Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Lost black leather fass book con
taining annual passes and other Outlook Bright for AboW Jui Baildinj
vaiuaDie papers 01 uss io no one , ... w.. vr
but the owner. Return to A. B.
F.arlr Start to Be Mad on
Pablle Work la Order that
Mark May Be- Atrom
Smith, B. & M. General Freight
Office and receive liberal reward.
IjOST Small Bold buggy watch charm;
name "C. A. Well" on one side. Hettirn
Paxton hotel office. Reward. O 411 lox
LOST Lsdles' gold watch. F.lgln works.
fancy dial. Return 1PM Capitol Ave., re
ceive reward. t us ibx
LOST In vicinity or rark ave. and Ieav
rnworth at. Wednesday afternoon email
jmcketbook containing two aet rlnira and
amall change. LI be ml reward If returned
10 mi9 8. Slut t. or W. E. Hill, care of
Midland Ulass and faint o.
Lost M4R4 V
While the period or public Improvements
for the. year la nearlng. a close, a great
deal of Interest la being taken In Improve
ment to be made next year. It la certain
that there will be a large amount of grad
ing and preparation are be I re; made to
L08T-A lady' ring, set with garnets and PCur,! Petitions properly signed during the
pearl: an heirloom: In T. M. c A. room winter, so that with the coming or spring
Saturday, November U. Bultable reward contract can be let early.
if returned to Bee. O 60S 18x I . . ... ,.u
street from A street to the boulevard In not
dead by any mean. This matter I to be
puRhed during the winter with a -.lew to
having thl thoroughfare opened nn earlv
next year a possible. Twenty-third street
I to be guttered and curbed. Everything
I ready for the lotting of thl contract
and the city council will aoon take tip the
matter. In connection with the puposed
Improvement on Twenty-third street from
A street to Missouri avenue, the Omaha
city council is to be requested to grade
the street from A street to the boulevard.
Little expense will attach to this work, and
It Is thought that there will be no diffi
culty In securing the consent of the Omaha
CDCMrUO''1. Spanish, Fencing
r rxCll VIlUiividge Bldg., 18th Farnam.
; -0
FRED O. ELLIS, teacher of voice. Room
18, Barker Ulag. voice tesiea tree.
. . .. .. m N20
C. PETERSON, European education; rolce,
Italian method, piano, bis W. O. W. Fldg.
-Til mi
MRS. ST. RATNER of Boston haa opened
a studio for voice culture, 1817 Webster.
M-70 !,
in French, Spanish or tjernian; learn to I council. If this is done Twenty-third street
speak In 28 lessons, business correspond
ence 60, to real literature 65 OL'ARAN-
i&nv, ., r. t-ettiir, uo o. .win.
' 438 D14
Call at No. 113 Boutn Mh St., upstair.
Resultful prediction absolutely trivpn.
H W7
Sovereign lady queen of clairvoyants;
palrrUHt and trained medium; everything
.olfj past, present and future; satisfac
tion or no pay. 807 No. 18th St. Tel. red
573C ., . ... S 514 17X
will be one of tlje finest roadway f'ir driv- j
Ing In tho city. A plan Is on foot for the j
various Improvement club to get 'whether
and work In harmony. More than likely
a Joint meeting of all the clubs in South
Omaha will be held soon to talk over Im
provements and to devise plans for next
year. With the Improvements now under
way and those contemplated South Omaha
will certainly present a busy appearance
next year. Missouri avenue is to be paved
and the paving on Twenty-fourth street
will be finished next year. Then there I
talk of paving West Q street, and also
paving M street from Twenty-fifth to
Twenty-seventh street. Building operations
promise to be lively next year as con
tractor are already figuring on a number
of structures to be put up as soon as the
weather will permit In the spring.
Water Vnder Control.
The spring of water underneath the site
of the Union Pacific passenger station,
which caused some trouble a few days ago,
Is now under control. About thirty men
are now at work on the foundations of this
building and the concrete Is going down
rapidly. Boxing Is being used and as fast
as the concrete Is mixed It Is dumped Into
the boxes and will, when hard, form a fine
cement wall for the foundations. So far
the laying of foundation has been confined
to the west line of the new station build
ing, but tt will only be a few days now be
fore this work will be completed and ex
cavating for the east foundation walls com
Engineer Neff of the Union Pacific said
I. M. Macfarland, 309 N. Y. L. Bldg. TeLWr.8. ThunMlay that no decision had been reached
in regard to tne aDanaonmem vi me ireigm
:VT RATE railway ticket . everywhere.
v. ti. rnuoin, iou garnara. rnons
-, . . . ... . -
LARSON & JOHNSON, 1408 Farnam. Tel.
JOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk.
DRESSMAKING In families or at home.
Mlsa Sturdy, 2006 Davenport. Tel. Harney
iuva, -kw
4.TTORNETB everywhere. The New Snow-
inurcn io, main noor, in. i. i ei. ih,
depot "Ite. No work ha been dona on this
building for a couple of week. It 1 ex
pected the Union Paciflo officer wilt arrive
FORT MEADE, S. D;. November IB. 1906 at a decision in regard to the location of a
Injuries sustained a few days before. Za
llnka was employed by the Joint Car In
spection association and was run over by
an engine In the yard while croslng the
tracks. HI left teg was badly crushed, but
Dr. C. M. BVhlndel, who waited on him, did
not deem It necessary to amputate the
limb. In addition to the crushed leg Za
llnka received Internal Injuries and death
Is attributed to these. The deceased re
sided at Seventeenth and W streets with
his wife and one child. At one time Za
llnka was a member of the police force. He
was a member of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen lodge No. s and a couple
of Bohemian lodge. The funeral will be
held Sunday afternoon.
Maarle City Gossip.
Miss Nellie Welsh Is quite sick at her
home, J7i E trct.
A daughter has been born to Mr. and
Mrs. George Wright. W18 N street.
Joseph Koutsky has gone to his farm at
Ruskin to spend a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robinson are visit
ing at Pine Bluff, Ark., for a couple of
Ground Is being staked by the city en
gineer for the new buildings to be erected
at the Jetter brewery.
There was a good attendance at the
United Presbyterian church flower show
last night. This evening an excellent mu
sical program will be rendered.
Rev. F. M. Blsson Is conducting revival
meetings at the First Methodist Episcopal
church. These meetings are well attended
and considerable Interest la manifest.
The ball given by the ladles' auxiliary
of the letter Carriers" association at the
Exchange last night was well attended
and proved to be a success In every par
ticular. A great deal was accomplished yesterday
by the paver on Twenty-fourth street.
The concrete mixer Is kept running ten
hours a day and an excellent base for the
pavement Is being laid.
The new vocnllon organ recently pur
chased 4y the Baptist church congrega
tion was used for the first time last night
at a recital. A large number of South
Omaha people attended tho concert.
Veteran Involved la Fraudulent Land
' Heals Plead Innocent of
Criminal Intent.
The ' federal grand Jury began the In
vestigation of a number Indian reservation
liquor cases Thursdiy morning, and upon
their disposal will take up the fraudulent
land entry cases. In these latter case a
luige nuniber of. witnesses already ha
been summoned, most of them being old
soldier and soldiers' widows.
The old soldier to a man plead abrolute
innocence of any -criminal Intent In their
filings, which they claim were made on the
advice of certain land agents, who Informed
them all that was necessary to do was
to make the filing lu their own names or
through agents; that their entire terms of
service In the army should go toward
completing thoir final proofs, and they
were In no instance required to go en the
land unless they wanted to. . Most of the
old soldiers are, as a rule; men of ad
vanced years, who could not. In any event.
have endured the necessary hardships of
undertaking to make a home on the lands
Upon which they filed, and they were given
to understand they were at full liberty
to lease them.
The aoldlers' widow tell practically tfie
same tory, and In addition they were In
veigled through Ignorance of the land law
to lend their names to the filings, with the
understanding that this was all that would
be necessary.
Omaha Cmmeroil Club rabr ipprt
citt Oatnl Thinf ,
Representative Assemblage and
Prove n Moat Enjoyable
FiherA Lawrl. the architects.' The dsts
for the return of bid has not been de
cided upon, but it will be In about two
Woman with llalr-Trlaaer System
and Battered Finger R e
tnrns Omaha,
South Sixteenth, bov: Frank Soukup, l:Hil
South Thirteenth, girl.
Deaths-Peter rirk-ts..Tl county hnsvi'i''",
Mrs. Mirssrrt Smith, . nil Webster
street: Robert James. K, P3 Nort '( Twt nl''
slxth street: Thomas tVCnnnell. 12. 'M
South Nineteenth: Sarah 8. I vers. as. Ci
South Twenty-eighth.
