Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1905, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER H), . IDOo. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS DUFF GREEN CO,, I RNITURE.1 PIANO, j AA MC SALARY. J are a home and old-established con cern, nd your dealing with u will be absolutely private. You can borrow from 10 upward at the lowest rates. All loan re mad on our HPMJIAL HKBATlNU EASY MONTHILY OK WEEKLY PAY MENT I'l.AN. tech navmetit lespens the cost of loan. mnkln It pcsslblf. for everyone wno IS short of money to borrow wnat they need quickly and cheaply, without obligating tnemeplvrs to their friends or neighbors; honorable, fair and Just treatment; pri vate ' Interviewing ronmi. Established Rooms 8 and Barker Blk. Tel. B4 Duff Green. Jule Althaus. QUICK MONEY .a often an absolute necessity, and you will And our facilities the very best for quick and quiet service. iVe make advancemept ' on furniture, piano, live stock and other chattels, and to salaried people upon their own agree ment to nay. - (V arrange the contract in 1. t, S, i, t, . or even more monthly payments, tellins you In advance what It will cost you, and then give you Uie option of paying (aster, whlc b will, make the cost lesa. Dur rates are much less than many will ask you and au more than you will pay wherever you go, and you will And us consistent In all our dealings. OMAHA-MORTGaQB LOAN CO. 11B Hoard of Trade . Bldg. Tel. 36. (Established isW. Sue . ICtli 8l. X 230 PRESIDENT IS PROVOKED faji H Wtt Vitquotfd by Lt Dm cratio Candidal in MamcBtHetti. REFUSES TO DISCUSS TARIFF QUESTION Tells Deleantlon of Leather Mrs and Shoemakers thai He Will ot Ksnreaa Himself on "h Jert naseatea. LOANS r&nds, LOANS tc. Lowest rates, iHu WESTERN LOAN CO., " SIO KAtfN. Mgr. 31 Neville, d floor, 16th Harney. TelMl. JH. PRIBBENOWS. PRIVATE MONEY loaned on iurniiure. pmnun, wmr, norma, etc., lit any amount at less than half the rates, no "red . tape; perfect privacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended in case of sickness ut out of employment. Room 14 Karbach Blk., 20 8. loth St. llf4si WHEN YOU WANT A LOAN JN FU KM1L Rlfl OH SALARY without removal or deiay. payable to suit, your convenience, piione-1411 s or write or call on AAliiCAN -LOAN .CO., houra M panion Bk- N. E. cor. ltotu and r'amaia Bis. . X-M MONEY LOANED ' SALAKIbL) PfcUPLE and othef witnout security; easy pay ments. Offices In e principal cities. Tol mau, room U New lorn Life Bid;. - - A. 744 BOWEM'B MONEY Sisy to get on furni ture; pianos, bor, cows, flaln nol If stsadiiy employed, ivt r. x. iue. MONEY loaned on pianos, iumiture, jew elry, horses, cows, stc. C. Jf. Keed. u a. U U. CILkTTEL AND SALARY LOANS. 1-HOENLX. CKEU1T CO., TeU 745, Paxton Blk. FRIEDMAN. Loans on all articles. Clothing bought and sold. 211 S. Uih. Tel. W. X 714 U fcjAuLr. ivOafr umvo, icwuiv. ccummoaat log; all business confidential, 13ul louli. MONEY Loaned on chattels at 10 per cent per year, m anu venter. jl ai.ta CjHATTELt salaiT and Jewelry loans. Foley ion CO., um . e arnauu n. a w LAV AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEY'S everywhere. The New Snow- Charon Co uia floor, N. Y, I Tel. 13. 971 J. M. Macfarland, SU N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. S68. VI t OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. 14, 9u MRS' JOHN R, MUPICK. Osteopathy phy- slclan. Ufflct, Neville bik. 'lei. zsai. He' WA8H1NOTOX. Nov. In Uovernor VT. U Douglas of MnssHchusetts. who headed a delegation of boot and shoe nd leather manufacturers that called on tne presi dent at the White House today and .made the principal address to the president In behalf of the movement to secure a re peal of the duty on hide. The delegation numbered In all twenty-eight men, repre senting the varlnus Industries' Interested. In addition to the remarks of Governor Douglas, there were addresses by several of the other members of the delegation. Following the presentation Of the views and desires of the delegation, the president assured them that their Interests should surelv receive the painstaking attention both of the executive and of congress. In his address Governor Douglas snld that the boot and shoe Industry of the country "Is greatly oppressed and burdened by what we believe to be a needless tariff duty on hides. This duty not only hand! caps our Industry and prevents Its proper growth and expansion, both domestic and fotelgn, but It is an evil to the country as a whole. .Without, as we believe, erv lng any good purpose, this