t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1905. 8 SPECIAL NOTICES Jtlmtlwntiia XI taese eolamn rill be takes atll IS sa. for the ereala edition ill aatlL 8 . wm. fa the rilat Iniir adltlaa. Rate 1 1-Sa a n rst laacrtlaa, a wtri thereafter. Katala take for leer t-a BOe far taa flrat laser. lea. Taeea a vertlsesseate seast ka raa eaaeeeatlrelr. Advertisers, r reaae.tla a aam. toered ekaek, mi kava aaewera t dresse ta a (ktr4 letter la ear f Tka Bee. Aaawera ao addressed ertll delivered aa preseatatlea at rktfk. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE DAT AND NIGHT BCHOOL. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Teleg raphy, Normal and English. Students srtmllted any day. Catalogue free. Ad dress H. H. Boyle, Pres., Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. K MM GAS & ELECTRIC F1XTU RES Wholesale and Retail. BURGESS -GRANDKN CO, Formerly T. U. RUBS ELL FIXTURE CO. HI flouts IKa fit. .. . Telephone SRI. i . R R! I IP PRINTING, ' DRAFTING AND ARCHITECTS' SUPPLIES. R. A. Streeter, 430 Paxton Block. Tel. 1798. R M5G3 D4 QTflVP? Replated. Omaha Plating Co, olu'CO 1608 Harney St. Tel. 2i35. R 8S1 CITT SAVINGS BANK pays 4 par cent. R-W3 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL. SUPPLY. Tel. 3530. R S94 ANTI-Monopolr Garbaga Co., 6a N. PUh. TeL 1779. . R-895 LAUNDRY caiVnth8TtEAM lnUMUlM Telephone 254. Omaha Safe and Iron Works make a spe lalty of Are escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th Rt. R-K! Established 1897. Incorporated 1905. THE BEACON PRESS (INCORPORATED) SPECIALISTS IN PRINTING Hand and Linotype Ads typed and plates composition for the. furnished for adver trade. Users. 1210 HOWARD ST., OMAHA, NEB. THIRD FLOOR. R-391 .Wanted For u. s. army, able- bodled. unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 25, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to recruiting officer, 13th and Douglus Sts., Omaha. Lincoln, Neb., or Bloux City, la. R M730 D21 CIGN PAINTING, S. H, Cole, 1302 Douglas. R IW0 BAD IRONS replated, 20c; three for 60c. Omaha Plating Co.. 1608 Harney. Tel. 25J5. R-901 Ralo Hoc K- Rumhel & Bon, Udie J ieS n. 14th St.. Omaha. R 203 Janl6 DMAHA Wire and Iron Works make spe cialty of wire flower pot stands and win dow guards. 21Z7 i'untm. Tel. A-69U8. R 17 N15 t'HEE- Valuable formula for mahogany stain. Topahlne Mfg. Co., 1512 Dodge, Omaha. R m N16x PI IDC Redyed. repaired and remodeled. I UIW Thomsen, 1417 Farnam. R 617 N3 OAK block coal $6.00 a ton; best In town for money. Jeft W. Bedford Co. Tel. 116. R-M-20 N17 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co. COMPRESSED AIR 4fc SUCTION Hl Sl'l'.M We clean and renovate carpets, rugs, up holstery, mattresses, etc. No Job too large or small. t-rices rignu ivia rarnam. 'Phone B 3362. K M6u8 N23 OMAHA ENGINE CO., western agent for the "Field" gaa and gasoline engines. A lew secona nana engines cneap. nu Far nam. R M5tf6 N23 KOTERA & It MUSS N25 II. L. WINTER. Glazier. 'Phone Douglas- SHLS. It 657 D7 HIMC Pantalorlum Pressing Co.. 115 So. LJimL. iBth, upstairs. Tel. 2283. Pants, uc; suits, auo. van ana aenver. R M213 N30 UKADL'ATE OPTICIAN-WU1 save you money; glasses nuea properly. Tel. 6414. K 681 DS BTEINWAY piano, upright, big bargain, perfleld I'ltno Co., Itill Farnara St. R C39 CE NIO All kinds signs. 1624 Dodge. TeL 6630.' . . R 403 Dec. 12 . WANTED Horse to winter for Its ubs. auuicbjb mu nw. XV lUv 16X 6TEINWAY pianos are sold exclusively by 4J . . I. ..11 . , I . . ..- . . . oiiiiiuiia, oft raueuer, iwi jxarney Bt K-S2S DecU Theo. Sin hold, 1413 Leavenworth. Tel! lbii. k ua Deem TAXIDERMIST and fur dresser. Est. 1WJ. j. a. vvuuace, uo a. lain. It AH 43 ANY OLD BODY can earn a dollar, but . uj tail v Mtvc 1L. XlOW a INIS for a money saver T Shirts, 6c: col- 111 rat "if fwtf m Ait CAP. AVE. LAUNDRY, 1C14 Cap. Ave. R M4S0 D16 nAnilw, Elds for construction for water supply tank fn, tiwn nf Vln-.ln 1. XT' i . !. particulars. J. M. WORMXEY, City Atty Klngsley. Is, R 457 21 I. a. SAVAGE, brick sidewalk contractor. TKrtrkA OQC 1 &kA XT V . l a . .A LOST AND FOUND Lost black leather pass book con taining annual passes and other valuable papers of use to no one but the owner. Return to A. B Smith, B. & M. General Freight Office and receive liberal reward O 740 LiOST Small gold buary watch rhurm name "C. A. Well" on one side. Return i-axtoo noiai omce. itewaro. c til 16x LOST Ladlee" gold watoh Elgin work fancy dial. Return Uus Capitol Ave., r. ceive reward. o 438 ibx LOST In vicinity of Iark ave. and Leav enworth su Wednesday afternoon small pockelbook containing two set rings and small change. Liberal reward If returned to 8 o. sjsi si. or w. hi Hills, care o Miaiana viiasa ana rvint t o. lx8t M4S4 17 TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. r. n. i-niiDin, farnam. -fhone 7)4. ybVl LARSON eV JOHNSON. 