Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 16, Image 16
TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, ' NOVEMBER 18, 1D05. Omaha Headquarters For Popular Sheet Music. Great Lunch ernrN in Our J Tea Room J) Balcony Optical Departm't fi in the Glen's Black Kersey Money-SaviajT v Opportunities C r-i I - ri3 FPU AT TO LOOK YOUR BEST La 16 Mill TIIK HK LIABLE SXOKK. 0j . sal Saturday it goes on sale The China that the whole town had admired In the ahow window and discussed at home. FAfiA CUPS AND SAUCERS - IAMB PAINTED PLATES In order to make selections easy and at. void any crowding we devote the en tire basement to this v sale Saturday. Thousands of fancy decorated China cups and saucers in bouillon, chocolate, tea, coffee and after dinner coffee size all beautiful designs many are genuine hand painted all perfectly matched worth from 25c to $3.50, at, for cup and saucer 10c 15c 29c 39c 49c And Hand Painted Plates French, Austrian, Bavarian and Imperial Crown bread and butter plates, placque and plate rail sizes artistic designs beautiful head plates, roses, buds, violets, etc., worth up to $3.00 at, each Sic 20c w Sic Hand Painted Sugars and Creamers Saturday we will show a limited number of genuine hand-painted sugars and creamers-worth OKf.QQf.IQf.RQn up to $3.00, at, each .... &UUmOismH tJb'vJuli The artist's 'name appears on each piece. On account of the lim ited number In this lot we advise an early call as they will not last long. The most extraordinary bargains In beautiful China Omaha ever knew. R ihbon Sale treat The biggest bargains in strictly high class ribbons ever offered in the west 5,000 pieces, or 50,000 yards, of finest ribbon 6-in. warp prints 6-in. taffetas 5 and 6-in. glace moires 4Vs and 5-in. moires 3 and 4-in. finest satin taffetas 4-in. tartan plaids, wide fancy ribbons all bright new goods immense variety of colors and patterns. Not a ya.rd worth less then jt 39c, most of them worth 50c, 75c, $1 a yard on sale I Saturday at Bra.idej$ I Omaha s greatest ribbon L store, vt, per y&.rd. .... Jewelry Department Specials Beautiful imported photograph frames apd fancy pictures, painted on celluloid, positively worth up to $1.00, at .avtsC W. A. Rogers' Sterling Plate Ladies' Wrist bags 50 dozen on Knives and Forks, 12 f C hlg bargain square, A pieces for ..' l.J worth $1.00, at tJC Ladies' 0 size hunting case watches, warranted to wear 20 years, fitted with 15 Jewel Elgin or Waltham move ment, Jewelers' 1 1 Cl Q price $18.00, at Buster Brown Belts of double faced patent leather, double buckles, worth 26c, 15c Ladies' solid gold Beauty Pins, fV?.!.f: 39c . : Ladles' Wrist Bags, la solid leath ers leather lined, fitted with change purse, at German silver Chatellne Bags, all sizes, sample, $3.00 values, at $1 Bags, 1.49 Sale of Candy Delicious Nut Filled Butter Cups, per pound 13c Assorted Stick Candy,. 25 Sticks for 5c Chocolate Peanuts 19c Chocolate Marshmallowa 10c- Assorted Chocolates ....24c New England Cocoanut Kisses.. 20c All kinds of .Taffies 12c Delicious Home made Fudge.... Oc Assorted Crenm Bon Bons 5c , Ji Dfujj Sundries Witch Hazel and Glycerine Soaps, on sale Saturday, 3 cakes for. .10c 38c per dozen. 