Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1905, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha- Daily Bee
r If 1rilAllf a, m . sl mm m . mt . - .
FofBor OoTtraor Coatrauiets StatomonU
Kado by Jamot H. Hydo.
Ci yt No Political Proiinr Wu Uiid to Set
8ettleatit of HU Snit
T. J. Mahairr la Oae of the Spmkf"
at the Convention of I nda
trial Association.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 1U. Today's session of
the annual convention of the Citizens' In-
dust rial Association of America was opened
with an nddrc by Hcrljcrt Myrick, editor
of the Orange Juild Farmer, who spoke on
"Some Broader Aspects of the Labor Prob
; lem." Mr. Myrli k s;ild: "The Industrial
t trinity, to secure bent results. Is, first, man-
I agement; second, luljor; third, capital a
NO BUSINESS RELATION WIIH HAKKIWAN three-legged stool that won't stand without i
. all Its aupporte. Much is mild ubout sharing
Qaartormaitor General Hnmpkroy Recom-
mtnds New and Modern Building.
Point Out the Injustice of I'rearnt
System f Allowance for Quarter
for Officer oai Detached
Itm Bait Retaliatory Meunrei Would Bo
Uied if tint MerctBtilo Truit Co.
Dimn, Transactions with Kara
Yaloe of Million at t:a of Year
to Tecknlcelly t orn ply
v with lew.
NKW YORK. Nov. If. Former Governor
benjamin JX Odell. Jr., and Senator IX-pew,
an witnesses before the Armstrong In
surance Investigation committee today, du
ll led parts of the testimony of .Tames II.
Hyde In which their names were used.
Mr. Odell, in the course of his tostimony
called Mr. Hyde's statements "base
calumny" and when he was asked whether
he had directly or Indirectly made threats
to have the charter of the Mercantile
Trust company revoked, his face Hushed
and striking; the arm of the witness chair
with his fist, he exclaimed: "There is no
tmth In that statement, so help tne Ood."
Mr. Odoll was the first witness of the
day. He said rt political pressure was
i I rrunt m Minn CorreHiiondeilt.)
profits with, labor, but not a word about, WASHINGTON, Nov. l.-Bpce.ial Tele
sharing losses with capital. The employer ruln.)Quartermaster General Humphrey,
and employe must co-operate for the best , , t t .wUrv of war, de-
...... ....,:, ,,,. ,Uai ,. . considerable mace to the Question
long survlv
he cun to pr
open opport
the same tU
the blood-b
erty upon ;
clples that,
give up at
stitutlon w
T. J. Mi
Men's isfy
with an t.
and Danle,, ,
'- can 'hog It all' and of repalr t0 oId pogla. He states there arc
. -einplojer must do all a nuniber of garrl.ou p0gtB which were
; l the 'open shop' means orlg1nally established and built thirty or
. labor and ability. At i .-ear with material and under
-pen sliop must conserve
" rlnclples of human lib-
lils republic rests prln
, .erlcutt people will never
n of that American ln
o come down to us from
-the closed shop."
counsel of the Business
, Omaha, Neb., followed
of "Peaceful Picketing,"
iport of Bridgeport. Conn.,
representing the American Antl-Uoycott
association, talked on "Anti-Boycott Liti
gation and Legislation."
Resolution were adopted, pledging suptiort
to the United Typothetae of America In lm
fight for an open shop and approving the
attitude of the National Association of
Stationary Engineers in the declaration
that "this association shall at no time be
used for the furtherance of strikes."
The following resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, The Cltljens' Industrial asso
ciation ot .America looks with approval
brought In the settlement or his suit i upon the Investigation and urosecutlon bv
against the Mercantile Trust company, and federal and state authorities of certain
, . .. ,,, . , ' great trusts of capital which sei'k by 1110-
esld It was settled the same as suits ll0,(,y amJ lHegHi arrangements and con
brought by others. He said he nad been : tracts to stifle competition, dominate in
advised by counsel that his claim waa a dr,".trr f',nd elact h!'lf!JlrAdld ,x',or,ltt
lust one and that any court would have I ''wherea's," ThlaPUassoclatVoii firmly he-
awarded him more than he received In the
settlement. "
Xn Objection to Ambler BUI.
He knew of the Introduction of the Am
lleves that certain associations of organized
moor in tneir methods and practices and
methods' of construction less substantial
than now In use. that they have outlived
(heir usefulness. In his Judgment, being
cramped, inconvenient and uncomfortable,
nd as these posts In many cases are oc-
1 vupieu vy iroopn. Minium ciiiui.iiiin-3
j tremi ly largo to keep them habitable. He
therefore urges the rebuilding of old forts
with modern structures or their abandon
ment. Among the posts which he recom
mended should bo abandoned or rebuilt are
Niobrara and Robinson In Nebraska and
Washakie In Wyoming.
The work cf reconstructing old posts now
In progress along the lines suggested In
clude Koro Meade. 8. D. ; Fort Omaha and
Fort Douglas, L'tah. He recommends that
sufficient appropriation should be made to
continue the work of rehabilitation until
all the old buildings which have reached
the limit of servlceableness have been re
placed with new ones.
