TIM OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 100". GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Emtif, bt ea Wkala Etntimtnt it Weaktr. CASH SITUATION PROVtS VERY STR0N6 Conditions at Minneapolis Help Op tloas December Car Stronger, While May la a Little Off Foreign Markets. OMAHA, Nov. 15, 1906. Wheat showed a weaker aentltnent today. The opening waa strong at lower prices, hut horUy ina market full off to about o below yesterday. Later there waa a reac tion on the strong cash altuatlon In Minne apolis and prlcea reached yesterday a fig urm. The close waa lower. Lecember closed at 66c, May at UtiliMHo nl July at K34c i'ecember corn was a llttla stronger, while Mny showed, a weaker tendency. De cember closed, at 44V04&C, old December at 454c May at 464tj4i,4c and July at 454c December oata cloaed at 2c, May at 324 'a 32V and July at 31c. 1'rlmary wheat receipts wera 1.43,0o0 bushels and ahlpments n7.10 bushels, against receipts last year of 819,000 bushel anil ahlpments of 43,000 bushels. Primary torn receipta were 840,000 bushels and ahlp ments 769.UOO bushels, against receipts last year of 463,000 bushels and shipments ot j41.iy buahels. Liverpool closed Vtd'ki lower on wheat and unrhanged an corn. Hroomhall cabled: "The former official estimate of the Italian wheat crop, which waa 160,000,000 bushels, haa been repeated, but the reports of liberal Imports and high piioes are unconfirmed. Buenos Ayres cablea froat causing some damage to wheat. 1 he weather there continuea cold. Prlngle, Fitch A Rankin wired they had the following message from Minneapolis; They aay 60 per cent of the crop In cen- ' tral Minnesota has been marketed and country elevators are empty In that lo- callty 1 here was a big cash demand at Mlnne spoils. A wire from that place said; "Cash No. 1 northern la selling today within lc of May and the millers had called tip the larger receiving houses over "phone by 8:, saying they would take all there waa on tha market. From the Inter Ocean: "The trade la cllsruaalng the relative position of the Ar mnur-Llchstern holdings In corn, which are popularly put at 2o,0U0,0W bushels I neae are the llgurea made by the corn pit traders. Possibly they may be ' too high. There Is one Individual line of about 2,S00,ou) bushels that the trade knowa nothing of. The Patten shortage Is popu Wily estimated at .000.000 bushels, but on this point Putten relieved the anxiety of the trade last night by asserting that he waa r.ot short 2,S),0fl0 bushels. This leaves I e when he him In a position to sell more thinks the market la right. There are several large lines of weekly puta on corn held that are 4'ac above the close last night, and the parties who hold them have tho corn bought at a still lower figure, so that they cannot lose anything." Omaha Cash galea. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 1 car. 794c: No. I hard. 2 cars. 77c; No. 4 hard, 1 car, 74c; 1 car, (badly burned, 70c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 1 hard, 79fj0c: No. 3 hard, 71Hr7Kc; No. 4 hard, 7oi7t'; No. 2 spring, 7S'ij79c: No. 3 spring, 77U74c. CORN No. 3 new, 44c; No. S old, 43c; No. 4 new, 384c; No. 3 yellow, new, 404e; old. 43&434c; No. 3 white, new, 4oVc; old, 4.iVkC. UATS-No. 8 mixed, 74c; No. 3 white, 2Sr; No. 4 white, 2Mi2!4c. BYE No. 3, 66c; No. 3, 63c. Carlot Receipts. ' Wheat. Corn 0,t- Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Duluth St. Louis .... . .ltW 239 113 .. 91 ..314 .. 32 ..426 .. 101 13 114 44 CHICAUO GRAIN AND PROVISION'S Features of the Tradlnir and Closing; Prices on Board ot Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. 15. Excellent demand for cash wheat at Minneapolis almost on set In the wheat market today the effect of lower prices at Liverpool. As a conae 'uenoe prices showed only a slight loss at the cloae. the May delivery being down o. Corn was off WUf. Oats and provisions were practically unchanged. At the opening the wheat market waa weak, the Initial quotations on May being off V,c to So at WiifStiHic. The chief fac tor in the situation waa a slight decline at Liverpool, which was generally under stood to signify that no particular anxiety was felt by foreigners over the outlook In Argentina. Continued heavy movement of wheat In the northwest also encouraged the disposition to sell. Pit truders and com mission houses were free sellers during tha first half of the session, many traders who covered yesterday putting out Iresh lines. Toward noon sentiment changed, feeling In tho pit becoming more favorable to tha buying side. After touching tftV the May opt Ion advanced to wc on covering by shorts. Reports of active demand for (lour led many shorts to buy In their lines. Most of the flour was said to be for home con sumption. It wus reported that north western millers were ao enger to secure wheat that they were willing to pay fancy prices. At Minneapolis No. 1 northern sold at a bremlum of iHfr. over December and all offerings were quickly absorbed at the advanced price. Lower grades showed equal strength The brief lime remaining before the close of lake navigation wai given as one reason for the urgent demand from the millers. The market eased off a tritle during the Inst hour on renewed n.-II-ing bv pit traders. The cloae was cusy with May at WSc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 343.000 bu. Primary receipts were I.43R.0U0 bu.. compared wlih MP.uW bu. a year ago. Minneapolis. Dulu'h cud Chicago reported receipta of 899 cars, agulost 9t cars lust week and 6ti6 cars u ytar ago. Corn was weak early In the day as a re sult of liquidation prompted bw reports of excellent weather for husking and cribbing the new crop. Selling was especially frea In the May delivery. Later several prom inent shorts covered freely, causing a steady tono in the. market. Tha close was firm with prices at about the highest point of the day. May opened mi i(h Vc lower t 4lMiu41Hc to 4f,3fco. sold off to 44'c and closed at 4iViti 4iie. Local receipta were '.XI cars with four cars of contract grade. The volume of trading In oats was ex tremely small and th market was dom inated by wheat and corn. Traders were moderate sellers early. Later there was a fair general demand following the upturn In wheat. May opened a shade to vc lower at :vtiS2l41i32Sc. sold between 32'u3-"c and 3iSo and closed at 32tl32c. Local re ceipts were 113 cars. Provisions were firm despite fair selling by packers. An advance of 5c In the price of II vs hogs lent strength to prices. The iirincipal buyers were shorta. At the doie day pork was up a shade at $l2.t7 Va IJ.T'1. Lard a unchanged at $.9TH. Ribs were up a shade at $1.72 V" 76. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 158 cars; corn. 31b cars: oats, Itia cars; hogs. S3.0H0 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat Dec. May July Corn . Dec. tDec. May July Osts Ixc. Mv July I'ork- Jsn. May Lard- Nov. Dec. Jan. Mav 8 Ribs Jan. May I 4f 'sVTl-4i S 4S! 4'l 4o-i 3S 464 44 ' 4i 297, 3-S 46' 4&V 40 1447,645 44', 447,rt4n 447, 4V'-V 44l 45', I l-9s' 2'! ' 31 S2V,iS ao7! J '46V,.fiSl i4i'Vi t 32S, SI'S 12 6:4 It 66 12 t ( 96 C Do 12 66 12 70 K NO ii ! S7V, 12 F U ti 90 Mi 12 66 12 70 so ( m KO li 74 7i S 90 Ml 974 60 ( 7.", 774 nt,1 ( u 1 74 61'H1 75 I 47V 70 I 6?S" 76 I 76 No. 2. told. JNew. Cash nuotutions were as follows: FLOUR Steadv: winter patents. $4,003 4 20; straights. $1 80j4 10: spring patents, $4.0004.20: spring straights, $3ttKa4.00; bakers. $2 263.S0 WHEAT No. 2 spring V07c; No. S. 80 i7c: No. I red. So4874c. CORN No. 2. 4m-; No. 2 yellow. 53c. OATS No. 2. WHc; No- hlte. I4f 314c. HYK-No. t. 70c. BARLEY Good feeding. fc44l3Sc; fair to choice malting. 4J(0 48c. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour, and grain: rieceipts. Shipments. 71 tSa) 25.1.0 2S.'.f-l 3K!.3O0 2 . l;ii. 100 flour, bhls.. Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu is 1. Sis) 4-iS.aiO 4oK. 4! XI 367. 1) IHarley. bu.. . 4'liOVlSlONS-Mtss JHiih, per bbl , $1J 7a MS.7H. Lr5. per 50ft lb . t 90S SH. Short rib sides (loosei, IT 12437. X. Short Clmr side (boxedl. 17 f87 124. BtHm-No. 1 flax, Mr; No. 1 northwest ern. lino. Prim timothy, $3.30. Clover, contract grsde, Jll.OiKl.1 . Un the Produce rirhinr today the but ter market was sternly; creameries, I'Vf 23c; dairies. 17'aJoo. Kgg. Arm; at mark. raa Included. lTifilV-; firsts, 2Sc; prime firsts, attc; extras, 2Jc Cheese, firm, U3 SEW TORK GENERAL MARKET Qaetatloaa of the Day Varices Commodities. NEW TORK. Nov. 15-FIOUR-Recelpts. 1R.V0 bbla.; exports, 11.100 bble.; market dull and unchanged; winter patent. 14 S 4 6'; winter straights, 4 0034.10; Minnesota patents, 14 ii4J6 , Minnesota bakers. Ilwv 4 00; winter extras. IJ.W-S3 ; winter low grades, l2 75fU.30. Rye Tour, firm; fair to pood, t3 9ni4iO; choice to fancy, iu.li, Buckwheat flour, firm at l3.ii2.2B for spot no to arrive. PITKW11 EAT RteadV, 644'2'Sc delivered. r-ritj x tr t. f . a J . . . anA nit. l v uivnmnriimi'-Bti; , iiiiw 1 1 i - mini v - i- low, ai 2.vm.30; Coarse, tl.ltitjl.18; kiln dried, M.lvf?S.15. K ye Nominal: no. j western. c. c, I. r. New York. BAHLET- Easy, feeding. 41c C. I. f. Buflalo; malting. 604i61'e. c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipta, 119.100 bu.; exports. 40.7S7 bu. Bpot market steady; No. 2 red. nivtc elevator: No. z red. pbkc r. o. n. anoat No. 1 northern Duluth, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba. f. o. b. aflimt F.arlv apllina out of wheat boiiaht yesterday on the Arcentlna froat news, broke ths mar ket about i cent before mid-day. Other In fluences were big primary receipta and lower cables, but eventually a sharp rally occurred on covering, good cash demand at Mlnneatolls and smaller country offerings. The cloae was net unchanged. May, fwu, WlHc. closed at 14c; December, 2H62c, 1 closed at 9iS"- CURN-Recelpts, 06.000 bn.: exports, 1SS.947 bu. Bpot market steady; No. I, (Ac elevator and 67c. new. f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow, Bsc, new. The market waa quiet but firmer on report of light country offerings, and closed partly Sc net higher. January closed at 53c; May, 60 Slic, closed at tlc; De cember closed at 54'4o. OATS Receipts, 207.200 bti. Spot market firm; mixed, iff to 82 lbs., 35c; clipped white, 36 to 4o lbs . 3140c. FEED Firm; spring bran, 817.00. prompt shlpnunt; middlings, $17.00, prompt ship ment: city, $IR.00rtf'22.8O. HAY Sternly; Bhipplng, KK&Kc; good to cholrc. MT82ttc HOPS Steady; Mute, common to choice, l!. 14W?o; 19"4. 13fj1"Hc; olds, ifitr. pneino const. 1f"6, 10ft.l5c; 1904, lOftUe; olds. fyiiSc. HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 20c; fallfornla, 21 to 25 pounds, 21c; Texas, drv. 24 to 30 pounds, 19c. T.KATHKR Firm I acid, 2CS27C PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family. $11 R0 fil2.6o; mesa, $9.5010 50; beef hams, $21 .001 22.50; packet. I10.5K('11 60; city, extra Indln mess, $17.60(318.50. Tut meats were quirt; pickled bellirs. $X.7Eif 10.80; pk-klcd shoulders, $fi. 5077.00; pickled hams, $9.2Sfi9.75. Lard, tmHv: weKtern steamed. to 2ttti5.4o: refined. steady ; continent, $7.76. Pork, quiet: family, $1.ryci17.00; short clear, $H.50ilti.50; mess, Jit, hmilT.(P). TAIXOW-FIrm: t2 per pkg ), 4Hc country (pkgs. free), 4(&oc oc. fair to extra, S't, Si'-c: Janun nominal. Ht'TTEK Firm; street price, extra creamery, 2424Hc; ofllolal prices un changed. CHEESE Irregu'inr: stata. full cream, small colored and white, September, fan"y, 13c; state, late made, choice, 13c; state, fair to Kood. 1214fil2Vc. EOOS Firm; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy aelected white. 3Sli4fic; state rlinice. 3ofi37c: state mixed, extra, Snc; western finest. 32c; state firsts, 3031c; onthprn ?1t30c. I'Ol'LTRY Dressed. steady: western chickens, 9fcl3Hc; turkeys, H'dSOc; fowls, 9iil2Vc. Kansas City Grata and Provisions KANSAS CITY, Nov. 15. WHEAT Bi:,Hv iiecemher. 70: May. 80c: July 700. casn: xo. z naro, oi-oivje, iu. o. mi i c1i.c: No. 1 red. 89'nliOVic: N( s;'fjiuMc; o. , cmimjojw-. 1 c'URN Weak: December, tnifcc; may, 40"ie. Cash: No. I hard, 42Vi't43c; No. 2 white, 43tl43Hc; No. 3. 424ZViC. . OATS Steady; No. t white. 3fKg31e; No. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $10. 75(911.25; choice prairie, tg.&Ofo'.US, n VTT (We. EGGS Steady: Missouri and Kansas, new tOn . whltewood cases Included, 21c; case count. 22c; cases returned too less. BL'TTER Steady; creamery, 21c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu lOT.twj Corn, bu 6.0 Oats, bu 8,000 4 -KA fmA en fstkA lV0O0 ! ; The following range of prices at Kansas City was reported by F. D. Day & Co., 110 1U Board of Trade building: Articles.! Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yes'y Wheat Pec.... May... Corn Dec... May... WJ, 78'7H,4 7SH 80 80VS 80 80 StH,4j, 401 40 40'. 450l 307 40(8 v; 4Yil4rTS Oats Dec. , May. Pork Jan.. 29tu,2s7!&2) 29 V 30 28 30 $KH4,2?Trij30l 12 42 12 45 12 40 12 6.' 72 t 90 12 45 12 42 12 67 76 92 May... 12 66 13 67-601 12 67-60 Lard Jan.. May. 72 6 90 76 75 92 St. l.ools General Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 15. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 red cash, elevator. H"ii9c; track, 91fii24c: December, Mc; May, 87'c; No. 2 hard. Wfi-S7c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, nominal; track, 434'i44o new, 474c old; December, May, 43c. OATS Kasv; No. 2 cash. 30c; track. S04SY) Sic; December, 3oc; May, 31c; No. 2 white. 314e. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. $4.30 (14.60; extra fancy and straight, $3.9U4y4.2o; clear, $2.9nr3.10. SEED Timothy, steady. $2.6O4y3.0O. COKNMEAIi-Steady, $2.60. BRAN Steady; sacked east track. 9tJ 70c. HAY Steady; timothy, $8.0CKfJ14.00; prairie, $7.50419.09. IRON COTTON TIES $1.00. HA Oil I NO V. HEMP TWINE c PROVISIONS Pork. higher: Jobbing, $15.26. Lard, steady; prime steam, $ SO Dry salt meats, Btendv; boxed, extra shorts, $7.io; clear ribs, $8.06; short clears. $8.28. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra short, $S.5o; clear ribs, $8.75: short ribs. $9.00. POULTRY Firm; chickens. 74c; springs, $ifK4c; turkeys. 124c; ducks, 94'': geese, 8c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2t82c; dairy, Kj 21c. E(iG8 Higher at 24o, case count. The receipta and shipments of flour and grain were: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bhls 7.00ft 14,0ii0 Wheat, bu 5.C10 7.0il Corn, bu 44.000 62.O0O Oats, bu 115,000 59.0UO Mtaneapolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. lo.-FLOUR-Flrst patents, $4 8041 4. 90: second patents, $4 &v 4 70; first clears, $3.65(3.75; second clears, $2.45ftl2.55. B KAN In bulk. $11.50. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery). The range of prices as reported by F. D. Day A Co., 110-111 BoHrd of Trade building, was: Articlesl Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I Close.l Yes'y. Wheat-' I IVc....'2',i3'Vi 8Vfl! May...'tJii46-SI k04. I H I824V 82S,'H t4' (SVu4 Phllatlelphla I'rodses Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. lo.-BUTTER- Flnn: extra western creamery, 24c; extra nearby prlnta. 2hc. KiRjS Firm: western, lc higher; nearby fresh, loss off, ; nearby fresh, 2ac at mark: western fresh, 29c st mark. CHEESE Finn; New York full cream, 12,ttMc. Peerta Market. TEORIA. 111.. Nov. 16 CORN Easv: No. S yellow. 4.14c; No. i. 434c; No. 4. 42c; no srrade. 40c. OATS Unchanged; No. 3 white, 20c: No. 4 white. 4o. WHISKY On the basis of $1 SO for fin ished guuds. - r ' Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. li WHEAT Spot, firm; No. S red. western, winter, s 71. Futures, dull; December, 7s V.d; March, 7s d; Msy, sslld. CORN Spot, steady; American mired. &s id. Futures, quiet; January, 4s 6td; March, 4s 4S1- Mllwaakee tirala Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. lS.-WHKAT-Steady; No 1 northern. gT'SWio bid; No. J northern. 114 tt 88c : May, XSc RYE Uwcr; No. 1, 71tf714c. BARLEY Steady; No. i. 55c; sample, J7iMc. CORN Steady; 4o4,e bid. Dalath Grata Market. DULTTH. Nov. 15. WTIEAT To arrtve. No. 1 northern. tfe; No. $ northern. MSc; on track. No. 1 northern. 83Sc; No. 1 northern, SlSc; December. 91c; May, UATS To grrlve and on track, 'e NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Vaku Further leretery on I proTtment of kfoae j Oalloek. HIGH RATES ATTRACT FUN&S FRIM ABROAD Impresalon that Fsirlher Dlmlau. Will lion of Bask neservea Be W Inked at by flelala. Of- NEW YORK. Nov. 15. -Storks made fur ther recovery today under the Influence of return of confidence In the money out look. There wss continued stringency in the money market, but It was less severe than on yesterday as yesterday's was less severe than on Monday. While rates were not so high as yesterday at the maximum, they were well above tne normal, iiits was no further evidence of forced liquida tion in consequence of lack of funds. Active discussion still centered on tha money situation and Its principal phase today was as to the means which had been used to ease tha situation. It waa not commonly believed that anything like suf ficient liquidation of stocks or reduction of loans has been effected to accomplish the easier conditions In the money market. It is known that very heavy resort haa been made to other money centers to take over the credits which were being forced to settlement by the money stringency here and the attraction of the high Interest rates made this feasible by bringing In large offerings of foreign money to the New York market. The operation In the pursuit of the same end hss been A large transfer of speculative holdings from New York to foreign markets. This was sc- compllshed by sales of stocks here and repurchases of the same Issues In foreign markets. A parallel operation was the raying off of loans in New York by which lie stocks were held and the borrowing for a similar purpose In the foreign money market. The Iondon demand for stocks here Is believed to lie tha result of this process and shows the offsetting effect of the operation In one market against the other. The high money rates also has at tracted funds from out of town points, both In Canada and In the west. There is outspoken discussion around the Stock exchange of a supposition that the banks have determined themselves au thorized to make further encroachments on their reserves In stilt of the deficit below legal requirements shown Saturday In the bank statement. Some of the spec ulative comment on the situation affords to the published utterances of the sec retary of the treasury an Inferential sanc tion to this action In case of Its being necessary to avoid financial trouble. It Is pointed out thnt the Issuance of a call upon national banks to report their con dition as of November 8 relieves them from the necessity of keeping up reserves for the purpose of window dressing, as it Is admittedly customary in anticipation of the controllers' call. A similar call was sent out today by the banking department at Albany for a statement of the condi tion of the state banks and trust com panies also as of November 9. The same condition, therefore, applies to the trust companies In this matter as to the banks. With the relaxation In the money rate to day the sterling exchange became strong again today and turned decisively away from the gold Import point. A scrutiny of price changes made dur ing the d.iy discloses how large a part w-as played In It by specialties as dis tinguished froui the general stand ard market leaders. fjirge covering of shorts was undoubtedly an Im portant factor and in stocks un der pool control the movement against shorts was especially aggressive. The strength in other individual stocks was nt trlhuted to special causes, although they were not always known. Hocking Valley had an extraordinary movement on a sup position of the coming retirement of the preferred stock. Buying of the Kansas and Texas stocks was alleged fo be in the Burlington Interest. Advices In south ern stocks may have been in connection with the liberal estimates of the cotton crop. Railway Steel Spring again led a movement In the railroad equipment stocks In which the electric stocks Bhared. The Increased Standard Oil dividend was a help to the market. The profit-taking In the late dealings made only a slight ....,.,,.-,,, ie closing, wnich was gen- - 1 1 ii v Hirunr. $3, 1 a. 009. tTn1ted States bonds were unchanged on cnlL ' The quotations on the New Tork Stock exchange ranged as follows: 1 Sales. Hlgh.Low. Close. Adams Ex Amal. Copper 4t,!00 2,800 200 4,100 824 39 100U 344 Am. Car & F do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do nfd Am. Ex Am. H. & L. rfd Am. Ice Securities ... Am. Linseed Oil do pfd mo 28,9(10 200 47.700 TOO 1.S00 1.700 4.000 9.400 Am. Locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt. & R do nfd Am. Sugar Refng Am. Tob. pfd ctr Anaconda M. Co Atchison 1!A do pfd Atlantic Coaat Line.. K.S4 97 Bait. & Ohio do pfd Rrooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio 6,100 6374 64 Chi. & Alton do pfd 200 '40 1.2f) 7,600 100 Chi. Ot. Western...... Chi. N. W C. M. & St. P Chi. Term. A T 2164 1754 174 do pfd C. C, C. ft St. L 3o 1,700 2.600 3.000 5.300 900 300 97 444 I804 13?, Colo. Fuel A Iron Colo. & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Oas Corn Products do nfd Del, A Hudson D.. L. & W Den. Rio O 400 2254 226 300 700 2.900 12,2iiO 2, 'JfX) 1,1 3. H00 S.liOO I0 2.00 1.500 do nfd Distillers' Securities. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd !-" 114 I8ni 183 I194 1044 1774 1704 General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Ixiuls. A Nashville... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Rv 79'J tJOO 284 27 Mex. Central Minn. St. L M . St. P. & 8. 8 M. ir ln2" 94 714 do pfd Missouri Pacific .. M . K & T do pfd National Lead .... N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. . rv. Y. central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A. Western.. do pfd N. American, exdlv.. Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P . C. C. A St. L Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Reoubllc Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St L. At S. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis 8. W do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway ... do pfd Tenn. Coal 4 Iron.... Texas A Pacific T.. St L. A W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd U. 8. Ex .9rt0 151 534 8o4 8.8O0 3wO 600 l.m 2.5i 10 4 wisoo 100 "t.Vn 1 TOS I.70O 200 r4 924 l.foo l.lO 6 13.4X M0 tfi f0 1.1"0 l.O'O i;io 100 U. 8. Realty V. 8. Rubber do pfd , U. 8. Steel do nfd Vs. -Carolina Cham. do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo Fn Westlnghouse Elec... Western Union 1.700 21 &) 14 9u0 Ue-iO 6-0 auo W. A L. F. 1 Wis Central I do rfd Northern Taclflc Central Deather 4 X) 4S Vi 4 do pfd I n jor in;u 1"2 Sl'iss-Sherflelrt I4.n 77" 7f'4 77 Total salea for the day, i 0 shares. Jew Torlc Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. l.v-MONEY-On call, firm at KHfill rr cent; closing bid. 10 per cent; nfTered at 10 per cent. Time loans, firm: sixty ard ninety days, 7 per cent; six months. per rent. PRIM 8 MERCANTILE PAPER- per "STERLING BXCH A NOB Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 K&;fU' 4 KM for demand and at tl.SJlon'I.Vj'jn for lxty-dav bills; posied rates. $4. Km 1 1.85 v and $4.8HlH'4.s7: commercial bills, $4MV PILVKR Bar, 3c', Mexican dollars, BONDS GovernmeTH steady; railroad, "cuising quotations on bonds were as fol lows: V. B ref. Is, rt . .1VI'4 Jspsn 4s. M series .. J 4 ..101t in 4ltl. rtfs t'4 so rouprni V . ss. rsf do enupen . .im do Id series sat ..104 'l, A N unl. 4 ..1"'4 Vinhattan -. f 4s.. Wi t ..l1! Mt. Central 4s 0 I ao 1st ln- it ..US 'Minn. St. I. 4s ... n .. 74 M.. K sV T. s HUH ..m4 do ts 8 ..1M N. R. R. of V r. 4. U'i . . M N. Y. C. S. s A i r. . oi . ! ao coupon V. . 4s. rf .. do eoopon Am. Toesoce 4s..-. 4o is Afhlson fn. 4s .. . ii(i s. 4s Atlsntlo C. L. 4s.. l"l N. 1. C. s. Is I4"4i Dal. Ohio 4s ...l;No. Pacific 4s 4o ls Brk. R. T. - U Csntrsl of Os. U... do 1st Ino do Id inc 4o M Inr Ches. A Ohio 4is.. ChK-sso aV A. C. B. A Q n. 4s.. C, R. I. P. . s:iH do Is . tt N. A w". r 4i 101H .113 O. S. 1. Hdf 4s ' . Ut Penn conr. JH iii . o Rss'ilnK ro Is til . : St. L. I. M. s. ln.-llf." .107 St. L. A F Is 4. a . M St. U . W c 4 M .1"14 Mabosrd A. L. 4a ... H .... So. Pac-ino a m I do 1st 4s rtfs ' do fol. CCC. Colo. A it. L. . 4s . fn. Railway la ISO Ind. St. ssr. A., !H1U A P. Is l. do sertM B Color4o Mid. 4s. Cols. So. s Cuha M D. R. O. 4s . 7it ".. St. L. w. 4a.. sit) . II ifnlon Paoinc 4s li .14 I do eonf. 4s.. Ml i .14 t'. S stsel Id rs. ... 4 .101, Warsh Is ll.".-s . 81 I in rfrt. n HO .Ml W'atirm Md. 4s 11 . 4 V. A L. K 4s 10 .11" , Wla. Central 4s Distillers' ts. Erie prior ltn dc sen. 4s. Ho-klnt. Vsl. 4a... Japsn As Offered. Bid. SI Boston Mocks and nonds. BOSTON. Nov. 15 Call loans, tift'7 per cent; time loans. 57 per cent. Official quo tations on stocks and bonds were as fol lows: Atchison ad. 4s. 9a 'Adventure "4 Alii tier ' Amalfamattl . . American Zinc . ..lot4 AtlsntlF Hlligham 17R (si. A Mrcls... '2 iCenttnultl -14;l co.,er Hangs .. 2''4 llslv West T 42', SUt J 2.1 ' K 17 r, :7i 17 ,7'i 23 iO H'i M 31, dc 4s Un. Csntrtl 4s Atrhlron do pfd Boston A Alhtnv.. Boston A Mslns.. Boston Elsvsted ... fltchburrt pfd Moilf-sn Central ... N. Y., N. H. A H. Pert Msrqustts .. t nlon rsclflc .1.11 ilcmlnlon Coal '"1 Franklin .bi4i ll Rntals .... 1 Mans. Mlnlnn .. I Am'r, Am. ensm. Anicr. Fnsu. Tubs. Amer. 8uar do pfd Amcr. T. A T Amer. Woolen ..... do pfd n Mlrhlgan Mohtwlt . . ia Mont. C. A C. ..l.4 old Pomlnlon .. (lac sola ..l"-.li . . 2tH ..H.3 .. 5'1 .124 .. 9'4 .. 33 . . 34 M .. 47', .. 6 : . .114 .. c;. 14 Parrot Pomlnlon I. A 8. to Qnlncy Shannon Tamarack Trinitr 1'nltsd Copper Kdlson Elec. fim... 147 Ocnsrtl Elsctrlc ... Maas. Flsctrlo do pfd Mass. Oss t'nlted Fruit Vnltrd Shoe Ma h.. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Westing, rnmmnn . lild. "Asked. 13 r,e 4M t 8. Mlnlns .. K if. R. oil 71H:ttali Itl'-IVIrlorlt aV Winona luJ'tjWolvrrlne Nortn Butte ... London Closing; Mocks. LONDON. Nov. 16. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange wore us follows: Consols, mnnsjr W"4 . Y. Central 135 do sccount "" Norrolk A V 7W Ansrondt t1 do pfd ' Atchison MOntsrlo A V. M do pfd lot's Prnnrtvsnl il'i llsltlmore A Ohio... .101 Rand Mlnt ?"a Csnsdlsn Haclflc . dies. A Ohio Chlisito Gt W C. M. A St. t... Urnters Urnrsr A R. O ... do pfd Ens do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Csntrsl ... Loulrvtlls A Nash 14., K. A T Ex-dlvldehd. 1 Kcsdlns it . S4 j do lit pfd 4 1'4 do 2il pf-I jo ,1S0? goutlisrn Railway ... .IS7, . K'j do pf.t 101" . Southern Pacific 714 . W Cnlor. Ptcllti- . 45 do pfil 91 . M V 8. Btwl iln'4 . 4'. 'do pfd luiH .140 Wabaah il-, .1H 1 do pfd 4:', . IH Bptniah 4s n SILVER Rar. quiet, 2SVd per ounce. munki-34TJ4 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 4U,44 per cent; for three months' bills, 4 per cent. Ken York' Nllnlntr Mocks. NEW YORK. Nav li.-Closing quotations on mining stocks, were as follows: Adtmi Con ........ Alice Preset Blumwlrlt Con .... Cnmstoek Tunnel.. Con. sl. A Vs.... Horn Hllvsr Iron Silver Lttdvlllt Cos 2 Standard ..1(0 .. 5 ..): .. 1 .. 10 .. SO .. 2 .. 3Q . b7 .46 . 44 . ' .154) ' .170 J .328 . 