25c Box Perfumes 15c Rosaline ", ., 20c Sea Moss Cream 25u Albaroyal Cream. ,...25o Fancy Perfume Atomizers, 23c, 35c, 40c. 75c and 08c. Dr. Long's Worm Lozenges ,...20o All bristle Hair Brushes 10c The Best lhated Office Building In Omaha Is The Bee Building Don't wait till cold weather; there are several choice office vacant now but they never stay empty long. Some fine offices at from $15.00 to $20.00 per month. Including heat, light, water and Janitor service R. C. Peter A Co., Ground Floor, Rental Agent. &e Boil ding, maf . f OlJ runorBa, OLD T1MU." 1 1 r-t "Mt m Trrr-' Vxix'o cuip.t Him to vaaa." 1 J 2 I i HOME VISITORS EXCURSIONS rnoM ALL MINTS ON MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY GREATLY REDUCED RATES EAST Indiana, Ohio and certain point In Illinois, Kentucky, Wl Virginia, Pennsylvania, Now York, Michigan and Ontario, November 27th, 1905. A Riturn limit. 21 days. DONT MISS THIS CHANCE To tbtt tha old bo a.ud s year frtaads of otke 4ajs .en paaTicuiaaa. mauiac or cohnkvi atT, oa B. C TOWHSEXD. aui ruMiJc uU Tkaat lfm. IU Lmu, Ma. THE CHILDREN'S SHOE STORE Is the place to buy the children's shoes. That la why We're so often called the children's Shoe Store W fit them carefully and properly we lysarry tha largest and beat line of ahoea for boys and girls of all as a and we sell them at moat satisfactory prices. See oar 9l.RO and 2-00 School Shoes for Boys sad Glrla. FRY SHOE CO. 16lh and Douglas Sis. SATURDAY MEAT SPECIALS Pork Loin a 7Vfco Choice Spring Chtckns 104 o Choice Rib Roasts... Y 8o Choice Porterhouse Steak.. .120 Choice Boiling Beef Sfto OM3 WEEK'S GREEK STAMP SPECIALS 1 nflGreen Stamps (.110) with 1 pound ,UUB, F. Japan Tea, 6Sc, or Ceylon Tea -Jc InnGreen Stampa (J10) with S pounda UUEvcelsior Blend Coffee $1.00 InnGreen Stampa ($10) with one gal uwlon Canadian Maple Syrup.. ..$1.33 pfl Green Stamps ($8) with one pound U U. Japan or B. P. Tea 68c Cfl Green Stamps (5) with 60-pound ,w sack Blue Bell Flour J1.45 CI) Green Stamps (J6.00) with eaoh Ml pound U. Japan or English Breakfast Tea.' ,. 4Sc Cfl Green Stamps (to) with half gal- w Ion Canadian Maple Syrup 69c Cfl Green Stamps (JG) with each Mor u rell a Iowa Pride Ham at, lb., lie 1 A pj!n Green Stamps with each of Ol.UUthe following articles: 1 6-pound sack Salt 10c 7 Bars IJ. C. Soap 25o ' S packages Matchea 15a & cans Forest City Corp.... 26c 1 package Pepper loo THE BOSTON MEAT AND GROCERY CO., 113 north Sixteenth Street. Oppoalta New Postofflce. 'Phone 1089. Christmas .Present for a. Gentleman We sell the handsomest Gorham Cigar Case In town. bilver and gold corners. la swell. You know It If Ilk it I.. - i . .. fit " " uwnam, ana It Is less than $5.00 too. 2 Drown & Bo rsheim U O XL, W XJJDJCO 2222$oiih lesdtrcetOmaha. fl Send for l italotfu ( Tr( G. A. L1NDQUEST CO. MEhCHAKT TAILORS, MAKE BEST CLOTHES. .FALL SELECTIONS NOW IN. 23S-23S Paxton Block. 