Reporting on the purchase of horses at
posts, which was Included In the last army
appropriation bill. General Humphrey
states that negative results have been ob
tained from the authorization. It Is pos
sible, he says, that better results may be
obtained after the provision has been
longer In force and becomes more gener-
in their openly avowed objects and pui- R"y known, but as It now stands there has
poses are seeking to establish and main- been developed only additional expense for
lain, by unlawful contracts, by coercion
ii mi .v.i.,i. i. i. u ,ii, i,., ! and intimidation and by organized oppics
bier bill, which It Is said might have ef-, BloM a la,H1t XruHl or lnotlopoy Jt' Ul)
otiopoly ot the
That this association herebv
itiyt mrttlln him Hlrl i,nl 1 1 0 r r K t lis I r, .
. . ., , . . . Al I i ' n its U.-U.-I luiti rill II in Kiniicii ill inn
troductlon, he saw no objection to it. Mr. . of ,,. n. , UlPlr con(llll.t Hm, lnlrpoarl,
Odell denied that he ever made s stale-J are manifestly labor trusts should lie in-
. . v it i -i i vrstiifHled hv the iroveriitiient mil horllti'M
' , . i both slate and national, snd that so far ; phrey is pronounced In his opinion that a
.....i .-.,.,1.,, , .,-u,. n w a 8uld organizations are found to be Ulcus! ; readjustment of allowances- for quarters
nniiii'Ll mv i.1,1 i Hin i i ui. i ' i ii I'n
The witness said he und Mr. Harrlma
advertising In calling first for ofien market
supply and later for contracts and delay
In securing the horses required.
Allowances for ftoorters.
Vpnn the subject of allowance of quar-
l rers to officers Quartermaster (Jeneral Hum-
. an suiu uiitauizaiions arc iouiiq io oe iiickhi rcHdJustment of allowances- for quarters
i. tliey should be vigorousiy prosecuted In i . . , . , .
i like 'manner as are trusts of capital, and "' ra" ot -ommutatlon Is needed. In
1 without fear or discrimination. Be It fact, he says It Is becoming all the more
were personal friends, but they had no j i4oHOVed, That the ntlzens: Industrial
business relations. He wrote a letter on , Association of America honor and con-
urgent. "If I could think of any way."
said General Humphrey, "to state condl-
, ...I. . . . . hi t- rrHLiiinie ine an e iiinicmrv or lnis counirv
i-,.so o, xiir. ,.,ne s .-.-, .o. lnT ,ntrp,.Hlltllia n, ,nr w whl. il It i tlons so as to show more clearly the un-
post of Bmbaasador to rrance. This was believes will make for permanent good to fortunate and embarrassing position In
nt the request of William II. Mclntyre. one '""ariRS'lh"" merged TeVoa' which officers And themselves when ordered
of the vice president, of the Kqultahle el( a liLn duty to stations in cities where there
Life Assurance ocl-ty. Mr. Odell "aid he public. And he It further jar, no pui,ic quarters, and in which they
had never solicited political contributions. Resolved, That It will continue In the i , ,. dwiiin. for themselves than
. . . ' , future u.a In the nast. with shsn ute Inioar- i must lent aweutngs ror inemseives. man
dul possinty some money migni nave coine ,iHtv R, betwcen labor and capital, to has already been done 1 would gladly do so.
to him through the national committee or promote, protect and extend the principles ; Details on duty which require officers to
Ur!T.P eTo,neTJdCthrVu;das" In'vew'Vork ,0?.; fej i commutation of quarler. almost ln-
alwsys collected the funds in New York t)iat the m, n,yBnot hf. fiir ditl,ant 'When variably require them to take stations in
state except In the Isst year,
Justice Ransom of the state supreme
court, representing Gporg it. Squires wss
cslled and explained Mr. Squire's eondl
tlon..4ifl.L JA j(ie was vi-l y III anil
It "was arranged that his deposition should
I those principles shall become a fixed and
permanent part of our American Institu
tions. And we hereby reaffirm these principles,
which are: ,
'- Flrw.-'Mis;' opien Vuop- rwnamiJnt.oiy
good fsltli and fair dealing. It . discrimi
nates aaalnst -neither union nor nonunion
i" taken. Judge Ransom told what he labor.
knew of the transactions with which Mr.! Seeond-The freedom of the apprentice
and the right of the Individual to have a
Pqulres name had been connected. trade and to follow It.
Depew Makes nao:eloii. Third The right of private contract, with
Senator Depew was examined with regard 1 WIutlon upon employer and em
to his syndicate participation and his duties Fourth The right to work. Limiting the
sa counsel to the Equitable. Regarding the hours of labor, whether of brain or of
the hand, is a matter of mutual aarrna-
amnassHflorsnip 10 rsris. nenator icew mPn, not a guhjod for arbitrary legUlatlve j slderuble departmental matter to look after
said Mr. Hvde came to him and solicited . enactment. before the reconvening of congress,
his Influence to Secure the appointment. Ifth -'i he enforcement of the law.
fVnatnf Depew brought the matter to the I The election of officers resulted aa fol- Omaha Firm net Tontrart.
i Tne secretary ot ine imerior looay exe
C. W. Post, president Battle ted a contract and approved the bond of
Creek Citizens' association; secretary- ; Callahan. Katz. Phelan & Shirley of Omaha
treasurer. Major A. L. Kosencrani, ttvans
ville Manufacturers' association.
other cities of denser populated sections of
country, where rents are very high, and
so far as I can learn always far above
the oomroutatloii for aeiwniodstlouai)
Uiollzcd for the- different grUtles: it "offi
cers for quarters appropriate to the rank of
the officer."
