Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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"Wheat Opens Btfanj;, ku Prioea 'Tall
"alee of Mar Were Very lr Cora
Closes Uwrl anal Oats rrnetleally
- I nrhanged Doaaeetle !
cjMAHA. Nov. 17. VmV
Liquidation In December wheat lowei-ed
On track: No. 1 northern, 83c; No. 1
northern, Slc; December, SlMiC; Way. 86(40.
UAis-iD arrive ana on tracK, c.
Prleea on Board nt Trate.
CniCAOO. Nor. 17. Heavy liquidation
by prominent holders today caused a break
tn the wheat market here of over 1c per
bushel. The market closed at about tha
lowest point of tha day, with the May op
tion showing a net loan of va'V. Corn
wss down He. Oata were unchanged. Pro
visions were 2141 10c lower.
Weakness In the wheat market developed
toward the end of the first hour. Early In
the session the aentlment waa bullish and
moderate trains were recorded. At the
opening the May option waa uncharged to
Vo hlgker at dHwc. On active demand
from commission house and local anorla
tne price quickly rose to aSac The buy
prices considerably. The ooenlna- waa i. i.. .w. i.
hlk ner and tne maraet waa stion. Llqttl- lahowu In the price kt wheat at European
tlHilon began eany and price ten. Tnere . ii centera, ail the foreign marketa be
wera large aalea of May and tnat month Jug aomewhat over the prices of yester-
waa ort more than V4C. lceinlr Cloaed dur. Small ahlrimenta from Argentina, and
Karktt Opens Aotita and Higher on
Iaproved Condi-iom ia Ruuia,
pernlntlon Concerning; Baak Mate,
aaeat Attracts Attention, bat
Wlthent Effect laaa
at Kevtittv May at aiVawc and Juiy at
Com opened HHo higher and advanced
to He aoove yeateraay. The subsequent
weakness brought prices down to about tc
below yesterday. December cloaed at 46c,
old December at 46(4c, May at 44W4oc end
July at 44440.
There waa a big demand fotMay oata
and tbe close, considerably belo the high
point, waa unchanged. December waa un
changed and July He lower. "December
closed at 30c. May at 2Hc and July-at 81c.
Clearances were lOu.OtK) bushel of corn,
1M.IDM bushels of oata, 103,000 bUKhels of
wheat and 10,000 barrels of flour. Primary
wheat receipts were 1,205,000 bushcla and
the continuance of disturbed conditions In
Russia apparently formed the basis of tha
strength, abroad. Small receipts In the
northwest lent a bullish Influence to tne
market. On the other hand there was a
leas urgent demand for cash wheat at
Minneapolis, wtilch resulted In a reduction
of lla premium' over tha December option.
Near the end of the first hour the market
showed 'Igns of weakness. Price broke
sharply on liberal selling by prominent
bulla. Rumors credited one house with
sales of over 1.000,000 bushels of May wheat.
Almost immediately there was a general
rush on the part of pit traders to sell.
The decline brought out numerous atop-
toss oraera in tne commission nouses, ex
shipments 4H1.O0 bushels, against recelpta I fut'on110, w,hlcl."aVe.i,'Th ,mpet,u,( ,
lHat year of 1.049,000 bushels and shipments
of 66,0"0 bushels. Primary corn nceints
were 4187,000 bushels and shipments 643.000
bushels, against receipts last year of 417,0(10
bushels and shipments of 130,000 bushels.
A cable from St. Petersburg says the
Neva Is blocked with lea and navigation
will soon close.
. Liverpool cloaed H'SKd higher on wheat
and t,tt(4t hlcher on corn.
Argentina wheat shipment a for the week
were ShO.OOO bushels, against 3.330,000 buahels
the week before and 94.000 bushels last
year. Corn shipments were J,730.sK) bushels,
against S,? bushels the week before
and 2.HM,Ono bushels last year.
About liA.Oi'O bushels cash oats were
worked from Chicago today, of which tnn.iwo
bushels were sold to eastern exporters and
the rest 'or dumastlo consumption. Re
ceipts of corn at St. Louis. Peoria and
Kansas City are running linger than, Inst
year. Bradntreet's weekly clearanoea arc:
wheat and flour equal to 4.730,000 bushel
and l,0f6.0CO bushels of corn.
Following from O. W. Patton at Chicago:
"I think the Russian situation has been
worked for all It Is worth as regards wheat
Relieve we will have a btz rxDort demand
for corn, but we have got the largest crop
the decline. For May tha lowest point of
the day was reached at 87frx7o. The
market exhibited but slight recuperative
power during the last hour of trading, the
sentiment continuing decidedly bearish.
The close was weak, with prices near the
lowest point of the day. Clearances of
wheat and flour were equal to 194,500 bush
els. Exports of the week as shown by
Rradatreets were equ&l to 4,730,200 bushels.
Primary recelpta were l,2oO,OUO bushels,
against l,049.0oo bushels a year ago. Minne
apolis, uultitn and tJilcaero reoorted re
ceipts of 814 cars, against 1.031 cars last
week and Mi cars a fear aaro.
I The slump in wheat caused profit taking;
in com, resulting in a considerable decline
in values. Early In the day the market
was firm on renewed buvinar of the De
cember option by shorts. Clear weather
and prospects of Increased local recelpta
were additional bearish Influences. The
market closed weak: May opened
to Wtic higher at 4SV(NSirc, ol1 up to
45i46o and then dropped to 44c. Unal
quotations were at 44vo. Local receipts
were 434 cars, with 10 of contract grade.
Notwithstanding the break In wheat and
com the oata market closed steady. An
NEW YORK. Nov. 17.-tock market sen.
tlment had become composed this morning
over the Russian outlook and prloes re-
Dounaea at the opening. In many places
ine nrst gains were widely extended during
the course of the day. but the speculative
taste showed the same tendency towards
specialisation as for some time past.
l ne money market waa tranaull bv com
parison with the feverish tone of the earlier
part of the week and tna prevailing rate all
day was per cent. The action of the for
eign exchange market Indicated that yes
terday's violent advance was due a much
to the fright over Russian affairs as to the
relaxation of our money market. The fur
ther decline In money ratea today did not
push the exchange notably higher, the
prices fluctuating Irregularly during the
day. Russian bonds recovered and a formal
statement from the agency from one of the
great French banks in 8t. Petersburg had
a -reassuring effect there and cleared un
the panicky Conditions In Russian financial
affairs. The comparative ease of the money
market served as a reinforcement against
ny apprenenaion thai might be caused by
the preliminary estimatea . of the week's
currency. Thla Indicated a further decline
In the cash holdings of the banks, the es
timates varying from less than $2,000,000 to
upward of 13,000,000. Of this amount the
subtreasury has absorbed $844.0(10. There Is
no doubt that the banks have shipped cur
rency on balance also to the interior on
the regular exchange operations. With last
week's deficit of $2,431,800, this movement
would seem to Indicate the necessity of a
much more violent contraction of loans to
restore me legal reserve than there has
been any Indication of In the stock market.
But It Is believed that special movements
Of Cash have t m Ira n nlaea. vk(nh
largely to offset the antiareni nf -M. Central
ular exchange nnerAtlnna ljm Atctaloa
are known to have been received from
shade t Canada and It Is current belief that shlp-
iiirnio imve oeen received irorn interior
points for deposit in New fork to be used
in placing loans In the stock market. The
loan account Of the banks la exnecterl aa
a matter of course tr iHn iUt-a -a.,- t'nlon Partflo
tlon. The failure of tomorrow's bank state, i B,,r- r- chtm
7),no.0" rnsrVa: rofeg in circulation, de
creased 4,&uO,CvO marks.
Raw York Moaey Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. ll.-MONEY-On call.
sreadv, 41T7H per cent, closing bid at
offered at 4 pr cent. Time money, steady;
sixty and ..ninety days, a per ceni; six
months b4 per cent.
1'KlMja ltyn-Art i rArun a
Cent. .
bTKRIJNO EXl 1 1 ais tit. irregular, nos
ing firm, with actual business In bankers
bills at $4 863t64.ti. -for demand and at
$4.82f5ti4 SiTO for sixty-day bills; posted
rates. 14.8.t' ana bim; commer
cial bills. $4.8:V . , ,,
SILVER Bar, 64"c; Mexican uouura.
HONDa uovernmeni, aieauy, 1 0.111 u,
firm. . , ,
Closing; ouotatlons on bonds were as fol
.JM'4paa M, m eane... r"
..i to 4Sa, ctf "
..104 4n 4 series. t:
..14 U M. aol. 4S UMH
,.lx.t4 MaiitMttaa r. a- 4a...H'3i
,.lli Mrx. rsntral 4a
,.1M So 1st lac: H
..1,1 Minn. A St. U 4a.... l
.. ? at.. K a T. 4a 1M
..11 4o ta "4
.-..lftHN. R. R. af M. a. 4a.
