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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1905)
Tin: OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, NOVTTNrBEIt 10. 1005. WANTED MALE HELP A KNOWLEDGE OF SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING IS INVALUABLE TO YOUNG PEOPLE WHO WISH TO MAKE A GOOD BEGINNING AND ENDING IN BUSINESS. No one gets quite so near the throne of power and influence aa the first-class stenog rapher. Ha must know the secrets of the business he is connected with. He must transcribe the thoughts and wishes of his employer. The position, from the nature of Uls work, must be confidential. If he begins in confidence he may end in authority. Such has been the history of many men. It may be your history. Why not. try It? The road is open you. NO BETTER TEACHERS OR BETTER METH ODS CAN BE HAD THAN AT THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Write for Particulars to ' ROHRBOUGH BROS., Proprietors, 19th and Farnara Sta., Omaha. WANTED Two men in each county to represent wholpsalo hardware depart ment, pstabllshed houBe; salary $-1 weekly; expense money advanced. Ad dress Hardware Dept., The Columbia House, Chicago. B 6.19 19x WANTED Traveler, tiy a leading Chicago Jewelry firm, to call on retail Jewelers only: must be tlrst-class, experienced man; will pay expenses and good salary to competent party who will work in the Interest of the firm. Address, In confi dence, stating age. experience, territory covered, salary nnd references, C 30. care Lord A Thomas. B 688 22x WANTKD Solicitors to establish tailoring agnnrles with local merchants throughout the state and to take orders from the consumer In the interest of agent. Will furnish letters from special accounts ag gregating annual business of half million dollars. We cater to legitimate tailoring trade. References and full report of previ ous employment required. Arlington Bros. At Curtis, Inc., Doerhoeffer Bids, Louis ville. Ky. B SALESMAN to sell our "Kentucky Prise" whisky in barrels and bottles . to the trade; good chance for live men. Licking Valley Co., Covington, Ky. B I CAN USE several male stenographers In thr next two weeks. Experienced safe salesman. 2 order clerks, experienced. Bill clerk, (machine.) Good specialty salesman. HART THIS EXPERT. 401 N. Y. LIFE. B 733 19 WE will make you a present of $100, give you a splendid suit of clothes every 60 djtys, enlarge your picture free and pay you a salary of $X6 per month and all traveling expenses to take orders for the greatest and most reliable portrait house in the world. All this will be guaran teed. Address It. D. Martel, Dept. 833, Chicago, 111. B 645 19x YOUNO men, learn lettering and show card designing; It's n money maker; samples free. Thompson School, Pontine, Mich. B Mil 19x $78 PER MONTH Expenses advanced. Men to travel, post signs and leave sam ples. Kuhlmau Co., Desk ti, Atlas Blk., Chicago. B 00 19x CARPENTERS wanted Monday morning to lay floor at Auditorium. B 667 19 IF YOU want work refer to R. A. Byrne's advertisement agents wanted this paper. B A VAN and storage company having a loan department want a thoroughly honest woman to manage loans, also a young man to manage coal. One who has $1,000.00 or more, cash or capital. More Information. Peoplea Loan and Trust Co.. Lincoln, Neb. B-741 21 WANTED First -class, good milker. Mra, E. L. Snyder, 2523 Brown St. B-M596 20 LEARN the Barber Trade. We teach It In the shortest possible time and at least expense. American Barber College, 12th and Douglas Sta. Write today. 11757 19x WANTED FEMALE HELP 20 WORKING girls, and Dodge. Canadian office, loth C 806 NURSE girl, also girl for general house work. 3216 Burt. C low TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES opens about December 20; three months' course; day course, $10 per month; night course, $7.50 per month. Graduate nurses earn $26 per week. For information address F 28, Bus. C 475 18x GOOD girl for general housework. 2215 Farnam. C M515 19x ROOMS FURNISHED Lowest prices on easy payments. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPuT CO., 16-1211-1213 Farnam St. E-719 18 COMPETENT girl for general housework; family of two. Mrs. Harry Watt. 4ol9 Farnam. C 114 GIRL for general housework In small family. 1629 So. 2bth St. C 609 20x WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wsgea. Inquire 615 N. lst Ave. Tel. Red-5245. C-629 lflx WANTED Experienced cloak salesladies; high salaries. S. Frederick Berger A Co., 1617 Farnam St. C 645 18 UIRLS for labeling and folding. Hex Stock Food Co., 16th and Leavenworth. C-M562 20 WANTED Woman ts take care of two children; good wages. 541 S. 2th Ave. C-661 20x , THE WOMAN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 619 New York Life, ha a large list of strictly high-class places for good girls at $4 to $8 per week; also girl fur out-of-towu general housework, $36. LADIE8 having fancy work to sell, em broideries, Battenburg. drawnwork; also to do order work. Stamped envelope. Ladles' exchaage, $4 Monroe St., Chicago. C 602 ltix LADIES To do piecework at home; we furnish all materials, and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Bend stamped envelope to Hoy a! Co., 34 East Monroe St., Chicago. C-601 19x EXPERIENCED crockery saleslady. Don't bother me unless you are thoroughly ex perienced. HART THE EXPERT. 401 N. Y. LIFE. C 723 19 IF YOU are In need of a position call at our office or writ us for particulars. We may Just have the position you are In search of. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS N. tine). Dept. B. 640-841-M2 N. Y. Life Hid. r C'iJi 19 LADIES I make from $18 to $30 per week and want all to have the same opportu nity; the work is very pleasant and will lay you handsomely for even your np.ii time; J sjeak from experience, as 1 have frequently made $5 in a single day; this is no deception: I want no money and will gladly send full particulars to all. Ad dress Mrs. W. W. Mllchttll, Box 10 Port land, Me. C-615 19X Join Morand's I lancing Tuesday and Friday I p. in., the largest and most popu lar school In Omaha; all dances now In um In ball rooms and taught In one term. Why go to Inferior school or teachers when our terms are lowest C 677 19g WANTKD Girl that can cook and wash; good wages; small family. South 26th Bt., tin Lous Uoi'lu of Chamber's M4nv, C 740 lix WANTED FEMALE HELP B- WANTED Ludy or gentleman to represent us in every town In Nebraska, who can devote all or part of their time in agree able, healthful work am! make from $3 to $6 per day. Address Dept. B, 5v6 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. C 116 tf) PEOPLE to muke kitchen aprons by dozens; Increase business, small room, therefore home work; permanent. Stamped addressed envelope for particu lars. American Apron Co., 44c8 Indiana Ave., Chicago. C 666 19x $6 A WEEK for general houswork, five in family; references. 3011 leaven worth. C 683 19x WANTED Good girl fur general house work. Apply 1705 S. -'Sth St. - C-574 20 WANTED Scoring machine operator; also girls experienced in box making. IJn coln Paper Box Co., Lincoln, Neb. C-734 19 WANTKD Girl to do second work; only one that Is thoroughly experienced need apply. Mrs. A. D. Biundeis, S. W. Cor. 3tti and Dewey. C 738 21 SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED A position as clerk In store; have had some experience. Address F 24, care Bee. A 460 lSx COMPETENT accountant, correspondent and secretary; can arrange for part time or all. Address F 18, Bee. A 462 l!x WANTED Position by experienced house keeper, capatle of managing home; re fined; good seamstress; can give best of references. Address F 21. Bee office. A-520 19x AS HOUSEKEEPER for widower by middle aged lady; tirst class references; reliablo and refined; good character. Address, F S9, Bee. A 707 19x WOMAN of culture, aged 30, thoroughly conversant with the duties of a house keeper, desires position, preferably in home of widower; have child school age; can furnish highest credentials; would take active management of home where servants are employed. Address G 66, Omaha Bee, . A 737 19x SALESMEN WANTED WE PAY $36 A WEEK and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce our poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Parsons, Kan. J TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa; staple line; entirely new Induce ments to trade; high commissions; $25 weekly advance; permanent to right man. F. C. Farley Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTED Traveling salesmen; hard Job; only attractive feature Is pay; if wanting permanent snap of this kind, send full In formation Dept. 26, Box 470, Kansas City, Mo. L 642 lx SALESMEN For Bavarian white lead: the kind that doubles dealers' and salesmen's profits and saves money to consumers; extensive advertising and local help; ex clusive territory when ability is demon strated. D. T. Weir White Lead Co.. St. Louis, Mo. L 643 19x WANTED By stationery, fancy goods and toy house, traveler for southern Iowa; only experienced man with established trade need apply. Address G 67, care Bee. L 635 19 8ALESMAN Established specialty house arranging for lurce Una vacancy for high-grade nau Immediately. Full par ticulars confidentially to Box 655, Chicago. Lr-647 19x SALESMEN who can earn $100 to $200 per week commissions, selling most attractive staple line on the market; exclusive ter ritory to right men. B. E. LeVert, 606 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. L644 19x SALESMEN WANTED Nebraska, Dako tas and northwest, for walking skirls. Fine side line. Liberal commission. Only men with established trade considered. Best references required. Address. F-33, care Omaha Bee. L M699 20x WANTED Salesmen for 1906 to sell our $100, $2u0 and $) assortments of Jewelry to general trade; goods first-class, terms liberal; special advertising features for merchants, which makes them easy sell era; liberal commissions. McAllister-Co-man Co., 356 Dearborn St., Chicago. Lr-650 19x TAKE NOTICE We want a plain, every day salesman for Nebraska to sell Weil advertised line; no hot air or blue sky salesmen need apply; state experience fully. Drawer "U." Chicago. L 604 19x TRAVELING SALESMAN for Nebraska. General merchandise trade; to till va cancy. Must be experienced, energetic, capuble. First-class pay. Whoioaler, Box 1053. St. Louis. L 606 l'Jx WANTED High class specialty salesman to earn $5.oeo net next year. Only a few positions to fill. The Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, la. L 6c 19x SALESMEN To sell candles to dealers; $76 monthly and expenses. Experience un necessary. Aldrich, 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. L 611 lx SALESMAN WANTED Good man with successful record In selling white lead ami paints, or drug or hardware special ties. Manufacturer, Box 11. St. Louis, Mo. L 63k VJx BOOK sellers wanted for unrivaled Holiday Books at unequal commissions. Our offer Is exceptionally profitable. We want ad dresses of live canvassers. M. A. Dono hue & Co., Chicago. L 636 19x WANTED Salesmen for l:R4 to sell staple line with special Inducement to general trade In Nebraska; high commission and permanent osiilon. Department 510-356 Dearborn St., Chicago. L 