Hlusharr at Capital.
Congressman E. H. Hlnshaw. wife and
son. arrived In Washington last night and
are domiciled at the Hamilton. Mr. Hln
shaw said that his early arrlvul In Wash
ington was due to tho fact that he had con-
Maa Indicted tar IMeaal Vatlaar Far
felt Cash Banal of &,tOO Few
Hoar After Release.
NEW YORK, Nov. K Something of a
sensation was created In Justice Davy's
branch of the supreme court today, when
John Krup. indicted for illegul voting In the
recent municipal election, failed to appear
for pleading and hlS attorneys expressed
Ignorance us to his whereabouts. Earlier
In tho day Krup'j re.leaue had been, secured
under Increased ball. 5,000 cash bond uc
ing filed. State's Attorney General Mayor,,
who was- in court, was Indignant at the
turn of affairs. Tonight the attorney gen
eral made public this statement:
Every effort will He made to ascertain
who put up the IS,!'") ball mid who em
ployed counsel to ddctid Kiuii. The fail
ure of Krup to ajs,cHr In court waa as
tlagrant a defiance of law a 1 ever heard
of. Tho d i sap pea mi i 'e of Krun is the best
confirmation of tho stutcnient made by me
in court urging that his. ball be Increased.
I believed there were reasons apart from
reasons of his own thy Krup did not ap
pear :
Justice Davy declared the (5,000 bail for
feited. '
The original tally sheets lu the mayoralty
election were opened today by the Board of
County Canvassers. V. R. Hearst's law
yers protested eight of the first thirteen
sheets taken from the . envelopes because
they were found to differ from the returns
on which the account electing Mr. McClel
lan were based: In one election district
Mr. Hearst was found ti have- seven more j
votes than were counted for him and in
another the tally sheet showed that twenty
nine votes were missing from the published
count. Comparisons wetf confined to the
votes cast tfir may or. comptroller and
president of the Boar dof Aldermen.
In one election district of Queens county
the Board of Canvassers . found that Me
Clcllan received 200 vote1 less than he
should have had.
One election district, tht Twelfth of the
Second assembly district, fh which William
T. Jerome was not credited with a slnrle
vote, was discovered during the Investiga
tion today. According to the tally sheet of
this district Mr. JeromiS rfcelvcai 67 Votes,
but he was credited with none.- The board
had decided not to Include the Jerome votes
in the canvass, but bis attorney requested
that the. office of district attorney be In
cluded and secured an order from the su
preme court to show caus why this should
not be done. : 5
Secretary Hoot Would Have None bat
ritlsrns Represent t nlted
State Abroad. .
WASHINGTON, iS.-Not a .for
eigner has been appointd To the American
consular service abroad since Secretary!
Root assumed office. : With the Intention
of meeting the demands of .the ' business
world for a improvement of tho
consular system so- far as" .he can without
waiting for congressional .Ctloti tills
marks one of the reforms the secretary
has adopted. It harpens' that trtere are
a number of small -li(M ,ln th consular
service abroad, conmJ,r ngenHes In par-
Edward Boiowattr, Editor of tho Omaha
Bee, Liicniiei "Boiiaa,"
A da re la a Heart-toi-Heart Talk,
aa Issariag Our t'oadaci to
Fit the Uoldva
Fair Friday anil Satnrdar.
Temnrratnre at Omaha Yeterdeyi
Hoar. Dear. Itaar. !
A a. m ..... 4A 1 p. m
On. m 45 Si p. m W
T a. M 44 tt p. an A3
A I. in.,,,., II 4 p. as 4
a. sa 44 - A p. as
10 a. nt S a p. m M
11 a. in 57 7 p. a r)
1 nt 67 N p. m R7
t p. n . . . t . . S3
Mention of thf president, although h told lows
Mr. Hyde that he was too young, and the President
president said it. was utterly Impossible o
make snch an appolntrnent. The senator
.irlvocated In the Interest r.f the public the
limiting of risks under Insurance policies
und favored a public audit of the sccottnt-i
of companies at stated periods by a char
tered accountant. This he thought would
obviate many suits lhat are now frequently
brought for an accounting on the part of a
. lltar Loana to Clerks.
John Gilchrist. In charge of the security
I lv
Persona Known to Hare Per
ished la Blase In Tenement
for the construction and completion of dl
vision No. 3, main canal. Huntley Irrigation
project. In Montana. The contract of the
aliove firm wss for $53,210. and Involves the
handling of 270,300 cubic yards of earth.
The secretary of the interior has awarded
the contract for in.ono barrels of cement, to
be used on the first forty-five miles of the
Interstate canal, North Platle Irrigation
project, Nebraska, to the Portland Cement
company of Denver, at $1.B9 per barrel, de
livered free on board cars at Denver. In
case this company does not qualify. It Is
recommended that tho contract be awarded
to the Illinois Steel company of Chicago,
the next lowest bidder.
Postal Matters-
Carriers appointed: Nebraska Rlverdale,
route 1; William H. Watson, carrier; R.