Yonnc Rascals Are lit In Jatenlle
( oart for Practicing Their
Sealed proposals In triplicate, for the con-
it ruction and plumbing of one brick staole
vlli be received here until p. m. December
(, 190, Information furnished upon appli
cation. United States reserves the right
or accept or relect any or all proposal
tr any part thereof. Plans and speciQca-
lons may be seen wltn quartermasters at
it. Paul. Omaha, uerer, Cheyenne. En-
elnpea containing rouosals should be
-narked .".Proposal tr stabla Fort Maada,.
i. iJ,. addressed tx)or ueorg tv, lluntur,
onstructing aunrjfcrmaster.
freight depot In a few day. It 1 not so
much tho water and the soft ground at thl
site that Is annoying the official, but the
lack of ground space around the depot for
team. There is not sufficient space be
tween the east wall of the proposed freight
depot and the east curb line of . Railroad
avenue for truck to load and discharge
merchandise. An effort ha been made i
secure from the property owner six feet
of the sidewalk In order to widen the road-
'ORT ROBINSON, NEB., OCT. 20, U06 I way, but 80 far this ha not been accom
Hea ea proposals, in triplicate, win pe re-
elved until 10 a. in., western standard time.
November 30, 19"5, for repairs to old signal
ind postoffice building, No. 74, here. In
'ormatlon furnished on application. ' En
velopes containing proposals will be marked
proposals for repairs to building No. 74,"
ma vauressea ti. c wwii uir.Au, v. ai.
I nlon Pnelflev ''
Overland-' Limited -'alifornla
'allfornla A Oregon Ex. a 4:30 pin a 6:10 pm
forth Piatt Local a 7:60 am a 6:30 pm
Sast Mail a 8:56 am tI JOpm
"olorado Special a7:4Sara a 7:44 am
Beatrice Local. ..b 1:15 pro b 1:34 pm
I hloago, Rock, lalaaal t Pacific.
Chicago limited a 8:36 am a 7:10 am
Chicago Express ........a 7:86 am a9:ttpm
Will lac Pressed Brick. . -
Chairman Kiewit of the council commit
tee on public building has directed that
pressed brick be used on tbe west end of
the new fire hall building now being con
structed at Twenty-fifth and L- street.
This matter vii brought up at the council
meeting Monday night and It was stated
that the cost would be only about $150 ad
ditional. It waa agreed by the council to
leave the matter In the hand of Mr. Kiewit
and he ha instructed the contractors to
use pressed brick. Work on this fire de-
York Conntr Man Brongbt Bark front
Colorado for Deserting
Ills Wife.
A requisition for Harry Chambers, who is
wanted in York county, wasgranted by
Governor McDonald of . Colorado Monday.
Chamber, is a. regular arrriy soldier at
Fort Logan, Colo., who Is wanted back In
York county for wife desertion. There
seem to be a question as to the surrender
of Chamber to the civil authorities, as he
is now under the rules and regulation of
the army.- The matter ha been- referred
to the Judge advocate general of the army
at Washington.
That Omaha knows how to honor her
public-spirited clt teens Was amply proven
at the banquet given by the Commercial
club to the Board of Oovernors of Ak-Sar-Ben
last night, at which 90 men were
seated. A well selected menu prepared the
guests for the feast of wit which followed.
Some Inconvenience was caused at first by
the blowing out of a fuse in the hall, and
the lights were off for about a half hour.
Oysters were esten by candle light, and
by the time the soup waa brought, the
damage to the electric apparatus had been
The program was Interesting from first
to last. W. S. Wright, president of the
Commercial club, presided, and his introduc
tions always brought a laugh. Howard H.
Baldrige spoke a welcome to the Board
of Governors. He said the Knights of Ak-Bar-Ben
have done more In a tangible way
for the city than any other organization
possibly could have done.
Wattle on Ak-ar-Ben.
Gurdon W. Wattle responded to the
toast, "The Knights of Ak-8ar-Ben." He
told of the labors of the knights for the
entertainment of the people of Quivers,
and for the ehtry of Samson Into his capi
tal city to lie crowned by his subjects. It
Is very fitting, he said, that the business
men of the city show their appreciation, as
they do this evening, of the efforts n the
board, for such civic pride and patriotism
as the members have shown Is worthy of
It. He spoke of the development of Ne
braska In farm production, and especially
of the growth of Omaha. Commenting on
the difficulties of the establishment of the
Omaha Grain exchange and Its success, he
said: "The Omaha Grain exchange is a
realty, and neither corporations, Individuals
nor anything else can- stop It now. Its
quotations on grain set the price for the
state. It has made tt possible for the
farmer to get i cents more than before for
every bushel of grain shipped."
