Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1905, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FH1DAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1903. TOOTH TALK, No. 3. mown You tan readily , see (5tht while skill U an J Important factor In crown and bridge work, PLAIN, OLD-FASHIONED HONE8TT la another. A thick crown and a thin on look exactly the earn on the ootalde. I make a crown the proper thickness and carat and chars 700 exactly enough. A Reliable Deatlst a Iteasoaabl Fee, Phone (77. DR. FICKES, DENTIST. . 138 Bee Bids- WORRALL AFTER RAILROADS Trait latter few Going to Break Us Sebaie System. MAY GO INTO THE FEDERAL COURT Hspoi-t Nebraska Grata Dealer Asso ciation la Dissolved Still De- led r Soat ef Ita Oflclavla, "Twn Werrtll ht been before District Attorney Bat tar, either in person or by hi attorney. In an effort to secure an Investi gation by the federal (rand jury of the aliased practice of railroad In granting rebate to certain elevator men, member of the' Nebraska Grain Dealer' associa tion." This the "statement of a prominent lawyer, who Is attorney for some of the rain companies and who is credited with keeping- close watch on the doing of the 'trust-buster." "I understand Tom seek the Indictment of certain member of the Nebraska Grain Dealer' association and expect to drag the railroad Into It and perhaps secure the Indictment of some of the railroad officials. .He says ha can prov that In some Instances the railroad companies have violated the law by granting rebates under the guise of elevator charges. As a patriotic cittsen of this great American country, he nays he cannot stand for that sort of thing. Of course, only the district attorney know what Is going to be done." A rumor has been current for several day to the same effect ss the foregoing. This attorney "says his statements are founded on absolute knowledge of the fncts. , Mr. Worrsll Is inclined Jo be silent In the matter.' He .said he would not. know Mr. Baxter If he new lilm on the street, but whether hi attorneys had chonen to do anything he did not know. A. W. Jefferis of the firm of Jefferla A Howll, attorney for Mr. Worrall, professed not to know anything of the matter. Another rumor Is current that the Ne braska Grain Dealers' association has re cently disbanded, but it cannot be con nrmed. This probably waa founded on the fact that about a half bushel of letters were mailed out of the aecretary's office a ,f"w days ago. and this la an uncommon tiling- aim"? the action of Tom Worrell "Bgatrst tha association. Attorney ror the nvsoiatlun say no meeting has ieen held, either cf the member of the association or vf the beard of directors. Secretary Miller, wen ii his office Thursday, said the asso ciation wan . still doing business. - Sei-eral of 't'TKi'Rt'gl) 'ibiupanira In the or ganisation withdrew In the summer, but .whether the membership has decreased nines then connot be learned. Put your wunt s is tii The Bee. Seward Street Chorea Entertalnnieat. The concert and entertainment riven at th Seward Street Methodist Episcopal church last night, under the auspices of th church choir and Patten's orchestra, was attended by sbout 2U0 people. The numbers on the program showed careful preparation. The rechaliona of Mlsa Kate Swartslander were well liked by the au dience, she spoke with so much ease. The solo. "All For You." Guy d'Hardelot, by Miss Macy Rtpenhort. waa applauded generously. The baritone solo. "Con quered." St. Quintln, by 8. S. Hamilton, was rendered with taste. Mr. Hamilton haa a powerful and pleasing voice of con siderable range. The proceeds of the en tertainment go Into the general church "und. GORDON FURS WOMEN'S FUR LINED ULSTERS LONG, loose fitting, comfortable and swagger. These coats are made of broad cloth lined with fur and with fur cuffs and collar. s Almost indispensable when you have come to know them intimately. Practical for motoring or driving, splendid as an evening WTap not too cumbersome for shopping. Prices vary according to the furs used in linings and trunmings. , In Gordon furs $50 to $150. i. Atk your dealer for GORDON FURS mmmt, m, m mmm a smaas. SMt, FAULT FOUND AT DAIRIES Useleaaliaess Stpertsa by Wemaa's Cl Delegates Wso Visit ts Pisces. CARE Or COWS NEEDS MORE ATTENTION lavestlgatloas Will 0 oatloaed wilt Co-Operatloa ef Health Cam. salasloater Ralph aad Abaaea Corrected. At a meeting of the household economic department of the Woman's club . held Thursday morning the women made their first report of their Investigation of th dairies from which Omaha receives Us milk supply. Only tight dairies have been visited bo far, but the