Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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height of the fail season with
winter only a few weeks away finds Brandeis'' grea t
cloak and suit section better equipped than at
any previous time. We studied the trend of fashion
able trade early, bought very heavily of higher grades
of tailored wear and right noto we are showing more
high class, exclusive and fashionable cloaks, furs and
suits than can be found in any other house west of
State street, Chicago.
The reigning favorite among the fashionable coats for winter street or dress wear Is the long, full garment. We f fS0
mention specially a 50-inch long novelty cloth coat, made In the extremely swagger mannish effects very care- jt
fully tailored- excellent values, at
T , 4 Til I. ft' KTVI.IIiH I'l'l? IIVl'll (t Tft Vw f 1(n4 frormanta ni-o hairo a rmmi 1 a l 1 1. ila n.UtA nairA bnnnrn ha.
JvQ fore very popular fur linings, handsome collars of selected furs, fine broadcloth shells
will go at
BLACK HROAPCIjOTH COATS Made In the long full effects, the
newest novelty features of tailoring. These are coats of ex
treme refinement and enjoy great fashionable popularity
the dressiest cloaks of the season at "J A Cfl 4 C CA
a range of prices Ht,D) IO DJ
LONG NOVELTY CLOTH COATS In tourist and mannish tail
ored backs, splendid values and an extremely large Q QQ
variety to choose from, at
with new style features, the large patch pockets, etc.
Ladies' BO-in. Novelty Cloth Coat Handsomely made II OC
Fine Fur Scarfs Coasts
Ladies' Stylish Brook Mink Blouses Selected furs, specially
priced, at
Ladies' Blended Squirrel Blouses Ultra fashionable this sea-
son, at "
Ladies' Extra Fine Blended Squirrel Blouses Every fur used ft "70
is carefully selected for beauty and quality, at vl f
Ladies' Near Seal Jackets The best variety to be found in
flmnlin nf. p.Tfli Jmmm
v, - - -
Ladies' Astrakhan Jackets Stylish and well made fur coats,
-Most beautiful
Ladies' Persian Lamb azan Pretty and
Ladies' Ermine Zaza Scarf
of all furs and in
high favor, at
Ladles' Mink Zazns and Scarf:
tur pieces
popular effects
Ladies' Anierlcau Cliincliilla Ties This
season's novelties J,98
Ladies' Squirrel Zazas Handsome furs es-
specially priced in AMo 9o
T -
our Fur Dept. at
Extra Lare Double Fox Scarftt Every
For Monday Brandeis Announces a Special Sale of
The season for elegant opera coats and evening costumes Is now nearing the
wane and we find we have a great number of our most elegant and exclusive even-
Ladies' Elegant Tailored Suits
Stunning new tailored suits, in the correct style features that are now first
in Eastern popularity all fashionable colors, the new long . 17 JJA
1 1 JP
ing garments on hand. Our extensive business has been so satisfactory that we feel
we can accept a loss on this apparel now, rather than at the end of the season. All
our gowns and evening coats go Monday at half price. Our stock exceeds the corn-
one a beauty
at. each
bined showing of all other cloak houses In this vicinity and our variety Is accordingly
extremely large.
Monday roe offer 4-5 Gown and Party Dresses awl 35 Evening
Coats at just half price. If yon have priced these elegant Garments
before, you will appreciate the extraordinary reductions.
fitted coats, etc., a charming ensemble especially priced, at
Smart New Tailored Suits embodyi ng the best styles in the long fitted
coats as well as the nobby blou se enects, scores of becom
ing models to correctly fit all figures, a wide variety at this price. .
Ladies' Exclusive Tailor Made Suits at $24.50,-This is a most exceptional
oiler. All the very newest and most attractive models in the
assortment all brand new and fresh from the tailor's
hands, stunninc- effects, nt m&
j fitted,
Ladies' Up-to-Date Tailored Suits at
$9.98 This is a great bargain
special. Suits like these rarely sell
under $154all .the reigning cloths
and colors, nicelv tail- CfkQS
at. . .