H. H. Wilson of Lincoln was introduced
by the toastmaster as the next governor
of Nebraska. His subject wa "America
a a World Power." . Mr. Wilson said the
Louisiana purchase settled the question
that this country had a constitutional right
to grow; the acquisition of Texas settled
the question of whether tt had a right to
take by conquest, and tbe purchase of
Alaska made It certain that It had a right
to acquire non-contiguous territory.
Lately, be said, the constitution had been
stretched again, and the Stars and Stripes
had been planted In the orient. America
In the lart eight years has taken a place
among the foremost of the world' powers.
About Omaha he said:' "The first 125.000
was hard to get; you will grow now of
your own force."
"The King is Dead; Long Live ' the
King," was tho subject of an extremely
witty address by Arthur C. Wakeley.
Dnst Mulch 'Farming:.
J. L. Donahue of Denver talked on the
Campbell system of funning, an associa
tion "for tho development of which was
Incorporated In Denver October 26. The
association expect that some day the
western counties of , Nebraska and Kan
sas and the eastern counties of Colorado
will be raising -es moch Brain as the
average crop of lowaC' Illinois or eastern
Nebraska! Fifteen .Inches of rain falls
annually in semi-arid parts of Nebraska
and Colorado, and Mr. Donahue said If
It could all be conserved It would raise
crop of twenty-seven bushels of wm-t
per acre. It can be conserved in great
part by the Campbell system, he said.
Edward F. Trefa responded to a toast
on "Civic Loyalty tne source oi rairioi-ism."
"Fainting Bertha" LielecKe is in town!
The famous woman with tho fainting
spells reuched her old stsmplng ground at Probation Officer Bernstein Thursday ar-
7:36 Thursday morning over the Milwaukee rested four boy on ths charge of Insulting
railroad. Several of the Union station at- nd attacking girls and took them before
taches recognised the woman and reported Judge pay. Their names are James Semln,
the matter to Patrolman Delehanty as soon James Foral. James and Joe Foreman,
as he reached the station. Delehanty in They were released on bonds furnished by
turn promptly notified the police station, their parents. In the sum of $:n. to appear
Miss Llebecke Is reported as having gone In Juvenile court Saturday morning,
to her home in East Omaha. Just what The Semln Ind Is alleged to be the leader
action the Omaha police will take In the nd the worst one of the gang, all or
premises Is not known Just now, but It Is whom reside about the neighborhood or
understood the woman will be arrested Fifteenth and Williams streets and on
as a suspicious character, a there are other streets In that neighborhood. Many
several unsettled registered score against tU irls residing in that section of the
her here I cllv attend rllght school at the Comenlus
Fainting Bertha escaped' rrom the Kan- building. On their way to and rroin school
kakee asvlun. last Mondav.- the renott " n evening they are compelled to pass
being the wss assisted by two men, who
had a rig In waiting. The accomplices
were not arrested.
The last engagement piayed by the woman
In Omaha waa a year ago last summer,
when she worked a stranger for a good
sited roll of currency within a block of the
police station, so It was reported at the
time to the police. Miss Llcbocke was at
the time under suspicion, but could not be
located here. She wa next heard of In
St. Louis, where-she gave her fainting act
in front of a theater. She next showed
up In Chicago, where she stole a valuable
fur coat from the Slegel-Cooper store. She
was arrested at Milwaukee for this crime,
returned to Chicago and Indicted. For
that crime she served a while at Jollet,
but was remanded to the asylum at Kan
kakee after being examined.