Investigation has only begun and Is to be continued in sea son and out of season untVj th conditions under which the milk 1 produced and served to local consumer come a little nearer th standard . set by the nverage housewife who has the welfare of her family at heart. Th women made the in spection personally and unannounced, and they report there Is still much room for Improvement before some of th era vent of th unsanitary features are removed. Without exception there waa complaint of the car of the cattle, even in thoe dallies that have emphasised this feature In their advertising. i Authorities claim that one of the most dangerous kind of filth that get Into milk come from It contaot with the udder and with the handa of th milker and then dripping Into the pail. Without ex ception the women complained the car of th cattle and th practice of the ntMker necessitated the presence of this kind of dirt In tha milk. Cow Stand la Filth. In several places It Was reported cows were allowed to stand In slim and mud a foot or more deep, and there was no evl dence of any attempt to groom the cow, j At one dairy In the vicinity of Ruser's park the cattle have to stand In deep slime , and mud to reach the water trough, and ' the well , supplying the water which washes the bottles and- waters th cattle Is less than twenty feet from the trough. Boda Is used generally as a means of cleaning and sweetening th bottles, but in the smaller dairies Igno- ranee Is largely responsible for the bad ( conditions existing. In ome cases th , feed Is poorly taken care Of. In other , places the cattle are badly stabled, and j wherever the milking was witnessed there . was complaint of the dripping from the hands Into the pall. . Among the dairies visited were M. P. Madson's. Schall's and the Hultt, near j Ruser's park; the Alamlto dairy. Soren son's dairy at East Omaha and the Sun rise dairy at Dundee. Regarding tha us of preservatives there could be no proof, but the dairymen all denied using It, and the women propos getting- at the facts by other means.. Dr. Ralpth, Commissioner of health, having promised to co-operate.-appearances ya Index. The appearance of the milk wagon and the men wer reported as entirely unre liable means of, Judging th condition pre vailing at the dairies. Due allowance was mad tor the diffi culty in getting reliable men . to do the milking, owing to the long houre and the comparatively small pay. In tome of the dairies the milking begins at 1 a. m. and Is not finished until 8 a. m. It begins again at t p. m. and Is finished between J and 10 p. m. Thirty dollars a month is the average salary, with $15 allowed for board. The women were all reminded of their own responsibility In returning tha bottle promptly and well cleaned, as the car Of bqttles Is necessarily a large Item of ex pens to dairymen. The Investigations will be continued and reported at the next two meetings, and the women have invited all Interested to attend. STATE BAR MEETS NEXT WEEK Associations Will Hava Prominent Lawyer from Oat of State ! Address' It. The Nebraska State Bar association will hold It annual convention in this city next week, beginning Wednesday. Afternoon aesslons will be held in th halls of th ' Crelghton School of Law Wednesday and Thursday. Feature will occupy both evenings also. In the afternoon of Wednesday the meeting will be called to order by Charles P. Letton. the retiring president, who now has the distinguished honor of being the Justice-elect of the supreme court of the state. Th presi dent' address will be delivered by Ralph W. Breckenridge and his subject will be "Law and Its Administration in Ne braska." This will be followed by a paper by O. E. Howard ef th law department of th University of Nebraska, the subject j of which will be "The Problem of Uniform ' Divorce Laws in the United States." j Wednesday evening a reception will be I tendered to George R. Peck of Chicago. I the guest of honor of the convention. This will take place at the residence of J. L. Webster. Besides the Stat Bar associa tion other prominent guest will particl- 1 pate In extending th hospitality of Omaha and the state to Mr. Peck. Thursday afternoon the principal address of tha convention will be delivered by George R. Peck. This address will take place at S p. m. In the College of Law at Nineteenth ar.d Douglas street. His sub ject will be "Temperament and Its Rela tion to Character, Law and Institutions." Mr. Peck is general counsel of the Chicago at Milwaukee railway . system and as a barrister has a wide reputation. He Is a member of the American Bar association, Th culmination of the social features will