Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 12

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Tim Omaiia Sunday Bee
Psily Bee twthout Kiinday), one year.. $4 00
Daily Bee unci Sunday. one ye' '
lllus' rfod Bee, our year J
Sunday Bee. one year J
Satuiuay He, one year 1 w
Dnllv Pee (Without Sunday), per week.. .120
Iinilv Bee llmludlng Sunday), per week.l7o
Evenln Bw (without Sunday). P'r week c
Evening Bee (with Punday). per week....l0 ,
bunoay Bee, per ropy
Address complaints f Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha Tho Be" Palldtng.
Houth Omaha City Hnll Building.
Council ni!if-10 IVarl 8treet.
rlilrago 164A Pnity Building.
Nw York iron Home Life Ins. Building.
Washington id Fourteenth Street.
Communication relating to news and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
B e. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Bee 1'iilillshing Company.
Only 2-rent stamps received a payment of
mall accounm. Personal checks, except on
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss. :
C. C. Roaewater, secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, belnc dulV aworn,
says that the actual number of full and
complete Ponies of The Dally. Morning.
Evening and Siinrlav Bee printed during
the month of October, 1106. wu as fol
lows: 1 aa.ioo
t .tn.noo
4 81.320
t 81,220
T .12,410
17 an.flno
10 30.0,10
20 ao.oito
n 31.B10
22 2tMBO
a ."W),7o
24 SO.IMrO
26 31.100
26 30.MS0
27 ! 80,910
!.'.. .
28 31.W10
29 30,700
30 31,000
31 30.1MM)
Total 9WSI.H40
Less unsold copiea 10.951
Net total sales W)a.S4
Dully average 30,717
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to
bef re me thin 31st day of October, Hit.
(Seal 11. B. HUNGATE.
Notary Public
Subscribers leaving the city tern,
pornrlly should huve The Uee
mailed lo them. It la better than
a dally letter from home. Ad
dress will be changed aa often aa
The restless Isle of Tines must
sleeping on n bed of pine needles.
Senator Millard has gone to Washing
ton to bo officially Interviewed on the
railroad rate question.
Coreans will soon have an opportunity
to show Russians how to undergo a
change iu government without going
Into spasms.
If the dowager queen of Italy wants I
to visit tlie United States Incognito she to the scrutiny and judgment of three
can be accommodated providing she can courts, namely, the United States dis
keep a secret. , trlet court, the appellate court and the.
Now thnt the Sioux chiefs at the Win
nebago agency have taken to automo
biles their civilization may be consid
ered an accomplished fact.
If it cost Hearst only Sttf.000 to make
his mayoralty campaign, how much did
Tammany have to cough up to pull Mc
Clellan through on the face of the re
The British liberal party has one ad
vantage over the democratic party of
the United States. If It has no program
of its own, neither has the party In
Prom the fact that most of the appli
cations for positions as paymasters In
the navy came from inland states, It
must be a case of distance lending en
chantment to the view.
All the members of the Nebraska dele
gation In congress would like to have
better committee assignments. But so
would all the member of all the delega
tions from nil the oilier states.
I he question of who first named
Charles of Denmark for the Norwegian
throue Is causing as much discussion In
Europe as though tlie place of court
favorite depended uoon Its answer.
Since General Chaffee has decided
that there are not enough officers in the
army, those on the rolls will be doing n
double duty to the government by avoid
ing being cashiered fr Irregularities.
The chief of the bureau of Insular
affairs testifies that tiovernor Mm goon
is "the right man in the right place."
Now won't Governor M a goon please re
ciprocate for the insulnr bureau chief.
So far it has been impossible to so
alHrui Congressman Hepburn over his
political future as to reduce his activi
ties at Washington and he promises to
start his "rate regulation bill" on its
second heat as soon ns coneress meets.
Should limitations be placed upon the
lolitical rights of men who desert from
the United States army it would still
nanny arreci me nuuiner or voters, as
Ihe deserter usually does uot stav long
mouth In cue place to acoulre local re!.
Norway's new king Is to receive a sal
i.ry of $40,000 a year. That Is by all
odds the cheapest klug any European
iimi'urcby can boast. We appreheu I,
however, that It will not be long before
the uew vlgiug will ktrlko for a raise
iu salary.