16 N. T. C. g. lva
-.101 N. J. C. a. Sa 14 No. PacMo 4a V
M 40 is T4V
.. H4 N. A W. e. 4a tot
..1130. g. L. rtda. 4a.... M
.. M Penn. coot. IHs
,. tit Raadina (en. 4a 10J-4
.. 7'4 It. L L at. e. ta-.lH
..ltrtVk St. U & a F. la. 4a. 14
Chlcaao A. V St. L. 8. W. a. 4a.... 3
r . h. a o. a. a ni. gahoar4 A. Lk 4e.. an
iv n t a. p. am 7v Bo. I'acllle 4a 4
do col. ta 4o In 4a ctfa MS
CCC. St. U f. 4a..l03'4 o. Railway 4. lltta
Cola. lna. Ia. mmr. A. 7S Txas A P. IS.
7a T., SI. U. m aa.. nn
V. a. rat. la. rag
do eoapoa
V B. ta. reg
4o aoupoa
V. 014 4a, rag.
da coupon
U. S. aaw 4a, rag
do coupon
Am. Tobacco 4a..
do ta
Atrhlaoa gea.
do aaj. a
Atlantla C. L. 4a.,
Bal. Okie 4a...,
do Itt -
Brk. R. T. e. 4a.
Central at Ga. 4a.
do 1st Ine
do td Ine
do M Inc
Ches. A Ohio 4,s.
do aerlaa B..
Colorado Mid. 4a....
Colo. So. 4a.
Cuba ta
r. A It. O. 4a.
Dlatlllara' Baa. ta...
Itrle prior llaa 4a...
da son. 4s
Hockiuf Val. 4Ha.,
Japan ta
, 74 t'nlon Ptcllto 4a.
, S4H so conr. 4a
,t(M U. 8. Steel M ia..
.10144 Wahanh la
. SO do deb. B
,10H W,trn Md. 4a ...
. 44 W. 4V U B. 4a...
.110(4 Wu. Central 4a....
. MS4
.. Hti
.. IMi
.. M
OMaHA lite stock market
Beer Cteen Bteadj to Etrang, Cowi EUaadj
ta Tan Eigtr and feeaara 8tiady.
Marat Receipts of aee sad Lasafea
Market Doll aad tachaaced
Few Stock Ikftf Offered
Market 4let.
SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 17, 1S05.
Recelnts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
Oft.cmi Monday .aJ t' 1
Official Tueedav 4 S.1T 7.70J 11. VI
OfflClal WeHneaHav S IW4 1.M 18.4C4
(ImrUI Thiir.1nv i 70 4.W-9 tild
OfSclal Friday 1.000 10U0 760
Five dsvs this week.. ..23.774 K.7HS 4S.KSI
Five dava last week ?4 .fc-4 Si, MO
Same week before 35.&O0 26,!S M.770
Same three weeks agT...J4.Sb2 W.SA
Sunt four vxlri ii , HIM XK.07& 7S.RH9
Same days last year 30.262 14.M6 40X14
The following table snows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, comparing with last
IT" .1905. I""
Cattle alo.iro 824,845 9V.40S
Unci ttrnurr 1 Kl.fl5 Wl,j42
Bheep !.'.l',2ti',S04 l.B93,Oi3 . 233,72
The following table shows the average
price of hogs at Booth Omaha for the last
several day a, with comparisons :
11 cows 1111 IS steers.. ..1311 3 to
10 steers.. ..10 I to sieere. ...ins
Kit HR A A k A.
t feeders.. MJ s iw
1 bulla, i.. .IK 1
I cslves... 170 4 fc.
1 calf ' ) W
1 cow 11W I 2
I cow 1W0 16
17 cows W IK
1 cow 1 1 en
I steers.. ..11H0 $ 16
I heifers.. 1 f
I cows 12 ro I 40
1 cow 1H70 1 00
4 coma 12X 1 40
I cows. . .
4 cows...
1 cow....
J cow....
7 cows...
aa cows..
11 cows., i.. win"
1 steer i"w 'o
1 feeders.. KM I 60
23 feeders.. II. 4 1 0
1 feeder... WM
I feeder. ..UJO
Boston Steaks and Bonds.
BOSTON, Nov. 17. Call loans. M?l per
cent; time loans, 637 per cent. Official quo-
Date. 106. 1904.l0S.19ua.llS01.il0l.U9a,
on adj. 4a.,
Improved demand from shippers was the 1 1"1"? to a restoration of tho reserve
reason for the comnnrHtlve flrmneaa ThM I to the legal limit would undountenlv ca.naa
of corn ever raised and we can give them Was gome profit taking following the de- I surprise to speculative sentiment.
all they want and then have plenty left cllne In wheat, but offerings were readily 1 .Th0 announcement of the issue- of New
On the cats situation-It is different. We absorbed bv commlsalon honaea n,l cnah I York Central treasury stock to stnckholH.
only raised a fair crop of oats. The contl- Interests; May opened unchanged to a 1 " at Pat" was a stimulating effect upon
t iifnr. is cuaay Duymg more man enmanu. euaoe uiKner ar azwc 10 32VxiTJlie, sola be- , inu.nj miiruaa scocks
rracucaiiy an our sales ot oats lor tne , iween mo and 2c and closed at tivtc
bast two weeks haa been to the continent. I Local recelnta were 1.U ran
Relieve a larger peorentage of oats have i Provisions were firm early in -the session. 1'ege would be at par or
tat ions on stocks and bonds were aa
..1MV4 Allonai
M Amalgamated ..
.. W Anierlran Zino
.. 44 Atlantic
..l"-" Bingham
Cal. A Hecla..
..171 centennial ....
,.lbl Copper Range
. Daly Wert ....
..tol Dominion Coal
..101 Franklin
.Ait Oranbr
.. lal Korala ...
.. : Man. Mining ,
A mar. pnea. Tnba... Michlmn
Amer. Sngar 141 Mobawk
do pfd 138 Mont. C. 4c C.
Amer. T. Ac T M Old Dominion .
Amer. Woolen 40 Oareola
do pfd 10 Parrot
Dominion I. 4k 8 0t Qulncy
do 4a
do Ptd
Boiton A Albany.
Boaton A Maine...
Boeton Elevated ..
Htchtmm pfd
N. Y , N. H. A H
Pern Marquetta .
'inn nnnnnnr,.
ment has been exnerteH Kii ln,mi,ii.. Edltoo Electric I11U..I44 Shannon
varied aa to whether the subscrintlon nrlv OeneralElectria ....14 Tamarack ....
at par or at 125.' tha litter -sas. aiaams innity .......
moved out of the farmers bands than u- I The for this was the fair demand being the rate at which the preceding issue ' . S ii S T viii7
ual. We will have ilght receipts of oats created by the orders of a local psoker. w allotted. Btandard railroad stocks had "nited fruit" "'.''.'.'ioH v g oil !
for the next three months, ' with a good i Weakness of grain caused some liquidation more general share in today's advance United Shoe Mack.... J4 Utah"
uniiniiu. a rapcut to ere jnavy mu nnu i m in t-uiiBriiueui-e an ewnier tone oevei- , . 'i.r uny ui mo weeK. union l a- oo pfd w victoria
worn acii witnin ic ot oiner, . v. uio.y iioia cionii iwu lower at ilLti.
very possibly within Sc. While I believe 1 Lard was off 2c at $7.00. Ribs were down
corn wui go still lower it pronamy win De i .,.
spring before we see low-priced corn."
Omaba Cask Bales.
WHEAT No. 1 hard, 1 car, (tic; No. i
hard, 1 car, 78Hc; 1 car, 7c; No. 4 hard,
1 car. 72Vc.
COBN-No. 4. 1 car, 39c.
OATS No grade, 1 car, 264c.
Omaha Cask Prlcee.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 7Mlc; No. S hard,
WfWHc; No. 4 hard, 72r75c; No. 2 spring,
"K'gTOc; No. I spring, 76?77Hc.
CORN No. S now, 4c; No. 4 new, SS
yc; No l new yellow, 40Hc; No. 3 old
yellow. 43Hc; No. S new white. 40ig41c;
No. S old white, 4314c.
OATB-No. a mixed, 27Hi?274e: No. S
white. ti29o; No. 4 white, 28(u28Vr3.
RYE No. 2, 66c; No. S, &K&64C.
Carlot Recelpta.
Wheat. Corn. Oats
Kansas City
Minneapolis .