'Phono 1SS1. Sixteenth and Farnaro Eta. THE IMMANUEL HOSPITAL which for 15 years has been called "The Swedish Hospital" offers now through its well known efficient staff of Surgeons and Physicians, its quiet and healthy location and careful nur sing the best place for the sick and suf fering. Those who want to go to this institution must take care that they are not misled to some other place. - Tele phone No. 1522. Sherman Are car. 36th and Ames, takes you straight to Immanue! Hospital, Omaha. Neb. Sat isfactinrv u In Christmas tif1a cornea only whn th filfts are useful, a propria to and boautiful. The W best time to secure such gifts J la while the chance to select la J unlimited. Our atnek Is com- 0 pieiQ now ana w win iuy aviuo any gift you may select. DEPUTY BTATHJ VETERINARIAN, - H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. crrr vaxtHisARiajt. Offlca and Infirmary, iStlt and Maaoa 8ta DaCULa, WS Xalaehooa Ma. Extra long, sell every where for 015 MEN'S BUCK TIIIDETS Cost yoti (o 510 else- S) where, at DOUBLE-BREASTED ?wl3 j Worth up to $18.00, a good many Alfred Benjamin Suits are included SOOT US SPECIALS IS Even's HOSE Wool or Cofton Worth up to 35c. Men's Suspenders Worth up to 35c. uarantee Clothing Go. 1519-1521 Douglas St. SENSATIONAL MOO on HP butJLlLlllilu And to make this the BANNER SALE OF THE SEASON SATURDAY WE WILL SELL ABSOLUTELY Every Hat l?ou At Cost 1,000 BEAUTIFUL ORESS HATS Hundreds of Stylish Street Hats Your opportunity to save from $3 to $10 on your new Winter Hat. How Is the Time To Buy! Come Early 1508 Douglas St. -- Get First Selection LANDSEEKER8' EXCUR8I0NS Southwest, Nov. 2 1 Dcc.5-1 9 I OVER THK T TO y. TO a. MISSOURI ARKANSAS TEXAS INDIAN TERRITORY A. COIKTRV MOST RKSOl RCF.Fl L. A COINTRY MOST PRODICTIVK. A CLIMA1K MOST 1DKAL. A few of the round trip ratea from Omaha, Keb.: Springfield. Mo JlO.OO'Fort Smith. Ark $1125 Muskogee. I. T $10.00 Weal Plains Mo ...$10.8fi I Chandler, Okla $10.10 Holdeifvllle, J. T $10.70 ;,,';,! 'iulhrle. Okla 110.10 Denlson. Te Balem, Mo $11.80 Joplln. Mo $10.00 HairiHon. Ark $1.W Rogers, Ark JlO.uu Kentonvllle. Ark $U.) Fayette villa. Ark $10.00 Enid, Okla.. Bla.-kwell, Okla.. Uwton. Okla Vlnlta, I. T Tulwt, I. T Okmulgee, I. T.... 112.93 $10.ii( Hherman, Tex $13 30 $iufw Fort Worth, Tex $11. 0 $12.65 Hrownwood. Tex tlT.SO $Ui.(iO Houaton, Tex :.?&.) $10.00 Ualveaton, Tex $21.10 $lt).90 San Antonio, Tex....$3).00 Correspondingly low ratea from other polnta In Nebraska and Iowa. Tlcketa ' good twenty-one daya. Slop-overs both directions. Aek your home agent for tlcketa over the 'FRISCO, and ask either of 'the undersigned for books descrip tive of the resourcea of the feiatea and terrltorlea named above. They will be mailed without cost. C. LOVKIF.N, Aaa t Oenl. Passenger Agent, KANSAS CITY. MO. A, HILTON, Ueneral Passenger Agent, ST. LOUI8, MO. '- MOST DELICIOUS PIES, j AND COOKIES.' i . aw lUHAjik aatirai a aaaa Eaf aasl aaal M Bat aag M aap aM aaa taB M aafl aa aa aaa aM sal la aal M aafl aaaaa NONE SUCH Tmv i n. i ri. ... . t MERRELL-SOULE CO. 9 i ) To b m well drr(e1 as you ought ua want to be yon should hare at care for tylo. To kpr well dressed on a limited income yon should look well1 to quality. You'll And plenty of stylo and an tnatchable quality combined In our hand-tAllored clothes. The close fit ojf the collar, the smooth lay of the broad shoulders, gives these garments dressy Individuality. The high qual Ity of workmanship and material ln sure splendid service. Let us show you. Let ns fit you. PRICES FOR SUITS OR OVERCOATS $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00. - SPECIAL SALE OF MEN'S SITTS An Immense line of fine suits In single or double-breasted style, per. feet In fit, splendid In fabric, well