4 1,11 tin Chief ... Ontsrlu ophlr Ph.ifnli Potosl AavHgs glsrrt Nsvtdt bmall Hopi . Foreign Financial. LONDON, Nov. 15. Money was much wanted In the market today In connection with stock exchange pay-day. Tho dis count business was 'restricted. Rates wore firm. Considerable attention was given to the weakness of New York exchange und tho possibility of shipments of gold to New York from here. Trading on the stock ex change was cheerful In various quarters, though operators were largely occupied with the settlement. Consols hardened, but at the close were a shade off. Home rntls were buoyant. Americans opened firm, several stocks being well above parity. Trading waa fairly active at the opening, but afterwards was quieter pending iliu reception of more definite news concern ing the monetary situation in the l'niu.1 States. Prices improved after the receipt of New York s opening quotations und then eased and closed above the lowest points. Foreigners generally were in good demand. but closed dull. Japanese were active. Russians were heavy on Vladivostok news which, with the announcement of another general strike In St. Petersburg, had a strong unsettling tendency. Japanese Im perial 6a of 1904 were quoted at 1024. PARIS. Nov. 15. Trading on the bourse, today was unsettled and prices had a dow n ward tendency. The market closed weak. Ruasian Imperial 4s were quoted at 89. n0 and Russian bonds of lwM at 517.00. The private, rate of discount Is quoted at S per cent. BERLIN. Nov. 15 Prices on the boerso today opened firm, but quotations Immedi ately became weaker In sympathy with Russian bonds, which were again depressed sharply upon this mornings news from St. Petersburg. Standard Oil Dividend. NEW YORK. Nov. 15. The Standard Oil company has declared a quarterly dividend if $10 a share. The previoua dividend was $6 a share, and the dividend at this time last year was $7 a share. Today a declara tion brings the total dividend for the year to $40 a share. Last year It was $34. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Nov. 15 Today s state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150.0u0.ii0 gold reterve shows: Available caah balances, $132,081,039; gold coin and bullion, $w,2.8,620; gold certificates, $52,797,080. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Nov. 15. Rank clearings for today were $1,415,807.45 and for the corre sponding data last year $1,310,076.97. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 15 MET A 1 .8 The London tin market was higher, closing at 152 2s 6d for spot and 151 10a for future. Locally the market was quiet, but prlcea were firm and a shade higher on the aver age. Spot was quoted at $43.1533. 40. Cop per was also higher abroad with spot quoted at 75 6s and futures at 72 16s. Ths local market showed no further change. Supplies are said to be well sold ahead and the market rules firm on smull offerings. Lake is quoted at tlt.&o'S I7.u0; electrolytic, $l.5"im.75; casting, $14.26; lobO. Iead was firm at $3.Ui6.55 In the local niarket, the outside price being asked for prompt spot delivery. The Ixindon market waa higher at 15 As 3d. Spelter was unchanged at 28 os In London and at $tUtiii.2o in the local market. Iron was firm in the English niarket with standard foundry quoted at 62s 4d and Cleveland warrants at 53a tkl. Ixically ths markat showed a firmer tone with Inside prices A shads higher. No. 1 foundry, northern, is quoted at $18 75.319 00; No. i foundry, northern. tlH.254rit.5u; No. 1 foun dry, southern. tl8 5ool!i.75; No. 2 foundry, southern. $18.u0jj'18.2e. ST. 1XJUIS. Nov. 15.-METALS-Lead. Ami at $6.26 bid. Spelter, dull at $6.uu asked. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 1$. COFFEE The market for coffee futures opened steady at an advance of 542 10 points In response to steady Europeon rabies and somewhat mailer Rrazillan receipts. Tha market rallied In the lat trading by covering of shorts and the close was very steady, at a net gain of luu15 points. Sales reached 323.250 bags, but of this amount 28.00 batts represented exchanges Tranctlons in cluded December. 6 iii 41K.-; January, -'a 70c; March, fclsV; Mav. 7 iifwtj 7.1m-; Julv, 7totrT-S6c; September. 7 4-irv7 45. ; October, 7 50.-. Spot Rio, steady; No. 7 Much a, 49 t4. OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET ltef Bteers 8tdy, fows Acti?, Fetders Stetuj to 8trog. HOG MARKET OPENS FIRM, CLOSES WEAK Fair Rerelpt of sheep and lambs Market Hall and I, oner Feed last lambs Much loner Than Last Week. Sni'TH OMAHA, Nov. is, lrM.". receipts acre; Cattle. .... 3 . . . . .... ,ono Hogs Sheep. Official Monday Official Tors. lav Official Wednesday. 1.7H 11 ! IO.OmO Three days this week. .I9.T20 lT.OIT .V) Threo riaya last week. .. .1H.17T 13. 1" .? Same week before Z.tf li.f.27 44 Same three wek nmn wi r..: ir ivjj 0.14 Same four weeks ago... .:4.4;3 IS.'tso HkKX Same days Inst vear '.'V0 22.WH 14 4?iJ RECEIPTS FOR THE 1 BAR TO PATIO. The following table snows the receipta of cattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha year- 'ar t0 da'"' comlrln w,th ,ast ... 1906. 1H. Inc. r",l,s f2.m 813.1'1? 00,(T7 J,'k" T.niO.KIH l.C7h.3 S4.418 m1 l.S17.39 1,676.468 241. SM The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I IStOC. il9o4.HOJ.;iu!.!l!ll.ll"0.1lt;y9. Oct. Oct, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 15.. IS.. 17.. II.. 19.. 20.. n.. 22.. .. 24.. 6 491 6 36 22 7 00 (HI 1 15 7 Oi t 181 R 12 14 7 I 11 6 10 4 ?f 4 II 4 1 4 II 4 11 4 II 4 If 4 14 5 02 4 97 B 02 6 29 14 (4! 27 62 6 231 4 61 I 4 68 D U 6. I 11 6 071 5 031 6 VA 0 19 I 6 131 I 071 s '-' I I m I 6 17! t li fi 7(1 03 5 9k 6 0l t C 4 62 4 CI 4 61 5 14 6 094 6 01 4 9341 74 6 141 7tt I 6 T4j I 71 6 261 S 6 26... 4 4 4 II 2... 17... Hi... 29... 30... ... 1... 2... 6 OS' C 00 4 681 4 II 6 00! 5 18 61 4 Ml 4 10 I 4 19 4 "ill 4 601 4 0 4 47'. 4 OS 4 Ml 4 01 4 f)l 4 04 4 96 6 081 611 6 99 I 4 981 4 ?! 4 j 4 2 4 92 f 4 911 4 87 i S Til: 3 81 691 6 72 8 61 ! 5 67 66 6 731 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4 84 V. 4 841 4 M94I 4 Ml 4 991 4 6741 4 M 4 87, 4 874 4 4 79l 1 4 88! 4 74 4 S74 4 7:i I 6 721 8... 611 4 Wi 4 "4 4... 5.., B. . 7... ... 0... 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. i 49 61 5 82 ( 71 5 71 4 0i 4 tW 6 r3 I t4 4 67 4 71 4 01 4 8;i', 4 f 4 81 4 hi 4 0 4 78 6 55; 6 ttt 402 4 03 4 $ 4 03 4 02 t 94 3 92 5 90 - ft 14 4 80! 4 7 3i 6 6' 4 79 4 971 4 7!4' 4 971 4 814, 4 ss! I 4 SO 4 79741 I 4 73 4 09 4 09 6 74 4 SS 4 74 4 2 6 C 4 ml 6 'iSi 4 94' 4 64! 6 21! 6 69 1 4 74 4 67 18; 6 Mm 4 07 I ti 321 5 071 4 821 Indicates Sunday. The following table shows the prices paid at the river markets for cattle: Oood to choice corn-fed steers $5.256.76 Fair to good corn-fed steers u.Usqo.10 Common to fair corn-fed steels.... 4.t!Li5.00 flood to choice range beef steers.. t.'-VgVOO Fair to good range ha t steers 3.t!'0j4.2a Oood to choice cows and heifers... 3.36'-4 .50 Fair to good cows and heifers 2."'(!3.:io Fair to good western cows 1.50(i2.7n Canners and cutters 1.7a'u:i.50 Oood to choice snickers & feeders. :).7.Vfil 10 Fair to good Blockers and feeders. 3.0MI3.25 Common to fair stockers Ar feeders 2 o04)3.'J RANGE OF PRICES. Caltle. Hogs. Omaha Sl.fio'ao.oO t-(.2r'a4.76 Chicago 2(6 40 4.fl5.u5 1 Kansas City 1.764I-5.W 4.4ol.!) St. Ijuis 2.