1408 Farnam. TeL DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 2u0 Douglas Blk. DRESSMAKING In families or at home, Mine Sturdy, rw Davenport. Tel. Harne lv.ii 5t FOR EXCHANGE PIANO for driving or draft home. Differ entlal chain bloik for sale. 318 Mcc'ague. IF YOU do not find what you want In this . , . . . in . roitmin. dui an aa. au uu .min WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM of the Omaha Commercial College NOW OPEN. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. C atalogue free to nny ailiire. Address: ROHRBOI UH BROS, lltth and Farnam Sts. U 413 A POSITION guaranteed oi no Py- ' you ale in need of a position, can nu have a "heart-to-heart" tlk with HART THE EXPERT, 4ol N. Y. Life. B 813 WA VTiril J'ltv n 1. n a t nwrc ( ' F. Adams Co., Ibl9 Howard St. B-914 WANTED Gordon press feeders. A. I. oul, inc., uiu jiowara tst. WANTED Teams to haul coal. Steady work. Sheridan Coal Yard, 6th ana jck sou. B-67S WANTED For U. S. ARMY, ABLE- bodied, unmarried men, between ages or ii and ia, citizens of I'nited States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation Hppiy to recruiting officer, 13th and Douglas Sis., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. R M73 D21 FIREMEN AND BRA K EM EN- Wanted, j'uuns, Buur.u men le- preptiiw nmn v, at our school; experience unnecessary: high wages, promotion; positions secured when competent; firemen get $IU). become etiKineers; hrakemen get 1.5, become con ductors. Write for particulars or call and see us. National Railway Training School, (Omaha branch), tk(0 Paxton Uldg. B-M3& D4 DRUG stores bought and sold, frug clerks wanted, r . v. Uniest, s.t M. x. B-9U MEN and boys wanted to learn plmblng iraae; great nemana ror grauuaie, day; many complete course two months; graduates admitted to union and, Master Plumbers' association. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York, Clnoinnatl and St Louis. (Day and night class.) For free catalogue address 23a loth Ave., New York. B-K12 BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, 1606 Far nam; oeat service; nine chairs; no long waiting; shaving, 10c; hair cutting, 25c B M732 D10X WANTED Office boy by manufacturing company; slate age. Address a, care Bee. a &3) la STEADY work for laborers until cold weather. Omaha Gas Works, ann ana Center St. B-M362 18 WANTED Experienced shoe salesmen; only those with long experience in large tore need apply. J. L. Brandeit. non, BtM 15 WANTED Sound young men for -brake' men and firemen; experience unnecessary. high wages; promotion; nreruen gei iuu, become engineers; brakemen get $75, be come conductors: uneuualled opportunity; call or write for particulars. National Railway Training Ass n (Omana Branca), 820 Paxton Blk. Open evenings. B M390 18x WANTED All-round horseshoer; steady lob to right man. w. A. Lloyd, i30 o St., Lincoln, Neb. B-M702 16 WANTED A book binder that can rule and forward. Must be a steady man; all around man preferred. W. ti. Mc.nuu, St. Joseph. Mo. B 433 18x FIREMEN and brakemen on Nebraska and other railroads. Experience unnecessary, Firemen $70, become engineers and earn $lti0; brakemen $i5, become conductors and earn $140. Name position preferred. Stute age. Unequaled opportunity for strong, ambitious young men. Address l!l 21, care omana tivc. li J0 lox WANTED FEMALE HELP SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS For domestic help; large list of first-class places open; $4.00 to $t.ou per week. Woman's Domestic Guild, 619 N. Y. L, Bldg. C 448 15 20 WORKING girls. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 906 w All X dL-' Jit tut tcimiai uuunonutRj ....... II r.,n,ilir, mitttti - u la u fall 1UiV7 anon- r Sit " I ' 21 A - C 814 WANTED AT ONCE Experienced cloak and skirt hands for Alteration depart ment s. frearicK merger Co., lull Farnam. C 448 16 WANTED A middle aged woman to keep nouse in a nice noma, tor widower, with two children, aged 10 and 12. She will be required to do the cooking aud other housework. Child under 8 with woman no objection. Location, small village In eastern iNeurasaa. uooa reiereuces re quired. Address box 28, Fullerton, Neb. C M726 17x EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper. No school girls. Address F-23 Bee. C 449 17 CASHIER, trt once. $40. WESTERN KEF. 6c BOND ASS'N, Dept. B. 840 N. Y. Life. C 424 U NURSE girl, also girl for general house work. &a Hurt. C luo WANTED Girl for general housework. 