The foot tall department of the Uul
verslty of Wisconsin is iu u ferment
over public charges of athletic graft,
which touches the integrity of several
of Its star players. The campaign
against graft evidently does not have to
.tuuiue Itself to the field of politics or
Ujs realm of life insurance high flnauce.
According to Infest Washington ad
vices, administration lenders fire stag
gered alKuit a compromise of the rail
road rute liK'lit, which Is offered to Presi
dent Koosevelt by lending rnllroiil olli
clals, tni-luillng I'resldetit Otssatt of the
Pennsylvania, President liner of the
Heading system nnd President Mellen of
the New York &. New Haven railroad.
Tlie compromise Is said to be no much
of ft concession ns to appear a surrender
and since no one lelleves for a minute
that there Is to be a railroad surrender
much Interest exists In figuring Just
what tills new twister means In an In
tricate game. The proposition Is:
Authorization of a railroad rate commis
sion, consisting of nine expert railroad men
and lawyers at $12,000 a year, the commis
sion to have power to, declare a rate ex
cessive and to name a rate In substitution,
that rate to stand unless enjoined by a
court and the railroads to have -he right
to carry the case, as far as the United
States supreme court If necessary.
It does not take a long-distance mind-
render to foresee that the president will
not be taken off his feet by the proffer
of this staggering compromise. Theo
dore Roosevelt knows a hawk from a
hnud-snw. He caunot fall to realize at a
ghinen thnt what appears to be a gen
erous concession Is merely a tempting
bait, and what appears to be a surrender
Is lu reality a benr trap. Tersely stated,
thi' president's position has been that
congress shall empower the Interstate
Commerce commission to Investigate
complaints of alleged excessive or dis
criminative freight rates, and If after
full hearing the complaint Is found to
bo well grounded to declare such rates
unreasonable and substitute therefor a
lower rnte, which Is to go into effect
within thirty days thereafter and remain
In force until set aside by the courts.
Hie main object to be achieved by
this proposed legislation Is to afford
ppeedy relief to shippers who are being
overcharged, or localities thnt are Buf
fering from discrimination. The posi
tion of the railroads has been:
1. Thnt Interstate railroad rate-rank-
lug Is not among the powers conferred
upon congress by the constitution.
2. That even If such powers have been
conferred congress cannot delegate these
powers to any administrative body, but
must fix the rates by law the same as It
does tariff schedules.
Lastly, If congress does have tlie au
thority to delegate the rate-making
power to a commission, the railroads
strenuously object to the enforcement
of a rate established by the commission
until its decision has been reviewed by
tlie federal courts and by them pro
nounced just and reasonable.
Manifestly, the cleavage between the
president and the railroads has been
.with regarl to the enforcement of the
aew rate before It has been subjected
supreme court. ,
The staggering compromise Is a con
cession Insofar as the railroads admit
that they are willing to abide by what
they call an unconstitutional exercise of
power by congress, and are wlllinsr to
walve thelr objections to usuroation of
c,lgresslonal powers by the commission.
The proffered concession Is a trap In
that It professes a willingness to waive
objections to railroad rate-making by a
commission, provided that the amended
Interstate commerce act will permit
them to nullify every order of the com
mission establishing a rate by Injunction
proceedings that will begin In the lowest
and end In the highest court. This, In
deed, would be a staggering compro
Divested of all needless verbiage it
means an almost unconditional surren
der of the vital Issue in the campaign
for railway regulation. It goes without
saying that by the acceptance of the
compromise the extension of the powers
of tue commission would be of no prac
tical advantage eltlier to the commission
or to the public. Every material reduc
tion in rates which the comlnlsslon
would attempt would be Immediately
met by a judicial restraining order to
prevent its enforcement and the relief
would be postponed almost Indefinitely,
The proposed higher nularied commis
sion made up exclusively of railroad ex
perts and lawyers is apparently a clever
scheme to get rid of the present com
mission nnd substitute for it nine safe
meu who cau be depended upon not to
seriously interfere with the harmonious
relations that now subsist between the
favored shippers and the railroads. With
the present commission legislated out of
office the alternative would be presented
for the president to appoint men satis
factory to the corporations who would
pass the ordeal of confirmation by tho
senate or to leave the commission va
cant until some other president shill
present names satisfactory to the saga
cious concessionaires.
