Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Tiie Omaha Daily Uee.
Daily P-ee (without Sunday), one year..SM
lelly Bee end Sunday, one year J0
Illustrated Hf. one year I .M
Sunday He. one year IW
Saturday Be, one year I "
Pally Dm (without Sunday), per week...l2o
V a y He tln. hiding Sunday), per week. lie
Evening S (without Sunday), per week so
F.venlng (with Sunday), per
Sunday Rm, per copy &o
Address romulatnta it Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
rnaha The Bee Building.
South CmiM-City Hull Building.
founoll Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago IS4A Unity Building.
Nw f orlt If Home Life In. Building.
Washington Kil Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and d
Itorlal mailer ahould he addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payame in in nee r-iiiiianing company.
Only l-eent stamps received as payment of
mall aconunta.
Personal chocks, except on
Omaha or eastern eschanges, not accepted.
Stat of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.:
C (!. Rosewater. secretary " The BS
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
saya that tha actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
tha month of October, IMC, was aa fol
low :
1 M.lOO 17.,
1 fio.TOO ..
.. no, Aim
.. no.ono
.. ao.nso
.. RO.QICO to....
t S1.230
n st.aio
1 81.030
1 82.410 a...
I 8O.03O 24...
t 8i, a...
19 81,100 a...
ii ai.iao ft...
13 8O.TI0 a...
ii ao,ao a...
It SllO 10...
It W,4oO II...
!. unsold soplss...,.
841,01 0
. .fxus.HSO
.. lO.ttBl
Nat total salee aa.24f
Dally sveraga SO.T1T
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before ml this list day of October. 19i.
(Seal) M. B. HUNQATE,
Notary Public.
abaerthere leavlae; b ettr
wararlly ahoald ha Tha Baa
aaatlae) ta tbaaa. It Is watts tfcaw
daily letter from horns. Ad
dirwss will fcs rbaaged oftea as
lu the mean time, what ia to become
of the market house erected by the city
on lower Cepltol avenue?
Omuba bank growth is u pretty good
reflection of Omaha biiHiiieaa growth
anj the flg rea mount into the millions
Home of those speculative "pools" in
Wall street seem to have proved verlt
able cesspools for aorue of the pnrtlcl
Aa aoon as Improvements already
tinder way are completed, OmnhtTs
wholesale district will Invito compnrlson
wltU that tf any city of twice Its size,
' ' ' T. . ' "
Oovernmcut statistics would Indicate
that arbitration la not a popular method
of settling labor disputes, but like all
other young things It may be expected
to grow.
1 1 ' 1
It waa necessfiry to deny thnt an nncle
of the ctar had been appointed military
dictator of Russia,' for the next Rus
alan dictator will hardly come from the
royal circle.
Unless New Mexico con make suit
able arrangements with Pennsylvania it
may have to send a vice delegate to
represent Its Interests In congress at the
next session.
Hermans have loug been kuown to
have an eye for the beautiful, so that
no one la surprised when an arrest Is
made In Prussia for counterfeiting the
American bank note.
The Water board proposes now to go
after the flat rates for water service
exacted by the water company. This
should t'tiuble ths thousand-dollar-a-cllp
lawyers to find another teat to milk.
Pormer tJovernor Odoll of New York
denies the assertions of Mr. Hyde with
all of the abandon of a man who antlcl
pates belief on the part of bis bearers
. because f the previous record of his ad
When Count Wltte addressed the
workmen In a manufacturing establish
ment as "brother workmen" he doubt
less talked on the assumption that he
was addresslug an assemblage of cabl
net makers.
President Castro evidently believes
that the way to get rid of Importunate
ranchmen Is to refuse to pay their bills,
but be should by this tiros have greater
familiarity with the methods of Interna
tional debt collectors.
A St. Petersburg phtlauthroplat has
twen placed st the bead of a committee
to distribute the money sent for the re
lief of the Russian Jews. The grand
dukes may now see a golden stream
lowing by Into which they cannot dip
tbalr hands.
Tho utnudatory lujuuctiou Issued by
tlie federal court, commanding the
Board of Appraisers to proceed to com
plete their appraisement of the water
works plant may be expected to hurry
tuiugs, especially to view of the fa
that tb Wgtalature decreed the liu
mediate run pubtory purchase mure
than three years ago.
L i , . J . , I
City Eht-tih'lan MU-baelsen U on the
right track In his efforts to get ths basts
of i ftr Insurance in Omaha reduced.
