Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Tei Thousand 8U sf Tsschsn' Psper U
Bs Qois Oter j CoamitUs.
Koveraor Mickey Brads Invitation
Federation of Labor to If old Ita
Xest Rational Session
la Llacoln.
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN,' Nov. IS. Bpecial.)-6tate Su
perintendent MrRrUn antH tmlav (hat 1A AftA
sets of teacher' examination papers will
be marked by the special examining- com
mittee under the provision of the new
certification law durlmr 190. Of this total
he estimates that from 2.800 to 8,000 will be
third grade certificate examinations, while
I e balance will be made up of first and
second grade papers. The f second grade
papers will begin to come, to this office In
June, July and August, when certificates
of that grade expire In large numbers.
The superintendent calls attention to a
modification In rule 22. governing these ex
amination, adopted by the.' county t super
intendents at the meeting last summer.
That rule provided for the examination In
tho five essentials and the adoption of the
grades on certificates In force October L
HOB. This 'left out many persons whose
certificates had expired before that time
and the following modification has been
made by the superintendent, with the ap
proval of the county officials:
Provided, that teachers engaged In edu
cational work, whether teaching or attend
ing school, who have complied with the
requirements as to reading circle work.
attendance at the county institute and ed
ucational meetings, and who have been
granted certificates since July 1, 1303, may
jiave me graoes snown on sucn certin
cates validated by the state superintend
ent and made state grades (except in the
cans or me nve essentials as provided in
this rule 22 and except as governed by rule
mi, upon ine request or the county super
intendent of the county In which such per
son applies for a certificate. This provl
slon shall take effect on this 3d day of
November, 1!j6, and shall continue in full
force and effect to and Including the resru
lar examination In August. UK: Teachers
who registered for the . October examina
tion may avail themselves of this provision.
Teachers wishing to profit by this proviso
should note carefully rule 2, time allowed
for examination.
Teachers may begin the examination as
late as February, Jw. They will need only
to pay the fee and file the old certificate
with the county superintendent. Then they
may take such time as seems best to write
on the five essentials, always remember
ing; inai ine worn inuei uw lajiniiieieu
within six months from the date of begin
nlng. This will permit candidates to reg
ister for examination in February ana
cnmnlete the examination In AUKUst fol
lowing, thereby availing themselves of
Meat Eating; Nations Are the Leaders
In Every Branca of Hainan
The ruling nations of tne world are meat
eaters, and history records that they
always have" been.
Vegetarians and food cranks may ex
plain this In any way they choose, but the
fact remains that the Americans, English,
French, Russians and Germans are meat
eating nations, and they are also the most
energetic and most progressive.
The principal food of the heroic Boer
soldier, known as Biltong, Is a sort of dried
beef, affording a great deal of nourishment
In a highly concentrated form.
The weak race of people are the rice
eating Chinese. Hindoo and Siamese, re
garded since the dawn, of history a non
progressive, superstitious and Inferior
physically and meatsHTto" the Vneat eat
ing nations, who dominate them.
The structure . of the teeth plainly indi
cates that human beings should subsist
upon a variety of food, meat, fruit and
grains, and It is unhygienic to contlne one's
dirt to any ono of those classes to the ex
cluslbn of another. '
Meat Is the most concentrated and most
easily digested of foods, but our manner of
living Is often so unnatural that the diges
tive organs refuse to properly digest meat,
rggti and similar nutritious and whole
some food, but It Is not because such food
Is unwholesome, but the real reason Is
that the stomach lacks, from disease or
weakness, some necessary digestive ele
ment, hence arising Indigestion and, later
on, chronic dyspepsia,
'Nervous people should eat plenty of
meat, convalescents should make meat
their- principal food, hard working peopke
have to do so and brain workers and office
men should eat, not so much meat, but at
least once a day, and to Insure It perfect
digestion one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsl;
Tables should be taken after each meal,
because they supply the peptones, diastase
and fruit acids- lacking In every case of
stomach trouble.
Nervous dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach,
gastritis, sour stomach, gas and acidity
are only different names for indigestion,
the failure to digest wholesome food, and
the use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
cures them 'all, because, by affording per
feet digestion, the stomach has a chance
to rest and recover Its natural tone and
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the real
household medicine; It la as safe and pleas
ant for the stomachache of the baby as It
is for the Imperfect digestion of Its grand
sire. They are not a cathartic, but a llgestlve,
and no pill hahlt can ever follow thrlr use;
the only habit Stuart's Tablets Induce Is
the habit of good digestion, and, conse
q,uenlly. good health.
Ice-Creuiu Weather and
Ice-Cream Bulls are no more.
What you need Is a good,
well - fitted, warmth wooing
MacCarthy-WlIson Overcoat.
Have one made of this new
English Melton that we're
showing, and, inasmuch as
you are having It made of a
fabric that Is lone wearing,
having it made in a style
that's long lasting. Have it
made in the Chesterfield
style the all-winter over
coat style. You can be sure
of the goods in this overcoat,
wearing five years, and the
style , wearing Just as long.
The price? $30.