tariff duty heavily taxes articles essential for the health and comfort of every man, woman and child In the land, and thus greatly Increases the cost of living." Governor Douglas claimed 'that the 15 per cent on hides did not protect or benefit the cattle raisers, but did compel all farm ers to pay higher prices for boots, shoes harnesses, saddles and other leather goods. Governor Douglas announced that the In terests they represent would willingly con sent to a reasonable reduction of the IS per cent duty on boots and shoes In order to obtain free hlds and cheap leather. All we ask," he added, "Is a free field and no favor, either In our own or In for eign markets. Unless the cost of materials can be reduced, shoes must aoon sell at much higher prices." A. Augustus Healy. representing the Hide and Leather association of New York City claimed that the removal of the duty on hides was an urgent necessity. Matter In Hands of Congress. After the delegation had presented Ha views and its desires to the president he told them that as n matter of concrete fact the whole subject was one with which congress must decide and he strongly im pressed upon them that any action In th matter must originate In congress. At the conclusion of the conference W B. Rice of the firm of Rice & Hutchlns o Boston made a statement to the newspaper men of the result of the Interview. He said: Wre represent the majority of the leather. tanning and boot and shoe interests of the t' lilted Hta tea We decided to reauest th president to assist us in nrocurina leaisla- tlon niacins: hides on the free list and to reduce the duty on sole leather co 10 per cent, wnere tno McKlnley law placed It, We were able to assure the president that the boot and shoe Interests would consent to a reasonable reduction of the duty on their products. The president manifested aeep interest in the statements made him. He declined to make any statement committing himself to advocacy of the repeal of the duty on hides and did not authorise us to make any statement s his position on the subject. We wero much pleased with the inter view, 1 think even man present waa im pressed with the president's desire to do the souare thina bv us. I go away from here with a gcod deal of courage that something will be done, now tnat tne Dan nas started to rolling. Subsequent to the departure of the dele gation from the White House Presldon Roosevelt authorized the publication of hla remarks on the object of its mission. the course of his remarks he related an experience he had last winter with a com mlttce irom Massachusetts, of which Mr, nt lnvarisblv. represent a compromise and mutual concessions; and no on outside nf ingress -n definitely foretell the emirl hae such compromise will ultimately ake i Fears Mlsqants t lua. 1 should like to discuss the whole si! un ion with vnu freely and Informally. Hut, nfortunately, my experience with a com lltlee from your state, Oovernor Doug- as. which called on me In connection wnn snff matters alut s year sgo, forbids ly doing so. Such a free, full end nec essarily Informal and tentative discussion obviously of benefit only If those Join- ng In It recnunlse ns a matter of honor- hie obllKatlnn theilutv of not attempt- ng to give from memory what must nec essarily be an lmierfpct and garbled vei- lon or wnat tunes place, vt nen tne presi- ent of the I nttert States definitely and ormallv expresses himself for publication on a question of great national Importance, what he says should not ne left to the im perfection of memory, often colored by Interest, but should be put bevond the possinlllty of misunderstanding by careful reparation ana committal to writing, m ry to repeat from memory what the pres ident 4ias said when a year has elapsed is to show entire Indifference to accuracy. well as to propriety. Yet this Is pre cisely what Mr. Whllney did In the Massa- husetts campaign tnat nas just closed. He pretended to quote what I had said during the course of the long and Informal ntervlew with his committee a year be fore, no notes of the conversation having been taken at the time. Not only did he mlstiuote the words I used, but bv sup pressing almost all that I had said and iy giving what purported to he my words ntlrely apart irom us context, ne abso lutely, and, as I am constrained to be lieve, deliberately misrepresented what oc curred, and he knew well that It was Im possible for the president of the ("nited tatea to enter into a personal discussion about the matter with him. After this experience I cannot enter