $1 2"0. Leaal tenders, I73.V7b.10U; Increase f!fH. Ppecie, $17ft7,300; de crease, $:.- 9.i"0 Rserve, 4o; de rmn, tl r.t. Reserve required. $249. 767 250; decrease, 7.812.4''0. Surplus. 32.915. 150; Increase. IS.S43.!"'0. Ex-V'nlted Statea deposits, j,Su7,i;; increase, o,3il,75. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. IS. MONEY On call: Nominal; no loans. Time loans: Steady; slxtv and ninety days, per cent; six months. nVs't)'! ir cent. PRIME MERCANTILE TAPER per STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actus 1 business In bankets' bills at $4.8645 46o6 for demand and at M.fc.'SOiM 83 for alxty-dav bills; posted rates. 14.834 and 14 k7: commercial hills. $4 K'v 4.82H- PII.VER Bar, 64c: Mexican dollars. 4S'4c. H )ND3 Oovernment, steady; railroad, firm. , Closing; quotations on bonds were as follower ..1V1 Japan 14 strtaa.. tH ..fits' do 4Wa M ..i4 flo 2d aerlas ! .114 L A N. unl. 4a ....liH ..li4 Manhattan e. f 4a..l0Jt . 1064 Mti. Ontral a 10 ..tit dn lat Inc U ..1JJ Minn. A St. L 4s ... ' a 794 M.. K. a T. 4a 1OTH Ill an la OVi a KU N. R. R. of at. c. 4a. 14 closing price of yesterday. Clearances of , Iirvate transfer of large Bums to the banks 1 rSiiio A lV 1'. 8 rf. ta ref do coupon V 8. 3a. rf do coupon C. e. old 4a, r(. do eoupon V. B. new 4a, rut do coupon Am. Tohacco do 6a Atrhlaon Ran 4a... do adj. 4a Atlantlo C. L 4a. Bal. a Ohio 4s... do SHa Brooklyn ft. T. c. Cantral of Ga, ta. de lat Ino do td Ino do Id Inc Chta. A Ohio 4t W'heat and flour were enusl to ,"';2.000 hu Primary receipts were 1.U5.0) bu., com pared with 1.178.000 bu. one year aco. Min neapolis. Ptiluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 9?9 cars, against l.(6 cars last week and 849 cars one year ago. Sentiment In the corn pit was exceed ingly bearish, but active support from a leiding bull prevented anv material de cline In prices. A sharn break at Liverpool brought about some s-lllnE by commission houses and pit trnders. reso'tlng In slight losses early In the day. Poring the re mainder of the session prices luctuafed very sllchtlv. The market closed steadv. Mav opened a sharl to Kfi'-r lower nt 4fe to 44'4c. sold between 44V,c and ii'Wic and rinsed with a net loss of c at (4fi4lTi,c. Ixical recelnts were 315 cars with five of contract rrnde. Tl'" volume of trnfttng In onts was verv small. InfttienCed by an excellent d'mand from exporters the market belli jiteid'. May opened unchanged to Up lower t 32c to ic to ?',(- sold off to 321 H,c and rinsed Bt 32HlfW2Hc. Local receipts were lfil enrs. Provisions had a stronar undertone, but trsdlnar was almost ll'eless. Th 're was a fair Investment demand for the January products and some buvlng of poek bv a local packer. T strong market for live boars was a bullish factor. At tre rinse Mnv pork wis tin IWI0140 at 112.82HW? 8 I ard end ribs were each up 2'4c at $7.0214 and 71A respectively. Estimated receipts for Mondnv: AVheat. 1W rrs: oorn, 617 cars; oats, 238 cars; hogs. 42 heart. The leading futures ranged as follows: at titia center from Canada and other sources. The Improvement In the bank position, therefore Is entirely due to the enormous cut of 127,204. 2on In the loan Item of the banks. On September 9 of this ear the banks recorded, a decrease In loans of 13o.Ui.300. which Is the record figure, and on October 14 of this year the decrease was .. 464.6ml. With these two exceptions, this week a loan contraction is several million dollars 111 excess 01 iiini oc any previous week in tha history of the clearing house. it la not supposed that the stock market liquidation, which was confined to Monday ml 1 uesuav, represents any sucn reduc tion of outstanding credits. Foreign ex change, wits advancing again today, while the sterling exchange rate at 1'a.rls ana at tiurlin moved against London again. Sensational gains were made in the puces of the federal mining stocks, the Southern Steel companies. New York Air Hrake, several southern railroads, American Snuft, Rrooklyn lranslt and a number of Indus trial specialties of a minor grade. The eneral movement of prlcea was narrow and hesitating. Total sales of bonds, par value. 2.91o,OfiO. The quotations on the New Y'ork Ktock exchange ranged as follows: Sales. High. Low. Close. Articles. I Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat Pec. May July Corn tPec. Dec. May July Oats Peo. May July Tork Jan. May Lard Nov. Pec. Jan. May 8. Riba Jan. May I 85SfT4'8586: Bi vow ax'fe 45 46U 44V0 46,44V(i-4o 44V"7 44V4i) 44 30 32V H 41 12 i 12 76 7 00 8 87W e 87H 7 OaVaj 67H 6 75 KiH'85Sfr-v, 85SV4 87S, 7V"8 8771183 82T4-I 83' 83V 4fit 4; 44 M 45 44'., 44-YoN,44Va45 Adams Express Amul. Copper Am. Car & Foun .. do preferred Am. Cotton Oil do preferred Am. Kxpress Am. Hide & L. pfd.. Am. Ice. secur Am. Linseed Oil do preferred Am. Locomotive .... do preferred Am. Smelt. & R'fg.. 23.W 444,44 Vi'ai 444 304 32t 32V4' KVoH' 30 30 12 -2i 12 86 7 00 6 90 87 7 02H 67' e ov 81 12 fi: 12 75 7 0o 6 87H 6 87S 7 02V4 53 6 75 31 Va 12 72 l i 80 7 00 6 90 6 87 7 4KV 6 671 77 SO 32 : 62 : 75 6 95 6 87 6 85 7 00 6 55 6 75 Chicago Minneapolis . Kansas City Omaha Ptiluth 133 422 ltd 20 Stl Louis - US 315 154 ( 76 161 10 No. 1 tOld. INew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Bteadv; winter patents, J.I.SS'a 420: straights, 13.7Mi4.10; spring patents, Sl.SOgt.lO; straights, I3.60&3.85; bakera', $2.25 43 3 M. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 8688c; No. 8, 80 v ; in sic: no. z reu. sbw8ic. ' I CORN Nn. 1 4HWu0rl Nn. 1 vellow KO 74 KEW YORK. UKMfiRAL MARKXT taotatlona ot the Day on Various Comntodltlea. NEW YORK, Nov. 18 FLOUR Receipts, 11,710 bbla. ; exports, 20,307 bbls. ; market lull, but steady; winter patents, I4.20'u-I.o6; winter straights, 13Sio'q4.1o; winter extras, 2.5.ih3.2u; winter low grades, 13.mkii-4.J6. Rye Hour, firm; fair to good, XuU'4.10; :holce to fancy. $4.16? Buckwheat lour, steady, U lt)2.2&. spot and to arrive. BUCKWHEAT Steady. 