be th dinner which 1 to bt given at th Her Grand hotel on Thursday even ing. Many mors ar looked far before th dose of the week. The banqueter will be addressed by many men of local talent and also by F. B. Kellogg of Bt. Paul, attor ney for the Chicago Great Western rail road; also by Congressman J. 1. Mc Carthy of the Third district of Nebraska. President Breckenridge say th conven tion promise to be one of th most suc cessful In th history of the association. Ml Well. Th least thing wrong with your bowels make you all sirk. Dr. King's New Lit Pill Diak you all well. 26 cents. For sal by Sherman at MoConaell Drug Co, THAUKSGIVING DAT HATES VI Chloasr Great Western BXallway. Far and one-third for th round trip to points within 300 miles. Ticket on sal November and XL Final return limit December 4. For further Information ap ply to S. D. Parkhurst. general agent, U12 Farnaro street, Omaha, Neb. Writ Mawhinney A It van for 196$ Christ mas Jewelry catalogue. It's free. Saves Deteetlvo Troakle. Andrew Christiansen. Ml Ixard street, gave himself up to Detectives Drum my and Maloney last night. He stated that he waa wanted In Kenosha, Wis., tor am hesslemeot. H aald he wa a carpenter by trade and had been engaged In th contracting business In thai city. On re relvin the money on one contract he ab sconded without paying his bills for the material or labor. A lelearain had been received from th Kenosha autiioriilea statins that Christiansen was wanted there and they had reason to believe that he wa her. Before the detectives had time to InniOuic a search. Christiansen iaui iu J snd save himtr iin. WCKU II CLUB AID CHARITY Through Ita president, Ralph W. Breck enridge., th Nebraska Bar association hat extended the following invitation to th member of th Woman' club: I wish In behalf of the Nebraska State Bar association to extend to the Woman's club of Omaha a very cordial Invitation to attend tha sessions of the Plate Bar association on November ti and 23, and particularly the session at J:S0 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, November 22. at Which time Dr. George B. Howard of our state university, who Is known throughout the world as a student of social problems, will read a paper under the title, "The Problem of fnlform Divorce Laws In the t'nlted States." It occure to me that thla subject la one In which Intelligent men and women outside Of the bar are deeply In terested. The president's address will also be given at that session. Hon. Frederick W. Lehmann of . Louis will deliver th annual address at S o'clock Wednesday evening, entitled. "The Lawyer In American History." Mr. Lehmann Is a lawyer of great eminence and an orator of the first claas. .... Thursday afternoon at 1 o ciock Hon. George R. Peck, president of the American , Ttsr association, will deliver an address on "Temperance, In Its Relation to Char acter. Laws and Institutions." Mr. Peck Is a scholar of renown and one of the foremost member of the'bar In the United States . We shall be pleased to hsve th women of the club attend all of these sessions, which will b held at the new Cretghton Law college In Us building nearly opposite the city hall on Klshteenth street, but your Invitation Is a special on to the session Of Wednesday afternoon, November 22. 4t will be remembered that one of the chief recommendatlona of the St. Louis biennial wa that th club women should Investigate the divorce laws of their cam states and use their influence toward a umform dlvwrce law In all tates. and thla Invitation affords the Omaha women an exceptional opportunity to gain much needed information. Tnis ween s meeting or me an,,. , of the Woman club wa conducted by Mrs. J. W. Griffith. Borne of the works of , Grotte were shown with stereoptlcon and pftyne, Mrs. Warren Blackwell and Mr. E. G. McGlltort poke of the Influence of Dante and St. Francis. The next meet ing will be held next Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, Mrs. Griffith leader. Forty-eight patients, necessitating 427 calls, and in ten case special nurses, was tne report of the Visiting Nurse for the j m0nth Just closed, presented at the Novom- j,., meeting Thursday afternoon. There j wer ten deaths, eight resulting from con- . aUmttlon. The majority of these cases cama to Omaha from other place and this Is. the largest number of deaths from thut cause reported for some time. The date for the annual meeting of the association has not yet been definitely fixed, but It Will take place soon. Mrs. Nelll M. Richardson, ex-secretary of the City Improvement society of Lin coln, has received a check for 1150 from the Ladles' Home Journal, the