2118 Blnney. C 388 15 THI1 WOMAN'S DOMESTIC GUILD la NOT to be classed with employment or Information Bureaus, nut is essentially the direct representative of the em plovers and helps girls to find better places at higher wages; places rrom $4 to $8 per week. Call 619 N. X. Lite. O 475 16 WANTED An office girl. Address F 29, Bee, c 474 17 TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES opens ! about Decemher a; three months' course; dnv course, $10 per month; night course, $7.60 per month. Graduate nurses eafn $2S per week. For informaUon address F 28, Bee. C 475 18x AGENTS WANTED NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; write today, get territory; other new goods. Ladles' Supply Co., Forest Ave., O, Chicago. J 209 Decllx WANTED Immediately, several good can- vassers, either sex. if you are a bustier this is an extraordinary good opportunity for you. Answer F 19 Bee. J 398 lox YOU can make $5 a day showing our patent, se.lf-Bliarpentng snears to your irienas and neighbors. Experience unnecessary. General agents wanted on salary. Zlegler Co., Philadelphia. Pa, J 41:9 15x SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Position by experienced house keeper, capable of managing home; re lined; good seamstress; can give best of references. Address F 21, Bee office. A 445 18x WANTED A position as clerk In store; have had some experience. Address Fi'4, care Bee. A 460 llx COMPETENT accountant, correspondent and secretary; can arrange for part time or all. Address F 18, Bee A-462 l!x WANTED SALESMEN WANTED An energetic and reliable sales man, working Nebraska, to carry on commission, a long established Slid well known make of English linoleum. Nou contlii'ting side lines, not objected to. Address with references. F 15, care Bee office. L ;9716 WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST price paid for second-hand goods. Telephone 1038. N Z NIK WRITING desk, Faral & Kuncl, A How ard. Tel. 1131. N-M443 1J ANTlyl'AKIAN Book Store. 1220 Farnam; highest price paid for 3d-hand books. Tel. F 2!45. N 13! WANTED TO Bl'Y A desirable lot In a good residence neighborhood: upper Far nani street district preferred. Give full details. Adit-ess K-22. Bee oftlie. N 111 CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BI'DDtt A. LEADING PALMIST, Call at No. 113 Souin ltith Si., upstairs. Keaultful prediction absolutely yivea. 6447 MH8 CARRIE SMITH, sovereign lady iueen of t'lali-vn unts, trance medium and palmist ku7 N. Utu. Phone Red t:3. a Ml Ux Don't Let Your Rooms Stay Vacant Every day means a loss of twice the cost of a want ad. BED WANT ADS BRING BEST RESULTS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. 18th tt Chicago. 15 KV DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnnm. VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. C HI ROOMS and good board, $5 per week end . , I , -1 . . . i i a. m mi Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul 1 runks E 83 TWO large rooms; eastern frontage; all modern conveniences, Including use of telephone. Inquire 116 N 26th. E M559 ONE furnished room with private family ior one or two gentlemen, mo in. zzi hi. Tel. Douglas 6369. B 278 15 TWO small rooms, steam heat and modern conveniences. Tjp flat, 2234 Farnam. E 400 18 NICELY furnished rooms with heat, gas and bath, with or without board. 2562 Jones St. E 394 16 FOUR elegant furnished rooms, on first floor with piano, for housekeeping. $30. 2018 Davenport. E 38 15x FURNISHED room for one or two gentle men. In a new, modern house. 2308 Doug las St. E 463 17x FOR RENT Furnished room, with or without board; private family. "Phone Red -6652. 2218 Cass St. E 444 19 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F 835 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, elegantly fur nished rooms, house modern; good board; also table board or meal tickets. 'Phone 2447. F 498 N15X ROOMS AND BOARD. NICELY furnished steam heated rooms, wjth or without board, single or en suite. Rates reasonable. Midland hotel. 16th and Chicago Sis. F M130 N28 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 2 ROOMS on ground floor, 1120 N. 17th St. G 741 FOUR elegant unfurnished rooms on first floor, ensulte, at 8014 Mason; rent, $15.00. G 456 19 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 214 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1-136 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office which rents for $10.00 per month. Price includes heat, light, water and jalntor service. It Is located on the fourth floor of Thhe Bee building and is just the thing for any one wanting a nice little office In the best office building In town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor Bee Bldg. 1771 BRICK stable at 1810 Harney St., 22x100 feet W1U alter to suit tenant for other purposes. 8. S. Curtis, 1808 Harney St I-M4K9 FOR RENT The entire third floor of one of the leading retail houses; center of retail district; good elevator service, well lighted and steam heat Address E 44, Bee office. 