66c, delivered New -York. I'UHNmKAL Steady; fine, white and ,'ellow. 11.26; coarae. 1. 16dM8; kiln-drlcd, H.Wlji.lZ. HI r Nominal; No. 2 western, 76c, c. I. !. New York. HARLKY-yulet; feeding, 41c. c. 1. f. iuffalo; malting.. 6Ktlc, o. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 136.100 bu. ; exports. I7,31 uu. ; tuues, 2.20O.UOU bbls. futures. Spot market steady; No. 2 red. 90!o ele vator and 93c f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 aorthern Duluth. 93Ho f. o. b., atloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, WHc The opening was steady; wheat eased off undor poor fsbles liberal receipts and poor prospects for Russian shipments. It rallied In the last hour on bull support; May. 82 1-lbVuj) M3-16c. closed at 92c; December, -Wif KV. closed at 92,c. CORN Receipts, 74,115 bu.; exports, 78. 74 bu. Spot market steady; No. 2, 58o levator and 6ftc f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 .ellow. 5kc. Option market was without transactions, closing partly lower; luiiuaiy cloned at djo; May closed at 60V:; Oecemlier closed at 64c. OATH Receipts, 53.5uo bu.; exports, 33, :17 bu. Runt market steady: mixed. 26 to U lbs., 33c; natural white, 10 to 32 lbs.. 86 i374c: clipped white. .16 to 4) lbs., 3(34X:. HAY Hteady; shipping, 604166c; good to huice, tXij82C Hol'B Firm; state, common to choice, 1906. 14rt22c; 19tH, llVu'Kc; olds, f.("tSc. Pa irtc coast, 1906, lOfoloo; 1904, 104jl4c; olds, ySo. HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 2o lbs.. Mo; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 21c; Texaa dry, A to 30 lbs., 1. LKATHKK-KIrm; acid. 26 270. PROVISIONS Heef, quiet: family, $11.50 Tl2 ju; mess, 19 5vn 10.50; beef hams. I21.04t 12.60; packet. llO.ieWn W: city, extra India Ttess, Jl7 6tfj 18.60. Cut meats, quiet; pickled nellies, 18.7&U 10.60; pickled vhouldeis, .0; pickled hams, i9iVo9.75. Lard, steady; western steamed, $7.2oi7.4o; refined, quiet; continent, 19.70; South America, Is 80; com pound, 15.5"u6.76. Pork, quiet; family, 116 50; short clear, 114.503:16.50; mess, 115.2315 50. TALLOW Steady ; city ($2 per pkg .), 4Hi-; country (pkgs free), 46o. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3 tJ6c; Japan, nominal roll. iKI-Aiie. steady; chickens, llc; fowls, Uc; turkeys, 14c. Presaud, quiet; western chickens, Hjlic; turkeys. ltd-'Oc; fowls, 1Vo1Jc. bl'TTER Steady ; state dairy, common to extra. ltVu.'.tc; western Imitation cream cry, tlrsts. lTVil ' . . CirEESK Market easy; state full creams, small, colored and white, September, fancy, Uc; state, Iste mad", choice, 12"j4fl2c; state, fair to good, 12Sc. EGGS Unchanged. B2c. OATS No. 2, 30c; No. 2 white, 33c; No. wmte, wawc. RYE No. 2. 68ic. BARLEY Oood feeding, 87ig38c; fair to cnoice malting, -"HtHC. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 84c; No. 1 northwest ern, 11.00. Timothy, prime, 13.30. Clover, coniraci gntae, u.uiif(i 10.0. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 113.50 Sil3.6:'. Iard, per 100 lbs., l6.&5fM.97. Short ribs sides (loose), 17.ootr7.12; short clear sides (boxed), !.87a7.00. Following were the receipts and ship ments ok uour ana grain; Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls Wheat, bu. 'Corn, bu... Oats, bu... Rye, bu.... Barley, bu. 17.800 190.2O0 370,500 230.7 9,?on 122,700 On the Produce exchange today ter market was firm; creameries, dairies, 173uc. Eggs, firm; at mark, cases included, intake; nrsts, 24c; prime firsts, 28c extras, 30c Cheese, steady. 12tgl3?ac. 80.30 18.7'tO 422. 5"0 401,400 31.200 the but 171(13c Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 18. WHEAT Re- cetpta, 18,000 bu.; market unchanged; I)e ceniber, 78c: May, 89c; July, 7ac. Cash 1 No. Z hard, sous3c: No. 3, 78toSl4c; No. rea, soU!wc; ino. i, soiunso. CORN Receipts, 99.000 bu. ; market steady; December, 40c; May, Wic. Cash No. 1 mixed, 42420; No. 2 white. 43c No. 8, 42c. OATS Receipts, 9.000; No. 2 white, 303 31 'c; .-no. z mixeu, -c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $10.7!ygll.23 choice prairie, y..i(.au. RYK Steady; 66c. EGGS steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 24c; case count, Z2c; cttaes returned Wc less. BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 21c; dairy lc. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 84.000 59,000 Corn, bu 99.000 60.000 Oats, bu 9,000 14.000 The following range of prices at Kansas City was reported by F. D. Day & Co., 110- 1U Board of Trade building; Artlclea.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. I Yes y V'heat ' I Pec... 78Vii"- 7S 78 78' 7814 May... 80 8"V, 80 8oVs 8o'j C 1- Pec... 40 40 397 40 40 May... 4oVa 40 40! 4t 4o t) I j I Pec... t9a 29' 29' 29 29 May... 30 30 3o; 3o! 3 I Jan.... 12 U 12 62 12 55 1 2 62 12 52 May... 12 66 12 72 12 64 12 72 12 62 L May...6 95Q97 6 97 6 96 97 695 St. Louis Geaerat Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. IS. W H E AT Lower ; No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 87i9oc; track, tl91o; December. 8;i(uN3c; May. Mic; No. 2 hard, 84(T'c. CORN Steady; No. 2 cash, nominal; track. 44c for new, 48o for old; D-ccmber, c; May. 43c. OATS Firm; No. ! cash. 3oc; track. 31c; December, c; May. 31c; No. J white, Xi;!20. FIADUR-Steady; red winter patents. 14 30 ti4 5o; extra fancy and straight, IJ.Mvdj4.26: clear. 