second prise In the contest for photographs showing the greatest advance in Bingle Items of city im provement. The contestants sent photo graphs of ugly spots in the city and later photographs showing the same spots after their improvement. Mrs. . Richardson sent a picture of the Nebraska state capltol partly obscured by an unsightly billboard, and a second picture taken after the bill board had been removed, the result merit ing second award In a contest that has drawn photographs from all over the United States. The Lothrop School circle, one of the subdivisions of the local Congress of Moth ers -held a meeting Tuesday afternoon at Lothrop school. Mrs. C. E. ' LlewrHyn, chairman, presided.' The program Included a talk by Mrs. George H. Payne on "Child Btudy," a brief talk by Mrs. Draper Smith and a vocal solo by Mrs. A. L. Sheets. Lo throp Is the first of the circle to meet. Last Friday afternoon the children of the school wrote the Invitations, each child writing and delivemg the note to his own parent. At Thursday morning's meeting of the household economics department of the Woman's club, Friday, December 1, wus set as the date of the next meeting, a the regular date falls on Thanksgiving day. A talk on first aid to the Injured was given by Dr. Stella Jacobl, In addltlpn to the re port of the department members on their investigation of the dairies from which th city gets It milk. Mrs. Harriet 8. Mc Murphy presided. There Is to be a national conference of Toung Women's Christian association ex tension secretaries held at Chicago, Decent- ber 27-. The meeting will be held at the Secretary Training Institute, 9?3 West Mun roe street. Th industrial problems of the country will be dUcussed by several well known authorities on sociological questions andjothtr workers in the association. McGes's oysters direct from Baltimore. 8. H. Buffed V Son, 14th and Harney. OMAHA MEN AND U. C. TUW.N'SEXD-Pivparing WARE 10ES AFTER BOB FISH Qufitieoi Legality sf latesting fiinkinj Faad koney in County Warait. asaaBBSBaB) COMMENDS THE PURPOSE OF IT Treaaarer Adsslts System Is Wrt and Says Same Eleaieat Maw Qaestlbnlna- Legality Prevented Attempt at Correction. County Treasurer Kink and his bonds men are the latest persons to have the law served on them by Attorney John D. Ware, head of the "Good Government league." The bonding company which is acting a surety for Mr. Fink was notified of Mr. Ware's position Wednesday, and Thursday morning the county . treasurer received a similar notice. In his letter to the county treasurer Mr. Ware alludes to th $24,000 of sinking fund money which Me. Fink has Invested In county warrants for the purpose of swell- Ing that fund by the high rate of Inter est the warrants bear. Mr. Ware com mends the purpose of Treasurer Fink in making the investment, but he questions the legality of the warrants, It they were issued for expenses incurred prior to this year. On thla latter point Mr. Fink said: "Section 14 of the statutes for 19u6 pro vides that any warrant Issued by lawful authority' can be bought as an Investment with money from the sinking fund; In fact ; It Is made the duty of the county treas urer to so Invest the fund when the chance offers. It therefore seems to m that Mr. Ware's point Is not well taken against this office. The county treasurer la limply a receiving 'and disbursing of ficer, who has nothing to do with passing on the correctness of accounts against the county, hasj no hand In auditing the same at rA rsnnnf ttuasi rr rte ilcr1 In ruuM on th. legaUty of warrant, which are In due -,m . , , win . thi war. rant ftnd w1, n(Jt py th(U one My dutle. are itrlcty aeflned by the law and when , have pp, with those provision I haye no feHr of the r.,ult t nav, no nes. Itatlon In saying, however, that the sys tem on which Douglas county has been do ing business for years is wrong. No busi ness concern would tolerate It. Tet when a proposition was up a while back to Issue bonds which would give the county money to put itself" on a business basis where It could buy In th open market for cash and save a great deal of money every year the same element that Is now raising this question of the legality of our sys- tern fought and beat the bonds. I think th people see now that was a bad mis take," Best Treatment tor Colds. "Most ordinary colds will yield to th simplest treatment," says the Chicago Tribune, "moderate laxatives, hot foot baths, a free perspiration and an avoidance of exposure to cold and wet after treat ment." While this treatment Is simple, it requires considerable trouble, and the one adopting It must remain indoor for a day or two, or a fresh cold Is almost sure to be contracted, and In many Instances pneumonia follows. Is It not better to pin your faith to an Old reliable prepara tion like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, that Is famous for its cures of colds and can always be depended upon? Then no unusual precaution la - necessary to avoid contracting a fresh cold. It alio coun teracts any tendency of' a cold to result In pneumonia. Opportaalnes . on the lino of the Chicago Greet Western railway in Iowa. Missouri, Illinois and Minnesota for business -men, professional men and ' manufacturer.' Openings for nearly all lines In live tewns on a pro gressive railway, affording a "square deal" for all.