According to accounts. Miss Llebecke
icturned Thursday morning In a stunning
new dress and picture hut. Her bland
smilo and stunning attire have done much
to carry her through.-
When seen a year ago last month In the
Cook county Jail at Chicago by an Omaha
reporter, Miss Llebecke vowed If she ever
could gPt back to "that dear old Omaha"
she would mend her way and be . "a real
rood girl."
by aome vacant lot where there are high
weeds.' The gang, led by Semin, ha made
a practice of hiding In tho weeds and as
the girls came by the scamps would Jump
out and attack them vlclouslj- nnd Jmle
ret t'y. . ,
Parents and relatives of the, girls have
mi'.cle attempts to catch.-U, hoys, but
have failed, until Thnrfdny ntnrtt,- when a
brother of one of th girls Sin-ceeded in
catching th two name,! Trrarhef boys
who .run with Bem'ti and ToYa! also were
arrested, but tho llltle girls.' U to 14 years
of sge. excused them of any .complicity In
the attacks. All of the girls agreed in
saying 8mln is the worst of the crowd
and that, while Foral and the other have
been associating with him.- they' did not
act as brutally as he did.
Probation Officer Bernstein and Judga
Day feel like making an example oj som
of these youthful vagabonds if the facts
shall warrant harsh action. Tbe children
who have been subjected to the attacks,
and their parents a well, were worked up
to tho pitch of hysteria almost and In
court they found It difficult to expres thtlr
feelings. One woman said the actions and
language of the boys who made the at
tacks were too vile to be mentioned,
I nlon veterans Meeting.'
Shlloh regiment No. 2, Union Veterans
union, will meet in regular session Friday
evening at Rohrbough hall. Nineteenth aad
Farnam streets. A good program ha been
arranged and all member art urged to be
on hand.
Leave. Arrive.
a 8:40 am a 8:18 pm I partment building is progressing nicely;iopm a:wam Tha WH. re now le.Veral feet above the
surface and If the weather remains' good
for a short time the building will be under
roof. Architect L. A. Davis 1 srupervlslng
the construction and I well pleased with
tbe - progress now being made. On the
ground floor, where the fire apparatus and
patrol wagon are to atand. there will be no
Chicago Expres, Local.. bll :40 am a 4:au pm I posts, the floor being upported by ateel
aSwLt. iiS Em S if the building can be gotten un
Wkbt. I der TOf thl year the contractor expect
Rocky Mountain -Ltd.. ....a 7:30 am a 8:30 am to complete the structure by the time sped-
OklXma" MS 52 fled ,n th"r Cntra0t- Wh,h " Fcbruary 15-
.,., p..i. I Tre-asnrer t all Warrant,
a, . a on-m . s m .,n I City Treasurer E. U Howe ha Issued a
K. C. & St. L. Ex, all. 16 pm a 6:u9pm I call for the following outstanding city war
Chicago Jt Northwestern. 1 I rani: uencrai tuna warrant to ana in
St. Paul Daylight a 7:60 ant 10:00 pm I 'luding registered No. 8,732; street, repair to
Chicago Dayiignt a 8:wain U:6opm No. 654; fire and water to and including' No.
cr0LT..:::::::vr,pm IX tf1-nl No i
St. Paul Fast Mall a 6.28 pm 7:u6ainl' permanent sidewalk district No, 6 and
8nus C. tt St. p. Local. ,b 8:Utpm t:8am I warrant No. S of permanent sidewalk dls-
.iSJKS ,r,Ct No. 6. Interest on the outstanding
Norfolk at Bonesteel....a 7:40 am 10:85 am warranta cease on November yj. This call
Uncoln Long Pine. ..a 7:40 am 10:36 pin I will take up about $10,000 In warranta.
t aaper at wjuouok i ou pin o:io ptn
Iteadwood Lincoln. ..a 3.60 pm 6:16 pm
Hasting m aiuiou n .ou pm pm
Chicago Local all JO am 1:46 pin
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express v. a 7:26 am al0:36 pra
Chicago Limited ...... .a 7:bo pin a 8:u6 am
Minn, A Bt. Paul Ex...b 7:Z6 am bl0:36 pin
Mtnu. 4fc St. Paul Ltd. .a 7:60 pm a 8:06 pm
Chicago. Mliwankoo tt. Panl.
Chicago Colo. 8peo'l.a 7:66 am a 7 am
California Or. Kx..a 6:4? st a 8:10 put
Overland Limited a k:46 pm a 8:20 am
Marion Cedar H. Loc.b 8:46 ain bll:w pm
,Ht.'Loula Express...... 8.80 pm 1:20 am
bt. Louts Local (from
Council Blurts 8:16 am 10:80 pm
Suenanuoali Local (from
Council Bluffs) 6:44 pm 1:30 pm
Chicago Uroat Western.
St. Paul A Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:16 am
bt. Paul at Minn a J to am a 7:66 pm
chicaga Limltou a 6:w pin am
cnicugo tpi ......a i.tii am a t.M pm
S- - aOHl
Mlsaonrl Pnelto.