12 03 10. SKEI-Tlmothy. steady; IJUjJ.Sti. t'OHNMKAl-8teady; $2 60. RRAN Firm; sucked, east track, 7:"(j':3c HAY Steady; timothy, te.OotjM ': rr"""!. J7j9 OH. IRON COTTON T1ES-I100. HEMP TWIN E re BAOG1NO-8c. PROVISIWNS-Pork, steady; Jobbing. 114.25 Lard, steady; prime steam, ti.1-0. Drv salt meats, strsdv; taixed extra shorts, M 76: clear ribs. Ittt); short clears, 185. Hacon, sleadv: Uixed extra shorts. 16.60; clear ribs. M TV short clear. 19 00. POl'LTHY Turkeys, lower; -hlckens, 7Wc springs. Hfllc; turkeys. l!c; ducks, Itk; geeee, 8Hc. KII'TTER Firm ;creaniery, VSc; dairy, lNaii'te EGGS Steady at 24c Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. IS. FLOUR- hlrat iwienta. 14.MXfjt.90; aecond patents, 14.6(t)4.7u; first clears, 13.66tu3.75; second Cleats, I2.454j2&5. BRAN In bulk, $1150. (Superior quotations for Mlnneuoolls do livery 1. "1 he range of prices, as reporte by F. D. Pay dt Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: 1 Artlclrs.l Open I High.l Ixw. Close. Yes' Weat 1 ! I I I Pec... S1S8 81' 81i 81 81 May...S64iS 85 86 86 Fi.i- 1 III Pec... J 99 i s1 May... 103 lit 1 U-'l 1 lt'; C. P A Q C R. I. A p. 4a.. do col ta Crt'. f?t. U 44 Colo. Ind. hi, ar. do aortas H Colorado Mid. 4a... Colo. A 80. 4a Cuba Ja D t- H O. 4a DlatlllenV 8a. ta.. Erla prior lien 4e.. do gen. 4a Hrcaln Val. 4lta.. Japan (a Offered. as N. Y. c. a. a ..191H N. T C f. ta 114 ..IO.V4N0. Paclflo 4a 1044 .. M do ta 74 4a (. A W. c 4a lfllH . .lUVjO. e. L. rtdf 4a.... H' .. X Pann. oonr. ISa V'iS .. II Rradlna ran. ta lot .. 7 St. L. A I. M. c. ta. lloH ..io7t,et. l. a 8. r. ft 4a it ... II St. L. 8. W. c. 4a... rs . .101H frabnard A. L. 4a.... tH ... t't Bo Paeten 4a... t1 ... 1144 da lit 4a etfa MH l..l-k8o Rallvar ta lie A. 73H,Ta (t p. la li 72 T., St. b. A W. 4i ,. 7S' Union PacKc 4a.. .. t4 4 do conr. 4a .l"l' f. 8. Steal li ta. , .pit Wabann la ,. anlt do deb. B ,.101 Vwstern Mr- 4a..., . M' W. A U I. 4a... ..Ill .wta. Ontral 4a... .. 4l 14 4 .tots .Ul . MS .llf. ,. 75 . London Closlna stocks. LONPON, Nov. IS Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were as follows: It litis, Y. Cantral 81 11-18 Norfolk A W .... CV do pfd .... Ontario A W . . . . 10j I Pr nmvl vr nltt .lit'a Rnd Mlnaa .lTt1 nad:n .. So do lt pfd . do Jd pld .181" Southarn Hallway 26.100 2,610 00 2"0 210 do preferred Am. Sugar R'fg Am. Tobacco pfd. c. Anaconda Mln. Co.. Atchison do preferred Atlantic C. L Baltimore A Ohio.... do preferred Broklyn Rapid T.... anadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chicago & Alton.... do preferred Great Western C. & N. W M. & St. P Chicago T. & T do preferred ., C. C. & St. L.... Colo. Fuel & Iron.... Colo. & Southern ... do 1st preferred do 2d preferred Consolidated Gas. .. Corn Products do preferred Del. & Hudson Del.. Lack. & W.... Denver & R. Q do Dreferred Distillers' Secur. 1.700 2.S00 1.200 9,100 1,010 4!io6 1.700 60 86. 81") 6. l'O 100 600 l,5u0 500 12,100 100 68,0i K) 2"J0 '2116 100 l.ouo 200 300 40 100 32 28 17 68 114 160 126 141 io; 126 84 l&i" 110 97 81 172 225 63 21 219 177 97 45 27 43 179 15 54 232 84 39 100 32 28 17 67 114 149 126 140 It 125 84 162 ll'" 97 77 172 225 63 21 219 176 97 43 27 43 179 14 64 230 700 36 36 200 Erie 14,200 45 49 81 73 185 116 176 21 80 30 83 46 49 81 73 186 114 17tl 21 80 28 83 66 161 70 114 23 lis" 16.1 99 38 71 61 150 62 86 93 9H 47 139 lol do 1st preferred.... 3oO do 2d preferred 1.4oO Gen. Electric 400 Hocking VaLey ZOO Illinois Central 100 international Paper. 4o0 do preferred International Pump. 400 do preferred 100 Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred 2,600 67 Louisville & Nash.. 19.J00 163 Manhattan L Met. Securities 2.900 72 Met. Street Ry 14.9o0 116 Mex. Central l.BuO 24 Minn. & St. L M., St. P. & 8. 8. M. 100 138 do Dreferred l'O 163 Missouri Pacific 4.100 loO Mo., Kan. & Tex.... 10,000 38 do .preferred 500 71 National Lead 4,400 61 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central 2,200 161 N. Y., Ont. & W.... 2o0 6J Norfo1'.; & Western.. 7m) 86 do preferred 2"0 93 North American .... 6.3tO 99 Pacific Mail 100 47 Pennsylvania 12 90 149 People's Gas 1,000 lo2 P., C. C. dU St. u Pressed Steel Car.... 1,700 60 49 do preferred Pullman Pal. Car.... Reading do 1st prererreo.... do 2d preferred .... Republic Steel do preferred ' Rock Island Co do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd St. Louts B W do preferred Southern Pacific .... do nreferred Southern Railway... 11.900 35 35 do preferred Tenn. Coal & Iron.. 29.700 103 102 Texaa & Pacific T.. St. L. & W do preferred Union Pacific 4.4(0 133 132 do preferred T". 8. Express 1. 8 Realty U. 8. Rubber 300 61 50 do preferred V. 8. Steel 12.PO 37 37 do preferred 9. l'O 103 Ti'J Va.-Caro. Chem 4.400 3S 36 do preferred Wabash 2o 21 21 do preferred 3oO 41 40 WellH-Fargo Exp Weatlnghouse Elec Western Union 6X 9J Wheeling A L. E. .. 100 16 Wisconsin Central do preferred Northern Pacific l.OO 2no Central Leather l'O 44 do preferred 0 lo3 gloss-Sheffield 19.7uO 85 6.810 100 S'906 2.0u0 l.l'O 100 201) l'O 100 7,700 141 93 26 98 2; 72 64 2 68 69 140 93 20 97 29 72 64 22 58 69 92 16 199 44 l:t 81 240 84 4 100 32 93 2-5 33 28 39 67 114 149 126 140 106 126 84 103 163 110 96 81 172 22.') 63 33 76 21 219 176 17 37 97 45 ' 27 63 43 179 14 53 230 460 34 87 45 49 81 73 185 115 176 21 80 30 ' 83 27 55 27 66 162 163 "1 116 ' 23 78 137 162 99 38 70 51 36 150 62 85 92 9K 47 yj 101 79 50 98 20 14 93 9 26 97 29 72 37 104 64 57 69 119 35 99 K'2 34 37 67 132 96 115 85 61 1H 37 102 37 108 2'. 40 - 169 2 16 29 59 198 44 1"3 84 Conaola, money do account Anaconda Atrhiann do pfd Baltimore A Ohio i Canadian Pacific j Ch. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W... C M. A 8t. P... I', rrpii u.j ri Danver A R. O Southern Paclflo do pfd to Union Pacific ., Erie do pfd do lat, pfd 84 V. 8 Steal do -d pfd 74 do pfd Illlnola Cantral 182 Wabaah Loularllle A Naah...lA do pfd M., K. A T 191 SILVER Bar, quiet, 29 9-16d per ounce. MONEY 3i:t per cent. The rate of discount In the open markit for short bills Is 4'o4 per cent; for threa months' bills, 4 per cent. .ltttt . tt . 71 . "4 . w. . 41 . to . 8Uj .11 J . 71H .lit . ,. 3l .PfS ,. M ,. 4-tj OMAHA LIVE STOCH MARKET leef Sueri ud Cewi S:tij fer the Week .Feeder Higher. HOG MARKET ACTIVE, STEADY TO STRONG Moderate; Receipt e of Cheep, Market Dull sad I nrhanged Ran for the Week Fair aad Trices Lower All Arsasd. SOUTH OMAHA, Nor. 18. 1906. Kecemta were Official Monday Official Tuesdav ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday... Ofiicial Friday Official Saturday... Cattle. Hogs. 8heep 8.383 , 6. 837 6.084 . 2.970 1.7W 74 2.7tiS 7.7e9 7,693 4.5 4.710 4.60 If 11.411 12.494 t,.Ul 09 15 24.628 26.741 .J7.248 .34.839 .31.0O .28.974 YEAR hows E8.831 80.9.3 34.4H2 27.437 TO 4.24 89.3" 64.771) 82.084 79.605 DATE. Totals this week. Totals last week... 8am week before. Sama three weeks ago, Same four weeks ago., Same week last year... RECEIPTS FOR TUB The following lihla of cattle, hoRa and sheeD at South Omaha ror th year to date, comparing with last year: 190S. 1904. ,attI 1 402 831.746 S,og 0.587 1.995,670 Bli6P L826.K8 1.H04.S36 ine following table shows tha average "'hogs at South Omaha for the lost -ii oays, with comparisons the receipts Inc. 84.666 80.317 ''i I 106. 104.1903. !102. 11901. 11900.11899. Jifw York Mlnlns; Stocks. NEW YORK, Nov. 18. Closing quotations on mining stocks were as follows: :t Lima chiaf .... Adama Coo Alice breeca Brunawlck Con . . Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn Sllvar Iron Silver Leadvllle Con.... . 67 . M . 48 . II .145 .170 .376 . t 'Ontario Ophlr Phornlx Potoal Savage Blcrra Nevada (Small Hupaa . IStandard . t .ISO .S37V6 . 1 . 10 . It . 57 . 30 .150 Hank Clearing; OMAHA. Nov. 18 Bank clearings for todav were $1,438,615.59 and for the corre sponding date last year 11,292.912.41. The clearings for the week, compared with the corresponding week of 1904 were: 19o5 1904 Monday Jl. 941. 106.78 fl. 513.678 41 Tuesday 1,476.718 80 1.296.591 79 Wounesduy 1.415.6i7.43 1, 310.075.97 Thursday 1,648.119 17 1. 369,408.17 Friday 1.6"6.i;95 30 l,4o4, 596.16 Saturday 1,438,615.69 1,292.912.41 Totals ., Increase .. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. N'ov. Nov. Nov Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. .. 2.. I.. 4.. 6.. 8.. 7.. S.. .. 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15.. I 16.. 17.. 18.. 4 84; 4 84! 4 8! 4 83 4 871,1 4 8 i 4 90 4 87 t BJV 4 81 4 79 4 7" 4 81 4 881 4 0 4 4 7 4 97 4 89 4 80! 4 79l 4 73 4 71 4 691 4 66 4 69' 4 99 4 87 4 791 4 74! 4 73 4 781 4 80 4 87 4 Kl'l 4 63 4 64 4 5' 6 661 6 731 4 61 1 4 01 1 e 72 4 an t vt 6 611 6 49! t 82 61 6 631 6 65 441 6 35 6 26 6 10: 71 t 71 t 68 6 6. 6 74 4 6t 4 m 4 64 4 6' 4 71 4 6) 4 74 6 6 4 841 6 21 6 Ml 4 74 6 28' 6 6v 4 67 I 6 321 6 671 4 821 5 63 4 621 4 66 4 71 4 46 6 41 4 66 4 39 6 31! 6 62 4 4 4 03 a 4 01 4 02 4 03 4 03 4 03 4 02 a 8 94 8 92 3 90 5 F4 4 821 3 87 I 3 "6 4 90, The United Slates National Bank of Omaha credits ot par checks and drafts drawn on out-of-town banks, charging the depositors only the actual cost of collection; allows interest upon Certificates of De posit; issues Foreign Exchange and Letters of Credit and invites accounts of bankers and individ uals, firms and corporations. $9,429,922.19 $X,177.26.".9l .1, 202.606. 28 Trenaory Statement. WASHINGTON. Nov. lS.-Today'a state ment of the treasury balance In the general fund exclusive of the $150,000,000 cold re nerve shows: Available cash balances, $133, 801,985; gold coin and bullion, 185.644,009; gold certificates, $46,193,590. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce. EOOS Fresh receipts, candled stock, 22c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 8Vc; roosters, 6c; luraeys, lc; ducks, 9'tj9Hc; spring chick ens, 9c; geese, 8'9o. UCTTEH 1'ackinn stock. 15c; choice to fancy dairy, 18 U luc; creamery, 2l!U21Vic; prints, 2Hc. Et 'GAR Standard granulated. In bbls., $5.01 per cwt. ; cubes, $5.85 per cwt.; cut loaf, $6.30 per cwt. ; No. 6 extra C, bags or bbls., $4.5 per cwt.; No. 10 extra C, bags only, $4 70 per cwt.; No. 16 yellow, bans only. $4.65 per cwt.; XX-XX powdered, $5.75 per cwt. FRESH FISH Trout. lOtfjllc; halibut, 13c; buffalo, dressed, 9c; pickerel, dressed, 6c; white bans, dressed, 12c; suntlsh, 6c; perch, scaled and dressed, 8c; pike, 10c; cattish. 13c; red snapper, 10c; salmon. 11c; crap pies, 12c; eels, lc; bullheads. He; black bass, 25c; whltefish, 12c; frog less. Per doz., 35c- lobsters, green, 7c: boiled Indicates Sunday. The following table shows the prices paid at the river marketa for cattle: "od to choice corn-fed steers $5.23116.50 Fair to good corn-fed steers 6.uou5.Lo Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.0""n i.oo Oood to choice range beef steers.. 4 27.o4.50 -" two range Deer steers... Good to choice cows and heifers. hair to good cows and heifers Fair to good western cows t anners and cutters ttood to choice stockera & feeders. 2 5(6 4 10 ralr to good stockera and feeders. 3.005j3 60 RANGE OF PRICES. . Cattle Omaha Chicago li". 7.80 Kansas City 1 75a6.8t f- 2.01k? 5.80 Sioux City 2.00fr5.6O FRIDAY'S SHIPMENTS The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cars. o. luauom, Elliott, la. Q G. E. Anderson, McPherson, ia'.o' Frank Grulke, Marne. la. R I Henry Pleper, Minden, la R. i W. C. Mott. Memphis B. St. M ... C. C. Andrews. Shea B. & M '. L. Hranche, Chalco B. & M KllpatticK Bros., Hoag B. & M .. L. E. Lewis. Gretna B. & M Aug Menu, Dodge F. E E. T. Graham, Creston F. E.'