Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Both Locki the Gatei and CandaoU Frac
tion ii Eacrtt
Only On of the ltfl"
1'hyalcal Condition and Three
rramlalic SnbatHntee Heady
to fapplaat Denslow.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
..1NCOL.N. Nov. 15.-(fpcclnl.)-The prep
ar.itlons of the Nebraska Cornhuskers for
their bout with the Oopliers next Saturday
ut Minneapolis are being conducted behind
locked galea. The hungry rooters may ba
uOmltted Thursday afternoon, the last
practice prior to the departure for the
.Minnesota camp, but for tne other days of
t .,! week the practice has been a sealed
'.ok to all. Booth's object In closing the
;.utes has been to drill his men In the in
Hkuelts of some new plays devised es
pecially for tho Minnesota game. Dr. Wil
liams, the Minnesota coach, h:id two repre
sentatives at the Nebraska-Colorado ton-
test last week to report as to the Corn
huskers' style, and It Is Imperative that
the proteges of Booth should be able .to
spring something new. The rehearsal of
a few tricks Is believed to have been a
part of the program by which It Is hoped
that some striped-hosed Comhusker may
make tracks across the Gopher goal.
Only one of the regular players on the
varsity lineup at Nebraska la In such a
physical condition as to occasion any doubt
as to bis ability to get Into the Minnesota
game. That one Is Denslow, an end. Dens
low was lamed In the Ames game nearly
two weeks ago and he was not permitted
to psrticlpate In the avenging defeat of
Colorado. Booth choosing to Suva him for
the Gopher. Either Avery, McDonald or
Morse will be chosen for the vacancy In
case Denslow Is deemed out of the run
ning. Morse has been highly successful all
week In plumping the ball over the goal
posts on drop kicks and his presence might
be decidedly handy In oaae Denslow con
tinues on the hospital list.
The Improvement ( of Wlenstrand, who
gave such . a good account of himself
against Colorado, although a recent addi
tion to the 'varsity squad. Is highly en
couraging to Booth, as Is also the playing
of Burns, another 'varsity recruit, at
tackle. Wlenstrand weighs 212 pounds and
Is the bulkiest man on the Nebraska
eleven. Although lacking In experience, he
gives splendid promise of developing Into
a valuable player. Bums has been on
the scrub team for two seasons, but Just
now Is going at a fast clip. The use of
Wlenstrand and Burns was one of the
necessities resulting from the enforcement
of the freshman rule.
Lieutenant Ilackett. a former West Point
foot ball star, and Phil Allen, one of
Stage's veterans, are to officiate as umpire
and referee, while the head linesman has
not yet been selected. Booth is highly
pleased over the suggestion of Itackett
and Allen by Dr. Williams, the Minnesota
coach, and he was only too glad to ap
prove, as he conFlders both high class offi
cials. There I a decidedly brisk demand In
To the
Q These standard quality
garment live Up to the
McKibblfl guarantee
and reputation.
J Every coat ! tup
plied with inside wrist
protector; sleeves are
'double or aing'e lined;
linioga are highest qua
hy selected bark tan
Keep; shell are cordu
roy or duck.
J These coat V
are 32, 34 or 38 inches
All price.
the Nebraska camp for the grandstand
seats sent to Lincoln by the Minnesota
managers, and several hundred of them
bid fair to be gobbled up. Meanwhile the
outlook Is favorable' for a healthy exodus
of Nebraska rooters on the excursion
trains which the Northwestern railroad has
announced It will run, leaving Lincoln Fri
day night. Present arrangements are for
two solid trains of sleeping cars, while a
third likely will be added.
Bay i Dtbt Exceeding Ltry Wat CreaUd
Against General Fund.
Demaads Reimbursement by Com
missioners for Payment of Bills
Included la Fifth of
Million Overlap.
Attorney John D. Ware Wednesday morn
ing filed with the county clerk for trans
mission to the Board of County "Commis
sioners the following protest:
1. Prior to August 1, 1306. there whs an
Indebtedness agninst the general fund of
Douglas countv in excess oi tne levy tor
that year and In excess of the money In said
fund to the amount of tSw.ono.