Overcoats and Suits to
measure- $20 to $45.
Trousers and Vests to
measure $5 to $12.
Tailoring Co..
104- B. lth St. Next Door to
Wabash Ticket Omen. Phone loos.
, Open erealnfis until 9 o'clock.
home study. They may alsn attend the
summer term at some first-class college fT
normal school and then complete the ex
amination after thorough preparation.
Relieve Congestion at Hospital.
The authorities of the Lincoln hospital
for the Insane have made arrangements
to transfer at an early date sixty patients
to the Hastings asylum. This well re
lieve the congestion, which has been a
serious factor In the proper management
of the IJncoln Institution, and will make
It possible to give the remaining patients
the proper care. Of those removed twenty
or twenty-five will be women.
The situation at tr. Greene's Institution
has been serious for more than a year,
and during that time many of the patients
have .been obliged to sleep on the floor
In the dormitories and In the hallways.
Several serious accidents grew out of
these conditions and the typhoid epidemic
which recently existed at the hospital was
chargeable. Dr. Greene contended, to the
overcrowding, which Interfered with the
most effective sanitation. More employes
were added to the staff, but their efforts
were less effective than they would have
been with plenty of room for the proper
care of the patients.
The transfer of these Inmates to the
Hastings asylum will provide more room
for the dipsomaniacs who are committed
from the counties. The officials have been
discouraging commitments recently be
cause of the lack of room.
Superintendent Kerns of the Hastings
Institution, who was In the city today
attending to the details of the transfer,
reported to the governor that everything
Is In good condition and he Is able to take
care of the Increase In the population
without overcrowding.
Big- Receipts for Oil Inspection.
Today Oil Inspector Church made his
monthly statement to the governor showing
that he has collected the gross sum of
$2,364.70, out of which $099.53 went for ex
penses, while tl,3G6.1T was turned over to
the state treasurer. The Income from this
source shows slight Increase.
To Entertain Labor I'nlons.
Governor Mickey has sent the following
dispatch to Samuel Gompers. president
of the American Federation of Labor, at
Pittsburg, Pa.:
T cordially Invite the American Federation
of Labor to hold Its next annual conven
tion In Lincoln, Neb. The state and city
will extend a hearty greeting and do all
possible to make the meeting here both
pleasant and profitable.
The Lincoln boomers are hopeful they
may be able to land several national con
ventions next year. Among other gather
ings which are being sought for Is the Na
tional Guard association. It Is urged that
Lincoln could secure the latter meeting If
it had a suitable armory In which to hold
the session.
Grants Commutation.
Governor Mickey this afternoon granted a
commutation to Elmer Beard, a Burlington
fireman, who was sentenced to forty days
In the county Jail for assaulting his engi
neer. The commutation takes effect today,
It was recommended by District Judge Cor
nish, the trial Judge, who Informed the
governor that he did not understand the
facts fully when tho sentence was Imposed
Beard had been in Jail forty days before
and after his trial.
Difference Settled.
Today a compromise between the . Lin
coln Traction company and the new Omaha,
Lincoln Beatrice line was announced by
which the numerous Injunction suits now
pending ' against the new corporation will
be dismissed and a traffio arrangement has
been entered Into between the authorities
of the two companies, who spent the bet'
ter part of last evening In discussing the
matter. I Is stated that the Interurban
will probably construct a line along Four
teenth street into the heart of the city,
where a terminus will be located, but It
will be used for freight traffic. Some one
of the traction . company's lines may be
used for passenger traffio in from Twenty
seventh street.
Treating; Deformed Children.
Assistant Superintendent Dr. H. tV. Orr
of the new State Orthopedic hospital stated
today that there are now twelve Inmates,
with many applications to be passed upon.
A large amount of apparatus has been se
cured and two of the rooms In the east
building at the Home for the Friendless
have been fitted up as wards. Several
nurses are employed. One day each week
Is devoted to operations. Two of the pa
tients are children under the age cf i
years, each of whom Is being treated for
club feet. They are attended by their
mothers, who are required to accompany
hlldren under the age of 2 years. One of
the patients Is a 17-year-old girL The age
limit Is 18 years, because of the imprac
ticability of treating older persons for de
formities. Three applicants for admission
were from one family and their ages were
well above 30 year.
The school has not been started, but the
officials will make an effort to have It in
operation before long in order to educate
the children under treatment.
State Hons Briefs.
The O. H. Eggleston Grain company of
Murdock, Cass county, with an authorized
capital stock of 326,000. has been Incorpo
rated by O. II. Egglestotf, Leroy Eggleston
and H. W. Eggleston.
Secretary of State Galusha. Land Com
missioner Eaton, Auditor Searle and Mayor
Brown will go to Minneapolis tomorrow to
attend the Nebraska-Minnesota foot ball
The Midland Alfalfa company of Lin
coln, with an authorised capital stock of
$200,000, has been Incorporated by the fol
lowing Lincoln men: Henry E. Lewis, A.
Tlbbets, W. E. Barkeley. Jr.; A. J,
Sawyer and E. L. Pettis.