Into any discussion with you on the merits of your proposal and must content my self with saying that It shall receive my most earnest, attentive und respectful con sideration. ' Whltaey Makes Statement. BOSTON, Mass., Nov. 15. Henry M Whitney, president of the Boston Chamber of Commerce and democratic candidate for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts In the recent elections, Issued a statement tonight RAILWAY TIME CARD PIPE LINE FOR KANSAS OIL Proposition IHarnssrd by Real F.atate Kxehsnae ana Cos m it tee . pointed on It. Will It lie practicable to pipe oil front the Kansas to Omaha; and. If an, can capital be Interested to build a pipe Hue? These are questions of Interest before tlie Real Estute exchange. A committee consisting of A. L. Reed. E. A. Benson and W. K Sclby waa ap pointed by President ' RlVen at the meet ing Wednesday to secure all the informa tion which can be obtained on the subject and report to the exchange. They will Interview the packers of Booth Omaha and the manufacturers of Omaha as to what they think of the expediency of the project. It Is thought by members r.f the exchange power can be secured for Omnlia niore cheaply from Kansas oil than from coal, j . E. A. Cudahy was quoted as saying he had made expcrlinorts with oil and found If It could be laid down at Omaha without much expense, power could be furnished from It much more cheaply than troni coal. It Is understood other packers and manufacturers have been studying the subject. The purpose of the exchange Is to in vestigate the matter and give to the public the Information secured. If. In . the Judg ment of the majority, a pipe line to Omaha would prove profitable. It Is then time to undertake to interest capital In the project. C. F. Harrison read before the exchange a paper on "Advertising." He told of the methods of real estate men In Los Angeles, and suggested the adoption In Omaha of some of the features used there. For Im mediate action he made some practical sug gestions for local advertising, that Is. In the state, of Omaha's business Interests. B. A. Benson, W. O. Shrlver and D. G. Rogers were appointed a committee on Im mediate pluns and President Green will It Is planned that all the teachers of this rhml shall visit the schools In other lo CRllties nf th city. Ho the school was closed, for the purpose. The Cass school will he visieed In the morning and the Fnrnatn school In the afternoon aesslmi. All the schools nf the city will take a visiting riav In the course of the sear, and on that day the children will be given a holiday. in reference to President Roosevelt's re- ' appoint a permanent advertising committee I IK ION STATION TENTH AND MARCY t alon Pacific. Leave. Arrive Dverland Limited .......a 40 am a 8:18 pm Jallfornla Express .,....a 4:10 pm a :30 am .'alifOrnla & Oregon Ex. a :iu pm a 6:10 did North Platte Local....... a 7:n0am a :J0pm f ast Mall as:tam acajpm Joloradu Special a 7:46am a 7:44am tea trio Local b 1:16 pm blJOpra lb lea go, Rock Island A Pacific EAST. "hlcago Limited ......a S:3S am a 7:10am .'hlcago Express a7:Soarrj a (:66pm -'hlcago Express, Local.. bll:4o ara a4:Upm Lies Moines Express t 1:30 pm bll.-buam Jhicago Fast Express.. ..a 6:40 pm a 1:16 pm WliST. Itocky Mountain Ltd a 7:20 am dorado r txpress .......a l:3u pin klaiionia Texas Ex. -a 4:36 pm Mlaaoarl Pacific.'. St. Louis Exprcus .a S 00 am hi. C. & St. L. Ex all :15 pm ( bleaao A Northwestern. it, Paul Daylight a 7:50 am . Iilcano Daylight '.aft:M)ain ulcao Limited a. b:38 pm arroil Local .. a 4.8 pin M. Paid r'ast Mall..:. ..a .2k pm -ioux ' a fcH P. Local.. b 2:ou pin Fast Mull ' - i hit n.xii Express a 6.6v pm Norfolk c Boncsteel a 7:40 am Lincoln & Long Pine. ..a 7:40 am i nspT Wyuiiittitf e :o0 pm I 'end wood & 1 Jnculn. . .a !:t0 pm Hastings Albion b 1. 50 pm Chicago Local '. . .all :3v am illlnela Central, Chicago Express a 7::5 am Cliicugo Limited a 7:60 pm Minn. fit. Paul Ex...b 1 :ii am Minn. St.-Puul Ltd.. a 7:60 pm Chicago, MUnuuke A it. Panl. Chicago Coio.- Spec'l.a 7.66 ara a 7:36 ara California Ore. Ex..a 6:f- p.. a 8:iu pm overland Linilied a b:i pin a W:20 am Marlon Cvdjr H. Luc.b :4 am Ul.uu pm Wabash. 