(s.i6.S.0 t&Kiil.iW EIoux Cltv 2.iKi'rii).70 i.a-i'ii TIESDAYS SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their ihjIiHs of destination: Cattle- Cars. Henry Rehrens Reenter F. E G. Bntermsn. Stanton F. E John H Wilt. Scrlbnor F. K H. Y. Appelbv, Stanton F. E Frits Lindner, Arlington F. E L. D. Watson, Pllger F. E C. J. Hyshiim, Gordon F. E C. A. Tlnney, Pllger p. K J. G. Tlnney, Pilger F. E E. W. Thorp, Stanton F. E Fred Kaso, Norfolk F. B L. FrevernuiHi. CreBton F. E A. E. Cook, Odeholt. In. N. W W. F. Hogan. Manning. Ia. R. 1... Pete Smith. Walnut, la. R. I J. M. Strahn. Malvern,' la. Q W. A. Nelson, Northhora, ta. Q.... Ed Hetzer, Seward It. & M L. F. Rich, Seward 13. & M Frank Spurck. Nelson U. A M F M. Call. Dow City. Ia. I. C F. C. Howorth, Dow- City, la. I. C. J. R. Rlchiirds. Schuyler-U. P A. Hn nk. Mooriann. ia. u. w... C. W. Rradahl, Hiawatha Kan. Mo. P. Sheep- D.D. W. E. Constance, High Hill, .Mo.-nan. Fred Flvnn. Stanbury, Mo. Wall Ham P.urknian, Valley U. P C. J. Wood. Table Rock-B. & M ... J. M. Halstcad A 8., Tecumseh R. & M. John Hermelbrockt. Rnncroft M. A O... Coburn A S.. Laurel M. ei K C. Johnson, Seward F. E Rankin T.. wesmoro. aio. vj... The nfflcial number or cars 01 stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh p.H r S. C. M. & St. P. Ry... Wabash Missouri Pacific Ry.. Union Pacilic system 4 1 4 2 lii 26 22 9 10 80 19 6 8 2 11 1 3 8S 22 9 1 n i 5 & S. W., east & N. V.. west ... , fit. P.. M. & O... .fc M. Ry , h. & Q. Ry , R. I. AS P.. east.. R. I. A P.. west. Illinois Central .. Chi. Gt. Western Total receipts .2T.8 hi!) 48 The disposition oi me us n i" "i'" " as follows, each buyer purcnasiug ins ou...- ber of head Indicated: Cattle, Hogs. Sli'p. Omnha Packing Co 1.9 Swift and Company 1,248 Cuduhy Packing Co !J4 Armour & Co S.9 Vansant Co 190 Carev A Renton 2" Lobman & Co l'W MoCreary 2oi W. 1. Stephen w Hill & Hunlxlnger 11 Hamilton A Rothschild... 217 L. F. HUB 194 Wolf ? Other buyers i21 951 2.024 2.189 2.04S 1.026 4o7 4,022 Root at Co Hulla J" Clark I'; Ilaggerty 11 Totals 5.895 7.212 6.C19 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were mod erately liberal today, about 270 cars being reported in. which is an average run lor the day, and it Is also nearly the same as on the same day last yeur. The supply of corn-fed cattle here today was about the same slse as that of yes . 1 ,. k.it tiiov were not as a rule of KOoil quality, being mostly on the short-fed and warmed-up order and did not serve to at tract dressed beef men, and as a result the market was rather slow and dull. There were one or two loads of choice sluff on the market and this soid at prices that were lust about steady with those of yes terday. It was just about this time lant year that the prices on beef took a slump and packers report that the demand for fresh beef Is very poor sod that they do not csre for much stock, as they have enough In their coolers to supply the trade. . . , ... The demand for cows and heifers this morning was considerably better than it has been at any time this week. Cows were In fair supply and there was a good demand for them both on tha part of packers and outside buyers, with the result that the trade on good kinds of stuff was active and steady. The supply of feeders Is gradually get ting smaller from day to day and today was no exception, there being only a fair run of stockers and feeders. The demand for good feeders ranging from W to l.i) pounds was active and stink of that kind found ready sale at prices that were steady to strong. Generally speaking, the market on stockers and feeders was active and steady 10 strong. Representative sales: nielli UTl'Dfl or.br di No. 42.. .. .. II.. I... . Sh. Pr. No AT. 98. PY I (0 4 15 17 . 17.. II . AM' to. . 1il 4 II 1270 4 M 1214 I 04 FELDk KS lost I It .1111 . Uf 4 H bTo. iv fc. llo 1171 I 0 410 I Is 400 I 71 NFRRASKA. 21 feeders.. 114 3 2u 15 feeders. .1067 S 00 27 feeders.. lnOO 1 30 ' WESTERNS. 1 feeder... 99) 2 26 45 feeders. .107 tit 4 feeders.. 72 2 25 3 feeders.. 9h3 I 75 7 feeders.. 104 1$') 1 heifers. ..PM tM 10 feeders. .102 t 30 44 feeders. .Ini5 3 15 24 feeders.. loin t So 25 feeders. . tag I 00 1 fe-4er. . .1220 t 15 HOGS The run here sgsln today wss llhersl and was somewhat larger than was anticipated and at most of the other prin cipal market points, according to early reports, there were moderately liberal runs: snd It sppeared that the market would certainly be lower again, hut in pile of the large run the tiade opened brisk and reasonably kleady, and In fact the prices on some good, choice butcher stuff and on a lot of prime heav y-weiaht hugs showed a shshl Inclination to stronger prices. However, the market closed the tlnv eoiixi.iernbly lower, the pits and light-weight Stuff Wing li 1 tho hard est The bulk of the sales were at $4.7off 4 T'K while tli" bulk of the heavy pa k era were selling nronnd $4rWn4.iO. Pigs were selling tnoet a strong dime lower thun vesterdav, the bulk of the sales toe ing msde In the neighborhood of $4 $". Tho market closed slow and lower on all kinds of stuff Representative sales: fo. rr. I TflS, 4 :' t:v 4 7, 4 7f' 4 7t, 4 7!', 4 Ttt 4 7!, 4 Tft 4 7!, 4 V.; 4 7.'4 4 7!', 4 11, 4 7?', 4 U , 4 T.'4 I 7!'i 4 7J', 4 TS'., 4 71 I 7 4 'S 4 TS 4 Tit 4 Til 4 7s .. 14 4 i'S . :4 .s . .i . . I7 . Nr. . MS . 3J4 . !4? . 1ST . i'7 . JTS ..lei . 144 . Il . SM ..! ...Ill . . ..'.4 . . . .' ...174 ...fnl .214 . . t44 ...VSI ...1)4 ...SI! .. ;t .. r7 ..v . . . mn .. 314 .. .3J0 . . . SKI . . . . s .. . . us . . 2'' . . 47.. . . . . w . M.. K.. 7.. t . ISO fllfl in HO 4 T ! 4 !', 4 K, 4 7" 4 7" 4 : 4 70 4 TO 4 TO 4 7 I 'H 4 :n 4 4 7" 4 "l 4 70 4 T 4 to 4 70 4 70 4 7!H 4 VJi, 4 71', 4 7t, 4 7!H 4 7!V, 4 7l 4 7t, 4 ?, 4 7!' 4 7m 4 7t, 4 7!', . . 2 . lft . l.Ki. . 5 .. f0. . , 4.. Un . . . S4.. . . 4S .. 70. . . 47 . 74.. S.1. . St.. JO. . n. . H . M . TO.. 71.. In.. (. . til.. (,. 10.. -!. .'!.. II ., 4?.. 41.. SO.. s.. f'l t n . .14 ,.3f4 . .; ..!IT . ! ..;? ,.M . .r.2 . 4 . It ..rv . toj . 1M ..4S . .1 ..V . .!') ..tf.i ..tit st . 2kb .in . .u ..Ml ..' . .J .144 ISO J"0 len 4 76 4 71 4 7 4 7S 4 75 I 75 I IS 4 :i 4 Ti 4 72 ' 4 7:-, SHEEP There was a fairly liberal run of sheep this morning, alsuit fifty. five cms being received, with a tolul of approxi mately H.ooo head; this Is an average run for the day, luit is nbout 4.l0 larger than that, of tho same day one year ago. Part of the stuff was late In getting In and on account of the fact that the stock which waa already In being of a poor sort buyers were unwilling to do much or anything until the late sheep got In, thinking soma ot It might be good, choice stulT. Henco the market opened slow 11 nd lower In inoi-t easeB. und generally speaking the trade was dull and uninteresting. The supply of tat sheep was small again this nuirnlng and was generally not of a very good quality, with tho supply of lambs was quite limited, there being hardly enough In sight to make a test of the market. Buyers were In a rather bearish mood today and Were out with tho evident intention of buying ful siull lower. Owing to the Inferior quality Of most of the sheep in signt they succeeded to a certain extent, on the common stuff, but the more choice stuff sold at Just about steady prices. The trade on feeders wits decidedly slow and draggy, and thero was but a small number of country buvcrs In attendance. The quality of most of the stuff wus of common class and was mostly rnther In terior sluff. Feeder lambs are selling In tho neighborhood of 2vu.'IOe lower than last week. Good, choice feeders sold for the most part ut what were Just about steady prices. Quotations on fat sheep and lamb: Oood to choice fed lambs, 6.75'u7.25; good tc choice ranee lambs. iii.iMi ; .no: sj.iod to choice yearling weathers. Vi.4O.'nH.0ii; good to cnoice old wethers, lo.ootj 5.50; good to cnoice old ewes, II. 60515.00. Quotations on feeder sheep and lambs: Gooil feedlna. ti" .2&n,'. 