1. In muklng your estimate for the levy
for tills year your honorable body had no
legal right to Include In said estimate any
part of the SJo.iimt, fur your estimates un
der the liw should only cover the county's
exoonse for the current year, '"heretore.
your honorable body lias no legal right to
pav off anv part of the $:titi,wi with any
part of the funds which have been ac
quired by the county as part of the levy
f.r thin vpnr.
fa. I Mec'ause the debts included In the
:W.oOU were incurred and created during
ftrevioua veur or years.
(h i Because vou had no legal right to
Include the claims represented in the 1300,000
in your estimate for this year.
Cc.) Because the debts Included in the
IKio.OOO are not a valid claim against the
levy of this year.
The State against Gosper County, 14 Neb,
22. The State against Harvey. 12 Neb. 31.
Therefore. I protest against any further
allowance or payment of any of the claims
included in the which were not paid
out of the funds of last year's levy or out
of money realized from omer sources man
this year s levy.
1 ThHt If anv of the claims Included In
the $200.0110 have been allowed and no war
rants have been Issued lor tne same you
abstain from Issuing said warrants.
2. That If anv of the claims Included In
the Ji'Ot'.tW) have been allowed and war
rants have been Issued, but have not been
paid, payment of the same be stopped, If
necessary, by Injunction. , ,
J. Th-u if anv of the claims Included In
ih fki huvp been allowed and pain.
your honorable body take Immediate steps
to reimburse the county for all moneys
thus paid out during this year.
Conrt Hons Side of It.
In the offices of the county auditor and
county clerk it Is learned that the situation
at oresent Is practically this
The levy of 1906 for the general fund, on
the basis of 9 mills, the limit fixed by law.
will produce $268,000. WarrantB have been
Issued against thls-on the usual plan of
drawing against S5 per cent of the levy
at once to the amount of about $108,000.
Thus only $70,000 would still be available
from tho 1905 levy for current expenses.
Accumulations will. It Is figured, bring
this amount up to $100,000. It costs in
round numbers $30,000 a month to run
Douglas county and only four months of
the year are gone. On this basis five
months will have exhausted all the avail
able funds for county purposes.
Lawyers besides Mr. Ware who have
given off-hand opinions to members of the
board and others interested
Life Malts' fifteen, and the came wan ,l. -- Di,v ined nealnst the
rent on the part of two or three men. i J8"6 1RJ,
Magnates Approve n. Number of Pur
chases and Draft of Players.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 13.-The National
Base Ball commission met In tills city
with President Harry Pulliam of the Na
tional leHgue, President August Herrmann
of the Cincinnati club and Secretary John
E. Bruce, secrtnry of the American league,
present. Mr. Bruce acted for President
Ban Johnson of the American league, who
will not be present until Thursday. The
comniisalon approved the following pur
chases: Hy the New York American league.
Pitchers Hitt and James Whalen of San
Francisco and Pitcher Robert Keefe of
By the St. Louis Americans, First Base
man Louis Nordyke of Tacoma.'
The following drafts were announced:
St. Louis Nationals, J. T. Bennett, ln
fielder. from Seattle.
By the Philadelphia Americans, Catcher
Byrnes of Oakland.
The commission will meet again Thurs
day, when Ban Johnson will be present,
as well as Manager Kelley of St. Paul and
several other magnates.
Pew People Know How I aef al It Is
la Preserving- Health and Beamy.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal la
the safest and most efficient disinfectant
and purifier In nature, but few realise It
value when taken Into the human ytm
for the same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal 1 a remedy that the mora you
take of it the better; It 1 not a drug at
all, but simply absorb the gaaea and Im
purities always present In the stomach and
Intestine and carries them out of tb
Charcoal sweeten the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onion and
other odorous vegetable.
Charcoal effectually clear and Improve
the complexion. It whiten the teeth and
further acts a a natural and eminently
safe cathartic.
It absorb the injurlou gaae which col
lect in the stomach and bowels; It disin
fect the mouth and throat from the poison
of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal In on form or
another, but probably the best charcoal
and the most for the money la In Stuart'
Charcoal Losenges. They are composed of
the finest powdered willow charcoal and
other harmless antiseptics In tablet form,
or. rather. In the form of large, pleasant
tasting loxenges, the charcoal being mixed
with honey.
The dally us of these loxenges will soon
tell In a much improved condition of the
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and the beauty of
It 1 that no possiDi narm can result from
their continued use, but, on the contrary,
great benefit.