1108 WANTED TO RENT TEN-ROOM house In West Farnam or other desirable district. Will pay $60 to $66 per month rentaL HARRISON & MORTON. tt-913 N. Y. Life. TeL 214. WANTED To rent furnished house, modern six or seven rooms; good location; no children. Address F 16 Bee. K-S89 15 BUSINESS dHANCES TO BUY OR SELL any business and for best Information and quick action, see MOATS, 803 Karbach block. Y 104 GOOD harness business In good South Da kota town for sale; stock $1,000; building $500; half cash, balance on time, with good security; good reason for selling. Ad dress F C, care Bee. Y 316 26 WE HAVE for sale the following: Real estate business, established 18 years. Short order house and restaurant. Several first-class hotels. HART & SMITH. 4o2 N. Y. LIFE. Y 418 16 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange a hotel or restaurant, see Hart & Co., 401 N. Y. Life. Y-37 FOR BALE Dry goods and clothing store . In Alnsworth. Neb., stock In good shape; 4 cash, rest easy terms; owner wishes to retire. Address Purdy Real Estate Co., Box 142. Alnsworth. Neb., Y M297 fl IWf AWCOM433 Paxton, -Best list money - making busl- ness chances. X U1,2 f,30 WANTED At once Descriptions of prop erty and business you have to sell in Iowa ' and Nebraska. Our Information bureau la ' flooded with Inquiries for homes, farms, business openings, etc. Send youra ut once and sell out. DUNCANSON REAL ESTATE CO., Suite 432, Paxton Block. tt T M102 FOR SALE An old established wallpaper and art store. For particulars write the Helena Art and Wallpaper company, Helena. Mont Y-280 18 Doctor Wanted To take my practice and buy my movables; opposition right; sickness. D. F. Hallett, M. v., .craetson, n Y-M&5 16x FOR SALE Prosperous mercantile busi ness, small Montana town. R. R. Dlv., ranch and stock surroundings. Business per month over $2,000, Increasing. Stock about $4,000; good reason for selling. Ad dress box 114. Lima, Mom. x juwi tv WE HAVE customers for good mercantile business. $4,000. Candy and cigar store, $200. What have you? HART A SMITH. 402 N. Y. LIFE. Y 419 16 CIRCULARS, letters. Invitations, written directed; typewriter or long-hand; ' gen eral stenographer. 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone 6858. Y-4i5 21x FOR SALE 5o0 shares cheml-coal stock. Address D. Mumow, Elkhart, Ind. Y 432 15x HOTEL for sale, 33 rooms, steam heat, strictly modern; three years' lease; rent $5 per mo. Will sell furniture and lease for $1,850. County seat; population. 4,o0; 3 railroads. 12 trains a day; $2 a day house. Reason for selling Is poor health. Address L. W. Young, Clay Center. Kan. Y 459 16x HUSTLINO partner with $100 to Invest to manage office: clears $7 dally; have an other offer, main business for partner with $500. Call 2"9 8. U'th St. Y-M4v2 17 PATENTS H A. STl'RGES. registered attorney; pat tents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. F. J. LARSEN ADVICE FREE. A1132. CO., patent lawyers. 603 Bee Bldg., Tel -907 8HARPE MACHINE WORKS. Patents procured, inventions developed, drawings. .altern4. castings, machine work. w4 612 8. 10th St. M312 NJO PATENTS secured -er money refunded. Fees reduced to $10. Address Sues & Co.. Washington. D. C. Advice free. . - M73 N2SX pAT'r M"8 procured, bought snd sold. Na tional Investment Co., ti Douglas blk. iaV-est I 6 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A. rYTUKEY & SON Things We Are Selling BEM1S PARK HOUSES Three new eight-room, all-modern houses, n 38th St., Just south of Ham ilton St. Just completed and ready for you. They are the most desirable houses ve have recently offered. They are well worth the price. TUKEY HOUSES Four five-room cottages on 18th and Hickory. Can give possession at once. Honest worklngmen can buy these houses at the right prices on easy terms. We will not sell them to parties who only expect to put up a little money and enjoy the houses for a short time, but rather to good parties who have made up their minds to stop paying rent and secure homes. Call and see us. HALCYON HEIGHTS Out of 148 lots recently purchased all are sold but 21 lots In block 26. These are the lots we are selling for $75 each, $5 down and $5 per month. For the young man who spends his money this Is better than a savings bank and will pay him better interest. Buy one of these lots and It will make you money. You can save $5 per month this way when you can In no other. A. P. TUKEY & SON 4 44-445 Board of Trade Bldg. FIVE-ROOM brick house and five full lots near 42d and Ames; small barn, shed, chicken house, 8.000 strawberry plants (put out last spring), 115 grape vines, 20 cherry and plum trees. Price only $1,400, and only half down, balance monthly. Four cottages in South Omaha, renting for $30 per month; could get more. Will sell for $3,000 cash, or trade for desirable va cant lot within 10 blocks of Omaha postofTtce. Omaha Real Estate Auction Co., 232 Neville Block. RE 454 15 RENTAL PROPOSITIONS Here are some good Investments, paying good Incomes, offered cheap, and sure to be worth more money. Get particulars of GEORGE O. WALLACE, BROWN BLK. $1,2002416 Blondo, rents $150 a year. $1. W0 Modern cottage, renting $1140. $2,500 Two houses 19tti St. Boul.. rent $300. $3,5001612 Cass, 33iili2, 2 cottages, lcntal $400. $3,750 Close In, 4 houses, rental $500. $7,000 30th and Pinkney, 11 cottages. 