Congress will again be appeuled to by
the friends of art to remove the tartfT
on pictures, statuary and other wdrks of
art Imported into the country. The re-
l,lest tor ,uU La been made many
tl"us. but it has never met with much
favor, chiefly on the ground that
works of art are a luxury and therefore
should pay duties unless intended for
public exhibition or for the benefit of
I the people at large.
All art works of
I whatever character that are to l used
I for the Instruction or benefit of the gen
I eral public are udmittcd free
The American Free Art league has be
gun a propaganda looking to the re
inoval of the tariff duty on all works of
art and it is supiortcd in this by all the
artists of the country, who with hardly
au exception are of the opinion that the
tariff In tills respect uot only is of no
advantage to the government but is ai
actual disadvantage
to the cause o
I Auiericau art In all respects. It Is a
fact which ought to hnvc no little Influ
ence that there Is not an American art
ist of standing who is In fnvor of main
taining tlie tariff on works of art. Pre
vious appeals lo congress in regard to
Uim have not met with much favor, but
it I. possible that thn fifty-ninth con
gress will take a view of the matter
(llfltrent from Its predecessors, it niHy
to remarked that the tariff on art is not
a source of very much revenue.
XO DfMMV nriiEcTons.
The circular letter recently Issued to
policy holders of the Equitable by ex
President Cleveland chairman of its
Hoard of Trustees Inviting them to as
sist In the selection of h board of thir
teen directors cither by submitting the
names of representative meu qualified
for the performance of the responsible
duties devolving upon them or by for
warding proxies to the trustees that
would empower them to muke judicious
selection for them, deserves more than
passing notice.
It is n matter of notoriety that the re
organization of the Equitable under its
present management was brought about
by an internal convulsion followed by
disclosures that forced the retirement of
the old regime both In the Interest of
the policy holders and of the stockhold
ers. It goes without saying that popu
lar confidence In the management of the
Equitable cannot be fully restored tin
less the entire system that has brought
the company into discredit undergoes
radical revision. Above all things, the
affairs of the association must be con
ducted in broad daylight and every in
vestment the trust funds and every
expenditure not only must be subject
to scrutiny of the president and execu
tive committee, but tlie board of direc
tors must actively participate In the su
pervision and administration of the com
pany's business in the Interest of and
for the protection of the policy holders.
With this end in view the new board
should be made up of men familiar with
business affairs and, moreover, men vig
ilant and quick to detect wrong doing
and courageous enough to sound the
alarm whenever they discover some
thing wrong. On behalf of the policy
holders in the Equitable residing in this
section of the country, and especially
those residing in Nebraska, The Bee
would suggest that steps should be
taken with n view to an expression of
their preference for representative busi
ness men in the makeup of the new di
rectory. This should not be done by a snap
Judgment meeting of a handful of policy
holders, but by a gntherlng In which at
least a majority of the policy holders In
the principal cities of Nebraska are rep
resented. It would be far better that
Nebraska and western Iowa have no
representative among the directors than
that the policy holders in the Equitable
be misrepresented by n mere dummy.
IX nosrcif.
Municipal politics Is so much the same
from one city to another that the news
paper announcements of the cnndldates
contesting the preliminary primary cam-
mlgn in Boston lost week read famll-
liarly enough to pass as at home almost
anywhere. In behalf of one of the as
pirants for republican nomlnatiou, for
example, it Is declared:
His strength lies In the respect nnd con
fidence of the masses of the republican
party who are disgusted with the state of
affairs existing at the present time at the
City hall and alarmed at the mere thought
that It might be possible under any cir
cumstances that either of the two men
contesting for the democratic nomination
could be elected mayor of our great mu
nicipality. But the two men contesting for the
democratic nomination tire no more con
tent to hide their lights under a bushel.