A Buffalo physician, in a peaking of the
benefit of charcoal, says: "I advise
Stuart' Charcoal Loxenges to all patients
suffering from gas in the 'stomach and
bowels, and to clear the complexion and
purify the breath, mouth and throat; I
also believe the liver is greatly benefited
by the dally use of them; they cost but
26 cents a box at drug stores, and although
in some sense a patent preparation, yet
believe I get more and better oharooal In
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges than in any of
tho ordinary charcoal tablets."
CuUf of Artillery Hot Satisfied with fon-
dition of Coait Defeoie.
Weald Have the Field Artillery
Organised oa the Basts of
Six Batterlea to a
been disengaged since appointment, and at
that, I understand., have been kept on the
jump. So far as I can see, the only relief
for the present muddled and unsatisfac
tory condition of affair will be to appeat
to the legislature for additional legislation,
either to Increuse the general fund levy or
to cut expenses. If that can be done."
The Krug Parks, smarting under their
Tuesday evening defeat, invited a Com
mercial league team onto tho Association
alleys, anticipating an easy victory, and
were ItiKloriously taken into thn enemy's
camp. They made sixteen errors to the I county
Captain Walcns was high, with 672 and
played an errorless game.
Johnson 208
Sutton ITS
Nelson 177
Walnnx 172
Stapcnhorst 187
Totals 317
Benge.le .....
f rench
Totals 873
2 3 Tot. !
17 1K3 f '
H.1 J. IS 479
201 '.72 rs
205 1!G 572 i
16S 211 SM
301 01 2.722
2 3 Tot.
22S 166 MS
198 140 filf
Hit 1S2 626
3fl ir8 610
167 10.-, i34
913 Ml 2,657
Selling: manufacturers, power
plants and those interested in
supplying: high grade coals for
steam and domestic purposes
We Desire to Announce
that we have purchased the fol
lowing" coal mines located on the
Southern Railway between East
St. Louis and Centralia, 111.
Avery (1) Muren (6)
Harmony (2) Little Oak (7)
Oakland (3) ShUoh(8)
Oak Kill (4) New Baden (9)
Clendale (5) Germ an town (10)
This means that we are able
to offer you the very finest coal
for your purpose with an assur
ance of prompt shipment and
right prices.
Write us your requirements
and let us show you how well
we can fill them and at what
If you can't wait for corre
spondence call tis up over the
longdistance Bell Phone, Main
. 5115 or Kinloch, D 1107 we pay
charges at this end on all tele
phone orders.
Southern Coal &. Mining Co.
915 Security Building,
ita'l SaUa Ajvat
;enevn Beats Kdajar.
OKNBVA. Neb.. Nov. IS. tSnoelnl i
Geneva defeated Kdgar at foot ball yester
day on tho homo Krounds by a score of
to u. i ne rentnres of the game wire
runs hy Arenschlcld. llrlngman. Carson
and Kearney of the Geneva team. The
game was Interesting throughout and was
witnessed tiy a large crowd.
porting; Brevities.
It Is announced the Washlneton club will
have a trainer next season.
Kbertleld Is a farmer who tills the soil
near lookout Mountain, Tennnessee.
Jlmmv Collins has announced he will
bring his two time winners to the front
again next spring.
Council Bluffs and Omaha hiah school
boys will decide the Twin City champion
ship Saturday at Lake Manawa park.
Roger Breshnahan. the handsome catcher
and run-getter of the Giants, plays the po
sition of detective in a department store in
Toledo In winter.
Bleechers could easily be erected slong
the east side of the Vinton street gridiron
If a gamn was arranged for that park, that
Is. one of the big gnmes which would re
quire seating rapacity for H.W0 people.
Since the lid Is off for boxlnar In f'hicauro
the town will be flooded with embryo
champions who will get their beads
knocked off at about $5 per head each even
ing, nr course the aniHteurs will not fare
so well and will have to be content with
the gloveH or a "thank-you."
The breaking: of Vandorblmm'a arm at
Wisconsin In practice Tuesday will go a
great ways toward interfering with Wis
consin's chances in the gridiron battle for
tne championship of the west Saturday.
He was captain of the team, a halfback and
one of the beat ground grainers in the west.