The Auburn Grain company, with an au
thorized capital stock of $5,000, has filed
articles of Incorporation in the office of
the secretary of state. The Incorporators
are: Sheldon Cochran, Lafe HIgglns, E. H,
Ely, M. T. Connor and Joseph Moody.
Today the articles of Incorporation for
the Deputy-Spangler Hat company of Lin
coln were filed in the office of the secretary
of state. The authorized capital stock is
$.'0.00U. of which $25,000 is to be paid up
The Incorporators of the company are
Elroy Deputy, Georgo A. Spangler, George
W. Becker, Wilbur E. Chapln and John M
Romero Gets Ten Years.
SIDNEY. Neb., Nov. ' 18. 1 Special Tele
gram.) District court closed here today
after being In session since Monday morn
ing. Judge H. M. Grimes expeditiously
transacted all the business. Only one Jury
trial was held, the case being the State
against Morgan, alias Romero, for passing
a forged draft on the Bank of Bridgeport
last spring of $1,100. Romero was appre
hended at Buffalo, N. Y. The case went to
the Jury last night and this morning re
turned a verdict of guilty. The Judge sen
tenced Romero to the penitentiary for ten
friend of 1h ft
A foe of tne Trust
Compile with tho Ur rood Law
ot State.
Building of Itw Kailroad Lists Up Horth
Piatt Ittrtt 8omtsiiijr.
Contest Between Rorllasrtoa nnd
talon Facile to See Which Will
Be First to Have Its Road
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Nov. 18. (Spe
cial.) Western Nebraska Is on the thresh
old of the greatest boom known since the
wild buffalo roamed Its grassy domains.
Real estate, which heretofore has been
considered as of no great value. Is mount
ing skyward, and speculators from the east
as well as from Nebraska and neighboring
states are proving their faith In what was
once called the seml-arld region by pur
chasing tracts of land In this neighborhood.
In fact the country Is alive with land
buyers and Investors.
Probably one of the most attractive fea
tures Is the construction of the Burlington
and Union Pacific railroads, which has al
ready begun. The companies are vlelng
with each other In finishing their roads
first. From the Junction of the North
Platte with the South Platte river, a few
miles east of this city, westward to the
Wyoming line, on both sides of the North
Platte river, the flat valley, averaging sev-
eral mile In width, along It entire course
is extremely fertile. Numerous Irrigation
districts extend throughout the entire
course of the valley, and the hay land of
natural hay Is very productive. Yet for
years this valley has been without a rail
road, or even reasonable good access to
one, from North Platte to Northport, a
distance of about 125 miles. Now lost time
Is being made up and the Burlington and
the Union Pacific have already begun con
struction of roads up this valley along
almost Identical routes.
The first move was made by the Burling
ton, which announced a few weeks ago
that it would construct a line through this
valley and Joining with Its present line at
Northport. East of here the road was to
Join the Burlington branch from Farnam
or Wellfleet, on what Is known as the
"high line," about twenty miles south, or
else go along the south side of the Platte
river from North Platte to some point
on the Burlington south of Kearney. This
valley, too, is very rich and well settled,
and by going along the south side of the
Platte river, which Is followed on the north
side by the Union Pacific, the Burlington
would tap the enemy's country In earnest.
Construction on the Burlington ha already
begun west of here.
I'nlon Pacllle Is Busy.
The Union Pacific, however, at this time
has made the greatest headway. There are
now too teams at work on the route of the
new road up the North Platte valley. A
cut-off has been made and track con
structed for a short distance from the
main line and extensive grading Is being
done. The new Union Pacific road leaves
the main line a few miles west of this
city and then goes up the North Platte
valley on the south side of the river to
about five miles west of Paxton, or a dis
tance of about forty miles west of this
city. At this point the road crosses the
North Piatt river and runs west to North
port along its north bank.
The plat filed by the Burlington at the
United States land office her Indicate
the same course throughout, with very
little divergence, but since the Burlington
has begun construction at the western
end of the route It Is not definitely known
where the line will cross the North ktte
river. Every available grading outfit 'and
team In the country 1 being secured for
the construction of the route and the laying
of track is progressing rapidly. What
some time ago seemed likely to be rumor
Is now taking tangible form and there Is
no longer doubt about the construction
of the railroads.
At the county clerk's office of Lincoln
county one man Is kept busy all the time
filing and recording instruments conveying
rignts-or-way purchased by both railroads.
The county Judge Is engaged with con
demnation proceedings against the owners
of land who will not sell to the railroads.
Yesterday appraisers were appointed and
appraised land Just west of the city of
Nortn Platte, which will be usrd by the
Union Paclflo for extra trackage. Similar
proceedings are going on In other coun
ties along the routes of the new roads.
Material for telegraph line alone; the
route of the new Union Pacific ha been
ordered, and a line will be put In opera
tion prior to the completion of the road
to facilitate in us construction.
Increase Value of Land.
These new roads are greatly enhancing
the value of homestead lands which have
been filed upon during the past year un-
der what Is known as the Klnkald act.
or one-section homestead law. The roll'
ing prairies north of the country through
which the railroads are being built Is
among the very best grazing and dairying
land In the United States, and this coun
try was thrown open to one-section home
stead under the Klnkald act, February 14.