637 19 x SALESMAN WANTED First-class, all. round salesman to cover unoccupied ter ritory; permanent position and good in come to right man. Address Sales Man ager, Box 11KS. St. Louis, Mo. L 640 19x SALESMEN WANTED Two experienced specialty salesmen of ability, for vacan cies Jan. 1; permanent position; long time contract; responsible manufacturer; sta ple, well known, quick selling Hue; com pensation commensurate with ability; write, with references and past record; personal interview If satisfactory. Ad dress F 2S. care Be. L 626 IDs SALESMEN WANTED To sell our fins groceries direct to consumers, satisfaction guaranteed; profitable, steady, desirable, exclusive territory, no capital necessary: headquarters for carload men; established llT.i. Loverln & Bruwn Co., wholesale grocers, 17u Stats tit-, Chicago. Ill L-6W II SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Correspondent salesman as trade pushe'r, work up mail order trade, perishable goods; state age. experience, alary expected. Address Salesman, Hox Urs, Denver. Colo. L MH25 21 TRAVELING man to sell our line of spring dress goods and white goods to retail country stores; good commission. Manufacturer, P. O. Box 560, Philadel phia. L -62 19x WANTED Salesman having experience In selling made to order window screens; state salary expected, experience. Grand Kaplds Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. L-at CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions with $KO monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess 11. Smith Co., De troit. Mich. Li-61 19x BIDE line traveling men can make $"J to $50 per week carrying Bide line of most up-to-date advertising fans of our exclu sive and special designs; season now opening. Apply at once. The Kemper Thomas Co., Fan Dept., Station If, Cin cinnati. O. L-22 1 EXPERIENCED hosiery salesman for line of plain and fancy half hose as side line; straight commission. FMNWICK HO SIERY MILLS. 345 West Broadway, New York. L2 1 WANTED Hat salesman; must have years of experience. J. I Brandels & Sons. L 739 St. AGENTS WANTED NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; write today, get territory; other new goods. Ladies' Supply Co.. Forest Ave., O. Chicago. J 2i Decllx MEN or women, sell our $1 Japanese rug; agents make $30 to $60 week. If you mean business want the money, call tr Klnne, room 35. Drexel hotel, 12 to 2 noon, t to S evening. J 600 18 x LEARN to fit. glasses by sending for Our Free Book on the Eye. It will tell you all about It. Get a profession that pays you from $75. to $150 per month; the optical profession will do It for you. No field so pleasant, profitable or so little worked; no longer necessary to work for someone else at a meager salary. For a short time only we are sending our book free. It will tench you to be an optician and costs you nothing. A postal card will bring it by return mail, all charges paid. Jack sunlan Optical College, Dept. It 10, Jack son, Mich. J AGENTS WANTED One agent cleared $2i5.0o last month. Suitable for Christmas t resents. Write at once for terms. U. J. lery, New York City. J SALESMAN WANTKD For automatic copying books, bill registers and many other specialties. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend. Ind. L AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle sar sitparllln for 35c; best seller; 350 per cent prolii; write today for terms and terri tory. F. R. Greene, 116 Lake St., Chicago. J- $25 WEEKLY earned by lady agents taking orders for us; we start you In business and make you independent; outfit prepaid ; write for circular and terms. Woman's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. J AGENTS MEN AND WOMEN. My experience covers seventeen years In the agency business: I started at the bot tom. I now control two large companies and am negotiating for a third. Every honest person who reads this can secure a good paying position from me: willingness to work Is the only capital needed. If you want to make an honest living, with op portunities of realizing more and more money, don't fall to write me today. A postal card will do. No previous ex perience necessary; I will teach you the business. Do not confound this offer with flaring ad vertisements promising $76, $100 and $150 a week, which do not materialize; no schemes or f.-ikes, only good, straightforward, hon est work. K. A. BYRNE. 40-42-44 North 4th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. J BIG money In squabs; cheaply raised In only 4 weeks; sell for fancy prices; won derful market; write for free book and learn this rich Industry. Plvmouth Rock Squab Co., 200 Howard St., Melrose, Mass. J "I FEEL LIKE A MILLIONAIRE." writes one agent; new demand, quick sales; Economy Farm Record Co., Newton, la. J-606 19x MEN or -women, sell our $1 Japanese rug; agens make $30 to $60 week. If you mean business want the money call for Klnne, room 35, Drexel hotel, 12 to 2 noon, 6 to 8 evening. J 724 19 INDEPENDENT PORTRAIT AGENTS Send your work to the artist directly; get guaranteed work at lowest prices; sam ples free. The Siegfried Studio, New Era Bldg., Chicago. J-34 19x AGENTS, to sell a practical $5 typewriter; 40 per cent commission. McCarthy-Coff-nan Mfg. Co., 24 S. 10th St., St. Louis, Mo. J-630 19x WE start you selling diamonds; don't fall getting our liberal offer; $5 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Svracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 620 19x AGENTS Klondike, ready December 1, "Every Man His Own Lawyer;" every body's law book, 816 pages; sample copy, $1.50; retail. $2.60: subscription only; table of contents