St. Louis ....
oitlo s 2-ptnnt rise was a notable effect on IC. 8. Steal 37 Winona
sentiment, the recent Immobility of that ao 10J' wolverine ..
stock serving to dlscoursae A .1. Weatlna. common ... 8 I North Butte
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. ! ement In the speculative forces. The . 1 Adventura ............ Ji
115 cam 1 corn. Mi cars; oats, 192 cars; 1 tlnued violent advance in Reading and in a Askea-
iic-aa, jo,uw ueHu. Diinritma;. nowever, aepi me market dls-
t he leading futures ranged aa follows: I tingulshed still as one of specialties. Be
anies mesa two stocks there were a large
number of others not usually prominent
that made striking advances. The rise In
pricea ot I
waa active
best prices of the dav.
Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value.
$3,175,000. United States bonds were all un
changed on call.
. 4tt4
. 14
. I
. -4
,. 2
. ""A
,. 16 4
.. KVi
.. 19
.. 44
.. a
.. 1014
.. !
.. n
.. i
.. n
.. 2W
.. 1
.. H
.. ii
.. 47
.. 4V,
.. 4714
Nor. 1...
Nov. ....
Nov. S...
Nov. 4...
Nov. I...
Nov. 4. .
Nov. T...
Nov. S...
Nov. ...
Nor. 10. .
Nov. 11..
Nov. 12..
Nov. 13..
Nov. 14..
Nov. IS . I
Nov. W..I
Nov. 17..
4 84VJ 4 S4I I
4 HDHI 4 4 9j
4 fTSal 4 at)
4 Si
4 79
4 79HI
4 797.!
4 7J
4 88
4 $0
4 to
4 971
4 K
4 SO
4 791
4 74
4 731
4 78
a 60) I 73 4 HI 4 01
0 4 aaj 4 4
a hi
,. am 1
.. 940 2 15
.. 40 1 90'JO I 60
.. 8W) 1 90
..10.14 t 60
.. M 1 4f
cows 11K1 S 50 16 cows 1W0 I W
17 steers.. ..10 $86 25 steers. ...12s S 65
44 steers.. ..1161 S $5
n bulls 114 1 16 t bulls 1S49 1
tiuue-'lii) market at mis points tnis
morning oiened reasonably active ana
was steady to a shade hlgner, closing a lit
tle easier. The above eapieese tne Situ
ation in aa few woras as possible and at the
same time tells about ail there is to aay
concerning touuy's trade. The decreased
receipts all around bad a benenrial effect
and served to linn up the market to a
eertam Hunt, however. It aDueara that
the raise and Arming up of tha marks, la
due principally to the buying of speculators
and independent buyers, this is most the
case at the eastern markets. Yesterday,
rirnvea In the neighborhood Of . -4.M.
however, todav, droves of about the same
quality found ready sale at prices that were
generally a few cents higher. In some few
oases prices appeared to be about a nickel
higher, but still, generally speaking He
wnnM mp the mrt of the advance over
the average selling price for yesterday's
hogs. The bulk of the sales today were
ib. a ta Afcie?! I.7LL avllh a faw tolltlV loads
of good, choice, prime light weight stuff.
selling at 4.", the top price 01 tna uy
Representative sales.
a 49
4 61
6 3
a 651
( 44
4 ft
26 6 72
I $21
5 71
I 71
5 68
6 47
I 741
4 90
4 67
d n;
4 621 10! 6 41
4 641 $ 211 5 69
1 ml 1 7 '.K 5 fiS
4 71HI 4 ! $ 821 (. 67 4 82 IS W
4 4 621 4 OS " w .2
4 711 4 46 6 41 I 4 821 S C7
4 OS
4 64
4 64 4 01
4 67 4 M
4 71 4 03
4 69 4 03
4 74 4 03
a 4 02
4 M
4 741 S 94
4 67 IW
Articles. Open. I High.l Low. Close. Tes'y.
ttaotatlona at the Day; Varloaa
NEW YORK. Nov. 17. FLeOUR Receipts.
45.941 bbls.; exports, 16,982 bbls. Market
steady and unchanged; winter patents, $4.20
(uH.66; winter straiKltlft, S.iaVU.4.10; Minne
sota patents, $4 66; Minnesota bakers', $3 654?
4.0u; winter extras, e2.8uiis.26; winter low
grades, $2.75ifj3.4). Rye Hour, firm; fair to
arood, I3.90&4.1O; choice to fancy. H.15fllf0.
Huckwheat flour, steady at $2.15(2.25 for
spot and to arrive.
BUCKWHEAT Easy, SZHc delivered.
CORNMEAU-Steady ; fine white and yel
low, tl.LTil.SU; coarse, $1.101.18; kiln dried,
$3.hfiJ.15. , m
RYE Nominal: No. t western. 76c. c. I. f.
New York.
BARLEY Steady : feeding. 41o, o.l. f.
lJuftalo; malting. ioblVtc c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, 94.600 bu. Spot mar
ket easy; No. 2 red. ;c elevator; No. S
red, IU'o f. o. bv. afloat; No. 1 northern
Duluth. 95Hc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north-crrt-ManlKilia,
91V o. b. afloat. Early
developments In wheat were bullish, the
market advancing nearly a cent on amall
Argentine shipments and northwest re
ceipts, higher cables and bull support. At
noon a severe break followod, resulting; in
ISo decline from top under heavy western
sales, credited to the leading bull, a he
market closed Ho net lower. May 92 l-lti
4 7-lHc, closed at 92 6-16c; December 8.4y
9$ 1-16V. closed at 9-JVi.
CORN Receipts, B4,5uO bu.: export, 14.614
bu. Spot market easy; No, 2, 5SH0 elevator
and 670 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 68V4je,;
No. S white, 6Kc. Option market stronger
at first on bullish cables, covering and tho
weak Upturn, but declined under late
llnuldattun. closing Kr net lower. January
6 Aii 6 J r, closed at S-lc: May 6oVi"l 9-16c
closed at f7e; December cloaed at 65c.
OATS Receipts, 146.600 bu.; exports, $.665
bu. Spot market steady; mixed oata, 24 to
.12 lbs., 3fic: natural white, 30 to 82 lbs.,
SoHiHc; clipped white, 34 to 40 lbs., SoVQ4oc.
FEED Firm: spring bran, $17.00, prompt
shipment; middlliiara, $17.00, prompt ship
ment: citv, $1.00J;;.5o.
HAY-3tnady; shipping, 604fG5c; good to
choice. H'4 . Ve.
HOPS Vlulet; stale, common to .choice,
10(6. 144f.?t; 1K4. l'(Tl7Hc; olfla, 600. Fueltlif
time! ps. ItKul&c: 14. 104il4c; olds. tuSc.
HIDES Firm; Oalveston, 30 to 26 lbs.,
CiA'i California, 21 to 2n pounds, 21c: Texas,
tlry. ?4 to Si pounds. 19c. ,
I.EATHF-R Firm; acid. !Wi27o.
PKOVI8IONS Heef. ateaiiy: family. $11. SO
pl!6o; n eaa. $. 6010.00: beef bama. f.'l.OtK)
"'to: nucket. m fStl .SO: city, extra India
sw.CAa la.oe. tut iiiet hwmiji
Wheat III
Dec. mi'Sil m 85m85" MH1
May b6W't Smi874i. WV 8v,
July a3fe SISl 83 8SVa
Corn I
tDeo. 46HSS 46) b 46H . 464
Uec. 4&Vci4. 4f4 44(f7", . 45 45'
May 46?fciat4jl46(i'lp 444 44T,'&45 45'rrTj,
July 46;464,y 44H U4iWi'i
Dec. yyM 30H 29aT 80 30
May 32Vid i: 32V; 324 Ct
July 314 31 SoTs 81 I S'i
Pork- J I J .1
; Jan. 12 7? 12 75 I 12 60 12 Khi 12 70
May 12 87 12 $7H IS T2 12 75 12 KVi
Nov 696 696
Lard- J
Deo. "90 $9214(85 R7H 6 90
Jan. 6 87H $ 90 6 K 6 85 6 87,
May 7 06 7 07H 7 00 7 00 7 06
8. Rlba
Jan. 67H 6 60 6 5? 6 65 ( B7
May 6 80 6 80 72HI 75 6 77Vk
London Closing; Stocks.
LONDON. Nov. 17. Closing quotations on
the Stock exchange were as follows:
meiais sept an metal Industrials I consols, monej .. r. t. central..
. Notwlthrtandlng some nominal I acconst ":: Norfolk A W...
Ing in the flnn.1 hour the ! Anaconda ao pis ........
and at rone- an -. .U- Atcbleon "7 Ontario A W...