1st. Louis- ISxpi'css...... 6:30 pin tit. Louis iK-ti! (front Council Blurtsi .......n 845 am henii.K! Iah:hI -tfrom Cooiwll WUlta) '....v... 6:4a pm Chlraao tireat Western. HI. Paul tt Minn ..a 8:30 pm M. t'aul at aiua a i.toam mlcago Limui marks to the committee of boot, shoe and leather ' manufacturers who visited the White House today. President Roosevelt told the committee that he could not dis cuss the question freely and Informally, saying that a year ago Henry M. Whitney called on him with reference to tariff mat ters and later misquoted what the presi dent had said. After reading the Wash ington dispatch Mr. W'hltney prepared a statement in which he denied that he had willfully misrepresented the president or Intentionally violated any confidence. The statement follows: Andrew O. Websler. J. M. W. Hall and consisting of a subcommittee of the chamber of commerce committee of lot on reciprocal trade, visited Washington last winter for a conference with the president touching especially the matter of the Hay- Bond treaty. 1, as chairman of the com mittee, made an argument in favor of the treaty and in the Hrgument made refer ence to the advantage of reciprocal treaties with Canada, we understood the president to express himself as not unfavorable to the Hay-Hond treaty, but desirous of see ing and favoring also the fullest possible freedom of trade with Canada. I was not aware that this was to be regarded in the nature of a conhdentlal communication: quite the contrary, as we were there, as we stated, to the president, as a committee or the chamber of commerce committee of lOn, Sent to consult with the president and to report the result of that conference to the full committee, which was equivalent to giving It to the public. While we may have misunderstood the president, do not see how we cjuld have done so. I absolutely deny any "willful and "Intentional misrepresentation" of the president's attitude and I have no recollec tion of what he refers to as the 'context which was calculated to modify the views he expressed. The committee above named made substantially this report to the full committee at the time of our return from Washington, and the president's attitude. as we understood it. haa been subject for congratulation among our people from the time of our visit to Washington until the ? resent. It was therefore nothing new and did not regard my reference to It In my campaign as new matter, I regret extremely that the president should consider that I have misrepresented nis attitude ana especially tnar ne srrouid reel tnat 1 nave intentionally done so, whih 1 aver is not true. Copies of . this statement were sent to Mr. Hall and Mr. Webster, who aceom panled Mr. Whitney to the White House. Mr. Whitney requested them to examine the statement carefully and Inform Mr, Whitney If it corresponded with their recol lection of the matter. Mr. Webster replied as follows:' I have read your letter regarding the In tervlew with the president last winter. Mv recollection of what was said at that time la auhstantlally as you have written. I did He said that when Mr. Whitney had tit understand that It was a confidential interview. Mr. Hall In his letter said: I have Just received your letter concern lng our conversation with the president last winter. My recollection agrees with vours. I had no conception that the Interview was considered confidential by anyone. lutcr. Complaint was made that the Omaha Water company frequently Imposes on owners of property, in mat u turns on water at the request of temints and falls to collect from them, charging the bill to the owner. Instances were cited In which he company had fulled to make applica tion to the tenant for payment as late as seventy-one days after rent was due. It was suggested that some owner ought to refuse to pay such bills and stand a suit. Harry Payne, C. F. Harrison and T. F. Creigh were made acommlttoc to make suggestions In this matter. a 3:30 am a 4 o6 pm all:) ain a 30 am a 6:00 pm 10:00 pm 11 6u pm :16 am i) ju am 7:u6am e 9 & am i pin a 7.80 am 10:36 am 10:36 pm e 6:13 pm 6:13 pm 6:15 pin 1:46 pm a 10 35 pm a g :6 am blu:36 pin a 6:o6 pin 8.20 am 10:80 pm 2:10 pm a 7:16 am a I jo pin a,6:uu piu alo:u m a 6:U am a 3:w put ttKVSTKK UBI'OI-llTH Jt WEBSTER Mtssonri Pnelfic. .ebraska Local, via Leave. Arrive. Weeping Walur , b J.oo pm bU.3o pin t hteatfo, Pawl, atinneanolla A Pntaha. ' Twin City Passenger. ,.b 6:30 am b 8:10 p:n Sioux City passenger. ..a : :ia put ell.i!0 am Oakland Local b pm b 8 io ,n Emerson Local c 8:4a ara c ti.oo pin BIHL1NGTON STATION lOTH A MASON Harllaytnn, Denver A California. Northwest Express , Nebraska polms .... Unooln Fast Mall. Leave. Arrive. ...a 4:10 pm a 8.30 pm ...a Ll. 10 pm a :0s pm ...a oil nin a 1 u iw, ...b 1:00 pm ali:t6 pin Whitney, recently a candidate for lleuu-n ant governor of Massachusetts, was a mem ber. misquoted him in the campaign which