One of them propounds In big type the
question ns to his own identity and then
proceeds to answer it in smaller type:
He la the same gentleman today that hi
was when lie became interested in pontics
for the benefit of the democratlo party
some twenty years ago. His character la
unchanged. His honesty and Integrity are
unquestioned by all who know him. His
word Is his bond. In twenty years he has
grown In knowledge of state and municipal
affairs and has served the commonwealth
and the municipality to the best of his
abilities. During this long period his public
acts have been strongly approved from
time to time by the press and his honesty
of purpose lias never been questioned. In
the midst of a heated mayoralty campaign,
therefore, It Is puerile for exWtod politi
cians to endeuvor to take away 'lie credit
already awarded him by the public and
press for his work as a servant of the
The other democratic candidate, how
ever, disputes In his appeals the unques
tioned integrity of purpose of his oppo
nent and sees nothing puerile In at
tempts to discredit the other fellows.
He exclaims:
Democrats, bear In uilnd it will be suici
dal to nominate for mayor u candidate
whose public and private character will not
stand the minutest scrutiny.
And he modestly admits that he him
Kmbodles all the qualifications rssentlal
for the great offlce of mayor of Hoston
unquestioned honesty demonstrated nblllty
proven executive cupm ity. He btand
For municipal ownership of public utili
ties. Kor the Immediate establishment of a mu
nicipal lighting plant.
For compelling corporations to slve fur
ther and adequate compensation for all
public franchises, thus lightening the taxes
of our cltliens.
With the people.
Against the corporations.
We are sure some if not all of the can
didates would have prom'.scd the imme
diate compulsory purchase of the water
works were It not that Boston already
possessed and operated its own water
apply plant. Except for this notice
able omission, the picturesque literary
cai'ipaigu might readily be trausplauted
from Bostou to'Oinaha without dotting
an t or cror.siug a t.
Harper's Weekly remarks ihnf' It
would not have predicted Mayor (c
Clellau's re-election had it kuowu that
Itourke Cockran were going to get home
In time to support him. If anyone In
public life has tlie fatuity to land on the
wrong side ns often as Itourke Cochran
he should come to the rescue by speak
ing out.
Early next month a national confer
ence on immigration will be held In
New York, under the auspices of the
Civic Pederatiou. It is stated that tlie
conference will be representative of all
parts of the United States. The gov
ernors of nearly all the states have
named delegations and there will attend
also representatives of chambers of
commerce, boards of trade lu Important
cities, labor organizations and economic,
ecclesiastical, agricultural and other
bodies. Every aspect of the immigra
tion question is to be taken up at the
conference and there will also be' an In
vestigation of the methods employed at
Ellis island.
While It is hardly to bo expected that
the conference will throw any new light
on the immigration question, which Is
Just now of rather more thau usual in
terest because of the large number of
foreigners who are comlug Into the coun
try, it will serve to indicate what the
sentiment of the country is on the sub
ject and this will be Important. It Is
very probable that as to the eastern nnd
some of the middle states their rep-
tresentatives will advocate additional
restrictive legislation, while those from
the western and southern states may be
expected to urge that the existing regu
lations, if rigidly enforced, are suffi
The law now in force, enacted in 1801,
excludes Idiots, Insane persons, paupers
or persons likely to become a public
charge, persons suffering from a loath
some or a dangerous contagious disease,
persons who have been convicted of n
felony or other infamous crime or mis
demeanor Involving moral turpitude,
polygamists and also any person whose
passage Is paid for with the money of
another or who Is assisted by others to
come, unless it is affirmatively nnd satis
factorily shown on special inquiry that
such person does not belong to one of
the foregoing excluded classes.
What more can be asked or expected.
It Is nn unmistakable fact that every
alien who has come to our shores In the
last two years Is nt this time absolutely
assimilated with our population and a
part of the working element of our pop
ulation. Grant that these people do not
fully understand our political nnd social
institutions. Grant that they are uot
just the people that we would like to
have with us. Still they are essential
and Important as a part of our material
and economic welfare and for that rea
son are to be welcomed and given every
possible encouragement.
The national conference on Immigra
tion may or may not take this view of
the matter. It Is Impossible to say what
position It may take or what It may
recommend. But in any event it Is a
safe proposition that the almost unani
mous sentiment of the country Is In
favor of admitting to our shores nil peo
ple who are capable and willing to be
come American citizens.
The tariff Issue between Germany and
the United States Is of such command
ing Interest nnd importance that the
matter is recognized on both sides ns
one of the most vital that has ever been
presented between the two countries.