Omaha bis u.ore than doubled Its pay
mcoti for firs protection within recent
years, ths plea always being that txt
ter Are piotectlou would reduce Insur
snce rates, but the rate have never
ba rorrvf puodlngly reduced.
Tlie nniinnnopiiirnt sr-ut out a fpw
tlnya or that Hit? rsllrofld publicity
IxiD-mi, crcatoU to antagonize? the rate
regulation policy of President Roe
vrlt, had been tloeI, caused no great
surprise. In CDnnocikirt wltli the an
nouncement waa the statement that the
bureau had Jk-cii very expensive to th
different road assessed, tbe coat being
estimated at nearly $2,000,000. It was
probably all of thla amount, or even
more, and It Is not astonishing thnt
under the continuous drain the railroad
managers should have decided that It
was Inadvisable to keep up the so-called
publicity bureau.
The fact la, as has been pretty
clearly demonstrated, that the railroads
made a grave mistake In organizing
their bureau. Instead of accomplish-
Ing anything for the cause which It was
Intended to subserve. It baa really
proved an Injury to it The effect of
the literature sent out by the bureau
has not been to persuade the public that
the position of Tresldcnt Roosevelt In
regnrd to rate regulation Is wrong, but j
rather to convince it. In view of the ex-
tremo anxiety and solicitude shown by
the railroads, that whnt the president I
advocates Is absolutely right. Whoever
has taken the trouble to study the care-
fully prepared articles sent out by the
railroad bureau must have become con-
vlnced of the shallowness and the in-
adequacy of the so-called arguments
preseuted. From first to last the pleas I
of the Ingenious attorneys of the rail-1
roads have not sought to meet the qnes-1
- .1
tlon squarely and In a fair and logical I
way, but havo resorted to all sorts of
conjectures and possibilities and technl-1
calltles lu tho effort to show thnt the I
policy urged by the president would
result in great harm to the transports-
tlon Interests of the country and there-
fore to all other Interests.
Tho efforts of the railroads In this I
direction, which Is said to have cost
them nearly f2,00O,OO0, have not pro-
duced the results they hoped for and
expected. They have not made very
much of au impressslon upon pub-
lie sentiment. It Is pretty safe to say
that the converts to the railway side of
the rote controversy, made through the
railroad publicity bureau, are fewer lu
number than those who through these I
very arguments have seen the fairness
and Justice of the demand for railway
rate regulation and thereby have been I
made supporters of Mr. Roosevelt's po-
sltlon. I
Tho closing of the railroad publicity
bureau does not mean, of course, that I
the railroads contemplate stopping the
fight agalnat rate regulation. They In-
tend to keep up the contest, but they I
will carry it on through their represen-1
tatlves In congress Instead of through
the newspapers. Still the abandonment
of the bureau Is a confession of failure
to Influence popular opinion by this
method which Is significant.'
According to Mr. Gompers, president
or tne American feneration or iDor,
conditions in rorio Kieo arc aepiorabie.
He states that uiere Is much poverty I
ana nunger among tne people or tne
Island and that as a cousequence the la-1
boring classes ore able to do but little
ork and cannot be considered in the
employment upon a great public under-1
taking. I
There have been other reports from I
the island of a similar nature, ao Uiat I
we are compelled to believe that the
statement of Mr. Gompers Is not an ex-1
aggeratlon. What should be done to
remedy the unfortunate aituatlon Is not
suggested, but manifestly It demands
serious consideration on ths cart of con-
gress and the administration, to the end
that some measures be adopted for glv-
lng employment to those who are able
m r
and willing to work and relieving a ait
uatlon which It would be discreditable
to the government to permit to continue
a day longer than a practicable remedy
can be fouud. There would seem to be
among the Porto Rtcans more concern
respecting their political future than
their material welfare, perhaps on the
theory that a broadening of political
privileges would result In greater Indus
trial and commercial prosperity. At all
events. It will be a reproach to our gov
ernment if the unfortunate conditions In
Porto Rico are allowed to continue. We
should be able to at least do aa much
for the welfare of the Islanders as was
done under Spanish rule.
President Roosevelt la said to have de
clared his position In regard to the ter
ritories which are seeking admission as
states. According to report be will rec
ommend that Oklahoma be admitted and
that the other territories be kept out of
the union for the present It is also
stated that the committees on territories
of both house and senate are Inclined to
stand by the old program of creatlug
two states out of the four territories.