and agency terms free. Hitchcock Company, .49 Eighth Ave.. New York. J-665 19x AGENTS, canvassers, add to your day's earnings. Postal to Yankee Novelty Co., Pittsfteld. Mass. J 669 19x AGENTS You are losing money every day you delay in writing for our proposition; outfit and territory free. A. Gross A Co., $27 Third Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. J-670 19x LIGHT OF THE FUTURE. INVERTED gas light; marvellous substi tute for electric light at one-tenth cost: best seller evor invented; agents wanted everywhere. Cremo Light Company, 630 East 80th St., N. Y. J-471 lBx WANTED Men In each town for novelty in penny and nickel vending machines; big profits; stamp for circular. Shouldlco Vending Co., 137$ E. 65lh St., New York, J -671 19x WANTED Bright agents, either sex. to sell brand new, meritorious household novelty; everybody buys it; big profits; particulars free. The Cardlola Co., Dept. N, Rochester, N. Y. J 662 19x AGENTS 209 to 800 per cent profit selling specialty every merchant and business man wants; quick cash sales; unlimited quantities. Write SULLIVAN CO., 4"6 W Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. J-663 19x MANAGER wanted. every city and county, , handle best paying business known; legitimate, new; exclusive con trol; no insurance or book canvassing. Address Chaa. llaletead, 34 West ?th St., New York. J -667 19g WB DESIRE high-class sgents in every rlty and village to sell large aiviaend paying securities among their friends and neighbors. One agent, among sev eral, made over 116. 0u selling our in vestments last year; liberal terms of fered; references required. Address Agencv Dept., PIONEER COMMERCIAL CORPORATION, 42 Broadway, New York City. ' J 661 19x THE BIBLE IN 8YMBOI.8. the fastest selling fall and holiday book on earth. One agent average lATtlay last week. We pay 60 per rent commission. Write today for free outfit. J. I Nichols A Co., Naperville, 111. J-736 26x AGENTS wauled to sell ladies' specialties. lKiuble your money. ei d for catalogue. lellght Specialty Company, 120 Tremont St.. Boston. J 747 lux FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL. European. 16th A Chicago DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-0 VIENNA Hotel; private dining room, rare. E31 ROOMS and good hoard. $6 per week and up. Call 1517 Chicago St. E 833 Tel. 611 O. M.E. Haul! runks K S TWO large rooms; eastern frontage; all modern conveniences. Including use of telephone. Inquire lli N 26th. E M5&1 SMALL FAMILY with well-equipped horns will rent double room to refined gentle man and wife or two gentlemen; every modern convenience; references ex changed. Adxss I'-Zl Bee. E 637 1) FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS POIl RENT Furnished room, with or without board; private family. 'Phone Red-tsVA 2211 Cass St. E 444 1 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. r"Oms. two and three in suite, modern. u" So 24th St. E-6u6 1 FURNISHED rooms; gentlemen; stearr heat. 2215 Farnam. E MG16 lHx ROOMS for light housekeeping. $1 6 and $-J.oO per week, y S. 21st St. E 619 L NICELY furnished room. 415 N. i3d. E 617 19x NICELY furnished room: porcelain bath, beat ffTSd light. 315 South 26th St. E- 556 19 NEWLY furnished rooms; strictly modern. 2312 Douglas. E 653 2x FOR RENT Nice furnished front room, private family. 215 S. 25th St. E 064 19x NICELY furnished room for one or two persons. Modern. Alia Douglas. Tel. 23M. E 668 2ox FURNISHED room In a new modern house for one or two gentlemen, i3 Douglas St. E 667 21 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Tel. 61L O. M. E. Haul 1 runks F We ROOMS AND BOARD. NICELY furnished steam heated rooms, with or without board, single or en suite. Rates reasonable. MiulKiid hotel, IStb and Chicago Sis. F-MLB N28 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, elegantly fur nished rooms, house modern; good board; also table board or meal tickets. 'Phone $447. F 411 Dec. 15 x EXCELLENT modern rooms and board. 1714 Douglas St. F-M48 2U UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 2 ROOMS on ground floor. 1120 N. 17th St. G 741 FOUR elegant unfurnished rooms on first floor, ensulte, at 3ol4 Mason; rent, $15.u0. G 466 19 THREE unfurnished rooms; parlor floor; light housekeeping. 2riu3 Dodge St. G 536 19x NICE front room, with alcove; modern; third floor; reasonable. 315 S. 20th St. G 649 19 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, modern. 4318 Farnam. G-M746 21 BUSINESS CHANCES TO BUY OR SELL any business and for best Information and quick action, see MOATS, 303 Karbacli block. Y 104 GOOD harness business in- good South Da kota town for sale; stock $1,000; building $500; half cash, balance on time, with good security; good reason for selling. Ad dress F C care Bee. Y 316 24 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange a hotel or restaurant, see Hart & Co., 401 N. Y. Life. Y-9S7 FOR SALE Dry goods and clothing store in Ainsworth, Neb., stock in good shape; H cash, rest easy terms; owner wishes to retire. Address Purdy Real Estate Co., Bfx 142. Ainsworth, Neb.. Y M297 nilMP ANC.nNH32 Paxton Best list. money - making bual- ness chances. WANTED At once Descriptions of prcp erty and business you have to sell In Iowa and Nebraska. Our Information bureau is flooded with Inquiries for homes, farms, business openings, etc. Send yours ut once and sell out. DUNCANSON REAL ESTATE CO., Suite 432, Paxton Block, tf Y M10J FOR SALE An old established wallpaper and art store. For particulars write the Helena Art and Wallpaper company, Helena, Mont. Y-280 18 FOR SALE Prosperous mercantile busi ness, small Montana town, R.