1905. Its chief disadvantage at that time
was the distance to railroad, but nearly
all the land within twenty miles of the
North Platte river was filed upon. Fur
ther north there Is yet about 100 vacant
sections of land, which now becomes much
more desirable on accounof the railroads
coming from six to twelve miles closer
than the main line of the Union Pacific.
This land lies along the south half of Mc
Pherson county and Is the country where
the cattlemen have heretofore been so
reluctant to give up the land which they
had Inclosed, but those trouble are now
about at an end and that" proposition need
not bother the homeseeker.
The best proposition now, however, I
the land which was tiled upon but no resi
dence established within the six month
required by law. The one-section filings
were made at land openings In the ma
jority, when large number filed without
ever seeing the land, and, although about
half of these have gone to their new homes,
moved their families there,' built houses,
stocked the land and broke out those por
tions which were best suited to cultiva
tion, still about an even half have never
gone upon their land and hence are now
In default, and upon contest their entries
will be cancelled and parties contesting
be allowed to file. The contest costs In
the neighborhood of $20. but the country
Is being searched by parties, who are con
testing the land for the purpose of secur
ing It for their own homestead filings.
Conrt at Hartlaaton.
HARTINOTON, Neb., Nov. lti. (Special.)
District court convened here Monday, with
Judge Grave presiding. The trial of Roy
Rankin. charged with shooting John
Schwcr. both of this county, October 1
last, has occupied the attention of the court
and attracted considerable Interest. This
evening the Jury, after being out leas than
two hours, brought in a verdict of assault.
The court In pronouncing sentence spoke at
some length to the prisoner concerning the
seriousness of his offense and repeatedly
aid that the defendant could consider him
self exceedingly lucky in having such a con
siderate jury, which had brought in a
light a sentence as possible, in view of the
evidence that the case had disclosed. The
Judgment of t lief, court was that Rankin
be lined tl(M. the limit of the law for as
sault, and the cost of U. trial, whicU Is a
large amount. The fine was remitted during
the good behavior of the defendant.
Denver Police Nab Parties Aeenaed
of Passing- Bad Check.
DENVER, Nov. 16.-(Speclal Telegrams
Several days ago advice were received
from Kearney, Neb., by Captain Armstrong
asking that a sharp lookout be kept for two
men who had gone under the name of
Gillette and Warner there and who had
tried to pass a bad check for $0 and al
most succeeded, but who had passed a bad
check for $10 and who had stolen a number
of valuable revolvers.
Under the name of F. M. Gillette a hunt
ing permit was Issued to one of the men,
who calls himself Frederick Cook of Den
ver. This contained a description and this
was forwarded to Denver officers. Among
the belongings of the men the original of
this permit, dated November 8, was found.
Early this morning both men' were ar
rested and are being held for Nebraska au
MeCook Commercial Clan Goe on
Record for Rate Regulation.
M'COOK. Neb., Nov. 16. (Special.) At
a largely attended meeting of the McCook
Commercial club, the following resolution
was unanimously passed as the sentiment
of the members of the club:
CLUB. M'COOK. Neb.. Nov. 14. Reposing
boundless confidence in the honesty and
righteousness of President Roosevelt's pur
pose, ana recognizing tne need ot Just
suet legislation as Is Justly proposed by
tho chief executive of this nation, we, the
members of this club, wish and hereby do
most heartily endorse his position on the
questions of railroad regulation. Involving
the elimination of the rebate and discrim
ination evils from the transportation ques
tion and the securing of a "square deal"
for all shippers.
More Forged Cheeks Fonnd.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Nov. 18. (Spe
cial.) The check artist who oper
ated In this city last Saturday even
ing conducted his business on a larger
scale than was first thought. Two new
checks, with alleged forged signatures,
came to light yesterday. Saturday even
ing H. L. Hobeln cashed a check for
$25.60. purporting to bo signed by G. W.
Zlels and made payable" to W. B. Ebert,
the same payee named on the other forged
checks. The same evening T. N. White
cashed a similar check for $9.60, the name
of G. E. Hauks having been appended to
a Farmers' bank check. In all the
transactions reported W, B. Ebert was
accompanied by a man of short stature.
Four forged checks have been reported to
the police, the aggregate sum amounting
to $70.
Japs Working; In Beet Field.
FREMONT, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special. )-A.
S. Grlgereit, the sugar beet farmer north
west of this city. Is employing the first
Japanese help In the county. He sent out
to the western part of the state and hired
fifteen Japanese to work on his beet fields.
They began work this week and give good
satisfaction. They have their own quarters
at the farm, do their own cooking and are a
steady. Industrious lot. Beet raisers have
had unusual trouble In getting help this sea-
so and the Japs seem to solve the problem.
Corn huskers are getting JWi4 cents a
bushel this season, together with board and
lodging. The men complain of the work
being very hard on their backs, so much of
the crop being down, but they are able to
earn more Jhan at ordinary prices. The
crop Is a big one.