As a matter of fact, nothing Of an eco-
r.omie nature has ever occurred between
this country aud auy foreign nation that
has ever had a more Intimate and vital
Interest to our commerce than thla "con
troversy thnt has been ralRed by the at
titude of the German government to
ward the trade c f this country with that
It is announced that Secretary Root Is
giving the most careful attention to the
tariff relations between the United
States and Germany and thut he Is pre
pared to do whatever cau be done to
bring about conditions which will avert
unything in tlie nature of a tariff war.
The German government seems to be
equally anxious to avoid any conflict
that will militate against the most
friendly commercial relations between
the two countries. Such being the case,
there would seem to be the most satis
factory prospect of an arrangement be
ing affected which would result in an
u'tlnate agreement that would do away
with all controversies nnd establish an
ugreement in every way fair and Just
between the two countries.
We need the trade of Germnny, which
is lame and profitable, aud to an equal
extent Germany needs our trade, from
which that country derives great bene
fits. A tariff war would result In in-
Jury to the commerce of lioth countries
end consequently each is anxious to do
all In Its j'ower to avert .uch a conflict.
Germany Is showing u willingness to
come to terms that will be advantageous
to lioth countries. It remains to le seen
whether the United States will be
equally rtYposcd to make the conces
sions necessary to avert n. tariff war.
The galvanized corpse of the order
styling itself the National Grange, or
Patrons of llustmndry. has just con
cluded n protracted wake at Atlantic
City made iiieuuiralile chiefly by the
emission of hlirh-somnliug platitudes and
mystic mummery. The self-styled Pat
rons of Husbandry, who are for the most
part retired lltlc!iins whose pastime
consists iu whittling sticks in front of
country gns-cry stores, scored dishon
esty iu polities, denounced oleomar
garine, rousted insurance graft, pro
claimed war upon adulterated drinks
aud concluded Its lalsirs with Initiations
In the seventh degree. As a reminis
cence the galvanized grange of ratrons
of Husbandry carries us back to the de-
funct greenback party with Its fiat
money propaganda and the crime of '"'.
Thirty years ago It flourished In the
great prairie states like a green bay tree
and closed its spasmodic career In Ne
braska with that dauntless champion of
autl monopoly, Church Howe, in the role
of Its last grand tnasilsr.
The closing of the railroad publicity
bureau through which the railroads have
sought to counteract the public senti
ment that Is backing the president In
his demand for railroad rate regulation
Is no sign that the railroads have given
up the fight or even ceased to exert
themselves to mold public opinion by
artificial means. The railroad maguat js
are nothing If not resourceful and it Is
possible and probable that the abolition
of the publicity bureau Is only n blind
to coer up some shrewd manipulation
in an entirely different direction. The
friends of the president's square deal
must not allow themselves to be put off
watch or to be tricked by any wily rail
road ruse.
Judging from the iierfunctory legal
notices that appear in nondescript news
papers published in and arouud Omaha,
the divorce business is one of the most
flourishing Industries Nebraska cau
boast of. In fact. It is now known far
nnd wide that Nebraska affords better
opportunities for procuring divorces on
short notice and without publicity than
South Dakota, which for ninny years
has carried the banner for the divorce
mills. It Is n burning shame that the
courts of this state should have stimu-
lated the divorce industry and given it
all the aid nnd comfort that their discre
tion under the existing fast and loose
divorce law will permit.
According to William It. Henrst'H
sworn statement, his campaigu expenses
in running for mayor of Greater New
York amounted to slightly over $05,000.
But wo may easily Infer that this rep
resents only a small fraction of the
amount distributed nmong the leg pul
lers. Candidates In these parts rarely
return more than a small percentage of
their outlay.
The supreme court of Montana hns
declared the Montana nntl-trust law un
constitutional, because It Is class legis
lation. Under this ruling an nntl-pass
law, or a law prohibiting city, county
nnd state treasurers from pocketing the
Interest on public funds, class
legislation of the- very worst sort.
The railroads have voluntarily dis
mantled their literary bureau; the Mc
Curdys have voluntarily reduced their
own salaries by one-hnlf nnd the Ne
braska grain combine has voluntarily
gone to pieces. What are we coining to
A Domestic Square Deal.
Somerville Journal.