- R. Dlv., ranch and stock surroundings. Business per month over $2,000, Inoreaslng. Stock about $4,000; good reason for selling. Ad dress box 114, Lima. Mont. Y M407 20 CIRCULARS, letters. Invitations, written directed; typewriter or long-hand; gen eral stenographer. 309 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phono 6658. Y 426 21x FOR SALE One of the best paymg Jewelry stores In one of the best towns in Ne braska. For particulars write the Shook M'fg- Co., 406 So. 16th St., Omaha. Y507 26 FOR SALE Jewelry stock; good location; terms easy. Box 624 Sanborn, la. Y-510 18x FOR SALE Largest retail bakery In town of 30,000 people; best location; saleB $10,000 a year; everything modern; cheap rent for $6"0; $300 cash, balance on payments. Address F 34, Bee. Y 528 19x CASH for vour real estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D. 312, Bank" of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Y PATENTS SECURED. OR FEE RETURNED. Illustrated Quids Book and List of Inventions wanted, free to any address. Patents secured by us advertised frea in World's Progress. Sam ple copy free. EVANS, WILKINS A CO., 68 F ST.. N. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C. Y YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. I,. Brandels 4 Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douglas Sts. Assets over $4dO,0uoJbO. Y NOW Is the time to get Interested In grain speculation; send for booklet, "How to Trade Successfully." and market letter, free. J. K. Comstock A Co., Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Y 661 19x PROMOTERS' Corporation Guide: com pany organization tuuglil by mall, send $1 to Webb'a Correspondence School of Finance. Ypallanti. Mich. Reference. ipsliuntl Savings bank. Y 648 lx STOCKS AND BONDS. W cover the Interior slates thoroughly. Can handle several good-sized Issues of stocks and bonds that have merit. What have you to offer? THE AMERICAN SECURITIES CO., Topeka. Kan. Y-607 19x CORPORATION controlling business, estab lished 18i6 desire services of energetic business man to manage branch office. Investment, II. ("O upwaids. References regarding ability and Integrity required. Salary $2.5oo annually and commissions. Address Box bJi, Madison, Wis Y-610 12x STATE MANAQERS WANTED An Ohio corporation manufacturing a household necessity making some Important changes and has some state manager ships open for hustlers; salary $1.8u0 per annum; commission and office expenses. Address 123 Manager, Ontario Bldg., Tol edo. O. V MONEY ready for any business; stocks and bonds bought and sold on commis sion; capital for old or nem- companies: no advance fees; companies organized any state lowest rates. Burke A Co., 1M La Salle 6t., Chicago. III. Y 641 lix START a mall order business; we furnlaU4' everything necessary; only few dollars required; new plan, success certain; costs nothing to investigate. Mllburn-Hicka, 318 Dearborn St.. Chicago. Y 613 liix AN UP-TO-DATE grocery stock and fix tures, for sale cheap for cash: regular trade; selling on accUDt of death of partner. Address Y 2, Bee. Y 676 19x WE WILL quota uorurately any mining or unlisted stock; we recommend West In dies Transportation Company, paying large monthly dividend. Emerson A Co., 42 Broadway, N. Y. Y-674 lx WOl'IJ) you Invest $10 monthly to acquire holdings In responsible, going, coal min ing .dividend paying company, managed by conservative and substantial business men? We have a money making proposi tion to offer you. Address Pioneer Com mercial Corporation, 42 Broadway. New York City. 1-673 19x WOULD you Invest. If you could see (4 per cent on your Investment? This la no mining or gambling proposition, but safe and sound enterprise. Arthur C. BreUs, tU Drexel Bldg. Philadelphia . JL-C12: BUSINESS CHANCES BARGAINS IN BUSINESS 10 10 OPENINGS Furniture 8-room modern house; close In; cheap rent $-'76 6-room modern flat; steam heat $-:2o 90-room lodging house; fine trunsclent trade 1,'V Half Interest in stink food factory dlng good business; four years $7,y) Candy factory; fine Jobbing trade $;'" Saloon; no rent, no license, good trade. $700 Saloon and hotel; Council Bluffs; big busi ness; cheap. Bakery; doing good business; horse and wagon $.175 Fine hardware stock; good eastern Ne braska town $4.ii0 Cigar. News and Candy store; gjod loca tion $5."-0 Many other stocks of goods, shops and fine propositions In outside towns. Any thing you could want. DUNCANSON REAL ESTATE CO. 432 Paxton Blk. Y-677 19 HOW TO speculate In Wall street without risk; principal absolutely guaranteed against loss. Sickles A Co., 66 Broad way, New York City. Y-6d8 19x WANTED Partner with $20 In established business that will pay 10 per cent a month; railroad man preferred. Investi gate this. F 38. Bee. Y 704 19x SAFE Income paying mining stocks, earn ing 7 to 20 per cent, readily convertible Into cash at all times In London, New York and othet markets, our specialty; market letters giving facts and figures free on request. Catlln A Powell Co., 35 Wall St.. New Vork. Y 654 19X HIGH-CLASS REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. Successful Illinois wholesale specialty man ufacturing company, established for years and paying dividends, has decided to open a branch office and salesroom In Omaha and we want a cnpablo man, who can come well recommended, to fill the posi tion of local sales manager; duties will be to take entire charge of our business, su pervising salesmen, advertising, etc.; sal ary $1,500 per annum and expenses, also additional commission on sales, which should make our representative's Income average ut lenst $3,000 yearly, as shown by present results. In accordance with our co-operative plans nn Investment of $l,5o0 In the capital stock of our company is required to be hold during term of said employment. Wc can furnish highest bank and commercial references, hun dreds of the leading wholesale houses throughout the country having handled our products for the last fifteen years. Address General Manager, 3"S Wabash Ave., Chicago. Y 656 19x HUSTLING partner with ?1on to Invest t manage office; clears $7 daily; have an other offer, main business lor partner with $500. Call 209 8. 