It la pointed out, however, that since the
questJou of statehood for the territories
was brought Into congress many seu
ators and representatives have person
ally investigated the existing conditions
In the territories aud the result Is that
seutJiuent among public men Is crystal
Uzlng In favor of tha plan of admitting
Oklahoma and Indian Territory to state
hood aud letting Arlsona and New Mex
ico wait
A report from Washington says that
there does not seem to be a dissenting
voice as to the proposed admission of
Oklahoma and Indian Territory, though
there Is difference of opinion aa to
whether the two territories should be
admitted as oue state, or aa separate
autea. but ou the main proposition, the
preparedness of those two territories for
statehood, there is no dissentlug opinion.
The coudukiuu to be draaa from these
ro(orta la that the admission of Okla
homa la assured, that the iDrtlan Terri
tory may 1 granted statehood, and that
neither New Mexico nor Arizona la
likely to be admitted by the fifty-ninth
congress. The objection to the latter
territories la largely la regard to the
character of a portion of their popula
Western opinion la In favor of dlspos-
ing of the statehood qneatlon by the
fifty - ninth congreaa and there appears to
bo no substantial reason why this can
not be done.
ekcoVraQIXQ Bians.
At no time within Its history have
there been more encouraging aigna for
the continued expansion and prosperity
0f Omaha and the contiguous cities and
towns that make up Greater Omaha
only within the past few wecka tha
growth of several of our largest com
merclal Institutions, In both retail and
jobbing dlatricta, baa practically burst
the bounds of their bousing facilities
tnd forced the erection of new and more
commodious buildings and warehouses
to accommodate them.
The announcement of a new half
block of warehouse and factory con
structlon to take care of a single wholo-
sale institution Indicates that our busl
nets men are confidently counting on
the future and looking ahead to a stead
hy enlarged trade activity. The gratify
jng part of the situation is, however,
that this growth is not conflned to tho
largest mercantile concerns, but per
meates In almost the aame measure
through the entire business community,
being shored alike by big and little,
Our jobbing bouses could not flourish
to the extent they do unless the retail
trade In this territory were similarly
thriving, and the retailer could not In
crease the volume of his sales were not
the Individual consumer enjoying un
precedented prosperity.
This story la told again, lu different
words, lu the exhibit Just made by the
national banks of Omaha In response to
the comptroller's last call for a periodic
financial statement Tho comparative
exhibit of national bank resources and
liabilities now and a year ago Illustrates
graphically ttw procession of prosperity
In which the entire west Is marching
and in which Omaha not only occupies a
conspicuous place, but Is steadily gain
lng upon its commercial rivals,
The very fact that people already
here are pinning their faith to Omaha
in such a substantial manner cannot
fall to Impress outsiders most favor
ably and help still further to attract
population and capital. Omaha's rising
tide has by no meana reached Its full
height but quite the contrary; there is
nothing In sight to Interrupt its con
tinned progress.
Swrotary Taft will go as far as Kan
n" CJy 00 hl western trip. If it la
Ut too late Omaha should extend on
invitation for a place on the Itinerary
Piovonnl intnectlon bv the secretary of
I war of our army posts and supply
deD0(!l VOuld surely be to our advan-
ta. vnPU appropriations aud leglsla
tUm nro Ullder consideration at Wash
The local pepocratic organ Is now
busy delmting "Rockefellerism" with
popocrntlc ex-members of the Board of
L'nlvcrslt.7 Regenta, whom It accuses of
being responsible for accepting the
Rockefeller donation. If this Is purely
a pepocratic fomily quarrel, republicans
will do well to let them settle it among
In Elding that uone but American
cltlzena shall be appointed to consular
positions Secretary Root has taken a
eP calculated to prevent tne uuueu
States from finding Itself the seml-offl-
clal champion of some faction in coun-
I ... .....I
tw(na rAnr v-A vtfMiirinn a flrA ktonr in rr.iii
11 ICS) " VI a v va w w w. t- v wwa
The dowager empress of Russia un
doubtedly finds It pleasanter to be at
home with "papa" In Copenhagen than
to be listening for bombs at St. Peters
burgbut the popular Idea of the Spar
tan qualities of the mother of the csar
may have to be revised.
The stioHtlon of the filing fee for on
irics W lua uiuuniimi fiiiunij ia va-
pected to stimulate a multiplicity of
candidates. No candidate, however, so
far as any one knows, waa ever barred
out of runrln for office by Inability to
ratsft t)ie anto.
Saaeealag- tha Sick.
Brooklyn Eagle.
Ths drug trust, which Is one of tha rsthsr
mischievous organisations, has raised prices
so as to yield an extra profit of S40.000.000,
Now la a good time to resolve not to be
Rlht Haadteaape.