..v..., ... luc do D(i Pennnylvanla ..
exchange ranged as follows:
Adams Ex 240
K7,30 84H 8214 844
2,800 3!li 89 S9t4
510 HW4 lltu ino
600 32 32 . S3
Am. Car St F
do pfd ..."
Am. Cotton Oil
do pfd ,
Am. Kx
Am. H. & U pfd...,
Am. Ice Securities..
Am. Linseed Oil...,
do pfd
Am. Locomotive...
do pfd ,
Am.' Smelt. Sc. R...
do pfd
Am. Sugar Refng.
Am. job. pra ctr...
28 Mi
do pfd :
Atlantic Coast Line..
Bait. & Ohio
do Did
Brooklyn R. T....
Canadian Pacific , 11,20 1724
Mo. I tOld. INew.
Cash quotations were as follows:
1TT.TTm- A Vmnt 1Ae lower nn tha week!
winter patents, $4 00P4.20; straights, $3.80 Anaconda M. Co
4.111: snrlnr natenta. soring aiv""""
Straights, $3.604.00; bakers', fi 2M 3. 30.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. 86(&oc; No. S. 80
87c; No. 2 red, StiH'ftSTIiic.
CORN No. 2, 48c; No. 2 yellow. 62HC
OAT No. 2. Sue; No. 2 white, 32i&33c; No.
I white, 80a3iye.
RYK Nn. 2. IdWS'ie.
BARLEY Oood feedlrlg, S7HS38C; fair to
choice) malting, 42a4tic.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, 94c; No. 1 northwest
ern, $1.00. Timothy, prime, $8.30. Clover.
contract grade. $13.00013 25.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per DDI.,
mt.UM- Lard, per 100 lbs.. $.fir,36.974.
Short ribs sides (loosei. $7 . 00-87.124; short
clear sides (boxed). $7.97.12H- .
Following were the receipts and ehip
ments of flour and grain:
Iteceipts. Bmpments,
Flour, bbls 24,1(0
Wheat, bu 1M9.2IO
Corn, bu t ft.6f"
Oats, bu !7.8"0
Rve. bu.
Barley, bu 111,800
81.100 149 HC4 140H
4,800 127 12fiMi 12H?I
11,7(10 142 13i4 141
2.(110 107 KKMj 106U
da nfd 105V4 PennKvlv
Baltimore A Ohio... .Hit Rand Mines
Canadian I'aclOc . Ueadins
Cbea. A Oblo ICl. do let pfd
Chicago Ot. W tt I do 2d pfd
C, M. A St. F 11 Southern Railway
DaBeara 7! do pfd
Dearer A R. O ti gouthern Parlgc .
do ptd Union Pacific ....
Eria 4S do pfd
do lrt pfd 83 V. 8. Steal
do td pfd 7o do pfd
Illinois Central 141 .Wabaih
LouliTllia A Naih...lU I do ptd
M. K. A T "i Spanish 4a
SILVER Bar, steady, 29 ll-16d per ounce,
MONEY 3H3i per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for hort bills is per cent;- for throe
months' bills, 4 per cent.
Indicates Sunday.
The following table shows the prices paid
at the liver markets for cattle:
Oood to choice corn-fed steers $6.257T6 76
Fair to good corn-fed steers 6.onj'f.4
Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.00io W
Oood to choice range beef steers.. 4.25'aa.OO
Fair to good range beef steers S
Oood to choice cows and heifers... S.3n jt.60
Fair to good cows and heifers S.Ciff8.80
Fair to good western cows '?IJI'in
Canners and cutters
Oood to choice1 stockers & reeders. s.iom iv
Fair to good stockers and feeders. S.iKXtttf.di
battle Hogs.
Omaha $1.2&vtu0 $4.84.W
Chicago 1.264)41.60 4.001)6.00
Kansas City 1.7&(i6.0O 4.3f)fs4.80
St. Louis 2.00(i6.8O 4.6uij4.5
Sioux City :Kfi.70 4.604.75
The following; list snows tne number of
cars of feeders shipped to the country yes
terday and their points ot destination:
Z. H. Clark. Hooper-F. E....' t
H. E. Carlton. Clarkson F. E 1
W. D. Hall. Sturgls, S. D.-F. E 1
J. P. Mllligan, Wisner F. E $
A. C. Nellor, Beemer F. E 4
A, 8. Grelgerelt, Fremont F. E 1
AXE. Tunberg, Hooper F. E 1
Oscar Eng. Newman Grove F. E 1
L. D. Watson. Pilger F. E 1
Ii. 8. n Kohinson. Hmlthwlc. 8. D. F. E. 1
Pet Parket. Hooper F. E S
I R. Roggenbaugh, Wisner F. E 8
1 J. H. Hlneman, Wisner F. E 4
I Pat McDermott, Pilger F. E 1
A. Rasmussen, Pilger F. E 1
R. Greenwood, Nora F. E S
' 5i4t . O. 8. Mills, Lewis, Ia.-R. 1 2
- 1 HP CD.. -.... l I Dltitf la T T 9
.1115 I . r;, i a a. i v t. , ,vuiitu viuu .
n I ti. r Meyers, Dexter, ia. n. i i
43 j J. D. Harris, Oakland, la. R. 1 1
tt-A M. Erickson, WahVo IT. P 1
Fan-is St McBeth, Bhelby U. P 1
L. W. Bagley, Glbbon-U. P 2
Joseph Franks, Shelton U. P 1
J. W. Newell, Stanton, Ia. U. P 2
J. M. Button, Prescott, la Q 2
Z. W. Bchrader, Murray Mo. P 2
Bob Young, Murray Mo. P 2
J. W. Mason, Laurel-M. & 0 2
C. A. Beach. Pleasant Dale-B. & M...
Mike Boffer. Adella B. & M
H. E. Miller, Crawford-B. & M
a. Pr.
4 4 40
4S 4 4
XI 4 44
S 4 44
4 4 44
... S
... 43
... 71(4
... 7
... 71
... oO
... 3otk
... 7I4
an (a
...14 M4 4 44
,...1M 40 4 44
....124 l?0 4 44
....SSI 144 4 tt
....till 40 4 44
....444 ISO 4 46
,...ri4 140 4 44
....144 M III
....414 140 4 44
,....!44 ID IK
r. i to 4 44
437 40 4 44T
IM 144 4 44
Il ... 4 45
l ... 4 as
441 tftt 4 474
M7 120 4 17(4
!M 1 4 47(4
.....14 It 4 47a
411 INO 4 47 H
Ml 44 4 47 '4
.tot let 4 47t
A-. h., Tr
....110 140'4 4-rtt
...154 40 4 47V4
....144 114 4 47(4
OCk, ZS.HS bales. , .
ST. Ull8. Ntiv. 17.-COTTON-Qulet;
Iddllng, lilac Sales, none; recelpta, l.ol J
lies; shipments, ii bales; Slocks,'4
Forelsa Financial.
IXDNDON. Nov. 17. Rates for money
' ware rather easy In the market today and
there was a good demand, but supplies
39,100 125 12U4 124'4 J" re not abundant, though slightly larger. . , p No9e Minden-B. ft M
4.200 84U 83'4 844 Uiscounis were somewnai eaaior. troaing rj p. Donovsn. Rode. Ia. I.
UD I Li U OlIKK f AUIRIieQ wcm lUIC, ,llVt Hi B
ular, with a fairly good tendency. Oper
ator are awaiting the development of, hfifnm enterlna nrmn frenli aneculn
1 linn cnraepmnnll. Ctansols were falrlv
600 itew i(t
AlOU it- 1
boo iioh
1UU 97'4
N 97.2fi)
Central of N. J.
Ches. St Ohio
Chi. Sz Alton
do pfd
Clil. Ot. Western...
Chi. & N. W
C, U. St 8U P
Chi. Term. & T
do Dfd
C, C.. C. St. L...
Colo. Fuel & Iron..
Colo. St Southern...
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Consolidated Gas...
Corn Products
do pfd y...
Del. A Hudson ...t.
D. . L. & W
Den. ft Rio Q
83 74
02 'Z
77 i
16.600 17674 1764
1,1(10 220
2.600 4.1i
' KX 27
3o0 63
. 800 180
4,600 15 .