12th St. Y-0SS 19 DUNCANSON for the money makers; stocks of goods, shops, candy factory, bakery, saloons, barber shop, Hotels, res taurants, pantatorlum. rooming houses. Mats everything, anything you could want; lowest prices: save time .ind money looking elsewhere; we have all that are good. Duncanson Real Estate Co., 4IC I'axton Blk. - Y-7S 19 A SNAP For sale, trade or will lesse, a restaurant and lodelng business, In pro ration, but too much business for pro prietor; good location. B, Fremont, Nebi Y-735 1 9x FINE OPENING for young man: half In terest In best real estate: business chance and rental business in Omaha office; nicely furnished, including private telephone, stenographer, heat and lUht; best loca tion; your expenses only $10 per month; object, more money with good partner; for half Interest, $150. Address F 44, care Bee. Y-580 19 A GOOD drug business to sell or would exchange for 160 acres good central Ne braska land: stock is In eastern Nebraska town of 1,200 population. Address O 363, Frank St., Council Bluffs. Y 59S 19x PERSONAL WANTED Present address of W. E. Nor ton, late of Caldwell St... Omuha. Write i to F 14, care Omaha Bee. U 533 lSx I TO THE PUBL1C-I wish to state that, by 1 the aid of the Omaha police, I have re- j covered all goods stolen from me October 30. II. Gross, loan office. 518 N. 16th St. ' U 6S8 lux DR. ALFRED SH1PMAN, 308 Bee Bldg. U-5S Dec 17x MME. PAREE of N. Y.-Shavlng. Facial Massage, Manicuring, 209 Douglas Blk. U-630 D16 $5,000 CASH and any part of $l5,0ti0 choice Omaha property, for a paying general merchandise business within 150 miles of Omaha; give sales, expenses, profits and all necessary Information first letter. Ad dress F 35, Bee. U 537 19x MORPHINE, opium, laudunum, cocoalne habit; myself cured; will Inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mary Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. U WEALTHY ladles and gentlemen of refine ment anxious to marry; photographs and descriptions free. Box O. B. 64. Canon City, Colo. U-646 19X MARRY wealth and beauty, marriage di rectory free; pay when married, entirely new plan; send no money. Address, H. A. Horton, Dept. 297, Tckonsha, M-h. U-6u3 lx WE TEACH students how to heal the sick by our new system of human electropathy. All diesases treated and cured without drugs. A new profession. Easy to learn. We can cure you. We can teach you. Will you write to us for our booklet, free? Write otday and remember that we prove the truth of our,assertion. Address Eleclropathlc School of Healing, 221 St. Mary's St., San Antonio, Texas. U-608 19x WE make a specialty of renting high-grade pianos and offer a great variety, $3 and up. Tel. 1626. Sclimoller A Mueller, 1407 Harney. U 117 MARRY and be happy: new plan; pay when married; particulars free. Address Duluth Exchange Club, Box 418, Duluth, Minn. U-621 19x Join Morand's 1, sses for jesdav and Friday 8 V. m.. the lamest and most nonu. i lar school In Omaha; all dances now In use in ball rooms and taught in one term. Why go to Inferior school or teachers when our terms are lowest? U-677 19x SOUVENIR Postal Club. You will receive souvenir postal cards from all parts of the world; send 10c for two beautiful cards and club plan. Box 225. Yonkers, N. Y. U-664 lBx MIDDLE-AGED widow, very wealthy, af fectionate and liberal, wishes a good, companionable husband. Address Box 107. Oak Park. 111. U-655 19x MASSAGE SPECIALIST Joseph Rulwn, room 218. Bee bldg. Tel. 6 8, Omaha. Neb.; 27 years' experience. Doctors' orders so licited and work guaranteed satisfactory. U Mi2 25 SURVEYING. Bee Bldg. IjFwIs Bllckensderfer. 312 U-M591 DISx FOR PA LE Furniture of Royal hotel. ith and Chicago. Y 119 DISEASES CURED Chronic diseases successfully cured without the use of drugs or surgery. Consultation free. Call or write J. W. MORRISON, 310 Bee Building. Office hours, 3 to 6 p. in. Sunday, 10 to 12 in. U 753 19x E. L. LOVEJOY repairs your sewing nia- -chine, warranted. Address T6th and Clark. Tel. bias. U756 lKx TO whom it may concern: We, W. T. Daly & Co., will not be responsible for any debts contrasted by J. T. Daly. W. T. DALY I'D. U-M743 21 IF YOU FIGURE with installment houses. tTlng your list to us. We will knock off 26 per cent and give you better goods besides. We sell on pa menis. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 1206-1211-1213 Farnam St. U-720 19 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramgs Blk. U sou DR. ROY. Chiropody, aisl, l&ui Farnam. L'-l DR. JACKSON. Room 4. Frenaer Block. Chronio disease a specialty. Consulta tion fres. I'' TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3-m U-3 'PHONE Wl and a man will call and tuna your piano, $2. Pwficld Plain Co.. Ull Farnaju. ' U. sii PERSONAL BIG PIANO VALUES AT LITTLE PRICES That's the secret of our success. No mat ter whether you buy for CASH or CREDIT, the price Is the same and always the low est. Below is a list of this week's specials at prices you can't duplicate elsewhere. Try It and be convinced: $.X) second-hand upright $ 60 325 Hale, second-hand Mi Ski walnut case upright 108 260 Arlon. oak case 116 3oo Singer, walnut case 126 275 Marshall A Wendel 13S 350 Pease, mahogany 162 325 Erbe & Co., oak case 165 6.K) Chlckerlng A Suns 175 too Vose A Pons 196 325 Mueller, looks new 210 4O0 Steger A Sons, fine 225 350 lvcrs A Pond, nearly new 235 525 Emerson, largest sixe 260 60) Baby Grand Kranich A Bach.... 320 Square pianos and organs, all makes, $10, $18, $28 and up. Terms on upright pianos, $10 cash and $6 per month: on square pianos and organs, $5 cash and $3 per month. Every Instrument fully guaranteed. New pianos for rent $3. $4 and $5 per month. SCHM0LLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. The Oldest Music House In the West. Es tablished 1859. Temporary Ixicatlon, 1107 Homey St. Tel. 1625. Accordion AND Sunburst PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A SPECIALTY. TAILOR MADE BUTTONS. RUCHING GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLK., OPPOSITE UAYDEN BROS. TEL. 1936. U- DRAMATIC ART oratory. The Chambers School of Stage Arts offers exceptional opportunities to students wish ing a thorough course of Instruction In all that pertains to the essentials of stage craft and oratory. Correcting deficiencies of the speaking voice a specialty. The only school having its own theater, THB LYRIC. Now permanently located In tne Omaha Commercial College building, corne' 19th and Farnum streets. Send for prospectus. Management of Wlllard E. Chambers. Tel. r-is.l. Director of School, John Edgar Owens. Tel. 12S9. U 664. OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufactures purs flour past. 2210 Coining. Tel. 453L 17- KEY TO HAPPINESS FOR MEN." My latest medical publication for young, middle-aged and old men sent free to all applicants. Dr. Geo. B. Wood. 206 Wright bid, Sioux City, la. U M658 Jan 8x ANY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write lo the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U M100 PIANO TUNING Tel. 6604. W. R. Dalbey. 2207 Mason. U-345 Decl2 ACCORDION n1 SUNBURST PLhAIlNG. RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLA8S DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. TH GOLDMAN FLtAllNGCO 100 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 193. U 9o7 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mr. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. 5311. U-958 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopied. The Good Samarlian Sanitarium, 72 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 771 U 321 FACTORT tuners and action regulators at lowest rales for reliable service. Tel. 16a. Bchmoller Mueller, ilano maksrs. U Pul TUB, vapor and alcohol baths, 720 S. mh. M AftN CTIPtr'stnient Baths. Mine. IN C 1 H-8mltni us N. 16. U fl.. r. !. U THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. lltn St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon w'Ul call. L all PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once. U.0V weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfleld Pluno Co., 1611 Farnam St. V-4s4 MASQUE costumes. Lie ben. Tel, 4116. U-M 4u3 D4 OMAHA Bargain House saves vou 26 Wfliniin prr c,i)t on clothing. Open venaigs. 410 N. lbth St. U M583 D6 PRIVATE confinement home; babies sdopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 6u6 N. ICth St. Tel. 3ii. U-M592 D6 WE RENT sewing machines. 76c week. Ws repair all makes of machines; second hand machines. $6 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. 1W3. Cor. 16th and Harnev. U M64o LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEY8 everywhere. The New Snow Church Co , main floor, N. Y. L. Tel.lM. J. M. Macfarland, Sfc9 N. T. L. Bldg. Tel WW. WILLIAM WAPPICH-Successful lawyer In profcecutlon and defense of civil and criminal suits in ull courts; legal docu ments carefully prepared; notary public, lo Creighton block. Join Morand's Dancing Tuesday and CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY ULEEN Of CLAIRVOYANTS, will aafelv guide you through the pitfalls of the present to a prosperous and happv future. Tangled love affairs straightened out and separated ones reunited. Can save you money by avoiding losses in business deals and Insure w.iur future success and constant good luck. Don t be unhappy any longer, but seek advice of Madame Smith and start afresh. Also a marvelous magnetic healer; one visit convinces. 807 N. 18th St. 8-758 19x MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 11$ Soutn 16th St., upstairs. lUsuitful Pjsdlctivo. afcsoluul five. FTtday s p. m . lar school in limana; an onron now in uh In ball roonis and taught In one term. Why go to Inferior school or teachers when our terms ajloweel? -ryOJjx MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond s Pills, omen s monthly regulator, has happiness to thousands of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief in $ to 6 days, ws have never known of a single fallurs. Price, $J bv mall. Ha)monds Monthly Regulator In liquid. $.. Dr. It. O. Ray mond Remedy Co., Room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago, 111. LADIES. $1,000 REWARD' I positively guarantee mv Never - Failing ERGO KOlO Remedy. Safely relieves longest, most obstinate esses of delaed Monthly Periods In 3 to 5 days without harm, pain or interference with work. Mall II 60. Double strength $2 00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE DR R H. FiHTHINGTON CO., KANSAS CITT. MO. M-ST DR. PRIES, gynecologist. German gradu ate, treats successfully all Irregularities and diseases of women, recent or lung stand itiv : 25 vears' practice. Office. 