Kansas City Times.
The railroads may have had tbe right
idea about ths way to mold publlo opinion.
through the medium of the press, but they
wera handicapped by having ths wrong
end of ths argument.
Hard Blew for Graftera.
Chicago News.
With a democrat In charge of ths Penn
sylvania state treasury ths republican ma
chine men face ths awful prospect of hav
ing U put up real security and pay legal
rates of Interest when they want to borrow
Aa Optical lllaalva.
Chicago News.
Hear this from Chancellor K. Benjamin
Andrews: "Played under due supervlaion
foot ball breeds not callousness, but kind
ness and restraint." Somebody has fooled
ths gvntleman. Ha has been watching
game of croquet.
Pvraaaal Eaeassltrs la tha Xavy
Philadelphia Record.
Dueling has been eliminated from ths
A mar I can army and navy. It la tin that
Bat ftghtinf was eliminated from ths
achoola a here army and navy officers are
educated. There Is nothing whatever In
common between national warfare and per
aonal encounters either with natural or
artificial weapons, and meo who will not
fight Indivlduslly sre Just as ilkely to fight
bravely for their country sa men who do.
Besides, the cadets and the midshipmen
have foot ball In mhlch they can demon
strate their disregard of peraonal Injuries.
rnl( the Hat for Japaa.
Brooklyn Eagle.
Psinine Impends In Japan through the
failure of the, rtcs crop and tha enforced
abaenca of farmers at the front. Bsy ths
word, and we will take up a collection. W
did thst for Rusals, so why not for a people
who are behaving better than ths Russians
at preaentT
Slaaa of tha Ttaiea.
Kansas City Stsr.
There are many signs that the preldent
will have the support of almost every re
publican In the house and a majority of
the republicans as well aa practically all
the democrats in the senate. There Is now
a very strong prospect thst a railway law
will he enacted and that It will be a good
one. There will be no disposition on the
part f the real representatives of ths
people to temporise with ths railroads.
Tha bill will not be Juggled aa tha Elklns
bill was. Indeed, the new measure should
and may carry with It s restoration of ths
criminal clsuse eliminated by ths Elklns
set. The people know Just about what they
want, and they are going to keep their
wants before congress.
A Trick that Didn't Work.
Kanaas City BUr.
The railroads regret that they have spent
a couple of million dollars trying to "make
sentiment" against the square dest. They
have equal reason to be sorry that they
sent a delegation of railway employes to
the president to proteet against proposed
railway legislation. Whoever conceived
the latter idea is the blue ribbon chump
of the whole railway fraternity.
'All I want In any rate leglnlatlon," snld
the president to the delegation of railway
employes yesterday, "Is to give the gov
ernment a mifflclent supervisory power
which shall be exercised as scrupulously
to prevent Injustice to the rallroada as to
prevent their doing injustice to the pub
lic." Of course any opposition to any
such a sound general policy must be baaed
on a dealre not to "tote fair" with ths
Cost af the Inanred. Profits of the
Spring-field (Mass.) Republican.
Why are the poor poor? The turning of
the New York insurance Inquiry Into the
matter of so-called Industrial insurance
brings out farts helpful In answering that
question. Industrial Insurance differs In
no essential particular from ordinary life
Insurance. it Insures for small sums
among people who cannot afford so much
as a 11,000 policy, and who think they
cannot afford to pay premiums In quar
terly, semi-annual or annual lumps, but
must make payments In weekly driblets or
nickels or dimes or quarters. This Insur
ance among very poor people Is further car
ried to the point of Insuring the lives of
little children under 10 years of age, which
have no economic value and hence no In
surable Interest. This Infantile Insurance
Is offered on the plea of providing for tha
funeral expenses of ths child In case of
death. It has been frequently and warmly
opposed on the. ground that, among very
poor people, struggling to get along and
overburdened with children, the temptation
to the parents of a moner value Is placed
upon ths death of the child, and If down
right murder Is not Invited, neglect leading
to death Is apt to be. Time and again
American legislatures have considered bills
to prohibit child Insurance, and anions:
them tha Massfu-sUMtta legislature In 1896,
but ths companies Interested have gener
ally succeeded in defeating them. So ths
business goes on in expanding volume, and
along with It the small Insurance of adult
lives which Is paid for in weekly premiums
collected by agents going about in person
among ths Insured.