- Maps, Maple Leaflets, Town Talk and full information given on request to Industrial Department, C. G. W. Railway, St. Paul, Minn., or M. B. Atagill, manager Townaite Department, Omaha. Neb. The display of brass goods in heavy baa relief In Mawhinney A Ryan's show win dow is greatly admired by everybody. It consists of desk sets, calendars, letter and magailne holders, Jewel and glove boxes, smoking sets, etc. . Marriage Ureases. The following marrluge licenses have been Issued : Name and Residence. Henlamln F. Finkle. Omaha Angelina M. Floth. Omaha Fred Gillian, Omaha Grace Trimble, Omaha John M. Dulln?. Omaha Blanche M. Plxley, Omaha Charles Woods. Omaha..... Kachael E, Wilson, Omaha Henry A. Henmann, Seward, Neb Cora 8. Irson, Seward. Neb Charles M. 8peed, Omaha Bertha C. Pfelffer, Elkliorn , Carl M. Andersen, Harttngtnn..., Anna M. Peterson. Wausa, Neb... Anton Buglewlcx. South Omaha.. Amy Prusha, South Omaha Age. ... n K-K wedding rings, kxinoim, jeweler. THEIR HOBBIES for Bif Game. "Merode 5 FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. We are Omaha distributers for this celebrated Underwear "Merode." Its the most san itary underwear manufactured. This class of underwear is usually sold at high prices. We sell them at the price of ordinary under.wear. "Merode" is the stamp of quality. "MERODE" Women's (hand finished) "Merode" underwear, separate shirts. SHIRTS OR PANTS, and 50c. "MERODE" SHIRTS OR PANTS, 75c. "MERODE" SHIRTS OR PANTS, $1.00. "MERODE" SHIRTS OR PANTS, $1.25. . "MERODE" CORSET COVERS 50c. On Farnam at 15tfi St. TRACKAGE BILLS GAIN FAVOR Ordiisnoes Shiny Rlght-sf-Wsy to Bail- roads Esdortss by lennoilmi. H'JNTINSTON POINTS OUT MERITS Say They Will' Start a System of Beneflts for City la Whlck II Property Owien Will Share. rviunriiman Hnntinrton Thursday morn ing expressed himself as being favorable to the passage of the railroad ordinance ntmAtfA a t tha laat fneetine Of the COUn- ell. giving as a reason that In hi opinion with that portion of the city covered wun railroad tracks Omaha will have the best wholesale district in the west. He be lieves also no property owners will be In jured, but Instead all will be benefited hv the tracks in that the value Of the property will be Increased. A to whether U railroads should pay the city ror tne iiu nf tha at reef m Mr. Huntlncton ex pressed himself as being undecided, though he said the city would be materially oene nted even If It did not receive a stated revenue from the railroads. "The council was criticised because It allowed the Union Pacific to lay Its tracks on Ninth street." said Mr. Huntington, hut innv what that has done for this sec tion of the town. One property which had been offered for sale for 50,000 would bring $90,000 today and the owner refused to ac cept the larger offer. , Best .Tblasr City toald Do. , "In my opinion, to open this section of the town for a wholesale district would t th best thing Omaha could do. It wul hfir... nthar hnuaea her and will make Omaha one of the beat wholesale towns In ik. wa.t Rnma neonle probably will de mand that the city charge the rallroada so much for the use of the streets, but, while I have not decided about that. I De lleve the cities which give the most In this line will derive th moat benefits. Property owners in this district .will not be injured by the tracks, but their prop erty will be materially Increased In value. If the right Is granted the railroad compa nies to use .the streets for their tracKs i look for an unprecedented amount of building In this section of the town and everybody in Omaha will derive some bene fit." rv,, tollman TJvball said h had not thoroughly looked up th ordinance and therefore would not express nimseu ai this time. ') . m a oiiw official ha been asked for imor- matlon regarding the business ltes.ln the proposed new wholesale district, and whether permlslon had been granted for the railroads to lay more tracks in the district. The