Omaha lovers of the snort are denied the
privilege of seeing a reully first-class gamo
of foot ball In Omaha, so mmiy will journey
to distant climes to see the big battles
which are approaching. Some will see the
Harvard-Yale game, more will see the Minnesota-Nebraska
game and more still will
o ChlcaKo and Michigan fight It out In
tnicsgo j nanasgiving day.
All Well.
The least thing wrong with your bowels,
mikes you all sick. l"r. King's New Life
Tills make you all well. 26 cents. For sal
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
and whloh are all for expenses
incurred for work done In previous years.
are clearly illegal. They hold payment can
be stopped and there Is no recourse for
rants draw.
Contractors Tav.e Risk.
It Is further asserted that those who
have furnished supplies or labor to the
county have done so t their own risk.
If theso were furnished in 10-M. say the
strict constructionists, they cannot be paid
from money raised under the W6 levy.
Paying the "overlap" of one year from
the next year's taxes has been the plan
followed In Douglan county for many
years. Beginning with 1897, this "overlap"
bo. been arrowing steadily from year to
year. On August 1 last It amounted to
$200,000 or a trifle more.
While neither Mr. Ware nor any other
Interested party will at present commit
himself as to future action, after the
county board has received and acted on
the protest. It seems to be thought certain
an Injunction will be sought against any
attempted payment of warrants for 1904
expenses from. 1W tn collections.
This latest development of what was
hinted at in The Bee last week has set
all of the county officials to guessing as
to just what can be done. Statutory om-
ces will, or course, gel uieir I'ny ki "
difficulty, and other employes of the county
would be paid from the 1 vy of next year,
after waiting half a year. But It Is on
the other endcontractors for supplies and
labor that the commlsf loners see their
greatest difficulty If Mr. Ware's protest is
well based.
Legislator Holds the Key.
As the matter stands and has stood for
several years. It Is pointed out the county
has been handicapped In making contracts
hv the fact that mercantile nouses ana
Sheridan Drayman Drinks Carbolic
Acid and Dlea goon After Insuring-
SHERIDAN. Wyo.. Nov. 16. (Special
Telegram.) Mike Tooley, a drayman, accl
dentally took a dose of carbolic acid this
morning and died ten minutes later. He
had risen from bed to build a fire and see
ing a whisky flask on the table took a largo
drink from the bottle, which contained
ncld. He prevented his wife from calling
a doctor, saying that he would be all right
soon. The actd had been used the night
Tooley took an emetic of hot water for
vomiting and started to dress, but was
only partly dressed when he fell over dead
Wilson Peak and Mrs. C. B. Halbert,
neighbors, hearing the screams of the wife
were the first In the house. Tooley leaves
a wife and a baby. He was Insured two
months ago In the Modern Brotherhood of
America for $2,onn.
FOR 30
has made a SPE
CIALTY of all forms
of diseases aud dis
orders of
His facilities for
treating this class of
diseases are unlim
ited. His remark
able cures have sel
dom been equaled.
Ovr 30,000 Cass Curad
Varicocele, Hydrocele, Blood Poison.
Stricture, Gleet. NVrveu Debility, Loss of
strength and Vitality.
'His Horn Trcatm
ha permanently eared thousands of rases
of chronic. Nervouo. Rectal, Kidney and
Bladder and hkiu diseases at small cost.
Save lime and money by describing your
raso and writ for FREK BOOK and terms
of treatment. Medicine sent In plain
Charges Law. Caasultstlon Free.
Office Hours a. m. to, p. m. Sun
du. a. ni. to f p. m
Call or write. Box 7. Office 215 South
I4th street. Omaha Neb.
I n at at foraaaataral
alar hai t,uiSMiwtioa,
irriuiiuu or utciiuaa
of aiiiceaa aaraQa.
PalnlMo, aut aauim.
ur awttoaoua.
UaCNHUIl,! f I atold y IM-aaartata,
k La.. - r H MX i Ibn rttnr,
fchaw In Ken York.
NEW TOItiv. Nov. 15. Secretary Kha
spent considerable time at the aubtreasury
nun, v in L-iji, ii-i fnff) wiiii jism Kium i us
urer Fish. It Is his Intention to consult I home, besides,
Firemen and Cltlsens of Aberdeen
Fight (he Flames.