It can be readily Inferred that such in
surance is vary expensive. Bad as ordi
nary life Insurance has been shown to be
In this particular, Industrial Insurance Is
much worse. To an expensive agency
system of getting new business Is added
a premium collection system nearly or
equally as expensive. The result is that
while well-to-do people pay far more than
Is necessary for their Insurance, ths very
poor pay nearly twice as much. It is ths
difference, saya President Hegeman of the
Metropolitan Life company, which la tha
largest of the industrial companies, be
tween wholesale and retail transactions.
It Is the difference between buying coal
by the ton and the bucket.
Take his own company. It has an ex
pense ratio of some 35 per cent against 20
per cent for ordlnsry life companies, and
the ao per cent is so needles! excessive
as to raise a great outcry among well-to
A InaiiMnts Th In V than tt a VK r.a
Think, then, or a 35 per
cent expense ratio for the very poor. For
example, this same Metropolitan Life will
sell a 11,000 polk-y on the ordinary plan.
according to President Hegeman's testi
mony, for tie. 5 a year (age 22), but will
charge $31. S) on an Industrial policy for
$984, weekly premium payments; and
smaller policies are proportionately ex
pensiveJustifying the assertion that ths
very poor pay about twice as much for
their Insurance as the well-to-do. snd
tha latter pay some 20 per cent more than
Is necessary.
Take again Mr. Hegeman'a company.
Last year It collected t&O.WQ.OOO from policy
holders, mostly of the very poor or weekly
premium payment class, and It returned
to policy holders. In death claims, divi
dends, etc., only $16.SX),O0O. It expended in
salaries, commissions and other expenses.
almost S2O.000.00O, or a good deal mora than
u returned to nnllcv holders. What .
fearful waste of the substance of ths poor
In ths one msttter of Insurance! The lapse
percentage In this Insurance Is enormous,
and last year the Metropolitan company
gained over S3.0no.000 from this source, ac
cording to Wednesdsy's inquiry. Evn
with weekly premium payments ap
parently a majority of thoie Insured throw
up their policies within two or three years,
and so lose all collected from them for
reserve. And tha poor will havs It so.
says liegeman; they will not come to the
company with their premium payments.
tha company must go to them through sn
army of collecting scents. ,
But It Is a great business to those en
gaged In It Mr. Hegeman's company is
a stock concern of SZ.taMHO, paying 7 per
cent dividends. The whole establishment
naght have been bought out years ago for
S2&0.0U0. said Mr. Hegeman yesterday, but
now &.0O00"O would not buy It. And
small wonder, when we hear from him
further on that his own salary la S100.000
a year, that of Vice President Flake, who
so ably defended Infantile Insurance before
tbe Massachusetts legislature ten years
ago. 175.000. a second Vies president S3T.500
and a third vice president SJ1.360. It'a a
gold mine for the managers, if not for
tha stockholders an Immensely profitable
thing, this of Insuring tha very poor and
collecting their pennies and dimes. "Are
you making any serious effort to reduos
expenses?" was asked yaeterday, and Mr.
Hegeman aaid solemnly: "We are always
doing so." And so with the other big
life companies always trying to do so,
but never succeeding, and never by any
manner of means extending ths trial to
their own fabulous salaries, which In
crease right along as the trial for economy
its or wAsmsGTO urn
Mlaor Seeaea aad Iseldeat Sketched
a tha .
A fruitful sub.leet for discussion and
speculation smong Washington corre
spondents is the lineup of the forces for
the approaching battle In congress for
and against railroad rale regulation. What
will the outcome be? Is a queatlon thst
affords boundless possibilities for ths
grouping of strategetlcal movements Snd
Incidents regarded as forerunners of ths
struggle. A cautious and observant corre
spondent of (he Boston Transcript throws
Some light on the situation as It appears
at the present time. "Slnca election."
says the correspondent, "ths rallrosd con
troversy hss assumed such lines that a
compromise, rather than an open break
between the president and the senate,
seems the natural outcome. Ths senate
cannot afford to break with ths president.
It will have to take ths best concessions
It can get from him. but It will apparently
feel obliged to pass a railroad bill. It
woud be highly perilous to go Into the
congressional elections next autumn upon
ths record of having thwarted ths presi
dent's plan. It appears from such speeches
as that of Senator Knox, whoss relation
to ons great railroad system Is close, that
a considerable group of railroads are pro
paring to adjust themselves to reasonable
compromise legislation, and mak tha best
of It, If Indeed they do not help to prepare
"The group of railroad 'stand-patters,'
liks James J. Hill and Samuel Spencer and
Lucius Tuttle, will put up a mors de
termined fight, but how far they can get
the senate to go with them Is an open
question. The real railroad fight this win
ter will not sppear In the speeches deliv
ered on tho floor. Those will be for de
clamatory purposes. Nor are polls, show
ing how the different senators stand, of
much value. Aside from New England,
snd perhaps New York snd New Jersey.
snd Mr. Foraker in Ohio, practically all
the senators will find It necessary to seem
to be 'against the corporations.'