E. Watson, substitute. Scotia, route 1;
NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-At least five per
sons were burned to death in an Italian 1
department of the Equitable Life Assur- i tenement house tire at 221 East Sventy-tbird ;
ance society, told or millions or dollars In ' "ireei eariy irony. ine nouse was six
loans made at the end of the year in the I floors high and the sleeping tenants on
names of clerks. In Kuhn. Loeh Co. to ! tho five upper floors were made prisoners
comply with the law that the surplus should , bv flames with the ground floor a roaring
be Invested or to keep down the cash bal- furnace beneath them. Three of thoBe who
ances. No . collateral was held 4by the ' their lives were kneeling in prayer
Equitable 00 these loans and the checks 1 when the fire reached them,
which were given for these loans were de- Within the first hour after tho fire, was
posltefl Id the bank and a certificate of de- under control the bodies pf three women fred Bilyen, carrier; E. M. Krebs, eubetl-
lHisit rtcelved. The check, however, was 1 Bna lwo n'n naa- ianen iroin tne tutP- Iowa Pocahontas, route 2: R. H
never cWred and on the first of the year stairways between the second and third ; winegurden. carrier; II. Wlnegarden, sub
. ..... ... 1 ii .... .
tne cnecg would te taken out ana the cer- 1 1 gtitute.
iineate surrendered. These loans were 1 ne ponce neuve mat tne nre was started ; willlain A. Bratt has been appointed
made at the Instance of T. J. Jordan, for- b' an Incendiary. It began in a heap of poHtmuster at Clarence. Converse county,
iner controller of the Equitable. The owner, j ruw al l" uwioni 01 an airsnati. ana Wyo., vice Sarah F. Lyon, resigned.
ship of the Cafe Savarln by the Equitable 1 "Pread through the Interior of a grocery T,e First National bank of Shoshone,
waa taken up by Daniel M. Junk, secre- j "ore on lne around noor. A potceman was
larv and treasurer of the cafe company, on
the stand. He said none of the manage
ment of the cafe rtcelved any compensa
tion from the proceeds of the cafe. They
were employes of the Equitable Life and
wort paid by the society.
I-ouls M. Bailey, a clerk In the bond and
mortgage department of the Equitable, In
whose name a trustee account waa carried
on the books of the society, said he waa
asked by Mr. Squire to permit the use of
his name for this account, but he did not
know Us purpose. Building operations car
ried on under his name for the Equitable he
could explain only on the ground that an
Individual could build cheaper than a cor
alarles Are Redneed aad Committee
Demand Other Retrenchment.
NEW YORK. Nov. 14. At a special meet
ing of the' board of trustees of the Mutual
'Life Insurance company In this city, at
which a preliminary report of the recently
appointed special Investigating committee
waa being conducted. Mr. Richard A. He
Curdy made a stir by announcing that at
his own request his aalary had been cut In
half from tlaO.OO" to 175.00 a year. This ac-
Wvn.. has been authorised to tie 17 In Vtnni
wi met p. on iu inn ure, jusi aa i ,lc.BS wth $50,000 capital. C. H. King Is
had begun to creep up the alrshaft. He ! prelldent; J. K. Moore, vice president, and
ran 11110 me ouiiaing, pounaing on me nail Tieodor, Becker, cashier,
doors all the way up to the sixth floors to 1
awaken the tenants. The fire followed lilm . . , -, . ,,
so swiftly that when he reached the top ; POWDER PLANT BLOWS UP
floor he was obliged to send the tenants .
there out to the fire escapes to save them Two Men Are Killed and Two Badly
rrom sunocation. witnin a few moments I
more on all the floors below the fire escapes I
were packed with persons whom the flumes
had cut off from escape by the interior
When the fire department arrived a-lth
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 10.-l8pecial Tele
gram.) At the fifty-seventh annual dinner
of the Kuire and Fork club at the Coates
house this evening Edward Rosewater. edi
tor of The Omaha Bee. was second speaker
on the program. Mr. Rosewater was given
an ovation when he was Introduced by
President H.. B. Topping of the club, and at
the close of his address he was the recipient
of another. It, being necessary for nlm t0
rise and bow his thanks before the banquet
ers would let him go. His assigned subject
was, "Our Friends the Bosses." He said in
wirt: - '-
"I am here tonight, not In the role of a(
prophet, but to have a heart-to-heart talk
with you on the subject of 'squaring our
conduct" to fit the golden rule, or, as Presi
dent Roosevelt has It,, 'the square deal.'.
"1 do not know why I should be called, on
to back up tho bosses, as I have no use for
those 'of the present age. ' Who makes the
bosses? Why, they are nothing more nor
less than the walking delegates of the big
corporations, which order the ward heelers
to do their bidding, and so lonr a Vu do
not take these corporations out of the con
trol of your municipalities there, will be
bosses, and bad ones, too.
"Now. as to the question of the 'Square
deal.' The president's Idea Is to return to
the golden rule. He wants to protect the
weak from the strong, and give the poor
man an equal show with his more wealthy
. System of Rebates Condemned.
Mr. Rosewater spoke- vigorously against
the System of rebates and spcrhU privileges
given the railways and told. of ttstlmony
he gave before the senafe committee on
Interstate commerce twenty years ago. In
which he advocated the same principles
that are now being advocated. as against
the railways. He thought that if congress
could regulate the rato of fare to be
charged by the cabmen of Washington city.