ABERDEEN. S. D.. Nov. 15. (Special
Telegram.) A prairie Are started near El-
lendale, N. D., Tuesday evening and swept
across the country, a distance of forty
miles long and ten miles wide. The Are
was driven by a heavy wind. Farmers In
Its path were unable to stop It. It reached
within three miles of Aberdeen when ex
tinguished. The fire department and veyy
unemployed man tn the city was out fight
Ing the flames. A special train loaded with
men was hurried to the scene and sue-
ceeded In partly extinguishing the flames,
which are still raging ten miles west. The
damage will amount to many thousands
No lives are reported to have been lost.
as Steals Father's Team.
YANKTON, 8. D., Nov. 15. Special.)
What Is very likely a unique situation
hereabouts developed yesterday when
Alexander Mann, a well-to-do farmer re-
siding seven miles north of Scotland
showed up at the police station looking
for his son. a man 30 years of age. la
talk with the chief of police Mann showed
a determination to run down his son, who
last Sunday, after being absent for a year,
went home and stole his father's driving
team, an unusually good span of fast
drivers. The career of Alexander Mann,
Jr., has been one of crime for ten years
other firms doing business with the county I P"- He has done time in Nebraska.
v. . !1,.H t,. .ait nianv months ""' "-" si
" , hi. ....... mi.- t
the broken
hearted father and he is determined to
..,,. h..n i and again come to his rescue
" l""':i deal proved too much for
get his prize team back and prosecute hi
paid with interest, however, when the tax
levy became available, and the county
I i . . , ....... 1. .. t.An ahl. tn u'nrrV nlnna I
, " ,. ,i,i ! son. If It takes months to do it In. He
under the system. Now, It Is maintained. .... ,... . .
"f It Is held down to strict compliance , was following up clues and having heard
, , , """" ' ' ..tiii. hH son was here, where he was vagged
wun .o. """"T'ltagt Saturday, he came on to investigate,
ui county luriuo, ,1,, i.i.i. i "ii. ' " f
with a numlier of representative merchants
and his course with regard to the money
maritei win aepeua largely upon their ad
vice, h ho u lil the situation become more '
acute the secretary. It Is known, will not !
Interpose serious objections to the bunks !
drawing further upon their reserves. I
against a problem that will, obviously, re
quire some very fine figuring.
One man who has mnde something of a
study of the matter, tiald:
"The legislature Is the only body which
can give relief, as It has caused the In
curring of much of the expense. As an
Instance, take the Juvenile court. The
legislature Imposed that additional ex
pense on the county without making any
provision for increasing the levy to get
funds. The probation officers draw about
1250 a month, and there Is the detention
Together these two items
Kwang Tung and Kwangsl bearing on
this subject. The viceroy reported that
Dr. Machle and Miss Patterson, two of the
missionaries who escaped massacre by rea
son of their temporary absence from Uen
Chow, bad Just reached Canton under a
strong Chinese guard. According to Dr.
Machle, and his Investigations were shared
by the American consul's agent, the anti
American boycott had nothing to do with
the tragedy. The trouble arose from the
holding of a Chinese festival and fair.
As nn Incident to this fair the Chinese
erected a pavilion or booth, which the
missionaries claimed overlapped the mis
slon hospital compound several feel. The
missionaries ordered the removal of that
neral Samuel part of the building, but before this re
lays that for J quest could be compiled with one of the
WASHINGTON. Nov. 16 -Gei
M. Mills, chief of artillery, says that for quest
manning the coast defenses of the I'nited missionaries went Into the pavilion grounds
States a force consisting of 1,754 officers ' and seised several small cannon with which
and 41,8m enlisted men Is needed, while salutes were being fired as a part of the
the corps has at present only 625 officers festival. These cannon were held to be
and 13,744 men. He also estimated that the I sacred Instruments by the Chinese. They
installation of fire control equipment for
coast artillery will be $7,000,000. Following
the advice contained In a letter of Presi
dent Roosevelt to the secretary of war,
dated March IS. 1905, In which the presi-
were finely chased with symbolic designs
and gorgeously ornamented for this par
ticular occasion. The Chinese believed that
each discharge blew away or destroyed
certain malignant spirits hovering about
dent designated nine specific subjects rela- j the place Consequently, according to the
tlve to the organization and training of the
artillery arm of the service, the annual
report of General Mills makes the follow
ing nine recommendations:
The separation of the coast and fleld ar
tillery; provision for submarine mine de-
rense; an increase of the coast artillery
for gun defense; the proper organization
of the coast artillery; adequate pay
for technically skilled enlisted men
of the artillery; an Increase of
the field artillery; the proper organisation
of the fleld artillery J examination for pro
motion of artillery officers of all grades;
increased appropriations for target practice
by both branches of the artillery.