"If they differ with the president they
cannot say so openly and squarely, but
must discover Indirect and recondite ob
jections to his plan. Outwardly they
must Join In tha praise of his statesman
ship; but In the deliberations of the sub
committee, and when tf.. conferees are
at work, they may more nearly voice their
real opinion, or give heed to any obligation
that they may feel to railroad Interests,
which are very powerful In a Serg num
ber of states. The stockholders are. or
will be. aroused by pamphlets, and It
seems probable that the railroad employes,
who form an Immense army, will be made
to see that their Interest lies In having
their employers left with ths present free
hand In rate making. A significant con
ference of railroad labor men was held
here this week. The favored shippers. If
there be such, and the localities which bene
fit from existing discriminations, will un
doubtedly ally themselves In opposition to
the presidents plan. Thers will be. be
sides, the opposition of those who dread
too much government; who fear tha hand
of politics in the Industries; who think It
better to leave private enterprise alone to
work out its own problems.
"When the question Is raised as to how
any senator will vote or what, his influence
will be In the secret recesses where egla
latlon Is made, several considerations al
ways present themselves. What do the
people of his state think of Roosevelt? If
It is one of those communities where en
thusiasm for the president Is at a high
water mark It will be difficult for the
senator to allow himself to be rated as
against the president, Morgan and Pettus,
In Alabama, can afford to be, because thoy
havs been fighting him for years, and they
hold their own democratic state firmly.
But with senators like those from the
Dakota and Wyoming and Minnesota, It
would be an unpopular senatorial assign
ment to tske the open sgslnst Mr. Roose
velt. "It la thus apparent that ths railroad rate
regulation campaign starts In with many
elements of strength on ths president's
side. At least ths senators who reflect the
wishes of James J. Hill, for example, must
greatly prefer to do so by getting the best
possible compromise rather than by throw
ing their party in the senats Into blunt
and- open antagonism with the president.
It is safe to predict that If the coming ses
sion should adjourn, after the senats had
broken with the president as squarely as
that body under democratic control did
with President Cleveland on the tariff
question, the republicans would suffer In
ths congressional campaign next year. A
democratic house would almost certainly
result. The only safety for the republicans
comes In holding together, president and
senate, and they know It, and this Increases
the prospects of compromise.
The dismissal of several clerks employed
In ths buresu of pensions for loaning money
at usurious rates of Interest to their fel
low clerks, or being the Intermediary or
go-between of outside loan sharrks, Is the
first step In breaking up a pernicious prac
ttce thst hss been In vogue from time al
most Immemorial. There are In this city
today men who have accumulated fortunes
by loaning money to government clerks
rates of from S to 10 per cent a month, and
there are clerks drawing government sal
arles who have loaned and sre still loan
Ing money to their fellow clerks at the
same usurious "rates. The modus operandi
Is as follows: These outside losn associa
tions have their agents in each department.
These agents are familiar with each clerk
know his habits, his associates, know that
ha Is honest and one who keeps his word.
The clerk desires, we will say, a loan of
" " "uu" uul l" " n' "nice
mivi. iiv ,o vuii'iuyru. Ild goes id
see him
explains his necessity. Is given a blank note
to fill out for five months, another blank
to fill out, in which he obligates himself to
pay HO monthly for five months. He must
havs two Indorsers on his note who are
required to give their position in the ser
vice, where employed and the amount of
salsry received. This formula having been
made out, the agent (clerk in the depart
ment) takes It to the loan office, "O. K.s
It and the next day is handed Stf. This Is
at tha rate of per rent per annum, or
thi per cent a month, or M per rent dis
count. If ths note Is not paid It Is pro
tested at a cost of about f2. This seldom
hsppens. Very tew of the notes go to pro
test. Ths Impecunious clerk pays up, re
news the note, and so it goes on for years.
racemaking Is to be a diversion of fssh-
tnoable women In Washington this winter.
Mrs. Roosevelt may be called the pioneer
of this movement, though ths wife of ths
French ambassador, Mme. Jusaerand, ai.d
several other women In the diplomatic corps
have added to Its popularity. When Mrs.