It has. equal power to regulate the. rail
ways and the rates, and the statements
made by Mr. Olney and others that, con
gress could not do so, were untrue and not
good logic.
He further ststed that the movement for
the regulation' of railways Is meeting, with
Identically the same .kind of opposition
that was directed against . the Interstate
eommerqe bill twenty years ago. "The rail
ways do not want to have It said that they
pre subject to- governmental rontrol, and
that If tho regulations are put Into effect. It
will mean goTerttmefit ownership. I do not
favor governmental ownerships but prefer
that! to railroad ownership of the govern
ment." ' " ,
Mr. Rosewater waa applauded when ' he
said that If It really came to'pasa that
"the constitution should prove to be de-
ttcular, where the cnt'ipt'atinn. made tin 1. ,,.; . .1,. n,.it.r of no wen conferred
of. f cos la so vflWflU ',-V5fM tUMculJ J X ritoifrt not. too.
Boston Maa Has Eight Blae Rlnboaa
to His Credit at New York
' Horse Show.
NEW TORK. Nov. 16. The third day of
the annual horse show In Madison Square
Garden ended tonight with Eben V. Jordan
of Boston at the head of the Hat of prise
winners, with eight blue ribbons to his
credit. Mrs. George Gerken of this city Is
second with seven blue ribbons, while Judge
William H. Moore of Chicago and P. N.
Bain of Poughkeepsle, N. Y., are tied for
third honors with six blue ribbons each.
Alfred Vanderbllt has won five blue ribbons
and Reginald Vanderbllt has captured only
. Eight four-in-hands were driven Into the
arena tonight, the drivers displaying con
summate skill. Alfred O. Vanderbllt drove
his coach Venture, while George Wilson
was on the lox of Mr. Vanderbllt's other
coach Good Times. C. Led yard Blair drove
the coach Defiance. Maurice Howlett was
whip for Otto H. Kahn, and Judge Moor
handled the reins over his own thorough
breds. ' "
First prize went to Alfred Vanderbllt's
four greys. Mr.. Moore received the red
ribbon and John S. Bratton of St. Louis
third honor.
In the contest for road coaches, four-in
hand, quickest change of team, Campbell
Thompson won In 1 minute IS seconds.
Bird 8. Coler, president-elect of Brooklyn
borough, won his first blue ribbon today
with hln bay roadster Commander Baker.
W. H. Moore's Forest King had practic
ally a walkover for the Hotel Martinique
challenge plate of STfiO. He so far out
classed the other entries that but one
showed against him.
Induce an American take - f lie phice
In such cases repmable buslnexs men. na
tives of the places, have been appointed
consular agents for America, and, aa the
consular agency was merely a side Issue,
sacred an Instrument to be umenaeu to
conform to existing conditions."
"The conductor who led a delegation to
the White House," said Mr. Rosewater, "to
protest a few days ago. against President
Eeorotary Eitehoook Snrpritod at Loniosoy
Show. Cattlo Baron.
Ettnlt it' riioonrifiBf to tfco Iotorior
t 1 1
Attorntyi Aitonislid by Suddst Chaaga
of Front by Dofemo.
Secretary Bays Sentence Will Havw
Little Effect la Detof-rtng Feneere
Operettas; oa a Smaller
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 (Special Tele
gram.) "What Is moral turpitude" la a
question Mr. Hitchcock, secretary Of the
Interior, would have answered by the Judge
who passed sentenco upon Bartlett Rich
ards and W. O. Comstock at Omaha the
other day. The secretary has called the
attention of Attorney General Knox to tha
case, and at his request Mr. Knox has
wired to District Attorney Baxter for a
full record of the case and the proceedings
In court, together with the court's opinion.
Judge Munger la quoted as having said
In passing sentence upon the two men,
who pleaded guilty to Illegally fencing 213.
000 acres of publlo landa for ranch and
cattle purposes In Sheridan county, Ne
braska: "There Is nd moral turpitude
connected with the offense with which the
defendants are charged, the offense being
merely a statutory one."
This was not at all satisfactory to Sec
retary Hitchcock, who has been success
fully prosecuting the land grabbers and
grafters of the west for several months
past. l
"I have had Inspectors In the field mak
ing Investigations at a great deal of ex
pense," said Secretary Hitchcock, "which
resulted , In ' the indictment last fall of
Richards and Comstock, chief offenders.
Now they plead guilty and receive a fine
of $300 each and are sentenced to spend
French Foreign Office Hears ' Ven
eanela la Disregarding! Terms
of Plnraley Award.
- .
1 .It hours In the custody of the I'nlted
i-AKia. Nov. w.ine foreign omce is 8ut niahal. These people with whom
ffdvlsed that President ' Castro, yesterday
refused to pay the second Installment of
Plumley arbitration award.
The arbitration covered damages sus
tained by French citizens In Venezuela dur
ing revolutionary periods prior to 19v3.