Child Drown In Water Tank.
COLUMBUS. Neb., Nov. 16. (Specials-
Saturday at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Luchalnger, residing seven mites
north of this city, their little daughter, 18
months old, was drowned. j.Whlle peerjng
Into a large tank used iott watering stock
the little girl fell In and was drowned, al
though the tank contained only eight Inches
of water. The child was found soon after
the accident, but too late to yield to all ef
forts at resuscitation.
Call for Old Pastor to Return.
FREMONT, Neb., Nov. lG.-(Speclal.) At
meeting of the Congregational church
last evening a unanimous vote was passed
extending a call to Rev. W. H. Buss of
Aurora, III., and a 'former pastor of the
church for ten year. He has been s.t
Aurora for three years, and while In 'Ne
braska ranked a one of the leaders of his
denomination and was one of the most pop
ular and successful clergymen In the city.
New of Nebraska.
SEWARD Richard Hart wig ha opened
un a shoe store in the building recently
vacated by tne First national bank.
BEATRICE Work on the new Burling
ton depot at this point is being pushed as
rapidly as possible, uraaers nave nnisnea
Increasing: Among: Womci, Bat
Sufferers Weed Wot Despair
Of all the diseases known, with which
the female organism is afflicted, kidney
disease is the most fatal, and statistics
show that this disease is on the increut
among women.
Unless early and correct treatment is
applied the patient seldom survives
when once the disease is fastened upon
her. Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is the most efficient treat
ment tor kidney troubles of women,
and is the only medicine especially
prepared for this purpose.
When a woman is troubled with pain
or weight in loins, backache, frequent,
painful or scalding urination, swelling
of limbs or feet, swelling nnder the
eye, an uneasy, tired feeling in ths
region of the ki-lneys or notices a brick-
duut sediment in the urine, she should
lose no time in commencing treatment
with Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, as it may bo the means of
saving her life.
For proof, read what Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs.
" I eannot express the terrible suffering I
had to eudur. A tleran gemcnt of the fenial
organs developed nervous prostration and a
serious kidney trou ble. The doctor attended
ni for a year, bat I ket getting worse, until
I was nimble to do any thing, and I made ui
my mind I could not u ve. I finally deckled
to try Lydia E. Hukham'i Vagotable Com
pound as a last resort, and I am to-day a well
womau. 1 cannot prie it too lugnly, and 1
bill every suneng woman about my
Mrs. Emma bawyer. Coayers, (ia.
Mrs. Pinkham give free advice to
women ; aorreas ia ooubdeace, Ljraa,
d ' e' ' ' 'AV
vork on the grounds and the found
nearly complete!
FIiATTBMOt'TH The report of
Treasurer Clement at the city council
mg enow a n lance or ZS..W.K3 on h
BEATRICE E. I Hevelone. Burlington
station agent at Rlue Springs, has been ap
pointed deputy by County Treasurer Elret
SEWARD Chrts Turner, one of the best
Known of the older citizens of the town,
was stricken with psrslysls Tuesday and
there Is no hope for his recovery.
BEATRICE E. N. Moses, a pioneer resi
dent of this place and-a veteran of the civil
war, suffered a stroke of paralysis yester
day and is In a critical condition.
BEATRICE Yesterday In the county
court Sherman Coop of Blue Springs and
Miss Nava Brown of Wymore were united
In marriage. Judge Bourne officiating.
OSCEOI.A The desth of Mrs. Lute Fvler,
whose home wns near Wesley Chapel, In
the eastern part of the county, occurred
yesterday morning. 8he had been 111 for
nearly a year.
COLUMBUS The November term of dis
trict court in Platte county convened last
Monday with Judge Reeder on the bench.
The docket Is unusually light, containing
only 140 cases all told.
BEATRICE Architect George A. Ber
llnghof, who has been a resident of Beatrice
for many years. In company with Mrs. Her
linghof. left last evening for Lincoln, where
they will make their future home.
BEATRICE The new cottage at the In
stitution for Feeble Minded Youth Is nearly
enclosed and Johnson & Oustafson, the con
tractors, are of the opinion that they will
have It completed before cold weather sets
SEWARD The Woman's club held a
Thnnkstfivlna- service at the home of Mrs.
J. M. Calder on Wednesday. Special musto
and decorations were a feature ot tne en
tertainment. WOOD RIVER Carload after carload of
sheep Is arriving here nearly every uay
and the feeders are very busy. The pros
pects are good for a successful feeding
BEATRICE The wheat market at this
point has a tendency to upwd price at
PTSr".. th ?P 5?--f !
selling for 31f34 cents and oats 23-324 cents
per bushel. Home new corn nas oeen mar
keted here the last few days.
REWARD Rerjorts from various points
over the county indicate that the corn crop
this year will prove to be the best by far
that has been grown here for many years.
Estimates on the yields run from forty to
seventy-five bushels per acre.