party writing announced h intended to bring a branch house to Omaha. Another Blsr Keator. rwim nther rrnat feature of th new track- sge proposition pointed out Is the early construction of the new Union Paciflo head quarter building. Th first of the track have been laid along Nlntn street, m. Smith at Co.. have bought half a block opposite the Union Pacific headquarters, between which sites lie th tracks ana win nut up the largest factory In the city and an immense warehouse. Her Is an In crease in realty prices. When the Union pacific finally aives way to th pressure of the Jobbing track crusade and moves uptown it is pointed out that its new build ing will again In turn produce a heavy In crease In the price of real estate adjacent to It. And ao It roes." said Huntlnston. "lay ing these tracks simply mean on chain, who every link 1 a special benefaction for Omaha." Manufacturers constructing: new buildings on th tracks which have been run np Ninth street will ask th council for permission to construct raised walks across the track ha heivht of the car doors so that mer chandise may be loaded and unloaded from the cars by trucks, the same as Is don t tha freight denots This concession I granted in other cities in th wholesale districts, wher ther I little trafflc of foot passengers, and little Inconvenience is iven, while It Is a great saving or laoor nd time to the wholesaler who have big boxes to handle continuously. Int teraatlonal Llva Sloes Kxoosltloa. CHICAGO. DEC. 1S-S3. 1M. For the above occasion the Chicago Great Western Railway will sell tickets to Chicago at only on fare, plus ti. tor the round trip. Tickets on sale December 1 to It, Inclusive. Final return limit De cember H. For full Information apply to 8. D. Parkhurst. general sgent. 1512 Far nam street. Omaha. Keb. See our greet holiday offer, given this month only, to avoid th usual holiday rush. H. Hern, photographer, west side of South Fifteenth street. Two story building. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. TL IBS. lajared by Aotosaobllo. H. Hlrdman. an old man of 62 year, liv ing at Y: South Twenty-second street, was struck by an automotive at Sixteenth and Howard street last mnht at S:10 p. in. Hlrdman Is a bartender for John Kerns. Heme Miller's son was said to have been driving th automobile at the time. The collision knocked the man senseleas and he sustained a broken nose in the fall and sever bruises on the left leg. He wss taken to th office of Dr. Klrrhmann. who attended hi Injuries. Mr. Miller 1iik.hU it waa not "hie automobile, which ha ssa. was standing still at th time of the accident. Hand Finished, Underwear drawers, made of genuine combed Egyptian cotton, perfectly finished and out full size, natural or ecru 50c a garment. . t- Women's fine quality (hand finished) "Merode" Underwear; made of Australian wool, Vi maco cotton; a beautiful weave, medium and heavy weight, separate shirts and drawers, in na tural gray or white 75c a garment. Women's fine quality (hand finished) "Merode" underwear, sep arate shirts and drawers, medium, light and heavy weight, me rino, an excellent weave for early fall wear, silk trimmed, shirts with sateen yoke band, drawers natural or white $1 a garment. Women '8 extra fine quality(hand finished) "Merode "underwear, in light and medium weight silk and wool mixed, strictly non shrinkable and a beautiful garment for those who object to wear- ' ing all wool; natural or white $1.25 a garment, y - Women's fine quality (hand finished) "Merode" knit long sleeve Corset Covers, medium weight, perfectly shaped in white only 50c and 75c. AT TKE PLAY HOUSES "The Smart Set" at th Boyd. Thla fine organization of colored come dians and singers was greeted last night by an audience that tilled all available space In the Krug theater and gave a perform ance that Justified the attendance. 8. II. Dudley, who heads the list, la a comedian of the old school, and gives a most laugh able impersonation of an unsophisticated old darkey among a lot of "the smart eot." His methods are his own and are as amus ing as they are unique. John Bailey and Billy .Young are able lieutenant for Mr. Dudley, and between the three a great deal of fun Is created. The singing forces of the company are unusually strong and the solos and choruses are rendered with a flng and dash that Is highly enjoyable. But It Is on the dancing that the manage ment lays the most stress. This company contain some of the best buck and wing dancers In the country, and the exhibition they give of plain and fancy steps Is cer tainly an education along this line. This evening a contest between local exponents of the art and those of the com pany will be given on the stage during the progress of the play, and prise will be awarded the best dancers. A matinee will be given on Saturday afternoon. Amateur Mnht at the Boyd. Pupils of the . Boyd Theater School of Acting gave their first public exhibition for the year at the theater last night,' tho house being filled with friends, who greatly appreciated the four little play offered. 