1 store, 8 lots, paved street, block from car all In first-class repair, renting for $1,170 per year. Great bargain, Wallace, Brown Block. RE 423 18 DESIRABLE HOME. Eight rooms, hall and bath, splendid fur nace, east front, paved street, permanent walks, fine neighborhood, one-half block from school, two blocks from Park car. Bee owner, 2130 So, 84th St. RE-337 19X TRACKAGE WE HAVE SOME CHOICE TRACK AGE NEAR THE NEW M. E. SMITH & CO. LOCATION ON 9TH AND 10TH AND DOUGLAS. SEE US FOR TRACKAGE BARGAINS. WE CAN GIVE YOU SOME INFORMATION THAT WILL BE OF VALUE TO YOU. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. RE 461 16 171-2 INVESTMENT Three houses on one lot, two of 8 rooms each and one of 6 rooms. This Is a corner lot and only 12 blocks from business cen ter, two blocks from car, two blocks from school; city water and Bewer In each house; all newly shingled, painted and In good shape. They now rent for $60 per month, which Is llhi per rent on purchase price, but will rent for P'-O per month just as well. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 477 17 TWO desirable lots for Dulldlng purposes. Southwest curner 30lh and Davenport 111x96 feet. Sewer, gas, water. Perman ent walk. Will divide propurty. inquire 620 8. mh St. RE M4U0 18 We Can Sell Your Farm Home, business or properly of any kind, no matter where located. 6end description, state price and learii how we do It. H. A. Ritchie. Bloux City, la. RE M633 22 ALL KINDS of Florence lots for sale Expert advice on scavenger tax sale. Dexter L. Thomas, 412 live Bldg. RK jao D12 WANTED TO Bl'Y A desirable lot In a good residence neighborhood; uppor Far nam street district preferred. Give full details. Address F-22, Bee ottlce. BE 110 IF YOU want to get right prices on farm land In Custer county, write Willis Cad well, Broken Bow, Neb., tor list. RE-M300 NJO Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado aud Wyoming; low prices; ten years' tune. Land Dept U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neo., Dept. "A." RE Mi CA8- Williamson Co. u- M-- RE MO WRITE for Illustrated pamphlet describ ing two ranches In the com and all-iiiA belt Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. RE tl FOR SALE Lai ge houoe. two barns and to full lots, on North 18th St, only $1.5u0. This Is a bargain THOMAS HKENNAN. Room 1 New Yum Lite Bidg. UE-1H2 DUNCANSON Paxton. Largest noubes and flats. RE-Mil NuO LOT AT A BARGAIN. To settle an entate this lot must be sold at once; original cool, Imjo; will sell at $-'" spot csBh, not half origin"! cost: location 3-th til. and Kurdctte. court. , Investigate at once. EK.STROM.& CO.. 'Phone ii'tl U Paxton Block. Hr-iH: 16 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 'Phones: Office, 2181; Res., 6153. RE Building Corners We have an elegant piece of ground for a couple of flats, facing south on Farnam St., within walking distance. Each piece Is 67Hx82, only $2,750 each, cheapest piece of ground on Farnam St for flats. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th St RB 463 17 $1,550 Five-room cottage, gui and sewer con nections, walking distance; want an offer. $5Q Buys a lot sixty-six feet front on Ames avenue near 28th. These are cheap. BEE US NOW. M. J. Kennard & Co., 310 BROWN BLK. RE 106 OUT THEY GO TO NORTH DAKOTA. The most prosperous state In the whole country. The best watered grain and Block lands are near Mandan, Richardson and Mott. Strong soil, free coal, splendid grasses. We own 100,000 acres to select from; average price, $12.50 an acre. Ask ior pruors ana srown s farmer, wm. li. Brown Co., 131 La Salle St., Chicago, 111., or Mandan, North Dakota, ARE you looking tor a home or invest ment? Nothing better for the money than 3112 Mason St. Go out and look at It; 9-room house modern to date; fur nace, shade, paving paid, full lot: on In stallment or cash. See owner, 209 8. 