Roosevelt receives the womea of ths cab
inet circle for the weekly boudoir confer
ence she works on a piece of filmy lace
while Important affairs of tae next social
season are diacuaeed. Whenever the i real
dent's wife receives aa Intimate friend In
the sunny weatarn alcove oo the second
corridor of the White House, which is her
special preearvs. she makes her lace, chats.
tops long enough to take a cup of tea and
begins at her lacs again.
Shear! the Peer.
Philadelphia Record.
It is a curious fact that the companies
for ths insurance of ths poor are the ones
In which lb)' are moet coaipleily shorn.
The Jar of
Hammer blows, steadily applied,
break the hardest rock. Coughing,
day after day, jars and tears the
throat and lungs until the healthy
tissues give way. Ayer s Cherry Pec
toral stops the hard coughing. Con
sult your doctor freely about this.
, - -
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
Keae y the t. O. Ayer Oo., lweU, ataea
AIM ataaaOMtarars af
ATtlt'B HAIH Ttoow.-Foc ths hair. ATER'8 PILLS tot eonrtipatloa.
AIXK'S SaJtSAPARilXA Fo ths slosd. ATER'S AOuS CURB For malaria sad af as.
A freak election better In Ohio goes Into
an Insane asylum for a week to fulfill a
wager. But Isn't this rather rough on the
genuine inmates?
It Is anonunced that Mr. Carnegie has
agreed to assist high School pupils of Pitts
burg who desire to take a finishing course
at the SIO.000,000 Carnegis Technical school
in that city.
Kather a nest epigram from Lester W.
Boudlne, superintendent of compulsory
education In Chicago: "We are suffering
from too much prosperity for the rich
and too much posterity for the poor."
Oovernor-elect Pattison of Ohio courted
his wife at college. She was the daughter
of his Greek professor In Ohio Wesleyan
university. Their two girls, ths Misses
Alethea and Ernestine, are Vassar gradu
A bachelor girl. Miss Grace Stephenson,
has become ths editor of ths LJndsborg
(Kan.) News, which used to havs this line
over wedding announcements: "They Are
Happy Now." The new editor has changed
it to "Thsy Are Happy Now."
In addressing Cansdian teachers ths Hon.
Mr. Sutherland denounced United States
magaslnes for their boastful spirit. Then
he added: "Man for man, Canadians are
more Intelligent and better educated than
ths citizens of any other country, ancient
or modern."
Ths late Edward M. Paxson. former
chief Justice of the supreme court of Penn
sylvania, Bucks county, devised a large
part of his landed property thers for the
establishment of an agricultural Institute
for poor boys, to be their home from the
age of 16 years to 21. Judge Paxson was
a wealthy man and It was estimated that
his property may reach S3,000.000. His plan
s to have those poor boys properly edu
cated aa farmers, etc.
Clah Womea Swing- the Clab Here
sad There.
New Tork Sun.
Now the tin horn blares no longer and
ths campaign flags are furled; and the
philosopher and sociologist can return to
the chief and crown of things.
The real rulers of the world hsve been
In regular session Sh rough all these brab-
bllngs and howllngs of ths inferior sex.
For Instance: The Federated Women's
Clubs of Oklahoma have resolved to soften
the just severity of their treatment of
their slaves:
"Reports of ths clubs Indicats an In
creasing tendency to show more consider
ation for ths husband."
A perhaps Injudicious spirit of kindness.
Let the poor devils "taks what is coming
to them." pay up, shut up and disappear!
Not even the Oklahoma matrons can save
doomed, race.
In a speech at the Interterrltorlal fed
eration meeting at Oklahoma City. Mrs.
James Lewis, sometime president of the
Kansas State Federation of Women's
Clubs, seconded persuasively the motion
made previously by many leading states-
women for the establishment at Washing
ton of a department of women'a clubs and
ths appointment of a secretary of women's
clubs. In view of the evident tendency
to have a cabinet Include everything. It
certainly should Include the nest of every
Rev. Dr. Anna H. Shaw of Providence, R.
I., told the Kentucky Equal Rights assocla
tlon soms great truths rasping to mascu
line ears:
"Man In a swallowtail coat and a silk hat
Is the ugliest combination the world has
ever seen."
Still, may mere man ask with due humil
ity, whst changes In the combination Dr,
Shaw suggests? Should the ugly critter
substltuts a "derby," sombrero or golf hat
for ths customary "dry hide," or should
a cardigan Jacket take the place of
Some painful facts for dwindling man:
"Why is It that, according to statistics
of the last twenty-five years, women havs
Increased In stature two aud-one half
inches snd men have decreased that
Decline and fall off. In a few years
what will be left of him? From the Im
placable lungs of Kansas shoots the faUl
watchword: "Man must be abolished!"