was closed a few days ago and declared that he was "constrained to believe that Mr. Whit ney had deliberately misrepresented what had occurred." With this experience In mind the president declined to enter upon a discussion of the subject of free hides t this time. The address of the president waa In part as follows: It Is, of course, unnecessary to point out that no change In the tariff can be made, keeping In view only the interests or desires of one state or one -locality; the law must first take tangible shape In Oie lower house of congress and must, tnerefore. roughly correspond to the senti ments of the cillsens of the several states as expressed through their representatives therein. Where the interests, and there fore the sentiments based on the Interests are diverse, as Is almost Invariably the case In reference to the details of all tariff matters, the law must normally, although "From mil this disheart ening and in tolerable sitfi ation, wrought in a fre country, by money-madness and organized greed what skail tmt This is one short para graph from Charles Edward Russell's superb Foreword to his series on Man's Struggle for Equality in Everybody's Magazine lor Noveinber. For many a day the world has not seen such absorbing; writing as this. , When Russell gets down into a subject, - he becomes terrible in his dramatic portrayal of the conditions of the poor and how they cannot stand it any longer and what they did, and the result to you some day. ETerybodv's Magaain 15 flJMJ a year SALOON MEN HAVE A SCARE Driven to Consternation Over Report that Cnrrle Nation Was In the City. WITNESSES SAW NO KNIFE Knne Yet Tetlfln In Marrfer Case Could gee Wenpon In Victim's Hand. Colored men who know more or less of the killing of William Rollins by Joseph Koslowskl nt South Oiraha on the night of July 30 last, are still going and coming on the stand In the crtmual branch of the district court. There Is a long list of them and as the defense has also a large number to testify along the line of self defense, the trial probably will occupy all week. Not one of the witnesses for the prosecution has admitted the dead man had any weapon In sight when killed. Koslow skl and his attorney contend that Rollins had drawn a knife and also had a revolver. While all of the colored witnesses were In deadly earnest In the giving of their tes timony, the m-tnner of giving It and the answers occasionally made under the cross examination of Mr. English were a trifle diverting. To speak In the present tense of he happening and Incidents connected with It waa a common occurrence. One witness, asked where Rollins, the dead man, was when he heard the first shot, solemnly shook his head and In half mournful ca dence answered: "Ah don" know where he'a at when dat shot was fired." Another witness was Interrogated as to why he did not take more Intereat In what Bret Harte would call "the subsequent proceedings" and said with great earneat ness: "Ah don' never lak to he eroun' whur dead folks Is." A witness of somewhat loquacious bent was arked what he was doing at a certn'n time at the Roth saloon, where the tragedy occurred: "Well, we wus Jus' a-Jonalilntf' Ed Johnson, ft negro deeply Impressed with a desire to be exact, said In reply to a query as to his knowledge of what started the trouble: "Wut de confu-slon of de quahl was erbout 1 dunno; you'll have ter asl Joe, and Mr. English let It go at that. Borne slight argument arose ns to the dimensions of a small hallway wherein Rollins fell and died. No two witnesses agreed as to Its size, but one man, when cornered, said with conviction: "I don' nevah git thu dut do'way 'thout turnin' some way eroun'." evening at Thirteenth and Podge streets while laboring under delusions caused b an overdose of cocoalne. The spark f hore that waa burning within her broke through the dissipated countenance and led the police Judge to believe she was sincere. The girl was discharged. Soon afterward an expressman backed tip to the Omaha lodging house and hauled the girl's trunk to the Kurllngton station. Her home Is near Lincoln. JON J. RILEY IS INDICTED Former Poatofltee Employe Charged with Kmbesslement In tJranit Jnry'a Bill. The federal grand Jury, realising the amount of work to come before It. Is wast ing no time. It did not conclude Its ses sion Tuesday evening until 9 o'clock. Bev- eral true bills were returned, though the Jury has not yet submitted Its formal report. Among the Indictments found were one gainst Jon J. Riley, assistant superin tendent of the Omaha postofflce