12th St. RE M481 17 A GOOD INVESTMENT. $11,500 equity In good rental property about 50 per cent net; easy walking dis tance; always rented: In good neighbor hood and In good repair. Address Owner, ' 26, ilea. RE 455 16X TWO GOOD HOMES. Within two blocks of Dodge and South Omaha car lines: near 18th and Lake: modern except furnace; snap for right party, ur. eipjoiin, tui turning. RE M626 D7 ELEVEN-ROOM house, with 60x294 feet of ground, fronting Hanscom park. Also 23d 8t (fronts), oak finish downstairs, good barn. For quick sale, 211,000. HARRISON A MORTON. 912-912 N. Y. Lifet Tel. 214. RE 476 18 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES. $80.00 10-room, all modern. 2621 Harney. 20.00 9-room, all modern, 1833 Bherman Ave. 80.00 8-room, all modern, 1840 N. Seven teenth St 30.00 8-room. all modern, 812 N. 22d St 26.00 8-room, all modern except furnace, 2504 Blondo St. 22.60 9-room, all modern except furnace, 4014 Nicholas. 20.00 8-room. all modern except furnace, 1615 N. Seventeenth St 17.00 7-room, all modern except furnace, 27U N. Twenty-sixth St. 10 00 7-room house at 3837 Iecatur St 16.00 -room cottage, 1857 N. Twenty-second St J5.00--room cottage, 322 N. Thirty-fifth SU 10.00 6-room cottage, 2648 Rees St. 16.00 4-room cottage, 8207 N. Twenty-sixth St N. P. DODGE, 1614 Farnam. D 450 17 PIANO moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1625. Suhmoller 4k Mueller. D-943 T-ROOM. all-modern house, N. E. corner Zid and Ohio; hot water heat; $20.00. Turklngton, 602 Bee Bldg. D H4 Hnl!Fln " Part of the city. R. UUULJC, Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D Vti THE Omaha Van Storage Co., pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. lKth. Office, 1511V, Farnam. Tel. 1559. D-846 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. li:a. Ottlce. 1712 Webster St D 947 II OI IQCC In all parts of the city. The W W M W QJ Davis Co., 60S Bee Bldg. U S4 FOR RENT Eleven-room modern house, newly papered and in good repair; will be vacant Oct. 20; rent, $35 and water. In quire Hit South 25th St B. Tsschuck. D-181 864 S. 29th St., 7 rooms; second floor, bath and gas. Tenant pays water. $18. 1545 N. bith St., ii rooms, first floor, bath and gas. $15. 22"7 Howard, 7 rooms, modern, except furnace. Tenant pays water. $25. 953 N. 25th Ave., 6 rooms; city water, newly apered. $17. 2210 Clark. 6 rooms, city water. $12 50. 1:I8 I'acilli', 4 rooms and bath. $12.50. 3-' 17 Kurt, 6 rooms, city water. $12. 5o6 S. 24th St., 6 rooms, all modern. Tenant pays water. $7.5o. 1231 Park Wilde. 12 rooms, modern. Tenant pays water. $4o. McCaguo Investment Co.. 15o6 Dodge. D 3f2 15 FOR RENT-Seven-room cottage, modem except furnace; $22 50. W. 11. Thomas, lli'Mt Nat I Bank Hid. D 458 lux FOR RENT Desirable nine-room modern house. 4117 i amain St., $40 Alfred C. Kennedy, real estate, loans. Insurance, rentals, JQ First National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Telephone 722. D M FOR RENT-My residence, rooms. 1H1 N 24th Ut. strong. Tel. 1788. furnished; nln Geo. R Arm D 438 US FOR RENT HOUSES T. SCHWARTZ moving van. 1510 Webster. Tel. l 447 D14 8IX room cottage, city water. 1715 Webster tt jr. u. Wead, lf24 loupias. u i- i FOR RENT November 18, nice modern room cottage. Bristol Bt., nearly new ana thoroughly modern, nice lociUlon. Inquire of E. E. Huntley, 229 Board of Trade. D M526 FOR RENT 7-room house; city water; i minutes walk from postofflce. 1W Cali fornia St. Walter Breen, room 416 Ksr bach block. D 103 FURNISHED house for rent; modern. 1126 B. (uth avenue. Call after 6 p. m. D383 17 FOR RENT 1915 Elm street. Six large rooms; new plaster, paint and paper; $13 Also 4-room home In Farnam dis trict; $10. 'Phone 67.13. D 3n9 15x FOR RENT 9-room house, 618 8. 26th Ave., 6-room house, 3036 Marcy St. Both modern and very desirable. Tel. 2424. 1V-409 16x FOR RENT Two 8-Toom houses; all mod ern, except furnace, tJO. Four nice rooms; newly papered; 1523 N. 18th St. $12. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. D 109 HOUES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. u MS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. q 968 MILCH COWS on easy terms. 43d and center. w 533 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fittings call and look over the following supplies: 1.8-Inch Austin horlsonlal separator. 1.8-lnch Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-inch Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of changes in our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, bee Bldg.. Omaha. y 532 FOR SALE Two life scholarships on Omaha buuiness college. Address Dwigbt Williams, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. 4 82S FOR SALE About fifty feet ornamental galvanized Iron cornice and ornamental Iron posts, suitable for show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee Bldg. y M826 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. bend for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8. 