8,200 6444
1.2U0 231
225 1
steady and Improved at the close. Home
J. E. Qulckenbush, Duncan, la. L C...
Ben Hollinghead, Duncan, Ia. I. C
L. G. Newby, WaU Lake, Ia.-L C
Huey ft J.. Trser. Ia.-N. W
M. I Steadman, Centervllle, S. D. N. W
IIIIUIUVCU V CIIC tlUBD. 1IVIIIQ Tl Li. .1 ,. , , . 111. , XT .1'
rails were Inclined to move downward. I i'-i i Ti
ipened weak and below parity. : VhA'mhr.ri i7- "Mii'"""
On the Produce exchange today the but- I do Dfd ....
ter market was steady; crearuerles, Distillers' Securltlet
23c; dairies. HKI-tic. r.gga. uriu; mi iimi, Eri9
cases Included, 18u21c; tlrats, Z4c; prime
flrHts, 2Sc; extras, 30c. Cheese, firm, 12HW
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
Steady to lower; December, Tke; May,
HH4c: July. 75V4c. Caali: No. t hard, 8uij
iwc; No. S. 7ftlG81ttc; No. S red, 9uj0ic ;
No. $. 6l
CORN Steady to lower; December. 4(l'c;
May, 40Sc Cash: No. 2 mixed. 42842c;
No. ! white, 43c; No. 3, 42c.
OATS Steady; No. S white, H'u31c:
No. I mixed, 290.
HAY Steady; choice timothy, $10.7511.25;
choice prairie, $9 MKU9.75.
RYK Steady; 66c.
EGG8 Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new
No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 24Ho; case
count, Sic; i-aees returned. He less.
BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 21c; dairy,
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu lt6.(o 187,uuO
Corn bu 148.WM JS.Oi'O
Oat., bu y 8,(XK) 18,000
The followlne'range prices at Kansns
City was reported by F. D. Day ft Co., 110-
81 '4
48 I 4a '4
mvi 179(4
14 1444
f4 644.
229V4 230
but afterward grew firmer above parity J. A. Thornbu
on New York support, union racinc, line
and Atchison, Topeka ft Santa Fe were
prominent. There was a renewed advance
after the receipt of New York's opening
prices, but stocks closed below tbe best
quotations of the day. Anaconda closed
at 4 7-16. Grand Trunk was lower on the
latest traffic returns. Foreigners were sub
ject to the Influence of Russians and were
T. G. Jensen. Harlan, la. O. W
E. Barnes. McClelland. Ia. G. W....
Mark Butler, Geneva B. ft M
Ken Malken, Palmyra B. ft M
C. D. Houston, Tekamah M. ft O..
, J. M.
ii -a
400 18SV4 186al 185
100 116 114 116
200 1711(4, 177 in
10,f 1M
m im
1M) 73
e.ano in
6 400 2414
80 1
284 2H 27H 1
67a 66W 66V .
14M4 154IT4
164 lXiH
72 7T2
11614 116V
o-i.tT in 1
$ H"0
Articles.fOpen. I High.l Iw. Close. Yes'y
i.lckl'd heliles. e8 7Mil0.6o: pickled shoulders, Board of. Trade building:
6.fiiT.fX; pickled hams, $8.SMi8.73. tjird.
qutet; western steamed. $i rto.40; refined,
easy; eonllnent. $7.70. Pork, quiet; family,
$i6.6n: short clear, $14.5to 16.50; jpiess, $16.60
4 TALLOW-bteady: city ($2 per pkg), 44c:
cowntrv (pkars. freei. tSTjoc.
JilCE Oulet: domeatlc. fair to extra.
SW'tc: Jitpan. nominal.
CH'EESHi Market easy; state full creams,
small, colored and white, September, fancy,
12c; state, late roads, choice, 12H4jlS1o;
state, fair to good. I2'c.
POULTRY Alive: Market steady; west
ern chickens and fowls, llc; turkeys. 14c.
Dressed: Market steady; western chickens,
9lc; turkaysHfc20c; fowls, 9.gl2V4c
Mlane-anolts Grain Market,
Patents. $4.80114.90: second patents, $4.6Ur
4 7t.; fo-a clears, $3.6oSl3.75; second clears.
$.'. jog 2.65.
RAN-In bulk. $11.60
Superior quotations for Minneapolis de
livery). The range of prices, as reported
by T. D. Day ft Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade
building, was:
Wheat I
1 Corn
Jan... May..
Jan... May..
12 62
12 Ii
6 82
7 U0
4d4 4tHfea
13 66
12 75
a $2
T 00
12 47
I12 t-6:
it 77.SO,
6 96
12 it
U 42
IS 60-62
U 72
6 778016 titan
I a I r.fqi
. 14.200 152
1.400 97
1100 484
29.800 140
l.ioO lu2H lolH l"-n
40 49V4
9Si 9S"4
Articles ! Open. I High.l Low. Close. I Tes'y
Wheat-I I
rvc... 8Jiu! s
Via V. . .HiU. QW VPi2.V.
Flax- )
May.. 1V 1W'
81 4
66 I86.(,a
Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No.
1 hard. a4Tc; No. 1 northern, So5"; No-
northern, S:lC Flax: abVc
Liverpool Grain Xsrkit.
firm' No. S red. western winter, 6s JVt.
Futures, steady: December, 7s M; March,
7Sd: Mav, Ud.
CORN Spot, sttadv; American mixed,
5s Sd. Futures, firm; January, 4s sd;
March, 4s 4'ad . .
HOPS In London (Pacific coast), steady
at AiSWsSfa. '
Philadelphia Prodace Martet.
Market steady; extra western creamery,
24o; extra nearby prints. Sec.
BOOS Market firing nearby fresh, loss
off lie: nearby fresh. 80c. at mark; weat-
1 ern fresh. Sue. at mark.
CHKKSE Market quiet; New York full
cream. UQlc
Mllwaakee Grain Market.
Weak. No. 1 northern. 87SHc; No. I
northern, Wfiboic; May, 8T(c aaked.
RYE Iiwer. No. 1, oVf;c.
BARLEY Dull. No. 2, ko; sample, S7H9
CORN Lower. May. iVc ajked.
a, .-
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Nov. 17.-40RN-8teady; No.
S yellow, 4SHc; No $. 43V; No- '
grade 40c. ., .
OATS Finn: No. S white. S0c; No. 4
WHi8KY-On the basis of $1 80 for Bn
lahed gouds.
Unlnth Grain Market.
DULl'TM. Nuv.'n.-rWHEAT-To artlve;
ko. 1 auilhern, No. i northerii. 61 W
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. O.. Nov. 17. PEED Clover,
cash. .(; December. $8.t2(; January,
$3.07(4; February. $12(4; March, S 1TH;
prime alsika. $4.00; prime timothy, $1.56.
CoaTvo Market.
ket for futures opened steady at a decline
of 6 points, in sympathy with European
tables and under scattering liiiuldnilon
following reports of rain In lira ill. There
was a little further switching, but trading
of all kinds was Unlit and the market,
after saa-slng off another partial $ points.
showed little feature. The close waa steady
at a net decline of 64J10 points, cm lea were
I e ported of 77.2.'i0 bags, including December
at 4 6uc; January, 66c; February, 4 76c;
March. awua-Koc; April. 8 Hoc; May. 7,o6c;
July, 7I0i:; Seuuuuler. 7.4uc; October. 7.4:,
bim I Ku, ; Ni.I invoke, 8 t-lic.
do 1st Dfd
do 2d pfd
General Electric...
Hocking Valley ...
Illinois Central ....
Inter. Paper
do pfd
Inter. Pump
do pfd
Iowa Central
do pfd
K. C. Southern ....
do pfd
Ixiuls. ft Nashville
Manhattan L
Met. Securities
Met. St. Ry
Mex. Central
Minn, ft St. I
M., St. P. ft 8. 8. M..
do Dfd
Missouri Pacific
U . K. ft T
do pfd
National Lead
N. R. R. of Mex. pfd
N. Y. Central
N Y.. O. A W.
Norfolk ft Western.. tOuO
do pfd
North American ...
Pacific Mail
People's Gas
P., C. C. ft St. L...
Pressed Steel Car...
do pfd
Pullman Palace Car
do 1st pfd
do 2d pld
Republic Steel
do pfd
Rock Island Co
do pfd
Rubber Goods
do pfd
St. L. ft 8. F. 2d pfd
St. Louis B. W
do rjfd
Southern Pacific
do nfd
Southern Railway ..
do pfd
Tenn. Coal ft Iron...
Texas A Pacific
T.. St. L. ft v
do pid
Union Pacific ,
do Dfd
TT. 8. Kx
IT. 8. Realty
U. 8. Rubber
do Dfd . -
V. 8. Bteel
do ptd
Va.-Carollna Chem.
do pfd
do Dfd
Wells-Fsrgo Ex
Wesrlnghous Eleo. .
Western Union
W. L. K
Wis. Central
do pfd
Northern Paelfto ...
Central Leather
do t.f.1
Total sales for the day. 1.066,000 shares,
34 4
ei f heavy at first, but Improved later when
4114 1 Russians made a notable advance. They
closed easier, iiiuhhh ij, . c j rmn u.j
prices. Japanese Imperial 6s of llKH were
quoted at H2H
hi. K.iv 17 Prices on the Bourse
today were irregular and trading waa !
light. Russians were slightly higher. I
Americans Improved.