Every husband ought to make his wife
a regular allowance. Every wife, you
know. Is constantly making allowances for
her husband.
Let Is Be Thankful.
Philadelphia Press.
The president of one of the big New York
life Insurance companies Indignantly de
nies that his salary Is $100,000; It Is only a
beggarly J90.000. The difference goes to the
policy holders, of course.
On m Peace Footing.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Secretary Bonaparte proposes to stop the
prlzo fighting at Annapolis. A cadet was
killed In a prize fight at Annapolis not
long ago, which shows that prize lighting
i is sometimes as dangerous as foot ball.
; The secretary's decision is, therefore, to be
! commended
Horn of Plenty (Mrrllonlnt.
St. Louts Globe-Democrat.
The horn of plenty bestows on the United
States this year a banner corn crop ex
ceeding 2,700,000,000 bushels. One feature of
the vast harvest Is especially encouraging
to farmers, and that Is the Increased yield
per acre, amounting to four bushels over
the average for the preceding ten years.
Who Wants ( heap Insurance?
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Mr. Paul Morton asserts thut the peo
ple do not want cheap insurance. Whether
they do or not may depend on the defini
tion of the term. But what Mr. Morton
can tie to is that the policy holders want
all the reductions In cost In the form of
dividends, annual or accrued, that the con
tract calls for.
Count Wltte's Vindication.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Wilte, who was the main reliance of the
czar in the negotiations of peace with
Japan, and who has been relied upon to
rescue Russia from the Indignation of her
people. Is the same Wltte who was humili
ated by the czar less than a year ago, and
who waa more recently sneered at by
American writers. It appears now that
Wltte has a considerable degree of vindi
cation. He stands In the light of one of
the necessities In human affairs.
Life insurance
garricd as good
magnates are not re
risks for Don't Worry
New York society has several busy days
ahead. After the horse show comes a hen
Reports from New York Indicate that
pople caught with the goods on are anx
ious to be good.
Holders of life Insurance policies cannot
complain that they do not know where
their money goes.
For some inexplicable reason vodka Is
not given its fair share of credit for the
internal troubles of Russlu.
Florist Burbank, the California wizard,
is one conspicuous grafter whose work
commands public praise. May bis tribe in
crease. A silly Detroiter who erected a monu
ment to Satan evidently labored under the
delusion that the devil is dead. He doesn't
know Detroit.
Ohio Is getting so particular since the
erupO m that the natives Insist on whisky
being sold as straight gootls ulthout a
m filial disguise.
The real test of Mrs. C'iiadwirk's talent
will come when she seeks a loan of free
dom from the gowned wlsemen of the fed
eral supreme court.
Jeremiah O Donovan Rossa has acquired
the pearefulness that comes with age and
is about to leave New York for Ireland,
where a life Job awaits him lu bis native
city of Cork.
Honest prayer kills pride.
Athelmn Is simply mors! anarchy.
Rites have done llttl for the right.
Kllllna: time Is throwing life away.
Praying for ease Is asking to be an In
valid. No church Is rich unless the poor sit In
Its prws.
Trimmed truth does not Improve Its ap
pearance. The smaller a man's line the larger will
be his busy sign.
The less a man thinks of his virtues the
rreater their value.
Ecclesiastical log rolling furnishes the
devil with plenty of fuel.
The time to be most wary of new sin Is
when you bury an old one.
As soon as the minister becomes a men
dicant the church loses a man.
The only thing that makes any man su
perior to an Ulier Is his service.
Your opinion of life tuny be but a re
flection of life's opinion of you.
The dominance of one church will not
cure the difference of the many,
A donkey may buy a decree for cash,
but he cannot conceal his brogue.
It does not make the saints tender
hearted to keep them In hot water.
The man who has no mind of his own Is
anxious to give every one a piece of It.
You are not sure of being right with God
because you are wrong with every one else.
A man's dlligrnce In business Is religious
In proportion as his religion Is a diligent
business. Chicago Tribune.
Indianapolis News: With Tr. Oladden's
definite announcement that the tainted
money question has been settled there
seems to he no reason why there should
not be a great boom In the philanthropy
Brooklyn Eagle: Dowle Is hard up again
and enn't get any more paper, on tick, to
print his Leaves of Healing. Dowle has
also been under the weather and couldn't
heal himself. Dowle is several kinds of a
remarkable man, but his statement that he
Is the Prophet Elijah is still doubted In
some quarters.