Nebraska Local, via Leave. Arrlv.
Welug Water .......b 8Jm pm bU.JO pm
Cblvnno, kt. Pnnl, Mmaoanolla 8k
Twin City Passenger.. .b 6:30 am b 8:10 pm
Bloux CUy PaaMUgur...a 3u pm all:30am
Oakland .Local ,..b . put b 8:10 am
Emorsua . lotval I. 8:46 am c 6.00 pm
' -- Leave. Arrlv.
Denver California.... 4:lo pm a 3.30 pm
Northwest Express ,.all:10 pm a 6.U8 pm
Nebraska point a .a0 am a 7:40 pm
Uuuoln Fast Mall h l.uu pm all:u6 pm
Kt. Crook Plaliam'h-b t:60 pm a 10: to am
Lelnwua aV Plattam h..a J.60 pm t 6:83 am
Denver IJinlted a 7.10 am
belie vue 4k Pao. Juno..aU:16 pm
belltvu 4k Pac. Juno. .a 3. 30 am
Chicago Special ........a 7:26 am
Chtemgo i.xpres a 4:00 pin a 3:56 pm
Chicago Fiver .a 8m pm a 7:a6 pm
Iowa Local a t:l6 am al 51 pm
81. Logls Express a 1:46 pm all JO am
Kansas City A Be Jo.al0:46 pm a 6:46 am
Kanvas City A St. Jos. a 8:16 am a 6.06 pm
Konsas C'lty St. Joa.n 4:46 pm
a dally, b dally exevpt Bunday. d dally
ai-epi Saturday.' c Sunday only. dally
except Monday.
Reopening Services Rnnday.
Rev. V. D. Stambaugh announce that
the reopening services of the Lefier Metho
dist church. Fifteenth and Madison streets,
will be held on Sunday evening, November
13. Rev. William Gorst. presiding elder,
will deliver the sermon. Everyone Is given
a cordial Invitation to attend these serv
ice. This church ha been undergoing ex
tensive repairs for some weeks and now
presents a very pleasing appearance. In ad
dition to the papering and painting of the
Interior a furnace has been Installed.
Plenty of Work.
Complaints are still heard every day
about the scarcity of laborer. Any man
who want work can easily get it In South
Omaha at this time. Carpenters, masons
and in fact all kinds of artisans and work
men are In demand. Contractors who have
unfinished work are rushing to get through
aud those who are preparing to build find it
a hard matter to secure men for out-of-door
work at this time, A great many men
who work outside In the summer have se
cured Indoor jobs for the winter, and this
make it harder than usual to get men for
construction work. On the Twenty-fourth
street paving Job more men can be used
and also on the Missouri avenue curbing.
All over the city there I a demand for
more workmen.
Dies front Injarls.
Philip Zalinka died at the South Omaha
hospital Thursday morning a the result of
Pursuant to order of court, entered No
vember 16, 16. I give notice that 1 will, on
Monday, November 17, 1, at 10 o clock
A. U , at 3116 North 17th street. Omaha.
Nebraska, sell the assets of the Western
Anchor Fence company, including material,
machinery, tools, fixtures, office furniture,
patent rights and every other species of
property owned or enjoyed by the Western
Anchor Fence company.
Said sale will be for cash and bids unac
companied by cash will not pe considered,
Receiver Western Anchor Fence rmnpunv. '
D. Stone of New York City Is at the Pax
ton. F. W. Barber of Franklin Is at the Mur
ray. C. M. Rigg of Beatrice is an Omaha vis
itor. F. Sonnenscheln of West Point, i regis
tered at the Millard.
Judge John Reese of Broken Bow wa
an Omaha visitor Wednesday evening. .
R. J. Kilpatrlck of Kilpatrlck Bro.
Collin of Beatrice is in the city, a guest
at the Pax ton.
C. P. R. Williams of Grand Island, Rob
ert uorgan oi iincuin ana j. w, jviiig ui
Humphrey are at tne liensnaw.
S. Takus of Toklo. Japan. Is in the city.
a guest at the Paxton. Mr. Takus declined
to submit to an interview upon Japanese
A. E. Tunburg. Oakland: E. Braaelton,
Beatrice: J. R. Fulton, Grand Island: J. C.