PARIS, Nov. 17. Prices on the' Bourse
today opened firm on more favorable news
from St. Petersburg and the termination
of the strikes at the French arsenals. The
reports of an extensive myptian taiiure
depressed the entire market. At the close
1 prices were heavy. Russian Imperial 4s
were quoted at 87.20 and Russian bonds of
1904 at 011.. s
Flanagan, Herman M. ft O
lilnck Bros., Kearney u. P ,
Peter Jansen, Jansen R. I
The official number of cars of
brought in today by each road wass
Roads. t;altie. Hogs. ne p. It r s
.. 4
.... S
..... 1 I
14 m ... a
41 0 44 4 47Ml
40 tsl ... 4 41 a
44 lt ... 4 414
44 17 40 4 47,
46 IU ... 4 47(4
at Ml 140 4 I7H
70 14 144 4 47(4
44 HI ... 4 17(4)
44 Tl 110 4 47
tt 174 40 4
44 177 40 4 4414,
44 M4 at 4 rH
00 140 ... 4 47 '4
77. l4 ... 4 41'a
tl 110 40 I 47t
4t M4 140 4 10
ti :;t ... 4Tt
71 171 40 4 70
04 !7l 940 4 70
14 lt 40 4 70
40 17t ... 4 TO
47 Ill SO 4 tO
76 ,.MT ... 4 0
BtJtrtrrThe recelnta of sheen this morn
ing were very small, only three cars being
received, about 60 head. The run of kheep
here for the five days of the week has
been 47.845 head. wllch is tne smallest run
since the first week in September, but it
quite a bit larger than the receipts for the
five days of the corresponding week one
year ago; receipts for that week were
40,816 head, which would indicate a ram
of about 8,000 head for tills week over that
aAM aVkaa nama asuaul- aian VAr gk gTO.
IUI l iirj fS 1 1 irj tt T7; n weiu j an ' Jl e.ak
There was practically no traoion
this morning, as there were only three cars
In today and there were only about three
l.ij ...i.rrhv 1 trade, so
that there was hardly enough sheep on the
market to make a test of the traae.
rrn n ,b-w amall aunnlv Of tat
sheep on the market and trade was quiet
at prices that were practically steady with
those of the previous day.
The supply of feeders was also "J";
ited and the demand mi SV!ouM
than the supply, one being Just about equal
to the other. , K. . rinnA
Quotations on fat hpP.5"i,,"-ITlb"rJi
to choice fed lambs. $6 75.Ji7.2o; good tc
choice rana- lambs. M.Ifi: K"",
choice yearling wethers $K65: go to
choice old ethers, $5.0i5.60; good to choice
Old ewes, $1,5045.00. lamha-
Quotstlons on feeder sheep- and Jamb
Ocktd feeding. $5,261(6.76: good fee 11 ng yea. r
lings. $4.7645 5 25: good ing wethers. 475
i8 00; good feeding ewea, 13.40-' breed
ing ewes. 4.zoiH.w.
Hepresentntive sales: ; pr
"a...iv rwu, tuitur nui.... 79 4 25
IV II a ' 1. ' 1 , . . or
i7 South uakota leeoer yns... .
South Dakota xeeaer minu..
Cattle Blow ana DnH-noats itrons; to
Five Centa Higher.
CHICAGO. Nov. 17. CATTLE Receipts,
J.000 head; market slow and dull; common
to prime steers. K.-LCW',W)'
heifers, $2.01,.00; bulls, $2,004.00; etock
ers and feeders, $2.1t,fc4.16; calves. $2.00
7 Wsa nerelnts. 16.000 head! market
strong to 6c higher; choice to prime heavy
middling fair. lle. Receipts. 15.28S baleSI
lock, 2:31. bales.
Waa. I.aa
LlVFnrttOI NovT 17.-COTTON-8pot in
fair demand, prices 8 points higher: Aner
lonn middling fair. 641d; good middling.
41XM; nid.lllng. 6Wd; low middling and:
good ordlnsry. t swi: oroinarr,
sales of the day were ll'.OnO bales, of which
I.O141 were for speculation and export, and
Include I 8."0 Americsn. iteceipts,
bales, including 16.400 American.
Condition of Trade and Qaatatlone
tanle and fssry Province.
r.OOH Fresh receipts, candled atock. tic.
LIVE POULTRY' Hens, (': roosters.
c; turkes, 16c; duclis. Vloc; spring;
Chickens. 9c. ..... - ,
BUTTER Packing Slocg, i-4rci cnoice to
fsncy dairy. 184419c; creamery, 21(b2Hc;
prima ll(tc . . .
SIGAR Standard grantilsted. In bbls.,
$5.41 pe' cwt.i cubes, $5.85 per cwt.; cut
loaf. 6.S0 per cwt.; No. t extra C, bage
or bbls.. $4.K6 per cwt.: No. 10 extra C.
bags only. $4.70 per cwt.: No, 16 yellow,
bags only. $4.45 per cwt.; JOLXX powdered,
FREbIi'fiBM Trout. lOflJllc; halibut, 130;
buffalo, dressed, 9c; pickerel, dreaaed, aV4j;
white bass, dressed, 12c; sunflsh, 4c; perch,
scaled end dressed, 8c; pike, loci catfish.
13c; red snapper, 10c: salmon, lie; crap
ples. 12c; eels. He; bullheads, lie; black
base. S6c; whltensn, 12c: frog legs, per
ana., S5c' lobsters, green, 7c: boiled
lobster ii;; zksjl run, 4oct tnueflsh, 16c;
herring, 4c
HAY-Prires quoted by Omaha Feed
company! No. 1 upland, $; medium,;
ooa rae. $6. '
BRAN Per ton, tH 60.
OR ANGE8 Valencia, all sites, $5.008.S0;
Florida, all sues, $3.75(94.00.
LEMONS Lemonlera, extra fancy, 140
Site, IS; 800 and 8(0 sites, $6.
DATES Per box of $0 l-lb pkgs., $2:
Hallow en. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 6V4c;
walnuts, stuffed, 1-lB. pkgs., $S per dog;
FIGS California, per 10-in. carton. 751
BSc: Imported Smyrna, 4-crown. 12c; 6
crown. 14c. . . .
BANANAS Pet medmm-slasd bunch,
$1.752.25; Jumbos. $2 Nf3.00.
PEARS Utah. Kieteis and Vicars, $2;
De Ango, $2.75. , ,
APPLES Ben Davis and t Inesaps, in
Sbu. bbls., $4.00; In bushel baskets,, $1.25;
California Bellliowers. $1.60; Colorado Jona
than and Grimes Golden, 4-a; w xora
tnnU, tl RA ru,e khl
lilt A 1 f.n toKsya. vr riap v 1 t
CRANBERRIES Jerseys, $1100 per bbl.J
Bell and Bugle. $12.00
POTATOES New. per bu., 6Off0c
ONIONS Kome-grown yelluw. red and
white, per bu., 76c; Spanish, per crate,
WAX BEANS Per bu. basket, $3.50;
string beans, per H-bu. box, &jj35c.
BEANS Navy, per bu., $1.90.
CUCUMBERS Per bu.. $1.60Srl.T6.
CABBAGE Home-grown, in crates, per
lb., like. .
BEbi'8 New, per bu., 70c.
CELERY Kalamaioo, per dot,,. 26o.
SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per -bu.
bbl.. $2.60.
CAULIFLOWER Per crate, $3.
TOMATOES California, per crate of 20
lbs., $2.60, .
Wholesale prices for beef cuts: Bibs No.
1, laHc; No. S, 8Kc; No. i. e. Round
No. 1, 7c; No. t, 614c; No, X 5V4C. Loins
No. 1. iro; No. 2, IOC! No. S, 7Ho. Plates
No. 1, tc; No. 2. 3c; No. S, 240. Chucks
No. L 4,c; No. 2. 8tc; No. S. to.
HONEY New, per 24 lbs., $3.50.
CHEESE Swiss, new, 15o; Wisconsin
brick, 14c; Wisconsin limber ger, 13c; twins,
tui.. vonnar Americas. 13UC
NIITS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new
crop, per lb., laVi: hsrd shells. Per lb., lie;
No. S soft shells, per lb., Ho. Pecans, large,
per lb., 15c; small, per lb., 134c. Peanuts,
per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb.. Sc. Chill wal
nuts, per lb., 12&13HC Almonds, soft shells.
per lb., 17c; hard shells, per irj., isc. eiieu
back hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.75; large
hickory nuts, per DU., 41.OU. tnestnuta, tau
per lb. Cocoanuts, $4.00 per aack of 100.