-every suit new,
Ladies' Long Coat and Short Coat
Suits The new shades of plum,
red, green, navy, black, etc., our
immense line at tnis price, an
opportunity for the
satisfaction of every
taste, special....
is pi lire, nu
Carpet Sale
Monday will be a special day
in the Carpet Dept.
We place on sale one great lot of tine all
wool ingrain carpet, new and desirable
patterns -r- every A
oil pertect-a f( v
genuine Sbc all X II V 1
wool carpet at 11 J
per yard iA
Another grand lot of splendid quality,
strictly all wool ingrain carpet, never
sold at less than
eeventy-nve ceDts
a yard all in one
big lot Monday,
at, per yard
Thepe goods are all new fall patterns
and colorings and absolutely perfect.
Some of these carpets are now on dis
play in our Douglas street window.
Fashionable Winter ffirpss Goods,Sil!iSd Velvets
The close touch we are always able to keep with the chief sources of supply, both at home and abroad, is greatly to
our advantage. "We constantly receive shipments of the latest foreign designs in silks and rich wool fabrics and our
showing of dress materials is constantly kept up to date and complete, supplying every want of a fashionable trade.
Crepe de Chines All shades, also La Pompadour
Crepes, Dresden and Persian Taffetas and new Grisele
print warp styles; exclusive designs at, yard
Choicest Moire Silks Including 27 inch and 'M inch widths,
in blacks, whites and all novelties; many worth
up to $1.75 a full representation of leading
fall colors; special
At Main Entrance A lartre bargain suuare of cloths and
worsteds, coatings, serges, cheviots, fine
black dress goods, Panamas, mohairs, etc.
selling elsewhere up to $1.75 yard; at, yard.
The best values One of our renowned jobbers
should sell at almost double the price every
imaginable weave and color, at
Fine Waistings Silk and (In the Annex) 29c Yard
A large bargain square wun areas
goods worth up to 75c yard for
children's dresses all wool goods.
I pretty silk
and wool
etc., yard
wool waistings, Freuch
flannels, albatross, batiste
cream and all
colors 60c and
65c grades
11 WUOl guoua,
50c and 65c All Wol Fine imported hen
Black Nun's 17lr rietta, 75c iQr
Vpilinr vrt. OloL Grade, vd...."
- at J i a i
Black Panamas, 4 C Inches, g I
regular $1.00 grade.
yard .
Taffeta cloth pop-
lln, prunella, r mm
erge, henrietta, VC
etc.. Jl.iS grade, OuL
Finest imported goods, sold up
to $1.25, prunella, popll
taffeta cloth, all colors,
ma up f mm
200 DRKKH PATTERNS 25 skirt patterns, 30 coat lengths, of
the finest goods imported; all these high class goods from a New
York dress making supply house, worth up to $. yard ;at, yard.
Chiffon Dress Velvets Most complete line iu AC C
the west all imported pure silk chiffon Jr
velvets.... ( nd
Recognized as the leading black dress silks in the world,
manufactured by C. J. Bonnet, Lyons, France. The sale is
confined to Brandeis for Omaha every yard warranted to
wear. Special
27-inch Regina black taffeta, worth $1.50, for, yard. .98c
22-inch Regina black peau de soie, worth $1.75, for. .$1.25
Fancy Silks for Waists and Suits Plain and Changeable
Taffeta, Printed Messa lines, Louisenes checks and stripes
IT. .T.d1.".": 39c-49c-69c
Very Special
Offer of
Ladies Sample
from Factory of
John Ebberts,
Buffalo, N. Y.
These batnple shoes repreaent, in the wid
est possible variety, the choicest effects
from this factory. Every shoe was made
with greatest care to serve as a sample
all the latest styles and lasts not a
pair worth less than $3.00 and many
worth $4.00, at
f3 Roycroft Shoe
For Men
A regular $3 shoe all
over the country
newest styles the
biggest shoe bargain
in Omaha, at
Omaha's Great Headquarters for
Sti8 Overcoats - Suits
Kvery suit or overcoat that is sold at Brandeis' must be up to our
required standard. Everything must be
new, well made and dependable. In fact
every garment must be superior in every
way to clothing that sells at the same price
anywhere else.