Judge Frank . Plumley of Northfield, Vt.,
was president of .the arbitration commit
tee, which' met at Northfleld last year. The
judgment ' was in favor of France, which
waa awarded about IttiO.OflO and President
Castro paid the first Installment of the
award three months sgt.. The second in
stallment was due yesterday, but waa not
paid. 1 Apparently the . Venezuelan presi
dent's refusal to pay the Installment was
on the ground that diplomatic relations
brtwnen .If rance and VeneWcla are; iousr
rupted. The officials here decline to admit
that this Justified President Castro, In not
paying tho Installment. The Incident is
considered to be a further provocation.
they could afford to bold down these , jtooflpvelt'a proposed legislation because it
posts. But Secretary Root feels that It j WOuld affect wages, made a great Kpeech.
is his duty to put "none but Americans 1 He'll be a division superintendent within
on guard." Aside from the fact that a
foreigner naturally might be expected to
take less Interest than an American . In
the development of our trade abroad, It
is felt that In time of political stress.
where International relations might become
strained, no test should be placed upon the
loyalty of the foreign consular agent to
his native country as would be Imposed
by requiring him to do his full duty to
the country which merely employs him.
Although a number of vacancies have
sixty days. His promotion is assu-ea. ut
his speech was not the speech of a con
ductor, It , sounded like the speech of a
trained railroad attorney."
fiovernor Folk's Speech.
Governor Folk, who was slso a guest of
the club. In discussing the present up
rising against graft, said in part:
tk. n-i few veers will be distinguished
as the time In which Industrial problems
are settled, the reign of special privileges
brought to an end. the recognition of the
doctrine of equal rights fixed in national
occurred In these places since Secretary poUoica and In the conscience of nmnkind.
Root assumed office he has held const- I We are In the midst of the most dramatlo
tently to the policy above laid down, and PJ- &p'E"J K'i
where It has not been possible to secure fln,d and observed as they never have
Americans to fill the vacancies the offices ' been before. The man who shares in these
have been allowed .0 remain vacant. Of , l nthenJ?erndhruW.
course, the vacancies cannot continue In- ,ipheava)a now going on.
flniiv but the secretary horjes that ' There have been great reform move-
wltli the pressure of the business world ment In the days' gone by. but they were ,
t, win . t. .local; the vampires of graft were driven
oenum nun, .uim-- ... . K- . away nd remalnea nut a season ann men
peal for more liberal compensation for returned after the waves of public. Indig
these small posts, so as to enable him to nation had spent their fury. The present
' ' . ' ....,. I presents a situation of brighter promise to
we have had so much trouble have agreed
to propositions made to them, and no
sooner were out hacks turned than they
went and replaced the fences which they
had torn down, or,' If they agreed to tear,
down fences, have fatled to do so after
agreeing to do It." -.
R. 8. Hall of Omaha, attorney for Rich
ards and Comstock, is quoted aa having
said In entering plea of guilty for his -clients!
"It is our Intention to comply
with the law. We are removing the fences "
aa rapidly aa we can, but such as may re
main we have nothing at all to do with.
Wherever the government shows us thst
we-have an unlawful fenur we will e- "
wwe it." ' '. -.
"Linfed" fltatr"'"D'tr1ct Attorney Baxter"
Is quoted as having said: "I believe the
defendants will do all they have said they
will do. They appear to be acting in good
faith. If there is any further dispute as
to any particular fence that will be a
matter for further action."
Mr. Hitchcock would not say what fur
ther action he would take, but the Infer
ence Is that he will tako some kind of
action after receiving the full report.
"You can say," said the secretary In
discussing the verdict, "lhat I am sur
prised and Indignant. The punishment la
send out American officials.
nr vision. Reform shows signs .if becom
lng universal instead of local and transi
tory. The revolt from political oppression
is rearing its head in city after rity and
state after state.' A civic regeneration Is
going on all over the land.
Will It last Is the question. Will not the
people forget and allow things to continue
In the same old way? I answer, No.
Revolutions never go backward, and this is
a revolution that has been wrought In the
CANTON. O., Nov. Ifi In the presence of conscience 01 men. r are urn m me oe-
Mrs. MrKlnley. the trustees of the McKIn- f ou polltlca, llfe. whll,n w, aUler
ley National Memorial association, other ; strength as the years go by. The elections
noted guests and citizens and school chil- i of last week were but the taking of the
Widow of Late President McKlnley la
Present at Servlcee at
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
Formally Recognised In Xfw
Wage Scale.
CHICAGO. Nov. Hi. The management of
the Rurlfna-ton railroad, after seventeen
years' of opposition, has recognized the j utterly Inadequate. The Indictment waa
Brotherhood of Ixwomotlve Engineers nnd ,h" TiAt ot fo,,r p,r' of determined f
has signed the flrSt wage schedule of the frt ih" indlture of thousands of
organization since the strike of 1888. Here- i dollars by the government. Wo had se
tofore all wage schedules for the engineers ; looted the large operators in the hope that
of the Burlington have been promulgated . the result would be a warning to those en
over the signatures of the railroad's man- ! ageil on a smaller scale. That the rase
agers. the brotherhood having no option In was """OhB one la evident by the fact
the matter of acceptance. This time the i that the men pleaded guilty. The result
schedule was signed by the officers and by I discouraging, but we shall not ceaae our
the members of the general committee of ' efforts. They have promised to tear down
the brotherhood after a three weeks' con- I h,lr fence and If they, do not keep the
frrence. I promise they will be Indicted again and
The hostility of the Burlington rosd to 1 again until they learn that laws are mad
the brotherhood was the result of the engi
neers' strike of lfWS, when J.eiO men deserted
their engines. Paul Morton, then In the
Burlington's service, had charge of the
strike for the railroad, and won the most
stubborn . battle in the history ot the
dren bf Canton, the cornerstone of the Mc-
first breastworks of the opposition. The
Injured by Explosion ear
Peoria, 111.