.'". " J. H. White, Oelrlchs. 8. D. F E ' Farris & McBeth, Osceola V P John S. Shoeman, "Waukee. la Mil v.DVJHianu. vvauKee, la. Mil ,. ? Newport, Yale, Ia.-MII vjllliam Oailey. Auburn Mo. P E. H. Norris, Nehawka Mo. P F. P. Rose, Nehawka Mo. P Chris Ross, Nehawka Mo. P T F. Ryan, Verdon-Mo. P Charles Erne, Ells, la. I. C .. A. Miller, Clarence, la. N. W '. W. W. Hill, Hartington-M. & O.... Martin C. Peters, BloomnoTd-M. & I. J. Bowland, Coleman, Mich. R. 1 2 The official number of cars stock brought In today by each road was: CatUe.Hogs.H'rs. 3 8.60J4.25 3.35a4.60 2.6c,5j3.30 1.50 .2.75 1.75f 3.50 Hofts. $4 25fi4.72H 4.251(6.00 4.4i-ij4.S5 4.VWI4.95 4.55(14.70 t mo ... 4 74 i tM to 4 TO 43 J10 40 4 47 V, 71 120 4 70 44 1.S4 40 4 4Tl 71 Ml 0 4 70 4i, :5 ... 447.4, 64 113 240 4 70 6i l,i 10 4 67', ( J01 ... 4 70 (1 134 ... 4 tl i :'4 !40 4 70 Jl 2!,2 40 4 tr'j 64 H9 0 4 "ill 40 :2 to 4 6714, 6.'. i 40 4 70 7S 25 160 4 4T, 48. 160 140 4 74 4 321 40 4 (7S, 74 t60 40 4 70 tt 23 t 4 7V, 71 til 40 4 70 44 2 140 4 471 M 1"0 40 4 7I4 74 Jf.7 40 4 17' 60 2H7 to 4 72 14 M 0 4 t7 72 277 40 4 72S, SHEEP There were no this morning and all the sheep atock received that has been carried out from day to day was cleaned up with tlie mall lull of yenterday, so that there was absolutely nolmiig uuing on the sheep market this morning. The re ceipts of siiecp for this week have been only moderately large, 48.154 head being re ceived. This is the smallest run since the first week in September, but at tluit It is larger than the run for tho same Week one year ago by about 4.8O0 heud. It is prob able tlie receipts from this tlmo on wiil not be as large as for the last two months, as the feeder season Is rapidly drawing to a close and there is not much more stock of that kind expected in, but receipts will most likely pick up again about tlie holi days, when the seiison for fat sheep opens. The run of sheep during the week has not been very good and, generally speaking, tlie greater portic n of the stock received has been on the Inferior order of stuff. The warmed-up and short-fed stuff Is be ginning to come In and there Is practically no market for that kind of stock. It Is not good enough to be desirable for killing purposes, with the result that It has had to go as feeder stuff and even then some of It had to be shipped to Chlcugo, where the same condition of affairs were found, with the result that it was sold at con siderable loss. The trade on fat stock this week has not been very good and there has been a decrease of about 2uo for the week on this kind of ntuff. There haa been but little desirable killing sheep In this week, the larger portion of the offerings consisting of ; i warmoa-up stun; hence the aecune. L ...1 .. .- I. .... - -4 1 PRIVATE WIRES Von Dorn Grain Co. Member Chicago Board of Tradtt Omaha Grain Exchange. Grain and Provisions Bought and sold for cash or future deliver; Receivers and Shippers. 21S and 220 BOARD OF TRADE BLDQ. Tel. 1006. OMAHA. Stock Yards Dividend PAYABLE DEC. 1 SO Shares at an Attractive Plgura Samuel Burns, Jr. 14 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Phons 88 F. D. Day &Co. Oealers tm Stock. Grain. Provisions ship Voir Oral to I'a. Breach or.oe. llO-Ill Baard of Trad Bids;., Omaha. N-.pi. Tlephoaa HB14U 217-274 Exchangt J'da . South Omaha. Bell 'Phooa 21a. Vcdepaudsnt 'Pnuns 1 12 rue, toci tnueflsli, 5c; quoted by Omaha 1 upland, $7; medium. Feed 16.00; C-, M. 4 St. P. Ry.... Wabash Missouri Pacific U. P. System C. & N. W., east C. & N. W., west C, Bt. P., JJ. & o C, li. & t.. east C. B. & y., west C, H. I. & p.. east C, It. I. & p., west.... Total receipts 2 1 8 T 21 6 6 8 2 2 66 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: M-"asmg Ule Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company Cudahy Packing C..o.. Armour & Co Total Hogs. H26 1,22 6o7 1,330 .4,065 Total sales for tne day, 536.800 shares. Kiour, bbls What. bu Corn, bu Outs, bu cse count. Recelnts. Shipments T7.0irt 74.UOO Dvlath Grata Market. OIU'TH. Nov. 18. WHEAT To kit. 1 northern. Mc; No. 3 north 11. uno ul ( 4l.o arrive: tl V Minnespolla Ch Close Wheat: No. 1 hard. MV; No. 1 northern. M",o; No. 2 northern, HOVySlV-; No. 3. 79Vtf'v; No. 1 Durum. 74-; to arrive, 72c. Coin: No. t yellow, 4K-; No. 3. 4c. Oata: No 2 white. 2SC.. Hurley: 3f.'j tM". Rye: 63SUti4'!. Kiax: On track. .c; to arrive, KV. 1'eorla Market. PBORJA Nov. Is. COR.N-Hteady; No. 8 yellow, 434c; No. 3, 43V; No. 4, 42c; no grade, 4cc. OATbV-Flrm; No. 2 white, Stic; No. 4 white. 29i)3o WHISKV-Oii the hasia of fl.30 for fin ished goods. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 18 -COFFF.EThe coffee maiket futures opened steady at un changed prices at an advance of 6 points In n-Kpoiise to steady Kuropean cablea. Rut rrporta of rains In Rraul checked the demand and the market eased off slightly toward the close with final pricea steady, net unchanged aa compared with yvater day. S.ilea were reported of Jl.o bags. Including November at 6 5oe; December, 6S-; March, (toa6.suc; May, 7.(Jm 7.6c, July. . jc; September. T ij7 4-V and tc tober at 7 46o. Spot Hto, julet. No. 7 Invoice, 8 8- lac. Ro. ton Stocks and Uoude. BOSTON, Nov. IS. Call loans. Mil per cent; time loana. 6fl0 per cent. Official quu. tatlona on stocks and bonds were as follows: Atchlaoa ad. 4i do 4. Vn rrotrsl 4s.. trbllo. do pld Bonos A Albany Boaton A Kiln. Buton ElrT.tcd . Kitrtbura pld .... Mrilr.a t'cntr.l . S Y.. N H A lfrr Marquett. t nlos Pi-ido Amer. Arg. Clirm do pM Aui.r. Pnu Tub. Amr. Pug.r do pfd Am.r. T. A T. Aser. Wooloo . do pld Poimltilon 1. A "gdlroil F.l.c. Illu . .14 . ... tl Advontura ....101S Allouci 7t Anmlgamattd ... . ... 