PLATTBMOL'TH During last night burg
lara entered the Perkins house and stole an
overcoat, vest and pants and such other
clothing as they could. The police officers
are of the opinion that they know who
did the stealing and expect to locate mem
roi.TTMBUB From sheer fright at seeing
an automobile for the first time in his life
the famllv horse of James Honey drooped
dead on the main business street of Co
lumbus yesterday afternoon, 'ine auto was
tandlng still, out tne motor wa in oper
WOOD RIVERr-John H. Behr and Miss
Rose C. Schlsler. two well known and
nromlnent vounar people of this place,
were married in Grand Island yesterday
mornlna- by Rev. Z. O. Howard, at his
RF.WARD District court for Seward
cnuntv convened Mondav. with Judge Evans
of David Jlty presuung. in ine case oi iiib
State against Frank Warner tne accusea
pleaded guilty to robbing a store at Utlca
ana was seniencea 10 one year m ma
WOOD RIVER The new Union facino
depot is nearly completed and will oe
ready for occupancy next week. The
building Is a decided Improvement over
tho old structure. The depot grounds have
been fenced and a very attractive park Is
being laid out.
REWARD In order that the proprietors,
clerks and customers may attend the re
vival services now in progress at the Meth
odist church, the proprietors of all the busi
ness houses in town except tne saloons win
close their places of Business at I p. m. ex
cept on Saturdays.
FRKMONT- Jacob Rels. WBO was oe
feated for supervisor of the Fourth district
by Ralph Main by only one vote, ha be
gun a contest of the election on the ground
of mistakes and error In the count. He
states that there was one parttlcular ballot
thrown out which should have been counted
for him and wbuld have made the election
SEWARD The union evangelistic cam-
naimi lnauirurated by the churches of this
city Is awakening unusual Interest. The
meetings are conducted Dy Kev. Minora .
Lyon of Chicago. The large chorus Is in
charge of James W. Patterson of Long
Beach, Cal Large audiences are attending
nlghtlvand the meetings have become the
general theme of conversation. . .
OAKLAND Rev. E. A. E. Palmqulst,
pastor of the First Baptist church of Mo-
mence, 111., ana a lormur uium j, -
llvered an interesting lecture on "Norway
and Sweden" at the Baptist church nere
'uesday evening. Rev. faimquisi was a
elcgate to the Baptist World's congress
hoM in T yitidnn this summer, ana trom
there took an extensive trip through Nor
way and Sweden.
FREMONT Irving Moss, tne graaer
whose back was broken in an acciaeni
near Tutan Tuesday morning, 1 still llv-
in in anita nf the turt that when brought
to the hospital the physicians thought his
death would occur In a few hours. He has
shown remarkable vitality and at intervals
f-nuHnna The doctors say mat in no
case of a similar injury was mo panjr
known to recover.
Dl iT-TQILrrtlTTlI XTrm ClrAnm Miller has
not been successful In her efforts to secure
her son, Harold James, as Judge Frost dls-
missed e apjal for a writ of habea.
""f".' " ' ".I. .kiu
ran. nn v nv, ine liieKiLiinain i: 111 mi ,ii .no
care and keeping of the Nebraska Child-
ren Home society, on me grounds mat
he mother was not a suitaDie person 10
raise her own son.
west POINT The uncredented fine
murm and drv weather which has pre
vailed over this section for the last three
weeks has enabled the rarmers to gainer
the s-reiiier hulk of the corn crop of the
county. Many farmers are already finished
and are assisting tneir less roriunaie neign-
bor and witn a weeK more oi sucn
weather as now prevails 95 per cent of the
crop will be In the cribs.
WEST POINT Anton Englemann. a
former prominent business man of West
month's ago and whose condition was so
serious that bis friends believed him Incur-
able, has completely recovered his reason
and health and Is now In the city on a
viatt in his old neighbors and friends. Mr.
Englemann is a Jeweler and win locate
with his family In one of the larger east
ern cities, where he win engage in ousiness.
VRKMONT-Mri. Wllhelmina Bchoenfeldt,
a widow living at Scribner. is mourning the
in ,if I4O0 which she loaned to J. J. Lynch,
a railroad man of that place. Lynch has
been courting the widow s daugnter ana
told his future mother-in-law that he had
bought out a restaurant and wanted to
tvirrnw of her to helD make a payment
on It. As he expected to become a member
of the family very soon sue let mm nave
It. As soon as the cash was In his pocket
he threw up his Job on the road and nas
not been seen since.
FREMONT In the district court yester
day. Judas Hollenbeck presiding, Jonn J.
Kris, who was charged with causing tho
death of William McMahon by putting him
off a train on the Union Pacific, was placed
on trial. Kris was a brakeman on train
No. l last summer. He was arraignea on
the charge of manslaughter and pleaded
not guilty. His trial will come off next
week. The case has created much Interest
anions: railroad menu Kris is cnargea
with throwing McMahon off the train and
thus causing his deatn.
SEWARD The city has been furnishing
the Burlington railroad witn water free of
charae the past week as an experiment. It
has been arranged tnat tne water pass
throuirh two-Inch pipes up in the east part
of town and then back to the B. & M. water
tanks at the d.-pot. tiy tnis means iresn
water Is run throuxh the pipes every day.