Officers Are Absent.
General Mills says that of the 126 com
panies of coast artillery, . forty-aeven are
without captains and thirty-one without
the prescribed two lieutenants. These offi
cers are absent on various duties. He says
that it Is Important that the coast artillery
companies should be commanded by cap
General Mills refers to the Joint exer
cises of the army and navy which were
held in Chesapeake bay last summer and
says that the value and interest was greatly
Increased by reason of the fact that they
gave an opportunity to test the methods of I
fire control and other systems adopted by
the coast artillery. He recommends that
Joint exercises be recommended for the
year 1907, because such exercises afford
the only opportunity that the artillery has
for drilling and practicing "with complete
units' higher than a battery. The Joint
exercises, he ssys, emphasised the inappro-
prlateness of the present company organ
ization of the coast artillery, and he rec
ommends that the present company organ
ization be abolished and that the present
coast artillery be made to consist of speci
fied officers and enlisted men. He also
recommends the separation of the fleld ar
tillery from the coast artillery and that
the field artillery be organized In regiments
of six batteries each, with an Increase of
eighteen in the present number of fleld
report, the seizure of the cannon created
at first consternation and then anger, and
the Ill-feeling culminated In the attack
upon the missionaries and their death.
Machine taalnst Ballot Vollnav.
SOt'TH OMAHA. Nov. 14. To the IMltor
of The Bee: Dear Sir lu looking over
your detailed list of votes cast for the va
rious candidates at the recent election, I
find quite a vnrlnnce In the number of
votes cast for each set of randld.tVs. for
which 1 nm unnblo to account. The total
votes range from 12.2.W for register of
deeds to 12.4!) for surveyor In Omaha.
1'ndcr the old system of voting by ballot,
one may easily see. how, through the de
fective marking or ImllrTcrence of the
voters one set of tandldatrs might run
far behind another set running for another
office; as It required a positive act to vote
for a candidate and a negative act to vote
against one. Vnder the machine method,
however, the reverse Is the case, which
requires a positive act to vote against a
candidate and a negative one (after the
party lever Is drawn) to vote for him.
The only oxplanullon which occurs to
my mind is that voters fail to pair a can
didate whom thoy have scratched, thereby
exercising merely . one-half their voting
power. Could yon suggest any other ex
planntlon. J. J. M'MANUS.
Chinese Say Marder Was Canard by
Qnarrel Over Festival.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. No boycott, no
race feeling, but a mere personal quarrel
was the cause of the death of the five
American Presbyterian missionaries re
cently at Lien Chow, In China, according
to the report made today to Secretary
Root by Sir Chentung Liang Chen, the
Chinese minister here.
The minister had with him when he
came to the State department a cony of
a long cablegram from the viceroy at
All that is best in whiskey
you will find in
thoroughly matured,
soft and rich.
plaxion, plmplea on my faca. aud my food waa not
hieatedaaltahottld hv boen. Now I am entirely
well, and the pimple haraall dlaappoared from my
'a c.n ,,rJ,h'"l'y r that Catraret ar Jniit
adTnlnd Mavot'akim onlrtirnlwiiM nf i
Clwaaoo K. Oriain, Sheridan, lad.
ffVXS For
i aj' ThBowls
Plan. Palaubl. PeMn.TataSoo4.DeOool,
. Z'l 0LCH!" 5j,,kn or OrlPa. Mc. Nr
ola In balk. Th tannin tablet ttampad COO.
Quaraataad to oar or four mono? back
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.V. too
H The Men's Trne Specialists.
Blood Poison
KIDNEY and tTRINART diseases
and all Diseases and Weaknesses of
MEN due to evil habits of youth,
-abuses, excesses or the results of neg
lected, unskilled or improper treat
ment of specific or private diseases.