0th St , Omaha. W 968 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Far nam. Q 969 (00 STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1412 Dodge street Q 970 FOR SALE at a bargain, two bed springs, full size, good condition. 3027 Chicago St W-M321 WE'RE SQUARE. Cash or credit on stoves. ONCE tried ALWAYS patronized. Gate City Fur. Co., 615 N. 16th. Tol. 2785. 4-4197 N25 FOR SALE Two 60-inch by 16-feet boilers, good for 80 pounds pressure; two 76-horse-power marine boilers, new; one So-horsepower. White & Mlddleton gasoline en gine at the Omaha Boiler Works. i-202 N29 CRIBBING: flr timbers, 80 feet aud under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 801 Douglas. Q-801 PIANO Square, $10; 60 cents weekly. Per field Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. Q-640 FOR SALE One Mimeograph, In good or der. Inquire at Business office, Omaha Bee. Q 112 MONITOR range; good condition; cheap, 1424 Martha St. O 413 16 FOR SALE Household goods. 2208 Ohio street. Q 434 17 x FOR SALE Two scholarships In Nebraska Business college, par value $50 each; will sell for $10 each. Address F27, Bee. Q 467 18x FOR SALB-Cheap, 85 bucks. Rnmboulllet and Delaines, also six Spanish merinos-, all in good condition and ready for service. Address Mount-Collins Land and Sheep Co.. Venango. Neb. Q 472 16 NEW furniture, 6-room flat, for sale cheap. 24UH S. Uth St. 2-M4S3 22 FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE CHEAP Farms of any size. Improved and unimproved, in Holt county, northwestern MiSHouri. It you are In terested write or call on J. B. Brldgmon, Craig. Mo. H 281 16 EASTERN NEBRASKA FARMS For sale. Improved. Three miles from railroad and court house. Address Box 1126, Omaha. Neb. M723 FORTY acres, 2V4 miles north of Florence. All kinds of fruit. House and out build ings. For rent or for sale. F 3 Bee. II 3uo 15x FARMS TO BELL KEMP. Blair. Neb. 325 N20 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-915 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-916 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W-917 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. W-4U4 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-919 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-921 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters 4 Co. W-9J2 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 164N. W-928 WANTED To loan $6,000 private money on Omaha business property; also building loans. Duncanson, 432 Paston Blk. W M560 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATELAIN SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES CDC M f IJ German, Spanish. Fencing. T IXtllrllJavldge Bldg., 18th & Farnam. -8UJ FRED G. ELLIS, teacher of voice. Room 16, Barker Bldg. Voices tested free. -333 N30 C. PETERSON, European education; voice, Italian method, piano. 618 W. O. W. Bldg. -772 N27 MRS. ST. RATNER of Boston has opened a studio for voice culture, 1917 Webster. M-4S70 D 8 ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES. Ill French, Spanish or German; learn to speak In 25 lessons, business correspond ence 50. to real literature 65 GUARAN TEED. F. Peltier, 116 S. 20th. 436 D14 DANCING ACADEMY NEW classes formed for adult beginners at Morand a, 16th and Harney. Tuesday and Friday this week. 8 p. m. Individual and thorough instruction our forte; pupils enjoy every minute of their lessons. 711 I AUCTIONEERS WE FL'RNISH experienced auctioneers on short notice to sell real estate, merchan dise, live stock, etc. Omana Real Estate Auction Co., 232 Neville blk. Tel fe78. M-669 FLORISTS HESS 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. -427 U HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Tel. 1258, DEATH NOTICES SMITH Margaret, November 16, ags M years, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John English. 1311 Webster street. Funeral Friday morning at 9 o'clock from Holy Family church. Interment Holy Sepulcher. IVERM Mrs. John W., on Wednesday, No- veniber 15. Funeral Thursday afternoon St 1 o'clock from residence. S22 South Twenty-eighth street. Interment at Kankakee, III. UNDERTAKERS Bralley A Dorrance. 20th and Cum. T. SM. -&0 HARRY B. DAVIS, 411 8. Uth. Tel. 12?. 6M DODDER, E. l, 2224 Cuming. Tel. 677. 68S TAGGART, 23d and Cumtng. Tel. 714. 6WI PRINTING PRINTING MEMORIAL CARDS; ar iVMrcTATi t",tlc designs. 