44-4 Amrniau Zinc . ....102 Atlartlr ....i&T bmsham ...1144 (.-.i a Hoc la. . . l'C Cvutenalal ....lit Coppar liansa .. Ui Haly Weat H. 1"3 apamlnlon Coal U'l PVatiallD 1S-44 Granbv . '4 ltif Rovala tt Maia Mining ... S Mlrhlsan W't Mohan Wont. C. A C... Ujt(H4 Dominion .. " Oaoaola HI Parrot ... Oulnrr . "4 4S . B4t . - . Jv' I H'r Oanaral Elv.-tHc Maaa. EH.'lrlc do pit Haa. II. a I ailed Krult Toiled Sho. Mark. ta pld V 8. staal d. pfd WV.tlng. rnTOmoli . Itld Al..d. 1st ..h.nnoa ... Trlr.ltv t'rltd ropear . I. S Mining.. 4asil' I. Oil.. 4 . I' I tan 7 jvi.toiia il (Winona J711 WolTarina 1o:" North Butt. .. Ki .. li . . Ta .. It .. i-i .. 14 .. .. 14, .. .. .s .. Ut . .lc 4 .. iii4 . .104 .. -t .. '4 .. is .. M .. .. ta-a ' .. 14, ..Kl .. 4714 lobster. herring, 4c. HAY-Prlces company: No, Coarse. 86. BRAN Per ton, $14.60. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES California Navels, all sizes, $3.6ii3.75; Florida, all sizes, 83.003.25. LEMONS Lemonieru. ; lauci, 240 sit". 40 ; 3uo and 360 sizes, $5.50. DATES Per box ot 3o i-ib pkgs., $2; Ilallow'cn, in 70-1 b. boxes, per lb., &VC; walnuts. stufTed, 1-lb. pkgs., $2 per dos! F1US California, tier 0-10. mrinn 7va Sc, Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 12c; t crown. 14c. BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch, $1.70y2.2i; Jumbos, w (3 uo. FRUITS. PEARS-Lawrence and Mount Vernon, $2.6ti; Ijb Ango, $2.76. APPLES Hcu lav!s and Winesaps, In 8bu. bbis., 4uo: in bushel baskets, $1.2i; California Bellflowers, $1.51; Colorado Jona than and Ui lines' Ciolden, $2.36; New York apples. 41 00 per bbl. OHAPES Tokays, per 4-basket crate, $3; Imported Malagas, $.ri.5oii.00. t HAMil-.ivKit.s-jubtja, $1100 per bbl.: Bell and Bugle, tlLMO VEGETABLES. POTATOES New, per bu.. Vae0c. ONIUNfi Kume-giown yelluw, red and white, per bu., oc; Spanish, per crate, $1.75. WAX iJKANef ier bu. basket, o.60; string beans, per H-bu. box, 2i!j3i,c. Bt.ANS Navy, per bu., $l.9o. CLCCMBERS Per bu.. $l.oi3,1.78. CABBAiiE Home-grown and Wisconsin, in crates, per lb., lc. HhK 1 .evv, ,,i-4 uu., 70c. CELERY--Kalamazoo, per doz., 25c. SWEET POTATOES Virginlu, per J bu bbl . $2 W. CAl l.Il' Lt)VER-Per crate, $3. TOMATOES California, per crato of 20 lbs., $2 60. BEEF CUTS. Wholesale prices tor beef cuts: Ribs No 1, li'ac; No. 2. 8'4c; No. 3, 'jc. Round No. 1, 7c; No. 2, bc; No. J, jic. 1auis No. 1, l".'c; No. 2, luc; No 8, 7Vc. Plates No. 1, 34c; No. 2, 3c; No. 3. 2"c. Chucks No. 1, 4V:; No 2, 3c; No. 3. 3c. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keti, $3.75; per bbl., $6.75 HONEY New, per 24 lbs, $3.60. CHEESE S Us, new, lie; Wisconsin orica, lie; Wisconsin iimnerger. 1.1c: twins vung Atnericua, HSc, L 1 a-n ainiin, .o 1 ort sheila, new crop, per lb.. 15Vic; hard shells, per lb., 13ao Pecans. Inrge, p r lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., 7c, rousled,- per lb be. Chill walnuts, per lb., l-'oljic. Almonds, soft snells. per lb, 17c. hard shells, per lb., lie. Shellhark hickory nuts, perl bu, 82 26, It-rge hickory uuTa, per bu , 1 bo. t'lieatnuts. 15c per lb. Cocoanuta, 84 60 per sack of P4) HILES No. 1 green, 9c; No. 2 green, 8c; No. 1 Balled, 10V; No. 2 sailed, i,c; No. 1 veal calf". 11c; No. 2 veal calf, vc; dry sailed, 7 Ho; sheep pelts. 26c'u$1.0o; horse hides, $l.5u3.0n. 4'lrarlnn; liuo.e Avrragta. NEW ToRK. Nov 18-Th weekly hank statement today showed that the clearing houae banka hold $.'815,150 in excesa of the 25 per rent of deposita required In the by lswa. It week there waa a deficit of $.' 4 HO. showing an increase of $",.343 tv. The statement follows. Loans, $1.017,t3.6n); Metil Market. NEW YORK. Nov. Is METALS The metal market waa quiet but generally firm. uu . i)uuii at i,.j.i'i,vj u Copper la aaid to I In a very firm position. I-aKe la quoted ul Jld.TL'ii 17 . electrolytic at $16624 4ilbii74 and casting at 16 TTWtflrt 75. lni also ruled firm with quotations ransing s - i.ry). ni iter at fl. H"Ui. -. Iron rem, una firm but unchanged. ST. 1 l "1(4. Nov. lis.- MHTAI.fl-I.ead sleadv at $i..",. Spelter, dull at $0 97t. Tolrdv Heed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Nov. 18 SEED fMover, cai.11. a.s.1; i.iecemoer, -.uu. January $S.w.: Irbruary. li 10: March. $s 15. Prime aisike, .'V. I'nme Umolby, $1.55. CA'i'iLE The run nf k.oiJ t'u'i''ll''''. as of no consequence whatever and there was practically no quotable chungea In the prlcea today from those of yesterday The rece pta of cattle for the week were 23 852 ,,, i,lc .maiiest run for anv week since the first wek in fleptembe?, 2nd the run for the week Is also smaller than that for the same week one year ago by about 6.5.0 head. The general quality of the offering this week has not been very good, a great deal of the stuff being oh the inferior order of stock. The receipts l?hile Ji,1'"." Bma11 ihU wtek ai,l " ' Prob able that now that the range season la practically over there will not be very much change from this wek In tlie size of the run for some time, probably not untl about th. holidays, when thi fat vo.wv, voiiiniQiiL-e VOII11I1K in. There has not been much ehni. stock In this week, the mnn 11 being on the warmed up and short fed order, and the fore part of the week n, was not much good stuff on the market with the result that there was a ii, Monday and Tuesday, but later the smnll run. coupled with the Improvement ( quality, caused the murket to firm up so that the week closed with beef steers practically steady with last week's prices l ows aim neirera also experienced oulte a slump on Monday and Tuesday