money de partment, for cmberiilng tlnn of money or der funds; on against f. R. Sills, a notary puhllc of Omahi, for tending out dunning lett-rs with the words, "collector of bad debts. ", loo conspicuously displayed on the envelopes and postal cards; one against Jamea Delcy for using the Vnlted Btates mails for the purpose to defrsud In a loan and Investment concern. peTaov escaped from the Douglas county Jail sev eral months ago and Is still at largs. The other Indictments were for offense against the liquor license laws. , The attention of the Jury Is now being given to some of the Indian reservation liquor cases. ir you have anything to trade advertise tt In the For Fxchange column on The Pee Want Ad pag- Hardware Store Bobbed. Borne time Tuesday night burglar forced an entrance Into the hardware store of C. F. Krclle. 610 Booth Thirteenth street, and stole Roods amounting to :. The burglar gained entrance by breaking out a klass panel in a door and then wrenching off the Iron bars on the Inside. The plun der taken consisted of the best rasora and pocket knives in the stock. WL II Rl" S out the old. Rin g In the new, II rMfliCvW Rin j out the fgbe, Rlnjj In the true vav-i.- a b m w- - - . - i'LM' GAS COMPANY READY TO BUILD Will Spend Seventy Thousand Dollars on New Gas Holder Very Soon. An ordinance was passed by the city council Tuesday night which repealed the nvana ordinance passed some time ago preventing the gas company from con structlng a gas holdeV in any section of the city If any property owner livinc within 1.000 feet objected. This has stood in the way of the gas company erecting a holder at Twenty-second and Burdette streets for so long the company has given up the Idea and desires to sell this prop erty. As soon as the ordinance is signed by the mayor the company will begin at once to more than double Its plant at Twentieth and Center streets. In speaking of the matter Secretary Clabaugh said: "We have needed a larger plant foi some time and this ordinance has kept us back. At present we carry only gas enough to supply this city for about seven hours. You see the city has been liable to have been in darkness for some time if some of the machinery should go wrong All other cities of the slxe of Omaha have several holders scattered around to help equalize the pressure and this is more needed In a hilly community like Omaha. We will spend In the neighborhood of $70,. OnO at once on the new plant. The people need not be alarmed, however, for this city has been dark but once in thirty years." Something of a ripple wait created around police headquarters Wednesday morning when It was rumored that Carrie Nation was abroad In the land and at the time a caller on Matron Gibbons Though the ru mor was false, the saloon men In the Third ward quickly prepared for an attack from the famous saloon smtsher, and not a few telephoned police headquarters for latest news from the seat of war. A woman bearing a striking resemblance to the celebrated reformer was seen to go Into the matron's department at the police station, and before the truth of the matter hag got its running boots on the false re port was several para Bangs to the good. The woman In question' gave tier name as Mrs. I,ucille Murray and her occupation that of temperance lecturer. The story she told Matron Gibbons was she lost her money In the I'nlon slatkut Kansas City Tuesday evening and ma.nuged.tO keep her ticket to Omaha and 111 cents by having them In a secure place. . - - The woman called on''the jollce matron for assistance, her deaire being to get as far as Fremont. She said she had been giving temperance lectures and acknowl edged her resemblance to Mrs. Nation. Mrs. Murray carried with her an air of taking every little gratuity as a matter of course. She said she, believes men were made to wait on the women. She was es corted to the Union station by Matron Gibbons. When alighting from the street car at the station she placed her satchel on the ground and asked the first man she aw to carry the receptacle to the train for her. While at the matron's department she asked for some one to whom she might talk on the subject of strong drink and thus do a little good while In the city. Boston Green, who is serving out a fine of $12 and costs, was Introduced to the woman, but Mr. Green did not seem to take any deep Interest In the matter. BANQUET TOJTHE GOVERNORS Function Will Be Olren by Com mercial Club to Ak-ar-Ben Board. Arrangements have been completed by the entertainment committee of the Com mercial club