The Burlington usts 75.0O0 gallons per day
and the city 30.0"") gallons. If the experi
ment proves satisfactory a nve-year con
tract will be entered Into with the rail
road. The company will only pay about
what It costs to pump the water, however,
and there will be no other profit to the city
other than the Improvement made In the
water from having so much used.
FREMONT Late last night John Col
lins, who has a criminal record In ioj
Bill Melford and I harles uriey. Drone into
a beer vajlt in tne Nouineasi pari, ui mv
city and stole a quantity sumcieni io Keep
them In boose ror a gooa wnne. umceri
Pollock and Slders arrested them down
near the tracks and while bringing thein
to the station Collins suddenly turned,
pulled a gun and thrust It Into the face
of Officer Pollock. The latter pulled his
gun at the same time and stuck It almost
squarely In Collins' mouth. After a little
squabble the men were landed at the sta
tion. This morning a complaint was tiled
against them charging them with robbery,
and I hey were bound over to the district
Report ot Animal industry.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 11 Th principal
report of th Department of Agriculture
on farm animal will be made tor January
1. In this department the report will esti
mate the number of horses, mules, milch
cows, other cattle, sheep and swine, and
also give the local price received by farm
, era tor Ui animals.
Grippe and
Duffy's Pure
n half a century has been the
j i 1 i ti
for mors thar
stimulant kno
j am Known i intti irai Fririn r. i nr- innsrwiu v. - " -4
fail to coax back the accustomed brightness to the eyes and strength and I vl
. . At. ho. ..,. it to the medics! profession all over the world.
Duffy' Pure Mart Whiskey cures coughs, colds. fyn8".mjt'7nL11 ,?T'P wmS no tha
Pneumonia. It stimulate, and enriches the b ood. aids ipn builds p . thy
tallty to the sy
nerve ussue, tones up me m-wi . .
It prolongs life, keeps the old young and the' young "tro"s"v. th. ,v h,.
Duffv's Pure Mslt Whlskev contains no fusel oil and Is absolutely the only wnis
kev recoar led hv the government as a medicine. This Is a guarantee. It Is em.
phatlcaTly "indorsed anTrecSmmended everywhere by clergymen, temperance- ad
vocates and doctors.
CAUTION There Is but one Duf
fy's Ptfre Malt Whiskey. Sold in sealed
bottles only; never In bulk. Insist on
having the genuine and refuse cheap
substitutes and imitations, which are
placed on the market for profit only
and which are positively harmful to
both the body and brain. Look for the
"Old Chemist" trade-mark on the la
bel and be sure the seal over the cork
is unbroken. All reliable druggists
and grocers, or direct, $1.00 a bottle.
Advice and medical booklet free. Duf
fy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester N. Y.
Three-Year-old Boy Psyi Penalty e
rlsying with lUtcsti.
Parent at Hospital Getting; Daugh
ter's Leg; Set When Fatal
Accident Befall Their
Baby Boy,
While playing with matches Thursday
morning, during the absence of hi mother
and father, Lawrence Aiders, the 3-year-old
on of Nat Aldera, one of the prorletor of
the Hotel Roma, . Eleventh and Dodge
I streets, sustained burns from which he died
within a few hours.
... . ,, . , ...
While trying to rescue the chUd from Its
peril, Joe Kolona, bartender at the hotel,
,evereIy burned both hands. The clothes
... , . .
Flna Aldera. the 4-year-old sister of the
Injured boy, caught Ore, but by prompt
action of Kolona the girl escaped being
i hurned -
'Mr. and Mr. Aldera were at St. Joseph's
hospital with their 10-month-old daughter,
to have a broken leg dressed, when the
accident to their son occurred. They left
Lawrence and Fina playing In the house.
The children found some matches, old
clothes and paper and started a fire in
I the hackvard of the hotel. The bov
clotheg caught fire, and while trying to
" ' . K,
smother the flames on her brother, th
i nri s anron nesran to Diase. witn tne Dreadlnr on her Fina ran Into the
saloon and told the bartender what had
happened. Kolona extinguished the girl's
clothes and ran to th yard and tore the
clothtm from the boy. sustaining severe
I kiirn. In Antrim mn. Vnlnns. then parried
-. ... . -- .-
I the boy to the police station, but the police
surgeons being out. he proceeded to Olad-
Ish's drug store, a block away. A carriage
was summoned and the injured boy taken
to Clarkson hospital, where the wounds
were dressed and death ensued.
The boy was badly burned on the breast,
I face and ether parts of the body.
Coming so quickly after a recent accident
to their. Infant daughter, Mr. and Mr.
Aldera are heartbroken over their sever
ufcr 1 UW"IL' "u' "
Prof, van Manea Dies Too Boost to
Review Or. Mann' New
Readers of Rev. Newton Mann's new
book, "The Evolution of a Great Litera
ture," recently reviewed In these columns,
will have observed that the work Is dedi
cated to two distinguished divines. Dr.
Cheyne of Oxford and Dr. VanManen of
Leiden. The book was sent to these men
the day of Ita publication, but now comes
the word It was a little too late for the
mortal sight of the great Dutch professor.