If you are nlling come to our office
and consult us privately. We will
make a thorough, searching nnd 'scien
tific examination of your aliments, an
examination that will disclose your
true physical condition, without a
knowledge of which you are groping
In the dark, and without a through
understanding of which no physician or
snociarlnt should be allowert to treat
you. All men, who am not. what they
should be. who nm weak, nrvoua and
debilitated from any cause, or who
have contracted any private disease or
secret habit of any kind, or who may
at present be suffering from any
poisonous discharges, will ft nil it well
worth their time to come to the
State Medical Institute for consulta
tion and examination, which has been
establlKlied for tho purpoMe of curing
the terrible diseases aud weaknesses
that destroy men's mental and piiy
slcal powers, making the duties nnd
social obligations of life a hardship
arid the enjoyment of marital llf and
happiness impossible. Wo cure these
difficulties after all others have failed,
becsuHe we know exactly how to go
about It. and what is required to do
the work In each Individual oaso we
undertake, hence we are not obliged
to resort to experiments.
m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. If you can
not call, write for symptom blank.
State Medical Institute
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th
and 14th St., Omaha, Neb.
will cost the county anywhere from, $7,EW0
to tlO.OOO a year, and as the work develops
the expense grows in proportion. While
the two assistants were to have $3 a day
while actually engaged, they have never
r' a I '
t tannrl
4 ! NlUiMK
. 1 ! t li ra,rr, I I
I br EpraH. r id. taf I t
jyu toitiMU 7. v
' w r OiewtUi ea tonus I
The ever uniform quality of
Blatz Wiener means that un
deviating principles are prac
ticed at the brewery
The most critical exactness is
exercised in every process.
That's why Blatz Beers are
always the same.
Omaha franch
1412 Doutflaj Street Tel 1081
BsBaammiAlwvy th Stun Qeed 014 "Dials
ronrt at Yankton.
TANK TON, 8. D.. Nov. 15.-(Spelal.)
(Circuit court convened here yesterday,
Judge E. O. Smith presiding. After the
call of the calendar and the pleadings In
the criminal cases, court was occupied
with the hearing of a civil case. In which
A. L. Davison seeks to recover a trunk
and contents from Louis Michael of Lea
tervllle. Bam Carr and Walter Wilson,
colored, charged with murder and stabbing,
respectively, asked for further time tn
which to plead; Frank Braucbman pleaded
not guilty to the charge of burglary; Wil
bur Gross put In the same plea on a charge
of assault with a dangerous weapon;
James Collins also pleaded not guilty, his
case being one of obtaining money under
falsa pretenses.
Several Cenvleted of Crime.
STVRGI8. B. D.. Nov. 16 (Special Tele
gram.) Meade county circuit court Is In
session. In the ease of James Hyde,
charged with horse stealing, the Jury re
turned a verdict of guilty. In the case of
Will Foley, charged with shooting with In
tent to kill, the jury disagreed. Jerry
Crowley, charged with horse stealing, waa
convicted. In the latter case Judge Rice
was disqualified and Judge McQee of Rapid
City presided.
Prairie Kir Near Stargt.
8TVRGI3, B. D., Nov. 15. ,Specla1 Tele
gram.) Three prairie fires started along
the railroad track near Sturgts today dur
ing a high wind doing considerable dam
age. One farmer came near losing his resi
dence, while another lost a big stark of
alfalfa and one straw suck. Considerable
prairie waa burned over. It is aald to have
been caused by trains.
Cincinnati, $27.3?
Pittsburg, $31.00
Detroit, $25.35
Toronto. $33.55
Oyaana ta Bee Mikado.
TOKIO, Nov. 15. 3 p. m Replying to an
Imperial message ordering him to speedily
return to Toklo and render a personal re
port of the recent war. Field Marshal
Oyama has named November as the data
of his departure from Manchuria.
Write Mawhlnney Ryan for 106 CbrUU
maa Jewelry. cauOoVue. It'a free.
Buffalo, $33.00
Cleveland, $28.35
Indianapolis, $23.20
Wheeling, $31.70
And Hundreds of Other Points.
A. G. F. & P. A.
C. & H.-W. Ry, Officps,
Gen'l Agt.