HIDES No. 1 green, fic; No. S itreen. So;
No. 1 salted. 10c; No. 3 salted, 9Ve; No. 1
veal calf. Uc; No. 2 veal calf, so; dry
salted, 7 4f 14c; sheep pelts, 2ia41.00; borsa
bides, $1.6oea00.
St. Loo Is Genernl Market.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 17. WHEAT Lower:
No. S red, cash -elevator. 87 VaSOc; track,
attifric; December, 83(US3; May, 7ic;
No. 2 hard. 844tG'4c
CORN Firm; No. S cash, nominal;! track,
iTHc new; 49c old; December, 4214c May,
43 ( 43 (4c
OATS Firm; No.- 3 cash, 301404 track,
81c; December, aoc; May. Sl'j.c; No. 2
white, 82c. .
t'l j-il'HRlomt v red winter natenta. $4.30
$4.90416.00; medium to good heavy. $4 fi4 w. extra fancy ftnd gtralght. $3.9184.26;
a r. .a-A evoitrht hllfPlinrs". grl. 73
t'ood to choice heavy mixed. $4.7otH-t.
SHEEPANlfLAMBS-Recelpts. 10.000
headrmarket dull; sheep. 3.T5e5.aO; year
lings. $5.604,6.00; spring lambs, $6.6ur..2(i.
Sew York Llvo Stock Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 17. B E E V J' t
cetpts. 321 head. Market for steers slow and
i.lear 12 tMVnlAH.
SEED Timothy, lower, $2. 6092. $0.
CO RNMEAL Steady, $2.60.
BRAN Firm; sacked, oast track, 72&'73c.
HAY-Steady; timothy, $8.00ii;M.OO; prai
rie, $7.50r9.0(.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing.
$14 25. Dry ault meats, steady; boxed extra
Shorts, 47.T!; Clear nus, anon vni,
it IV'afr Cables T quoted Uve cattle $8.26. Bacon, steady; boxed extra sn
r; Sitiue rr lb.? top at London. . $8,60; clear ribs. $S. 75; short cto-jr., t
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Mass.. -Nov. 17. WOOI-The
Commercial Bulletin will say tomorrow of
the wool market: Worsted and woolen
mills have been buying to a considerable
extsnt during the week. Values are steady
and firm. Territory wools have sold as
well as the depleted lines permitted. Staple
.nnla Mhllnti. In IIiaIm alrr.iitf vsnalttftn t
rra ' months past, but clothing wools have not
v I I h. ar. a ml inur tne TrmAe nave Hu r
C. M. ft St. P.
Missouri Pacific
Union Pacific system 7
C. ft N. W
V., E. ft M. V S
C, Kt. P., M. ft O
B. ft M 25
C, B. ft Q 1
C. R. 1. ft P., eaat
C, R. I. ft P., west.. 4
Illinois Central
JV.Tr ,iiriit Sheen, steady
iLTl'T.' . .i.orlv at SUffiSWc per ib.
Exports today. 150 cattle; tomorrow, 780
cattle and 6.8S6 quarters of beef.
CALV?S-Receipts. 201 head. Market- was
quiet but iteady; veals. $i.O0&6.8o; tops.
Hj; graasers, ;wii.i. v " J
POULTRY Firm: chickens, s; apiittgs.
9-llc; turkeys. 13Vac; oucks, iuc; seese.
8uc '
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2t825c; dairy,
EGGS Steady. 24o case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls .' 6.000 12.000
Wheat, bu 6.0 3'.0((0
Corn bu H.OOli Sn."0
Oats; bu.... 67.000 69.000
i.Z.' V.....' ,.aive alow: city dresi
veal's, 8il2V4c per lb.; country dressed, Vitf
UUc; dressed graasers ana cij.
HOGS-Recelpts. 1519 head, all for
laua-hterers. Market nominally steaoy at -
IS S("d6 5fl for state and Pennsylvania hogs. Oils and Kosln.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.535 01Ll crTY, Nov. 17.-OIL8-Credlt bal-
head. Market for sheep steady ; lambs aric. ,168. Shipments, 98 844 bbls., average
atendv to Strong nil boiu, e,i"-, w "-"
. . ' . i.z l -7 IYV?, 7
The disposition of the day's receipts wag
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. cattle. Hogs. Btieep.
100 13t,H 136V4 l?bJ4 blooaa and three-eighths ere very scarce,
'o.'J iVA" 'Aoii Hi' i and consequently demand full prices. Ohio
122 wti W Sa? I fleeces have sold moderately well and a
-i ' small movement in California wools nas
sou s2 taken place. Pulled wools are rather
nrm ?? ' auiet. wlih recent small sales of A's and a
ii'iii iia? I ' B'l reported. Fall California Is
o-'vt 1 1-f'rat'na 60 to So cents, scoured, in the state.
-.u KRj? I but purchases are not extensive. Contract-
Omaha Packing Co 22
Swift and Company 'l
Cudahy aVacklng Co iJA
Armour ft Co 79
Swift, from country s.
Armour, from Denver.... 110
Hill ft Huntzlnger 40
.Hamilton ft Rothschild.. 27
L. F. Iluss - 6
Wolf ft Murnan ti
Mike Haggerty ' 2
J. B. Root ft Co
Kengan .'.
Other buyers
lambs, $7.00fc7.75; Canadian
..1S3.W10 1414 1384 14K-V
1) 91H 9. 9U
100 9K'i W4
4,!p0 2fi 26(4 26
H.tViO 98 9f"i 97S
4.4"10 294 2XV, 29(i
6u0 73 721 724
2O0 104 im 1034
9) M'4 64 64
l.SuO 224 23 U
12.100 0i 69 tfltvj
'ii.m 'sk'4 ii" r.14
-iuO Is) 99 98
49.81 lol4 9741 loioj
2.C.O S4V 84
1,200 ' SM4 tn
8iO 88 '57
...123,7o9 133
800 61 6ei
loO i
ll.l'iO Vrn
S.5(a 87V4
1,( S' "4
r'4 I l,, ,, ,wA ... Kv i,a,l.rn ribaUr, la ,1 a
98 9tii ) aianoaiiii owing it, tne continued nign
40(4 4t2 ! Pr'ees asked by growers. The shipments of
lji.L 137, I wool iroill wwion to aate irom Liecemoer i
are 214,462,210 pounds, against 219,416.961
pounds at the same time IhhI year. The
receipts to date are 208,808.541 pounds,
awainst 292.613.092 pounds for the same per
iod iasi year.
ST. IjOUIS. NOV. 17 WOOL Market
Steady. Medium grades combing and
cloUilncr. '.'6ti"4c; light line. 21:bc; Vieavy
fine, llilu; tub washed, fci4j4Hc.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 17.-METALS-Snot
tin had a further advance in London, be in a
quoted at 152 15s, while futures were un
changed at 151 12a 6d; locally the market
was reported steady, with soot uuoled at
$:. 26433. 46. Copper was unchanged at 7o
lbs for spot and 72 16a for futures la the
English market; locally the market was
reported firm In tone and quotations showed
an advancing tendency; lake is quoted at
lid. 7u W W. electrolytic at $16 KiHwl6,87"4
and casting at 416.Hi 75. Lead was
firm at $3.2&Q6.6B in the local market ac
cording to lot and delivery; in London the
market waa a eliaae higher at 16 8a 9d.
Spelter was unchanged at 28 6s in London
and at $6.103.;)n the local market. Iron
was decidedly lower In the Ehgllah market,
With standard foundry closing at 61s 9d
and standard warrants at 6:s 10V4d; the
local market continued firm, however, with
No. 1 northern foundry quoted at $18. iblf
18 S5. No. S northern foundry at 118 Kw.
18 85, ' No. 1 southern foundry at 111 6(rit
18.76 and No. 2 southern fouudry at Ht.uwj
18 26.
strong at $ Spelter, lower at $6.96,
t (too 200
, '44H
tin) l'rt
12.7UO 60
87 44
19M4. 19
44 444
1 a -
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Nor. 17-Bank clearings for
today were $1.6(41,696.80 and for the corre
sponding date last year $1,404,694 1.
atateaaent Hank ( Cersnaay.
BERLIN. Nov. 17. The weekly statement
of the Hank of Uermany snows ine follow
lug chanaes: Cash in hand, increased 88,
4no.0t marks; treasury notes, increased
I.T44UO6 marks; otiur securillea, decreased
lactr anal Molasses.