7S: trooil feedina year lings. J4.7Mi."i In; goial feeding wethers. $4.75 tio.00: good feeding ewes. $J.4iii3.i6; breed lug ewes. 34 RO'ii j.00. Representative sulrs: No. 42 Wyoming ewe feeders 18 Wyoming ewe feeders Av. . 9 . W-t . 92 Pr. 4 10 4 o 6 40 A-'4 W yomllig yearlings .. 4IIICAGU LIVE STUCK MARKET tattle Active and lllaber Hogs Five Cents Higher Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, Nov 15. CATTLE Receipts. 19.10 head; market, beat active, 10c higher; others slow; common to choice steers. $;i in 1(11 11. 40; cows. $.'.754j4.0ii; heifers, $2 1)' 0.00; bulls, $2.oo(j4.oo: stockers and feeders. I2.lufi4.16: calves. $2.(rii7.00. HOGS Receipts, 3i:.uu) head; rdarket Ec higher; choice to prime heavy. $4.9i 40:5.06; medium to good heavy. $!.8tV(i4.95; light welRht butchers, I4.90j6.oc; good to cholca heavy mixed. Jl.i.VrM in: packing. $4.25(1 4. iH, SHEEP AND LAM Hd Receipts, ae.trnO head; market, sheep steady; lambs in in sheep, $4.X(i5.0O, yearling wethers, $5.&ijj tt.it; spring lamos, tn.oo'g'i.jo. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Nov. 15. CATTLE Receipts. 10,500 head, Including OX) South erns. Market steady; beef steers strong to 10c higher: choice export and dressed beef steers. X3.Q1Kr1e.86; tair to good, $3.5tQ4.o; western steers, i.'.ina, i: soutnern cows, $1.75013.00; native cows, $1.753.90; native heifers. $5.50(4.85; bulls. $2.0Uo:i.25; calves, 12.ru rTia.no. nous Receipts, 13.500 nettd. Market 1 steady; top. $4 85; bulk of sales. $4.7offl4.SO ; heavy, 14 wxiM.w; pacgers, J4.vwai.824; pigs 1 and lights. $1.2u4.75. 1 SHEEP AND IAMRS-Recelpts, 3,000 1 I head. Market, sheep lue lower; lambs steady. Native lambs, t5.60ir7.2u: western lambs, tS.Socij'.lS; ewes and yearlings. t4.25(f 6.60; western clipped sheep, $t.2.v?t'..oO: west i . ern clipped yearlings, tA.SviiS.tio; stockers ' and feeders. 13.7.'i4i4.7n. St. Louie l ive Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. 15. CATTLE Re celpts. 4.50u head, including 1.8"0 Tex.ins Market, natives strong. l'exaus steady native shipping and export steers, $4 'iMi n.M); dressed beef and butcher steers, $2.."s) Ji,).10; steers under 1.000 pounds. $2.5wj4.00 RIAeket'S und foetiel-K. 1? ?1l(73 i enws mill heifers. t2.0lii4.6O: canners, $1.752.00; bulls, I $2.230; calves. $liuU6.U; Texas nnd ln- ; than steers, $2.2uti3.GO; cows and heifers, $2.00fi2.90. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head. Market steady; plga und lights. $4.jOu4.si: puckers, $4.6u(e4.85; butchers and beat heavy, $4.7o-tp 4 IM. ' Duurn x T i t rna T3 n . . I . , , 1 r. : head. Market steudy; native muttons. $4 5,,5 25; lambs, t5.2Mi7.2ll: culls and bucks, t3.iYn5.00; stockers, $3.75(04.25; Texans, $3 23 $l.W. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo Nov. 15. CATTLE Receipts. 3.270 head. Market steady. Na tives, t3.5orriS.75; cows und heifers. $1.4o'd 4.60; stockers and feeders. t2.75'u3.75. HOGS Receipts, 9.0x head. Market, 60 lower; light. t4.7O)i4.s0; medium and hcavv. t4.72V'i'4 86; bulk. 14. 724 180. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipt, l.XW head. Market steady; lambs, $7.00; weth eru, $1 60; ewes, $5.25. slonx (liy Lite Slock Market. SIOUX CITY. Nov. 15.-(8peclat Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, l.Ouo head; market 10c higher; stockers steady: 1 beeves, M.cxijS.Tu; cows, bullB and mixed, .'""1 Q. t" . ni.iift-iH ami let-n in, iuid. ,1. , calves and vearlings. $2.503.40. HOGS-Receipts, 0.2oi head; market to lower, selling at $4.tsu'4.75; bulk of sales, $4.io(j4.674. Stock In Sight. western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha ) 7.5n Ki.uuO Sioux City l.Wrt 6.201 Kansas City 10. Son 1.1. fl I .I0 St. Joseph t iii7 9.094 1.31 St. Iouls 4.5") 10,000 l.f.a) Chicago 19.000 32.fi1 2s.0u0 Total 44.207 7&.a 48.330 Wool Market. BOSTON, Nov. 15 WOOl-The wool market is generally dull but firm; territory wools have moved moderately. Contracting for the 191! clip is progressing; views are generally too high f eastern oirators. Pulled wools. A super and staple wools are steadily sought. Fine grades are firm. Leading quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 3Sc; X. 34'36c; No. I. 40fj41c; No. 2. 4"j41c; (in unwashed. 2var?9c; quarter blood un washed, 34'uttc; three-eighths blond. Jl'u .toe; half blood 34ro35c; unwashed delaine, ft31', unmerchantable, 31(i22c; line washed, delaine, S7A374C Michigan fine unwashed, 27'14'JKc; quarter blciO1 unwashed, 33'r(34c. Territory. Idaho fine. 2223c; heavy fine, 19 Jj0c; fine medium, 22323c; medium. Z'nlsc; low medium, z.'o.bc; Wyoming nn, 2.u-3c heavy fine. lSi'.'Oc; fine medium, 23224c; ine dlum. 27b2ac; low medium. T.'a'Ac: Utah and Nevada fine. 23.'u24c; heavy fin. 194i2oc; ttne medium, 2:!824i'; medium, 27-0; low me dium, 27'(isc, Dakuta fine. 2j2i23c; line me dium. 2:''ii23c; medium, 27'ir2tc; low medium t'h.Hc; Montana fine choice, 26 'j 77c; staple. 28f!'2c: medium choice, 'JS'uks:. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 15. WOOL Steady; me dlum grades, combing and clothing ii(t s4". light fine, 21d2to; heavy fine, IttfClc; tub-waslied. 3a414c; Sugar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Nov. 16. SUGAR Raw quiet; fair refining. fT4c; centrifugal. 94 teat, t T-16c; molasses sugar, KSe; retlned quiet; No. . 4c; No. 7, toc; No. x, t"c; No. t, 36c; No. jo. iwio; NO. 11, 1 7:.c No. 12. 3 70c; No. 13, I oe: Nt. 14, t.Aic; cmfect loners A. 4.45c; mould A. 495c; cut loaf, 6 3'ic- crushed, tc; powdered. 4 70e; granulated. 4 A c; cube. 4 K:. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans open kettle, g.xid to eh, .Ire. 32'3xe. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 15 SUGAR fillet. Oj,en kettle centrifugal, iii'i 6 l-'i centrlfiiKiil whites 3Stt.'c; yllows. 3'i-lti; sv'..m!, 4? S -!(-. Mi 11 AhSKS -"i 11 ki ill1. vrotvie. ten fo ll. Ilr SVRUP- ;1'D'c 4IM1IIA Wlttl.i:f VtHKKT. t nndlllnn of Trade Quotations on Staple anil Fancy 1'rodnee. F.0JI.S- Flesh receipt candled stock. 21c. LIVE POULTRY- Hens. 1.40: roosteis, 6c: turkeys. 15c; ducks, 9'yyl'V; spring Chickens, ;c. lU TTKR-I'neking stock. 