Greed la Two St
St. Louis Republic.
Mr. Roosevelt msy preserve Niagara
Falls from commercial and Industrial uses,
but ths water of Wall street must havs
some outlet.
"Ettttio" Bookcass
and Desk combined.
Permits as much or as little
book space as wanted.
Comprises Desk Unit wilrt
tow or many Book Units as
desired. Roomy, conven
ient, attractive. Car) and see
or write for catalogue 104
Orchard & Wilhelm
Cirpet Ct.
Sola Agsnta.
Paper Money Sorely la Heed af
New Tork Times.
United States Treasurer Treat's report,
Just published, says thst our psper cur
rency "is subject to very rough usage,
which soon reduces It to a condition un1U
for circulation." What Is the reason thst
our currency cornea to need washing and
Ironing before It Is fit for the pocket? It
Is because it Is never truly redeemed. Boms
of our paper money stays sfioat for years.
although It ought to be destroyed when
ever the cycle of trade which called It
Into existence Is accomplished. Wnn a
farmer gets greenbacks for a load of grain
and deposits them in a bank, they ought
to be destroyed when next they reach the
treasury. If the farmer pays the psper
"money" to a store. It ought to be de
stroyed whenever It Is paid Into bank In
satisfaction of the discount which called
It Into existence.
If we are not mistaken, the average life
of our paper money Is two years, whereas
it ought not to exceed at most the time
of curroncy of the ordinary promissory
note. Dirty money hss a deeper meaning
than mere wear and tear. It Is an out1
ward and visible sign of unsound principles
of currency.
"Charlie Gebust appears to be a good
deal upset by that bank failure."
"Yes, I understood him to say that he lost
his balance." Cleveland Leader.
"Why don't you advocate reform?" asked
the friend.
"I do advocate It," answered Senator
Sorghum. "But I don't see any occasion
for my risking my political and pecuniary
future on It." Washington Star.
"Tea. she's Just wild on ths subject of
ventilation. Keeps the windows of her
home up mora than half the time."
'And wnara onen work Itoelerv all . the
year round." Cleveland Plain Dealer. '
'Mrs. Brown Is ao nhllanthrODlc! 1 She
loves to give things away."
"But she goes too far. She gives people
away!" Detroit Free Press.
'I'll give you a position ss clerk to
start with," said the . merchant, "and pay
you what you are worth. Is thst satis
factory? 'Oil, perfectly." replied the college grad
uate, but er do you think the Arm can
afford it?" Philadelphia Ledger.
"The stare Is a great elevator." declared
the literary enthusiast.
"That's right," said the theatrical man
ager, "some actors shoot up In a minute.
snd go down at the same rate. Detroit
Free Press.
"You know McSlunlgan. don't you?" raid
the doctor. "The first tlaO lie earned by
days' work he put into a horse snd cart.
snd in the last few years he has sold rearly
1,000 graphophones."
That only snows, commin'-ert tns pro
fessor, "that a little earning is n dangerous
thing." Chicago Tribune,
She hsd Just refused him. Her woman's
heart Was tilled with pity.
"Do not be so cast down." she said. "It
grieves me greatly to give you so much
He looked up and laughed.
"Don't worry." he said. "My proposal
was Just a freak election bet."
j nen ne took nis nat anu ten. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Swiftly walk over the" Western wave,
Spirit of Night!
Out of the misty Eastern cave
Where, all the long and lone daylight.
Thou wovest dreams of Jov and fear
Which make thee terrible and dear '
Swift be thy flight!
Wrap thy form in a mantle gray.
Blind with thlae hulr the eves of day,
Kisa her until ahe be wearied out.
Then wander o'er cltv, and sea, and la..
Touching all with thine opiate wand
Come, lung Bought!
When I arose and saw the dawn,
I sighed for thee;
When light rode high, and the dew was
And noon lay heavy on flower and tree,
And the weary Day turned to her teat.
Lingering like an unloved guest,
1 sighed for thee!
Thy brother Death came, and cried,
"Wouldm thou me?"
Thy aweet child sleep, the filmy-eyed.
Murmured like a noontide bee.
"Bhull I ns He near thv aids?
Wuuldst thou me?" and I replied,
"No, not thee!"
Death will come when thou art dead.
Soon, too soon
Sleep will come when thou art fled;
Of neither would I ask the boon
I ask of thee, beloved Night
Swill be thine approaching flight.
Come soon, soon!
f -fsJ