Watson, Nebraska City, are guests at the
Emll Gosae, Beemer; A. N. Elmelund,
Colon: O. P. Hildebrand. Lincoln; George
P. Palmer, Broken Bow, registered during
the evening at the Murray.
A. H. and Bert Ellkhood of Ogden. Utah,
are at the Arcade. They came in yesterday
with a car load of sheep from their ranges
In the western part of that state.
8. D. Kilpatrlck. a prominent railroad
contractor of Beatrice, and member of the
firm of Kilpatrlck Brothers 4k Collin Is
In the city, a guest at the Paxton.
Mr. B. Levy of San Francisco, H. M
Arm.eford of Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. W. C
Klein of Mllford, Henry Kuse, John Kuse
and Leona Kuse of Cook, are at the Her
F. A. Richards, O. G. Kirchjester, Roy
Bunne 11. T. N. Spry. North Platte; u. c
MOore. Uncoln. and T. W. Mappls, Grand
Island, are among the later arrivals at the
D. E. Ixing of Auburn, Joseph Clover and
daughter of North Platte, 8. O'Brien of
Sheridan, Wryo; M. L. Goosman of Tecuin
seh and Einll Grose of Beemer, are at th
Murray. -
T. B. Hord and wife, Mr. Huber Hord,
Central City; A. A. Hawley, Edgar; W. T.
Auld. Red Cloud; W. C. Campbell. Crelgh
ton; Harry Paler, Shlckly, are registered at
the Paxton.
At the Merchants: J. S. Harrington,
O'Neill; R. E. Rogers, Lincoln; C. O. Wal
lace, Hastings; K. C. Kuderson, St. Ed
ward; Andrew Kalmer, Madison; William
Patrick, Erickson.
W. H. Holme of Virginia. R. M. Allen of
York, A. E. Grantham of Lexington, W. H.
Eck of Beatrice, C. F. Hedges of San
Francisco .and A. A. Hawley of Edgar,
are at the Millard.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hord of Central City,
II. Brownell of Pierce. Mr. and Mrs John
P. Jansen of Jansen. E. E. Ernal of Cal
laway, and J. A. Brown, of Ban Diego,
Cal., are at the Paxton.
Dana C. Beatty of Washington. D. C.
is at the Murray. He is connected with
the commissary department of the United
States army and is here to confer with
the Department of Missouri on matters of
the coming year.
At the Her Grand: T. P. Barron, Lincoln;
B. F. Pitman, Chadron; E. J. Tucker, C.
M. Cumlngs, Lowe; Mrs. Ira Woif, Elgin;
Mr, and Miss Haute Hall, Petersburg;
8. J. Cartrlght, Fremont: George W. Con
day, Wood River: G. B. Rica. Washington,
D. C. ; A. H. Tengman, Columbus.
Lew Wilson of Sidney. F. R. Qulmby of
Lexington, T. H. Manning of Orleans, John
Keith of Sutherland, W. 8. Warner of
Plalnvlnw. Charles H. Mathleson of Pilger.
J. O. Brcnlser and A. J. Rubinaon of Bro
ken Bow. F. Currie and Bon of Crawford,
John Wilson of Kearney, U. D. Meyer of
Scrlbnei- and U. foandelberg of Meeteetse,
Wyo are at the merchants.
B. C. Wade, local secrets ry of the Young
Men's Christian association, has gun to
Dallas, Tex., where he la to assist In the
raising of tluu.uiti for a nsw association
building, which tbey intend building In that
city within the coming year. A great effort
wll be mads to make the subscription com
plete within the next thirty day a Secre
tary Wads will not stay that long, how
ever. He i expected to return by Wednes
day of the coming week.
gays Friends Telephoned Him Colored
People Were Going to
Get Mint.
Joseph Koslowskl. on trial tor the death
of Rollins, the South' Omaha negro, took
the witness stand in his own defense in
Judge Day's court Thursday afternoon. He
said heacame from Russia nine years ago
to Cleveland, O. A year later he came to
South Omaha, worked In a packing house
for a while, then tended bar, later waa g
policeman for seven . month. H liad
been tending bar for J. 8. Roth and for
Mr. Roth tor two year when he killed
Rollins, on the night of July 31 last.
Koslowskl told of the kilting In broken
English, but with a good deal of emphasis.