PEORIA, III.. Nov. 16. In an explosion
early this evening at the Buckeye Powder
its ladders nearly every one on the fire Works at Edwards Station, seven mile
escapes were kneeling In prayer. Adding . northwest of Peoria, two men met" Instant
to the pathos of the scene was the action death and several other employes were In-
of the men, who stood with their arms ' jured, two of them seriously,
full of perishables, while their wives fought The dead:
unaided to protect the children from belnjf ADDISON IX3NG, aged 23.
trampled by the crowd or suffocated by WILLIAM HASSLER, aged 15.
smoke. On the third stairway the fire- 1 The seriously Injured
men found the bodies of two women and
three men, who had evidently knelt to
gether where they died.
The dead:
The lessee of the house told the police to-
Fred Fogelnian.
Ellis Henderson.
eht will rn on with unceasing vliror mm
Klnley monument, the gift of the American the ,mB m never come when the people
people, was formally laid today. Justice ( can rest on their arms In Idleness. '
William R. Day presided. During the cere. I The present movement. Governor Folk
monies Mrs. McKlnley sat on a platform ' said, did not mean the destruction of po
st the monument, garbed in deep black and i litical parties, but rather the putting of
heavily veiled Among the trustees pres- j the organization of political parties on a
ent were Vice President Charles W. Falr
banka. Postmaster General Cortelyou and
Judge Horace H. Lurton of Memphis.
executive Committee ea Federation
of Cnnrchea Makes Oaagrs
tlone to the Society.
NEW YORK. Nov. 16. The report of the
executive committee before the Inter-
higher plane.
Efforts Made to Prolona; the Life of
Former Speaker with Hot
Blanketa. '
DUBUQUE, la., Nov. 1.-Wlth his aged
brother aa a nurse, heroic measures are
being taken to prolong the llfe of ex
Speaker David Henderson. A. C. Hender-
Church conference on federation In Car- on- wno 18 trlned nurse of many years
negle hall was the first business taken up 1 wrapping nis orotner in
curcuma uiaimcia tit uiuci iu uraw me
blood from the head and produce a better
circulation oft.'the blood. Ordinary med
ical treatment haa been abandoned and
under the new treatment, which the
started by the writer of the fetters.
tion was iaaen at tne meeting of the ; day that the Black Hand society had
flnanee committee and Mr. McCurdy said It j recently sent him letters demanding $2.0u).
waa the first step In reducing the expenses Although the demands did not state what
of tho company. Salaries for the other ex- the penalty waa to be for refusing to pay
ecutlve officers of tfi company have been he money, the police have begun an in-
reoucea. me sewng amounting in all to be- vestlgatlon on the belief that the fire was
iwecn iki,uv ana iiou.uw per annum.
Mr. McCurdy's statement to the directors
preceded the submission of the Investigating
committer's first report. This committee,
which waa named to examine Into the af
fairs of the company, made a significant
request for a broadening of Its powers and
recommended chaugos lu practices by the
company "which on their very face are
loose, unsound and open to criticism."
The committee recommended that pend
ing Ita furthvr Inquiry, the executive offl
cera adopt the Immediate pulley of ratrrnch
rnent. The preliminary report waa adopted.
w that tlndv todav
The cause of the explosion Is not known. Bev. w'llllam Ward of New York, chair
Three explosions occurred In quick succs- man of tne commlttee on comity, federa-
; ..on, an .n me pres. aepanmeni. ixmg and Uonl and unlty of the national council
Hassler were Instantly killed. Their bodies , r,1ai ehurche. d -
I were burned to crisp. Fogelman and B Banford MCretary of the legislative ! brother had often tried before
,Henderson were a short distance away. 1 itt. .nd general " . .u. ! with success, no opiates are needed.
Oeorge Henderson, a brother of the
i uoooo. ' " .r r
I .linuail w 1 t , , MumrBBCu luc CUIl-
! vent Ion. v
44atUaueA ea 8oond Pagei
I'oloael Frank D. Powell le Improv
ing and ta Kxpecled la
Revo ver.
LA CrtuSUE. Wle.. Nov. ltL-The family
of the famous scout. Colonel Frank D.
Powell fWhlte Braver I were notified from
Cody, Wyo.. where Powell's death haa
been hourly expected, that he la Improving
nd that his recover; la expected, t
Sapport of Organised Farming; a.
terests to Be Given the Chief
ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Nov. 16.-A
movement to throw the entire organised
farming interests of the country to th sup.
Twelve Men Will Teach Natives How
to Develop Fields of
P1TTSURO, Nov. IS. Twelve oil well
drillers from the Northwest Pennsylvania
speaker, at San Diego, is also reported to
be dying, but the news is being kept from
the two brothers in Dubuque.
Very Rev. Charles D. Williams of
Cleveland Elected to Fill Va
cancy on Serond Ballot.