161 1 Dodge St., Omnha. Neb. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 Letters. 2 cents. M 273 BEST nerve bracer-for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills' $1 box. postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 868 LADIES Suppressions and Irregularities positively cured; price. $1; multiple strength' $3. Mrs. A. l-wls. Box 64. Mar shall. Mich. T-534 19X LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable: take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for ladles." In letter bv return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemlcsl Co.. Philadelphia, Ta. PR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children. Office 2205 Cuming. Thone 3667. OPIUM and whisky habits cured at home without pain; book of particulars sent ' free. B. M. Wooley, M. D., Atlanta. c,a.. 102 N. Pryor Bt. T- . FOR EXCHANGE EXCHANGE We have a number of meritorious ex changes on our lists and would be pleased to have you submit what you have In that line. Ask for descriptions of the follow ing: 820 acres unimproved want mdse. 320 acres well Improved want mdse, 1.915 acres unimproved want Income. 160 acres highly Improved want hard wa re, 800 acres unimproved want residence. $3,500 mdse. want land. $12,000 mdse. want Iowa land. Also many others. We can match any exchange you have. " R. BEECH ER HOWELL & CO., Karbacli Block. Z PIANO for driving or draft horse. Dlffer eptial chain block for sale. 318 McCague. IF YOU do not tlnd what you want In this column, put an ad. in and you win soon get It. Z 983 IF YOU want to buy or exchange for land send 10c for Farm Buyers' Guide, which contains descriptions of M) farms for sale or exchange, with owner's rfTJdress; want farms to sell. Horace Grant, Kansas City, Mo. Z FINE large oak bedstead, springs and mat tress; extra wide; panelled O.ik. Tim room too small. What have you. Will sell at half value. Address, F 41, Bee. Z 716 19 QUARTER section In Garfield county will produce 100 tons of hay. Will exchange for house and lot In Omaha or equity in rental property. Value. $1,00. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. Z-57J 19 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far. nam; elevator. 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. I Wit WE have vacant a particularly desirabla small office which rents tor $10.00 per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and jaintor sefvlce. It Is located on tha fourth floor of Thhe Bee building and is luet the thing for any one wanting a n(ca little office in the best office building lu town. R. C. Peters A Co., rental agents, ground floor Dee, Bldg. 1771 BRICK stable at 1810 Harney St., 32x100 feet. Will alter to suit tenant for other purposes. 8. 8. Curtis, lsUS Harney Su I-M4X9 FOR RENT The entire third floor of one of the leading retail houses; center of retail district; good elevator service, well lighted and steam heat. Address E 44, Bee office. 1108 FOR RENT Floor space, suitable for lino of gents' furnishing goods or gents' shoes, located on lbth St.. right lu the center of the best retail district. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, W N. Y. Life Bldg. i J UN UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BLDG. We have the best offices In town at the lowest rates. At present we have one l,2t square feet on 12th St. Fine for nampUi room or very large office. Big display windows. On corner. Call and see what others ws have. DESK ROOM In targe office. Telephone, heat, light and janitor service free. i.arge windows for display and plenty of floor space. This Is your opportunity. Call at once. CHAS. t. WILLIAMSON CO., Ground Floor. 1201 Farnam 8t. WANTED A physician to share an offlco with an old established dentist; good lo cation. Address F 42. Bee. 1 12o LOST AND FOUND LOST A lady's ring, set with garnets and pearls; an neirloom; In Y. M. C. A. rooms bMtuiday, November 11. Suitable reward If re turned. Mifcs M. H. Bai Per, Ciete, Neb. O-608 lix LOST A string of gold beads between First Congregational church and Paciflo St Finder please return to the Nor- uiandie, nal , ana reccivu itin. O-03 19X LOST Gold bead necklace and locket, Wednesday evening. South Omaha car or Burwood theater. Return 2432 Soutli 20th St. Reward. O 63 lx A LARGE reward will be paid for return of two rings lost near 2Sth and Leaven worth Sts.. Wednesday afternoon; very much prized by owner on account of as sociations. Return to 8' $lst St. O 531 Ux LOST Strayed or stolen, one bay pony, two white feet, roache. mane; reward. 1014 Leavenworth. 'Phone 16-;. O 749 1$ LOST Gentleman's gold watch and fob, on llurney tit., between and 33 1. Retursi to 648 8. 26th Ave. Reward. Tel. 27. 0-723 1 STRAYED Scotch Collie dog. reddish brown. 4 white feet and white around neck; wearing collar and tag No. 3127. Reward bv culling up telephone 644 or Cedar 87751. O 67 19 LOST -Between 22d and O and 24th and H, South Omaha, gold-rtmuied nosn glasses, with chain and liali;nn. Finder please return to 1016 N. 2d St., South Omaha. Reward. O 671 21x WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST pi let paid for second-hand gods. Telepht luj. N 2X2 Nl ANTlgl'ARIAN Book Store. 1220 Farnam; highest pi lee paid for 2d-haiid books. Tel. F N-1SI , WANTED TO BUY A desirable lot in a g k'i rexijeuc neignuornowi ; upper rr luni street district preferred Give full details. Address V-'iZ, Bee office. N-1U WANT Three, 4, t or room houses for renting purposes. Must be cheap for cssh. F. 43, care Bee. N-682 19 TWO diamonds, about 2k. at bargain. A4 (Iress F $0. cais Bms, 14 432 U