He said that a friend had telephoned Dim
"The colored people are going to get you
tonight." He had taken this as meaning
that Rollins and his friend were going to
attack him for refusing to give them beer
for chips in the afternoon. He became
scared, he said on the stand, and when
Rollins came in late at night he kept a
close eye on him. Koslowskl said Rollins
walked up to the bar, holding a knife tip Ma
sleeve, called him a bad name and struck
at him with the knife. Witness said he
fell to the floor, escaping tne knife stroke.
A he rose he grasped his revolver lylug
on the workboard of the bar and fired into
the celling. As Rollins stltl threatened, he
fired again and hit him.
All the prosecution's witnesses said that
Hi second- shot wa the one that went
Into the celling, but Koslowakl stick to it
that it wa the first shot, when he was get
ting up.
One Hnndred and Twenty-Five Thos
aand Dollar la the Flgore
Decided On.
At a meeting of the finance committee of
the Young Women' Christian association
Mrs. George Tllden, chairman, Thursday
morning, it wa definitely decided to erect
a building to cost 3126,000 on the associa
tion lot at th southwest corner of Sev
enteenth and St. Mary's avenus. The
canvass will begin March 16 and will last
on month. Soma of the most prominent
workers In th national association will
come to Omaha to assist.
It wa decided that nothing les than
1126,000 would put up a building adequate
to the local demand. Th building at De
troit, with the lot. cost 8160.000, and tlus
already i too amall and the local organisa
tion would guard against this cxperieno.
which has been general in most of th
cities that have recently erected building.
Th committee will give Immediate atten
tion to plan for th building and also to
th preliminaries Incidental to th furnish
ing and getting Into tbe new quarter.
The lot. coating 811.000. I paid for and
tb deed la registered, and as th local
association 1 sixth in slse in the United
States, its finance committee intend It
bulldng shall be large enough to meet the
demands of Its constantly Increasing work.
Th speclflcatior-s for th new Young
Men' Christian Association building have
been completed and will be sent out Fri
day to contractors, from th office of
New Garments and BeddliTgr Dls
trlknted Among; Charttnnle Con- :
crrna by Needlework Galld.
Something over 2.BO0 new garments and
pieces of bedding will he distributed
among Hie various charitable Institutions
of Omaha Fildny through the agency of
the local branch of the Needlework OullJ
bf America. In the parlors of the First
Presbyterian church these things sro
stacked high on a score of tables, and
this afternoon the officers of the guild are
receiving at the church that the public
may Inspect the collection and learn more
of this most worthy charity.
This collection and distribution Is made
every fall by the guild and the- various
charities ore served according to their
need. This fall the following disposition
will be made of the garments: Emanuel
hospital, 42 pieces; Rescue Home, 03;
Daughters of tho King. 44t St. Joseph a
hospital, 63; Child Saving .Institute, 27:
Detention Home. Kl; Methodist hospital,
130; Clurkson hospital. fi3; Wise Memorial
hospital. 4; Old People's Home, 90; St.
James' Orphanage, St; Clly Mission, 25;
Newsboys' Home, 77; Creche. 110; Visiting
Nurses. 376. The rest of the things will
be distributed among special' ensee.
At the annual business meeting, held
Wednesday, Mrs. Thomas Kilpatrlck was
re-elected president of the guild. Miss
Laura Harris secretary, and Mrs. J. W.
Nicholson treasurer.
The solicitation of garment Is unique,
the contribution of three new pieces a
year being the only membership fee. As
there are no meetings except the annual.
this contribution of garments Is the onlv
tax upon members. The collection has In
creased from something over 100 five years
ago to nearly 3.000 garments this year, and
the guild lias come to be one of the most
substantial aids to charities of the city.
rllllllllllltliJfc - I I ll.l. Ill - - Ill II Ml j " Ill I
ANsL ctOTHits
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and death have been
reported to the Hoard -of Health during the
twenty-four hours ending at noon Thurs
day: Births Maurice Terkelson. 38t2 Leaven
worth street, boy; Louis Connolly, inn
Corby street, boy; John M. Kinney, 1513
Corby street, girl; E. P. Flanigan. 1254
name or one or tne
best heavy overcoat
fabnes ever a . man
wore. It is controlled by A. B.
Kirschbaum & Company and
found in coats of their maker-'
Its only rival is a special Kersey
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Ask for Kirschbaum Clothes
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Wear the Eastern Styles. s -
For Sale in Omaha by
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Toronto, $33.55 Wheeling, $31.70
And Hundreds of Other Points.
A. G. F. & P. A.
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