164c; choice 1o fancy dnlry, Ivglic; creamery, 2l4214c; prims. '.'14c SUUAR-Stanilnri) griiinlaled. In Mils, $f. 01 per cw t.; cubes, t.".5 per cwt.; cut Innf. filSO per Cwt.: No K extra C, bags or bbl. $4 8! per cwt.; No 10 extra C. bags onlv, M To per rwt. ; No. 15 yellow , bugs only. t. per cwt.; XXXX powdered, 35 7" per rwt. FRESH FISII-Tront. Ii"hl1r; h.illhut. 13c; buffalo, dressed. 9c; picket el. ill eased. t4c; white bass, dressed, 1:V: sunllsh, sc; perch, sen led and dressed. Sc : pike. 10c: catfish, l.ic: red snapper. 1'ic; salimm. 11c; crap ples, 12c eel. He: bullhead, lie. bin. k baa 2."c; whileflsh. Vie; frog leg, per ... 86c lobmet. gi-eri C7c: boiled lobster., J:!o; :!:?.; 10c, 4ic 1 Wuefisli, 16c; herring. 4c. HAY-lYloe nuotiHl by Omaha Fee.l medium, $H5'i; company: No. 1 upland, 17; Coarse, to. BRAN Per ton. $14 50. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES Valencia, all sixes, 5 006; Florida. Mil slr.es. H7M4.W. , LEMONS Lemonlera. extra fancy, 540 tile. So : 3m snd M0 sixes, 16. DATES Per box of -lb pkgs., $-': llallow'en. In 70-11). boes. per lb.. 64c! walnut, stuffed, 1-lb. pkg., U per doi. FlOS-Callfornla, per "-o-in. carton. i.-.t Vc; Imported Smyrna, 4-cmwn, l'ic; 5- tf-. w t 14,. RA N ANAS ret medium-sissa ouncn, ll.7XtlJ.25; Jumbo. K fi3.W. FRUITS. Klcfcrs and" Vicars, t2; PEARS-Utah. De Align, $2 .75. APPLES-Hen Davis sind Wlnessps. bx in luishi I naskets, 11.26: tbu. bbla.. $4(10; California Rellfiower. ti 60; Colorado Jona- inan ano orimss oiaeni tJ.dn; iew apple. $4.50 per bbl. tiKAI'EH I oKavs. per t-OSFKei crmr, f-. CRANRERRIEP .lerseya, 111 00 rer bbl.; Hell and Bugle, $12.00 VKUKTAHLKS. IXITATOES-New. per bu.. 60 00,-. ONIONS - Hume-grown yellew. red and white, per bu., 75c; bpanlsit, per crate. vt AX HKAN9 Per bu. nasuet, h.w. ... . ... - string beans, per 4-bn. box, 26'ij3iic. HEANH Navy, per bu., fl .90. CUCUMRERS Per bu . fl 6W.76. CA PHAGE llomo-grown, in crates, per lb., IV- HKE Ta New, per bu., 70C. 'ELERY Kitlumaroo, per dox., 2V. SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per 3- bu bbl , J2.50. CAUI,IKLWKR-Per crate, IX. TOMATOES California, per crate of 20 lbs.. $2.50. BEEF CUTS. Wholesale prices for lieef cuts: Ribs No. 1. ILV.0: No. 2. 8U0: No. 3, i4c- Round No. 7c; No. 2, ts'jr; rso. j. :?,'. 111111" -154c; No. 2, liar ; No. 3, 74c. Plates 3c: No. 2. 3c; No. 3. 24' . Chucks 4',c; No. 2, 8V No. 3. 3c. No. No. No. M ISC ELLA N EOU 8. HONE Y New, per 24 lbs.. t3.50. CHEESE Swiss, new. 15ci Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin limberger, mc; iwiiis. 124c; young Americas, j.iyc. N l.'TH Walnuts, ,0. 1 emi iriienr.. crop, per 13,; nam siieim. n., . No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 11c. pecans, large, per In., 15c; small, kt hi., j.i-4jc i'imw, per lb.. 7c; roasted, per lb., Sc. Chill wal iiuts. per lb.. 12f(134c Almonds, soft shells, per lb.. 17c; hard shells, per lb.. 15c. Shell back hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; largo hickory nuts, per bu., l M. nestnuis. iuu lier lb. Coooanuts, $4 00 per ssck or list. ltlL't!.S .o. 1 green, sc; .. . sivi-m, No. 1 suited. 104c; No. 2 salted. 9V: " I veal calf. 11c; No. 2 veal culf. 4c; dry salted, hi 14c: sheep pelts, 26utl W; Itorsn hides. $1,5043.00. rottoa Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 15-COTTON-S).t closed firm, five points lower; middling uplands. 11.05c; middling gulf, ll.tiic; sales, 1,200 bale. . LIVERPOOL, Nov. ln.-COTTON-Spot In fair demand; prices three point higher; American middling fair, 6.4od; good mid dling, S.lod; middling, 5.94d; low inlddlln. 6.7Sd; good ordinary, B.fVsrl ; ordinary, .44d. The sales of the day were lO.ilOO bales, of which 1,000 were tor speculation and ex port, and Included 9.4'Ki American. Re ceipt, 36,000 bales. Including 2U.0.K) Amerl- "sT. TjOUIS," Nov! 15. COTTON I-owei, 4c; middling, 114c; sales none; receipts. 1,260 bales; shipments none; stock, Kl,54i7 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 15 COTTON Huyers and sellers apsrt; sales, lO.tusl bales; ordinary, 8Vi good ordinary, 9 9-16c; low middling, 10 7-1A; middling. 11 l-16o; good middling, 11 7-lric; middling fair, ll'ic! re ceipts, 18,548; stock, 220.891 hales. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. Nov. 1.1. EVAPORATED APPLES There has been little change In the market for evaporutcd apples and, while better assortments ore obtainable on 8Kt, high grade are very firmly held. Common to good are quoted at (Mj7r; nearly prime, 8!il4e: prime, 9ci choice. 10c; fancy, lie. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunc are firm with coast advices Indicative of a hardening of prices In primary markets. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O., Nov. 15 SEEDS Clover, each. $8; December, $8.05: January, $8.1c; February, $8.16; March, $8.20 bid. Prime alsike, $.8. Prime, timothy, $1.66: REAL ESTATE THAASFEHS. The following real estate trsnsfcr were filed for record November 15: WARRANTY DEEDS. Anna McOavock to Godfrey Johnson, lot 20. block 1. McGavnck Ac O K nddltion t 47 Joseph Ccrvinski mid wife lo August Krakowskl, lot 7, block J. Arbor place extension August Krakowskl and wife to Mar tin Cervlnskl, same 3l Solomon Hopper and wife to Adelaide Ayers, lot 14, block 123, Dundee place 7ns) I. C. Mungc-r and wife to W. S. Curtis, lot 11, block 124, Dundee place 1 A. C. Ong and wife to Anna E. Oun ther. lots 1, 2 and 3, Morse A R.'S subdivision 2,2i) Same to same, lot 4, block 1, La Vela place 1.8KI Omaha Mercantile company to Vaclac Vonacek, lot 6, block 8, S. K. Rogers' addition I'D Penn Fire Insurance enmpany to Rlb hel Paper and Woodenware com panv, e 44ft, lot t. and w, 16 Inches, lot 7. block 101, Omaha 28.tsl P. C. Hern and wife to H. N. Robert son, lots I and 2, block t, Rnmls paik 1 R. N. Roliertson and wife to Jennie Hern, same I Elisabeth I. M. Tukev to G. 8. Rake straw, lot 7 and e loft, lot 8, block 7, Reed's first addition i.t'Nj J. C. W hidden and wife to Myra Whldden. e 10ft, lot . block , Lin coln heights 1 Rebecca M. White, et al. to F. W. Eogg, w4. lots 33 and $4, Griffin A I.'h addition J.500 F. W. Fogg to Mary II. Upjohn, same 3,:W) J. W. Newlean and wife to O. H Wurli.g. lot 6. block 1.. buulavsrd terrace 5, 30 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS Rosa Woodworth to Emellna Wood worth, lot 30. Redlck's second addi tion SS R. K. Rrown to T. P. Ilerskind. lots 1. 2 and 5, bloc k 98. Florence 175 A. C. Ong and wife to Anna K. Gun ther. n 6 6ft of e 111.6ft. lot 30. Lowe's survey 1 Total amount of transfers .$49 9 Jo PRIVATE WIRES Von Dorn Grain Co. Member Chletgo Board of Trad Omaha Grain Exchanga. Grain and Provisions Bought and sold for rash or future delivery Receivers and Shippers. 21J and t BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Tel. 1011. OMAHA. F. D. Day & Co. nattier ! Stocks. Ciralrt. Provisions Ship Yonr 4iralu ! Is issrk urjee, 110-111 Bartt uf Trade Bldg.. Oataha. a. Ttlttkaat KKIe. rf-'.'l4 Exchangt 0'4g., Mouth Omaha. 6cU Pbons Sit. taaeirSBttaal 'Pauos