Law Journal: Ecclesiastical bigotry has
always been ono of the darkest features In
Ihe history of the church, and It Is clear
from some of the proceedings at the church
congress that this spirit of bigotry Is for
from extinct. The marriage cf divorced
persons is a perfectly valid marriage. The
state allows It, the law upholds It. yet the
bishop of a state church established by
law declares publicly that he will punish
with loss of livelihood end office any cler
gyman who solemnizes Buch a marriage.
Chicago Chronicle: No man In Metho
dism could be more missed than will be
Bishop 8. M. Merrill, who passed away last
Sunday In New Jersey. His talents were
not of the ornamental kind, but for solid
ity and value they were unsurpassed. He
was a well-read and profound man, whose
reasoning was rugged and whose opinions
were regarded by his people as almost In
fallible. They were accustomed to sum it
all up by calling him the Daniel Webster
of the church, partly because his bodily
figure and facial expression bore a striking
resemblance to those of the great states
man. Bishop Merrill was a man of spot
less purity of character. He had been so
long the resident Methodist bishop of Chi
cago that his death is almost as great a
loss to the community as to the church.
Mr. Lingerlong looking at the clock) I
dare say it's time for me to go.
Miss Tartum Still, it oughtn't to take
much courage to say that, ought it? Chi
cago Tribune.
"No," said the gossip, "the divorce case
or Mr. and Mrs. Swellman has not been
finally decided yet. There's some hitch In
the proceedings."
"es." replied Cutting; "I suppose It's
over the question as to who Is to have the
custody of the pug dog." Philadelphia
Catholic Standard.
There Isn't much difference between the
two sexes. When a woman meets a friend
they gossip, and when a man meets a
friend they go sip, too. Washington Post
Mrs. Lushman My husband has given me
the J60 bonnet I wanted.
Mrs. Yerner My! he's awfully Indulgent.
Mrs. Lushman He usually Is Indulgent
nfter he's been Indulging. He didn't get
home until 3 o'clock this morning. Phila
delphia Press.
"Women don't have logical minds!" said
Shrewd bluntly.
"They don't need them if they're as lucky
ns I am," said his wife, sweetlv. "You see,
I have you think for me!" Detroit Free
"I would propose to you, but I fear the
effects of the excitement. When I am ex
cited my heart heats so faintly that It Is
scarcely noticeable."
"Well, you know what the proverb says?"
"What proverb?"
"Faint heart never won fair lady."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"You are an angel!" the young man de
clared. "Nonsense," retorted the devout high
church damsel. "Do you not know that
the foremost religious dignitaries have de
rided that there a- o angels of the female
sex?" Pittsburg Post.
Gaston I tell you. old man, Miss Wat
kyns is a mighty sensible girl the most
sensible girl, I think, I ever knew.
Alphonse I think you're rlht. my boy.
I wouldn't advise you to propose to her.
Somerville Journal.
There! little girl; don't cry!
They have broken your doll, I know;
And you tea-set blue,
And you play-house, too.
Are things of the long ago;
But childish troubles will soon pass by.
There! little girl; don't cry!
There! little girl: don't cry!
They have broken your slate, I know;
And the glad, wild ways
Of your school-girl days
Are things of the long ago:
But life and love will soon come by.
There! little girl; don't ciy!
There! little girl; don't cry!
They have broken your heart, I know;
And the rainbow (fleams
Of your youthful dreams
Are things of the lung ho;
But heaven holds all for which you sigh.
There! little girl; don't cry!
James Whitcomb Riley.
"You Cannot
From Saturday Evening Post, July
12, if: "You cannot beat the right.
It is good enough. When you know In
your own heart that you are honorable
n your dealings with your friends, you
ran walk right stiuure up to :hem and
look them straight in the eye and
make them feel that you are treating
Hum rlsht. They will then give you
their confidence, and coniidenee begets
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Buying Easy Is it not right to encouraae them In right doing? )ou
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These are a few irrefutable
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It will be of particular advan
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Beat the Right"
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If we refuse to raise our price
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Western Kellers of the Wonderful Aug-rlus.