owing to the oversupply and inferior quality of the stuff received, but there was a siight Improvement noticeable on Wednesday, the quality of the stock arriving was 01 a bet- r oroer ana mere was an Increased fl niand from both packers and outside buy ers, so that the week on cows and heifers closed steady with last week. The trade on feeders and mockers oDem-,1 with a slow market and lower prices, but the quality Improved and tlie demand be came good for light, handy feeders, with the reault that the week's trade on feeders closed with an advance of Uk;uo on good choice stuff. H0G8 The receipts of hogs this morn ing were moderately large and all the trains were In In good season, so that the market was In shape to begin work at a reasonably early hour. Tlie trading opened very active and It was really the r. atuie or tne aay s trading, as the most of the stock was cleaned up and di.fiosed of within a few minutes of the time the market opened fur trading. While tlie trade waa active, the market was steady to strong In tone In most cases. As compared with yesterday there was no ma terial change In the prices and the trade generally averages up pretty well with the previous day. The top of the market today was $4.72H. which is 7Vic lower than those, of yesterday, but the average stuff went st prices that were ateady with yes terday'a salea. The hulk of tile salea today were at $4 66'!j4.70. which la Just ahout the aame as for yeaterday. There waa a moderate run of hogs dur ing the week and it was slightly heavier than that of last week, but Is a little smaller than the run for tha same week one year ago. The trend of prices haa been lower from day to day and the mar ket at the other principal market points haa been more or Ivks uneven and unsat isfactory. The decline for the week is from 10&15O. Representative sales: Feeders have "TtPen In about the sama shape as the fat stuff, the most of the re ceipts being warm d-up stuff, and when it arrived It was generally In pretty poor condition and did not excite much com petition. As the result of this condition of affairs feeders at the close of th week show a decline of about 25c. Quotations on fat sheep and lambs: Oond to choice fed lambs, $6.757.25; good tc choice range lambs, $6.25'ri7 00; feood to choice yearling wethers $5.256.65: good to choice old oethers, $o.0o$6.6o; good to choice old ewes, $l.lK"i5.(.i. Quotations on feeder sheep and lambs: Good feeding. $5.25(u6.7B; good feeding year lings, $4.75f(i5 26; good feeding wetners. H.75 i6.O0; good feeding ewes, $3.403'3.76; breed ing ewes, $4.25i4.M). CHICAGO LI VIS STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Iioxa Steady to Strontr Sheep and Laiuba Slow. CHICAGO. Nov. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 600 head; market steady; beeves, $3.1iVB6.45; cows, $1.25((j4.40; heifers, $2.25'tj.-i.!6; calves, $5.0ikJ7.50; good to prime steers, $5.8Xu..ri5: poor to medium, $3.1b5.2o; stockera and feeders, $2.254.80. HOGS Receipts, 18.000 head: estimated receipts Monday, 40,000 head; market steady to strong; mixed and butchers. $4.55'(j.00; good heavy, $4.6.Vfj5.00; rough heavy, 44 4"0 4.55; light. $4.4uti4.90; pigs, $4. 254,4. 06; bulk of sales, $4.7f'(i4.W. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 head; market slow; sheep, $;t.4iV(io.o0; year lings, $5.25ft.0O; lambs, 16.75(37.40. St. I.oals Live Stock Market. ST. I)UIS, Nov. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 200 head; no Texans; market strong. Na tive shipping and exports steers, $4.75'&6.80; dressed beef and butcher steers, 42 6.Van.0O; steers under l.OOO Ins., $2.6V(i3.60; stockers and feeders, $2.104i'3.46; cows and heifers. $2.00iS.45; canners, $1.76'ii2.0O; bulls, $2.0oi? 3.30; calves, zn'; Texas nnu Indian steers, $2.35(3.75; cows and heifers, $2.(63.00. HOGS Receipts. 2.500 head: market steady. Pigs and lights, $4.5o4.H5; packers, $4.54i4$'; Lutchers and best heavy, $4 7r4.9ri. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, S00 head; market steady. Native muttons, $4 5of'5.40; lambs, $5.2Mr7.45; culls and bucks, H.fiou.yu; Blockers, $3.0ttr3.o0: Texans. $2. 75 4. 75. DIViDEND rATro siMMi. on. timber, smfltfr. tl I.Dt ! HI 41. klO!K making ..,all,! AHCK INTF.RF.AT aad PROFIT, llated vm Iiilll4d, our apoclnlty. Booklets giving full ln lorination .Killed tVe. o. .nplls4on. noCfli.AS I.ACka A CO., Bankers tirok.ra,'" 'w'wat.N.wYork W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. Union Stock Yards, 101. Subject to sale. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 HOW TO SPKCl'LATH In Wall Street with absolute safety, an without risk or loas of capital Invested. SICKLES & CO., 6ti Broadway, New York. The Imports during the week were: New South Wales. 14.400 bales; Queensland, 4.0M bales; Victoria, 7,lu5 bales; tSouth Austra lia, 4,096 bales ; New Zealand, 6,240 bales; Cape of Good Hope anil Natal, 2,uh6 bales; New York. M bales; various, S37 bales. BT. 1AJUI8, Mo., Nov. 18. WOOL Weak ; medium grades, combing and clothing, 2t tfi30c; light line, 2Kij'26c; heavy fine, lllc; tub washed, iUiitlVkC, Kansas City I.lve Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 18 CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,000 heud. Including 3vo southerns; market steady. Choice export and dressed beef, steers, $5.Gi(i5.fc3; fair to good, $3.5oii 4.90; western e'tecrs, $2.6"i'h4.3; blockers und feeders, $2.444 15; southern steers. $2.4'ij' 40"; southern cows, $1.75(j3.on: natlvo cows. i"ix'(i3 9o; native hellers, $2.50'V4 4.76; bulls, $2.(ki3 .25; calves. 83.2iVti4i.00. Receipts for the week. 67.81I, HOGS Receipts. S.OoO head higher. heavy. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 18.-COTTON-8pot closed quiet, middling uplands, 11.15c; mid dling gulf, 11.4oc. Bales, none. . LIVERPOOL. Nov. IS. COTTON Boot quiet; prices 11 points lower; American middling, fair, 6.3od; good middling, 6SM; middling, 6.S2d; low middling, 6 66d; good ordinary, 6.4d; ordinary, 5.32d. The sales of tlie day were 6,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation, and exports Included 6,500 American. Receipts, 24,000 bales, tu cludliiK K1.K1O American. ST. 1AL1S. Nov. 18 COTTON Quiet; middling, 11V'. Sales, none; receipts, 1,011 bales; slil)inents, 11 bales; stock, 1&504 bules. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. IS. COTTON IjuII. Sales, fo hales. Ordinary, 8'-jo; good ordinary, 11-Hic; middling. 11 3-16c; good middliuK. a ll-liic; fiiuldllug, fair, ll',u. Ha celpta, 13.1H6 bales; stock, 213,733 bales. Merchandise and Specie. NEW YORK, Nov. 18. Total Imports of merchandise and drv irooda at the nort of market 2Vf"ic ! New York for the week ending today were Ton 4 S5- bulk of sales. J4 75fi I SO: valued ot $13.46i.2.',8. Total Imports of spe- $4.75.U4. 5; packers, $4.75ii4.S'.'V; pigs 1 lie ul the port of New York for the week Rnd lights. $4 4'"U4.77H. Receipts for the week. 6I.S11O head. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market nominally st-ady. Native lambs, $5.2r.!'y'7.?o; western lambs, t5.2.Vfr7.f0; ewes and yeurlinus. $4 25fc5.60; western clipped vesrllriirs, $5.oiJij6.60; western clipped sheep, $4.75436.60. Sioux lly i.lve Stork Market. BIOUX CITY. la.. Nov. 18. -(Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, Ron head; mar ket steady; beeves $4 i 'i" ft'; cows, bulls and mixed, $2 (i'.' ;!'; stockers and feeders, f 2. 75(fi 3 6." ; calv-H and vearllns, $:' 5n'':i 3i. HOG. -4 Receipts, S.tiXl head; maiket Vii'if lower, selling at $4.5"1j4 7u; hulk of miles, $1.14)4 68 ending today were $r,9,246 silver and $31,614 gold. Iutai exports or specie rrom the port of New York lor the week ending today were $619,21m silver and $100 gold. Liverpool iraln Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 18. WH KAT-Spot. Arm; No. 2 red, western winter, 6s 7Vad, futures steady; T'ecember, 7s Hd; March, 7s Sd: May. 6s ll'd. CORN Kpot, ready; American mixed, 6s lHd; futures yulel; January, 4s 6d; March, 4s 4.d. St. .losepli I.lve Stock FT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. Receipts. K4 head; market tlves. i'l sMfi.Mi: cows and 4.6'i: stockers and f'-eders, $ Market. 18 CATTLE steadv. Na- : helf.-r, 41.5I-U. I 75'iiT 77. I Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAlKEE. Nov. IS. WH EAT Dull: No. 1 northern, S74jWc; No. 2 northern, Wi Wc; May. CTVifNc asked. RYK I ull; No. 1, 7iV(4'Mc BARLEY' Steady ; No. 2, 05c; sample, 3biji 64c. CORN-Steudy; May. 44l;c bid. HOGS Receipts, 5.713 l ead; maik't Urong to 15c blither. I.iult. $l.v l.sO; medium and heavy $4 7' 4(1 "j; bulk (if sab s. $4.7"u4 so. ISHKKP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. Stock la Slwtit. Receipts of live stock at the six principal No A. ah. Pr No At. ah. Pr. 19 at ... 4 Hi ?o "5 u 4 47 "4 11 2l ... 4 40 tt t5 MC 4 a7i . ul ... 4 40 12 lit, au 4 71 lit ... Ill ta Wt tv 447 4a Il 4 4 46 7 2bt 14 4 V- !M ... 4U 4a 171 40 4 47 14 t ... 4 a 4'. :2 40 4 41 if. 26. lit 14 7t ill tfl ISi ZS 3ia ISO 4 ts V! 177 lu t 47 4" : ... 4 44 44 15 14 4 47 11 ait i;o 4 i r :! ao 4471, 44 it 0 4 46 44 S7 I4M 4 17' t7 65 t14 I to 44 t 1!U 4 4i' 16 l i as t: a: n . 4 7u 7 lkt loi 4 ta 17 Ill . . 4 I'l 41 ft R lli 71 ill 41 4 10 4.' J..5 lit I k U :) VM 4 74 47 !4 l 4 4S H '3 "1 4 7 47 tat 124 4 47 ' 17 ltt M4 4 74 7 :7I 40 4 II 'a 4u i;-4 I" 4 74 western markets yesterdnv: Cattle H"irs Sheep. South Omaha 7 4 9 Pioux Cltv R'A 8.Ki Kansas City l,ti l.rtai .... St. .losenh !4 R.TU Ht. Iuis 20o 2 vi :in' Chicago 5ml 13. 'K) 2(fi Totals 2.36 31.1.13 2.X'5 , Oils and Itoaln. NEW Y'ORK Nov. m. ( i ICottons- e.1. steady: prime rriul ... nominal: prime yel low. ?7'r.'Xc. I'ltroleiMM. ipiiet; tv.p..,l. New York. 7 6'i; Phil-ulelphl-i . and Ralii more, $7 r,fi ; IO 'nd"lii' la d Bililmore. In bulk 14 65 Turpentine. (K4ftHs. ItrrglN -Wenk : strained. common 10 good. $4 eo aakr-d. OIL CITY. Pa . Nov. Ofl-Credlt bal ances 11 58 shlpiT'ents. " ' 77 bbls.; aver age f.l bbls ; runs V?S71 bbls nver i.e. ta 78 i bbls shipments. Lima. W.ajt bbls ; average. fl.W.1 (.Lis : runs. Um.i. 51.271 bhls ; avi'i inc. 43 3 to bbls. Wool Market. IaONION. Nov. 1 -WOOI-Th arrivals of wool for the sixth series of auction sale, amount to 10430 bales. Including 22.600 bales forwarded diisct to aptnnera. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 18-BI'TTBR Steady; extra western creamery. 24c. tt ! :S Firm : western fresh, 3ic. C H K Ksi E Firm ; New York full cream er), KVu"14c. HEAL KSTATU TKASSFKHS. The following real estate tiansfera wers filed for lecord Niiveinoi-r 11; WARRANTY DEEDS. J. B. Kennedy el al. to E. J. Malnne. lot 9. block x, Mutihews' BulMlivl.lun und other properly $ 7K) W. B. Waddell and wife to O. F. Davis Co.. wS.'l feet lot . block 3. Haundeis & II. addition to Walnut Hill 10 Nevada 1. Dech to same, lot 25, block 1. Monmoiitli Park '') I.yniun Hicl.urdsou und wile lo R. II lfmsted. lot 41, IiImi k 6. Jerome Park 1 Elisabeth C. Graham mid husbund to Eva Harris, 40 lut 4, block 6, Puiker's addition 7'n Same to Henry Single, lot 2, block 6. same S,fo Ellen P.iliner arid husband lo J. C. PltHner, lot 8, hick 2. Accndale Park 1 G. A. Josin ami wile to K. 51. Well man. sS lot s and nl fool lot 7, block 5. ljike s fddi'lori l,4'l DEEDS tilierirr to W. 11. btiuis. lot 7. block t. lx niMi s addtiiun Loin Totavl amount o U"aMisff.w.......?a6I.