This Is to Dr. Mann an especial sorrow,
for Prof. VanManen was the one man he
most desired to have aee and to have
pass upon his work. Following Is a let-
In Our Ncjlijjee Dept on Second Floor
The largest separate Negligee Department in Omaha is filled
with the widest variety of garments for house wear everything that
Is new, pretty and desirable. Special for Friday are a number of
excellent bargains In
Kimonos Blanket
TV '
Y?r!l 1J ' colors or neat pat-11 UD
... terns good, warm ma- JO F
KtWmr terlaU
h9 lrVr.lV " Ladies House Wrappers and Negligees
other hfiuM in Omaha and Brandeti
Pleurisy Cured
Mrs. V. 8. Cooler, of Buffalo,
5. V, active and able to read
without glasses at 78, testifies
to the wonderful rejuvenating
and curative powers of Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey.
Thin beloved old lady, cured
of Grippe and Pleurisy at her
advanced age by Duffy's, after
the doctors were unable to aid
her, says:
"I suffered long from nervous
debility, followed by la grippe and
pleurisy. For several months I
was In the care of physicians, who
benefited me but little. My son
advised me to take Duffy's Malt
Whiskey, and now, after using less
than three bottles according to di
rections, I feel end look much bet
ter than In several years.
"As a medicine I cheerfully rec
ommend Duffy's Pure Malt Whls
yeT."Mrs. W.. 8. Cooley. 6S7 Oak
St., Buffalo, N. Y., Aug 10. IK.
Malt Whiskey
most successful strength builder and tonla
ikni.Diniii nf r-iirthsi to it orrxl it whftn All
ter which hs Just been received from a
on of the Illustrious Biblical scholar:
LEIDEN. Nov. 1. 1906. Rev. Newton
Mann, Omaha, Neb. Dear Sir: With a
mixed feeling of gratitude and grief wo
have received your book on "The Evolu
tion of a Great Literature," dedicated to
Prof. Cheyne and my father gratitude
that my father' work wa not done in
vain; that It la appreciated in America
as well as In Holland. It often made htm
sad that foreigners would not listen to
him. For most students his Ideas were
too liberal. As you may Imagine, It was
a delight for him to write for the Encyclo
paedia Blbllca, as there scholars had to
take notice of him. A severe Illness pre
vented his writing all the articles for th
Encyclopaedia he had planned to con
tribute. His work begins to be more and
more appreciated now that he cannot hear
the praises.
Our best father passed away this sum
mer. For him It was a release after much
suffering, as he had been 111 for three
years. But he bore pain as a Christian,
as only a really great man can bear It.
My mother and we, his children, wish
to express our brst thanks to you for the
honor paid to mv father. With kind re
gards. Truly yours,
Strange Advontnr
In auto led to painful accident, but Buck
len' Arnica Bslv ' quickly healed all
wound. 25 cents; guaranteed. For sal by
Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
Fair Today and Tomorrow In Ne
braska and Sooth Dakota Rata
In Iowa Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 1. Forecast of th
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska, Kansas and South Dakot
Fair Friday and Saturday.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Friday.
Saturday, rain.
For Colorado Fair In east; showers In
west portion Friday. Saturday, showers.
For Wyoming Fair Friday and Saturday.
For Montana Fair In east;, showers in
west portion Friday. Saturday, fair.
Ioea Record.
OMAHA, Nov. 16.-Offlclal record of tem
iratnre and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: If. 1. 1904. 102.
Maximum temperature... 84 ftl US
Minimum temperature.,... 40 S7 ,. 17 29
Mean temperature bt 4S 24 M
Precipitation 00 .00 .01 .T
Temperature and precipitation departure
from the normal at Omaiia since March 1,
and comparison with the past two years:
Normal temperaturs ,.'
Excess for the day is
Total excess since March 1 4uS
Normal precipitation...... 01 Inch
Deficiency for the day .OS Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 M. 18 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 2.0lnche
Deficiency for cor. period, 1904... 4. & Inches
Excess for cor. period. 103 1.17 Inches
Reoort from Station at T P.. M.
Station and State
Tern. Max. Itain-
of weatner.
Bismarck, clear
7 p. m. Tern,
, .00
Cheyenne, clear
Chicago, clear
Davenport, clear
Denver, clear
Havre, part cloudy .....
Helena, cloudy
Huron, clear
Kansas City, clear
North Platte, clear
Omaha, clear
Rapid City, clear
St. Louis, clear
St. Paul, clear
Salt iAke City, cloudy..
Valentine, clear
willlaton. cloudv
, W)
, 60
, 4fi
, M
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
U a. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Robas House Wrappers
Ladies' Kimonos are made of the newest
eiderdown and French flannels. In a
range of popular col- pr l98
ors, prices special fo hi If (o .1
Friday WUV W
Ladies' Full Length Blanket and Eider
down ltobes New and pretty Ideas in
are made of wool cashmere, serge
and albatross some l9&
Scores f Older Special lumbers Remember
that lirandeis nlla closer to cost than any
can buy more cheaply than any competitor.