tailored, unmatchable bargain, at $7.50 and $10.00. SPECIAL SALE OF YOUTHS' . AND BOYS' CLOTHING. VOUNG MEN'S SUITS In ages from 14 to 20 years, klngle or double breasted styles. Special bargains Saturday at $5.00, $6.50 and $7.50. YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS In long and medium length, plain and fancy colors. Specially priced Sat urday at $7.50, $6.75, $5.00 and $3.75. CHILDREN'S KNEE TANTS SUITS In Norfolk and double-breasted styles, all fabrics and colors special at $1.03, 91.63 and $1.60 CHILDREN'S NOVELTY SUITS In all the most approved styles. Special Saturday at ' $3.60, $2.03 and $2.60 CHILDREN'S NOVELTY OVERCOATS In ages from 4 to 10 years. An im mense line and the best bargains in the city at. . . .$3.50, $2.03 and $2.30 "J 1 ft'4. J ' . ? V Copyright 1905 by Hart SrhafFner & Marx The preatlna delicacy of flavor and sweet ness of our 1 it Country Butter comparea , with products of the creamery like a folk-song- translated from its mother tongue in an ' attempt to convey the true spirit and sentiment of its origin. . CHOICEST COUNTRY BUTTER Per pound CREAMERY BUTTER Per pound '.. 28c 25c WALTER BAKER'S CHOCOLATE 11- Per pound -rt-w IMPORTED SARDINES Per Can INVINCIBLE SALMON (Tan uana two tor.... JELL-O Per package TRIO BRAND CORN Two cana for 10c 25c :.7c 25c OS. We pride ' ourselvea upon the quality, of our meata . Tiie acrupuloua cleanliness con stantly observed in the execution of orders, combined with the low prices we are offer ing, merlta your consideration.' Turkeys Chickens Ducks Geese Sommer m Exponenta df Good Living,' 28tti and Farnam Streets. Your Boy's Shoes It requires more care to select shoes . for your boy than it doea for any other member of the family. The boy gives his 'shoes harder wear and the best is none too good. Try our Boy's $1.50 Shoes for hard wear. Saturday is Boys' Day at our store. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. HOME VISITORS' RATES VIA . Illinois Central ft. ft. The Date. November 27th A chance to visit your old home. Whynot epend Thanksgiving with old friends once more! The Illinois Central makes this possible by offering exceptionally' low rates for the round trip, as shown below, with 21 iay limit. Mm, Toronto, Ont , $33.33 Indianapolis, Ind $23.20 Louisville, Ky '. ..$26.00 Detroit,. Mich r25.85 Buffalo, N. V .. ..$33.00 Salamanca, N. Y-. $.'13.70 Cleveland. O.... ........ .$28.85 Columbus, O : .$28.15 Cincinnati, O $27.85 Toledo, O $25.70 Pittsburg, Pa $31.00 Wheeling, W. Va $31.70 Springfield, 111 $17.45 Kankakee, 111. $18.00 Bloomlngton, 111 $I0.65 Decatur, 111 $17.00 Correspondingly low rates to nearly all points in the above states. . Fo full particulars call nt 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha, or write SAMUEL WORTH, DISTBICT PASSENGER AGENT, OMAHA, NEB. High Grade Rubber Goods FRKSH HTOCK FIXKST LIXK WE HAVE EVEB 8HOWX. Tyrlan Ten-Combjnation Syringe and Hot Water Bottle, 5 pipes rapid flow $2.00 Thermallte Bag.. $2.00 Capitol Ladies' Sanitary Syringe., $2.00 i2-quart Capitol Cpmblnatlon Byrlnge. . . . .$1.50 2-quart Capitol Hot Water Bottle Oc 2-quart Gem Hot Water Bottle or Fountain Syringe 60c If ordering by rnall, add 15c postage to each arttak'. i IOWELL DRUG CO., SIXTEENTH AND CAPITOL AVeNUE r mm I 1 jw"ft