8. E. Cor. LYNU5TAD 16th St. and Capitol Ave. S7 PERSONAL DRAMATIC ART oratory. The Chamber School of Stage Arts offer exceptional opportunities to students wish ing a thorough course of Instruction In all that pertains to the essentials of stage craft and oratory. Correcting deficiencies of the spesktng voice a specialty. The only school having its own theater, THE LYRIC. Now permanently located in the Omaha Commercial College building, corner 19tfi and Farnum streets. Send for prospectus. Management of Willard E. Chambers. Tel. F-1871. Director of School, John Edgar Owens. Tel. 1289. U 66 KEY TO HAPPINESS FOR MEN. My latest medical publication for young, middle-aged and old men sent free to all applicants. Dr. Geo. B. Wood, 206 Wright bid, Sioux City, la. U M658 Jan 8x ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3824 N. 24tlt St.. Omaha. Neb. U M100 PIANO TUNING Tel. 6604. W. R. Dalbey, 2207 Mason. U-845 Decl2 ACCORDION an SUNBURST PLhATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLfcATlNGCO 100 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1936, U-967 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mr. GardelU 2216 Charle. TeL 6311. U 958 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U 322 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1625. Schmoller & Mueller, piano makers TUB, vapor and alcohol baths, 720 8. 13th. U 952 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ranige Blk. u-aoo DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 2. 1606 ;J,nm- U 961 DR. JACKSON, Room 4. Frenxer Block. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consulta tion free. U-"!86 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'rlIONJa PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perfleld Piano Co., 18U Farnam. U-M M AfN PTIPtfeatment & Baths. Mm. lVVAUlX C 1 lSmllh. 118 N. 15. Mril. THE Salvation Army solicit cast-off cloth ing; in fact, anything you do not need, we. collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. lltn. St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon wUl call. 1 U 611 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once. 61.00 weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St U 956 MASgl'E costumes. Lleben. Tel, 4116. U M 403 D4 OMAHA Bargain House saves you 25 umnnn per CFnt on Nothing. Open evenings. 410 N. 16th St. U M5S3 D PRIVATE confinement home: babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 6u6 N. 16th St. Tel. S559. U M592 D6 WANTED Present address of W. E. Nor ton, late of Cnldwell street, Omaha. Write to F 14, care Omaha Ben. U 461 16x WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines. $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. 15th ar.d Hamev. U M546 Madame Puree, shaving, facial massage, manicuring. 2o!) Doug. Ulk. U M479 D16 MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills, women's monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no interfei ence with work; relief in 3 to 6 day. We have never known of a single failure. Price, $2 by mall. Raymond Monthly Regulator In liquid. $3. Dr. R. G. Ray mond Remedy Co., Room 25, 84 Adams St., Chicago, 111. 862 LADIES. $1,000 REWARD' I positively guarantee my Never - Failing EROO KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest, most obstinato cases of delayed Mom lily Periods in 3 to 6 days without harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall $1.60. Double strength $2.00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE DR. B. 11. BOUTHINQTON CO., KANSAS CITY. MO. M-236 DR. PRIES, gynecologist. German gradu ate, treats successfully all Irregularities and diseases or women, recent or long standing; 26 years' practice. Office, loll Douge tii., umana, iveo. Hours, iu to and 1 to i Letters, 2 cents. M 273 BEST nerve bracer- for men. "Gray Nerve Food Pills' $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MASflAOE SPECIALIST-Joseph Ruben, room 218 Bee Bldg., Tel. 6608, Omaha, Neb.; 27 years' experience. Doctors orders so licited and work guaranteed satisfactory. -M3?l 17 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the beat; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles." In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS ELEGANT Stanhope, with rubber tires, at half price; also extension top carriage from the Batlley Mfg. Co.' stock, at u big bargain. Johnson & Danforth, S. W, Cor. 10th and Jones Sts. P-925 THREE open delivery wagons and one top wagon, good aa new; a big baigain. Johnson 4k Danforth, S. W. Cor. loth und Jones Bts. P 9.'6 GOOD, large barn for rent at 27th and Iavenwurth Sts.. $16. N. P. Dodge At Co.. 1614 Farnam St. P-107 Horses Wintered Large box stalls, no barb wire fencing. Keystone Stock Farm, Tel. L 1170 P 436 PLUMBING pi IIMRIVr; Repair work a specialty l l-oiulio Lynch B ros., 317' S. utn. Tel 1477. r,.'z I Wm Repairing immediately attended LI to. Ilk 8. 15lh. Tel. 82. -585 NS CHAPMAN It MAHAN. Repairing promptly at low prices. 812 N. 16th. Tel. Red 5.4. &4 D22 A. BAVARD. 4314 N. 24th. Tel. 63? " Move N I