Men'. C "I I i 1- CIA
$is ouus dim uvercuaistpiu
The suits and overcoats in this line mean
a clear saving of Suits that are styl-
imi ana correctly ntting n
overcoats that look like vp
$1.") garments and prove their
worth in the wearing 1JL
Note this sale of short lots of
men's hand tailored clothing.
Roger. Peet ft Cos. H&Ad Made Suits . . . . ) fl J Of
Hirsch. Wickwire & Co'.. Suits and Overcoats Ml H Hi
B. Rothschild Cos. Overcoats and Suits. . ) 11 vJ
ask, in
Our very finest all linen, double satin table damask, in
all the newest and most exquisite designs,
values up to $2.50, but for this sale. yd. . . .
Napkins to match all patterns.
Elegant all pure linen full bleached, fine quality Irish,
Scotch and Austrian table damask, 72-in. wide. fJ?A
values up to $1.50, but for this sale, yd J DC
Napkins to match all patterns.
Kxtra nice $1.00 and $1.25 qualities table damask in
new and elegant patterns, for this sale, r
yard DC
100 pieces bleached, silver bleached and cream all linen
table damask, values up to 75c, but for this M r
sale, yard tjC
All linen Napkins, made from
drummer' sample Dlecee. of
fine diniafk. nicely
hemmed. ach
All linen Dolllea, worth
up to l'V, each IC
Fringed linen N'apklna,
In pattern table cloths our stock consists of the world's
most famous makes, including about 1,500 2.24,3,
3M: and 4 yards long, and. 2 and 2 4 yards wide,
all linen double satin damask cloths that were
bought so advantageously by us that for this sale
we can offer for 98 4.98-5.98-6.08
cloths that are actually worth two and three times
the prlfo asked. Napkins to match nearly all cloths
at same low prices.
Another big lot of pattern cloths, (Q - I 12 f Cft
worth up to $2.50. for. VoCl.i3-.DV
Lunch cloths worth to $3 at.OHc, $ t.2.1, Ul.fSO. $1.08
Tray cloths worth up to $1.50, at. .49c, 69c and 9Hc
8erja lot of dlriner napklne,
morth up to M ) a doien, for
IS',: il l. 25-1.98 2.98
Stamped Center rieces. Scarf.
iNiillea, etc , worth up to UK
worth 6c, each
Lace Curtain Sale
Lae Curtains, 2y2Yda. Long I Nottingham Curtains GO-in.
special, COJ w'fe your choice, ( O
pair JmC at pair ZJJ
h&ce Curtains, Arabian and white, 25 styles to select
from, worth up to $3.50 pair, Monday, pair.
Roman Stripe Tapestry, worth
40c, Monday, 25 C
Window Shades, Hfi and 38 inches wide, in the best oil
Opaque, worth up to 65c, Monday, each
Curtain Swiss 3G-in. wide, in
full bolts, as long as
it lasts, at, yard
We are showing all the really faddish,
novel effects in ladies' fancy beltn, seven
rows of Btitching on the taf. g
feta belts and girdles, form U0f
fitting belts, etc. at, each, "
Fancy Silk Open Bags Ladies Vanity
bagr-, matinee bags, opera bags, etc.
correct styles for this PA Clfl
teason. Prices, from wC!opiU
A new shipment of ladies' and children's kid gloves for
this sesson has just been received, including Perrins
and Monarch gloves, for which we are sole agents
also new effects In Reynlers & Fan-
chon Huede-Fownes cape gloves, Mey
ers 4r NorthruD Mocha gloves
and our popular Irene glove in
glace and Suede, at
Long evening gloves in black, white
and evening shade eight fl
button gloves
Twelve button gloves $2. SO
Sixteen button gloves $3.00
Twenty button gloves
Elaborate, dainty designs in dress neckwear made of softest
chiffon -many silk embroidered designs charming new effect,
etc., a wide and beautiful variety, at, JQq J J 3
lace edged, scalloped and initial handkercheifs, also men's plain
all linen handkerchiefs, in all widths of hemstitching,
Wjrth 25c each, at, each I2C