DETROIT. Nov. 10.-Very Rev. Charles D.
Williams, dean of Trinity cathedral, Cleve-
land. O., was elected bishop of the episcopal
diocese of Michigan on the second ballot in
the diocesan convention this afternoon.
CLEVELAND. Nov. 16-Very Rev.
Charles D. Williams, the newly elected
to be obeyed. We wll not let up."
I'nlted States District Attorney Baxter
said Thursday afternoon In reference to
the foregoing:
"We were completely surprised at the
change of front In the Richards and Com
stock cases. We had, however, made every
preparation for a hard and bitter fight
against them and we were fortified at
every point, not alone regarding the Illegal
fencing, ot which we had made extensive
and careful surveys recently, but of tha
Illegal filings within the enclosures. We
had been led to believe w would have a
very hard fight on our hands. Further
than this It would be Imprudent for me to
say anything.' ',
' Judge Munger, who Imposed tha penalty
"The main purpose of the government
Is to have the Illegal fences removed. Ton
bishop of Detroit, Is tfi years of age. He wllI rcmember that before sentence waa
was born at Bellevue, O.. and educated at j pa,, upon Mr. Richards and Mr. Com
Kenyon college. Gambler, O. He was or- torki that their attorney, Mr. IU.U. stated
dalned when 23 years of age and haa served t0 tne court thay were now taking down
as minister of the Church Resurrection at tnelr fences aa rapidly as they could. Fur
Fernbank. a suburb of Cincinnati, and at : ther tney intended to remove every un
fit, raul'a church, Steubenvllle, O. For the ; lawfuI fence. Where there should happen
last thirteen years he has been dean of , t0 be a question about a section or piece
Trinity catnearai, tieveiana. lie is mar-: of tencti that thla by agreement of par
Hcd. . ,i. would be settled In a civil court-
Nothing was shown In the Indictments
against these men that tlwy were guilty
of any Immoral or criminal act, but merely
were charged with a statutory offense.
The United Slatea attorney said ha under
stood the accused parties were taking down
their fences' and believed they would do
exactly as they said they would do. These
fences should have been taken down long
ago. But they had been permitted to re
main without Interference for many years.
until the parties fencing tho lands gradually
Inlted States District Attorney (a a
File Aaawer to Barton' Plea
la Bar.
Elected Saperlateadeat of City
Schools and Aeocpta the
NORFOLK, Neb., Nov. 1 (Special Tel
egram.) E. J. Bodwell. present county
superintendent of Douglas county, was to
night unanimously elected superintendent
of the Norfolk city schools. Mr. Bodwell the idea that they had a license
accepted the position and It la expected he 0 , dl The end of tne government
will take up his work here In about. to aUaied by the removal of the fence
weeks. He succeeds Prof. O'Connor, who , ' h and , ,,eluf accomplished,
haa been appointed superintendent of the." there , any dSposition ahown to
schools in the Panama canal zone. I the governmint requirement the
I run lea w ill bo prosecuted and punlshxd ac
Ur Rodwell waa re-elerted for n.ilhi.p 1 PaleB v
term as county superintendent In thla j cortlljas -
(Douglas) county at the last election.
Movement of Oceaa Vessels Xov. Id.
At New York-Sailed: Moltke. for Ham-
1 hura- I A fcuvnie. for Havre: fur
I Bremen.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 16. United elates Cir- I At London-Arrived: Cambrian, from
cult Judge Van Devanter today granted orLTsailtar'l'tan. Wi
time until tomorrow to permit United At Liverpool Arrived: Milwaukee, from
California Appellate Coart Approves
eateave of State Senator Con
victed of Bribery.
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Nov. U.-Ilarry
port of President Roosevelt In his efforts oil fields will leave her for New York to
for an adjustment of railroad tariffs began ! morrow and will sail for Roumania on States District Attorney Dyer to file with Montreal; Philadelphia!!, iroui Portlund; : Bunkers, the former tan Krartclseo aona-
Baturday. The party Is made up of experts I the court the government's reply to the ".ciilan. for Halifax; Wliufradtan. for 1 tor- cnnvlctod u,,t Af'r" ur hribrTV
In their line and goes to Kouir.anlu under j plea In bar flled yesterday by countu l for Boston.' ' sentenc ed to five years' Imprisonment at
cuntract with the Standard Oil company 1 United Slatea Senator Burton of Kansas. Al Queenstown-Salled : Oceanic. for ' yuentln. tnutl serve the sentence 1m-
v . I Viii-li Arrived- (Vmi- i frn.u Rut. .......
to develop the Oil field of that country. against the Indictment recently returned ! posed, accoidlng lu a occiHion nanaea
against Senator Burton by the federal
at today's seulon of the National Grange
Patrons of Husbandry.
Three resolutions, all of them Introduced
with the idea of unifying the agricultural
strength, were Introduced, and after spirited
discussions were referred to "ny"ltttYf tow
revision and amendment.
The men will act aa Instructors, aa well
A' Naples Arrived: 'Cretlc, from New
aa operatora and will teach the native U grand Jury. Argurasul wl then pe tend , York- . . . . ..
A f ' lfe?a?.i!t 88 - ' J vuru. TiZto?&90,
down today by the appellate court deny
ing the convicted ji-leglalator'l a? Ja4 tat
a uw trial, "