for the banquet Thursday night for the Ak-Sar-Ben Board of Gov ernors. An attendance at the banquet of about 300 persons is expected. Following is the program: Toastmaster W. S. Wright, president Commercial cluh. Welcome to Board of Governors Howard II. Baldrlie. "The Knights of Ak-8ar-Ben" Ourdon W. Wattles. Esq. "America as a World Power" Henry H. Wilson of Uncoln. "The King is Dead' Long Live the King" Arthur C. Wakeley, Esq. "The Campbell System of Farming the Possibilities of the Great American l-sert Without Irrigation" J. L. Donahue, Esq., Denver, Colo. "Civic Loyalty the Source of T'lie-Patriotism" Edward F. Trefz. Esq. BEFORE THE PEOPLE'S BAR I ant 69 year old and never used any remedy equal to Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It gives quick and permanent relief In grip as well as coughs and oolds. It makes weak lungs strong. Mb. M. A. Mbtcals, Paducah, Ky. DR. BELL'S Pine-Tar-Honey The new and the true, it nature's most natural remedy, improved by science to m pkant, per manent, positive cur far couphs, cold and all inflamed surfaces of the Lunp and Bronchial Tui. The tore, wearv, couh-worn Lungs are exhilirated; the microb-bearm(j mucus is cot out; the cause of that tickling is removed, and the inflamed membranes are healed and soothed ( so that there is no inclination to cough. Orsr 4,N,M kettles en sslf sris l4 s as sksstsn fnma. Tbe trncet eviesone of the merit of a proprietary medicine is tne opinion of th consumer. Uereii tn racordi OrerTw MIIIlM Battles la ltt. Over Tkne Milllo Batiks Is lM. Over Pur Millies BiMalt4. TnlssTldsncestttaopletoa of tlie consumer reiiartllng the merit of Dr. Bell's I'lno-Tar-Uooey, twat coot a meaicius on im SKiT Look For the Bell on th Boia.-a 25 cents. SO cent and $1.00 Bottle. -MMsfKtsros ky B. B. SUTHERLAND "FhrCIIE CO., Passes, km. 133 Wayward Ulrl Plenda with Who Let Her Go to Mother. Judae, "Yes. Judge, I have one friend left and I am going back to her If you will release me. ' I want to return to my mother. I have seen what there Is to see; I have drank of the dregs and long for a glimpse of my old home. When I left home a few year ago my mother told me I would be glad to come back some day and she said she would keep my littfe room locked until I returned. I have turned my back on the past. Will you let me go. Judge? My trunk la packed and I have the mony for a ticket home." Such was the pathetic appeal of Miss Louise Llndsey, who wa arrested Tuesday See the West With Its 1905 Crops I1KCOMK A L.XI HOLDKH: Each MomeHeekera Excursion Is bringing eastern buvers Into the West, seeking lands at prices above all previous records. What causes this if not the crowing apprecia tion of the permanent worth of Western farm lands? : 8PKC1AL MV RATE HOMKSKEKKH8' KXCtRSIOXS to Western Nebraska. Eastern Colorado, Wyoming, including the Big Horn Basin. RATE FOK THE KOCX1) TRIP: 75 per cent of the regular one-way fare.; minimum rate, $10.00. DATES OF EXCTRKIOXS: November 21st, December. 5th. and 19th. KEEP AHEAD OK THE COMIXO IWl'LAR MOVEMENT to secure Western irrigated lands. Send for the Burlington's special folders, "Irrigation Projects," Big Horn Basin," "Fort Morgan Country," "North Platte Valley," 'Billings, Montana, Irrigated District." If you seek lands In the Corn Belt, or lands beyond, for mixed farming in the grazing country, send for the Burlington's folders, "Nebraska," "Dairying in Nebraska," "List of Land Agents Along the Burlington Route." Any or all of these folders are free on ap plication. Write for rates, descriptive matter and information, , carefully stating what you want. mm L. W. WAKELEY, Gen. Pass. Agt., OMAHA, NEB. f t. iraos at riiim n ui wimi iu:.'i am Hellevue Flatlsm a. .a 7 40 pm b 11:32 ant Lwuver Limited a 7.10 am Hrllavue a. Pao- Junc..aU:H pm hellevue A Pac. June. .a I i am Chicago Ppeclal a 7:3 am Chicago Kxpresa a 4:00 pm I 15 pm Chicago Flyer a i.'t pot a 7.a& pm Iowa lcal a 1 11 am ill U pm -it. Louis Express I 14 pm all JO am liUMit City 4k Hi. Joe.alO ti pm a 46 am Kansas City nt. Joe. a :14 am a pm Konaa City A St. Joe. 4:46 pm a dally, b dally xcut Sunday, d daily Saturday, sound only. dally eacspt Monday. GOVERNMENT NOTICES FORT MKADE. S. D.. November f5. 