NEW YORK, Nor. 17. SUGAR-Raw,
quiet; fslr refining, tc; centrifugal, 94
test. $ 7-16c: molaasee sugsr. ZSc; refined
. . - a , . A a o a . . . a r- .
quiet: rn, a, a 1 ,, p; : n u. n,
No. 9. S S6c; No. 10. 8.80c; No. 11, $ 76c
No. 12. $ 7uc; No. IS. S.4oc; No. 14. $ 4oc
confectioners A. 44&c; mould A. 4.95c; cut
loaf, 1 80c: crushed, e; powdered, 4 70e
granulated, 4auc; cubes, 4.8oc.
MoLAbsES Firm ; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, 3J 5 38c.
Quiet; open kettlay eentrifugal. Sil 6-16e
-entriftiaal whlt-a V''ia; yellows, 8
It-14; eeconas, i(8 -ic. ,
MoLAH6fc,o Oin kettle, K43&C; centrlf
ukhI. lcy-ie.
ToUls 1.0S1 1740 1.670
CATTLE The run of cattle this morning
was very Ugnt, only thirty-six cars bvins:
received, wiun four of ttiese snipped direct
to the packers. The receipts lor the live
tiays this week, 23,674 head, the smallest
run tor tne week since the firat week in
September and also smaller than the run
for the first five days of the s-tme week
out year ago, which waa 80,262 bead, making
a decrease ot i.&ia irom a year ago tor tho
same week.
There was little or no corn fed stuff on
the market this morning, there being hardly
enough stock in sight to make a test of
the trade. Dressed beef men were inquiring
for good choice stuff and the little that
was In sight found ready sale at prices that
were in most cases practically steady to a
little stronger . than thoae of yesterday.
The most of the beef stock In today, con-
Hiatea ui wi mcu-up uu aiiuri-iea etuu,
while the demand for this kind of stuff wias
no better that it has been at any time
during the lust week. As compared with
last week the markrt on short-fed stuff la
right around a quarter lower.
owing to tne small run tnere was only
small number of cows and heifers on tha
market, while there was a fairly good de-
mana ior inem not n on tna part of local
and outside buyers. Good choice stuff
found ready sale at prices that were about
steady to most 10c higher In trus majority
of cases. The common and canning stuff
showed no improvement, but anything d
syrable found ready sale and offerings
changed hands In good season.
There was a fairly good demand for anod
light feeders and the supply was Just about
eiiunl to the demand, with the result that
good ugnt feeders cnanged hands at prac
iira.ur steaay prices.
Representative sales:
He. At. It. fee.
1 1074 I 10 U
$ 044 4 40
$ 444 1 44 4 .......
1 1444 $40 ,
t 414 S 74
174 I 44 1
tl I 44) 1
STOC' f .". AND FfcfcOEittV
t 440 8 4
W. H. Uardls Colo.
1 steer 13M S 26 1 calf..,.
1 steer. ...KM) t 60 1 42 cows..
4 cows 970 $20 1 cow...
Uinta Cattle Co. wyo.
T cows 921 S 60 18 feeders.. 747
feeders.. V7 $60 1 bull....
I bull UM X 2a
Holwell Broe.-r-Wyo.
4 ateert... UMi SIM 18 cows 1117 S 06
St. l,ools I.lve Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS,' Mo., Nov. 17. CATTLE Re--i(.
rw head. Including S00 Texans;
market strong. Native shipping and export
seers. $4,8046.80; dressed beef and
butcrer steers. $2.?06 .20; steers under 1.000
pounds. $2.7C4 60; stockers and feeders, $2.15
4l8 45: cows and heifers, $2.k84.5o; canners.
$1.756200; bulls, $2.1662.40; calves $3 Mm
a a; Texas and Indl'in steers, $155&3.76;
I cows and heifers, $2.90483.00.
HOGS Receipts, 6,50 head: market 5(6 10c
higher. Pigs and lights, $4.6t8-4.85; packers.
I $4.5044.a0; butchers and best heavy, M-Ttxtf
SHEEP AND . LAMBS Receipts. 500
head: market steady. Native muttons,
$4 2 5.40; lambs, $6.15fr7.SJ; culls and bucks.
2 2Mi4.26; atockers. $2.6534.2&; Texans, $2.75
Kanaaa City Live Stock Market.
4.0U0 head, including zw soutnerna,
83 779 bbls.; runs, 74.972 bbls., average 64.41
bbls. Shipments Un 78.696 bbls.. avernga bb s!; runs Lliua. 66,006 bbls.,' average
41,730 bbls. , -
1 L M
The following transfers were filed for rec
ord on November 17:
Jeanette M. White to Clara Miller,
lot 17. block 1. Llnwood Park
I K. Thomas and husband to Edward
Johnson, west 49 feet of east 120 feet
lots 12 and 18, block $. Hanscpm
Place V"i"
Marie Panek to Frank Panek, lot ,
block t. Forest Hill
E. O. Hampton and wife to Pat Mc
Adams. iot 8, block S, Haael Ter-
nM. Ziig 'and" wife to E. II. Cone,
lot 2, block 1, Moe's subdivision
L. V. Plnney, executor, to J. R
Btlne. nl-S lots 21 and 22. block ,
Summit addition
at. Fr.
.1411 8 14
947 S I
til lit
la) I 44
im a oa
973 t 60
kail 1 66
1480 $ 00
nrBtT Tawneknt!e0thW.nd AnM
beef steers. $6.0O4i6.86; fair to good. $3.60 1 id. lot 17 Twentieth and Ames
4 M ? i'utherircows. $1.7frij3 00; native cows, 1 James Rebel, east X . feet lot ,
uru-iiiRer.inta. 7.'jho head: market
strong to 6c higher. Top. $4.87U; bulk of
sales. $4 70(&4.7714; heavy,
era 14 7H41-4.80: Digs ana
BWKKH ANU UIHB3 neceipia.
hoil- market, atrona. Native lambs, $u.2ud
7 20; western lambs, $5.(d7.00; ewes and
yearlings. 44; western cnpjiea year
lings. $5,004(6(10; western clipped sheep,
$; stockers and feedeis, $30094110.
St. Joseph Lire atock Market.
T JOSHPH. Mo.. Nor. 17. CATTLE
Receipts, 10 149 head; market lX&lac. higher.
Natives. $3.6ta5 90; cows and heifers. $1.5otT
4.: stockers and feeders. $2.754j8.76.
HOGO Receipts, 4. am neaa, msraei oc
higher. IJht. $1.6otft.l4i; medium and
he'vv. $4.70T4 85.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.23
head; market steady.
loan City Llvo Hook Market.
HftlTC CITY. Ia.. Nov. 14. (Special
Telegram. V-CATTLE Receipts. J"0 head;
market steady; beeves. $4.U5.7ti; oows.
bulls and mixed, c.(ii3, stocaers ana
feeders. $2.7t. 46. calves and yearUngs,
$2 Fv:i 40.
HOGS ReceipU, 4.000 bead: market
strong, selling at $4 6tta4,76; bulk of sales.
gtoek In Blakt.
Receipts ef live stock at the six principal-
western rnaraets yaeveraar.
M 7&a4fctt" riack- I Josenhlne Montgomery and husband
'bgh7t4$44Tk jo P; A. Gushart. w lot $. block SO.
B-ReclpU, 1.400 .West Omaha
Jua-ph Porter to B. D. 8herbondy,
west so reel lot, 1, uiuca a. -iiiiwi
Hill addl'lon 4,000,
W. C. Kuehn and wife to F. C. O.
Kuehn. undivided half or na 101 s,
block 12, Bhull s 8cond addition I
,jr. J. Adams, administrator, to F. J.
Adams, trustee. 101 1, Diocn ia, s,.
V. Smith's addition 1
.. 8.3K3
.. 20
.. 4.0u0
.. S 4!
.. t,0U
Hots. Sheen
S.7H8 14,769
4 810
4. &
6t 10
Total amount of transfers
.27.282 40.778 80.922
South Omaha ....
Floux City
Kaneas City
St, Joseph
St. Louis
4'ottoa Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 17.-COTTON-8p.ft
cloaed quiet; middling uplands. 11.15c; mid
ling gulf. 11 40c. Sales. $70 bales.
Steady. Salea, 2.7u0 Dales. Ordinary. kc;
load ordinary. 81-14e: low middling. 9 9-'' '
niltldiiag. U U-locj gocd niHldUiig, 11 -
Von Corn Grain Co.
Chleaeo Board of Trad
Omaha Grain Exchange-.
Grain and Provisions
Bought and sold for cash or future delivery
Receivers and Shippers.
TeL 1004. OMAHA.
P. D. Day Cl Co.
riealera In
Stock. Grain. Provision
hhln Yoer Grata to Va ,
mock llO-itt Beard of Trade
BldaT Osaaha. kV-4. Teleofcene SBSe.
X)2-:i4 t.achanae fl'df . South Omaha,
wall kuue tie. iavseartuasu 'fawaa la