8om'a noteworthy advance In the art of act ing wa shown by the older pupils of Miss Fitch, while all acquitted themselves with much credit. The careful training In ex pression and carriage was particularly noticeable. One of the real triumphs of the evening was the Jspanese Interior setting used for the second of the playlet offered. This setting was designed and constructed by Miss Pitch and her assistant Miss Spen cer. It proved s most effective piece of work. Tie playlets and the actors In them were: ... "THE CHAFING DIBH." (Farce.) Picky v. Oraydon Fox Frank Harwood Dan Blair Aunt Matilda.; Owendolln DelAnev Carrie Saunders Gussle Schmltt Beatrice VanCortland Alice VVinaoear Mlmneey ..... Fred Kcstrom Cleon'a Wife Marie Cash "THE LADY OF THE HAIRPINS." (Japanese Drama in One Act.) Kodxue Fanny Jayne Dietrich Katsura Mrs. Doe Jone Mrs. Burchmore Sen Anna Madsen Tsura f Marie Cash Prince Tora George B. Phelps "HE AND SHE." (Episode In One Act. Dramatised by Lillian Fitch.) Amy Miss Wallace Jim Max Rehfcld "THE) ROMANCERS." (By Edmund Rostand. Author of "Cyrano De Beraerac") Perclnet ... Bergamln . Paaqulnot . Btrarorel .. Lylrutte .. Geo rue B. Phelps ' Fred Ecetrom George Ifayette 8. 8. Hamilton Hazel Brown Balldlaa; Permits. Th following building permit hav been granted by the building Inspector during the tweniy-rour nours enaing at noon Thursdsy: Mary a Chadwlck, Seventeenth and Dodge, frxme dwelling. I4.S00; Dr. A. C. Kenner, Nineteenth and Clark, fratn dwel- To d &yjf bread to eat It day after day and always Insist on getting it there Is some thing mightly good about it. Wouldn't such a testimony Induce you to ut least try the first loaf? We, know you will insist on getting the second. ' ' Over Four Hundred Grocers Bell It. 5c a Loaf V. P. STEAM BAKING CO. ' I Real Batter Scotch "IT TAtlTIiat JOHN G. WOODWAKD CO. "THE CANOf HIH" Csund "Juffi. loa-a. On Farnam it", .an st. 33 fa ling. 3.IS00: John A. CrelgMon, Ninth nnd Howard, eight-story brick warehouse lMx 13) feet, ISno.OOn Anatoaneensenta of tho- Theaters. Francis Wilson' appearance tonight at the Boyd In "Cousin Billy" will be the first time thla star ha been seen In Omaha in a piece that did not hav muslo for its basis Th comedy In which he has been appearing for the last two seasons 1 by Clyde Fitch, and .deal with the, affairs of a man from Allentown. Pa., who pur sues a widow from one European water ing place to another, with, the Intention of marrying her. He Is using for tbe pres ent season a one-act . play of , hie own, "A Little Father of the Wilderness.", which ha been pronounced a gem by th critics. This precedes the main. play. .The en gagement I for Friday and Saturday evening and a matinee 'on Saturday. Opening on Sunday evening, the Carleton Opera company is coming with "When Johnny Conies Marching Home," 'one of the musical successes that haa - not yet been seen In Omahav , Three more performances of "When We Were Twenty-One" '' trill be given at the Burwood. The Woodward Stock company has been busy prepeartng for next week's bill, which will b Bronson Howard's great war drama, "Shenandoah." Harry Corson Clark and' company will be at the head of the till at the Orpheum next week. Mr. Clark will present a com edy sketch entitled. "Strategy," that Is aald to be uproariously funny. This going to prove one of the biggest weeks ever experienced at th . Orpheum. The bill Is scoring heavily. Many con sider it the best of the Reason. Then, the delegate to the Implement convention are attending from 200 to, 400 strong- nghtly, which Alls th' cozy playhouse . to the "standing room only" point. Tbe fame of this t'nderwwr has made It a hou. jld word lu the I-ind. Nothing, like it (or health and comfort both. All Weizhts for All Wants. Cttfulojrue explains everything. Frtt. with $amples. Ordtrt token forladita' underwear.' For Sal by ALBERT CAHN 13. ft PARNAs sjr. A Great Seller Snow Flake Bread Is sold to and eaten by more families in Omaha tban any two or three other kinds ot bread combined. This is a wonder f ul testimony for Snow Flake Bread It is a testimony that, means some thing. When you stop to think of the countless and countless nu rs of people that think enough" of a BAT lAli.ll UUHW "7 i