1 8aled prK,Rals in triplicate, for the con atiucilon and plumbing of one brick staole will he received here until 1 p. m. Deceinlier 16. lmia. Information furnished upon appli cation. United Sim tea reservea the riiclit to accept or reject anv or all propoxate or any pari thereof. Plana and spei-ihra-tions may be sren with quartermasters at 6t. Paul. Omaha. Denver, Cheyenne. F.n-velopt-a containing proposals should be marked "Proposal for stable Fori Meade, 8. D ." addreMied Major George K. Hunter, lonslrUctitig u,uarlrrms'er Mt-17-1JD-U-U BIGNELL'S LEAVING DENIED Report Lincoln Mnperlntendent of Hnrllugton Will Resign ot ConSrmed. A report that Ed Blgnell. superintendent of the Burlington at Lincoln, is going to resign Is not confirmed at local Burling, ton headquarters. An attache of 1neral Manager lloldrege'a office said: "We have not heard of the Intontion of Mr. Blgnell to resign and we do no think auch Is true." A few weeks ago V. O. English, superin-tcnd-nt of the McCook division and E. Gillette of the Sheridan division left the company. C. L. Eaton, formerly of Omaha, succeeded the former. P. 8. Eustis, passenger traffic manager of the Burlington: D. W. Wlllard, second vice preoldent; H. K. By rum. general superin tendent at Lincoln; Ed Blgnell, division su perintendent at Lincoln; J. R. Phelen, su perintendent of the Alliance division; R. D. smith, W. L. Barne, superintendent of thd Burlington system with headquarters at Chicago, together with all division super. Intendrnts, are In the city. It was denied that the presence of these officials here at (hie time had any further slgnlllcance than the arrangement vf sched ule for train REVENUE-FRCJMCITY STREETS Rosewater Disensae Ordinances Railroads Reapond to Demand for Trackage. City Engineer Rosewater. in discussing the ordinances, called attention to the plan now being worked out In the city of Balti more. "In that city," said Mr. Rosewater, "a revenue la derived from the use of the streets, I understand in the neighborhood of 1800,000 annually. The council ha a regular schedule of prices and when a corporation desires to lay a track upon the atreets it must pay into the city so much money every year. It Is the same when a person wants to construct a sign out over the street. Omaha should be able to secure some reveune from the use of Its streets. The city should be paid for the construction of ui.derground store rooms, which extend out under the streets. By allowing so much, underground building, the day will come when Omaha will lie unable to con stuct any subwaya, because they would run Into the subways of private business houses." Jerry McMahon, former city hall elevator conductor, waa at the city hall Wednesday morning protesting against granting these trackage rights, lie says many property owners will protest, A irc mlnent I'nlon Pacific official said: "There is such an Insistent demand for more truckage that we were compelled to ask permission to lay these tracks. The present wholesale district Is practically filled and the property around Capitol avenue and Eleventh and Twelfth streets might much better be used for warehouses ; than to be nonrevenue brodurln the a-av I It is now. We realise there 1 a public demand to keep the railroad tracks from crossing the street car tracks, and this Is what we have tried to prevent. Of course, we have received numerous requests and do receive them every day to extend our lines across the street car tracks on Tenth street, but this we do not wish to da and will not as long as there is building room elsewhere." Teacher to Uo Vt.ltlaa. Announrementa were made in the rooms of the Leavenworth school Juat before the closing hour to the effect that there would be no achool there today. The matter wa given a rather mysterious coloring by the time the report reached the news centers. An investigation showed a new departure had been arranged by the city superin tendent and that this waa its first trial. CSS. IYI3SL0WS SOOTHIXQ SYRUP by mittaas ec Mothers tor thear fhliorma while Te.t&in. for orr I'll if Thu. IV auotuas tbe ettlld, aJhaa tfce (u.l aiu,; " t-1! r win4 aoif, aad Ta la t I mi it for auuTtusa. TWtl .ri CT A MtTLL A . mm n Bottom ' mOO-BUFFALO, N. V., AND KETUKX. $16.65 BLOOMIXGTON, ILL., AND KETURN. $27.35-CINCINNATL O., AND RETURN. $28.35-CLEVELAND, ()., AND RETURN. $28.15-CX)LUMBUS, O., AND RETURN. $26.70-I)AYTON, O., AND RETURN. $25.35 DETROIT, MICH., AND RETURN. $23.20-INDIANAPOLLS, IND., AND RETURN. $26.00-LOUISVILLE, KY., AND RETURN. $23.90-MUNCIE, IND., AND RETURN. $31.00-PITTSBURG, PA., AND RETURN. $33.70-SALAMANCA, N. Y., AND RETURN. $25.70-TOLEDO, 0 AND RETURN. $33.55-TORONTO, ONT., AND RETURN. $31.70-WHEELING , W. VA., AND RETURN. ON SALE NOVEMBER 27TH, 1905. RETURN LIMIT, TWENTY-ONE DAYS FROM DATE OF SALE. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., 1323 FARNAM ST. OMAHA, NED. i